#untill setting changes then you get new polt
mss-eclipse · 2 years
yall wanna hear about my dream i had last night about sun and moon!
cause i sure do wanna tell before my tea knocks me out into a cold slumber.
SO! basically the first part took place in my living room and i was viewing everything from a 4 year old pov. me and a bunch of other toddlers were in this outdoor dog pin with a blue blanket on the floor. Sun was looking after us but you see the thing is sun is unhinged. And so after play time and the such it was nap time. Sun became even more unhinged telling us we needed to sleep and the other kids slept other than me and this boy. and well because tinny boy was crying sun picked him up and ate him. This left me very anxious in the dream but i was determined to escape, but sun caught me and picked me up in his teeth like a cat would her kittens and snapped a blood vessel that killed me, it hurt like i felt it it was a uncomfortable pinching on my neck i didn't like it.
AND SO WE HAVE a flash fourward and now im being chased by moon and uh he was very scary and what was unique about moon was that he looked like someone drew him , it was a 3d moving version but he didn't look like the one from the game. ANYWHO, im getting told by this girl or something that moon is what spawned the unhinged sun due to the end of their hat being cut off? and from that it made spooky sun ( but dream did not stick to that?) so im getting hunted by moon in this park that has some silent hill fog, and i find a part of his hat that fell off and i have to give it to a kid who is going to chase me ( dream logic) and so i get chased by this kid for a while. Then moon found me ( kid is gone) and i hear this like voice that is like “ but if you eat the moon hat you turn into sun for a short while and moon will be scared of you. so that happens i jump on moons face and he is broke for a while. He then continues to stalk me and well the dream just ends.
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welovemonstergirls · 7 years
Polt and Kii HCs! More love to the secondary characters of MonMusu!
-She always goes on a run in the morning, and she wants you by her side. So you’re getting in shape, like it or not.
– Polt doesn’t mind if you drink. However, she does mind if you do it excessively and/or don’t take the excessive amount of carbs into your diet. She will join you for holidays and birthdays, but not a sip any other time. And if you end up with a hangover, she’s gonna shake her head and say “Told ya this would happen." Nevertheless, she will put a steak and a few raw eggs into a blender with some protein shake and demand you drink it before she allows you out of the room. It’s either fight her or drink the thing. It’s easy to say which is the better option.– Polt has a playlist that she constantly blasts throughout the house that is composed of heavy metal and rock and roll. She calls it her "Running Man” Playlist because it has the perfect running tempo and always keeps her pumped up. Sometimes, you have to ask her to dial it down, though she will apologize and let you play some of your music instead.– Polt kind of ignores any and all stigma against extraspecies, as much as she ignores the fetishization thereof. She likes you because you’re you, just as she likes herself because she could never be anything else. If anyone gives you trouble, though, she growls at them in a threatening manner. She has chased people off in the past. Sprinted at them, then stopped after about 50 meters or so. She’ll brush this off as saying, “Whoo, beat my best time!” or something similar. …On all fours. While barking.-Kii
-Kii is 100% vegetarian, which means that she judges you if she goes out on a late night fridge jaunt and finds meat stuffs in the freezer.
-She’s not vegan, mind. There have been fallen eggs and milk that have fed her soil, so she has no room to judge on that… but killing for the sake of meat is a problem to her. She needs to slowly learn to accept that humans need meat to gain protein. But until she does, she can recommend foods plants that make her feel strong when she roots nearby. Beans and rice are two favorites, especially when they’re together.
-You set up a garden at your home that takes up the entire backyard, and she spends most of her time out there, tending to and enjoying the plants. Sometimes you see her talking to the plants as well. It’s the cutest thing. However, when your plants yield more fruit or grow a little bit taller, you wonder if she really had something to do with it.-Also, at first she hated you, Prolonged exposure to your kindness s what changed her mind. Continual administration of fertilizer to her forest even while she gives you angry eyes slowly wins her over. Soon her orders for you to leave become less and less passionate, and eventually she stops telling you to leave altogether. At that point, you ask her if she would like to stay with you. You will come back and tend to her grove at least once a week, but there is space for her in the yard to start a new grove as well.-She’s quite the tsundere.-She will hang out in the garden for rest, so you don’t need to modify a room for her.
-Though when winter comes, you hear frantic knocks at the door, and when you open it, she’s freaking out over the snow killing all of her plants. Your electric bill goes up drastically during the winter because you have heaters  along the edges of your property to counter the frost, and multiple UV lights shining on the plants. Even though your electric bills skyrocket, you can’t complain because this is the happiest that Kii is out of the year. All the beauty of the snow, with none of it touching her garden. She keeps warm in the UV lights, and she tries so hard to pretend that she likes the cold too, but she just can’t stand it, and she needs to stop trying to force herself too. :I
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