#unikitty master pain
rozex21 · 5 months
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Of course I didn't put everything that I like in one art...
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mill-lol · 3 months
New master pain
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doomlordsbutfunni · 1 month
Hey hey, been a while since I posted so yip !
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Also made a messy video of Frown accidentally misgendering Master Pain mainly cuz all the other doomlords are known to be guys lmao (besides Master Doom). IB is @ eggritos
Also, I posted this to Instagram way earlier and someone also made a version of it! I love their art style and they make a lot of doom lord related content.
Please check them out :D ! https://www.instagram.com/skiz_cookies?igsh=MzJjbG1yaWpiYTN6
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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Johnny sighed. “Look, I'm only telling you guys this because… well, it might help you. I don't know.” After taking a few shots of ducks and a pipe in the back, he continued. “RJ is a time anomaly. Probably shouldn't be here, but really strange things happen on Meraki.”
“What does that mean?” Kit had her full attention on Johnny.
“RJ… was originally Emmet Brickowski.” The words hung heavy in the air, a confusing anomaly on their own.
“How is that possi-!” Vito was interrupted by her cousin.
“It makes sense. The Rexcelsior… he hasn't used that ship in decades… and the past hurts him.” Kit played with her headband.
“Yeah, and for good reason. Vito, you can ask your dad: the Downstairs Realms have a history of being borderline antagonistic to him.” Johnny closed his eyes, almost out of embarrassment. “That's a history shared with RJ. The shared history splits when the town of Apocalypseburg failed to support a call to action to “save” Batman, Lucy, and the rest of the heroes of TAKOS Tuesday from a perceived kidnapping.” He rolled his eyes. “Imagine being your father, Vito. Wants nothing more than to help the ones he cares about. Decides to build a ship and head off after the ship his friends are on. Crashes his ship and ends up on an isolated desert planet for years with only…” His shoulders dropped. “...only thoughts of the things he had been told for years prior about how he wasn't good enough.”
“And my dad was in pain.” Kit played with the pull string of her hoodie. Things were starting to click in a way that made the girl uncomfortable.
“Yeah. It doesn't justify what he did, but I think the people of his timeline should have seen that coming. Only so far you can pull a light gun before it breaks off the cabinet.”
“Wait! Are Kit and I… siblings?” Vito scratched his head.
“No. The Assembly had asked Queen Unikitty's minister of science to provide a DNA sample when the whole Doom Lord incident was settled. Whatever kept him to this timeline rewrote parts of his genetic code. Changed him in ways we can't really understand, but was enough of a change for him to be more like Emmet’s brother.” Johnny shot at a few more ducks. “Keep shooting, kids. I'm gonna get some food.” With the bombshell dropped, he left deeper into the carnival.
“Kit, are you going to be OK?” Vito asked quietly.
“You know, that explains why he always liked the Unikingdom more than Syspocalypstar, why he didn't like going there on trips.” Kit shot a line of ducks.
“Do you know what Master Apocalypse meant with Uncle Rick keeping secrets, too?” Vito asked, hopeful.
“He once told me the story about how he fell in love with Dad and said that the Unikingdom was far older than most people think. He could be referring to that.” Kit kept most of her focus on the shooting game.
“Maybe we should ask your father about that once things are over. Knowing the kingdom has a history beyond Meraki is important.”
“I agree. Papa keeps saying he has his reasons, but I don't see them.” The smell of corn dogs and fried dough hit Kit’s senses as Johnny pressed a paper plate into each kid's hand full of the stuff.
“Eat up. This is some good stuff.” Johnny grinned as he took a healthy bite out of an oversized hot dog. “I saw our scores. Master Edgy has nothing on us right now!”
“Good. We need to beat that guy. I don't like how he's talking about his plans. It feels wrong.” Vito shook his head as he took a bite into a large piece of fried dough covered in a layer of sugar.
“I don't, either. He seems to have some real beef and I don't know what to make of it.” Johnny looked over to Kit. “How are ya feeling, kid?”
“I feel like… I think I’m starting to understand why Dad doesn't talk about his past now. It makes sense. Why would anyone want to remember being hurt so much?” Kit fidgeted with the stars on the ends of her pull strings.
“No one does.” Johnny shoved his hands in his pockets and watched pixel people shuffle up and down the midway. “Chief Starhawk is just another bully.”
Kit’s mind went back to the last time she saw her father at the Syspocalypstarian spaceport and the heartbroken look in his eyes as he was taken away. She also saw the man with his hands behind his back and his sickening, self satisfied smirk as he took her father away. Her hands curled into fists.
“What else had that jerk been doing?” She said after a silent moment.
“I'm mostly just referring to your dad. You wanna know why I'm really here?” Kit nodded slowly. “I needed to get away from the noise and connect with my friends. Despite all of the surveillance we've done on him over the years, the Assembly is on your dad's side. Chiffon is part of his legal defense. She volunteered, in fact. Completely pro bono. It's right now the old guard versus the new guard and… I'm sure you'll hear about it on the news.” Kit had already turned around and started shooting ducks again. “I don't blame her.”
“If you're trying to get away from the whole thing, why tell us anything about it? Usually talking about it adds more stress. At least it does for me.” Vito continued to rip into his fried dough.
“I guess I figured Kit at least would have the right to know what's going on with her dad. Also, I don't want some little twerp from Man Upstairs knows where to taint her memories of her dad. Wanted her to know that there are some people who know what he was about and are trying to fight for him.” He finished off a corndog and stuck the stick in his mouth.
“How long has it been since we've been gone? I think we're traveling with a time traveler and I'm a little curious.” Vito said between large bites of dough.
“It's only been about 6 hours. We haven't seen your mom in a while. We just thought that RJ being sent to prison was taking its toll on her.”
“I think mom's getting ready for whatever Master Apocalypse has up his sleeve. I think she would have come with us if she didn't feel she had to protect everyone else.” He sighed. “Are you going to have to tell Mom we're out here?”
“Yeah. Sorry, kid. I'll make sure she doesn't get too mad that you're gone.” Kit turned back, putting her rifle down. “You know what? I think it gave us a high enough score that we don't need to spend too much time in Donkey Kong Jr. Let's go play that Nintendo classic from 1982.” He led the two kids to his arcade cabinet, which quickly shed the trappings of a Carnival cabinet and transformed into one for Donkey Kong Jr..
They quickly found themselves in a pixelated jungle. The sound of crunching leaves and twigs echoes in the air. A voice cut into the ambiance.
“Papa! Papa, can you hear me?” Kit turned to see an ape in a white sleeveless shirt that had the letter J emblazoned on it in red. She knelt down to the ape’s level and frowned. “Have you seen Papa? He’s big and strong. Probably with a terrible human in a red hat.”
“No. But we're here to help you, kid.” Johnny flashed a reassuring grin, which put the primate at ease.
“Oh! Thank you! I'm Donkey Kong Junior. My papa is Donkey Kong, so you can just call me Junior.” Junior took Kit's hand and hopped in place. Kit shook it firmly.
“I'm Kit and,” she pointed to each of her companions in turn. “This is Vito and Johnny.” She spoke softly. “Where did you last see your Papa?”
“He was headed deep into the jungle in a cage with that…terrible Mario. I just… I want Papa back. If you can help me… I'm sure Papa will be grateful.” Kit’s expression was soft and sympathetic.
“Come on. Let's find your Papa.” She took Junior’s hand and they began walking towards an impossible rocky cliff face. Vines were everywhere, but they looked climbable. At the top was a very large ape in a cage.
“Papa! What luck! We found him already! It should be a snap to climb those vines!” Junior jumped to the nearest platform and grabbed on to one of the vines. A voice from above spilled down below them.
“You won't be able to get him, Junior!” Something about the voice of the ape’s father’s kidnapper sounded very familiar to Kit, but she couldn't place where she heard it before. “I made sure my friends are extra bitey today!”
“Why won't you leave Papa alone?” Junior huffed as he climbed. “Luckily for me, I've got friends to help this time!”
“What do we do to help Junior?” Kit turned to Johnny. He pointed to a key high up and hanging from the vines.
“He needs that key to free Donkey Kong. I think what you want to do is grab that key for him.” Before Johnny could say anymore, Kit was already climbing up a vine.
“Junior! Make a beeline for your dad! I'm going to get you the key!” Junior nodded and changed his course to the vines that would get him closer to his dad. “Vito! Tell me where I need to go. I want to focus mostly on climbing.” Vito called back a confirmation and the direction to stay on the vine she was on. Kit was deep in concentration with the small ape spoke.
“Hey, Kit! What brings you to my neck of the jungle? I don't see humans often around here!” Junior shouted as he started to collect fruit that were on the vines. Why Junior was making small talk during such a perilous mission was something that Kit couldn't quite wrap her mind around.
“I'm here to help my dad!” Kit shouted, following Vito's direction to move to a vine to the right of her.
“Don't tell me Mario has him, too!” The primate sounded outraged at the thought.
“No. My dad was taken by another, equally bad guy.” She was concentrating more on her task, but it was clear to even Junior that she was starting to get upset.
“Don't worry! We can take things one at a time!” Junior kept climbing, kept moving forward despite occasionally getting knocked down by Mario's traps. Kit had to admit that there was something admirable about that. This gave her strength, a renewed vigor for the goal. She did everything she could to avoid the enemies that seemed to focus more on Junior than her. Vito’s vantage point allowed her to dodge some of the hardest enemies with his detailed instruction.
This all changed when she got close to the key. The robotic creatures that were plaguing Junior turned on her and began to go on the attack. Kit struggled to reach the key, getting pushed away each time by the snapping, gator-like creatures. She kicked one away and two more snapped their jaws in her direction. While she struggled, Junior used the distraction to get higher up the cliff. He gave Kit an encouraging wave, kicking an enemy away. This gave her just a little bit more resolve, but she still had difficulty grabbing the key, now that it was so close to her grasp. She stuck out her tongue, her hands barely touching the pixelated metal. She heard an excited whistle from her bag and this made enough of a distraction for her to snatch the key.
“Hey! You're testing my patience.” Mario growled as he sent out a volley of bird enemies to attack Kit and Junior. Whenever one of them got closer to Kit or Junior, the other made noise to distract the birds away. She finally caught up with Junior and handed him the key.
“Distract Mario. I've got the cage.” Junior got behind Kit as she nodded. She approached the pixelated human in front of the cage.
“Mario, what are you doing? This isn't right.” Kit spoke calmly, close to the man whose voice still bothered her.
“The big ape over here kidnapped my girlfriend.” He patted the cage. “I'm just settling the score.”
“Revenge isn't the answer.” Kit walked closer, the pixel returning to her pocket. “It leads you to bad things. You're taking a dad from his kid. Does that mean Junior has the right to take your… your brother?”
“Of course not! He knows I would just take his Papa again.” Mario folded his arms.
“Exactly. It's a continuous cycle. One,” the sound of a metal door opening could be heard. “We are breaking up right now. So long, Mario!” Donkey Kong grabbed Kit as he fled with his son.
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basicallysalad · 3 years
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Did I just make a 10 page comic about these idiots?
Yes. Yes I did.
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iceemoondemon · 2 years
RAINBOWPEACH!Pain, Misery and Plague dropped!!
Les gooooooooooooo
Here we have
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glazeliights · 2 years
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heres the frowntown gang!!! rouges are coming tomorrow
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eugenerolton · 3 years
Corporate party
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kupa-amo · 3 years
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Master Pain
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bestfrownsforever · 3 years
Dawn of a New Era
After their screaming fit died down, Unikitty, Hawkodile, Richard, Puppycorn, Dr. Fox, and Brock opened their eyes not feeling the same. Whatever reason Master Frown zapped them for, it left them with some of the old Doom Lords' items, accompanying looks, and corrupted thought and feelings. But the differences felt so good.
Master Big Frown proudly looked back down at them. His decision to combine his need for friendship and love for evildoing seemed great so far, and so already couldn't wait to start things over with them.
"Well look at you guys!" he said as he stepped closer to his transformed friends, "You're top-notch Doom Lord material already!"
Unikitty rolled her eyes. "Well it's not like you made us this way or anything," she said with a laugh.
"Now are you gonna upgrade yourself or something?" Hawkodile asked, "'Cause that look isn't gonna cut it if we want to be taken seriously."
"Yeah about that..."
Master Big Frown turned back, stepping over Master Doom's broken body and chuckling as she yelped in pain, mostly as an excuse to make up his mind on the spot. He knew he couldn't stay in his current form, especially after just deciding it was stupid and with the others were talking about him behind his back. But he instantly went with the first idea that popped into his head, more than proud of it.
"How about we start things off the same way they began last time?"
He teleported himself and his new allies to the top of his castle, rubbling his electric hands together.
"Watch and learn!" he triumphantly ordered, floating a few feet off the ground to create a stronger portal than when he was first promoted. At first glance, not much changed. But when everyone looked around enough times, they realized the kingdom was much farther below them, the castle they stood upon had more attatched to it, and the glowing around Frown's own body disappeared to reveal a much taller, spikier, and more proportionate version of himself.
"You look amazing, dude!!" Brock gasped, blinded by love, "Or should I say...new master?"
Frown blushed, trying not to laugh. "I didn't say you could be this flirty already..."
"Well," Puppycorn wondered, "if you're calling the shots now, then wouldn't that make us like...the Frown Lords?"
"And with this kind of raw power you've absorbed," Dr. Fox added, "You're way more worthy of a grandmaster title too!"
"Hey, I said I was done with the dumb names!!" Grandmaster Frown grumbled, then paused. "But I do like how those sound."
Everyone gathered closer together to discuss new plans for ruling the kingdom and making everyone miserable together, possibly even spreading sadness all around the world. Brock was especially excited, feeling the need to give Grandmaster Frown a gentle but passionate kiss on the cheek.
"Ok Frown Lords," Grandmaster Frown announced as he faced back down at the Unikingdom, "We'll need to have a nice long discussion on how we're gonna run this place together. But first..."
He raised an arm up to the sky again, with the others gleefully joining in with their own glowing hands.
"...how about a little 'test run'?"
Their wicked, united laughter and energy beams shooting across the sky already terrified citizens, but things got as worse as they feared they would when the attacks started crashing down.
When the Frown Lords finished their first tormenting test, Grandmaster Frown wrapped his arm tighter around Brock, pulling him in for another kiss on the lips. Everyone else groaned, gagged, or glanced away until the two of them pulled away with the brightest blushes on their faces. But Grandmaster Frown knew he had to be strong and set a better example in front of the others, so he turned back to the kingdom before him and put on a more menacing face again."
"We might as well go over what we're gonna do next inside," he announced, leading the way into his new tower, "maybe even some sort of end goal if anyone else is feeling ambitious tonight...
...but no matter what we decide on, I know it's gonna be great."
I know that wasn't great, and I didn't have any good drawing ideas either. But I promise the next stories will be much better!! ;D
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astraldoodlez · 5 years
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I redrawed a toy story 4 screenshot but with Unime master pain
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zootycutieart · 7 years
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I've never even seen Suicide Squad, yet the poster called to me to make a Doom Lords parody of it. XD I based more on the soundtrack cover's design, purely because there was a missing character. XP
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mill-lol · 6 months
Unikitty Created Russian dubbing voice master pain female voice and also the words “Plague”
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doomlordsbutfunni · 1 year
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(Lol I just found this funny, but if it isn’t it obvious enough mine is hazard lol, but I love all of them <333)
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askthechronoverse · 1 year
Chapter Ten: Never Split the Party
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Eventually, Puppycorn made it home. He ran as fast as he could and managed to get to the castle as the others were walking into the courtyard. They could see that Puppycorn was in distress and rushed over to him.
“RJ has some nerve making you walk back in the middle of the night.” Hawkodile stated gruffly. “He’s gonna be lucky if he can even see ya during the day after this stunt.”
“He didn’t make me. I had to find you guys. He’s in trouble.” The puppy looked up at his sister’s bodyguard and the chimera softened his expression. 
“What happened?” Puppycorn then explained the events of the evening, barely able to contain his worry and slight frustration that he was being told to not help the man he called a friend. “Look, Rex is tough. He’s probably busted out by now and looking for either you or a cup of coffee flavored sugar. Maybe even both at the same time.” Hawkodile folded his arms. “What’s got my interest is the plan Master Doom has cooked up. I get dragging Rex into starting Armommageddon part two, but what did she have planned if he said no?”
“Can I say that I’m super proud of him for saying no to that?” Unikitty added. “He must really have had a change of heart.”
“Did she say what the plan was, Puppycorn? Think hard.” Hawkodile looked to Unikitty and Doctor Fox, who both had their sights on the puppy.
“She didn’t say. She was just trying to convince RJ to help her. She promised him that she and her friends would be able to make him feel better and give him a second chance.” He looked down. “Master Frown said he was tied up in the Doom Lord tower.”
“He really turned them down! But if he’s tied up, shouldn’t we help?” Unikitty pointed out.
“Like I said, he’s not the problem we have to worry about here. It’s the Doom Lords. I say we should defend the castle. We don’t know what the next move is.” Hawkodile stated. 
“But RJ could help us! Besides, he’d help us if we needed it.” Puppycorn countered.
“He’s a skilled fighter. He can hold his own.”
“Actuallyyyyy… I’m with Puppycorn on this one. If he needs help, we should help. He became the way he is now because he needed help and no one came for him. We can’t have that happen again.” Unikitty looked at her brother and smiled.
“Alright. Unikitty and Puppycorn can go to the Doom Lord tower and save Rex if he needs saving. Doc and I’ll lock down the castle.” Hawkodile grabbed Doctor Fox and hurried her into the castle. The two siblings headed for Frowntown.
Unikitty and Puppycorn walked through the front door. The building was oddly quiet and vacant, but this made it really easy to sneak into the break room undetected. This room was the only one with light and any sign of life. The pupiless being sat against a door and ate a sandwich. 
“I told you no one was coming for you, Dangervest. Guess the prince didn’t read between the lines there and get help. The one person you trusted failed you. That’s gotta hurt.” She almost sang this out. There was a muffled cry from inside the closet. “Sorry. Can’t hear you. You sound muffled.” She laughed and took a bite of the sandwich. “Don’t worry. It’ll be over soon. When the boss finishes her work, your pain will go away. So will everything else.” Unikitty gasped. “Okay. I didn't know you were a ventriloquist. I gotta check something,” She got up and the cat put her paw on her mouth, hiding under a table. It was around this time she noticed that Puppycorn was at the closet door. Her sparkle matter made little bell noises as they hit the table. She had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She couldn’t panic for Rex and Puppycorn’s sake. She threw a piece of sparkle matter out of the doorway and Master Pain chased after it. 
The dog opened the door to find a being with a diamond shaped face with hair covering his eyes tied up with a bewildered frown. The dog and cat looked at each other, confused. “Wait. You aren’t RJ.” Unikitty said after a while.
“No. And I may need to talk to Master Pain about hitting below the emotional belt.” He shook his head. “Can you untie me? I gotta warn my partner the prisoner escaped during my shift. She’s not-!” Unikitty closed the door on the Doom Lord. 
“Huh. Maybe Hawkodile was right. RJ is probably OK, right?” Before her brother could reply, Unikitty heard a yell coming from outside the doorway, deeper into the tower. “Never mind. Looks like he may have gotten lost or something on the way out. Let’s go, Little Bro!” The two headed in the direction of the yelling.
Hawkodile and Doctor Fox patrolled the grounds together. The chimera looked down at the fox and blushed. “Ya know, it’s really nice out. We can go stargazing after this or…” He cleared his throat.
“That would be nice. I hear the constellation Lateres Sepatator is in full view this time of year.” The fox worked hard to keep up the pace with her friend. “I didn’t know you had an interest in heavenly bodies like that, Hawkodile.” He just turned redder.
“Oh, I just know you like to look up at the stars.” Hawkodile said with a shrug to seem cooler than he felt. "I like lookin' up at the stars with you, Doc." 
"I'd be happy to teach you all about the stars and constellations, Hawkodile!" Doctor Fox stopped, ear twitching. "Did you hear something?"
"Not re-" The bodyguard stopped talking. The sound of glass breaking was heard further down the corridor. "Yeah. Sounds like someone broke a window and it ain't Puppycorn this time. I'll go ahead. Follow behind me." Doctor Fox nodded, now gripping a net launcher she pulled out of her lab coat. "You've been holding onto that the whole time?" 
"You never know when you need to catch a giant moth for science. Let's find the source of that noise." The two soundlessly headed for the foyer, where they saw three cloaked figures tearing the room apart. "What are they looking for?" Doctor Fox whispered. 
"I'm gonna grab one and we'll find out." Hawkodile stealthily walked over to one of the figures, the one closest to them. He put his arms around the being before he was hit by something. He picked it up and saw it was a paper ninja throwing star. He turned around and saw a being with a white paper hat and two large black eyes. The being moved on without knowing someone was behind him. snuck up to one of the hooded figures and was hit in the back of the head by… a paper throwing star? He picked it up and looked in the direction it was thrown. A gray faced being in a white paper hat narrowed his eyes as he got ready to throw another paper star. Hawkodile took a fighting stance as his original target moved on to the doorway out of the foyer and the next room. Doctor Fox followed after at a shadow’s pace. The third being, one with a flame for a head, rolled his eyes and joined the one with the paper hat. 
“We have work to do. Can you move on?” The fire creature shook his head.
“Nope. You attacked us, Hazard. What’s the plan?” He was hit by another paper star.
“We’ll tell you nothing. Just know we will get what we want no matter what.” Hazard braced for a fight. What he got was a headlock from the crocodile. 
“You got a lot to talk about, bro. Let’s start talkin’.”
Doctor Fox shuffled behind the final hooded figure to the throne room. He began to tear that room apart and she aimed her net launcher at them. “I’m not sure what you want, but let’s see if you can get out of this.” She fired the net, which landed at the feet of the being. He turned his tear shaped face in her direction. She hid in the shadows and waited for the guy to shug and go back to looking in the throne room for something. She decided to wait for a moment and see if they found it. If he went into this room in particular, there had to be a reason, right? 
“Do you think RJ is gonna be OK?” Puppycorn panted as he ran.
“Of course he is! The guy’s gotta have nine lives or something.” Unikitty flew around the corner, her brother just doing his best to keep up.
“What happened on TAKOS Tuesday that Rex would need to make up to you? He mentioned it, but he also told me to ask you.” 
“Wow. Mayyyybe not now, Puppycorn? That’s a touchy subject. What did he tell you?” Unikitty lost some of her altitude.
“He took me to Cloud Cuckoo Land and mentioned destroying it. Something about a tracker?” The puppy was determined to push this topic for some reason.
“Well… that was part of a whole big thing. The whole Cloud Cuckoo Land thing that happened between me and I guess RJ kinda… happened before TAKOS Tuesday. He and some other people came there to meet with the Assembly of Master Builders. They’re really important people where I used to live. But, there was a bad man who was chasing them and they found us. I managed to escape with RJ… kinda…. and the others, but my home was gone.” Her fur turned blue at this point, her ears back. “He felt guilty because he was the reason the bad man found Cloud Cuckoo Land in the first place.
“Why do you keep saying “kinda”?”
“RJ was… different then. He didn’t even go by RJ or Rex. His name was-”
“It was Emmet. Right? Master Doom kept calling him Emmet. I thought she was just being a jerk and getting his name wrong.” His tail wagged because he thought he was being clever remembering that.
“Yeah. RJ changed. He went through some stuff and… That’s not my story to tell at that point. If he took you to Cloud Cuckoo Land, he was showing you his past in his own special way.” They made their way to a room with little cubicles. Each one had a nameplate and the stuff you typically find in an office cubicle block. “It’s nice he’s opening up to you.” She stopped at an office with a nameplate that placed it as Master Doom’s office. She slowly opened the door and found Master Pain tied with a bow on the desk. “Where’s Rex?”
“He’s gone… somewhere. Hope my colleagues get back and trap the guy again.” She simpered like she had the upper hand. “I’d run before I get myself untied.” The siblings looked at each other and ran.
“I am not talking about anything to you!” Hazard yelped. "I bet Master Fear even got what we came for as we speak!"
"Doubt that. I ain't alone, ya see. I've got backup."
"Who's that? The broken Master Breaker or the princess of the kingdom? Because we've taken care of the first one. You're alone. No one will stop us." The flame cackled.
"We will. No doubt about it. I expect Dangervest'll bust out and make his way here. Even if he doesn't, you're more than enough for me." He felt another paper star hit his back. "Especially since the only weapon you have is origami."
Hazard laughed, the flame sparking a little. "Like I said: we will win this. You don't even understand the position you're in right now!"
"Then enlighten me, fire boy. What's our position?" Hawkodile held him tighter. 
"Oh, you'll see. Just wait." 
The two siblings got out of the tower and looked around the area in close proximity to their side of the street. "Do you see RJ, little bro?" Unikitty asked, worried. "Could they have tricked us?" While she was looking, the human was exiting a cafe across the street, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a donut in the other. Under his arm was a newspaper called the Daily Brickle.
"No… I'm really worried. What if he was caught again?" Puppycorn fretted as the person he was worried about sat at a table with an umbrella in the middle of it and unfolded the paper.  
"Then we'll just have to go back and find him. He needs our help. I just know it!" Unikitty looked determined. Meanwhile, Rex sniffed as he read. He muttered about the weather being too hot for his plants this week. Puppycorn turned his head and did a double take. 
"RJ!" The puppy ran across the street to the cafe table. "Are you okay?"
"Did you look both ways before ya crossed the street, kid?" Rex folded the paper and put it on the table. He calmly drank his coffee. "Yeah, I'm fine. I could ask ya the same thing. I was worried ya didn't make it out."
"RJ! Hey!" Unikitty rushed over when she saw her brother sit down. "We found you!" 
"Yep. Ya found me. I don't know how but ya found me." He shook his head, a faint smile on his face. "Gonna be honest, glad ya actually looked for me."
"Well yeah. If we know you went missing, we'll look for you. That's how friendship works… in this timeline." Unikitty quickly added.
"Smooth, Princess." He gave Puppycorn the donut and got up. "What was Doom's big plan?"
"Huh? What do ya mean?"
"I assume ya waited until after Doom's plan was stopped before comin' to get me. Right?" Rex threw back his head and chugged the coffee.
"Uh… I don't know? See, Puppycorn and I ran to get you and Hawkodile and Doctor Fox were watching the castle." Unikitty admitted. Puppycorn jumped a little, just happy to see his friend. Rex put a hand on his face.
"Kid, you did tell them everything, right? Including the fact Doom was planning something big?" Puppycorn nodded. "Good. Then why aren't you at the castle, Princess?"
"RJ. I didn't want you to think we forgot you again." Unikitty's voice was soft. Rex put his hand down.
"Like I said: I'm glad you looked. A certain construction worker would have loved to have a friend like you when he was lost and alone. But, that was a long time and several timeline shifts ago." He took a breath. "We need to get to the castle. If Doom had decided to start her plan tonight, we would absolutely need to get there fast." 
Doctor Fox saw the teardrop Doom Lord look through the throne room until they stopped at a locked treasure chest. Of course! The Gems of Ackrilique! In the wrong hands, the gems’ power could be devastating. She shot another net and managed to tie Fear up in it. She pumped her fist and shuffled to the chest. "Not today!" She opened the chest and counted four gems. Perfect. That was all of them. She closed the chest and squeaked as she felt a hand on her shoulder. 
"I would hand the gems over, Doctor. It would make things so much easier if you complied." A voice echoed around the fox. She didn't turn, but she could hear Hawkodile behind her, closer to the doorway.
"You appear to be trapped between me and the most skilled fighter in the Unikingdom. I don't believe I have to comply."
"But you're outnumbered two to one." The voice pointed out. "You cannot win."
"Reinforcements will come at any moment. Then the odds will be tipped in our favor by three. That doesn't factor in the fact we have a skilled and disciplined warrior and a powerful and unpredictable brawler on our side that can easily take on more than one combatant." She pushed her glasses up over the bridge of her snout. "Not to mention my genius."
"Your wild card is locked up in the Doom Lord tower. I don't see the princess or the prince anywhere. I'd reassess the situation. Hand over the gems."
"Didn't think the Doom Lords would resort to petty thievery." Hawkodile walked closer to his friend and Master Doom. "You underestimate all of us. We'll do anything to protect the kingdom."
"We would have taken the gems before they got to you, but someone made the queen's ship take a more direct route to the planet's surface instead of going over Frowntown to avoid your friend's ship." Doom rolled her eyes. "No matter. This will work out in our favor. Just do the right thing and hand over the gemstones." 
"I'm not sure handing over the gems is the right thing, though." Doctor Fox held the chest close to her. "I would need to do further analysis on the situation. Can you come back later?"
"I hate when people try to be clever. Fear! Hazard! Grab the chest!" The two lesser Doom Lords each put their hands on the chest. Hawkodile grabbed the chest as well and it opened, the four gems flying out and glittering in the low moonlight coming from the windows. Hawkodile and Hazard dropped the chest and dove for the gems. Hawkodile was only able to grab one. The flame being rushed to his boss and handed her the other three gems. "See? Don't be clever. Come. We'll return to the Doom Lord tower. If our guest is still in the tower, we can make him help us whether he wants to or not. If not, we're still unstoppable with these." The Doom Lords vanished before the hawk and fox could make another move. Just as this happened, Rex and the royal family ran through the doorway. 
"Are we… too late?" Unikitty asked with a frown.
"Yeah. They got away with most of the Gemstones of Ackrilique." Hawkodile held out one. It was white with a slightly scuffed up mirror back. "I managed to save one." Rex finished the coffee he brought with him from the cafe.
"That… could have gone better."
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glitchylaptop · 2 years
Do it -Ace
Ok! There is: Cube, Moonlight, Crowberry, Sugar Glass, White Lily, Latte, Rosalina, Veronica Sawyer, Spinel, Shinobu Kocho, Shenhe, Kokomi, Flippy, Mukuro Ikusaba, Ibuki Mioda, Sonia Nevermind, Junko Enoshima, Kirumi Tojo, Tails, The Collector, Lilith, Charlie Morningstar, Sketchbook, Colin, Laptop, Kokichi Ouma, Tenko Chabashira, Bendy, Monika, Ami Mizuno, Yor Forger, Octavia, Loona, Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, Bowsette, Alice Angel, KV-2, Bea Santello, Timpani, Dimentio, Sans, X, Four, Nao Egokoro, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kanna Kizuchi, Susie, Reko Yabusame, Komaru Naegi, Shadow, Magnet, V, Uzi Doorman, Tari, Raven, Starfire, Pinkamena, Hilda Berg, Ms Chalice, Master Frown, Brock, Unikitty, Master Hazard, Master Pain, Meika Hime, there's probably more but i'm tired,, \:/ -Mirphy
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