#upd: I'm really laughing so hard about it all
gramnel · 11 months
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Bit of a late reply, but (sorry)
Oh it truly sounds like alot of fun to me! I definitely want to do that some day! I can imagine how it hurts the legs though.
Zu!! XD oh dear i can just imagine the sitcom laugh track. Atleast you tried XD what a fun game though.
Thanks zu! I'm really happy with how it turned out!
Yessss best discount. Bought by a man who didn't know they were ladies boots, and then wanted them gone. Never warn, and I love them! They are my babies! I've never been a fan of brands myself, but these are knee high boss boots, Shattered Dream could neverrrr
Those converse where a steal though! I hope they are comfortable.
It's true, it's true and it didn't work. I've seen French frys being dipped in milkshakes for a sweet and salty thing, but this wasn't that. Just so bad, it's hard to discribe.
Yeah, it was so busy, and it's not going to stop there, we have just left quite season, so the hours and the shifts are gonna pick up! Gonna be busy busy busy.
That's good! *hugsss*
Henry is alright, yesterday mum put a pillow on his head, and he didn't shake it of for atlest 2 minutes lol
How's kosker?
How has your days been lately?
It's alright! I'm not really on time either xp
It's worth it all! <3 It's good that there are also indoor skating rinks where you can skate regardless of the weather and season *w*
For real! :'D Fun indeed <3 There was another game as well but for professionals, "dodgeball": you have to ride from one part of the rink to another without getting caught, and that was crazy :'D
BTW congrats on finishing the Dark Cream week preparations!! \(//∇//)\ A whole week early omg, I'm so excited to see your artworks! ☆ Please have a good rest <3
Woahhh these should be grrreat! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) Yep, hope they're comfortable too *^*
Such an experience x) Hopefully you get more nice & sweet desserts after that! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
How's it going with the work now? (゚∀゚) Please get enough rest and good luck to you! ☆ *hugsss*
WOW that's willpillower heheh! ᕦ(òwóˇ)ᕤ Good old grumpy lady's doing good too, is sleeping and purring next to me <3
The week's been really busy yet great! \(//∇//)\ And tasty since it's Maslenitsa (Butter Week) here *w* It was my first time making blini (pancakes) for others aaand I made them pink to impress them! ♪ Can you guess the mysterious ingredient? ;)
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*is waiting patiently for the treat heh <3*
What about you? ♡
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Yep!! Finally a day off :'D I missed you too! (〃ω〃)
Oh no need to rush, take all your time <3 And bone appetit! ;D
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Yesss!! Pretty risky one tho, especially on ice :'D
I'm more than sure you did great╰(*´︶`*)╯☆
Hoo boi— get ready and have a nice & peaceful tone before it! (úwù)
The work's been good, thanks <3 We had a work day yesterday so to rest tomorrow cause International Women's Day is coming! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)✿ So it's been a looong week before the long awaited weekend xp
OH you do celebrate the similar one too! *0* Omg calamari?? XD Guess the main thing here is the taste so if it was good, it's all as planned! ;D
The first attempt has failed xp But then yep! ☆ Thank youuu <3 That international look! :'D
Nooo but this looks so delicious! (*´﹃`*) Was it for some event? How long did it take? *^*
Yesss their meat balls are the best! You're right on time actually — IKEA has stopped working here too! :') They said it's just for three months but man I already miss them,,, Oh boi how did you get lost. XD
A private art event?? So fancy! (//∇//)˚✧₊⁎ I have, and it's so beautiful indeed! They say the body should be perceived as a single canvas but you're oh so right... Lucky you tho! *^*
It's alright! <3 And the things are going good here (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Social networks are blocked here now and many shops are closed but it doesn’t look as scary as they say, life goes on as long as vpn works xd
The only thing is Paypal and Patreon, cause all the money is blocked as well but vpn doesn't help here since it's banks' transfers :') It was the only source of income for many Russian artists... hopefully everything settles down and gets better for them ♡
Awww thanks a lot!ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃 It's Oil Marker (Square), you can try it too! *^* I didn't expect it to be much simpler and to look much cooler (*゚∀゚*)
Sticky & tricky ;D Thank you <3 Was Killer's signature tank top the one to blame? ;) Cross was the most fun to draw, while Dream is the one I've been thinking a lot... he def has skeletons in his closet (゚ω゚)
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It's so cool when every day is a little weekend (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Thank youuu╰(*´︶`*)╯
At least you tried something new! ☆ Gotta try as well sometime for surrre *^* Oh just an hour! That's not too much (*゚∀゚*)
Lemon?? (°▽°) That's something interesting to try! Cause here, we mostly have everything else on them like cheese & ham, potatoes & mushrooms, fish / chicken, caviar, jam or nutella... Yummy *w*
Pfff cruel! XD
Awww their ice cream (*´﹃`*) And hotdogs!! Gotta try it as soon as they're opened again >:3
Oh wow! *0* Heheh, still such a cool experience! ☆
Thank youuu (ówò) Politics, politics :')
*hugsss* Hope so <3
Ouff I feel you! My first update was like "wait I want my things back!! :'D" but now I don't even remember the changes, so used to it <3
All thanks to Lyra for the niccce idea ;)
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Zuuuu! OK but your cream coming made me laugh so hard! You aren't aloud to be that funny XD
Also the headcannon bruhhhh
OK, so me and Jan are stealing your headcannon about cross' age because it actually works soooooooo well in our storys! It even fills some small plot holes!
I'm gonna try and put it in round and round! And sb
So thank you!
(≧∀≦) I'm really happy to hear it! <3 All thanks to your and Jann's reblogs, the idea's inspired me a LOT ☆
Bruh— I didn't even realize how much I attached to this headcanon, and I'm glad you two found it useful and enjoyed this as much as I do! ;)
Just consider— we're so used to Cross' cool role but what if he's actually soft and good-natured, though always tired. What if he speaks quiet, wears crumpled shirts and read with glasses— but with Dream, who's young enough to be his son, he himself feels young again, though is so shy he starts acting like an idiot— it makes usually depressed Dream laugh <3
How are you doing? ♡
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YesyesYESSS (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆
Like, despite his age, Cross has little experience for sure, he's not really confident but is attentive to Dream, though he understands he's not the best company for him... But they learn together ♡ I lovvve it! (〃ω〃)
Awww I'm really flattered to hear it! (๑>◡<๑) It's gonna be amazing, looking forward to your works *^*
And I'm great, thanks! <3 The last day of summer— Autumn is coming ☆ Felt sleepy all day (cause of the cold weather ig) but went for a walk after work and came up with loads of interesting things (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
How are you doing? ♡
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(Sorry I repeated the question, I meant your day instead xd But you got it right! <3)
OH could you share some headcanons of yours please? (//∇//)☆ How's it going on work btw??
It's about current projects but new ideas are so good I couldn't help but give in to them as well ;)
Woah— what a reaction! (°▽°) As they say, there's life in the old dog yet heheh ☆
Free chips! *w* Can't wait to read the next chapter~ ♪
Aw she's doing good too, thanks <3 Teasing me while sleeping whenever she wants xp
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Oh it's alright! I always am, looking forward to your message when it's good for you *^* And I'll be waiting for your cream headcanons post as well! (゚∀゚)
Woah!! That's a real progress, you're doing great *0* Good luck there and keep up the great work! ☆ (OMG I didn't even notice the typo "food work" but it fits well XD)
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi Zu! How's the first day of freedom? The live stream was fun yesterday! And the art I'd great XD you really made me laugh!
I also saw your response to my last ask and I guess I didn't really explain my comment about pizza shops like sweet shops, I can explain that now if you wanted?
Anyway how are you? What you been up to?
Hi Gayfish! Aw really busy XD yet very good, thanks! <3 I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed both heheh, and that was so nice to see everyone, thank you for coming and staying till the very end (〃ω〃)☆
Ah yeah! I didn't even expect it, that was a real surprise :D Why do they consider pizza a sweet??
Great as always, bought presents and cooked for Easter tomorrow, gonna paint eggs soon *^* How was your day? ♡
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Wow (°▽°) So that's how it works! ☆ What kinds of pizza did you try? *^*
Oh sure I do <3 So many places and even more stories... Being late for classes in a French lyceum, praking Spanish neighbors with doorbells, getting lost in other cities, — it feels like another life but it's the current one ♡ What about you?
Yep, thank you! <3 We bought some kulich, chocolate eggs and Easter decoration, and just painted (colored?) the eggs! (that's why I was distracted, sorry >3<)
OH– so you boil white eggs, pour the food coloring with vinegar and boiling water and lower the eggs for a few minutes so that they acquire color *^* Tomorrow we'll choose our fighters aaand let the battle begin heheh! (òwó)
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Awww congrats to your parents! <3 Such a busy week for you and your family *^* And what a British picture indeed heh– Hope you didn't get wet or cold! (ówò)
Oh yay!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Wait– I just realized, there are no more quarantine restrictions?? *0*
To be honest I've never heard about Jeff the Killer or My Immortal, what are these about? (゚∀゚)
Good luck with drawing!! ☆ and take your time <3
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So yummy! Cannara is the one that's topped with onions only, right? It does look nice and if it tastes good too,,, must try!! *3*
Oh no– is it even possible to eat salty pasta?? Blep (">3<)
Hard to choose the favorite one since each place is special ☆ But you know, there's no place better than home sweet home <3 and for you?
OMG— how did you flood the hotel bathroom?? ( ・∇・) And what's the story with your boarding pass?
Actually it doesn't taste as good as it looks like cause it's soaked in rum and full of raisins xd but the frosting on top is worth it~
Oh Helluva Boss?? How's the new episode? *^*
No patterns and things for us though many do these with more creativity \(//∇//)\ but all these eggs are gonna be broken in the end ;3;
For so long! *0* Hope they'll celebrate twice and even more! <3 As for the restrictions, yay freedom is coming! ☆
Wow,,, that's terrifying yet intriguing (゚ω゚) Gotta look into these ones, thank you!!
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Same here <3 Oh do you have aerophobia? Then that's really brave of you to travel this way! *^*
Oh my– thank god It ended up well, lucky you! (゚∀゚)
Ah guess you're right! These ones look similar (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) I don't like dried fruits either, but the icing with sprinkling is so sweet and nice it's literally melting in your mouth!
I haven't seen these yet but gotta watch ♪
YAY EGG FIGHT!! I lost in the first round today pfff XD
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