sabrerine911 · 4 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Ride
Was in the mood to do another goofy Unholy Trinity bit, using last years inktober words(might use some from other lists/years I dunno)Just your typical even of bafoonery from the professional vampire hunters.Cerise might be an exeptional, charisma charged diplomat when it comes to people, buut she is terrible with animals(except her own horse that is)And you better bet that her 2 friends are gonna give her a hard time because of it.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTriniktober: Wild Altho Beth will mostly be able to control her Werewolf urges she does sometimes slip up when it comes to long forest hunts.And altho Cerise might be Beth's bestie she will still always be very openly grossed out by these more "wild demonstrations", she is a classy lady after all XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Snow
Beth doesn't want to deal with possessed Frost Yetis, she just wants to go home XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Ghost
Sometimes in their line of work the Unholy Trinity will bring interns of their Guardians of the Light faction on lower tier missions to help them get some experience in the field. While the UT are the Elite that deal with the high danger stuff there is also the need to deal with the lower level undead stuff as well in Solikar(since there is plenty of that danger around as well) On a side note I felt like adding a bit of Phantom lore in there as well(Cerise would have been more extensive on it but that would be too much text XD)
Final thing,just want to make this clear, Galmar cant actually hear Cerise and the Ghost in the first panel but he can see that the later is getting less agitated trough body language.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTriniktober: Misfit
Sometimes the Unholy Trinity will be forced to go to specific events for particular Vampire Hunts/Investigations. Unfortunately for Galmar and Beth they are not exactly high society material being oxifolk(like a barbarian-viking race).Beth in particular has it even worse cause of her eyes and well her huge warrior build(not really falling into the beauty standards of the high society of say the Boujwa or Elves).Also it doesnt help that she cant verbally fight back in these scenarios cause they need to create as less commotion as possible and there is also the fact the her heightened wolf senses can pick up the hostility and generally hear the remarks,nooot a fun time for her.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Ash
Unholy Trinity: Sees ashes of fallen warriors*
Galmar and Beth: Getting ready to mourn the dead for a solid second*
Cerise: Its free real estate*
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Pattern
So other than being the top marksman of the Unholy Trinity, Cerise is also the top strategist/detective of the group. That combined with her intense personality, well lets say it isnt very healthy for her when it comes to almost unsolvable tasks XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTriniktober: Overgrown
The joke here is as subtle as it gets XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Treasure
The trinity versus Undead Conquere Lokh Wanted to establish how the Unholy Trinity are not adventurers, but professionals doing their job(undead/vampire hunters) Wich is something different for Lokh since he is used to Adventurers trying to get his treasure and failing while he slowly gained power to achieave his masterplan.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Dragon
Instead of going to bed I did this...it was worth tbh. Its always fun to draw the memebers of the Trinity in their "besties" moments.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTriniktober: Legend
Just to be clear Galmar is absolutely bluffing about the "Giant Killing" bit, he just wants to put the vampire in a corner. Since he knows his Oxifolkan legends really well. When the challange is accepted, as they fight the imposter will reveal his true nature for the sake of his self preservation(not that its gonna do him any good with a veteran vampire hunter XD).
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Sling So today I decided to finish the Undermountain campaign on Neverwinter as my Vamp Slayer Beth and hoolly crap did the final chapter make me happy! It was Vampire themed! I even got to kill a Vampire cult leader chick that you meet at the start of the quest. Veeeery satysfing stuff!So I got inspired to take that as inspiration for today's piece.
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Swing
This one took longer than I wanted for a low effort piece but oh well, wanted to throw in Beth and Cerise going at it with the terrible pun-age to bother both the bandits and Galmar XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: "Frail"
What can I say, sometimes Necromancers/Evil Mages forget little essential details to their plans XD
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Ornament Wanted to do a sketch of a scene of the moment before Beth and Cerise become "Battle-Sisters"(basically the warrior variant of besties). A very important title for the Oxifolkan race. Cerise might be from the sophisticated Boujwa race but she adapted to this tradition cause she wants to make it count since her friend is an Oxifolkan. On a side note, not this is not the typical cliche where Beth"has been behind and listening all along" that trope is terribly overrated XD, plus Cerise would know if Beth was in the room.(She is both a pro assasin and also the wolf Bjorn would react in some telling way)
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sabrerine911 · 5 years
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UnholyTrinictober: Tread
Look, this was funny in my head ok!? XD
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