eh-nonnie-mouse · 3 months
You know the game is getting serious when you have the wiki open on one monitor and the game on the other so you can double, triple and quadruple check ✨everything✨ you do
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elizmanderson · 1 year
IT KILLS ME that after the frankly OVERKILL of Stede's fake death, Mary finishes it up with, "he kept it to himself...but Stede had actually been quite ill" like how much more dead does this man have to be lmao
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pseudospectre · 2 months
Can I please have a month without vet bills. Please.
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divinekangaroo · 9 months
The difficulty w writing a hard/violent Tommy x Alfie is that they both seem genuinely amused by and in liking of each other - irrespective that they both expect one or the other will do something one day that requires a death strike in retaliation. (Because if they don’t, their whole artificially and self-consciously constructed sense of identity is suspect?)
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kyra-dev · 7 months
leadership of the most fucked up website being pathetic, spiteful, bigoted idiots. Must be a day ending in y
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coldgoldlazarus · 10 months
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Having way too much fun writing the world's most sexually oblivious pansexual woman
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void-botanist · 1 year
🌼🎁🥘 for Bo plsssss
- @outpost51
These are great questions for actually knowing things about Bo, lol.
🌼 - Assign them an aesthetic Wizardcore. If that seems too on the nose, consider that Bo is usually wearing essentially a belted purple tabard over pants or shorts. People do look sideways at that, but when they notice Bo's leather gloves, they assume that Bo is a witch and kind of ignore anything weird about their appearance.
🥘 - Favourite food? Bo loves two foods more than anything: steak, in pretty much any form, and rich desserts. So in the real world, they would be that friend who always wants to go to a Latin American restaurant (not just the ones with steak dishes but especially those). I think one of their particular favorites would be flan mixto.
🎁 - Are they good at giving gifts? How about receiving them? Bo used to be bad at giving gifts because they would know exactly what kind of thing to get someone, but when it came to actually procuring it, they would get stuck trying to figure out what the best one was (not quite at the level of Chidi Anagonye trying to make a decision, but not too far off). They eventually figured out that the better way for them to gift was to give experiences, either through creating those experiences themself or through buying tickets or making reservations to do something with someone. Aside from making fun memories, that has the upside of being time limited, so if it sucks somehow, it'll be over soon and they won't have to live with the shame of buying a subpar object.
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chromalogue · 1 year
I was walking to work yesterday, quietly fuming because people in the apartment building across the street had moved out and left some really cool appliances on the curb, and copper scavengers had come and cut off all the cords, turning perfectly good stuff that people could have used into heaps of junk, and urgh, what could be more aggravating?
As it turns out, what could be more aggravating is not being told that May 1 is a public holiday in Germany.
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
So I guess that's the best way to get people to stop asking questions you don't want to answer
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sbnkalny · 2 years
And if they guess wrong they can still go unmolested, and travelers could find fire, bread, and salt at many an inn and holdfast
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catboycumgutters · 21 days
>was asked to delay first apt today. sure yeah I should be able to make that.
>no prob. leave five min early from first apt, arrive right on time for second.
>pre-checked in like crazy last week. still have to check in. thing isn't picking up my id. have to put it all in manually. whatever.
>get behind the door, they ask for my phone number.
>"why" "someone put 5555555555" "yeah i don't have a phone number" "right well i can't proceed without one." "k whatever here's my old one. won't reach me tho."
>reminds me that i can sit down. sore from physical therapy, don't want to, already annoyed and restless. points out that i'm going to need to sit for the blood draw anyway. (okay? i'll sit then?) tech says it's making them uncomfortable that i'm standing instead of sitting (??)
>basically i'm not kissing ass, just wanna get in and get out. and. they say they're uncomfortable serving me and i need to go
>laugh bc it's so absurd
>they ramp up to threatening to call the cops when i don't just go. saying i've been nothing but uncooperative (only a tiny bit true? not even about you??) and it's suspicious that my insurance is pulling up some out-of-state insurance thing (?????) and i "won't give them my insurance card" (they didn't ask and it's literally in my hand and i've been trying to give it to them??)
>no, i'll be here until you let me speak. they keep interrupting me. i gotta keep starting over. they leave.
>other tech comes to life to suggest i go to another lab two towns over maybe?
>don't have a car, have to borrow one to spend grueling day out every month or so. so.
>literally just huffy bc i'm not playing the polite social encounter game where i have to flirt and be soooo comforting to everyone or i don't get vital services that i am otherwise unable to access
>cool cool cool. hope they fuck off and die.
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stumblngrumbl · 10 months
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hm, wonder to what extent other people have in their toolbox of threat de-escalation techniques, "confuse the fucker"
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 5 months
all media that causes the audience to feel something is manipulative and problematic. to avoid this, i exclusively engage with horror media while also playing so called "cozy games" like stardew valley. the horror and the cozy cancel each other out and I feel absolutely nothing and remain unmolested by the whims of big feelings
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
I found a hidden gem at the bookstore yesterday evening: a pre-HBO ASOIAF card game from 2008. I was elated. When I spied the box, I checked for the copyright year, and as soon as I saw that it predated the adaption, I bought it. Didn’t read the description or anything.
All the art is refreshing. The artist(s) depiction of characters and locations is unique and is a good contrast to their counterparts in the adaption and in my imagination from reading the books. It’s just lovely.
I cannot wait to play this with my friends.
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s17s17 · 2 years
Resurrected the Y-wing kit, it's one of my oldest so a handful of parts "didn't make it", so this is a scrapyard edition, ft paint and mechanical issues
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