bahtsmart · 6 years
Why does it cost so much money to transfer money from Australia to Bangladesh?
I live in Bangladesh and one of the most popular topics of conversation amongst foreigners is the cost of transferring money into Bangladesh.  I hear frequently “what a great deal I got..” No fee or commission on the transaction, or they only charged me $10 fee for the transaction. Unfortunately, this isn’t the whole story…
Typically Australian banks and large transfer agents, like Western Union, charge far higher amounts for a money transfer to Bangladesh than other countries. This is due to a large number of factors, but primarily due to lack of competition and smaller demand compared to AUD/USD or EUR/USD.
Typically the Australian banks and transfers agents will charge 8% to 40% of the money transferred, in fees and charges and Foreign Exchange Rate (“FX”) spreads. For a small $100 transfer, $40 in revenue can be made by the transfer agent through fees and charges and bad FX rates. Even for larger amounts like AUD $10,000, it is not unusual to have almost $800 in revenue for the transfer agent or bank for making the transfer.
The World Bank has a 5x5 goal[1] of all international money transfer costs being only 5% of amount transferred over the next five years. Unfortunately, for money transfers to Bangladesh we are in many cases, a long way away from that today.
How do we calculate these charges?
To a bank or money transfer agent, there are two sources of making money from a transfer. Firstly, fees and charges and secondly from the FX rate .
Why do banks and other transfer agents charge fees?
For many reasons, but primarily as a method to recoup costs or make more profit. For recouping costs these include:
·         swift charges (more on swift next week.. but it’s the main transfer network for banks to move money around the world.)
·         charges for processing a transaction, such as IT costs, people costs, administration costs, etc..
However, we find none of the reasons compelling for higher charges. The main reason is market driven. If there is no real competition, the existing banks and transfer agents can charge high fees or commissions. It is easy profit for the banks and transfer agents against a captive audience with little choice.
That is only part of the story: the real cost of your transaction is the FX rate.
Lets start with the basics to explain why the banks and transfer agents make so much revenue from the FX rate.  An FX rate is the rate a bank or money changer will charge you to exchange one currency for another. If you were sending $1,000 AUD from Australia to Bangladesh, the exchange rate can greatly affect how much BDT you end up receiving. Sure this is common sense, but let me explain.
In September 2018, if you exchange $1,000 AUD with a:
·         Money Changer in Australia you would currently get a rate of 59.8 BDT or 59,800 BDT in total.
·         Bangladeshi Bank - AUD FX rate of 57.0 or 57,000 BDT.
·         Australian bank a rate of 52 or 52,000 BDT.
·         Large online Money Transfer Agent a rate of 53 or ending up with 53,000 BDT.
So worrying about a small fee or charge is missing the point. The first thing you need to be worried about is the FX exchange rate. Are you getting the best rate so you get the most BDT in Bangladesh?
Of course there are large differences between what a bank can offer, versus a money changer and please refer to our earlier blog for more details on these differences: Money Transfer from Australia to Bangladesh.
So the moral of the story , is low fees and commissions are important, but it’s more important to compare FX rates.  This is where you can ensure you receive the most money in Bangladesh.
Dwight Willis
CEO and Co Founder
Audsmart Co, Ltd.
Money Transfer from Australia to Bangladesh
There are thousands of Thai’s and Australians who transfer money from Australia to Bangladesh on a daily basis. There are many methods to transfer money and we have tried to summarise these below and their advantages and disadvantages. The typical channels used today:
1. Money Changers - there are many money changers, especially in Chinatown Sydney. They generally will accept AUD cash at their shop or AUD deposits directly into their Australian bank accounts. They will then arrange for your beneficiary to be paid in Bangladesh, mainly into a Thai bank account. You may have wondered how does your money actually get to Bangladesh. Generally these money changers will transfer your money to Bangladesh in a bulk transfer (with all their other customers transfers.) via the Australian banking and SWIFT networks. They charge little or no commission and the exchange rate is usually pretty attractive. The downsides are they don’t transfer larger amounts, typically AUD9,000 is the maximum and to get same day transfer you need to have the money in their accounts by around lunchtime. Any later and the money will reach your Thai beneficiary the next day. The majority of the money changers are regulated by Australian authorities, but typically have no licence to operate in Bangladesh.
2. The Informal network - typically this is via a middleman in Australia who you transfer Australian Dollars to in Australia and then they arrange through their associates or friends in Bangladesh to transfer BDT to your beneficiary.  These sort of network have been around for many hundreds of years Bangladesh. You need to be especially careful as many of these informal methods are now illegal under Australian domestic and international legislation. It si important you check whether they have the right license to operate, especially in Australia.
3. Online Money Transfer - there are many companies and people on the Internet and Facebook who offer money transfer capability from Australia to Bangladesh. Be very careful. You need to ask some simple questions to make sure your money is safe. Are they are legitimate company?, are they registered or licensed by the Australian Government or Bank of Bangladesh?
If they do have the proper licenses, many of these online companies will require you to deposit AUD directly into their bank account. Like the money changers, once they receive the funds then they will do a bulk transfer to to their bank in Bangladesh and then make your payment in Bangladesh. They generally offer attractive rates and either no fees or commissions, but usually only allow transfers of up to AUD9,000. 
4. Large Remittance Agents: There are two giants in this space, Western Union and Moneygram. Both offer immediate and convenient money transfer from Australia to Bangladesh, but this convenience will generally come at a cost. Higher fees or commission that other methods and the exchange rate will be less attractive. Also they really focus on smaller amounts and they don’t allow large amount of transfers over AUD10,000 to 12,000 per transfer. The advantage is the person you are sending money to in Bangladesh can collect that money immediately.
3. Australian Retail Banks: The large banks offer transfers via traditional banking network SWIFT to Bangladesh. The banks are the most regulated and arguably the most secure method of transferring money to Bangladesh. The transfer can be done online or at the bank branch also making it very convenient, but this generally comes at a cost. Higher commission than other transfer methods and watch the exchange rates. They are generally for retail customers not as good as other channels.
Overall, what to be careful of when making a money transfer from Australia to Bangladesh:
1. Is the company you are using for transfer registered by the Australian Government and the Bank of Bangladesh? They should be regulated by Austrac in Australia - you can search using this link in the Austrac website:
  2. Cost of Money Transfer: Remember the cost to you is not only the commission, but also the the exchange rate rate. Often many of us only look at the commission, while a bad exchange rate can eat even more into your transfer amount, resulting in even less BDT arriving in Bangladesh. 
3. Why are there limits of AUD9,000 on many money transfers? The main reason is that these companies want to avoid having to report your transaction to the Australian authorities. The Australian authorities have comprehensive regulations in place to check for Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing under the Anti Money laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth). which among other things, requires all transfers over AUD10,000 to be reported to Austrac. 
Overall, there are a range of choices to send money from Australia to Bangladesh. It is most important to check the cost of the transfer. Not only the commission and but also the AUD/BDT rates. Apart from the cost of the transfer the most important thing to check is my money going to be safe? Is the company I am using regulated by the Australian Government or Thai Governments?
I hope this article helps shed some light on popular money transfer methods from Australia. Watch this space for more blogs. Next week on : Why does the exchange matter? What is the commission for a money transfer?
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bahtsmart · 6 years
No Fee Transfer money online from Australia to Vietnam
The use of electronic routes of international money transfer across countries has evolved and progressed over the past decade. Traditionally dominated by the banks and traditional money transfer companies. Sending Money Overseas is typically very expensive and could be slow.
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Money transfer can be for everything from sending money home to your family or in this increasingly global world to buy a second home or car in another country. One fast way to transfer money online is AUDSmart. AUDSmart is a licensed and digitally secure service offering Money Transfer from Australia to the world.
AUDSmart provides a smart and faster means for money transfer from Australia to Vietnam. The company provides a No Fees and Charges, fast, secure, Easy to use and Trustworthy remittance. The more Australian Dollars you send the better the rate. The company is focused on customer satisfaction and keeps customers’ details safe and secure on its encrypted system.
AUDSmart has invested heavily in technology to develop a convenient 24/7 money transfer service. Your money is always secure remaining in the Australian and Vietnam banking systems at all times. The company is licensed by the Australia Government and operates under Vietnam banking partners’ license in Vietnam.
To know more about AUDSmart, log on to https://www.audsmart.com/
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bahtsmart · 6 years
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bahtsmart · 6 years
Send Money From Australia to Thailand with No Fee and Charge.
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The use of electronic routes of international money transfer (โอน เงิน ระหว่าง ประเทศ) across countries has evolved and progressed over the past decade. Traditionally dominated by the banks and traditional money transfer companies. International Money Transfer is typically very expensive and could be slow. Money transfer can be for everything from sending money home to your family or in this increasingly global world to buy a second home or car in another country. One fast way to transfer money online is BahtSmart. BahtSmart is a licensed and digitally secure service offering money transfers from Australia to Thailand (โอน เงิน จากออสเตรเลีย มา ไทย).
BahtSmart provides a smart and faster means for money transfer from Australia to Thailand (​การ โอน เงิน เข้าประเทศไทย). The company provides a No Fee No Charge, fast, secure and convenient money transfer service. The more Australian Dollars you send the better the rate. The company is focused on customer satisfaction and keeps customers’ details safe and secure on its encrypted system. BahtSmart has invested heavily in technology to develop a convenient 24*7 money transfer service. Your money is always secure remaining in the Australian and Thai banking systems at all times. The company is licensed by the Australia Government and operates under its Thai banking partners license in Thailand.To know more about BahtSmart, log on to www.bahtsmart.com.
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bahtsmart · 6 years
Why does it cost so much money to transfer money from Australia to Thailand?
Typically Australian banks and large transfer agents, like Western Union, charge far higher amounts for a money transfer to Thailand than other countries. This is due to a large number of factors, but primarily due to lack of competition and smaller demand compared to AUD/USD or EUR/USD.
Typically the Australian banks and transfers agents will charge 8% to 40% of the money transferred, in fees and charges and Foreign Exchange Rate (“FX”) spreads. For a small $100 transfer, $40 in revenue can be made by the transfer agent through fees and charges and bad FX rates. Even for larger amounts like AUD $10,000, it is not unusual to have almost $800 in revenue for the transfer agent or bank for making the transfer.
The World Bank has a 5x5 goal[1] of all international money transfer costs being only 5% of amount transferred over the next five years. Unfortunately, for money transfers to Thailand we are in many cases, a long way away from that today.
How do we calculate these charges?
To a bank or money transfer agent, there are two sources of making money from a transfer. Firstly, fees and charges and secondly from the FX rate .
Why do banks and other transfer agents charge fees?
For many reasons, but primarily as a method to recoup costs or make more profit. For recouping costs these include:
· swift charges (more on swift next week.. but it’s the main transfer network for banks to move money around the world.)
· charges for processing a transaction, such as IT costs, people costs, administration costs, etc..
However, we find none of the reasons compelling for higher charges. The main reason is market driven. If there is no real competition, the existing banks and transfer agents can charge high fees or commissions. It is easy profit for the banks and transfer agents against a captive audience with little choice.
That is only part of the story: the real cost of your transaction is the FX rate.
Lets start with the basics to explain why the banks and transfer agents make so much revenue from the FX rate. An FX rate is the rate a bank or money changer will charge you to exchange one currency for another. If you were sending $1,000 AUD from Australia to Thailand, the exchange rate can greatly affect how much THB you end up receiving. Sure this is common sense, but let me explain.
In July 2014, if you exchange $1,000 AUD with a:
· Money Changer in Thailand or Sydney Thai town you would currently get a rate of 29.8 THB or 29,800 THB in total.
· Thai Bank — AUD FX rate of 29.4 or 29,400 THB.
· Australian bank a rate of 26.5 or 26,500 THB.
· Large online Money Transfer Agent a rate of 26.8 or ending up with 26,800 THB.
This is a large difference, nearly 3,000 Thai Baht, AUD $100 or 10% difference between a money changer and a bank or large transfer agent. For AUD 5,000, this becomes AUD500 or THB 15,000 difference. You can live along time in Thailand on 15,000 THB.
So worrying about a small fee or charge is missing the point. The first thing you need to be worried about is the FX exchange rate. Are you getting the best rate so you get the most THB in Thailand?
So the moral of the story , is low fees and commissions are important, but it’s more important to compare FX rates. This is where you can ensure you receive the most money in Thailand.
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bahtsmart · 8 years
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ปี๊บๆ สวัสดีเช้าวันจันทร์จ้าาา เรทเริ่มต้นสัปดาห์นี้แตะที่ 25!! ถือว่าไม่น้อยเลยนะ อย่าปล่อยให้เรทดีๆหลุดมือไป โอนเลย! โอนเงินกับบาทสมาร์ทไม่มีค่าธรรมเนียม โอนมากก็ยิ่งได้เรทมากขึ้นไปอีก **วิธีการสมัครสมาชิกตามนี้เลยค่ะ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLM349bUA_A ----------------------- บาทสมาร์ทใส่ใจและให้บริการที่ดีกับลูกค้าทุกท่าน - สะดวกสบายสุดๆด้วยบริการผ่าน internet banking - Same Day Next Day ปลายทางจะได้รับเงินภายในวันเดียวกัน *เมื่อเราได้รับเงินก่อน 11.00 เวลาออสเตรเลีย และยอดที่เข้ามาหลัง 11.00 จะยกรายการไปทำวันถัดไป (ไม่รวมวันหยุดเสาร์อาทิตย์และวันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์) - เรา Fixed rate ให้ที่ยอด $100-$5,000 (ลูกค้าจะได้เรท ณ ตอนที่ลูกค้าทำรายการเลย) เริ่มทำรายการได้เลยที่ www.bahtsmart.com หรือต้องการทราบข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม โทร +61 (2) 80 730 593 หรือ +66 (0) 53 215 586
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bahtsmart · 9 years
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Transfer over $5,000 get special rate
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bahtsmart · 9 years
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Transfer Over AUD 5,000 Get Special Rate
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bahtsmart · 9 years
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เรท ณ เวลานี้ 10/09/2015 12:10PM.>>เราให้เรทที่ดีกว่า>The more you transfer The better rate
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bahtsmart · 9 years
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สวัสดีค่ะ เพื่อนๆเคยลองเปรียบเทียบเรทกันรึป่าว..... BahtSmart ให้เรทดีกว่าใคร ไม่ว่าจะเป็นธนาคารหรือ Money chargers อื่นๆ ไม่มีค่าธรรมเนียมใดๆตั้งแต่เริ่มสมัคร ยิ่งโอนมากยิ่งได้เรทดี
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bahtsmart · 9 years
Great rate
อัตราแลกเปลี่ยนเวลานี้ 100AUD = 24.58THB “ โอนจำนวนมาก...ยิ่งได้เรทดี ” บาทสมาร์ทให้มากกว่า สำหรับลูกค้าที่ต้องการโอนเงินครั้งละมากๆ ลูกค้าสามารถเช็คเรทโอนเงินออนไลน์ได้ที่ www.bahtsmart.com หรือสอบถามเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ +61 (2) 80 730 593, +66 (0) 53 215 586 " We have been listening to you...Now BahtSmart offers not just one great AUD/THB rate, but better AUD/THB rates the more you transfer with us to Thailand*, with no fees and charges. You can check out these great rates online at www.bahtsmart.com
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bahtsmart · 9 years
Transfer to Thailand With No Fees and Charges
Online transfer from Australia to Thailand WIth no fees and charges.
Provide great indicative rate, better rate than Australian bank.
We are fast, 1-2 business days the funds reach your beneficiary bank.  
Find us on Facebook: BahtSmart 
Find us on Website: www.bahtsmart.com
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bahtsmart · 9 years
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ต้อนรับน้องใหม่ “บาทสมาร์ทโมบายไซด์” สมัครใช้บริการและโอนเงินได้แล้วเพียงใช้มือถือหรือแท็บเล็ตเข้า www.bahtsmart.com เท่านี้ก็โอนเงินได้ง่ายๆ ให้ชีวิตสะดวกสบายมากขึ้น Say Hi To Our Freshy “BahtSmart’s Mobile Site” It’s Ready To Apply And Register Via Many Devices. Just Visit www.bahtsmart.com, That’s Easy And Convenience. Your Life Will Never Be The Same
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bahtsmart · 10 years
BahtSmart Go Live Date
Best Rates, Online, Easy to Use and Secure. That's the Bahtsmart story. Bahtsmart money transfer service to Thailand will go live on 8th December 2014. Register now at www.bahtsmart.com to receive special member pre-launch promotional offers. บาทสมาร์ทจะเปิดใช้อย่างเป็นทางการในวันที่ 8 ธันวาคม ที่จะถึงนี้นะคะ เราให้บริการระบบโอนเงินออนไลน์ ที่สะดวก รวดเร็ว อัตราแลกเปลี่ยนสวยๆ และมีความปลอดภัย ลงทะเบียนวันนี้ที่ www.bahtsmart.com
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bahtsmart · 10 years
What are we about?
“Bringing the e-money revolution to the transfer and billing businesses in Thailand and beyond. Providing cost-effective, trustworthy and intuitive web and mobile platforms that deliver a fundamentally better solution to Thai consumers today. Removing the veil of hidden fees and charges for a product that will cater to high-volumes of transactions.”
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bahtsmart · 10 years
Why does it cost so much money to transfer money from Australia to Thailand?
I live in Thailand and one of the most popular topics of conversation amongst foreigners is the cost of transferring money into Thailand.  I hear frequently "what a great deal I got.." No fee or commission on the transaction, or they only charged me $10 fee for the transaction. Unfortunately, this isn't the whole story...
Typically Australian banks and large transfer agents, like Western Union, charge far higher amounts for a money transfer to Thailand than other countries. This is due to a large number of factors, but primarily due to lack of competition and smaller demand compared to AUD/USD or EUR/USD.
Typically the Australian banks and transfers agents will charge 8% to 40% of the money transferred,  in fees and charges and Foreign Exchange Rate ("FX") spreads. For a small $100 transfer, $40 in revenue can be made by the transfer agent through fees and charges and bad FX rates. Even for larger amounts like AUD $10,000, it is not unusual to have almost $800 in revenue for the transfer agent or bank for making the transfer.
The World Bank has a 5x5 goal[1] of all international money transfer costs being only 5% of amount transferred over the next five years. Unfortunately, for money transfers to Thailand we are in many cases, a long way away from that today.
How do we calculate these charges?
To a bank or money transfer agent, there are two sources of making money from a transfer. Firstly, fees and charges and secondly from the FX rate .
Why do banks and other transfer agents charge fees?
For many reasons, but primarily as a method to recoup costs or make more profit. For recouping costs these include:
swift charges (more on swift next week.. but it's the main transfer network for banks to move money around the world.)
charges for processing a transaction, such as IT costs, people costs, administration costs, etc..
However, we find none of the reasons compelling for higher charges. The main reason is market driven. If there is no real competition, the existing banks and transfer agents can charge high fees or commissions. It is easy profit for the banks and transfer agents against a captive audience with little choice.
That is only part of the story: the real cost of your transaction is the FX rate.
Lets start with the basics to explain why the banks and transfer agents make so much revenue from the FX rate.  An FX rate is the rate a bank or money changer will charge you to exchange one currency for another. If you were sending $1,000 AUD from Australia to Thailand, the exchange rate can greatly affect how much THB you end up receiving. Sure this is common sense, but let me explain.
In July 2014, if you exchange $1,000 AUD with a:
Money Changer in Thailand or Sydney Thai town you would currently get a rate of 29.8 THB or 29,800 THB in total.
Thai Bank - AUD FX rate of 29.4 or 29,400 THB.
Australian bank a rate of 26.5 or 26,500 THB.
Large online Money Transfer Agent a rate of 26.8 or ending up with 26,800 THB.
This is a large difference, nearly 3,000 Thai Baht, AUD $100 or 10% difference between a money changer and a bank or large transfer agent. For AUD 5,000, this becomes AUD500 or THB 15,000 difference. You can live along time in Thailand on 15,000 THB.
So worrying about a small fee or charge is missing the point. The first thing you need to be worried about is the FX exchange rate. Are you getting the best rate so you get the most THB in Thailand?
Of course there are large differences between what a bank can offer, versus a money changer and please refer to our earlier blog for more details on these differences: Money Transfer from Australia to Thailand.
So the moral of the story , is low fees and commissions are important, but it's more important to compare FX rates.  This is where you can ensure you receive the most money in Thailand.
Dwight Willis
CEO and Co Founder
Bahtsmart Co, Ltd.
[1] http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTFINANCIALSECTOR/0,,contentMDK:22378309~menuPK:6681487~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:282885,00.html
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bahtsmart · 10 years
Launching Bahtsmart Later this year
Just in time for Christmas and New year the Bahtsmart Team plan to launch our new FX Remittance platform for Thai's and Aussie's to transfer money back to Thailand. Watch this space for more updates...
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