kandyswatchblog · 9 years
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Mashed potato and garlic spinach fried pillows of happiness and joy. For those times when your whole world is falling apart and your child is making you insane and the only thing you can think to do is just...throw fried food at the situation. And mashed potatoes. Note to self: When everything is awful, throw fried food and mashed potatoes at the situation.
Here’s how you make it: Make mashed potatoes. Try not to shame eat the whole pot while sitting naked in your bathtub. Saute some frozen spinach (or fresh spinach, but you should know that nobody likes a show-off) with chopped garlic and lemon, S&P to taste. Try not to go crazy with the salt. You know the mashed potatoes are salty enough because you possess taste buds and enjoy things with flavor.
Bust out the wonton wrappers and drop a bloop of mashed taters and a matching bloop of spinach on one wrapper. Cover with additional wonton wrap, wet the edges until they seal, and crimp with a fork, much like you would a ravioli. Because these are ravioli. Ravioli filled with the love you never had as a child. Fry your unrequited love ravioli in oil. If you don’t have a deep fryer in your kitchen, shallow fry them and use a spoon to splash the oil over the ravioli until they’re golden brown. Drain, add salt (Always Add Salt to Fried Food = AASFF). Dip in sour cream. Go to sleep feeling less alone for once in your goddamn life.
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