#unicorns are so cool to me i have loved them forever
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loversgothic · 2 years ago
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The Unicorn Runs From The Garden
based on the unicorn tapestries.
i love @muzzleroars' Fallen Gabriel a lot and wanted to make a piece with him (their writing and art of him is absolutely fantastic)
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vespertin-y · 5 months ago
OKAY I FINALLY WATCHED GRAVITY FALLS. TEN YEARS LATE I KNOW. i was expecting to have to power through a bunch of boring kid stuff to get to the actual interesting drama and i was so so wrong i locked tf in and finished it in two days. it's so good what the actual fuck. heres my thoughts on the main characters
mabel: when i was the actual target audience for this show i saw a bit of mabel while flipping through disney XD and i immediately concluded that she was annoying af and i would never watch this show because of her. i would like to repent for this evil evil take by flinging myself belly down onto shattered glass. MABEL MY BABY GIRL...if they ever put her in another Situation or Scenario ill kill someone fr. she's a little too selfish and a little too pushy sure but so genuinely KIND and SWEET and so willing to make a fool of herself to pull her dumb brother out of his head. that unicorn doesn't know jack i hope she gets everything she wants forever
dipper: if i had watched gf as a kid i would have been in very real danger of naming myself after this guy (which doesn't even work bc im not nearly as cool as him!! the woodland creatures would have eaten my ass). it would've been so easy to give him a generic gaining confidence arc but he is never a coward when it really matters and i think that's great. he may not be able to talk to a girl but he can and will beat a gnome to death with a shovel for touching his sister!!! also yeah he is extremely transgender.
stan: OUUUUUGH. STARTS SOBBING. stanley pines the man that you are. i assumed at first that his plot would be about Learning To Love but no he is 100% on board with being the world's best grunkle from minute one. he definitely fucks up sometimes (putting waddles outside comes to mind as does. The Other Thing) but he always tries his very best to fix it. every action he takes just oozes with care for his family. every time i thought he had a motivation that wasn't his family they pulled the rug out from under me and revealed that it was, in fact, just his family again. he would give everything for them. AND HE LITERALLY DOES??? im gonna vomit. he hand stitched fishing hats 😭😭😭
wendy: definitely my least favorite of the main cast im sorry wendyheads...i just feel like there isn't a lot to get into here. every time they imply there's something more going on with her or her family they just snap her right back into The Coolest Girl In The World which might be fun but it's not that interesting.
soos: SOOS MY FRIEND SOOS!!!! i wobbled on him during the middle of the show bc i felt like they were making him Genuinely Dumb instead of just a good babysitter but they pulled his characterization back around by the end i think. he is like me in that he would also die for the mystery twins without hesitation or regret 💖. a lesser show would've been really mean about soos but gf is BASED and SOOSPILLED so he gets what he deserves. he does not have to lose weight or drop his "childish" interests or stop living with his grandma to WIN AT LIFE. awesome girlfriend! dream job! big house! stan using that boat to hunt down his bio dad and kill him, probably!
ford: ill be honest and admit i hated this guy at first but eventually i learned to live laugh love about his massive incredibly fragile ego ruining everything all the time and now i am a big ford enjoyer. what a FREAK oh my god. he believed his journals to be capable of destroying the world and still refused to destroy them because they're His Life's Work????? he had the painfully obvious option to tell bill he didn't know the equation and stall for time and chose instead to say that OBVIOUSLY he knows it he's the SMARTEST MAN ALIVE he's just not TELLING YOU 😤 and then immediately got tortured????? he spent most of his screentime projecting his relationship issues onto an Actual Child?????????? he needs to go to therapy and learn he's not the main character of the universe but he will not be doing that so i can only hope the boat fixes him. if i was stanley i'd've fed him to the shapeshifter.
bill: SIGH. YES OKAY HE'S MY FAVORITE. I KNOW I'M FUCKING PREDICTABLE DON'T @ ME. i spent 90% of his screentime cracking up and the other 10% making Homosexual Detection Eyebrows at my brother! the ideal ratio!!!!! i can't wait to get my hands on the book so i can poor little meowmeow him more efficiently. i knew i was saving that barnes & noble gift card for something important.
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diamondshapedcat · 17 days ago
Unicorn HRT Diary - month 10
WOW. This month has nothing but a roller coaster of emotional highs and sudden surprises and I can't get enough of them right now!
Oh my gosh Comet I knew you were planning something but I didn't think it would be this cool! Somehow she had gotten word of a little get together just for all of us animal people a few towns over. I thought would be a small meetup at a cafe but to my surprise it was a full on convention! A whole convention dedicated to people just like me! I could never have imagined anything like being real even in my wildest dreams!
It was stepping into a dream, seeing all of us in one place where we could be free to be ourselves without any judgement or stigma! I saw all kinds of things: Books about getting the right kind of Animal HRT, demonstrations on to take care changing body types, and get this! A talk about the history Animal HRT from the guy himself, Dr. Theodore Hans Erian! I'm surprised that he found the time to get up on that stage and give out that lecture. I'd heard of the guy but had never met him myself until now but I can tell you that he is just as grouchy as the stories say but underneath it all he clearly cares deeply about Animal HRT and all of us. A real overworked genius he is.
On the way out afterwards me and Comet stopped by the water fountain out at the front of the con hall. We didn't say much as our batteries were running low after such an intense day so we sat down to breathe in the cool night air. It was so cold that night. But I won't forget it. I'm not sure who moved first but our fingers moved closer and closer until they locked together. Against the cold we found warmth in each other. For a moment we said nothing before moving in and.....
GOD how could I have been so blind?!?!?!?! She's so beautiful and wonderful and full of sunshine and so brave and everything!!!
I can't right now. I just can't. SO MUCH feelings going on. I want to hold her kiss her hug her and treasure her forever! I love you Comet!!!! I love you so much!!!!
Ok ok ok. Calmed down now. Can actually think again. Don't really remember what happened after that. Think we cuddled up and cried tears of joy until we fell asleep in each others arms like we've done many times before. Wouldn't trade anything in the world for being so close with her.
It's a good thing I've moving out soon because as cool as Damian is, I doubt he could cope with two people sharing his spare room, especially as we aren't exactly a calm and quiet couple! He he he!
In a world that seems to be falling more and more into darkness every day, that tells us to hide and repress our true selves in shame, we have to make little rays of joy whenever we can. Every smile, laugh and moments of euphoria when we see 'us' in the mirror are the moments we must cherish. No matter what, they will never be able to take away our joy.
Comet, you are my joy, my candle in the dark.
I love you.
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bodrewritten · 9 months ago
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 15: The Grapevine
Discord flew about the marketplace searching for everything on Fluttershy's shopping list. The cool, crisp air took his mind off the familial troubles.
"Woah! Slow your roll here hoss!" Discord said, stopping her with his paw. "What's the rush?"
"Oh shoot," Applejack muttered under her breath.
Of all the folks she could bump into, it had to be him! She put on her best poker face, which was not very convincing.
"Oh, uh, howdy partner! I was just, uh...I have to, uh...I left the bath water runnin'! Yeah, I gotta get home, see? So, uh...bye!"
She thought she was free until the draconequus picked her up by the front. (She had to admit, it was nice to be picked up. She was getting too strong nowadays-)
"Element of Honesty, huh?" he smirked. "So what's really troubling you, AJ?"
"Uh..." Applejack gulped. "I don't really wanna talk about it!" Her sweat began to run cold "Plus, it doesn't concern you!"
Discord shook his head in amusement. "You know I can always just peek into your head and discover what you're hiding?"
"No!" the cowgirl shouted, kicking her legs desperately. "You're not gonna like it!"
"Ooh! That juicy, huh? I was lying but that sound fun!"
Applejack bucked and he dropped her immediately. He didn't feel like losing his head that day!
"what's got you boiling hot all of the sudden?" He accentuated his point when he removed her hat and her head steamed like a kettle.
Applejack lowered her head and pulled her hat to her chest. "I'm only showin' you cuz you have a right to know, on account of being married to Fluttershy." She pointed an accusatory hoof towards the mare in question.
An orange stallion was kissing a mare tenderly, touching her mane and running his hoof along her face. Discord had never felt more disgusted about anything in his life.
For that mare was his wife.
"Fluttershy?" Applejack uttered.
The pegasus pushed the stallion away to look at the stunned cowgirl with those once innocent teal eyes. She rolled them in annoyance.
"Uh, hello?" she said in a tone that was very unlike her. "You shouldn't have seen this..."
She was about to pull the stallion in again when Applejack cut between them.
"damn straight I shouldn't! What is this?!" she demanded. "Who is this?! What about Discord?! And Screwball and Zany?!"
Fluttershy scoffed. "Oh I'm soooo sorry! Won't anypony please forgive me! It was a moment of weakness!"
Applejack could not believe it. "What's come over you?! Do ya have any idea what-"
"listen you two!" Fluttershy snapped, shoving her friend. "I just don't believe I can really love you discord. You and your kids, you're too much!"
Discord had seen enough and flashed back to reality.
"I...I'm sorry!" Applejack stammered. "I...I wanted to- I don't know what-"
The draconequus' breathing was shallow and quick, and he flew towards his house, knocking over carts and goods.
Once she was sure Applejack was gone, Fluttershy wrenched herself away from her lover.
"Queen Chrysalis will certainly be pleased."
They both laughed as they changed into their changeling selves.
"Now let's get out of here before things get ugly!" The insect said.
Before these events, the real Fluttershy was in the steam room with Rarity.
"So have you talked with the prince Blueblood yet?" Fluttershy asked her friend.
The unicorn sighed. "I did, but..." She stomped her hoof. "He was just as rude and gauche as always!"
The pegasus gasped. "Oh, goodness! What did you do?"
"What else could I do? I took Autumn Glory and kept her far away from him."
"Oh, Rarity! I'm so sorry! What did Applejack say?"
"She wants me to let the two meet! I know she's probably right, she knows more about how ponies feel when they don't have their family. Family is the most important thing to her! But like I said earlier, I'm afraid of what she'll turn out like!"
"you can't protect her from him forever. It's not healthy for a filly to never face hardships. Maybe if she knows him now she won't be disappointed later... Oh, it's a horrible thing."
"Maybe..." Rarity's face fell. "Huh. I hadn't thought of that. Oh, I screwed up again, didn't I? I have to make this right. How are your troubles working out?"
"Screwball and Discord still won't talk to each other, but we're going to sort it all out tonight. He's starting to come around to the idea that maybe the changeling really loves her, but he can't help himself to feed on her. I..."
Fluttershy's face screwed up in shame. "I just don't think he can."
Rarity looked up from her massage. "Can what?"
"it's shameful. I just don't think he can love her. Not because she isn't loveable, but because most ponies think she's too much."
Rarity gasped!
"oh no! Don't get me wrong, she isn't! But he's a prince and she's so unapologetically herself. it's one of her best features but most ponies can't see her the way I do."
The pony refilling the towels chuckled darkly.
"Mantis, I have the info you need and more."
As Fluttershy trotted on home, the aura around the cottage didn't seem as homely anymore.
"Oh goodness," she uttered. "I hope they haven't gotten into another fight."
She opened the door to find her husband sitting in a circle of fire in the middle of the room.
"Discord...?" she asked in shock.
The draconequus turned at the sound of her voice. As soon as he caught sight of her, the flames extinguished. Fluttershy cautiously approached him and gingerly put a hoof on his shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
He jerked away from her. Discord stood up and clenched his fists. His very bones shook.
Fluttershy tilted her head in concern. "What?"
Discord gritted his teeth. "Why would you do this to our family?" He spun around, his eyes burning with betrayed agony. "Don't you care for everything we've built together? And in front of our friends-!"
His wife blinked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"Too much are we? If this is true then why would you pretend for so long?! How could you- our children, you betrayed them the worst!"
"Discord I don't..."
She squealed as he grabbed her foreleg, soft and trying so hard to be that way.
"Tell me it's not true."
"Discord, please! You're scaring me I don't-"
"do you really think we're too much? That we can't be loved? You told me yourself it wasn't true, you convinced me I was worth loving."
Fluttershy was taken aback. Had he spies on her? He hadn't in a long time, but if he did he clearly misunderstood? But she had said that. She hung her head in shame.
"others might say that, but I promise you're never too much for me. What are you talking about with this betrayal?"
"Don't play innocent with me! I saw you! Applejack saw you! You gloated to me how much you loved this stallion!"
Discord snatched up the bangle he had given to her when they'd gotten engaged
"Does this mean nothing to you?" he bellowed. "Was I cruel? Was I not good to our kids?! Please tell me how to make you come back to us!"
"Discord, please!" Fluttershy begged. "There is no other stallion! My heart belongs to you!"
Tears formed in her eyes. How could Discord have seen her with another stallion when she was at the spa all day? She had not even talked to another stallion on her way back!
"Discord, you have to believe me! I love you and only you!"
She squeaked as he dropped her to the floor and turned away. He could not bear to look at her.
"don't try to make me think I'm crazy!" He fiddled with the gold band embracing his finger.
"our- My children won't be around this. They deserve to be loved for who they are."
He burst into flames and vanished from sight, leaving Fluttershy in a saddened and confused state.
Screwball sat on the park bench, her brother in the baby buggy beside her. She reached in and tickled his stomach. He giggled, which made her smile a bit.
"Sometimes," she whispered, "I think you're the only one who understands me, bro."
A pink ball rolled up to her feet. Screwball glanced down as a filly rushed up to retrieve it.
"Hey, Autumn" she greeted her friend.
The scruffy filly looked up and grinned. "Hey, Screwy! Whatcha doing?"
"Just...taking Zany for a walk."
"But you're sitting."
"Well, I'm resting. What are you doing here?"
"I was helping mama A.J. in the market, y'know the one near Town square? Well anyways, we saw your mama and she told me to go play, so Taco and his brother and I started playing ball.
"Where's thunder and lightning?"
"They're having a race somewhere. They found some beetles and made them fight earlier."
"did Cinnamon Twist tell you what kinda beetles they are?" Screwball said.
"the twins are actually playing with mama Dash. Well, I gotta get back now. Come back around when the round is over and you can join us!"
"See ya."
The purple filly was about to leave when a drop of water splashed on her nose.
"Hey," she said. "It's not supposed to rain today."
The two looked up at the sky as it clouded in pink. A few seconds later, it started pouring down chocolate milk.
"Not funny, Screwball!" Taco grandé exclaimed, placing a hoof down on the ball.
"I'm not doing it!" Screwball insisted.
She looked at Zany, but he was huddling under the buggy's canopy and sticking out his tongue in disgust. Strange, he loved chocolate milk.
Her speculation was interrupted when Discord materialized in front of them.
"Why hello there, Screwy!" Discord said in a nervous and dazed tone. "You like what I've done with the weather?"
The young mare looked at her father curiously. "You okay, Dad?"
"Oh, I'm fine! Hey, honey! I'm sorry about our little fight last week! How about we make up over some father-daughter bonding? You want to help your daddy make a cola storm in Manehattan?"
Her eyes lit up. "Cool! But...wouldn't Mom get mad?"
Discord tensed. "Hey, Fluttershy won't mind! I'm sure she'd want us to get along anyhow."
Screwball cringed. "Uh, Dad? What if ponies get mad? They have work to do today."
He held her in the crook of his arm. " We won't be long enough to cause them any trouble."
The infant gurgled in delight while Screwball's stomach churned.
"But Dad, you promised you wouldn't..."
"Our first order of business will be to recruit some friends to have fun with us."
With that idea in mind, Screwball's mouth broke into a devious smile. "What are we waiting for then?"
Discord laughed in a way he hadn't in a long time. "That's my girl!"
"Though Dad...I just have two things."
"Anything, my dear."
"First, you promise we won't seriously hurt any pony?"
He batted his eyes innocently. "Well of course not, sweetie!"
"Second..." She tapped her face in contemplation before an idea struck. " Have to visit the rock farm!
Discord laughed maniacally. "Come, my little abominations! We have chaos to wreak!"
Beyond the clouds reach, beneath the leering eye of the queen, the cold and weak form that made Mothball lifted from the forest's floor and carried off.
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hath-e · 2 months ago
"Humanity alone possess a God. The power to transcend the now... the inner God called " Possibility"" -Banagher Links
(I love this quote so much)
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Heyy the new year is here so how about a lil bit of a personal review of 2024:
Finally got into Gundam and anime in general (Bocchi the Rock my beloved)
Finished High School somehow and managed to make it into uni, which also leads me to actually picking a goal in life, really hope I can become a writer/teacher or both.
Picked up writing again, got into fan fics and me having "bad writer" in my bio led me to meeting a really cool person, shout out @average-transdalorian who's currently co-writing a big Gundam OCAU fic.
Figured out my favorite guy called Hathaway Noa.
Finally got glasses that I apparently needed, my right eye is still significantly worse the my left but I can see better.
Started a new hobby, love Gunpla and I'm really happy to meet more people into it.
Finally met more queer people closer to where I live as opposed to just the US.
Made a lot more friends than I have for the past 8 years.
Started both normal therapy and am on my way to start HRT and actual transition.
Finally did that rebrand I've been wanting, although that one guy who called me Sans (back when I went as Fanz) will forever stay in my mind.
And now onto the terrible stuff:
Was forced to come out to my dad, I still haven't talked to him about it.
My mom made me come out to her when I had a terrible depression spike at the at the start of September.
It turns out that the people who I've been with and have loved and have gave my heart to for the past 4 years really didn't care.
Worked a shitty job for said people, paid for my drivers ed, a car and Gunpla I guess.
Got with my first two girlfriends as a poly gal and lost them both when they got rid of me completely.
Overall this year I've hit what felt like highest point in life so far but also my lowest. In that order. But even so I like being me, like I said so many times already.
See you all next year, cuz I'm not going anywhere.
I know my life won't always be as bad as it is now, so I'll keep being hopefully, no matter what.
"I believe that someday, the sound mind of humanity will protect this Earth." -Hathaway Noa
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(Ignore my shitty editing on the number)
(All sources under cut)
1st: Screen cap from Gundam Unicorn
2nd: the official Gundam Facebook group I'm pretty sure, but I found it reposted on Reddit.
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outer-spec · 5 months ago
OCtober 2024 ⭐ Day 4: Under-Appreciated OC
The first OC that comes to mind for this prompt is Juno, because she's supposed to be the main character, but I feel like she isn't as fleshed out as her friends. character traits that she has that i love:
does not give up, she will wear herself down to the point of exhaustion first
complex about trying to save/help as many people as possible, gets sad if she can't save someone
knows martial arts
she acts more chill and good-natured than Steve and Tora, who are really petty.
basically the caretaker of her friends, they go to her for advice, and she has to remind them to not do stupid shit.
usually shes the only sane man. but occasionally acts deranged. examples:
crazy determination, as previously stated
represses so much shit, to focus on fighting for the greater good
lowkey kind of a gun nut
every once in a while, the tables turn, and she does some stupid shit herself. and her friends have to step in for her. because thats what she did for them
attracted to stupid people
part of her arc is figuring out that her current boyfriend isn't right for her, and breaking up, and then getting a girlfriend.
so. much. angst.
i want her to be able to relax in the post canon. actually i want everyone to relax post canon. i think after you save an alternate version of earth, u should get paid at least enough to retire forever. i want them to be happy
also, if possible, id like to flesh out "Dale" more, and give him a different name. i want to also flesh out the other minor characters in hexagon. so far Dr. Moss, Terry, and Charlie all have their own toyhouse pages, but i have other vague ideas for background characters that i wanna make more concrete eventually.
anyway outside of hexagon, some other characters that should probably get fleshed out more:
the various ocs that i posted about on Day 2
Petra - shes part of her own fantasy world that i made ages ago but mostly forgot about
space robots - i love these guys so much!!! i feel like i should make a secret third space robot, like a dog that represents twilight
literally every other character in the untitled robot game (i ran out of character ideas)
since the alien cats are loosely based off of scientology lore. i think it would also be funny to base some of the robots off of lesswrong and e/acc ideas. im sorry, but cults have the best scifi worldbuilding.
ok but this is a bit of a random tangent but: scientology lore, especially the Xenu story, talks about powerful alien organizations that use psychological manipulation to oppress people. the church of scientology portrays itself as being the opposite of these organizations, but someone who is anti-scientology could also write about these organizations to make them allegories for the church. on a similar note you could also use the paperclip maximizer as a metaphor for big tech corporations that waste resources and hurt the environment. or use the ai box thought experiment as a metaphor for charismatic cult leaders.
also since my MCs are based off of vocaloids. i do plan to use vocaloid characters as inspo for some of the other characters, but not completely.
OCtober is by @bweirdart
(ps: i had a thing for day 3 all written out beforehand, but i forgot to post it cause i was so busy with schoolwork, so its under the cut)
OCtober 2024 Day 3: Old OC
technically i don't know who my oldest oc is, because ive literally been making up little guys in my head ever since I was capable of forming memories. but heres some honorable mentions:
when i was in ~5th grade i was obsessed with dragons, so i bugged my mom to sew me a dragon hoodie for halloween, and she did, and i had lots of fun. the dragon hoodie was so cool that in my head, i invented a story about girls wearing magical dragon & unicorn pajamas that turned them into those creatures in another world or something, i forget most of the details tho.
one time i was walking around the playground and talking to myself. and i came up with a story about dragon people living in this isolated town where nobody was allowed to leave. the town was ruled by this dragon named "Firelord" and it was surrounded by this huge ring of fire. some dragon kids escaped though, to figure out what was actually going on.
it turned out that Firelord was one of four quadruplets with magical powers, they were Earthlord, Waterlord, Firelord, and Airlord. but they had an evil younger brother named Hypnolord, who wanted to take over the world, and had everyone trapped in his evil skyscraper prison. So Firelord made the town where nobody is allowed to leave, to protect everybody. fortunately the dragon kids defeated Hypnolord, and saved the day.
i was really into legos and dragons. so for my birthday my mom went on ebay and bought a bunch of the baby norbert lego figure in different colors. while listening to music i imagined them in music videos in my head, eventually each figure had like. its own personality.
also when lego elves came out, i bought all of the lego elves dragon sets. and each of those baby dragons also got their own personality too.
I had this oc Max, who was a stupid teenage boy, and his little sister Megan was like this child genius. originally Max was supposed to be super depressed and edgy, but eventually evolved to be totally different.
Max and Meg weren't actually related. they were adopted by a talking cat that was their dad. the cat was british
also sometimes Megan had this other friend who was a child serial killer. she had the same black hat as that one xkcd character that has that hat, becuase theyre both eeeeevil.
i drew so much fanart of them, i cringe to remember what my art style was like then   
you can probably tell that i liked dragons as a child
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years ago
Some more headcanons for you 😌
- Eddie is not a "You like that band? Name 3 of their songs 😠" kind of dickhead, he's actually super thrilled when people like the same music as him. And when someone he has a thing for likes it, he's so excited to have something to connect with them on, and it makes them just that much cooler to him.
- He's an absolute expert at the "Quick, pretend to be my boyfriend so this creep will leave me alone!" game. He'll do it for his friends, for a total stranger, for a girl, a boy, anything, and at the drop of a hat. He gets real theatrical about it, too, the dramatic little shit. But he never forgets to make the person he's helping out feel safe.
- (this one is really indulgent self-projection but) Eddie l o v e s a good Renaissance Faire. Strong chance he would work at them when he grows up (just trust me on this, it's where the Eddie Munsons of this world go). And yes, he absolutely wears a kilt as part of his costuming.
- He is a raging bisexual, and I am prepared to die on this hill. The crush he has on Kirk Hammett can only be matched by the one he has on Elvira.
- He is incredibly impressed by any kind of home-cooked food. He doesn't know how to cook (although I bet he'd be good at it if he learned), so he mainly subsists off TV dinners and takeout. Someone could make him box brownies and he'd think it was the best thing ever.
- When he reads to someone (of course he loves to read his favorite books out loud to people), he always does the voices, and sometimes he gets excited and he acts a scene out.
- This is a cat man. He loves cats, and cats love him. There are a bunch of strays, I'm talking at least 6, that he feeds around his trailer. He can't bring them inside because his uncle has allergies, but he makes sure they all have flea collars, and he sets out nice boxes and soft pillows and blankets for them to sleep on. They all have names. His favorite, the one he would bring inside if he could, the one he'll probably take with him if he ever moves out, is an old, scraggly orange boy with like one eye, ⅔ of one ear, a mouth full of snaggleteeth, and a cropped tail. He calls him Tom Sawyer, and he CLAIMS it's after the Rush song, not the Mark Twain character, but he's lying.
- He's a switch and a verse. And he's all about service. I said what I said.
- He's an absolute sucker for a classic cheesy fantasy movie. Dark Crystal, Willow, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, The Last Unicorn, all of that stuff. I know people think he's a horror movie enthusiast, but they simply don't understand his love for Legend 😩
- He loves vegetables when they're still crunchy, hates them when they're cooked into mush.
- His uncle had more of a hand in raising him than his parents ever did. *Sally Field Aunt May voice* He is HIS boy!!
That's all I've got for now. I could keep going forever tho 😂😂😂
honestly i'd let you keep going forever these are GOLDEN
all of these are so near and dear to me, but that ren fair one? as someone who is going tomorrow again - you're fucking right. all i do when i'm there is think "this is eddie core, that's so eddie core! oh, EDDIE CORE!" he absolutely would go, and he absolutely would work there. he'd be amazing at it. it's also the one place where he's not worried about bullies. there was a fic once i believe that pointed that out - it's too nerdy for him to worry about bullies showing up there because they wouldn't be caught dead attending! he'd love dressing in character and would find it all so endearing. he'd be a sucker for all the girls in corsets, for all the little stores and all the neat attractions. at mine, there's a little attraction where there's 'mermaids' and i just know he'd probably be besties with the mermaids, hanging out with them and bugging them nonstop. he's cool there. he's respected there. i just know our boy would thrive.
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loveobsesspink · 1 year ago
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Hello! Haha its been more than a year than my last post :) One of my long time friends who's a amazing tailor surprised me with a bunch of the new Refashioned Outfits and this one motivated me enough to take pictures (though I apologize if its a little boring, I'm rusty).
I don't remember if I actually took pictures of the Original Mini Leather Dresses (I have both the Star and the Crafted Ring-Type Mini from long time ago) but its kind nostalgic and awe-inspiring to see the older outfits being given new life and awesome poses. I wasn't the biggest fan of wearing the originals due to the shiny leather palette (very hard to coordinate with regular dye palettes items) but I'm a huge fan of this version. The sleeves already came black when my friend gave them to me and I actually really liked how it looked (I have a few other outfits where I usually leave the leggings black if I don't dye them) and just dyed the dress itself and the socks.
I started really liking the new gloves that you have to dye skin tone (I managed to find rbg that was close to the hot pink skin tone) with the nail polish on the finger nails, very cool.
My good friend had also gifted me the Succubus Fiend Wings (which I know aren't too easy to get) and even though the black part isn't dyeable, they've grown on me so I wear them often <3
The Squirrel School Wig (F) is probably one of my favorite wigs to use, I love the short bob hair styles and I switch between the Magic Librarian Glasses and Bodacious Party Facial Bandage as my face accessory. Its been awhile but had to pull out the Zorro's Boots (F) for this outfit. The only things that don't change (besides the wings) is probably my Wind-Up Tail (Its been glued to my behind forever) and Pink Twinkling Fairies Halo and my Ancient Teacup Bunny Support Puppet (so glad that the accessories have their own Style slot <333).
So that's it for now, I'll try to have a few of the other outfits posted if I'm not too busy or tired and there's a few other outfits I'm excited to take pictures of :D Thank you for reading and if you're my friend reading this <333 Thank you so much ilyyy
Outfit: Refashioned Mini Leather Dress Headpiece: Squirrel School Wig (F) Shoes: Zorro's Boots (F) Gloves: Dreamseer's Unicorn Gloves (F) Accessories: Bodacious Party Facial Bandage, Succubus Fiend Wings, Wind-Up Tail, Pink Twinkling Fairies Halo, Teacup Support Bunny
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hazelthevixen · 1 year ago
It was my birthday :D + Happy halloweeeen!
2 days before halloween, on the 29th october, it was my birthday! :D I am now 24 as for now ^w^ Before my birthday we went on a nice relaxing train ride to big city where I was doodling some sketches on the way there and on the way home :3 You can get to see them here! I also had alot of fun at big city, it was nice looking at all the fun things and cool toys at the shops X3 Though after we got off the train, we also went to pizza hut which was before the shops, and me and my helper had some really good hawaiian pizza with ham, cheese, and pineapple, and we had em with bbq chicken wings, onion rings, and nachos with a dip and salad of our choosing! and for dessert I went for my childhood favourite: the ice cream machine! where you get to add your own sauces and toppings to your ice cream! it was great :D so that was before my birthday :3 But on my birthday I had a mcdonalds happy meal at big town! And in the happy meal I got a triceratops squishmallow X3 in The Land Before Time, they call the triceratops the threehorn dinos! that's what Cera is :3 I also got chicken mcnuggets, chips, and an oasis drink at McDonalds :3 They always do the best chips there X3 unfortunately no mcflurries this time, Mcdonalds said the machine wasn't working :c but that's alright, the food and the happy meal toy still made me happy ^w^ It's been forever since I had a happy meal so it felt nostalgic finally getting one again just like I use to do :3 I also did some fun shopping and got all kinds of cool things while I was out, including a make your own milkshake that comes in bubblegum flavour! yum! ^-^ There was also a pink version with strawberry, but I like bubblegum best so that's why I got the blue one :D it also came with candy which you can decorate the milkshake with so that sounds really cool X3 I saw some really cute pets at the pet shop too, I was saying hello to the really cute rats, gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs :3 The guinea pigs reminded me how much I love my ones at home so I said hello to mine when I got home, they were happy to see me ^w^ There was two black gerbils that looked just like my Dusky 💜 I miss him, he was a black gerbil too, and a very sweet one that is <:3 there was also a dark grey gerbil and a really cute light brown one with black here and there :3 I also said hello to the pet fish at the pet store, they were so cute and colourful, fish always make the funniest of faces lol X3 derrrp! XD I love how guppies have a big colourful swishy tail as they swim :3 so prettyy ^-^ I'm actually interested in getting more pets sometime if I'm allowed :o I'll see if I'm allowed birds, like zebra finches or whatnot. if not, I'll see if I'll be allowed some pet guppies because I've always loved guppies and I hear they're super easy to care for :3 and if not, I'll still be happy with my sweetest lil guinea pigs >w< They're my family and I will treasure them forever 💛 If I ever do get anymore pets they'll be family too ofcourse! ^-^ After that we came home with a bucket of kfc to enjoy at home :D The kfc people were super kind, they even gave a free cookie when they found out it was my birthday X3 I was also wearing my new Spongebob tee on my birthday that day too and I got a unicorn snowglobe for my birthday that plays a music box :3 well it's actually an alicorn because it has wings :D I have a princess castle snowglobe already that plays a music box already and I love it, it's very fantasy like ^w^ what's great about these ones is that they not only play cute music box tunes, but they also have colourful lights, and you don't even have to shake the snowglobe as the snow or glitter goes around for you when you turn it on :3 I also got some Spongebob comics which I'll enjoy and I got a squirrel plushie that's just like my old one I use to have when I was as a kid ^-^ The old one I think I may of had on my 5th birthday before, but sadly not long after back then, I was forced to send that one away or my parents will beat me up, because my abusive family always tries to take me away from the things I love, that's why I think families are stupid and a waste of time and I don't like them. Friends are so much better and I choose friends over family any day.. ÚwÙ But it's okay if you like your family tho! But I don't like mine so I hope you can understand why I don't support mine. But I'm glad I can finally be able to get my old squirrel back without my stupid family telling me otherwise and telling me what to do all the time, cos I missed my squirrel so much QwQ But now my new squirrel will get to join me as I relive my childhood <=) and she's just like my old one too! ❤️‍🩹 I can't remember what I called my old one but I think I'll call this one Acorn :3 She's a cute red squirrel ^-^ I already have a cute grey squirrel stuffie too and he's called Peanut! :D I like him aswell X3 Oh and me and my good friend Wolfypoof were having a fun discord call aswell on my birthday and after it too :D I got to play Miitomo again thanks to an unofficial revival by Kaeru X3 You have no idea how many times I stuttered that name on the call because I wasn't sure what was the correct pronounciation was XDDDD And I still don't know how it's pronounced >=D I dare you to tell me to say the...the abonibal snowman on voice call-see I even can't spell the adomino snowman either XDDD and they get confused with the yetis alot of the time too lol XD AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE DIFFERENCES XDDD /lhj Also for once I did a birthday song and cake with friends instead of family and it was actually alot better! :D Heck even my friends put way more heart into birthday songs so much more than my family would ever do UwU even if some of my friends aren't confident singers, at least they're not lazy like my boring old family lol. Had alotta friends join me for last year on my birthday, but this year they were all too busy :< but I appreciate that my good friend Wolfypoof made the time to celebrate with me so shoutouts to Wolfypoof, check out her amazing works :D https://www.weasyl.com/~wolfypoof It also feels like forever since I had a birthday song and cake, so it felt so nice to have it again y'know? ^-^ I dunno why I stopped, but I'm glad I managed to do it again because it helped make birthdays more special, and it was my first time doing it with friends so it was even better this time, because I was with people who actually make me happy X3 Unlike my family who brings constant fuss, negativity and drama lol, don't like their toxic vibes. I'm glad I chose to be nothing like my family when I grew up too! cos I am my owwnn person.. UwU Feels good to be free and good to be me! :D 🎵 Cos I'm free, to do what I want! Any old time..🎵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqQ-TQw9F8  So we talked alot about the birthday celebration, lemme tell you how I celebrated halloween! :D So before halloween on different days, I've been listening to my halloween playlist on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VzstQqoMDWT3AzzNwyus7?si=7daab703aed5487b and I've been checking out all the cool halloween displays too! At shops and at other houses too X3 I've also been watching Hotel Transylvania 1 and 2 on different days aswell as watching Funnybones before bed on some days :3 I also watched some spoopy Spongebob episodes such as Squidferatu and Slappy Daze. I also plan to watch the Scaredypants episode and The Legend Of Boo-kini Bottom :D I'm a huge fan of Spongebob hehe X3 Oh and this halloween night I actually been out trick or treating in my fursuit! :D My helper was surprisingly a really good fursuit handler for her first time, it was fun hanging out and meeting all kinds of people and their reactions hehe X3 there was nice kids too! I was about to take my head off so I can go back to the car, but I didn't in front of the kids because I didn't want to break the magic <X3 with adults it's different ofcourse, because they know I'm dressing up, while some kids would probably think I would be a real walkin' talkin' fox XDD I actually wanna go public fursuiting more often :3 I might start doing it more on the autumn and winter because I'm not fond of the cold weather during those times, but fursuiting makes it easier to handle cold weather. I hear you can overheat more during the spring and summer if it's hot <:o So while I'm more of a summer girl, I think there's something to look on the bright side when the cold weather is bad UwU I could go out public suiting more :D hey who knows, maybe I'll get to be a sports mascot one day XD Or maybe be like my good friend Aoi and help with charities! ^-^ Shoutouts to Aoi too tho, she's doing a really good thing helping the disabled and vulnerable :3 https://www.weasyl.com/~aoithedragon I came home with a bag o candy and some toffee apples X3 I gave some candies I didn't like as a thank you to my helper also :3 She likes those ones more than I do at least X3 I also noticed I had a regular apple aswell, but I kinda already had apples at home so I hope she don't mind me giving her that one too <X3 the apples at home are pink ladies, my favourite kind of apples, so I gotta eat em up first. Wait I should probably eat the toffee apples first, not just cos they're great, but also cos I dunno how long it'll last with the toffee 'n' all.. <:3 ah well, good treats! :D The people were very kind, and the one with the toffee apples said I was allowed more than one, but I didn't wanna take too many cos they might not last long enough for me to finish em fogiufogufiofuod I also didn't wanna be greedy so that's why I sticked to just the two ^-^; There was plenty tho, dw! so I'm sure everyone got some ^w^ Oh yeah I actually had a spoopy story I was working on! Sorry it's taking a while, it's quite a biiiig literature.. ^-^; So I might be late again sorryyy! But I'm almost there so I'm gonna see if I can actually share it in time for halloween this time >:3 No promises tho! I'm even still working on the cover too <=D But you'll get to see it on my weasyl when it arrives https://www.weasyl.com/~hazel3 Stay tuned! ^-^ But for now, enjoy my new zodiac oc I drew for my birthday :3 She is the Scorpio Bunny! https://www.weasyl.com/~hazel3/submissions/2319225/scorpio-bunny Anyway, I hope you guys had a really good halloween! This is the first time in ages I had a really fun halloween so I'm glad I got to go trick or treating again! I hope I get to go to halloween parties again X3 those were fun too! I actually had more fun cosplaying and meeting everyone than getting the candies X3 but the candies was a nice thing too ofcourse! One of my favourite ones I got was a chocolate rolo and I love rolos X3 It's been a while since I had rolos and I forgot about them for a while, so today also helped me remember a candy I loved so that was awesome too ^w^ Anywho, happy halloween, trick or treat, and thank you for reading! :D
Please be nice when commenting! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. If you're gonna be mean, don't say anything at all. Thankies for checking out my post! Meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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mistletien · 2 years ago
yeah, it's great to be back :3c i'm currently slow burning ARR and clearing out the side quests w alt classes-- the exp bonus for dynamis (i'm on seraph) is no joke at least at lower levels :')
no worries abt spoilers for now but i'll let you kno if i need anything tagged in the future <3
yes omg gpose was not a thing when i last played, once i learn gpose its all over!! >:) i've taken a few screenies of my wol, y'dhara sol ^-^ she's secretly a reimagining of my skyrim khajiit daro'sol and i sort of adapted a general backstory from there for funsies. my idea is that y'dhara is half sun, half moon (yes... eyes full of hetero) even tho it's impossible to really represent that through character creation and might not have much basis in the lore as far as i know. my running idea is that her father would've been a seeker that fell in love with a keeper in secret and to avoid a scandal y'dhara was raised by and adopted the conventions of her fathers tribe with no knowledge of her moon side or who her mother was as to not start conflict since it seems sun/moon relationships aren't allowed... but the story potential! i think sun and moon miqos should kis. i ultimately want to main astrologian if i end up liking it :') to complete the aesthetic ofc
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ty ark for listening to my oc dump!! ;-; i'd love to hear abt k'vira, i'm assuming by name they're a miqo too? c:
yeah just let me know and I'll make sure to make a tag for anything!
oh she's very pretty! and yeah gpose is a lovely addition that I'm so so glad for and I spin so much time in there rotating my wol like a rotisserie chicken
and that's the cool thing about ffxiv! you can create such a vast array of characters with mixed heritages. y'dhara has slit eyes in the screenshots, but because of her keeper bloodline does she also have fangs? (a lot of people still give their seekers fangs but I like separating the two unless the offspring has both parents) does she have any siblings since multiple children are common with seekers?
good luck with ast though I've only played a little bit of white mage (I wanted the unicorn mount tbh) so I have very little advice when it comes to healer classes but I hope it's fun for you!! also ast glams???? so pretty I love looking at them
and yes! k'vira is a seeker of the sun miqo'te. she killed another kit as a child during a training accident and left her clan when she turned fifteen to become an adventurer since the vast majority of the clan thought what she did was purposeful since she and the other kit knowingly disliked each other and she couldn't bear the weight of that forever following her. she took a life and now she's going to try and save as many as she can to make up for it (shhh ignore the amount of people she's killed as the wol)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 9 months ago
057 of 2024
by joybucket
1. What is one thing you wish everyone knew? That not all disabilities are visible, i. e. you don't have to be a wheelchair user to be considered disabled.
2. What is the most frustrating thing about your life right now? Having little energy, or even when I have outbursts of energy like before, they burn out way quicker.
3. What is one thing that you used to be able to do that you can't do anymore? Handstand/cartwheel. I wouldn't dare with my hand now.
6. Besides Bzoink, what's a website that shut down that you wish still existed? Vampire Freaks when they still had forums.
7. Did you chat with your friends on AIM as a teenager? Never used AIM.
9. What is one thing you would tell your younger self if you could? Be yourself, haters gonna hate anyway. You can't make everyone love you.
10. Can you type fast? I used to, but not anymore, with my disabled hand.
11. What are a few of your favorite names that your friends have used for their babies? One of my youngest friends gave birth to her daughter and she and her husband decided to name her Aurora, which I think is a pretty name. One of my friends has two daughters, he named them Lara and Lily.
12. What would you name your kids if you had them? Laura for a daughter (I've been in love with this name since forever), or Monique or Sylvie; Joris/Adriaan/Damiaan for a son.
13. Did you ever attend a university? Yes, I have a degree - Bachelor of Applied Sciences, electrical engineering. Then I was attending uni for standard Dutch language, but dropped off.
14. If you've ever been a college student, what was your favorite thing about it? Classes that aligned my interests.
15. What is one thing you are behind on? All the updates from our engineers at work lol. I've been two years at home after I had a stroke, just came back to my work this year. 
16. What color shirt are you wearing? Black with gold print.
17. What is one thing you always wanted as a kid but never got? Motherly love, for real. My mum was more loving to my sister than to me.
18. What is one thing you like now as an adult that you didn't like when you were a kid? That we weren't treated equally by our parents. I was the dad's favourite, my sister was mum's favourite. But at least we have a strong bond as siblings, we love each other very much.
20. Do you ever eat ice cream for breakfast? 🍨 Yeah, when it used to be hot in summer here.
21. What is one thing most people don't know about you? That I have a genetic disorder.
22. Which cartoon character do you think looks the most like you? Can't think of any, seriously.
23. Do you consider yourself spiritual? Not really.
24. Do you consider yourself religious? Not really either.
26. When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone? Oh my, I don't remember.
27....and afterward, were you glad you did? What happened? Even though I don't remember the last time, I'm pretty sure I was glad I did it.
30. Would you rather eat Mexican food or Asian food? I'm not familiar with Mexican food at all. But I'm pretty familiar with Asian food, so I'd pick Asian. Just not Thai please.
32. What is the best book series you have ever read? The Legend of Ice People, by Norwegian writer Margit Sandemo. It's a fantasy series about a family that has supernatural powers, starts in 15th century, I think, and it consists of 47 books (!).
34. Have you ever been on a missions trip, and if so, where did you go? No, I haven't.
35. What is your favorite thing about your town? Where I live? Medieval architecture and bridges. But it's a tourist spot, so it's always full of people. In my hometown? The beach.
36. Have you ever met anyone named Skye? Yes, but not in person.
37. Do you wonder if unicorns have ever existed? I haven't thought of it, but it would be cool if they did.
28. If you're chronically ill, what is one thing you've tried to cure your chronic illness that didn't work? I don't know. I cut off caffeine, I try to get enough sleep, and I have my medication well adjusted. So far it works very well, but my neurologist said there's no treatment that will guarantee I'll ever be 100% seizure free.
29. Are you lonely? In terms of my health, yes. Other people can't really imagine how it feels to be physically disabled, until they experience it themselves.
31. What is your favorite board game? Can't think of any. Maybe Monopoly.
32. Are you happy? In general, yes.
33. How many of your grandparents are still alive? None.
35. Do you have any regrets? Not anymore. Life is too short for that.
36. Which holiday is your birthday closest to? Easter.
37. Do you believe in heaven and hell? I'm not sure. It makes some sense, though.
38. Have you ever seen a ghost or spirit? 👻 I don't think so, but I felt the presence of my late cat.
39. List three of the most colorful things you can see from where you're sitting right now. Box of raspberry cookies, all my coloured pens, stickers on my laptop.
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kandadiff · 1 year ago
Taste of Venom : The Week Leading Up
~ ~ ~ ~
~ Makayla ~
Not necessarily versed in confrontation and really not sure what to do, Makayla didn't want to pretend she didn't see what she saw yesterday. But while their house was big, Makayla couldn't avoid him forever and he would notice her acting strangely towards him. He always did. But she couldn't tell with him...
To avoid that she decided to take her niece off of her sisters hand (Which Jasmina was grateful for - given her rough pregnancy). Rio was noticeably softer when children were around, plus either he would be out of the house with business (he never did it with children in the house) or he wouldn't notice her mood towards him. She would use all her energy on her niece, Renee.
She picked the 4 year old up early Tuesday morning - unable to sleep much after seeing Rio's indiscretion and spent the morning with the girl playing with dolls, cooking breakfast, playing in the yard and baking desert for later. The smiles and laughter of Renee was almost enough to keep the dark cloud that loomed over her at bay - the thought of Makayla having her own child crossing her mind. She had wanted that with Rio but now...
Renee was watching the princess and the frog eating a snack while Makayla started to clean up the toys left over the living room floor when they heard the door open.
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"Honey," She heard his deep gravel voice ring out into the house and her heart dropped. "I'm home!" Makayla sighed heavily but placed a small smile on her face, his signature smirk greeting her as he turned to her. "Sorry, I'm home so late-"
"Uncle Rio!" Renee shot up from her spot, grapes spilling on the floor as the girl rushed over to Rio.
His face instantly softened "hey Renee!" He lifted her in his arms and twirled her around. Her shrieks of laughter causing a part if Makayla to want to forgive him for just that, the love he had for Renee. "Why didn't you tell me little R was coming?"
Makayla shrugged "Jasmina was having a hard time so I went to get her. Is that a problem?"
"Of course not. She still owes me another Mario Kart battle." He said , the little girl agreed saying she wanted to play after the pool and he absolutely had to go into the pool with them and that she was going to change into her bathing suit, leaving the two adults in the living room. He smiled pulling Makayla to him. She resisted and he stopped. He moved her long locks from her face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she lied not looking at him - instead making herself busy by putting away Renee's toys. "Just a bit hot-" Rio looked at the AC that was turned all the way up but didn't say anything. He instead pressed a kiss to her cool forehead. "Um- did you eat? I cooked."
He shook his head and she motioned for him to sit down. She gathered a plate of food for him and heated it. She knew he recognized her standoffishness but she wasn't ready to answer any questions. She didn't have an answer herself... she wasn't sure what she was going to do and she didn't want to make a decision - not until Saturday like the note said.
"Auntie!" Renee raced back into the room, now clad in her swimsuit and floats ready to swim, until she tripped over her sandals and landed on her palms. She began to cry until Makayla instantly rushed to her.
"Hey, are you okay?" her voice was gentle and sweet. Renee sniffed and nodded as Makayla wiped her palms. "Does it hurt?" The little girl fronted but shook her head and Makayla kissed both her palm anyway. "Thats good! Now, are you ready to swim? I bought a unicorn float for you, wanna go see it?" A smile broke out on Renee's face. "Okay go get the towels." The little girl nodded moving towards the bathroom.
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Makayla looked toward Rio and noticed he was staring at her, a smile on his face. She cocked an eyebrow and he chuckled. "Why haven't I married you yet, Mickey?" She opened her mouth to speak but he held his hand up to stop her. "Just know its coming," He stood up moving his way over to her. She opened her mouth to protest but he took her face in his.
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He smothered her words with a kiss and she hated how she was caught between kissing back and pushing him away. So she didn't kiss back but he didn't seem to notice. He deepened the kiss and one of his hands wandered to the belt that held her dress together, She reached for his hand stopping him.
"ewwww" Renee squealed and they pulled away seeing the girl with a scrunched face and three towels in her hand.
Rio pulled away laughing. "This is what adults to when they are in love." He said squeezing Makayla to him moving toward Renee, lifting her up. "And I love your auntie. Now let's go swimming." He moved to the backyard with her in hand and Makayla sighed.
~ Kay ~
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I heard the door open behind me and casting a quick glance to the mirror, I saw Simon in the threshold of the room. I ignored him, not turning back. I had been in my room for two days. Yesterday, Negan did try and visit to talk and it ended screaming and me throwing heel after heel until he left. Now, my anger had dissipated into depression. I was angry with myself and angry at him and angry at the world and whoever wrote the note for reading the situation so well. Simon called my name but I didn't bother responding. Truth was I did love Negan in my own way and I didn't want to hate him. But he was making it so hard and I was in no mood for his second in command to try and convince me of Negan's good intentions.
"Kid," he called out. "I see your reflection. I know you awake."
"Go away, Simon."
"Your brother is here." He said and I turned towards him. He carefully approached me and undid the locks on my wrists. "Hes waiting for you in the living room."
It wasn't just Robin that greeted me in the living room. Joker sat in a nearby chair, twisting his cane while Jerome stood admiring the large backyard of the mansion and Negan stood in the middle of the living room chatting with his old friend. Robin greeted me first, Jerome going to hug me and J giving me a curt nod.
"Do you have a place we can speak privately?" J asked looking around and stretching acting as though it was an afterthought. "You know, just me, you and the kids." Negan lead us until the meeting room, the exact meeting room I caught him fucking one of his whores just two nights ago. I could barely look at him as we took a seat. Once we were all settled, I asked what was wrong.
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J looked around and his eyes settled on me "Well, my darling daughter, Robin informed me you might want to know this information." I looked at Robin who rolled his eyes. "Your brother is back and you sweet Ace are a target."
"My brother?" I looked at the two next to me and thought for a moment.
"Jeremy." Robin clarified and my heart sunk. Terrible, violent and intelligent twin of Jerome was back. He had runaway from J's care but not before making all of us the victims of his experimentations and hostility growing up. He antagonized all of us but especially Jerome, who's fragile mental state I was worried for. . "He resurfaced and anyone associated with J is a target."
~ Katya ~
It had been two days since Taehyung had been home. Katya didn't know what was worse, the dread of him coming home or the loneliness that filled the big empty house until he did. She loved her dog, Pongo but she needed a person to talk too.
Even V knew that, what's why when a of the woman of the gang knocked at her door on Wednesday she knew that V would be gone for a few more days. She hated them almost even worse then the loneliness. Their faces plastered with makeup and fake smiles, trying to pretend they weren't just as miserable as she was. They judged her house, though a maid every few days made sure it was spotless, they judged her hair, her clothing and the fact that she couldn't pretend she was happy with how her life turned out.
"Good morning Katya!" Chaerin smiled kissing Katya on both her cheeks while a small group of woman followed their leader into her house.
"Oh is it morning?" Katya shrugged looking out at the blue sky before closing the door. "It was afternoon when I passed out yesterday." The girls looked at Chaerin and Katya inwardly chuckled. She loved messing with them ... after all what else was she supposed to do?
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Chaerin brought ordered food to her house and she was forced to set the table for guest she didn't want. At least there was wine. Katya made herself conformable with the wine at the table, tuning in and out while the ladies spoke to each other. They gossiped about celebrities, the latest Netflix show and fashion don't regarding other woman in the Red Dragons. Katya was nearly two bottles in when she heard one of the girls finally say something to catch her attention.
"I heard during the party." Jisoo leaned in as though it wasn't just them in the home. "Someone was killed, and thats why they cut it off early."
"Early?" Minzy chuckled. "You passed out as soon as we got into the car."
"Who?" Katya asked surprising the rest of the girls. Normally she stayed quiet when they visited.
"At that tacky party Negan through for his whore- I mean girlfriend." Irene smirked. "Someone was murdered there- two people."
"But who?"
"No one knows," Chaerin shrugged. "G wants to throw something at the Red Room to find out. Hes inviting the saviors." The note flashed in Katya's mind and before Jisoo could comment on that she interrupted her.
"Will we all be invited?"
Chaerin shrugged then thought for a moment and nodded. "I guess so." She smiled sympathetically. "Are you worried about Kay? I remember shes your friend right? She seems fine, I mean it wasn't her that was killed."
"Should we be so lucky." Irene sighed taking a deep sip from her glass of wine. Katya shot her a look.
"Please, if she died. G would be the first one that old man would target." Jisoo scrunched her face. "After she broke up with TOP and slept with G's father to ensure an alliance, he hates her-"
"Thats not true." Katya clarified but they ignored her - like they usually did.
"No he hated her before that." Minzy shook her head. "She made G broke up with that dead girl.. what was her name? Adrianna? Aliana?"
"Adi." Chaerin corrected.
"Another whore." Irene laughed.
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"Her name is Arianna." Katya spat out. "and if your going to be badmouthing a dead girl then you can get the fuck out of my house."
"Relax." Jisoo raised her hands.
"You're house?" Irene scoffed.
"Yes, my house. I own half this fucking thing and I want you all out. Now!" She pushed the table forward causing the contents to shake and the cups to lurch forward and spill on the woman and floor. "Get the fuck out of my house!"
~ ~ ~
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starlightkun · 2 years ago
hi!! this is a different anon than the one who sent smt abt tdhea but i read thru that post and everything you said and i just want to say how it’s SO COOL how the strawberry sunday universe and characters sort of unfold parts of the story by themselves as part of ur writing process. like i genuinely think that’s the coolest thing ever (coming from someone who used to write a ton and had to trudge thru awkward scenes and horrible writer’s block and … procrastination…..)
i’m loving all the details you include with every neo u mention and would love to hear you go more in depth with the characterisation choices u make
also!!! very excited for pupsick 2 coming out tomorrow !!
lots of love💞💞
i definitely still have those awkward scenes that i just trudge thru (currently writing one for changer rn) and start and stop and write like two words and stop in the middle of a sentence and come back and write two more sentences and then stop again and it just takes me forever because i just for the life of me cannot do it for some reason. that absolutely happens to me, you're not alone.
lots of love back 💕💕 and also v excited for pupsick 2 as well!!
since u asked, i'll talk abt the character choices i picked for the neos a bit more (under the cut bc it's.....long)
taeil + doyoung: the witches! i picked witches for them because in my lore, witches are connected to nature and all that like dryads/fairies but they still have that mysticality to them while maintaining a bit of a folksiness to them with their herbs and teas and stuff, which i thought was just very endearing. i made them have slightly different specialties despite being in the same coven to reflect different aspects of their personalities. taeil is a lot more grounded and in tune with himself internally, so he does a lot of rituals and spellwork with innate power that get built upon with all of his ritual tattoos (and i feel like we don't see a lot of tattooed taeil in fics. which is a shame, bc as soon as the image of taeil tattooed from neck to ankle popped into my head i was hooked. that's rlly hot.) ; meanwhile, doyoung's character is a lot more snappy and sharp-tongued (inspired by how irl dotae and doten bicker), and prefers magic with words like hexes, jinxes, and curses. since these tend to be quick, minor bursts of magic, he doesn't need this big store of internal magic like taeil does for his rituals, he can just draw it in quickly from crystals or metals that naturally have magic, so he wears a lot more jewelry and the like
taeyong: our irl yonggie is just such a good leader and such an empathetic, sweet person who really does everything he can to make his members feel more at home. around the time i was writing strawbsunday, for some reason i was going back through my taeyong tag and there were a couple gifsets of him that rlly stuck with me. one was of him saying he was learning chinese to make the chinese members feel more welcome and be able to communicate with them more comfortably, and another gifset of him and shotaro in the waiting room of a music show during maw promotions, and tyong was helping taro read a soda bottle that was in korean. tyong read it in korean first, then explained the flavor in japanese so taro would understand it better. and idk, i rlly want to emphasize that part of taeyong in strawbsunday, so i made him a unicorn, a creature known for either having/finding/believing in a pure heart!
yuta: he's sexy. yeah, remember how i said some were more thought out than others? this is one of the less thought out ones lmao. sirens are enchantresses, luring sailors to their deaths with their call. modern interpretations take that to a more........seductive place, and i fully, wholeheartedly agree with my own sirens, and yuta was my blueprint lol. i was envisioning punch yuta specifically. the hair, the tattoos (his butterfly tattoo, the iconography, the placement, never has a man had a sexier tattoo im sorry)
jaehyun: i was 100% thinking about that tweet that was made around 'favorite' era that was like 'give me your vampire nct 127 opinions go' and someone said 'jaehyun would be like "how did you know i was a vampire?" while being the weirdest fucking dude in the room' and i was just like "yep that's going to my vampire jaehyun character." i also love the idea of like a brand new vampire. not a fledgeling vmapire, but one that was turned less than ten years ago. I feel like we usually either get fledgelings or vamps that are hundreds of years old and act like it, so i rlly wanted to see a vampire that like, wasn't old enough to rlly have the immortality part affect them yet. and i made him weird bc jaehyun's weird. (i specifically have a tag for my weird!jaehyun posts here)
mark: mark was like one of the very last of the ilichils to get assigned, and at this point i had fairy, dryad, witch, vampire, siren, and unicorn and i was like "hm, i think that's enough creatures? six? what else could i even use?" but i had already doubled up w the two witches (and two humans technically w [strawbsunday] reader/johnny) and nothing i had so far with those six kinds really felt like it fit with how i was kind of imaging mark and how he was going to fit in with the group. so i literally was googling like lists of mythical creatures and stuff, and was trying to fit what i saw to irl mark, to my character mark, and to my world i was building, to see if it would all fit. and i ended up going with basilisk! and i decided there would be a little C plot of my precious loserboy basilisk markie figuring out his powers and accidentally petrifying his poor human roommate johnny
johnny, hyuck, and jungwoo were all already talked about here!
so like i've already said, when i went to assign creatures to the ilichils, i went ahead and backlogged every neo just in case i needed a random background charcter, i could essentially pull a neo out of a hat and have one ready to go instead of needing to come up with one on the spot. the weishens were done next, and i very quickly realized i was going to need more than seven types of things (including humans)
kun: while i liked my newbie vamp jaehyun being a weirdo, i do still like the idea of an old, elegant vampire, but one who uses that experience to have an optimistic, fresh take on life instead of being all nihilistic about it. irl kun has all these sexy skills and hobbies outside of just being an idol (producing, flying, skydiving, photography, at least one bachelor's degree to my recollection probably more, etc.) and i think if he really were to live forever, why wouldn't he use that as an opportunity to just do everything, and experience all the new things that are being invented all the time and learn more stuff and continuously go back to school? so kun was just the perfect template for that sort of vampire character
ten: ...........he's sexy. IM SORRY i swear i didn't just toss every sexy neo into the siren category or else there would be a lot more sirens here. i chose neos that were sexy, knew they were sexy, and i thought would probably enjoy luring men to their deaths with their sexiness if given the opportunity. ALSO i made him an art major bc i loveeee irl ten's drawings and art and tattoos
sicheng: again, i really expanded the strawbsunday universe of magical creatures out with the weishens. i've also been rewatching supernatural and it was around here that i was at the episode where dean goes back in time and kills a phoenix, and they opted to make that character a person instead of a literal bird. so that was kind of inspo for sicheng's phoenix character (except i still made him very birdlike, the phoenix on supernatural didn't have any bird qualities whatsoever)
dejun: it is a coincidence that dejun is a dragon and his emoji is a dragon. i swear. this was one of those where i was like hm...that sounds good and then the more i thought about it the more i liked it. no exceptionally deep thought here. i regret not mentioning any sort of gold jewelry or the like on dejun in rid like i did on jisung in tdhea, but alas. smth to remember when/if he pops back up in future fics. we'll just pretend it's always been there tucked under his shirt or something
hendery: i had already thought about using gryphons in strawbsunday with johnny (was flipflopping on gryphon or human with him for a while and ended up on human, obvs) so it just seemed natural to make someone else a gryphon later on. gryphons are part eagle, part lion, and while i know i usually focus on the eagle parts of my gryphon, i do think both of them are important! they're both seen as very noble creatures, with lions protecting their pride fiercely. and i feel like i very much kept those attributes in with kunhang. you might not have seen it yet, but underneath the banter and everything, kunhang is fiercely loyal to his friends, and has a strong sense of right and wrong. it might not line up with everybody else's idea of right and wrong, but he's not wishy washy with it
yangyang: i already had an idea for a love potion debacle with witch DOYOUNG that hinged on a conversation that went something like “Are you telling me I just drank a fucking potion?”/“Botanical blend!”/“Why would you put a potion in a fucking Gatorade bottle?”/“Botanical blend!” but as i thought abt it more i was like omg no that's so yangyang coded and i sort of imagined witch yy who almost pictures himself like a mad scientist in that he specializes in potions and such and is always experimenting with new crazy stuff
jeno: werewolf jeno was just like too perfect. like, he couldn't be anything else. has werewolf jeno been written thousands of times? yes. has big puppy werewolf jeno been written at least hundreds of times? yes. and its good every single time. i am not immune to puppy jeno. you are not immune to puppy jeno.
jisung: irl jisung is one of the few neos whose mbti type is an i, if im remembering correctly? he's at least an intp, i do know that. and irl, while he def gets along w everyone, you can tell that he and chenle just r besties and have a next level bond (they're so close and r close enough in age, chenle lets jisung call him casually instead of using honorifics despite being born in different years). irl jisung also isn't super big on skinship with members or wtv. so like with a lot of other stuff, i took a few perceived irl personality characteristics, honed in on them, stretched them, and picked a creature whose lore and powers fit that personality i assigned my jisung character. and dragon fit him best! usually a solitary creature, but for some reason he's taken a liking to this one fairy, and generally tolerates all these other friends that the fairy has
mark already talked abt above; jaemin, chenle, hyuck, and renjun already talked about here!
shotaro: now i know what you're thinking. but i think shotaro has a different brand of siren sexiness to bring to the table. kinda like how chenle and jungwoo r mischievous in different ways despite both being fairies, not all my sirens r sexy and alluring in the same exact way. yknow? bc shotaro just has that adorable little cherub baby yoda roo from winnie the pooh face too. so he's kind of all innocent and cute and lures you in that way, but then switches it up out of nowhere. duality, as the kids say
sungchan: this one was self-indulgent lol. he's one of my biases and i think werewolf sungchan is a very delicious concept. also i thought it would b hilarious to write in my notes "D plot that werewolf jeno LOVES peanut butter. sungchan swears this is just a jeno thing and NOT a werewolf thing. nobody believes him." i still think that's really fucking funny
and one more thing that i do kinda wanna touch on that's tangential to this? the ratio of characters/creatures that we see in here is supposed to be fairly representative to the actual population percentages of these species. like, i do imagine that humans, witches, and werewolves are all roughly equivalent in population; then it's fairies, sirens, and dryads are all about the same, but less than the first three; then vampires, gryphons, and basilisks; and dragons, sphinxes, unicorns, and phoenixes are all extremely rare. or, at least populations are generally academically unknown due to many staying out of integrated society. and wyverns...........well, that would be a spoiler.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
it is a staring off into space eating hot cheetos kind of day but also hey woah what the FUCK is this demon guy. i've gotten to uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. they JUST survived the old man in the maw (HELLO??? sitting here like OHHH A CHORUS OF DRAGONS. also the old vané hag is extremely cool and interesting and possibly a dragon and?????????) and kihrin just talked to taja (which btw SO cool--reminds me of a friend's design of the. face of luck in their oc universe? i canNOT find it rn but it was like it had two faces and it was abt the lack of dichotomy, lack of two things one bad and one good--it is just Both) but i am still thinking abt when he came across the demon w the long name starting with x that i cannot spell?? bc holy SHIT the way that scene was written. OUGH the fear. ough the helplessness. how shaken he was afterwards and yet how he had to carry on, too, but it staying with him. i love when things pick up in books w the timeline thing but i was N O T T expecting this one!!!! that scene was so well written it definitely is sticking in my brain. also i love ola as a character she is just so interesting and the way that she & kihrin interact is so fun to envision lmao... her and kihrin's dad forever trying to figure out how to parent.... ola thinking she's the cooler authoritative figure vs kihrin disobeying both of them With Ease hahaha???
also the discussion of morality in here is v interesting and i would look at it more if i could. maybe upon reread eventually bc if i try to analyze EVERYTHING we're staying in the first fifth of the book forever
!!! I am clapping with excitement irl rn. I don't even know what to comment on first because there's so much I cannot say, just imagine I'm staring at you excitedly over the counter or something rn. Like a cat who wants attention but won't ask for it so is trying to make you initiate
You put together the "a chorus of dragons" -> there are dragons that are important thing much faster than I did. I think I was like 3 books in before I went...wait a minute...maybe the several dragons who keep showing up...for which the series is named...are important...
And the old vané hag!! if you find her interesting let me just tell you. she only gets more interesting from here she's SO fascinating--especially in terms of right and wrong and what's moral and at what point can you no longer justify your actions for the greater good. Book 3 was a TIME for her. And Xaltorath! GOD its such a character. Which is pretty much all I can say except I'm very much looking forward to rereading that scene with the knowledge I have now. Keep an eye out for that demon it's real fucking important and also FULL of foreshadowing. I love how Kihrin's haunted by it, the tangibility of the encounter--it's not a trauma immediately overcome that he forces himself through, it takes genuine time and I love when stories do that.
Oh my god yeah, good luck to any and all parental figures in Kihrin's life </3. That kid is a menace and has the skills to actually implement his dumbassery. The threat of his impulsive reckless ideas can actually be realized. But my god do I love him to pieces <33
And yes!! Morality would be a great topic to analyze in a reread! I intend to look at a lot of things a lot closer the second time around because you're right, the first time is just such a wild ride you literally can't understand and analyze it the same.
You're making it very difficult to keep to my current TBR layout (finish hamlet, then magic of the unicorn, then sinf, then finish toa +tsats, etc) because I want to abandon it to join you <33
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telomeke · 2 years ago
This or That
Tagged by the lovely @7nessasaryevils. Thanks for tagging me! 💖
My choices–
spell or curse / abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery / vampire slayer or ghost hunter / phoenix or griffin / wrist bite or neck bite / herbs or potion / ghost or wraith / dragon scales or werewolf claws / druid or mage / elf or hobbit / divination or necromancy / wand magic or hand magic / centaur or unicorn / dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale / sword or bow and arrow / talking animal or walking tree / demon trap or crossroads pact / enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon / castle or cottage / pirate or prince / immortal or normal lifespan / wizard or witcher
Some details about the why of it all:
Spells can do good too, but curses are always malevolent – I'd like the option of being able to help others positively.
An abandoned mansion can be made liveable again, but you can't do much with a haunted cemetery.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be forever cool, so no to ghost hunter.
Phoenixes will always rise again. Plus they have firepower, and get to consort with dragons. 😍
Neck bites seem more intimate – full body contact, etc. 😉
Potions always give you the power to do more things. Herbs don't always.
Ghosts can be benign, even good, and there are people I miss so much I wouldn't mind getting a visit from the other side. But wraiths are usually angry and malignant, so no.
Dragon scales because they're so cool – big, powerful, fireblasting, flightworthy dinosaurs. Every culture has some version. I think their scales would as beautiful as jewels too.
I chose mage over druids, because it just sounds more fabulous to be a mage. Will I get a big twirly cloak to go with? Hah!
Elves have their own language, horsepower, and mad archery skills. The hobbits may be heroes in their own right, but I think stick-straight long silver hair and pointy ears beat furry oversize feet for me. 😂
Divination because the alternative is potentially creepier. 🤷‍♂️
Hand magic because Benedict Cumberbatch made it look effortless and slick in Dr. Strange.
I chose centaurs over unicorns. Just like the idea that the myth possibly sprang from stories of fearsome warriors on horseback, who later became conflated with their steeds. Plus they're always bare-chested and they have kinnaras as kin. 🤩
Disney-style fairytale because I love a happy ending. And they're standing up to De Santis in Florida.
Bow and arrow, because have you seen the archers on TikTok? Here and here.
Talking animals because I have so many questions for them. Animals already do communicate with us – if you've every had a dog or cat you'll know this to be true. I just wish I knew more about their inner lives. (Those experiments with apes and sign language – now banned I think – are endlessly fascinating to me.) Would finally get to live my fantasies of being Dr. Dolittle, Encanto's Antonio and Enid Blyton's Philip Mannering. 😍
Neither demon trap or crossroads pact for me – either will come back to bite you, so no.
Mermaid lagoon because I love the sea!
Cottage over castle; both would be hell to maintain, so the smaller one is the practical option. Plus I'm a sucker for the cozy concept of hygge.
Prince not pirate; I may love the sea, but I'm a homebody at heart and the idea of endlessly roaming the waves just doesn't appeal.
Immortal if I could have it – life is precious and I want as much of it as I can get.
And I chose wizard over witcher – the latter's uniquely a monster hunter and I think I prefer the broader job description of the former!
Dunno who to tag so doing it off the top of my head again:  @colourme-feral, @crzshaly437, @seeking-moonscapes, @non-binarypal7, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @waitmyturtles, @miscellar, @dribs-and-drabbles, @markpakin, @wen-kexing-apologist, @respectthepetty, @theheightofdishonor, @lovelyghostv, @grapejuicegay, @transpran, @faillen, @airenyah, @gennyanydots.
Sorry if I've left anyone out but these are the Tumblr names that have stuck in my mind for some reason! 💖
This or That
Tagged by @ablazenqueen and doing it because I need to get off my ass and stop watching Pat suck Pran’s finger
spell or curse / abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery / vampire slayer or ghost hunter / phoenix or griffin / wrist bite or neck bite / herbs or potion / ghost or wraith / dragon scales or werewolf claws / druid or mage / elf or hobbit / divination or necromancy / wand magic or hand magic / centaur or unicorn / dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale / sword or bow and arrow / talking animal or walking tree / demon trap or crossroads pact / enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon / castle or cottage / pirate or prince / immortal or normal lifespan / wizard or witcher
Tagging @thepancakelady @telomeke @subtextsays @faillen and anyone who sees this and wants to try
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bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky · 3 years ago
After | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! This was a request from @dreamerglassesgirl! Not gonna lie, this put me in my feelings because I have never actually received any kind of aftercare from any of the guys I've slept with- but I'm fine it's totally fine🙃
Send me your comments, requests, and / or suggestions! 🥰
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @glxwingrxse @lonewolf471 💘
Slowly, Bucky unwound his metal fingers from your wrists. His tight grip had held your hands in place for a long time and the sudden absence made you miss the cool vibranium against your skin. He took your hands in his and let his lips find your wrists, pressing gentle kisses to the red marks that encircled them, “how are these feeling, baby?”
All you could do was nod, still out of breath from the ravenous energy he had used with you. Bucky brought a hand to your face and stroked your cheek, gently whispering “Can you use your words for me, doll?”-he always needed a clear, spoken confirmation that you were okay, even when he rendered you breathless. After taking a few moments to compose yourself, you finally whispered a “they’re good” through your tired smile.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and then the tip of your nose, finally granting a kiss full of love an adoration to your lips. “You’re so perfect,” he praised, “you did so good for me, baby. Always do so good for me”. His praise always made you bashful- something he loved about you.
He leaned over and grabbed your water from the side table, offering it to you as you slowly sat up. Your greedy gulps made him smile. His hands found your hair and stroked gently through it as you rehydrated, twirling a strand between his fingers every now and then. As soon as you replaced your water on the side table, he was gently pulling you into his warm embrace. With your head resting against his chest, he stroked the length of your spine with a light touch, whispering praises all the while.
“I love you so much, sweets,” he said, “you’re so good. So perfect”.
You nuzzled your face into his chest a bit deeper and he hummed in approval, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while, Bucky’s body granting you the safety and security you needed. His warm embrace became a cozy cocoon that you’d stay in forever if he’d let you- and he definitely would. He didn’t want to move you from your comfy spot, but knew he should have a look at you, “Hey baby, when you’re ready, just tilt your head back for me-need to see your neck”.
After a few moments, you dipped your head back for him, putting your throat on full display. His oceanic eyes worked over your neck and chest, appraising the blossoming bruises that he’d sucked into your skin. He let his hand roam lightly over them before gently giving each and every one a soft kiss. His gaze met yours after he’d finished with your neck and he couldn’t help but smile as the adoration in your eyes. “I love you, Barnes,” you whispered with a dopey grin. He held you a bit tighter and pressed another kiss to your lips, murmuring an “I love you” right back.
He, of course, loved having sex with you and claiming you as his own- but sometimes he actually enjoyed the aftercare more. There was just something about taking care of you that made his heart swell. He loved giving you the sweet, gentle affection you needed and reinforcing his love for you, showering you with praise and kindness until you fell asleep.
He’d never forget the strange look you’d shot him after the first time the two of you slept together; when he’d asked what you needed from him, you’d stared at him with a blank expression, no clue what he was talking about. He’d been even more disturbed when you told him that aftercare hadn’t been a thing with any of the guys you’d ever slept with, and that they’d never even attempted to provide you with comfort afterward.
You’d told him about the guy who’d spanked you so hard it left a handprint on your ass for a week but didn’t take the time to check in with you afterward. And the guy who hadn’t given a shit when your pelvis was covered in bruises after he’d fucked you relentlessly against a countertop. When he heard the story about the guy who’d gotten mad at you for getting blood in his car after he’d made your knees bleed by forcing you to kneel on gravel, his mouth was left hanging open. That day, he’d promised you- and himself- that he’d never cut corners or hurry taking care of you after, and he’d kept that promise.
“How’s my girl doing?” he asked, “hungry?” Your over-dramatic nod made Bucky laugh as he reached for his phone, preparing to order you whatever you wanted. “What sounds good, sweetheart?” After thinking it over for a moment, you decided: “Can we get gyros from the Greek place on 9th street?” Bucky whispered an “of course” as he leaned in to give your forehead a kiss before placing quick delivery order. He put his phone to the side and stared down at you lovingly, taking in every freckle that dotted your face.
“Alright, doll, food’s ordered. You feel like taking a shower?” he asked. You gave him another nod and tried to climb out of his lap, only for him to scoop you up and carry you to the bathroom. The weight of you in his arms was his favorite sensation, making it impossible for him to hide the smile that wanted to break through.
Entering the bathroom, Bucky set you down gently on the stool in front of your vanity and started the shower, turning the handle all the way toward hot. He never liked his showers to be too scalding, but he knew you loved them that way- so he didn’t mind sacrificing his skin for you.
“Be right back, baby,” he called as he headed to the bedroom, returning with a pair of your sweatpants, clean underwear, and one of his shirts. “This good for PJs?” he asked, bringing a smile to your face. “It’s perfect, Buck. Thank you”, you murmured. Making you smile was Bucky’s favorite thing to do, and just knowing you were smiling because of him filled him with a happiness he’d never experienced before.
The two of you stepped into the shower together, your bodies pressed up against one another as the hot water brought you back to life. Bucky’s arms wrapped around your waist and yours were slung around his neck, the two of you fitting together like puzzle pieces. He let his forehead rest against yours, taking in the perfection of the moment.
“You have no idea how much I love you…” he murmured, “you’re everything”. Bucky felt the weight of your head fall against his sternum, and he knew you were blushing so hard that you were embarrassed.
You took your time in the shower, cleaning up from the night’s events while Bucky drowned you in love and adoration. He was gentle with you as he wrapped you in a towel and pressed a kiss to your forehead, only letting go of you to give you the room you needed to put on your pajamas. He doubled back to the bedroom for some sweats of his own before walking hand in hand with you to the kitchen. As he was filling another water glass for you, there was a knock at the door.
He retrieved your food from the delivery guy and shut the door, asking “where you wanna eat? Kitchen, living room, or bed?” You opted for the living room and watched as Bucky set up the spread on the coffee table: a gyro for each of you, spanakopita, and baklava. He watched happily as you devoured your food, so distracted by you that his gyro began to get cold.
After the food had been completely demolished, you fell against him with a deep sigh.
“You tired, sweets?” he asked just as a perfectly timed yawn fell from your lips.
“Fucking beat. I wonder why?” you teased, prompting him to throw you a playful eye roll.
He promised he’d clean up from dinner if you’d go get in bed, and you were too tired to argue. Bucky moved as quickly he could through the clean up, hoping to make it to the bedroom before you fell asleep. He found you lying in bed only half awake, fighting like hell to keep your eyes open.
“Hiiiii,” you said, barely conscious. He couldn’t help but snicker at you, and climbed into bed with a “hiiiii yourself”. As soon as he’d made it into the bed, you were pressed against him as closely as possible. He wound his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, eliciting a contented sigh to fall from your lips.
“You’re always so good to me, Buck…” he heard you murmur just as sleep pulled you under. The words pulled his lips into an involuntary smile, and he tightened his hold on you just a little bit more. “And I always will be,” he promised you, “every time”.
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