#unless i get fed up way faster than the other time
devoutekuna · 4 months
First few weeks
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He hated the first few months, he had a baby which cried every time they woke up, but he had to give you props for giving birth, he wished he could just wake you up and have you deal with the kid but he knew that wouldn't be right. Who would've thought that the king of curses was actually considerate? "What do you want?" Peering over their crib as he examined his kid, maybe they were cold? Picking them up as he twirled them around. "You want milk or something?" Walking towards the kitchen to get some milk. Unwrapping the swaddle on the way there. Stuffing the bottle in their mouth, watching the supply slowly deplete.
He was already under immense stress, and the baby only added to the fuel. She was always crying whenever she was awake, it was like it was her only emotion, taking a longer paternity leave than wanted, he always took care of you, only waking you up from your slumber if it was about feeding your daughter or feeding you, letting you get the well deserved rest. "Please don't wake your mother up" glancing over at your sleeping body as she cried. Taking her out of the room. Stroking her hair as she stopped crying, holding her close to his body. "Aw, did you just want someone to cuddle?"
He loves his baby girl, always volunteering to change her nappy or feed her whenever you were too tired. "Go to sleep Y/N, I can take care of her." Caressing your forehead as you tried to sleep. Laid out on the bed with his daughter resting on his bare chest, "You too" rubbing her back as she tried to sleep, she had just been fed so it was expected for her to head to sleep by now. Flipping her onto her back as he was instructed never to let her sleep on her front.
"You think he can say 'mama'?" Peeking his curiosity as he stared harder at his son, big blue eyes staring into his soul, tears dripping down his face, it was an eyesore to see the pale man's face Infront of his. Son laid out on the bed, cradled in a swaddle, unable to move around. Eyes searching desperately for your face, he wasn't even 2 weeks old yet he didn't like his father already, you couldn't blame him, Satoru has always been invasive and never respected people's personal space. "No, he's only 11 days old" dragging your husband back from your son, giving him some relief as he saw the man get further back. "Still, he's got two smart parents, so he should be able to say it, I said my first words when I was 8 months old" rambling on about something as he sat down next to you. "Did you actually?" you thought it was highly unlikely that he said his first words at 8 months old, but then again he was Satoru Gojo. "No" laughing at how well he deceived you.
Toji was most definitely on guard the whole time she was a baby, refusing to touch her unless you begged as he was so scared of hurting his precious daughter. "Can you hold her whilst I get changed?" Slipping out of bed as you handed your baby girl to her father, resting her body on his chest, rising with each breath, heart beating faster as he felt her body. Hand wrapped gently on her back, making sure she didn't slip off. Rubbing her back with his fingers, trying to make her burp after being fed from you. His other hand trying to touch her hand, only for her hand to grip onto his finger. Maybe it was a reflex or some actual bonding.
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Have we learned anything new from Tseng's background? Well, since I haven’t I’ve come up with this. I surely am not bilingual or anything and I couldn’t figure out just how to make my own little language (yet, I have to for another fic) so all of this is just yanno, english. Right before FF7 events, cause I don’t like little ponytail Tseng. GN as usual unless folks start getting overly freaky (not in this fic)
Title: Dead Languages
Description: about 2.5k words. After committing the silliest of crimes you catch the Turks' attention. Taking little to no time to catch you and bring you in for interrogation. The only problem is they have absolutely zero clue what you’re saying, until Tseng finally arrives. Staring at Tseng with absolute delight, relief washes over you. Part 2 will contain more detail about the conversation between the reader and Tseng. 
To say Reno was pissed was an understatement, pacing back and forth behind Rude’s seated position in front of you. Elbows on the table, Rude’s head buried in his hands out of stress, sighing heavily once more. They’ve tried for hours to get you to talk. There’s just absolutely no way you’ve made it all the way to Midgar with no way of communicating with anyone. From the few words they could make out, they knew you were from Wutai. That and your appearance made that painfully obvious.
They’ve tried threatening you quite a few times, the eccentric duo getting fed up with your “games”, as they call it. Genuinely, you had no idea what they were saying, but boy, were they angry. The red head’s face was just as red as his hair and the bald guy. Well, he seemed more upset at the other suited man for screaming so much. They were certainly no less upset after a blonde man dressed in all white came into the room. Sitting across from you for not even ten minutes staring back at the two men in black saying something in a dismissive tone, then leaving. You couldn’t help but think everything about him was a bit strange. The blonde’s get up combined with the strangely obedient creature he had in tow.
Eventually, you were left alone, staring at the wall for what you felt like was an endless amount of time. After an additional hour went by, numerous people came in and spoke to you, well tried. Each of them speaking a different language you simply couldn’t understand. Growing more and more frustrated yourself, you couldn’t help but give up any attempts at communicating with anyone. Your anxiety gnawing at your mind as you realize you might never leave this room at the rate things were going, surrounded by all of these strange faces. Every person is either talking to you like you were a five year old or becoming frustrated with your lack of communication. At some point, it was no wonder you completely shut down. 
Alone. Again. In this tiny interrogation wall, rubbing your eyes before laying your head in your arms. To think that the trek from Wutai to Midgar was exhausting, “that was nothing in comparison to this shit,” You thought to yourself, deciding to do your best to enjoy the next couple of hours as you were waiting around for your next round of interpreters. You couldn’t quite understand why they were so intent on talking to you rather than locking you away. It was an all-around ridiculous situation to be quite frank, becoming obsessed with myths of beasts living inside of precious red orbs. You wanted nothing more than to obtain that power for yourself in an attempt to take over other nearby villages to save your own.
Coming from a small village where a majority of your people were dying off, the population was not able to multiply faster than what they were expiring. Sure, your goal may have been a form of tyranny, but hell, you were the only one even trying to push for the future. The objective was simple enough: bring back as many of these strange creatures, harness their power, and force the other villages to follow your traditions. It mattered not who you had to slaughter to make your dream happen. It seemed to be going surprisingly smooth, the Shinra building being surprisingly easy to break into. You were able to make it to the materia room and snag as many of the summon materia as you could after practically disfiguring one of the infantrymen and snagging his uniform to blend in. Only to be caught by Reno and Rude as you were making your way back down the ungodly amount of stairs that made up the side entrance.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts as the door was all but being kicked open by Rufus, evident that he, too, was fed up with trying to find a way to speak to you. Raising your head up to acknowledge those who have walked in. By this point, Rufus was ready to just lock you up or, worse, pass you off to Hojo. Of course, he had his other two suits in tow, Reno and Rude, both of them just staring at you with an almost pitiful expression. Thinking to yourself, “That was concerning.” They haven’t said much to you since coming into the room, talking amongst themselves instead. Probably pondering on what they were going to do with you. Watching the white clad man stand up, pulling a device out of his pocket and holding it to his face as he walks out of the room. He almost seemed relieved by whatever that interaction was. Leaning back in your chair, you simply stare at the two Turks, curious as to what would happen next but making no attempts to speak. 
A few moments pass by before Rufus enters again, this time with another man in black. Dark hair ran down his back, neatly pinned up so that not even a stray hair would fall into his face. Not even a wrinkle in sight. What really caught your attention, though, was his eyes. Beautiful honey like pools meeting your gaze, immediately perking up at the sight of his tilak. An action that did not go unnoticed by the others, as over the course of the day, you would hardly acknowledge them, maybe sparing a disapproving glance. You quickly utter a few words, which causes Tseng to do a double take. Very rarely was the Turk caught off guard, but he couldn't deny that hearing someone speak his language was surprising in itself. 
Your gaze never breaks from Tseng as you hear Rufus address him, “Oh? Is this a lost friend of yours?” Tseng pulls  the seat out from in front of you and gets comfortable, for once his movements showed just how perturbed he was by the situation. Trying to keep his voice steady as he responds to Rufus, “Not quite, but I could tell you they came from the same place as myself. Our language never expanded outside of several villages. A place called Mahitotsu, no outsiders were allowed in either, never allowing themselves to mingle with modern-day people. Most of them wouldn’t be able to read nor write in another language due to the permanent barrier they’ve put between themselves and the rest of the world. The villagers themselves are reluctant to even deal with their neighbors.”
With a nod of Rufus’ head, he gestures towards you as he speaks, “Well, figure out why they're here stealing from me.” Something Tseng too was very curious about, most information regarding Shinra or materia for that matter is practically nonexistent. Coupled with the fact that your small off grid village also knows nothing of the world outside of it. For you to trek from the depths of Wutai to get here must have called for a damned good reason. Opting to give you a more traditional welcome in hopes of making you more willing to tell him any information you may have, Tseng starts by taking his gloves off, extending his hand to you. Placing your hand in his, Tseng brings the other to rest soothingly on top of your own. Bringing a few questionable looks from everyone in the room, they’ve never seen this tactic before, and Reno was going to make it known. Regarding Tseng in a teasing voice, “I thought you were here to make them talk, not flirt.” 
“It’s simply a greeting.” Tseng retorts back, red daring to tint his cheeks. It’s been so long since he’s done this. Paired with the way you're staring at him almost makes him want to melt. Getting rid of those thoughts quickly, Tseng begins addressing you. Stating that he obviously knew where you came from, asking what brought you out here. How did you get out here? Not for a minute did he let your hand go as the interrogation went on for hours, not that you could complain. At some point, Rude couldn’t help but mention that it was an awfully long greeting as he stared at your connected hands. Sure, he could’ve let your hand go quite some time ago. A part of him just can’t help but to enjoy this.
Once Tseng received all of the information he could get out of you, looking to Rufus to summarize what was said. Giving Rufus your name as well as place of origin, “They’re looking to save our village, albeit it’s not the smartest plan, though for that particular region of the world it would work considering the lack of knowledge and resources. The goal seems to be using summons as a way to entrap all of the other surrounding off-grid villages, forcing them to abide by our customs, down to forcing them to forget their own language and convert to our own. The reason is that the village is roughly estimated to die off in the next century. They seem to think ruling by fear would be the best way of going about completing their goal.” 
Rufus taps his fingers along the table, resting his head in his hand as he looks from your conjoined hands back to meet Tseng’s eyes. “Right idea, though this should be used for something much bigger than a bunch of forgotten tribes. I’m impressed they’ve made it thus far.” Tseng can’t help but nod in agreement. It is quite the feat to have survived the journey here. Especially knowing there isn’t much known about the rest of the world where you reside. Once again, pulling Tseng out of his thoughts, Rufus throws an idea out, “If they can prove to be just as loyal and useful as yourself, I say we keep them. Obviously, you would be doing all of the training. Not to mention, they need to figure out how to communicate with the rest of society. Dare I say, I have a good feeling about this. Or you could let them know they can rot in one of Hojo’s pods. The choice is theirs.” 
Tseng gives your hand a gentle squeeze before explaining what your ultimatum consisted of. With a shake of your head, you tell him that if you can’t accomplish your goal that there isn't a point of going forward in life. Translating your words back to Rufus draws a deep scowl from him, considering your choice should have been clear. Tseng gives a light shrug, letting out a deep breath. He certainly didn’t want that to be your fate, but after trying to convince you to change your mind and join them, it was clear you weren’t going to budge. Giving Rufus an almost sad expression, doing his best to cover up how he felt about the series of events. “All they want is for our people to continue to thrive-”
Cutting Tseng off as Rufus can’t help but finally notice a specific word that Tseng keeps repeating, “Our?” A smirk spreads across the vice president's face, “You’re people are right here, Tseng. Though, I imagine you have some attachments left to your hometown. Am I wrong?” At that, Tseng breaks any eye contact, staring down at your hands as you bring your other hand to rest atop of his as you sense his tension. Still refusing to look at anyone as he speaks, “It would be a shame for that to be their fate in my eyes, yes. Though I’m sure I've been long forgotten about, there are still people one could say I care for.” 
“Then I have another proposition, this time something that could benefit you both and myself?” Rufus finishes with a questioning tone before carrying on, leaning back in his chair. “We can make merging these villages a reality. It would be easier done if we utilize our troops. Though I have no intentions of trying to spread a dying language, I by no means plan on getting rid of it either. We can leave them isolated as they have been after bringing them together, of course leaving a group of soldiers to keep watch, make sure everything goes according to plan. Anyone stationed there is going to learn how to speak…whatever it is, you all call it. Though this will result in the land becoming Shinra property, is that something you can deal with? We can work out the finer details later, but (Y/N) will work for us, and they will have to live here.” 
“It isn’t me that needs to consider this,” Tseng states before finally meeting your gaze once more. It’s debatable if taking over land in Wutai would start another war, but it doesn’t seem like Rufus plans on making a ruckus as Shinra takes over the land. At least not yet. Translating what Rufus had to offer, and this time, it manages to catch your attention. A frown crosses your features as he details the portion about residing in Midgar and having to learn a new language, but to his surprise, you don't mind Shinra’s occupation so much. More than likely, due to your severe ignorance in regards to what Shinra is capable of. Telling Tseng that as long as you can get your way, it was an arrangement you could live with.
This starts the journey for the next year, being forced to live with Tseng until you can navigate the world by yourself as well as becoming a trustworthy individual. The plans to take over (insert town name here) would also not come to fruition until your training was thoroughly complete. You have to prove yourself in order to pave the way for your goals, even if you fail to realize you're being taken advantage of. To everyone's surprise, Tseng wasn't too upset about the arrangement. Sure, living with a total stranger wasn't on his ‘to do’ list per se, but you had him completely and utterly captivated. Tseng's subconscious had every intention of getting closer and closer to you. Making sure to spend more time than necessary teaching you what different items were as well as teaching you how to communicate with everyone else. Though he loved talking to you the most in your native tongue, there was something so magical about how your voice rang out to him as you spoke. Maybe this living situation would prove to be far more beneficial than he thought, and it had nothing to do with your training. 
I hate to cut it off abruptly but every other idea is going to be put into part 2. This seemed to be the most decent stopping point for me. Couldn’t get this out of my mind, as I tried writing other fics this idea just kept begging me to use it, so I shall. 
Tseng lowkey has attachment issues and falls in love easily, can't tell me otherwise and it's a hill I'll die on. He just tries to keep his mask on at all times, but I can see poor babies' tears right through that shit.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hiii I would like to say I like your writing and everything you do please make sure to get lots of rest and drink lots of water also I like a Caspian a lot and would like to hear more about him but, I am also interested in Ricky as when you said he was the smartest out of the brothers can we get more head canons about him. What is he like? What type of darling does he like and what are his dislikes also can his s/o be a oil painter( a really good one at that) when you get the chance
Also sorry if this is really long thank you 😊
A/N: Sweet anon i love ya and i hope your staying well fed and rested!! I was hoping someone would ask about Ricky!!! If u can't tell I have a crush oh him (EDITED 12/16/22)
T/W'S: Yandere shenanigans, manipulation, Virgo man,
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Richard 'Ricky' Delmont
Coming in at a whopping 6'3, this brooding bastard isn't the biggest of his siblings, but he is the most cunning.
He has ADHD, his brain is reaching conclusions and other viable options while everyone else is still processing the question.
He keeps his hair long, the red really shines through in the sun, the ends touched his lower back, his canines are sharper than most when he's deep in thought his tongue constantly flickered over them.
His birthmark looks like a crudely drawn smiley face, his family nickname is- you guessed it, 'Smiley.' I know, so creative, this gets used a lot more ironically now since he almost always looks irritated.
His face is usually twisted into this 'irate at it all look' but when he'd occasionally unclench and relax, he had the prettiest features.
His eyes are captivating in the same way cats are.
But when he gets blackout mad they go black like a shark, his pupil gets so blown that all the red in his iris disappears.
Smells like old books and has some stupid expensive cologne that smells like a guy no other way to describe it.
The Brooklyn is strong in this one, very much sounds like the "settle down" guy from TikTok.
Secretly soft, so secret even he doesn't realize it.
Obsessed with his Fathers approval, like its a problem LMAO
Super into anything creative, particularly music, he used it as a tool to both understand and be understood, all genes appealed to him. Still, secretly, pop was his favorite, the only people who know that are his Mother and his Darling.
Had a scene phase- don't ask him about it unless you want him to lock himself in his room and blast MCR for a few hours
Holds you so tenderly, it's never a quick thing with him, he just wraps himself around you like a security blanket.
He's their Fathers favorite and it's obvious, once he began to show initiative, Carlos, their Father, quickly took him under his wing, sure Gabe had the muscle to do the job right but Ricky had the brain.
In that favoritism he has a lot of pressure to succeed, sure he'd get a proud look or a pat on the back whenever he did, but that consuming fear of failure weighed on him heavily.
Was forced to grow up wayyy faster than he should have. This shows in the way he treats people and himself.
Love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time.
Has a sixth sense about shit, like he knows when something is about to go down and the best way to handle it.
Scarily good at reading people, and knows when someone is lying so don't bother.
His one nickname for you is 'Love', while simple, he thinks it's absolutely perfect for you, it's what you brought into his life.
Despite the hardass mask he had up 99% of the time, he was truly himself with you.
He can let down his walls in a way he was never fully able to with his family.
Cherishes you wholeheartedly, has several notebooks filled to the brim with anything and everything you.
Huge stalker
The kinda guy who is careful in every aspect of his life, especially when it came to you.
He stalked you for a full year before officially claiming you as his Darling. He had to be certain you were the one because he didn't like making mistakes.
At least that's what he tells himself, but between you and me he was building up the confidence to ask you out.
The first time you two 'meet', only one of you notices the other.
You'd been browsing the oil paints intensely, so focused you didn't notice the massive man thumbing through the section on your right but he sure noticed you.
The tender way you inspected each tube caught his eye, particularly the fact that you bothered to put everything back where it belonged, it showed a certain kindness he only ever saw in his Mother.
He lingers, not so close you'd catch on, and pretends to look something up on his phone, then subtly takes a picture of your card when you pull it out to pay. He watches you until you leave.
The second the bell of the door signals your departure he's gone, typing your full name into the search bar with such fever his fingers trembled. The jolt of excitement turned into a constant hum as he searched.
He enjoys gathering research, even more so when it involves you.
He finds your art accounts first and spends hours staring at each piece you've created like a historian. If you do commissions he'll immediately ask for something, anything, as long as it comes from you he wants it- no, he needs it.
Of course, he'd use an anonymous account of his, one of many, and the second you agree he's sent over the full amount with the small message "Take your time, whatever you come up with will blow me away- R."
It's the start of your relationship, even if you don't realize it yet. He commissions you as often as you'd allow, using it as a way to communicate his love.
"Phenomenal work. You never cease to amaze me, I'm forever grateful for the chance to experience such wonder."
The notes he left grew more and more poetic, to you he was a mysterious, eloquently spoken fan who was very passionate about Art, he was, of course, talking about you whenever he wrote.
Speaking of, if given the chance to start over, he'd be an author, or a songwriter, anything where he gets to tap into the darkness inside and create from it.
A huge cuddle bug.
It's the one action you can lure him away from work with.
He is a Virgo man so you know, run
Has a bad habit of not eating when he's in 'work' mode, something you'll have to look out for.
The kinda person who can burn water, for the love of everything good keep him away from the kitchen.
Tried to make you breakfast once and nearly poisoned you both.
He sees the way their father looks at Caspian and does everything he can to escape that fate, meaning this book-loving, metal beltin' sweetheart learned to hide himself to fit in.
He can DANCE but never does it around anyone but you or his mirror.
Insecure about his "softer" features, his persona was built around hiding those parts of himself, thankfully loving you began to uncover those hidden pieces of him, while it wouldn't happen overnight, the light he had shined bright whenever he'd let it.
Would cry cum and combust if you ever painted him, literally gets it framed and has a very serious debate with himself if it should go in his home office or his work one, it comes down to the idea of having a shit day at work and looking up to see the physical representation of your love for him, that seals the deal.
He shows his love with every action and every word.
Possessive of your time, if he's perfectly satisfied only having you in his life why wouldn't you feel the same??
Openly hates your friends, well not so open you'd notice and call him out, but open in a way that has your friends complaining about him, he works you so well that he has you thinking it's better to stay in than go out with your friends, and who is he to deny you?
While he'd never make you mad on purpose, he did get all tingly when you got pissed at someone else, your brows would furrow and your gaze would turn to ice, oh would you look at that he's hard now.
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cryptomiracle · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
content: creepypastas with a "crazy" s/o
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Genre: one shot, x reader, obsessive reader
Toxic "relationships"
Mentions of murder
Mentions of dismemberment
A gun
This will be kinda like a mini series, feel free to request any characters! (I will only be doing one creepypasta at a time, so I don't overdo myself lol)
ngl, I wanted this to kinda give off 2014 creepypasta fanfic vibes, hence the name 😭
Ticci toby:
Name: tobias erin rogers
Age: 20
Height: 5'11-6'0
Known information: toby is a sadistic serial killer, he often toys with his victims before killing them, he especially likes to hold his victims captive to torture them, or play mind games with them. He'll keep them for months at a time, only killing them once he gets bored, or tired of taking care of them.
The more he enjoys them, or the more entertaining he finds them, the longer he keeps them alive.
Unless of course he's ordered to kill them.
He often holds more than one person, sometimes kidnapping up to 3 people at a time.
He greatly enjoys, giving his victims "Stockholm syndrome" (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors) and in this case, that just so happens to be you.
about 8-9 months ago you were hiking in the woods, you went a little too deep in the woods, and saw something you weren't supposed to.. (toby burying a dismembered corpse)
you tried to run, and call for help, you really did.
But he was faster, his strength was almost inhuman, and he knew the woods better than you could ever hope to know.
Unfortunately, he eventually caught you. He knocked you out, and brought you back to his house in the woods, that was basically falling in on itself. hes always liked to take things slow, so he took you to his basement, and chained you to the wall by your ankle, the basement is dimly lit, it has nothing in it but a few shelves, a leaky pipe, and a dirty, blood stained, mattress on the floor.
after a month of only going down there to feed you (he only fed you enough to keep you alive) he eventually started to strike up conversations with you.
He'd start little by little, asking you if you needed anything (other than freedom), to bringing you things like a blanket, or different clothes. Maybe even giving you a little more food than usual..
By the 3rd month he'd start going down there more often, what he does down there depends on how you act.
Let's say to try to escape one too many times, or get too personal when you curse at him (like mentioning his mother)
he'll go down there just to break your spirit.
He'd do it over the course of a few months, just to make sure it really sticks with you.
When he first took you, he put you in that basement with practically nothing, right?
Well, if you act in a way that's not to his liking (rude, crying 24/7, yelling at him etc) he'll take the few things that you do have.
He'll take the bed, he'll cut off any light source down there, he'll take your clothes, he may even shave your head.
He'll stop feeding you as much, or even only feed you once you're at the brink of starvation.
Sometimes he'll go down there with a sandwich, or apple, and just eat it in front of you.
"how bad do you want it?"
He'll say while lightly shaking the food in front of you, like you would do to a dog.
"If you really want it.. beg for it."
Sometimes he'll just come down there to show you pictures and videos of his previous victims.
But, if you act in a way that he deems "good" he'll mainly just go down there to "hang out" with you
he'll bring you things like a note book and crayons, so you can draw together.
He'll talk to you about his day, (you're not allowed to talk back unless it's to compliment him, or criticize someone who pisses him off) or he'll bring a cd player down there so you can listen to his favorite song
After a while of doing that, he'll take the chance to manipulate you.
He'll start going on rants about his horrible childhood, (an attempt to make you sympathize with him) and make you comfort him as he sobs.
Other times he'll brush your hair for you, if you're "good enough" he may even let you take a bath.
with him in the room of course.
If you ever ask to be free, he'll start spewing all these different excuses
"I need you too much to let you go"
"d-do you not want to l-live with me anymore?"
"do I-I not treat you well enough?"
"what, am I not enough for you no-w??"
If you don't answer him, or you don't start apologizing, he'll stop talking to you all together for weeks on end, and only go down there to feed you.
He'll stop letting you bathe, you'll be right back at square one.
He may whisper little things like "you really hurt me, you know that y/n.." to you, just to make you feel bad.
Even though none of it is real, he genuinely feels nothing for you, his only purpose for you is pure entertainment until he can find another source.
toby is a very twisted individual, he fuels off of peoples pain.
He uses people to feed into his ego, and makes them think they need him.
The best case scenario would be for him to just forget about you, and let you starve to death down there.
By the 7-8th month, he'd already broken you.
The heinous amounts of violence, and manipulation he's applied to you, finally "worked".
He has you just how he wants you.
when you wake up it's toby.
When you go to sleep, it's toby.
He's everything you think about, how he feels, what he thinks, how deep your love for him is, how much he loves you, how you would do anything for him.
You would die for toby.
Your love for toby quickly became obsessive, once he made you aware of the lengths he went too just to keep you to himself
he's put so much time and effort into you, after all you've put him through, all the fights, all the escape attempts, he still stayed with you.
He still loved you.
He's so generous and kind to you, sometimes he even unchains you and lets you come upstairs with him
You're not allowed outside though, he tells you there are dangerous things out there, and people who will want to take you away from him.
And you believe him, why would toby ever lie to you?
He has no reason to, he could tell you how much he despised you, and you'd still love him, you're devoted to him, fully.
One day, he told you that he thought you might be lonely while he was gone "hunting", and that he was gonna get you a new friend
You were thinking that he meant a dog, or cat.. you couldn't be more wrong.
It was a rainy afternoon, you knew that because you could see through a tiny window leading out of the basement, you didn't know what time, or day it is because he didn't let you
All you know is that you've been here a while.
You hear the door open up stairs, and you recognize Toby's footsteps, they sound a bit heavier.. like he's carrying something.
You feel a twinge of excitement
you hear that same old creaky door open, and in comes toby.
Carrying an unconscious girl..
You can barely see, but it appears that she has mid length hair, she looks about 5'8, and she's very pretty.
He takes her to the other side of the room, and chains her hands to the wall.
The dim light shines through the window, casting a glow onto her.
She has brown hair, freckles, and tanned skin.
As you analyze her, that's when you notice a bobby pin in her hair.
You brush it off, and quickly forget about it.
At first you were jealous, but your worries were quickly dissipated when he did this, he clearly loved you the most, if she's the one thats almost fully immobilized.
he walked over to you, and kneeled in front of you.
He raised his gloved hand, and placed it on your cheek.
He removed his mouth guard, and lowered his lips down to your other cheek, he gently, and lovingly pressed a kiss into your cheek.
He lips felt cold pressed against your skin, almost as if he were a ghost.
His eyes are so dreamy, almost sirenic.
He let his hand linger on your cheek before he stood up, and walked back upstairs.
You turned your head to the girl, her body lay limp, almost as if she were dead.
you crawled over to her to get a better look, as you got closer you could tell she was covered in sweat, she must have been like you, running away from toby.
You've come to regret that, running away from him.
If only you knew how much he adored you.
Suddenly, her eyes shot open, and her breathing became labored.
She was frantically looking around the room
"it's okay.." you speak
she quickly looks at you
"where am I??" She says, her voice is hoarse, she tries to wiggle her hands out of the cuffs, but to no avail.
"a basement." You aren't rude when you say it, but there is a little sarcasm laced in your tone.
She sighs
After a few minutes of silence, she finally speaks again
"I'm jasmine... You?"
You stare at her for a few seconds before speaking
She lightly smiles, you did as well.
After a few hours of small talk, you finally go to sleep.
3:58/15:58 am
"wake up"
You were roughly woken up by someone shaking you.
Its dark, so you couldn't tell who it is, but their voice is familiar.
you soon realize that it's jasmine, some how she'd freed herself from her chains.
"we're going to escape" she whispered
although she couldn't see it, confusion was plastered across your face.
You noticed that your ankle feels lighter, like how it feels when toby lets you roam around the cabin.
Before you could fully process what was happening, she had grabbed your arm and started to lead you upstairs.
you nearly trip as she pulls you up the stairs, and slowly opens the door.
the lights weren't on, and by this point your eyes are adjusted to the darkness.
the house looked as beat up as it usually did, the wallpaper was peeling, the floor was creaky, and the ceiling was still moldy.
She suddenly stops, and turns to you.
"We're gonna sneak to the kitchen, you keep watch while I look for a knife."
her tone of voice sounds strained, and desperate.
She starts dragging you again, when you stop dead in your tracks.
"what are you going to do with a knife?"
She turns, and looks at you, almost dumbfounded.
"we're gonna stab that sorry son of a b*tch that kidnapped us!"
Her voice slightly raised, anger was evident in her tone.
"oh.." you muttered, as you two crept through the hall.
You felt fury burn in your throat.
she doesn't know, she doesn't know how loving and kind toby is, how caring and considerate he is.
he's just misunderstood, and you're the only one who really understands him.
You two finally make it to the beat up kitchen, she lets you go, and leaves you at the entrance and starts going through the drawers.
as you lean against the wall, you start to look around the room.
that's when you notice something shiny sticking out from under the couch.
You turn your head to see her turned away from you, quietly rummaging through the shelves, and drawers.
You approach the couch, and kneel down to get a closer look.
It's a gun, a silver gun.
You remembered toby talking about stealing one of his "buddies" favorite guns, as a prank.
This must be where he hid it
You pulled it out, it was quite heavy.
You checked to see if it was loaded, it was..
you flinch as you hear Jasmine speak from behind you
"what'd you find?"
you quickly stand up, gun in hand.
Before she can say anything else, you point the gun right at her temple.
Confusion, and betrayal written on her face.
"I'm sorry, I really am.."
Right as she's about to respond, you pull the trigger.
The sound of the gunshot rings in your ears.
before you know it, her body falls to the ground, blood and brain matter spewing from the gunshot wound.
Silence surrounds you, you can feel your legs go limp as you flop into the couch.
You start to zone out, eyes focused on her dead body.
You drop the gun on the ground
You dont even notice the sound of toby storming through the halls
You lightly flinch when you feel hands roughly grab your shoulders
He yells, his voice quickly draws your attention from jasmine, to him.
You try to speak, but you can't get the words out
"y/n.. what the F*CK did you do."
his voice is stern, he wasn't asking you, at this point he's commanding you to tell him.
"I-.." you hesitate
"she was going to kill you-u and.."
that's when it fully hit you, you had just killed someone.
Someone who thought they were helping you.
You immediately start sobbing, your tears sting as they roll down your cheek.
Toby embraces you, and pats your back as he does.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry toby, I'm sorry" you sob into his shoulder, your words are almost intelligible.
"it's okay.. you did it for me didn't you?"
you slightly pull away from the hug, and nod.
"Don't worry, I forgive you."
He whispers, his voice is now comforting, completely different than it was a minute ago, his expression has also changed.
His expression went from a confused, yet rage filled look, to a cheerful smile.
A smile that was a bit off putting, considering the situation.
He pulls you back into the hug, and you two stay like that all night long, until you fall asleep.
The next morning, toby tells you that you two have to bury the body "before it starts stinking up the place" and so you do.
You have her feet, and toby has her hands.
You two lay her body on the ground, you stare at her lifeless eyes, not even realizing that toby was talking to you.
"y/n!" He snaps his fingers in your face.
You quickly look at him
"I'm gonna go get some stuff, I'll be right back okay?"
You simply nod
As he walks off, you walk over to her, and close her eyes.
You can't handle her staring at you anymore.
Soon enough, toby comes back witt two shovels one for you, and one for him.
He hands you one, and you both start digging.
a few hours later
You were finally done, you went over to the body to help toby pick it up, but before you could toby kicked the body into the hole.
you stand beside him, as he shovels the dirt back into the hole.
You feel a cloud of guilt loom over you as you watch the dirt cover up more, and more of her corpse.
Tears start to fall from your eyes once more
As soon as he's done, you feel him wrap an arm around your torso.
You lean your head against his shoulder, and sigh as you wipe the tears from your eyes.
"I love you toby.." you whisper
"I know." he says before pressing a kiss onto your forehead.
I'm so sorry if this seemed rushed at the end, I wanted to get it out asap 🫶🏽
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regular-human-being · 10 months
"You've got guts to spill (but no one trustworthy)" notes masterpost
Fic linked here!!!
Here are some notes from "You've got gut to spill (but no one trustworthy)" aka My ctntduo/sbi vampire au, because there are a few things that I didn't include and I wish I had
Note: I'll be updating this as the fic goes along, so there will be new stuff added weekly :D
Vampire logic
General facts
• They have enhanced sight, small, and hearing, which makes it easier to hunt their prey. Despite the fact they can see at night, it isn't perfect (their eyes reflect light much like a dog or cat)
• Vampires have to been invited into places deemed as "homes". It doesn't matter if that person is in the room/building, they still have to be invited in (imagine is one person deems a public library "home" (not literally), unless the vampire is invited in they cannot enter).
This applies to windows/skylights too, as they are another point of entry they have to be invited in either way. Once invited inside, they can entre through any entrance.
• Crucifies affect all vampires differently, based upon: their age, strength, and current energy.
• Older vampires will be less affected than fledglings, due to a tolerance build up. But a cross will still cause them to experience some pain. If a vampire is tired/low on blood, they will be more heavily effected.
• Holding a cross in front of a vampire will cause them to experience paint, and may also start smoking.
• Placing a crucifix (whether silver or wooden) above a door, will not completely stop a vampire from entering an establishment (especially if they have previously been invited in). However, for them it will be like having to wade through an invisible, painful force field.
• Their reflection will show up in mirrors that don't contain any sort of silver. They also show up in videos and photos.
• If their skin is cut, they will bleed if they have recently fed/have a lot of blood in their system. However, the wound will also heal faster, if they have more blood in their system.
But if their skin is cut with something made of silver, the wound will take a human amount of time to heal.
They will also heal fast, unless they are injured by: another vampire, silver, or burnt by the sun.
• Human blood is preferred, but harder to get a hold of, so they can also survive off animal blood. They are also more stable off human blood, and don't have to feed as often as it satiates their hunger for longer.
• Vampires can still eat and drink "human foods". However, their body does not process it the same way, and that food/drink will remain in their stomach until there is too much and they throw it all back up. For this reason, vampires tend to avoid eating "human foods".
However, foods with a higher concentration of blood is more likely to be digested fully.
Alcohol will also not have an strong effect on them, unless is is drank in a high quantity. The quickest/easier way to get a vampire drunk is for them to drink blood containing alcohol.
• They will physically remain the same age that they were turned out, as well as keeping some of the mentality from that age too.
• Vampires will form bonds between them and other close members of their coven. Through this, they can communicate through feelings/emotions.
Coven bonds work like a phone line, you can get a signal from more than one person at the same time, but some are stronger than others; depending on who you're closest to.
The connection may become weaker/unresponsive, if the other person is far away or not paying attention.
• Once turned, the vampire will take on animistic features from one animal. The type and severity is different for each individual, but all have the ability to hide said features for a short period of time.
• They cannot float/fly unless their animal has the ability to do so (giving them wings) (birds, bugs/insects).
• The older the vampire is, the stronger they often are, and the more respected they are.
• Elder vampires will often sire others, or take in loose vampires, creating covens for said fledglings.
• Fledgling transformation (if done correctly) will last around a week to two, for the full transformation. But the vampire will remain in the nest/not go outside of the main coven building, for a few months whilst they adapt.
The Sun
• Going outside during sunlight hours will make any vampire weaker than their full, nighttime potential./
• Cannot go out into direct sunlight (especially in summer) without burning almost instantaneously. Umbrellas/parasols, hats, and sun cream can be used to delay they burns, but with sun cream it will only stave it off for a few minutes at most.
• They can go out in overcast/cloudy/rainy weather, with less repercussions. But will still experience burns (especially in the former two) if out for extended periods of time.
• Reflecting direct sunlight onto a vampire will burn them the same (if not worse) than if they were to stand directly in the rays.
• Direct sunlight will result in burns and possible burns.
• Cannot enter buildings/rooms deemed as "home" without being invited in.
• Allergic to garlic, and will experience and similar anaphylactic reaction if exposed to it or ingest it.
• Crucifixes will cause a stinging/burning sensation. If exposed for to long, they will start smouldering.
• Cannot walk on holy land.
• A stake through the heart will kill a vampire then and there.
• Silver.
• Ripping out their heart or cutting off their head will kill them.
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languajix · 4 months
A little questionably-canon Hold Every Memory oneshot!
@cadoodledoodleydoo reached out to me with a prompt/question about if the kids could enter the astral plane by themselves, and possibly summon their uncles. My answer was basically 'kind of, I think, under specific circumstances, because of stuff I haven't publicly elaborated on yet' and then I took that thought and ran with it and it turned out to be well over 1,000 words :'D
('Questionably canon' because it involves some characterization and setting choices that I haven't 100% solidified on because I'm not quite there yet. Don and Lou moving to a bigger place at some point, for example.)
Lee crawling? A menace.
Lee toddling along? A menace at hyperspeed. The worst baby criminal. Deserving of baby jail.
"I'm going to hold this pint-sized terror captive until we both go to sleep," Don groaned into the arm he had draped over his face. His other was busy pinning a wiggling, singing Lee to his plastron who had not stopped making noise at the top of his lungs since he'd woken up five hours earlier and had been in perpetual motion for just as long. Don, himself, had been awake much longer; Dee had had a terrible reaction to something they'd fed him last night at dinner, and had spent much of the night miserably retching into a bucket and sobbing his little heart out while Don rubbed gentle circles into his shell. Dee had slept in afterwards, but Lee had decided to be obnoxious today - possibly out of empathy for his brother, they were so oddly in sync - and Don had not had that same luxury. Even a reduced set of three kids needed two pairs of eyes on them when they were these kids in particular.
"Good luck, my friend," Lou said, and as he walked by the couch he made sure to pat Don on the head in good humor. He had been off the hook with Dee because he'd sat up with the last sick kid, the smug jerk.
Don mumbled something into the crook of his elbow. He felt Lee trying to slide free and tightened up his grip just a little bit more.
It took almost thirty minutes before Lee finally seemed to give up and start winding down. In that time, Don's thoughts had slowly softened, turning sluggish, trying to slide to the astral plane or sink down into sleep, and he'd had to keep forcefully dragging himself back to wakefulness. Lee settling was the last straw.
He drifted.
He sank.
(Lee, on the other hand: well...)
"Listen buddy, my pal, my guy, you're gonna burn yourself out if you don-" Mike froze.
He was used to Donnie's calls, right? Summons from beyond the beyond. Faint, almost impossible to notice unless you were actively looking for it with your eyes closed and your whole heart and brain in on it. It was as common a sensation these days as an itchy nose or a growling stomach.
So when it hit Mike in the chest with the force of a slap, clumsy and electric and sweet... he knew something was wrong. It didn't feel like Donnie one little bit.
He slipped out with zipped lips and a quick casual salute, almost an afterthought, pretending he couldn't see the sudden concerned glances his way. The discussion would have to be To Be Continued, apparently. This was more important, whatever it was. This was something wrong with Donnie, or something wrong with their connection, and either way? Bad news.
He didn't even worry about getting to their little meditation closet, just sunk into the shadows and shimmied up the nearest support beam and into the rafters, where he nestled himself semi-comfortably and closed his eyes. The pull was insistent and irregular, like the other end was getting impatient.
Even following the tug was different: faster, more forceful, more like giving in than reaching out to meet in the middle. But when he opened his eyes -
Lee shrieked with joy, babbling something like hi hi hi unca mi', and flexed his hands in the universal sign for pick me up, please, so I can stuff my fingers up your nose and jam my impossibly knobby elbows into the softest spots on your arms and probably lick you because I'm a little monster and you love me. The buzz of mischief-exhaustion-excitement confirmed it.
Mike looked around for Donnie. For any of those green ghosty guys. For literally anybody else.
Did you call me? He asked, like Lee could possibly answer.
Lee's only response was to giggle uproariously, clapping his hands together before once again motioning to be picked up.
Waking up from the nap was like surfacing from the deep depths of the ocean, leaving Don groggy and discombobulated. For a moment, he wasn't anything at all, and then he suddenly remembered he had hands to wiggle and toes to flex. His head pounded just a little as he stretched. The little weight he was clutching to his chest, loose and limp in a sleep of its own, brought back an awareness of who he was and who he was with.
He ran his thumb back and forth over Lee's rising and falling shell, grateful that they'd both gotten the sleep they deserved. Finally.
He sat up, careful not to disturb his sensitive cargo, and tiptoed all the way to the nursery room where he set Lee down, leaving him to his nap with a silent full-body sigh of relief.
"Is Lee still asleep?"
"Apparently. That's... weird, for him."
"Maybe he's catching up on sleep. Dee was pretty loud."
"Yeah. Maybe."
Okay, so show me the orange thread again. Orange. Where's orange?
Lee pointed to thin air. O'ange. Unca mi'.
Great! Now where's red?
Lee pointed to thin air. The same thin air? Maybe slightly to the left? Red! Red, red red.
Wonderful. Fantastic. You're a little Einstein in the making. Now for the million dollar question: is there a purple thread?
Lee looked around, twisting his head this way and that from his position in Mike's arm.
Purple. Purple like your turtle dad. Purple thread?
Tad! Lee's little tail wiggled with joy.
Tad! Oh, that was really cute. Did the kiddos come up with that one themselves? Mike was super proud.
Yeah, your Tad. Any chance you can see a purple thread anywhere?
It was a long shot, but they couldn't see their own threads, so maybe Donnie did have one, but it was invisible to him. Donnie had to be wondering what was up by now, right? Lee had to be unconscious or something over in the magic dimension. Would he even think to check the astral plane?
Lee's gaze settled on something, but then focused back on Mike, his smile widening to show off the sharpness of his canines just the tiniest bit, and the air lit up with searingly brilliant mischievousness. No!
Oh come on!
"Lee's still asleep. I'm really starting to think something's wrong."
"Maybe whatever Purple had is contagious?"
Don slipped into meditation with the same practiced ease as he did most evenings. As he snapped his eyes open, he realized that he wasn't nearly as alone as he always was at this stage of the proceedings, and his pulse pounded hard, once, until he realized who exactly was in front of him.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Mike shushed loudly. I just got him to sleep and if you wake him up I will suplex you, okay? I swear.
He looked ragged, his mask askew with drool and chew marks, his posture hunched. It appeared Lee had put him through the wringer. The culprit himself was drooling on Mike's shoulder, hefted up in his arm.
Are you kidding me, Donnie said flatly, suddenly very tired again. We thought he had been asleep, how did-?
Dunno, but he did, Mike sighed. Called me, even, thank shell. Which, did you know they could see the threads?
I guessed. Donnie remembered the few times the kids had leaned forward in his arms when he went to go summon his brothers, like they had wanted nothing more than to submerge their own hands into the beautiful streams of light. He wasn't sure if it was something to do with exposure to mystic energy at a young age or what, exactly.
Well it was certainly an experience. Hey, Donnie, if you ever really need us, like in a crisis? Have one of them do it.
Sure? Okay.
But not anytime soon. I need to go sleep for, he checked his blank wrist like looking at a watch, ever.
Donnie patted him on the shell. Thank you very much for the emergency babysitting, Mike. The thought of Lee's soul alone in the astral plane was... it could have been so much worse, honestly. Like Mike would say, 'new fear unlocked.' Did he have to be worried about any time the kids fell asleep on him now?
Anytime, anytime. Well, not tonight. But anytime other than tonight. And maybe not right before a mission, or if I haven't slept well the night before, or if April needs me to run errands, or Christmas, or Labor Day, or Cinnamon Roll Day, and I'd really like at least alternate Tuesdays off - actually, have your guy call my guy, okay? But Mike grinned and winked.
The transfer of sleepy Lee back to Donnie's arms was slow and precise and a little nerve-wracking, but he really was out like a light. Something settled in Donnie with Lee back in his arms, healthy and safe.
Listen, I know tonight was gonna be a hangout, but-
I get it, Donnie said. Mike had gotten enough hanging out all afternoon today. You're off the hook. As a treat.
Mike laughed at the meme, as Donnie knew he would, trying so hard to be quiet. Thanks, dude. Now my stomach has the rumblies only salami can satisfy.
(...getting these memes secondhand sometimes meant Donnie felt a little lost, but at least Mike was having fun.)
Lee was back in his body. Don could tell, now that he was actively thinking about it. It was part of that weird sixth sense he'd been experiencing more and more lately, where he instinctively seemed to know where each of the kids were without having to turn around and look, and even sometimes know when Lee was about to get into trouble because he'd feel this barely-there prickle of amusement.
Something to think about, maybe. To learn to control. It could be an invasion of privacy otherwise.
He tucked the blankets more tightly around Lee.
Well, in one way, the quiet had been nice while it lasted. Maybe Raph would be up for babysitting, sometime...
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queenlilithprime · 2 months
Business of Love - Cruel Notes (Pt. 5/8)
Gavin (He/They) x Lily (They/Them), Malik (He/Him), and Harper (He/Him)
A @campwillowpeakvn fanfic
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Blackmail, Threats
Word Count: 885!
Gavin's hands shook as he read the letter scrawled in red ink. The police eventually confirmed it wasn't blood, but it still looked like it. It was shakily written, unconfident but definitely Lily's handwriting. Along the top half of the paper, there are tear stains. Not many but enough for them to be noticed and smudge some of the letters.
My belov-d Hyeon,
Please pardon my absence. My heart aches for you, but for your own safety I cann-t return home. I cannot return to you without putting you in d-nger.
There isn't much I c-n say about where I am. I am fed and shelt-red. I miss you.
Suddenly, the handwriting changes, far more messy and aggressive, less gentle than Lily's.
There is no way they'll ever return. Give up. I've already taken the ring.
Leave my lover. Never contact or seek them again.
Lilith is mine.
Gavin's heart sank through the floor each time he read it, looking over and over at every word, every detail to see if it was possible to discern where they are. Who has them. Everything in him ached for Lilith and he felt useless not being able to bring them home.
They were barely taking care of themself at this point, losing sleep and having to take time off work because they just... Can't handle it. Malik had been staying over because Hyeon couldn't handle the silence of the house. The lack of someone else there. Even if he wasn't Lily, knowing they weren't alone was a big relief.
"Hey, do you want me to order takeout again or...?" He asked quietly, not sure if his college buddy would respond. "Gavin...?"
Malik's eyes settled on the letter in their hands, gently plucking it from the shorter of the two. The blue-haired architect reached up to grab it but Malik raised it out of his reach.
"Nah dude, you need to stop stressing over it. The police already have the original, rereading the copy you have won't make Lily appear. Stop." He said, his expression softening as he saw Gavin's red eyes. "I know you're struggling with this, trust me I understand. I would fucking freak if I were in your shoes. Lily was my friend too Gav, I'm also really worried about them."
"No Malik you don't... I mean you do get it but there's things I can't tell you and there's a reason why Lily and I don't go on trips without each other and—" Gavin was starting to tear up, thinking about how difficult it must be for Lilith to be unsustained for so long. His words started to blur together as he spoke faster, "I physically need to be near Lily or else they—"
"Or else what, Gav?"
"Lily gets sick..." His voice broke as he barely got the words out. Malik didn't... particularly understand why Gavin was so sure that Lilith would get sick if they were far away from him but... His best friend was also extremely sure of this.
"Okay... I don't have a clue how that happens but..." He paused before sighing, "I believe you dude."
"I just... I need to see them, to make sure they're okay." They said, dropping their head. Malik rubbed their shoulders for a second before pulling them into a hug. The architect was a wreck without Lily and honestly their entire friend group was incredibly stressed.
They all knew Lilith was pretty but, they respected the fact that they were in a relationship with Gavin. So finding out that they were kidnapped was a huge shock. Especially when the letters started.
The first few were vague threats telling Gavin to keep away and stop searching for Lily.
Eventually they ramped up to death threats.
Then, the blackmail came.
It started with threats towards Gavin's family, saying that they'll be physically hurt unless he stops looking for Lily.
After that, there were letters in Lily's handwriting pleading for Gavin to stop but with the tear stains and the aggressive writing under it, the police told him that these were likely coerced.
Gavin was growing unsure of how to handle it all, unsure of how to bring Lily back.
The latest letter stung like a knife. They were getting vague and infrequent again. Did this mean they'd stop?
Would he eventually never hear about them again?
How... How did this happen?
Who is doing this?
It was breaking his heart.
There was a loud shattering of a window that jolted Gavin awake, a rock had flown through his bedroom window and nearly hit him.
Malik ran into the room in his PJs, looking towards the window then to Gavin. When he saw that Gavin was fine he ran to the broken panes to see if the person was still there.
It was too dark to make out much other than the dude was fucking massive. Something itched at the back of his brain, the guy was so familiar but so... Not? Like he was forgetting someone.
As Malik stared out the window and dialed the police, Gavin picked up the rock.
It had a note taped on it.
Tell the police to stop looking or I'll burn your house down. This is your final warning.
If you tell the police about this I'll do it tonight.
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Mold a Pretty Lie | 06
Tumblr media
Pairing: professor!Jin x Fem undergrad!Reader
Genre: College!AU, Unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, virgin reader, eventual yandere, eventual smut
Summary: They say love is like a garden that requires regular care and attention. Kim Seokjin, your kind and handsome professor, is more than happy to cultivate the vines that bind his heart to yours.
Word Count: 4089
Rating: 18+
Seokjin watched out of the corner of his eye as you read a paper, brow creased in concentration as you highlighted a section and added it to your ever growing pile of notes for your research project. You were absorbed in your work, allowing his gaze to linger on the way the fading sunlight highlighted your studious frame.
Things were mostly back to business as usual - you were no longer leaving right on time, and by your progress it seemed you'd been pouring even more hours into your project than before. With your other schoolwork, along with his own class, it seemed to indicate that you weren't wasting more of your time with anyone… unnecessary.
Your phone buzzed on the table, and a tendril of irritation spiked through his chest when you giggled at whatever was on your screen. Who was texting you? Was it Taehyung? Hadn't his words been enough to get you to realize the boy was no good for you?
"Ashley says she's gonna come by in a few minutes," you informed him, looking up and letting the light bring out the sparkle in your eyes. Seokjin hadn't noticed how stiff his shoulders had grown until they relaxed, and he smoothed his expression.
"Yes, I have exams to make her grade," he replied lightly, grateful you hadn't realized how tense he had been a second ago. You laughed at his words, and he selfishly wished that sound was for him alone.
"Poor Ashley," you said in a too-innocent tone. "Forced to pick up someone's slack."
You looked straight at him with an impish smile, one that wrapped itself around his thoughts and fed the twining shadows at the edges of his mind. His exchanges with you had been becoming more playful and teasing - more so than it should be, and yet Seokjin found himself unable to resist. No more than he could keep himself from occasionally touching your shoulder or arm, some strange part of him needing the reassurance that you were there, real and perfect.
Especially when you said something impertinent, as if you were begging him to put you in your place.
"Well, if my research assistant worked faster, maybe I would have more time for grading," he replied lightly, grinning at you in a way that made you bite your lip and duck your head. You made a valiant attempt at recovery, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Oh? So when you tell me I'm the best, you've been lying?" you asked with a cute pout, the jut of your lower lip drawing his gaze like a lure.
"I'd never lie to you," Seokjin replied seriously, holding your eyes with his. Well, at least, not unless it was for your own good.
You looked a little dazed at his words, flustered in a way that made Seokjin's chest purr. But before you could reply, his TA arrived.
"Ahoy mateys!" called Ashley as she strolled through the door with a grin, shattering whatever delicate atmosphere had accumulated. "Professor, I'm reporting for duty!"
You giggled at your elder's antics, and Seokjin couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or relieved at the interruption. He shouldn't have let his relationship with you grow so familiar, and yet if you weren't in his sight, incessant worry gnawed at the back of his thoughts in an irritating, constant buzz.
You were a kind person, and while it was one of the qualities he appreciated about you, it also made him wonder if others would take advantage of it. It was definitely possible for Taehyung to sweet talk you back into his arms, despite the slight… exaggeration he had made when describing seeing him with that other girl. That cursed image of your body pressed against the boy's flashed in his head, and he forced his hand to unclench.
And then there was that other boy, Jimin, who had the audacity to kiss you on the cheek after lecture. By your reaction, you hadn't been expecting it, and Seokjin bristled at the thought of the boy putting his grimy hands on you unprompted. Just how many vultures did he need to protect you from?
"Good luck, our dear professor is in rare form today," you said, shooting a mischievous grin at Seokjin and pulling him out of his perturbing thoughts. He gave a good natured scoff, hiding the way your words seeped into his veins, twining around his limbs like a gentle caress.
"When isn't he?" Ashley replied with a laugh, coming in to ruffle your hair before setting her backpack on the ground. Seokjin felt a surge of protective irritation at the casual contact, one that was surprising. He knew Ashley of all people was a good person, the action shouldn't have bothered him the way it did.
"When you're done beating an old man while he's down, I have papers for you," Seokjin complained, doing his best to shove his thoughts aside. He was being ridiculous.
But - Ashley liked women. Who was to say she wouldn't fall prey to your guileless charm? And as someone somewhat closer to being a peer than he was, she had more freedom to treat you as familiarly as she wanted.
"Yes boss," Ashley replied with a good-natured groan, grabbing the stack of stapled papers on his desk, oblivious to her professor's roiling thoughts.
An hour passed in relative silence, a calm atmosphere settling over the three of you. Occasionally the quiet was broken by a remark or query from one of his students, but otherwise the only sounds were the shuffling of papers, and scratching of pens, and the sound of you typing on your computer.
Seokjin found his eyes sliding over to you more often than necessary, unable to resist despite knowing that Ashley could look up at any time. There was a small wrinkle in your brow as you frowned at your screen in thought, and you were worrying your lip yet again.
Another vine in unfurled as he watched you absent-mindedly pluck a tube of chapstick from your pocket and swipe it over your lips, leaving them just a touch shinier than before. Your eyes flickered to meet his before he could look away, and he flashed a grin that made you smile bashfully in return.
He had bought that little plastic tube on whim while buying groceries, your little habit popping up in his mind when he spied the selection at the check-out counter. If the strawberry flavor he had picked happened to coincide with his favorite fruit, well, everyone liked strawberries. It was simply the most logical choice.
It should have been a strange gift to give to a student. But you had smiled so beautifully at his tiny gesture that any thought of regret fled instantly. If anything, Seokjin found himself resisting the urge to dote on you even more.
"The showcase is pretty soon, right?" asked Ashley absentmindedly as she twirled her pen in her fingers. You jumped a little as if forgetting she was there, then rushed to answer.
"Yeah! I can't believe almost an entire semester has gone by already," you said in tones of sincere surprise. "I feel like it went by so fast."
Seokjin smiled at the memory of you, bright-eyed and nervous at the door of the office. At the time, you had been just another student, indiscernible amongst a lecture of nearly one-hundred. And yet, you had burrowed your way into his affection. A smile here, a joke there, and each moment with you had embedded itself inside of him before he had even realized it was happening.
"You've come a long way," he agreed, chuckling when you ducked your head in embarrassment. A semester hadn't yet cured you of your awkwardness to compliments, another trait he found positively endearing.
"You really have!" said Ashley, nodding in agreement. "I hardly recognize the jumpy little freshman from my first recitation."
"Okay, okay," you grumbled, waving your hands as if to keep any praise from sticking to you. "Enough! I'm amazing, I get it!"
"Our little girl's all grown up," said Ashley with a fake sniffle, wiping a nonexistent tear from her eye. "I'm so proud."
"Oh my god, shut up," you laughed, throwing a wad of paper at the older girl. "I can't believe I was ever intimidated by you."
"How dare you, I am incredibly intimidating," Ashley replied with a prim harumph. This time it was Seokjin who snorted, making you laugh harder.
It was nice to see you so cheerful and carefree, even if he had to share this moment with someone else. Your smile lit the room with bright sunshine, your laugh washing over him like warm rays. He was going to miss it, when you wrapped up this project.
Seokjin's good mood dampened at the realization that the showcase was only a couple weeks away, the ending of this surprisingly addicting partnership in sight. He did believe you had a good chance of winning, though he was excused from the judging due to being your mentoring professor.
He was leaning heavily toward offering you a continued position - your work was exemplary, and the knot of worry in his chest eased at the prospect of being able to continue looking out for you.
You made up his mind when you turned and gave him a tentative grin. "I'm actually already planning on signing up for Global Change II next semester. If you're not sick of me yet."
Warmth seeped into his chest at your words, and he couldn't stop the smile from taking over his face.
"Impossible," he said warmly, holding your gaze long enough for you to begin to fidget and look away. Then, to cover his lapse, he cast his eyes towards Ashley. "Unlike this one here, who I just can't seem to shake."
Ashley's indignant squawk joined your bubbling laughter, and for a little while everything was right in the world.
"Yes, that looks good," nodded Seokjin, looking over your shoulder at the computer screen. You were working on formatting your poster for the showcase, and he was impressed by your attention to detail. Your graphics were far better than he would normally expect of someone in their first year, though he'd already seen first-hand just how dedicated you were.
"You don't think it's too wordy?" you asked fretfully, pointing at your methods section as he hovered behind you.
He knew he was leaning a little closer into you than was strictly necessary, but he couldn't help it. You didn't wear perfume, but the faint, flowery scent of your shampoo seemed to seep through his pores and leave behind a sweet ache he wasn't sure would ever go away.
It wasn't like he was going to do anything, so surely he could indulge himself in these innocuous ways, right?
"Dr. Kim?"
Your voice broke him out of his dangerous thoughts into an even more perilous reality, and he realized that in his distraction he had hovered even closer. Close enough to count the lashes bordering your eyes, close enough to feel the heat radiating off your cheeks. Closer and closer you came, and Seokjin found himself unable to move, unable to do anything but savor the soft whisper of your breath against his skin.
Your lips were soft and insidiously sweet, and before he could stop himself he was kissing you back. It was intoxicating, and he felt the ache in his chest recede even as those dark vines wrapped further around his heart.
You let out the sweetest, most beautiful sigh against his lips and suddenly he came to his senses, stumbling away from the edge of the abyss he desperately wanted him to fall into. It took all of his self control to back away, to keep himself from devouring you the way the mass in his chest demanded.
He looked at you and wished he hadn't, as your blissful expression rapidly shifted from confused to horrified to heartbroken.
Every fiber of his being demanded for him to rush forward and gather you in his arms when your lips began to tremble. Yet all he could do was stare at you, rooted to the spot while you spluttered apologies, gathered your things in a haphazard rush, and fled out the door.
His lips tingled, and when he swiped his tongue over them he could still taste the faint flavor of your fruity chapstick.
You were such a fucking idiot. Why had you done that? Well okay, you knew why but fuck your body and its lack of impulse control.
But how were you supposed to think rationally when he was that close, his body heat washing over you in warm waves and his woody cologne consuming your senses? It felt like his proximity always made your brain shut down, especially since the day he had so matter-of-factly said he thought you were beautiful.
And he had been so - so attentive lately, the look in his eyes warm enough to send tingles down your spine. The sporadic little gifts, the random touches, his gentle teasing, everything your professor did went straight to your head and heart, filling you with what you now realized was hubris.
How had you deluded yourself into thinking he felt anything for you other than whatever normal fondness a mentor might have for their charge? You were such an idiot.
When you threw yourself into the scant sanctuary of your dorm, you were relieved to see that Sierra wasn't back yet. There was no one here to see you throw yourself face down onto your bed and scream into your pillow.
You hadn't realized how close Dr. Kim had been standing until you turned to speak to him more directly, and when you met his gaze, the look in his eyes had ensnared you completely. You had found yourself hypnotized, no more able to resist his pull than the tides could deny the moon.
Your breathing slowed as you recalled just how soft and full his lips were, how he was standing so close that all you needed was an inch to be in his arms. With a start, you realized - he had kissed you back. For a brief, wonderful moment, your professor's lips had pressed deeper against your own with a warmth that set you aglow. Before he had backed away from you and stared as if you had grown two heads.
Oh no, what if it was because you were a bad kisser? You only had Taehyung for reference, what if he never said anything because he didn't want to offend you?
Shit, you couldn't just hide in your room and cease to exist. There was no way you could avoid Dr. Kim for the rest of your life and pretend you hadn't just done one of the stupidest things imaginable. The best you could do was beg for his forgiveness and hope you hadn't ruined everything.
With your heart pounding, mind racing, and stomach churning, you pulled out your phone. You had his number in case you needed to coordinate meetings/lab timings, though you rarely used it because you didn't want to bother him.
You I am so, so sorry I don't know what I was thinking
Dr. Kim Hey, it's okay
You I didn't mean to put you in that kind of position I hope you don't think I'm that type of person
Dr. Kim [Y/n], I know you're not Please don't worry about it
You You must be thinking so many terrible things about me And I probably deserve it I know you just see me as like some college kid and me throwing myself at you like that was so stupid I'm so sorry
Dr. Kim Don't say things like that
You I'm so embarrassed I just Please let me finish out the project and then I promise never bother you again I'm so sorry
Dr. Kim [Y/n] Stop You're never a bother If I'm being honest… it wasn't completely unwelcome
You Really?
Dr. Kim Yes But it can't happen again I could lose my job And besides what you had to deal with earlier in the semester, it wouldn't be good for your academic career either You're a brilliant, driven, and hard-working person, [y/n], I would hate for anyone to think you didn't earn everything you've achieved up to now
You I understand Thank you for being so kind You don't have to say all that just to make me feel better
Dr. Kim Please stop beating yourself up about this Nothing I said was a lie
You I'm sorry again I can drop your class for next semester if you don't want me there
Dr. Kim Nonsense The only thing that's upsetting me is that you're beating yourself up about this so much I want you there And I was going to ask you after the showcase, but I do have the funding if you would like to continue doing research with me
You What? Really? Are you sure?
Dr. Kim No, I'm Kim Seokjin
You …
Dr. Kim Struck speechless by how your professor is both brilliant and witty I understand Seriously speaking though, yes I am 100% sure I would love to continue working with you
You Ha ha ha Then absolutely, thank you so much!! I'll try to be normal
Dr. Kim But you're not normal, you're extraordinary :)
You Professor!!! You can't say things like that!
Dr. Kim I can't make true statements about the top student in my course?
You ;aljfasljfjs You're the worst I'm not sorry anymore
Dr. Kim Cute I'll see you in office hours
You stared at your phone, heart pounding and mind racing. Cute? CUTE???? What did he mean by that? Did he even mean to mean anything by that? No, he couldn't have, he had literally just told you it couldn't happen again. But he had also confirmed that he liked kissing you. Oh god, what were you doing?
With an anguished groan, you locked your phone and tossed it into your bag. He was right, it had been a stupid thing to do that could have ruined everything either of you had worked for. You weren't about to throw away your hopes and dreams for a beautiful professor who made you feel like the only person in the world when he looked at you.
Five seconds later your phone was back in your hands as you read and reread the exchange like a conspiracy theorist looking for proof of the Illuminati. You were a stupid bitch.
This was torture. Of the sweetest kind, perhaps, but torture nonetheless.
You nibbled your lip, and Seokjin felt his tongue flick out to wet his own as he remembered just how soft they had been.
Things had gone more or less back to normal between the two of you, other than a few awkward pauses and silences here and there. If there were a few lingering stares or an air of words left unsaid, no one needed to know. True to your word, you made no further attempts to touch him, kiss him, or even to be alone with him, really. He should have been relieved.
Unfortunately, you were more tantalizing than any drug and now that he had gotten a taste he couldn't get you out of his head. He found himself thinking of you more and more, craving the honey of your voice, the innocent and yet forbidden feel of your lips against his.
To all appearances, Seokjin's placid demeanor was that of a still ocean. But underneath the calm facade was a roiling mass of emotions, desire warring with affection warring with disgust at himself.
You shifted slightly in your seat, crossing one bare leg over the other. He swallowed, eyes raking down your skin before tearing his gaze away and back to the papers he was supposed to be grading.
Sure, maybe the air conditioning set by the building was a bit lacking in his office, but did you really have to torture him like this? Despite a long gulp from his water bottle, he couldn't get rid of the dryness in his throat, or the thirst that seemed to grow day by day.
He chuckled at the cute way you wrinkled your nose and glanced at him after your sneeze, and your embarrassed expression turned into a pout.
"Wow, your prized student could be dying and you just laugh," you grumbled, crossing your arms. Seokjin grinned, trying not to stare at the tantalizing jut of your lower lip. Then he strode over to you, pulled along by those creeping tendrils he couldn't find it in himself to cut away.
"Oh?" he teased, reaching forward to press his hand against your forehead. He felt your face heat up at his proximity, eyes wide in surprise, and something dark purred in his chest. "Hmm, I guess you are a little warm."
Your face somehow flamed even hotter and you gave him a light shove that was clearly not meant to move him at all. He didn't budge, despite every rational part of his mind begging him to back off and stop sending you mixed signals. The other part of him felt electric, relishing in the softness of your skin, the warmth seeping off of your body, and the way you were so clearly affected by his actions.
"P-professor," you spluttered, eyes darting anywhere but at his face. You drew your lower lip between your teeth, worrying at the plump flesh, and his gaze sharpened.
"Are you sure you're not getting sick?" he asked in mock-concern, taking the opportunity to stare hungrily at your mouth while you looked away. You were so close, all it would take was a few inches to close the distance and taste your lips again.
Seokjin's brain chose that moment to finally catch up with his body, and he stepped away, feeling his ears go hot.
"Well, it doesn't feel too bad," he said, clearing his throat. You blinked at him, slow and confused and dangerously endearing. "Have you been eating well?"
You began to giggle at his stuffy question, and he wondered if he could get drunk off the sound.
"The same as always," you said softly, gaze flicking up to meet his eyes with a smile. It lasted just a split second, and yet Jin felt time freeze as he felt those vines begin to pull him back under. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and retreated back to his desk.
"You should take better care of yourself," he said when he was safely restrained by the breadth of space and wood furniture between the two of you. A tiny part of him wanted to tell you to run away from him, long and far. He ignored it.
"I'm fine," you said with a shrug, echoing your words at the coffee shop a few weeks prior. "You don't need to worry about me."
All Seokjin could do was sigh, aware that he wasn't really in a position to insist, especially considering he was the one who had shut down the kiss that never ceased plaguing his mind.
But how could he not worry? You were special, and the possibility of some college idiot taking advantage of your sweet nature was all too realistic. Of Taehyung, kissing your lips, swallowing your pretty sighs, of touching you in ways he had no right to.
Seokjin's jaw clenched. As if some eighteen-year-old whelp would be able to treasure you like you deserved, to touch you the way you needed, to make you -
Your voice halted his spiraling thoughts, and for a moment all he could do was stare, trying not to think about how your body would feel pressed against his own, what sounds and reactions he could elicit from you. He licked his lips involuntarily, and by the way your eyes followed the movement he could tell you hadn't forgotten, either.
Fuck. You were so beautiful, lips softer than the petals of any flower. He wanted to be the one to make you bloom, for your thoughts to be as consumed as his own.
Even if that couldn't be the case, he could at least protect you. Seokjin would guide you, give you advice, steer you from those that might pluck you away and crush you under their undeserving feet. Anything to keep that smile on your face, and those lovely eyes fixed on him.
Anything for you.
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thoselethalarts · 6 months
ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕓𝕠𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 - ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
(SSR) Birthday Suit Up (Part 3): “Happy Birthday!”
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(Ignihyde Dorm: Birthday Venue)
“Have you heard from your family?”
Phobos: Family? Well… no. Not that I have anyone to hear from, anyway.
“What do you mean?”
Phobos: I don’t have any family. Not anyone I’m still in touch with, anyway. Phobos: I haven’t had anyone like that in my life for… maybe around four or five years now.
“Oh… my condolences.”
Phobos: It’s fine. I’m not bothered by it. It’s a natural question to ask, anyway.
“Could you tell us about what your family was like?”
Phobos: Hm… Well, the only person I think I’d ever be able to call my family was my previous “caretaker”, as it were.
Phobos: His name was Theodore Banner. A twenty-something that adopted me when my parents were no longer in the picture. Phobos: He was a typical guy. Worked and lost multiple dead-end jobs, ordered lots of takeout, played video games and watched mind-numbing amounts of TV, cycled through girlfriends faster than he changed socks. You get the drift. Phobos: I lived with him in his apartment through my youth. He was kind of annoying, all things considered. Fed me almost the same thing every day, these bland and soggy meals from a can… Would never let me eat the same thing he did. Phobos: He gave me this stupid little nickname, too… ugh. The first thing I did after I left was leave that behind. Phobos: I resented him for all that… still do to some degree. But he wasn’t a bad person, I guess. Just annoying.
“What happened to him?”
Phobos: Well… let’s just say that when my magic first started to develop, he got a little too excited about it. Phobos: He thought my powers were astounding, and all he wanted to parade me around like some kind of show pony to all his friends and fickle lovers. It was humiliating. Phobos: Not to mention even though I was then seemingly more attractive to him as a newfound magical being, he still refused to change my meals to something better. Can you believe that shit? Phobos: When I realized I was strong enough and smart enough to take care of myself and live on my own… I decided it was time to cut ties with him. Phobos: So that’s what I did. I cut my ties with him. Phobos: Since then I’ve been bouncing from place to place, finding little niches of my own. Phobos: Everyone I tell that to thinks it’s a depressing way to live, but honestly I’m quite content. Living in one place for too long makes me feel too trapped and confined. Phobos: Moving around feels good. It feels freeing. For now I’m here at NRC, and I live in the dorms, but when I graduate I’ll just keep moving unless I find something worthwhile to make a home.
“Do you have any plans for the future?”
Phobos: Work on building my brand online and finding some stable customers, mostly. Phobos: There’s a big market out there for my current career. People want people like me, that will do the dirty work for them with no questions asked and money up front. All I have to do is get my name out in the right circles and I’ll be set. Phobos: Other than that, I’m just going to keep living the way I’ve been living: taking it day by day and seeing where life takes me.
“Thank you for your time, and happy birthday again!”
/ End
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thediktatortot · 1 year
RE: Your "fandom wasn't always like this" post Fandoms ending when their source did used to be a VERY BAD SIGN that the series had utterly belly flopped. It really didn't start being standard until.... at least after dashcon, but probably closer to the end of the second phase of the MCU. I think Avengers Endgame was the real final death knell of "extended fandom", but even before that, the MCU dragging us along by the hair on the back of our necks seemed to be what killed having a long-term fandom.
You aren't wrong with assuming that specific fandoms were some of the major downfalls of what we had going for us, but the answer is definitely more nuanced than that unfortuntely.
I've had a lot of time to sit and think about the subject of the post I made, and I genuinely think that the true answer to the downfall of Fandom as a whole, is social media.
I hate to sound like That Old Person at a ripe age of 31, but that is my honest answer.
I myself did not get a phone until I was 18 years old and was able to buy one for myself, a little sidekick that let me text my friends when I wanted to hang out, but that wasou f about it. I didn't even get a home computer in my house until I was about 13 years old because we were fairly poor and didn't really need it for anything other than emails and bills.
The first thing I discovered on the computer was Neopets and Gaiaonline, two 'gaming' websites (I'm not assuming your age, but I'm going to talk as if you don't know about anything I'm speaking of just in case other people read this who do not know about it.) that focused heavily on dressing up your avatars, mini flash games and forum role play. The hottest social media at the time was Myspace and it wasn't until I got into Highschool that I even ended up making one.
There were no real algorithms that fed you 'content' on a front page outside of the things the people you followed posted, no way to get fed news ads unless it was in the sidebar where ads were usually placed, and there was no instant updates to every person's lives both small or famous unless you went looking for those updates yourself on google.
Now we have social media that is both forcefully placed in front of you in the form of genuine 'content' in both long and short form on absolutely every platform you can imagine. This isn't even going with the discussion that talks about ads on the TV and how for decades, America has been putting more and more emphases on pharmacy ads on TV and extending commercials to the point where people would rather pay 10-40 a month on streaming services to access movies and TV that might not exist at the whim of the streaming services, than watch cable tv with ads lol
Anyway, when Fandom first began its slow descent into madness, it was about the time that the new style of social media began to get big (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Tiktok, etc) all places that were designed and created to make you want to See More.
I'm not one of those people who are like "We have no more focus because of social media arg!" but there is a grain of truth to the fact that, if you are fed bite sized pieces of bee information at a faster rate, it's harder to get yourself to slow down and actually delve into a topic further without incentive.
We have catchy news headlines that people read and never take the time to look into the matter further, we have facebook posts where people make crazy claims and no one verifies to check if it's true because that takes time and effort and understanding of how to perform basic search tasks and reading comprehension to ask the right questions, we have instagram breaking the concept of art and life experiences into bite sized, perfect square windows of moments to make your instagram feed look pretty enough to have thousands of followers, we have Twitter that has always been somewhat of a fast websites, but is easy to spread misinformation around on at light speed, Snapchat makes photos disappear, never allowing anything you do to be permanent unless someone manages to save it, Vine and TikTok made attention sinks were it's so easy to just get lost for hours of time into maybe not useless, but an exhaustive stream of information that encourages doing the same finger action for hours on end.
Marvel/MCU/Disney whatever we want to call it, including all the other major production companies, are just one symptom of a bigger problem. They've ridden the waves of instant gratification and people's inability to think outside the boxes for years, but unfortunately our primary source of entertainment in a world that wants to kill us all the time and keeps us inside the house more often, just happens to finally align with the companies and programs that are designed to squeeze more and more out of us until we die.
Unfortunately, Capitalism is killing Fandom as a whole, we are just seeing it more because our primary sources of communication and our major routes of entertainment for ourselves are finally working together to bleed us dry.
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pokegeologist · 1 year
Good beginner friendly steel pokemon
Steel pokemon have a bit of a reputation for being hard to care for, and to a degree that's correct. Some lines are definitely a lot of work to deal with. However, there are also many pokemon which can be a delight to work with even as a beginner! So here's a list of steel pokemon which you can totally tackle even if you have little experience as a trainer
(Note to always make your research and ensure your personal needs and those of the pokemon are compatible)
I might be biased here, but I do think Aron is a great beginner steel pokemon. Arons are easily trainable and fairly social, so it's easy to get them used to eventual other pokemon in the house. They're also a very typical steel pokemon I would say, in that they're likely one of the first pokemon to pop up in everyone's mind when you mention steel.
You need to give them regular metal supplements in their diet. Ask your veterinary but in general regular hardware store bolts are perfectly fine, just check the materials and avoid excessively sharp spikes. Some people worry an indoor Aron might end up chewing on metal fixtures inside the house, but so long as they are fed properly they won't try to attack your things. They aren't extremely active and can be kept in flats too, provided that you let them have a regular walk. Don't let them get bored, or they may start headbutting your walls and no one likes that.
Their evolutions are definitely more a handful, but the good thing is that Aron requires a lot of battling in order to evolve. If you aren't a trainer, it likely won't happen. At most, if they regularly mock fight other pokemon, they may reach their Lairon stage - although rarely. Lairon is basically a larger and more stubborn version of Aron, if your Aron evolves you likely have enough experience to handle a Lairon. Aggron is the real problem, but again if you aren't a trainer there is basically zero chance of accidentally evolving an Aggron
This small pokemon has one major advantage: it's small. Yes, I know, shocking. But the thing about steel types is that they tend to be very heavy, and a small pokemon can be way more manageable. Klefki is still fairly heavy for its size, but you can move it around or keep it in your lap without risks. It's very rare for a Klefki to damage the owner's house or objects, too. They are a very relaxed species and won't act out unless given a very good reason to. They're very smart, and can learn plenty of tricks and commands without much of a fuss.
Of course they have some things you should be aware of. Their obsession with keys is one. If you want to be sure they won't steal your house keys, try getting plastic covers for them, Klefki is much less attracted to keys if the metal isn't exposed. While they become very attached to the owner, they can be a bit standoffish with strangers. They're definitely a pokemon that gets attached to only one or a few individuals, and they are best kept alone as they can get territorial with other Klefkis.
However, being more solitary means their socialization needs are low, and they are pretty good for people who don't want to keep multiple pokemon, or that don't have a lot of time. They also need very little exercise and are perfectly happy being couch potatoes. Just don't neglect them, give them attention if they want it, and invest in some keys. A few key blanks a month are perfectly fine, and Klefki doesn't eat much aside from those
First of all, Klink isn't for you if you want a pokemon you can cuddle with. Aside from the general uncomfortableness of cuddling some gears, Klinks don't like physical contact in general and it's best to only handle them sometimes. If you don't mind this, then they are wonderful pokemon to have.
For starters, they're smart. They can be a bit stubborn and not the easiest pokemon to train, but they can also learn a lot of commands at a far faster pace than many other pokemon. They are very curious and inquisitive and love being taken to see new places. They also adapt very well to other pokemon, provided they aren't too high energy and don't try to touch them too much. Once they grow attached to you, they enjoy following you around all the time to see what you are doing. Their diet is mainly metals based, but they do take a few berries as well.
If you are worried about it evolving into Klang or Klinklang, it's not going to be a problem. That rarely happens without regular battling involved. If it does evolve, Klang and Klinklang have very similar temperaments to Klink. They're basically a Klink that needs more food and space.
Bronzors are unfortunately quite misunderstood. There's all sorts of legends surrounding them, more or less based in reality, and so lots of people assign them powers that they don't have. In truth, Bronzor isn't much more powerful than the average commonly kept psychic types. They don't bring knowledge from forgotten civilizations or anything of the sorts, or at least they're very good at pretending they don't.
What they are good at is being your friend. They have a very good disposition and they're smart cookies, making them easy to train and handle. In nature they tend to group together, so it's suggested you either get two or house them together with other pokemon so that they don't get lonely. They are also fairly cuddly for steel types. Just don't try to polish them! They all hate it for some reason, even getting them clean if they dirtied themselves is a small struggle.
Be warned however that Bronzor's lifespan is... complicated. Many live a few decades, but there are rare reports of one living past a hundred. Their evolution, Bronzong, is even more dramatic in this, with a few of them being thought to be thousands of years old. It's very rare from what has been observed, but no one is quite sure what triggers it, so be prepared to plan ahead.
A wonderful little round ball of a pokemon! Unfortunately not as soft and pettable as its shape suggests, but it's so cute. It's very easy to train and gets along well with other pokemon, although there can be some conflicts with electric types. The main issue with Togedamaru is that it likes electricity, and that can lead to problems like trying to stick its paws into electric outlets and short circuit your house. However, it can be trained out of it, and nowadays many stores sell outlet protectors.
But aside from this, they're very manageable. Their steel typing is secondary, and their care in many ways resembles that of electric types more than steel types. You only have to give it regular iron supplements to help it maintain its coat. Regular exercise is advised, but they're not a super active species, letting them roam a bit in your backyard every day is enough.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
What if Tails and Kit were best friends.
I think that would be great! Unfortunately, I don't think it has a shot at happening in canon for a long time. :(
When the covers where Tails is holding Kit were first released, I made an "it's free brother" meme for Tails, referencing how he seemed to just pick Kit up and carry him off. (Which he does, albeit to save his life rather than for any other reason.) And as you perhaps saw in that little ficlet I wrote, I would like to think that Kit would recognize that Tails' kindness was genuine and that he wouldn't want to hurt Tails anymore, even though he still absolutely will if that's what Surge needs him to do. (Because he'll do whatever Surge needs him to do. His moral compass begins and ends at, "What will serve Surge best?") But even though I wrote that, I think it's probably just wishful thinking. I think that Kit is absolutely going to think that Sonic deliberately lied to him about Surge being dead so that Kit wouldn't be able to help Surge, thereby allowing Sonic an easy win. And I think that it's entirely possible (perhaps even probable) that he's going to see Tails' kindness as more manipulation to a.) stop Kit from drowning him, and b.) keep Kit from helping Surge since that's what Sonic needs. Which in fairness, Tails did not want to be drowned and was trying to de-escalate the situation so that he wouldn't be drowned, but that doesn't mean his compassion was a lie. But I don't think Kit will see it that way.
The problem is that, right now, most everything Kit knows about people and how the world works has been fed to him by Starline and Surge. Starline made sure through weeks (months? I know Kit went down a lot faster than Surge but I can't remember the exact number of days right now) of actual hypnosis and brainwashing that Kit knew that his sole purpose in life is to serve Surge and do whatever it is that she wants or needs. And Surge has made sure that Kit knows that not only will she berate, beat, and perhaps even murder him if he so much as doubts her, but also that she is the only person he can trust thanks to the truth about what Starline did to them coming out. At this point in time, Kit has every reason to believe that no one would be kind to him for the sake of being kind. Starline was manipulating him. In her own way, Surge is too—but that's okay in his eyes, because that's her right. He's there to be used by her, so if she uses him, well, that's just the natural order of things. But Sonic and Tails don't have that right unless Surge is gone. And she's not gone, and Sonic lied about it, and Tails must've known that Sonic lied about it, so Tails is culpable, too. I think that's how Kit will probably see it, anyway.
It would obviously be best for Kit if he were to spend time around people who were genuinely kind to him, and tbh if he got a therapist to help him work through all of the programming and abuse he's suffered at the hands of both Starline and Surge. (Because while Surge was absolutely abused by Starline as well, that doesn't excuse or make acceptable her abuse of Kit. She literally threatens to "drown him with his own tails" because he's worried about her / afraid of her screaming and threatening him. I love Surge to death, but she is not good for this boy right now.) But I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. Narratively, he's still way too attached to Surge and will undoubtedly maim or kill anyone who gets between him and her. And from a meta standpoint, I think the IDW writers are going to want to keep Surge and Kit as villains for a while since their rogues gallery of non-Eggman villains is stretched so thin, especially with Starline being perma-dead for now. I mean, that's why the Zeti came back in the comics (and also recent spinoff games); there just aren't any other non-Eggman villains to pull from because they all either get killed or redeemed. So I think that any redemptions for Kit and Surge are going to be put off for a long time. (And they are such cool characters that I would rather redemption than death, but we'll see.) It's also why Mimic got let out of jail so soon after he was put in; he's more useful out where he can cause damage than in jail where he can't do much of anything. (With that said though, if he harms one hair on Whisper's head I will burn him to the ground. Surge is also on thin ice for that. I mean I'm fine with Surge beating the shit out of just about anyone else, she can have a little wanton violence as a treat, but Whisper has been through enough, leave Whisper alone!!)
But if Kit does eventually get some help, and starts seeing himself as a person outside of just an asset for Surge to use as she pleases, I would definitely like to see a friendship between him and Tails. I think it'd be really cute for Tails to have a little brother of his own (because I imagine Kit is at least a couple years younger—but then again, fennec foxes are small in general so it's possible he's even a little older than Tails, but just very short). I also think it'd be cute if they had a friendly rivalry over inventions and technology. Because yes, Eggman is Tails' intellectual rival, but Eggman is also the big bad of the series and as such not really someone that Tails can learn and grow from in a positive way. I think that Tails and Kit building off each other and acting as rivals in a way that Sonic and Knuckles or Sonic and Shadow do would be really cute. And I think Sonic would be happy that Tails has that, too—happy that Tails has someone that he can geek out over technology with. But if that does happen, it sadly probably won't be for a very long time.
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fleshmechsystem · 11 months
TW: Body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, depression, self harm, trauma dump
I think the issue I have the most is that I hyper focus on my negatives.
Right now I'm thinking I'm disgusting for eating rice lately considering my appetite has gotten... Larger as of late.
Metabolism been acting faster than usual.
But I'm afraid it's doing something to my body. I don't want to get fattened up like when I was a kid. Sure being a little chubby isn't bad, but when you have a specific body image you want in mind it just... Fucks with you.
Now that I realized I'm agender new problems basically popped out that I didn't realized I even had before.
Sometimes I don't even feel androgynous enough with my stupid face. My stupid voice and my stupid hair.
I look like a goddamn brute. I look like my dad.
It's probably one of my reasons why I get so... Distraught. Alongside my other issues like severe undiagnosed paranoia (I have signs I have it) and just tendencies of being... Not nice to myself when I get in my breaking point...
I honestly start to see a warped version of myself. Because of my many MANY issues, fears and just things I genuinely have no control over I start to just disregard my own life to have it's own meaning because I don't feel satisfied with what I am and what I have.
I don't give a fuck about the financial stuff since money means nothing to me and I've come to accept that material shit won't make me happy, well unless it's plushies then maybe capitalism can win for a bit.
But all I'm saying is that. I don't have the life I want. I don't have the body I want.
I have nothing I want.
Right now I'm in the pre transition phase shit. Even then I've started to look less masculine over the years but it's... Not enough.
It's never enough.
Right now I'm just sitting in the bathroom contemplating if I should harm myself or even have the absurd idea or carving parts of my disgusting cancerous body.
Sculpting it like a lunatic.
None of this would've happened if I wasn't fed a lot as a kid. None of this would've happened if I wasn't abused.
There are outside factors there too to be fair but. I've struggled with this for years that even with me starting to finally get back to my old sunday routine of working out.
I still don't see progress.
And with my growing appetite I worry that I will start to look disgusting again.
I have nothing against other people's bodies. I really don't. I can find someone cute no matter what. But this body?
I don't like it.
This vessel.
This vessel isn't me.
I want to escape from it.
But doing that will basically kill people that don't want to die.
And right now I don't want the others to die while I'm still sane.
If this goes on long enough I'll probably start saying shit like actively fake claiming the others because I want to just push them away. Make myself not feel bad for killing them.
It isn't nice.
I never really was a patient person.
Even now I still struggle with letting my emotions in check. I physically can't even play online games because I just... Lose myself.
I'm not a good person. I never was, but at the same time that's what I've been told.
Even with their efforts, their abused will still linger and they chose to be ignorant with how hurtful they get sometimes.
Good thing I'm not a host anymore. No one is. At any time someone else could puppet the vessel and stop me from doing something silly with my funny wrist using my funny nails.
I guess. I guess I just feel like shit.
Life was never fair so I just have a cluster of problems that makes me think that the only way I can get what I want in life is through violence. Pain. And all that shit.
Honestly I lost count of wanting to commit crimes as a way to send a message. Of course for legal reasons I haven't committed them. Although I did burn a church down in project zomboid.
This is the reason why I just can't understand the empathy people express towards someone like me, who's admittedly messed up.
I'm messed up. My past was messed up.
I just. Sent myself down in this loop of hating myself over having issues because I just can't accept people love me.
I can't understand the very idea of relationships.
Even now I have issues with that with some psychology bullshit stuff. Like I have trouble with my feelings towards people. My brain goes Person is nice towards you = Love??
Like it could be platonic love but it feels really weird.
I think this is what happens if someone doesn't use a condom. You get someone like me to be born.
Hell they weren't even prepared for it. "Dad" had to go abroad just to support us making me think he doesn't even exist to the point I didn't recognize or knew him when he came back, "mom" works and was barely home to give me the affection I needed or just having a parent and not a babysitter, not to mention someone with anger issues.
Whenever I fucked up as a kid I get yelled at. Or maybe Riley did. Memory is blurry since I can't tell who's past it really was even if Riley was the host.
Eventually the whole incident happened when the split really did happen or at least according to Riley.
Kid swore, instead of being scolded, they got a handful of salt shoved down their throat.
Even now I still remember what they did to Riley. To us.
I can't forgive someone like that even if they claim they've "changed" or "feel bad about what she did" I don't forgive someone who chooses their own entitled view of themselves and only feels guilty about themselves over us.
Maybe it's fucked up love, but I don't want that love, neither does Riley I think.
We're not free yet. But honestly my relationship with the former host is fucking weird.
I don't know. Close feeling. Maybe it's the trauma bond but. It's weird.
And I really don't want it to be romantic either so I will say it's platonic certainly.
But even then being close to someone you've never met for years is weird.
Why am I like this?
What fucking fear and hunger god did I angered to have issues? This sucks.
I want a refund.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What are the werewolf asylums like? Are they cushy and more comfortable like modern health facilities or are they basically glorified prisons for lycanthropes? Cause I had an idea like this years ago and this inspired me to revisit the idea for my own worldbuilding projects! With mine going more the route of modern health care facilities and restraints/cells designed designed more to protect turned patients from themselves then staff from them.
Good question! It highly depends on where the facility is and who is paying for it.
We'll use Matuzu Kingdom as an example. In this kingdom, lycanthropes have a "one-strike rule". This means they must register their lycanthropy with the government (this often happens passively during medical exams anyway), and if their disease causes just one public health incident, they are institutionalized--usually for life.
Some of these institutions are better than others. Like, leagues better. If you're poor, you'll probably be sent to some government-funded shithole in the middle of nowhere. These places are poorly-regulated and underfunded. They typically resemble prisons and likewise, patients are treated like prisoners. Your arms and legs will be chained together 24/7 and you'll spend most of your time in a small cell, being fed crappy nutrient paste for every meal. But the cruelty is the point...Many lycanthropes in these places end up killing themselves or being forced into doing slave labor. Either way, the government tries to exploit these people in any way it can.
Now, if you're a lycanthrope with some money, you can buy your way into a better institution. The mid-tier ones are alright, kind of like a nursing home. You're not living in luxury, but you're not miserable either. There is a rigid schedule, a few different options for meals, and volunteer opportunities to keep you busy. Your cell is small but homey, with basic furniture like a bed, dresser, etc. There are some recreational activities like a gym, art lessons, library, and so on. The staff are a mixed bag.
Just before the full moon, you and the other lycanthropes are chained, muzzled, and locked in small individual cells for everyone's safety. Other than that, you are not forced to wear chains unless you're deemed a "late-stage" case (lycanthropy is a progressive disease that can advance over time, but it advances faster in some people than others. A bad case can cause paranoia, hallucinations, violent aggression, and disturbing behaviors even outside the full moon). Late-stage lycanthropes are separated from the others into a high-security ward.
If you're wealthy enough, you can land yourself in a luxury institution. Patients enjoy a full suite to themselves, tons of recreational activities, and an extensive buffet of meals. It's kind of like living in a high-end hotel, except you're not allowed to leave. There is a special focus on treatment in these facilities. Lycanthropy can't be cured, but it can be managed in a way that slows its progression. A calm, clean environment, mandatory meditation hours and therapy sessions, balanced meals, proper medication, massages, and soothing music are all things that slow down the progression of lycanthropy, and they are all things patients will experience here.
Despite their appearance, these luxury institutions are still high-security facilities. The staff are the best of the best, from the nurses to the chefs to the guards. Patients don't have to worry about their safety here; no one can hurt themselves or anyone else under the watchful eye of the security team.
There is just one downside: violent media is heavily restricted. Lycanthrope patients are not allowed to engage with books/films with violent scenes, nor are they allowed to draw, write about, or even talk about violent acts. This is part of their treatment, as researchers believe exposure to violence causes disease progression.
You get what you pay for, more or less.
Lore Masterpost
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fearowkenya · 2 years
it's the time of year where I feel very like...boxed in??? okay hold on
so like everyone else who has adhd mine has its own exclusive flavor and weirdness that manifests itself in its own Cute And Quirky Teehee ways that arent universal to everyone w adhd. mine specifically makes it so that the amount of energy / willpower i have to put effort into literally anything is directly proportionate to how much light there is outside. it doesnt have to be SUNNY , just naturally bright.
anyway as you may or may not know im up in canada where it is currently 4:41PM and is nearly dark, and will continue to get darker earlier and earlier until like three quarters through december. so already , not great for me and my fuckign plant-life-wannabe of a brain .
to compound this, i also slow down when it’s cold. that part is normal i think. its not uncommon to want to swaddle yourself in a nest of blankets when temperatures start to drop esp if its like -40 but it DOES make moving around a little more challenging. so like not only do i have to put in the effort to like, do each step of whatever task or activity i am attempting to do, but i also have to pry myself out of Soft Warm Bed which becomes an additional step in making aforementioned whatever the fuck happen. and if u are at all familiar w adhd you know that when the step count gets too high your odds of doing anything other than staring at a wall get slimmer and slimmer unless youve got a damn good workaround for your own brand of brain nonsense
im also one of those ppl who constantly has cold hands , so stuff that requires fine motor skills like art can be tough to start working on when my fingers have the mobility of two fistfuls of freezies.
ive gotten fairly good at finding ways to do things that accommodate my adhd but once winter hits thats when i get boxed in. it’s dark out early, so getting anything done after sunset is like wading thru sludge. then the sludge fucking freezes solid because its cold out, and even if by some miracle im able to like idk draw, my hands feel stiff bc of the cold and makes everything harder. so its like this uphill battle to do fucking Anything when im a sludgecicle. its way easier to do Nothing instead of trying to fight my way out, like the amount of effort it takes is SO frustrating.
‘hey idiot have you tried turning the heater on’ yeah dude i know but i still gotta get outta bed and wait for my fingers to not feel like a bunch of frozen baby carrots before anything gets done, and jsut the thought of that when im nice n warm in blankets is an enormous deterrent and it fucking sucks!!
im super fed up w that happening to me every damn winter so i guess i’ll start to work on throwing together some kinda coping mechanism and hope smth sticks.
since i moved my furniture a while back, my heater is right next to my desk so at least i’ll warm up faster when it starts to be like minus a billion degrees. i have no fucking clue what i am going to do about the uhh (checks notes) reliance that my brain has on the literal actual sun. i have one of those sun lamps that i suppose i can try to use more often?? idk if thats going to trick my brain into thinking it’s actually bright outside so stay tuned i guess. or dont im not your dad
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suryp · 4 days
That's what she'd said. What She'd never wanted to say, what I'd never wanted to hear. To Run, far off into the Tartyryn prairies and tundra, with a child. Her child. Her, pup.
She wanted me to, effectively, harbor a wanted criminal, which would most certainly give me the death sentence, if not worse, and run out into one of the most dangerous places on the planet, full of Hellhounds, Owlbears, Cockatrice, and even Kro'Nus.
Alternatively, I could turn the kit over, get a reward, act as though she'd pressured me into working with her, and possibly go back to...
No. Definitely not. Especially that. She'd gotten me out of that mess, and regardless of what happened now it was exceptionally unlikely I'd get back to Him.
Still, I could betray her.
But I owed her. A lot. She'd done so much for me, and I knew it wasn't just because she'd needed me, one way or another.
Besides. At this point, I was pretty sure it was my kid too.
So, I fed them, put it too bed in my basket, and went out.
That is, I went out with the basket, and the proper cold-weather wear. Definitely didn't forget, and nearly go out in my under-dress.
On my way out of town, towards the market, I noticed several guards heading the opposite direction. Feeling glad I was so predictable, I continued on, and began to check through the wares I passed by.
In the end, I took only the essentials. Food, water, and warm clothing. Unfortunately, I surely couldn't pay for it. Thankfully, my "master" had terrific credit, enough to buy out the entire port if he wished, and more than enough for my purposes.
And then, the edge of town. Freedom. At least, freedom for some wild beast to hunt you down. It'd be mad to g-
Madness. If a guard saw me, some poor servant-woman, leave town, I'd be labeled mad. They might imprison me, or worse, search my basket, find the pup, kill it, and... and...
If. If a guard saw me, of which there weren't any. They were dealing with a seven-foot wolf-woman on the other side of town.
I was free to go.
So, nothing for it then.
Time to
That's what I'd done, what I'd been doing, for days.
I'd gotten quite good at it, too. Even with hellhounds or d'roge nipping at my heels, even cradling a wolf-pup in my arms, even after the things teeth bit into my tits, which fucking hurt, by the way, I was good at running.
It helped that hellhounds always tried to tire their prey out rather than simply running it down, and that d'roge preferred most anything else, but human hunters didn't have those issues.
So when I eventually saw them on the horizon, I started moving as quickly as I could.
Or, I would have, had I not been quite, ah, busy.
At least they'd grow up faster than a human child, and hopefully faster than most Skei'yd considering the size of my breasts.
They were, at least, already showing interest in meat.
Welp. No time to experiment now, I had to keep the both of us away from danger, and that meant heading even further south.
Unless they truly believed we were dead, they'd keep coming, and that meant we had to either make a convincing set of corpses, or leave no trace of our existence for at least...
Well, I didn't think either was going to happen out here on the open steppe. They'd see us miles off, and it seemed like they'd gotten professionals on our tail, so the only hope we had was...
The Forest. The Tartyryn Forest. A place people only went to if they were truly desperate, even if the potential profit was thousands or millions in a single trip.
And I had to, somehow, survive there, well enough to take care of a Skei'yd pup, for years.
Well. Time to go.
I'd learned star mapping from my father, who learned it from his. On the deserts and open prairie of their home, it was a needed skill, and I enjoyed learning. If I kept with it, I may have even been a matriarch, but when he eventually believed I was old enough to truly make that choice, I'd learned a lot of things from other people.
Glad I remembered his lessons, though. Keeping the sun off my back was generally necessary, and the animals here had much better insulation than any of the old clothes I still had.
The march was still long, and every few... days? The first sunset occurred not too long ago, but every once in a while, just when I'd forgotten about them, I saw traces of smoke behind me, heard faint shots ring out.
Always put a spring in my step.
Eventually, I'd reached the ice. I knew from reading that there wouldn't be any food out there, and that if it was too warm, It'd break underneath me and I'd be stuck in a freezing ocean, with big fish below and ever moving ice above. I resolved to start out as late, and as cold, and as southerly, as I could.
Plenty of time to gather good food, freshwater, and warm clothes.
So I began gathering. And hunting. D'roge started burying themselves when the first night came, and now I hadn't seen one in days, so I began looking for where they might've gone. There were also plenty of other burrowers, and a few plants with edible roots, as well as the moss itself were I so desperate, but I was lucky.
A dead hippogriff.
Or at least, some ornitherian. The skull was missing, probably from D'roge, and the guts and ribs were mostly gone, but there was still a lot of good meat left, if you were desperate and dexterous.
Well, I was human, so I had plenty of both.
That night, I continued along the coast of the frozen sea, taking any easy resources I could spy. The rocky beach held a few crabs and some specks of green, but I'd expected less, considering the sea was iced over.
And then, I saw it.
Firelight. Closer than it had ever been before.
Close enough to see the silhouettes of horses, and their riders.
So, I did the logical thing.
I started to
I told myself. Across the ice, which is probably just supporting your weight above fathoms of lethally cold water and massive, hungry fish.
Hell, the ice itself could kill you. Smashed like a wasp-nest in a collapsed house.
And then all that running would've been for nothing.
Thankfully, I wasn't seen. If I wanted to, I could probably go back, sneak away in the darkness, maybe even back-track and fully avoid having to travel the sea, I-
I saw the sunrise.
I had to push forward. Nevermind the fact that I stood out like fire at night, or smoke on an empty sea. If I went back, I'd only be more likely to get seen, and much easier to catch.
Still, I checked back.
Guess they'd seen me earlier.
The horse and rider caught up quickly, in seconds they were just a few paces away...
And then, the ice erupted.
A massive skull thrust towards the beast, and just as quickly snapped it's chest away.
With meters of water and now cracked ice between me and my pursuers, I thanked the krak'yk.
And ran.
When the sun was highest in the sky, I saw it on the horizon.
A storm.
My pursuers had slowed greatly, they too were back on the horizon, though in the other direction, though I had no doubt they would catch up soon.
Just because horses and bulls couldn't travel out here, didn't mean there wasn't some mount which could.
For now, though they simply marched on. They were surely better equipped for this than I was, and could probably march through even the toughest blizzard, so they were sure to gain a lot of ground very soon.
If I wanted to get away from them, I couldn't afford to slow down.
Besides, how bad could a few clouds possibly be?
Very. Very, very bad. I couldn't see my hand in front my face, or my feet below me. I hugged the pup as close to my chest as possible, not that there was much left.
I'd lost a lot of weight on this trip.
And I'd lose a lot more. The Tartyryn straight was a practical desert in winter, with no sunlight or even soil for kilometers, and there isn't a single point where you can see both sides. I'd...
I'd starve. This was pointless. I should just turn back, walk into those soldier's arms. I'm sure I could get a few favors. It w-
I froze.
And then I looked down.
A bone. I stepped on some things frozen corpse... fuck.
Was this food? Sure, if I could eat it, but I'd have to melt it, and that would take a fire which wo-
I didn't take any fuel.
On the tundra, I simply cut out chunks of the frozen bog. I'd seen it sold in the market, and it burned well, but...
But there wasn't any out here.
I scrounged around for frozen meat regardless. It could be crunched through, if I was desperate enough, and there wasn't much else out here.
Back to walking.
Hours passed, I was sure. Maybe even days. The storm had come and gone, and others had replaced it. I never quite saw the sun, probably all the storms, and my followers had gained ground.
Not much, but ground all the same. I was at least halfway through. I was sure. Neither shore could be seen, but there was a chance I was taking the shortest route. It was rather close to Bougpyrit, the town I'd started in.
With luck, it'd only be a few days.
I could make that.
With luck.
I had no luck. Well, no, I did. It was just bad. Very bad. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have been spotted when I began, or when I fled to the ice. I wouldn't have even had to run. I probably would've never encountered that woman, either.
And I especially would've had time to rest.
Of course I wasn't going to make it.
But I still tried. Starving, a wound on my side, nothing but the clothes on my back and the pup in my hands. Slowly, I walked through the storm.
Hopefully, the supplies I'd left would leave them checking for a while.
But I couldn't count on that. At this rate, I was going to walk right into a...
"Get back."
"Need help."
"Get Back."
I was going to die. No, I already new that. The pup was going to die. I couldn't stand off against this bird, especially with pursuers. This was a delay I couldn't afford. I had to...
"...Take my baby, keep them safe, away from any other humans, and you can take my life."
So I gave it away, Hoping I made the right choice as the bird ran off into the snow. There wasn't any other choice.
I only hoped, as my arms were pinned to my sides, the clothes torn off me, that they'd both be alright. That my pup would make it.
That they'd do the one thing I didn't do.
the full three part story for RUN. hope you all enjoyed it.
and here, the full explanation of the fauna introduced in RUN, ordered by size, with people being talked about last:
D’roge are weird frog dogs, effectively stolen from @alphynix's Running Frogs, albeit with a few other ecological changes that aren't explored in this story (or at least, not this section :3).
Hellhounds are ornitherians, as described in the first story, but with their serrated beaks they are quite clearly carnivores. otherwise, they are fairly dog-like.
Owlbears resemble frill-less ceratopsids, but are, again, ornitherians.
Krak'yk are massive placoderms, similar to old depictions of Dunkleosteus terrelli, or Heterosteus ingens. they fill a simlar role to both tiger sharks and sea turtles, but are chiefly restricted to this region.
Cockatrice are true ceratopsids, however, quite unlike most earth species, they are primarily bipedal and have next to no frill.
Kro'Nus are... still secret. sorry.
Skei'yd are the fifth sort of people introduced, closely resembling the Kaimeran Burud, or perhaps a mammalian Australovenator wintoniensis. in short, they are the obligatory furry species of this setting. wereralph would be proud.
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