#unless i do it by accident hehe
stillgotlipstick · 3 months
yeah no I’m doing great I totally haven’t gone into one of my phases where I mod the absolute shit out of stardew valley so I can have complete and total control over something in my life
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
tragedy anon back again w u guess it!!! More tragedy!!! Im thinking rn of a Yuu who was always going to die in the end. Like being sent back to their world is the equivalent to a death sentence, and they can't stay in TWST because time always loops and they feel like shit for trapping everyone in a moment when they could all be living their lives if not for them.
Yuu who has always been doomed from the start.... Like maybe yuu has been framed for a crime back in their prev world and when they do come back their execution will commence or maybe it's the apocalypse and when they do come back it's truly only a matter of time when they die. Thinking of the TWST boys who goes to visit them only to find nobody..... But traces of them.... Though I feel like the first scenario is more brutal, imagine you go visit your friend and not only are they dead but they were sentenced to death for a crime you know damn well they did not commit and everyone else is rejoicing.
Rejoicing that they're gone. Rejoicing at the fact that they all had KILLED them. Did Yuu know this was going to happen? If they did why had they not told them?! (they will never know, no one ever will because no one ever asked when they were alive if they were alright and they sure as hell will never get an answer because Yuu is dead and they are gone. Forever. )
Ah tragedy annon, my Billy Shakes if you will, this made me THINK think. Doomed (hehe dyuumed) by the narrative is such a sexy trope. "If you were dead at the end of the story you were dead since the beginning" my beloved.
The main thing that made me think is that in country's that have the death penalty there's typically a lengthy appeals process + a ban on sentencing minors to it, even if they were charged as an adult, that makes it hard for me to see that being Yuu’s situation. That being said I agree that would be an awful, awful thing to come see. I could see someone like Malleus, who hates seeing other people happy when he isn't and is prone to causing storm with his magic, going full Netflix Castlevania and starting an apocalypse in Yuu's world while bringing their body home to be laid in state in Briar Valley. It's his right as King of the Abyss after all. Someone like Riddle might try proving your innocence, thinking about how restoring your good name is all he can do while the Octatrio extract their own kind of justice.
The apocalypse Yuu scenarios are ones I like but haven't played around with much just because post apocalyptic settings aren't my jam but! I could see there being a lot of anger at this Yuu for not telling them their situation. Of course now that the boys are older, they can reflect on their behavior and know why Yuu said nothing. But it's easier to blame Yuu at first than accept that they're grieving. It would take them a long time to work through that I think.
My personal preference for scenarios like these involve Yuu being mortally injured before coming to Twisted Wonderland, either in an accident or an attack, that results in their death when they return. I've also played around with terminal illness that's temporarily cured by going to Twisted Wonderland (my own health issues have made me like that less :/) that Yuu isn't recovered from when they return. Either way Yuu is dead when their friends finally figure out a way to get to their world and they have no way of being there for them. And they have no one to blame but themselves... unless.
Maybe they could re-set time again?
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
how do u think svt in relationship will be like?
(im sorry if you're already did drabbles for this)
hi 🎀anon!!! sorry this got late, i think the topic went a little everywhere at some point but i hope you enjoyed this anyway hehe. but also before i did this, i want to rephrase this a little and answer this as how i would write their characters in a relationship in my fics🧡
cheol: he would be the kind of boyfriend who's whiny and clingy and he's not ashamed about it!!! but despite the child like persona that he puts up, he always takes care of you and he's always always always the first person who'd apologize or remind you both to calm down when things get too heated up.
jeonghan: han would only pull all his pranks in private while he's only a little playful in front of people (unless those people are close to both of you then it doesn't matter); teasing is just his love language, anyway. he knows all the lines he needs to keep and he's secretly scared he'd push you a little too far. he's subtle about his touch too, though you can bet that he's never leaving you alone when you're in the comfort of your apartment aha.
shua: man would do everything for you and i mean everything. he'd take care of you without even thinking bc to him, it's just a given and it's second nature. he's like those people who have everything ready before you even finish the sentence. "do you have--" "here." "what about--" "here."
jun: jun, on the contrary, i feel like would be a rather serious boyfriend. sure, he'll still joke around and all that stuff, but i imagine he's the type to be more serious when it comes to this stuff. he's calm and he never pushes anything out of you, even by accident.
hoshi: hosh is the type of boyfriend who takes you anywhere and everywhere over the weekend. he wants to try every single thing he's heard from his friends and his members, so you can bet your ass he's dragging you with him lol.
wonwoo: take a walk during odd hours kind of boyfriend 😭 he's not keen on going outside, but when it comes to taking a walk during random hours after midnight, he springs up like a kid during christmas lol. he'd wrap you with the warmest clothes there is because he gets cold himself. so he needs to prevent you from being cold bc there's no way he'd be able to let you wear his jacket looooooooool
jihoon: he claims he doesn't like cuddles; and it's true. just that he doesn't like cuddles when they aren't from you. he's always subtle with his touches also, doesn't say anything when he initiates any kind of physical contact so your heartbeat is always 📈📈📈📈📈 everytime he suddenly drops down next to you and just softly grabs your hands and plays with your fingers when it's just the two of you.
seokmin: he'd be very shy at first. like he has all this energy and he just wants to hold your hand but he's too shy and it's only been like two weeks since you started dating so is it too fast to place his hand on your thigh when you're next to him??? he'd just be flustered all the time until you tell him it's ok lol
mingyu: like hoshi, he would want to try a lot of activities. but he wouldn't be hearing those from his friends, he'd look them up himself, look through the reviews, stalk instagram profiles, and when he's sure you two would have fun, he'd say he's planned the perfect date (which he really has lol) and you'll end up having a competition about who can plan the Most Fun Date Activities.
minghao: i wanna go with the cliche museum, art dates when it comes to him bc that's D: just D: how i imagine him to be D: perhaps he'd even bring you to those painting or pottery class bc he just wants to spend time with you either appreciating art or making something meaningful for the both of you (the memories and your failed attempt of a potteries left as mementos lol)
seungkwan: for a date, seungkwan would also look things up on instagram like mingyu. but he would include you in the process, asks about your preference whilst also dropping hints about what he wants to try lol. the both of you would have more fun looking through instagrams, pressed against one another on the sofa, than going on the actual dates lol. the members would sometimes ask you both about a date course bc they knew you've both seen too much date courses instagram recommendation pages
vernon: he's the follow you type of boyfriend <3 whatever you want to do, 95% of the time he'd just say and follow you. not that he doesn't have anything in mind, but what matters to him is that he's spending time with you. he'd also make a tradition of having a movie/netflix date, something you can do online when you're apart. again, it doesn't matter what you're watching bc he simply wants to spend time w you 😭
chan: NOW HIM. i think it's time that we remember that despite being the maknae in seventeen, chan is the eldest son in his family. i feel like he's a very mature boyfriend who would try to "lead" you and i mean that in the best way possible. he'd be patient even if you're indecisive about anything--menu, movies, places, activities. he'd try to get to the bottom of what you actually want 😗 "
A/N: phew it's hard to write these but it was fun and i've grown a new kind of respect for people who write headcanons sjdhfbhsdjbf
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cutiewutiepatootie · 24 days
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Notes: I just barely went insane while writing this. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it, it’s that I got tired of writing and only did it in spontaneous bursts. Anyways it’s all fluff HAHAAA. Strictly fem reader hehe. But throughout it, you’re referred to as “her partner”.<3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Like all of these probably will be, it really depends how close you are. But let’s just say hypothetically, she’s at a point in her relationship where she doesn’t mind affection, she probably keeps it simple. In private she’s like hugs or cuddling, but nothing that is too affectionate for her liking.
No pda at all. The most affectionate she’ll be in public is maybe holding your hand when she’s trying to keep the two of you together. There’s also always the occasional bumping into you on “accident”. She’s trying her hardest lmfao.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Protective, but not obsessive. If you’re in a situation where you physically can’t save yourself, she’ll be there. If you’re just stuck and can’t think in a situation that has a solution she’ll probably leave you be or give you some kind of subtle help. 
She’s helpful, and knows a lot too. On a mission and trying to figure out some kind of hidden puzzle? She already knows how to get through and or the answer to it. She probably won’t tell you though, make you work for yourself. She’s not mean though, if you’re sad she’ll comfort you and rub your back or somethin’. She’s just….complicated. (And I’d be damned if I mischaracterized her as a very soft and open person when she’s quite obviously..not.)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Kind of??? She won’t like hold you until you can’t breath but she enjoys the closeness. An additional arm behind her or her partners neck, an arm around her or her partners waist, a loose hug, or just holding hands will do it for her. (Yes, I did feel obligated to write all of those out. Shut up)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
She probably wouldn’t mind settling down when she’s satisfied with her crazy job. Although, she wouldn’t like the vulnerability at first, but after some time and some built trust, she’d loosen up quite a bit.
She can 100% cook and clean, I don’t mean that in like a trad wife kinda way, I promise. I mean have you seen how this woman functions on a day to day basis?? She can definitely cook meals and clean the house. But if she’s going to settle down with a partner, you’re splitting the duties around the house. She’d want you to cook some days and for you clean other days and vice versa. You better know how to cook and clean because she won’t take pity on you. Keeping the house tidy is one of the few things she’d be strict about when settling down.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Getting broken up with by Ada would hit hard, because she’d be pretty blunt. She would tell you that she wants to break up and what you did wrong straightforward. Probably in private though, unless you did something so bad that she feels the need to embarrass you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Don’t get me wrong, Ada definitely wants to date for marriage, but it’s not gonna be a short little while until you two get married. It would be awhile, not super long, but definitely not in a few years of dating. She needs to build trust with you, because not only is she secretive due to her work, but she has some trust issues. (You can’t look at her and just say that she doesn’t have trust issues because she so obviously does. Don’t even with me🙄)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Physically, very gentle, but not in like a soft, vulnerable way. After the events of re2 & 4, this girl is done. I don’t really know how to explain the fact that I think re6 Ada would be physically gentle In a relationship, you just have to get the vision.
Emotionally, not so much. Not because she wants to be rude to her partner, she just needs to get her points across. You do something wrong? She’s cutting straight to the chase and having a serious conversation with you about what you did and why it hurt her, and then she just goes on with her life.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Depends how close you two are. Just getting into a relationship, been in a relationship for a few months, or are her best friend? Probably one hand around your neck for a second or two. More into the relationship? Probably a loose hug, you know she means well, she’s just not best at physically showing it. Her hugs are almost refreshing though, not too rough but you understand that she’s trying to be nice or comforting. 
The two of you are just normal friends or aquatints? Yea, you’re not getting a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Confusing or not, she’d probably be saying it only a few months into the relationship. She does want to wait longer for marriage, but she doesn’t want to put you under the impression that she doesn’t care for you because of that preference.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) She only gets jealous for valid reasons. I mean, she has a whole other life outside of her everyday life, so who is she to get jealous over something like a man flirting with her partner. Especially because she knows at the end of the day you two will be back in the house together.
But if she’s jealous, she’s again, pretty blunt about it. Someone doing something that annoys her? She’ll simply go up to you and say that she has a bad feeling about that person or that she really doesn’t like them and why. After she talks to you about them thought, she doesn’t really care if you still are around them. You have your own life and she has hers, she just wants you to know her opinion.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Her kisses are romantic, that’s why she doesn’t kiss often. She’ll only kiss her partner in private and maybe it’s before they depart from eachother or really just before they go to bed. But not every time she sees her partner. She’ll usually just kiss her partner on the lips, head, or quickly on the neck. She doesn’t mind where her partner kisses her, just as long as they’re doing it in public and not kissing her 24/7.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) I actually think she wouldn’t be that bad around kids. Like, they definitely irritate her, but only if they’re being really loud or doing something completely wrong. Other than that, I think she’d at the most be able to talk to them and protect them if she has to.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Quiet. She definitely wakes up before her partner. Whether they wake up early or later in the morning, she’s up before them. The two of you probably go around the house without any words exchanged for the first few hours of the day. Except for maybe a “good morning,” or, “How did you sleep?” Spoken from either one of you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Kind of the same, quiet. Except this time, the two of you are in the bathroom together, Ada doing her nightly routine, and her partner doing whatever nightly routine they might have. Ada would read a book in bed, waiting for you to go to sleep first before she does.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Oh my. A long time. A very long time. If you think otherwise, we played different resident evils (somehow). I don’t think I need to say much about this one if you know Ada’s character, this is probably a self explanatory question. I do think she reveals it separately though. Like if she knows something you don’t, and you’re struggling on that thing(whatever it is idk), she might reveal what it is and how she knew. Only if ya’ll are CLOSE close though. If not, good luck?
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) To be honest, Ada is kind of a smart ass. She can probably mask any sort of anger with sarcasm, unless she’s really mad. Then she’d probably just talk to you about it, but I already mentioned that. I don’t think she’s angered that easily, she’s a smart woman, very smart. She can get through tough and irritating situations without becoming exasperated.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) A lot, almost everything. As I’ve basically mentioned throughout this whole template, Ada is super smart. She’s not just going to let details about your life fly right past her. She remembers everything, mostly just on command, but sometimes because it could be useful knowledge or just some kind of well said (or maybe not said well said that she wants to use against you) point.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) She likes when you two stay up late, lay together on the couch with a glass of wine, just talking. Talking about anything really, nothing specific. <3
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Pretty protective, but only when you need it. I’m pretty sure I already said this, but, if she knows you can handle yourself in a certain situations, she will probably leave you be. But if she or even you know that whatever you’re doing could probably get you hurt, she will probably come in to protect you. 
She herself doesn’t mind being protected, but she is stubborn about it, so if you protect her, you better have a damn good reason.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) A lot. If she loves her partner, she’s going to put effort into things like gifts and helpful tasks. No matter how many times her partner might say that she doesn’t need to buy them something expensive, changes are she’s still going to. She specifically likes buying her partner jewelry.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Uhhhh. She has a lot, haha. Probably her worst noticeable one is that she’s a tease. If her and her partner are on a mission and her partner is struggling with someone that she knows, she’ll help them, but only by giving them intricate hints that’ll only be pertinent later in the mission. That or if you ask her a yes or no question, she’ll probably respond with “maybe,I don’t know. Or do I?”. Even though it’s how her personality is, Ada views this as more of an automic reaction. She says that she’s tried to help it, but it’s no use.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Very. One might argue that Ada is already very pretty, but why do you think that she is. Probably because she spent a lot of her time focused on her looks. She doesn’t project her insecurities on to her partner, or really anyone else for that matter, but, it’s still there. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Nope. She wouldn’t feel incomplete, just sad. Depending on how far into the relationship you two where is the factor on how long it will take her to recover. She’s able to stop caring (or at least mask how much she cares) pretty easy so even if you two were years into the relationship, don’t expect her to be running back because she’s unhappy about you leaving(or vice versa).
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) If she isn’t busy, she might ask her partner to do her makeup. Even if they’re really bad or really good, she enjoys the effort.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Someone who isn’t as mature or her, someone who is really overbearing, someone who can barely take care of herself (cause she’s always going to be on missions, so unless your helping her, you better know how to take care of yourself), or someone who is really (like, REALLY, lmao) sensitive(sorry..). I don’t think I need an explanation for my answers. (I’m almost done writing this, I see the horizon🥹)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Ada can never fall back asleep once she wakes up. She accidentally wakes up in the middle of the night? No more sleeping now. Even if her partners with her, she just can’t fall back asleep.
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Can I request just a fluffy headcanon of Nozel's normal day of being a dad of 5 kids, and the husband of a optimistic wife?? Btw, I love you se much!! Been here since the beginning and I am so proud of how far you are right now, I love you and thank your for everything!
Oh hello Anony hehe (♡˙︶˙♡)
Yes to dad! domestic! Nozel. This is just so cute. Thinking of him having a big family warms my heart.
And what? here from the beginning? Thank you sm.. ily (。T ω T。) I'm so blessed for readers like you, I hope you're still here when I post this fic because thank you for waiting for such a long time ♡
I'll make this extra fluffy since it's the last request in my inbox hehe.
Characters: Nozel Silva x F! reader ft. 5 kids
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You have no idea how it happened and here you are, with your 5th newborn child. I mean, you always saw yourself having a child or children with Nozel but 5? you never imagined that.
But when the first one came, you both loved him so much, you decided to try for another, and then a third and truth to be told, 4th was kinda and accident and five was... a surprise.
But well, since your husband loved all of them dearly anyway and after the second one you both were already pretty used to everything anyway, so you wouldn't have it any other way.
Your husband never fails to amaze you every single day. How he could juggle all his works and duties AND be there for all of your kids and you, was beyond you.
After your third child was born, you retired as a magic knight and became a full time mother. Nozel was initially a little grumpy he couldn't get to see you at work anymore and a teeny tiny jealous about you being able to be with the kids ALL THE TIME.
but he knew it was for the best and he had 110% confidence in you bring your children up perfectly.
There are days where he doubted himself, wondering if he was enough as a husband and a father to all 5 kids.
Days where the kids start to go through their stages in life and disagree with and disobey their father, and he was really hurt deep down.
Thankfully he married an optimistic wife like you, being his personal cheerleader, confidant, advisor and best friend. Holding him when he needs you and just giving him the love and attention that he needed.
Sometimes you joke that you have 6 kids, Nozel was your first and big baby. hehe, he always acted like he was not, but low key he loved being your baby too.
You love watching your man on a day to day basis honestly. He woke up in wee hours of the morning, and he would get himself ready and then he would slowly wake the schooling kids up.
Slowly calling them, patting them, just being patient with them as they grumbled, cried and snooze until they finally got up.
The servants would help the kids get ready, but Nozel would always insist that they learn how to wash up and dress up themselves. Nozel and you would step in to help if they had any difficulty like buttoning their buttons or tying their laces.
The servants would help do their hair make them breakfast.
Nozel would make it a habit to eat breakfast with you and the kids. Then he would drop them all off at school and he would head to work.
He would also pick them up unless he had to work late or if he was out on a mission. Else Daddy Silva would always be there on his mercury eagle to pick all of them up.
Nozel would make sure that they cleaned up and have a fresh change of clothes before having dinner. And no this dad wouldn't allow the servants to pick up after his kids.
"Put your bag down in your room neatly and get changed." he would gently and sternly tell them.
Being the super smart royal he was, he would help his kids with homework but as they grew older, he would get a professional tutor to come help them.
He would also spend time with the other younger children that didn't have school and play with them for a bit after dinner.
Sometimes it would be doing colouring, or even playing some sports or games, or even a tea party. You were surprised that this royal would sit at the little table with his daughters, sipping "tea"
bedtime was just as chaotic as morning, because your energetic monkeys were harder to get into bed that to get them out of it.
Sometimes Nozel had to give them a little scolding before they would cooperate and behave. But well, daddy always had his way of handling his kids.
After the last child was tucked in, he finally had time to get a quick shower and finally hold and cuddle you, washing all of his stress away. You were like his charger, replenishing all the energy he needed.
Of course you always had to compliment what a good job he's done and that you were always thankful and grateful for him.
On days where he had to work late or had missions that he couldn't come home, he was so worried for you. Before he left he would sternly tell the kids to not give you any trouble, else they would get it from him when he was back.
He would also try to listen to his kids talk, whether it was about something non-sensical or really just something that wouldn't really matter, he would listen and give sincere advices and answers. He respected his children and wanted to be more involved in their childhood in whatever way he could.
During the rest and off days he had, he would always have some kind of plans for the kids. Going to swim, beach day, park day, theme park, museums, whatever you could think off. Every activity is a learning experience for his kids.
He wanted his children to have a memorable childhood partly because of the guilt he felt with Noelle.
And also because he knew that one day they would grow up and they would have their own lives and wouldn't be too keen on having a family day out anymore.
Of course once a month, a day would be reserved just for you only, he would put the kids with aunt Noelle, aunt Nebra and uncle Solid.
Sometimes they go to the Vermillion household or sometimes he would enroll the kids in summer camp. Well partly because he wants the kids to be strong and learn to be independent and another part because he knew you both needed a break.
Thinking about all the things he's doing in 24 hours makes you admire your husband greatly and you would always remember to tell him. Once in a blue moon, you would send all the kids away and just let him have a rest day and you'd treat him like he was king.
You have no regrets having a big family with this man but if anyone asks about child number 6.. you'd tell them you're good with this, although you know your man would not object.
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nogenderbee · 28 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕙𝕦𝕤𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ daily anon request: REQS ARE OPEN??? THAT QUICK😭😭
Can i have some headcanons about wxs kaito being your newly wed husband :33 HES SUCH A GREEN FLAG OML‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥
(gn reader hehe)
Also, what fandom has the most requests? You write for alot of stuff and i think pjsk is ur most requested no?
-daily! Anon
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Awwwh yeah!! I swear I'm always so stressing on VS ToT But I hope I got him right?
And yeah, it's definitely pjsk that's mostly requested... like, just look at the 2nd Masterlist of VBS and WxS when other fandoms aren't even in the middle of finishing first ToT except for OM! But there's still way less requests and simply more characters...
Anyway! I hope you'll somehow like what I wrote ^^
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ WxS!KAITO is such a gentleman~ he heard about many traditions and his first thing to do, is carry you bridal style!
✧ but if you want to carry him bridal style... I'm afraid he won't agree unless you're wearing a suit... he just doesn't see it right for the one wearing dress to carry one in the seat bridal style...
✧ but if that makes you pouty, he'll let you do that second just to make you smile!
✧ he has honey moon planned 3 months prior, and trust me, man is so nervous...
✧ he was afraid you'll think it's too calm or too adventurous so he ended up planning both, amusement park attractions and restaurants, as well as walks for nice balance
✧ he also doesn't want to ruin the mood too so it's most likely he'll tell you about all the plans when you two are sleeping in bed after long yet happy ceremony as he plays with your hair or caresses your head
"I don't want to overwhelm you, so I thought we could start off with small restaurants? I don't want to stop dating you despite having ring on my finger now..."
✧ if you two never lived together before marriage but just spent little sleepovers here and there, he's gonna be a little bit nervous about making you uncomfortable but it's just for few days!
✧ he's rather observant, so he quickly makes a note of most things and soon is acting more comfortable around your shared house
✧ he's morning person, so there's a high chance you'll get to taste his cooking right from the morning!
✧ I want to believe he's a malewife... so even if you want to take care of housework, he'll most definitely help you
✧ when your little time to cherish each other is done, he'll definitely tell other WxS!Vocaloids about how happy he is in this relationship! And Miku is the first to blurt it out by accident
"Hey~ Miku told me you couldn't sleep last night out of emotions. Do you really think I'm that cute when I sleep~?"
"Well- Yes... of course you are~ There's no more beautiful person than you are."
@bleachtheidiot @hayillaaaaaaa @wabatle - come get your soft gentleman~
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indefinitely-sealed · 1 month
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Greetings, greetings! At the behest of my two very very good friends @cosmogone-spectacles and @peliginspeaks I have finally made my own sideblog for Flondon :) Do keep in mind I will likely be doing a lot of character work, for the most part, simply because I have been sitting on a lot of them for a long time now and I am simply too fond of them hehe.
My main account is @luckybird7765 and you can see my main Fallen London account here. Feel free to send a calling card!
Character introductions beneath the cut -
Primary Skills: Watchful; Monstrous Anatomy / Artisan of the Red Sciences / Disco̷̱̭͂̊̔̔͂̾̈͜ŗ̶͔̳̤̎͛̐̍̊̓̀̾̅ḑ̷̝̘̹͚͔̝̼̜̳͔̺͉̹͋̓̏͆͠a̷͈̹̟̘̥͈͙̠̞̫̪͘ņ̵̧̢̥͈̞̼̮̭̺̳̹̜̘̀̐͗̃̉̄͂̎́̆̉̇̕͝͝c̴͔̣̜̫̭̠̿͒̇è̸̢̓̿̽
Captain Reginald 'Ren' Haarsink, 36 (though who can say when the year never marches forward), a longtime academic in the corresponding arts (specifically speaking, the interactions between correspondence and forms of zee life, but he has branched into its medical uses too) is one of those stranger looking fellows, more eagerly described as a 'creature' by most not used to the Neath's wilder denizens. He cannot help but be immediately identifiable by the fins that he has (and, if you look even closer, gills as well!) in place of ears, and the scattering of scales upon his skin. No drownie is he, he still appears hale and hearty as much as someone who lives in the Neath can be, but he doesn't really take kindly to the nosy questionings by London newcomers. They were attained in an accident at zee, nothing more.
Haarsink is generally quite a private individual, though he has a well established presence in the academic circles of the reality-altering labs at Benthic University, curiously absent presence in the Benthic University correspondence division despite being apparently quite accomplished credentials that nobody can verify. He is a near life-long Neath resident, having moved to London when he was around 5 years old with his mother, who had had him out of wedlock with a vagrant sailor and needed the freedom that a life in the Neath offered. As such, he is very rarely surprised anymore by what this world has to offer, though he has a very long list of things to dread and fear at his disposal.
He doesn't make friends easy, and doesn't exactly have much of a presence beyond his work in the laboratory that he does not own̶ ̴d̷o̵e̸s̶ ̷n̸o̵t̵ ̶o̷w̴n̵ ̷d̷n̵͎̞͌̈́̀ ̵͕͌͆d̶͕̎̕ǫ̵͖̈e̵̬̘̯̓͒s̷̬̗̹͐͛͑ ̷̳̝̕͝ņ̴͓̅͘͜o̷̤̿͊͂t̵͔̔ ̷̞͈͐ẁ̴͈̺̇̚n̷̩͕͛̑ ̸̳͕̈́̂͛d̴̼̓.
To those who know him, he has a loyalty far too fierce for mere words, and a streak of caring that goes beyond what any sane person would want. He also has the focus and stamina to push to get what he wants with his own two hands, no matter what.
He has committed crimes against reality itself. Parabola as a whole hates his guts (inasmuch as it can, it tries) for what he has done to it, leaving him with no Parabola-altered dreams, no reflection in a mirror that is not of him burning to death. The Dawn Machine would blast him to ash if it were able to reach him. His own lungs have twisted themselves inside out and stretched his throat in unlawful geometries for the blasphemies he has spoken with them.
He dreamed once that he could become a god in his own right. The worst part is that he nearly succeeded.
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He is also my silly fish and my soggiest little meow meow. He lives in a big snail shell by the zee and his favorite food is ship biscuits. He absolutely refuses to wear a shirt unless strictly required (though whether that is because he hates the texture or if he is simply THAT proud of his chest tattoo is anyone's guess). He can contain multitudes, after all.
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Not on speaking terms with one D. T. Oversol (@cosmogone-spectacles) , owing to some previously mentioned crimes against reality having been inflicted directly upon himself. Would be friendly with one Dola Hallowrove (@peliginspeaks), except the other crimes against reality were inflicted upon them as well, and that could get a little awkward to discuss.
(anyways. god knows i have far too much stuff on him at this point, it's actually quite a relief to be sharing it somewhere at last <3 )
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 7 months
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Animate Bonus Drama CD "Unchanging Feelings" Eng translation
Anyone happen to know where content that is probably under the title of 「土方さんの習字について」 comes from? Found it saved in my Nimble file in both JP and CN... and I have no where idea it came from. It's short exchange between Hijikata, Souji and Kondou.
Anyway, this translation is of the Hana no Shou Animate Bonus CD 「変わらぬ想い」. I actually had this on my to-do list for a while since I'm pretty sure I don't have any Iba content that's longer than two sentences (well, I'm at least pretty sure about that?)... but I just never got around to it (or a number of other drama CDs that I want to have translated...😅). Suppose it helps that I got discouraged (again) from translating the Shimabara Disturbance drama's first track as I have to go and review some videos to fill in the gaps where text is missing for that... and doing this felt like less work despite how it felt like a pain to do.
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enjoy~? Almost didn't make it because I had a hard time with one sentence...
Hakuoki Shinkai Animate Bonus Drama CD "Unchanging Feelings"
Translation by KumoriYami
Iba: As expected, the Shinsengumi's training is strict, but I also feel that the time spent has been very meaningful. And practising with the officers has been exhausting.
Toudou: Oh, isn't that Hachiro? Have you come to train?
Iba: Heisuke-kun! Yes, I've just started to rest now.
Heisuke: Speaking of which, you really do seem to like our training.
Iba: I'll take that as a compliment.
Heisuke: How was the training?
Iba:There are many people who use different techniques and styles, and it's a great learning experience. I accidently got carried away and sparred with everyone many times. If I don't properly rest, I feel that my body won't be able to keep up.
Toudou: That's because Hachiro is very popular. There are many members who want to train with you.
Iba: Truly, I'm very happy.
Toudou: That's right! Who did you train with today?
IbaL Shinpat-san was my first opponent. He's as strong as ever.
Toudou: Shinpat-san is very strong.
Iba: If we were in a tsubazeriai*[references at end], I would be the one to lose, so I tried to prevent that from happening as much as possible.
tsubazeriai can be used to describe a situation where two swordsmen are very close to each other where they both try to push forward. To simplify this would be to say that they are is when they are in "neck-and-neck" competition."
Toudou: But Shinpat-san would definitely charge ahead without any mercy, right?
Iba: Precisely.
Toudou:If that happens, it feels you'd get supressed right away. It truly feels good to know that he's companion.
Iba: That's true. Ah, after that, I sparred with Saito-kun.
Toudou: Oh, how was that?
Iba: Saito-kun's iai has great value. That being said, there's no time to think about that during training.
Toudou: Hajime-kun and Shinpat-san aren't the same when it comes to strength.
Iba: My own training is insufficient.
Toudou: Hehe, then I can't lose!
Iba: Heisuke-kun still hasn't changed at all.
Toudou: You say that, but isn't it the same for Hachiro?
Iba: Me?
Toudou: That's right, it's just like that time, as long as Hachiro showed up at Shiekan, you and everyone would engage in matches.
Iba: Yes, I previously used to train a lot.
Toudou: As long as someone challenges you, you'd accept accept it.
Iba: Isn't that the same for Heisuke-kun? Didn't you Shinpat-san used to have some pretty wild fights before?
Toudou: Ah, I miss those. They were the sort that didn't end unless someone collapsed.
Iba: Of course, the two of you were both over your heads/stubborn.
Toudou: Even though I really got beaten until I collapsed, we were scolded by Hijikata-san.
Iba: Even if we try to console him, he wouldn't listen at all.
Toudou: It's because it feels like Shinpat-san's physical strength is endless, that his attacks are relentless.
Iba: I know how you feel. It's because we know the other party is strong that we fixate on not losing.
Touodu: We surprisingly haven’t changed at all.
Iba: Indeed, even back then, Toshi-san was obsessed with victory and defeat.
Toudou: Why are you bringing up Hijikata-san now?
Iba: When mentioning things that haven't changed, the first person that comes to mind is Toshi-san.
Toudou: Hachiro, you've really admired Hijikata-san for a long time.
Iba: Yes, Ithis hasn't changed since then.
Toudou: Hey, what exactly is so good about HIjikata-san? Not that I hate him or anything.
Iba: Toshi-san is a very good person. Not only is his swordsmanship excellent, but I was attracted to his character.
Toudou: Like how/For instance/example?
Iba: For example, he's very strict but is still treats us with love.
Toudou: Love!?
Iba: On one hand, he has resolute and unwavering beliefs, but he simultaneously has a weakness to cute things.
Toudou: Was there such a thing?
Iba: Even his ability to not drink is quite charming.
Toudou: Haha, I get that!
Hijikata: Tch, you guys, what exactly is it that you know.
Heisuke: Hijikata-san?!
Iba: Tosh-san! We were just talking about Toshi-san.
Hijikata: Yeah, I figured… I could hear uncomfortable subjects from afar.
Iba: Toshi-san, you you like to talk about this too?
Hijikata: What do you want me to say?
Iba: Of course, about how outstanding Toshi-san is.
Hijikata: Spare me. Furthermore, it'd be too embarrassing if the other members heard this so please stop.
Iba: Is that so. That's a pity. Since Toshi-san has said that, I won't say anymore.
Hijikata: Geez, you. Also, Heisuke! I'm not bad at drinking!
Toudou: Ah, I get it. (Hijikata walks away). That scared me. Hijikata-san has seriously good ears, I don't know he always appears when he's mentioned.
Iba: That aspect hasn't changed at all.
Toudou: That's right. Who knows when he started listening/when his ears became so sensitive.
Iba: Hey, Heisuke-kun.
Toudou: What is it?
Iba: You, Heisuke-kun, who has since been learning from everyone else and going in the same way since the beginning/Everyone, including Heisuke-kun, who used to be shrouded in obscurity is now in Kyoto as the prestigious Shinsengumi, and I became an Okuzume. Although we're not in the same position, we all serve the shogunate. Thinking of about it all this way, always feels incredible.
Toudou: Ah, that's right.
Iba: What's wrong?
Toudou: I mean this hypothetically, but what if you questions about where you fit in/belonged?
Iba: Eh? Do you have questions about where you belong?
Toudou: Yeah.
Iba: If I had any questions, then I would be not be questioning where it was that I belonged, but myself.
Toudou: What do you mean?
Iba: I have my own beliefs about the work I do as an Okuzume. Because of that, I often get anxious about whether or not what I do is useful.
Toudou: I see. So Hachiro also feels the same way.
Iba: Yes, I have thinking of this especially lately.
Toudou: I've been thinking about some things lately. the people who've been joining the Shinsengumi, and how it's changed. In the future, when these changes become bigger and bigger, will I be able to think as I do now?
Iba: Heisuke-kun...
Toudou: Sorry, I said something weird.
Iba: Ah, no, not really.
Toudou: Forget about what I just said. It's almost time for me to go on patrol. I'll be going!
Iba: Oh, Heisuke-kun! Wait a moment!
(Heisuke runs off)
What happened to him? Ah? Toshi-san! How long have you been there?
Hijikata: Ah, you noticed me. I was just passing by. By the way, is that guy Heisuke, okay?
Iba: Ah, Toshi-san is also worried about Heisuke-kun? That's why just now.
Hijikata: We've known each other for a long time so it's hard to not notice any changes to him. Although I've been trying to keep more of an eye on him lately, that guy's been worrying about something by himself all the time.
Iba: So that's how it is. Although Heisuke-kun seems to be thinking about a number of things, I think it's best to leave him to think to himself.
Hijikata: I see.
Iba: It's fine. If Heisuke-kun really has a problem, he has a trustworthy comrade beside him.
Hijikata: Trustworthy is it, well, maybe so.
Iba: Speaking of which, Toshi-san, do you had questions about where you belong after that?
Hijikata: What, why are you suddenly asking about this sort of thing.
Iba: It just came to mind. Of course, just hypothetically.
Hijikata: The moment I suspect that the Shinsengumi is over, I think it's my responsibility to prevent that situation from happening.
Iba: : Even so, if one day the Shinsengumi really changes, and if that sort of thing really happens, will Toshi-san be able to stay the same as before?
Hijikata: As long as Kondou-san and I are alive, the Shinsengumi will not change. But if change happens, then I won't change, regardless of how large the changes are around me, I just need to stick to my beliefs.
Iba: As expected, Toshi-san is indeed the same Toshi-san from before.
Hijikata: What are you saying.
Iba: It's so great that I met Toshi-san, I've been attracted to you for a long time.
Hijikata: Hey, that's why I asked you to stop saying such embarrassing things for others to hear.
Iba: Really? Is it something embarrassing?
Hijikata: You haven't changed at all. How is it that I can be so interesting to you?
Iba: Of course that's because I respect Toshi-san.
Hijikata: As you wish, but, just don't mention this sort of thing in front of the other soldiers.
Iba: Ah, I understand.
Hijikata: Then I'll be going first.
Iba: Ah, please Toshi-san, I'll be going back to training, so please accompany me!
(The current situtation is very turbulent,but even if everything changes, the ideals I have in my heart will remain unchanged. The guidance he gave just now, has clearly been engraved into my thoughts. I will just believe in what you said, Toshi-san.)
Hijikata Toshizou: Miki Shin'ichiro
Toudou Heisuke: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Iba Hachirou: Miyano Mamoru
image was taken from suruga-ya
note to self: maybe use an audio translator to check over that line when Iba first mentions the Okuzume... not sure about that part since the translations of the differing tls I use are very different in that part.
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jamimix · 2 years
Ain't this just a Dream? (Part 5)
SAGAU x Creator! Reader Sorry if this chapter is shorter than Xiao hehe
The Alcor has been on the sea for the past 2 weeks now. Roaming around, looking for treasures and such. They’ve come to accept the fact that they can only wait for your return. Still, it’s noticeable that none of the crew are as lively as before.
Good news though, it seems that their life at sea has become much luckier. No one getting sick on board, no accidents, no storms, or tsunamis. Of course, there are still some danger lurking around, but it wasn’t as life threatening than what they usually have to deal with.  They’ve called it a blessing from you, protecting them despite not being with them. Beidou couldn’t agree more.
Even so, today’s waters seems to be calm. Maybe a bit too calm for her liking.
“Captain!” Came a hurried call from one of her men. “We found a portal of some sort in the surface of the water. We can’t seem to steer our ship away from it!”
She ran to where her men pointed at, gritting her teeth in worry at the sight of it. Its size is undoubtedly bigger than the Alcor. Dark as the ocean and yet calmer than its waves. It made sense why they didn’t take notice of it so quickly. It didn’t seem to suck in anything from the environment, only her ship.
“The wind is silent. I’m afraid we have no way of avoiding this.“ Kazuha spoke up, worry lacing his tone. Beidou was able to briefly look at him before the ship suddenly lurched forward, making some stumble and even fall.
“Damn it! Everyone release the-“
Beidou wasn’t able to finish her sentence as it was already too late. The portal itself moved closer to her ship while simultaneously pulling it in. Everyone can only watch in horror as everything around them grew dark…darker… and darker.
It was silent for who knows how long. That is, before they are greeted by stars above, eliciting gasps from everyone. And to their shock, the ship seems to be floating in literally nothing. The dark void beneath them made Beidou quickly order everyone to stay away from the edges, not wanting anyone to fall off. Terrified as she is, she can only try to save a brave face for her crew as realization seeps in the longer she looked around.
“Is this… the Abyss?”
And there on the horizon, is a castle glowing amidst the sea of darkness. Their ship, out of their control, was already heading towards it. They can do nothing but hope for the best.
“Your grace, the number of monsters in all of the nations have been reported to have reduced. We suspected that-“
“You think I don’t know that?”
The offended glare and sneer that his God threw made Zhongli flinch ever so slightly. Lucky for him, they didn’t comment on it. He silently cursed himself for offending them, even though he really didn’t mean to.
“…I’m sorry, your grace. I- We merely wanted to say our thanks for keeping us safe from them. For sure, you’ve worked hard to keep them from hurting us.” He kept his eyes down on the floor, never meeting the other’s unless he wants his vision gone too. There’s no need for another horrible incident to happen. He was the one tasked to scrub a certain ginger haired Fatui’s blood off of the floor.
“I even brought you some of the finest wine for you, Osmanthus wine. I hope it’s to your liking, your grace.”
A maid came forth and poured their grace, with their silent permission, a glass of it into an elegant looking wine glass.  There was silence as they merely glanced at the beverage before looking back at Zhongli with a bored face.
“You may leave.”
Once he left, the maid watched as their god brought the glass close to their lips, a look of disgust present as the taste touches their tongue. They quickly brought it away from their lips, snarling as they let out one word.
The maid could only close her eyes and hold in a squeal as the wine glass was thrown to the wall besides her, glass shattering everywhere. Luckily for her, none of the shards managed to hit her. Unnoticed, their ‘god’s’ eyes briefly lit up green, wanting to make sure that none of it would.
“Leave it. Go away and make sure to tell everyone not to bother me.”
“Y-yes, your grace!” She bows in respect before hurriedly leaving, feeling their grace’s eyes watching her every move. The moment the door closed behind her, their ‘God’ waited for a few moments before sighing, letting their face relax into its neutral state, sagging onto ‘their’ throne as their eyes lit up, staying green.
With magic, not a shard of glass on the floor was left, but perfectly wine glass now sits on their hand, not a sign of imperfection on it. Briefly, a reflection similar to their own appeared on its surface before fading away just as the green on their eye did.
They saw you smiling. And it made them smile too, even if it’s a small one.
“When are you coming back to me, (Y/n)?”
“How are you, your grace?”
“I’m fine. Please do stop calling me that. It gets old, you know? Just call me (Y/n)”
Beidou nodded, huge smile on her as you then continue to greet those still on the ship. Earlier, much to their surprise, confusion, and relief, you greeted them on one of the castle’s balcony, waving your hand at them enthusiastically. The moment the ship stopped moving, quite close to where you stood, Kazuha and Beidou were quick to join you. Most of her crew are now making sure that the ship is taken care of before they move out of it to this new place.  
“Ah, before I forget, how long was I gone for?” You turned towards Kazuha, head tilted, curious. If you remembered correctly, a month in the Abyss would be a day in Teyvat.
“Two weeks. Even the winds couldn’t tell where you went off to.”
“Huh, interesting…” Considering you’ve been here for only 7 months, it seems that the time difference has been halved. Is it because of your presence here? It probably wouldn’t take long before it’s gone if you stayed even longer.
“(Y/n)? Are there people out there with you?”
A voice called out from the balcony door before it opened. Out came Lumine whose eyes widened at the sight of the ship and the people with you.
She was just gonna call you out to eat, but upon nearing your location, she heard muffled voices that are certainly not from you. She was expecting anything but this.
“How did-”
“You.” Beidou, with lightning fast reflexes, reached towards Lumine and caught her in a headlock, ruffling her hair almost aggressively. “Came in here solo with our grace? You didn’t even left a message or anything.”
Trying to escape her hold was futile, so after a short while, Lumine just gave up, giggling as Beidou stopped and pulled her into a somewhat sisterly hug before letting her go. A feigned stern expression on then grew on the captain’s face, one that she learned from a certain Tianquan, as she spoke.   
“I do believe we you owe us an apology?” Lumine shrugged, a mischief and happiness lacing her tone as she spoke with a smile on her face. “I’d like to but... I finally found my brother!”
Beidou and Kazuha froze. It took the two at least a minute to process her words before congratulations were thrown. They are genuinely happy for her, it was the reason for her travels after all.
“What’s taking you guys so long? Paimon’s food is going to go cold!”  Out came Paimon and a new face looking so similar to Lumine’s.
“Aether won’t let Paimon eat yet without you and- Captain Beidou?! Kazuha?!”
“Paimon and… is that your brother?” Beidou asked, more for confirmation. Lumine quickly took her place besides her brother who nodded at her words.
“I’m Aether. It’s nice to finally meet you all.”  Aether greeted, smile gracing his face. Beidou couldn’t help but feel that his face looks very very familiar. Though, not because of his twin sister.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Kaedehara Kazuha and this is Beidou, captain of the Alcor.” Ahh
“Heh. I didn’t know you were triplets” Beidou teased. The four of them started interacting with one another as you and Paimon listen in from the background. You weren’t at all forgotten, they tried to include you into their conversation, but you declined, content with what you’re currently doing. I’d be nice if the two twins can talk to someone else other than you and Paimon, who also shares the same sentiment.  
Though, after some time, you all heard a loud roar coming from someone’s stomach.
“Can we please go eat now?? Paimon is really hungry!”
(~Tag list~) @thevictoriousmoon /@kazuhira07 / @nishayuro / @oxyotl / @lilqi / @scooterscoob / @xiaosimpdamn / @irisxiel / @emperatris-rinaka / @notmapple / @mackerelchuuya / @revysworld / @revelintales / @wonderlace19 / @beta-being-a-simp / @junthesuperhero / @cucum-bro / @goldendreamer1819 / @shadow-00 / @mprouno007 / @fandangotales / @sanghyuksgasolinestationscream / @tanspostsblog / @multifandomvoyage / @milkierei / @ashiiiiiiiiiii / @liladoesfanfics / @peter-the-pan / @bubblyjoonjoon / @bajifairyy / @xinii / @otakutrashwrites
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Sorry. I have no idea why I couldn't tag some of you aisndnisndni
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Bela Dimitrescu lactation fic
Okay, so I’ve gotten a few requests to do one for Bela and I love her T^T Let’s get into it!
Bela had always been so… Motherly towards you. It’s just in her nature.
Much like Alcina, Bela has an insatiable need to nurture which is part of the reason you make her so happy.
She reminds you of important deadlines, makes sure you eat and drink, and is pretty much the only person who can calm you down when you’re upset.
You have developed a bit of separation anxiety when it comes to her. You can’t fully relax unless she’s with you.
Bela really wants to take care of you on a more intimate level. She already thinks of you as her baby, but she also wants you to think of her as your mama. In her head, she’s been calling herself your mama for a couple of months, but hasn’t dared to say it out loud.
One evening as you cuddle with her, she kind of lets it slip by accident.
You were in the middle of telling her about something you’d accomplished that day when it happens.
“Wow, baby. Mama’s so proud of you!” She giggles… And then realizes what she just said. She doesn’t say anything for a moment, hoping you won’t comment on it. When she manages to look over at you to gauge your reaction, you have a huge blush on your face.
“Hehe…” You laugh nervously. Why did you enjoy it so much when she called herself your mama? It makes you feel so safe and loved.
“I’m s-sorry, Y/N. I, um, don’t know where that came from.” She lies.
“I… Didn’t mind. It was nice.” You say quietly.
Bela’s eyes snap to yours. “Y-you really liked it?!” She asks in disbelief.
Your face gets redder but you nod your head. You were always honest with her.
“Oh, Y/N…” She coos and lies your head on her chest. “I’ve been wanting to ask you about this for a while… I just didn’t know how to bring it up.” She says and runs her fingers through your hair.
“Hmm? What do you mean?” You ask her as you close your eyes in pleasure from the head massage.
Bela sighs. “It’s just… I would like for you to think of me as your mama. But only if you’re comfortable with it!” She clarifies.
Your head shoots up. “R-really?” You ask in astonishment. You would love nothing more. Maybe that’s why you were so clingy with her?
Bela giggles at the hopeful look on your face. “Yes, baby.” She says.
You happily bounce up and down. “Yeah! I want you to be my mama!” You say.
Bela feels her eyes well up with tears. She loves you so much and you trust her. She’s honored. “Well… There is one thing I’ve always wanted to do for you…” She looks away, feeling a little shy again.
You tilt your head at her in confusion. “What is it?” You ask.
Bela takes a deep breath and looks at you. “You know how you always need mama to remind you to eat and drink?” She asks with a knowing grin.
You flush, but nod.
“Well… There’s a way I can do that a lot easier, now. I think you might like it.” She says.
“Yeah?” You ask.
“Yes, but you have to trust mama, okay? She knows what she’s doing. Deal?” She asks you and cups your face.
The more Bela refers to herself as your mama, the harder it is for you to remain in an adult head space. You find that it’s much easier to nod right now instead of answering with words.
Bela smiles as she sees the shift in your demeanor. “Oh, there you are, baby. Hello.” She says, speaking softer to you in your little space. It’s like meeting another side of you. She kisses your cheek, enjoying how absolutely precious you are like this.
Bela begins to unzip her dress and take her bra off. She had been preparing for this for weeks by taking supplements. Her body had begun producing milk a few days ago. Her breasts were aching, so ready to feed you. Thank goodness you two talked about her taking on the role of your mama finally. She hoped you would be open to this as well.
You’re very confused about why she is getting undressed, but your mama said to trust her, so that’s what you’re going to do.
“There we are.” Bela says and tosses her bra away. She props herself up with a few pillows. “Come here to mama, baby.” She says and holds her arms out to you.
You laugh and happily crawl towards her.
“Good job, lovey.” She smiles and kisses you on the cheek. She positions you so that your head is lying next to her chest. “Alright, open your mouth, baby.” Bela instructs.
You furrow your brows but do as she says.
Bela giggles at how unsure you are before she lifts her right breast and places her nipple in your mouth.
Your eyes grow wide in surprise.
Bela gently runs her fingers across your cheek. “You’re okay, baby. Mama’s got you.” She soothes. “Can you drink for me?” She asks.
You hesitate for a second before you begin to suckle. To your shock, sweet beads of milk hit your tongue. It tastes so good! You start to suckle faster in hunger and are rewarded with a stronger flow of milk.
Bela gasps in relief at the feeling of you eating. The warmth of your mouth on her nipple is heavenly. “Great job, lovey. Mama’s so proud of you.” She praises and smiles down at you. She gently rocks you in her arms and you have never felt so at peace. Bela calms you like no one else can. She’s your life. In fact, right now, she’s the only thing that exists.
Bela’s love for you has grown impossibly larger. You’re her precious little one and she will do anything for you.
Bela begins telling you stories and the sound of her beautiful voice is gently lulling you to sleep. You also enjoy the feeling of her chest rumbling as she talks. Everything about her is washing all of your worries away.
“Are you getting sleepy, baby?” She asks you.
You give her a tired smile around her nipple and nod your head.
“That’s my good baby. Go on right to sleep, little one. Mama will be right here when you wake up. I love you, Y/N. So much.” She tells you and kisses your head.
Your suckling slows down as you fall asleep, but it doesn’t completely stop. It’s comforting to have something to latch onto in your sleep.
Bela lets out a contented sigh, eager to see what new experiences await her now that this next chapter of your relationship has begun.
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sumimikyo · 11 months
Barbie Legacy Challenge
  Sims 4 Barbie Legacy Challenge
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Hey you,yeah you right there are you bored and have nothing to do?,do you like sims, i mean you’re here after all,do you like Barbie? And do you like a good challenge? Well do I have a challenge for you : 
With the Barbie movie finally out as well as the ranch update out,I figured this would be a good time to introduce the Barbie Legacy Challenge,I have been working on this challenge since the announcement but never knew where to take it but I think I have finally found the groove,without further ado I present to you the challenge, rules and rundown,hope you enjoy. 
Please don’t get discouraged with the amount of generations, the requirements are not as difficult as they sound.
(Oh and if you do this challenge please use the tag #BarbieLegacyChallenge (i will try to come up with a new tag hehe) )
Please note: 
Due to this challenge being based off of Barbie the heir’s will be women but if you would like to do guys as well there is nothing wrong with that.
If you do not get a female sim within the set amount of children you have the option to change their gender in create a sim or simply keep trying until you get a girl.
The descriptions at the start of each generation are not always what has already happened but also what will happen and the storyline you are to follow.
Rules : 
Each Generation is not required to wear pink,only the first generation. (But if you want to do all pink you can)
Each Barbie’s clothing style must represent what they are. (eg, This Barbie is an Artist must wear creative freeing clothes,for eg overalls with paint on them etc.)
The first three generations are to live in the Barbie Manor but you can move the siblings out as they will be irrelevant but you must leave the first generation Barbie until she passes away.
The race of the barbie does not matter as barbies can be any race.
Each generation of Barbie sims do not have to be named barbie (as that can be boring),if you wish to keep the name Barbie you can make it their last name, e.g Alyssa Barbie.
If the job is not stated you may get a job to maintain some sort of income (specifically the first generation)
The Barbie Manor must not be touched after Gen 3 Barbie moves out and Gen 12 Barbie moves in.
Money cheats may be used when buying the first home or just use freerealestate cheats.
You can adopt any animal you want unless specified otherwise.
Unless specified you can live wherever you want.
Keep lifespan normal unless you truly wish to lengthen this challenge.
You may cheat to change the gender if as stated above you cannot get a female sim with a specific occult trait or if you are just having dumb luck and only get a football team full of boys.
The sim may move out as early as teenagehood unless stated otherwise.
Now onto the generations :
Generation 1 : This Barbie is a Horse-back rider
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This Barbie comes from a long line of farmers who haven’t won a horse back riding championship since her great great grandmother.After the recent loss of her parents due to an accident after their business failed and they became bankrupt she sought out to become the Best Rider in Chestnut Ridge, buy back the Barbie Manor (64x64 lot,you can create it or get it off the gallery) and restore its Legacy.With only the clothes on her back,their family horse and 1000 dollars to her name she is determined to make things right.
 (Must start out with 1000  (after placed in home)  simoleons and move into the small lot within Chestnut Ridge but if you want a challenge you can start off with no money and house)
(Until she moves into the barbie manor must have the lot trait/challenge, Simple living,Great soil and Homey)
Traits : Horse lover,Active,Ambitious
Complete the, “Championship Rider Aspiration.”
Master : Horse-back riding,Gardening and Fitness skills
Master : horse’s temperament,agility,endurance and jumping
This Barbie must win competitions with 2 different horses and breed two of them to make a horse for the next generation.
Must make money by any means eg. painting,nectar making,farm animals,gardening odd jobs,fishing etc but cannot have a set job
Must get married when she is halfway to becoming an adult,her partner must have a well paying job to help with the funds
Have a secret romance with someone but cut it off after getting married
Can have as many children as they want but the youngest must be a girl to be the heir of gen 2.
If you haven’t gotten the funds to purchase the Barbie Manor by the time she is almost an elder you may cheat money to get it
Generation 2 : This Barbie is a Vet
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Growing up alongside horses made this Barbie fall in love with animal care and wishes to learn how to help animals as a vet while simultaneously owning their own clinic.This Barbie on her time off from work is a serious jokester going about cracking jokes and pulling pranks whenever she can.
Traits : Animal enthusiast , Goofball , overachiever
Complete the, “Friend of the Animals”
Master : Pet training,Veterinarian and Comedy skills
This Barbie must have horses, coops ,sheep ,goats and chickens (basically the whole farm ranch aspect)
She must also live in the Barbie Manor with lot traits Dog Friendly and Training grounds while having her clinic elsewhere
Must marry someone from the city
Due to being a jokester this Barbie would often go to clubs and crack jokes,she will meet her husband in the nightclub and have children (can choose how many)
Generation 3 : This Barbie is an Artist
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This Barbie loved living in the country,the surroundings made their creative genius shine.They chose to sell their paintings from home,go to the city for busking while also to experience the city life her father came from.
Traits : Creative,Art Lover,Erratic
Complete the, “Painter Extraordinaire.” Aspiration
Master : Painting,Violin and Piano skills
Have 2 cats
Must marry their third lover who is a superstar and convert them from a superstar to a farmer. (just stop posting and their fame should fade away or do something to let their fame die down (eg being mean)
Move to a house somewhere in Chestnut Ridge with a lot trait of Natural Light and adopt a horse
  Have 3 children,one from each lover. (can choose who to be heir)
Generation 4 : This Barbie is a Star
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Growing up this Barbie always hated the country and wanted to be in the spotlight like their father/mother was and once they became a teenager moved out as a teenager to the city until they made enough money to move to Del-Sol-Valley to pursue their dreams of being a celebrity.
Traits : Self Absorbed,Proper,Materialistic
Complete : World Famous Celebrity
Master : Charisma,Acting and singing skills
Start off with simple media production by making media videos
Then apply to the acting career
Have a pristine reputation by the time you are nearing elderhood
Become a five star celebrity
Have 2 children after marrying a fellow celebrity and neglect them by hiring a nanny 
 Have a strained relationship due to work (youngest is the next heir)
Generation 5 : This Barbie is a Mother
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As a child this Barbie’s parents neglected them and their sibling with a nanny which made the two take care of each other.Due to this this Barbie gained the love for taking care of someone especially when their parents sent them to see their younger cousins.This made this Barbie strive to be a loving mother and have a big family.
Traits : Family Oriented,Neat,Socially Awkward
Complete, “Big Happy Family”
Master : Parenting,Knitting and Cross Stitch skills
Move to Copperdale as a young adult with the lot trait Good Schools and On Ley Lines and adopt a dog
Marry their highschool sweetheart
Have 11 children (the middle child (6th) will be the next heir) and successfully send 5 children to college on a scholarship.
Generation 6: This Barbie is a Mermaid
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Due to growing up in a big family as a child this Barbie always wanted to be alone somewhere on the beach and have her own life instead of constantly being stuck in the middle of all family affairs in her life.As a child she loved reading and always had an infatuation with mermaids and felt a calling to her from the ocean the older she got,So instead of going to college like her older siblings as soon as she became a young adult she left home and moved to Sulani.
Traits : Child of the ocean,Vegetarian and Hates children
Complete : “Beach life” Aspiration
Master : Wellness,Guitar and Herbalism skills
Must become a mermaid before becoming an adult,use siren skills on sims,befriend a dolphin and as an adult get married to a human and lastly keep having children until you get one that is a full human (note if you get a human on the second try and are willing have one more so the story for the next generation would work)
Generation 7 : This Barbie is a Witch
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Due to being the only other human sim in the family with no mermaid abilities,this Barbie was often excluded from what was called “Mermaid time” among her siblings and mother.This Barbie’s relationship between her siblings were terrible and the one with her mother was strained if it weren’t for her father she would have gone down a separate path but instead chose to make herself special by going to the Realm of Magic.
Traits : Mean,Genius,Hot Headed
Complete : Spellcraft & Sorcery
Master : Mischief and Logic skils
This Barbie must move to Glimmerbrook and have the lot trait of Private Dwellings, master all spells,learn all potions,make enemies with two of their siblings (can use magic on them) and only maintain a relationship with their father.
Must fall in love with a vampire  and have 3 children, the vampire  baby will be the next heir (must be a girl)
Generation 8 : This Barbie is a Doctor
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This Barbie was born into a strange family,confused as to why she had to hide herself from others and why others were afraid of her being a vampire.She was kept hidden in Glimmerbrook until she was a teenager (this made her develop a love for gardening) and began to explore the world slowly.She was a genius and always was fascinated with humans,took pictures of them as memories and wanted to help in the best way she can in hopes of being accepted so she set out to become a doctor and simultaneously pursuing the Master Vampire Goal in hopes of convince humans that vampires aren't a threat.
Traits : Genius,Romantic,Clumsy
Complete, “Master Vampire” Aspiration
Master : Photography,Charisma and Vampire Lore skills
She must Master the Doctor's career and find her true love (doesn’t have to be human)  after failed attempts as an adult.
She will have three failed romantic pursuits ( must be with a werewolf,spellcaster or mermaid) where she will get pregnant by two of them and have the last baby with her true love. (you can choose the heir)
Generation 9 : This Barbie is an Author
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This barbie always loved writing,due to having a colorful family lineage she never stopped being inspired and always wrote books in hopes of being her own author someday and maybe sharing some family stories with the world but due to her head always being in the clouds filled with her own thoughts she lost the ability to be charismatic enough to have a relationship.
Traits : High maintenance ,Unflirty,Creative
Complete , “Bestselling Author” Aspiration
Master : Entrepreneur and Writing skills
Master the writer career.
Sim must get a partner as a young adult,neglect the relationship due to managing work and trying to publish their own books and then get divorced after having a baby.
As an adult they will get remarried and have more children,this time maintaining the relationship.
Generation 10 : This Barbie is a Chef
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Due to being a famous authors child,this sim has read a plethora of book genres,despite her mothers wide variety of books to entertain herself she was always interested in cook books,blogs and shows.This was the push needed for this Barbie to set out to become a chef and baker,they want to own their own bakery and restaurant.
Traits : Foodie,Bookworm and Perfectionist
 Complete, “Master Chef”
Master : Cooking,Baking and Mixology skills
Due to being so busy during their young Adulthood This Barbie never had the time to maintain a relationship long enough to have children of her own. (have failed relationships until she becomes an adult)
So when she became an adult she adopted 3 children of her own.
Generation 11 : This Barbie is a Jungle Explorer
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This Barbie grew bored of helping maintain the family business while her need for an adventure grew more and more day by day.When she finally became a young adult,she expressed her need for an adventure to her mother who encouraged her to pursue her dreams because the family can handle the businesses themself.She set out to Selvadorado to uncover any secrets that she can.
Traits : Adventurous,Non-committal  and Self-Assured
Complete, “Jungle Explorer” Aspiration
Master : Archeology and Selvadoradian culture skills
Due to a constant need of Adventure this Barbie  meets a lot of people on her ventures and has broken hearts wherever she goes due to not being ready to settle down.When this Barbie masters all her skills and Aspiration she will then settle down with someone.
Generation 12 : This Barbie is a Friend of the World
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As a child this Barbie was taught the importance of personal need and to aspire for whatever big dreams she had.Her mother tried to encourage her into all sorts of things in hopes she would find her calling but all this Barbie wanted to do was enjoy her time with many different sims,getting to know their story and then quietly settling down knowing she made an impact in their life.
Traits - Cheerful,Easy going,Insider
Complete, “Friend Of The World” Aspiration
Master : Charisma,Painting and Flower arranging skills
After completing all her goals this sim will settle down with animal friends of their choice in the Barbie Manor
Hopefully you all have fun with this challenge and please let me know how far you reach with the generations and remember progress is still progress no matter where you reached.
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deadlymagicbeans · 1 year
Hi! Can you please write some hcs about Dante and Vergil (seperately) slowly developing feelings for reader, who's their friend and colleague? Can't help it, I'm a sucker for that friends to lovers dynamic 🥺
I really enjoyed your writing style, it's so cute and fluffy and perfect for this kind of stuff! Hope you'll have fun with my request and thank you 💕
*Hey Anon! I would love too! Friends to Lovers is one of my fave fanfic tropes out there (next to enemies to lovers hehe), Thanks for the request! - Bean*
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Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil Friends to Lovers with Reader
*Reader has Gender neutral pronouns*
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Friends to Dante are few and far between, but what friends he does have he cherishes them like his family even though they might get on his nerves a lot (Mostly Lady and her reminding him about his unpaid debts whoops)
So when you showed up one day replying to the ad he put out for an a assistant of sorts to help him actually run his business, he was shocked. just shocked that someone even responded to his ad in first place and even more that you both get along very well.
Dante being Dante, he tends to not open up to someone unless he can trust them fully and knows them for a long period of time. but with you it just seemed so natural.
With Dante's feelings about you it's a slow burn, but he will catch onto what's going on with him after a few months. Him having feelings for his friend? this can't be happening, right? He thinks he's too old for crushes' but here he is like a lost puppy following you around while you do your work.
In the end you'd have to confess as poor old Dante thinks if he did he'd get instantly rejected. but once you let your feelings known good luck getting rid of him as this man will never leave your side after you confess <3.
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Vergil can count on less than one hand how many friends he has, So pretty much none (unless you count Dante, which Vergil wouldn't). So getting to be friends with him is near enough impossible, but look at you, you conquered the impossible.
Like with Dante's version, Vergil would meet you after you start working at Devil May Cry. He thinks nothing of it at first, just another pest in Dante's life he'd have to deal with. Until you approach him one day about the book he was reading, at first he was annoyed his quiet time was disturbed but then you both find out how much you have in common. This makes him conflicted about you which was the first step of you both getting closer.
He's a very very guarded person so when you guys are friends his guard is always still up and ready to bail at anytime but overtime he learns to trust you which can take a long time.
When Vergil started having feelings for you, he notices right away and wants to push those away. They'll only cause trouble over time and as much as he appreciates you in his life he just couldn't put you with the trouble of being with the son of Sparda. So he does the only thing he knows how and that is too push you away.
After a few weeks you noticing him pulling away you confront him on his behaviour, which leads to Vergil accidently confessing to you to shut you up about what was causing the distance. Much to Vergil's surprise and secret delight you accept his feelings. Now that he has you, he just has to figure how a romantic relationship works..
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with-love-from-hell · 9 months
Heyy Storm 👉👈
I hope you're doing better again and that you can get some free time to rest too. I've been thinking about writing comfort headcanons for myself for a Mc with hypermobility but I feel like it'd be even nicer if someone else were to write it for me and I thought of you! Of course, there's no pressure and I won't be upset if you say you don't want to or can't for some reason /gen
My idea was writing smth about how they would try to help/take care of Mc when they get hurt because of their hypermobility, especially Beel and Barbatos for obvious reasons hehe. I do feel like it'd be really soft with Lucifer as well tho, and Simeon!
In case you're not sure about hypermobility, it means (in my case anyway) that I can bend/move my joints more than the average person and my cartilages are softer than usual too. Thus, they are more vulnerable and my joints can get dislocated easier, (I should only use 3/4ths of my strength) and sometimes even just a simple movement turns out wrong somehow and it hurts and click clacks. Especially my knees are a big problem because I struggle walking when they're hurt and they get hurt the most with me, which I do have support bandages(?) for but you'd still see me limping down the street tryna not cry :')
I am in another Lupus flair up, which is why my writing has been scarce, but I'm not flu-ish anymore! I can absolutely take this on, Oji! I'll try my best! (I hope you like it 🥺)
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Mc with Hypermobility
Genre: Headcanons, Comfort Characters featured: Barbatos, Beelzebub, Simeon, and Lucifer Wc: ~ 1.9k Written for a Gn!Mc (you/yours) CW: mentions of disability and injury, some mentions of the boys helping you bathe/clean yourself, a little bit of over-protectiveness
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First of all, don't expect anything less than utmost one-on-one attention, no matter the circumstances.
Obviously he has to serve Diavolo, but after your relationship solidifies, you are on par with his diligence to serving the future king (if not more important to him)
If he doesn't already know what hypermobility is after you disclose your condition to him, he will research the hell out of it to ensure he knows everything there possibly is to know about your condition and your needs, and will ask pointed questions about how your condition affects you as he feels the need to, to fill gaps in his research.
He knows how fragile humans already are, and he is already very careful and cautious about things that will cause you harm, but he can't predict everything (though sometimes it really seems like he can) and accidents happen.
When you do eventually get hurt for whatever reason, he will drop whatever he's doing to tend to you. It doesn't matter what or when or why or how, but he will make you his #1 priority.
Be prepared to be doted on for a very long time. You wont have to cook, clean, or do really anything on your own unless you are very insistent about it. He will even help you bathe unless you draw a firm line with him about it.
He will do what he can to mitigate any pain, and probably try to talk Solomon into finding a cure for your ailment using magic if he can. Obviously, you wanting said cure after it's discovered is up to you and he won't force it on you, but he doesn't want you to have to live in pain.
He will be more than willing to massage you or give you any sort of help with moving, doing his best to ensure he's well educated on the things he's doing to help. If you insist that it isn't his duty, he will at the very least help you get access to whatever care would be helpful in the human world- no matter the cost. (Also expect him to come with to every damn appointment and critique the PT or OT on what they're doing and how it could be better. lmao)
Beel is a very active and motivated demon, so sometimes he forgets that his routines for exercising and other interests, as well as just his sheer strength and size, may take a lot out of a human- especially one who has hypermobility.
Despite the occasional air-headedness though, he always checks in to make sure you're okay with what you're doing when your with him, whether it be walking to a restaurant, helping him with his workout, or even just watching a movie and cuddling.
You are one of two most important people in the world to him, so he tries to be careful when he's doing anything with you, but he's not perfect, and neither are you, so sometimes you'll end up overextending or hurting yourself around him.
No matter how many times it happens or how often you reassure him that it's not his fault, Beel will still feel guilty whenever you get hurt- even if it wasn't involving him at all.
Because of the guilt he feels, Beel will often try to make up for it by essentially making it so you dont have to do anything. Like, ever.
I'm talking carrying you anywhere and everywhere, getting anything you need so you don't have to get up, or even feeding you.
Generally, after you're injured, Beel is extra cautious with you and ensures he treats you especially gently. He will also get very protective, and may even growl at one of his brothers if they are being too rowdy near you.
Expect lots of check ins- especially surrounding food. Are you thirsty? Do you want a snack? Are you sure you don't want a second helping at dinner? Oh, did you want this very specific condiment? He'll grab it, don't worry.
Simeon is already so gentile by nature, but once he learns of your hypermobility, he somehow becomes even -more- gently with you.
Expect him to constantly hover where you are. Not suffocatingly so, but he's always within earshot, so if you call him he'll be at your side in a second.
He knows how dangerous the Devildom can be for any human, but it can be 10x worse for a human with a condition that makes them vulnerable. He has an inherent need to protect you, so he'll try his best to ensure you are safe from harm.
Unfortunately, he can't prevent -everything-, so there will be times where you do over-extend or get hurt. You've had the condition long enough to where you probably know how to handle it, but Simeon will be a difficult person to convince of this.
At first, before learning more about your condition and your needs, he will bombard you with questions of how he can help you. Once he learns though, the actions become second nature to him (You may have to remind him though that consent is important before he tries to pick you up and carry you somewhere lol)
Generally, he will try to be around you more when you're injured. It may take a lot of convincing for the brothers to let him spend the night, or allow him to bring you to Purgatory hall for a few days, but he probably wont take no for an answer and cart you off anyways, as long as you're willing. The brothers can be rowdy, so he wants to make sure you have a respite wherever you are.
He will dot on you lots, and get you anything you could possibly need- and then some. Often he will convince Luke to bake some extra sweets if you injure yourself, and you will always find him trying to do things to make you smile during times where the pain is really bad- like writing you a poem or doing something to make you laugh
Lucifer was already sort-of protective and helicopter-y over you before he would learn of your condition, but after you talk with him about your hypermobility, its going to be near impossible to get rid of him lol.
He tends to mother you quite a bit, and sometimes it can come off as nagging, but he generally does it because of how anxious he is. It might not be lectures, but just small reminders so you don't injure yourself. Ask when you need something in a difficult to reach place. Stretch frequently when you sit in odd positions. Make sure you don't push yourself too hard.
Lucifer constantly has an eye on you if he can. He will insist on doing any homework, projects, or cleaning in his company, though he cant watch you -all- the time, of course.
When you ultimately do get hurt or over-extend yourself, Lucifer's first instinct is to find out exactly where you're hurting, and do his best to tend to the area. His second instinct, though, will probably be to lecture you- especially if something that caused the injury was preventable with one of his many...many... reminders.
Despite the bit of callousness he may display when lecturing you, he will immediately take on a nurturing role afterwards.
Don't expect to really have to do anything. Often times you'll find he's already done the things that needed to be done. Any homework or projects will magically be finished, any chores or cleaning will be done with no mention of it, and there will always be plenty of your favorite snacks, desserts, and drinks within reach, even before you know you want them.
He will also neglect his own work to spend time with you when you're recovering or in any pain. He will distract you by playing a round of chess, or playing some music for you- either on one of his records or live in the music room. He will either constantly be in your room, or constantly have you in his. He wants to make sure you're as comfortable as possible.
He will also do any personal grooming for you if you allow him. Whether it be bathing, getting dressed, brushing/combing/styling your hair- any of it. He is more than happy to tend to pretty much any of your needs.
He may be a bit dictator-y about your time and activities while and just after you've been injured though. He will scold his brothers when they are too rowdy around you, and try to prevent you from getting involved in any of their activities out of fear that you may get hurt again.
His over-powering attitude toward your care can sometimes be annoying, but it definitely comes from a place of worry for your wellbeing. He hates seeing you hurt or in pain, and wants to prevent it as much as possible.
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punsmaster69 · 8 months
at some ungodly hour, i woke up on the couch, papyrus sitting beside me.
i tried to get to the kitchen and snag something from the fridge without waking him, but he hopped up the second i set foot in the kitchen.
"...'sup, paps. sorry to wake you."
"i'm good. pretty hungry, though."
"they're gone?"
closed, open.
open, closed.
"..literally knocked my lights out, huh? weird."
"vision's the same."
in the light of the fridge, i could see him anxiously fidgeting.
"i feel fine, so you should go back to sleep."
"just gonna eat and then.."
"..well. can't say i'm very tired anymore, so i guess i'll just hang out. watch tv or something."
"ok. you want me to grab you anything while i'm here?"
he shook his head.
paps quietly observed me the whole time, but i don't know what for.
kept opening his phone, typing to someone.
"who else is up at this hour to be responding to you?"
"wanna see if she wants to hang out too? that way we can all be nighttime losers together."
"Wh-why are your eyes off?!"
"dunno. woke up with 'em stuck."
"Hi, Papyrus."
they exchanged a series of looks whose meanings were lost on me.
"..so whenever you're done with the staring contest, there's blankets here for you, alphys.
"Oh- um, yeah. S-sorry. Thanks, Sans."
"This is show is (very) fake, Papyrus."
"what, you don't believe in aliens?"
"I do! What I 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 believe is that they'd visit Earth to draw circles in farmland and steal cows."
"Totally ridiculous."
"maybe they wanna make their own farm."
"But why the crop circles?"
"i'm not one to judge someone's artistic medium."
"What meaning do those hold??"
"that's crazy talk."
"I guess that could be true."
"Still, weird place for it."
"maybe they buried treasure."
"All of this is crazy to begin with."
tori called me, hearing from papyrus that i was awake now.
we got off-topic quickly.
"i think my shirt has a hole in it."
"Would you like for me to lend you another one?"
"...i'll just sew it at some point."
"Hehe, okay. If you say so."
"What a shame, I was looking forward to finding the most embarrassing thing in my closet for you."
"the previous time was intentional?"
"..No! I do not know why you would ever think that."
"i feel less bad about that skeleton-hand shirt, now."
"What a shame it is for you, that I like it so much."
"I have been wearing it to bed as pajamas, since it is not quite appropriate for my little ones to see."
"probably for the best."
if flowey saw it.. my cause of death might suddenly change from 'unknown illness' to 'botany accident'.
"You are sounding a lot less drained today."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"yeah, way better."
"I am glad to hear that."
"Is your eye feeling better, as well?"
"they, uh, don't hurt, anymore...?"
"But, something is different?"
"nah. they're all good."
"If they are 'all good' as you say, you would not mind turning on your camera, would you?"
i stared at the enable camera button on my phone.
it stared back.
"totally bones out-"
"ribs in the open air-"
"You mentioned your shirt a mere moment ago."
"So unless simply talking to me over the phone was enough to make you strip..."
"Please show me your eyes."
damn it.
"...Please, uncover the camera."
"it's not covered. must be broken."
the disappointment was loud. i slid my finger off the camera.
"this doesn't hurt, at all."
"my sight still works, and-"
"Does that not hinder your ability to express emotion?"
"like i did much of that."
"Sans, a monster's ability to express themselves is one of the most important things they could lose."
"they'll come back. i'll survive without 'em for a while."
"Have you tried doing it manually?"
"Can you use magic to return your pupils?"
"Please, just try."
had a slight ache in my skull before, but it felt like it got a little better all of a sudden.
"Without your pupils, you have quite the threatening energy about you."
"oh. ..yeah."
"It is nice to see your expressions again!"
"guess i'll keep doing this, then."
"There is nothing else I should be concerned about, is there?"
"that's it."
"It is easier to tell whether you are being truthful or not!"
"nevermind. i'm turning 'em off."
"Do not!"
"don't need an automatic lie detector on my face."
"It is so nice to see you look my way."
"..if you turned on your camera, i'd have more to look at."
".....Then, give me just a moment."
after about a minute, she returned.
"I apologize. I had to find some pants."
"no worries."
tori turned on her camera.
i waited in anticipation as it loaded.
her fur was slightly ruffled, which she also said sorry for.
"I hope you do not mind too much."
"not- not at all. it's cu-"
"uh, looks. looks good."
"You are also looking good, for a skeleton sitting in bed right now."
"thanks. guess that's why they call it beauty sleep."
"It must be!"
she stared at me intently, as if trying to memorize my features.
"you're not gonna forget me that quickly, right?"
"Forgetting you would not be easy. I simply wish to have your image as fresh as possible in my mind."
"..You cannot stare back!"
"why not?"
"I am appreciating your candid face."
"...it's hard to stay that way when you're looking at me like that."
tori leaned even closer to the phone.
i covered the camera.
"I suppose I should go back to sleep now, anyway."
"Good night, Sans."
"goodnight, tori."
"I care for you very much. Please be safe."
"i ..care for you, too."
i stared at the blank phone screen for a while, replaying the call in my mind.
my soul felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest.
eventually gathering myself, i reentered the living room to join papyrus and alphys.
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
omg speaking of male ocs/reader . i just wanted to share about this One trope that got me CRAZYYY is secret relationships... the one's where aaron and oc are like pretty much dating but are trying to keep it a total secret from the rest of the team because #professionalism.... but they keep making little slip ups bc they're just so in love 😭😭 i think its just SOOO CUTE 😭😭😭
N THIS ONE SCENARIO THATS STUCK IN MY HEAD is like oc ended up sleeping over at aaron's place then in the morning his phone rings. but male oc doesn't realise that it's AARON'S phone (and not his) so he answers half asleep. but then on the other end of the line is another team member who's like "oh sorry- thought it was... i must have dailed the wrong number- wait... 🤨🤨" then male ocs like HORRIFIED and aaron soon wakes up to the sound and he's also SHOCKED but he tries to put on his #serious professional gruff voice and coming up with some excuse like they drank last night and then dozed on the couch or smth 😭😭 then subsequently aaron n reader have to keep defending themselves by saying it was just a #bro activity and that's they're just Bros n nothing more
my god... just thinking about how cute aaron is when he's flustered 😭😭😭 like how he has the 🥺 eyes but tries to cover it up with a 🤨😐🙄 "i don't know what you're talking about . can we talk about work now". LIKE the episodes when the team teased aaron when he was going out w beth My GODDDD HES SOOOO ADORABLE WHEN HES IN LOVE 😭😭😭😭 like his boyish grin n the way his face crinkles... i cannot deal with this
- 🤲
yesssss i LOOOVEEEE secret relationships sooo much, especially when it's like cute lil gestures during work or getting each other coffee n kissing when no ones around or cuddling at work bc they have to share a room and no one's gonna know <33 (unless one of the team happens to burst into the room bc they think aaron or the oc is in trouble somehow 🤭🤭🤭 and sees them snuggled up on the bed all cute 🤭🤭🤭 as they're holding their gun bc they think they were gonna find an unsub with them or them missing but noooo they're just wrapped up allllll cute in each other's arms 🤭🤭🤭)
OUGH I LOOOOOOVE THAT SCENARIO!!!!! heheh i love the idea of penny calling and being like "hey sir i- wait a moment i thought i called- no i know i did bc he's on speed dial so that means- oh my GOD you and boss man are CANOODLING" and oc/reader is just like "nonono i accidently slept here!!" n she's like "WHY WERE YOU THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE 🤭🤭" and aaron wakes up n takes the phone and is like "he came over to help me with jack and we drank a lil now we're asleep on the couch" and idk if she'd do this fr but maybe penny can track the phone real quick and she's like "then why does it say you're in the bedroom rn 😏" LMAOOO and bless them they're just trying sooooo hard to brush it off!!!
"we're just brooooos man bros gotta cuddle the homes sometimes!!!" 😭😭 it'd be lowkey so funny if oc is just like "don't you think aaron deserves a cuddle or two, guys? it ain't gay i swear man he's just in need of some love from the homies yknow. hey morgan maybe you should snuggle him next-" "absolutely not" "-i'm sure he'd love that! he just needs some loving, man" LMAOOO
and yesssss they'd tease his sooooo much <333 he'd get all flustered bless him and it'd be adorable and he'd be wanting to tell everyone they ARE together bc he wants to show oc off sooo much and give him work smooches and just be like "yeah this is MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" bc he's soooooo cute and in love but for now he just gets used to the teasing from the team (dave and penny mostly, but sometimes emily and spencer catch him off guard) hehe <3 it'd be like that scene where rossi looks at him once and just KNOWS he got a date with beth or something hehe and he goes "attaboy 😏" after he confirms he has!!! OUGH i neeeed him to smile like that at the thought of dating me SO MUCH and for rossi to be proud AHHHHH
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and just the idea of a male oc making him all smiley and goofy and happy again <33 he kinda becomes how he used to be again GODDD like he's just happy again GODDDD 😭
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also i currently have like 5 male oc's written up for him (like fics planned out or ideas for it) LMAOO they're all mostly from when i was in the fandom in 2021 but i wanna go back to the ideas sooooooo much 😭 and i made a new one a few days ago for a lil one chapter fic i wanna post hehe, it's so dramatic tbh but seems to also end in smut LMAO so hopefully i can get it out sometime 💪just need to write aaron being gay without it being reid or morgan amen (even tho i LOVE hotchgan)
thank you sm for the ask hehe <3
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. Christmas. I give you my love.
Christmas was so busy this year that MC was already fed up.
She visited the fair with Gilbert, played with children who were acquainted with the prince. Then she invited Gilbert home, treated him to homemade cake, and afterward they went to a Christmas party together.
Even though the girl spent time with the enemy prince, she had fun.
However, it didn't end there.
To make amends and heal the prince's wounded heart, MC made a lot of cookies.
Gilbert: You think you can just give me food when I'm in a bad mood, don't you?
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Gilbert: Do I look like such a simple guy?
MC: ...I hope so.
MC: If you don't like it, you don't have to eat it, right?
She wants to take the cookie, but the prince won't let her.
Gilbert: Do you want this country to be destroyed?
MC: Um... Don't say it smiling.
Gilbert eats, there's no way his hand is going to stop.
He's already eaten a lot today. The girl wonders where all the food goes.
Gilbert: Anyway, you gave me another Christmas present. I have to repay you.
MC: It's just an apology. A token of my appreciation.
Gilbert: Yes, it means you can no longer accept gifts from me.
Gilbert: That hurts me.
She had to accept the gift.
He asked MC to hold out her palm to him. Covering her palm with a linen rag and conjuring, he removed the rag. The girl had a dagger in her hand.
(However I look at it, Master Gilbert's magic is amazing.)
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Gilbert: To tell you the truth, it's my favorite gift.
The handle of the dagger was studded with angular black stones. It's the same stone as the one in Gilbert's ear.
This scene reminded me of an episode of The Bodyguard (1992)
Gilbert: It's not an accessory, look.
Gilbert pulls the dagger from its sheath and cuts the linen cloth tossed in the air.
The cloth cut in half was drenched in blood.
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Gilbert: It will cut right through.
MC: And now you want to give me a dagger?
Gilbert: I've been worried for some time because the court is full of mindless beasts.
Gilbert: Look, you've been in a lot of danger already, haven't you?
There's no denying it, she's seen blood a couple of times. That's the price of friendship with an enemy prince.
Gilbert: Convenient in that it can be used not only to kill, but also to threaten. Ah, shall I teach you how to use it?
Grabbing the girl's hand holding the dagger, the prince pointed it at her throat. One mistake. And it will be irreversible.
MC's hand and weapon trembled.
Gilbert: You have no power, so aim here.
MC: ...I don't think I'll ever get the chance to use it.
Gilbert: Why not?
(Master Gilbert won't allow "those who would hurt me.")
Gilbert helped the girl every time she was in danger. At any rate, her body would not be harmed.
Because the "ever-victorious marshal" always wins.
If that is true, she will never be harmed again, unless by accident.
And the only one who will hurt her and on whom the dagger can be aimed is Gilbert himself.
MC realized that this gift was so she could stand up to the prince.
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Gilbert: Hehe, you're really smart, aren't you?
MC: .... Did you think it would give me pleasure?
Gilbert: Because you don't want to be at my disposal, do you?
Gilbert: I thought that if you had a weapon against someone who took advantage of your weakness, you'd feel a little calmer.
But the girl refuses the gift. She doesn't want to hurt the prince any more.
(Violence, however, is not the only way to escape control.)
Gilbert is stunned.
MC: If you feel guilty about dominating me and show me mercy, I'll be glad to get along with you.
MC: There's no need to threaten you with a dagger or kill you.
MC: I'd rather capture Master Gilbert's heart than appeal to his conscience!
MC: I'm going to show you what it means to be truly in control.
Gilbert is silent. The girl becomes embarrassed.
Gilbert: In short...
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Gilbert: A trick?
No, she knows he's not buying a simple trick like that.
Gilbert: I can't wait to see how you can control my mind/will rule my heart.
From his face, she understands that he didn't believe her. A little hurt, the girl wants him to be able to consider her a "little threat".
The disappointment seems to be reflected on her face. Now Gilbert feeds the girl a cookie. She takes a bite of half, he finishes the rest. The prince wiped the corners of MC's lips with his cold fingers.
Gilbert: Well, it's a long way to go if you're stuck at this level.
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Gilbert: If you want to dominate people, don't let them take the initiative. You have to turn the situation your way.
The prince licked his finger that had touched the girl's lips before.
MC was being teased now, but she promised herself that she would repay him.
This time she lost, not daring to look him in the eye.
The dagger was useless.
Repeating the trick, Gilbert turned the tip of the weapon into an obsidian rose.
This gift made MС feel more positive.
Best dialogue 😂👏🏽👏🏽
Gilbert: Right? I did my best to carve it, okay?
MC: Yes, that's right, you carved it......
MC: .......Carved?
Gilbert: Yes, I did.
МC:  ........By whom?
Gilbert: By me.
MC: ......
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Gilbert: Think of it as me and take good care of it, will you?
(I... I feel I won't be able to stand up to this man for the rest of my life.)
A prince who is extraordinarily dexterous with his hands, eats a lot, knows how to control people...
Gently clutching an obsidian rose, she decides to reach Gilbert's heart.
Gilbert's Masterlist
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