#unforth ninawaters
almaasi · 6 years
oh!!!! @unforth-ninawaters​ just added eight (8) of my fics to The Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection on AO3!!!
EIGHT! ✨(ouo)✨
this is so exciting sdgjd thank you!!! thank you everyone who listed them as favourites!!! *squishes cheeks*
wow that list is full of some good-looking fics. if anyone wants fics, definitely go check that out~!!!
my fics on the list:
Hart of the Storm (119k, shapeshifting god!Cas, Dean gets turned into a deer, historical case fic in a magic forest)
Held in Your Tender Hands (59k, masseur!Cas and client!Dean, Cas is secretly covered in tattoos and doesn’t give a shit about gender norms and carries a cat around everywhere)
Night Exhibition (27k, security guard!Cas, Dean thinks he has a thing for Cas’ uniform but actually just has a thing for Cas, sex in the museum at night)
Of Shampoo and Fruit Flies (17k, roommate AU, autistic & asexual!Cas, Dean’s in love but doesn’t know how Cas will take it, ends up telling him when all their friends are there)
Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You) (48k, canon ‘verse fluff, Team Free Will at a B&B over Christmas, Cas gives Dean lingerie as a gift)
Understanding Your Body in Ten Easy Steps (12k, Dean watches porn with Cas and explains how to masturbate... by showing him)
What We Ache For (93k, lonely sex worker!Cas, cop!Dean pays him to make love, they separate then meet again by accident, Dean helps Cas and helps him recover and find happiness; there’s a dog and lots of Sam)
The Wireless (58k, solarpunk AU, Cas is a famous radio presenter and secretly an angel, Dean is a big fan and an equally famous hunter, there’s a sea monster and tent sex and this is literally the best thing I’ve ever written I’m so glad it’s on the list)
and i just know everyone else who got a fic on the list is feeling just as loved as i am right now <3 <3 <3
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rosemoonweaver · 6 years
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Mmmhmmm. Or even Harry, Ron, and Hermione in different houses. That honestly would've made sense, too. Like, idk, one way to really make me worry Harry might have more in common with Voldemort than he wants or actually give him a challenge could be to either make him a Slytherin or give him Slytherin friends.
Idk I have a lot of thoughts about how backloaded everything is. Perhaps it was because the older Harry got the more he was supposed to realize not everything was black and white, but a lot of it feels like she suddenly realized she had made everything black and white and needed to fix that. All that nuance that could've been was lost because the good guys were good and the bad guys were bad until suddenly it needed to not be that way.
Idk. I have a lot of rambly thoughts about how things could've been done. I was never into HP that much, so idk if reading it as a kid and growing up with the books changes things but it probably does. It's probably enough for 14 year olds but not me.
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wanderingcas · 6 years
Candy corn!
candy corn: favorite fall thing to bake/cook?
oh my lord EVERYTHING. pumpkin curry, pumpkin bread, apple cinnamon muffins. fall is my JAM. oh also lots and lots of soup
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alessariel · 7 years
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Very happy belated birthday wishes to @unforth-ninawaters. I'm shamelessly using a picture drawn by my niece to wish you a wonderful next year where I'm sure lots of great things are waiting for you and yours!
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profound-boning · 7 years
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Talking about @jhoomwrites? On MY fic? It's more likely than you think.
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cullensbooty · 8 years
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@unforth-ninawaters Thanks for the suggestion! I've been a bit back and forth on sense8 (a friend suggested the show to me) since I haven't seen it myself, but I'll look into it now that more than one person gave it as a suggestion!
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Hey I'm one of the mods for mcu kink bingo and I just wanted to say thank you for creating that spreadsheet (and for all the times you've helped promo our events.) You're awesome. ❤
thank you so much for saying this!
fandom means family and fandom means nobody gets left behind
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threshasketch · 6 years
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Hidey Spots: Prettier Egg. Eggs are perfect for hiding and peeking out, but sooner or later it’ll go bad like the old one did. He’s happy for now though! (We’re trying to find Octo!Cas a new hidey item since he lost his Easter egg. This item was suggested by @unforth-ninawaters ♥)
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rosemoonweaver · 6 years
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Lol. I've never heard them called Gryffindor propoganda before but I approve.
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wanderingcas · 7 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH :’)) it’s such a relief I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to play again!
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winchester-reload · 6 years
unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “So the wonderful @lyselkatz informed me that the tag system was still...”
Yeah I've been using tags a lot (this has been fucking me up for days its infuriatingl
@unforth-ninawaters I’m basically just crying while posting at this point. It’s like trying to keep a sandcastle up during high tide.
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diminuel · 7 years
@unforth-ninawaters I'm not good at RPS, so I often imagine it set in the French Mistake verse, since that is SPN canon. I suppose it's still a kind of RPS even thoug Meta!Misha is a SPN character. Hm hm. (I also muse about this for tagging purposes. I don't think I tag French Mistake verse stuff with RPS, but I can!) (I can't think well. Sleep now. Further thoughts in 8 hours.)
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porcupine-girl · 6 years
I was gonna go with either of the omega/omega but *slams fist on table* ZIMBITS WEREDOG?!
YOU ARE IN LUCK because I am going to start posting this like TODAY OR TOMORROW! (Honestly the only thing holding me back is lack of a title.) So I’m not gonna say anything specific because you’ll find out soon enough. The last few scenes are still a huge mess, but the first half or so of it is in good shape so hopefully by the time I post those chapters I’ll have gotten the end banged into shape.
This is my FTH fic, and the basic plot premise is actually thanks to @bamfinacuddlyjumper. We were getting lunch and I was like “I need to write a werewolf fic and I have no ideeeaaaas” and they were just like “here’s what you do…”
I will say that it is the fic that inspired this post.
Pick one of my WIP titles and I’ll tell you about it
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unforth-ninawaters - FTH Contributor Page
See unforth-ninawaters's works here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please (Asks on my blog - unforth-ninawaters.tumblr.com)
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it's best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), The Anti-Defamation League, Lambda Legal, Planned Parenthood, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Trevor Project
(See full list at our FAQ)
unforth-ninawaters's offerings:
unforth-ninawaters Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Fandom(s): Supernatural, MCU, Check Please, Harry Potter Rating(s): G, Teen, Mature, Explicit Length/size: Length of the fic I write will depend on how much you want to donate. 5,000 words per $10. Especially interested in: My primary ships are Destiel, Stucky, Zimbits and Wolfstar (for each of the above four fandoms) but I'm a multi-shipper and it's definitely negotiable if you'd prefer something else (especially in Supernatural, I'm pretty open to other ships in SPN). Will not: Um...extreme underage. Scat. Ships of people who hate each other.
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller's bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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jupiterjames · 6 years
Ficlet prompt: Destiel in the Disney AU of your choice (a Disney franchise, or Disney world, or whatever)
“I think I hate this place,” Dean grumbles, stumble/hopping as he lifts his foot up. What the hell is on the bottom of his shoe this time? Gum? Ice cream? Micky Mouse’s spooge? The world may never know.
“I love this place,” Castiel says. He’s not smiling. He’s not particularly emoting at all. But there is a certain… lightness in his steps as they tromp through Disney World. It’s sweltering hot, considering Florida in July, but angel’s don’t sweat, so Castiel isn’t bothered. It’s literally shoulder to shoulder down Main Street. Dean’s having a hell of a time keeping his weapons hidden, though in place like this, a bronze sword probably seems like part of the magic. I sorta is, anyway.
“Yeah, well, let’s just figure out where those fucking harpies are and get outta here.”
Castiel stops in the middle of the teeming river of people to take Dean firmly by the shoulder. “Dean. We must protect this place at all costs.”
“Dude,” Admonishes, coming to an irritated standstill. The crowds are making him jumpy. First of all, this isn’t the fucking... I dunno, Library of Alexandria, or something. It ain’t sacred ground. Second, there’s hardcore security, literally everywhere. This is gonna be hard enough. Let’s just...” he winces as he’s shouldered out of the way by a rush of about ten kids. He sighs. “Let’s just keep moving.”
Castiel plods along with him towards the sunset. “It feels like sacred ground,” he mutters, almost too softly to be heard by Dean.
Dean figures that their best chance of getting towards the artificial lake where the harpies have taken up residence, is during the parade when most eyes would be on the fireworks and other bullshit. Of course, Castiel has assured them that he’ll be able to zap them out of there if worse comes to worst. Which it probably will since they’re at Disney World.
It’s too risky to wait until the park closes. The chance of being discovered is too high. Unfortunately, the best time is probably during the fireworks display. No one would notice a bit of extra noise. But since there have been an inordinate amount of inexplicable injuries in and around the park for a touch of bad publicity, they will be watching for anyone or anything out of place.
They’ve broken away from the crowds, closer to the bungalows for the rich and richer to stay in that abut the lake, when Castiel puts a staying hand on Dean’s shoulder. He points towards the far edge of the park’s property where the lake roars away into a drainage system surrounded by tall grass and reeds. “There,” he says.
“Let’s go.”
“Get ready,” Castiel advises. “They’ve seen us. They will be quick to fight.” He slides his hand up to Dean’s shoulder, and in half a blink, they’re sloshing into the retention pond.
Dean has only a second to lament the dirty water pouring into his shoes, when Castiel growls and grabs one of the gray winged humanoid beasts with a squelch. He rips the wings from its back with a snarl and yells, “Dean!”
In a smooth movement, Dean swings around instinctively towards Castiel’s voice, goring with his bronze sword. It hits true to the harpy’s liver, killing it.
Castiel swings around again and gasps loudly while grabbing for another harpy. For a moment, Dean thinks the angel’s been hurt, but Castiel’s eyes are turned upwards. “The fireworks!” he breathes, crushing the harpy’s skull. “They’re beautiful!”
Dean rolls his eyes, stabbing the two that Castiel rips the wings from simultaneously. Through the carnage and blood, the crackling blues, greens, golds, and reds sparkling across Castiel’s silhouette. 
The nest is cleared in minutes, though Castiel keeps his gaze on the sky at all times. Dean joins him, leaning heavily on the hilt of the sword, winded and bloodied.
Blindly, Castiel reaches out and takes the hunter’s hand. “It’s better than magic,” he murmurs, transfixed. “Thank you for taking me here with you.”
Dean sighs. chuckles breathlessly. “I’ve had worse dates,” he admits.
Castiel smiles in response.
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mayalaen · 6 years
@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “@medikalemergency replied to your post “@tinytrident replied to...”
Four, you didnt count me I dont think
Oops, I forgot to count you! Yes, you smelled like wet sheep :D
And the count is up to 5 now. Someone private messaged me to tell me they’d tried it, but they couldn’t really smell anything.
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