shannmitch · 4 years
No judgement I promise. I am sure I will but for right now I think I am enjoying the single life and not having the responsibility of a child. I can barely manage myself sometimes.
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That’s exactly how I was until I found out I was pregnant. Actually no scratch that, that’s how I was until I actually gave birth. I was the biggest mess around, I had no intentions of having a kid until I had one.
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Oh no I mean as a good thing because then you know she will hold her own against the world and we need more people like that.
That is a very fair point right there, but it still doesn’t mean that I’m ready to be on the receiving end of it all.
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shannmitch · 4 years
I’d love the answer to this question too because I’ve had the same thoughts every time my daughter has a birthday. She’s two now and it doesn’t feel like she should be that old at all. I can also tell you the whole moving thing definitely doesn’t stop, though. Is she walking yet? Because after that, good luck with them not creating a whole disaster if you take your eyes off them for a moment. Speaking from experience here. But short answer, all the time since mine never listens when I ask her to slow down on the growing up thing. 
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How in the hell are we going to deal when they hit their teen years and start getting into the whole relationship thing and then before we know it they’ll be getting married. I’m not ready for it to go that fast. Oh she’s a walking machine, she never stops. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found my pots and pans scattered across my kitchen. Not surprised that she wont listen when you ask her to slow down, us girls are pretty annoying like that.
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shannmitch · 4 years
You got that right! Oh really now…let me just grab my can and we’ll see who is boss here!
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You don’t scare me, Evans. You’re going down.
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shannmitch · 4 years
Morning sickness sounds the like the worst. My sister just got out of that phase and let me tell ya, I avoided her unless I had to be around her. I know, I know, I’m the worst - but that’s what her husband is for, right? Oh come on, Shay. Don’t rush me! I was all for babies like last year when I was in a solid relationship but ya girl is newly single again and babies are so far from my mind right now. When my niece is born you can come cuddle her. Will that hold you over for a bit? Not much, really. Just settling back into my own place and doing things that I want to do again. What’s new with you?
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That’s amazing, Shaylene is going to make an amazing mother and you’re going to be the cutest auntie around I just know it. Find out what she’s craving and surprise her with it and she will be a sobbing mess and love you forever. Fine I wont rush you right now, I will let you enjoy the single life and all that jazz but the moment you start looking or hinting at settling down it’s fair game, deal? I will be alright with cuddling your niece. I’m happy for you babe. The newest thing in my life is what cartoon Atlas wants to watch next. I’m drowning in kid shows.
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shannmitch · 4 years
@ddlovato: Am I the only one who didn't go on this camping trip everyone is talking about?
@shaymitchell: no there's a lot of people that didn't come @ddlovato but please know that your beautiful face is missed!
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Shay Mitchell by Tessa Neustadt for People Magazine, July 2017.
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Well I look forward to having those experieces one day but for now I’ll just enjoy my single life with only doggos as my children, well she is your daughter so I assume she will be very sassy.
And I hope one day that you do, but yes for now enjoy the single life of freedom and all the doggo cuddles your babies can give you. Dude! Way to give me some sort of hope that she wont turn out like me.
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shannmitch · 4 years
I’m still a kid at heart, so that means more I think. You think you’re gonna kick my ass? Game on Shay, and I know I wont be the one with a tear once the games over and done with.
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Of course it does, only the cool one’s are still kids at heart. Watch your words Chris, because a can of whop ass is coming your way. Think you’re ready for this because I don’t think you are.
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shannmitch · 4 years
Nope, but if it has been sitting in your watch list I might judge only slightly. Oh? You have a kid? and you make Tik Toks? Damn. I really am behind aren’t I?
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Dang it, how do I get the no judging at all? I’ll do anything! I do have a kid, she’s a year old and quite the handful at times. Don’t you worry we’ll get you caught up in life, promise.
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shannmitch · 4 years
Yeah, that’s exactly right. I love being the neighborhood dog dad. But yes, that makes sense. I figured that, but I’ll bet she had a grand, ‘ol time shoving some delicious cake in her face. Did she at least having fun, though? Did you have a big party for her? What?! Come on, now. If I froze time right now, we could BOTH stay this young forever. You know what I’m saying?
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Nothing wrong with being the neighborhood dog dad, just means that other’s can come steal your dogs for those puppy cuddles. She did have a grand old time, she was filthy by the end of it but really enjoyed herself. No we didn’t, we decided to keep it family and very close friends simply because she wouldn’t remember it, once she gets older and actually knows what’s going on we’ll go ahead and do the whole big bash. Ain’t gonna happen Jonas, wish all you want but not gonna happen. But besides trying to now figure out how to freeze time how are you?
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shannmitch · 4 years
I can’t believe Atlas is already a year. Seems like just yesterday we were finding out you were pregnant and now here we are. I wish we could freeze time too. Not that I have kids or anything, obviously but there’s some moments I’d love to just stay in for awhile longer. Besides freaking out about how fast time is moving, how are you doing? 
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Ugh tell me about it, though I’d much rather her be a year old than going through that morning sickness again because let me tell you it wasn’t fun. No but you will some day right? I mean I can’t be the only one of us pushing out a mini me, I need babies to cuddle Benzo! I’ve been amazing, loving every bit of this adventure. What about you babes? It’s been a while since we talked, what’s new in your life?
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shannmitch · 4 years
Matt knew he should has ask for a roommate when he joined this retreat but he honestly didn’t put much thought into the trip but he was quite pleased when he saw that Claire was going to be sharing the room with him, that also meant he got to see little Ivy which was always a nice thing, the only problem he would have was his smoking so he sneak out the first chance he got to watch the sunrise and possibly smoke for a while, it didn’t took long for him to find a quiet place and light up his cigarette.
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Being kid free for a couple of days Shay couldn’t even begin to express how happy she was. Sure she missed little Atlas but every now and then Shay did need her me time. Throwing on her workout gear and her sneakers Shay wasted no time in pulling her hair into a ponytail before rushing out the front door, she was ready for that early morning jog. On her way back she paused for a moment and grinned when she saw Matt sitting by himself. “Sitting out here with all your friends I see.”
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shannmitch · 4 years
I’m sure this dates me…and makes me seem old, but I’m a sucker for arcades! I’m gonna sightsee and enjoy the sights, and maybe find a bar this weekend, but I got way too excited seeing the big arcade here. Anyone up for a game of air hockey? If not, tell me where you’re gonna be at some point and I’ll pop in and say hi!
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You’re far from old, trust me on that. Sightseeing and a fun getaway it’s okay in my books but also if this means that I have a chance to kick Captain America’s ass at air hockey you can count me in. I’d pay anything just to see you shed a tear.
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Shay Mitchell for Modeliste Magazine, March 2018.
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Well I suppose it’s a good thing it means we are having a good time right? Oh yes I see her almost daily unless we are traveling, she is a very dear friend of mine, we are actually in a play together that gave us even more time to see one another, well that’s a lovely name, it’s Greek isn’t it? well I just recently created my twitter but I’m not on instagram just yet, I’m known for be terrible with technology.
We’re making life worth living and making it count I would say. Oh that’s adorable it’s nice that she has you in her life and gets to see her uncle Matt. What play are you in? Yes it is. Well then my dear look no further because I will happily teach you the in’s and out’s of instagram, we need the eleventh doctor to join us in the world that is instagram.
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shannmitch · 4 years
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Shit, I’m talking to the Tik Tok queen… am I in trouble? And you agree with me? I fucking love you and little Atlas. Thank you for bringing that angel into the world for all of us to admire. The only Tik Tok videos I can stand are yours. You are excused, miss queen. Aw, stop! You’re the queen and I love you more. How are you, Shay? How the fuck do you get so pretty? Am I doing things wrong?
Tik Tok queen? My gosh now, I’m flattered but I’m sure there are far better people at it than myself. We love you too babe, we truly do. You are truly welcome though she captures everyone’s hearts all on her own, she’s got that special charm to her. Ugh bless you. Is this just going to turn into a whole flattering each other until we agree to disagree thing? I’ve been pretty great, bit busy but that’s no surprise. What about yourself? Me pretty? I’d say it has to do with being born in Canada but babe have you looked in a mirror lately because lets face it you are drop dead gorgeous.
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