#unpopular upinion
threeandahalftwist · 2 years
Honestly I really don't get the hype around Aleah Finnegan's floor routine. I mean she has amazing form don't get me wrong. But the choreo and dance is like meh?🤷‍♂️
Also if you're gonna use Slomo from Chanel, please dance to it like Chanel. Otherwise just don't bother.
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v-207 · 1 month
I like yellow lighting in pictures
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sephirothmon · 4 months
guys I'm sorry for the unpopular upinion but I could never hate ajr. unless they were like sending anthrax to hospitals or something but the Internet could never make me hate you ajr
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This might be an unpopular opinion but your favorite character dying (or not getting a happy ending, or not getting the character development you’d like) is not racist, mysognistic, homophobic, or anything of the sort.
In certain cases (like Voltron), it’s bad writing but that’s just it.
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yenyenyen19 · 5 years
unpopular upinion but Christmas is such an annoying holiday, i really hate this time of the year. I only like it cause its cold and windy outside
Halloween is 100% better
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adorablest-mutt · 6 years
Unpopular upinion
Adora abd katra are.absulutrly black romance and you know it
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societysonlooker · 6 years
Unpopular upinion from a feminist... I’m part of the problem where the Fandom ignores female characters in favor of gay ships, often fetishizing them. Why? Because the female characters in a lot of the more “nerdy” (boy nerd gatekept) have really shitily female characters I dont understand at all and/or fuckin hate. Like...
An example.
Voltron. I ship klance. I loved allura, and in S1 i HIGH KEY shipped either her amd Shiro or her and (fungers crossed) some unintroduced fenale character. She was MY GIRL. And hell yeah pidge you funky little nonconforming star. I love you! The biggest reason I shipped klance is cause, they had a really, really good fire&ice thing going on, and slowly but surely were growing closer at LEAST as friends. Yea lance had a HUGE crush on allura, but sje had no interest in him so cross my fingers my precious little blue bi boy could find an eventually healthy and fun relationship with keith, who could hopefully learn more about himself and become happier.
And then the script took a darker turn and my hopes stayed the same but I got hooked on plot like a junkie on crack. then after season 4 i took a long look at the previous seasons and i realized, oh. That’s why I hate allura now. oh. Thats why I dont ship klance on screen. oh. Thats why the teams behavior towards keith is pissing me the fuck off. Because it was just so, remotely out of character. Allura NEVER had issues asking for help or for recomendations, and the team was ALWAYS there for her, then she gets in the blue lion and THATS the reason she has issues piloting the blue lion?!?!?! Them later, I get her hatred of the galra... but hating keith??? She KNOWS him. He’s sacrificed and dedicated himself so MUCH of himself to her cause, and she thinks news of his heritage will make him turn on her??? Like, I get the IDEA, BUT, if keith KNEW he was galra, id really get it. BUT HE DIDN’T!!!! AS FAR AS HE KNOWS, AND AS FAR AS HIS LOYALTIES GO, HE’S HUMAN! Yes, eventually he and everyone come to accept who he is. But allura, the loving and caring, but also strong and highly intelligent allura, I KNOW she wouldn’t respond like that. She is not a hateful person, and i REFUSE to believe she never once met a kind galra. Then theres Coran, he is her advissor, and much her elder and a much wiser one at that. And it is CANON he PERSOANALLY knew kinda galra. There is no way allura would have held her distrust of keith so long. She is more than smart enough to know that the reason many galra act the way they do is because they are indoctrinated to act that way. And keith, has NOT been indoctrinated. He just happens to hold half of their DNA, and therefore some traits and instincts. As a literal BIOLOGY MAJOR, imma tell you right now, INSTINCTS DONT TELL YOU TO RANDOMLY KILL YOUR FRIENDS, AND DNA DONT DO SHIT TO YOUR PERSONALITY AFTER CRITICAL DEVELOPMENTAL YEARS UNLESS YOU EXPERIENCE A SHIT LOAD OF TRAUMA AND IK WAR IS TRAUMA BUT THERE IS NO WAY HE’D SUDDENLY SHIFT GODDAMN ALLIANCES.
and I maintain that allura is easily smart enough to understand that.
A better arc? People they encountering in space having a problem with keith being galra, and allura and the team helping reassure him until he is comfortable in his heritage. Deal with racism and self esteem in a way that makes sense. So i started hating allura’s character, and that anyone would ship lance with her. cause lance was a character i thought was still really in character. I still liked lance, amd i still liked keith. So even though they had no on-screen chemistry or one-on-one positive relations, I still shipped them. I still saw the possible healthy and hapoy relationship that season 1 (and even 2!) hinted could be possible! So I’m a klamce shipper, and I actively dislike the character allura has been for the past couple of seasons (And I didnt even mind her falling for lotor, hell that actually made sense!), though I know she is getting better. But I still had Lalura. In my oppinion, it doesn’t have good, unproblematic chemistry until this past season. And it just... doesnt work in my head.
Now lets compare this.
another show I love.
It’s such a problematic show lmao.
It’s consistent. Lucy Heartfielia has always been a perky, funny, fanservice character who loves her friends and will do anything to protect and save them. She and Natsu have real, on-screen chemistry. AND THAT NEVER STOPPED! Her charicterization was always consistent, and made sense. Nothing ever seemed out of character about her. I had no reason to hate her without sympathy.
Natsu and Gray are also (literally) fire and ice. That is literally their magic. But, i dont ship them for canon. Sure, its fun to explore their relationship in fanworks, but i think their REAL rivalry (as opposed to lance and keiths, which one can really analyse to be lance not knowing how to interpret slightly gay feelings cause lord lnows all us gay children felt that way about our crushes) is actually the basis of a really good, brother-close friendship. Its very, very well written and I love that.
Thanks to those two things, i really, really ship NaLu, even years after the show went on hiatus.
And i just, sometimes I look at a fandom and worry about my own behavior, but then I look at shows as a fellow writer, and my own behavior makes a LOT more sense. Now I know there are an unfortunately large amount of fans who do overlook female characters, and fetishize gay ships. But I also know a lot of us are just gay kids and teens looking and making theories for any rep we can get. And we happen to have really high standarda for content, thanks to a few very good shows amd a few adult fanfic writers who have written our favorite 500,000 word fanfics.
I just, I cant wait. I cant wait until its all of us out their writing our stories, and sharing them with the world when the current writers are our producers. Because then, I think, we may finally be able to show the world as it is. Full of different, diverse people who love in so many different ways. Cause I sure as hell am trying hard to make my own stories better.
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atleastitwasntmeth · 6 years
Unpopular upinion- reeves is a shity last name but keanu makes up for it
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lilith-the-first · 7 years
I dislike Remus Lupin
I really dislike Remus Lupin. An unpopular upinion, I know, but hear me out.
Where was Lupin al those horrible years Harry spend with the Dursleys? Yes, I can understand the argument how because of racism and lack of a job he might not have been granted the right to raise him by himself, but why didnt he visit? Just a check-in every once in a while? You might say; The Dursleys/Dumbledore/the ministry would never allow that. Fine. But why didnt he write? If the Dursleys don't want owls he can send them with the muggle post. And if he doesnt know how to use that he can learn. For Harry. Why doesnt he contact Harry? Why doesnt he check up on him?
When Harry came to the wizzarding world, why did he not immediatly get into contact? Honestly; he has no obligation to do so. You are not oblidged to take care of the child of a one-time friend. You are not required to care for them or speak to them.
And then, THREE YEARS after Harry enters the wizarding world, three years in which he could have contacted and introduced himself to Harry anytime he wanted, he takes a job at Hogwarts. He meets Harry on the train, teaches him, AND DOES NOT TELL HIM HE KNEW HIS PARENTS. He says nothing, not until Harry confronts him. At the end of the year he flees. That Harry came upon him when he was doing so does not negate the fact Lupin had no intention whatsoever of saying goodbye to Harry. So he leaves.
And truthfully; this is fine. He is just an other adult in Harry's life, as there are many. He has a connection to his parents, yes, but in the end he does no more or less for Harry than any other adult.
But then. Lupin joins the order of the Phoenix. His new found long-lost friend gives him a confindence boost. And suddenly... he demands Harry's respect? Presumes to insert himself in Harry's life as a long-lost friend and tells Harry to listen to him? Demands Harry listens to him, as if he has a more personal connection to him than all the other adults in Harry’s life.
Why now? Why not all those years ago when Harry was a young child who needed you? You did nothing to earn his respect. His forgiveness and his consideration. You are just an old friend of his parents. Nothing more, nothing less. You have made that very clear over the years.
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Unpopular upinion
Sooooo here's a theory...
Maybe all of the different outfits in the ME! MV worn by taylor (btw. there are 7 if im not counting them wrong) are representing one theme of a song in TS7.
Or maybe all the different things that inspired taylor while writing it and these themes will reapear in the album
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#taylor swift #swifties #ts7 #theories #je suis calme
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quiznaks · 7 years
Upinion(idk if it's unpopular):Keith bites his ice cream and Popsicles
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darrenandi · 12 years
Wait. I didn’t necessarily thought that Tina and Blaine scene was horrible
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Unpopular Opinion Revisited.
I don't like all these band-wagon jumpers now because of the movie. At least read the books first! At the very least!!
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heecheol · 13 years
first don't get me wrong, i love teen top sfm
but changjo's voice is so awesome
i want to hear it more and more
i thought he wouldn't get a line in this comeback but i was wrong, thank god
i wonder when he will get more lines
and tbh i'm tired of seeing niel in the front of everything, jfc.
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