23stickers · 5 years
Every single aspect of my shallow personality was shaped by the internet
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23stickers · 5 years
Once again I remember why crushes are named so
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23stickers · 5 years
Mildly stalking the cute people I see at school is the lowest I have ever gone. Sorry I watched you walk into that building hot dude from my 8 am class, that was weird
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23stickers · 5 years
Winnie the Pooh quotes are really out here making me cry in English class huh
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23stickers · 5 years
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23stickers · 5 years
me, getting tinder for the first time hoping to meet somebody and maybe fall in love
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me when the first guy I talk to asks me to take his virginity
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23stickers · 5 years
Where the hell would I see a hogwarts and princess bride meme other than here. fuck.
*this may sound a bit strange* Can y'all sum up each house by only using ONE gif from The Princess Bride?
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23stickers · 5 years
watched the boy sitting in front of me during my 8am lecture drink from a water bottle with such feverence and need it physically made me ill
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23stickers · 5 years
Just realized that my phone autocorrected fanfics into gamification.
I wish all gamification were written like Carry On. Then I wouldn’t have to write my own to deal with the grammar frustration some of these give me
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23stickers · 5 years
I wish all gamification were written like Carry On. Then I wouldn’t have to write my own to deal with the grammar frustration some of these give me
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23stickers · 5 years
Sometimes I feel fashionable and then I remember that I only buy striped t shirts and sweaters if nobody stops me
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23stickers · 5 years
Just remembering the time one girl on my bus was complaining about guys manspreading to a few guy friends and I and I just couldn’t take it any more and burst out saying it’s so they don’t sit on their balls instantly ko’ing the conversation and making her go silent for the rest of the way home, also making my guy friends feel super uncomfortable. Wish I knew when to be quiet.
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23stickers · 5 years
excuse me whAt the FrIckity FUCK
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23stickers · 5 years
Following cat pages on Instagram was the best choice I’ve ever made in my life
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23stickers · 5 years
i hate all those posts making fun of 14 year old girls just because they’re so they’re so fucking true... like if I read “if you live life without giving an f then you’re only living a lie” when I was 14 I would’ve thought it was the deepest thing I had ever heard and it shames me
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23stickers · 5 years
My little brother (names Drew): I almost drooled on you- or should I say Drewled on you :)
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23stickers · 5 years
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Things have not turned out as planned...
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