yukariluna · 1 year
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稲村ヶ崎温泉♨️入って AWANOUTAで裏メニュー🦪ラーメン食べて キラキラ海岸線、江ノ島、富士山 ケークサレ焼き上がるの待つ間 マニキュア塗って 近場で完結☀️充実な休日 感謝しかない✨ @inamuragasakionsen 黄金の湯♨️海を眺めながら、ずーっと入っていられる温めなお湯はとろみ感が最高✨本当、気持ちいい💕 @awanouta 裏メニューの牡蠣ラーメン🦪ぷりぷりの牡蠣トッピングも美味ながら、添えられた牡蠣ペーストが、もうたまらないくらい美味😋😍🦪普段スープ残すけど、牡蠣の旨味たっぷり過ぎて完食しました😆ご馳走さまでした🙏🏼 #onsen #inamuragasaki @inamuragasakionsen #coastline #eoshima #mtfuji #lunch @awanouta #oysterramen #oysterlover #cakesalé #稲村ヶ崎温泉 #アワノウタ #ランチ #ラーメン #牡蠣 #牡蠣ペースト #牡蠣ラーメン #牡蠣好きな人と繋がりたい #海岸線ドライブ #ケークサレ #休日の過ごし方 #近場で完結 #arigato https://www.instagram.com/p/CovU-UPBM-q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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telnews-in · 2 years
UPBME Molvi Munshi Kamil Alim Fazil Results 2022 (Direct Link) - Rojgar Samachar
UPBME Molvi Munshi Kamil Alim Fazil Results 2022 (Direct Link) – Rojgar Samachar
यूपीबीएमई मोलवी मुंशी कामिल अलीम फाजिल परिणाम 2022 | यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट यूपीबीएमई मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट मोलवी | यूपी मदरसा परिणाम उत्तर प्रदेश मदरसा बोर्ड परिणाम 2022 | UPBME परिणाम 2022 @ madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in यूपीबीएमई मोलवी मुंशी कामिल अलीम फाजिल परिणाम 2022 | मदरसा बोर्ड परिणाम यूपी @ http://www.madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in: यूपी बोर्ड ऑफ मदरसा एजुकेशन ने मोलवी, मुंशी, कामिल, अलीम और फाजिल…
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arryallizzwell · 7 years
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Lagi iseng-iseng doang, kepikiran dan langsung di buat, butuk waktu 3 - 4 jam hampir sama dengan jarak Jatinangor - Jakarta. Pedal Drum 0 rupiah, Bahan, - Ganggang pintu (pijakan kaki) - Rotan bekas (penghubung pijakan dengan pemukul bass drum) - Bering/klahar motor (memperhalus putaran rotan) - Besi penyangga jendela saat dibuka (pedal bass drum) - Benang dari taraju layang-layang (pemhubung semua ikatan, tergantung tujuan). - String/per (pengembali putaran). - Kayu (comot dari toko sebelah). - Paku (tau-tau, sudah tersedia). Selengkapnya, http://bebassemauku.blogspot.co.id/2017/03/cara-membuat-pedal-bass-drum-dari.html #inovasisampah #pedalbass #sekiranya #karyasemauku #bebassemauku #untuknya #berbagiilmu #cariinspirasisendiri #upbm #art #somethings #exelent #ngisiwaktu (at Sekre UPBM Unpad)
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anygovtjobs · 2 years
UP Madarsa Board result 2022 यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट जारी होने की तारीख और समय,जल्द ही देखे
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newshindiplus · 4 years
UPBME Result 2020 : यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट घोषित, madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in पर करें चेक
UPBME Result 2020 : यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट घोषित, madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in पर करें चेक
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यूपी बोर्ड की दसवीं और बारहवीं के नतीजे 27 जून को घोषित किए गए थे. यूपी बोर्ड (UP Board) की दसवीं और बारहवीं क्लास के नतीजों के ऐलान के बाद अब मदरसा बोर्ड (Madarsa Board) के परिणाम जारी कर दिया है. इस साल यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड में 81.99% बच्चे पास…
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arryallizzwell · 6 years
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Tak lekang oleh ancaman. Surang, namun berasa ada yang melindungi. Ialah, malaikat, dan sang pemilik semesta. Yakin, Begitulah cara agar kau sampai kemanapun tujuan yang dicari. #carizobabarumu #mainaja #kelilinghutan #jalurbaru #pakemotor #papua #anakjalanan #upbm #streetboy #sky #metikkabur #ehmmm #kemanamana (di Yapen)
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UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 Date: UPBME Molvi, Munshi, Alim, Kamil & Fazil Result To Be Announced On 30th June
https://theindianewstoday.com/up-madarsa-board-result-2020-date-upbme-molvi-munshi-alim-kamil-fazil-result-to-be-announced-on-30th-june/ UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 Date: UPBME Molvi, Munshi, Alim, Kamil & Fazil Result To Be Announced On 30th June
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technicallyherangel · 4 years
UPBME Madarsa Board Result 2020 Declared | 82 Percent Students Passed Examination As 1,82,259 Candidates Appeared For Molvi, Munshi, Kamil, Alim & Fazil | 82% छात्र हुए पास, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण मंत्री ने कहा- टॉप 10 को मिलेगा लैपटॉप व एक लाख इनाम
UPBME Madarsa Board Result 2020 Declared | 82 Percent Students Passed Examination As 1,82,259 Candidates Appeared For Molvi, Munshi, Kamil, Alim & Fazil | 82% छात्र हुए पास, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण मंत्री ने कहा- टॉप 10 को मिलेगा लैपटॉप व एक लाख इनाम
कैबिनेट मंत्री नंद कुमार नंदी के द्वारा घोषित किया गया मदरसा बोर्ड का रिजल्ट
55.45 % बालिकाएं सफल और 79.86% बालक पास हुए
दैनिक भास्कर
Jul 01, 2020, 02:58 PM IST
लखनऊ. उत्तर प्रदेश मदरसा बोर्ड का रिजल्ट बुधवार को घोषित कर दिया गया। मदरसा बोर्ड द्वारा आयोजित मुंशी, मौलवी, आलिम, कामिल और फाजिल की परीक्षा में 1,82,259 परीक्षार्थियों ने हिस्सा लिया था। इसमें से 1,15,650 परीक्षार्थी पास हुए हैं।…
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rkalert · 4 years
UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 UPBME یوپی مدرسہ بورڈ منشی ، مولوی ، کامل ، فیضال کا لنک لنک جاری ، چیک - madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in
UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 UPBME یوپی مدرسہ بورڈ منشی ، مولوی ، کامل ، فیضال کا لنک لنک جاری ، چیک – madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in
UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 Live Updates: UPBME UP Madarsa Board Munshi, Molvi, Kamil, Fazil, Alim, Aliya (10th & 12th) Result 2020 Live Today at 01:00 PM @madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in. Candidates Check UP Madarsa Board Result 2020 By Name & Roll Number Wise. All the Students Who are Waiting for UP Madarsha Board Exam Result to be Declare यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड मुंशी मौलवी, अलीम,कामिल, फ़ाज़िल, रिजल्ट…
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newshindiplus · 4 years
UPBME Result 2020 : आज जारी होंगे यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट, madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in पर करें चेक
UPBME Result 2020 : आज जारी होंगे यूपी मदरसा बोर्ड रिजल्ट, madarsaboard.upsdc.gov.in पर करें चेक
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यूपी बोर्ड की दसवीं और बारहवीं के नतीजे 27 जून को घोषित किए गए थे. यूपी बोर्ड (UP Board) की दसवीं और बारहवीं क्लास के नतीजों के ऐलान के बाद अब मदरसा बोर्ड (Madarsa Board) के परिणाम जारी करने की तैयारी पूरी हो गई है.
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aderainaldo-blog · 6 years
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[GenerasiHebat] Lembang, 14 April 2018 Kembali ke habitatnya, yang membuat saya bisa berdiri tegak sampai saat ini sejak tahun 2014 silam awal-awal berkecimpung di dunia kampus pada saat itu Kini sudah mulai bertumbuh dan berkembang organisasi yang satu ini terutama dengan adanya anggota baru yang siap melanjutkan roda kepemimpinan organisasi ini UPBM Unpad Memang luarbiasa Dalam proses perjuangannya Membentuk kader untuk Indonesia ini Terima kasih dan jaya terus @upbmunpad #pemuda #pendidikan #lko (di Lembang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia)
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arryallizzwell · 6 years
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That's great style from west village. Thanks for all my guys. maybe, we can together for next year. I With my new style, east village. yeahhh... #upbm #lko #kawanbarulama #mystyle #allizzwellstyle #lembang #kiriman #foreverfriend #sahabat #taragak #uyungstyle #upbmhits #gaekgaek #likeit #carizobabarumu #anakunpad #alumniupbm #cerah (at Serui, Papua, Indonesia)
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johnaculbreath · 6 years
Upcoming Global Legal Hackathon aims to expand tech services’ worldview
Daily News
Upcoming Global Legal Hackathon aims to expand…
Legal Technology
Upcoming Global Legal Hackathon aims to expand tech services' worldview
By Stephen Rynkiewicz
Posted February 13, 2018, 2:45 pm CST
Organizers of this month’s Global Legal Hackathon are recruiting teams of lawyers and technologists on six continents to create programs or apps designed to address justice and law-practice issues. In doing so they hope to build international connections in the legal technology community.
“The vision is to turn it into an organization that lives past the hackathon itself and focuses on niche solutions,” says Aileen Schultz, Toronto-based network intelligence director for the blockchain platform Integra Ledger. The Global Legal Hackathon will take place Feb. 23-25, with 40 host cities confirmed in 21 countries.
The 16 North American hackathon host cities range from tech centers such as Boston, San Francisco and Seattle to regional business and educational centers including Cleveland; Provo, Utah; and State College, Pennsylvania. Schultz expects upwards of 8,000 participants in 40 global and regional centers worldwide. The regional events are led by Schultz and David Fisher, Integra Ledger’s Denver-based founder.
“If we had looked at where we think are the biggest hubs for legal innovation, no one would have expected this,” Schultz says. For instance, the event in Florianópolis, a resort area on the southern Brazil coast, is at capacity with more than 100 registrants and has started a waiting list, according to Schultz.
Teams gathered in each city will work over 54 hours to produce working prototypes of legal technology software. Regional judges will name winning projects, which will compete in global judging before an April 21 awards event in New York.
“My personal vision is to bring together a global community of doers and thinkers,” Schultz says. International teamwork could advance legal-tech concepts such as self-sovereign identity, one of Schultz’s interests. Establishing digital ID repositories independent of government could make personal records more portable and trustworthy, he says.
Aileen Schultz is an organizer of the Global Legal Hackathon.
Matter management codebook
Regional organizers have complementary goals in advancing legal technology. The Association of Legal Administrators, which will host the Chicago event at its offices near O’Hare Airport, plans to make participants more familiar with its framework for coding legal operations, the ALA Uniform Process Based Management System.
“We got wind of this late last year and thought it would be interesting to actually form a team,” says Oliver Yandle, the association’s executive director. The ALA is revising the code set it released in 2016. A new version will debut at the group’s May annual conference outside Washington, D.C.
The ALA is putting resources in place to expose developers to the ALA’s matter management taxonomy. Practitioners who already may be using billing or document management software can apply the ALA UPBMS to applications for budgeting, process improvement or organizational alignment, Yandle says.
Regional hosts are responsible for lining up judges and onsite advisers to bridge the tech and legal worlds. So far, Yandle has lined up Chicago participants from the law firms Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis in Nashville, and Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody in Austin, Texas, as well as technical expertise from Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago.
Technology firms including IBM and Microsoft are playing hackathon support roles, along with service providers such as Thomson Reuters and Wolters Kluwer. Legal publisher vLex will give the law hackers free access to subscription case-law research and artificial intelligence tools.
Oliver Yandle will promote a code set for legal support operations.
‘as long as it is legal and innovative’
Hackers will compete for yet-to-be-determined prizes. Winning regional teams will get travel subsidies for the New York awards, Schultz says, plus “a bundle of business services for the purposes of helping them grow their solutions beyond the hackathon.”
While Schultz hopes Integra Ledger’s participation encourages blockchain projects, she expects teams to work on a range of issues, from access to justice and civic resources to project and process management. “We didn’t want to frame up the project set in one way or another,” she says. “It is not blockchain specific, and teams can work on whatever they want as long as it is legal and innovative.”
A Slack channel and Web streaming will encourage collaboration among the hackathon cities and with remote resources. For instance, Schultz says one of the South American host sites will work with offsite participants in Uruguay.
Hackathons are a popular campus exercise, but Fisher and Schultz draw from experience with the Startup Weekend events that target business founders. Schultz hopes tech and legal executives will participate as team leaders, judges or mentors, and encourage development of entries after the event ends.
“Teams own everything they build,” Schultz noted. By retaining intellectual property rights, coders are more likely to build hackathon entries for their firms’ own use or as marketable products, she contends.
“We’re encouraging firms and organizations to pre-form teams on a particular problem area,” Schultz says. “After a hackathon, teams sometimes fizzle out. We’re trying to provide resources to take their solutions to the next level.”
Registration and sponsorship information on the regional events is at globallegalhackathon.com.
Upcoming Global Legal Hackathon aims to expand tech services’ worldview republished via ABA Journal Daily News - Business of Law
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sscbankgk · 7 years
UP Madarsa Board Result 2017 UPBME Munshi Maulvi
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infokampusnews · 7 years
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. @lustrumVIupbm . Unit Pencinta Budaya Minangkabau, Universitas Padjadjaran, mempersembahkan: Malam Puncak Lustrum VI UPBM Unpad, "Pagelaran: Palito Nan Takalam" Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad Dipatiukur Jumat, 12 Mei 2017 Pukul 19.00 WIB (Open Gate: 18.00 WIB) Presale 2 telah dibuka hingga 10 Mei 2017, pesan sekarang juga! VIP: 125k Gold: 90k Silver: 75k Bronze: 50k Pemesanan tiket : - Citra (081321422952) - Dewi (082214465154) Tata cara pemesanan tiket dan info pemesanan tiket online, kunjungi: www.upbm.unpad.ac.id #lustrumvi #upbmunpad #30tahunberkarya #inspirasibudayauntukindonesia . . . #InfoKampus #InfoKampusNews #mahasiswa #acaramahasiswa #eventmahasiswa #acarakampus #eventkampus #kampusindonesia #eventbandung #acarabandung #explorebandung #bandung #infobandung #infobdg #mahasiswabandung (at Universitas Padjadjaran)
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akbmatomete · 8 years
1: 47の素敵な(catv?)@\(^o^)/(アナファイーWW FA7f-upBm) 2017/01/03(火) 14:29:43.17 ID:gfJH2qejA.net 泣いた 続きを読む Source: SKE48まとめテラブル!
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