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You're not supposed to see it with your eyes first then it wouldn't be called "manifesting" if you could. You, see it with your mind first. That's what it's there for♥️ The Universe🌍 We are never alone and we will never be. We'are always guided as long as we tap into the positivity🌈 Comment below "I trust" if you agree😊 Happy holidays🌸 #universe #universehasyourback #universequotes #heartcentrictech #heartcentrictechmentoring #trust #trusttheprocess #tapintopositivity #leanintopositivity #energyvibes #energyvibrations #neveralone #alwaystrust #universelovesyou #universelovesme #tut #theuniverseknows #theuniverseislistening (at Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaU0APnLbn/?igshid=1hiogu12vxrma
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You deserve to live the life you've always wanted. Therefore, never ever hesitate to ask for what you want, while truly believing & acting towards receiving it from the Universe. What do you want out of your life? . . . . . . . . . . #lawofattraction #believing #youdeservebetter #youdeservethebest #youdeserveit #youdeservethebest #youdeservemore #youdeserve #youdeserveabeautifullife #theuniverse #theuniversehasyourback #trusttheuniverse #universe #universelovesyou #universeisus #wearetheuniverse #likeattractslike #changeyourlife #changeyourthoughts #changeyourmindset #changeyourmentality #changeyourself #changeyourattitude #attitudegratitude #gratitudeattitude https://www.instagram.com/p/BrOHFSDA9YK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sgwrcxqg0avx
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I think often times we are all very hard on ourselves. We don’t accept compliments from people instead we quickly turn them into a negative. Someone says your beautiful and you say oh no I’m fat... these are all bad habits and so we down ourselves. We should work on loving ourselves more. One thing I love about myself is MY SOUL. It is pure and I am happy that I am consciously aware. (I myself go thru bad days; the strength is in pushing forward despite the circumstances). TELL ME ONE THING YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF ❤️🦋👁Namaste #selflove #workonyourself #love #projectselflove #loveyourself ##universelovesyou #starseed #outofthedarkness
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#dasgesetzderanziehung #goodkarma #buddhism #ursacheundwirkung #lebenshilfewerk #hilfezurselbsthilfe #hilfdirselbst #dubistdeinheiler #dubistnichtallein #youareneveralone #universelovesyou #universelleliebe #universelleheilkraft #naturgesetz #naturehealsthesoul #lawofnature🌱 #thenatureismyreligion (hier: ALPENTRAUM - Villa & Chalet)
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Today's beautiful and empowering quote of wisdom is: "Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life." - Paolo Coello, "The Alchemist" I fell in love with this book several years ago in a time when I had strayed away from my connection with my intuition and have often recommended it to others. It wasn't until today that I realized why I loved this book so much. It's a reminder that the most important relationship you will have in your life is the one that you have with yourself and your internal guidance system i.e., your intuition. Amidst all of the day-to-day distractions and life challenges we experience every day, know that your internal guidance system is always awaiting you to reconnect with it so that it can guide you on the path that is most healing for you (which is typically a blend of most easeful and at times, encouraging us out of our comfort zone). And even if life is too challenging to do so, know that the universal signs are always supporting you outside of your connection with your soul with nuggets to guide you in your day. Stay Conscious ✨ 🌿 🌿 🌿 #Consciousness #trustyourintuition #spiritualgrowth #selfcarematters #emotionalhealing #universalsigns #thealchemist #paolocoelho #mentalhealthmatters #spiritualhealth #spiritualhealing #awakening #spiritualawakening #emotionalhealth #emotionalhealthmatters #selfhealing #loveyourself #loveyourbody #reconnection #reconnectwithyourself #higherself #universelovesyou #universehasyourback #lookatthesigns #internalguidancesystem #awakenedholistichealth #empoweringquotes #quotesthatmatter #quotestoliveby #dailyquotes
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Don't Give Up. #londonontario #ldnont #magic #stubborn #heart #sobriety #healthymind #universelovesyou #cleanyourbody #healyoursoul #dontgiveup #nevertoolate #neverlookback #onwards #upwards #staypositive #determination #perseverance #results #success 🎓 @thebuddahpest
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March 1st. #londonontario #ldnont #wakeup #itsdafirstofdamonth #selfcare #selflove #innerpeace #settinggoals #newmonthnewgoals #takeiteasy #takecareofyourself #doyou #loveyourself #newbeginnings #loveneverfails #universelovesyou 💫 @thebuddahpest
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And I Rise. #londonontario #ldnont #riseandshine #riseandgrind #riseup #goddesses #warriorwomen #neverbackdown #ownyourpower #takewhatsyours #bedetermined #success #gogetem #universelovesyou #nevergiveup #tgif #girlpower💪
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Dear Universe 🌌. #londonontario #ldnont #prosperity #moneymagnet #universelovesyou #abundance #TGIF #needavacation #keepyaheadup #keepgrinding #moneytalks #magicaldays #keepthefaith #sobeit��💕 @sarahprout @thebuddahpest
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Be Thankful. #londonontario #ldnont #lifequotes #lifeplans #giveupcontrol #wehavenocontrol #lifessurprisesyou #somethingnew #somethingmagic #universelovesyou #lettinggo #letlifeloveyou #bethankful #begrateful #happythanksgiving 🦃@thebuddahpest
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Like Gravity. #londonontario #ldnont #likegravity #likeglue #tgif #lovequotes #universelovesyou #bestfriendgoals #kindredspirits #partsofme #sun #moon #stars #yourvibe #attracts #yourtribe #dreams #never #die #thebestisyettocome #followforfollow 🌠 @thebuddahpest
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So Is Laughter. #ldnont #londonontario #bestmedicine #laughter #selfcare #selflove #selflovequotes #lovequotes #loveyourself #taketimeforyou #healthymind #healthybody #love #solitude #meditation #sobriety #writeitdown #trackyourthoughts #followyourdreams #nevertoolate #universelovesyou #liveinabundance #behappy #behappywithyourself 💓
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Rigged. #londonontario #ldnont #live #liveyourlife #happysaturday #happyspring #universelovesyou #universehasyourback✌ #takeadvantage #bepositivealwaysandgoodthingswillhappen #wordsofwisdom #rumiquotes #rumi #love #spreadthelove #tagafriend @cindyellencoach @thebuddahpest
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What you seek. #londonontario #ldnont #whatyouseeiswhatyouget #lookforpositives #seethelight #seethesilverlining #shift #your #perspective #universelovesyou #prayforabundance #loveandlight @johnlubbock @thebuddahpest
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Own your Power. #londonontario #ldnont #power #ownyourpower #knowyourtruth #realize #yourstrength #wisdom #alwayswithinyou #universelovesyou #wizardofoz #wakeup #selflove #selfrespect #dobigthings #nevergiveup #soberlife #sobrietyrocks #healthymind @thelionsroar @thebuddahpest
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Worthy. #londonontario #ldnont #sundayfunday #goodmorning #sunshine #selfcare #selflove #adorn #yourself #youareworthy #abundance #universelovesyou #soulwork #havefaith #bekind #havegratitude #havegrace @thebuddahpest
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