#unprepared casters canon
starwalker03 · 2 months
Finally listened to the Pinn Drop live stream
The fact that now I'm emotional about the crazy floating head??? I. I can't.
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brekfastserial · 2 years
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Late night UC fan art of Foq and Dion running a detective agency and solving murders together. Also I feel like Dion is the type to constantly find a reason to go undercover even when they don’t need to.
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uc-beepboop · 1 year
How Canon Was My One Arc 11  Fic?
“After the three-shot imma do an analysis comparison thing between my Elanthielrian fic and what happens and rate it on a scale from 1-10 on how canon it is LOL”
As promised on that previous tumblr post, here is future me, and I give it an 7/10 and I ramble more below the cut. Arc 11.5 On the Rocks SPOILERS.
Here’s the fic, “You’re The Boss” if you want to check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45524443
I think I gotta rate it an 7/10 for canon-compliance, which was MUCH HIGHER than I thought while watching the livestream, and I’m also very impressed with myself. My intention was to keep things kinda vague during my fic so it would, ideally, be totally canon-compliant. I also have the benefit of being in the patreon, so “The Last Stop” being the name of the bar was dropped in the discord: I don’t have some coincidentally power of guessing the exact same words as the UC cast.
Here are some big things that I didn’t have and hence make my fic an AU.
Atelut and Suds are no longer working for Albion rail… I mean gosh if they go back now you know!
Rian and Atelut is a slowburn, but it went much faster than I thought considering the end of the Finale *ahem sharing the same bed*
The resistance already did some damage! Yo? Killing some Albions ya know? 
Rian having the counterpart to Atelut’s ring of suffering: oh that was genius by Dillan and Dylan.
Atelut is an Albion. I mean, if I guessed that part, I’d be some omnipresent God. But hey, if any post-11.5 stream fic writers wants to write about that part? Go for it.
Here’s some more points I thought to bring up
Resistance is a hot mess:
One bit that I thought hit really well was the fact that resistance is kind of a hot mess and we love that for them. My “revolution” was a bit more put together, and I get into that in the next part. By the time my fic occurs, I think Atelut would have already known that. And guess what? She’s stressing over plans and worrying about if something might go wrong over the course of said plans! Oh no. As the writer, I didn’t consider that the resistance would be as much of a hot mess, but it kind of worked out anyways.
Atelut at The Last Stop:
Also another thing I didn’t consider: I think every other fic pre-11.5 has Atelut working in her position at Albion rail. But I had Atelut working on plans at The Last Stop and not even being a part of the main attack. Honestly, that’s how I see her after 11.5: she’s using her managerial skillset and organizing the revolution into an actual force to be wary of. And I think she’d be so good at it too. Maybe that’s this AU’s reason for having a more put-together revolution
Lack of Contact: (a Dissimilarity actually)
Another thing to consider was that I didn’t realize that in-canon, Atelut and Suds never made any direct contact with the resistance group until 11.5 begins? They were so so careful and damn do they care about this revolution so much you know. Anywho, in my fic Atelut and Suds just straight up went right to The Last Stop while being employees of Albion Rail. That being said, what stays the same is how meticulous each time they contacted the other group.
Who is the Boss?
One of the highlights for me is in (I think episode 2?) of 11.5 was when Rian just gives Atelut the “You’re not my Boss anymore” line and it stabs you in the gut a little. Anywho, in my fic Atelut’s the one who says something like that: “I’m not your manager anymore. You don’t have to give me these undeserved, free drinks.” And guess what? My fic ends in a similar way as the 11.5 stream did, with Rian calling Atelut “The Boss” once more. 
We’re the REVOLUTION for a reason (Extremity):
Okay, look I knew this, but I had a much more Suds approach to it where it would be this soft approach to fucking up the Albions. I didn’t realize that Rian was full on ready to do some murderrr, and hey he succeeded quite a bit. In my fic, “If all went according to plan, the company would experience substantial information leaks, financial losses, and destruction of property. It would be the biggest move the revolution had ever attempted.” So yeah. No murder, no death, just some good ol ouchie for Albion rail. I think… it was the second of the live Verbal Components for 11.5, and each player mentioned what would happen if their character was the only one left. And, in this potential scenario, iirc Atelut slowly chips away at Albion rail, kind of like I did in my fic.
That’s all I could think of off the talk of my head thanks for reading my rambling
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strange-igraine · 2 years
just rediscovered the pinterest board i made of character references for the Haxolpenny family. maybe i should get around to making that family portrait i told myself i was going to
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meltedmercury · 2 years
People in unprepared casters I imagined blonde: hope lovejoy
People in unprepared casters who are canonically blonde: everyone other than hope lovejoy
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igniting-quill · 2 years
for the writing meme thing
“This will sound weird, but you’ve got…” Quinn’s eyes darted over to Ace’s cracked skin. “Magic flowing out of the cracks on your arms. It’s like your’re an orbula orb or something.”
Magic always flowed out of Ace. But back during their orbula days, Ace used to bandage the cracks in their skin up every time they occurred. But then their skin became more brittle, and more cracks showed up regardless of what they did.
“Why, I would be cheering with delight if you had told me that during my time with the Winster White Claws.”
She brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder. “Are you taking care of yourself? Is there anything I can do to help? Any way to reverse this? Or…”
She bit her lip. “Well, I got your request a few weeks back.”
“Ah yes. How much would that cost?”
“I mean, renting out an entire bar? Harley and I have never done that before. But we agreed on this: drinks will be on the house.”
“Your bar, The House?”
Quinn grinned at the pun. “It’s the least I can do.”
from The World Orbula Cup
This ask is from the writing meme here.
I have so so so much to say about this! To spare people looking at my blog from scrolling forever, I’ve kept this to a Read More. Click to find out what I have to say.
I had this great one shot idea back in 2022 during the World Cup, like the real world event in Qatar and everything. And as we all know, beloved Ace from Unprepared Casters has this thing with really wanting to compete in the equivalent of the World Cup and for it to be their last and final moments before they pass away.
I struggled, and am still struggling haha I promise I haven’t ditched this fic (yet), to describe how to show this incoming death. How Ace would handle telling their friends, or maybe they wouldn’t even do that. Sometimes I look back at ch 2, which is where you quoted this from, and I find some pieces too rough/ not handled for a topic like death. But, sometimes the other part of my inner voice is just like, yeah. Death doesn’t ever have a nice streamlined process. It’s tradition and it’s agony. 
^Don’t quite have the words to describe this. Yet. 
Alright with my kind of “behind the scenes” out of the way, I don’t want to reveal too much because my fic isn’t over (yet!!!! Future Quill hold yourself accountable dammit YES I KNOW YOU’RE IN COLLEGE), let’s talk about the passage itself.
I mentioned the cracks in Ace’s body, because it was a sort of flavor thing that Bri (who plays Ace in canon) added onto her character. For example, they have this crack in their ear from Aster’s attempt at piercing their ear. Russ is also sometimes pretty carefully with the typical contact-filled celebrations sports teams usually share (hugging, chest bumps, etc.). I thought it would be a cool visual to show that Ace is being whittled down physically instead of just disappearing into the unknown. Like, if I was a Dungeon Master of this scene instead of a writer, I’d have Ace run these constitution checks to last longer. Bri had the intention of Ace dying during the awards ceremony during the World Orb Cup (not canon btw! Everything about this is my creation and Bri hoping to have an equivalent of our world’s World Cup in Hyranor), so I thought that by that point Ace would already be kind of in their last moments. 
“This will sound weird, but you’ve got…” Quinn’s eyes darted over to Ace’s cracked skin. 
So, as Ace meets all their friends, they are too nice to bring it up to their face, especially during Arc 4. But I think Quinn’s the most caretaker-y (literally one of two in this party with access to healing spells), and would care about Ace’s physical breaking skin. It’s awkward, and she feels it when she brings up the injuries Ace has.
This magic bit is also a bit of flavor. Like, Ace is made of magic. The idea of cracked skin is kind of morbid, and blood flowing from them is even more so. That’s kind of what the magic is in place of honestly: Ace’s life is slowly being drained away from them.
She brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder. “Are you taking care of yourself? Is there anything I can do to help? Any way to reverse this? Or…”
I still kind of worry that this fic sounds too much like a suicide note, and maybe that’s why it’s taking me so long to write the next few chapters because it’s been hard to walk that fine line between. Otherwise, in every scenario, if someone is on the verge of death people keep pushing for you to stay alive. Quinn, as I said earlier, would also try. As I said earlier, out of the good of her heart, she sees this scenario sort of like a sickness to be cured, or something to fight against. She doesn’t see Ace’s close death as inevitable.
Ace’s abrupt response, just a simple “No” is enough to get Quinn to stop. They might have been friends for a short time (not for Ace, but for Quinn), but their friendship ran deep. Like if I actually wanted to revamp chapter 2, I’d add a bit more to Ace’s response. (I’m not going to as of now I want to focus on completion instead of perfection) But Bri played Ace as a very straightforward, sometimes even rude or cruel without meaning to, character. I tried to incorporate the sort of Aetherborn philosophy of not being sad that their lifespans are short, but rather being fearful that they haven’t truly lived while being alive. Ace is pretty fulfilled at this point. (in all honesty, I don’t think they are satisfied, but at least on a surface level with what they could do with their time alive, it was pretty impressive). What’s the point of extending their life a few more days if there’s nothing to do, truly live for, with all those moments alive? 
She bit her lip. “Well, I got your request a few weeks back.”
“Ah yes. How much would that cost?”
“I mean, renting out an entire bar? Harley and I have never done that before. But we agreed on this: drinks will be on the house.”
I researched Aetherbornes a little bit before writing this fic. Before they die, usually they host a party. Since Quinn opens a bar, no proof of this in canon but Grace (who plays Quinn) really likes the idea and has brought it up in the Verbal Component + the Battle Royale livestream. So yeah, I thought it’d be a cute idea if she just opened it up as Ace visits. I had the idea of not-that-interested in orbula Quinn and Aster to be in Tyle, the capital, for less travel distance. The drinks being on the house is kind of a continuation of Quinn feeling horrible. She’s the least ready for Ace to leave I think. (They’re all not ready to be honest, but she’s in this space of some denial about it.)
“Your bar, The House?”
Quinn grinned at the pun. “It’s the least I can do.”
It started to get really sad here, and I felt like Ace would never let it get that dark with their death. Of course they bring up the pun, as Quinn established earlier it was named the House. The reason why it’s called the House is directly from Grace’s idea of Quinn establishing a bar called the House of Aces. I planned the kind of outline for this fic before I realized… hey if she names the bar the House of Aces after her friend Ace, that’s a little weird if they’re still alive. So, you know she’s young and such, so maybe it didn’t used to be called that. Going from a bar called “The House” to “The House of Aces” is not that big of a stretch.
Thanks for letting me info dump this was so fun! I also wrote this all in one go, so apologies for any typos/grammar issues. If you have more questions (both you heather and anyone else reading this), feel free to ask. My inbox is open!
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baileycanwrite · 2 years
Met Someone (6209 words) by baileyondemand Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Unprepared Casters (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jim the Fertilizer Guy/Ialius (Unprepared Casters), Jim the Fertilizer Guy & Ialius (Unprepared Casters), Diarmad and Ialius (Unprepared Casters), Jim the Fertilizer Guy & Bombyx Mori, Diarmad & Bombyx Mori Characters: Jim the Fertilizer Guy (Unprepared Casters), Ialius (Unprepared Casters), Diarmad (Unprepared Casters), Bombyx Mori, Whippersnapper von Caviar Additional Tags: Fluff, Slow Burn, I Look Canon In The Eyes As I Beat It With A Stick, Crushes, Mutual Pining, Diarmad Is Ialius's Dad, and you can fight me on that, Bombyx Is Unhinged, and we love them for that, Screamed About This On Tumblr Before So Lea Might Recognize This, But Shhhh No You Don't, I've Thought About This A Normal Amount, Ialius Sees Jim And Crushes Immidiately, oh i almost forgot, Gay Ialius (Unprepared Casters), Bisexual Jim The Fertilizer Guy, Nothing Against Jimbylla But I've Had Brainrot For These Two Since Arc 3, Worms, Innuendo, slight innuendo, Very Slight But Worth Tagging, Purple Worms, Jim Saw Ialius And Also Fell Hard, Would You Rather, Bugs, Bug Induced Rage Summary: Bombyx said, “I met someone” and my first thought wasn’t Sybilla… it was Ialius
Chapter 3 is up!
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moonbeamdagger · 2 years
was relistening to arc 3 and realized we have contradictory canon
Haley, Arc 3 Episode 2: Weeks are normal (7 days)
Amelia, Annie and Charles’ Day of Fun One-Shot: Weeks are 10 days (two days we don’t know the names/positions of and Tomorrowday, which comes between Wednesday and Thursday)
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eraelias · 2 years
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wall-e-gorl · 2 years
Very excited for once upon a crime. To prepare for it I think I'm gonna watch leverage over again
#unprepared casters#once upon a crime#'vic whats lever-' IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED#its a show about a group of criminals (hitter hacker theif grifter mastermind) who hit the jackpot and never have to steal again#but they quickly get bored and decide to work together and get revenge on corrupt billionaires for people wronged by them (for free)#its kinda like cop shows in the constant predictable format but a thousand times better cause leverage is not copaganda#its great. there are some moments that you go uhhhhh at cause it is from 2008#but other than those few and far between bits its great#its great#theres a poly couple as canon as 2008 could allow. theres so much growth in all of the characters. everyone is like so pretty#in the human way not the everything-photoshoped-perfect way#they steal a mountain twice. different mountains.#they do a bank heist WHILE its being stood up AND frame the bad guy they had alreadly did a con on for it and also for doing meth as bonus#they land a hacked plane while 4/5 of the team is on the plane and the 5th fixes it while pretending to be an office worker so convincingly#that the office throws him a birthday party#they do a The Office themed epsiode and the subplot of the hacker eating the hitter sandwich is a metaphor for their relationship#the asshole on the team gets forcibly adopted AND shot several times. about once a season.#its a great fun time. the reboot is great too its very gay in the 2021 way#also if you need anything else to convince you that its good#i stayed up for like 3 days straight only watching it start to finish all 5 seasons and started hearing the background music while paused#and do not regret it#pretty sure i started a rewatch later that same week
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i decided to take this out of a comic i'm working on, but i got attached to the sketch so i decided to draw it anyways
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yarn-dragon · 2 years
New fic! What if the final battle in arc 3 went different? What if Annie died?
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uc-beepboop · 2 years
Unprepared Casters characters and assigning them college majors by me: an indecisive person who has a lot of brainrot.
Are ya ready? It’s quite a bit.
Character Major
Deb - A1 Trade school realistically but Culinary Art/Science
Sir Mister Person - A1 Exercise Science (he’s not good)
Thavius - A1 Funerary Service/Mortuary Science
Hope Lovejoy Communications (from a very prestigious institution) she does exceedingly well in this major
Sk-72 Library Science + World Literature + Classics look he’s got a big brain and lots of time so
Ash Some trade school (restaurant running) or Hospitality/Restaurant Management. If she has that latter degree she definitely dropped in and out of school to get it.
Sasha Rose Some trade school (wood + metal working) or Mechanical Engineering
Lyndell Sterling Some trade school and it’s incredibly useful outside that… If there’s a major with the most charismatic beautiful lioness women it’s for Lyndell rn dunno.
Robyn Lovejoy Technically still enrolled in zoology (specialization ornithology) but is in the process of getting a psych major (lots of dropping out I think together with ash, in and out of college)
Annie Wintersummer Double Major with Physics and Math and minors in history, calligraphy, and [idk]… essentially notoriously difficult majors with little payoff. Ooo maybe one of her minors is in like folklorey witchcraft or spells or… something to pull together the fact that in UC she’s a powerful wizard (yes with one level of sorcerer okay okay).
Bombyx Mori Trade school: tailoring/fabric making OR entomology (study of insects): focus on silkworms/moths
Fey Moss Music: Vocal Performance specialization plus a minor in journalism (referencing her need to announce to the world that she’s famous)
Diarmad Brewing Science is also very casually a med student but with a focus on natural medicines
Aldrum Trade school realistically. For a like… proper college major it’d be the ones with the nicest people in it (Ahem almost the the extent of being a pushover)
Wrangler Exercise Sciences Education (and he’s good at it too). If theres nothing this specific, anything sports aligned I see him taking.
Quinn Psych (too close to comfort, also pretty difficult) —>brewing sciences (not too close to comfort, potentially difficult but with a nice reward)
Aster Realistically he would never go to college. But if he did: Studio Art drawing (ahem it’s for tattoos)
Ace Realistically they would never go, but if lifespan allowed: D1 Student Athlete in sports science —> philosophy I guess
Omen haxolpenny Never would this man have a passing grade but if he did: Forestry
Wren Forrestor … I mean, it’s Forestry. Proud woman in (enviro) stem
Onyx Mayfeld Realistically Trade school with wood/metal working otherwise studio art with… weapons making specialization? maybe OR History: medieval
Booker Sailship Geography or Marine Sciences or some… “sailing” major
Sougle Definitely dropped out but if not: Fashion + Retail management with a focus on footwear
Remeny Gratz No college ofc but if so: Aviation/ Aviation Management
Beryl Hatebad Accounting. The boring, practical one. Is extremely good at it.
Sk-69 Art - Tailoring/Clothes making maybe a trade school lol if not I guess some mechanical engineering for the legs… but I can’t say that for EVERY artificer can I?
Lottie Leremy Common (English) major: Folklore specialization (as in her ghosts are kind of like folklore). Perhaps history with a concentration in witchcraft?
Kipp Tupper Ok this’ll be intrestesting - sociaiogy specifically criminal justice but they approve of criminals OR like world cultures
Salas Psych - ahem trauma
Deb - A7 Guess what? If this version of Deb was in college, they dropped the culinary arts (kept the skills just not the degree) and become a Psych major - ahem trauma
Sir Mr. - A7 Realistically dropped out and became police officer. I mean is that not what’s canon? Anyways, if he stayed it might still be exercise sciences
Thavius - A7 Sociology (does this in an attempt to learn how society functions… well you can only learn so well from a rigid academic context)
Hope lovejoy - A7 Still comms and still excels in it.
Sk-72 - A7 Library sciences + World Lit. Same stuff from arc 1 honestly!
Sybilla eirik History + Classics double major with a fuck ton of knowledge and could do anything she wanted to honestly.
Penny Lovejoy Finance (microeconomics) + Econ (macroeconomics) major also doubled up
Nephila Mori (Got in with a full ride scholarship easily) Of courseeee WGSS (Women, Gender, and Sexualities studies)! Very political involved, perhaps also political sciences double major.
Sir Up Ton Realistically none. Man’s worked his way up in life through pure work skills little academics. Honestly struggling to find major for this guy. I’ll say History: drew inspiration from the power dynamics of tyrannical leaders a bit too well.
Helga Hatebad Oh she’d never go to actual college only vocational but if she had to: woodworking, metalworking, etc. maybe art major: but a very specific kind that I can’t specify because idk the concentrations they have.
Juniper Erydis Didn’t go to college but if she did? Communications because she heard it was an easy major, wanted to be in and out of college quick, but is terrible at it. Kinda struggling on picking a good one for our paladin girly. Part of me things she might be “undecided” for a long long time.
Riot Hallowheart Mm nah didn’t go but if she did: Psych/English ahem “Common”. Trauma (Psych) but also that like wisdom they had throughout the arc just really hit (English/common major)
Julian Crimeboy Cough spoilers atmospheric sciences or astronomy. Pre finale maybe bio pre med? But uses it in both good (healing) and bad (killing people).
Serenity Sapphire Criminal Justice (wants to be detective) but by arc 9 finale it’s full on food and agricultural science.
Art G’rish Oof this is difficult. Business Administration? Oh boi idk a good one for him.
Count Dion Alexander Grimmawk (A10E2) Mmmmm poli sci for knowledge about the political power dynamics + creativity on manipulating it to their favor but some strong creative writing vibes for the flair
Bishop Batters-Westberry (A10E2) (Wouldn’t have gone to college but) Learned Ag Science with marigold. Now, if they broke up during this process in getting a degree? Comp sci, not because he’s particularly smart or anything but just because he’s awkward as fuck.
Marigold Westberry (A10E2) The most farmy major of them all: Agricultural science! If there’s a more farm like major, I’d love love love to hear it.
Queen Luminessa (A10E2) Something something Marine sciences was my original pick, but at this point that can’t be it. Maybe like public relations because girlie knows how to navigate a party and ace it in that setting.
Theodrink Davies (A10E2) It’d be butler school, which is actually a thing. Otherwise Hospitality/services management
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silly-goofy-mood · 2 years
the weird noises Remeny makes whenever Lottie's ghost touch her sound like the audio version of a keyboard smash
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kori-dearest · 2 years
pride hc for arc 5?
Booker: (my husband <3) definitely some flavor of queer, but he doesn’t put a label on it. Ftm trans man <3
Omen: pan, genderfluid, idk <3 I just feel like he doesn’t care/does what he wants <3 goofy forest man lives in the woods <3
Sougle: another idk kinda guy. Like definitely cishet vibes, but in a queer way if that makes sense (it doesn’t.) he likes moms which I vibe with, but also idk if he even cares about love or sex in a non platonic way. Just a guy who finds people attractive, but doesn’t wanna go any further than just aesthetic enjoyment, yk? Aroace, but he’s figuring it out
Wren: lesbain.
Onyx: definitely asexual, but I feel like him and that dinferni guy had something going on. Very normal to meet his mom methinks.
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libsreese · 3 years
I looked absolutely crazy in class today because I just laughed out loud, with my headphones in, listening to today’s episode. I was not expecting anything that happened and honestly Haley should be praised for getting through it.
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