#unistaryo's writing
unistaryo · 2 months
Open door[Alucard (Hellsing) x Reader] Oneshot
Summary:After completing a mission together, you and Alucard find yourselves trapped in a mansion. The vampire finds it the perfect moment to confess his feelings to you.
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The situation was ironic, really. How come, out of all the missions Alucard went through, the one you accompanied him on proved to be the most difficult? All you two needed to do was find a vampire and destroy it. Simple. But, at the very end, after it was killed, a dark truth revealed itself. 
 You and Alucard were locked inside a corridor full of doors, but none could be opened. They were guarded by a cluster of dying stars, which kept their distance from the walls. It was almost as if they didn’t want to damage their old companion. Why would they? Nobody wants to make their loved ones suffer, do they? Not even Alucard.
 That’s why he always protected you, always ready to destroy everything that dared to attack your wellbeing. He cared about you in a way he never did for anyone, a feeling he hadn’t experienced in centuries. He plans to cherish it as long as he can, but he also can’t contain himself from showing it in his unique way.
“So… you really can’t see the open door you have right here?” he mentions while smirking. 
“No! Where it is, Alucard?” you respond with a defeated expression, the vampire only laughs back. This only irritates you more, so, without thinking beforehand, you grab him by his arm.
”Listen-” you begin to speak only for him to interrupt you “You really are a blind one, my dear.” With that, he takes your hand in his and brings it to his chest, where his heart is supposed to be, “It’s right here, to my soul.”
 You remained still, breathing stopping for a moment before your heart began to search for a way out. Getting out of there wasn't a priority anymore.
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unistaryo · 3 months
Limerence [Alucard (Hellsing) x Reader] Oneshot
summary: The reader, employed at Hellsing, wrestles with unrequited feelings for Alucard while grappling with their emotional turmoil during his absence on a mission.
//author's note:
Heyy!! This is the first fanfic that I've ever posted, so I hope you like it! (side note: if you think something could be improved please tell me)
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The moon was at its peak, her long, ripped veil hiding the world at night, fearful of the uncaring sun, whose radiant, almost godly, presence destroyed everything that could not hide from it. What should he care? It’s not like humans will blame him for all the crimes committed in his light, not even his own. They need him to see the truth, after all. Who wouldn’t believe something they see clearly? Who wouldn’t want to know the truth he hides within himself, protected by the same costume that helps them so much? Perhaps that’s why the so-called monsters tried to uncover it, only to be punished, so they never dared to walk around its presence again.
 Only the forgiving queen, who always danced with her king, to help them forget their agony for a few hours. Maybe that is why she was also trying to protect me, hovering me with a piece of her veil. She sensed my agony, my despair. Where was my beloved now? Was he still alive? Of course, he is, you foolish human, he is almost as powerful as the sun. Probably he already finished his mission and is killing time elsewhere, away from this place, away from me. But why would he do something like that to someone who longs for him so much? No, why he wouldn’t? What am I to him but one of the many who desire him? Maybe I’m lucky if he sees me as a tool, a meal he might someday be approved to have. He isn’t even mine; I only think of him as so, letting him invade my mind. He probably doesn’t even think of me outside of the few interactions we have. Oh, Alucard, how I wish you knew my despair. How I wish you were beside me, your cold body warming against mine as I confess my deepest secrets to you, searching for relief. How I wish to protect you, to shower you with every pleasure you could imagine. How I wish to… to… have you beside me… But, all I can have are the stories I create to erase my loneliness and hide away the tears that, like now, are flooding my face…
 Maybe, someday, I won’t be alone, here, in my room, standing with my back on a wall facing the window, crying and waiting for his touch.
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