#unikitty nostromoo
Hewwo guys! Perhaps some of you think that I don't care about the Unigang and the Unikingdom citizens, but I don't, because I have a couple of original characters, and I also developed some existing characters in the show.
Rexflex (Dino Dude and Kickflip's son) and Fleur (Flamurtle and Owlamander's daughter).
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They are young stuntmen and like to compete in a friendly way, but Fleur is much more aggressive and sometimes envies those who are younger than her, but everyone adores her and really wants to be friends.
Dylan and Teresa (Ted Butter's kids)
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They are teenage twins who talk normally, unlike their father (who deliberately quacks at everyone, and does not talk), go to high school, like different jokes and dye their hair in the colors of their favorite characters. They may seem toxic, but they actually want a little attention.
Older Nostromoo, Lil Bean and "Jenny" (original Unikitty! characters)
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Guys who are somewhere 7-8 younger than Unikitty, but also managed to interact with fankids.
Nostromoo is the same age as Lil Bean, identifies himself as a nonbinary with the pronouns it/they and geek, is good at physics and likes a series of films about "Alien" and "The Predator".
Lil Bean is a cool guy and an awesome bass guitarist who has the nickname L0Я4 and they say that he wants to free the Cult of Stickers, and so unsuccessfully. Likes to eat and watch movies, and also doesn't like to lose.
"Jenny" (Robot Kid) is older than them, but this is not a reason not to communicate. A little older, she decided to work as a waiter and for this she attracted attention in various ways. She loves listening to music, fast food and roller skating, her favorite animated series is the one where MC (main character) is also a robot and she is her namesake. Good engineering skills, but they don't always come in handy.
And, good gals and friends
Oldstyle (Old Timey Moustache Guy's daughter) and Croissant (Toaster, Toast and Bagel's relative)
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Oldstyle works for Father Time, but cannot pass on the rights to operate her personal Time Machine, but soon she finds out that her versions from the future have already traveled through time, so she does not lose heart and trains. Croissant is originally from France and she likes to stretch out their family "Ooooh" as "Oooooh-la-la".
That's all characters now. See you more later! Bye!
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