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Merobiba's Etymology: A Classical Discussion
The most likely place you've seen the word 'Merobiba' is Drawfee on Youtube - which has coined it as the name for a goofy little puppet-Merida from the hit film 'Bwave'.
Fig. 1: A screenshot from the original Drawfee video, posted Feb 2, 2023.
They pulled the word (among others) from the twitter account Weird Medieval, which posted this (Fig. 2) on Dec 6, 2022.
Fig. 2, the original 'merobiba' tweet, accessed via proxy
Weird Medieval sources the word (and others in the thread) to The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot knyght, written 1490? - 1546, according to the University of Michigan Library [via the Early English Books Text Creation Partnership].
But where did syr Eliot acquire the word?
Fig. 3: the cover of Plautus' Curculio: Revised Edition, With Introduction and Notes by John Wright, which is what I'm currently using for class.
It was likely in a contemporary transcription of Plautus' Curculio, a Roman comedic play published around 200BCE. - Specifically act 1, line 77 (though different versions have slightly different numbering):
Transcribed from Plautus' Curculio: Revised Edition, With Introduction and Notes by John Wright:
77 - PH. nomen Leanaest, multibiba atque merobiba.
78 - PA. Quasi tu lagoenam dicas, ubi unium Chium
79 - solet esse. PH. quid opust uerbis? uinosissuma est;
The two characters - Phaedromus (PH), a young man madly in love, and Palinurus (PA), his sassy, unimpressed slave, are discussing an enslaved woman in the supporting cast (ancilla). Merobiba references her ability to drink very strong wines, and multibiba references the amount. As T. H. M. Gellar-Goad translates it in Plautus: Curculio: "she's a super-drinker and stupor-drinker" (pg. 10) [multibiba atque merobiba]. Phaedromus goes on to state uinosissuma est, which Gellar-Goad translates to "She's winetastic" (pg. 10). Phaedromus may not have game, but he has... a way with words...?
Gellar-Goad goes on to state that "Plautus has coined [multibiba and merobiba] by smashing together smaller, familiar words. ... Plautus' plays are chock-full of this sort of inventive, fast-and-loose wordplay, and it's a challenge for translators to keep up" (pg. 11).
Given Plautus' propensity for creating weird, cognate words for the sole purpose of sounding silly, it's highly likely that this is the truly first use of the word 'Merobiba'.
So, next time you hear "I'm merobiba!" and chuckle sensibly, remember:
You are keeping a 2200 year-old word alive. Thank you.
Note: If you've read to this point and think you've got an even earlier version--probably also in the colloquial/comedic Latin literature tradition--please rb with your findings!! And if I forgot a source pls lmk.
#classics#merobiba#drawfee#drawfee show#latin#ancient rome#plautus#curculio#literally just saw the word in my plautus homework and wrote this in a frenzy of academic passion#*nathan voice* is anyone... still watching...?#also deffo the weirdest collection of tags I've put on a post#if you did read the entire post. thanks for uh. looking at this thing with an intended audience of like two people max#please learn latin if you have the time. plautus is hilarious
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July 20, 2023
FUCK! I woke up at 7 fucking am. Rushed to the station and got there around 7:20am. I was literally on my rush hour pace. I literally gpt to work at around 8:10am and when I got to my department it seemed empty. I realized that today is a protected teaching day and that they're all upstairs listening to forums and lectures. I wasn't the only staff who was late so that kind of made things better for me, kind of? I literally just ate pastries and shit since they were serving refreshments. This never happens in Kingston.
I was assigned in Emergency today but there was an ex-fix/Ilizarov training so I told Kuya Victor, the coordinator, if I could go there instead and in the afternoon I'd come back. He allowed me. It was really an interesting seminar and I'd feel more confident in volunteering to scrub the procedure. Again, this never happens in Kingston. I feel more equipped to handle situations because of these seminars that happen every week in the department. I was with Niki and Lene along with Ate Soucel. They're all such lovely girls and I like their energy.
In the afternoon we ate lunch together in the Lagoon. It was me, Niki, Soucel, and Kuya Ernest. They're all such a great bunch of people. Never a dull day with them. I'm growing more attached to these work friends of mine.
I invited Jaz and Niki next week Tuesday to go and hunt for bingsoos in London. I hope it'll happen when the day comes.
In the afternoon since no emergencies were listed, we attended more teaching sessions and this time it was all about using the pen drive and the unium/colibri trauma drive and how to use plates, pins, and screws with them. After, we all went to the coffee room in MSCB to surprise Ate Elizabeth because she was leaving. I think I ate a little too much spaghetti and chicken adobo and Elroy gave us some spicy dumplings to which I regretted eating because it was too spicy but I ate all of it to prove a point that I can.
I went to the gym after. Chest, bi/triceps, shoulders, and a bit of cardio then went to Tesco to buy some garlic. Got home around 8:20pm and met my boyfriend who prepared me dinner which was some teriyaki meatballs. So good.
We're going to watch the latest episode of JJK tonight before sleeping to end the day. I'm excited for our Taylorgedon tomorrow. That's the closest thing I can afford since I couldn't get her tickets. Life's good.
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Equilíbrio entre alimentação saudável e comidas saborosas trazem bem-estar e harmonia nas férias de fim e início de ano Com as temperaturas elevadas, a atenção com a hidratação e com os alimentos ingeridos deve ser redobrada. Durante as festas de final de ano, o excesso de ingredientes não saudáveis pode trazer complicações para a saúde e bem-estar. Para atingir o equilíbrio, é possível combinar itens um pouco mais calóricos com alimentos mais leves e nutritivos, sem comprometer a saúde e garantindo energia para aproveitar a estação mais quente do ano. O verão é o período ideal para o consumo de pratos saudáveis, frescos e coloridos. Por isso, a dica da Unium, marca institucional das cooperativas Frísia, Castrolanda e Capal, é investir em cortes suínos magros, legumes, vegetais, sucos naturais, muita água, frutas e sobremesas geladas. Confira 6 receitas saudáveis e de preparo simples: Aspargos enrolados com bacon Ingredientes: 8 aspargos verdes frescos 8 fatias de bacon Alegra Azeite extravirgem Sal a gosto Pimenta-do-reino fresca a gosto Modo de preparo: Limpe os aspargos e retire a parte fibrosa. Enrole o bacon em cada um dos aspargos. Em uma frigideira quente, disponha-os sobre um fio de azeite e tampe. Vire depois de 6 minutos e deixe cozinhar por mais 6 minutos. Cozinhe até que o bacon esteja dourado e os aspargos tenros.Tempere com sal, pimenta e sirva em seguida. Cestinhas de salame hamburguês com salpicão de legumes Ingredientes 200 g de salame hamburguês fatiado Alegra 300 g de maionese 3 xícaras de legumes picados: cenoura, couve-flor, vagem e o que mais preferir Salsa e sal a gosto Modo de preparo Para o salpicão, cozinhe os legumes em água salgada fervendo, deixando al dente. Escorra e deixe esfriar antes de misturar a maionese. Para as cestinhas, coloque as fatias de salame em forminhas de empada e leve ao forno preaquecido a 180°C, até começar a dourar. Tire do forno, desenforme e deixe esfriar sobre uma grade. As cestinhas ainda não estarão crocantes ao sair do forno, somente quando esfriar. No momento de servir, encha as cestinhas com o salpicão e polvilhe salsa fresca picada. Salada verde de figo com presunto Ingredientes 2 xícaras de presunto Alegra cortado em cubos 1 xícara de maionese 2 colheres de suco de limão 2 colheres de creme de leite 3 xícaras de salsão (ou aipo) cortado em rodelas finas 2 maçãs verdes cortadas em cubos 3 xícaras de uva sem sementes cortadas ao meio 6 figos frescos cortados em lâminas 1 vidro de palmito em rodelas 1 alface americana cortada em tiras finas 3 colheres de manjericão picado Pimenta dedo-de-moça sem sementes e picada a gosto Sal a gosto Modo de preparo Em uma tigela, misture os ingredientes do molho: maionese, suco de limão, creme de leite, sal, pimenta e reserve. Em outra tigela grande, misture todos os ingredientes da salada, exceto a alface e o manjericão. Junte o molho reservado e misture bem. Em uma saladeira, coloque as tiras da alface e a salada por cima. Finalize polvilhando o manjericão. Bruschetta de copa com molho de abacaxi e mostarda Ingredientes 200 g de copa fatiada Alegra 1 baguete de pão francês 1 lata de abacaxi em calda 1 cebola 1 colher (sopa) de manteiga 2 colher (sopa) de farinha de trigo 100 g de mostarda amarela Sal a gosto Modo de preparo Corte o abacaxi em cubos pequenos e pique finamente a cebola. Doure-a na manteiga, junte o trigo e misture bem. Adicione a calda do abacaxi, a mostarda e mexa até ferver. Junte os cubos de abacaxi e tempere com sal. Sirva o molho sobre as fatias de baguete e coloque uma fatia de copa, dobrada em quatro, sobre cada bruschetta. O molho pode ser servido quente ou frio, como preferir. Wrap de pernil com alface Ingredientes 2 tortilhas mexicanas de trigo ou milho 1 alface 250 g de pernil suíno Alegra desfiado 1 cebola pequena 1 dente de alho
1 cenoura ralada 1 colher de ervas finas picadas Suco de limão Sal e pimenta Azeite de oliva Modo de preparo Tempere o pernil suíno com o sal, o dente de alho picado, o suco de limão e as ervas finas. Deixe marinar. Corte a cebola em meias luas e doure no azeite. Acrescente o pernil desfiado e deixe saltear por alguns minutos. Retire quando a carne estiver bem cozida.Enquanto ela arrefece, lave algumas folhas de alface e seque-as bem. Aqueça levemente as tortilhas numa frigideira. Recheie cada uma delas com as folhas de alface, a carne e a cenoura ralada. Sirva com o resto da alface e da cenoura ralada. Lombo suíno assado com maçã caramelizada Ingredientes 1 lombo suíno temperado Alegra 2 maçãs vermelhas 50 g de açúcar 100 ml de água Tomilho fresco 2 colheres de manteiga Modo de preparo Aqueça uma frigideira de fundo grosso e doure o lombo temperado. Coloque a carne em uma assadeira, cubra com papel alumínio e leve ao forno preaquecido a 180ºC. Deixe assar por 40 minutos. Enquanto o lombo assa, corte as maçãs em rodelas, polvilhe o açúcar sobre elas e caramelize na mesma frigideira em que o lombo foi dourado. Coloque as maçãs lado a lado, sem sobrepor às rodelas. Repita até acabarem as maçãs. É importante pingar pequenas quantidades de água entre cada remessa de maçã para não queimar o açúcar. Retire o lombo do forno e reserve por 5 minutos antes de cortar. Depois, corte-o em fatias e intercale as fatias de carne com fatias de maçã. Pode ser quente ou frio. Se preferir, sirva acompanhado de repolho roxo refogado com um toque ácido de balsâmico ou suco de limão, sal e pimenta preta. Sobre a Unium Marca institucional das indústrias das cooperativas Frísia, Castrolanda e Capal, a Unium representa os projetos em que as cooperativas paranaenses atuam em parceria. Todas as marcas reunidas pela Unium, inclusive a Alegra, são reconhecidas pela qualidade e excelência. A Unium também conta com três marcas de lácteos: Naturalle - de produtos livres de aditivos -, Colônia Holandesa e Colaso. No setor de grãos, a Unium conta com a marca Herança Holandesa - farinha de trigo produzida em uma unidade totalmente adequada à ISO 22000, o que a qualifica com elevados padrões de exigência.
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Receita de Torta de Maçã
Receita de Torta de Maçã
Massa: 2 ½ xícaras de farinha de trigo tradicional Herança Holandesa 225 g de manteiga 1 colher (sopa) de açúcar 1 pitada de sal 2 colheres (sopa) de vinagre de maçã Água gelada (cerca de 4 a 6 colheres de sopa) 1 gema, para pincelar Recheio: 1,5 kg de maçã 1 xícara de açúcar Suco de 1 limão 50 g de manteiga 1 colher (chá) de canela em pó 1 pitada de noz moscada Modo de preparo: Recheio:…
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Receita: sugestões para o churrasco de domingo
Confira duas preparações para o churrasco
Confira duas preparações que podem ser feitas ainda neste final de semana Reunir a família e amigos para um churrasco já virou tradição. Não precisa nem esperar por data comemorativa para que a celebração aconteça, não é mesmo? Pensando nisso, a Unium apresenta duas receitas para que você possa diversificar o churrasco. Confira abaixo as sugestões: Linguiça de Churrasco grelhada com farofa de…
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Produção de grãos deverá atingir 330 milhões de toneladas na próxima década
Produção de grãos deverá atingir 330 milhões de toneladas na próxima década
Ministério da Agricultura prevê crescimento de 27% no setor até 2031; soja, milho, algodão e trigo puxam a evolução do setor Enquanto outros setores produtivos mostraram dificuldades para crescer durante a pandemia, o agronegócio brasileiro “puxou para cima” o PIB nacional em 2020 – e deve continuar o bom desempenho também na próxima década. Segundo o estudo Projeções do Agronegócio, Brasil…
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Battery Powered
Unium • Solve “Battery” by overlapping the line twice
I felt a bit bad continuing to play a lot of ‘new’ puzzle games, without necessarily going back to some of the other games that I’d started in order to grab the quick-and-dirty achievements, and so I made a commitment to start revisiting some of these titles that have nothing mechanically wrong with them, but I’ve never really had the time or…
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#casual#games#Gaming#maze#PC#pcmr#puzzle#steam#steam powered#Unium#video#video game#video games#video gaming#windows
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@Nokia completes the acquisition of #Unium Nokia announced it has completed the acquisition of Unium, a Seattle-based software company that specializes in solving complex wireless networking problems for use in mission-critical and residential Wi-Fi applications.
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Since I´m an idiot and forgot that tumblr makes the pictures smaller when you add them to the text part .. here we go again (xx)
P u m p U R a n U S R I P ? O L L S E v e o p R (This reminds me of Oswald and The Riddlers message system? The word downwards could spell out murder? And I´m pretty sure I read “Penguin” on that Page and “ward” maybe ) (but who is Jeff? ) LEFT page: What what what ward(word?) ______ candle in Penguin __inger hole ___ ____ N lumps lumps fat lumps and __cepid(?insipid) pools of baby dead animals on the road to my friends Jeffs house happy ___ ! Happy time!
N___ and ____ ___ ____ In a bunch of ______ Warble tools/rods(?) caned soda of doooooooooooooooooom ___ bits/bite? of bacon ____ ___ ban on Sunday ___ __ I´ve never ___ better I ____ mommy and cut off her ___ ___ see how ____ all ____ and fit
to ___ __ ___ ___ ____ drapp/ff?__ of wa___ And extra butter on mom. RIGHT page: ___ was the last? time I __ __ my ___ __ __ Saw ___ significant ___ __ __ small pennies __ __ __ __ rolled? ___ __ most smalls ___ __ __ gas station. Smoke the cigarettes? or sell them ? But/Buy the ___ lottery(?) tickets or sell(?) them? Flavor (?) ice Never gets cold enough to Last more __ 30 minutes In my molten(?) hot hand ___ ___ are ____ by(?) The only sources(?) of constant unbridled(?) and unchecked Heat. ___ ___. They Never have enough medic(ine?) in me cup. ___ I can __ ___ ___ tastes like(?) a __ sandwich? on (the?) one day of year you can´t? eat 27/it? > death
When I was a baby I looked out (my moms?) hole? and gave ___ ___ At my __ ___ __ Then I grabbed my _____ and _____ ___ ___ __ on his head.
2. PAGE LEFT: In red: “War is coMing” In Black: I feel like the repeated “Gotham” shifts to a “Gordon” in the middle?
RIGHT Some day I wish ___ __ __ __ the __ behind ___ __ __ like __ ___ __ whore __ ___ that __ you´ll find the __ __ __ __ __ Drips(?) in your eyes while I watch you __ From being stuffed(?) __ A __ I_ have fresh (cut?) __ your flesh(?)
Drawing of whatever this is? But the eyes part suggests its linked to the text?
3. PAGE LEFT Drawing of green eyes with a blood drop, and two lenghty black thin whatever that is things & a couple of vertical lines crossed by a horizontal one
__ I .. to die .. (?)me time ot die die to , to time To die .. t? .. satia dipl.. Unium .. (**) Time To ?? ?? Bun Bun Blun? To Die to harry Time ha .. …………… ?
(** I´m so lost with this trying to read it it sounds like how you would write down something in latin when you don´t know how to propery spell .. like pluribus unum .. or first I thought it was sativa and we are about some plan t.. )
RIGHT (satans??) Bush tree(?) Bush tree(?) ___ (satan) he is to (the right??) ___ __ my hair(?) to ___ the bush tree __ meat team eat Bush _ satans tan anus __ the tree to eat __ eight(?)of __ __ __ Satans anus Bush tree On the right tree Bush Tree(?) Bush filling(?) my __ __ ___ Tree __ to __ __ my _ __ Tree ?bush right of the __ __ f ??? ???????????? (8th line from the bottom) anus spilled high .. ?
4. PAGE LEFT: Drawing of a person with glasses and a a V-neck piece of clothing There is a rectangle drawn round the person from hip to neck it crosses over the body on the bottom but under the neck Repeated: “I HATE YOU” 1. Red Stamp: “Cancelled” RIGHT: Drawing of a chainsaw labeled “Jeremiah special�� in fancy lettering Cut off hand and head (short hair, freckles, glasses) that both spurt red blod: A couple of red Stamps “cancelled” (I wonder if the “cancelled” means he found a better plan and this murder idea is cancelled or if the person is “cancelled”)
5. PAGE LEFT: Red “6” Stamps repeatedly grouped as 666 RIGHT: A couple of red Pin stamps get poured out of a green container Down on a person lying on the floor, by another one standing on tip toes on something, the person is probably smiling and there is a red Star stamp on it
6. PAGE LEFT: Drawing of a Dagger/Sword with a guard like on a rapier (what are those called again?) that is dripping blood In the middle the head of a person half skull half with skin and parts of hair (?) blood dripping over it Text: “melted like a marshmallow in the microwave” “s´more face (?)” “good ol´melty face man” “It just fell off”
RIGHT: Head with fhill short hair and snakes coming out of the hair (as an unprofessional side note: The snakes are super cute) left to the head is a green/blue coloured snake. On the right top: “snaaaaaakes” The neck shows some veins (?) and is in an anatomically not correct way connected to a hand that is labeled als “worm (?) hands” The index finger pulls the corner of the mouth to the side. Mouth is open, the tongue colored red, the gums blue/green The eyes have curls in them and are green/blue it seems there are meant to be set deep in the head Eyes and corner of the mouth drip red blood.
(What´s up with the Snakes? Medusa?)
7. PAGE Repeated: Listen to me listen to me
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Hey, Have you entered this competition to win ✨ UNIUMxGOODFRIENDS ✨ yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/WHDrt2
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Hey, Have you entered this competition to win ✨ UNIUMxGOODFRIENDS ✨ yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/Ez3cJ7
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UNIUM x GoodFriends Airdrop
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Receita de Bisteca Acebolada
Receita de Bisteca Acebolada
Ingredientes 4 bistecas in natura Alegra 2 cebolas 50 g de manteiga 2 dentes de alho 1/2 limão Pimenta preta Sal Modo de preparo Tempere as bistecas com sal, pimenta, alho picado e suco de limão. Reserve por 15 minutos. Corte as cebolas em rodelas de meio centímetro. Aqueça uma frigideira de fundo grosso, de preferência de ferro. Derreta metade da manteiga e coloque as bistecas, lado a lado.…
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(short and excluding "E") brythonic deities+ minerals + periodic table elements
Abar Abhum Abium Abrony Abus Acal Afnota Aggum Agon Agrus Agus Akhald Akos Alar Alaria Alcis Algad Alium Alli Allium Allum Alnar Alpar Alsta Althia Altium Alulc Amar Ambium Amium Amman Ammium Amna Ancyl Andium Andum Angium Angus Anis Anium Ankdin Annum Anta Anthus Antius Anus Aplum Aranaz Arbium Ardium Armius Arnal Arnus Arth Arus Aruvis Auby Augis Aura Avis Axio Bant Barmaz Barna Baus Bichry Bicum Bium Bixby Bohum Bonos Bontum Boris Borson Bous Brad Bramus Brios Bris Briton Bron Bros Brus Budium Buklon Bulium Burmar Cadian Cadsum Cafous Calio Calt Caman Camium Canium Canus Carnus Catinc Caulum Caum Chan Char Chian Chius Chlos Chold Chonus Chron Chum Cina Cins Cium Cius Clanic Cligon Clis Clium Clor Cobarl Colid Colium Conium Cons Cotum Crosum Crota Crum Cuar Curis Dalum Damal Daman Damos Daus Dium Dius Dmium Dubis Duli Dumium Fabros Farand Faum Faur Flonyx Fluan Fluar Fluby Fluis Flum Flunid Fluor Flus Forbus Foum Fous Fragra Framon Fraum Furnus Gagon Galc Gamnar Ganhyl Gata Gium Gmium Gonium Granus Graum Griny Grolis Gros Grum Grus Gutaz Gypia Halo Halt Hammon Hanium Hanon Haston Haum Haus Hocos Homium Hortis Hulum Humio Hupium Hurium Huthil Hylar Hyllaz Hyllum Hynium Idor Inum Irous Ixby Jarium Kala Kalgia Kalum Kambis Kaotan Karl Karois Kaňkis Khaus Kobis Kovis Kranta Kranth Kranum Kunium Lamitz Lanc Landum Laria Larum Lasgus Laum Laus Lazus Linc Lium Logar Logus Lois Lontia Lorum Loyson Luor Lurd Macos Magos Magus Mallum Malna Mana Manal Mand Manna Mantz Marl Marus Maum Mcodon Michry Millum Minna Mium Mius Mona Monium Mony Morium Morl Motis Motium Mula Mult Nanum Narar Nium Nonum Normon Norum Népos Ogar Olium Ollaum Olman Onium Orbis Ordium Orpum Ossium Palt Panium Para Parius Parros Partz Paryst Pasta Pata Phalan Phium Phon Pinium Plan Plaros Platos Plawth Plum Pona Pophyl Pous Prium Psum Pumos Pyron Pyros Pyroum Quar Ragrad Rallum Rana Rhor Rhos Rhour Rhozon Rium Rohus Romium Ronus Rosion Rospar Rotria Rous Roxyl Ruilia Sabaid Saggum Samon Samus Sanum Saplan Saris Sarus Sarvon Sathia Sbrum Scan Scar Schry Schryl Sclium Scon Scrot Shax Shium Sinium Siot Sitalt Siton Sium Sklor Skyoid Smot Sonium Sonus Sphus Stis Stium Ston Stor Stros Strus Stry Stütz Sult Suvia Swurd Syllum Séraus Tagrad Tamon Tatra Taum Tazult Thalum Thaus This Thortz Thos Thuaid Thum Tiand Tibous Tinc Tintz Tiodon Toum Tron Trosta Tryson Tsid Tsmon Tsullo Tsum Tudium Tunna Tyros Uckina Ulium Unium Unus Uric Urins Uris Urium Urous Uvium Valum Vanois Vaum Vauris Vaus Vinus Vium Wadium Wald Warnus Whia Wila Wodon Wolum Woois Wüst Xana Xanna Zaban Zana Zaris Zhnium Zina Zinium Zipum Znus
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