learnedsupheroism · 5 years
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“i can’t do art if i am being stared at like that.” alec pointed, being bent over the work table he was building a toy house on.
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stillfccl · 5 years
@unholymen​ gets a starter
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“did you just say you love me?“, emmanuel asked, trying to hide the wide grin forming on his lips. “don’t you start playing with me.“
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gayfaith · 5 years
unholymen liked your post “Like for a starter from my nephilims. I can make one of each if you...”
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Something that Will would never admit loving is surfing. He couldn’t help it, but every since tasting it he had found himself liking it. Nonetheless, it was like fighting the waves, so of course he liked it. After leaving the beach, he went back to the Herondale house he owned, placing the board over the table and beginning to treat it, while standing in hte living room with just his shorts. “Chris,” he raised his voice, “are you awake? Or is it morning too soon for you still?”
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spxllcasting · 5 years
unholymen liked your post “spxllcasting: spxllcasting‌: Like for Bell, Glen or Prue to eat...”
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Prue laid down on the bed, his head against the pillow, comfortably set. He was naked and his skin was only shadowed by the figure standing above his head. One beautiful asshole remained hovering close to his tongue, that ventured in and out of their body, hiding from anyone’s sight while pleasurable groans approved of the other’s taste.
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accidentallymagic · 5 years
“Baby, baby, please!” Marcus squirmed as Noah continued to grind against him. Despite his usual stamina, the incubi had climaxed prematurely, although his lover hardly seemed to have noticed. “I’m sorry But---” He writhed, each movement of Noah’s hips sent another wave of pleasure and discomfort rolling through him. “Can you--- stop? Just for a moment: I need to recharge!”
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multipackersarchive · 5 years
@unholymen said: 24B (leonard)
Back when Trey met Leonard for the procedure on his ankle (dancing incident, long story) the dancer couldn’t have predicted they’d end up like quite like this, shacked up in the older man’s bedroom for what felt like days, but was only a few hours. They’d been at it so long that Trey wasn’t sure if he was even able to keep going... but they both knew he didn’t want to stop.
“Len—” the young man moans, his breath hitching as he feels Leonard’s long cock poking at his most sensitive, tender spot inside him. Though a skilled dancer, taking such an imposing dick like this might have been trey’s best performance yet.
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versxtileboys · 5 years
@unholymen | diego & robin [25c]
robin wasn’t exactly sure how he got into the situation he was in with the family’s favourite uber driver but that wasn’t to be translated into that he didn’t like it. in all actuality, robin believed he was finally reaping the fruits of a couple of years worth of wooing and seduction, which was why there was a lack of a fight, lack of a whiny, bratty bottom that he was known to be on his part - if diego wanted him, robin would strip away everything else and give himself wholly to the man. with only his hands around the man’s neck for support, robin threw his head back as he let out a loud moan, feet curling in the process. “if i had known you’d feel this good, i would’ve made father ask you into becoming my personal driver, fuck.”
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xboysblush · 5 years
26c, marco @ ryder.
Meme starters.
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Admittedly, it had been a long while since Ryder was fucked with such closeness, and even a bit of tenderness as well. At first he found himself pushing away from it, but he was a slave to his needs for pleasure and there he lied, mewling under the other man’s body. “Unh, shit,” Ryder moans out against the pillows propped against his cheeks. His eyes close, expression presenting pure bliss, even as his eyebrows crease in an attempt to chase his own climax. “Not gonna… last, fuck. Right there.”
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themysticcircle · 5 years
Standing his Ground
It was becoming very clear to Silas Warren that this school had a habit of letting behavior and grades slide if the situation was linked to a star player, which was why He told Chad to stay after class. He was fairly new to teaching as a whole but he wasn’t gonna let something like this slide. “Chad, just so you know. I’m not letting this behavior slide. I’ll work with you, help you get a tutor but until something changes, don’t expect to be getting out on the field again.”
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ancmalistic · 5 years
get on your knees. now. (from raphael)
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         ❛ jeez man-- you don’t gotta be so bossy all the time, chill. ❜
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learnedsupheroism · 4 years
unholymen liked your post “learnedsupheroism: One liner starter call for the three new...”
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His hand went back onto the other’s figure, a telekinetic mattress put around their body so there was no movement coming on their awakening. “Don’t move, I’ve just patched you up, if I have to patch you up again I’m throwing you into the nearest ER hospital. Shit knows that’s going to be easier.”
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spxllcasting · 5 years
unholymen liked your post “I’m feeling like doing some casual spanking, and have Syd, Nick or...”
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Glen was being lazy, staying in bed all morning, not wanting to wake up. As he felt the other movements by his side of the bed, he slid a hand between his legs and prompted him onto the bed, his hand landing against the rear while his mind made sure there was no hit on his neck at the landing against the mattress. He moved him, strategically, sliding his hand underneath the short boxer hole and grabbing his nearest cheek. “Who told you to leave the bed, uh?” he asked, moving just enough to land a smack onto his ass. “Surely not me.”
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forcthoughtaa · 5 years
you really like it when i spank you, don’t you, kiddo? (from bruce or some other daddy of mine uwu)
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        ❛ y-yeah... i guess i do. holy shit... ❜
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multipackersarchive · 5 years
@unholymen said: 9C (froy)
Jonas usually doesn’t notice random bystanders in the crowd at his games, but tonight was different. On his way to the locker room before the second period, he noticed the cutest little fucker he’d seen in a while: tight, compact body, piercing blue eyes, cheeks flushed pink with just the right amount of freckling on his nose... he had to have him. And so he did. As soon as the game was over, he slid over to where the boy was standing and told him to wait outside the locker room entrance. Now they were in his hotel room, and...
The Swede was an intense fuck — and a generally silent one during, preferring to hear Mateo’s cries of pleasure instead of his own. Would’ve been a waste to pick up a prize like him and not force some pretty little moans out of that sweet mouth.
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versxtileboys · 5 years
@unholymen​ | fred & fabian [16b]
how fabian had managed to bag an actual model to come wear some of his clothes was beyond him - not that he was complaining in any sense. to see any muscular man parade around in skimpy, tight underwear and singlets was surely high on up on any gay man’s list of dreams and fabian was the furthest thing from an exception. there had been a catch to making fred wear some of the articles of clothing and that catch was how fabian found himself against one of his school’s desks, legs in the air as he was being pounded into repeatedly. biting back what would’ve otherwise been a babble of moans, fabian lifted his head a little, “can i turn around and say that if you want to nut in me, you have to let me top you in one of the singlets i made, or?”
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xboysblush · 5 years
30a, dylan @ matthew.
Meme starters.
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“C’mon, darling, get on top.” Matthew says with a slur of pleasure, longing with his anticipation. After a busy day of papers and less than interested faces, he was content to bury himself in the sweetness the other boy could provide. First, though, too much clothing. He glances at them, up and down suggestively. “Let’s see you.”
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