doolittle · 6 months
i accidebtially unfolloweed!! my clumsy fingers!!! Hi how are you awesomest mutual eve doolittke!!!!!!!!!!
ITS OKAY!!!! im good!!!! just woke up from a nap!!! hbu awesomest mutual friendlystranger5!!!!
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I look at my notifs and it says that you followed me ;-;
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adaine · 3 months
why aer you posting overewtch. that game is problematic as fuck brother consider yourself unfolloweed and blocked. gross af
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
Who do you think Anne/Anna is to Jensen?
Hello Anon thank you for the ask and apologize for getting to it a week later. I've heard of some speculations going on regarding this Anne girl. I think Jensen may have been looking for a new stylist based on her educational background and work experience per her LinkedIn page. I can't say for sure how he came across her or maybe even met her (perhaps in NYC at some point given she's near there?). I'm open to any possibilities with some basis to them. It maybe noteworthy to mention here that I elected to going on Socialblade to look at his profile after someone told me unfollowee some people.
Based on this website's analysis of his profile, he unfollowed a total of 21 people within the last 24 hours as Socialblade shows 21 were unfollowed today. Based on my past experience with Socialblade, I don't take the dates to be exact as some days it won't analyze certain profiles. Why that is, I don't know. It appears Anne/Anna is one of the 21 who got cut from his following list. I do know his first hearing for TW lawsuit is coming up, so my guess is he's cleaning up his social media profiles as we're speaking. Some people say he doesn't know what's on websites like this but I disagree; I wholeheartedly believe he has people who look on these sites to see what's being said on the gossip blogs and such. Take from this what you will...
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character-selecton · 1 year
accidentay unfolloweed while trying to send this. How do I make one of these exclamation rpg blogs? They seem like so much fun to manage but I have literally no idea how I'd start one. I used to roleplay a lot in the past and I've been looking to get back into practice so I think it would be pretty cool for me if I could start my own :3
I’d honestly direct this to @status-updates
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pretty-purpple · 2 years
If your love for me was true , Tumblr wouldn't do that , you failed to protect the love b/w us 💔💔(jk jk , it's okay don't be sorry)
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footytea · 6 months
Yeah camvinga is apperantly dating amother girl
He unfollowee her main Account after the rumors but still follows her work page
who did he unfollow?
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A random note:
A few months ago I went on a massive blocking spree. I'm a huge proponent of blocking for whatever reason you need to, in order to keep yourself safe/comfortable. I was in the middle of a big move and things happening in what I considered my safe space/chill zone were too triggering and upsetting. Especially using mobile tumblr without xkit it's harder to curate your dash, so heavy blocking works in some situations. I ended up just taking a long break, only popping on, finding a meme or cute post right away and backing out before I could find any upsetting content. My move was literally right as everything shut down, so my haitus and mental state remained tenuous for a bit.
But curating my own experience helped.
Basically what I mean is this - if you've noticed me re-following or you noticed you were blocked and now you aren't- that's all it was. It's never anything personal (only 2 people are blocked for personal reasons, the rest are just things I don't want on my dash) so I hope you can recognize it for what it was.
Random tangent 😘
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bakuraryxu · 5 years
why are u pepole making me look at royal family stuf lmao
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blorbofied · 5 years
Tumblr is making me follow random people tf??
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straightyuri · 2 years
"Checkout theseblogs" SHUTIPSHUT UP SHUTUO
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im not a reddit user and I never will be so I don't understand the whole r/place thing but. seeing wilbur w the lil blush is good
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ml---gone · 6 years
yall really out here having strong and close friendships with your internet friends??? wild
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boobchuy · 3 years
you invented Shimeanne. you never have to apologise for the rest of your life (also i accently unfolloweed you bc i clicked the wrong BUTTON)
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awsugar · 3 years
Frank and Mikey unfolloweed Jimmy on Instagram!
oh thank god. i'm not surprised gerard hasn't because he's so offline but i hope that he will too at some point.
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sillyguyhotline · 2 years
⭐ I ACCIDENTALLY UNFOLLOWEE YOU jm sorrh but u are very funny and i enjoy seeing you on my dash💖💖
HI AMBER ⭐️ likewise we’ve been mutuals for awhileeee i think
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