myssthyss · 6 years
TS for Myss!
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finally vanguard!myss gets some happy
[src meme]
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lucentmoths · 6 years
@unholymuffins replied to your video:
myssthyss: @amara-the-average-hunter and I got to...
@digitalsheeps it is the strike only exclusive to PS4. Lake of Shadows I believe it’s called.
It sure is a damn good thing I’m getting a PS4 in about a week, week & a half.
Yes... i’m getting a ps4 to play Destiny 1 (and MHW/HZD) & now 2 on the ps4 because of this strike & the ps4 exclusive Nessus strike... and armor.... and FUCK
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sadjediamira · 4 years
New Imperial Inquisitor, Amira Moross, meets the famous Jedi, Cal Kestis about five years after he narrowly escaped her master, Darth Vader. She can't quite figure out why she keeps running into him, or why he's so determined to save her. Though she fights against it, she may not be strong enough to resist the Light, or her growing feelings for the Jedi.
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I have finally completed my Cal Kestis x OC story! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3 
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If you’re not caught up on Amara’s backstory on AO3, NOW’S THE TIME! The story is coming to a close and I don’t want you to miss it! <3 The final two chapters are coming soon!
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seigephoenix · 6 years
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Today on Fic Recs, we visit the Destiny fandom!  It's pretty small as far as fic writing goes.  At least the ones I read.
Ships: many
Tumblr Link: http://slumberblues.tumblr.com/post/168663370561/fanfics
Me Rambling: Swany’s monster smut is awesome!  All her smut is awesome.  I couldn’t pick just one story so here is her master fic post!  
Ship: Mithrax x Female Guardian
Rating: Explicit
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12169287
Me Rambling: I chose Mithrax’s story cause I love them, but Rhi has so many other stories you should check out.  Exploring the possibility of a ‘redeemed’ eliksni or hell, just one that doesn’t shoot first is awesome!  Her Shiro x Andara drabbles are the best.  Go read.
@myssthyss and @amara-the-average-hunter
Ship: MyssMara
Authors: Unholymuffins, MyssThyss
Me Rambling: The two girls are adorable.  I love reading about them so much.  It’s got a lot of chapters but it’s well worth the read!
Ship: A lot!
Me Rambling: Bear just has a way of telling a story that draws you in.  Her SteelPoncho writings are amazing.  She is so talented at writing Zavala.  
Ship: mostly Cayde-6 x Female Guardian (Nevia), Osiris x Female Guardian (Aine), Saladin x Female Guardian (Aine).
Me Rambling: I love Jules’ writing!  She has a way of getting the emotions just right that it hits me right in the feels.  Reading her stuff always puts a smile on my face.  I love it.  She’s also such a supportive friend when I really needed it!
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unholymuffins · 6 years
I’m streaming some Monster Hunter World! I’m new to Twitch so be kind! No mic tonight as I’m just trying it out. Thanks for stopping by! <3
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myssthyss · 6 years
How often is Commander Myss’ decision making very firm and to-the-book? Like, Amara would probably follow in Cayde’s footsteps and be a bit chaotic and out of the box as far as coming up with ways to solve problems? Would Myss follow with her Hunter roots or follower in Zavala’s footsteps?
She’d be way less by-the-book than Zavala is now. While he has his out-of-the-box moments, he definitely seems to prefer that everything go by the book.
She’d definitely start out missions pretty by-the-book. Standard strike, recon missions, yadda yadda we know how these go. However, something unexpected always pops up, and that Hunter mentality will be very useful in overcoming those obstacles. 
Plus, her Strike Name Generator would have way more names like Babydog in it. Operation Beanboy. Fireteam Mean Green. Strike Team Tea Time. 
She tries to be a fun Commander.
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myssthyss · 6 years
C3 for the lovely Myss.
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someone probably insinuated something lewd
[src meme]
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myssthyss · 6 years
unholymuffins replied to your post “feelin’ a little off today while i try to finally get some...”
Are you writing dreaming city/raid. Or something else?
I’m trying to do the first one. Though after like 60 clears and a Petras you’d think it’d be easy but damn do I just wanna blow over like 90% of it lmao
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myssthyss · 6 years
How well does she handle the stress of being Commander Myss? What does she plan to do during her time as Commander, if anything? Tell me more about this time training with Zavala!
It’s a tough job! Regular breaks (if she can take them) help a lot. A constant supply of caffeine does wonders as well. She wouldn’t be the kind of ‘Stand still for 8 days straight’ kind of Commander.
She doesn’t have a solid plan, no goals to achieve (unless there’s a preceding situation that would call for it), other than to ensure humanity’s and guardian’s survival under her watch.
I don’t know how long or how willing he’d be to truly hands-on train her outside of bits of advice, since he never leaves his spot in the tower unless he’s evicted under duress (like invasion). The most extensive training she’d get would likely be a private locale and a private comm channel for the two of them to communicate, for him to instruct her. Outside of that, her training would likely be instinctual, using her abilities when she felt they were needed.
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myssthyss · 6 years
Leaning in to say "I love you" in a different language, either for Myss or Amara to say.
OTP Prompts
(I use Burmese in this, it most represents what I think the language might look like when written, not necessarily what it might sound like.)
Amara had been quiet these past few weeks, unusually so. Their missions, so often filled with laughter and friendly, flirtatious banter, had fallen utterly silent. Barely a peep came out of the redhead that didn’t pertain to the task at hand, and it had Myss severely concerned.
Logic led the Awoken to blame her girlfriend’s silence on their Vanguard’s sudden disappearance, and the previous head’s-up he’d given his Ace. Myss didn’t know the details of the information, other than the location where he’d likely vanished to.
The Prison of Elders. 
The Reef.
Her homeland.
Myss knew that that place was the last solid ground her feet had touched in her first life. She’d only been there once in her second life, but her feet never met the same ground. 
On approach, the nebulous violet clouds were mesmerizing, hypnotizing her as they swirled around her ship like a warm blanket, almost like the atmosphere was welcoming her home. She just about allowed it to.
However, as soon as she spotted the galliots circling the area, anxiety seized her throat and she threw her ship in reverse, flying full tilt back to Earth.
She’d eventually come to regret that decision, but now it was becoming increasingly apparent that they’d probably have to go out there and save their Vanguard’s butt in the near future. They’d be headed to the Prison. To the Reef. Maybe this time she’d stay a little longer, be allowed to explore once the mission was over, to learn about where she came from.
The pull was prevalent, almost like her first self was still among the slew of broken asteroids, begging that she’d come and find her, whispering temptation into her ear.
The Awoken’s pulled out of her thoughts, and her eyes wander up to the black visor on her girlfriend’s helmet. 
“You doing okay?” The redhead asks from about ten feet away, shifting her grip on the auto rifle in her arms. “You’ve been staring at that dimensional rift for ten minutes now.”
Myss lifted her domed helm from her face, and sighed. “သင်မှန်, သင်တို့ကိုငါခစျြတသိ?”
Amara blinked in confusion, though her helm hid the expression. She remains silent, unsure of how Myss even made the lilting sing-song sounds, and of what the hell she said.
“သူငယ်? သင်မှန်, သိ?” Myss’ face shifts to one of worry as she stands.
Amara lifts her helm, and raises a hand. “Myss, I have no idea what the fuck you’re saying,” A pause. “or how you made those noises with your mouth.”
“ဘာ? What?” The Awoken clears her throat as she blinks, and Amara thought it looked like her eyes became clearer, brighter. “Did something happen?”
Amara exhales in relief, and musters a quick smile. “You were just. Making weird noises. It’s fine. You’re fine now.”
“Did you hear me?” Myss asks, approaching slowly.
The redhead stifles a laugh. Had she heard her? Had Myss not heard herself? “Yeah, I heard you, alright.”
“And?” Myss asks, quietly but forcefully.
“And what?”
White eyes shrink in doubt, in worry. “Do you know I love you?”
Amara’s blue eyes widen. Had that been what she was saying? How? “Oh honey…” She pauses, and Myss almost looks wounded. Approaching, she places her free hand on Myss’ violet cheek. “Of course I do.”
Myss releases a breath, leaning into the touch. “Okay. I was worried.” 
Amara shrugs, cringing gently. “I just. You’ve never said it like that. I didn’t understand.”
“Like what?”
“You really didn’t hear yourself?”
“I thought I was perfectly clear.”
“Oh it was clear, just incomprehensible.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Exactly, and neither did you.”
“What the–”
“It’s okay, I got the message, babe.” Amara pats her cheek to end the subject, hefting her rifle back to its normal grip. “Why don’t we get back to looking for this Taken dude?”
Myss’ face contorts in confusion, but she also drops it. “…Sure, okay.” She sighs, lazily spinning the barrel on her hand cannon. “Lead the way.”
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myssthyss · 6 years
27. accidentally sleeping in
[Sweet Affectionate Moments]
27 - Accidentally sleeping inwith @amara-the-average-hunter​ ❤️💜
They’d made a good choice.
Moving in together was obviously the first place holder, but the choice they made on their new bed was a surprisingly close second. It was much larger than the one they used to share in Amara’s place, nearly twice the size, in fact. It had a luxuriously soft pillowtop that just cradled any body almost as well as their lover could. It made sleeping very easy. 
Too easy.
They currently slept soundly in the center of their bed. Myss was sleeping on her stomach, facing away from Amara, whilst Amara was on her back, arm barely draped over Myss’ naked shoulders.
The Hunters had booked off the necessary time to complete their move, and both of their superiors had taken it rather well, blessing them with the time they needed. Of course, they wouldn’t be gone for too long. They had to get back to work sometime.
Their bodies had other plans, however. The dark curtains betrayed the sun’s high position in the sky, and when Amara finally woke enough, she turned over and consciously pulled Myss into her arms. A feather-light kiss placed to the back of her ear is enough to rouse the Awoken as well. 
Myss snuggled further into Amara’s embrace, aura pulsing gently as she smiled with a gentle hum of contentment.
Amara placed another kiss placed to the back of Myss’ neck, admiring how the water-like ripples seemed to react at the contact. Even with the limited amount of currently exposed skin, Myss’ aura still made her silhouette clearly visible.
At least she’d never get lost in the dark if she were naked.
“Morning my big, sexy lava lamp.” Amara greeted, vaguely commenting on her girlfriend’s skin.
Myss suddenly snorted, laughing hysterically at the unexpected quip. Her giggles soon pull Amara in as well, and the pair are drowned in laughter as they slowly wake from their restful sleep - in their new bed.
“I-I just…” Myss begins, wiping her eyes of the tears that formed there. “I didn’t expect that at all.”
“I’m sorry, kind of.” Amara says, giggles trailing off as she shrugged. “It’s true, though.”
Myss couldn’t respond, allowing her own amusement to subside. When she calmed down, she squinted at the wall beside the window, right where the curtains allowed in some of the daylight. After a moment, her eyes widened.
“Casper? What time is it?” She asked, panic in her voice. 
Amara quickly mirrored her expression, hopping out of bed to throw the blinds open.
[1300 hours] Casper replied, hovering above his Guardian.
“Shit!” Amara cursed, summoning Iris to her palm. “I was supposed to be in the hangar six hours ago! Why didn’t you say anything, Iris?!”
{You were tired!} Iris defends. {He hasn’t been pinging me if that helps.} 
“He’s gonna be fuckin’ cracking jokes.” Amara groaned, equipping her newly revamped armor as she headed for the door. “Sorry, babe.”
“It’s okay, hon.” Myss says, standing to give her a kiss as she powered towards the balcony. “Catch you for some Crucible later? 2100 hours? I’ll be done with the scout by then.”
Amara smiled, reaching up to cup Myss’ cheek as she felt the transmat begin. “It’s a date.”
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myssthyss · 6 years
Amused and Exhausted for Tiddy!!
🎡- Amused
Tiddy gets giggly and smirky when she finds something particularly funny. She’ll cross her arms, relax her stance, and chuckle until the moment passes.
🌙- Exhausted
When Tiddy’s exhausted, she gets cranky. Her fuse becomes very short. She doesn’t have the energy to deal with anything below common sense, and will snap if something stupid happens. Then she usually ends up passing out because she used her last bit of energy to snap at someone over something trivial.
That or she “bites the bullet”, as it were, and fixes the exhaustion that way.
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myssthyss · 6 years
"They can't hurt you anymore."
38 - “They can’t hurt you anymore.”[Angst/Fluff Prompt List]With @amara-the-average-hunter​❤️💜
Hive. Everywhere. Crawling out from below, charging straight for her. The ground opened up beneath her, and she couldn’t catch the icy edge to save herself. She plummets into the dark abyss, directly into a large, waiting mouth, and wakes with a start.
She hadn’t lived through it, but Amara had told her enough about the foes that waited for them on Mars to plant a healthy urge of aversion in her.
Myss is panting, covers shoved off of her body, skin clammy with a cold sweat. She realized she was dreaming - she’d been doing a lot more of that lately - and draped an arm over her face as she whimpered. She hears rustling beside her, jumping slightly at the noise.
“Y’alright, babe?” Amara whispers, scooting closer to Myss. That’s right, they’d fallen asleep watching crucible matches last night...
Myss stifles a sniffle, but doesn’t move. “Bad dreams.” She replies.
Amara shakes her head. “M’sorry.” She says, moving closer to Myss, wrapping her arms around her. The sticky sweat that coated the Awoken’s softly glowing skin worries her, but she doesn’t comment on it. “Shouldn’t’ve told you ‘bout my mission.”
Myss shakes her head. “S’not your fault.” She whispers quietly, turning on her side to better receive Amara’s embrace. “’lotta shit built up.”
Amara quickly clings to Myss, leaving the blanket behind as she wraps both arms and legs around her girlfriend. “Dun’worry.” She says into Myss’ chest. “They can’hurt you anymore.” She snuggles in, grumbling playfully. “No’while I’m here.”
That gets Myss to smile as she tucks her head against Amara’s neck,  yawning. “Than’s babe. Kee’me safe.”
Amara yawns too, solidifying her hold on Myss. “Always.”
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myssthyss · 6 years
Why did Myss leave Felwinter peak to stay in the city? Does she ever want to go back and live there again? What does Casper think of Amara and the pairs relationship?
Myss left Felwinter shortly after the Red War was over. She’d gotten back into Redjack work and it was just easier to be close to/in the the Tower to report to Shaxx.
Whether or not she has a heavy workload as a Redjack pretty much determines if she stays in the City or moves elsewhere. Felwinter’s is very nice, it’s away from the noise and bustle of the City, but sometimes it’s a little too far.
Casper adores Amara, and had been rooting for them to hit it off after their first Nightfall for New Monarchy. He’d seen how well they worked together, and how they’d gotten along quite well (fast friends and all that), that he could see it developing deeper if given the chance. Turns out, he was right!
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myssthyss · 6 years
“Let’s give them something to fear.” From the battle prompt thingy. 👍🏼
[Preparing for Battle]With @amara-the-average-hunter ❤️💜
The pair stood before the Crucible signups in Shaxx’s office, trying to decide how they’d spend their afternoon. They’d already had a lazy morning in Amara’s apartment, but it was time for some Guardian™️ work.
“What do you think, Amara?” Myss asked, arm around her waist as they perused the playlists.
“…Uh.” Amara begins, tilting her head. “It’s already Saturday?” She asked.
“I think so, yeah.” Myss replies. “Why?”
Amara points to the top of the signup board, where there were three circles highlighted to show they were available, and glances at Myss.
Myss’ eyes widen in shock. “Trials?” She asks. “You sure?”
“I think I’m ready.” Amara responds, flexing her arms. “Let’s give them something to fear.”
Myss beams, leaning down to proudly kiss Amara’s lips. “Let’s go.”
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