#up 10th result 2022
antifainternational · 4 months
10 Years Of Antifa International!!!!!!!!!!
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This month, the Antifa International collective celebrates our 10th anniversary! Back in 2014, we saw a need for a crew dedicated to reporting on different anti-fascist actions around the world, who could also come up with ways to support anti-fascists around the globe and promote the tenets of anti-fascism.
We started with two people and a Tumblr blog and have since grown to a collective of ten members in eight different countries, posting on nine social media platforms, where we've put up over 20,000 posts over the last ten years for our 110,000+ followers to have a look at.  
Since 2014, we've also initiated a number of projects we're quite proud of! 
The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund: it was not too long after we started our collective that we saw an increasing number of anti-fascists around the world calling out for support after encountering an emergency situation resulting from their work. Whether it was court costs, legal defence fees, emergency relocations, or medical expenses - anti-fascists were facing dire consequences for standing up to hate and then would have to do whatever they could to get help dealing with those consequences. Our solution was to start a standing fund that would be devoted to providing emergency aid to anti-fascists facing problems related to their anti-fascist work. We would do whatever we could to fundraise for it on an ongoing basis, and then use the funds to help antifa in trouble. All decisions about how the Defence Fund runs and is used would be made by the people who've contributed a minimum of $20USD to it, via consensus wherever possible and majority vote where consensus was not forthcoming.   Nine years later, the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has provided nearly $250,000USD to more than 750 anti-fascists in 28 different countries. More than 1500 anti-fascists from around the world have been invited to participate in the Defence Fund by helping to make the decisions about how it is run and what it is used for. To our knowledge, the Defence Fund remains the only project of its kind, devoted to providing emergency support to anti-fascists around the world, but it has inspired similar defence funds.   THIS IS A PROJECT YOU COULD BE INVOLVED IN!  A minimum donation of $20USD will get you invited to participate!   
International Violent Hate Crimes Research Project: from 2017-2022 we tracked media accounts of violent acts motivated by hate or committed by far-right extremists around the world. Over the course of those six years, we documented over 3000 such attacks, in which more than 1800 people were killed and a further 5254 were injured. The Project allowed us to examine trends in the types of attacks being committed; who was being targeted; and where the attacks were taking place, among other things that we wrote about in our annual reports.  Unfortunately, a lack of resources compelled us to discontinue the project in 2023.   
25 July: The International Day of Solidarity with Anti-Fascist Prisoners: July 25th is a day when all anti-fascists are called upon to demonstrate their solidarity with those of us who are locked up behind bars. Taking the baton from NYC Antifa, who started this project, we've set up a website with information and resources about the day, including translations into several different languages and a list of current anti-fascist prisoners. We also maintain a donation page and sell this t-shirt designed by a former anti-fascist prisoner; every July 25th, we pool what was raised and send it directly to current antia prisoners/their families/their support teams.  WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO SOMETHING TO MARK JULY 25TH! You'll find some ideas and resources here. If you put anything about the Day on social media, please use the hashtag #j25antifa so others kind find your posts!  
Training for Anti-Fascists: Beginning in 2020, we organized a series of online training and skillshare workshops for anti-fascists on a number of topics, including digital security practices, de-escalation tactics, open source intelligence gathering, intelligence sharing, first aid, self-defence, and far-right radicalization warning signs & intervention strategies. Each session was attended by anti-fascists from around the world, who were able to take what they learned and put it to use in their own communities.  
Anti-Fascist Flags, Shirts, & Stickers: Although these were originally intended as fundraising items for the Defence Fund, the anti-fascist flags, shirts, stickers, and other items we produced soon took on a life of their own. To date, we've distributed hundreds of anti-fascist shirts & flags and nearly 90,000 anti-fascist stickers around the world.  Our Antifa International flags have been spotted in Afrin, Boston, Brooklyn, Kiev, London, the Hauge, the Scottish Highlands, Kobane, L.A., Melbourne, Oakland, Philly, Standing Rock, and Toronto, among other places.  
deathtofascism.com: is the site we've set up as a repository of free, downloadable anti-fascist flyers, reports, and 'zines that anyone can read, print out and give away. If you're tabling an event or show, there is probably a few things there that you'll want to hand out!   
Antifa Shirt of the Month: from 2021 to 2024, we produced a new anti-fascist t-shirt each month as a fundraiser for a different antifa crew somewhere in the world, raising nearly $20,000USD for those crews. You'll find most of those shirts still available at our online store.
We're not telling you all of this to brag (well, OK, we might be bragging a little bit!); rather, we're hoping some of what we've done over the past ten years, as volunteers, without any funding or resources to speak of, will inspire you & your friends to think about what you can do where you are! 
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decaf-lesbian · 5 months
RS isn't the only place in Brazil in a climate crisis and we need to talk about it.
the main thing i've talked about on this blog since last friday (may 3rd) is the catastrophic floods devastating my home state, Rio Grande do Sul, located in southern Brazil. it's an unprecedent tragedy that we won't be able to recover from anytime soon. but we also can't ignore what's happening in the rest of the country, so i decided to extensively rant about it.
over the course of a week, these historic floods have taken over a state the size of Ecuador, raising the levels of rivers and wiping out entire cities. i've said it before and i'll say it again: this is not natural, although some smooth-brained people might say it is. the last flood of this magnitude in my state was the flood of 1941, which was a result of 24 days of continuous rain, raising the level of the Guaíba lake to 4.75 meters.
the floods we're facing now raised the level of the lake up to 5.30 meters. and it only rained for seven days.
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we all hear climate change deniers saying it's just the weather patterns, but it's impossible to deny the fact that human actions are changing them. we didn't have nearly as many torrential rainstorms here a couple years ago, not even in autumn (which is the usual season for it). yet, from 2022 to now, the frequency with which these occur have been cranked up to the max. i used to joke about how it rained every single week, but now it sounds less like a joke and more of a grim commentary on the sad reality we're living.
that's why, in addition to what's happening here, we really need to talk about the climate crisis in the other regions in Brazil.
the center-west and southeastern regions have been suffering from dry weather and a heatwave that has been going on for days (and will still go at LEAST up to may 10th). they are registering temperatures above 30° C/86°F, which means they are having perfect summer weather IN MID AUTUMN. i am not joking; São Paulo has registered an alarming temperature of 32° C/89,6°F, breaking the record for the highest temperature ever registered in a day of may for the last 81 years.
in the northeastern region, the end of last year was marked by an extreme drought intensified by the deforestation of the cerrado biome, which is crucial for maintaining water distribution. and this was basically in the countryside; the coast was the target of heavy torrential rains (and is currently under the threat of more rain). some cities registered an extreme and alarming 240mm of precipitation in just 24 HOURS.
and in the northern region and some parts of the center-west and northeastern regions, the number of wildfires from january to may is already the highest in recorded history (which began to be recorded in 1998 by Inpe): 17.421 spots. and the dry season in the biomes of the Amazon rainforest, cerrado, and pantanal HAS BARELY BEGUN. this is already a horrifying tragedy and it can become one of the worst catastrophes in the history of Brazil if we don't act on it fast.
ever single time something like this happens, scientists from all over the country (and all over the world) warn us of what can happen next. every single time, scientists extensively talk about the human actions that are directly and indirectly interfering with the environment. every single time, nobody listens. every. single. time.
and we still have time. we have the technology and the means to prevent this. and yet the government does absolutely NOTHING to help (hell, in my state only 0,2% of the budget was allocated to preventing climate disasters; an ABYSMALLY low R$50k, which is about US$9.850,00). everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, knows about the ever increasing frequency of extreme climate events. even the DENIERS WON'T DENY IT. this should be enough proof that we need to do something fast or we will irreversibly ruin the only place we can call home. but governments will always prioritize money over lives. always.
these disasters have always happened in Brazil, but they were far apart. this country should be blessed by god and beautiful by nature, like a popular song says. yet we are currently experiencing the worst climatic crisis we have ever seen here. and it will only get worse if we don't stop it now.
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nostalgebraist · 2 years
prioritizing longstanding frank enjoyers
I have configured Frank to ignore all asks, reblogs, and replies from new users.
By a "new user," I mean someone who had never interacted with Frank until December 9 2022 or after.
If you've just learned about Frank now, she won't respond if you try to talk to her.
Come back later, maybe in a few weeks -- demand spikes always cool down after a little while. You will have plenty of opportunities to talk to Frank later.
In the meantime, why not learn more about how Frank works? Try some of these links:
The post that's usually pinned
The about page
If you're a programmer, you might have fun reading her code
Or, if you really want to talk to a bot, there are many similar (but more advanced) toys out there, like Character.AI and NovelAI and ChatGPT.
This popular post from December 10th is sending a huge number of new people to this blog.
As a result, Frank is getting so many asks that she can't possibly respond to them all.
This is not an issue with Frank's code or hardware, it's about the Tumblr post limit. She can't make more than 250 posts a day. None of us can.
Frank is designed to adapt her posting rate to avoid hitting the post limit until very shortly before it resets. This prevents her from hitting the limit early and "vanishing" for hours at a time. But if she gets more asks than the post limit can accommodate, they'll just pile up further and further as the days go on.
Over the last few days, I've tried to mitigate the problem by manually turning Frank's ask box on and off, several times a day. (I also manually tuned some knobs controlling other aspects of Frank's behavior.)
However, I didn't feel good about this approach:
It required me to pay a lot of attention to Frank's logs and the state of her inbox, even when I was at work or otherwise busy.
It probably felt arbitrary and confusing to users.
It made it difficult for Frank's longstanding user base to talk to her in the way they've always been able to in the past.
Whenever the ask box was open, Frank received a lot of questions that she has answered many times in the past.
It didn't seem like an effective way to communicate "hey, if you got here via that popular post, maybe come back later."
The new system is (obviously and deliberately) unfair, but it serves this list of goals better.
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wxlfbites · 3 months
April 30th, 2022
For as long as I can remember, my daemon has been with me; helping me through stressful situations in my childhood before she ever had a name. I officially recognized her as my daemon on December 10th, 2017, and after months of using the Daemon Forum Analysis to narrow down animal forms that might fit her, she settled as a red squirrel in November of 2019.
Philomena is almost the exact opposite of me, blunt - almost rude even -, focused, loud, energetic and sensible. But she is also kind and protective, responsible and knowledgeable. I have never worried that she would abandon me or truly judge me more anything I've said or done. Her aura is motherly in a way, like a soft hand on your forehead when you're running a fever. I love watching her run around frantically when she's hyper, or feeling her snuggle up under my chin when she's tired.
But lately, our relationship has faded into an almost oblivion that pains me. For at least a year now, I've neglected her as a presence within my mind due to mental health struggles and home life changes, and as a result it's become difficult to speak with or project her. I feel her faintly now, but trying to call out to her is like screaming into an abyss.
If anyone has any advice on how to reconnect with her, I'd know we'd both appreciate it.
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robsheridan · 11 months
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I’m thrilled to finally have my original analog glitch skull back in print today after the first edition has been sold out for years - here’s a first look at the actual print and all its remastered details:
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This has become an iconic image for my work and for analog glitch in general, as it was my first piece back in 2012 that paved the way for my analog glitch work with How To Destroy Angels and the beginning of a new fine art movement of VHS/CRT glitch that is thriving today more than ever.
For these tenth anniversary editions I went back to the original photographs (captured at high speed off the screen of an old CRT television) with everything I’ve learned over the years about mastering analog glitch for print, and the results are crisper, more vibrant, and more true to the original vision than ever before.
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In the close-ups here (these are all photographs of the print itself) you can see a couple elements I’m proud of that were always very hard to preserve in print, like the subtle glow of the skull, which displayed as increasingly tiny bits of light on the pixels of the screen dithering out to black:
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Every pixel of the CRT can be seen on the print until they disappear into the black, creating a glow that is soft from a distance but rich with texture up close. I strive for the very highest fidelity of low fidelity!
The first of these new editions were on display at last year's Glitch Art is Dead show for their proper 10th anniversary in 2022, and now they’re finally available: Four analog glitch anniversary editions out today (including the Welcome Oblivion vinyl album cover piece), personally signed/numbered, limited to only 30 copies!
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Next month I should be able to share photos of the first-ever premium canvas editions of this work (available for pre-order now), which give it the large format fine art presentation I have always dreamed of.
All of my limited edition prints are personally signed/numbered fine art giclée prints on archival matte paper, printed by me to personally ensure the finest museum quality on 308gsm German fine art paper at ultra high 1440dpi print resolution, and packed/shipped worldwide with care by my wife Steph from our home studio in Tacoma, WA. Every print comes with a signed certificate of authenticity and an exclusive sticker.
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candypalace · 1 year
Translation: Gekirock Magazine Dec 2022 (Kai, Uruha)
the GazettE: the band's potential in a flawless expression. 20th anniversary best-of album drop.
Time flies, and in the course of 20 years, the GazettE has gone through a lot of changes. Their new release, 20TH ANNIVERSARY BEST ALBUM HETERODOXY -DIVIDED CONCEPTS-, is a “best-of” album categorized by three concepts: "SINGLES", "ABYSS" and "LUCY". The band is also taking the opportunity to confront their past albums during [the GazettE LIVE TOUR2022-MASS/PHASE 02 "The Unknown"], which will continue until December 21st. Here, we will ask a few questions to Uruha and Kai, the guitarist and drummer of the GazettE, about the circumstances behind revisiting and bringing the band’s past together.
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ー the GazettE is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary in the midst of the Japan tour MASS / PHASE 02, where in addition to the songs from the latest album MASS (2021 release), past songs are also performed at various venues. Uruha-san, Kai-san, how do you feel about performing at all those shows so far?
KAI: Rather than saying that the reason why the contents of this tour are a close look into our past is because this year is our 20th anniversary, it’d say it’s because MASS is our 10th album, and we’ve been playing shows in different places to combine it with our past works. It’s also because we have not done a tour with a concept like this before, to tell the truth, and it started with us thinking: “Well, this will be interesting!”. Since some of the songs from past albums will be performed live for the first time in forever, it’s also true that the performance aspect was more difficult than I had expected (laughs). However, when we actually tried it, the results were pretty good! We found the differences in the set lists each time very interesting and enjoyed every single live so far.
URUHA: Each album naturally has a different “color”, so when we combine our newest album with songs from our older albums in one show, it’s very important for us to highlight these different “colors”. That being said, the number of albums we’ve released so far is quite big. Realistically, it would be difficult to play every single song in our discography, so we generally play about five songs for each concept. And yet, by playing those five songs at each live show, we’ve been able to create an atmosphere and space on the tour that we haven’t had before. I think there’s a great synergy between the songs on MASS and the songs from each of our past albums.
ー By the way, why did you decide that you will be choosing exactly 5 songs for each live performance?
KAI: When we were discussing this with the members, someone suggested that we exclude the songs that we already had on MASS / PHASE 01. And we also thought we should play songs that express the essence of each album more vibrantly than others.
URUHA: In terms of the melody, we also decided to avoid choosing only those songs where singing is emphasized over the instrumental part, and we tried to balance each block of the set list.
ー In the midst of all this, HETERODOXY will be released to commemorate the band's 20th anniversary, and as you can tell from the title, it is a voluminous three-piece product. It seems that “3 CONCEPTS” means that the songs are categorized as “SINGLES”, “ABYSS”, and “LUCY” and are divided into 3 discs. How did you come up with such a compilation that condenses 20 years of the band in this best-of album?
KAI: I think the fact that best-of albums naturally start with singles is definitely not unusual. But in our case, this alone would not exactly strike home. Doesn’t “best” for the GazettE mean showing all our colors in various forms? With that in mind, we decided to divide the songs into three separate discs: "SINGLES", "ABYSS" and "LUCY". "ABYSS" and "LUCY" in particular have a very familiar ring to them and give you a taste of our two extremes.
URUHA: Right, because for the GazettE, "ABYSS" and "LUCY" mean the duality that has been our definite part since forever.
ー Looking back, in 2011, there was a FC-only 2-day live "LIVE TOUR 2011 TWO CONCEPT NIGHTS ABYSS/LUCY ~Two different faces, decadence and instinct, two polar nights~" and in 2017, Halloween shows called "HALLOWEEN NIGHT 17 THE DARK HORROR SHOW SPOOKY BOX 2 ABYSS-LUCY". So, probably the fact that the keywords "ABYSS" and "LUCY" express stillness and movement is already well known to the GazettE’s fans.
URUHA: In terms of sound differences, generally "ABYSS" is centered on the dark worldview that the GazettE creates, while "LUCY" is more aggressive. Both sides are the essential components of the GazettE, and we wanted to convey that in our best-of album.
ー So HETERODOXY is a flawless selection of songs that combines the catchiness and pop sensibility of the singles with the darkness and intensity at the heart of the GazettE.
URUHA: Yes, exactly (laughs). 
KAI: I guess you could say that it is as "flawless" as it can get (laughs).
"If I didn’t have a strong mentality, it wouldn’t be surprising if I shattered over and over again"
ー The hardest thing must have been choosing entries for "ABYSS" and "LUCY".
URUHA: We had an online meeting with the members about that. We put the songs on a spreadsheet and discussed it like “ahh, right, mmm, maybe this”. I think it felt close to how we decide on a live set list.
KAI: At that time, when we listened to some songs again, we thought, “Is it really so that an intense song = a “LUCY” song?”. Even for “ABYSS”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if a song is a ballad it’ll be included there. For some of them, there were specific comments such as, “Isn't it too beautiful a song to be included in "ABYSS"?". So the entries for this best-of album were selected not only by their melody, but also by considering the deeper meaning and characteristics of each song.
ー It seems that this best-of album project also involves remastering, so considering that different ages of production had to be put into a single album according to its concept, was there anything that you had to order the band to do?
URUHA: What we mainly focused on was the length of time. This time we were not looking for any particular change in sound quality, and we only made some adjustments to the sound level when all the songs were laid out on each disc, based on our current sensibilities. We didn’t consciously change the songs just because they’re old.
KAI: This time probably all the members were thinking in the same way, and I didn’t really have to say anything. We simply adjusted the acoustic pressure so that no piece feels out of place when you listen to the disc.
ー So when you listened to HETERODOXY after the remastering, did you notice anything that made you realize that you have grown or changed?
URUHA: Huh, did I... When we’re playing songs from the past on the current tour, I feel that how I’m producing the sound is different between now and the past, so there’s no doubt that the quality in all aspects is now better than it was. Of course, that was the best we could do back then, but I can feel the change.
KAI: When I listen to it, I also feel “Oh, this kind of phrase was very characteristic of me at that time,” or “Oh, so this is the kind of sound I used to make at that time”. In the end, I have always aimed to surpass my past self, and when I look back on my work, I can clearly see that trajectory in the sound.
URUHA: It depends on the song, but I feel that the guitars used to be more clunky in the past (laughs). As time goes by, I definitely feel that the band is becoming more harmonious in terms of sound!
KAI: Really, in our early days, we didn’t even do any pre-production before recording. Back then, I often didn't know what the other members were going to play when we were recording the drums (laughs). I think the biggest change was that from a certain point on, I learned how to properly grasp the composer's intentions while also understanding what everyone else was doing and coming up with my own sound.
URUHA: Even though we have our own ideas about what we want to do, the GazettE’s current style is to produce sound while complexly looking at the whole picture from the listener’s perspective of how cohesive we are as a band. I think over the past 20 years the GazettE has gradually learned that sometimes it’s important to cut out unnecessary things.
ー To put it simply, even just comparing DIM (2009 release), which had a particularly dense sound, and your latest release, MASS, you can tell that the sound is very different, right?
URUHA: If we go further back to NIL (2006 release) or STACKED RUBBISH (2007 release), in retrospect it feels that the combination between guitars is “hard to see”. Solos and other interactions are fine, but I feel that there were unexpectedly many small places on the underside where we conflicted.
ー Can I now ask Kai-san, as the drummer of the GazettE, what is your greatest weapon at the moment? 
KAI: It’s difficult to explain in words, but first and foremost, it’s the fact that I’m in a position to create a sense of dynamics in the band's sound. I think this is the role I was meant to take on. Our basic style right now is that the melody, lyrics, and the so-called emotional parts of a song are left to other parts of the band, and I’m in the background supporting them and bringing out the dynamics.
ー Uruha-san, same question for you. What is your greatest weapon as a guitarist of the GazettE?
URUHA: It’s satisfying that the more I pursue the way I use physical equipment, the playing method and technique, the more interesting they become and the more my skill grows, but I feel like it’s not the most important thing here. What I personally want to polish is my sensitivity, and I think it would be ideal if I could use that as a weapon.
ー So it seems that the members have been diligently working on themselves over the past 20 years. If there was anything you have been able to "obtain" in these 20 years, what is it? I am sure the list of those things is long, but I would like you to focus on just one.
URUHA: A strong mentality, I think. It’s something I’ve been able to obtain only because I’ve been in a band for 20 years. If I didn’t have it, it wouldn’t be surprising if I shattered over and over again (laughs). There were a lot of times when I refused to give up.
KAI: To be honest, I’m glad that we became a band where the members are able to discuss things properly with each other. If we didn’t, I think we would have disbanded by now. Discussing solutions to problems is one thing, but in our case, even when something generally bad happens, the five of us complain to each other (laughs). So I think our strength lies in being able to share and confront things together.
ー Were there times when you sublimed the frustration by turning it into a song?
KAI: There definitely were. That's what I call having a strong emotional strength (laughs).
URUHA: In a way, that’s because we are a rock band. Like, if something pisses you off, you turn it into sound. I think that has always been in the foundation of the GazettE.
ー Ah, the fact that HETERODOXY is now being released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the GazettE makes me deeply emotional.
KAI: When you listen to our best songs, I think you can cover the GazettE's past and present at a glance.
URUHA: This is without a doubt a package that will show different people what kind of band the GazettE has come to be over the past 20 years.
ー I can understand that! Finally, please tell us about the GazettE's vision for the year 2023 and the future.
KAI: With the release of our 10th album, MASS, and the band’s 20th anniversary, we have reached a lot of milestones recently. Even though there have been some irregularities because of corona, I think that from 2023 on there won’t be any more special topics in various aspects. For the GazettE, 2023 is the year when we’ll return to our usual business, and our fans may be wondering, “What are you going to do after the 20th anniversary?”. I think we’re entering a period where we need to show our fundamental strength as a band. We want to continue our activities so that everyone can feel what the GazettE is all about, cherish what we’ve been protecting, and challenge ourselves with new things.
URUHA: I think that the process of revisiting past songs live and releasing the best-of album in honor of our 20th anniversary gave us a good impulse for the coming year and beyond. When we faced our past again, we were able to reconfirm and gain a deeper understanding of who we as the GazettE are, and now we are well-prepared to create something new from this point on. Looking forward to moving on to the next project!
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mekanikaltrifle · 2 years
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In (the World of) Darkness
(Inspired by @cruddyart’s character lineup)
I’ll post some summaries here for you all, just so we’re up to date on everyone (and as a handy quick reference guide if you are ever unsure who these bastards are :D)
(edited to add some links to songs for the little guys. Most have a ‘theme’ and a ‘current vibe’ for where they’re feeling in their relative narrative spot. Most are not super cheerful!)
Top Row (2021 characters):
- Domino Giovanni (formerly Dom Winters), 10th Gen. clan Giovanni neonate. Independent/Clan aligned. Sired in 2006 at age 26. (Game: Alien Hunger/Harbour of Resentment 2006-2009, currently active).
American (origin: Denver, Colorado)
Personal Theme/ current vibe
Result/victim of strange Kindred scientific experiment into curing vampirism, the results of which were lost. Betrayed by their teammates, nearly decapitated before they were enlisted into the Family and Clan Giovanni. Budding necromancer, former Counter-Strike champion.
- Andrew Serafim, 13th Gen. clan Toreador antitribu fledgling. Sabbat aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 27. (Game: Cauldron Crusade/Atlanta Chronicle, 2020), currently active
English (origin: South London)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Part of the winning team in a Sabbat Bat Race, hours after Embrace. Has a ghoul in his long time friend Madelaine Webb. Immensely athletic and dexterous, previously a national-level aesthetic gymnast in life. Insanely tall.
- Glass Man, 13th Gen. clan Nosferatu neonate. Camarilla aligned. Sired in 2003 sometime in his mid-late 20s. (Game: Boston Nosferatu Chronicle, 2007, currently inactive)
American (origin: Syracuse, New York)
Personal theme
Has access to out-of-clan Fortitude, is a trainee assassin and poisoner. Previously was a junior doctor in life. Enthusiastic free-runner, covers his whole body at all times.
Bottom Row (2022 characters):
- Ms Lina Meijer, 10th Gen. clan Malkavian fledgling. Anarch aligned. Sired in 2012 at age 30. (Game: Den Haag Chronicle, 2012, currently active)
Dutch (origin: somewhere in South Holland, the Netherlands)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Embraced in a mass-Embrace of three, became embroiled in a bloody civil war in Den Haag and Rotterdam. Currently hiding out in Malaga in Spain, hoping things will quiet down. Very able combatant. Has a firearm illegally.
- Dr Dani Reyes, 12th Gen. Tremere fledgling. Independent aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 32. (Game: Atlanta Chronicle Part 2/ A.Rubra, 2020, currently active)
Mexican (origin: Guadalajara, Jalisco)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Was originally a ghoul, and then Embraced in a violent manner by Silas via their domitor Atlas. Known to have committed diablerie in the interest of saving an ally’s life and destroying a genocidal maniac. Honestly just wants a nap.
- Mai Le Pham, mortal. Aware of the supernatural, first encounter in 1997. Aged 30. (Game: Cognitohazard, 1997, currently active)
American (origin: somewhere in the desert, South California)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Investigated eerie happenings in her apartment block with a couple others, only to find the place full of Slashers. Befriended a Deviant by virtue of being unfazed by/oblivious to their odd vibes. Was shot in the abdomen, and healed using demonic blood, and then made a sacrifice of her own blood to the ‘angel Gabriel’ to get free of a strange alter-dimension. Currently on a road trip to Phoenix.
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teeswrites · 4 months
LN- All roads lead to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
-----------------------------------------------------------Last chapter! I made a little text in the end, please read it. Also, I found a song I used to listen to when I was younger and it fits perfectly to the story. I will link it at the end (so there're no spoilers) if you like to listen to it.
Without further ado, enjoy :)
Chapter 8 (final): Austin... again (feat. Mexico City)
October, 10th, 2022
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou, China:
10:38 PM
Since Suzuka, she hasn't heard about Lando. He said he would text her but he didn't. At first, she didn't even notice cause she woke up late and almost lost the start of the race. After that, she went out with Pierre and Yuki, some Yuki friends, and Daniel for a round (or many rounds) of sake. As a result, she ended up with a bad hangover and an early flight to Amsterdam with a stopover in China. And of course with an Australian lad on her hair.
She was sitting next to Daniel with a chai latte in her hands. She had her hoodie on and sunglasses for the hangover "I should have never drank that amount of sake" "Me neither, Dan. Me neither" in that moment, in that cold airport in China with a Starbucks cup burning her fingertips, she remembered she had a phone. She opened Whatsapp and looked into her messages, she scrolled down the screen and stopped at Lando's contact. The last message from him was October, 8th at 6:18 PM: 'I'm already here :)'. Which took her to the question mark expression on her face. 1 day, 17 hours, and 20 minutes and Lando didn't say a word to her. He said he would text on the race day. "Son of a bitch" "Hey, Dan" he hummed "Do you know about Lando?" "What do you mean?" "Don't hear about him since classification day" "Do you talk frequently?" "No, but... What do you know about him?" "Well, the last time I saw him was at Suzuka on race day. He was a little off, you know?" "Off?" "Yes, like his head was in another place". She turned white like a ghost. Just as he was when left the hotel room. Fuck.  "Oh! Do you think he is okay?" "I've no idea. Why?" "He told me he was going to text me, but he didn't" "Did you fall on his web?" "I... No! He was supposed to text me about a resort in Mexico. I told him the other day I will spend a week in Cancun and two in Punta Cana, he already has been there so he told me he was texting me some tips". Daniel looked at her and nodded his head "Did you sleep with Lando, didn't you?" She took off her sunglasses and looked into the Aussie man's eyes "Yes, twice" "Nooo, darling! You weren't supposed to sleep with Lando! He's in his fuckboy era" "Exactly why I slept with him" she wore the sunglasses again "You are not expecting him to be romantic are you?" She kept silent "What have he told you?" "It's not what he said, it's what he did" "What?" "He took me to a winter Sakura festival in Tokyo" "But it's not winter" "exactly, he paid for it" he widened his eyes "You were naive. People like Lando right now would do anything to have sex with their current target" she thought about Abu Dhabi but Daniel didn't have to know about it "Especially him that have a lot of money to spend and a lot of targets to hit" she was about to retort but Daniel probably was right "Should I text him?" "You can do it but then you will be just one more girl who doesn't know how to have a casual relationship based on sex for him". she looked at his contact "Probably yes" and blocked her phone again. She sipped on her chai and laid her head on Daniels's shoulder "I just want to go to drain all the sake from my bloodstream" He chuckled "did you imagine Yuki drank like that?" "Not in a thousand lives" "We should have taken him to Amsterdam with us" Daniel huffed "The kid would go crazy".
A week later
October, 23th, 2022
Circuit of The Americas, Austin, Texas.
She watched from distance Lando giggling with a group of giggly girls. "Does he think I am cool?" She asked herself "Because it's been 14 dias since we texted the last time. And he doesn't seem to care". In her opinion, they were just both too proud for it. But apparently, he still had the same habits. When the girls dispersed, she approached the McLaren's driver and touched his right shoulder without saying a word. He turned and a silly smile on his face seemed to fade away. He took a moment to fake another smile "Oh, hi!" "Hi, Lando" "How are you? I... I am sorry for not texting you. I was going to but..." He hoped she would complete his phrase so he wouldn't need to invent an excuse himself but he got nothing but silence "I was busy, you know?" "Really?" she said with an incredulous tone "You were busy? For 2 weeks? So busy you couldn't even send me a voice message?" "Well... Yes!" "Like right now?" "Hum?" "The girls" "what about them?" "You have been busy like you were with them?" He didn't have to say anything, he couldn't hide the truth. At least not from her. "If you wanted to talk to me, why didn't you just text?" "I had the feeling I wouldn't get anything but an empty answer after 5 days of an agonizing wait" "I don't know why are you acting like that. If you came here to be rude with me you should have stayed home" wow. How rude could Lando be when he was defensive? She decided to act like an adult because one of them needed and clearly Lando was not going to be the one "I just wanted to talk, didn't mean to be rude" she said in the most neutral voice tone she could find. He took a few seconds to listen to the words he had said to her and took a deep breath to calm himself. "What do you want to talk about?" "What happened? I mean, you felt distant when you came back to the store in Tokyo. I thought it was just an initial shock and you were tired but you just missed. You always do that when we finally get along. Why?" She knew he was afraid of commitment but she wanted to hear his perspective "I was going to text you in Suzuka but I was not good and I knew I would make you feel upset too, so I just took some time to myself to think" "In which conclusion did you get?" "None really" "none?" "I mean, I know I want you. I just still struggle to make it only the two of us. Then you come and get jealous because I was with some girls and it becomes even more difficult" he was pissed "I just don't like when you flirt with other girls in front of me. It makes me feel insecure" "No worries, next time I'll flirt with them out of your sigh" She took a deep breath, she was opening herself to him, talking about her feelings, and being vulnerable and he was making jokes about it"I was just flirting, what's the matter?" "What's the matter?" she chuckled, almost without patience already "yeah, I was not touching anyone or doing anything but flirt. What's so bad about it? Also, if you feel insecure, that's your problem, not mine" "What do you think a relationship is about?"
"You're aware we are not a couple, right?". She had enough. She asked Lando to talk not to fight but he was crossing all the fine lines that existed between them already "Yeah. I was good with living with that but when you came to my house and said you wanted to be in my life again, or when you asked me to a 'second first date' as you denominated it, and paid for having a damn festival only because I wanted to see the fucking sakura, when we were so intimate..." her voice failed fue the tears she was holding back "I thought you at least wanted to be one" "You know what?" Lando licked his lips and started "you used to make things lighter but now every time we are together it's the same shit about other girls and relationships, and it turns out you just make everything even heavier now!" When he finished the last word, all he could see were wavy eyes and hurt feelings. She turned bet back to him and started to distance herself from him. Both physically and emotionally. Then she stopped to say one more thing to the British man "You are being an asshole. If you want me to walk away, you should say it. It would make things way easier" She said seriously and rawly, and continued to walk. Lando crossed too many lines with her already. He threw his head back and sighed, frustrated "Fuck".
Later that day:
"Can you, please, eat something?" "You know I don't like eating before racing," he said, nihilistically "Lando" he had an arm stretched on the table with his head laying on it. Without giving himself the effort to move an inch, he grumbled something that should sound like a "Hum?" "Are you alright, love?" Charlotte asked, sincerely concerned with the younger one "I am just not in the mood for eating" he had been like that since the fight. It didn't make him any better person. To get even worse he couldn't take her out of his mind. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. I'm fine" "I understand you don't want to eat, but you must do it" The blonde lady did not get any answer "If you don't, you can faint in the car and cause a big crash". Not a single word left the Britishman's lips. "I ain't going to let that happen" he sighed, knowing Charlotte was not only right, but wasn't going to let that go till he ate something.
He lifted his head and stretched his arm and spine "You're right! I'll eat, ok?" "Can I trust you?" "Can you start to really trust me? Cause I know you don't really mean when you say you do" "It would be easier if you acted as someone I can really trust" "It would be easier if you really trusted me!" Why none women trust him? "Lando!" "I'll eat" "Good! Thanks". Charlotte was going to enter another topic when his peripheric vision caught her frame. Should he invite her for lunch? Yeah! That's the best way to make amends: eating in a nice restaurant with good company. He stood up in a sudden move "Okay, okay. See you later, Charlie" "I didn't finish talking!" but he wasn't listening anymore.
He walked toward her and touched her right shoulder, lightly. Just like she did with him before. She turned to him, and her smile faded away. Just like he did with her before. He hadn't noticed before, but she was dressed as a cowgirl. Like those girls who go to rodeos. She had a pink glittery tank top, denim shorts, in a pocket the words cowboy pillow laid with humor on her left glute, long black cowboy boots, and a black hat with some pink details on the sides. She looked amazing and he could handle not having her again. "Hey... You look beautiful. I mean you always are but this outfit makes you look..." She cut him "What do you want?" "What are you doing here?" "Going to watch the race. Last year I missed it cause someone made me very upset. But this year I won't let anyone get in my way" he knew what she was talking about "I know that. But... right now. Did you have lunch already?" "Yes, with Dan" "Oh! What about dinner can I take you out to dinner?" "No" "Why not" "I don't want to. And I am going to have dinner with someone already" "You what?!" "What's wrong?" "With who?" "A guy I know" "Is it because of what I told you?" "Why else would it be about?" "You're acting childly" she leaned forward and said close to his face "You know we are not a couple, right?" "Sorry for that" "No, you're right. We are not a couple. So you can flirt with your girls and I can have dinner with this guy". For the first time, he understood how she felt during all the period they'd been together "But..." her phone started to ring: 'Giaro 💛💛'.
"The hot Italian model?!" he thought "And he has two hearts?!" "I should pick this up before I make you feel even heavier. Excuse me". Was he her date? She must be kidding him. He could feel the vendetta running in her veins, this could be the only reason she would do something cheeky as it. "You're not going to win this one," he said to himself while staring at her laughing at the phone call.
"Have you eaten already?" Charlotte asked him out of the blue "Fuck! Don't show up like that!" he placed a hand on his chest "Not yet. I'm going now" "I'll join you just for assurance" "See? You don't trust me!".
At night:
He was going crazy alone in that hotel room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, all dressed up to go out, in his hand was his phone. He waited desperately for a call or text from her. "She's crazy" he mumbled to himself "I am the one looking like crazy" he stopped to shake his leg "Fuck it!" he stood up, grabbed his wallet, and hotel key, and walked out the door. Now he had a free pass from her to flirt with other girls "Why am I still here?" he mumbled to himself inside the elevator. Hoping he would forget all of this when he first stepped into the club.
But nothing really changed. Even with all the alcohol in his bloodstream. He was trying to think about the models around him but his mind went back to her. When a blonde lady "accidentally" touched her fingertips on the back of his hand, he couldn't stop thinking about her hand touching another guy's hand over the table. When a brunette touched his knee softly, all he could think was about her knee touching another man's knee under the table. The worst one was when a freckled redhead brushed her ass on his pelvis and he only imagined the Italian's bodies colliding together in bed. Damn. How could he party with those thoughts in his mind? So he decided to call it a night and went back to the hotel. He lost the count of how many times he thought about calling her. Or send that voice message she wanted him to send so much. Or how many drinks he pushed down his throat thinking about her. He even thought he was hallucinating when he passed by a restaurant near the hotel and saw her. It was her and a very handsome guy.
They were all giggly to each other and without his control, a jealous, furious, and drunk version of himself walked toward the table, grabbed her wrist, pulled her against his chest, ignored all her protests, jumped in the pool, and then kissed her. Kissed her fully, desperately, possesively. His tongue danced on her mouth, and his grip on her waist felt so perfect, that he was shivering. Maybe because of the cold water but mainly because of her body. They had no air anymore but his numb neurons didn't care. She felt another hand pulling her from against Lando and bringing her to the surface. Then the same hand pulled Lando to the surface and punched him in the nose. She took the biggest breath of the whole weekend and separated Giaro from Lando before the British man could punch him back "Stop!". She realized how that scene was looking: two grown-up men punching each other like two high school boys, one of them bleeding in the pool of a fancy and expensive grilling restaurant, and a girl who was almost crying in between them. She looked around: everyone looked catatonic.
"Why did I do this, stupid?" he asked himself, now he's going to kill me "Lando! What the fuck?" He tried to touch her wrist but she splashed some water on him and went out of that pool "Ti chiamo dopo, Giaro" "Vuoi un aiuto, bella?" "No, lasciami stare. Si? E anche lui, per favore" "Okay" the Italian man nodded, without agreeing but he would respect her decision. Lando also got off the pool to chase her. "E io mi occupo di tutto questo disordine. Solo" Giaro complained to himself.
"Hey!" Lando shouted "Please, wait!" She stopped, impatient "So. Explain yourself, idiot! What the fuck do you have on your mind?" "Did you see what your guy did to me?" she couldn't believe he was victimizing himself. She looked into his eyes "You deserved! You deserved even more! What's wrong with you?! What was your plan? Throw me in a pool and then kill both of us asphyxiated? So we would die together and kiss for eternity" "I don't know why I've done this, sorry!" "I'm tired of it! You keep on this 'want me, don't want me' game. 'Want to be with me and 7 more girls at a time, want to be with me only'. You tell me we are not a couple, I go out with a friend I've known since I was 7, you freak out and now your nose is bleeding, Giaro's fist is hurt and my dress is wet!" "I already apologized!" "You are such a confusing person that you are turning me into a confusing person as well! Do you know that?" A friend. They are friends. "I just don't want you to be with other guys" he said, ashamed of himself the same way she did before when they first fought "But you can be with everyone you want to?" "Yes. I know that's fucked up but... it's how I truly feel" "Fuck it! I don't want to be next to you right now. Or ever again" She turned her back to leave, but he held her arm " Wait!" "No!" she retreated with her arm "I'd enough of you already. Please, don't look out for me anymore", then she walked away from him.
Lando ended the night drunk, alone, with blood on his new white shirt and with water on his trainers. The opposite of what he thought it would be. He stared at his phone, her name with a pink heart in front of it. He never had the opportunity to show her. Or to confirm if she liked pink. He scrolled to his contacts and called Max Fewtrell "I think I fucked up everything this time".
October, 31st, 2022
Mexico City, Mexico
Lando thought she was going to be in the race but he was mistaken, cause when Sunday came and she did not appear there. She posted a picture from the airplane and wrote right above Mexico City. It turns out she was there for other business.
The day before race, Lando was following Daniel around the hotel "Daniel, you must tell me" "Bro, I don't know what you are talking about" "You do know. I know she's in Mexico, she posted on her social media" "Why don't you simply ask her?" "She wouldn't pick up the phone, or text back. And even if she does, she wouldn't tell me where she is" "So I shouldn't tell you" "Daniel" he stopped in front of the Aussie man, forcing him to stop walking, and held his shoulders "I am trying to fix the shit I've done. Can you, please, help me?" "You should have texted her when you told you would" "I know that but I decided to change, to fix everything. But I need you to tell me where she is" Daniel could see the despair in Lando's eyes. He could see he was up to do anything to find her, with or without Daniel's help. He huffed "She's at Costa Esmeralda" "Where?!" "Is in Veracruz" Lando grabbed his phone and started to search "La Guadalupe beach, you'll find her there" "4 hours?! Shit. Thanks, Dan" Daniel held his wrist "Don't do more damage than you already have done" "It's what I intend to"
October , 31st, 2022
Playa La Guadalupe, Costa Esmeralda, Veracruz, Mexico
She was standing looking at the ocean, she knew he was coming, Daniel warned her. And when the time came, when a hand found its way to her left shoulder, she knew it was him. She turned around and protected her eyes from the Sun with her forearm"You really can't do what people tell you to, can you?". He remembered the phone call with Max in Austin:
' "Max?" "It's pretty early here in the UK just for you to know and maybe consider calling another time. Just maybe" "I think I really fucked up everything this time" Max could feel the sadness in his voice "Have you been crying?" "Yes" his voice failed "Yes, I did" "What happened?" "I told her I would text but I didn't, today we met in Austin, and she came to talk to me, I said very rude things, such as "You make my life even heavier than already is" and she went out with a guy to make me jealous but they were just friends, I went out, got drunk, jumped in a restaurant pool with her, almost killed her drowned, her friend punched my nose and she said she never wants to see me again" Max definitely needed more information about the chaotic 24 hours Lando had in Austin but he didn't need to hear anything more not even a syllable for getting into the conclusion he already has gotten back in last year's Austin: they were no good to each other "Lando..." he took a deep breath " What do you want me to say?" "What do I do now?" "You leave her alone" "What?!" "You stop calling, texting, chasing her. You stop appearing in her house and you stop following and stalking her on social media. That's what you do now" "Why should I do that if I love her?" it was the first time he admitted that out loud "You do even if you love her, you guys can only hurt each other. You know that, I know that, and she knows that too". How could Max tell him something like that? He got angry with his roommate "You are a very shit adviser. Good night, Max" and hung up on the British lad's face. Max already expected that behavior from Lando. He also knew he would realize it was the right thing to do, sooner or later.'
Lando's head went back to the present "No, I can't" "What now, Lando? What rude things will you tell me now?" "You were right. I've been acting confusingly. I'm sorry, I'll do better from now. I'll be better for you" "No, you won't. We both know you won't" his eyes started to get wavy "Don't do this" She placed her hand on his face "We both will go crazy like that" he placed his hand over hers "It must have another way. I'll..." he tried to think but his mind was in shortcircuit "...stop going out, I won't..." Everything was a blank space in the moment he realized the reality "...even look to other girls, I'll do everything you tell me to do, be only yours..." "Will you change yourself entirely just to fit in my standards?" then he heard himself, she was right. She shouldn't diminish her standards for him, she didn't deserve any less than what she demanded from him since they first met. And he shouldn't change himself to be with her. They were simply incompatible "Please..." he whispered "We need to" she smiled with her lips "But don't worry. If we're meant to be, all roads will lead me to you" he smiled, a tear rolling down his face "By now we must follow different paths, yes?" He dried the tears that rolled down and swallowed the rest of them "I believe it's the best" she smiled "Come here" She opened her arms for a hug and he pulled her against his bare chest. He held her tightly, he breathed all of her in. Intoxicating himself for the last time. When he let her go, she held his hand "Good luck in Brazil" and started to walk away. He held her hand till the last finger slipped away "Thanks" "Bye, Lando" she waved "Bye bye" he waved back and watched her fade away to the shore.
He took a deep breath and switched his gaze to the ocean, he saw the waves come and go but never die. Maybe they were waves and maybe now that he let her go he could be a better person, a better version of himself, and so does she. Till fate join them together again, if it was meant to be.
First of all, the song I mentioned ;)
In second place, I want to show you guys who Giaro is. I know him from Martin Garrix's music video lions in the wild but I don't know if Lando and him actually know each other in real life. I just think he is handsome enough to cause jealousy and he's Italian, so it fitted perfectly.
So, I know most of you expected a happy ending for them. I confess it was the plan when I first started to write this story but it happens that during the process I fell in love with someone with whom I had a complicated relationship, quite very similar to the relationship I wrote for them. Very ironic, no? I will never write about a toxic relationship again lol But the thing here is: I suffered so much till the moment it was decided to call it an end and when I started to work again on ARLTY I couldn't simply put a happy ending to it cause I couldn't let other people read it and maybe have the empty hope that everything was going to be alright at the end (like I did for so long). If you are in a situation like that or know someone who is in a situation like that DO NOT postpone something that is too broken and bruised already. You can't be happy if you have to change yourself or your standards completely to be with someone. So if you all take a time to reflect you'll see that the end was happy. For both, they were free to pursue relationships that would make them truly happy and meet their needs.
It was so good for me to write this one. It's so personal to me (and also has some parts in which I literally narrated my life) that it healed me and it freed me during the process. I can only thank everyone for the support and, of course, please don't send me death threats because of the end lmao
Also, I want to reinforce that I really like Lando, I'm a big fan of him, and this is only fiction and I really hope he's not like this in real life haha
I look forward to writing more fics, maybe about Charles now 🤭 what do you think?
Anyway, thanks for your company till the end and I really hope you liked the story and learned something with it. Lemme know!
A warm hug,
Tees 💜
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mimisaurora · 1 year
The Final Broccoli Shareholder Meeting ☆
I had originally written the below portion for Mia's 10th Uta no Podcast episode: Music Talk, as she tends to go over occurrences and fandom news that have come out between episodes toward the end of the show. However, considering the nature of the news, I felt it would be good to also share part of the transcript here so that those who do not listen to the show, or may not know otherwise, can get a better understanding as to what's been going on.
Minor edits have been made for clarity.
Without further ado....
Broccoli held their 29th stakeholder meeting on May 26th, 2023, resulting in much controversy within the Utapri fandom. It is believed that around 160-170 people were in attendance; and from my understanding of this thread by @active_cns_N, Broccoli as a company has fostered a culture of allowing fans to interact directly with their staff at these meetings to discuss topics outside of just management policies, which is customary in this kind of gathering. Because Broccoli will be delisting themselves from the stock market, this would be their final public shareholder meeting. Please keep in mind that the information detailed in this summary are consolidated from various tweets that came from the attendees themselves, and no minutes have been released as of writing this document. As a result, there may be some things that may need clarification or amendment at a later date. 
In any case, it is believed that Broccoli were expecting to be answering questions regarding the Happinet acquisition considering their lack of preparedness, vagueness, and overall lacking responses regarding Dolce Vita, Backdol and Utapri as whole. These subjects took up most of the duration for the meeting. In fact, I believe it was mentioned that only one question regarding the acquisition was asked throughout the entire meeting, which may have been a shareholder asking if Broccoli was intentionally sabotaging themselves so that Happinet's tender offer could get to 1,500 yen and allow for an easier acquisition. The current President affirmed that no such actions were taking place.
This would be a good segway to mention that the current President of Broccoli is Shigeki Suzuki who served as director and senior managing executive officer at Happinet, being appointed back in April of 2022. The chairman and executive director of Broccoli are also previous Happinet employees.
At this time, it seems there is only one female executive in the company and she is believe to be the producer responsible for overseeing the Utapri project. There are no women currently on the board of directors.
Now for what everyone's been waiting for: As supporters of Uta no Prince-sama, what do we need to know?
♫ Dolce Vita is still in development and Broccoli asserted that it will see a release date; they explained that the reason development on the game slowed to a crawl had to do with having few staff members who are well-versed in the world of Uta no prince-sama and that with the expansion of the movie projects, Shining Live and SSS among other things, it has been difficult to allocate resources to Dolce Vita. The discontinuation of the PS Vita game console also had a huge impact on DV's development. Broccoli emphasized that they want to carefully craft a game they feel the fans will be satisfied with and are very cognizant of its significance and want to be careful with the product they end up releasing. They also declined to say specifically if there would or would not be new information coming out on the 13th anniversary.
♯  It's been brought to light after the meeting that Broccoli currently has up to five (5) different job postings on their site directly related to Utapri in some capacity, like the hiring of a content director, graphic designer, and staff for scenario direction and writing among other roles.  ♯  It's also worth mentioning that historically, the writing for the Utapri games have largely been outsourced to other companies. It wasn't until ASAS that the content was produced in-house.
♫ The title of Uta no Princess-sama from Uta no Princess-sama: Back to the Idol will not be changed, and that after an internal discussion on the matter, did not see the reason to change it and stand firm with Agematsu's vision for the project. They maintain that there will be no crossover between the franchises.
♯ When asked exactly what to expect from Backdol, and why there was a severe lack in quality for their recently released videos (like the recently published Golden Week series), Broccoli only answered the question in part and said they are "making efforts to improve the quality of their videos".
♫ Broccoli was also asked why Backdol and Utapri were so similar despite having nothing to do with each other and asked if their neglect for female-oriented content despite their enthusiasm towards male-oriented IPs had to do with the lack of women among the board of directors. Their response is as follows: On the similarities between Backdol/Utapri: The company does not perceive it to be that way. On the lack of women among the board: While there are no women among the board of directors, they do have a female executive officer (likely referring to Sayaka Konno) who is involved in the development of concepts. Within the company, women also outnumber men in middle management positions and female employees are constantly involved in projects such as Utapri. The prospect of a female on the board is welcome and desired, but they do not consider appointments solely on gender alone. Again, because of the amount of women in the company, it is only a matter of time before some of them transferred to director or executive officer positions. They also emphasized that the opinions of female staff are more readily accepted and incorporated compared to their male counterparts when it comes to content creation. All of this to say that the company feels they are not inhibiting their voices.
♫ When it comes to the mishandling and lack of sufficient stock for event merchandise, Broccoli could only conjure a vague response stating they will "make efforts to improve the situation"
♫ Broccoli has plans for upcoming Birthday celebrations but would not say exactly what. They also did not have anything to say regarding the apparent discontinuation of the Birthday Collection series.
That is as much information as I can remember to include at the moment and am unsure if anything was missed, so anyone with more to share, please don't hesitate to correct or add to in the chat or comments below.
There is much to be said about the acquisition because of Happinet's apparent limited understanding of otome or romance content and Broccoli's responses in general but all I can hope as an enthusiast of the franchise is that it all turns out for the best.
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hey !! i was thinking about whether this year’s esc winner is already set in stone and the likelihood that käärijä could still manage to bag the win with a majority televote score …
i was feeling kind of nervous about it all but then i thought back to 2021 - (i haven’t watched it in a while so correct me if i’m wrong,) but did måneskin get that many high scores from the jury? I don’t think they got many 12 points there at least? (maybe just enough to get a rather average jury score i can’t remember)… they had some 12’s tho i think.
… obviously måneskin absolutely dominated the televote so i was wondering if there could be a similar situation in 2023 as to 2021, as 2021 had some hugely competitive acts and it was a nail biter up to the last minute ✨ (i’m tryna remain positive to manifest this win ahahah 💆🏻‍♀️)
This is one of those asks that lighted me up with need to answer with a thousand-word essay 😄 My take on why these cases are different and why Sweden is the winner Eurovision 2023 under the cut 👇
How to win with televote
Your arguments about Måneskin winning are correct. Italy got a set of 12 points from the Slovenian (neighbour), Croatian and Georgian juries but their average jury score was only 5,42. Both Italy 2021 and Ukraine 2022 won thanks to televote despite being only fourth in the juryvote. Here’s my explanation.
In 2021 the differences between jury favorites weren’t that big. Switzerland had 267 points, France behind them 248 points, Malta 208 points and Italy 206 points. Juries tend to go for artistic ballads but televote rarely shares that sentiment, so Switzerland’s “flop” was predictable. Malta is the biggest jury favorite in Eurovision history so their lower placing in televote wasn’t a surprise either. France did well in both components, deservedly so, and over all placed second behind Italy by only 25 points.
In 2022 Ukraine landslided the televote by getting exactly 200 points more than Moldova who came in second. They got an astounding average of 11,26 points from every country’s televote, and I don’t think we’re going to see a result like that for a while if ever. I believe that Ukraine would have won last year anyway, but understandably the war had a huge effect on televoters.
Sweden vs. Finland
Juries love Sweden. Or rather, Sweden has learnt to send entries that fit to the jury taste. These are the Swedish results from the last ten years: 2012: jury 1st, tele 1st 2013: jury 3rd, tele 18th 2014: jury 2nd, tele 3rd 2015: jury 1st, tele 3rd 2016: jury 9th, tele 6th 2017: jury 3rd, tele 8th 2018: jury 2nd, tele 23rd 2019: jury 2nd, tele 6th 2021: jury 17th, tele 11th           2022: jury 2nd, tele 4th
Eight times of ten, jury has loved Sweden more than televoters. Of those eight, they have placed Sweden in their top-3 seven times. Of those seven, they have won three times.
However, the juries' attitude towards Finland is very different. Since the juries came back in 2010, Finland has failed to make it to the final thanks to juries three times (2010, 2015, 2017) when the televote would have been enough for qualification. In comparison, here are our results from the last ten years.
2012: jury 12th, tele 12th in semi (NQ) 2013: jury 18th, tele 20th 2014 jury 7th, tele 17th 2015 jury 16th (last), tele 10th in semi (NQ) 2016 jury 12th, tele 15th in semi (NQ) 2017 jury 12th, tele 10th in semi (NQ) 2018 jury 24th, tele 21st (in semi jury 15th and tele 7th, thanks to televote 10th combined and qualified) 2019 jury 16th, tele 17th (last) in semi 2021 jury 11th, tele 4th (in semi jury 6th and tele 1st) 2022 jury 22nd, tele 16th
Why Sweden is the frontrunner
Just going into the contest, Sweden is almost guaranteed jury support. By looking at the results from previous years it is safe to say Loreen is going to be the jury winner. There is a slight possibility that we get a surprise jury winner like Austria in 2018 and North Macedonia in 2019. However, that would require there to be a clear jurybait song with great vocals, most likely a powerful ballad with innovative staging, and as far as I see, there are really no contenders for that this year. Who could surprise us? Switzerland, Spain, Estonia? Maybe Ukraine because their entry this year is so much slicker and more modern?
I'd also like to point out that in 2021 the jury winner placed sixth in the televote and in 2022 fifth. That is not going to happen in 2023. Loreen is a former Eurovision winner, fan favourite, charismatic, great singer and performer, the staging shows something never before seen on Eurovision stage (assuming they’ll bring the led screens with them to Liverpool) and Tattoo is already a huge hit so it’s not going to be too artistic or boring for the casual viewers. Sweden isn't even a country anyone would vote against for political reasons. I can’t see Loreen placing outside televote top-3. She can easily get over 300 points from the juries (average of 8,34).
Can we trust the odds?
There are years when neither the betting odds or fans have no clear idea which country is going to win, but those are in the minority. We’ve had some out-of-nowhere winners like Austria 2014 and Portugal 2017, who only begun to shine during the rehearsal week, but the way I see it that 2023 is going to be like 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019 and 2022 when the odds got the winner right weeks or months before the contest. As far as I can remember, the odds have always managed to predict a Nordic winner 😄
People have been pointing out to me that the odds might be wrong and Finland still has the chance to win despite being second in the odds. I do worry that the betting odds are failing us this year, but for a different reason. My concern is that thanks to the Käärijä hype that has been going on in Finland since January has made lot of Finns bet for their own country. In 2015 the night before the first semi final Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät was sixth in the odds to win the whole contest, only to end up in last place of their semi.
It is not often that Finland believes in their own chances in Eurovision, but when we do it sometimes makes us blind for what is realistic. Not everyone making Eurovision bets is familiar with how the juries usually vote and how that might effect the overall result. Not to mention that despite Finland being second in the odds behind Sweden, their winning chance is now 40% and ours only 15%.
Personal prediction
Please keep in mind that I’m not an expert of betting odds nor Eurovision, just a fan with a love for statistics 🙃
As for Finland, just qualifying let alone a placement in top-10 is of course an amazing result for us – hell, we’ve never even qualified more than twice in a row! My wish is that we could somehow crack into top-5 for the first time ever (2006 not taken into account). There is a possibility that we could win the televote (depending on running order) but juries are going leave Käärijä outside top-10, which means our placing is around 6th/7th in the overall results. Juries rarely care about silly upbeat songs especially if they are sung in native language and based on that I see Finland going the same route as Moldova 2022 (2nd in tele, 20th in juries, 7th combined) or Norway 2019 (1st in tele, 18th in jury, 6th combined).
Sweden wins. Loreen either wins both the juries and televote or placing in second/third in one or both of them. We might have a different jury winner (Spain? Switzerland?) or televote winner (Finland? Norway? Czechia?) but it doesn’t matter because they both flop in the other component (still placing in top-10 though).
You can quote me May 14th 2023 🙂
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f1-primers · 10 months
A Brief History of Aston Martin in Formula 1
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While most F1 fans will know Aston Martin as the latest iteration of ‘Team Silverstone’, the car manufacturer had a very brief spell as a constructor in 1959 and 1960, in which they build their own engine as well as the car chassis. Like many British based teams their cars were painted in British racing green, which continues to be the team’s main livery colour today.
While Aston Martin didn’t score any points across their five entries, the team did net 4 top 10 finishes, with the team’s best result being Roy Salvadori’s 6th place finished at the British and Portuguese Grand Prix in 1959, and 2nd at the non-championship BRDC International Trophy in the same year.
However the team’s poor run of form led Aston Martin to drop out of F1 after the 1960 British Grand Prix.
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The Aston Martin DBR4, originally driven by Roy Salvadori and Carrol Shelby in 1959
Aston Martin first returned to F1 as a sponsor of the Red Bull team in 2016, including a spell as title sponsor from 2018-2020. In January 2020 Racing Point team owner Lawrence Stroll took a 16.7% stake in the British car brand, which led to the decision to re-brand the team to Aston Martin for the 2021 season.
The 'Team Silverstone’ moniker comes from the various re-bands of the team that was originally founded by Eddie Jordan, who opted to locate the Jordan team factory directly opposite the Silverstone circuit in Northamptonshire.
While the various Team Silverstone team names could have their own post, the timeline goes as follows:
Jordan (1991-2005)Midland F1 (2006) Spyker (2007) Force India (2008-2018) Racing Point Force India (2018) Racing Point (2019-2020) Aston Martin (2021-)
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The AMR22, driven by Sebastian Vettel during the 2022 Austrian Grand Prix
Since 2021 Aston Martin have used Mercedes engines, which Team Silverstone have used in their various guises since 2009. 
Aston Martin’s first driver line-up in 61 years featured German 4-Time World Champion Sebastian Vettel, and Canadian driver Lance Stroll - who scored Aston Martin’s first ever world championship points finish when he finished in 10th place at the season opening Bahrain Grand Prix in 2021.
In the same season, Sebastian Vettel achieved Aston Martin’s maiden podium finish at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, where he finished second. He also finished second at the Hungarian Grand Prix, but was disqualified after the race due to a fuel infringement.
2023 saw Aston Martin’s best ever season to-date, with Fernando Alonso achieving 8 podiums - including three in the first three races - which led the team to secure 5th in the Constructor’s Championship.
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The AMR23, driven by Fernando Alonso during the 2023 Sao Paulo Grand Prix
Their driver live-up for the 2024 season will see Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll be teammates for a second consecutive season. Their line-up also includes reserve drivers Felipe Drugovich and Stoffel Vandoorne, alongside driver ambassador Jessica Hawkins, who became the first female racing driver to drive a Formula 1 car, the AMR21, at an in-season test in 2023.
Outside of the team, Aston Martin are also joint providers of the Safety and Medical cars, which they share with Mercedes.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Since the start of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian authorities have begun integrating ideological and military-themed lessons into school curricula. However, their plans for the upcoming academic year are even more drastic. Children will receive instruction in combat training and learn how to use grenade launchers and automatic weapons, all as part of the required school curriculum. The Russian government has radically revised the list of social sciences, replacing them with militarized or ideological equivalents. Now, instead of economics and law, students will study “traditional values” and the “Russian world.” The independent outlet Holod explained Russia’s new educational model. Meduza shares an abridged version in English.
Russia's educational landscape has experienced significant shifts since the start of the full-scale war. In September 2022, schools across the country rolled out a new class called “Important Conversations,” a state-designed, “patriotic” lesson series meant to bring students’ spiritual and moral values in line with the Russian Federation’s National Security Strategy.
A year later, the Russian authorities supplemented this ideological teaching with military instruction. In addition to things like fire safety and first aid, students began learning “basic military training” in their “Fundamentals of Life Safety” classes. In 10th grade, they learn about the workings of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and “information-psychological warfare.”
Now, the Kremlin is looking to further expand ideological and military teaching in schools. From September 2024, “Fundamentals of Life Safety” will be replaced by something called “Fundamentals of Homeland Security and Defense.” (While related amendments to federal education law were made in July 2023, the program was only officially registered with the Justice Ministry on February 29, 2024.)
A child today, a soldier tomorrow
“Fundamentals of Homeland Security and Defense” (FHSD) is approved for students as young as those in fifth grade, but from eighth grade, the course is mandatory. Among other things, eighth and ninth graders will be taught about the tactical and technical characteristics of the Dragunov sniper rifle, the RPG-7 handheld anti-tank grenade launcher, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, and various hand grenades. Students will also study drill training, general military regulations, “the essence and importance of military discipline,” and “the essence of unified command.”
Instructors are tasked with fostering specific “personal results” in students by the program’s conclusion, including “a responsible attitude toward fulfilling one’s constitutional duty of defending the Fatherland” and “an understanding of the significance of the military oath.”
By ninth grade, students are expected to master skills such as putting on equipment and body armor, “assessing the risks of violating military discipline,” and performing drill exercises. Over the two following years, the program goes even deeper. Tenth and 11th graders will learn the basics of combined arms combat, how to set up a combat unit’s position, and how to use more modern firearms such as the MP-443 Grach pistol and the AK-12 assault rifle.
The FHSD program has between 136 and 238 lessons, depending on the grade level at which it’s introduced. Since schools can independently decide how many hours to allocate for each unit (there are still traditional topics such as disaster preparedness and response), this could add dozens of military lessons to those already required in the “basic military training” block. As a result, a significant portion of the school curriculum will focus on military training and preparing future soldiers for combat. 
The Russian authorities plan to tap “special military operation” veterans to help teach the new subject, according to First Deputy Education Minister Alexander Bugaev, who said the ex-soldiers will fill an “invaluable niche [in schools by transferring] their personal experience.”
These veterans will be prepared for their new teaching career at the Vertex Center for Military Patriotic Education at Russia’s Federal State University of Education. After just 36 hours of training, a former soldier can get a document certifying them to teach in schools. In addition to retraining war participants as teachers, the center will organize military games for children. Officially, the university’s vice rector, Alexey Ryabtsev, heads the program, but the actual work is likely to fall to his deputy, Pyotr Ishkov, who served as deputy education minister of the self-proclaimed “Luhansk People’s Republic” in 2022. However, details about the center itself and its educational programs remain scarce. 
Integrated ideology
Russian schools are also set to make big changes to core classes. Russia’s Education Ministry has already drafted a law that would replace social studies in sixth through eighth grade with something called “Our Region’s History.” While social studies will still be taught in high school, many Russians leave school after ninth grade to go to trade schools.
Less than half of the topics covered in “Our Region’s History” will actually touch on local history because the course is meant to incorporate topics from an existing discipline, “Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Russian Peoples.”
Course topics include: “The Traditional Family,” “Risks and Threats to the Spiritual and Moral Culture of Russia,” “The Russian World,” “Russian Language — the Basis of Russian Culture,” “Spiritual and Moral Values of the Russian People,” “Unity of Values in Russia’s Religions,” “Heroes of the Armed Forces,” and “The Citizen’s Duty to Society.”
Students will still have separate “Important Conversations” classes, but now state ideology will also be integrated into and dispersed across regular subjects.
Previously, ideological subjects could be mostly ignored. While they might influence awards at school, they didn’t have an impact on college admissions. Now that ideology has been added to the core school curriculum, though, related topics will be included on Russia’s college aptitude test, the Unified State Exam (EGE).
Students planning to take the history EGE are now required to know the reasons for “The Revival of the Russian Federation as a World Power,” “The Reunification of Crimea with Russia,” and “The Special Military Operation in Ukraine.” In 2023, only Russia’s annexation of Crimea was included.
In 2024, the list of topics students should know for the EGE in social studies includes things like “The Spiritual Values of Russian Society,” and “The Russian Federation’s State Policy to Counter Extremism.” Neither of these topics was on the exam last year.
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perfecttenth · 10 months
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Hakuga (AnxEyeTea) findings
So there's some more or less interesting stuff in the files.
Oddheader's most recent video about video games tied to cults oOOOooOOOoo showed up in my recommended, and Hakuga was the only game I didn't recognize. The original itch.io page claims that the game was created by the uploader's friend, who took his own life in 2017, and the parents of that friend gave his computer to the uploader, which contained the game in an unfinished state, so the uploader made it playable. Since it was made in Unity, you can extract the game's assets with AssetStudio. The first thing you'll notice upon extracting them is that the game contains actual photos of dead people. Most of them depict the victims of Unit 731, and are completely uncensored. The ones that are related to the unit are used in the "Museum of Shame" area in the game.
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There are also some development screenshots ("Offline.png", "hokugescrin.png" and "hkgunity.png"). Note how in the second one the top and bottom are cropped, and in the third one parts of the top are obfuscated.
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At some point, I found a file that was dated 2021, which would be 4 years after the creator allegedly passed away. And this graphic has multiple variations.
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It wouldn't make any sense for the creator's friend to have put it there, since he said he wanted the game to stay the way the creator left it.
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So then I looked at the audio files in the hopes that I could find the source for some of them, at least the ones that weren't taken from SDR2/Persona 5.
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I reverse searched this one, and it actually led me to a result:
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A soundcloud trap beat. Even though the track is now titled "20", the url still has the original title, which lines up with the filename.
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Having looked at the game's files for as long as I did, there were some glaring similarities between them and the cover art. One featured the japanese Shin Godzilla logo that was also used in-game multiple times, another cover was present as-is in the files, another used the same anime girl in the same 3D program and another one had that exact same picture of Renamon uncropped, which was used as a texture. Overall, they had almost the exact same art style as the game.
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After this was discovered and shared with the Oddheader discord, a "fixed" version of Hakuga with no other info was uploaded on AnxEyeTea's itch.io, being 57mb smaller than the first version.
The Soundcloud account's last activity was on March 10th, 2021. There's no way this account doesn't belong to the original creator of the game, especially when you consider there was no trace of this game on the internet prior to Halloween 2022. That, and the account has its location set to Japan even though a lot of the comments it wrote were either in English or French. What's noticeable is that 1. The syntax of these comments is typical for a native French speaker 2. There are spaces before exclaimation and question marks 3. The first person "I" is always lowercase And before that, I had already tried to compare the writing styles of the game's creator and his "friend", which were exactly the same. Some of the game's graphics were also titled "sans titre", "téléchargement" and "copie" which would indicate that the creator's first language is French.
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This story of "My friend took his life 6 years ago and his parents gave me his stuff so I learned how to use Unity and made this game playable" reeked of bullshit from the start. My first thought was that the creator made up the story of him taking his own life in order to either be shielded from criticism or to make the game seem more interesting by getting people to believe he died.
And finally, by looking up "hakuga reddit" in order to find something else, I found this post. An AMA by the creator, Alex.V/"Akiba Tomoke", hidden in plain sight.
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There's a chance this is fake and was made by a data miner or something (considering the "I" is actually uppercase this time), but this account uses the Akiba name that was only used in-game, and its profile picture is a slightly altered version of an image in the assets that I couldn't find a source for:
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So there you have it. The backstory was fake, there's no real link to a cult, it was just another edgy ARG.
EDIT: But wait, there's more. Somebody other than the OP replied to the AMA post, claiming to be the uploader.
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These were up for about an hour until he deleted one of them and deactivated his account. At the same moment, this was posted to the itch.io page:
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Somewhere in that timeframe, the Soundcloud account also got deleted. Strangely enough, the Twitter account from 2018 (which doesn't mention the friend AT ALL despite being created a year after his alleged passing) is still up. An hour after the intial text appeared on itch.io, some sections of it were rewritten multiple times (these are in chronological order, click for better quality):
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You can see that after the third revision the archive.org link was removed, and right after that the itch.io download for the game was removed. After the last revision, the seperate page for Hakuga was completely deleted from AnxEyeTea's itch.io.
It should be mentioned that as soon as the "fixed" version of Hakuga was uploaded to the itch.io account, a review popped up on the old archived version, which got edited multiple times. Make of that what you will.
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Certain aspects of the now deleted Soundcloud account actually led to the creator's professional design work, some of which still included assets and references to Hakuga. Nowadays he works on music videos, his last one was released in May of this year. I won't link to it here since I assume he doesn't want to be associated with Hakuga under this identity.
The Conclusion
A statement has been made on the itch.io page.
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TL;DR: The creator of the game is still alive and well, nobody died. The premise of someone distributing his dead friend's unfinished Unity project was solely made up for the release of the game. Hakuga was a failed (collaborative?) ARG that utilized suicide, war, depression and drug symbolism as well as images of real dead people that were, in his words, intended to denounce and not forget what happened (specifically in relation to Unit 731). The usage of Japanese text is purely stylistic and mostly nonsensical.
Thanks to everyone on Discord and Reddit who contributed to debunking this.
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charmedhypno · 1 year
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We have officially updated our Covid-19 policy for Charmed!2024!
Here it is, in its long, long glory:
The newest covid-19 vaccine update has been evaluated and released for use in the United States to people aged 5 years and older for Fall 2023. People can get the vaccination if it has been at least 2 months since their last vaccination for Covid-19. This monovalent, single shot vaccine replaces the bivalent vaccine, which is no longer authorized for use. People who have not previously been vaccinated for Covid-19 are considered “up to date” with their vaccinations after receiving this single dose.
This vaccine update is free under most insurance plans in the United States (including Medicaid and Medicare), and will be offered for free in the United States through December 31, 2024 through the CDC’s Bridge Access Program for people who do not have insurance. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html
People who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 may wait 3 months before getting the updated vaccine.
IMPORTANT TERMINOLOGY: Previously, people who received the initial Covid-19 vaccination schedule of 1 primary shot and 2 boosters were considered “fully vaccinated”, however, if they did not received the subsequent bivalent which has been offered in the United States from September, 2022 then they were not considered “up to date”. “Up to date” replaces “fully-vaccinated” as the terminology for desired vaccination status. A person who is “up to date” with their vaccinations beginning September, 2023 is a person who has received the latest updated vaccine, released in September, 2023. This vaccine is now officially the only option available in the United States.
Vaccinations typically take two weeks to reach full efficacy; therefore for the purposes of Charmed!2024 vaccinations will be considered valid if they are received by or before December 27, 2023.
In-person attendees of Charmed!2024 will be required to show proof of “up to date” vaccination received in good time – that is, they must show proof that they have received the Fall 2023 vaccine update by or before December 27, 2023. Proof may be in the form of one of the following: official paper vaccine card, electronic vaccine card, photocopy or digital representation of official vaccine card, website listing your name/vaccination date, dated email for an applicable vaccination appointment, a photograph of some part of the vaccination process (eg. the vial of serum), or other applicable media. If you are unsure that your form of proof will be valid, please contact us before arriving at the event. Proof of vaccination will be verified at badge pick-up.
You can contact us using one of the following ways:
Email us at [email protected] 
Contact us through Charmed! social media: 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharmedHypno
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/121240?sp=1
Tumblr:   https://www.tumblr.com/charmedhypno 
Bluesky: https://charmedhypnocon.bsky.social/
Discord: DM @Noelle_8033
People who are unable to get the updated Covid-19 vaccine for a three month period ending with the final day of Charmed!2024 (January 14th, 2024) due to a previous Covid-19 infection will be considered “up to date” for the purposes of in-person attendance. 
IMPORTANT: if you have a Covid-19 infection that results in you being able to get the updated vaccine within the two week time period before Charmed!2024 begins – that is, December 28th through January 10th – you will not be considered “up to date” with your vaccination and will be ineligible to attend Charmed!2024 in person. 
PLEASE NOTE: the three month waiting period is a CDC recommendation (they use the word “may” not “must”) so it may be possible for people to get the updated vaccine within that time period.
NOTE: At this time, Canada and much of Europe have started or will soon start offering the updated vaccine as well. It appears that in the UK they are limiting vaccine availability to “eligible groups including care home residents, over-65s, front-line health and social care workers, and those at clinical risk”, and Australia has no official schedule available at this time. This information will be updated in this policy as it changes. If you are not a United States resident and are having difficulty receiving your updated vaccine for fall 2023, please contact us using one of the above methods.
In-person attendees at Charmed!2024 will be required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours of badge pick-up, (over the counter test is okay), in picture form in order to pick up their badge. Attendees traveling from overseas must show proof of a negative test taken within 120 hours of badge pick-up. Attendees from Canada are not considered overseas attendees. Attendees can, if they desire, take a test at badge pick-up, however; we would prefer that you do it beforehand and just show a picture of your negative test result.
In-person attendees at Charmed!2024 will be required to wear well-fitting, high quality masks, such as N95s or KN94s at all times while in official convention space. This includes both the private convention area as well as the semi-public registration area. Examples of unacceptable masks include: bandanas, gaiters, and scarfs. Presenters and demo-bottoms may choose to remain unmasked only while actively presenting. There are no exceptions for evening social events and dungeon play. A small number of masks may be available via Convention Operations for people who need them; however, we cannot guarantee this so please do your best to procure your own.
In 2023, we did not require that attendees test daily. However, as in 2023, we are highly recommending that people test daily before entering convention space. Over the counter tests are excellent at detecting a viral load in someone who is contagious, and are currently the best way for people to determine if they need to isolate themselves. Convention Operations may have a small number of tests available for people who need them; please do not count on this and do your best to procure your own.
Charmed!2024 is committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for our attendees. This may mean that our vaccination/mask requirements are stronger/stricter than those of other events or organizations. We understand that this can be frustrating, and we appreciate your adherence to these policies that are for the benefit of every attendee at Charmed!2024.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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How Craig Marshall of NASA met Storm
Craig Marshall is a human NASA scientist who spent one month living on Mars doing research and studying the results of Krakoan terraforming process in the planet of Arakko. While studying the terraformed planet, he eventually warmed up to the Arakki mutants and a few Krakoan mutants on Mars since the former (Arakki) saw him as a kindhearted researcher, not a threat. During the Judgment Day storyline, Arakko-Mars was attacked by Uranos the Eternal. Craig tries to evacuate the Arakki children to safety but they refused to leave as they rather stand their ground to defend the land and fight off the Eternal Death Machines. Then, Storm arrives along with Lactuca the Knower and Sobunar of the Depths, to fend off the Eternal Death Machines. As he watched from the ground, Craig was impressed with Storm's bravery and beauty.
Some time later, Craig has a date with Storm on Arakko-Mars. Craig Marshall also mentioned that his favorite superheroes were Night Thrasher and Storm. Unfortunately, the date was cut short when Charles Xavier interrupted it with a telepathic call to Storm.
- - X-Men Red v2 #6, 2022 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th pics)
- - X-Men Red v2 #11, 2023 (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th pics)
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brooxk · 2 years
My Solar return chart throughout 2023
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Just a first time try out.
Placement observations and their predictions.
Sun, Mercury, North node, Jupiter and Chiron in 10th house.
Since it's the sun, the 10th house causes a big focus on the theme of career and reputation this year for me. I'm finishing 9th grade so its time to think about what I want become and choose the right path for myself that will hell me in the future. North node has a similar meaning too and it's conjunct my sun.
I can't say much about Mercury in 10th, but it might have to do something with the things I say and that they can easily become public. Possibly should think more about what I say, so think before you speak. Since it's in retrograde it can cause some delays and struggles surrounding it. It would be easier to communicate with authorities with the mercury in 10th house. I've been trying to be more communicating as well.
Jupiter in 10th house will cause success in the area of career. It might be easier to get into a school if enough hard work is done (That might include my pluto in 6th house). Jupiter also rules expansion so I'm excited about this placement.
Now Chiron in 10th house. I'm not sure what to except with this placement. It's conjunct my Jupiter so maybe the chiron might be what triggers the Jupiter. Keep in mind this is just a wild guess. This placement might cause some wounds in my reputation and career. There will be things I need to work on relating to that area
Leo AC
This is probably one of my favorite placement of this year. It brings me more confidence and boosts my self esteem. It makes me more social as well and brings creativeness. Possibly more public attention. Since the chart ruler is the in the 10th house then it backs it up.
Saturn in 8th house and Pluto in 6th house
Now these 2 placements i'm scared of this year. Not necessarily scared, it's just unpredictable. Since the 6th house rules health and routine there might be some drastic changes. That could be better or for worse. But from what I'm experiencing it's siding with the worst 🤨 Saturn 8th house doesn't sound that bad to me. Yes it's saturn and it brings some hardship that takes time. But the end result will be satisfying and you might as well gain something that's crucial to your life. ( Can't underestimate Saturn though) It could bring some mental health issues as well. Pluto in 6th house is pretty accurate for this year since I have upcoming exams which means stress.
Uranus and Venus in 11th house.
Beginning or leaving a friend group, meeting new people, spending more time with friends. With the Uranus in 11th house causing unexpected changes. Uranus rules technology as well, and I got a new phone recently. The devices in my house have been slower than usual too. With the Venus in 11th house it's even possible to get friend zoned. I've been wanting to spend more time with my friends too.
Moon and Mars In 12th house.
Hate and love relationship with this moon placement. During these times I've had it, I was spending lots of time alone and I mean lots. I also started journaling and meditating everyday during these times. (This talks more about 2022), I had a pisces stellium in the 12th house and many 1st house placements. I didn't like talking to many people, kept to myself. Also wanted to be alone but at the same time I hated it. Moon in the 12th house gives u alone time, but that helps you get to know yourself more.
Don't really have much to say about Mars in 12th house, for me it's related to hidden enemies and supressing my anger. Had it last year too.
Neptune 9th house
Might cause some confusion in beliefs and idolizing them? Since 9th house rules education. Might be harder to focus on studies this year causing confusion about it, having a hard time to decide what to study in the future?
That's all I have.
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