#unreachable locations photography
event1212 · 8 days
Drone Photographer: Capturing Aerial Excellence with Unmatched Precision
Drone photography has transformed the way we capture landscapes, events, and even commercial projects. From stunning real estate shots to breathtaking aerial views of natural wonders, a drone photographer can provide perspectives that were once impossible or difficult to achieve. Whether for personal use or professional projects, hiring a drone photographer opens up a world of creative possibilities that ground-level photography cannot match.
The rise of drones equipped with high-resolution cameras has made aerial photography more accessible to both hobbyists and professionals. Drone photographers can shoot sharp images and capture smooth, cinematic videos from the skies, offering a unique way to document weddings, outdoor events, construction sites, or even wildlife. With drones, there’s a level of flexibility and creativity that standard cameras can't provide, allowing for a broader view of the scene and a deeper visual storytelling experience.
One of the most exciting aspects of hiring a drone photographer is the option for drone filming. Aerial video can add a dynamic element to promotional videos, documentaries, or travel films. Drone filming is ideal for capturing wide, sweeping shots, smooth tracking of moving subjects, and otherwise unreachable angles. For professionals in the real estate, tourism, or marketing industries, drone filming provides an invaluable tool to showcase properties, destinations, and services in a way that grabs the audience's attention.
In major cities like Dubai, drone photography has surged in popularity, especially in industries like real estate, tourism, and corporate events. The city's striking skyline and luxury developments make it a perfect location for aerial photography. Drone photographers specializing in drone filming Dubai have the expertise and knowledge of local regulations to capture the best footage without legal complications. They work with top-quality equipment and often collaborate with clients to customize projects according to specific needs, ensuring the final results are polished and professional.
When hiring a drone photographer, it's essential to choose someone with the right experience and skillset to handle your project. A good drone photographer not only has technical knowledge of flying drones but also understands the artistic side of framing shots, using natural lighting, and editing the final images and videos to perfection.
In conclusion, drone photography provides an innovative approach to capturing high-quality aerial images and video. Whether you're interested in drone filming for a creative project or drone filming dubai for commercial purposes, a skilled drone photographer can help you achieve stunning visual results that set your work apart.
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raygunaustralia · 1 month
Capturing Sydney From Above: Aerial and Drone Photography with Raygun
In Sydney's dynamic cityscape, obtaining the right photo needs more than just a keen eye and a steady hand. Raygun.com.au is the top site for aerial and drone photography in Sydney. Whether you're an architect, a real estate agent, or a filmmaker, our cutting-edge drone services provide a unique viewpoint on one of the world's most recognizable cities.
The Raygun Advantage
At Raygun, we recognize that each project is unique. Our professional drone pilots and photographers are adept at adapting their technique to match your individual requirements. From capturing the grandeur of Sydney's skyline to accentuating the fine details of its architectural treasures, we create eye-catching graphics that stand out.
Flexibility in Services
Raygun provides a wide range of services to cater to various sectors. Our aerial drone photography Sydney offers real estate professionals a unique method to exhibit homes by emphasizing their surroundings and providing potential buyers with a thorough picture. Our drones provide spectacular footage to marketing firms and filmmakers, enhancing storytelling and engagement. Furthermore, our services are helpful for surveying, mapping, and environmental monitoring, giving precise and up-to-date data from previously unreachable locations.
Dedication to Excellence
We prioritize quality and safety in all of our activities. Our staff is completely certified and insured, and we strictly adhere to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority's (CASA) regulations. We prioritize safety while maintaining high output quality, guaranteeing that your project is in skilled hands from start to end.
Experience Sydney Like Never Before
Raygun welcomes you to view Sydney from a unique perspective. Our aerial and drone photography Sydney brings up a new world of possibilities, converting everyday scenes into unforgettable experiences. Contact us today to learn more about our professional aerial and drone photography services.
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danihost-blog · 9 months
How to Take Great Drone Images
Drone images give you a whole new perspective on landscapes, whether they’re the landscape of your own backyard or the natural scenery of another country. They offer you the chance to capture vantage points that aren’t possible with standard photography, create striking compositions from previously unreachable locations, and take photos that would require dangerous climbing. However, there are…
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snackhobi · 4 years
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pairing: jungkook x reader / word count: 13.4k / genre: fluff + comedy (I suppose)
summary: you work the night shift in a supermarket. and now your crush, aka the cutest boy in the world, aka the guy you’ve been thirsting after for months, aka jeon jungkook, works the night shift too. les geddit
warnings: this fic is sfw BUT there is cursing/explicit language—the reader is thirsty af, just SO thirsty, seriously the thirstiest, but other than that this fic is pretty soft
a/n: thank you to my darling friend and beta reader @hobi-gif​​, without whom this would have remained an unpublished fic I just wrote for funsies, and also to @yeojaa​​ for reading this through and enjoying this terrible self indulgence of mine, you’re both queens
Why is it that all the interesting things happen whenever you’re not at work? Like the time you'd been off for one (1) night so that you could move into your new place, so you hadn't witnessed the full on brawl between a customer and the security guard right before the store shut. Or the other time when you were twenty minutes late because of road closures and you’d missed all the free doughnuts—Yoongi hadn’t even saved you one, opting to give it to his crush instead, even though Jimin wasn’t even night shift. 
(Yoongi was a Judas, betraying you all because of a little thirst. Snake.)
(Okay, sure, you're friends with Jimin too, but still.)
Anyway. You’re here almost all weeks of the year, and the few times you’re not, that’s when things get interesting. Working in any sort of retail job is boring at best, especially when the store is shut overnight (customers during the day were awful but at least they provided an ever rotating cast of varying characters that could provide amusing anecdotes to add to your repertoire), and it’s downright frustrating whenever you miss out on the few variations to your usually monotonous nights just because you happened to miss it.
Yoongi is also The Worst at keeping you updated. He has little to no interest in gossip and keeps himself firmly out of unnecessary interpersonal drama, staying uninvolved by being entirely unapproachable and blanking people whenever they try to talk to him. You keep out of it too, but in a different way— you don’t get involved in drama because everyone likes you. You’re personable and social, almost to a clownish degree, somehow treading the line between being Nice and Firm, so people simultaneously like you while also being wary of annoying you. 
Either way. When you’re not there, Yoongi doesn’t go out of his way to find out any developments, so you’re always left floundering to catch up with whatever’s gone on so that you can keep your position as Liked-By-All-Sides as secure.
So, with all of this in mind, when he says that nothing interesting has happened in the two weeks since you’ve been off, you’re understandably sceptical, raising an eyebrow at him from where you’re reclining in his passenger seat. The entire supermarket could have burned down while he’d been working and Yoongi would probably say of the event afterwards—if pressed—that it had ‘been a little hotter than usual’.
(At least Jimin indulges you with petty gossip. You’re certain he’d let you know about any new developments, but he’s not on a late shift tonight, much to the disappointment of both yourself and Yoongi—although he won't admit it.)
You hadn’t sensed any ripples in the Force when you’d stepped into the supermarket. Everything looked the same, all the way down to the slightly wonky sign on the front display that was trying to persuade customers to buy the new lines of overpriced olives and antipasti, and nothing felt any different on your journey up to the locker rooms; the poster asking everyone to book their holiday before the 26th June 2001 was still up, as it should be; the sight of Yoongi walking in the direction of the staff canteen as you went to dump your stuff in your locker was as familiar as normal. You were usually good at sniffing out change, but everything had passed your smell check and so you let your guard down, bursting into the break room with your usual aplomb. 
That’s one thing about night shift that people don’t usually realise. Because there aren’t customers around, you can yell up and down the shop floor as much as you like (it’s usually faster than walking around to find someone) and swear or be inappropriate in ways that wouldn’t fly during the day (like bowling products across the floor instead of walking up to the shelf and putting them down). You don’t swear or yell, really, but the amount of time you’ve spent on nights has increased your overall volume and altered your verbal filter, so once you’ve kicked the door open, what comes out of your mouth is as follows:
“Wassup everyone? Ya girl is back from her time off and is absolutely RARING to go! I know you all missed me, but please, no flash photography,” you simper. You hear Yoongi snort into his coffee from his seat on the sofa, directly under the sign that says ‘No Food Or Drink Allowed On The Sofas’ alongside a picture of a dancing hot dog with a massive red X across it.
Most of your coworkers are a lot older than you—young people don’t tend to work overnight—so they don’t match your level of energy, but they’re still pleased to see you nonetheless, a little chorus of hellos greeting you when you walk into the room. You shoot finger guns at them, ending with an overly theatrical wink at Taehyung, wiggling your fingers in a wave at the boy as he grins at you through his mouthful of food (he’s not night shift but he finishes a lot of his shifts late so you're on friendly terms). 
When you flop down next to Yoongi he wordlessly hands you a coffee. You hiss a little at the contact of the hot mug against your skin—he’s holding onto the handle, and you’re quick to accept it from him so you don’t burn yourself—and peer down at the hot liquid before taking a small drink.
You’re mid-sip when your eyes flick up from the mug and you immediately splutter. You cough and hack, eyes filling with tears as you try to swallow the noises down to no avail; you sound distressed enough that even Yoongi gets concerned, thumping you on the back as you make a noise akin to a cat wheezing out a hairball.
“Yoongi.” Your voice is pained as you look out of the corner of your eye at the boy sitting next to you. “I thought you said nothing interesting had happened while I was off?”
Yoongi looks perplexed. “Nothing did,” he says. Somehow you resist the overwhelming urge to pour your coffee all over him.
“Then explain to me exactly why the Muscle Boy from morning shift who works on fruit and veg is sat over there in a night shift uniform,” you hiss.
“Oh, yeah.” Yoongi sounds entirely disinterested. “He moved on to nights the first week you were off.”
So not only has the hitherto-unreachable object of your affections moved on to your shift—great, you weren't mentally prepared for that at all—he'd apparently witnessed your unnecessarily theatrical entrance, as well as your subsequent near death experience via coffee. You wish that the near death experience had, in fact, been a full death experience; your final moments may have been undignified but at least you’d have gone out while looking at a pretty face and not have to live with the embarrassment afterwards, knowing that Jeon Jungkook had witnessed you spluttering coffee down your chin.
Normally your Jungkook-radar (Kookiedar? You’ll have to work on the name for it) is faultless, flawless, sensitive to his exact location at all times—but he was never there at night. You only saw him in the mornings, catching glimpses of him on your way out, lifting heavy crates of bananas or potatoes onto the displays. But he’s here, now, sat on his own table, alone, away from the other workers.
While you hadn’t spotted him before, what with how he’s sequestered himself alone, from your vantage point now? You can clearly see him, and you know that he would have had full view of you from the moment you’d stepped into the room.
He's on night shift now. With you. 
“Yoongi, buddy?”
“If I asked you to kill me, would you do it?”
“No." His answer is immediate, but before you can be warmed by the fact he doesn’t wish for your imminent death, he continues: “I’d have to find someone else to reduce food for me, and I can’t go back to buying full priced noodles after this long.”
“I’ll reduce your head from your body,” you threaten, even though it makes no sense. Yoongi doesn’t react outwardly to this threat but you would wager anything that he was quivering in his boots, even though he’s doing a very good job of calmly sipping at his coffee. Ahh, Yoongi, always the master of the pokerface, despite the fact he must be terrified.
Anyway. You’re getting distracted. Basically, snake Yoongi had snaked on you and hadn’t told you about Jungkook transferring to night shift, like the snake he was. Yoongi being the snake, that is, not Jungkook. He wasn’t a snake. Sure, you’d never spoken to him in all the months you’d seen him and knew next to nothing about him but no one could be a snake when they looked that innocent. Besides, you’d seen him help customers, smiling at the old ladies who asked for him to reach for specific bits of fruit from higher shelves, or carrying their shopping for them, or— 
Argh, you were getting distracted again. Essentially he was a hot, muscular angel who hadn’t had your existence on his own radar until approximately five minutes ago, and his first impression of you must be that you are an absolute clown. A buffoon. And, okay, maybe you are, but you usually only let people onto that fact after knowing them for at least a day or two.
He’d looked startled when you’d made eye contact with him across the canteen, tearing his eyes away from you the second you’d tried to inhale coffee instead of ingesting it. You’re grateful that he’s resolutely kept his gaze away, absorbed by something on his phone instead, but he must have heard your desperate wheezing from across the room. Even if you’ve managed to cough away the coffee in your lungs by now it doesn’t detract from the overall embarrassment that threatens to swallow you up.
Beside you, Yoongi continues to drink his coffee like a normal human being. He’s oblivious to your inner turmoil. Of course your crush had moved to night shift when you were on holiday. Of course you’d missed that. Why wouldn’t you? You were a snail and God was salting you. What had you done to deserve such torment? 
“I can’t believe you didn’t think a new person was something I’d at least like to be made aware of,” you mutter waspishly. “Especially as he’s around our age! Since Hobi left we haven’t had anyone on shift who isn’t at least a decade older than us, Yoons.” 
As is tradition, Yoongi says: “A moment of silence for our boy Hobi.” You both shut your eyes and tilt your heads forward as you mourn your fallen brother. (He wasn’t dead, he’d just moved to a different job a few months ago, although you both still see him on a weekly basis.) And then Yoongi continues: “I guess I didn’t think it was important.”
“Do you have a single wrinkle on your brain, Yoongi? Huh? Or is it completely smooth up there? Why wouldn’t a new night shift worker be something I’d want to know about?”
“I figured you’d find out eventually anyway.” Yoongi shrugs.
“I hope a stack of bread falls on you,” you say.
You’re glad when it hits 9pm and your manager, Sejin, gets everyone’s attention for the huddle so he can tell everyone where they’re working for the night. You normally don’t pay much attention but this time you’re like a bloodhound on a scent trail, sniffing out what where Jungkook is going to be.
“Jungkook, you’re on the fruit and veg section,” your manager says, and your nostrils flare. Of course. You’re entirely unsurprised when he delegates Jungkook to the fruit and vegetable aisles— it’s what the boy is familiar with, after all. 
Most people in the store have areas they’re better at and do the same thing over and over, but you’re a bit of a wildcard, happy to work anywhere, so your own role varies a bit. You’d actually been there longer than Sejin, who’s a fairly new manager; he’d latched desperately onto you when he realised that you a) had been trained on pretty much everything and b) were also a pretty decent worker, on the whole, and so he allows you more freedom than he might afford other people.
So, because of this, you know that if you asked then he’d happily move you to a different area of the store, but you don't actually know where you want to go. You’re torn between hoping that you’re in a section near Jungkook (so you can ogle him) or the opposite of the store (so you’re saved any further shame due to the fact that you’re an absolute dunderhead, just an absolute embarrassment, why were you allowed outside?), but then Sejin tells you your job for the night and you can’t help a groan from escaping you.
“It’s my first shift back after my holiday and you want me to reduce all night?” 
You can’t help but sound a little whiny. Reducing is so boring. Looking through everything on the shelf and scanning it and then having to stick the reduced labels on them? Over and over and over? For the whole night? Your brain is already shutting down in anticipation for the repetitive monotony. (You have to try to conserve what few brain cells you have left and you're not about to waste them on this.)
Sejin looks genuinely apologetic. “Some day staff called in sick so there weren’t enough people to finish everything. You only have the meat and fish sections to do.”
You’re so distressed at the idea of having to sift through piles of meat that you don’t notice how Jungkook perks up at this, sitting up a little in his seat; if you’d been paying attention you’d realise that the meat and fish area is directly adjacent to fruit and veg, both sections within direct eyesight of each other. Instead you’re remembering the time you’d had a packet of sea bass leak on you and no matter how many times you’d washed your hands, the fishy smell had remained. Eurgh. 
“Alright, that’s everything!” Sejin claps his hands together. “Let’s get to work, everyone.”
There’s the usual grumblings and mutterings as people start to make their way out of the canteen and downstairs to start work. You take Yoongi’s mug from him and dump both of your empty cups into the hatch of the canteen, already resigning yourself to a long night of misery and boredom. Why did you choose to work in a supermarket, again?
You dawdle around upstairs for longer than you probably should once everyone’s gone, dreading the fact that you’re going to have to properly introduce yourself to Jungkook. Night shift is very insular and you can assume that no one’s introduced themselves to him or made an effort to be friendly— hence why he's been sitting alone. You’re the one person who works overnight who actually goes out of their way to introduce themselves to any new starters, but you’re fairly certain that if you try to introduce yourself to Jungkook you’ll end up throwing up on him. He’s just so hot that it makes you nervous. 
You make a long drawn out ahhhhhhhhhhh noise, letting your frustration out before straightening up and puffing out your chest. It’s fine! You’re fine. You’re a strong, confident, smart night shift worker who’s introduced herself to new people multiple times before. Jungkook is just another person. Sure, he’s the cutest guy you’ve ever seen, but he’s just another person. It’s fine.
It’s not fine. 
The second you round the corner to the fruit and veg section on your way to meat and fish, you see Jungkook effortlessly heft a massive crate of grapefruit as if it weighs nothing and you want to pass out. The one time you’d tried to lift a crate like that you’d almost done your back in, but Jungkook just lifts it with ease.
What’s worse is that while you’ve seen him do this before, he’d been wearing a day shift uniform at the time. The day shift uniform is, honestly, pretty ugly, an ugly beige long-sleeve button up with an equally ugly tan tie under an ugly grey apron (but of course Jungkook had still looked radiant in spite of the ugly ensemble he was forced to wear). The night shift uniform isn’t necessarily attractive either, a simple black polo shirt and combat trousers, but unlike the button up, the polo shirt is a t-shirt— and Jungkook’s rolled the already shorter sleeves up so that all of his arm is on display (holy shit he has tattoos). You can see the flex of his muscles in all their glory, the way his biceps bulge as he lifts the crate higher, the veins that run down to his hands, and your mouth floods with saliva. 
“Arm,” you say.
“Pardon?” Jungkook looks up, confused, and then startles when he sees you. 
“Um, nothing!” you stutter. There’s a loose lock of hair hanging across his forehead and you stare at that rather than looking into his eyes. You’d probably burst into flames if you made eye contact right now. “I just wanted to, uh, introduce myself? I know you’ve been working nights for a few weeks now so I’m kind of late, but I was on holiday. I’m Y/n.”
“I know,” Jungkook says, and then he sees how your eyes widen and he scrabbles to explain. “Uh, Sejin said it during the meeting.” He swallows.
You cough. Of course. There’s no other reason Jungkook would have known your name without you telling him; you sincerely doubt he’d sleuthed your name out via the rotas pinned on the board, much as you had with him. (You swear you’re not a stalker, he’s just really cute, okay?) 
“I’m Jungkook,” he finishes, laughing awkwardly.
“I guessed,” you say, pointing at his name badge like that’s the reason you know it. He stares down at his chest, as if he’d forgotten that he had it pinned there, and although you'd genuinely been looking at the badge, you suddenly notice that you can see the definition of his pecs even with the thick fabric of the polo shirt. You want to pass out again. You need to divert your attention to something else, stat, your brain scrambling for something to say next. “You know, you’re the only person on night shift who’s wearing a badge. No one else does.” 
You wince. Great. Now you sound like an asshole. Nice going, idiot.
Jungkook glances away from his badge to your finger, which is still pointing. He’s staring at your nail polish. Even though no one cares what the night shift gets up to, nail polish is technically against the rules and you wonder if he’s about to say something derogatory—you’d deserve it, you were just kind of a dick to him—when he smiles instead. “I like your nails.”
“O-oh,” you stutter, surprised. They’re nothing special, the colour a little chipped in places, but you’re still flattered by how genuine Jungkook’s compliment sounds. “Um. Thanks.” And because you have a habit of responding to compliments with one of your own, you say: "I really like your tattoos. The flowers are beautiful."
Jungkook looks stunned and doesn't respond. You spend a few moments staring at each other before Sejin rounds the corner, and you both abruptly turn away so it doesn’t look like you’re just standing around and talking instead of working (although that is, in fact, what you’re doing). You hustle over to the meat section, grabbing packs of bacon and pretending to look at the dates, even though you have no idea what date it is. No thoughts head full of Jungkook.
Over the years, you’ve mastered the art of Quick Glancing™. While to anyone watching you it would seem as though you’re absorbed in your work, sifting through food to check if it’s going out of date, you’re actually looking at Jungkook more often than not. Whenever it seems like he might catch you, your eyes dart back to whatever cut of meat you’re holding at the time—a box of liver, eww, slimy—but you spend the majority of the time watching him move around. You can’t help but wonder if he’d lift you as easily as those crates and have to suppress a full body shiver. Down, girl.
Yoongi appears like clockwork the second it hits midnight, leaning against the fridge as you stare at a pack of chicken wings. “Coffee time.”
“Oh, thank God.” You straighten up, unceremoniously dropping the chicken wings onto the shelf. “Caffeine, I need caffeine, get me the caffeine.”
You get the caffeine. You and Yoongi always go back to the canteen at midnight for coffee—even though you’re technically not meant to—and bring your mugs downstairs—something else you’re also not meant to do. You drink your coffee between looking at the packets of food on the shelf, sifting through trays of chicken breasts and stickering whatever's due to go out of date as Yoongi idles around near you, peering at everything you’ve slapped a reduced label on. He clicks his tongue at a lacklustre reduction, unimpressed at how little money has been slashed off the price, and honestly? Mood. 
“Don’t you have bread to put out?”
“Finished it. I’m waiting for the next delivery.” Yoongi yawns, but then his eyes suddenly narrow as he looks in the direction of fruit and veg. “Your new little friend keeps looking at us. I think he might be a narc.”
“Huh? Oh, Jungkook?” You look up from the chicken thighs. Jungkook is far out of earshot but clearly visible, hunched over a shelf as he starts to furiously organise some courgettes. “Nah, I don’t think he’s a narc. Besides, what’s Sejin going to do? Fire us? We get coffee all the time and he's never said anything about it before.”
“Yeah, but Jungkook doesn’t know that.” Yoongi scowls. He sounds suspicious. “Hm. I’m going to go back to bread, but keep an eye on that one.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. “Got it,” you say with a salute. 
Yoongi wanders off but not before throwing Jungkook a sharp look, which the boy doesn’t notice, resolutely staring at the courgettes. Seems like he’s really intent on making them look neat, which you think is kind of unnecessary, but whatever. It's kind of cute actually. 
You don’t think Jungkook is a snitch, but you do have to admit it’s maybe a little weird how often you seem to catch him watching you, though he’s very quick to look away. Your suspicions grow somewhat when he ends up in the canteen at the same time as you, eating your lunch a lot later than everyone else. You like the peace and quiet when the room is almost empty. 
Yoongi normally has lunch with you, but today he’d had to eat earlier because Sejin had asked him to help unload the delivery lorry, so you’re alone in the room with Jungkook. Although he sits on the table farthest away from you, it’s maybe a bit strange that he’s up there when you are. Like, sure, you do appreciate the fact that you can gawk at him a little bit more, but maybe Yoongi is right about him being a narc?
Nah. You’re probably just being paranoid. Jungkook is clearly introverted, not talking to the other guys working on the fruit and veg section, so he probably came up at the quietest time of day (/night) so he could avoid everyone. You can understand that.
Your lunch is almost over and you’re in the middle of making yourself and Yoongi another cup of coffee to take downstairs when Jungkook suddenly appears at your shoulder. You yelp in surprise when you notice him there, scattering coffee granules across the counter instead of dropping them in the cup like you’d meant to, clutching your chest in shock.
“Oh, God, sorry,” he apologises, and he fumbles as he scoops the granules into his palm to clear them up—and then he just stands there with a handful of instant coffee as he looks at you. You’re still clutching your heart. “Uh. I was wondering, do you bring your own coffee in?”
“Yes,” you say, cagey, unsure what he wants. You notice that he’s unintentionally cornered you against the counter, and now that your earlier shock has ebbed away, you can’t help but notice your height difference when he’s this close to you. “Can’t get coffee overnight otherwise. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, uh, I just didn’t realise we were allowed to?” Jungkook sounds awkward, unsure. “I would have brought my own in if I’d known.”
You stare at him for a second. Yoongi would kill you if he saw what you did next, but you just end up turning around to grab another mug and dump a spoonful of coffee into it. “Do you have milk or sugar?”
“Do you have milk or sugar? In your coffee?” You repeat carefully, tapping a spoon against the third mug, trying to tamp down the blush that’s threatening to appear on your cheeks when you glance at Jungkook over your shoulder. “You want one, right?”
“Oh.” He goes a little lax with surprise, apparently not realising that he’s done so until he drops a few bits of coffee on the floor and then lifts his hand again—you can see where the granules that are directly in contact with his skin have started to dissolve a little, sticky. The pile of coffee looks so small in his big hands. You want to eat out of his palm, as gross as that thought is. “Yeah, milk and sugar, please.”
As he goes to wash the coffee from his hands, you stare at yourself in the reflection of the metal kettle, wondering what the fuck you were doing while also trying to tame your thirst into submission. You never let anyone have your coffee (except Yoongi, obviously, and Hobi, when he’d been here) (a moment of silence for your boy) and you’ve known Jungkook for less than one (1) shift and you’ve already initiated him as part of the Coffee Crew.
Yoongi picks up on this immediately, spotting you and Jungkook reemerging onto the shop floor at the same time, although you peel away to visit your friend in the bread section. “Is that a mug that I saw Jungkook holding?”
“Yeah,” you say with forced casualness, wary of Yoongi’s response. Here we go.
But to your surprise he seems pleased. “He can’t narc on us now that he’s drinking coffee on the shop floor too,” Yoongi says.
“Oh, right! Yeah, that was my plan all along.” You force laughter, as if your pulse hadn’t been racing as you’d watched Jungkook take the first sip from the coffee you’d prepared for him, worried that he wouldn’t like it. You’d wanted to vomit your heart out of chest when he’d given you a small, shy smile and said that it was perfect, as if he wasn’t drinking cheap, crappy instant coffee, which was subpar even when it was good.
Yoongi raises his eyebrows at your fake hyena laughter but decides not to comment on it.
He raises his eyebrows again the next night when he witnesses you preparing coffee for Jungkook firsthand, lining up three mugs at midnight instead of just two, making coffee the way Jungkook likes it. “Once was enough to stop him from double crossing us, I think,” Yoongi says.
“I’m making this for him because I want Jungkook to be part of the group,” you say firmly, ignoring the way your hand trembles a little when you say this. Jungkook had waved goodbye to you when he’d spotted you in the morning after your first shift together, and tonight he’d made eye contact when you’d walked into the break room—more quietly than you had the day before—before smiling at you. (You’re constantly torn between wanting to coo at how adorable he is or begging him to bend you over a table, and it’s hard to keep these thoughts from showing on your face whenever you smile at him, but you’re doing a damn good job.)
Yoongi, despite his usual unflappable nature, looks absolutely floored. Even though you’d both spoken to Hoseok from the moment he’d started working with you, it had taken you a few weeks before you’d even offered to get him a drink at midnight, a mutual decision both you and Yoongi had agreed upon. And here you were, inviting Jungkook in without consulting your coworker-turned-best-friend, after one night. (You’re sure Hobi wouldn’t mind, but you feel kind of bad when you think about it and resolve to pay for his lunch when you see him next week.)
Yoongi squints at you as you keep your attention focused on the coffee and so don’t see the realisation settling across his features.
“Oh,” he says once it’s clicked. “You wanna suck his dick.”
You end up scattering coffee across the counter again. At this rate you may as well just pour the granules straight into the bin and cut out the middle man.
“Yeah, you wanna suck his dick,” Yoongi muses, watching as you grouse and clean up the coffee. 
“At least when I talk about your crush on Jimin I have the decency to not be crude about it,” you say, jabbing a finger in Yoongi’s direction. He flushes.
“I don’t have a crush on Jimin,” he scowls. You scoff.
“Oh, please, Yoons. You’re not as subtle as you think. If I catch you staring at Jimin’s ass one more time with those googly eyes of yours I’m gonna yarf.” Jimin’s ass, admittedly, is very nice, the awful work trousers somehow flattering on him, but it’s the reverence with which Yoongi looks at it that makes his crush obvious. Amongst plenty of other things. “And you let him have my doughnut! As if that isn’t practically a declaration of marriage!”
“You’re still going on about the doughnut?” Yoongi rolls his eyes. “That happened months ago.”
“It was a limited edition Krispy Kreme doughnut, Yoons!” Your voice has gone shrill. “A motherfucking Kit Kat doughnut! The only reason I didn’t strike you down where you stood is because I fully support your crush on Jimin, even if I think it’s ridiculous you haven’t asked him out already! Anyway,” you say, letting the spoon clatter into the mug. “Whether or not I want to suck Jungkook’s dick, I miss having a third person in this group. Hobi actually laughed at my jokes.”
“I laugh at your jokes when they’re funny.”
“You never laugh at them!”
“I said what I said.”
“I’m going to poison your coffee so Jungkook and I can drink the rest in peace,” you say. “Oh, moment of silence for Hobi, we almost forgot.” The moment of silence lasts for a second, and then you’re pouring the freshly boiled water into the mugs. 
“I guess I should talk to Jungkook, then.” Yoongi still sounds suspicious and you glare at him as you stir the coffee.
“If I find out that you’re being mean to him, I will genuinely poison your drink,” you say, lifting the spoon and gesturing with it aggressively enough that a droplet of coffee goes flying off and lands on Yoongi’s face. You have no doubt that Jungkook could snap Yoongi like a twig if he wanted to, but Jungkook seems far too nice for that, and Yoongi can be surprisingly intimidating. 
“You won’t poison me.” He wipes the coffee away, unperturbed.
You snort. “I’ll use decaff and I won’t tell you.”
This makes Yoongi’s eyes narrow. “You wouldn’t dare.”
"Watch me.”
With that threat firmly in place, you feel a little better when you hand Jungkook’s coffee to Yoongi to give to him. You’re not near the fruit and vegetable section tonight so you won’t be able to keep a direct eye on them, but you’ll catch up with Yoongi once he’s wandered back over to bread.
You’re starting to feel a bit suspicious at how long Yoongi’s been absent for and so you make your way across the shop floor to see if you can find him. To your infinite surprise you spot both guys near the salads, Yoongi perched on an upturned crate while Jungkook puts watercress onto the shelf, the two of them in deep discussion about something. You feel like you’ve stepped into the Twilight Zone when you see Yoongi genuinely laugh and you back away, unsettled. 
When you eat lunch that night, Jungkook sits with you on your table at Yoongi’s behest. It’s still a quiet affair, like normal—you take as many opportunities as you can to sneak glances at Jungkook, surprised at exactly how much food he puts away—but when he offers to make the coffee, you have a hushed conversation with Yoongi while your muscle boy is distracted. You keep your eyes fixed on Jungkook’s back, and it really is unfair how good his shoulder blades look with that black material stretched across them. There’s no point in trying to hide your thirst from Yoongi now that he knows about it so you’re free to stare.
“I thought you said he was a narc,” you whisper, eyes still fixed on Jungkook's back. How is his waist so small? (Lord have mercy on your soul.)
“Nah, Jungkook is okay,” Yoongi replies. In Yoongi-speak this means that he really likes Jungkook and you’re flabbergasted. 
You don’t get a chance to say anything else before Jungkook is turning around, proffering your drinks to you with a bright smile—you can see his teeth, and you’ve never wanted to lick someone’s teeth before but apparently the sight of Jungkook’s mouth will do that to you, who would have guessed. It’s been two shifts and you’re already this dehydrated, just dying of thirst, shrivelled up like Spongebob in that episode where he visits Sandy’s dome for the first time. You’re a crusty thirsty sponge and Jungkook is a tall, sexy glass of water.
(You’re so fucking screwed.)
The thing with initiating Jungkook into the Coffee Crew is that you’re faced with the reality of his good looks constantly. Jungkook still doesn’t talk to anyone else, really, but he lights up around Yoongi and yourself, and you start to look forward to seeing those shiny doe eyes of his, the way he perks up whenever he sees you. 
Work quickly becomes the highlight of your week, which is something you thought you'd never say, but Jungkook is just too powerful. Everything about him is absolutely fucking devastating, a few examples being:
The night when it’s a little warmer, and he unbuttons all three buttons on his polo shirt—you can see his collarbones and the tiniest bit of his chest, going feral over such a small slip of skin like you’re some sort of Victorian lady who keeps her ankles hidden in public and you’ve never seen bare skin before.
Or when you got caught behind him on the stairs while he’s explaining the difference between meat protein and vegetable protein—you get a wonderful view of his ass, which you take full advantage of (respectfully). You get another look at said ass when he plays a game of pool against Yoongi while you sit on the sofa and watch, Jungkook leaning over the wonky pool table so that he can make a particularly difficult shot, placing his wonderful butt directly into your line of vision.
Or when you notice that even though Jungkook cycles to work, he never seems to smell like sweat, and instead he just smells like fresh clothes, clean linen that’s so potent you can smell him before you see him. But no one smells that much like clean laundry, right? It must be his cologne.
“Jungkook, do you wear cologne?”
Jungkook, to his credit, doesn’t seem surprised at your question and just answers it like he would any other. “No, why?”
“Oh, it’s just that you smell nice? Sort of like whatever 'clean cotton' is apparently meant to smell like. Y’know? Like fresh laundry.”
“I do wash my clothes every day,” he says. “I guess you could call me a bit of a clean freak?”
For some reason, the fact that he smells so nice because of his clothes is just so hot. You want to bury your face in his shirt and just breathe him in, but that would be weird and creepy and invasive. So you don’t do that and instead allow yourself to sniff from a polite distance, olfactory senses working overtime whenever he’s nearby.
(Yoongi finds you uncapping all the detergents down the laundry aisle one night, desperately huffing each type to try and work out which one Jungkook uses. “Jesus Christ,” he says, watching as you take a particularly long drag of whatever Spring Day is—it’s pleasant, whatever it is, but it’s not what you’re looking for. “Are you trying to get high?”
“Smell this,” you say instead, shoving it in his face. He takes a wary sniff, nose crinkling. “This is nice, isn’t it?”
“I guess?” Yoongi seems baffled. “Okay, you’re clearly busy, I’ll tell Sejin to ask someone else to do the job.” You don’t reply, too busy sucking in a lungful of Crystal Snow as Yoongi backs away.)
Jungkook also seems to have this weird knack of appearing whenever you need help lifting or moving something heavy. Normally you hate it when someone steps in to help you, a little offended at the idea that you can’t do something yourself—you've been doing this for long enough that you've developed a technique for things—but when Jungkook does it you don’t feel disrespected at all. He’s just so nice about it.
Like the time when you’re struggling to move an empty wooden pallet and put it on top of a stack of others; not only is it heavy, it's large and unwieldy, too. The last time you’d tried to move one of these you’d ended up hitting it against your shins while also getting a palmful of splinters. You hate these things. Jungkook, however, materialises out of seemingly nowhere and offers you his help. He ends up lifting the thing himself, squatting down to grab it and just tossing it on top of the pile. He does it effortlessly, literally effortlessly, like the pallet weighs nothing to him, and when you ask if he thought it was heavy, he blinks.
“No, not really,” he says. You have to bite the inside of your mouth to stop yourself from screeching.
“You must lift a lot of weights,” you say, weakly, and Jungkook nods.
“I’ve started incorporating weights into my pull up routine recently, too.” 
“Oh? Do you, like… tie them to yourself or something? Uh. How heavy are they?” 
Jungkook perks up, apparently excited at the opportunity of talking about exercise. “I hold a fifteen kilogram weight in one hand while I do a pull up with the other,” he says. 
Your legs feel weak at this mental image and you end up sitting on the stack of pallets as Jungkook starts to tell you about the rest of his workout routine, and when you find out he does kickboxing as well, you almost have to excuse yourself so that you can try and calm down. Instead you grin and bear it, your fingers digging into your thighs in the horniest grip known to man, acting like this is just a normal conversation that is absolutely not affecting you, no sir, no sirree, holy shit you’re going to die.
That night you do have to excuse yourself at lunch when you make a comment on Jungkook’s food, and he says that he needs to keep his calorie count up because he’s bulking at the moment.
“Bulking? Like for abs?” Yoongi asks.
“I already have abs,” Jungkook says dismissively. Your leg jolts under the table and your knee hits the underside of it, sending your empty lunch box almost flying to the floor, and Jungkook and Yoongi look at you in alarm. “Are you alright, Y/n?”
“Bathroom,” you gasp. “I gotta—bathroom. Lady stuff.”
You splash water over your face and run it over your wrists, desperately trying to cool down. You’d suspected he had abs, for multiple reasons, not least of all the fact that whenever he leaned back in his chair the material of his shirt would settle on his stomach in a way that hinted at the shape of the muscles underneath, but to hear him confirm it—like it was nothing—good lord. (Yoongi’s caught you staring at Jungkook’s stomach multiple times when the boy was distracted, but you’re beyond caring. If you have to deal with Yoongi fawning over Jimin then he can put up with you ogling Jungkook.)
When you come back, Yoongi is at the counter making your coffees while Jungkook is still sitting at the table. You slide back into your seat, about as composed as you’re going to get, when Jungkook leans towards you.
“Are you okay?” He looks worried. “I have some heat pads in my locker if, um, you wanted them, if you’re having period pains?” he says, but then he looks unsure. “I don’t know if you’re actually meant to use them on your tummy, though.”
Tummy. You want to squeal at how cute the word is, not to mention the fact that Jungkook doesn’t seem bothered about talking about period related stuff, unlike a lot of guys you’d known. “Oh, uh, no, thanks, Jungkook,” you say, flushing. “That’s really nice of you but I’m alright.”
“Okay,” Jungkook says, although he’s still clearly concerned. “Let me know if you change your mind.”
And that’s the other thing. You still think Jungkook is the hottest person you’ve ever seen, of course, but he’s also so nice. And hardworking. And sweet. And gentle and thoughtful and determined and talented and just—he's just a whole lot of man, really, just so much, too much. Initially you’d been attracted to him based purely on how cute he was, but now that you've actually gotten to know him, your attraction has morphed into a full-on all consuming crush that’s absolutely catastrophic. 
Even when you’re not at work, you keep zoning out because you’re thinking about: Jungkook’s arms, Jungkook’s thighs, Jungkook’s face, Jungkook’s personality, or a mix of all of the above. You can’t focus on things when all you can think about is Jungkook. 
Jimin, of course, has been kept fully up to date with the situation. You squat behind the bakery counter whenever he’s on a late shift, hiding away from prying eyes so that you can talk to him as he tidies up, although you know he’s making moony eyes at Yoongi, who’ll glance back at him between the shelves of bread. 
You groan into your hands from your cross legged position on the floor, sat atop a flattened croissant box, and Jimin pats you sympathetically on the head.
“Jungkook is very cute,” says Jimin. You groan again.
“I want him to raw me,” you say. Yoongi must have been closer than you thought because you hear a noise of disgust from the other side of the counter before the sound of his footsteps moving away. Jimin laughs his tinkly little laugh as you continue to speak. “But I also want him to hold my hand? And I wanna kiss his cute little forehead. And make him breakfast in bed. Ugh. I hate this,” you whine. 
Jimin pats your head again. “Why don’t you ask him for coffee?”
You take your head out of your hands and fix him with a pout. “Why don’t you?”
“You know I don’t ask people for coffee, Y/n, I’m the one who gets asked,” Jimin says, and you know he’s projecting his voice so that Yoongi can hear him. You also know that Yoongi is too dense to pick up on this obvious flirtation, even though you can see how Jimin throws a wink in the direction of where Yoongi must be; you don’t turn to look over the counter but you hear the distinct sound of someone walking into a stack of bread and knocking it over, before Yoongi swears. Jimin just looks fond.
“Oh my God, just marry each other already,” you mutter.
“He has to ask me out first,” Jimin says, softly enough that Yoongi can’t hear from where he must be furiously tidying up the bread, if the sound of plastic packaging and low curses are anything to go by. “Seriously, Y/n, it sounds like Jungkook likes you as well. I think you should just go for it.”
You sigh. “Jungkook’s so far out of my league it’s like we’re not even playing the same sport. He’s sinking three pointers while I’m, I don’t know, whacking balls with a croquet mallet,” you mumble.
Jungkook is nice and funny and works out and is hot, so hot, the kind of hot that has people literally stopping to look at him. (You certainly had, the first time you'd spotted him down an aisle, doing a literal double take at how cute he was.) You, meanwhile, are a clown whose sense of humour has been warped by years of niche internet memes, you drink more coffee than is probably medically advisable, and make-up can only take you up to a shaky 6/10 on a very good day. All in all: Not Exactly A Catch.
Jimin clearly disagrees. “Don’t be stupid, Y/n.” He sounds genuinely mad, frowning at you. "If I didn’t like Yoongi I absolutely would have asked you out by now. Jungkook would be lucky to have you, you are a wholeass meal.”
“Yoongi compared me to a slug the other day,” you say. Admittedly it was because he’d knocked on your door when you’d been in the middle of shaving your legs, your skin shining with coconut oil—so the slug slime comment was definitely warranted and hadn’t been an insult—but Jimin’s expression turns murderous, unaware of the context.
“Min Yoongi, you get over here right now,” he hisses. Yoongi is there in seconds. “Did you call Y/n a slug?”
Yoongi’s face looms at you from over the counter. “Should’ve called her a snake instead,” he says, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Hiss hiss,” you say. “That’s what you get for chatting shit about coconut oil.” 
Jimin blinks before his face goes smooth and a look of understanding crosses his features, raising an eyebrow at you. You bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I’m going back to the bagels,” he says, but then his voice is gentle when he continues: “Unless you need something else, Jimin?”
“No, thank you, Yoongi.” He smiles at Yoongi, soft and sweet, instantly forgetting about the slug comment.
The two of them look at each other like the rest of the world has ceased to exist and you mime throwing up, but because they’re looking at each other like the rest of the world has ceased to exist, neither of them notice. You hear Yoongi’s footsteps recede and you lift your hands in despair.
“How is it even when I’m having a breakdown over a boy, the two of you manage to be so incredibly gay over each other?”
“It’s a talent,” Jimin says. “Besides, as happy as I am to listen to you, there’s only so many ways you can say I wanna suck Jungkook’s dick so bad, or he’s so adorable, what the fuck, or oh my God, Jungkook is so hot and I’m so thirsty, which are all things you’ve said, verbatim, multiple times.”
“It’s true.” You pout. “You’ve only seen Jungkook from a distance, anyway. He’s even better up close.” The bakery section is the other side of the supermarket, as far away from the fruit and veg section as you can possibly get; Jungkook has a much better work ethic than you and Yoongi and actually stays in his area to work, so he hasn’t met Jimin properly yet. 
Jimin’s expression becomes thoughtful. “You know what, that’s true,” he says. 
You’re immediately on guard. Jimin is well-meaning and considerate and kind, but he also loves to meddle and has absolutely no shame about it—the second you see that glint in his eyes, you think that maybe you’ve said something you shouldn’t have, but then you notice the time and your eyes widen.
“Oh, shit, I better go pretend to work before Sejin realises I’m missing.” You scrabble to your feet. “If I don’t see you before you go, have a safe drive home, Jimin!”
Jimin’s usually pretty punctual about leaving on time (even if he’ll hang around to talk to Yoongi, ugh). You wander over to the fruit section to help Sejin fill a display stand, and you freeze in the middle of lifting some apples into a paper bag when you spot Jimin talking to Jungkook. Jimin looks coy, Jungkook looks confused, and you? You probably look constipated. Why is Jimin still here?
You only realise that your mouth is open when Jimin spots you and winks, overexaggerated and theatrical. Your mouth snaps shut as Jungkook’s attention turns to whatever he’s winking at. You duck out of sight before he can spot you, scampering down the length of the store before practically throwing your apples at Sejin, who is understandably caught off guard and fails to catch the bag.
“I’ll go get some blueberries for the other shelf from the back room,” you bark in his face, all but running away before he can respond, leaving him surrounded by the escapee apples (escapples?) that are rolling away from him. You skulk around the entrance of the fruit and veg room for a little while, waiting for Jimin to leave via the staff exit—directly across from where you’re standing—but he doesn’t appear and you can only pretend to look for blueberries for so long, eventually returning to Sejin while despondently clutching the trays of berries.
Jungkook doesn’t seem any different when you make your midnight coffee run, and lunch is about as normal as usual. When you mention Jimin, he smiles, saying that it was nice to finally meet him, but other than seemingly slightly distracted—as if deep in thought—that’s it. There’s no hint that Jimin mentioned anything about you at all, least of all your crush—thank God—but you can feel the ripples in the Force. (Or maybe that was all the coffee you were drinking, seriously, maybe you should slow down?) You know that it’s not a coincidence that you’d had yet another meltdown about Jungkook right before Jimin had introduced himself to the object of your affections. You also know that Jimin knows that you know that, utterly shameless as always.
Jimin is on another late shift the next night. You squat behind the bakery counter when it’s unmanned, Jimin going outside to throw away some old baguettes or whatever, and you (metaphorically) pounce on him when he reappears. “Park Jimin.”
Jimin is entirely unsurprised. In fact he even has a box for you to sit on, proffering a flattened piece of porridge packaging; you feel uncomfortable at the idea of sitting on the Quaker Oats guy’s face and flip it over so you can see brown cardboard rather than his weirdly smug expression looking up at you. “Yes?”
“What exactly were you talking to Jungkook about last night?” You peer up at him, attempting to look at least somewhat threatening, but it’s kind of hard when you’re so much lower to the ground than Jimin is right now. Jimin has to look down at you so far that he’s given himself a double chin, but he’s still gorgeous, because of course he is. (He should leave some for the rest of you, jeez.)
“Oh, a lot of things,” Jimin says. “You were right about him being a sweetheart. He’s very nice. I approve.”
“What are you, my dad?” You mutter to yourself, but then: “You didn’t say anything about my crush, did you?”
Jimin is a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them. So when he answers you with a simple “no” you believe him, although you can’t help but still feel a little suspicious. Your gut might be full of coffee more often than not, but she’s also a smart bitch—smarter than your brain for sure—and your gut is telling you that Park Jimin must have done or said something.
“Yoongi is putting the tortillas out, so excuse me if I’m distracted,” Jimin says. The tortilla wraps are on the bottom shelf so Yoongi has to bend over to work them. You make a face of disgust and stand up to leave.
“Fine, me and the Quaker Oats guy will take ourselves elsewhere.” You tuck the flattened box snugly under your arm. “We know when we’re not wanted.” 
You feel a little bad later when you put the box into the industrial baler that you have, the machine crushing all of your cardboard flat, saddened that you’ve had to part from your new friend so soon. Bye, Quaker Oats guy. 
Jungkook finds you standing in front of the baler with a genuinely sad expression on your face, silent as the machine makes mechanical squealing and wailing noises while it crushes the boxes inside it. “Uh. Is everything okay?” He asks, delicate.
“It will be eventually,” you say solemnly, but then you look away from the baler and immediately brighten, smiling at him. “Did you need me for something?”
Jungkook looks at you for a second and then shakes his head. “I was just out here to get some more stock from the back room,” he says, and you both get back to work, unaware of the glances you steal at each other as you part.
Later that night—well, technically, morning—you see someone you haven’t seen for a while, and you gasp with excitement when you spot him. “Namjoon!” You holler down the aisle, far too loud and energetic at 5am, jogging up to him. “I thought you stopped morning shifts!”
Namjoon is a beautiful tree of a man, tall and long limbed, and probably the nicest person you’ve ever met. You’ve missed his dimples. “I did, but, I’m doing a bit of overtime,” he says, and you can’t help but smile up at him.
You’re so caught up in your laughter, cackling at a story that Namjoon is telling you, that you don’t notice Jungkook spotting you from the other end of the aisle. He circles around a few times, pretending to be straightening up the shelves, but watches as you shuffle closer to Namjoon, your heads practically knocking against each other as you stare intently at something on his phone. Jungkook can’t bear it any longer and starts to walk over. He has no idea what he’s planning to do once he gets there but he���s marching over anyway, and that's when you spot him.
“Jungkook, Jungkook!” You beckon him over—like he wasn’t coming in your direction already—and you sound so excited. “Jungkook, look, puppies!”
Jungkook has no idea who the tall guy is but he’s nice enough to turn his phone towards Jungkook without being asked to. There are multiple puppies tumbling over each other in the video, nosing at each other and flopping around. “I thought a golden retriever would be good for Jin, because he’s never had a dog before,” the tall man says, and you coo.
“They’re so cute! Oh my God, Joon, you should get one of those little bandanas you could tie around their necks, those are adorable,” you squeal. “Ahh, I love dogs so much. Don’t you, Jungkook?” Your eyes are shining as you look up at him, excited. 
Jungkook feels like he needs to sit down. “Of course. Who doesn’t?” He says, and you beam at him; he has to dig his fingers into his palms at how cute you are. He desperately turns his attention back to the video, where one of the puppies is nosing at a ball. “Look at them retrieve.”
“Retrieve my heart,” you say, clutching your chest. “Ahh, gosh, Joonie, you’re really living the dream, moving in with your hot boyfriend and getting a dog together.” You’re too busy imagining living in that reality to notice how all the tension leaves Jungkook the second he hears that Namjoon has a boyfriend. Oblivious. “Anyway, you should probably get back to work, I’ve distracted you for long enough. Sorry!”
“No problem.” Namjoon quirks a smile at you, nodding at Jungkook before moving away.
“Ahh, Namjoon is so lucky,” you say wistfully. “He’s so nice though, he deserves it.”
Jungkook is looking at you, curious. “You really get to know everyone, don’t you?”
“Huh?” You blink. “What? Yeah, I guess. Is that weird?”
“No.” Jungkook pauses, and you think that’s all he’s going to say on the matter, but then his mouth opens again. “You’re just so nice to everyone, and you actually pay attention to what they say and remember it. Most of the time when people talk, they don’t actually listen, they’re just waiting for when it’s their turn to talk about themselves, but you don’t do that. It’s cool,” he adds, belatedly. “I really admire it.”
You’re staring at him in shock. No one’s ever said anything like that before, complimented you in such a wholehearted way about something they’ve noticed about you. It's thrown you for a loop. You’re so used to thinking of yourself as a clown—a friendly clown, sure, but a clown nonetheless—that you’re genuinely shaken to the core after hearing what Jungkook’s just said about you.
He looks alarmed when you don’t respond, just blinking up at him as your brain desperately tries to reboot, but you’re saved from having to reply when Sejin calls out to you.
“Y/n, the computer at the front desk is playing up again." His hands are cupped around his mouth, amplifying himself so that you can hear him down the aisle. “You’re the only one who knows how to fix it.”
You snap out of your daze. “Again? You’ve tried turning it off and on again, right?” You’re about to walk away from Jungkook, but first you glance up at him, shy. “Um. Thanks for always being so nice, Kookie. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he says. He sounds a little breathless. You don’t have time to ask why, Sejin’s noise of distress catching your attention. 
“I’m coming!” You rush off, nearly tripping on a loose grape on the floor; you manage to regain your balance with minimal flailing, unaware of how Jungkook fondly watches you go.
A few weeks later, you get sick. 
You’re really bad at being sick, one of the reasons being that you don’t like to admit that you are sick—and so you still roll into work despite the fact you’re clearly unwell.
“You look like a body that’s just been fished out of the water.” Yoongi shows his concern in an interesting way. “Like you’ve been floating belly up near that trash island in the middle of the ocean that’s the size of Texas.”
You fix him with a baleful stare. He’d threatened to not let you into his car earlier, locking the door as you’d been reaching for the handle; he’d only relented after you’d hissed at him and scrabbled at the glass like some sort of feral cat.
“You do look a bit more tired than usual,” Jungkook says delicately.
You groan. The noise sounds like it’s being ripped out of your throat, which feels as dry as the sahara desert; why are your throat and eyes so dry while your nose keeps running? Why is the liquid in all the wrong places? The human body is a wreck. (After glancing at Jungkook, who looks as perfect as always, you mentally correct yourself—your body is a wreck.)
“I’m fine,” you rasp, and then sniff, trying to stop your nose from dripping. Jungkook hands you a tissue. “I don’t need this, because I’m not sick, but thank you.”
You proceed to blow your nose loudly into the tissue, a trumpeting noise that trails off into a squeak, a sad little thing that sounds like the farting noise a balloon makes when all the air finally escapes it. Yoongi snorts with amusement but Jungkook’s brow is furrowed with concern.
Rather than being disgusted at your appearance—you’re not sick, you’re just suffering from mild allergies or something, so maybe you’ll admit that you look a little washed out—Jungkook has been worried about you from the moment you’d walked in. He’d even offered you his work fleece when he’d caught you shivering, which you’d graciously accepted. (Again, you weren’t shivering because you were sick, it’s just weirdly cold in the store today, even though no one else seems to be affected by it.) (Also, like, hello? The man of your dreams was offering you the chance to wear his clothes? As if you were going to say no to that.)
Despite definitely not being sick, you do sort of feel like your head is full of cotton wool, and everything seems so much louder than usual. Sejin takes pity on you and gives you the surprisingly easy job of counting stock out back in the warehouse, where it’s quieter and warmer—but you still keep Jungkook’s fleece on anyway, breathing in the lovely smell of his fabric softener as you idly count items, taking it slow.
You’ve climbed a stepladder so that you can reach a higher shelf, mentally tallying the cans of coke you find up there; you shuffle through them so you can turn the labels towards you, making sure you’re keeping the different flavours separate. (What’s the difference between diet and zero sugar, anyway? Aren’t they both the same thing?)
“Did I just see a pigeon walk past?”
You startle and nearly knock your row of cans off the shelf. Somehow you hadn’t noticed Jungkook walking into the warehouse, even though he clearly hadn’t meant to surprise you; his hands fly out to steady the stepladder, and though you appreciate this it throws you off balance and so you grab the shelf in front of you. One of the cans falls off, jostled by your movements, and your instinct is to try and catch it with your foot so it at least slows enough before it hits the ground that it doesn’t explode. 
In theory, it’s not a bad idea. In reality, you wildly overestimate how heavy the can is and so you put way too much power into the swing of your leg and punt the can of coke into the distance. The two of you trace its arcing trajectory as it disappears over the metal racking before landing with a distinctly wet clatter. Yeah, it’s definitely exploded, hasn’t it.
“Wasn’t me,” you say immediately, but then your slower-than-normal brain catches up with what Jungkook just said. “Wait, what?”
“I was wondering if you saw a pigeon walking around,” Jungkook says. “I think I saw it walking from the back entrance into here?”
Much to his obvious surprise, your eyes light up. You’re maybe not as exuberant as usual because of your illness but you’re still clearly excited. “Oh!” You hop down off the stepladder, nearly losing your balance for a second—maybe you are a teensy weensy bit sick—but then straighten up before Jungkook can help steady you. “Shortbread’s back!”
Jungkook looks baffled but follows after you when you start to walk, abandoning your stock counts. “Shortbread?”
“Yeah! Hold on, you’re taller than me. You see that bit of metal that juts out of the ceiling there?”
Jungkook looks at where you’re pointing. It’s against the back wall of the warehouse, the ceiling lower here than in the rest of the room, panelling and wires supported by criss-crossing bars of thick blue metal. “Yeah?”
“Can you reach up there and feel around a bit?” Jungkook makes a face, clearly not wanting to shove his hand into some mysterious hidden nook, but you look up at him with the best puppy dog eyes you can muster. You probably look like a wreck (what with how sick you are) but Jungkook relents immediately anyway; you think it's because he's nice and not because your attempt at being cute had been successful. He cranes upwards and feels around with his hand until it makes contact with crinkly plastic, and you motion for him to grab it—it’s an open pack of biscuits, with a receipt wedged inside that has your name scribbled on it.
“Gimme, gimme.” You make grabby hands at him. He tilts it towards you and you latch onto a biscuit, which is clearly stale; it crumbles almost immediately in your hands but you don’t pay it any mind, gesturing for him to put the tray back in its hiding place. “Where did you see the pigeon last?”
“Uh, near the soup, I think,” Jungkook answers. You immediately head in that direction, talking over your shoulder as he follows after you.
“You’ve seen that fishing net near the cardboard baler, right?” Your eyes flit to and fro, trying to spot the errant pigeon.
“Yeah, the green one? I was wondering why that was there.”
You click your tongue. “A few months ago we had a pigeon who kept flying here and wandering into the building,” you explain. “We knew it was the same pigeon because it has a tag around its leg? I think it’s a tracker pigeon, I don’t know. So I would use biscuits to get it to follow me outside. But then management got the net and someone said they caught it and, uh, ‘disposed’ of it.” You look equal parts distressed and sad and Jungkook’s chest twinges. “I haven’t seen it since, so even though I hoped that it wasn't the truth, I kind of accepted that it probably was.”
You round the corner past soups, heading towards the cereal overstock, when you both spot the pigeon. It’s slowly walking backwards and forwards on the floor, but when you appear, it stops and looks at you.
“Shortbread! It is you!” You sound absolutely elated, squatting down and proffering the mess of crumbs in your hand, sprinkling them in front of you. “I knew they hadn’t caught you!”
The pigeon—Shortbread—hops forward immediately, heading straight for the crumbs. You laugh in delight as it gets closer and starts to peck at the food. “You’ve gotta stop coming here, bud, Sejin’s going to get really mad if he spots you,” you say. Shortbread, of course, ignores you, more intent on eating the crumbs of—well, the crumbs of shortbread that you’ve given it. You look away from the pigeon, up at Jungkook, who’s watching you with an expression on his face that you can only describe as consternation. Does he dislike pigeons, maybe? “Do you want to feed him?”
“Doyouwanttogetcoffeewithme?” Jungkook blurts. The remaining crumbs of biscuit fall out of your hand, scattering into a wild constellation of fragments that Shortbread immediately swoops down onto—but you’re not paying the bird any mind, completely blindsided.
“Uh. What?” You stare up at Jungkook. Your mouth is open and slack with surprise; you hadn’t quite caught his words, but you could have sworn that he said— “Come again?”
Jungkook’s put a hand over his face, which is starting to turn red. “Do you—do you want to get coffee with me?” Even though he’s turned his head away from you, his eyes are pointed in your direction; Shortbread makes a cooing noise and starts to peck at the crumbs directly in front of you, but neither of you pay the pigeon any attention.
“Uh.” You know your brain is running on around 25% capacity right now, a mixture of your sickness and lack of sleep catching up with you, but you could swear that—what does Jungkook mean—nah, he doesn’t mean that, no way… haha… unless…? “You… want to get coffee? You know where we keep the jar.” Shortbread pecks at your open palm, a few crumbs still stuck to your skin. You’re momentarily distracted from your mental breakdown, giggling at the sensation of the pigeon’s beak, even though it hurts your throat to laugh. “Shortbread, there’s way more food on the floor, why are you trying to eat from my hand?”
“Y/n.” When Jungkook says your name your eyes snap back towards him. “Can I take you out on a date?”
This time you do catch all his words. Your mouth falls open again and you stare at him like the dumbass you are. Is Jeon Jungkook—your cute, kind, buff angel seriously asking you out? Right now? When you're squatting on a dusty warehouse floor with a handful of stale biscuit crumbs, wearing the world’s least flattering uniform, all while looking like some sort of washed out river corpse? (Thanks for that lovely comparison, Yoongi.) Has he lost his mind? Maybe lifting all those heavy crates meant that all the blood has run into his arm muscles rather than his brain and it's been starved of oxygen, because there’s no sane reason as to why Jungkook would be asking you out on a date.
“Me? A date?” Your voice comes out as a squeak. “With you?”
Jungkook looks absolutely mortified. You didn’t realise someone’s cheeks could go that red. “Forget I said anything,” he says, turning on his heel so that he can walk away; you catch a glimpse of bright crimson climbing up the back of his neck and the tips of his ears, too.
“No, wait, Jungkook!” You snap up from your squatting position and grab Jungkook’s shoulder, smearing crumbs onto his shirt. You feel light headed as he starts to turn around, but not because he’s looking at you—you’d stood up too quickly and you feel woozy from your illness, swaying off balance. 
You nearly careen sideways into some cereal overstock. Jungkook’s eyes fly wide open in alarm, interposing himself so that you land against him instead. There’s the sound of metal clattering as your weight sends Jungkook into the cereal, rattling the cage, but he holds you steady. You still feel a bit faint, but now you’re sure that it’s partially due to the fact that you’re crushed up against Jungkook’s warm, firm chest, his hands on your hips as he frowns down at you.
“Are you alright?” 
“Never better,” you mumble into the fabric of his polo shirt. (Jungkook's at risk of you snotting on him if your nose starts to run, but he doesn’t seem to care.) He smells even better up close than you ever could have imagined—thank god your sense of smell is still intact—and you melt against him for a second before your brain catches up with the situation and your head snaps back so that you can look at him. “Wait. Why were you about to leave?”
Jungkook’s look of concern turns instantaneously into one of embarrassment. “No reason,” he says, voice higher than normal, clearly uncomfortable.
You clench your fist and hit his firm chest, but with no strength behind the punch; your hand may as well have been a slice of bread for all the impact it makes. “Liar.” There’s no heat behind your words. “Did you seriously ask me on a date?”
Jungkook’s face is reddening again, but you’re still leaning against him. He can’t try to escape this time. “Uh. Yes?” From this close you can count his individual eyelashes, pick out the moles that dot his face, and, yep, you were right, he’s even better up close. “I’m sorry?”
You blink. “Sorry? For asking me out? Jungkook. Do you seriously think I’d say no?”
“... yes?” Jungkook’s voice is a squeak, much like yours had been a moment earlier. Holy shit. Does he not realise how amazing and hot he is? Does he seriously think that you, resident clown, would turn him down? Does he think you’re the one who’s out of his league?
You try to put this into words. Try to ask him this gently, so you can highlight just how ridiculous he’s being. However, what comes out of your mouth is: “Are you an idiot?” Thanks, brain, for once again abandoning you in your greatest time of need. Quick, reel it back. “Why would you think that?”
Jungkook, to your eternal gratitude, doesn’t seem offended at your implication that he’s stupid. He just seems flustered. “I—you’re just so unapologetically you, you know?” He says. "You're charismatic and confident and everyone likes you. You’re the most popular person on night shift. I’m too shy to talk to anyone and I just do the same thing every night I’m here, but you can do everything. I always saw you talking to the other morning workers and you were always so nice, but you never spoke to me? When you introduced yourself to me after I moved to nights, I was confused, but, uh, really happy.”
Holy shit. He really does think that you’re out of his league. He looks like he wants the ground to swallow him up after this little speech, mouth snapping shut while his cheeks continue to blaze red. He's so cute. He's going to be the death of you.
“Jungkook. I didn’t talk to you before night shift because you made me so fucking nervous,” you say. “I could barely look at you for weeks because you’re so beautiful that it kind of makes me want to barf sometimes and I couldn’t handle it. But then you moved to nights and I couldn’t avoid talking to you, and I found out how kind and hardworking and interesting you are, and—Jungkook, I don’t think I’ve ever crushed this hard on anyone in my life.” Why are you telling him all this? You must be more sick than you realise. Your mouth is entirely out of your control. “I get so excited for work now because it means I get to see you. Yoongi and Jimin have been listening to me gush about you for months. And Hobi too, but you don't know him. But I didn’t think you’d ever like me back so I didn’t say anything,” you admit, and the tiny part of your brain that’s still functional shoots a prayer off to God, or anyone else who’s listening, begging to be struck down by lightning. No such luck. “Uh. Basically, yes, Jungkook, I would love to go on a date with you, please excuse my rambling, my brain feels like it’s full of cotton.”
Jungkook’s eyes are wide. He’s staring at you like he can’t believe anything you’re saying. You abruptly realise that the two of you are still wrapped around each other in a very compromising position, in an area of the building where anyone could appear at any moment—not to mention that Shortbread is still fluttering around nearby, eating up crumbs with typical pigeon inefficiency.
“You—you think I’m beautiful?” Jungkook asks, and you blush.
“I think you’re the hottest person who’s ever existed, probably,” you answer honestly. “Please don’t ask more questions, I start to feel queasy whenever I have to express real emotion.”
“Y/n.” Jungkook seems to be rapidly getting over his shock, and a smile starts curling at his lips, and—yeah, you still wanna lick his teeth. Good to know. “I couldn’t possibly be the hottest person who’s ever existed.”
You snort, even though the action grates the back of your nose and throat. “Where’s your evidence?”
Jungkook gently squeezes you. “Right here,” he says. 
Your brain desperately scrabbles for purchase in reality, shutting down and then rebooting, internet modem sounds crackling slowly in your head as you try to get to grips with the fact that Jungkook just did that, even though the motion was meant to be tender. Why must your mind be so dirty? 
Wait, he thinks you’re hot?
“Jungkook, I look like death,” you say, and although you’re ostensibly referring to the fact you’re sick right now (fine, you’ll admit it, you’re sick), it’s more of a general statement.
“You’re gorgeous,” Jungkook says, deadly serious. Your heart flutters. What did you do to deserve this boy?
You’ve still got your faces tilted towards each other, and you can’t help but notice Jungkook’s eyes darting down to your lips. You’ve just started to inch closer to each other when your brain finally snaps back to full capacity and you’re shoving your hand in Jungkook’s face; the clean one, thankfully, not the one covered with biscuit crumbs. Seems like your brain came through.
“I don’t want our first kiss to be in the warehouse at work, when I’m sick,” you say. While that’s true, your heart is pounding in your chest at the idea that Jungkook apparently still wants to kiss you despite the fact you definitely need to blow your nose.
“Okay.” Jungkook’s voice is muffled against your palm. “That’s fair. Can you move your hand? It’s kind of hard to breathe like this.”
“Oh, shit, sorry.” You pull your hand away, and Jungkook takes in a deep breath; you feel how his chest expands and you’re once again reminded of how you’re flush against him. Jesus. “Uh, we should probably get Shortbread out of here before someone catches him.”
Jungkook lets you go so you can coax Shortbread towards one of the fire exits. He holds the door open as you squat down, wishing the pigeon good luck before you say goodbye; when you glance back up at Jungkook you notice the look on his face, open and fond, and your heart does a loop de loop in your chest when you realise that he's been looking at you like this a lot—your brain had just refused to let you notice it for what it is. What the heck.
As Jungkook lets the door shut behind you, you clear your throat. “Um. While I do absolutely want to get coffee with you, can it wait until I’m better? I don’t wanna be all crusty and snotty on our first date,” you say, weirdly shy despite the fact it’s obvious that Jungkook seems to think that you hung the moon. (Which you still don’t understand but you’re not complaining, not at all.)
“Sure.” Jungkook smiles and your heart flip flops in your chest again. The feats of acrobatics your heart achieves when Jungkook around is honestly astounding, but everything he does is just so… adorable. You’re certain that when you see him out of his work uniform and in his regular clothes you’re going to spontaneously combust, but you’ll cross that bridge when you come to it. “I should probably get back to fruit and veg, but, I’ll see you for lunch?”
“Yeah.” You smile helplessly back at him. “Of course. See you at lunch.”
Despite the fact you’re worried about getting him sick, Jungkook really doesn’t care about keeping his distance. When Yoongi walks into the canteen to the sight of you snuggled up to Jungkook and giggling as you feed him his lunch, your friend just rolls his eyes. “Kids these days,” he says, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“You’re just jealous that it’s taken me and Jungkook less time to confess to each other than it’s taken you with Jimin,” you say, and then gasp as you remember something. “Oh, Jungkook, that reminds me! What was that long conversation you were having with Jimin the other week?”
Jungkook flushes. “Uh, he was giving me advice on how to ask you out,” he admits sheepishly. “I wasn’t planning on just blurting it out in the warehouse, but you were being so cute that I couldn’t stop myself?”
You stare into Jungkook’s eyes for a few long moments, before solemnly saying: “Jeon Jungkook, if I wasn’t sick, I would absolutely be kissing you right now.”
“Ugh, please don’t,” Yoongi says. Jungkook buries his head into the material of his work fleece, hiding his embarrassment against your shoulder, and you just laugh.
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secondshark · 3 years
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Ooh this is a good one! I’ll talk about this idea I’ve been having for a hot minute for this :3
I’d love to see supergirl in a situation where she acts as a detective, she’s like a super-powered Nancy Drew, basically. She’d be a teenaged version, too so not many people take her seriously and undermine her and that’s also what gets her to solve cases as well since people just let their guards down with her. It could also take place in the 1950s, because I like the way things look in my head for that time period.
I also think her “agency” should be located in a shoddy room at the Daily Planet, so she’s also close to the newspaper and is knowledgeable on current events. It would also be pretty cool if Jimmy Olsen was her sidekick, who’s amateur photography skills would get them evidence, clues, etc. He could totes be a love interest during a certain point in the story as well, maybe he has an admiration for Kara’s genius and crime solving skills!
Since it’s a Metropolis story, I’d imagine Lex would be the villain, but not the sort where he’s a big, bad unreachable force— no, he’d be there at the scene of a crime, or at the site where Kara is out looking for clues and he’d tell her, “you’re wasting your time, kid. Why don’t you keep your nose out of other people’s business?” With a knowing sneer.
So, yeah! Thanks for asking and I hope my idea made sense ^^ @paragonofhope0927
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adorabletimes · 3 years
Drones are as popular in travel photography
as they are often used to take captivating 360-degree shots of beaches, hilltops, and more. However, drones are fast becoming a staple in commemorating modern celebrations too. Picture drone footage of the entire wedding venue while guests start pouring in, or the bride making her way down the aisle. Stunning, right? It certainly elevates traditional wedding photography and makes your special day that much more memorable.
If you’ve been considering drone photography at your wedding, here are some more benefits to keep in mind.
Drones showcase the wedding venue
The venue is a major consideration when planning a wedding, so it would be a shame not to capture its entire splendor. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about that if you hire a drone photographer. Whether it’s a beach wedding or a garden wedding, drones can capture breathtaking visuals to clearly showcase the grandeur of your wedding’s location. These shots also work quite well for the videography, as they show an overview of the day’s proceedings.
Drones complement traditional photography
There are shots that can only be taken via drone and vice-versa. The drones listed on Digital Photography Review, such as the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, are ideal for wide aerial shots — especially since most of them are equipped with GPS-controlled accuracy for precision and stability in the air. However, SLRs are more useful for capturing close-ups and intimate moments — which are incredibly important in a wedding shoot. So, if you want to cover all your bases, it’s wise to have both a traditional camera setup and a drone camera for your wedding. That way, you get the best of both worlds.
Drones capture stunning and creative angles
One advantage of drones is that they can shoot from angles that are unreachable through normal camera setups. This allows photographers to be more creative and playful with their shots. For those looking to take gorgeous slow-motion clips and breathtaking panoramas, the high-end DJI Mavic Air 2 featured on Adorama can offer just that. Thanks to its SmartPhoto feature and advanced panorama mode, it can capture vivid colors in dynamic high definition. On the other hand, some drones like the Yuneec Typhoon H Plus are built to withstand strong winds. Its 3-axis gimbal-mounted camera offers excellent stability, all while shooting high-quality photos of your wedding day. With these advanced features, drones are well-equipped to cover your wedding day.
Drones give your wedding some flair
Hiring a drone photographer shows guests that you’re going all out on your big day. Aside from that, drones can also serve as a form of entertainment because of their novelty; it’s not every day you get to see a high-end drone covering a big event. Of course, drones should be interesting, but not enough to be a distraction from your big day. Thankfully, an article on Science Daily shows that drones are constantly undergoing redesigns to make them quieter and more unobtrusive.
Drones are excellent for group shots
It’s sometimes frustrating to find the perfect angle for a group shot. This is especially true if you have a large crowd — such as wedding guests — posing for the photo. However, the solution can be as simple as using a drone to take an overhead shot. This removes the need to crouch down or stand on tiptoe just to get everyone in the frame. As you can see, there are many advantages to getting a drone for your wedding.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Engagement Photographer in NJ,  Wedding videographers in NJ,  Birthday photographers in NJ,  Top wedding photographers in NJ &  Best wedding photographers in brooklyn NY.
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Central Park carriage tour – An exclusive way to enjoy and enhance your holiday spirit.
Horse-drawn private carriages are a unique way to experience the beauty & historical treasures of Central Park. Do you need some assistance in planning a Central Park carriage tour? Numerous horse-drawn carriage companies in Central Park offer exclusive carriage tours that best fit your needs. You can trust a reliable company that helps you plan your tour proposal. They will be glad to take you to explore the hidden alleys, different magical Central Park locations, and quaint by-ways that are unreachable with other transport modes. Apart from that, modern carriages are designed for comfort while maintaining an authentic look.
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Most Central Park carriage tours span from 30 to 90 minutes or even more based on your specific need. It is perfect for solo travelers, couples, groups, families, and much more. It includes a fully narrated tour through the scenic route in Central Park and explores major historical attractions like The Lake, Boat Pond, Cherry Hill, The Bow Bridge, Carousel, Strawberry Fields, Upper West Side, Dakota Building, Sheep Meadow, Tavern on the Green, Heckscher Playground, Columbus Circle, Belvedere Castle, Strawberry Fields, Bethesda Fountain, and much more you wish.
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The well-planned Central Park carriage tours not only bring fun but can be romantic. It will bring romance and memories to locals and tourists alike for hundreds of years. It can bring some added excitement when you customize a Central Park carriage tour for your wedding proposal, post-wedding ride, birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion. You can make it even extra memorable by adding photography, flowers, chocolate, or other special requests, such as custom pickup and drop-off at your Central Park locations.
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Pre-booking the Central Park carriage tour online ensures its availability at the time you need the ride. It allows for carriage ride customization and ensures that you will get the ride that you want. During the holiday or pick season, high season prices are not applied to pre-online booking private carriage rides. The 30-minute rides are not available during these dates. Book your extensive group tour with a reliable horse carriage ride company and enjoy your Central Park carriage tours at a special rate that fits best to meet your group's needs. They'll work with you and organize all of the details so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
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Expert drivers accommodate you with your entire tour. All the drivers are licensed, insured to ride the horse carriage, and pleasant while dealing with clients. They strive to provide you with the best customer service experience possible. They have vast experience in the industry and have a wealth of knowledge that you won't find anywhere else. They are specialized in providing informative and entertaining guided tours as well. The expert and experienced drivers assure you offer a fabulous Central Park carriage tour to make your day truly special. You will remember such a traditional yet unique way of traveling for longer!
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Carriage rides are one of the distinctive ways to discover Central Park in NYC. It's not only memorable but entertaining as well. Each carriage will be detailed and sanitized thoroughly every day. Seats will be cleaned & covered after each ride, and sanitizer will be available for guests during the season. Most horse carriages are not covered by canopy unless it's raining or heavily snowing. If you don't want to use the blanket, the horse carriage company can arrange the heated seats. Guests can request to use both for extra comfort.
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With over 60 years of experience in the horse and carriage business, Central Park Carriages promises customer satisfaction, is genuine, personable, and remains flexible to meet clients' needs. Not only has that but being family-owned and operated meant you are treated just like one of their own! So be ready to hire a Central Park carriage tour on your next trip to NYC.
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brazenlotus · 7 years
Patch Today...and it’s HUGE!
from EA.com 
Version # PC / Mac
Hello Simmers!
You better sit down for this one. Sit! Stay. Good.
There’s a bit here, a bit new, a bit old, a bit no longer busted. And it might take a bit of time to bite through it. So, let’s roll over, try not to get dogged down, and dig on in.
What’s New?
Four new roofs are available in Build Mode: Pentagonal, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Round Roofs!
All four can be found in the Roofs category.
Advanced Curvature Mode!
When you have a roof selected, hit SHIFT+C to expand your roof curvature edit options.
Gabled and Hipped roofs have additional manipulation points so their eaves can be adjusted on all 4 sides.
Photography has been made available to all players.
The Barely Better Digital Camera, Appreciably Average Digital Camera, and Crystal Clear Digital Camera objects are now available in Build Mode.
The Cell Phone interactions: Take Selfie, Take Photo With, Take Photo Of, and Take Photo, are available under from the cell phone entertainment menu
Photography Skill can be learned by your Sims up to a skill level of 5.Photos taken with the camera can have frames added to them.
Place the photo in the world, click on it, and select Add Frame.
My Households
The “My Households” panel in the Manage Household screen allows easier management of which households are considered important. Households placed in this panel are protected from being… deleted.
The “Maximum Sim Count” option specifies the number of protected Sims allowed. If the limit is reached, existing households need to be unprotected before new ones can be added.
The limit can be changed and does include an “Unlimited” option, although this setting is not recommended as it may cause performance issues or other undesirable behavior.
Shrink Objects, you can now shrink objects in your game using the Size Down cheat!
Similar to the Size Up cheat, which uses the Close Bracket, the Size Down cheat uses the Open Bracket.
This only changes the visual appearance of the object, and not the behavior.
Using it alongside MOO can allow you to create some great decorative configurations - like shelves full of MySim collectibles, or a Gulliver land to explore!Be wary however, not all objects shrink or enlarge as expected. It is a cheat after all.
Grim’s Ghoulish Guitar is now optionally available at the Main Menu, click on the button, and follow the instructions for how you can download the guitar.
Alright, stop playing dead. Time to heel in. Get through the final stretch, and really let our tongues wag.
General Issues
Now when hovering over the rotate options for blocks and walls in Build Mode, objects that will be impacted by the rotate will highlight yellow.
Teen Sims will now autonomously place their homework back into their inventory when finished.
Homework that does end up in public spaces will be cleaned up after the active Sims have left the lot.
Children will no longer float while drinking the essence from a Cow Plant… because they are not allowed to do so.
The Write Cookbook interaction will now always be available when reaching level 8 or higher in the Culinary Career.
Sims will once again receive a playful buff while taking a bubble bath.
We addressed an issue that could prevent Sims from spinning into outfits after purchasing from a retail mannequin.
The game clock should no longer skip forward and back when changing from 3x or ultra speeds back to speed 1.
Playing your old saves should no longer result in a mad rush for the restrooms.
Build Mode music should no longer indefinitely loop as a result of loading directly to Build Mode from the map screen.
Sims should no longer weed chess tables near their garden, when attempting to weed their garden.
Feminine framed male Sims with facial hair should no longer see chin distortions.
The cowplant is now safer! And by safer we mean, Grim will no longer fail to resurrect those eaten by the cowplant that were successfully pleaded, or flower bribed.
Deleting a household via the Manage Household dialog will no longer remove the option for a new family to move in to the lot and keep the old families furnishings.
The Angled Roof Trim now includes a red trim color, similar to the other roof trims.
Sims path will no longer be blocked by the Gathering of Garden Stones.
The inspired child will no longer see all available interactions as Draw, but instead will see the appropriately titled actions of Draw Shapes, Draw Vehicle, and so on, and so forth.
‘Sploit fix! Child and toddler Sims will no longer speed gain relationship with others in their toy playing relationship grind circles.
Non played adult Sims will no longer attempt to purchase child clothing, as it was preventing them from completing the checkout process.
Childish Sims are once again able to Play in Puddles.
Angry Sims with appropriate mischief skill levels, and Evil or Mean child Sims can once again stomp on puddles.
Angry writers will no longer only have the option to Write Furiously when choosing to Write Genre Book.
Safety Seal Holiday Fireplace, Fiery Façade Fireplace, and Firewalkers Training Ground fireplaces now all provide environment scores.
Attempting to complete the Smash Dollhouse whim by smashing a dollhouse will now award satisfaction points upon said smashing.
Sims should now sit when attending a wedding…
The microphone will no longer lose all detail when a Sim chooses to use the microphone.
When learning that another Sim is a Regional Manager, you shall no longer learn they are a Business at Dewey, Cheatem & Howe Incorporated, but instead, you will learn that they are a Regional Manager.
Children born to a parent with the Beloved aspiration reward trait are now born with a parent-child relationship to that parent, rather than relationship unknown.
Planter boxes now have a burned state.
We fixed an issue where yfBottom_SP08Jeggings and ymBottom_SP08Jeggings were showing through the fyTop_BlouseCollarUp, yfTop_Ep02Blazer, fyTop_JacketTweedClassic, and ymTop_GP03Vest incorrectly.
The Load option from the Main Menu will no longer go missing after creating a household in a new save, and exiting the game before placing them on a lot.
The Ornate Victorian Roof Line will now properly place on Flat Round rooms.
The pizza delivery Sim will now leave after an appropriate amount of time after the delivered takes the delivery from the deliverer.
Toddlers can once again nap on chairs.
Lazy Sims can once again Nap Lazily upon Living Chairs.
We fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Sims from planting their seeds.
The Contains New Items identifier for the Clutter category will now properly clear as expected.
Instructing a Sim to eat from their inventory, while they are seated with a glass of water, will no longer cause adult Sims to pop up and down, and child Sims to float.
Eat Leftovers and Put In Inventory will now have the correct text in Russian, rather than two versions of Eat Leftovers.
Attempting to continue the Microscope upgrade for Improve Lens Quality will no longer require "2 drink."
Moving lots and keeping your furnishings will no longer prevent you from live dragging food into the fridge once it has been replaced on the lot.
Sims not on their home lots will no longer disappear to the unknown after merging their household with another.
We have addressed some issues with the outfit combinations of festival goers, and have lessened the bizarre combinations.
Children in the family tree will now remember their parents, even if the parent is deleted. Which means, they will no longer be considered half-siblings to their brothers or sisters if they did indeed share the same two parents.
Using undo to change the age of a Sim from a toddler to another age will no longer cause the Swimwear and Athletic outfit types to disappear.
Relationship status will now properly reflect its current state without the need of traveling.
Now if you are taking a selfie you will be holding a phone.
Sims with the Connections reward trait will now receive the lower level career rewards as expected, when joining a new career and getting a career level boost.
Troll teh Forums will no longer take a long time to cancel.
Addressed an issue with the walls of the Landgraab lot that were incorrectly set and were preventing the placement of other objects.
Socializing with your adopted child will now properly satisfy the Socialize with your child 10 times goal of the Big Happy Family aspiration.
Using the Salvage into Parts interaction will now salvage the salvage into parts as expected.
Fixed an issue that was preventing male Sims from receiving the Widower buff when their spouse dies.
Lot traits are now in alphabetical order.
Using the Set as Head cheat on an object, routing off lot, and then using the Reset Sim cheat will now properly clean up the duplicated object, rather than leave it in an unreachable location off lot.
Downloading a lot from the Gallery will no longer cause wall placed items on half walls to sometimes be placed on the floor.
Social events such as Birthday, Wedding, Dinner, Costume, House parties, or Dates, can now be hosted on Generic Lots.
The Brazilian Portuguese Sims, Morgana and Silvana, shall no longer be known as Marcio and Siobhan.
On page one of the Lot Traits lesson under the Build Mode category, we have added a period at the end of the last sentence
When randomizing your female Sims jaw in Create a Sim, randomization will now choose from all Jaws… duunnn dunnn, duuuunnnn duun.
The science career interaction Tinker will now properly show a focused emotion interaction option when the Sim is focused.
The Killer Queen Double Bed now says, as well as gives, 4 Energy, rather than saying 1 and giving 4.
The Square Confection, Campanulate, Photopollution, and Round Confection Ceiling Lights will now all fade appropriately when viewed in Live Mode.
We have added some more words to the profanity filter; among the words added are plum, plum, plum, and plum.
Get to Work
We have increased the chance of alien abduction, slightly.
Planted plants are no longer allowed to be put up for sale.
Baking skill gain is now boosted when inspired.
Placing a mannequin in a room will no longer trigger auto lights to turn on.
We have removed an odd shadow that appeared along the neckline of the Adult Male Mannequin – Abstract mannequin.
We addressed some issues that were causing retail employees to stop ringing up customers; employees should more consistently ring up customers now.
The Corporate Fridge Raider Revenue Generating Cooler now states that it provides a Food Quality: 6.
Out of This World Desktop can now have its focused emotional aura disabled.
We fixed an issue that could prevent the cloning machine from properly functioning if it was upgraded prior to initiating an attempt to clone a Sim.
THE Front Desk now believes itself to be a desk.
Get Together
Radio music played at event lots will no longer continue to play when visiting that lot after the event ceases.
City Living
Repair-Sims will now stay up to 10 hours on your lot fixing your busted and broken.
The interaction to Scrap Unfinished Mix is now present on DJ Booth mix-tapes.
Fixing a broken electric box while the power is out will now fix the broken electric box, rather than permanently leave you without power.
Solent Sink now properly gives (and states), Hygiene 4 and Reliability 5.
The Public Throne now provides Hygiene 3.
Vendors will no longer leave a stall unattended when joining in on group activities, but will instead close their stall before joining.
The In the Know reward trait discount, from the City Native aspiration, is now properly applied to all festival swag including festival t-shirts.
A Sims age information in their hover-tip will no longer disappear after interacting with an object socially.
Cancelling a Practice Singing interaction will now also cancel the audio.
Cream color for the yfTop_EP03JacketTie will now properly apply the cream, and not pink, version of the top.
We addressed an issue that could cause festivals to overlap one another due to the previous festival not properly cleaning itself up.
Sims' career outfits are no longer permanently altered when buying a Festival T-Shirt. However, this may still be an issue with the Curry Challenge tee.
Yum Cooker will no longer revert to the yellow swatch color when it gets dirty, but remain the color initially chosen by you.
Sims with the Instant Upgrade interaction, can now instant upgrade the garbage chute.
Toddlers can now talk to a Sim painting a mural, but are no longer allowed to Kick Off the Sim from the mural.
The ceilings of some apartments were inconsistently painted. We've gone in and touched them up to appear consistently painted.
Sims living in apartments can now initiate the jog action and expect that their Sim will start jogging.
Giving another Sim your apartment key will no longer cause social events without goals to spontaneously occur.
The Location aspiration is now properly sorted in its location within the Live Mode Aspirations location… alphabetically.
Played, but inactive households, will no longer moonlight as buskers.
Sleeping Sims should no longer sink into the ground when directed to Dream Big on a basketball hoop.
Sims will no longer fly away with a spin when choosing to Dream Big from a seated position.
Festival T-Shirts can now be found under Tops -> T-Shirts in Create a Sim.
Also belly buttons.
Sims in City Life careers now receive promotion raises when achieving levels greater than the listed maximum level.
Right AND left handed Sims can now hold a sparkler when given one.
Birds will no longer fly through the Jasmine Suite Apartments.
Romance festival harvestable flowers are now properly named. Lily flowers are no longer called snapdragons, but now lilies. And dragonfruit are no longer called lilies, but now snapdragons.
Mannequin heads should no longer distort when wearing the various hats found in City Living!
Paint Mural interaction will now stay in queue until the action completes or the player cancels it, and will no longer remove itself from the queue but continue to play the action, preventing the player from cancelling.
We fixed an issue that could result in object ownership issues when moving objects out of the household inventory onto a new lot after moving or merging in with a new family.
Outdoor Retreat
When selecting to play a Sim that is currently on a vacation lot, you will no longer load into their home lot.
Dine Out
We closed a hole in the world near the end of a sidewalk outside of Vlad’s home.
In other news, farmer Merrel has accused Vlad of pumpkin sabotage.
Babies will no longer become invisible in a mirror when picked up by a vampire.
Floating babies are adorable.
Movie Hangout
Child Sims will no longer stretch when watching TV without any available chairs.
Romantic Garden
The Sette from the Park Place bench and Marbleized Chesterfield bench now count as benches when creating a venue that requires a bench.
Ok, that was a lot. Let’s just close this out simply, with a handshake… shake. Good. Here’s a treat, now out you go. Go on, time to pee. I’m off to cat nap.
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yahoonewsphotos · 7 years
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On Puerto Rico's 'Monkey Island,' life is hard after Maria
As Hurricane Maria barreled across the Caribbean one month ago, one of the first places to get caught in the eye of the storm was Cayo Santiago, a small island off Puerto Rico’s southeastern coast that is populated only by monkeys.
These aren’t just any monkeys, however. The 1,000 free-ranging rhesus macaques that make their homes on Cayo Santiago — also known as Monkey Island — inhabit the world’s oldest wild primate research center. Since 1938, when their ancestors were shipped there from Asia, scientists from around the globe have flocked to this tiny island in the Caribbean to study primate behavior, physiology and psychology.
Researchers at Cayo Santiago recorded the sounds made by female macaques and concluded they employed baby talk with infants, behavior that was thought to be exclusively human. Others observed females over long periods to detect subtle changes in skin color correlated with sexual receptivity.
Now an international group of researchers are joining forces to save Monkey Island, and its human caretakers, in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, whose 150 mile-per-hour winds whipped across Cayo Santiago and the nearby community of Punta Santiago, home to many of the Caribbean Primate Research Center’s employees and researchers. Though all the monkeys have been accounted for, the hurricane ravaged much of their home territory, as well as that of their human neighbors.
“Many adjectives have been used by colleagues to describe the situation there, including ‘catastrophic,’ ‘total destruction,’ ‘devastating’ and ‘apocalyptic,’” said Amanda Accamando, who worked at the CPRC from 2004 to 2007. Along with Lauren Brent, a lecturer with the University of Exeter who has conducted research on Cayo Santiago for more than 10 years, Accamando has helped raise almost $29,000 for CPRC employees and their families.
Accamando told Yahoo News that she and Brent have been in direct contact with Angelina Ruiz-Lambides, the associate director of Cayo Santiago, to identify employees’ most pressing needs and how to best direct their donations. The town of Punta Santiago suffered severe destruction as a result of the hurricane. Located approximately 40 miles from San Juan, it is one of the many communities that became almost unreachable in the wake of the storm.
The homes of at least two CPRC employees have been destroyed or deemed “unlivable,” while three others have experienced extensive flood damage and some roof damage, according to an update posted to Accamando and Brent’s GoFundMe page Wednesday morning.
Amid their own devastation, however, Cayo Santiago staff members still managed to get to Monkey Island to check on the primates and, with the help of colleagues from NYU Primatology, were able to survey the damage to the island from a helicopter.
“They are still assessing the damage to CPRC, but we expect that the damage will be severe if not total,” Accamando told Yahoo News. “The research facilities on Cayo Santiago are destroyed.”
Laurie Santos, a Yale psychologist who has been studying primate psychology on Cayo Santiago since the 1990s, added that while it “is amazingly good news” that all of the island’s precious primates survived the storm, “the bad news is that all of the infrastructure on the island was completely destroyed, as well as much of the vegetation.”
Now that the storm has passed, Accamando explained, “the biggest concern for the animals on the island is similar to that of the people of Puerto Rico — reliable sources of food and fresh water.”
Beyond addressing the immediate and pressing needs of Cayo Santiago’s human neighbors, the main focus for the Primate Center — and similar facilities around the globe — will be to rebuild the island’s natural water collection systems and food resources to keep the monkeys alive.
“This fragile population somehow weathered this awful storm, but we need to act quickly to save them and the important scientific possibilities they represent,” said Michael Platt, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania whose research on autism has been conducted in part among the primates of Cayo Santiago. “Unless we immediately rebuild the infrastructure on the island as well as the lives of the people that support it, this important resource may disappear.” (Caitlin Dickson/Yahoo News)
Photography by Ramon Espinosa/AP
See more photos of Puerto Rico's 'Monkey Island' and our other slideshows on Yahoo News.
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Social Media Agency Dubai
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   When it comes to social media agency Dubai offers many alternatives. But what makes a social media agency Dubai different? Do all agencies give the same service? In fact, what makes the real difference in terms of customer satisfaction, is the correlation between brand objectives and marketing investment outcomes. Are you opting to engage a media agency for your business setup? This can be a smart move to boost your brand awareness. There are several benefits of hiring media agencies as they maintain the company’s engagement with targeted customers. It also allows you to save some time and spend it more efficiently. Moreover, hiring a media agency can save unnecessary expenses for digital marketing. Which Social Media Agency Dubai? Here are some of the best media agencies operating in Dubai. Scarlet MediaDo you wish to increase your revenue through paid search? Then it’s time to visit Scarlet media. This media agency involves the use of search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) in its services. Its PPC lets you apply paid to advertise in services, allowing you to experience increased web traffic and revenue. The operators of Scarlet Media are skilled in developing and executing digital campaign on social media, web and mobile platforms. This media agency design and develop attractive mobile applications and web sites for small, medium and large scale businesses. The best thing about this media agency is that they offer a unique digital strategy for every business. The scarlet media agency has closely worked with notable brands, such as Swatch Group, Calzedonia, Zilli, Brioni, Berluti, Sandisk, Kuwait Financial House, Saudia, Ford, and more. 
All the services offered by this media agency are: ·         Online Advertising
·         Social Media Management
·         Content development
·         Programmatic Advertisin0067
·         Branding Consultancy
·         Remarketing
·         OOH and traditional media
www.scarletmedia.net POP CommunicationThis media agency is a proud member of MEPRA (Middle East Public Relations Association). This media agency is based in Dubai and the team of POP Communication has worked for a diverse portfolio of regional as well as international clients. We would be glad to know that the experts of this media agency are skilled enough to properly maintain public relations of your setup. POP Communication also offers consultation and develops a unique marketing strategy for your business. They provide expert services to the clients of varied industries, such as hospitality, design, furniture, beauty, tourism, art, education, luxury, travel and what not! POP Communications has its office located in the Regal Tower, Dubai.
   All the services offered by POP Communication are:
·         Social Media (Crisis management, advertising, marketing, content development)
·         Graphic design
·         Public Relation (Press Release, competition analysis, distribution, Monitoring)
·         Photography
·         Event (Event planning and management)  
Dice Marketing and Advertising
All the services offered by media agency are: ·         Social media (Strategy planning, Content writing, Creative Copywriting)
·         Event (Public Relations, Event management, Corporate events)
·         Branding
·         Graphic designing (Creative concept, infographics)
It is interesting enough to know that Dice Marketing and Advertising also holds the Guinness World Record for the Longest Line of Photographs in 2017. Skyrocket DubaiSkyrocket Dubai is a full-service digital agency with experience of over 15 years. The executives at this digital agency are eager to precisely understand the client’s requirement and offer the best video production in Dubai and content strategy to help a setup stand out of the crowd. www.skyrocketmedia.org Skyrocket stays ahead of its competitors in the use of modern technology and its implications for video marketing. They are skilled in using augmented reality, 3D Animation, Holographic Display and many more. Sounds exciting! Right?
They offer a wide array of services:
·         Photography
·         Videography
·         Animation
·         2d 3d production
·         Video editing and Youtube advertising
The office of Skyrocket is located in Dubai Media City. This digital marketing agency of Dubai skillfully operates several video production teams Choosing the best one It is important to choose the best one for your business needs. All the media agencies execute the same task; however, you need to take care of some of the factors, before choosing the right one. You must be assured that the media agency conducts precise market analysis regularly. It is also important to check that they properly understand the financial concept for your business. It is important to choose a media agency for a business that believes in customizing plans for each client and meet all the business objectives. Scarlet Media team is analytic and data-driven, trying to discover new ways of reaching “unreached levels” of high ROI in social media management. Simply, they offer unmatched ideas for growth. using social tools. Creating engaging content is what they are best at. For a social media agency, Dubai has many tools and Scarlet uses them greatly. You can check out some of their works here: www.scarletmedia.net/ourworks
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costomi-blog · 5 years
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Drone sales are on the rise with each passing year and more and more people are embracing the idea of owning such devices. With all the attention, these unmanned aerial vehicles are now finding more practical and innovative drone uses.
Drones are no more just for the supreme enthusiasts as these devices have penetrated the world of technology and a lot of businesses are looking forward to utilize the capacities of these machines to the best effects. There are some very basic uses while there are also some really creative ideas that you could make use of. Let us find out how you can put these drones to work.
Military uses of drones
Drones have found a number of applications in the military and defense world. This is especially true in the case of the defense of the United States of America.
In fact, the US Government was first known to start its experiments with the unmanned aerial vehicles way back in 1917.
Bomb detection
Owing to the small size of the drones, they can usually penetrate into constricted spaces. Add to that, effective cameras and this makes the drones suitable for purposes of bomb detection. Thus, these aerial vehicles are apt for making us aware of unexploded bombs and save lives.
The defense of any country usually tends to conduct regular surveys in order to ensure protection of the people and the place.
Using drones, in this case, could be an interesting idea. This reduces manual labor and you get a wider field of view. This also does not hamper the normal lives of the people making it easier for them.
Air strikes
These unmanned aerial vehicles are also used for the purpose of air strikes. It had once been confirmed by President Obama that they used drones regularly to attack militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan. They hover around suspected areas, as controlled by the defense personnel and they can be operated in particular areas in order to fulfill military operations. For much more information on this topic, we suggest checking out our article about law enforcement drones.
Non-military uses of drones
Filming and journalism
The world of media has really conquered the idea of using drones to their fullest extent. A lot of movies these days are shot using quadcopters and other drones.
This idea has given the movie industry a completely new look and some of the names that come up when we talk about filmography with drones are James Bond’s Skyfall, the well-acclaimed Leonard Di Caprio’s The Wolf of Wall Street, the evergreen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the popular television series Game of Thrones and the likes.
Besides, the ability of the drones to reach places where reporters cannot reach has heightened their use in the world of journalism. Aerial footage for live broadcast is becoming increasingly useful these days, and you can get much more familiar with this topic by reading our article about the best drones for filming.
Shipping and delivery
Even though the shipping and delivery applications of the drones are still under process, this idea could be revolutionary for the world. This could significantly improve delivery times and reduce human labor. Be it delivering pizzas, letters, or even small parcels, these programmed drones could do the work for you.
In fact, Amazon is working on its resources to facilitate 30-minute delivery services by means of drones. If this is brought to fruition, more than half of your shopping and food orders could be done within a span of a few minutes, with drones delivering your packages at your doorstep. You can find out much more about these type of drones by reading our article about delivery drones.
Disaster management
One of the most important applications for these unmanned vehicles lies in disaster management. It is often seen that there is utter chaos and mismanagement of resources soon after a disaster, be it a man-made or a natural calamity. Drones could help you significantly here.
With powerful cameras, these devices could collect information and pictures of the debris working in a specific area. You would get clearer footages of the accident site without having to spend a lot of money on helicopters. Add to that, owing to their small size, they are able to penetrate into places that would otherwise be difficult for helicopters to enter and provide close-up views.
Rescue operations and healthcare
Usually, a rescue operation is a fight against time. You need to get the work done fast and smoothly. This is where drones come in handy. With the help of thermal sensors, drones can locate lost persons and are especially useful at night or even in challenging terrains.
These can be deployed quickly and can travel through small spaces. Besides, these aerial vehicles are also useful for sending in food or medical supplies to unreachable locations before the rescue team comes in to help. Thus, drones can be the first to arrive and collect information for rescue operations.
Archeological surveys
Over the years, a lot of people have spent a lot of time and energy over archeological surveys. Now, drones have made this work easier since they can bring us important footage and essential details about these archeological sites.
This has significantly helped the archeologists in their mission of discovery.
Geographic mapping
Drones also have had an enormous effect in the field of 3D geographic mapping. There are regions on the earth that are not easily accessible to humans. This might include some dangerous coastlines or unattainable mountain tops. But for the purpose of studying the terrain and preparing 3D maps, drones have been put to use.
This technology is now available to everyone to capture imagery for mapping these locations. Thus, geologists now find it easier to collect data from these sites to pursue mapping processes.
Law enforcement
Drones have a lot of potential in terms of law enforcement – these devices have the innate ability of hovering around locations without drawing much attention from the people. Thus, this can be used for surveillance or for public safety.
Crowds of people can be monitored and criminal activity can be detected in case there is an emergency. These can also be used for law enforcement officials for crime scenes where a more detailed view can give us more information about the situation. Besides, situations of fire outbreak could also be curtailed by the help of drones. It is always better to send drones first in a fire outbreak to see the situations before humans get inside.
Moreover, drones are also used by border patrol officials who work towards monitoring criminal activity at the border especially the transport with drugs. Uses of drones for traffic monitoring could also be another idea. Traffic surveillance with drones could be one of the biggest applications for this device.
Safety inspections
Some companies need to carry out regular inspections in order to ensure safety of their infrastructure. This includes surveying power lines, oil and gas pipelines, wind turbines, bridges and buildings under construction and the likes. Drones are being put to use for these purposes.
Regular aerial monitoring can lead to significant improvements in constructing infrastructure leading to improved performances. Besides, if the drones are small enough, they can get close to capturing imagery that can give us a more detailed idea of the construction.
Drones have also found applications in the field of agriculture. This is especially true for large scale farmers who have reported significant improvements in crop yields with the use of these drones. Regular aerial monitoring of agricultural lands can provide us with a more in depth analysis of crop performance.
With the help of the near infrared sensors, one could study the health of these crops and farmers could act accordingly. Moreover, drones can perform this analysis at low costs with no impacts on the fields or the surrounding areas. This not only leads to healthy crop growth, but also increases their yield.
Wildlife monitoring
Just like how drones are working on agricultural lands to improve their yields, these unmanned aerial vehicles are also striving towards monitoring the fauna of the regions.
There are two specific advantages of this. Firstly, wildlife monitoring could lead to the prevention of poaching, which is one of the reasons why a lot of animals are getting endangered these days. Secondly, the footage from the aerial devices could help us study animal behavior and analyze their patterns.
The best thing about using drones for these services is that they do not affect or disturb wildlife. Besides, they can also be used at night with thermal camera sensors to monitor them at all times. A lot of wildlife sanctuaries and conservation parks are thus resorting to drones to ensure safety.
Weather forecasting
One of the most important uses of drones lies in weather forecasting. This has, once again, given new light to the concept of predicting the weather conditions. With exceptional cameras and effective sensors, these drones can collect important information that could aid in weather forecasts.
For instance, sending drones into the hurricanes, tornadoes and the likes could bring us essential footages to study their patterns and occurrences. These can focus in on detailed weather parameters and are also apt for the job owing to their unmanned nature.
Aerial photography
This is indeed one of the first known applications of drones. Because of improved technology, more and more drones are now well equipped to carry heavy camera gear that could really help enthusiasts in delivering aerial views of the specific regions.
Besides, the drones, these days, are stable and can give you crisp and clear images. With the features of live Wi-Fi streaming, you are also entitled to get First Person Views of the drone’s movements.
If you can add a gimbal, it stabilizes the camera to get you better pictures. Besides, you can control what the camera sees and captures right from your smartphone and get HD video recording for best results.
Unique and creative uses of drones
So far, we have discussed the essential and practical applications of drones. Let us now focus on some of the most innovative uses that could change the way we look at drones. Here are some ideas.
The drone selfie or the dronie
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to capture a ‘selfie’ with a drone from a certain height?
The selfie is the word of the decade now with more and more people engaging into this. With selfie sticks doing the rounds now, it would be a rather great idea to use a drone for this purpose. This is indeed one of the best uses of a drone. This would mean a lot more people could fit into the picture and you would get a real aerial view. Besides, you could control the camera functions right from the base. This could well work as the longest distance selfie.
Drone racing
This is another popular activity that is making its way into our lives. A lot more people are now engaging into this sport and pursuing it as a hobby. It is like video game racing except that you encounter real situations and you are controlling a real drone.
Drone racing in the woods is not an uncommon activity. Besides, it can closely resemble real bike racing with a lot more thrill since you would be controlling the device from a distance. For this purpose, you would need an agile drone that can make swift turns and acrobatic movements.
In conclusion
Drones have found a number of applications in different sectors. They are no longer limited to just military uses and different businesses are now investing in these devices for a swifter and more responsive customer service, especially in the case of parcel deliveries.
Drone racing has become rather popular now, but drones are still used as a toy. Small scale tricopters and quadcopters are still used for flying indoors and also outdoors just for gaining some flight experience. Having said that, drones have the ability and potential to change the way sports, military operations, and businesses work.
Do let us know how you are planning to use your drone in comments.
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y1s2-20182019 · 5 years
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Slice - Definition Photographies
The project investigates these corridors as the perfect examples of reality versus subjectivity. These regular streets are suddenly interrupted by the mystifying moments embedded into each location—in this case, staircases that led to what seem to be almost an unreachable/inaccessible area.
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rdagade · 3 years
Global Commercial Drones Market
Global Commercial Drones Market was valued $xx Mn in 2019 and is expected to reach $xx Mn by 2026, at a CAGR of 57.3% during the forecast period.
Global Commercial Drones Market Introduction
Any drone that is utilized for business purposes is referred to as a commercial drone. Commercial drones are being employed in a variety of sectors to help businesses, save money, improve safety, and increase operational efficiency. Drones are employed for a variety of purposes, including filming and emergency response. Furthermore, due to their capacity to survey lands, offer constant and exact project alerts, increase safety, and avoid harmful accidents on building sites, these devices are in great demand in the real estate and construction sectors.
Global Commercial Drones Market Dynamics
Following the global breakout of COVID-19, there has been a significant increase in the use of drone technology in a variety of applications, with drones proving to be quite useful in such situations. Drones are being increasingly used in the healthcare industry for lab sample pickup and delivery, as well as medical supply transportation, to reduce transportation turnaround time and infection risk. More than eighteen nations have utilized drones for delivery and transportation purposes during the pandemic, according to UNICEF. Drones that include sophisticated technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has enormous development potential. Drones equipped with artificial intelligence can better comprehend their environment, precisely map locations, track and monitor the movement of specific items, and provide exact analytical input.
Commercial Drones also give their consumers capacity to make real-time, data-driven decisions by ensuring that data is captured, processed, and sent quickly. Users may also cooperate and access footage taken by other drones, as well as track drone flight patterns in real-time, with AI-powered drones. AI and machine learning, when combined with predictive learning models, provide for quicker data processing and actionable insights. The commercial drone market is expected to benefit from the introduction of the 5G delivery model and the integration of cloud computing technology into the drone development process. High-speed internet in drones allows users to communicate in high-demand environments to perform tasks like media sharing, command and control, and autonomous flying.
Service providers may now offer seamless mobile broadband access, ultra-low latency communications, and enormous Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications deployments thanks to the ability to conduct effective 5G network sharing. This allows service providers to offer a Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) model to their customers, allowing them to grow their business and generate new income streams.
Global Commercial Drones Market Segment Analysis
In terms of volume, the rotary blade segment accounted for almost 80.0 % in 2020 and is likely to continue dominating the market during the projected period. Because of its capacity to retain a visual on a single target for an extended period of time, hover, and execute rapid movement, rotary blade drones are likely to become more popular for inspection purposes. Drones are commonly thought to be a feasible choice for a variety of business uses, including filmmaking and photography, surveillance, and monitoring. Furthermore, they are less difficult to handle than their fixed-wing and hybrid counterparts.
By Application, in 2020, the filmmaking and photography category had the greatest revenue share of around 31.0 %, and this trend is likely to continue during the projection period. Drones are rapidly becoming an integral component of professional photography, and photographers are increasingly accepting them as a means of gaining a competitive advantage. Professional photographers may use small drone cameras designed by companies like DJI to capture high-quality images. Landscapes and regions that were previously unreachable can now be easily recorded. Professional photographers may shoot high-quality images using small drone cameras designed by companies like DJI. Furthermore, formerly inaccessible landscapes and places may now be grabbed with ease.
In 2020, the media and entertainment category had the greatest market share of over 27.0 %, and this trend is likely to continue during the forecast period. Drones have a wide range of uses in media and entertainment. Filmmakers have begun to use professional drones to capture accurate shots in the most cost-effective method possible. The growing demand from customers and owners for aerial photography to advertise resorts, hotels, tourist attractions, public spaces, and amusement parks is expected to enhance the segment's growth.
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Global Commercial Drones Market Regional Insights
North America had the largest market share in terms of volume in 2020, accounting for around 37.0 %, and is expected to grow significantly over the next few years as a result of favorable government initiatives, advancements in drone technology, and growing demand from businesses across various industries. Furthermore, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States has issued new regulations to give more coherent and consistent standards for the legal and safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in commercial environments. These policies and regulations should lower entry barriers and boost product uptake in the region.
From 2021 to 2026, Asia Pacific is predicted to develop at the quickest rate in terms of volume, with a CAGR of XX %. By 2026, the demand for commercial drones in the area is expected to hit XX million units, exceeding that of North America. A favorable regulatory framework, particularly among developed countries, is expected to boost the market growth. Several nations are continually working on new laws for drones used for commercial purposes. Furthermore, a slew of new start-up businesses are experimenting with new commercial drone uses and aiming to improve drone safety.
For more information visit@ https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-commercial-drones-market/25322/
Global Commercial Drones Market Report Scope: Inquire before buying
Global Commercial Drones Market, by Region
• North America
• Europe
• South America
• Asia Pacific
Global Commercial Drones Market Key Players
• Parrot Drones SAS
• 3D Robotics
• Aerobo
• Airware
• Cyberhawk
• Deveron UAS
• DroneDeploy
• Identified Technologies
• Measure
• Phoenix Drone Services
• Prioria Robotics
• SenseFly
• Sharper Shape
• Sky-Futures
• Terra Drone
• The Sky Guys
• Unmanned Experts
This report submitted by Maximize market Research Company
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reigningtides · 4 years
This is why he Shimmered 9 times out of 10 rather than drove his jeep. Charlie went 50 mph down a street as his brother’s voice sang through the sound system as they are on a call together. Collin was apparently in the Underworld which made him unreachable, and Cameron was injured to the point he wasn’t able to fully Shimmer out of where he was. With the Witch Trials and their tricky lineage, they rarely took bounty jobs but something about his older brother needing a lead on a story as well as helping someone with a “favor” landed Cameron stabbed, wounded, and apparently left for dead. “Yes I’ve called him! Like usual, he doesn’t fucking answer!” The Phoenix Witch/Archai hybrid was panicked as he turned his jeep sharp down a street, ignoring a horn of an oncoming vehicle, his heart pounding. He was in the midst of a photography job and was driving home when he’d gotten Cameron’s call. He didn’t know the exact location either as Cameron had been led somewhere but his GPS was tracking Cameron’s Ducati motorcycle. “Emery’s either fluffing his hair or he’s dealing with another charge. Cam...please...stay with me.” He heard the pain in Cameron’s voice as the other spoke. “My vision’s blurring. I don’t know how much longer I can keep awake. Charlie, you need to tell...him...” Charlie shook his head. “No! You’ll tell him yourself!” His eyes widened when he saw the bike and quickly parked his jeep, grabbing his athame and Phoenix grimoire just in case. “Emery! Someone! Come on!” He screamed out-loud as he took off on foot down an alley way to try to find his brother. 
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adorabletimes · 3 years
Drones are as popular in travel photography
as they are often used to take captivating 360-degree shots of beaches, hilltops, and more. However, drones are fast becoming a staple in commemorating modern celebrations too. Picture drone footage of the entire wedding venue while guests start pouring in, or the bride making her way down the aisle. Stunning, right? It certainly elevates traditional wedding photography and makes your special day that much more memorable.
If you’ve been considering drone photography at your wedding, here are some more benefits to keep in mind.
Drones showcase the wedding venue
The venue is a major consideration when planning a wedding, so it would be a shame not to capture its entire splendor. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about that if you hire a drone photographer. Whether it’s a beach wedding or a garden wedding, drones can capture breathtaking visuals to clearly showcase the grandeur of your wedding’s location. These shots also work quite well for the videography, as they show an overview of the day’s proceedings.
Drones complement traditional photography
There are shots that can only be taken via drone and vice-versa. The drones listed on Digital Photography Review, such as the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, are ideal for wide aerial shots — especially since most of them are equipped with GPS-controlled accuracy for precision and stability in the air. However, SLRs are more useful for capturing close-ups and intimate moments — which are incredibly important in a wedding shoot. So, if you want to cover all your bases, it’s wise to have both a traditional camera setup and a drone camera for your wedding. That way, you get the best of both worlds.
Drones capture stunning and creative angles
One advantage of drones is that they can shoot from angles that are unreachable through normal camera setups. This allows photographers to be more creative and playful with their shots. For those looking to take gorgeous slow-motion clips and breathtaking panoramas, the high-end DJI Mavic Air 2 featured on Adorama can offer just that. Thanks to its SmartPhoto feature and advanced panorama mode, it can capture vivid colors in dynamic high definition. On the other hand, some drones like the Yuneec Typhoon H Plus are built to withstand strong winds. Its 3-axis gimbal-mounted camera offers excellent stability, all while shooting high-quality photos of your wedding day. With these advanced features, drones are well-equipped to cover your wedding day.
Drones give your wedding some flair
Hiring a drone photographer shows guests that you’re going all out on your big day. Aside from that, drones can also serve as a form of entertainment because of their novelty; it’s not every day you get to see a high-end drone covering a big event. Of course, drones should be interesting, but not enough to be a distraction from your big day. Thankfully, an article on Science Daily shows that drones are constantly undergoing redesigns to make them quieter and more unobtrusive.
Drones are excellent for group shots
It’s sometimes frustrating to find the perfect angle for a group shot. This is especially true if you have a large crowd — such as wedding guests — posing for the photo. However, the solution can be as simple as using a drone to take an overhead shot. This removes the need to crouch down or stand on tiptoe just to get everyone in the frame. As you can see, there are many advantages to getting a drone for your wedding.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at:  Wedding photographer in NJ,  Engagement Photographer in NJ,  Wedding videographers in NJ,   Birthday photographers in NJ  &  Top wedding photographers in NJ.
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mirsdrone · 5 years
Digital Drone Mapping Services
Aerial 3D Mapping: Drone Mapping
Over the years, geospatial industry has been making good use of commercial drone by turning the aerial mapping into what we called “drone mapping” is today. Drone mapping is drone that record geospatial data which equipped with sensors and camera. 3D mapping for drone mapping is a type of aerial photogrammetry mapping with science making measurement from photographs. Usually, the output would be 3D map, 3D drawing and 3D model of real-world object and land mass generated by photogrammetry software. The system for drone mapping is known as the geographic information system (GIS) which is designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. In short, drone mapping will definitely optimize the workflows, project outcome, improve safety and also cost savings.
Drone Mapping Services
Site management and monitoring in construction has always been difficult concerning safety issue. However, with drone mapping, jobs such as taking measurement can be easily done without involving construction workers. Drone mapping system can collect the data required in short time. After collecting the data, 3D models are created and accurately displaying day-to-day updates among management level person and stakeholders. Management executive will be easier in monitoring the site development with accuracy data collection. Drone mapping will be a powerful tool to identify problems, reduce risks and avoid fatal mistake which can be costly.
Mapping and Survey
Drone mapping has covered many projects and works for land survey. The team can save time and improve safety by using UAV for topographic site surveying. Using advanced sensors and system, drone mapping can achieve better accuracy of data collection than traditional surveying methods and equipment. Land surveying industry has greatly looking into drone mapping service as this has been proved as working smarter and increasing efficiency.
Whenever disaster such as landslides and earthquakes happened, it took a long time to survey the dangerous areas because this involved safety problems and preparations. With the drone mapping services, the survey or rescue & research team reduce the risk as they do not need to enter the disaster area and shorten the time to survey.
Mapping and surveying in mines definitely problematic when coming to setting up the equipment. Over the years, the surveyor companies using aircraft photography for mapping to open pit mines. However, this type of aircraft mapping usually cover large project scale that gain high profit margin. Thus, drone mapping service would be a great alternative for small scale mapping project such as open pit mines. Drone mapping is also assessible to map areas that are unsafe and unreachable for humans. Drone Mapping in mining sector will be much more useful for the owner as they could use the drone mapping to do the volumetric calculation for the stockpile management. It will help the management team to plan the schedule for the stockpile.
Drone mapping technology has been widely applied into the agriculture market. Specialized software for drone imagery and photogrammetry techniques are built incorporate with the drone mapping. With this, famers can use drone mapping for monitoring and managing the crop. This high-resolution drone mapping system helps farmer to monitor the crop issues constantly. Other function such as vegetation index mapping aid to discover plants’ stress. In addition to this, surface modelling by drone mapping prides solution in planning the plant’s irrigation and minimize the soil erosion by structuring the fields. Moreover, drone mapping can create detail time-series of the changes of crops over the time. With this, different agriculture techniques are potential to be created and move the agriculture industry to a whole new level.
Drone mapping has become crucial for tower grids inspection today. All the power industry has move from casual helicopters and ground inspections to alternative drone mapping method due to two aspects: higher cost and time consuming. This drone mapping technique achieve better in data collection & management, improve safety and reducing environment impact. 3D Maps and Models 3D maps and models of land mass are created after the aerial photos been captured by UAV. Detail 3D maps and models to scale can be created as each photograph captured will be saved according to each GPS coordinates. This geotagged photograph is associated with the topographical location.
Software for Drone Mapping
Pix4DPix4D is one of the most featured-packed 3D mapping software that been widely used for drone mapping in the market. This is because the software has developed specific version for specific commercial use including construction, surveying, mining, agriculture and etc. This feature allows specific industry to carry out different mapping task in cooperate with drone mapping system. Pix4D has come as the best technical support as it can easily connect with industry-specific management platforms to help create yield predictions, profit and loss accounts, planning documents and detailed site plans.
Context Capture
ContextCapture is a reality modelling software that create 3D reality mesh for the real-world digital context. The reality mesh represents the 3D model of real-world conditions with presents of large number of triangles blocks and image data. All the components will be automatically recognized and geospatially referenced for easy navigation of asset information. One can easily access to the designated location. This reality meshes provides accurate real-world digital data in engineering expertise, maintenance and GIS workflows. One of the highlights for ContextCapture is that it allows the users to incorporate data even when using other survey data collection method.
Construction Projects with Drone Mapping Services
There is plenty of advantages for construction industry by using Drone Mapping Services. Drone mapping can let you regularly update your construction management and your valued customers about the progress of your projects in our professional drone mapping. Drone mapping Services can also measure the inventory of raw material such as gravel. Drone mapping services will be able to generate a 3D models of construction site which can assist construction management to understand for the whole picture and create a better strategic to increase the standard and reduce the cost. To try a new technology, it can bring you to another level of professional and success.
We create and analyze 2D / 3D Models using advance drones and software. Architectural 2D/3D Modelling is a process photos taken by drones to generate high-precision 2D/3D models.  Can be used for buildings and infrastructures inspection, advertising and others.  Digital, high-precision 2D/3D models can be archived permanently.  The model can be printed with a printer.
However, Safety has always been top priority in our work. We conduct pre-flight condition assessment to ensure smooth flight and safe environment. Our pilot obtain operator permit from CAAS (Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore). As with every job that is tasked upon us, we will also apply for the required activity permit & obtain permission from the relevant authorities before the job is carryout, we are Drone professional, experienced & committed to produce results for any assignment.
We also provide the following services such as
1.Drone Aerial Photography & Drone Aerial Video Services
2.Aerial Inspection Services (Chimney, Power Line, Flare Inspection etc) & Surveillance
3.Aerial Mapping
4.Architecture, Real Estate, Landscape & Commercial Photography.
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