#up panchayat reservation list
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
UP पंचायत चुनाव: जारी हुई रामपुर जिले की आरक्षण सूची, SC,OBC, महिलाओं के लिए इतने पद
UP पंचायत चुनाव: जारी हुई रामपुर जिले की आरक्षण सूची, SC,OBC, महिलाओं के लिए इतने पद
रामपुर: रामपुर में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायत चुनावों के लिए आरक्षण की सूची मंगलवार को जारी कर दी गई है. चुनाव को लेकर महिला, अनुसूचित जनजाति, अनुसूचित जाति, पिछड़ा वर्ग के लिए आरक्षित और अनारक्षित सीटों के आवंटन की सूची का लंबे समय से इंतजार किया जा रहा था. यह इंतजार अब खत्म हो गया.  ग्राम पंचायत सदस्य के कुल पद- 8,504 सामान्य (अनारक्षित) के लिए- 3686सामान्य (अनारक्षित) महिलाओं के लिए-1613पिछड़ी जाति के…
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upenews · 4 years ago
Allahabad High Court dismisses the petition for reservation in panchayat elections
Allahabad High Court dismisses the petition for reservation in panchayat elections
संविधान के अनुच्छेद 243(ओ) के तहत चुनाव प्रक्रिया शुरू होने के बाद कोर्ट को चुनाव में हस्तक्षेप करने का अधिकार नहीं है. कोर्ट ने याचिका पोषणीय न होने के आधार पर खारिज की. इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने खारिज की पंचायत चुनाव में आरक्षण की याचिका (Photo Credit: न्यूज नेशन ) highlights हाईकोर्ट ने पंचायत चुनाव में आरक्षण को लेकर याचिका की खारिज चुनाव प्रक्रिया शुरू होने के कारण कोर्ट ने हस्तक्षेप से किया…
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baba85 · 4 years ago
Panchayat Chunav: प्रधान पद के आरक्षण पे आपत्तियां अधिक, कल से शुरू होगा निस्तारण जाने कब प्रकाशित होगीअंतिम सूची
Panchayat Chunav: प्रधान पद के आरक्षण पे आपत्तियां अधिक, कल से शुरू होगा निस्तारण जाने कब प्रकाशित होगीअंतिम सूची
लखनऊ । उत्तर प्रदेश में त्रि-स्तरीय पंचायत चुनाव में आरक्षण को लेकर आपत्तियां दर्ज कराने की अवधि सोमवार को पांच बजे पूरी हो जाने के बाद बुधवार से निस्तारण कार्य शुरू हो जाएगा। जिलों में दर्ज करायी गई आपत्तियों में ग्राम प्रधान पद के आरक्षण से संबंधित अधिक है। जिलों और ब्लाकों में सूचियों का अंतिम प्रकाशन 13-14 मार्च को होगा। 15 मार्च तक आरक्षण प्रक्रिया पूरी होगी। निर्वाचन कार्यक्रम मार्च के…
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avitaknews · 4 years ago
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021: आरक्षण सूची पर मचा घमासान, 500 से अधिक आपत्तियां दर्ज
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021: आरक्षण सूची पर मचा घमासान, 500 से अधिक आपत्तियां दर्ज
बलरामपुर जिले में आरक्षण सूची को लेकर 500 से ज्यादा आपत्तियां दर्ज UP Panchayat Chunav Aarakshan List: 8 मार्च तक आरक्षण सूची को लेकर आपत्तियां दर्ज कराई जायेंगी. सबसे ज्यादा आपत्तियां ग्राम पंचायतों में किये गये आरक्षण ��ो लेकर है. कई जिला पंचायत क्षेत्रो में भी मानक के विपरीत जाकर आरक्षण किये जाने के आरोप लग रहे है. बलरामपुर. उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) के बलरमपुर (Balrampur) जिले में…
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vlesociety · 4 years ago
Up Gram Panchayat Chunav 2021 Sear Reservation List pdf Download
Up Gram Panchayat Chunav 2021 Sear Reservation List pdf Download
Up Gram Panchayat Chunav 2021 Sear Reservation List pdf Download UP Gram Panchayat Election Reservation list 2021 pdf SC, OBC, General Seat Aarakshan List: Up Govt ने Gram Panchayat Chunav 2021 के लिए त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों में वार्डों के आरक्षण नियमावली जारी कर दी है! यूपी ग्राम पंचायत प्रधान आरक्षण सूची 2021  pdf इस आरक्षण नियमावली के अनुसार अब, पंचायतों में आरक्षण रोटेशन सिस्टम से ही होगा. अपर…
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sakettimes · 4 years ago
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021: सिर्फ इन चार जिलों में बढ़ेगी ग्राम प्रधान की संख्या, जानिए पूरी डिटेल
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021: सिर्फ इन चार जिलों में बढ़ेगी ग्राम प्रधान की संख्या, जानिए पूरी डिटेल
गोंडा: उत्तर प्रदेश में पंचायत चुनाव 2021 (UP Panchayat Chunav 2021) की सरगर्मी तेज हो गई हैं. गांवों की सरकार को तय करने के लिए तैयारियों जोरों पर चल रही हैं. राजनीतिक दल के साथ-साथ सरकार भी तमाम तरह की तैयारियों को अंतिम रूप देने में जुटी हुई है. गोंडा जिले में परिसीमन के बाद ग्राम पंचायतों का विस्तार किया गया है. जिसके बाद अब ग्राम प्रधान के पद भी बढ़ गए हैं. हालांकि गोंडा के अलावा भी कई जिलों…
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coolnayasaveralove · 4 years ago
UP Zila Panchayat Reservation List: यूपी पंचायत चुनाव आरक्षण लिस्ट, यहाँ देंखें पुरी लिस्ट|
UP Zila Panchayat Reservation List: यूपी पंचायत चुनाव आरक्षण लिस्ट, यहाँ देंखें पुरी लिस्ट|
UP Zila Panchayat Reservation List लखनऊ: उत्तर प्रदेश में पंचायत चुनाव के लिए शुक्रवार को जिलेवार जिला पंचायत अध्यक्षों की आरक्षण सूची जारी कर दी गई है। शामली, बागपत, लखनऊ, कौशांबी, सीतापुर, हरदोई जिला पंचायत अध्यक्ष पद अनुसूचित जाति स्त्रियों के लिए आरक्षित किया गया है।  कानपुर नगर, औरैया, चित्रकूट, महोबा, झांसी, जालौन, बाराबंकी, लखीमपुर खीरी, रायबरेली, मिर्जापुर जिला पंचायत अध्यक्ष पद हेतु…
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ihlnews · 4 years ago
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021 New Reservation List: नई आरक्षण लिस्ट जारी, देखें लखनऊ की पूरी लिस्ट
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021 New Reservation List: नई आरक्षण लिस्ट जारी, देखें लखनऊ की पूरी लिस्ट
जारी हुई नई लिस्ट में काफी उलट फेर देखने को मिल रहा है। जिसके चलते कई चेहरे खिले हुए नजर आ रहे हैं तो वहीं कई चेहरों उदास नजर आ रहे हैं। ​​बता दें कि 2 मार्च को जारी हुई आरक्षण सूची को हाई कोर्ट ने निरस्त करते हुए 2015 के अनुसार आरक्षण तैयार करने का निर्देश जारी किया था। लखनऊ :  त्रिस्तरीय पंचायत चुनाव की नई आरक्षण लिस्ट शानिवार को जारी हो गई है। जारी हुई नई लिस्ट में काफी उलट फेर देखने को मिल…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
यूपी पंचायत चुनाव 2021: दाखिल की गईं रिकॉर्ड तोड़ आपत्तियां, कल जारी होगी फाइनल सूची
यूपी पंचायत चुनाव 2021: दाखिल की गईं रिकॉर्ड तोड़ आपत्तियां, कल जारी होगी फाइनल सूची
अगलीखबर UP में अजान के बाद अब बुर्के पर विवाद, मंत्री के कहा-भरोसे में लेकर सरकार लगाएगी प्रतिबंध Source link
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classyfoxdestiny · 4 years ago
Parliament proceedings live | Deve Gowda reminds about pending women reservation Bill
Parliament proceedings live | Deve Gowda reminds about pending women reservation Bill
The Lok Sabha on Tuesday passed the Constitution 127th Amendment Bill, 2021 with unanimous support from the House, and with this, the Lower House is expected to be adjourned sine die today.
The Rajya Sabha witnessed extraordinary scenes on Tuesday, with Opposition members, majority of whom dressed in black or sporting black bands, clambered onto the table in front of the Chair, protesting against the government for trying to push through a diluted debate on the farmers’ issue instead of going for a repeal of the three controversial farm laws. The protests are expected to continue today in the Upper House.
Here are the latest updates:
Rajya Sabha | 4.10 pm
K. Raveendra Kumar (TDP) recalls the crucial role in implementing reservation for OBC community.
Centre is compelled to bring this Bill after the Supreme Court judgment, he says.
He says the latest census should include caste enumeration. Without these figures we can’t make proper policy for the country, he says.
Sardar Balwinder Singh Bhunder (SAD) speaks in Punjabi. Some members complain they are not able to get the translation. The Chair asks him to speak in Hindi or English.  He says he wholeheartedly welcomes the Bill. This is the first time the Centre has restored powers taken from states since 1947.
The farmers protesting today are poor and frustrated. This is injustice with Punjab. Now you have the chance to repeal the 3 farm laws, he adds.
Rajya Sabha | 4.00 pm
Deve Gowda reminds about pending women reservation Bill
Former Prime Minister Deve Gowda welcome the Bill. Reservation in Karnataka was started by Maharaja of Mysore in 1918.
In the last session, the government 10% reservation for EWS over and above the existing system. Will the cap now be 60% now, he seeks clarification.
He says during his tenure, Rajya Sabha approved women reservation. It should be brought to Lok Sabha.
Karnataka provides 23% reservation to OBCs. Within that Muslims are also included and there was no opposition. Let the government clarify if such a reservation is possible after this Bill is passed.
Rajya Sabha | 4.00 pm
Include Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians in SC list: Abdul Wahab
Abdul Wahab (IUML) says he was surprised the government brought this Bill in this session. Dharmendra Pradhan talked about giving petrol pumps to OBCs. If you privatise all institutions, who will give them jobs, he asks.
He recalls anti-Mandal protest and an upper caste youth who self immolated himself in 1990.
He reads out the abysmally low proportion of OBC faculty in higher education. He says in most cases, they stamp NFS (none found suitable) to evade reservation.
He demands including Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians in SC list.
Rajya Sabha | 3.35 pm
Modi ensured reservation does not get lapsed if vacancy is not filled in IIT teaching posts: Dhrmendra Pradhan
Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan lauds the House for a constructive debate. Some members questioned the language of the 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act. It was drafted by the Select Committee. The then Minister had clearly said there will be two lists — one for state, one for Centre.
This is not a knee jerk reaction of our government. Noone should doubt our intention. Some members of DMK raised IITs were not following reservation. It was a news for me. Then we found out the reservation lapses if the vacancy was not filled up. Mr. Modi ensured the reservation does not get lapsed, he says.
We implemented OBC reservation in Jawahar Vidyalayas.  He lists out how they ensured petrol pump licences were offered to many OBC people.
On why a cap on reservation, he says over 80% States have crossed the cap. He says many welfare schemes of NDA government uses the same census data.
He says his father was also part of the then Madras Presidency. It was because of their BC scholarship, his father could become a doctor and he himself could be part of Creamy Layer.
Rajya Sabha | 3.35 pm
Reservation is for the self-respect: Thambi Durai
M. Thambi Durai (AIADMK) says the Bill will go a long way in ensuring equitable distribution of resources. He recalls the contributions of Periyar, Anna, MGR and Jayalaithaa. Reservation is for the self-respect, he says.
He recalls how Justice Party brought reservation in Madras Presidency in 1921.
Rajya Sabha | 3.25 pm
Odisha has started its own caste enumeration: Amar Patnaik
Amar Patnaik (BJD) narrates how Odisha provided social justice despite the Indira Sawhney case. He says Odisha wanted to provide 27% reservation for SEBC, but are able to provide 11.2%.
The Indira Sawhney case highlights that there is no scientific data to support reservation. The government of Odisha has started collecting data by its own since March.
Rajya Sabha | 3.15 pm
A speech targetting Congress
Harnath Singh Yadav (BJP) hits out at Congress. He claims in 70 years, the grand old party has not done much for the OBCs.
He wonders why the Congress and UPA couldn’t grant constitutional status to the OBC Commission. His entire speech is targetted against Congress. He claims Sardar Patel was not allowed to become PM because he was the son of a farmer. Congress members object to it.
The Chair asks him to end his speech citing paucity of time.
Rajya Sabha | 3.10 pm
Meritorious people should not be included in reservation: Rajmani Patel
Rajmani Patel (Congress) says the several opposition parties have forced the government to bring this Bill by approaching the court.
Had the government’s intention was favouring OBCs, they would have not gone on the roads with Kamandal, he says.
Congress brought reservation for OBCs in Madhya Pradesh. The subsequent BJP governments didn’t take it up and the Supreme Court struck it down. Whereas Tamil Nadu fought well and ensured 69% reservation continues there, he says.
He seeks change in the roster within reservation with binary roster.  Even animals are counted, why can’t OBCs be counted, he asks pitching for caste cesnsus. He also seeks reservation in promotion. Meritorious people should not be included in reservation but should be alloted in general category, he says.
Rajya Sabha | 2.55 pm
You are shedding crocodile tears, Binoy Viswam tells government
Binoy Viswam (CPI-M) while supporting the Bill terms it election adjust Bill. B.R. Ambedkar must be weeping now. It was V.P. Singh that brought justice to his words. Who raised the slogan Mandal vs. Kamandal? Who raised Mandir to hide Mandal? he asks.
He quotes M.S. Golwalkar’s words against quota. Now that BJP, with thought of votes, is coming with a Bill on reservation. Please don’t cheat the country, he says.
You are supporting people who raped and murdered young Dalit girls and you are shedding crocodile tears for Dalits, and OBCS, he tells BJP.
Rajya Sabha | 2.45 pm
War of words between Sanjay Singh and Naqvi
G.K. Vasan (TMC-M) says the Bill will uplifit the OBCs socially and economically.
Sanjay Singh (AAP) supports the Bill. He says the government’s claims on OBC welfare are laughable. He shows Uttar Pradesh OBC report flagging the reserved teachers post not filled yet. He also speaks on Hathras rape and murder, the atrocities against Dalits in Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
Deputy Leader of the Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi seeks expunging the references of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. Jairam Ramesh supports Sanjay Singh. The Chair says it will be reviewed.
Rajya Sabha | 2.40 pm
 Indira Sawhney case should be revisited: NCP
Vandana Chavan (NCP) also supports the Bill. Let us ask ourselves if the 102nd Constitutional Amendment passed the test of being unambigious. She wonders if the earlier amendment was only to seed the protests.
This Bill gives powers to the State, unfortunately without action, she says. The Indira Sawhney case should be revisited, she says.
She says the migrated people are also a deprived lot. They should also be considered for reservation.
Rajya Sabha | 2.30 pm
Narendra Jadhav, nominated member, also supports the Bill.  He says nearly 1/5th of the OBCs would have lost the benefits of reservation had the Bill was not brought in.
Sanjay Raut (Shiv Sena) says he supports the Bill and will talk about Pegasus in the evening.
He recalls the Maratha reservation agitation, and lauds the youngters for taking part in a peaceful protest. However, he says the issue is far from over, despite the passage of the Bill. Only the removal of the ceiling limit can provide a permanent solution, he says. 
Rajya Sabha | 2.25 pm
Change your mentality on caste enumeration: Manoj Jha
Manoj Jha (RJD) terms it a historical moment when the House is unitedly supporting a Bill. He remembers former member and writer Tulsiram, a Dalit who faced discrimination while he was in school.
Many members have asked several times requested to make public the caste census data. He recalls how a BJP member in Lok Sabha demanded it yesterday. “It is not a Freudian Slip, it came from her heart,” he says.
He pitches for proportional representation. Recalling BJP’s earlier statement that we are ready for categories but not for caste enumeration, Mr. Jha says this mentality should change.
Rajya Sabha | 2.20 pm
Time to make Lohia’s vision a reality: JD-U
Ram Nath Thakur (JD-U) recalls Ram Manohar Lohia’s agitation for reservation.  He recalls Nitish Kumar granting 50% reservation for women in Panchayats and wards.
He urges government to fill up the posts lying vacant in higher education institutions.
He also insists on caste-based census.
Rajya Sabha | 2.10 pm
Act cannot be implemented well without taking a fresh caste census: Ramgopal Yadav
Ramgopal Yadav (SP) supports the Bill. The fruit of the Bill will truly be felt only when the 50% reservation ceiling is lifted, he says.
The Act cannot be implemented well without taking a fresh caste census, he says.
He counters Sushil Kumar Modi by listing the number of posts reserved for OBCs lying vacant in various higher education insitutions.
Rajya Sabha | 2.00 pm
When reservation creates inequalities within the reserved class itself, the state has to intervene: Kareem
Elamaaram Kareem (CPI-M) says it is a welcome step and the government is rectifying its earlier mistake. This cannot be taken as something to glorify the government, we all know its OBC policy.
The earlier amendment took away the rights of the State. The States could only send suggestions and the Union government can only add a caste to the OBC list.
After wasting time, the government has decided to bring this Bill. He also asks the government to review the EWS norms. Dalit Christians should also be included in reservation, he says.
When reservation creates inequalities within the reserved class itself, the state has to intervene, he says.
He also takes up the Pegasus snooping row. The unconstitutional attitude of the government led to this situation, he says.
Rajya Sabha | 1.55 pm
What is the scientific basis for 50% cap on reservation, asks Banda Prakash
Banda Prakash of the TRS asks, “what is the scientific basis for 50% cap on reservation?”
He demands a Caste Census. “Without data, how will you implement reservation?” he asks. He demands a Ministry for Backward Classes.
Subhas Chandra Bose Pilli of the YSRCP speaks in Telugu.
Rajya Sabha | 1.45 pm
Govt. compelled to introduce Bill: Tiruchi Siva
Tiruchi Siva of the DMK says Tamil Nadu, with its 69% reservation, leads in empowerment and social justice.
Supporting the Bill, he says, the government was compelled to introduce the Bill as 671 OCBC committees were being affected. “This was done under compulsion. Federalism is not a suitable word for you (government). For you, all is unitary– one language, one religion, etc. But federalism is the core feature of the country.”
“Caste Census should be immediately conducted and the 50% cap on reservation should be done away with,” Mr. Siva says.
“We support the Bill. But our appeal to you, to bring changes in the interest of the people and not out of compulsion.”
Rajya Sabha | 1.40 pm
RJD happiest if States’ powers restored: Prasanna Acharya
Prasanna Acharya of the BJD speaks in Odiya.
This Bill will strengthen the federal structure of the country, he says. “RJD will be the happiest party if the powers taken from the States are restored,” he says.
He says the 50% cap on reservation should be reconsidered and also asks that Ceste Census take place.
Rajya Sabha | 1.30 pm
Will talk about legislative incompetence of govt.: O’ Brien
Derek O’ Brien of the TMC says to the Speaker, “Through you, Sir, I want to request the Prime Minsiter to come to the House, when an important discussion as this is taking place.”
He makes a remark on Pegasus, invoking a reference to “the Olympics god Poseidon”.
Making a refernce to Sushil Modi’s remarks on winning elections, he says, “we don’t talk, we do. We want to remind them of the elections in West Bengal.”
He says he supports the Bill, “but I also want to talk about the legislative incompetence of the government.” “We warned the government to go slow on the GST, although we supported it. In 10 months, 376 changes were made,” he says, as an illustration.
He cites the CAA and the farm laws as mistakes of the government. “The government did not listen and continued to make mistakes.”
He says the Trinamool has studied 98 Bills passed by the government, and “29 Bills are anti-federal”.
He asks why Caste Census is being done away with.
Mr. O’ Brien recalls that the government did away with reservation to Anglo-Indians based on a census that wrongfully said Anglo-Indian community comprises only 200 people.
Rajya Sabha | 1 pm
Sushil Kumar Modi is heckled in the House as he makes statements bashing the previous Congress govts.
Sushil Kumar Modi says a review petition was filed by the govt. withing 8 days of the judgment by the Supreme Court. “We have brought this Bill early, unlike Mr. Singhvi’s insinuation, as soon as our review petition was rejected.”
Quoting from the minority judgment Of Justices Bhushan and Najeeb, Mr. Modi clarifies the legislative intent of the Bill. Our intention was not to deprive the States, he says, adding the Supreme Court misinterpretated.
He says, “we supported the V.P. Singh decision of giving the OBC reservation. We gave constitutional recognition to Scheduled Tribes Commission. What did the Congress do?”
He makes statements bashing the previous Congress governments. He says Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government has brought in favourable changes.
The Opposition members express disagreement to some statements. Chaotic scenes ensue in the House.
Mr. Kharge says false claims are being made by Mr. Modi.
Rajya Sabha | 12.35 pm
The wrong of 2018 being rectified, Bill long time coming: Singhvi
Abhishek Manu Singhvi of the Congress, says, “The path to hell is paved with good intentions. The Bill was a long time coming. But I also want to point out that the government is only correcting its big mistake of 2018.” Mr. Singhvi was making a reference to the 102nd amendment made in 2018.
The government committed a mistake and the government is congratulating itself for rectifying it now, he says.
An amendment was proposed in this House, many MPs also made some suggestions when it was sent to a select committee for recommendations, he says.
He says, “as feared, the Supreme Court faltered in the interpretation of the ambiguous language of the legislation.”
Speaking about the Maratha reservation issue, Mr. Singhvi says, the 50% cap on reservation cannot be followed as a strict rule. He gives the examples of States like Nagaland and Tamil Nadu which have more than 50% reservation. “The Supreme Court will not reconsider this. So, the government has to, and make the change.”
Mr. Singhvi brings up OBC seats lying vacant ingovernment employment.
He asks why Caste Census is being done away with. “We did it in 2011. Why not do it now in 2021?”
Suggesting an amendment to the Bill, Mr. Singhvi says, “This amendment is clarificatory. But unless it is applied restrospectively, no State list between 2018 and 2021 will be valid.”
Rajya Sabha | 12.30 pm
Allow discussion for more than three hours: Kharge
Manoj Jha asks the Speaker to allot sufficient time even for the smaller parties, who have equal stakes, to speak about the “important amendments” suggested in the Bill.
Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge tells the Speaker, he has the power to change the decision taken by the Business Advisory Committee. “No one is going to oppose this Bill…Even if the discussion time is increased by two or three hours, the country or the House will not be at a disadvantage.”
Minister Piyush Goyal suggests that the House sit until all the day’s business is completed, even beyond 6 p.m. “If we need to increase the discussion to beyond three hours, then we need to be on agreement to this.”
Member Anand Sharma says, “It is not acceptable that the extension is conditional.”
Mr. Goyal responds and restates that the day’s business will have to be completed, and “it is only fair that we agree to sit beyond 6 p.m. for it.”
There is chaos in the House.
Mr. Harivansh says the discussion will take place for four hours.
Rajya Sabha | 12.15 pm
House takes up Bill restoring States’ rights to specify OBC groups
Motion is moved in the House for the consideration of The Constitution 127th Amendment Bill, 2021 by Dr. Virendra Kumar, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment.
Mr. Kumar thanks all members for the consensus shown in discussing the Bill. “It is a history-making Bill.”
The Bill give back power to states to identify social and economic backward classes.
He says, the constitution amendment bill passed by Lok Sabha on Tuesday will empower states to prepare and maintain their own list of socially and educationally backward classes (SEBCs) and provide them reservation.
Rajya Sabha | 12 pm
Question Hour, lunch break suspended
Proceedings resumes in the Upper House.
Deputy Chairman Harivansh is in the chair.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs of India Pralhad Joshi asks that the House suspend Question Hour and lunch break to discuss The Constitution 127th Amendment Bill, 2021. The House agrees.
Mr. Harivansh condoles the demise of Thindivanam K. Ramamurthy, ex-Member.
Papers being laid on the table of the House.
Productivity of the Lok Sabha
20 Bills passed this session, only OBC Bill passed after discussion
At a press conference after the adjournment of the Lok Sabha, Speaker Om Birla said it pained him that the Lok Sabha didn’t function smoothly this monsoon session.
“The House functioned for only 74 hours and 46 minutes. The total productivity was 22%,” he said.
A total of 20 Bills were passed in the session, of which only the OBC Bill was passed after discussion. The remaining Bills were passed in din without discussion, through voice vote.
“I always expect the MPs to maintain the dignity of the House. There have been debates, agreements and disagreements in the House but its dignity was never lowered,” he said.
Urging all MPs to follow the Parliamentary traditions, Mr. Birla said sloganeering and raising of placards are not a part of these traditions.
Lok Sabha | 11 am
Lok Sabha adjourned sine die
Proceedings for the day begin.
Speaker Om Birla condoles the death of former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, who was earlier Member of Parliament and a Minister at the Centre. Obituary references are made for Nityananda Mishra, Gopalrao Mayekar and Sudarshan Roy Chowdhury.
Mr. Birla gives an account of the works undertaken in the Lok Sabha this session.
The House is adjourned sine die.
Rajya Sabha | 11 am
Venkaiah Naidu expresses anguish over yesterday’s events
Chairman Venkaiah Naidu calling the actions of some members as “acts of sacrilege”, says “I have no words to express my anguish and condemn the actions of yesterday. I slept a sleepless night.”
Mr. Naidu got emotional and said he was distressed to see the sacredness of the House being destroyed over a difference of opinion. “I am distressed as the way this sacredness was destroyed yesterday when some members sat on the table some others climbed on the tables of the house, perhaps to be more visible, was an act of sacrilege. I have no words to condemn the act as I spent a sleepless night,”
When a discussion on agriculture was listed in the list of business for the day, the opportunity was not taken by the members to air their grievances. “Even a discussion on the farm laws could have been taken up,” he says, expressing his displeasure and “anguish” over the last day’s events.
The Opposition begins to raise slogans.
The House is adjourned till 12 p.m.
Meeting of Opposition parties
A meeting of Opposition parties underway at Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge’s office on August 11, 2021.   | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
  A meeting of leaders of Opposition parties in the office of Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge is underway. Leaders from INC, including Rahul Gandhi, DMK, TMC, SP, SS, NC, CPM, RJD, CPI, IUML, RSP, VCK, KC(M) and LJD are attending the meeting.
Member Vinayal Bhaurao Raut is scheduled to raise a discussion on the situation arising out of Covid-19 pandemic in the country and various aspects related to it, under Rule 193
Legislative Business
Rajya Sabha
Bill for consideration and passing
The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Amendment Bill, 2021
Bills for consideration and return
The Appropriation (No.4) Bill, 2021
The Appropriation (No.3) Bill, 2021
Lok Sabha
Bill for consideration and passing
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2020
. Source link
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avitaknews · 4 years ago
UP Panchayat Election 2021: पंचायत चुनाव के लिये आज जारी हो सकती है अन्य जिलों की सूची
UP Panchayat Election 2021: पंचायत चुनाव के लिये आज जारी हो सकती है अन्य जिलों की सूची
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>लखनऊ:</strong> यूपी में त्रिस्तरीय पंचायत चुनाव के लिये बुधवार को आरक्षण की सूची जारी कर दी जाएगी. इस सूची के बाद उम्मीदवार अपनी तैयारियों को अंतिम रूप दे सकेंगे. इस सूची का लोग बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं. चूंकि, लिस्ट के सामने आने के बाद ये Source link
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mastereeester · 4 years ago
यूपी ग्राम पंचायत चुनाव 2021 पर ग्रहण, अब सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले का इंतजार [Source: Patrika : India's Leading Hindi News Portal]
यूपी ग्राम पंचायत चुनाव 2021 पर ग्रहण, अब सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले का इंतजार [Source: Patrika : India’s Leading Hindi News Portal]
लखनऊ. यूपी ग्राम पंचायत चुनाव 2021 पर लगता है ग्रहण लग गया है। पंचायत चुनाव की नई आरक्षण लिस्ट (UP Gram Panchayat Election Reservation List) पर अब सुप्रीम कोर्ट में चुनौती दी गई है। 15 मार्च 2021 को लखनऊ हाईकोर्ट ने 11 फरवरी के यूपी शासनादेश को रद्द करते वर्ष 2015 को आधार मानकर आरक्षण की नई पंचायत चुनाव आरक्षण लिस्ट जारी करने का आदेश दिया था। याचिकाकर्ता दलीप कुमार ने हाईकोर्ट के फैसले पर विचार…
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abhay121996-blog · 4 years ago
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021 New Reservation List: जौनपुर और चंदौली की नई आरक्षण सूची जारी, एक क्लिक पर देखें पूरी लिस्ट Divya Sandesh
UP Panchayat Chunav 2021 New Reservation List: जौनपुर और चंदौली की नई आरक्षण सूची जारी, एक क्लिक पर देखें पूरी लिस्ट
जौनपुर/चंदौली त्रिस्तरीय की नई आरक्षण लिस्ट शानिवार को जारी हो गई है। जारी हुई नई लिस्ट में काफी उलट फेर देखने को मिल रहा है। जिसके चलते कई चेहरे खिले हुए नजर आ रहे हैं तो वहीं कई चेहरे उदास नजर आ रहे हैं। जिनको उम्मीद थी कि उनकी सीट नहीं बदलेगी वह भी बदलती नजर आई है।
जौनपुर आरक्षण लिस्ट
चंदौली आरक्षण लिस्ट
बता दें कि 2 मार्च को जारी हुई आरक्षण सूची को हाई कोर्ट ने निरस्त करते हुए 2015 के अनुसार आरक्षण तैयार करने का निर्देश जारी किया था। उत्तर प्रदेश में जिलेवार आरक्षण सूची जारी कर दी गई है।
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sakettimes · 4 years ago
UP पंचायत की अधिसूचना जारी, जिन पदों पर पहले कभी नहीं हुआ आरक्षण, उन्हें मिलेगी वरीयता
UP पंचायत की अधिसूचना जारी, जिन पदों पर पहले कभी नहीं हुआ आरक्षण, उन्हें मिलेगी वरीयता
पवन सेंगर/लखनऊ: उत्तर प्रदेश की योगी सरकार ने पंचायत चुनाव के लिए त्रिस्तरीय पंचायतों में वार्डों के आरक्षण नियमावली जारी कर दी है. इसके अनुसार, पंचायतों में आरक्षण रोटेशन सिस्टम से ही होगा. अपर मुख्य सचिव मनोज कुमार सिंह ने बताया कि 826 ब्लॉक, 58194 ग्राम पंचायतों में वॉर्डों की संख्या का गठन कर लिया गया है. पंचायत चुनाव में रोटेशन रिजर्वेशन लागू किया जाएगा, पिछले 5 निर्वाचन में हुए आरक्षण का…
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mukhwati96 · 4 years ago
UP SEC Election Reservation List 2021
UP SEC Election Reservation List 2021
Name Of Post : Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat Reservation List 2021 Post Date : 05 February 2021 | 09:10 Short Information : Uttar Pradesh Panchayat and district will reserve list issued in connection with the conduct Panchayat elections. Those candidates who want to apply for both these posts. And he is eligible to go to his block council and apply for the post. UTTAR…
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
Final list of Reservation to Be Released by March 27
Final list of Reservation to Be Released by March 27
The final reservation list for the UP Panchayat Elections for all the posts is expected to be released by 27th March 2021, meanwhile, the list of district panchayat presidents has been released. In such a situation, the State Election Commission can announce the election soon after the release of the reservation list. The State Election Commission is going to do video conferencing with all the…
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