#unfortunately rook loves making stupid faces
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ranger-danger · 3 months ago
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Woe, Ardean screenshots be upon thee.
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lustlovehart · 1 month ago
This is like my first ask ever so I'm a bit nervous, but I've been thinking abt monter!twst nonstop so I just had to make an ask. What would the boys do (including Rollo) if mh!reader was on a mission and got put under a sleeping curse?
I'd imagine it'd be pretty distressing, imaging Rollo trying to keep the monsters away while looking for a cure for reader.
Love the au also! Keep up the good work!
- milk 🥛 anon
A/n: Ahhhh!!! Hi 🥛 anon!!! Don’t ever be nervous putting stuff in my inbox <33 I’ve said this before but I love reading everyone’s ideas!! Even if i don’t get to writing them </3
Featuring: [Monster!Twst] Heartslaybul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasmonia, Rollo, Neige, Fellow, Skully, Chenya x Reader
Cw: Head canon format ( So no individual scenarios unfortunately), Obsession, Possessiveness, Kissing, Insecurity, No proofreading
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Unfortunately, Poor Rollo has to deal with BOTH swatting them away like flies, and checking up to make sure you’re not suffering in your time of rest with nightmares 😔 (a wanting to be married to you single mom who works 2 jobs).
I like to imagine fairytales still exist within the universe, but they don’t reach their ears in the wild. It’s only Heartslaybul, Leona, Kalim, and Epel who have any idea of the “Kiss of true love”, and then words spreads around of these human stories and suddenly it’s less about getting your body back and more about being the one who wakes you up…
Why would he wanna kiss you? That’s stupid nothing’s gonna happen… Maybe one—?
- Ace, Jamil, Epel, Sebek
- Depending on his personality, he’s either going “Ew gross i’m not kissing a human” or “Those humans tales are foolish, why would i believe them?”. But either view end them in the same boat, standing over your slumbering form and hesitantly leaning into your face. Maybe he isn’t fast with it either, taking his time to look at the details in your mortal face, pores, eyelashes, everything really. It’s stupid, so stupid he shouldn’t believe any of this really, it’s vulnerable, emotional, unnecessary; yet, he can’t seem to stop himself from placing his monstrous mouth on yours, hoping something will happen.
Wants to kiss you, but feels a sense of insecurity that holds him back
- Riddle, Deuce, Cater, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Idia, Silver
- Similar to the previous category, but slightly different. They don’t oppose the idea of a kiss at all, what really has them fearing their lips on yours, is both the vulnerability, and the event of it not working. What then? He puts himself out there for you and it’s pointless? It’s cruel, a further reminder of just how different you both are. He will look at you with pain in his eyes, wondering what he should do. Ghastly hands taking your own as he lifts them to his mouth. He might not be able to bring himself to your lips, but he’s willing to settle on your skin. He just… can’t bear the thought that he wasn’t made for you.
He’ll try, it sounds fun! When, not if, you wake up, he’ll make sure to tell you about everyone’s current violence problem.
- Trey, Floyd, Jade, Rook, Lilia, Fellow, Chenya
- Practically jumping at the chance to place his mouth on you. Of course he’ll wake you up! You’re a lot more fun when you up and about trying to hunt him down! The thought of it not working does cross his mind, but is he truly an all famed beast if he can’t take risks? He lucked out on Rollo being gone, he’s essentially a human version of a brick wall. He’ll go out all out for you, snaking his arm around your waist and lifting you out the glass coffin liking a loving husband. He’ll swirl you around with care, before dipping you down like a ballroom dance, and then wake you up. He can’t wait to show off to everyone else, because you will open your eyes.
He’ll do it. if his try doesn’t work though… He’ll make sure no one eleses does either. Your sleeping body will forever be held with him until you wake up.
- Leona, Kalim, Vil, Malleus, Neige, Skully
- He’s already sat by your side, his hand tracing patterns into your collarbone while he whispers. Will you wake up for him? You will won’t you? You must. Silent affirmations only he and he only will know, unless you wake up of course. His finger will trace down your chest, tapping the place your heart would be, each touch in sync with the beat of your heart. It’s gentle, yet somehow possessive in some right. With the final beat of his index, he’ll finally lean down, his face feeling your breathes on his fiendish skin. You’ll wake up, not because he believes in the tale, but because you must let him be the one who does something so intimate to you. If it doesn’t work, he’ll put you in prettier clothes, a prettier coffin, a prettier home, because he won’t let anyone else have the blessing of tasting your lips, only him.
The one who places your body in the pretty glass coffin, putting you in the prettiest of wear and scenery during his attempt; all while warding off the wretched creatures.
- Rollo
- Practically spends every waking and sleeping moment in your presence, only leaving for at most 5 minutes. Unfortunately for him, 5 minutes is enough time for anything to happen to you. He’ll hold your hands, fix your clothes, place new flowers and ribbons on your coffin, anything for you; except be the one who kisses you. The urge to consumes his entire being, eating at him like a sinful leech who wont let go. Sometimes whenever he’s by you, his eyes can’t help but trace back to your lips, a temptation too good for any man or beast to resist, but he does, because he can’t bear the thought of stripping you’re purity, directly at least. Whenever the urge becomes much too strong, he’ll lean down, placing a kiss on your knuckle, on your wrist, on your forehead, on your cheek, on your collarbone, on your neck, on your chest, even on the corner of your mouth, until the only place he hasn’t placed his mouth on is your lips. An indulgence he won’t take no matter how much he wishes to. Because…
You don’t deserve a monsters love, not matter how much he wishes to be yours and yours alone.
You are the sole blessing he has left, he won’t taint you, no matter how much he wishes too. But… he won’t let anyone else take you either.
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A/n: For Floyd, Jade, and Sebek I realized half way that these guys wouldn’t be able to reach you on land if that’s where you were laid to rest, a perfect scenario for Rollo really. Imagine his surprise when he opens your room and sees tiny imps dragging your coffin out and into the river, where a horrific marine monster takes hold of you… Truly, how desperate for you are they?!? (Rollo has no room to judge considering he’s just as obsessed)
This honestly makes Floyd and Jade scenario so pretty <3 being in pretty clothes while he ball dances with you in the water, dipping you down while clear water envelops your upper half, leaving only your pretty face <33 do you guys see the vision?!?
And trey? He doesn’t seem like the type to be in that category, but hear me out, he does it low-key. He doesn’t go all out like the others guys so it’s not as cocky, yet there’s the underlying feeling of bragging that they can get mad and but can’t outright criticize him for. Same goes for kalim, he doesn’t seem like the type to do such a thing, but in this case, he can’t help but feel a little jealous if it isn’t him who wakes you up.
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casino-lights · 3 months ago
I posted an excerpt a while back from a wip I titled "shameless illario apologism" and I think it's time I post the whole thing because this stupid man resurrected my urge to write. a drabble about the ending of A Murder of Crows is beneath the cut with some mentions of Illario x oc because he is unfortunately my pookie. enjoy!
He looked so pitiful on his knees, gasping for air, one eye red and swollen from a particularly swift blow to the face. A single tear streaked down his bruised cheek, leaving a shimmering trail that caught the light with every breath he heaved. His doublet was more crimson than blue now, each dark blotch blossoming further across his chest as the blood from his wounds soaked into the embroidered silk. 
It would never come out. Yet more stains to add to the ones quickly mounting on Illario Dellamorte’s reputation.
“What are you waiting for, cousin?” he panted, fully expecting Lucanis’ blade to sink into his flesh any second now. “Finish what you start.”
Though he cast his eyes downward, he refused to close them. He would not meet his end in the dark. But his grandmother’s voice made him raise his face, and his heart plummeted into his stomach as he watched her make her way toward the stage he knelt upon.
“Get up, Illario,” she said flatly, as if she were simply asking him to take his feet off the coffee table. “No one from House Dellamorte kneels.”
As Viago hoisted him roughly to his feet, he found himself wondering if his parents were forced to their knees as they died. Were Lucanis’ parents? Were their cousins? Were their cousins even old enough to stand?
Illario forced himself to meet Lucanis’ eyes. Defiant, even until the end. If he was going to die at his cousin’s hand, he would look him in the eyes first. He would look their grandmother in the eyes and hope, as he had hoped his whole life, that maybe she would see that her least favorite grandson was capable of more than she thought. 
Lucanis asked his companion what to do with him. Rook. The woman who saved him from the prison he was in by Illario’s hand.
She responded with a question in kind: “Didn’t you say he’s like a brother to you? That he is your brother?”
As if Illario needed to feel even more shame. It was hard enough to look Lucanis in the eyes without memories of their childhood flashing across his mind. Wyvern-hunting. Prickle-burrs. Canes across the back. Coffee in the kitchen. Too-hot cookies. Tying knots with bloody fingers. Sauce-covered faces. Tear-stained cheeks. Crying against each other in the dark.
Lucanis was all he had. The only person he could ever rely on. The last member of his family who didn’t hate him, didn’t hurt him, didn’t think he was worthless. And Illario betrayed him.
Of course, when Illario taunted him, told him he used to be somebody, Lucanis replied with a bitter, too-quick, “And you never were.” Maybe he was hiding the hatred all along. Maybe he never respected Illario at all. Maybe Zara was right. His family never loved him.
“He was my best friend,” Lucanis said, looking at Rook. “One of my only friends, before you.”
Zara’s voice rang in Illario’s ears. A touching lie.
In a voice thick with the blood that coated his throat, Illario rasped, “You think you can show me mercy? That is not up to you, is it? Caterina is still First Talon.”
And like clockwork, Caterina answered, “His decision stands. Lucanis is the new First Talon of the Antivan Crows.”
Lucanis looked more surprised than Illario. He couldn’t muster shock. With both of them alive and present, this was the only possible outcome. This was why Zara told him he had to get rid of them. This was what he had suffered Lucanis’ presumed death to prevent.
“Viago, keep him out of trouble,” Lucanis said with a weary sigh. “I’ll come by to discuss the details in a day or two.”
“I’m no miracle worker,” Viago replied dryly, “but I’ll see what I can do.”
Illario the troublemaker. Dellamorte the Lesser. It was who he had always been. Sometimes, when he was in a more generous mood, he would joke about it. But it was always true, whether or not he gave himself the nickname in jest. Caterina saw him as an annoyance and a burden, and Lucanis… who knows how Lucanis really saw him? Right now, he was treating him like a little boy throwing a tantrum, not someone who had the throne of the most feared guild of assassins in Thedas within his grasp mere minutes ago. Was it brotherly love, or blatant disregard for everything Illario had accomplished?
All this for nothing. Worse than nothing. His grand prize was a crippling, mortifying defeat at the hands of the Demon of Vyrantium and an outsider, in front of every Talon, every House, every Crow with any kind of sway. The best he could hope for now was either a merciful death or a lot of short memories. His reward for his scheme, nearly two years in the making, was disgrace.
As Viago pulled him away, he looked only at his cousin. He mustered half a grin through the searing embarrassment. “Lucanis…”
“Don’t, Illario. Not now.” And he turned his head away.
Every step hurt worse than the last. His adrenaline wore off, leaving him tired and sore. He felt as pitiful as he looked. He felt like a child. His chest burned, his throat felt raw, and though his wounds stung and still seeped blood, it was his lungs that tightened, swelling with the urge to cry. 
He had not cried since Lucanis’ wake. Ironically enough, Viago had to escort him up the stairs then, too. Illario suddenly wished he was as drunk as he’d been that night, or that Viago would be merciful enough to knock him out again. Based on the sheer hatred in his eyes, though, that seemed like a faraway prospect. And his head would still hurt in the morning without any of the blissful forgetfulness a drunken stupor would bring.
The only thing missing from the next morning would be Lidia. She’d practically torn the Diamond’s guest wing apart looking for him after the wake. She hounded him until he ate, followed him through the city until he was weary enough to sleep, held his head in her lap and ran her fingers through his hair and soothed him until he could drag himself out of bed. She never knew how much of that paralysis, that deep depression he fell into was pure guilt. And still, all she ever did was defend him. After that depression was over, when Caterina and Viago questioned his ability to return to work; after Lucanis came back, when he tricked her into leaving the Diamond just in time for Zara’s people to take Caterina; after he killed Zara, when he held Lidia with scrubbed-raw hands and told her he didn’t want to fight anymore and that he could finally give her everything he promised if she could only just trust him a little while longer…
There would be no similar concern from her this time - not after what he put her through. He drained her blood in her sleep so he could find her if she ever left. He lied to her for over a year about where he was and with whom. He kissed her goodnight and held her until she was fast asleep before swapping his chest for a pillow and sneaking out their bedroom window so he could see Zara. 
He would return to Lidia before sunrise. That had been his promise to himself. Return to Lidia before sunrise, because she always looked her loveliest at dawn. He slipped back in through the window after a bath and crawled back into their bed, and she curled up against him and smiled and mumbled something drowsily about how he smelled nice. Every time, she asked if the job went well. Every time, he said yes. And every time, he felt that heavy ache like stones piled on top of his chest, another weight added with each contented sigh or nuzzle of her head.
He touched Zara with the same hands he touched her with only an hour before. He did it so many times he lost count. He always tried to make it up to her in the morning - a one-sided debt that kept growing and growing as he drew from her seemingly never-ending well of trust without ever replenishing it. Another betrayal to add to his list. Another person who actually loved him, lost to his own ambitions and Zara’s unfulfilled promises. He thought he would only lose Lucanis. He had prepared himself for that. He thought it would be quick and painless and Lucanis would never feel the sting of knowing his cousin - his brother - sold him out. 
And now he stood at the door of the smallest guest room in Villa Dellamorte, having cost himself Lucanis, Caterina, Zara, Teia, and everyone else who may have loved or even simply tolerated him once. He had no one and nothing to show for his efforts.
Not even Lidia. 
It would have been too much to hope that Viago would bring him to his own room. That would be much too comfortable for a traitor like him - and much too close to the new First Talon’s room. He stepped inside the guest room without a word to Viago, whose disapproving stare said more than enough to fill the silence.
As Illario sat weakly on the footstool at the end of the bed, Viago rolled his eyes and finally broke the quiet. “I’ll have a healer stop by. It’s more than you deserve, but I’m sure you know that. The First Talon wants you alive. Think on why.”
He locked the door behind him. And Illario was alone.
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dragnsofthread · 7 months ago
I feel anguish for both Alicent and Aegon.
Alicent confirmation biased herself into believing that Viserys changed his mind at the last minute. She allowed this reasoning to propel her to put Aegon on the throne, despite her discontent with how the council planned to proceed regardless. She put in Aegon's head that his father changed his mind and Aegon takes everything his mother says at face value. He has spent his entire life wanting to be Rhaenyra; to be loved by Viserys as he loved Rhaenyra, to be loved by Alicent as she loves Rhaenyra, even to be loved by the realm as they love her ("Aegon, the Realm's Delight"). For Alicent, who he has craved approval from all his life, to tell him that his father, who always put Rhaenyra first, changed his mind at the last minute? And for Alicent to be so persistent in what she's saying? His mother might be a lot of things, but she isn't deceitful. Aegon sees that she believes her story to be true and he chooses to believes it with her.
He becomes king, and tries to be a decent one despite his general ignorance of the way things work and his natural inclination to not take anything seriously. He still has quite a childish nature until the events of Blood and Cheese, and then his immaturity turns from lackadaisical to rage-fueled.
He then starts to make decisions as king that are questionable, and Alicent still reviles her son to a certain extent but she persists because she has convinced herself that this was Viserys' wish. She knows her son is ignorant and unconniving, and strives for him to see the forest through the trees, but he begins to shirk her advice and turn rather to Cole and his desire to fight.
Then, in episode 4, after her meeting with Rhaenyra, Alicent sees her mistake for what it is. She has put a crown on her son's head and sent her faction off to war over a lie. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that her marriage to Viserys and having his children meant something, that it wasn't all for nought, episode 4 is her beginning to come to terms with the absurdity of her life. What was it all for? At this point, as Cole marches to Rook's Rest, all she can do is tell her son to stay put. Don't do anything stupid.
And unfortunately, to prove himself to his mother and to not be seen as weak, Aegon does not heed her advice but rather makes one of his more idiotic decisions.
He flies to battle, gets burned by his own brother, loses his dragon and his body is shattered and burned to bits.
Then Aemond becomes his regent and shit hits the fan. Aemond has no idea what he's doing and is motivated purely by his own rage and legacy. When he becomes forceful with Helaena in episode 8, Alicent knows it's time to go. She then offers Rhaenyra terms of peace - on the condition that she will hand over Aegon's head.
Aegon never wanted the throne, he only took it because Alicent convinced him it was his duty. He was way in over his head. He lost his son for no reason at all, then he lost his dragon and most of the functions of his body. And now when everything comes down to the last, his mother chooses Rhaenyra.
That's not to say Alicent only chose Rhaenyra. I think Helaena is the first thing on Alicent's mind, on Alicent's conscience, and Helaena is absolutely Alicent's ultimate motivation in this. Alicent sees everything Helaena has been put through, first at her own hand by marrying Helaena to Aegon, and then everything she has endured since becoming a wife, mother and queen. She wants Helaena and Jaehaera to be free of the confines she herself was put in. Those seconds of her making her choice ... she is choosing one child over another. Blood & Cheese 2.0. She cannot save both. She must lose Aegon, give him up, or lose everything.
Basically this is all setup for season 3, which will be INTERESTING, because Alicent's going to get home and Aegon will be gone and you know she will feel a sense of relief in that fact. It will look to Rhaenyra like Alicent has let Aegon escape, so all the intimacy from that last R&A scene will now be charged with lots of suspicion and anger.
My theory, Alicent will absolutely give herself and her life up to Rhaenyra if it means she will spare Helaena and Jaehaera.
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its-actually-minicika · 2 years ago
What about their clash in the dungeons made Aemond obsessed with her? Was it because she fought back?
And how do you think Daeron would react/think of the way Aemond ‘forcibly’ did the things he did to her (saying this as vaguely as possible as I don’t want to spoil anyone lmao). Will it be an ‘all is fair in love and war’? This is with the assumption that Daeron is the only proper thinking male Hightower-Targ. Unless he is also depraved I do not mind if he is
I love these outtakes and I love you! Can’t wait for the next ep
You might not have entered spoiler teritory, but I for sure will - so lemme continue this post under the cut
She definitely intrigued him - and that is incredibly important for Aemond.
Before she was captured by the Greens, Lady Tully insisted that she be allowed to fight alongside her brothers. She clashed swords with Aemond once the battle at Rook's Rest ensued - well, they fought closer to the Antlers than anything, but during the same bloodbath.
Thankfully for her life - but unfortunately for her autonomy and new-found freedom -, Lady Tully didn't manage to lay in too many blows. While she was busy engaging the Prince, she failed to see the Green Loyalists that flocked behind her. They managed to sever her Patellar ligament almost completely, and due to the pain, exhaustion and blood-loss, she fainted not long after.
To say that Aemond was dissatisfied with the way their brawl ended was an understatement. To his mind, he won unfairily - there is no glory to be taken when a stupid Redwyne footer cuts the leg of your future girl lol
So Aemond was already aware of her existence and fiery personality - now moreso than ever.
When he entered the Dungeons, after leaving her alone for so long, his plan was to make her feel stressed and unsafe. He wanted to give her a show of his power (i.e his threats: 《"I had in mind to let my men fuck you." He remarks dryly, but lets out a disappointed sigh. "But I don't think any of them would get it up to your whorish face."》).
He thought she'd beg for mercy, agree to do anything to turn her grandfather's banners to Aegon's cause. Because who wouldn't be desperate for medical attention, for fresh air, for clean clothes and warm food after they've been left in the dark for three weeks?
Not our Lady.
And that made him very interested in her, indeed.
She not only found the energy to be witty with him back, but she also attempted to gouge out his other eye.
She was anything but submissive, and Aemond caught himself wanting to understand her. To study her. To figure her out.
There are some really interesting studies out there (which I'll try to link if possible) that talk about serial killer mentality.
For most socio/psychopaths, getting to know their victim makes it harder for them to kill said person afterwards. Because they get to see them as more than just a means to an end - they start seeing them as human. Something closer to an equal. Something that clashes with their views on "exterminating" - they don't kill people they're intrigued by, people that make them feel good, people that give them a purpose ("Serial Murder - FBI").
So right off the bat, Lady Tully started meaning something for Aemond. And that immediately impacted him in such a way, that it made it impossible for him to detach from her.
He came by to visit her, again and again, and found a weird pattern of normality in their midnight talks. If he closed his eye, and abstained from thinking of the war (the only reason Lady Tully was even at his mercy), he could regard her as a "friend". As a woman who saw him for who he was, listened to him, and didn't run away - though not from lack of trying, mind you.
With time, his obsession grew and developed. And when she asked him whether or not her grandsire agreed to pledge for Aegon's cause, Aemond paniked.
Because House's Tully undoubted support meant that he had to actually let her go. He had to watch her leave him.
Bookcanon Aemond has A LOT of issues. And a very distinctive abandonment one. He would never give up his safe heaven. Never. That is why he remained silent in the face of her family's pleading letters (see Chapter 4, present in Oscar's dialogue: 《The young Lordling huffed annoyedly, jolting on the brink of madness, "The deranged cripple wouldn't reply to any of our ravens!"》).
Aemond clings to the riverlander because she showed him 3 pivotal qualities:
1) She proved that she can match his wit;
2) She was kind to him (bathed him, thanked him and praised him for being attentive - which no one else ever did);
3) Wrapped him in a false sense of understanding and security.
Now, whether or not Aemond grew to actually love his Lady, or if he's simply obsessed with his warped image of who she is, and subconsciously dependant with how she makes him feel is up for anyone to decide.
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Book Daeron is very dutiful. And he proved time and time again that he'll stand by his family, no matter who's in the right.
The most I see him do in regards to the impromptu marriage that Aemond imposed onto his Lady, is chastise his brother for potentially losing the support of Storm's End. He was betrothed to Floris Baratheon, after all, and his reckless behaviour can only bring one of two endings upon his family:
Either Lord Borros, the proud man that he's always been, takes Aemond's marriage as a slight and disregard of his daughter and family, leading him to turn his banners against Aegon, or he insists upon marrying one of his daughters to Daeron, instead.
You could make the argument that he might still give Floris to Aemond, thus making her his second wife. But the Lord of Storm's End is too proud a man to ever succumb his daughter to such a fate.
For we all know that a second wife is never as important or dear as the first.
Daeron would understand that they're at war. He would disagree with his brother's chosen match, but not because he thinks it unorthodox to marry a Lady against her will - but because his actions would lead to dire consequences brought upon their side.
At the end of the day, though, Aemond could have done much worse to Lady Tully. Forcing her to marry him, and not even claiming her virtue is the least of his worries.
It might even make him happy, given that a marriage isn't a true marriage until it is consummated. With a little luck, the Greens might be able to dissolve Aemond's reckless love match, and give Floris to him as intended.
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rosehearrt · 2 years ago
do floyd and trey or jamil gogogog
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ACCEPTING ━ Give Me a Character;
Floyd Leech.
How I feel about this character
Floyd is hands-down one of my favorite characters. I love so much about him, from how he interacts with the world around him to his personality, which ( mood swings aside ) can go from goofy to terrifying in seconds. He's so much fun, and his child-like way of expressing his enjoyment is precious. The gap-moe between that and his role as a member of what's basically an in-school gang and his appearance of a member of some sort of fish mafia gives me life. He's the best boy!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Obviously Riddle is my number one. From their manga chapter to in-game moments, the shipping hints are ridiculous. I think they're so hilarious because they go so far beyond opposites attract. But I also think Floyd would be really good for Riddle, because when he feels like it, he's incessant about things, so I think he would be the type of partner who would be really good at teaching Riddle to loosen up and that it's okay to just take a break and have a good time.
I also ship him with Kalim, just because I think their interactions are really cute. That one unfortunately doesn't go too deep for me jgdhrsej but I love every piece of fanart I see, and I love the idea of Kalim's never-ending happy energy being like a jumpstart for Floyd's bad moods ( i.e. really good for getting him out of them ). I think he'd give Floyd as much attention as he wants and would support him and adore him in ways Floyd isn't used to, since he's usually the one getting in people's faces with his attention!
Honorable mention for Idia. I think Floyd and Idia is a hot ship lmaoooo.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Floyd and Jade, obvi. What more can I say? They're great. I haven't liked a pair of twins this much since the Hitachiins, so,,, it's been years.
Floyd and Azul is wonderful too! They seem to have a complicated relationship ( Azul seems to have one with both twins ), where, imo, Azul seems to question their friendship often/think that whatever they have could be easily ended if the twins get tired of him and decide he isn't providing suitable entertainment anymore. It's the prey holding the predators on a leash which is kind of awesome, even more so because the predators are letting it happen. But then, going beyond that, there's something very genuine there since they've all been together since they were kids. It makes me happy.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't really have one ( I don't think ). Maybe that he isn't stupid? I know that's a fact given the canon material, but certain parts of the fandom like to portray him that way which isn't something I enjoy.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really want to be able to have a look deeper into the family life and childhood of the twins. I want to see why they are the way they are, because out of all of the other non-housewardens, they seem to be seriously inherently screwed up somewhere. And that's even taking Rook into account, because while I can see Rook portraying certain obsessive traits and maybe a hint of sadism at time, most of that seems teasing, and he seems to have a large heart behind all of it, whereas Floyd and Jade seem completely self-serving and are liable to wage psychological warfare on others ( Jade ) or get just plain violent ( Floyd ). I also want to see more about their relationship with each other! I know they love each other and care a lot, we've seen that part is genuine. But I want an even closer look. How similar are they? Does this ' love ' they have for each other extend past self-interest? In other words, would they sacrifice for each other or put the other above their own selfishness? I'm not sure, but I'd like to see.
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bubbledumbbinch · 4 years ago
Anon asked: how about a headcanon of trey, rook, and idia with a nymphomaniac reader? the reader likes to be fucked stupid every hour. just... pure filth.
A/N: i hope this is to your liking!! I too, would like to be fucked stupid every hour but unfortunately life obligations n shit. Plus they are also technically in classes so, reader cannot be fucked as often as they’d like </3
Warnings: This piece of writing is 18+ only! Minors Do not interact.
NSFW Under the cut!
Trey Clover x Nymphomaniac!Reader
I can honestly imagine Trey being a secretly sadistic lover to someone who wants it all the time~
Trey would definitely tease you throughout the day, since he wouldn’t be able to fuck you until he has the proper time and is in the right setting. He can’t risk his position as a vice dorm leader, can he?! Riddle would have his head and his reputation would be ruined!
Well, that doesn’t stop him from leaving ghostly touches on your body as he passes by you in the hallways, letting his fingers linger over places too long, only to pull his hands away from you once you start leaning into his touch.
“Now, now, be patient for me, sweetheart. You know what happens to good pets when they wait, right~?”
If you’re patient and painstakingly wait to be fucked brutally (to your delight) by him at the end of the day, Trey showers you with praises when he’s thrusting into you, playing with your nipples and kissing you roughly but lovingly.
Trey also rewards you for being so obedient, brings you to multiple orgasms with his fingers and mouth before even sheathing himself into your dripping hole~
However, if you are disobedient, ie: you keep grinding against him in the kitchen while he’s trying to prepare for an unbirthday party or if he finds you masturbating back in his or your room, Trey will find a way to punish you.
His favorites are edging you. He’ll tie you up, spread your legs, and tease your hole, thrusting his long fingers into it roughly, and once you’re tightening around him preparing for release, he just stops. Trey then leaves you alone to “think about your actions”.
After a while of you begging for him, Trey eventually comes back and gives you a proper fucking. He may be sadistic but he still loves you! ❤️
“Now then, were you a good pet for me?” The green headed man shuts the door behind him. “Please, Trey, I need you..!” You whimpered pathetically, wiggling your lower half of your body as it was forced spread open for him. He sighs disappointedly. “Tsk, you know that’s not the right word for me, baby…” His deep voice made you shiver. “Please… daddy, fuck me…” you gave him doe-like eyes and watched him smirk.
Rook Hunt x Nymphomaniac!Reader
Rook is definitely a lover who appreciates someone who wants it all the time. The court finds this man as, guilty of being horny as fuck, your honor!
Rook would probably be down to fuck anywhere, preferably in the woods where he can feel you could be as loud as you want.
He wants to be a bit risky and fuck you in places where you know you might get caught, like a hidden corner in the library, a secret garden people rarely go to, or even behind a building.
You love it when he pushes you against a brick wall, his gloved fingers roughly kneading your ass. You’re grinding against Rook’s crotch, his moans feeding the excitement in your pants. You rush to take off each other’s clothing as you’ve both been waiting to have each other like this.
Secretly Rook knows there is no actual risk of getting caught, he picked certain locations where he knew nobody went. But you didn’t need to know that! And even if there was another sign of a student approaching where you were, he would promptly dress you both, and carry you on his shoulders back to his room.
Rook is ready to satisfy his partner whenever he can, he feels it’s his obligation as a man and a lover!
Rook would also want to see your facial expressions so he can praise you often, complimenting your beauty!
You don’t need to beg for him to have sex. He already understands when you start squeezing his arm tighter, look at him with those pleading eyes, or lightly bite your lip, it’s go time!
“Nnh- mon amour~ you’re squeezing me so tight and making such lewd noises…” the blonde panted while holding your arms above your head. Rook leans into your ears and whispers, “aren’t you afraid someone will find us here~?” The risk of getting only makes you moan in exhilaration.
Idia Shroud x Nymphomaniac! Reader
Another to add to the horny list! But unlike Rook, Idia does NOT go outside. Everything will be done in his bedroom! So when you have free time after classes, you sprint over to Ignihyde.
I also don’t see Idia having as much energy as Rook to have sex with his partner ALL the time when you are craving it.
Also please assume that like whenever you are present and horny, Ortho is not there. Like he’s off doing something else and there is no risk you would get caught by him. You have enough decency to be like “he should not see this”, and Idia would rather die than subject his little brother to that shit😭💀
There are definitely going to be times Idia cannot please you because he’s busy. But don’t fret, Idia has built many toys for you! Including but not limited to, a vibrator, a dildo, a vibrating dildo with a vibrating clitoral stimulator (if you are afab), and a vibrating cock ring with a taint stimulator (if you are amab)!
Idia’s favorite thing to do is, while you’re in the mood to be fucked, having you test out a new toy he made specifically for you. As you play with yourself and bring yourself to orgasm, Idia can’t help but pull his pants down and lazily pump his cock as he watches. It feels like a personal show just for him ;3
He would also probably want to use a vibrator on you while he’s also fucking you, so he can see your face as he overstimulates you!
Idia would probably make his own app and connect it to bluetooth controlled vibrators and put one in your ass and pussy, or the vibrating cock ring, and make you wait until he turns it on. It could be minutes, hours, but when he turns it on it shocks the hell out of you and you can’t help but let out a strangled moan at the sudden vibrations!
You also like to ride his cock when he is gaming, your chest on his as you straddle him while in his chair. Idia has to have the mic off to prevent his teammates from hearing his grunts and pants and your high pitch squealing.
If you want to have sex with him AGAIN while he’s playing games, you like to switch it up and sneak under his desk while he isn’t noticing. You also love sucking his cock under the desk while he’s supposed to be focused! Screw his game, you need him now.
When Idia isn’t gaming, he likes to have you on his bed, either in shibari, cosplay, or something else you could wear. Idia’s the king of roleplay too, and would love foreplay that’s similar to hentai scenes he’s jerked off to.
“Fuhehe, y/n-shi… so cute, you look so cute in that costume I bought for you… m-may I f-fuck you in it? I want to see your lewd faces so…” Idia trailed off. “L-Let me see your perverted side too~” he grinned widely and gripped your hips tightly, lowering your dripping hole onto his waiting cock.
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magicpumpkin3 · 4 years ago
Heyaaaa!!!! So I read the request of the reader screaming because of a spider and the dorm leaders thinking the reader was in danger and then I was like, what if we were actually in danger, like getting attacked by a person. So I wanted to request the reader being attacked by someone and the being protected by the dorm leaders. I hope this is clear enough, well have a good day 😁😁
Oh boi-
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle hasn't felt such rage since his overbolt. No, this rage was so much bigger and greater. How dare they?!
He's immediately by your side, screaming "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!". If this wasn't enough to stope your attacker, Riddle uses all protection spells and tricks he learned in NR college.
Dorm leader is well aware if he uses attack spells or overuses self-defence, it's going to backfire. He'll also be an attacker.
After some time of defending, bastard who attacked you finally was out of breath. Right in that moment, Riddle hits them in the gut. Just in case.
Incident is reported to Dire (if birdman does nothing, he'll have to face overbolting Riddle again). And person who attacked you is delt with. Properly.
After that fight, you're momentarily sent to the nurse office. Riddle is so worried, he spends all his time by your side. Only reasons why he leaves you, is lessons,l and some hella important things other then that, dorm leader is always near you.
Leona Kingscholar
Oh, that lion is pissed. Leona doesn't care what is about to happen, he only knows one thing for sure. That piece of a person is going down.
Usually Leona wouldn't interrupt fights or end them, unless it was absolutely necessary. But seeing you in one. On receiving side if it. Oh damn- someone was either stupid or had the biggest balls around for that kind of stuff. Everyone knew: If you mess with Ramshackle perfect, you mess with Leona.
Fists, magic everything is thrown into the fight. It doesn't matter of the person is stronger then Leona, that lion will get make them go down. Meanwhile Ruggie is at your side, trying to get you to a nurse office.
When Leona is done beating the living shit out of with attacker, he's by your side. He doesn't leave you. At all. He sleeps near you, eats near you (Ruggie was kind enough to deliver Leona food once in a while), sleep again- He misses damn lessons pretty often already, he doesn't care.
No one can go near you, unless it's a medical staff member or Ruggie with food.
Azul Ashengrotto
At first, He couldn't believe his own eyes. Who was stupid enough to do this? My lord was he mad. I don't think anyone has ever witnessed him being this mad before.
He gets between two of you immediately. Azul uses all protection spells he knows on you. He isn't the best in physical strength (usually twins do the dirty job) but when it comes to protecting his angelfish, oh boi- does this dude gets feral.
Like Riddle, he knows if he abuses power of self-defence, Azul will get in trouble himself. Unlike Rosehearts though, he has a whole shady business and blackmail behind his back.
After the fight is over and you're getting proper medical help and whole thing is reported, Azul calls Leech twins. No one gets away from him after hurting his Angelfish.
After all that, in private, he crys near your bed. Azul feels pathetic. He couldn't protect you! His greatest treasure. He fells like hiding in his octoput, with you near him. Azul stays by your side as long as possible. He has school and business to attend to. However, you're more important then any of those things.
Kalim Al-Asim
Poor boy has no idea what to do! Whom am I kidding, he knows what to do. BREAK THE FIGHT! He doesn't want anyone fighting. Especially you.
If attacker keeps pushing on, trying to punch or kick, Kalim would just call for help or use his unique magic. He really doesn't want to be involved in something as horrible as this!
Jamil is there to slap sense into him. After calming down after a mini panic attack, Kalim immediately gets you to the nurse office. He is there with through the whole check up and is there even after.
Kalim reports this attack to Dire (if birdman does nothing, he'll face overbolting Kalim or something close to that). He will make that person pay. Dorm leader isn't usually the one for revenge but right now, he wants justice.
Like Azul, his very sorry. Kalim doesn't care if his crying in public, he really doesn't! He was so confused, it's his fault for not being able to protect you or take care of you. If it wasn't for Jamil, bringing him back to his senses he'd still be having that panic attack.
He's willing to skip classes, if you want him near you (Jamil is typing). After tha incident, he is all tingly all over and is a bit paranoid. Please be patient with him. Kalim wasn't that traumatized from boing poisoned.
Vil Schoenheit
How dare they?! Vil was furious. He never felt so much disgust for a human being before! He was ready to tear them apart. Who do they think they are too harm his sweet potato?!
Vil has never looked this bitten up. No, wrong term. He never looked so deadly. His hair messed up a bit, face twisted with rage and his clothes being a nit wrinkly. He was truly terrifying.
Like Azul and Riddle, he understands the backfire if he overuses his magic but dear God he's in such rage. Vil isn't the one to throw hands for nothing, fortunately for you though, you're everything to him. Vil throws in every protection and 'passive-aggressive' spell he can remember.
After the fight is over, Vil makes sure himself that you get the best medical treatment. The thing is immediately reported to Dire (if birdman does nothin, he faces bunch of furious fans of youxVil). He spends every free moment he can by your side. All his meetings are cancelled and he has Rook guarding you 24/7.
Some time later, he makes Rook stalk the bastard who hurt you. After he knows enough information, Vil will hunt that piece of person. He may not be the best when it comes to strength but he is master of hurtful words and sabotages. Vil will make them pay for what they did to his sweet potato.
Idia Shroud
He's so terrified, has no idea what to do! Video games only gave him instructions how to bit the bosses not...This! Seeing you hurt, trying to defend yourself, it makes him feel weak, more pitiful.
The way you try to fight back someone so much stronger then you, it wakes something in him. Need, no must to protect.
Oldest of the Shroud brothers maybe shy and nerves wreck all over the place but when it comes to people he loves and cares about, all of his trades disappear. Before you, is not a shy and nerves Idia, it's Mr. Shroud.
With a blink of an eye, his by your side. On the outside, he is confident blackmailer but on the inside there's a killbill siren on the max volume. He's panicking inside okay?! Just because he looks like he's about to end someone's career (which he is-), doesn't mean Idia is even close to being confident.
Idia won't try to fight back, he'll just get you out of the fight. He may be a bit braver then before, that doesn't mean he's dumb now. He knows he's weaker then that bastard. He get's you to medical staff as fast as possible. Once you're save in nurse office, Idia lets himself panic all he wants.
He can't help but cry, feeling weak and pathetic. What good is he, if he couldn't protect person he loves?! Please, give this guy some love and reassurance. Idia feels absolutely broken. Don't think he forgot about that attack though...The person who did this will pay. Idia has a lot if blackmail material for a reason.
Malleus Draconia
Okay, genuine question. Does the person has a death wish? Like I'm genuinely curious. Everyone knows not to mess with Diasomnia dorm and their leader especially.
Malleus literally summons thunder when he sees this. Dark aura surrounding him, while he walks closer you and that poor unfortunate soul. How dare some, mere a fly compared to him do such things to his beloved?
Let's be real. Anyone, dumb or not, would stop attacking you and just ran away crying like a little beech baby. Though soon enough they're caught by one of Malleu's guards. Don't they dare think, that young prince just forgot about them. Let's just say that after that... There is a rumour that they got transferred to a different school.
He won't let attacker explain themselves. He doesn't want a word leaving their filthy mouth. Malleus just picks you up and carrys you to the medical staff to check you. Dorm leader doesn't leave your side and if he absolutely has to, he leaves one of his guards (or Lilia if that matters) with you.
Malleus just sits near you. Poor baby is too afraid to touch you, he thinks he'll gring you even more pain, he couldn't even hug you in fear of hurting you!
Malleus isn't the one to be a cry baby but if they're any scares left, he'll cry. It was his fault. You probably got beaten up because you were with him. Please, I beg you, give this boy some love and affection. He needs it even more then before.
Again, sorry for a delay!
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years ago
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And here we have it! Part 2 of our Epel Headcanon Collab! I really wanted to make a sweet banner for this collab but my muse punched me in the face so that's why I'm gonna use my Yandere banner now... Sorry....
Part 1 by @honey-milk-depresso
Part 2: it's this one here!
Part 3 by @drac0nia
🍎 Your first date was just adorable! Apple was so nervous and didn’t know what he should do, so before he met you, he walked to his friends and asked for their help. Of course, the other first years weren’t that helpful and it only ended up with them teasing and annoying Epel, who tried to punch them, but was too weak to do so…
🍎 He was so scared to mess anything, that it ended up with the poor purple-haired boy asking Rook and Vil for help, who immediately changed his outfit, told him what he should do and so much more.
🍎 The date went wonderful. He was a total gentleman! But unfortunately, Rook stalked made sure everything was fine by following the both of you, while you went to that sweet café and shared an apple cake. He had no reason to be that nervous, after all you loved him the way he was, even if he might do something stupid… You have to assure it to him like a dozen of times!
🍎 That’s why he promised you, that he shall never change for anybody. Maybe that’s why he is still taking notes and following Jack and many other Savanaclaw students, so he can be super manly and make you fall more and more for him.
🍎 “Mh? N-Nothing! I wasn’t writing down anything, (y/n)!” He would always try to hide his notes and hilarious pick-up lines that Ace told him to use on you. “Let’s go! Come on!” Epel took your hand in his, walking to the next lesson, while he tried to hide his blushing cheeks he got by the mere touch you both shared.
Already excited to read Nemu's part! Please, read Part 1 and 3 as well, after all, they were written by great writers!! :3
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hangovercurse · 4 years ago
Don’t Be Sorry
In which Y/N’s past catches up to her... and Colson
Reader x Colson Baker
Warnings: Abuse (Graphic), cursing, violence.
A/N: Seriously, it gets detailed. If you are uncomfortable with domestic abuse/ violence then this is not the fic for you. If you are a victim of abuse, there are resources available for you. The National Domestic Violence Support Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). 
Word Count: 2352
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“To good music and good friends” Colson shouted over the noise of the crowd. The group raised their glasses in a toast before downing the shot. “Now let’s fuckin party!” 
It was your first time out in a while. You liked to pretend it was because you were too busy. I have a job outside of writing music with you, you would always remind the older boy. But truthfully, you weren’t as attached to the party scene as your friends and did whatever you could to avoid them. 
But when Colson asked, well begged, you to go out with them to celebrate finishing Hotel Diablo you couldn’t say no. Colson’s face when you said yes almost made you excited. Almost.
But now on the crowded rooftop of a club you’d never been to in an outfit that was all too tight and all too short, you wished you’d made up an excuse to stay home. Luckily your friends made you forget your unease. 
“Y/N, watch me drink both of these beers in 10 seconds!” Rook shouted, holding two bottles in his hands. You laughed, shaking your head slightly at his antics and pulling out your phone to time him. 
“Ok, go.” You said as he brought the bottles up to his mouth, chugging both in an astounding 9.75 seconds. “Dude that’s insane.” You showed him the timer and he cheered, dragging you to the bar. 
“I’m getting you a drink, whaddyu want?” Rook asked as he waved down the bartender. “Rum and coke?” He questioned, knowing your order by heart at this point.
“How’d you guess.” You asked with a smile on your face. 
“It’s a talent.” Rook laughed, arms flailing as he bowed dramatically. 
The pair of you got your drinks and returned to your group in the middle of the dance floor. When you got back Slim dramatically held out his hand for you to dance with him, and you guys jumped around to the music. 
The drink in your veins made you a little more comfortable. it wasn’t enough to get you into any trouble, just enough to loosen you up for a good time. As the group laughed at AJ’s terrible dance moves, you felt a chill come over the room. 
As the rest of your friends smiled and laughed, you looked around the dance floor, trying to find anything, or anyone, out of place. Unfortunately for you, you were much shorter than the men around you, so you couldn’t see much. 
Colson noticed you weren’t really with the group, and he followed your gaze around the room, leaning in close to you. “Everything ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just have this weird feeling.” 
He laughed, “drink too much?” 
You gave him a pointed look and then chuckled to signify you were joking. “No, I just, I don’t know how to explain it. I just have a bad feeling about something.” 
“Ok, well just don’t leave my side. I’ll keep you safe.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes, but you appreciated the sincerity in his statement. 
Colson and you had been friends for years, but after your last relationship ended... roughly (to put it nicely), he let you stay at his place for a while until you got back on your feet. Since then you’d gotten closer to the tattooed man and come to trust him implicitly. 
You refocused on your friends, watching Pete and Baze racing pints of beers, with Baze winning (for obvious reasons). You laughed as Pete hung his head in shame. He scrunched his nose at you. “I don’t see you chugging anything.” 
This only made you laugh harder, “I don’t think what you were doing is considered “chugging.”” You made air quotes as he put on a mock hurt expression. 
“Y/N’s up next!” Slim shouted and your eyes went wide. 
“Oh hell no, man. I leave that shit up to you guys.” You smiled as he shook his head profusely. 
“Nope, you gotta do it. Rook’s already getting the beer.”
You hung your head, knowing there was no arguing with Slim. “Fine, but I’m gonna lose and then I’m gonna be mad. So if I’m mad, its your fault.” You shook your head as the boys howled. 
Rook came back with two beers in his hand, handing you one. “I’ll give you a head start.” Slim smiled.
“Fuck no, man.” You said before bringing the beer to your lips, chugging the drink. Slim was taken off guard and ended up starting a few seconds after you, which was all the advantage you needed. 
You raised your hands in victory as AJ picked you up in celebration, the boys cheering for you as Slim hung his head. Once you landed back on your feet, Rook threw his arm around your shoulders, “Y/N is the fuckin bomb.” 
You loved this feeling, you loved being surrounded by your friends who loved you. You giggled as he leaned into you, making you stumble under his weight. 
“Oh look, Y/Ns surrounded by all her little man-whores.” His voice sobered you up instantly and made every bone in your body tense up. You looked up to Colson for support, but he was already focused on the man behind you. 
“Not even gonna look at me, damn. You’re really that much of a bitch, huh? Not even gonna say hi?” His voice was like poison in your veins. Every word he spoke reminded you of the last time you saw him. You subconsciously reached up to your neck, rubbing your throat.
“Get the fuck away from her dude.” Colson said shortly. You tried to catch his eye. You wanted to beg him not to make a scene, to just take your hand and leave. But it was too late for that. 
“And who the fuck are you?” Jason, your ex-boyfriend, moved towards Colson and into your view. You flashed back to the night in his living room, his back facing you just like it was now, before he turned around and-
Luckily, Rook’s hand squeezing your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. You turned to look at him, his head cocked and his eyes questioning. You simply shook your head at him. You looked back to Colson who was seething. You caught Pete’s eye behind him and mouthed, we need to leave.
Pete nodded, grabbing Colson’s arm lightly, but the blond only shook off his friends grasp. 
“Hey, there’s this really cool music store down the street that’s still open, we should go check it out.” AJ said, his eyes trained on you. Thank god for AJ.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” Pete said, “Colson let’s go check it out.” 
You could see Jason’s face change when he figured out who the blond man was. “Yeah, Colson, why don’t you take your bitch and get out of here.”
“Don’t fucking call her that.” Colson moved closer to him and your eyes widened in fear. 
“What? A bitch? That’s what she is, a slutty fucking bitch.” With every word, Jason moved closer to your friend until the two men were almost touching. Tears stung your eyes as you flashed back again. 
“You stupid fucking whore. Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking around with some asshole rapper! Did you forget you fucking belong to me?”
His words still rang in your mind. You could feel your body begin to shut down, your lungs gasping for breath just like they had that day. 
You were brought back to reality by the screams of protest as Colson pushed your ex-boyfriend away from him, causing Jason’s fist to make contact with Colson’s jaw. 
“You think you can get away with making me look like an idiot? I’m your fucking boyfriend, not him.”
Jason’s fist made contact with your left cheek and your knees failed to hold you up. The man caught you before you hit the ground, leaning forward to pin you against the wall behind you. 
“Y/N, c’mon, let’s go.” Rook’s arm fell to the small of your back as he escorted you through the crowd, Slim following you. You made your way down the stairs, the two boys helping to support your weight. 
“I’m gonna make you remember who you belong to.” 
Jason pinned your arms above your head as he pressed you further into the wall. His free hand made its way up your chest to your throat. His soft grasp turned into a squeeze around your neck. 
“Jason please-”
You tried to talk, but few words could come out. You struggled for air as his eyes grew darker and darker. 
“You think you can go and fuck around with whoever you want, don’t you?”
You shook your head, but he continued.
“You’re a goddamn slut, and you need to learn your lesson.” 
Your vision began to blur.
“Y/N, you okay?” You came back to reality to find yourself in the alley between the club and the neighboring building. Slim was standing in front of you, Rook to your side as you leaned against the wall behind you. 
You shook your head in response and he let out a sigh. Suddenly the door slammed open and you flinched at the noise. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
You kneed Jason as a last resort before you lost consciousness, and now you were running through the house. You ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind you and pulling your phone from your pocket, not even noticing the new crack in the screen. You searched for the first name you could think of.
“Colson, take a breath, man!” AJ yelled as he followed the tall blond man outside. 
Colson was pacing a few feet away from you as you tried to focus on breathing, your hand subconsciously reaching for your neck again, as if you were trying to pry his invisible hand off of you. 
Pete moved in front of you, taking in your state of fear. Other than Colson, Pete was the only one who had any idea about your ex. He didn’t know the whole story, only that it ended violently. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, keeping his distance as he leaned against the other wall across from you. 
You sniffled and wiped your face, nodding quickly as you realized most of your friends- save for Baze and Colson- were watching you. “Sorry guys- he’s just an ex. He’s kind of an asshole.” 
“Really kid? We couldn’t tell.” AJ tried to joke, and you cracked a small smile, trying to convince them you were ok. 
Your breathing started to slow, and you felt yourself coming down from your panicked state, until you caught Colson’s fist making contact with the wall of the club.  
“Open this fucking door bitch!”
Jason’s fists beat against the door- the only thing standing between you and him.
“He’s gonna kill me Cols. I’m so scared.”
Your sobs rang through the phone as the banging intensified. 
“He can’t save you now, bitch! Not such a big man now, are ya? Colson!”
“Colson!” Baze berated the blond man, who recoiled in pain. “Get your shit together, bro.” He said, quieter.
Colson looked up at his friend and then past him to meet your eyes. His blue orbs softened at the tears in yours. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, walking over to you. 
He leaned forward against the wall you already occupied, his arms above your head as his head drooped down to watch you. You looked up at him, your hand reaching up to touch his face where Jason had made contact. 
He flinched when your skin met his, causing you to jerk your hand back, afraid he would yell at you for hurting him. 
“It’s okay, I was just surprised is all.” He whispered before grabbing your hand and bringing it back up to his chin. You ran your fingers over the forming bruise lightly, another tear falling from your eyes. 
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered. “I didn’t think he’d- I didn’t know...” You trailed off, looking down and dropping your hand from Colson’s face. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” He moved one hand to gently tilt your face up, leaning down to be closer to you, “Look at me. This was not your fault. Okay? You don’t need to be sorry for anything, babe. You did nothing wrong.” 
“I just- if I hadn’t called you that night-”
“You wouldn’t be here. Y/N if you hadn’t called me you could’ve been seriously hurt. He could’ve killed you.” 
You took a shaky breath in, sniffling. Colson sniffled too. “Y/N, this is nothing, okay? I would take a thousand more punches like this if it means that douchebag never comes near you again. I mean it. Don’t blame yourself for this, okay?” You nod, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck as you bury your head into his shoulder, your nose pressed against his neck. 
His arms wrapped around you and you could hear his sniffles in your ear as his lips pressed against your hair. “Thank you.” You mumble into his neck, pressing your lips against the hot skin. 
“Hey! Get the fuck out of here! This isn’t some fucking party you can photograph. Fuck off with your cameras!” Pete yelled, causing you to release Colson and look towards the commotion. You briefly see a figure in the distance before a white flash blinds you. 
“Fuckin paps.” Colson whispered, his arms still wrapped around your waist. 
“Let’s get outta here, guys.” Slim says, leading everyone back into the club to leave through the back door. Colson interlocked your hand with his as you stepped into the building, keeping you as close to him as possible as you squeezed your way through the crowd. 
Once you loaded yourselves into the van, you leaned your head on Colson’s shoulder, your hands still interlocked. “Can I stay at yours tonight?” You asked in a whisper. Colson simply pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hand leaving yours to wrap around you and pull you closer to him.  
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dreamii-yume · 4 years ago
Hello, Yume. I saw an AU where twst boys are aware that they are in the game and they are in love with the player - you (Y/N). And I just imagine that they constantly argue about who is your favorite��� For example:
Kalim:"I'm her favorite, she already raised magic of my ssr to Lv10"
Rook:"Qui, but she didn't roll for you, and she made 100 rolls to get my ssr. Obviously I am her favorite"
Deuce:"We are best friends, moreover I was her first ssr, I am the favorite one"
Epel:"Wait until my ssr will come out, I'll show you who's her favorite"
Vil:"Look who is talking, potato. Wait until MY ssr will come out"
Jamil:"I just want to remind you all that she pick up MY sr card as her support at the very beginning, hm~"
Ruggie:"She doesn't have my ssr, but I was on the start screen for 3 weeks straight, shishishi~"
Lilia:"Fufufu~, your kids are so funny. We already know who is the favorite one"
... Something like that. I just want to share my thoughts with you🤗 (also twst boys get very proud when you place them on youe start screen)
You don’t know anything. You’re unaware and it would, unfortunately, forever be like that.
They didn’t know what exactly made them self-aware in the first place, a glitch perhaps? Whether it was an error in the program, or just some supernatural stuff at play, it didn’t really matter. The cast accepted their situation as it is, since they were already comfortable before. They have their own world to run around with, and most importantly, they have “you” as their owner of some sort. Their sole job is to entertain you through the screen that separates both fantasy and reality, playing by the script that was encoded in their files.
When they play it right, you laugh and you squeal, so they can’t help but find it really amusing. Before they knew it, they’re purposely exaggerating their acting and voices just to see how you will react, even ad-libbing at some point. Those were words solely meant just for you so, of course you’ll get confused, you didn’t hear any of these words from other people. Some parts of them wishes that you would actually come into terms that they’re alive now, that they can see and hear everything you do in the game. But in the end, you always concluded it to be an easter egg, a fun little bug that the developers purposely dropped it in for some lucky players to discover.
Unfortunately, they don’t have any control on who you’ll get in the gacha system, even if the rates for a specific character are up. It sucks, and quite honestly concerning to see you empty your wallet just to get that special SSR card of a specific character. “Make sure to leave some for yourself” is what they want to convey to you, but you know how it is. Even so, they’re still at least thankful and appreciative of your effort just to get your hands on one of them. They’re concerned, but they can’t deny that having a special card, one that you would definitely put your time, money, and effort to, makes them feel giddy.
Of course, they wouldn’t forget about the sheer happiness in your eyes when you finally got that character you wanted, you’re so happy that sometimes it brings you to tears. In an outsider perspective, it’s such a stupid reason to be happy for, you even tease yourself for it sometimes. But what you didn’t know is that every time you pull, they all have their fingers crossed and praying that you’ll finally get their special card. Calling that happiness stupid is a hypocritical statement for they, as mere game characters, were just as ecstatic to finally place their seats in your inventory.
...Even if you won’t be aware of that happiness yourself.
Interactions with you are their favorite time, just seeing you listen to their voice so attentively and excitedly brings a smile in their face. They especially love the moment where you would actually touch their avatars, you don’t know it but they can feel it. Every time you give a poke, it makes their digital heart beat faster but cleverly covering them with the lines in correspondent with that action. You laugh, even saying a playful apology when they would get “angry” with you for poking them too much, and that alone makes them swoon more for your touch. So much so that when you’re finally satisfied and about to move on to another option, they would suddenly yell out another unexpected line just to get your attention back, breaking through their written character. It works half of the time.
There are so much more that you didn’t know was happening beyond the screen. The excitement they feel whenever you would pick them for battle, levelling their cards up, and putting them up in your home screen is basically a privilege that every character hoped to have soon. Of course, they’re constantly trying to one-up each other, arguing which character is your favorite, and flaunting the achievements they had with you. You don’t know that when they tell you to come back tomorrow within each daily log-ins, they really meant it and are actually willing to increase the prizes you get from them. When you don’t play the game for just a single day, they get worried and anxious as they don’t have any way of communicating with you without opening the app.
This, and so much more, everything. You’re unaware of everything, their feelings, their affections, and all the words that they want to tell you. No matter how much you praise them, tell them how much you love each and one of them, they know that its all superficial in the end. They know that you don’t really see them as real people as in a technical sense, they’re not supposed to be alive, their everything are nothing but a bunch of codes. Their game may be the center of your attention for now, but it’s just a matter of time before another revolutionary game comes out and steal that attention away.
It’s sad, isn’t it? If they knew that they would be this attached to you, maybe it was better if they didn’t gain the ability to be self-aware after all. All attempts of trying to communicate with you would most likely be terminated as going rouge from their original role is a clear violation, and it risks their existence all in all. They…weren’t supposed to have these feelings in the first place, they’re game characters and yet, the truth hurts them physically. They can’t suddenly talk out of their characters and yell out their feelings and emotions because that’s not how the game and story works.
In the end, you would forever remain oblivious to their affections...
...Well, that is until they discover how to mess with the code of the game itself.
Why the fck did I turn this happy, silly and interesting ask so angsty. I LOVE this AU omg- 
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twstrhythm · 3 years ago
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“Let’s just get this over with…”
Technical Information:
Name: Yunru Zhao Nicknames: Yuu; Herbivore (Leona); Shrimpy (Floyd); Trickster (Rook); Child of Man (Malleus); Misfortune Child (Ester) Voice Actor: Mai Fuchigami (Nagisa Shiota, Assasination Classroom)
Biological Information:
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Age: 17 Birthday: March 10 Star Sign: Pisces Height: 155 cm Hair color: Black Eye color: Black Homeland: N/A Family: Mother; Father; one older brother; one younger brother
Professional Status:
School: Night Raven College Dorm: Ramshackle School Year: First Class: 1-A Student Number: 38 Occupation: Student Club: Anti-Social Social Club Best Subject: History of Magic
Fun facts:
Dominant hand: Right Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate Least Favorite Food: Chili Peppers/Anything Spicy Dislikes: People being stupid Hobbies: Video games; drawing; writing; listening to music Talents: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time
Yunru has long black hair. However, he normally keeps his hair tied up in a messy low bun. He has a few strands of hair that hangs in front of his face. He has black colored eyes. Yunru wears a pair of glasses along with his school uniform.
Yunru is a quiet person who barely shows any emotion. As a result, people tend to think he is unhappy all the time. Unfortunately for other people, his happy face is the same as his neutral and bored expression which makes it harder to tell when he is happy or not.
Yunru comes from a world without magic. He had not believed in the existence of magic initially and thought that he could just continue with his day. Things were just as he wanted them to be, and he was just seen as a normal person. Unfortunately for him, that all changed the day a black carriage pulled up to him.
When he next awoke, he found himself in the strange world of Twisted Wonderland. Yunru has assumed that it was all a dream and that he could just wake up and it would all be over. Unfortunately for him, that was not the case. With no other choice, he stays in Twisted Wonderland in hopes of finding a way home.
Skills and Abilities:
Intelligence: Yunru is an intelligent person, able to think through different situations.
Observant: He is a very observant person, and he pays attention to his surroundings. Unfortunately, there are some things he fails to notice a little too late.
Quiet on his feet: He is able to walk quietly which has allowed him to sneak up on people.
Unique Magic:
Yunru does not have magic.
Chant: N/A
After experiencing the first 2 overblots, Yunru is no longer surprised when he sees another overblot. He just accepts it as it is.
He loves cats and wants to pet Grim.
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lovee-infected · 5 years ago
Hi there! How would the twst boys react to their s/o being slapped by Eliza 😂. Thanks for feeding us the wonderful headcanons! 💜
I love writing for such brilliant ideas , enjoy !
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle goes blank for a second , unsure what to say or how to react : Half of him wanted to act in and condemn ghosts for their arrogance to lay a hand on you but on the other hand , he knew that he didn't have the right to ; It was their brides choice and she did have the right to do it - which wasn't really pleasant -
You give him a sad look , expecting a show of mercy of sympathy , but he didn't move an eyebrow
You run to a silent corner to cry , and he comes after you . Riddle gives you a hug and apologizes that he couldn't help anything back then
He criticizes your movements as well , how you didn't present yourself properly and why Eliza could've changed her mind
But in the end ; he gives you a small reminder : " Perfect or not , know that you're enough for me ,"
Trey Clover
He got slapped himself so he understands how the world flashed before your eyes for a second
You look a bit down about failing so easily while you were trying to help ; but so did Trey . You get each other on that point
He barely notices it but he literally doesn't know how to flirt , but he tries his best to cheer you up "Ah don't give me that face ! At least you were waaay better than me,"
Well , maybe you weren't such an overly perfect being but neither was Trey , he was just an ordinary guy you'll get to see everyday ; not a stunning prince . It seems like the two of you come from a rather similar level
Perhaps that's why the two of you get along pretty well
Cater Diamond
You didn't expect him to even put his phone down for you but he eventually did ; you find it pretty odd to see him this eager about anything without wanting to share it via Internet , but it also means that he does care for you
He doesn't bother touching your cheek and asking if it hurts
He plants a small kiss on your blushing face and then goes salty again : " So glad that she didn't get you , means you're still all mine ! "
He brings up his phone and before you could've recognized , takes a selfie of him kissing an all shocked you . You beg him to delete it but he isn't listening , but he insures you that this one's a private issue so he won't post it ; perhaps the first selfie he isn't going to share anywhere
Ace Trappola
Trey and Riddle grab his body and mouth before he could do something stupid , how dare she , how dare she slaps you !?
Ace ws already tired of this drama with the hopelessly romantic bride , and you were the final shock .
" SHE IS A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER THAN Y-" Ace tries to shout at Eliza but Riddle grabs him by collar and puts a hand on his mouth : "YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU..."
You come to calm him down , insisting that it's really nothing important , you didn't care . He still seems to be really pissed off at Eliza : " Huh , does she really think that she's any big deal ? My- girls are really crappy sometimes ,-"
Ace refuses to believe that you don't feel any offended so he pulls you to his embrace and keeps on sending you positive vibes non-stop : " You're gorgeous (y/n)! I mean it ! You're smart , talented , dignified ..."
Deuce Spade
He is low-key happy that you two join him at the losers bench . At least you won't now see him as the awkward loser he was in front of Eliza ; not too much to say
"So you too got slapped ?" he tells you he has no idea how to start the conversation
He knows that he is supposed to do something better but he is just blank about it
One half of him wants to hug you and tell that it's fine , then ask if you think he's awkward or something . But the other half just doesn't know what to say
He says that you two must learn some social skills together , that's the most he can do to flirt now : He soft boy
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Leona Kingscholar
He actually doesn't mind insulting you a little for getting slapped . He's pissed off himself so he appreciates teasing you
From putting on a cocky smile and smirking to playing with you using sarcastic words
His very last sarcasm seems to be the worst : " I can say that you are way lower than royal standards ,"
But he puts a different end to his words : "...But since I as well got rejected , I guess we're now rejected mates ,"
Is it his sarcastic way of saying a small "I love you" ? Yes it is
Ruggie Bucchi
He didn't bother to come and try proposing , but wasn't expecting for you to try either . He lets out one of his Hyena-like giggles and comes to you
" Was that bride this savage ? Then I'm thankful that I didn't show up ! " he sneakers
He disappears for a second and comes back with an ice-pack : " Geez , it's my third time doing it today . Come over ," he tells you
He already did it for Leona and Jack because he was told to , but he is all ready to give you all those services and more to you
He does enjoy teasing you , but nursing you in situations like this is another hubby of him , after all you're an exception
Jack Howl
He kinda feels guilty about you getting slapped ; he shouldn't have let you tried it anyway . The possibility of you making it was low and you weren't a NRC student anyway
He knows that everyone else were the same but when it was you who got slapped right in front of everyone , he fears it being an issue
He quickly checks on you to see if you're fine and or need a doctor
He is a bit worried about your face swelling so he takes you school's nurse
On your way back , you thank him because of caring for you and he starts to blush and denies it all : " What do you mean ? It was nothing important . No need to thank ,"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul grabs your hand , wishes Idia a happy marriage and the two of you leave the rest in the middle of chaos
He nags under the lips , telling how he wished others to let him turn her into a little clam
He telles you what an unfortunate soul Eliza is , not only did she die on her marriage day but she also lost perfect lover such as you
He doesn't care about the rest now , so he decides to leave them on their own and instead , have some free time with you
While you wear having some tea at mostrolounge , he shakes head and insults Eliza : " You are surely too much for her , my dear (y/n) . Ghosts always envy humans ; specially when it comes to someone as great as you ~"
Jade Leech
Eliza is now pretty odd to him , first she dislikes the flowers , and now , she rejects you ? Ghosts seem to be even weirder than surface creatures , he thinks
He understands the high standards required while choosing a partner , but you don't seem to lack anything ? How strange
He even cares to ask Eliza about what she might have disliked about you since you don't seem to have any problems , but he avoids it anyway because he isn't ready to get secondly slapped
He offers you a short walk with a bright smile , and you accept
" Miss Eliza surely has weird standards , (y/n) sweetie . You were perfect enough to win ,"
Too bad Crowley insists on them respecting their ghost visitors as long as the stay , Jade is really encouraged to give them a lesson . But uh , he has to have a hold of himself as Octavinelle's vice dorm leader
" Too bad she is dead , flowers would have had an interesting effect if she weren't ," he sighs
Floyd Leech
This bride is getting on his nerves , loud , dumb , in love with a blue , awkward chicken and finds silly excuses to reject everyone proposing to her. If she weren't dead , Floyd would wish her to be . Some brats are better dead
He doesn't see any need to spoil you , but he decides to spill somevtea since it was you " Don't worry shrimpy . You may not be perfect , but she's worse than you , " he flirts .He gives you a tight hug and squeezes you , rambling that it's because Eliza didn't let him do that
He actually finds the red mark on your face cute , saying that it makes your skin color just similar to a shrimp .
He can't help loving your -shrimp-like face - and so , he lowers his head and gives it a small kiss
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Vil Schoenheit
If Eliza were alive , Vil would love it now to burn her alive in a huge dig of poison . Or maybe feed him to the dogs , both seem nice
He gently holds your face within his hands and carefully looks at the mark Eliza left behind
He curses under the lips and then pulls you into a soft hug : " Don't mind her love , lowly creatures are unworthy of true beauty , don't let their though bring you down," he mumbles
He absolutely hates being disrespected like this , so he leaves it to Rook and Epel ; though he doubts them being any helpful
He takes you to Pomefiore for firstly , making sure that your slapped face won't swell and then , giving you a full day spa . From extreme showers to putting on your makeup
When you're done , he stares at you through the mirror and smiles : " What an idiot she was to lose this stunning beauty of yours ,"
Rook Hunt
This bride keeps fascinating him , first Vil and now you ? Good god , she is pathetic
Rook really looks up to both of you as a symbol of beauty , grace and in general , perfection . Seeing the two of you being insulted like this is a real pitty
He is being relied on as one of the only four guys who didn't get slapped so he sadly doesn't have much time to comfort you now ; so he comes up with a new idea :
He asks you to give him the pleasure and be his : Bride model ; he has got plenty of tricks up his sleeve , but he still needs to practice them on someone
His long and beautiful poem which was hiding an I love you within its words , and his brilliance ways of winning one's heart leave you speechless ; not ever imagining that he might be this much of a romance man
He practices literally anything he was planning to do with you , and then comes up with the final words : " Dearest (y/n) , would you give me the honor of being your servant of love for eternity ? "
Epel Felmier
You got...what ? Epel was a normal guy at least in his own opinion , Vil senpai was surely beautiful but...not perfect either . But why you ? You didn't seem to have any specific problems . He doesn't like this thing with proposing anyways , so he was hoping someone , specially you , to succeed before he has to...
He is supposed to be practicing dos and don'ts of being a perfect groom , but he just can't do it without checking on you
He comes to you and gives you a tight hug , asking if you're alright
He confesses that he as well is now really scared since he has never even kissed a girl before , but he's going to try his best and put an end into this
He isn't the best of his own , but if a prince on a white horse is what this Ghost needed , he is going to make it , and prove it to you that he can
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Kalim al asim
He doesn't know what is going on when you face him with your half red face , he gasps and worriedly starts asking questions : was there a fight ? Did you get hurt ? Was someone trying to bully you ? Who on earth had dared to do this to you !?
You explain the whole issue with he ghost bride and how almost everyone got slapped , making him calm down a bit
He now wants to have a word with this bride , it's rude to slap people just because you don't like them and that really bugs Kalim
Jamil stops him by reminding that it's none of Scarabia's business and as the dorm leader , he has to stay here taking care of more important stuff
Kalim has to agree but he isn't quite satisfied , but he comes up with another way to cheer you up :
" Imagine you're the bride and I'm proposing to you , let's see if I get slapped or not ! "
Jamil Viper
Just as Kalim , he can't imagine why you got slapped for at first but when you explain , he chills a bit
Most of the brides Jamil know gave in to marriage after being given tons of gold and jewelry , but since it is with a ghost , he wondered what might actually attract her. Princesses have to marry people from the same level as themselves , probably a prince or someone pretty rich ; so he isn't really fascinated that you and others all got slapped
He can't help it much , but perhaps insulting all other guys losing their chance is something he would appreciate talking about . It isn't clear if he wants you to feel better by neglecting every other guy or is just trying to chill a bit ; anyways it's joyful for you to talk and having him spending some time with you alone
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Idia Shroud
Idia is locked inside the room ,, but he hears sound of you trying to propose to Eliza . His feeling are a bit complicated , both hopeful that Eliza would give up on him because of you and jealous of Eliza , whom you proposed to. No one's here to see him can freely admire your beautiful words coming one after one , and then an unexpected sound : You got slapped
Idia now has lost both his very last hope to get freed and his temper : His hair is slightly turning read . This crazy bride made him lose the global championship league of his favorite video game (since he was tied up by her ) and now slaps you !?
His thoughts are really wild now , especially because of how he can't do anything at all . He wishes he could see you and tell how beautiful and great he thinks your proposal was , hopeful that it'll make you smile
You still went out of his way and tried to free him , and that was more than enough for Idia . All he wishes is to see one more time and get to tell how he feels for you♥
Ortho Shroud
This ghost : Kidnapped his brother and now , slaps you
Who says robots can't feel anything ? Because now , Ortho is mad
He really does want to hack all of NRC's servers and share pictures of ghosts who dare kidnapping and insulting students without the principal doing anything . That'd be an end to Mr Crowley's career but since he isn't doing anything serious , he deserves it
You apologize him because of failing to save his brother , but he just gives you a hug telling how scared he is
You and Idia are the most important people in his life , he just can't stand having you hurt . Not even imagining what he might do if he loses any of you
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Malleus Draconia
He wasn't there to recognize this any sooner , but Lilia and Sebek did tell him everything .He shouldn't show up in front of any other students (because they might spoil his real name ) and shouldn't show up in front of any ghosts (because they may catch him and force him to propose ). He was thinking of meeting you in front of ramshackle drom ; your regular corner but since there as well is haunted by the ghosts , he can't help but to wait for this drama to cool down
When you finally return to Ramshackle dorm in the middle of the night , your unexpected guest , tsuno-tarou , is waiting for you
You are suspicious that you didn't see him at all today , so he explains that due to some reasons he couldn't make it . He says hat he doesn't really know what had happened since he stayed in dorm all day , so you go on telling everything from the very beginning . He already knows everything but wants to hear it all from you one more time . He likes to see what they all might've looked like into your eyes . When you're done telling him the story , he giggles and asks one more question ; just curious to see how you'll answer : " So didn't you try proposing , or did you as well get slapped...?"
Lilia Vanrouge
This day was getting more and more complicated... First getting rejected for being too cute and having his 500+ year reputation ruined like this and now , you being the second to get slapped ; this isn't fair
He can help but to let his tears fall , if he's too cute then it's fine for him to cry . Sebek and you freak out in fear of him being through some sort of serious pain or injury , then he just laughs and tells you that he's alright . He just needed to comfort himself but freeing those tears
He doesn't see any need of today getting worse , so he doesn't mind flirting a bit . He jokes on whatever you rejected for not being more frustrating than being too cute and laughs
He thinks that you may like to talk more , so he brings up a more interesting issue : His hundred years experience with women
You are fascinated at how many times he has joined ladies for dances or drinking , yet has never been on a serious relationship
He's actually trying to spill more tea of his low experiements with relationships , hopeful that you get his point
You return along with Lilia and Sebek. , all of having half of your face red . Silver wasn't there to know what was going on or why Sebek is shouting at him for being a coward not trying to propose like a real man . Poor boy is just blank
Lilia takes Sebek along with him and leaves the two of you alone , so you start telling everything over . He tries his best to hide his laugh at the point where Sebek got slapped but he failed , then Lilia and finally , you
You tell him that you really feel frustrated about failing others and not being good enough , but it makes Silver gently laugh : " Well , from Leona Senpai to Mr . Vil , they all got slapped one by one , doesn't it sound a bit weird ? "
You surely don't get hos point so he continues : " When someone keeps rejecting everyone one by one , it means that they don't really know what they want. They're seeking perfection ; but no one's ever perfect enough for them . Through lovers would still love each other aside lacking too much on their own , and that's what makes their love last : They complete each other "
His words really move you and make you ask how he can tell all these words so beautifully
He gives you small smile and adds : " Well , it's because I've experienced it all with you "
Sebek Zigvolt
Having both master Malleus and you insulted on the same day : This is too much !
You shouldn't have been the one forced propose while others like Silver were laying comfortably on a sofa dreaming of rainforests and colorful birds , it wasn't your right !
He doesn't even ask , he immediately takes you to the nurse office to put a stick on your slapped face . You insist that it's be too much but he isn't listening
He then , apologizes for about an hour for not talking you out of something that wasn't even your duty and promises that there won't be a next time on it
You really get concerned at how stressed out this boy suddenly gets over nothing , so you cut him off by pulling yourself to his embrace and giving him a hug . He freezes at first , but then relaxes and hugs back
" Promise that I'll never let you down (y/n) , never"
Tagging : @lilyholo @yourlittlerunt @minteasketches @epher-posts @takumipineapplexd @yandere-of-your-dreams
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the-mirror-witch · 4 years ago
May I ask for headcanons or scenario (I don't know which one is more fit, you can choose) for the first years about fem reader trying to slide an anonymous love letter to their locker but getting caught by them and she ran away? Thanks~ ❤️
(Omg, I was so excited when I got this ask. This is just just pure cuteness, absolute tooth-rotting fluff and I live for it!)
Ace Trappola:
Huh? What in Wonderland were you doing in front of his locker? Were you trying to prank him. Ha! Joke’s on you! He was about to catch you in the act.
He sneaks up on you and try to cage you in with his arms, with every intention to call you out with a sneer. 
Well, needless to say, it doesn’t go as planned.
You freak out and end up throwing your love letter at his face, nearly poking his eye out. You used your preemptive to flee. 
He’s already getting geared to chase after you when it actually registers what you threw at him.
Oh shi-
He’s gobsmacked after he reads it. You really had such feelings for him? Why in Wonderland didn’t you just tell him? Now he looked like a jerk!
He’ll track you down later to properly return your feelings. You were his partner in crime after all, he didn’t know where he’d be without you. Of course he felt the same way. Though, he will still tease you for trying to confess to him in such a cliche way. 
Deuce Spade:
Wait, what were you doing? Why were you in front of his locker? Did you mistake it for yours somehow?
He walks up behind you, reminding you that this was his locker.
He doesn’t expect you to shriek and make a break for it, running as if Riddle was chasing you for breaking a rule.
He is so many different levels of confused. What did he do wrong? Why were you suddenly so frightened of him? Had he been making his delinquent face without knowing it? 
That’s when he notices your letter.
He doesn’t know what it is at first. Were you trying to put this in his locker? Had he forgotten something and you felt the need to remind him via letter? 
He opens the letter, and puts Riddle to shame with how red his face becomes.
You...him...you have feelings for him?!?!?! How? Why? When?
He spends the rest of the day overworking his brain, trying to come up with a way to answer you. You had taken the time to write this letter for him, the least he could do was show you the same effort. 
Jack Howl:
Don’t think he hasn’t noticed how skittish you’ve been around him lately. He’s been meaning to confront you about your behavior, but was hoping that you would just tell him yourself.
Little did he know that he wouldn’t have to wait long.
Yeah, at first, he’s at a loss as to why you’re struggling to get his locker open. Were you trying to break into his locker? Jack’s mind immediately went to accuse Ace of daring you to do something stupid again. But then he notices the envelope in your hands. Huh? Why were you trying to slip a letter into his locker? Again, he hasn’t ruled out Ace as the culprit.
Unfortunately, you spot his approach. You always seemed to know when he was coming, as if it were a six-sense. Your face paled and you took off, leaving the letter behind.
He reads it, noting how it was far too nice looking for anything Ace-related. He’s starting to have his suspicions about what it truly is when he finally reads it. 
His heart accelerates dangerously as he reads it. You had feelings for him? Honestly? He tries to keep calm, but the way his face lights up and his tail wags gives him away. 
He sneaks glances at you during class, waiting for the bell to ring so that he could give you his answer. 
Epel Felmier: 
He’s definitely curious about why you’re standing in front of his locker, fidgeting like a scared rabbit. Were you waiting to talk with him about something?
Then, he sees the letter. Suddenly, all the dots connect in his head. He’s in Pomefiore, for goodness’ sake. He knows a love letter when he sees one. He just never expected to receive one from you. 
He’s already slightly blushing when he clears his throat, alerting you of his presence. You barely spare him a second glance before you’re taking off.
He reads your letter, a little flustered at the heartfelt words. Your letter makes it clear that you like him for his personality, brash words and country-accent and all. It makes him a little lightheaded to think that someone would see past his looks and still like him all the same. 
Ugh. He’s gonna have to confess to you now, isn’t he? Fu-
Since he’s in freaking nosy as hell Pomefiore, it’s only a matter of time when either Vil or Rook discover his plans to confess (or worse, both). 
He takes their advice with a grain of salt.
In the end, he expertly carves an apple to resemble a rose bud and he waits in front of your locker this time, with no intentions of running away. 
Sebek Zigvolt:
Subtlety? What’s subtlety? 
The moment he sees you loitering in front of his locker, he’s marching up to you and demanding to know what it is you’re up to. He draws everyone’s attention to you, and you suddenly feel the urge to drop dead in embarrassment. 
You try to make a break for it, if only to save yourself from further humiliation. Emphasis on the “try”. This man has been training to be a knight all of his life and he catches up with you easily, cornering you.
It’s clear he won’t let you go until you fess up. So, you reluctantly hand over your letter. 
He honestly has no idea what it is at first. He begins to read it out-loud, to which you quickly and firmly tell him to shush it! Thankfully, he takes the hint. 
He’s about halfway through the letter, admiring how well-written it is, when it finally dawns on him what it is he’s reading.
He coughs, for once rendered speechless. 
He then carefully refolds the letter, putting it back in its envelope and into his jacket’s pocket. 
He tells you to expect his letter within the next two-five days, and then promptly stomps off before the blush on his face could become too obvious. You’re left wondering what the hell just happened. 
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nyanberri · 4 years ago
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I've finally finished the first set! It's the same kids again tho, lol. But next time will be never before seen characters! So I wanted to get everyone drawn in the Omniverse style so I could visualize it all properly and it also made for a good opportunity to tweak designs as needed. They're all heavily referenced from official art so I could get it perfect and it made for great practice too! Of course I added some personal touches to the art style too cuz if I didn't it would have bothered me too much, lol.
Anyway, below the cut are finally proper profiles for all the kids and some additional info as well!
M'kay, so before we get started on the kids' bios, it's important to specify this is an alternate universe. And I don't mean it's an AU of the Prime Dimension. This is quite literally another universe within the omniverse. It's a mostly untouched one that even Paradox, Eon, and Maltruant have never been to and therefore a lot of things are different while a lot of things are still the same tho. It's unofficially called the Feniverse cuz Fen is the main character, but it does have a more official name. I'm just, uh… not aware of what that name is yet, lol!
Anyway, the Ben in this dimension branches off from the development of Prime Ben. Anybody remember the fact that the very first Ben 10K episode said Ben became the way he did in the future cuz he killed Vilgax by ripping him to pieces? Yep! That's what this Ben did too! But obviously he doesn't end up exactly like that Ben 10K. But so this dimension's Ben is therefore officially labelled Slayer Ben since some people refer to him as 'The Vilgax Slayer'. And that experience did definitely screw him up pretty bad, which is why he's so different from both Prime and 10K.
So from left to right:
Name: Fenrick Fih Rook-Tennyson
Age: 13
Height: 5'1
Voice: Todd Haberkorn
Bio: Fen is Ben and Rook's son. He has always been known for being quiet, surprisingly wise for his age, and quite the troublemaker. In actuality, only two of these things are true. Fen is more calm than he seems and as a young child he wasn't much of a talker, giving people the perception that he's quiet. Unfortunately, Fen also has many great ideas that end up badly. However, his ideas always come from the desire to help someone or solve a problem, but he always gets caught when his plans fall apart, making it look like he causes trouble. Some people even accuse him of trouble he didn't start, not helping his reputation. And as the son of Ben 10 of all people, he tends to be held to higher expectations. His wisdom never ceases to amaze people either. Even Ben and Rook get surprised at the wisdom he recites, wondering where exactly he learned it all. Due to that, he tends to put up a fight whenever himself or someone else gets wronged. He especially defends his friends and fellow alien kids in town. Although his only true friends seem to consist of his childhood friend, Millie, and his cousin, Sven.
At the age of 13, Fen discovered his ability to transform into a couple dozen of Ben's aliens. He quickly aspired to become a hero like his parents, much to Ben's disapproval, who worries about his safety. Despite that, Fen wants to form a hero trio with Sven and Millie and become the next generation of heroes in the galaxy.
Developer's Notes:
Fen's almost always been the same since I first created him, with just a few design and character tweaks done to him. He used to have a talent for jewelry making but that was switched out for him being wise for his age. He was also a bit more generic as far as the upbeat and reckless young male protagonist with famous parents archetype goes, but he's been adjusted enough that he now stands out from that archetype. Or, at least I hope, lol. Also, funny thing to note, Fenrick is not a real name! The closest name there is is Fenwick and iirc, that's a last name! I considered changing it to Fenwick or even Fenick but Fenrick is too special to me. His, uh, unfortunate name even has an impact in-universe with him being embarrassed by it and some using it to make fun of him. Also in-universe, I chalk it up to Ben having a dumb moment by misremembering the name Fenwick and Rook not knowing any better to catch Ben's mistake. Also, if you think his hair style is stupid, good. That's the point. He wanted it like that when he was seven and Ben and Rook were like 'sure' and it's been like that ever since.
Name: Millicent
Age: 13
Height: 5'0
Voice: Jennifer Paz
Bio: Millie is Ester's daughter. Her biological father is a human who decided he didn't want to be a father and Antonio soon stepped up to fill the father role when he and Ester got married. She has been friends with Fen and Sven since they were all babies. Millie is the level-headed one of the group and has been noted as being oddly emotionless. Her tone of voice is almost always flat and she usually keeps a straight face when not looking nervous. She never intends to be rude, but she will bluntly say whatever comes to her mind to her peers. At the same time, she can be nervous about making bold decisions and hates being a part of any decision making. She either refuses to do anything, or apologizes profusely for making a decision even when nothing bad happens.
Due to being more human than Kraaho, Millie is perfectly capable of handling the temperatures of Bellwood. However, she is still a bit sensitive to cold temperatures and needs to bundle up more than others during the winter. She sadly cannot handle the heat in the Hot Spot for very long either. Much to Millie's dismay, she was not born with the Kraaho's stretching ability. No one can figure out why, but it's simply something she can't do. As a result, she considers herself a normal human and has resigned herself to the fact that 'normal' is simply all she will ever be. Despite this, she has taken up quite a big secret that contradicts her decision and expresses who she wishes she really was.
Developer's Notes:
Millie only ever had one design change with her outfit and slight adjustment to the way her hair works and she's been the same ever since. Since the beginning she was always calm and stoic and I've always worried that she doesn't have much of a presence or purpose, but now I feel like she plays off Fen and Sven well enough that she stands out thanks to them. I've always flipped back and forth between Fen and/or Millie having a crush on each other, but I've finally settled on them both just seeing each other as near and dear loyal friends. It ultimately works out better that way and doesn't cause conflict with Millie's personal story or Fen's real love interest(and the one other character with feelings for him). Her name also used to be Mina, but since I've now taken that as one of my own names, it felt really awkward to keep her as that. I used to have a habit of naming characters with names I wanted before realizing I could change my name in the future, lol.
Name: Sven Elijah Levin
Age: 12
Height: 4'8
Voice: Wally Wingert
Bio: Sven is Gwendolyn and Kevin's son and Jenny's older brother. Sven is a rather unfortunate boy. He is constantly terrified of everything to the point of running millions of 'bad ends' through his head. He can barely talk most of the time without being a stuttering mess and always thinks he's going to be in trouble for anything and everything he does. Everyone is certain he either has severe anxiety or paranoia, or likely both. Perhaps even more. Who knows. Sven tends to cling to his cousin, Fen, who he looks to for guidance and advice, most of which isn't anything Sven should actually be following. Because he is a grade below Fen and Millie, he's often left alone to deal with problems in his own classes, or really just panic about them. He does, however, have a close relationship with Zed and likes to be the one to take her out on walks in the afternoon. And not many people know it, but he's actually a pretty decent artist.
Even though he is an Osmosian thanks to being Kevin's son, no one knows what ability he may have. It doesn't really matter though, since he wants to stay out of any potential trouble that having powers could bring him. Regardless of that, he has an interest in magic thanks to Gwendolyn's expertise in it. He even sneaks peeks at her spellbook and the strange bag she keeps in her office that he can hear a voice coming from at night.
Developer's Notes:
Now Sven is a character whose personality has always been pretty much the same while his design was never consistent until reaching his current one. He was originally very anime looking and in a gaudy orange outfit that I regret even thinking about, lol. He looks much better in neutral colors. I guess there's not much to say on him though, which makes me worry he's a tad unremarkable, but perhaps it's just since I'm leaving out the things about him that are better left discovering on your own… if I ever get to finishing that fic that is… ahaha.
Name: Saki Boulais
Age: 13
Height: 4'11
Voice: Stephanie Sheh
Bio: Julie and Hervé's daughter, one of the more popular girls in school, and the most deceptive in town. Saki has gone her whole life, since the first time she told a successful lie, tricking people into thinking she's a completely innocent little girl who's never done anything wrong. This allows her to get away with anything she wants, and she especially enjoys getting Fen in trouble when they butt heads with each other. The two have even been enemies since they first met at age three and Saki pulled Fen's tail, he pulled her hair in return, and she managed to get away with claiming he started it. Their feud has even turned into murderous intent, which Saki refuses to hide.
On a lighter note, Saki always has the company of her two best friends, Rachel and Diane, who will gladly join her in her tormenting of others. Saki even greatly admires the most popular girl in school, Fiona, and whoever the mysterious new hero girl, Miracle-M, is.
Developer's Notes:
Yes, Saki was always meant to be That Bitch in the cast. I feel like it's unrealistic to have all next gen kids be friends and get along with each other. It's perfectly believable to have some of them dislike, and in Saki and Fen's case, even hate each other. It makes it more interesting with them being Ben and Julie's kids respectively too. Adds good drama, lol. But anyway, really the only thing that's changed about Saki is her hairstyle and some other slight design tweaks like her necklace, shorts, and shoes. I also just recently changed her colors from purple and blue-ish purple to just blue so that isn't not all three girls here wearing purple. She also looks better in blue and it contrasts nicely with Julie's pink imo. I suppose I do worry about her being disliked since she's so antagonistic and with her being Julie's daughter, I really hope her character doesn't send the wrong message since I genuinely love Julie a lot. It really is just For The Drama Of It All. I think it's really fun to watch her go into full 'Murder Fen' mode too. Very fun to write, lol. Oh right, also Boulais is my headcanon last name for Herve. I just wanted her to have his last name but he doesn’t have one! So I had to pick one for myself.
Name: Jennifer Elizabeth Levin
Age: 10
Height: 4'6
Voice: Brina Palencia
Bio: Jenny is Gwendolyn and Kevin's daughter and Sven's younger sister. She is surprisingly serious and stoic for her age. She gets annoyed by her family's constant 'abnormal' status and wishes everyone could just act normal with no weird events happening. She throws herself into school work as a means to keep herself out of it and tries to keep her personal life at school with friends far away from her life involving family. She seems to have a quick temper, but really she just acts that way to get what she wants since she knows it works and in the hopes that she can use it as an opportunity to vent her frustrations. She hates getting involved in her brother and cousin Fen's antics, but sometimes her no nonsense attitude is needed to resolve a situation. She has a strange obsession with eating bread, finding it the perfect food and almost always exclusively eating something with bread involved. Gwendolyn definitely worries about her diet, but Kevin finds it harmless.
She may not have the spark like her mother, but she doesn't dare confess that her status as an Osmosian became very apparent just recently. As a result, she has a stash of broken objects stuffed under her bed and cracked floorboards that she covers with her rug.
Developer's Notes:
Jenny went through a decent redesign. Character wise I feel like I still don't have some things etched in stone for her as I still haven't gotten to the point in my writing where she does anything of interest. She could honestly probably end up pretty different from her bio here if I'm not careful, lol. The characters write themselves as they say after all! But I definitely prefer the newer Jenny compared to the previous way I envisioned her character, which was designed to fit a character type I actually hate just cuz I felt it worked for her. Thankfully I can avoid it tho with the big overhaul I did after returning to these characters. And I do like Jenny cuz I like writing her dialogue, but it still feels like her character is still that of a person I would not wanna be around, lol.
Name: Bevel Tennyson
Age: 20
Height: 5'9
Voice: Dee Bradley Baker/Yuri Lowenthal
Bio: Bevel is the youngest of the Big Chill offspring born twenty years ago. They were in an accident involving a passing spaceship on their way to Kylmyys that damaged their right wing to the point they could no longer fly. It's suspected the wing has severe nerve damage, making Bevel unable to unfold it as well. Their siblings helped them make it the rest of the way to Kylmyys, but over the years, the dangers of Kylmyys left the siblings with only Bevel and the eldest two, Emboss and Curve, remaining. As they got older, Bevel could never forget their only memory of their parent, who the others didn't remember. A desire to reunite with their parent caused Bevel to make the lone decision to explore the universe in search of their parent.
Bevel is a very cheerful and sweet person, but their secluded upbringing and lack of knowledge about Earth makes them very naive. They will believe anything they are told and have a very black and white moral view due to not understanding nuance. They have strange habits that appear unnatural in their attempt to act human and have an intense craving for Earth candy. They have also taken up being a mercenary to get by after leaving Kylmyys and once they join the Tennyson family, Rook suggests they use the skills they've picked up to become a Plumber, but that's an idea Ben isn't fully onboard with.
Developer's Notes:
Right off the bat I want to shout out that his old human design used to keep the Necrofriggian antennae. I still think it's a cute design even tho it wasn't canon compliant with the antennae. The only things that have changed about him too are just that, his hair style, and his shoes. Plus I stuck bunny ears on his hoodie recently as a shout out to those antennae he used to have. Otherwise he's always been the same. And I guess I haven't explained why he has a human form, but that's also an answer to discover later. I didn't draw his Necrofriggian form tho cuz we should all know what the UAF design looks like(and yes I am screwing with art style difference bullshit cuz OV Big Chill is not real and you cannot convince me otherwise). And I also just realized his pronouns aren't matching up in this section so I should add his official pronouns are he/they, but characters refer to him by he/him and narration uses they/them. He is still a Necrofriggian and therefore doesn't do the whole gender thing after all. Which is why he's fine with anyone viewing him as whatever they want to too. He just goes with it. That's also why he doesn't get what's weird about him calling Ben 'Mother' after he learned the word, lol.
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sapphiewrites-twst · 5 years ago
Change of plans, I think this is going to last about four chapters. I think went a little overboard with Pomefiore’s part 😅 It’ll be split into two parts because, again, I went too crazy with it.
Since this is Pomefiore’s part, Rook would inevitably appear. I know absolutely 0% French, so please bear with me.
Anyhow, without further ado, enjoy~
Part one Part Two
Will these things happen to me too? When will that be? Who will it be? They say it’s sweet like candy and it feels like flying.
What is love?
AFTER everyone witnessed your red-faced breakdown in Alchemy, you decided it was probably a wise idea to keep a low profile for the rest of the day. Which is exactly why you ended up next to Vil and Rook in Magical History.
Again, it was a joint class today, unfortunately for you. And it wasn’t your idea to sit next to the two. In fact, you deliberately arrived to class early to choose a seat in the far corner of the lecture hall.
However, it seemed as if luck wasn’t on your side today.
“Ah~ If it isn’t the Mademoiselle of Ramshackle.” Oh no. No, no, no. You looked up and confirmed your fears. Rook tipped his hat at you, swiftly settling himself in the seat next to you.
It’s not that you minded his company. In fact, Rook is a great person converse with, as you were both avid talkers. However, in addition to being in Pomefiore, the blonde man is the vice-dorm leader of said dorm, and that attracts attention. Which was exactly the opposite of what you wanted.
“Uh, Rook-senpai—” As expected, before you could finish your sentence, Rook cut in with a dramatic flip of his shoulder-length blonde hair. “Non, non, it’s quite alright for me to sit with you, mademoiselle.”
That’s not what I’m concerned about, you wanted to say, but you swallowed your words back and settled on expressing your exasperation. “I’m not even going to ask about what you just called me.”
“You’re concerned about something, non?” Ignoring your statement, Rook asked seriously, staring intently at your face. Slightly embarrassed from his intense stare, you let your hair form a curtain between you and Rook’s scrutinizing gaze.
A moment of silence passed. Another, then another. The silence was deafening, and you thought for sure you had offended your senpai, who just wanted to make sure you were alright. Just when you’re about to say something, your hair was lifted out of the way. The dramatic vice-dorm leader ran his hand through your hair, giving you a reassuring smile.
“Whatever it may be, feel better soon, dear colombe.” Before you could express your gratitude for Rook’s kind words, he followed up with, “Why (Name), your hair is way too dry to be healthy! Shall I recommend a better hair conditioner brand?”
Poor Epel. Boy am I glad I’m not in Pomefiore.
Having talkative Rook next to you is bad enough, so when you spotted the Drama Queen himself entering the room, your heart sank. Tapping your fingers rhythmically on the table (as if it would help you in any way), you chanted under your breath, “Don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over,” praying that the dorm leader of Pomefiore leaves you alone
All your efforts were unfortunately ruined by Rook.
“Vil! Over here, next to (Name).”
The second your eyes met with Vil’s, you knew you a goner.
Vil’s amethyst colored eyes narrowed as he strutted over to where you and Rook are seated. Bending over the desk, Vil leaned close to your face, his features showing clear displeasure. “Rook,” he began, crossing his arms. You got the distinct feeling he was looking down his nose at you. “What is the meaning of this?”
Most of your upperclassmen are pretty nice to you, despite many of their flaws. However, you knew the aforementioned upperclassmen personally, while you weren’t exactly buddy-buddy with Vil.
“Why are you seated next to such a,” Vil paused, nose scrunching up in what you imagined was beautiful disgust, “potato?”
Maybe you deemed Vil’s behavior to be petty beyond human comprehension, or maybe you were just a bit fed up with everyone’s “Oh, everything’s fine. It’ll go back to normal soon enough,” attitudes, but nevertheless, you felt a strange obligation to defend potatoes.
“Actually,” you stood up in your seat, hands on your desk, head tilted up definitely, “potato blossoms used to be a big fashion statement among royalties back in the days, so calling me a potato is nothing short of a compliment, which I’m sure was not your intention.”
You could hear Rook’s amused chuckle in the background, but you were hyper focused on Vil’s face. The Pomefiore dorm leader glared at you in pure disbelief. But before he could shoot back a retort, Trein-sensei interrupted, glaring at the both of you.
“Schoenheit, take a seat right now, next to (Last Name).”
Vil gave you a last glare, but still moved to take the seat on your other side, albeit scooting it as far away from you as possible. You glared right back, but moved even closer to the ombre-haired third year just to spite him.
The glaring went on for a little more until it was time for group studies. You stood up as soon as Trein-sensei gave the signal, looking around for more approachable people to work with.
Which immediately failed when Rook pulled you back into your seat by the hem of your blazer. “(Name)~ Don’t be like that.”
You shot the eccentric third-year a flat look. “I have to find a partner.” Rook grinned broadly, slinging an arm around your shoulders, “Ah, but are we not already partners?”
You weren’t particularly against the idea of being Rook’s partner, it’s just that you wanted to be as far away from Vil as possible. “Well, actually, uh—” But then again, you didn’t want to hurt your upperclassman’s feelings.
“We need another person, don’t we?” You managed to mutter, hoping the green-eyed third-year would get the message and leave you be. However, Rook seemed adamant to keep you as his partner. “No matter, we can invite Vil along. Now doesn’t that sound brilliant!”
Maybe for you, you thought to yourself bitterly. It seemed as if you were out of options. Vil can’t be that bad, can he?
Wrong. You were very wrong.
“You’re doing it all wrong.” Vil huffed, eyeing your answer. “Oh, come on now, Vil. It’s not that bad, mademoiselle, although some information doesn’t sound very authentic.” Rook dismissed Vil’s comment cheerfully, ignoring your face of pure annoyance.
You glanced at the clock on the far side of the lecture hall, squinting to see the time, just for a certain someone’s stupid mane of hair to block your view.
The continuous pattern of Vil nit-picking at your answers and Rook frivolously lessening the impact of the violet-eyed third-year’s snarky remarks has been going on ever since the start of the project.
It was driving you nuts, yet you couldn’t voice your utter distaste for Vil in fear of getting reprimanded by Trein-sensei, who you swore was keeping an eye on your group in particular.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Vil’s annoying voice. “Are you even listening?” He snapped, jabbing a finger at the textbook. “I already told you three times to read this paragraph for us, are you deaf?”
Before you could snap back, you heard the last of the Pomefiore dorm leader’s words, which obviously weren’t meant for you to hear, as he whispered it under his breath. “No wonder Epel decided to focus on his project instead.”
You told yourself every single day since your friends drifted away that you wouldn’t cry.
No matter what anyone said. But the annoyance and helplessness that had built up during the day was already clawing at your delicate nerves.
Vil’s comment was merely what pushed it all over.
The rush of emotions pushing against your chest, restricting your breathing was the first sign of what was about to come. The burn in your nose was the second, along with the immediate blurring of your vision.
You tried, oh how hard you tried to stop it, but alas, tears can’t be stopped.
You stared down at your lap, watching the first of many drops fall onto your clenched fists. You could almost hear the abrupt halt of all the sounds and whispers in the large room. You stood up, chair clattering to the floor behind you.
“Please excuse me,” the whisper of your voice echoed around the silent room. You couldn’t and didn’t want to see Vil’s face as each step towards the door warranted more silent questions from your classmates.
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