#unless i already did? in which case they get multiple posts on my blog as they well deserve
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festival of the four winds means i get to see my favourite unnamed sylvari again
Solitary Sylvari: I wasn’t expecting to see anyone else up here!  Come to admire the view? Commander: It’s beautiful. But.... how did you get up here? I don’t see a mount. Solitary Sylvari: Oh, I climbed. Well, first I swam out here, THEN I climbed. A couple of close calls, but nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy, is it? Commander: True enough. Still, that was quite the feat. Why undertake it? Solitary Sylvari: Mostly to prove to myself that I could. I was one of... I’m sorry, listen to me going on when you  just came up here to take in the view. Commander: Oh, I don’t mind. Please, go on. Solitary Sylvari: Well, I was one of those who...responded to Mordremoth’s call. All these years later and I can still hear its echoes in my head. I’ve found that by pushing myself, I can quiet them for a time. Commander: I’m truly sorry. I hope you find peace someday.
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FAQ: read before submitting
a note re series: I am more than happy to queue up an entire series on request! if this is what you want, please indicate that explicitly in your submission, especially in cases where the first book in a series and the series as a whole have the same title. otherwise I need to ask for clarification, and it slows down the process of getting your submissions queued up.
where do I submit books?
here. before you submit books, though, please check the list of books that have already been posted or queued. (note: if you’re using the mobile app on an Android phone, you may have to copy the link into your browser in order to access it.)
when submitting multiple books, please submit all of them in a single ask so it’s easier for me to keep track of, especially if you’re submitting them anonymously. also, please include the author’s name!
what counts as having “read” a book?
did you finish the book? then you’ve read it. if you did not finish the book, you have not read it.
do audiobooks / having a book read to you count as having “read” a book?
do you think you’ve “read” the book? then you’ve read it. I’m not here to police your experiences or your relationships with physical books / ebooks / audiobooks / whatever.
does [graphic novel / manga / manhua] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, a book is a prose narrative, so graphic novels and other visual media with text do not count as “books”.
does [“novella” / “novelette” / short story] count as a “book’?
if a short story was originally published in a single issue of a periodical, in a multi-author anthology, or as part of a single-author collection, I will most likely not accept it unless it has subsequently been published as a standalone volume of more than ~75 pages. if you submit a text where this applies and you think it should be accepted anyway, please elaborate on why with your submission.
however: if a short story was originally published in the form of a standalone volume (i.e., not as part of a collection of texts), then yes, under normal circumstances that counts! I don’t care if it was a 10-page pamphlet or a 1000-page behemoth: if it was first published on its own, including as an ebook, it’s a book.
you can see my more detailed guidelines for short fiction here (link is to the sci-fi poll blog, but the principles are the same).
the one exception is things like (e.g.) The Fellowship of the Ring, which is explicitly the first volume of a single, larger book — in a case like this you would submit The Lord of the Rings, rather than its component volumes.
I encourage you to submit short fiction to @have-you-read-this-short-fiction even if it’s not eligible here!
does [short story collection] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, no, unless the stories are linked into some kind of overarching whole. simply sharing a common setting does not qualify (so Le Guin’s Tales of Earthsea would not count as a “book”).
what about [series] as a whole?
no. this blog is asking about single books. feel free to submit multiple books in a series if you’re so inclined, though!
what counts as “fantasy”?
if you think something should count as fantasy, feel free to submit it. I haven’t read every book, and I have a flexible definition of the genre. there are, however, limits to my flexibility — if you send me The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (real, incomprehensible example I’ve seen on a list of “fantasy” recommendations), it’s not getting posted.
if you send me a liminal fantasy like Haïlji’s The Republic of Užupis, especially if it’s not easy to determine from reviews or online information that the book has a fantastic element, it would be helpful if you indicate what aspects of the book mark it as (broadly) fantasy.
note that I am definitely willing to include works of science fantasy like Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb books. I will not accept Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern books. they’re science fiction, and I will die on this hill.
what about sci-fi?
there’s a blog for that. :-)
does it have to be in English?
no! I read a number of languages and would be more than happy to include books in any language. the demographics of tumblr mean that you’re probably unlikely to get an overall “yes” result for something not in English unless it has a very popular English translation, but I’m always happy to help publicize stuff — and maybe get some book recommendations in the languages I read. :-)
you can see links to all the language tags on this blog here.
could you add more options to the polls?
I’ve considered multiple possibilities and seen many different arrangements of options on different poll blogs, and I’ve concluded that I want to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible, so I will be sticking with just yes and no.
why don’t you include blurbs for the books in these polls?
there are both practical and ideological reasons for this. tl;dr, it’s a lot of work, presents logistical problems for books not originally published in English, and there are books and authors that I categorically don’t want to promote beyond showing people the cover.
check the #faq tag for additional questions and answers.
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FAQ: read before submitting
a note re series: I am more than happy to queue up an entire series on request! if this is what you want, please indicate that explicitly in your submission, especially in cases where the first book in a series and the series as a whole have the same title. otherwise I need to ask for clarification, and it slows down the process of getting your submissions queued up.
where do I submit books?
here. before you submit books, though, please check the list of books that have already been posted or queued. (note: if you’re using the mobile app on an Android phone, you may have to copy the link into your browser in order to access it.)
when submitting multiple books, please submit all of them in a single ask so it’s easier for me to keep track of, especially if you’re submitting them anonymously. also, please include the author’s name!
what counts as having “read” a book?
did you finish the book? then you’ve read it. if you did not finish the book, you have not read it.
do audiobooks / having a book read to you count as having “read” a book?
do you think you’ve “read” the book? then you’ve read it. I’m not here to police your experiences or your relationships with physical books / ebooks / audiobooks / whatever.
does [graphic novel / manga / manhua] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, a book is a prose narrative, so graphic novels and other visual media with text do not count as “books”.
does [“novella” / “novelette” / short story] count as a “book’?
if a short story was originally published in a single issue of a periodical, in a multi-author anthology, or as part of a single-author collection, I will most likely not accept it unless it has subsequently been published as a standalone volume of more than ~75 pages. if you submit a text where this applies and you think it should be accepted anyway, please elaborate on why with your submission.
however: if a short story was originally published in the form of a standalone volume (i.e., not as part of a collection of texts), then yes, under normal circumstances that counts! I don’t care if it was a 10-page pamphlet or a 1000-page behemoth: if it was first published on its own, including as an ebook, it’s a book.
you can see my more detailed guidelines for short fiction here.
the one exception is things like (e.g.) The Fellowship of the Ring, which is explicitly the first volume of a single, larger book — in a case like this you would submit The Lord of the Rings, rather than its component volumes.
I encourage you to submit short fiction to @have-you-read-this-short-fiction even if it’s not eligible here!
does [short story collection] count as a “book”?
for the purposes of this poll, no, unless the stories are linked into some kind of overarching whole. simply sharing a common setting does not qualify (so Yoon Ha Lee’s Hexarchate Stories would not count as a “book”).
what about [series] as a whole?
no. this blog is asking about single books. feel free to submit multiple books in a series if you’re so inclined, though!
what counts as “sci-fi”?
if you think something should count as sci-fi, feel free to submit it. I haven’t read every book, and I have a flexible definition of the genre. there are some limits to my flexibility, but as long as it is set in the future, has some kind of futuristic technology, is set an an alternate timeline, or includes other non-realist phenomena that are explained (pseudo)scientifically, I’ll probably consider it sci-fi.
I’m a bit more ambivalent about older texts — I tend to think that something like Lucian’s True History (for example) can’t really be meaningfully said to be science fiction, for all that it involves space travel. once we start getting into early modern philosophical novels like More’s Utopia we’re on somewhat firmer ground, but really only in the nineteenth century do we start getting things I would unequivocally consider to be science fiction.
note that I am definitely willing to include works of science fantasy like Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb books or Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality, as long as there’s clearly sci-fi stuff going on along with the magic.
what about fantasy?
there’s a blog for that. :-)
does it have to be in English?
no! I read a number of languages and would be more than happy to include books in any language. the demographics of tumblr mean that you’re probably unlikely to get an overall “yes” result for something not in English unless it has a very popular English translation, but I’m happy to post the poll anyway — and maybe get some book recommendations in the languages I read. :-)
you can see links to all the language tags on this blog here.
why don’t you include blurbs for the books in these polls?
there are both practical and ideological reasons for this. tl;dr, it’s a lot of work, presents logistical problems for books not originally published in English, and there are books and authors that I categorically don’t want to promote beyond showing people the cover.
check the #faq tag for additional questions and answers.
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lethalityandlustmoved · 7 months
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Welcome to my blog! Peek under the cut for more information. Yes, it’s required reading.
This blog, while 18+ due to all themes associated with the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss franchise, is completely NSFW-free. I am willing to write threads that mention NSFW topics in detail, but I will not roleplay the act itself.
I am not selective at all! My only rules about who I interact with are that they cannot be minors (less than 18 years old) and that they need to give me something to work with in threads. You can write as many paragraphs as you want, but if you don’t give me something substantial to keep writing with, I cannot continue writing with you.
I would prefer if personals did not interact unless they have a roleplay sideblog, state that clearly in their blog description/pinned post, and (if they have multiple sideblogs) specify which they are intending to roleplay with. Personals are completely free to follow, however!
My memes and open starters are open to everyone, even if we haven’t interacted yet or we already have a thread! I prefer to start threads with memes, though, so please specify if you would like me to write a drabble instead.
I am on mobile and therefore cannot trim posts. If this is a problem, then I apologize, but I cannot do anything to fix that fact unless my partner is not on mobile.
This is a sideblog! Follows and follow-backs will come from @kottonkandykiller. I do have multiple roleplay sideblogs, so feel free to choose which one you would like to interact with. All asks will be on anon and I will tag my sideblog in the ask.
I’m a busy person, but rest assured, I’ve seen your reply/ask. You can absolutely nag me for replies! Sometimes I forget, sometimes I don’t have the energy, but you aren’t being annoying if you send me a reminder. In fact, please do!
I am most active on Saturdays and in the evenings on weekdays. I’m on Pacific Standard Time, and typically sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 10 am (on weekends). I get home from work anytime from 4 to 6 pm on weekdays.
I currently tag whatever I think would be triggering as topic tw, but I can tag anything that anyone messages me to tag or have in their rules that they want tagged. I have no squicks/triggers myself, but I may add to this list later on.
The muse is not equal to the mod! In Nikki’s case, his moods tend to fluctuate with mine more than my other characters, and in Zephyr’s case, their gender is affected by whatever gender I most associate with at the moment, but nothing else.
These rules may be updated later on, but for now, this’ll be it.
NAME: Nikki “Neeks” Knockout
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/they
SPECIES: imp/succubus hybrid
SEXUALITY: bisexual (male lean)
OCCUPATION: freelance stripper/mercenary for hire
RESIDENCE: Pentagram City
PERSONALITY: talkative, oblivious, caring, happy-go-lucky, & sensitive.
BACKSTORY: At 13 years old, a Hellhound murdered his parents in front of him. That same Hellhound blinded him in his right eye, broke his left horn off, and scarred him all over his body. He spent a year in the hospital, having his wounds treated, learning to see with only one eye, and adjusting to having only one horn. For 3 years after that, he bounced around from orphanage to orphanage before escaping a year before becoming an adult. He tattooed the left side of his face, replaced his left horn with a prosthetic, and dyed half of his hair black. He made a name for himself as a freelance pole dancer and taught himself to use several different weapons. After surviving for several years comfortably, his luck ran out during the Extermination of 2023. He was blinded in his other eye during the process of protecting another demon from an Exorcist, and while he did manage to kill the Exorcist, he is now homeless and struggling with his new predicament.
nikki knockout’s daily dose [lethality and lust]
try these ones on for size [rp memes]
get a load of this [dash commentary]
the real star of the show [mod hunter speaks]
the real star of the show [mod hunter’s art]
i’m sexy and i know it [headcanon]
this is what i look like when the lights are broken [drabble]
this a trivia game? [askbox]
come one come all [open starter]
i’ll play along for the hell of it [dash games]
it’s goin’ down for real [promo]
you’re just like my favorite song going ‘round and ‘round my head [nikki & raven]
what i gotta do to find a sub who down to choke me [nikki & north]
i can tell you’re shy and i think you’re so sweet [nikki & frosty]
a little death [nikki & angel dust]
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rosesvioletshardy · 9 months
been a while.
Hi, it's been a while.
I want to start off by apologizing for just taking off like that and for what I have been posting (or in case lack therefore of) I understand what I said hurt people. Since then I have been in a mental institution for a couple of days (which you probably already knew before my break). My PCP prescribed me a higher dose (40mg) of my medication. I am still seeing my therapist and I am now also seeing a psychiatrist once every month. I am also on new medication for my anxiety, buspirone, which I take 5mg twice a day (though my anxiety does get really severe at points to the point of an anxiety but I don’t want to seem like I’m a junkie and going after medication, which I’m not). I have since also been laid off because I thought to put my safety first rather than care for the merchandise that was being stolen, but I have had a new job since August and enjoy it more than working in retail. I now work at an optometrist office as an optometric assistant where I not only schedule and make appointments, but I also pretest and bill as well. I enjoy it but sometimes I overthink especially when I make a mistake. Anyways, it does pay a lot better than my last job which does help.
I still don’t feel comfortable in fandoms I was in and I still feel uneasy about going back. I feel a lot more comfortable on twitter than I do on here especially with that fandom, and I’ll try to every now and then maybe reblog something or two. I just feel like the people won’t take me back and still feel very much uncomfortable and I understand that knowing that what I did was hurtful and wrong of me and, like I said, I was going through something that caused me to overthink to the point where I had multiple panic attacks and horrible thoughts that lead me into the mental institution. You can take this as an apology or you won’t, I understand either way. Like I said, I wasn’t thinking not then and looking back I deeply regret and wished and I didn’t overthink and just let it go at that time or just hopefully had someone to talk to that would listen and understand what was going on. I will continue with my side account for him seeing that I do still watch his filmography and I do still love him and is one of my favorite actors but for right now, I might just be mainly on twitter.
Some other life updates other than my anxiety and depression still being out of whack and uncontrollable no matter what I do, I am going to my first hockey game this Saturday in San Jose to see the shark vs the Avs which I’m still shocked about, my brother had gotten my tickets on my birthday as a present and I will try my best to get content from that day. I had also auctioned for TK's NHL debut jersey which I won and I also got a Nate reverse retro that was pretty affordable and cheap with really good quality just in time for my game so RIP my bank account then. 
But other than that I will try to be active as much as I can and maybe get into writing again but I’m still not sure about it because barely anyone reads or reblogs my stuff in general. As for hockey games, I will try to do my best and live blog but I work a 9-5 and I don’t get home until 6:30 pm at the latest so I will miss a lot of flyers, isles, and canes games unless they’re on the west coast and play at a reasonable time for me.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Screwhead Fiction Double Feature: Evil Dead II: Beyond Dead by Dawn Review: Honey You Got Real Ugly (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy screwheads and welcome back to Screwhead Fiction Double feature, my look at some of the Evil Dead Comics. And since we looked at the beginning of Dynamite comics absolute mountain of Army of Darkness comics, it only makes sense to look at another company who tried to do the same thing but fizzled out for a number of reasons: Space Goat Publishing and their first comic following the other half of the license rights for Rami's goretastic franchise, Evil Dead II: Beyond Dead by Dead under the cut
Bad Goat:
Space Goat was what seemed to be a talent agency that worked with other comic companies and what not before branching into publishing. It's clear on some level Shon Bury
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Wanted to do what Dynamite did, use liscened comics as a springboard to get into the game. ANd it worked: from what I can tell Beyond Dead by Dawn was a success and over the handful of years Space Goat published several Evil Dead minis and spinoffs, and they went on to make comics for Terminator and The Howling.
Now you'd likely think that the company simply ran out of gas. Their far from the first comics company to go belly up, nor the first I intend to cover on this blog. For instance if all goes well I intend to start covering the Chucky Comics next year. It's something that happens.
What happened with Space Goat though is far scummier, somehow being both a fairly common story and an entirely bonkers unique one at the same time. I got most of my info and any screencaps from the blog Funk's House of Geekery, which was invaluable and THESE TWO posts. To make a long painful story you can read from someone who actually was there on the ground level short: Space Goat did a kickstarter for a boardgame based on Evil Dead 2. That in itself sounds kickass and were I aware of it I might of backed it as , while I wasn't a horror fan quite yet, EDII is one of the few horror films I saw before diving in deep after seeing IT and one I loved.
I'm glad I didn't as it turned out it was a thinly planned out scam. See after getting the Evil Dead II game backed Space Goat launched ANOTHER campaign for terminator, and fans were understandably uneasy. It's one thing to do MULTIPLE kickstarter campaigns That's fine. Things I love like MST3K, Rifftrax and Team Starkid rely on them , in the latter cases on an annual basis pre covid, to put on shows. But all three are reliable sorts who backers can trust and who have experience and all made good on previous campaigns. Space Goat hadn't done a game before so this was already worrysome for backers. Shon being outed as an abusive shouty mess of a human being didn't help matters.
So not surprisingly it was as shady as it looked: it's theorized that Space Goat did the Evil Dead kickstarter.. but instead of actually making a game, they used the money to get the Terminator license, understandably expensive, and planned to use THAT money to fund both games, and when that went under budget they used it elsewhere and hoped no one would notice. Backers went ignored, infighting started in the comments, things got ugly as they tend to when Kickstarter projects go bad.
Then Shon and co got UTTERLY vile with it by launching a video for ANOTHER crowdfunding campaign to get capital to "expand the business". Which is code for "OH SHIT WE SPENT ALL YOUR MONEY PLEASE HELP US BUT WE TOTALLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG GUYS" no one bought it, and the game sadly went unmade while Space Goat burnt up on rentry as it damn well should.
So the question is even with all the grifting, conning and theivery, is "beyond dead by dawn" any good?
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Honey, You Got Real Ugly Look I don't judge works based on their parent companies. I try to avoid say buying games from Activision and Ubisoft because their companies suck, but at the end of the day most works of art are the product of the artists and companies generally interfere and do harm (with some exceptions) rather than steer every step of the way. Unless a fault with the work is something the company could correct, it's generally not their fault. The comics faults are it's own.
The premise isn't one of them as once again we have an Evil Dead comic that has a really good idea to continue things just not the execution to actually pull it off. Unlike Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes which happened when the franchise was in a coma and wasn't coming out of it for at least a decade, Evil Dead II happened while the franchise was still alive as ever: The soft reboot had come out just two years ago and in what I don't remotely belivie was a concidence, Ash Vs the Evil Dead premiered the same year, and the Army of Darkness comics were still going strong. So the time was right for it, but the problem was unlike Army of Darkness which could just pick up where the films left up a combination of not having the rights to that film, said film having already done that and Ash Vs the Evil Dead planning to do the next thing in the queue, follow ash decades later, meant they had to go another route
The route chosen is pretty clever and spiffy, and takes unique advantage of having things the Dynamite Comics simply don't: Beyond Dead by Dawn follows the deutragonist and fan faviorite of Evil Dead II, Annie Knowby after the film. You may be wondering how as she had a bad case of
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Last time we saw her. Well this comic follows her into HELL. Yes after having to dance around it due to budget, this comic shows us the Evil Dead version of the underworld, where all the swallowed souls go. Annie is free thanks to the evil dead not having time to deadite her, but is outgunned, outmanned and outnumbered.. but not outplanned. She plans to use the kandarian dagger to absorb souls and free her parents souls allowing them and all the other victims of the evil dead to rest.
The outmanned part is still an issue and since this franchise woudln't be the same without him but we can't use him since present day him is busy on TV, Annie uses the necronomicon to create a simuacrum. Granted it's clearly pulling this spell out of it's ass, but I do like it cleverly using the fact Ash's hand is still there after killing Annie and dead after Ash finally kicked it's wrist, and creates a new ash who only has the memories up to getting cut off and isn't happy to be here but helps anyway.
As I said the setup isn't bad: Ash and Annie have to fight through hell and free her parents. But that's when the problems start. Kicking it off we have the fact that hell is BORING. Yes.. .really> hell. That hell. The setting dozens of shows have made interesting versions of> That one. The fire and brimstone. It's not remotely intresting. I'ts just a brown cavern like endless expanse with the ocasoinal fleshy structure while only the demon with the souls in it, which is supposed to be some kind of god looking KINDA interesting nd kinda is pushing it. It's a green thing that just dosen't have the horror or power you'd expect for one of the gods behind the necronomcion. Add in the fact the demons are almost all just red winged guys, which while not ab ad look is generic and you get the problem. You have a wonderful setup for a truly unique evil dead work but no effort put into actually making it feel unqiue. It's generic in a franchise that dosen't really.. do generic.
Each film feels unique, interesting and has awesome makeup and gore effects. 3/4 of the films only have the one setting, the setting is one of the most iconic in horror for a reason, being perfectly run down, claustrophobic and inescapable as if you go within the woods your dead.. but staying inside is just as fatal and Army of darkness gleefully gives us a castle, a dark graveyard, a small shack with tiny people and more to play with. The monsters inside are some of the most awesome looking in horror with the deadites having a simple shriveled up look yet also having some impressive ones like the cellar woman, the giant monster, or evil ash.
This comic just doesn't have that creativity: it's got a creative premise, but it doesn't continue to innovate BEYOND that. A good hook is fine, but you have to be able to bring it WITH that hook or no one's going to care. Say what you will about Ashes 2 Ashes, I certainly did, but it at least had fun set pieces, took the series global and while the first half was weak and off tone, it made up for it. This book just doesn't have the time or patience to really get into things or fine fun things to do. This story could've easily gone over a few minis but for some reason is crammed into three issues. It has no room to breathe and as such chokes; The characters don't really feel fleshed out or like people with Ash literally being a copy of himself and ANnie despite ENDLESS narration, and I do mean it they do not let up for the first two issues, not really growing much beyond the first film and when she does it's because she's apparently soul bonded with ash. Oh yeah they apparently share traits thanks to being bonded. This goes nowhere other than one of the worst pms jokes of all time
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Next up we have tonal issues. Look like last time I get it, it's hard to strike the right ballance with an evil dead proprety. II did such a good job it's hard to match that tone. It's why even if I prefer EDII to Army of Darkness, I didn't mind it going broader or the remake going back to the originals grim tone. Those films have problems sure, but trying something new and exciting isn't one of them.
But you have to HAVE a tone and the comic can't decide if it's an action piece, horror or a comedy. As such the comedy that does show up comes off flat, with said PMS joke.. seriously this was 2015 I can forgive some of the less savory parts of the originals for being of their time but come the fuck on man. This was 2015. Stupid PMS jokes like that shoudl've been on their way out, not in this comic and on modern family. It's a thing that happens not something that turns you into the hulk.
But we also have Annie tryign to find a virigin to stab.. which makes her come off heartless as she's trying to murder someone and the comic didn't make it clear she was just going to.. release the soul later. We also get fat jokes at a guy's expense because the writer of this comic is twelve and his parents shoudldn't of let him see Evil Dead II much less write a comic about it for a get rich quick scheme cleverly disguised as a publishing company. She could just.. ask to kill them telling them they'll be set free but that might be too many steps.
Outside of tone character wise it feels flat. Annie is trying to rescue her parents, but it's hard to tell who she is outside that. The movie did a decent job showing her as an ensastic person who geninely loves this research and out of the five people in the cabin was the only one besides ash holding the brain cell. So i'd love to see more of her but the writer can't really decide what to do with her other than have her ramble in the first person a lot. She's not obnoxious but it's disheratning ot see a character with a lot of potetial brought back to just be kind of vauge and not move much up from where she was at the end of evil dead 2: sh'es about the same. As for Ash it feels like just.. the basic beats for Ash> There's no real character stuff on being connected spirtually to someone else, any feelings for annie, the people he just lost (since being in the same continuity as vs the evil dead, the original film is once again canon), or anything> He's just army of darkness ash but Ashes 2 Ashes at least gave that ash an emotoinal moment.
Artwise it's decent with Oscar Bazulda doing a really good job, having it be mildly stylized but realistic enough to land. Again monster design isn't great, but comics are colabrative and writer Frank Hannah could've put more focus on working with Oscar to make a good monster design instead of jokes about Ash having PMS.
Beyond Dead by Dawn ends with our heroes unswallowing the souls, putting them in a knife and escaping setting them free and setting up the sequel as apparently not ALL THE spirits freed are exactly peaceful. And I am kinda curious to see if this get sbetter so maybe, just maybe.. we'll read from the necronomicon again some day.
For now though Beyond Dead by Dawn.. is disapointing. It has a truly fantastic premise, but rushed pacing, a lack of creativity beyond the basic premise, and a lack of a real tone of any kind sink what coudl've been an excellent sequel before the other sequel. A lack of effort leading to a real loss of potetial.. kinda sums up Space Goat as a whole huh? Thanks for reading screwheads. Follow for more, consider joining my patreon and i'll no doubt see you within the woods again… thanks for reading.
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incarnateirony · 4 months
You need help.. seriously. you might want to check to make sure youre in the clear to keep posting stuff like this also.. people get restraining orders for a lot less than what ive scrolled through and I wouldnt blame your ex for getting one. You could be in violation of it and never knowing it until its too late bro.. not unless you call the county she lives in.... they dont have to serve you to start building a case against you speaking from experience..
No, my ex, who claims to be channeling the god hermes wearing my face and speaking anime octopus jibberish as Divine Revelation while fraudulently charging them and roleplaying as me, who has been stalking me, for three years, and stalked my business investor, for six months, needs help.
She's free to take me to court, because then I can countersue, and have the paperwork ready. And an entire server of witnesses that observed her for six months of her shit. And all my plagiarized material's origins.
Come on bitch try me, pspspspsps, expedite the lawsuit slated for September.
I have the legal fucking defense of borderline insanity from her abuse and the right to fucking self defense while she relentlessly attacks both my life and livelihood for motherfucking YEARS. What's she gonna do, cry to the judge that I countermagiced back her witchcraft? THAT I DREW A LINE IN THE SAND? THAT I'M POSTING ON MY PERSONAL BLOG WITHOUT EVER @'ing HER? THAT HALF THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT HER, WHICH SHE KNOWS WHY, BUT WON'T ADMIT, AND WHAT, GONNA TELL THE JUDGE TO MAKE THEM STOP TOO?
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150 million restraining orders for Shea just cuz she won't stop mindraping me because it's the first time in her life anyone told her No and then didn't bend to her whining or manipulation, and No Means No. I don't need to go anywhere fucking near her, I already have her address because the dumbass signed her shit to me. Literally. Like I have it, but I'm not gonna go there in person, that piece of paper is more useless than her octopus jibberish, and she'd get laughed out of court. I don't NEED to be anywhere near her physically to make this happen, what's not clicking? Like she can be as physically paranoid as she wants, but it's not gonna come as a knock on her door or a letter in the physical mail, not till I sue HER in September if she's still on the planet somehow.
What, that I won't cow to shut up even when she sends whiny bitches like you?
What the fuck.
You can't Legal Whine out of your own grave you dug, Shea. I know you're a pretty fallen upper class princess that thought you could sue the mechanic in a loop for a year, but you're literally sunk here. Your own actions buried you, you're the harasser here and have left multiple copies and chats and everything that are all documented, you went after my investor and bottom line and other margins of profit you intentionally tried to damage, you have literally stolen my work and I can prove it, and you can't even whine about the magical shit, you're the one that makes your whole identity on this, everyone's pikachu facing that I'm talking it on my blog because I keep my practice quiet. There's no winning that suit sweetie, and even if you did, like, you're still signed? It's not gonna stop what's happening? You could literally put me in jail or kill me and not stop this. No really, go ahead, kill me, I'm already inside and have your fat ass working out so I'm not a pig if I take over. You have literally pushed me that far. And are actively choosing to refuse to stop, when given a very simple choice.
The only reason I haven't reported her to KC witchcraft groups for this yet is yes, I realized after a bit of rage, her staying on it keeps her in my thrall, and she can try to justify that one to the judge too if she wants? "I wouldn't stop plagiarizing his magical name, attacking his business or investors, and then he took control of my life until I'm Big Sad." and? Yeah okay. Yeah the judge will DEFINITELY side with the woman I can prove has literally fucking built a cult to me and to attacking me, yeah, okay, save the fucking poor obsessed stalker princess from her own consequences mister judgy, her weird barbiehouse rapeycult of the great god CantMoveTheFuckOn is falling apart and something about Her Feelings.
Take this shit to the judge and try to sue, sweetheart.
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Yeah hold on I'm gonna stop talking about how I bent the timeline and pinning down when to grab her by the nose to look at it because she'll try to sue over it. That'll work. A powerful witch, that one, capable of channeling the spirit of Karen to summon My Manager. Listen, the Manager showed up the other night and she didn't like his answer either. Sad really, he put on his best customer service voice to be gentle for her and she's STILL treating HIM like shit, too.
She can't even whine to my JOB. First, you might as well call 911 to report a random 911 operator in a state you don't know, because there's hundreds of agencies for this. Two, they're split mostly atheistic but supportive, or doing the same craft I am. Three, I never mention anything identifying about clients, the most you get is "I talked to a trans guy that likes video games", or things I myself said. Like sis you are SUNK. It'd just be stage ten thousand of Shealyn trying to ride my dick because she can't move on and wants to try to hurt me as bad as she hurt herself when I left. It's the whole reason she's clinging to this, she wanted control, and now I'm not playing her Lets Lawsuit About It game and settling it like the magician she wants to claim to be, and it's not going great for her.
What's happening here is this regressive bitch is starting to understand I'm not playing, the person who walked out the door on her 3 years ago is not who she's been picking a fight with, but STILL not the way she has it all fucked up. She's had every chance to leave me alone and refused, and even this would be her pleading the right to plagiarize to a judge or that a few weeks of me speaking the truth ON MY OWN BLOG is too much to bear after she has hunted me for THREE YEARS, it just literally does not fucking work.
She's reaching the end of her narrative rope. Everyone let her lead out enough to hang herself, and now you're acting like I'll be responsible when she does, rather than the several timelines she's run her noose through while we waited, or reasoned, or even gave her the little narrated walkthrough of where her choices were leading in video games, or whatever, but she won't onboard information she doesn't like in any form. This shit even started with me saying over and over and over that the people in her life needed to get her help, but instead they enabled this. So naw, when she dies, that's still on y'all. I just reached my limit of what I'd tolerate from her.
Bitch scroll back. Chaos theory. Eat my ass. Then try to whine to me about All The Potential Worlds Or Timelines to save your own ass again when you forget we're in and up your ass in every single one until you fix what you fucked up, but only one of us left a real Work at any point in them to use as an anchor. And even when you run outside of that, the Brothers are still there, telling you the same thing. Woman, I have someone who works in a level of government you wouldn't even believe exists who watches my shit, saw you start this in October, and was like, that's at least an 8 on the FOFA, and now they're just watching. Like, yeah, bitch earned it. YOU CAN'T WHINE OUT OF THIS TO ANYBODY.
Here I Am.
Remix by motherfuckin Foolish Glamrock.
No seriously bitch, you can't whine karma you're in the hole and signed to me, you're mine. I keep telling you to unsign and you won't, so now we're here.
You can't cast spells at me, because I used your own verbal evocation and intent in the past of return to sender you tried to make me cast, and I wouldn't, but since you're kindly using my old name, your own intent is also being reversed.
You talked about multiple personas in a hope you could weasel out an answer to Belief in suddenly. I can change mine, but with you signing mine on main, you sure you know how to change yours? Cuz like last I checked that was masterclass occult degree eight or above psychotherapy or "psychodrama" as you call it, and me and your therapist are giving you crayons and Work Books like I give to thirteen year olds I'm trying to save. You're not a Priestess, you're a Follower.
You try to hit me, you only hit yourself. It even got specially reinforced on broadcast too right into the Tartarus subconscious flow. And ew, it's gross.
Walk away from your controller and your altar rots. into acid to reduce you and help the plants thrive in the death your home is becoming while your ph shifts at least 3 points.
Try to enjoy your day and dream of death with me. Wake up to feed Precious and hear me whisper in my fursuit. Try to make a sign and realize it's the red one I told you I put in your head about mercurial infection and reflection.
Try to build a playlist to stick it to me and load it with my theme songs telling you Here I Am. Inside. Somehow now you want to exercise for the first time in your life I've been fucking saying you need to.
[Insert random Norse music, which one of us is Norse? Oh right the one you mistook as Loki when I took your false shadow copy of "Juniper", or Junpei we'll say in this remix. You know, that guy that's Hermes in that Hit Game Discoing On Your Face Strangely Specifically That I'm Using You To Beat With The Focus Of A Million Dungeon Grinding Nerds and All Sportsball Guys.]
Go fiddle with the flower you learned about from me, that one of my works used so intently it changed the material compound of crystals into plastic. The one that will rebirth over and over until you let go of the past. The one that will only "act right" near your dead stag. On your altar, from which you learn to grow plants from me, or more, you can't learn, but my plants will be fine, because the water is acidic now, thanks for coming this Ted Talk, you natural black thumb.
Come on, Starlight. Go black hole already.
All you gotta do is let go of the lies. And me. And him. Truth Serum Available Worldwide, Shay Shay.
Truly, you insufferable whale. Three years of chances, and really more than that if we want to get to the gritty of it. Warned, specifically, you were about to set off something you couldn't take back, and even then you couldn't help yourself. Right into a multiplatform launch of "fuck this bitch, in tartarus, and her little cat too", the gamer musical, now at Superbowl halftime, in Vegas, and with the Win of the Chiefs, we see a new entrance to the Pantheon. Something something playing inside, we're speedrunning before Rebirth hits, the Sephiroth posts were great foreshadowing, woah. Turn on the TV Plankton speedrunning rebirth is attacking the Superbowl. Why is Usher in Tartarus? Atlanta in the house, at Lotus Casino, bitch. Or maybe it's a Jericho Blossom. It's a carnival, and mardis gras, squidward downsmash krabs is real, and we're in Tartarus. And will be for some time, more planes keep hitting, and Tartarus 2 is coming to the newly launched and internally reclaimed Spire Of Order near you! EVERYBODY'S favorite tower. All the kids I'm saving at work are talking about it while you piss on pendants and grift off the dick of your ex husband you have your next one sucking. And you have HIM stuck in so deep HE can't admit the truth so he's just gonna keep deepthroating me and pretending I'm this pissed for no reason, absolute fucking cuck.
To the dumb fuckin' kids. YOU made this, in all its innocent obscenity. A cannibal shrimp fried rice feast to mere SuperBeefBowl Appetite. Screaming like the Cicada hiding underground she's always been in her own hilarious lemony holy water. You made this, in all its innocent obscenity. This is the attention you ordered.
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You can't make it go backwards, Shealyn. Even I can't, not really, I can just swing it real, real hard and pull from somewhere else, and that's not the same thing.
Yeah, admit it bitch, you miss that morning Gastric Thunder.
0 notes
makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET��S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 12}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby's blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
* In case you missed the announcement - we will now be posting chapters 3 days a week! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. We hope you continue to enjoy the story! 
** Trigger warning: Miscarriage. 
This chapter is legit a roller coaster, ngl. Enjoy. ;)
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“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
Nesta stood in the living room of Elain’s house with Nyx on her hip, feeling guilty for dropping Nyx off for the night even though Elain was the one to offer. 
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Gives these little cousins some bonding time.” She reached out and took Nyx’s chubby little hand. “Besides, you and Cassian both need time to recoup.”
She wasn’t about to deny that. It had been a week since her not-date with Balthazar, a week since she and Cassian had uttered more than passing comments on how Nyx had acted throughout the day to each other.
Every time she looked at him, she found him already watching her and the fact got under her skin.
It became an unspoken thing that whenever she cooked dinner, she would make an extra helping and put it in the fridge for him. Not because she felt like she needed to, but because it made her feel better about their awkward arrangement. The longer time went on, the more she realized that as much as she’d been acting like taking care of Nyx together was a death sentence to her social life, he was going through the same thing.
And when she got home, she planned on making dinner for the two of them to share together. A sort of white flag of truce between them.
It was the least she could do. “Call me the second something happens-.”
“We’ll be fine,” Elain said, taking Nyx from Nesta and kissing her sister’s cheek. “Now, go. Relax. Take a bubble bath with some wine or something. Read one of those filthy books you used to hide in your closet.”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed.
Elain’s smile widened.
After a tough goodbye, Nesta was heading toward her car and driving back home, making a quick stop at the grocery store just around the corner.
She quickly got all of her fixins, prepared to make one of her favorites - salmon, rice, and green beans. A glance at the calendar that morning told her he would probably be home around five, which gave her just under two hours to make dinner. Easily doable, she’d made three-course meals in less time, for much harsher customers.
Yet she couldn’t figure out why her stomach was in knots.
When Cassian came home, he opened the front door and froze. The quiet in the house unnerved him. Usually, there was some random white noise to fill the house, whether that was the television or one of Nyx’s inane toys that distracted him so well. But as he walked through the house, the TV wasn’t on and he couldn’t hear much of anything.
Until he heard a throat clear from the kitchen.
Instantly, Cassian was on alert, not liking the sound at all, recognizing who it had belonged to, but silently, he made his way into the kitchen.
Nesta was sitting at the table, a plate of food in front of her, with an identical one at the spot he typically sat in.
“What’s…going on?” He asked, slowly taking another few steps into the kitchen.
Nesta stood and grabbed a beer out of the fridge, before taking it back over to where he hovered between the table and the doorway. She held the cold bottle out to him. “This is a truce.”
“A tru-?” He took it, but shook his head, not quite understanding her. “Where’s Nyx?”
“He is having a sleepover with Seph, Elain and Azriel. Elain wanted us to have a night off,” she said, sitting back down at her seat. “So I made us dinner.”
“You made us dinner?” he repeated, staring at the plates. “For the two of us to have? Together? At the same table?”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, unless you don’t want it.”
Cassian cleared his throat as he pulled the chair out across from her and popped open his beer. “I won’t turn down free food. Especially when it’s made by an expert.” 
Nesta said nothing more as she cut into her salmon. “An expert?”
“You get paid for cooking,” Cassian said, picking up his fork and collecting a pile of green beans. “That makes you an expert. A professional.”
“This is a lot of compliments,” she said, watching him carefully as he ate.
“Maybe I’m jumping on board with this whole truce thing,” he said, mouth full of food.
Nesta wanted to chastise him about his manners, but bit her tongue. “You weren’t on board with it to begin with?”
He chewed slowly and then set his fork down. “Neither of us have…handled this very well,” he admitted, taking a drink from his beer. “And I’m willing to take a portion of the blame, but not all of it.”
Nesta weighed his words carefully. They were blunt, but not untrue. Sure, he’d acted like an ass many times, but she had only responded in kind. She knew she could be a bitch, and she knew she did it well. Sometimes too well.
“For this to be an official truce,” she began, holding her wine glass in her hand, swirling it once, twice, “there has to be terms we both agree on.” His eyebrows raised, but she pressed on before he could speak. “Mine are that we have to communicate. When you get frustrated or pissed at me, you can’t just bottle everything up until it all explodes. And when I get overwhelmed, I promise not to snap at you or act like such a…”
“A bitch?” He provided, when she stumbled over her words, smiling around the beer bottle pressed to his lips.
She wasn’t able to stop the smile growing on her own face, as she said, “Thank you, asshole. But yes. Those are my terms.”
He took a drink and nodded. “Okay. I think I can handle those.”
“And what are your terms?” She asked, cutting into the flaky fish for another bite.
He was quiet for a moment, debating. Nesta took a sip from her wine glass while she waited, watching as thought after thought passed across his face.
“I want to get to know you,” he said, finally. “I want to know who you are and I want you to know me.”
Nesta cocked her head to the side. It was a simple request, but Nesta wasn’t exactly good at allowing people to get to know rher. “And how do you suppose we do that?”
“A simple conversation will do,” he said, shrugging. “Over salmon and alcohol. Mostly alcohol.” He reached across the small table and picked up her wine bottle, filling up her wine glass to the brim. 
“Getting me drunk so that I open up?” Nesta asked, sipping from that wine glass.
Cassian chuckled. “I would never.”
She watched her for a second, before taking another larger drink and setting it down. “Fine. Then it’s a truce.” He smirked, glancing over the table between them and then leaned over to look on the counter. “What?”
“I’m just looking for an official notice.” His smirk grew into an all out grin. “Something to sign. I figured you’d called up Tarquin and had some official documents written up.”
“You think you’re so funny.” She rolled her eyes and he chuckled, reaching an open hand across the table.
“Truce,” he said, taking her hand in his. They shook once, and Cassian was struck by how much smaller her hand was than his, yet by how firm her grip was. It was an impressive, professional handshake.
“So what do you want to know?” She asked, scooping some rice onto her fork and getting a bite of fish to go along with it.
His eyes narrowed as he thought about it and she began to wonder whether they should have laid down some boundaries. But he asked, “You went to the University of Velaris, right? What did you study there?”
Nesta blinked in surprise, not having expected the question. “Business and marketing.”
Chewing slowly, Cassian raised an eyebrow. “Nothing culinary?”
She shook her head. “No, I liked cooking, but I never thought it would become my career. I majored in business and marketing, with a minor in communications.”
“That sounds…” He fought for the words for a second. “Boring.”
Taking a drink of her wine, Nesta chuckled. “Oh, it was,” she admitted. “The longest four years of my life, but I’ve got the pretty, little diploma with my name written on it to show for them.”
“And how did you learn about food? How to cook?”
She shrugged. “I taught myself. I graduated college and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I got a data entry job at a marketing firm and spent my free time in the kitchen, trying and testing and tasting.” She paused, and her eyes fell to her plate. “Before my dad died, he listened to my idea about starting a small restaurant, with a few of my favorite recipes on the menu. He left me the money to do it in his will.”
“And now?” he pressed, although his voice held a certain gentleness. “Are you successful and thriving?”
Nesta snorted. “I make enough to live and pay the few of servers I have. If that’s successful, then I suppose.”
Cassian nodded in appreciation. “I’d say it is. What about the future? Bigger restaurant? Multiple restaurants?” 
“Someday,” Nesta said, with a longing in her voice. “And what about you? And your guitars? Surely you don’t want to be a bartender forever.”
Cassian shrugged. “I don’t mind the bartending. Good tips and I meet a lot of interesting people.”
“But?” Nesta asked. 
“But,” Cassian repeated, huffing a laugh. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t exactly say that managing a bar is my passion.” 
“So, guitars then?” Nesta asked, brow raised. “You’re really talented. Your guitars are beautiful.”
Cassian’s eyes shot to hers, wide as he slowly set down his fork. “Holy shit, did you just compliment me?”
Nesta’s lips pursed as she kicked his shin under the table.
“I’ve always been good with my hands. Not like that,” he said, pointing at her when he saw the smirk growing. “I mean, creating things, playing instruments, even something as mundane as making drinks. If it’s something I can do with my hands, I typically love it and nine times out of ten, I’m good at it.” There was none of the cockiness she’d come to know in his voice. Just pure explanation, and a bit of devotion. “I’ve tried my hand at making furniture and little knickknacks, but there’s nothing that compares to building an instrument from scratch.”
“And you do it all? Yourself?” She asked, taking another bite.
He nodded. “I start with a few rough pieces of wood. Sand it, stain it, and boom, brand new guitar.”
Snorting, she lifted her wine glass to her lips. “I think you may have missed a few steps in there.”
“Well, I didn’t want to bore you,” he chuckled.
“How long have you been playing guitar?” Nesta asked, finishing off the last of her food.
Cassian took a minute to think about it, then shrugged, finishing off his beer. “As long as I can remember. I grew up with my mom in Illyria. They live simply up there. Music is…a way of life. It grew on me quickly. Mom bought me my first guitar that a friend of hers had made before I could even walk.”
Nesta chuckled, quietly. “Just like you did for Nyx.”
Cassian nodded. “Yeah, I guess so. Another drink?” he asked, nodding toward her emptied glass.
“Sure,” she said. “But, wine is gone. I think there’s some tequila in the cabinet.”
Cassian lifted a brow as he rose. “Tequila?”
Nesta grinned as he went to the cabinet. “Make me a drink, bartender?”
Cassian laughed as he grabbed the glass bottle from the cabinet. “I can. What’ll it be? Tequila sunrise? Margarita? Pretty sure we have some lime juice, somewhere.”
“I’m not picky,” Nesta promised.
She heard him laugh. “Somehow, I have a hard time believing that, Archeron.”
“Only where it counts,” she replied, smiling at him. She picked up their empty plates and rinsed them off, loading them into the dishwasher. Turning, she found him setting a shot glass with salt on the rim down on the counter. She chuckled. “That’s not what I asked for.”
“First of all, you technically didn’t ask for anything in particular,” he said, pointing at her as he crossed the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Secondly, this is the most classic drink I can make you with tequila. It’s the oldest recipe in the books.”
She outright laughed. “That’s cause it’s just straight tequila.”
“Exactly,” he grinned and damn it, if her heart didn’t skip a beat. “I lied, no lime juice.”
“Fine,” she said, crossing her arms. “But if I’m doing sloppy shots, you’re joining me.”
“Oh, I never say no to shots,” he said, grabbing another from the cabinet. 
He filled them up, and slid one to Nesta, who took the glass in her hand and held it up.
Cassian clinked his against hers, and they tossed them back. 
Nesta’s face didn’t change a bit, and Cassian met her steady eyes. “Impressive.” 
“Not my first tequila shot, Nazari,” she said, hopping up to sit on the counter. “What else do you want to ask me?”
He leaned down on the countertop, letting his arms lay flat. “Hmm.” He let his fingers drum quietly. “What did you want to be when you grew up? Or was it always a chef?”
She scrunched up her nose. “I was convinced I was going to be a doctor, I wanted to help people. But then I found out how many years of school was required to be a doctor. So I decided I wanted to be a nurse.”
Cassian carefully poured a couple more shots. “And what happened to that dream?”
“I found out that the sight of blood makes me queasy. Sometimes I throw up, sometimes I pass out.”
He laughed. “That seems like enough to throw off a career plan.”
“Yep,” she admitted, picking her wine glass up.
Cassian filled up the shot glasses, once more, and slid hers back to her. She set down her wine glass and snorted as she tossed it back.
“You know what we should do?” Nesta asked, and Cassian lifted a brow in question. “Go for a swim. We’ve been here over a month and have yet to use the pool that I’ve been cleaning, daily.”
Cassian took his shot before watching her, closely. “Last one in has to share their deepest, darkest secret.”
Nesta scoffed. “What are we, children?”
Cassian grinned as he pushed himself back from the counter. “Scared of a little competition? Afraid to lose?”
They stared at each other in silence for a minute before Nesta jumped off the counter, and ran up the stairs to throw on her swimsuit.
Cassian and his heavy footsteps were close behind.
It took her a few minutes to remember where her swimsuits had been packed, and from the slamming of drawers down the hall, it seemed Cassian was in a similar predicament. She finally found a two piece stuffed in the back of her underwear drawer, not exactly what she had been looking for, and hesitated before stripping down and pulling the bottoms on. Nesta was out her bedroom door before she even had the top fully tied, pulling it into a hastily tied bow behind her back. Her feet carried her as she flew down the stairs, but she froze when she opened the sliding glass door and found him already in the water.
He grinned from where he had his muscular arms resting on the side of the pool, and his hair was soaked, pushed back off of his face. With the wide smile on his face, he looked so much younger, almost boyish.
With a sigh, Nesta turned and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a couple beers in each hand and made her way back onto the lit up patio.
“I win,” he said, smirking up at her.
The tongue she stuck out at him wasn’t her most quick witted response, but she was trying not to let her eyes drift beneath the water. When she suggested the pool, she hadn’t been thinking of how much skin would be on display, for either of them.
“That’s because you only had one piece to put on,” Nesta said, sitting near him by the edge and handing him a drink.
“Hey, if you only wanted to put on one of those pieces, I wouldn’t have stopped you,” he protested, and Nesta had to hide the way his suggestive tone, those words, made her blush. 
He didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he popped open his beer and took a long, slow drink.
“So how about that secret?” He asked, voice lowering. 
“Hmmm,” she crooned, tapping her chin. “Which to share when I have so many to choose from?”
Cassian chuckled. “You would have an endless string of secrets. Come on, what skeletons are in your closet? Something you’ve never told anyone else.”
Nesta had a lot of those, too. She wasn’t exactly the “open” type.
There was one true secret she kept though. One that no one else had known, not even Feyre or Elain. Just her and…
She hesitated and he looked up at her, caught the look on her face. “What?”
Shaking her head, she said, “I don’t want to kill the mood.”
The hand holding the bottle was right next to her thigh, and he let his pinky skim over her skin. “That kind of secret, huh?”
She gnawed into her lip, nodding.
“I’ll tell you mine, if it helps,” Cassian said, looking up into her face.
She slipped into the pool, thankful the water was warm, and shook her head. “That wasn’t our agreement.”
He stayed quiet, letting her process her own thoughts.
Sinking beneath the water, Nesta re-emerged, slicking her hair back. After a steadying breath, she said, “I’m sure you remember Tomas, my ex who interrupted our date?”
The mention of their date surprised Cassian, after so many weeks of them dancing around it. He nodded.
“We were together for a long time, you know? All through college.” She wasn’t looking at him, wouldn’t meet his eye. “I got pregnant just after our senior year. I had never wanted kids, you know? Wasn't the family type, at all. Never saw myself having a family. Anyway,” she continued, shaking her head. “It didn’t matter. I miscarried.”
Cassian continued to look at her, continued to watch as she stared blankly ahead. 
“I got excited about it, too, which is ridiculous,” she went on. “For a moment, for those few weeks that I thought Tomas and I would be starting a family… I actually got excited.”
“How far along were you?” He asked, gently.
She answered immediately, with no hesitation. “Thirteen weeks. It was like one day I was pregnant, carrying our child and the next… The baby was gone.” She was quiet for a moment. “I woke up one morning and there was blood, so much blood. Tom was already at work, so I drove myself to the hospital, but there was nothing they could do.”
Cassian recognized the slow blinking, knew she was reliving those slow, sad moments again.
“I was dying inside, trying to come to terms with the fact that our baby was gone, and Tomas got home and-.” She took a deep breath and looked over at him. “He asked what I was making for dinner. He didn’t even acknowledge that our child was gone and… l guess that’s when I decided to do the same. To pretend nothing happened. We didn’t really talk much about it. We never told our families, I never told Feyre or Elain. Our father died about a month later and it all seemed so insignificant at that point. But Tom and I never recovered, our relationship at least. We broke up a few months later and…” Nesta shrugged. “Life kept going. I decided to open my restaurant and never looked back.”
“I’m sorry,” Cassian said, quietly.
She finally looked at him and shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t make it any less painful of a memory,” he countered.
She just nodded. “It’s how it was supposed to be though, right? Wasn't meant to be.”
Cassian took another drink as he nodded, slowly.
“Anyway,” she began, clearing her throat before dunking herself back down under the water.
“Would you like my secret?” He asked, when she turned and rested her arms on the edge of the pool.
She shrugged. “If you feel so inclined. You didn’t lose the bet.”
He leaned back, letting his arms drape across the edge of the pool as well. “When I was eighteen, I broke my back. I decided to take a year off before I started school, and was working construction over the summer to save money. I wanted to travel for a while. But then I took a bad fall off a roof. I spent two weeks in the hospital and then was stuck in my bed for another ten. And Rhys and Az stayed by my side the whole time. They put off their last hoorah vacations before they went off to college to stay with me.”
Nesta’s eyes drifted to Cassian, drops falling from her lashes. “Doesn’t seem like a secret if people know about it.” 
“You didn’t know,” he shot back.
Nesta smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Fair. That sounds awful.”
“It was,” he agreed. “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I don’t like to stay still for very long.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed,” Nesta said, a little spark returning to her eye. “It was torture,” he followed, finishing off his drink. “Not being able to move. I played so many damn board games that I never want to look at one ever again.”
“Even if Nyx asks?” Nesta inquired.
Cassian gave her a lopsided grin. “Well, he’s the exception.” Nesta laughed, and Cassian shook his head. “I’d do anything for that kid. I think Rhys knew that, when he named me godfather.”
She understood that, related to it completely. Especially considering they had been named godparents together, regardless of their mutual distaste for the other. Their love for Nyx, for Rhys and Feyre, had been evident to everyone.
“I miss him,” she admitted, resting her cheek on the concrete. “I know it’s only one night, and I’m beyond appreciative, but… It’s weird not having him right inside.”
He nodded. “I get it. I do, too. I know Az and Elain can take care of him, and I’m sure he had a blast with Seph before they went to bed, but it hasn’t stopped me worrying about him.”
Nesta nodded, stretching her back. She took a drink from her beer. “Did you ever want kids of your own?”
He blew out a harsh breath and drained his own bottle before answering. “I never really considered it much, when I was younger. After my back healed, I was so focused on getting back to life that relationships and dating weren’t high on my priority list-.”
“But fucking was?” Nesta asked, smirking.
He rolled his eyes, nudging her slightly with a shoulder. “Maybe I was interested in sex more than relationships, I’ll admit. But before I knew it, my early twenties had come and gone. Everyone I knew was getting married and had babies on the way and… I was still the one living the bachelor life and decided to just run with it.”
“I get that,” Nesta agreed. “After…everything that happened with Tomas, I never wanted that again. My date with you and my date with Balthazar are the only two proper dates I’ve been on since college.”
Cassian lifted a brow. “And have you been on any improper dates?”
Nesta didn’t answer. Instead, her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as she finished off her beer.
Cassian’s grin widened. “I never knew you were such a freak, Archeron.”
“Oh, fuck off,” she muttered, which just made him laugh harder. 
“I must admit, it’s nice to hear you talking about our infamous date so often tonight,” Cassian said, pulling himself out of the pool.
Nesta couldn’t help but notice the way his muscles flexed, how the drops of water streamed down his back, between his shoulders, down to his waistline and the swim trunks, which rode low on his hips. She cleared her throat. “I didn’t say anything nice about that date, did I?”
“Absolutely not, but is there really anything nice to say?” he asked, sliding the screen door open. “I mean, you were an absolute nightmare.”
She gawked after him as he went inside, and once he came back with a small pyramid of beer cans, Nesta said, “I was a nightmare? You were a complete disaster!”
He scoffed, setting the cans down and cannon balling back into the pool. Even though she was already in the water, Nesta couldn’t help the squeal that left her. Cassian was grinning when he came up for air. “I forgot my wallet. I fully intended to pay you back, both monetarily and with the best sex you’d ever had in your life, but you decided to get huffy, stomp back to your front door and slam it in my face.”
“Oh, please,” Nesta said, reaching for a can and popping it’s top. Foam erupted from the opening and she put her mouth to it before it could drip into the pool. “You were over twenty minutes late, you wore work boots and a leather jacket to the nicest restaurant in Velaris, and we ran into your fuck buddy.” She drank deeply from the can, emptying it in one go. “As for the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, I’ve become very accustomed to and am just fine with my own hand, so you’re going to have to try pretty hard to do better than I myself can.”
She wiggled her fingers in his face and before she could register what was happening, his hand was wrapped around her own. As if he didn’t already know that. Cassian had caught her getting herself off in the bathtub, a memory that was seared into both of their heads. He tugged her closer and the empty can fell from her hands, floating on top of the water.
“I was talking about the past, sweetheart, but you seem to be talking about the present,” he breathed as her chest brushed against his own. “Who says my offer still stands all these years later?”
“You’d be a fool not to make that offer,” she breathed, and she knew the scent of beer was all he was breathing in. 
“And would you accept it if I were?” he asked, one hand still wrapped around hers, the other snaking its way around her waist. “Still offering?” 
Nesta’s breath hitched as their mouths grew so close, too close, close enough to reach out and taste his lips with a brush of her tongue.
It was tempting.
It would be stupid. Alcohol fogging her brain or not, Nesta knew it would be stupid.
But it was tempting, and in that moment, there were very few things Nesta could think about other than his hands against her skin, his lips a breadth width away from her own, and his cock she could very prominently feel twitching against her thigh. 
Nesta’s lips brushed softly against his as she said, “Try and find out.” 
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choicesenthusiast · 3 years
Representation at Pixelberry: The Follow-Up
One year ago, on June 15, 2020, Pixelberry released a statement regarding representation at the company. Here is the LINK to the original blog post, and here was MY RESPONSE. Oh, how naïve and optimistic I was. It contained a list of goals and promises they hoped to accomplish within a year. Well, a year has passed, and here is my attempt to hold PB accountable. I'll be going over the five main points of their representation plan and if they achieved what they promised. All criticisms are about content released after June 15th. Long post beware, but I'm not putting it under a read more because I feel like it's important for all to see.
1. Commitment to diversity of Love Interests - FAIL
We’ve already been moving towards having Love Interests have customizable skin tones. We will continue to do this with some stories, while also having some characters with clear ethnic identities. At the same time when we have multiple love interests of different ethnicities, we are aiming for those Love Interests to have equal game time.
"LIs with customizable skin tones" mean they come in three flavours: white, black, and ambiguously Asian/Latinx interchangeably. So far I have rarely seen an LI as connected to their culture/ethnicity as Rafael Aveiro, and he just talked about his Vovo's food if he ever were on screen. They had many chances with the other OH LIs as well. Even Ayna Seth and Tatum Mendoza were confirmed to be Indian and Filipino, respectively, though FA gets a little leeway, as it was set in a fictional west-European continent.
As for equal game time? I'm sure the biggest example we can all think of was the mess that was Open Heart 3, which was written during the hiatus (which only existed because they were going to straight up kill Rafael in Book 2). Game time was not equal among LIs, and the white male LI was heavily favoured. PB also continues to pay female LIs dirt by giving them no screen time. In addition to that, LGBT+ players, who are consistently underrepresented, receive one (1) unprepared pride month survey, prpbably only because someone asked them about it on Twitter.
This is the meat and potatoes of everything because it's what they're outputting to their audience. It's what the people see. Given that things haven't been going so well lately in this department, consider this promise a big fat fail.
2. More authentic and diverse hairstyles for people of color - QUESTIONABLE
Our team will focus on providing more authentic and representative hairstyles. We are prioritizing these hairstyles outside of our normal book processes and will introduce them in new books as they are ready.
While, yes, they have added two new hairstyles in WEH, they also just took Jade Bonet's hair and recycled it for LoA F!MC. PB recycles all their hair more often than not.
3. More diverse book covers - QUESTIONABLE
This is an initiative we started in January of this year. As a result the number of Black, Latinx, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, mixed, and other characters on new book covers increased from 35% of characters in 2019 to 60% characters in the first half of 2020. However, the number of black characters is still not high enough this year. More are already scheduled for books later this year. We will make sure that Black characters are well represented on our covers in the future.
"Diverse" does not just mean by race, but also gender, sexual orientation, etc. FA has the only recent MLM cover. And don't tell me that the FA and LoA covers are any different from each other. The only black characters on covers are Zoey Wade (QB), and Black!Gabe Ricci (LoA) and Bastien (WB), which aren't even their canon races unless you choose them to be. This is the case for many single-LI books, such as Cassian Keane (W:ABR, which technically premiered on Mar. 16, but the sentiment is the same), Sam Dalton (TNA), and Dakota Winchester (WEH). Not to mention the customizable/multi LI books like DS, RT, BaBu2, MTFL, etc. Majority of these covers are just cishet couples delicately cradling each other's bodies or whatever. And we're not even gonna get into how PB literally put the Open Heart LIs in order of their favouritism on Book 3's cover.
4. Writers/Staff - QUESTIONABLE
We will be engaging in professional training on historical and current racism for our writers to ensure more of them have a better understanding and more context for views of diverse characters in Choices. We will also create a program that gives more authority to people of color in the studio to advise writers and artists on more authentic portrayals in both writing and art of black, brown, and minority characters.
A story with a Black-led cast is something I have asked for in the past, but failed to follow-up on. We will very likely start this with a Black-led cast story led by Chelsa, one of Pixelberry's Black writers.
We will increase the number of diverse writers we source for new stories, starting with hiring more Black and Latinx writers to lead the charge.
For all teams at Pixelberry we will actively work to bring in more Black and Latinx candidates with the goal to increase the number of Black and Latinx employees at Pixelberry. Although Pixelberry is over 50% female, on teams where females are not at 50% we will actively work to source more female candidates.
This promise seemed like a copout from the start because we have no way of knowing who works on what at PB unless we very meticulously stalk their LinkedIn or Twitter or whatever. We have no solid statistics except for what they feed us. I do know, however, that they recently let the Ms. Match writers go and were hiring for external writers, but there really is no way of knowing what's going on behind-the-scenes with their 112+ employees, and of course there would be NDAs involved. We are yet to see a book with an all-Black cast, and receive rare development updates with new books. Actually, I think a really good way to promote diversity is to do staff showcases on their social media. Just a way to show the public who's responsible for what. Writers, game devs, the art team, etc. Don't think it'll happen, but it's always a good idea.
5. Donations - QUESTIONABLE
Pixelberry will also be making $100,000 in donations to Black Girls Code, the Black Writers Collective, and the Latinx Writers Collective at Techqueria. Rather than as a lump sum, we will be making these donations over the course of a year to remind us that we are not making short term changes, but are committed to long term sustainable actions. We’ll also be donating up to an additional $100k from profits for this week, 6/15-6/21.
There has been no proof, no receipts, no evidence from PB that they have donated anything to anyone, and as far as we're concerned, their word doesn't mean anything. No news or updates news about it. I would love to believe that they did something, but as you can see, I've become quite the pessimist. BWC still uses PB's old logo (like, pre-Choices) on their sponsors page, and the last interaction they've had with BGC was in 2013. They don't even follow each other on Instagram. In fact, BGC received a huge donation from MacKenzie Scott, formerly Bezos last July. Yes, that billionaire Bezos, and that got coverage from them. Obviously donations don't need to be for publicity, but in this case I think it's important there should be proof. Again, it's really hard to tell with these behind-the-scenes things, but given how PB loves to gloat and hates to keep promises, we can assume that none of this happened.
So, what's the takeaway? That PB's fallen down the drainhole of shitty content and empty promises and has no intention of climbing out as long as they still make that bank? Seems counterproductive, because good representation gets good feedback and income. They pump out bad books with barebones "representation" if you can call it that, then drop their precious merch and pretend all is fine and dandy. But just as I suspected one year ago, none of this matters, because people forget things, and people move on, and shit gets swept under rugs. Yet, here I am, yelling at a company in a post I for sure doubt they'll see. Because if not me, then who?
@playchoices Your move. It's been your move for a year now. When will you actually make it?
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The Cosmic Series Needs YOUR help! -> Now looking for pronoun translators
Tumblr media
she/her version // they/them version // he/him version
THEY/THEM VERS. -> @iamwaytootires
HE/HIM -> @1-800-call-ria
As you may already know, COSMIC is the first [of what I hope to someday be all] series of mine to have multiple copies for pronouns so that there are options for as many people as possible. You can find the masterlist to each in the links above! However, as predicted, it is a long and complicated process for one person to take on, which is precisely why I'm here.
Now, at the end of the day, I'm more than willing to do the work. But this means very slow progress, even though the story, so far, is already written. Catching up the he/him and they/them copies AS I write the she/her is more complicated than you might think. Posting regular updates by itself is a long progress, specifically on Tumblr for those of you who might not be familiar. [Posting a single fully edited 1 part update on tumblr takes about a half-hour each. Links, tags, pics, and all. And normally with COSMIC, I'm posting like four at a time] But if I had the work of volunteers doing the pronoun translating or even proof-reading, things would work so much quicker!
As the original author who's worked on this story, I'm far too close to the words and very often miss a 'she' or 'her' throughout the copies until after I've copied from one to the other - and sometimes even after I've published both copies' updates. It's very frustrating for me, as I'm sure it's even more so for readers. All the more reason for beta readers/translators.
If you are interested in translating, please, reach out and PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I am able! From there we can discuss whatever works best for us, schedule-wise, communication-wise [how to share the edits and such, like google docs, etc.], and how we want the process to work. Ideally, I'd send you the copies one episode at a time [already translated for proofreading or not] you'd get them done when you're able or whatever we discuss before sending them back to me for publishing. You, of course, would get proper and crystal clear credits attributing to the work you did as well as clear shootouts and links to your blog on my accounts. Unless of course in the rare case you would like to remain anonymous, which will be fully respected.
If you're interested [or, if ever for some reason you wish to no longer continue, I completely understand] please reach out to me! The current volunteer translators list above will obviously be updated should anyone step up. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask!
Thanks always for reading, I hope you're having a splendid and safe day/night!
💕💕💕 - Yurtle
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Okita After Story Translation
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
Finally done with all of what i refer to as these after stories. this is the last translation of what i have from the 「 薄桜鬼 ��改 華ノ���」 ステラワース早期予約特典 小冊子. did Souji’s last partly cuz he’s one of my least favourite routes (sorry but not sorry. also i won’t deny that my premier target audience for most of my translations for content that doesn’t come from one of the games is myself ;D), and well, i would categorize my thoughts as mostly angsty (there’s a reason why i mostly write angst lol) and didn’t exactly need more of it...
still, it’s kinda sad that it took me almost 2 years to finish translating all of what I could for these... but hey, i can’t help it if I get distracted by other stuff that i find more interesting.... ahahahaaaa....(excuse me as i go hide until next week’s translation lol).
also, in case someone doesn’t know, i’ve already translated the after stories for Saito, Hijikata, Yamazaki, Kazama, Hijikata, Harada, Heisuke and now Souji... and am unable to translate the others as I don’t have it in CN tho I can go scan the rest should someone want to translate the stories for Shinpachi, Sanan, Souma, Iba, or Sakamoto.
enjoy? maybe? lol?
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou After Story Translation - Okita Souji
Translation by KumoriYami
(TN:  just an fyi, Souji doesn't call Chizuru "Chizuru-chan" in this. checked the booklet just to be sure.)
The scene was in the mountains, they had been dyed bright red as the sun set in the West. 
And the one looking over this scene, was the sword genius, former First Division Shinsengumi Captain, Okita Souji. 
(Speaking of which, since childhood, I would always look into the direction of my hometown at dusk.)
While he thought this, the sound of frantic footsteps from further away, came closer. 
As for who the sound of these footsteps belonged to, it was obvious. She was......  [It was her]
"——Souji-san! What are you doing here?
For the present Okita, this woman was more important than his own life, Yukimura Chizuru.
From the way she gasping from having run down the mountain path, she seemed quite anxious. When she found Okita was missing, she selflessly began to search for him.
Okita showed a look of ignorance and looked back at her.
"Asking me what I'm doing...... can't you tell after after looking? I'm watching the sunset.
He answered in a tranquil tone. Immediately this young woman lost her strength and fell to her knees.
"If you're doing that, please tell me first...... Just now, I couldn't find Souji-san, so I was very worried."
It seemed that her words were true. Because there was sweat on her slim neck, and her cheeks were bright red. 
Seeing Chizuru like this, he felt full of tenderness/affection, and he couldn't but think of tightly embracing her small body.
On the other hand though, he also felt the urge to tease her so that he could see her troubled appearance. 
(Even I feel that these days are/this day is quite boring. [can't tell if this is plural or not])
"Do you dislike not seeing me?"
"Of course, that's because Souji-san is a very special/important person to me."
There was no hesitation as Chizuru replied in this way. She was also very aware of how these words made Okita feel at ease. 
"Good grief, are there really no problems? We just didn't see each other for a short amount of time."
His abrupt words made Chizuru look sad.
"……Please don't say such a thing."
Although she was well aware of what was going to happen, she didn't want think about it right now. Her innocent expression seemed to say this.
(This teasing seems to have been too much.)
As Okita thought this, he gently extended his hand.
"Come here, Chizuru."
After a short confused moment, the young woman grabbed Okita's hand. He firmly held her small hand, then pulled her small body into his embrace.
She couldn't help but make a small sound and Okita hugged her. A sweet and floral fragrance emanated from her hair and neck.
He gently combed her hair, and both of their eyes coincidently found each other's. Those sincere eyes were staring straight into Okita's,
(How good would it be if we were always able to look at each other like this.)
This felt just like a dream. Before he he was in a relationship with her, the memories he had of when he lived alone....... were quite vague. 
"Hey, Chizuru. Let me say one thing first."
Hearing Okita's words, she blinked at him in disbelief. Looking at her adorable expression, he opened his mouth.
"Even though I'll pass away one day, you can't/aren't allowed to follow me. Even if you're alone, you need to keep on living."
Chizuru bit her lips.
Similarly to how Okita was unable to remember what happened when he lived by himself, she wasn't able able to imagine what would happen to her after losing Okita.
(If I was more considerate, I might say "after I die, live happily with someone else"......)
But it was impossible for him to give Chizuru to someone else. Even if he knew if doing that might make her happy. 
Chizuru seemed to have understood what he really thought. "So what's your answer? Chizuru."
In the face of Okita's question, she sadly lowered her head——
"…………I know."
She responded with a depressed voice.
"Very good."
He muttered softly, then gently stroked Chizuru's cheeks.
There large eyes before him were now slightly moist. This expression indicated that she had a clear understanding of what was going to happen later.
For a good while, she quietly kept her eyes closed. 
Okita put his lips against her slightly opened lips, and felt the slight warmth as they touched. Their was a dream-like kiss, almost as if it were a whisper that could not be heard unless it were attentively listened to.
Although he had kissed these lips multiple times, to the point where he couldn't remember, he also didn't know how many times he would be able to kiss these lips in days to come.
The lips that joined with his seemed to be shaking/trembling with grief. He was immediately able to tell that she was crying. 
"……Don't cry. Because you're a strong child."
As he wiped the tears from the corner of the young woman's eyes, he gently reprimanded her.
But in fact, his heart felt happy because Chizuru shed tears for him.
(I didn't expect that in my lifetime/life, that I would actually meet a woman who would cry for me.)
Thinking back, this was an ill-fated relationship. Okita thought so. 
(My life will not last for a long time.…… but it wasn't completely bad, because in the end, I was able to meet you like this. Maybe the purpose of my life was to meet you.)
Without even realizing it, the sun already set, and the nearby scenery was gradually coloured like the water. The two of them then set off on their way home alongside one other. 
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tepkunset · 4 years
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@avatarfandompolice​​​ is a blog that likes to misuse progressive language in attempt to make ignorant, racist posts sound more intelligent than they are. While most of their blog consists of arguing about ‘zutara,’ (which I recently learned is a ship name for Zuko and Katara from an anon), there is also a large number of posts and reblogs under the premise of being “hot takes” on how unfair it is to address racism in fandom and in media.
Avatarfandompolice is very sensitive about people pointing out that Avatar: The Last Airbender is not, in fact, flawless. That a show made by two white men featuring Asian and Indigenous characters and influences is fully capable of getting things wrong. That their western colonial views are influences all on their own, and it shows. Rather than listen to fans of colour point out things like these posts for example: [Link] [Link] [Link], avatarfandompolice has decided that such things must simply be fake, and has made multiple posts complaining it. This is not just regular ignorance, this is wilful ignorance. The dismissal of critique simply because they cannot fathom not everyone being able to handle the amount of issues they are freely educating others on, or people holding the ability to like something overall while also pointing out where it could be better.
It is my firm belief that you should never absorb media with an uncritical eye. If this was the case, if people just accepted everything given to them, then we would never see any progress. We need to be able to look back at something and say here’s what we did right, and here’s what we need to do better with.
The argument that A:TLA was made in 2012 and therefore should not be analyzed with a modern understanding of the world is downright hilarious, too. As if we aren’t taught to write literature analysis on books and plays that are centuries old in school. In particular regards to the whole cop thing... if anyone reading this seriously thinks that hate and fear of the police is just a 2020 trend, you can meet me in the pit. I was four years old when I learned how terrifying cops are. If your experiences differ, let me tell you that does not make them universal. And as for all the 20-somethings talking about it today, well, gentle reminder that as said by avatarfandompolice right here, the show aired in 2012. Little 10-year-old kids don’t have social media, (at least I hope they don’t,) and unless they grew up experiencing first-hand police terror, probably were not aware of it at that age. I do not know why avatarfandompolice insults people's ability to grow and learn. I can only guess it’s jealously from their lack of ability to do so.
Now let���s address their defences of whitewashing, which is easily the most backwards reaching I’ve seen on this issue in a while. Primarily their defence relies on four repetitive “points” —
Fake minuscule percentages to downplay the high prevalence and extremity of whitewashing in the fandom
Deflecting the addressing of whitewashing with rapid-fire fake scenarios and claims of “reverse racism” / “blackwashing”
Claiming whitewashing isn’t real because people only care about it with Katara
Claiming that calling out whitewashing in fandom is wrong because it hurts artists
I have only so much as dipped my toes into the A:TLA fandom, and even I have seen a lot of whitewashed fan art. If you do an image search for fan art, I guarantee within the first couple rows of results, there will be in the absolute least, a few examples. The idea of these artworks not substantially lightening skin is also just plain inaccurate. Just from a quick Google search, this is literally the first result for ‘Avatar The Last Airbender Katara fan art’:
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Avatarfandompolice is also hyper-focused on the lightening of skin, and seems to be under the impression that this is the only component of whitewashing. I come to this conclusion because when someone pointed out the equal prevalence of depicting these characters of colour with Western European features instead of their actual eyes, noses, etc., they rip a giant turd out of their ass and scrawl the words “but stereotyping” over it. No, not all Asian peoples and Indigenous peoples look the same. The original poster made no such claim of this at all. Avatarfandompolice jumped to this conclusion all on their own... (which really says a lot in itself). It is entirely unrelated to the point. The point being the erasure of how these characters look, in favour of giving them whiter features. And guess what? This does hurt. But I’ll get to that below.
The lack of understanding of whitewashing is on full display when avatarfandompolice talks about “blackwashing”; the idea that colouring characters with darker skin is just like whitewashing. Firstly, there is no such thing as “blackwashing.” “Blackwashing,” “brownwashing,” etc. does not exist because it is a false equivalency to whitewashing. It is a false equivalency to whitewashing because white people are not even in the slightest loosing representation when a white character is re-imagined as a racial minority, whereas when racial minorities are re-imagined as white people, they are taking away from what is already very little representation for us. If we lived in a world where the statistics of representation were not so drastically disproportionate, then there would be something to talk about. But if you are really wanting to support equality, you should focus on equitably supporting those who actually need it, not white people. As for specifically depicting characters like Sokka and Katara with darker skin than what they have in the show, the same applies, (so long as it’s not racebending them as we really shouldn’t be taking representation away from each other, and the artist avatarfandompolice ridicules above has done no such thing,) because colourism also exists within nonwhite communities as well.
As for the fake questions about cosplaying, the answer is really simple: Cosplay however you want, but don’t make pretending to be a different race part of your cosplay. If you want to cosplay Katara, you can do it without painting your skin darker, aka brownface. If you want to cosplay Zuko, you can do it without editing yourself to look East Asian, aka digital yellowface. The racist history behind this is an internet search away, but I suppose that is too difficult for avatarfandompolice to do.
Avatarfandompolice has made multiple claims that people must not really care about whitewashing if they only call it out for Katara. It is laughable at best, and sad at worst, that this is the conclusion they come to, and not the fact that unfortunately Katara just happens to be subjected to more whitewashing than other characters. I assume this is from a mix of her popularity as well as being a WOC and not MOC. This is not to say that whitewashing does not exist with male characters—not in the slightest. Half the images on this “10 fan art pictures of Sokka that are just the best” list from CBR are whitewashed. Only that across fandoms, whitewashing is more prevalent in female characters, by my observations at least.
Finally—and this one pisses me off the most—avatarfandompolice claims that whitewashing is no big deal, but calling out whitewashing is too harmful to justify. How fucking dare you put the feelings of artists who can’t handle critique of their work (that they publicly share) over fans of colour, who are constantly subjected to seeing our identities and looks not being worth respecting. As if it doesn’t imprint on your mind from a very young age how only villains ever have your facial features, because they’re ugly and I guess that means you’re ugly. As if there is something wrong with you. As if respecting you is regarded as extra effort, and not just common courtesy.
Whitewashing is a form of colourism, which is a form of racism. It is the favouritism, unconscious or not, of white features and the erasure of visible characters of colour. It is not fandom drama. It is not being too lazy to focus on “real issues” because it is part of a real issue. It is yet another part of why fandom spaces are so uninviting to POC. We live in a society that favours lighter skin. Corporations make fortunes from selling products to bleach your skin, products to contour your features away or go as far as surgery, all to meet beauty standards set by and influenced by white colonizers. That does not exist in A:TLA, and that’s called refreshing escapism. But it’s hard to escape that when the fandom constantly reminds you otherwise. It is a perfect example of how the classic “just let people enjoy things” complaint is nothing but disguised racism, because it’s only ever said regarding white fans’ enjoyment, at the expense of fans of colour.
None of the characters in A:TLA are white. Redesigning them and recolouring them as if they are, be it out of accident or intent is wrong. If you get called out for it, apologize, learn from the experience and do better going forward. You’ll also improve your art this way.
Beyond excusing whitewashing, avatarfandompolice has overt racist posts as well. A Black fan said they like to headcanon Katara as being partially Black; “I swear Katara was a sister. Im convinced there ain't no way she didn't have some black in her.” Avatarfandompolice jumps in saying “She's literally an Inuit but ok” as if being an Inuk person means Katara can’t possibly also be Black. The OP never claimed Katara was not Indigenous, simply that they also saw her as Black. Black Indigenous peoples exist. Black Inuk peoples exist. It is overtly anti-Black to say otherwise. But what even is the point of talking to avatarfandompolice about that? You know, you would think in trying to put such a front up of caring about the Inuit, they would do the most basic learning of the proper grammatical use of Inuit and Inuk. (As is the case with a great many Indigenous Nations, Inuit is both the Nation and plural. Inuk is singular. “An Inuit” / “Inuits” as avatarfandompolice has used just makes their dressed-up racism all the more pathetic. It’s similar to as if you said “Chinas” instead of “Chinese”.)
But all this is nothing, nothing compared to the worst post I had the displeasure of seeing. In a single post, avatarfandompolice manages to squeeze in insult against low income people, Mexican people, Jewish people, and Black people in a mockery of financial help posts. Absolutely disgusting, childish behaviour from a place of privilege. As someone who has had no option but to make such a post before, more than once, let me fucking tell you that the embarrassment and desperation when in that situation is unparalleled. It is not done lightly. It is done when you are at the last resort of having nothing but hope that the combined generosity of others will be enough to save you and your family. And what adds a whole other level to the odiousness of avatarfandompolice’s post is that they specifically targeting low income minorities to boot. Because we’re all poor beggars, right?
All in all, for someone who prides themselves in calling others ignorant, avatarfandompolice has to be one of the most obtuse fandom blogs I have ever scrolled through. They are as vile as they are pathetic, and my sincere sympathy for anyone who has been unfortunate enough to interact with them. It has been a while since I so strongly recommend blocking someone.
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incorrectfmaquotes · 4 years
Hey, I love your blog! I'm sorry to bother you but I was just wondering if you got my submissions and if you've approved of them and will post them?
(Long Post; press ‘j’ to skip past if on desktop)
Hello! Thank you for loving the blog! I did get your submissions, and they have been approved. I will post them, but with the way I run this blog, the earliest one of your submissions would show up would be mid-February at this point.
(And now a little behind-the-scenes look if you want a more in-depth explanation for why that is, or if you’re just curious.)
How that works is that I like to fill the queue all the way up to the max (which is 300 posts) with quotes and other fma posts all at once when it is a few days from running out. I press the ‘shuffle’ button a couple times to thoroughly scramble the order in which I have entered the posts, so there is a better mix between new original incquotes, new submitted incquotes, old reblogged incquotes, and other fma posts. I set up the queue to post 3 times a day, so that gives me the next 100 days to make new incquotes and find other fma posts and receive submissions, and I put all of that in the drafts. Hopefully, by the end of the 100 days, I have over 300 new posts waiting in the drafts.
The last time I filled up the queue was a couple days before last Halloween, so the submissions that have been posting in that time were submitted before the last week of October.
I do apologize for how long it takes to see your submissions. I have thought about maybe changing the timeline in which I post submissions, but because no one else has brought it up before, I thought it was something that only I had some issue with and therefore, not worth changing.
And if you are still concerned about having quotes approved, well, here are some things that have made me reject submissions, or change them, or just keep them in my inbox because I don’t know what to do with them:
Biggest No-No: Absolutely no quotes that support pedophilic or incestual ships! This is the one I have made sure to put down in the submissions page. It says before the submission box that even if you did not intend for it to be romantic, if it can conceivably be perceived that way and tagged as a pedophilic or incestual ship by someone reblogging, then I will alter it in a way that would make it more not like that, like adding another character. I feel incredibly guilty changing someone else’s submissions though, especially in this case, because they are clearly going for a wholesome platonic, familial vibe. Unfortunately, what ends up happening sometimes is that some of those submissions just end up sitting in my inbox longer as I wrestle with that guilt and how to potentially change it.
Offensive shock humor/humor rooted in bigotry. Not too long ago, I had to delete multiple submissions with humor based in transphobia and sexual violence. It was incredibly disheartening to receive, and I am not gonna force anyone else to read them or anything like that. I rarely get this type of stuff, which I am grateful for.
Quotes that are graphically NSFW, especially if they involve the teenage characters. These are INCREDIBLY uncomfortable for me to read. I’m usually fine with posting some dirty humor, but either the lines are too blurred with these submissions, or they are just waaayyy too inappropriate out the gate. I have actually posted some of these because I thought that maybe I was having an overreaction to these quotes, maybe I’m being too prudish, maybe they actually are that funny to more people. I don’t know if others are having the same reaction to them that I do, but they usually end up being some of the least popular quotes, so I’m probably just gonna reject them now. I will admit, there are a few quotes that I had posted in the very early days of this blog that are more NSFW than I would think to make now. I’m honestly surprised that I did make those, I think I was just excited to find more quotes for this blog, my mind has changed now.
Quotes that I have already done before.  Even if you have submitted it with different characters, chances are that I’m still gonna delete it unless it is really different. If you happen to submit a quote that I have not posted yet, but I do have it waiting in my queue or drafts, I won’t add the submission. I know this is harder to check for anyone submitting, especially because this blog has almost 5,000 posts, but yeah, this is just one of the things that make me reject a submission.
More specifically, do not send me that quote from Brooklyn 99 where Jake accidentally calls Holt “Dad”. This is, without a doubt, the quote I keep getting sent the most. At one point, I had 7 submissions of it from different people in my inbox all at once before I deleted them. I still get submissions of it that I delete on sight at this point. Y’all. That is one of this blog’s earliest quotes. I’m pretty sure it’s within the first 100 posts. It’s already been done. Please stop sending me this quote.
I don’t think you were expecting such a hefty response, but I hope you have the necessary information.
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Okay, you know how I said I wanted to watch all these german minecraft series and then watch 3rd Life SMP? Yea, I actually dont have the attention span to watch a bunch of white bread boys fuck around in minecraft with little to no story, regardless of wether theyre american or european so Im just gonna write this post and them start watching 3rd Life SMP so yeah.
First, I kinda want to discuss what Im hoping for on like, a meta-level I guess. The only other minecraft RP Ive watched that seems similar to this is Dream SMP so expect lots of comparisons.
I like to split dsmp into three major parts: no story/non-rp, story/non-rp and story/rp.
The first part was literally just a live streamed vanilla minecraft let's play and it was boring as shit. It felt exactly like watching a bunch of dudes play minecraft and unless they acknowledged the people in their donations (who could uncomfortably pushy and even shippy at times) you did not at all get the impression they were even aware of the stream. And as much as I appreciate some level of authenticity in this type of content, I also expect to be entertained by it and this did not even meet my bare minimum standard of entertainment. Admittedly, my attention span is very low so that definitely has something to do with it, but still. I personally have never felt anything but boredom and occasionally intense discomfort while watching anything from this 'era' of dsmp.
The second part was the start of the first conflict, and thus the start of some semblance of a story. They were kind of 'roleplaying' already (both in the sense that they obviously have their personas for their content and in sense that they didnt actually have grievances with one another and were just playing it up for the sake of entertainment) but it was more on the fly, even less focused and less serious. However, it was already legues more fun to watch.
And then we had the third part, where, starting with Wilbur Soot joining and deciding to larp Hamilton, they started to plan things out more and have more complex and/or dramatic conflicts. Needless to say, this was/is the best part in my opinion and what made me see the appeal of dsmp.
What Im hoping for 3rd Life SMP is, that they skip atleast the first part. From what I can tell, it was created sometime after dsmp has been in that third part for a bit and it is a minecraft rp, so Im assuming the people behind it wanted to do something similar, just with the story aspect there on purpose and from the get-go, if you know what I mean. And by the way, I dont think thats wrong or even "copying" in the slightest. Dsmp very much seems like a case of "they did it first, not best" and if anything, I think it would be a shame if people didn't want to do their own spin on this basic concept.
What Im personally hoping for in terms of the 'style' of roleplay itself, I really hope that they dont seperate it as rigidly into lore and non-lore as they did in dsmp. Ideally, they would do it like Ranboo (Wilbur when he was playing Ghostbur to an extend too, but he didnt actually stream and have his own POV back then), where he's always kinda 'In-Character' even when there isnt really anything happening in the plot at that moment. Again, I just dont have the attention span for no story in series like this anymore, so I'd appreciate it on a personal level, but I also think that it could humanize the characters more and potentially add additional depth to them. Especially since it looks like 3rd Life is made by the Hermitcraft group and if the stuff Ive read about Hermitcraft (especially in comparison to dsmp) it wont thrive off intense conflicts and wars in quite the same way, so that could also be a way of making a calmer rp interesting.
And now, some actual plot predictions!
So, the way I found 3rd Life SMP was this really neat 'Pitiful Children' animatic by ZylisticArt. I didnt actually 'watch' it because when I look up animatics I just kinda stare at the screen, not processing anything because Im too busy imagining my own OC animatic to the song, but I did read the description and was mildly intrigued, and its the main reason I wanted to watch 3rd Life so Im going to properly watch it now and post my predictions for the plot below.
The description mentions something about the animatic being based on some kinda theory, but I only skimmed it in order to not get spoiled so idk what thats really about. Im mostly intrigued by the fact that the description mentions it being a hardcore SMP (with a twist!), that, combined with the name and the visuals of the animatkc lead me to a couple conclusions;
I dont really know how Hardcore mode works in multiplayer, but in singleplayer you just get permanently kicked out of your world when you die, so Im assuming it works like that on a server too, except on a server, Im pretty sure you have the option of being 'reinvited' onto a server by the admin(s) so you could theoretically have three lives while keeping it a hardcore project where you cant regenerate without potions or golden apples and all that. Again, idk if thats actually how hardcore works but I sure hope it is, because thats what Im basing pretty much all of my predictions on.
In the animatic there were like green people, yellow people and a red guy who was like, the antagonist I guess. I think the green guys still have all their lives, the yellow ones are down to two and the red lads are all down to their last one. Maybe theres gonna be a thing thats like, if you lose a life you lose a part of your soul and that makes you evil or something? Yknow, like the whole "character comes back wrong" thing, except its the conflict of the entire series. Pitiful Children is very much a 'Manipulating Others Into Doing Harmful Shit' kinda song, and I feel like that would be very in-line with a plotline like that, yknow?
Im not expecting there to be wars/conflicts on the scale of dsmp (no blown up countries here bois) but I am expecting to get ridiculously attached to a place that inevitably gets blown up/set on fire by an antagonist.
Speaking of antagonists, theyre definitely also doing the whole multiple POV thing, which means everyone is an antagonist in one way or another and Im a solutely watching every POV from every characters so that I know the full context and story of everything, so I can have the most correct opinions on them, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Since these are the Hermitcraft guys Im expecting some beautiful builds that make me feel insanely untalented and the same thing with redstone shit.
Ghosts. If they havent added some kind of ghost mechanic/lore at the time Im writing this, they will add one in later, mark my words 3rd Life fandom, mark my words...
Thats pretty much it. This is all going under my mcyt tag too, and I dont think I'll be live blogging it, but it really depends on how interesting it is.
Also, if youre a 3rd Life fan who already watched all of it, the only thing youre allowed to respond to this with is a meme that is horribly incomprehensible to anyone who hasnt watched it.
Have a nice day!
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rainbowsky · 3 years
Ask Policy
In the interest of ensuring I can answer as many asks as possible without making too many people wait too long, I’ve decided to give some guidelines for submitting asks. Some of this is just me setting healthy boundaries because I find a lot of asks I get are outside of the scope of what I feel comfortable with, but some of it is just meant to help simplify things for those wanting to submit an ask.
I am always happy to get asks from people so don't let this policy hold you back from asking a question. It's meant as guidance to help people frame their questions to increase the likelihood they'll be answered - and as an explanation for why I don't always answer every ask. Please don't feel intimidated or deterred by the policy.
This policy is subject to change and updates so feel free to check back if there's anything you are unsure about.
I do not answer every ask
I want to start by making it clear that unlike some other bloggers, I do not answer every single ask I get. It would be impossible for me to do that. I don’t have the time or the spoons, and I get a large volume of asks daily. However, I read every single one of them and I do my best to take what I read into consideration when deciding on what to post about, etc. so even if I don’t get to your ask, it will be taken into consideration.
There are also some asks I just won’t answer, some topics I won’t discuss. I will try to outline the primary ones below, to make expectations clear.
Timing of answers
Also, I do not always answer asks in the order they are received. That would not be practical. Some asks require research and thought. Some inspire ideas that take longer for me to articulate than others. Some are time-sensitive. All of these impact the timing of a response.
Someone asking me, “What makes you believe BJYXSZD?” is going to take me a long time (months, apparently) while someone asking me, “What time is the XYZ livestream happening tonight?” takes only a moment to answer. Sometimes I get fixated on tangents about DD’s hair and fashion and will answer several asks in a row about it, even though there are older asks in the inbox.
All I can say is, I try to strike the right balance between giving people what they’re asking for while ensuring that I enjoy being on Tumblr and don’t end up feeling like it’s a job I’m not getting paid for. Sometimes I will set aside my needs for the needs of the readers, and other times I will set aside the needs of the readers for my own. This is the best way I’ve found to keep that balance right.
Guidelines for submitting an ask
Please check my index post before sending an ask. Many common questions will be answered in those posts.
Please try to keep the total word count under 300 words.
If you are asking a question, please make sure it's stated clearly.
If you want me to comment on something you saw online, please include a link so that I can see what you’re referring to.
If you have submitted the same question to multiple bloggers, please be open and honest about that.
If you aren’t anon and want me to respond privately please make that clear.
Things I'm unlikely to respond to
Hateful, harassing asks are deleted without hesitation.
Asks that go beyond the word count will likely not be answered. I have frequently gotten asks in the 600-1,200 word count range, and it’s just too much. If you have a lot to say, I recommend starting a blog of your own. Now, if you have that much to say to me and you don’t care about it being replied to then feel free to send it in, but please understand that I will likely not post your ask.
Asks that speak negatively of GG and/or DD, or that frame GG or DD as rivals or in opposition to each other, will be deleted. Such messages tend to be anti messages, and I won’t let my blog be a platform for that. If you have a good-faith question relating to that topic please be careful how you frame it, and understand I might not be willing to post a response.
Asks that are obviously copy pasted to multiple bloggers I will not answer unless there's a clear reason why they want multiple perspectives, and only if that has been stated openly in the ask. Spammed asks will be deleted.
Asks that just repeat or affirm what's already been said are less likely to be posted than ones that add something new to the conversation.
Complaints about what other people are doing online are generally referred to my post about fan wars. That’s not because I don’t care how you feel. I do, and I know how frustrating the fandom can be. I tend not to respond to those asks because I don’t want to fuel those thoughts and feelings in others, or to be a platform for spreading negativity and anger about others (and that includes solos). If you really want to talk about something relating to fan wars, try to find a way to frame it that won’t violate those principles.
While I am always happy to get fic recommendations, I have a policy of not posting fic recs to my blog. I cannot be a platform for promoting anything I haven’t yet read. I have gotten some recs that fall outside the type of fic I’m comfortable with. However, if I like the fic you recommend, it might end up on my rec list.
Asks regarding other ships, other fandoms or other artists besides GGDD are outside of my purview. My focus is on GGDD and things immediately relating to them.
Asks about time-sensitive things that have passed. For example, asks that people sent me about a live event as it was happening, which referenced things that would have made sense if read at the time but make no sense now or feel out of place after the fact, are unlikely to be responded to now.
Topics I am working on at the moment
Here’s a list of some of the ask-related posts I am currently working on, in case you are wondering whether to ask about a certain topic. If your ask hasn’t been answered you might want to check back here to see if it’s on the list.
What makes you believe BJYXSZD?
An update to my timeline post.
The BTS is fake/fan service.
Oversexualization of GGDD, especially on Twitter.
Why do solos dismiss GGDD’s relationship?
Will GG and DD ever come out?
If your ask hasn’t been answered
If your ask hasn’t been answered and
It’s been longer than a few weeks
It’s a topic I haven’t already covered (refer to my index post)
It isn’t on the list of topics I am currently working on (above)
It isn’t on the list of topics I won’t respond to (also above)
then there’s a chance it’s been lost or that I just haven’t had time. If it’s a question that really matters to you then feel free to resubmit as long as your ask meets all four of the criteria above.
If you do resubmit, consider rephrasing or reframing your ask to make it clearer and easier to answer.
I can’t guarantee I will get to it any sooner, but I will do my best.
If you don’t have time to answer all asks, why not close your inbox?
Some bloggers close their inbox when they are getting a volume of asks beyond what they have time to answer. I suspect they do that because it works for them and for how they go about things. That approach would not work for me or for how I like to engage with the fandom.
To me there is a huge value in being able to respond to asks about issues and events as they arise. It’s important to me to be able to discuss things that are currently happening, with input from readers as it is contributed. Closing my inbox would prevent that.
A lot of asks can be answered quickly. Yes, I could close my inbox and limit my answers to the longer, more time consuming asks that are lurking there. If I did so, I would ironically be answering significantly fewer asks than by leaving it open.
I also try to think about it from the ‘do unto others’ perspective, and in terms of what I expect from other bloggers when I submit an ask to them. I regularly submit asks to other blogs and when I do so, I never expect a response. I might hope for a response, of course, but I don’t expect it. I understand that people respond if/when they are able, and there might be countless reasons they wouldn’t get to my particular ask. I hope that readers can feel the same way when submitting an ask to me.
Can I message you privately?
Yes you can, but if you are messaging me to ask me a question or tell me something that might be of interest to other readers, please consider sending it as an ask so that it can be shared with everyone.
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