#unrelated but all of their baby/young child photos are super cute
rewatching the groan ups promo video where mischief talk about what they were like in primary school, and i'm still quite surprised that three of the seven of them described themselves as shy or quiet. idk it just wasn't what i was expecting from a bunch of comedy actors.
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spooksverse-asks · 8 months
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Something I've been meaning to draw for some months, to officially introduce Vera in her full fairy form(minus the slit pupils, since I forgot those), since she is one~ 🧚‍♀️🧡✨️
I hope you enjoy! :3This has been something big I've been thinking about for her character for a while, so I had a lot of fun putting this all together! :D I imagine some things might change but her character with this big update, but she is still generally the same as before, just a fairy now! ^w^
(Unrelated to her being a fairy but I decided to give her bangs(plus make her hair a little wavier), since I think she looks super cute with them and I imagine she would get inspired to get them after seeing photos of her dad when he was a kid with bangs)
Here is more information about her origin as a fairy! Put under a 'readmore' in case it gets too lengthy lol
She was originally born in the magic realm, a realm that was locked away from regular human society where magical beings could live in peace. She was born during a time of war and personal distress for her fairy mother, who had lost her husband and a lot of her family. Not wanting her child to grow up in such a harsh and cruel world, she placed a spell on her daughter to make her appear human, swaddled her up warmly, and place her in a basket with a blanket, orange butterfly plush, and a note that contained only her birthday and a short message. This message was brief with no identifying details, only mentioning how the baby was born a few days ago in a cruel world, the mother felt unfit to care for her and brought her here, and for whoever finds her, to take care of her last hope. She then traveled through the barrier to the human world, to the city of Poltervale, the first city she found that had such a strong magical and supernatural aura. It was a rainy day so not many were out-and-about, but she found a dry, covered spot in an alley to set her daughter in, and placed one more spell that would make her noticed by humans who could be walking by. Thankfully, a young couple were out on a walk when they heard her crying, and after investigating they discovered her. Once the fairy could determine that the couple would take care of her child, she returned to the magic realm to help put an end to the war. After a long period of a medical checkup, talking with legal officials, trying to figure out her origin and birth family, and the long adoption process, the couple welcomed her into their life as their first child, becoming parents earlier than planned but neither had it in them to leave her alone in the world again. They named her Vera, with the middle name of Hope, inspired by the note that she was found with. Vera lived most of her life believing she was a regular human, but always felt something was "off" with her. She always had such a strong connection with any winged creatures, a few uncanny abilities she could not explain, a big interest in fairies, and had quite a few times where others like her Auntie Suzie has sensed the magical energy radiating from her. It is not until her late teens that a big accident by her hands revealed her status as a fairy and wore off the glamour spell that was placed on her so long ago. She, along with everyone around her at the time was confused, even her parents as they never did find out about her origins. After a long period of searching for answers, making sense of everything that happened, and exploring her newfound form and abilities, she came to terms and was excited to be a real fairy. Still, her curiosity about her origins was never quite quenched and she still yearned for the chance to visit the magic realm someday, but until a moment like that comes, she is content using her fairy abilities for fun, help, and sometimes, a little mischief~
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