qroier · 9 months
if roier cubito somehow gets unratified and returns before cellbit cubito i think the only way he's gonna say anything about the ratification is as a throwaway comment while plotting to murder cucurucho and more feds
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emptyanddark · 10 months
To be clear, many in and out of the US government often treat the term “rules-based international order” as a synonym for international law. And proponents of the rules-based international order are happy to use or hail international law when it serves the United States, like when the International Criminal Court seeks to arrest Vladimir Putin for his war crimes in Ukraine. Yet the United States will never submit itself to the ICC. Under President George W. Bush, the US revoked its (unratified) signature to the treaty establishing the court. Under President Donald Trump, it sanctioned the families of ICC prosecutors who opened a war-crimes investigation into the US war in Afghanistan. That is how the rules-based international order operates. It doesn’t replace the mechanisms of international law; it places asterisks beside them. The rules may bind US adversaries, but the US and its clients can opt out. A brief history of how the US spent its post–Cold War moment of supreme global power shows the rise of what we now call the RBIO at the expense of international law. When the United Nations wouldn’t authorize war on Serbia to save Kosovo, the United States acted as if NATO wielded the same imprimatur, and no nation was strong enough to challenge its assertion. That impulse was supercharged by 9/11. The 2003 US invasion of Iraq made a mockery of international law while claiming cynically to uphold it.
What began as a response to an emergency in the Balkans is now routine. President Barack Obama turned a UN humanitarian mission in Libya into supporting the overthrow of Moammar El-Gadhafi. After the wreckage of Iraq became the horror of ISIS, the US stationed troops in eastern Syria with neither UN mandate nor invitation from the unfortunately enduring Bashar Assad. Trump ordered the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, one of the most important figures in the Iranian government.
“The RBIO cannot replace international law—international law is inherent in the very concept of a state, of an international boundary, of treaties, of human rights,” Mary Ellen O’Connell, an international-law expert and professor at the University of Notre Dame, said via e-mail. “But the RBIO is undermining knowledge and respect for the system of international law. The law’s capacity to support solutions to global challenges from war and peace to climate change and poverty is being severely degraded by this competing, deeply flawed concept.” Now consider what Israel is doing in Gaza. By early November, it was killing an estimated 180 children a day. The IDF demanded that Palestinians abandon their homes in northern Gaza and then, when hundreds of thousands complied, attacked the destinations in southern Gaza it herded them toward. After starving Gaza, denying it medicine, shutting off its communications, killing its journalists, besieging and even raiding its hospitals, and asserting that places of mass refuge are Hamas positions, Israel claimed to have killed “dozens” of Hamas commanders, out of a total death toll at the time of 10,500 Palestinians. There is no way to square those figures with international law’s demands for distinction and proportionality. Israel, however, knows it has something stronger than international law: the protection of the rules-based international order.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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 On 20th November 1863 James Bruce, 8th Lord Elgin, the Scottish Liberal statesman and diplomat, died.
James Bruce was born in London, his father, the 7th Earl was a  controversial figure due to his involvement in the “procurement/theft” of  the Parthenon Marbles, to give them their traditional name, you might know them as The Elgin Marbles, anyway I digress again, back to the 8th Earl.
In 1840, following the death of his elder brother, he became the heir to the earldom and in 1841, on the death of his father, succeeded to the title, becoming the eighth earl of Elgin. That same year he was elected Southampton's representative in the House of Commons, but his new earldom brought an end to his parliamentary career. In 1842, he accepted the nomination for governor of Jamaica. During an administration of four years he succeeded in winning the respect of all[. He improved the condition of the Afro-Caribbean workers, and conciliated the white planters by working through them. He remained in this post until 1847. His successful administration led to him being offered the role of governor general in British North America, which he fulfilled between 1847 and 1854. During his time there, Elgin took the first steps in establishing a “responsible government” in Canada. 
This led to him becoming the first Canadian governor to distance himself from legislative affairs, leaving the real power of government to the elected representatives of the people and paving the way for the Canadian general governorship's essentially symbolic role today.
In 1857 as High Commissioner to China. While visiting China and Japan in 1858 and 1859, he oversaw the end of the Second Opium War but in doing so he ordered the destruction of the Old Summer Palace (the ruling Qing dynasty's residence and seat of government), near Peking (today Beijing),destroying thousands of priceless works of art, in order to intimidate the emperor and force him to sign an unratified treaty. Troops hurriedly looted the imperial collections in the palace, before the Old Summer Palace finished burning. The treaty ended up with China being forced to cede what became Hong Kong, to Britain  in “perpetuity“  
According to historian Olive Checkland, Lord Elgin "was ambivalent about the British imperial policy of forcing trade on the peoples in China and Japan. He deplored what he called the 'commercial ruffianism' which effectively determined British policy responses."
In a letter to his wife, in regard to the bombing of Canton, he wrote, "I never felt so ashamed of myself in my life."
It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth I deplore the British Empire and all it’s sins it inflicted on the world.
He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. He died in He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. 
He died in Dharmsalas, Punjab of a heart attack while crossing a swinging rope on this day 1863, while still in office, he is buried in the churchyard of St. John in the Wilderness in Dharamshala. Bruce's legacy is several areas of Canada and India have the names Elgin or Bruce, he also has a bridge ion Singapore and a street in Victoria, Australia, and Hong Kong named after him.
While China has opened up to French relations, the sale of Chinese art and artifacts in British auctions remains a point of tension between London and Beijing. All zodiac animal heads from the Summer Palace that have been found have returned to Chinese museums, however.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 days
Events 9.25 (before 1930)
275 – For the last time, the Roman Senate chooses an emperor; they elect 75-year-old Marcus Claudius Tacitus. 762 – Led by Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, the Hasanid branch of the Alids begins the Alid Revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate. 1066 – In the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harald Hardrada, the invading King of Norway, is defeated by King Harold II of England. 1237 – England and Scotland sign the Treaty of York, establishing the location of their common border. 1396 – Ottoman Emperor Bayezid I defeats a Christian army at the Battle of Nicopolis. 1513 – Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches what would become known as the Pacific Ocean. 1555 – The Peace of Augsburg is signed by Emperor Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League. 1690 – Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, is published for the first and only time. 1768 – Unification of Nepal 1775 – American Revolution: Ethan Allen surrenders to British forces after attempting to capture Montreal during the Battle of Longue-Pointe. 1775 – American Revolution: Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec sets off. 1789 – The United States Congress passes twelve constitutional amendments: the ten known as the Bill of Rights, the (unratified) Congressional Apportionment Amendment, and the Congressional Compensation Amendment. 1790 – Four Great Anhui Troupes introduce Anhui opera to Beijing in honor of the Qianlong Emperor's eightieth birthday. 1804 – The Teton Sioux (a subdivision of the Lakota) demand one of the boats from the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a toll for allowing the expedition to move further upriver. 1868 – The Imperial Russian steam frigate Alexander Nevsky is shipwrecked off Jutland while carrying Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia. 1890 – The United States Congress establishes Sequoia National Park. 1906 – Leonardo Torres Quevedo demonstrates the Telekino in the Bilbao Abra (Spain), guiding an electric boat from the shore with people on board, which was controlled at a distance over 2 km (1.2 mi), in what is considered to be the origin of modern wireless remote-control operation principles. 1911 – An explosion of badly degraded propellant charges on board the French battleship Liberté detonates the forward ammunition magazines and destroys the ship. 1912 – Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is founded in New York City. 1915 – World War I: The Second Battle of Champagne begins. 1918 – World War I: The end of the Battle of Megiddo, the climax of the British Army's Sinai and Palestine campaign under General Edmund Allenby. 1926 – The international Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery is first signed.
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eternal--returned · 18 days
The tensile properties of this unratified truce were abused to the utmost of their enduring when the judge stood slightly in the saddle and raised his arm and spoke out a greeting beyond them.
Cormac McCarthy ֍ Blood Meridian (1985)
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debtloanpayoff · 2 months
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animeraider · 2 months
Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 6-10 (of 30)
So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which is a lot. Part One can be found here.
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Section 6 - State Department
First of all they want from day one to have all political appointments start their jobs before they are confirmed. The confirmation process exists for a reason.- to investigate and vett the people filling the positions. Vetting would be bypassed. Only if rejected by the Senate would anyone not get the job. Also, they would place political appointees in positions that do not require Senate confirmation. No one in a leadership position on the morning of January 20 would hold that position at the end of the day.This means zero transition/training. 
There is a whole section entitled "Reboot Ambassadors Worldwide". Again, this would mean no transition period and no people holding offices as placeholders. That happened during the last Trump administration and it was a disaster.
Order an immediate freeze on all efforts to implement unratified treaties and international agreements. Realign the entirety of the State Department to implement the administration policies, not review them. Defer (the exact phrase is "radio silent") to the White House when it wants to take the lead on specific issues. You should really see the part of the last couple of episodes of The West Wing when Santos offers the Secretary of State job to Vinick. The arguments against this approach are striking and well thought out.
Put The State Department on WAR FOOTING when it comes to China. Strictly enforce the doctrine of reciprocity when issuing visas to all foreign nationals - they want to travel here? We have to be allowed to travel there on the same terms. Or we adjust to the terms you use. Suspend the issuance of visas to individuals from any country that does not take back persons expelled from the U.S. Reimplementation of the Remain in Mexico policy. 
Realign the student visa program to align with specific national security interests.
China, along with Iran and Venezuela, are to be considered enemies. Ukraine is to be considered a corrupt regime and only defensive military support should be given. It does acknowledge that Russia's invasion is unlawful, which is the only bright spot in the whole document.
Denuclearize North Korea with direct engagement. Negotiations in person.
Project 2025 declares Mexico as run by Drug Cartels and not any form of Mexican Government, and that a new government must be propped up/established. In the previous posting of this series I talked about the military plan to invade Mexico. I see that supported here.
Exert our influence over South America.
As for the Middle East, despite how it reads Project 2025 is pretty much the same policies that the last 15 Administrations have had: Protect Israel and allow them to protect themselves, deter Iran by any mean necessary, build up friendships with countries that have oil. The document states that this is not what Biden is doing, but in fact it is. He's not quite a blatant about bowing to the Princes and Kings as Trump is, but it still winds up being the same policies.
Leave funding in Africa to the free market. Accept the split of Somalia into two countries (I admit my personal knowledge is weak in this area). Eliminate Boko Haram and similar groups. Stay out of the way when African countries implement laws against the LGBTQAI+ community (this involves a lot of killing) and do not tie aid to policies regarding them or abortion policies. 
Intensify trade with EU countries, but at the same time implement policies that prevent the UK for re-entering the EU.
Greater cooperation with India and accept that Pakistan has issues (Taliban related) that are impossible to overcome. 
Here's a big one: Make the United States' continued participation in NATO reliant upon NATO recognizing that the Arctic Circle is part of the area it must defend. Insist upon open a free-trade routes through the Arctic region, defend from Chinese and Russian Aggression, and run the mission from the Embassy in Nuuk, Greenland. 
Another big set: Withdraw from, or terminated funding for, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and the WHO. Doing only a small amount of that last one under Trump the first time around is what led to COVID. Eliminate Human Rights as a litmus test for what international organizations we fund. Make certain that any funds do not go to groups that fund abortion or any non-"family oriented" goals. 
Come up with a Cyber-space version of "Voice of America". That one's kinda vague, but it's there.
Section 7 - Intelligence Community
I've read this entire section and the most that I can tell you about it is that it's the same horseshit as all the previous secgtions. Make certain posts not require Senate Confirmation, Stop all intelligence missions by the previous administration within 60 days, and reign in a ton of stuff that isn't actually happening but did happen under the previous Trump Administration.
The President directs who gets the daily briefings, and how narrow their focus must be. If he says ignore a situation, it must be ignored. It also demands the immediate use of etechnologies that don't yet exist, like 6G and Quantum cryptography.
And oh yes, more spy satellites. Lots more.
Section 8 - Media Agencies
Turn Voice of America into Fox News or worse. Reinforce the Office of Cuba Propoganda. Turn the MIddle East Broadcast Network into Fox News. Same for Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Asia. Shut down the Open Technology Fund.
Put up a censorship "firewall":on all stories generated through the United States Agency for Global Media. In other words, turn it into a political mouthpiece. Cut it's budget by nearly 20%. Restrict access visas for foriegn journalists. Reinvestment in short-wave radio. You know, the ham radios militias use.
Take away the journalistic independence of all agencies and put them under the perview of the NSA and the State Department.
One more thing. Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Reduce its budget to zero.
Section 9 - Agency for International Development
This is the part of government that oversees international aid. When we send money to help disaster victims anywhere in the world, this is where it comes from. FEMA is for the US, but the AID (also known as the DFA - Directorate of Foriegn Aid) is for the rest of the world. It is meant to be non-partisan and to help those who need it on an as-needed basis.This is also where the country invests in business all over the world.
Changes here would eliminate all consideration of climate change when investing in other countries. Africa runs on 80% coal and it should stay that way. Any diversity issues are to be ignored. Any civil rights issues should be ignored. Re-emphasis on families at the expense of other agendas, especially those founded on specific religious principles that many people in this country would consider racist, sexist, misogynist, and anti-LGBTQA+.
No funding is to go to any agency that in any way whatsoever supports a pro-abortion agenda, even if they don't offer the service themselves. The Helms amendment is to be expanded to cover all foriegn aid. Specifically promote their own specific religious agenda. 
The office of the head of disbursements is to become a political appointment. Ignore grift by AIDs disbursement organizations in Africa. Focus on family-oriented aid instead of specific disease focused aid. Privatize health care aid in Africa. Take over the World Health Organization.
Tie humanitarian aid to any and all countries to the political agenda of the conservative administration. Farm out aid management to private organizations. Focus aid to countries that allow more American Businesses to establish footholds in their countries. Focus aid on undermining China's influence in southeast Asia. 
The Trump administration took the position that it "solved" the issue of Isreal and that thinking would return. The primary focus would become Iran. Use programs already established by (American) churches in the region to funnel aid through them. 
As for South America, lots of language about free markets and so on, but mostly it's all a disguise for "Fuck Venuzuela". 
The ultimate focus of all of this is to turn all international aid and investment into a political arm and an economic truncheon for the policies of the administration. Some fo that already does happen, but this would become the overriding and only guiding policy to be followed.
There is one thing I find funny in all of this section - it's a specific call out that Japan has invested $30 Billion in Africa in an effort to counter China. That's actually only kind of true. That $30 Billion is for a single project - a high speed rail in Saudi Arabia. Face it, Japan does this better than anyone.
Section 10 - Department of Agriculture
First off, eliminate any consideration of climate change issues in any and all policies within the DofA. Craft a new mission statement that focuses on the "removal of barriers" in terms of delivering food to the public. We're talking about safety regulations.
I know that regulations can be a pain to deal with. But take a look at ANY food regulation. Any of them. The reason it exists is because of a reaction to some people DYING. Policies up through thr Trump administration have all been a reaction to somethning terrible happening. After a few years people forget this happened and Republicans want that regulation gone.
The regulation always returns after people die again.
Defund any and all efforts to push sustainable agriculture (which is the reason people spend less of their income on food, by the way). Eliminate regulations that can have any impact on the cost of food. That's just about every regulation from pesticide levels to wages to working conditions to how much cockroach is allowed in your twinkee. 
The Commodity Credit Corporation is to be used only for farmers and ranchers. During COVID discretionary funds were used to stockpile various foods, which kept people from starving when various food production operations stopped. The ability to do this would be eliminated.
Repeal many of the farm subsudy programs that currently exist. Some of those are the only things that keep small farmers afloat in hard times. Reduce the amount that taxpayers pay in these programs by 20%. That burden would shift to farmers. 
Implement work requirements for Food Stamp and "Snap" aid recipients. Put in requirements for lunches and breakfasts for children in school that would eliminate about 50% of all children currently on the program. Also, move all of this to the Department of Health and Human Services and out of the DofA.
Eliminate funding for leaving land fallow for crop rotation purposes. I guess these people don't actually know farming. Hell, even I know this one and I'm a city kid. Allow farming and ranching in wetlands and federally protected lands. Eliminate Federal food inspections for foods sold accross state lines. 
Eliminatge all "checkoff" programs, which are meant to promote certain food industries and restrict monopolies by large corporations on specific commodities. This is meant to squeeze the small farmer out of business in favor of corporate farming.
Eliminate funding for trade promotion for foodstuffs to other countries. I find this one quite strange and very un-Republican. I don't understand it.
Promote an increase in Genetically Modified Foods. Repeal the federal mandate that genetically modified foods must be labelled. Promote Bioengineering of food as a policy.
Eliminate the funding of Dietary Guidelines. This includes the recommended calorie amounts per day, the food pyramid and even the "four food groups" I had as a kid. These things will no longer be taught.
The Forest Service is under the Agriture Department. Right at the top of the list for this department is increased logging anf forest harvesting to prevent forest fires. In fact that's the only thing they discuss in the document. The solution to forrest fires is to have less forrest. 
Next posting will cover the Department of Education, The Department of Energy, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
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its-gambit · 3 months
Gambit, when did you unratify??
it jus happened..
I don’t know myself but I’m glad
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nototherwisespecified · 7 months
eat your heart out olivie blake: anthropocene remains unratified
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xtruss · 8 months
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The U.S. Just Expanded Its Territory By a Million Square Kilometers
— By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.Com Staff Writer | January 18, 2024
In a historic move, the United States has officially expanded its geographical territory by one million square kilometers — an area nearly 60 percent the size of Alaska. The catalyst for this territory expansion lies in the redefinition of the U.S. continental shelf boundaries.
By invoking international law, the State Department has outlined new areas under the sea where the continental shelf, a seabed area surrounding large landmasses with relatively shallow waters, extends further than previously recognized.
This monumental addition is spread across seven distinct ocean regions, with over half of the new territory located in the Arctic.
Extended Continental Shelf
The concept of the Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) is pivotal in understanding this expansion. Under international law, coastal nations can claim these extended shelves, along with the right to manage and exploit their resources.
With this territory expansion move, the U.S. joins over 75 countries that have defined their ECS limits, which extend beyond 200 nautical miles from their coasts.
Comprehensive Geological Data
The journey to this announcement began in 2003, involving a multi-agency collaboration led by the U.S. State Department, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey.
The mission was to gather comprehensive geological data to determine the outer limits of the U.S. continental shelf.
This extensive effort ended on December 19, 2023, with the State Department revealing the new geographic coordinates that mark the U.S. ECS.
U.S. Territory Expansion and Marine Resources
The areas encompassed in this claim include the Arctic, the east coast Atlantic, the Bering Sea, the west coast Pacific, the Mariana Islands, and two regions in the Gulf of Mexico.
The addition of this vast territory, equivalent in size to double the state of California, significantly strengthens the nation’s control over marine resources.
“America is larger than it was yesterday,” said Mead Treadwell, a former Alaska lieutenant governor and former chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission.
“It’s not quite the Louisiana Purchase. It’s not quite the purchase of Alaska, but the new area of land and subsurface resources under the land controlled by the United States is two Californias larger.”
Years of Data Collection
State Department project director Brian Van Pay said it took multi-agency fieldwork spanning 20 years for scientists to gather data about the shape of the seafloor and measuring sediment layers.
“Forty missions at sea, going to areas that we’ve never explored before, finding entire seamounts we didn’t even know existed,” said Van Pay. “And, if you add up all the time that our scientists spent at sea, it’s over three years of data collection.”
Strong Scientific Foundation
This claim, although unratified by the U.S. Senate, adheres to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Despite the lack of formal ratification, the U.S. government proceeded to announce its continental shelf limits.
Treadwell asserted confidence in the scientific foundation of this unilateral move.
“If somebody came back and said, ‘Your science is bad,’ I think the United States would listen. But I don’t think science is bad. I think we’ve had very good science,” said Treadwell.
Potential Overlap
The State Department’s Arctic claim notably aligns with a 1990 maritime boundary agreement with Russia, ensuring no encroachment on Russian territory.
“None of the fixed points delineating the outer limits of the continental shelf of the United States are located west of the agreed boundary with the Russian Federation,” said the State Department.
However, potential overlap with Canada’s claims was acknowledged by Van Pay, indicating future diplomatic negotiations.
Mining and Research Rights
Crucially, this declaration does not extend U.S. jurisdiction over the water column or fishing rights beyond 200 miles off its coast.
Instead, it focuses on control over the seabed and its resources, including mining and research rights, as well as pipeline activities.
The extended continental shelf areas include portions of the Atlantic, Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mariana Islands.
The largest section lies north of Alaska, coupled with a smaller segment in the Bering Sea, collectively nearing the size of Texas.
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archangelcleo · 11 months
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israelseen1 · 1 year
David Bedein - Unveiling The Unratified: The Swift Demise Of The PLO-Israel Peace Endeavor
David Bedein – Unveiling The Unratified: The Swift Demise Of The PLO-Israel Peace Endeavor As the world reminisces about the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Peace Process, an exploration into the less-talked-about aspects of the initiative reveals a story that diverges from conventional narratives. Three decades ago, on September 13, 1993, the White House witnessed a historic moment as Israel and…
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Not long after we settled in Virginia, which was—and at the time of this writing still is—a very, very unratified state, I began hearing about the Equal Rights Amendment. The place I heard about it was church, and everything I heard was bad.
This disturbed me. Not because I cared about the ERA—I didn't even know what it was for a long while—but because I found that hearing politics being discussed so much in our most sacred church services interfered with my feelings of reverence and worship. It was disorienting to me for sacrament meeting to change suddenly, right in the middle, from a religious meeting to a precinct meeting. And, too, I liked the name of the amendment. I couldn't help feeling uneasy that the church was opposing something with a name as beautiful as the Equal Rights Amendment.
At that time, the church was also resisting racial equality by continuing its refusal to allow black males entry to the priesthood. Hazel had told me with disgust how church members in Alexandria had fought tooth and nail against integration of Alexandria schools. I had been troubled for a very long time about the race issue, ever since I had known Karl at the University of Minnesota, but I had been quietly troubled, with firm faith that everything would work out as it should. But this was different. Women were the issue, and I was a woman. This time we were talking about me! Without knowing much about the ERA, I felt directly implicated and involved. And the church would not let me forget, but kept the issue before my eyes, forcing my attention back to it week after week.
I would like to have forgotten about it, frankly, because in being driven by the church's vehemence to study, and growing more and more positive about it the more I studied, I was also growing more and more miserable: guilty about not being able to agree with the Brethren (as we call the leaders of the church) and seriously perplexed about why they had taken another such obvious anti-human-rights stand. I had never been in any serious opposition to the church's policies or doctrines, and I wanted nothing more than to preserve that record to the end of my life. And to teach my children to do likewise.
But instead of lessening, the political excitement, talk, and activity in the church only intensified over the next year or so, until I was in serious emotional distress about the issue. So I was pleased when, in the spring of 1978, it was announced one night in church that after sacrament meeting the next Sunday evening, our stake president (roughly equivalent to a Catholic bishop) was coming to our ward to explain the church's opposition to the ERA. I didn't know this stake president—he was new—but I was impressed by his credentials. Not just that he was a local church authority, which always impressed me in those days, but that he had, some years before, been the Project Director of the Army's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the manned exploration to the moon!
I was still so naive, I thought that meant something about his intellect.
So I rushed home and called Hazel and Ron, who were also suffering about the church's anti-ERA stance. "You people have to come out to my ward next Sunday night," I commanded. "The Project Director for the manned exploration to the moon is going to be there to explain why the church is against the Equal Rights Amendment. Finally we're going to hear something intelligent on the other side of this issue!"
That was before I knew that there wasn't anything intelligent on the other side.
The next Sunday night when the Project Director got up to speak, nine of us pro-ERA Mormons (in a group of twenty of thirty of the other kind) sat hoping that he would help us understand why our church, the Church of Jesus Christ, had taken what seemed to us such an un-Christlike stand. But he wasn't halfway through his first sentence before he had murdered that hope.
He had not, he informed us, prepared anything to say that night. And while he was on his way to the church, he had begun to get a little nervous about this ("I should think so!" I whispered to Rick). In the midst of his growing alarm, he suddenly remembered someone's telling him there was an article about the ERA in the latest Pageant magazine ("That woman's magazine," he called it, which did little to halt my plummeting estimation of the Army's Jet Propulsion Lab since Pageant, now deservedly defunct, was a C-grade Reader's Digest). So when a 7-11 store miraculously appeared on the horizon, he had dashed in, bought a Pageant and, while we were having our opening song and prayer, read that article. Now, he announced triumphantly, he was ready to talk to us about the ERA.
-Sonia Johnson, From Housewife to Heretic
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rauthschild · 1 year
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USNA have repeatedly touched upon the subject of Fourteenth Amendment citizens, defined as "citizens of the United States" by the Territorial Congress acting to latch upon the allegedly "stateless" freed plantation slaves, and serving to create a new kind of citizenship by legislative fiat. 
We have noted that this citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment establishing it was created and enforced under the so-called Corporate Constitution published in 1868. 
This document looked very, very similar to the actual Territorial Constitution called The Constitution of the United States of America, but it was a different kind of "constitution" altogether, and represented the Articles of Incorporation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, with the word "Incorporated" omitted so as to foster a despicable fraud upon the Autochthonous American people and the rest of the world. 
This Corporate Constitution was never ratified by the States of the Union because as a foreign corporation's Articles of Incorporation it needed no ratification by our States.  Likewise, its "Amendments" served as By-Laws and required no ratification, either.  
This is why the 14th, 15th, 16th, and all subsequent Amendments to this document are not ratified by the States of the Union. It's uncertain at this point whether or not the 13th Amendment purportedly abolishing slavery was ever ratified, either. 
It was the 14th (definitely Unratified) Amendment to this Corporate Constitution that created "Fourteenth Amendment" citizenship and Fourteenth Amendment citizenship obligations for "citizens of the United States".  
When one reads the Congressional records related to these actions it is clear that most members of the Territorial Congress thought that they were doing something good and necessary.  They were acting under the idea that the Southern States would not accept the freed plantation slaves, and that something had to be done to provide these "stateless" people with a political status.  
Unfortunately, when they created this political status, they also latched onto the living men and women and whatever they possessed, as chattel backing the debts of the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America" --- Incorporated. 
That is to say, that contrary to the idealism and expressed intentions of the Territorial Congress, their actions resulted in the freed plantation slaves being "latched upon" and subjected to foreign citizenship obligations and debts owed by a foreign corporation merely pretending to be or to represent The United States of North America -- our Autochthonous Federation of States. 
The former plantation slaves were freed from private slavery and redefined as public slaves, instead.  
These new "citizens of the United States" were obligated to accept any debt addressed to them.  If they did not, they were pre-judged as criminals and subject to immediate sentencing, with no need to hear any facts or law or evidence. 
The Scottish Commercial Corporation whose "Constitution" allowed this went bankrupt in 1906 and has been defunct for decades, yet the charlatans responsible for all this continue to rely upon the "Fourteenth Amendment" of the defunct Corporate Constitution as the basis for prosecutions brought in Municipal courts. 
How can a codicil of a fraudulently misrepresented foreign corporation charter -- a corporation that has been out of business for over a century --be used as the basis for prosecution? 
Self-evidently, it cannot.  
Every single prosecution involving Fourteenth Amendment citizens, that is, in current parlance, those cases tried against  Municipal CORPORATIONS, have all been null and void for fraud and misrepresentation since 1868. 
As a result, all the people who have been held in "Federal" prisons and all those who have been held in Federal-franchised State-of-State jails, and all those who have been tried under the presumption of Fourteenth Amendment Municipal CITIZENSHIP, have been tried under False Pretenses invoked under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure, and they must be released and returned to their families and compensated for their ordeals.  
All those who have been tried and convicted under these presumptions in the past must also be exonerated and their records must be expunged. 
Compensation is owed by the Principals who allowed these foreign municipal and commercial corporation Subcontractors to operate "Prisons for Profits" schemes and at a minimum, every non-Federal Employee  misaddressed and convicted as a MUNICIPAL CORPORATION is owed $25,000 plus interest for every Misdemeanor, $1,000,000.00 plus interest for every felony, and $6,000 per day plus interest for each day that living people were impounded or incarcerated under conditions of fraud, non-disclosure and False Arrest. 
The foreign commercial corporations and Bar Attorneys and Governments and Principals responsible have acted with varying degrees of compartmentalized knowledge, with one hand often not knowing what the other was doing --- with the result that many Federal and State of State Employees and Bar Attorneys and bankers participated in this injurious fraud without being aware of it. 
Any and all proceedings against members of the General Public who have been improperly registered as Federal Citizens and as Municipal citizens of the United States and who have been charged and  misrepresented as Municipal CORPORATIONS or as co-trustees of waived infant decedent ESTATES, must be expunged. 
None of the victims of this fraud scheme received Due Process.  All but about 12% of those addressed were convicted by Courts that were incompetent to hear charges against them.  Any and all convictions against members of the General Public must be thoroughly expunged as if they never existed. 
The Court System in this country was unlawfully converted and must now be lawfully converted back to the Autochthonous American Common Law --- not military Common Law and not commercial Common Law nor any foreign form of Common Law whatsoever. 
The United States of North America, in the Family of Nations, Law of Nations.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 9.25 (after 1940)
275 – For the last time, the Roman Senate chooses an emperor; they elect 75-year-old Marcus Claudius Tacitus. 762 – Led by Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, the Hasanid branch of the Alids begins the Alid Revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate. 1066 – In the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harald Hardrada, the invading King of Norway, is defeated by King Harold II of England. 1237 – England and Scotland sign the Treaty of York, establishing the location of their common border. 1396 – Ottoman Emperor Bayezid I defeats a Christian army at the Battle of Nicopolis. 1513 – Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches what would become known as the Pacific Ocean. 1555 – The Peace of Augsburg is signed by Emperor Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League. 1690 – Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, is published for the first and only time. 1768 – Unification of Nepal 1775 – American Revolution: Ethan Allen surrenders to British forces after attempting to capture Montreal during the Battle of Longue-Pointe. 1775 – American Revolution: Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec sets off. 1789 – The United States Congress passes twelve constitutional amendments: the ten known as the Bill of Rights, the (unratified) Congressional Apportionment Amendment, and the Congressional Compensation Amendment. 1790 – Four Great Anhui Troupes introduce Anhui opera to Beijing in honor of the Qianlong Emperor's eightieth birthday. 1804 – The Teton Sioux (a subdivision of the Lakota) demand one of the boats from the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a toll for allowing the expedition to move further upriver. 1868 – The Imperial Russian steam frigate Alexander Nevsky is shipwrecked off Jutland while carrying Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia. 1890 – The United States Congress establishes Sequoia National Park. 1906 – Leonardo Torres Quevedo demonstrates the Telekino in the Bilbao Abra (Spain), guiding an electric boat from the shore with people on board, which was controlled at a distance over 2 km, in what is considered to be the origin of modern wireless remote-control operation principles. 1911 – An explosion of badly degraded propellant charges on board the French battleship Liberté detonates the forward ammunition magazines and destroys the ship. 1912 – Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is founded in New York City. 1915 – World War I: The Second Battle of Champagne begins. 1918 – World War I: The end of the Battle of Megiddo, the climax of the British Army's Sinai and Palestine campaign under General Edmund Allenby. 1926 – The international Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery is first signed. 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Chinese Eighth Route Army gains a minor, but morale-boosting victory in the Battle of Pingxingguan.
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debtloanpayoff · 5 months
0 notes