Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Tagged by @existentialcrisistime thank you!
The Rules: If you’re tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
He was still amazed he was even here, driving to not only meet The Mr Edwards, but to be his apprentice! It was all so surreal. Yet it was his work that had brought him here, and it must have been good enough or he wouldn't have been accepted for the position. The countryside around him painted such a beautiful picture. Trees to his left, to his right sweeping fields dipping into the valley, climbing up again and fading into the hills. He wanted to stop right there and capture it all in paint, but he was due to meet Mr Edwards at 12 o'clock, and he was not going to be late.
tagging (with no pressure to do this) @birdblacksocialclub and uuuh, and VC people that want to do this that haven't already
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Day 1: Leather
The music pulsed around him as Mac dances his body brushing up against the other bodies in the club. The dim lights and loud music add an almost hypnotic feeling to the night.
Hands brush up against his back with just a little more force and attention then a accidental brush. He tips his head back, sliding his body closer, the movement slides the hands down to make contact with the strip of bare skin right below the smooth leather of his vest - the touch is cool and yet it feels burning hot at the same time, the feeling of physical contact against exposed skin sends a shiver through his spine.
As the figure behind him continues to brush his hands along the curve of his sides, they both pull close together until Mac's back is flush with the front of the figure's chest moving in sync with each other and the beat.
The hands at his waist guide him towards the edge of the dance floor, pulling both figures slightly behind a wall and away from prying eyes.
MacGyver wiggles out of the grip of the gloved hands, spinning around within them to kiss the figure that's been teasing him for the last few songs, instantly reeling back as the face of a man who's tried to kill him multiple times snaps into his vision with horrifying clarity.
"What the hell, Murdoc?" / "Oh, fuck" As MacGyver jerks back, leather clad body slipping free from the grasping hands at his sides, he realizes Murdoc is doing the same thing, slamming his head against the wall in his shock.
Murdoc, ever quick on the uptake, regains his footing first, gloved hand shooting out to catch himself against the wall, "Well well, if it isn't the boy genius." His eyes quickly flash over MacGyver's body, a practiced glance meant to assess every threat and catalog it quickly, although to Mac the gaze feels red hot, stripping him down bare in front of his enemy. "What'll it be Angus? Fighting's so boring and think of all the collateral danger to these innocents all around us…I can think of a better use of our time."
Mac can feel his fash flushing as he realizes exactly what Murdoc is suggesting. He swallows nervously, his mouth suddenly dry as he tries to think, Murdocs eyes snap to his throat catching the movement and cataloging it hungrily as MacGyver casts his eyes around trying to find some weapon, some anything that will let him turn this into a fight, something so he could argue later that he really did struggle and try, something so he could claim that he didn't fold like a turned on leaf desperate to feel those gloved hands against his body again.
"Oh fuck you Murdoc" he breaths out, surging forward to close the gap in a searing kiss. Murdoc's hands cool and soft in the gloves grab at his waist, pulling him closer and he feels them roam up and down his back, dipping teasingly into his waistband before pulling away again. Each movement was setting Mac's mind alight and sending heat pooling down lower.
#completely uneddit snippet#but its 2 hours into day 1 so I wanted to start out strong#i'll clean up and post a full version to AO3 when its not hours past my bedtime#macgyver 2016#macdoc#macgyver#murdoc#macdoc kinktober 2024#macgyver kinktober 2024
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Stop this now!!!!!
#my rambles#homestuck#Eceryones so mean to me#to HIm#i typed withot thinking it di the original quiote. Uneddited#HIM!!
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unit 3 baby
just as uneddited as everything else. I'm tired.
Ahsoka rocked on her feet for a moment, her arms tucked across her chest. She worried about her lip for a moment before she spoke. “Look, I have a good excuse this time,” she explained
“For yet another last minute lecture?” Rex gave the little padawan the flattest look she’d ever received
“In my defense, I had an exam less than a ten-day ago and I’ve got another one already! I didn’t have TIME to set up a class!” Ahsoka insisted, rocking forward to stand on her toes. Rex raised an eyebrow. “And I only have a few days until the final! I have five days until my final and one day until my next exam. I know we’ve got a campaign coming up but I still have classes!”
“Alright, Commander, we can do a lesson. Most of the boys are busy preparing for our next deployment right now, that includes myself. I'll see who’s available, but it’ll be a small class this time, most of the boys will be sad they missed it.” Rex sighed and rolled his shoulders as he relented.
“That’s alright!” Ahsoka announced “I’ll record it for them!” her captain could only shake his head as she smiled.
In the end, Jessie, Kix, and Echo had shown up, although they’d been forced to take a room near medbay to compensate for the chaos of getting ready for the campaign.
“Alright, we're dealing with animals! And how they work”Ahsoka chirped “all animals are similar in terms of how they exchange materials, obtain energy, synthesize complex molecules, detect and respond to signals and reproduce themselves. There are differences in the overall systems but they do those things. There’s a general pattern which goes, "cell, tissue organ, organ system.”
Kix muttered under his breath “cells make up tissues which make up organs which make up organs systems”
“Yeah, exactly. You’re probably going to know a lot about this unit already Kix because it’s a lot of stuff that’s fairly useful for medical… uh medical stuff” Ahsoka amdited, the clone in question nodded
“Well that just means I can help you memorize it all.” The pair smiled and Jessie gave Kix a playful shove.
“Do you know the four tissue types Kix?”
“Uh, whas it muscle, nervous, epithelial, and connective?”
Echo muttered ‘show off’ under his breath, but refrained from saying anything further on the topic
“I know what each tissue does too. Muscle tissue is for movement, nervous dose signaling, epithelial dose transport and connective tissue is weird because it includes stuff you think of as connective tissue, and also blood and stuff like that.”
“Right again Kix, do you know what a normal temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure is?”
“Stop asking questions only Kix knows the answer too.” Echo muttered
“Really, I’m supposed you don’t know that one Echo, seems like the bit of random information you’d have,” Jessie admitted
“Yeah, I do know it, but the question was directed to Kix and I wouldn’t be surprised if most of us don’t know these things, even though we’re supposed to.”
“I do know them!” Jessie insisted
“Wanna answer the question for me then?” Kix called, cutting off the argument at its head.
“Oh yeah sure, uhh average resting body temperature is 35-28 or 95-100 depending on the temperature scale, resting heart-rate is 60-100 BPM, and blood pressure is about 120/80, for humans at least, I think we have a slower resting heart-rate, and blood pressure, and I’m not sure at all about togruta, but I’m sure Kix knows.”
“It’s in your file, Commander, I make it a point to read all the medical files of every species on the ship.”
“This class is on Naboo so we’re focusing on humans and gungans, but I’ve got the gungan stuff memorized since it was easier than humans.” Ahsoka admitted. “Anyways, we’re going to cover the heat exchange now. There's four ways to exchange heat with the environment: radiation, evaporation, conduction, and convection. The first two are easy but conduction and convection is something I mix up a lot, conduction is heat exchange through direct contact whereas convection is a transfer of heat through a fluid, so air or water or something like that.”
“Ah, I’m afraid I don’t really have a good mnemonic to help with that one, I just sorta had to practice it.” Kix admitted
“Yea, I was afraid of that, anyways there’s something called countercurrent exchange which is a fairly easy concept to understand. They put two blood tubes next to each other and have one carrying the warm blood, and another has cold blood so the warm blood constantly cools. It can be used for other stuff as well, like for transfer of oxygen. Do you know the fluids in human blood?”
“Yeah” Kix cut in before anyone could “extracellular fluid, plasma, and intercellular fluid, you’ve got those liquids two, Commander, the extracellular fluid is outside, and has plasma and interstitial fluid, intracellular fluids are separated by cell membranes. Blood is also made of red blood cells or erythrocytes, white blood cells leukocytes, and platelets”
“That's true, although the details about blood cells are coming later. For now we cover the fluids and now we talk about fish, freshwater fish do not drink because they’re in a hypotonic environment, and the saltwater fish drink seawater because they’re in a hypertonic environment.”
“Which one are gungans?”
“Well… they live in oceans, but they’re amphibious so… neither?” Ahsoka shook her head “anyways next lecture.”
“Next lecture already?”
“This unit has both the easiest and most complex stuff in the class, or at least, the easiest and most complex stuff so far.”
“So what’s this chapter on?”
“Circulatory system tms, an open circulatory system as hemolymph, and what happens is that the creature basically dumps their blood into body cavities. It's got a low energy requirement but it also means they can't direct blood to specific areas. Blood is a connective tissue, as Kix mentioned previously, but it's got nutrients that wastes oxygen and carbon dioxide. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood towards the heart, so arterie away is a good way to remember it! Capillaries are exchange sites so blood can flow through a tissue or organ.”
“Arterie away is a great way to remember it, I didn’t think of that” Kix admitted, and Jessie and Echo cheered. Causing Ahsoka to blush as she continued.
“Single circulation vs double circulation, in single circulation which happens for fishes has a heart with a single filling chamber and a single exit chamber, the filling chamber is atrium and the exit is the ventricle, I need to remember that for later. Anyways in double circulation which is crocodilians, birds, and mammals, has four chambers and two circuits, the pulmonary and systemic circulation, amphibians and most reptiles have an intermediate type of circulation so it’s a mix of both, I’d bet this is what gungans have, but I’m not entirely sure.”
“Are you not going in depth on gugnans?”
“To be honest, we’re not going that in-depth about any species, the only reason I even know what applies to humans and what's generalized for mamilains is that everyone ends up learning a little human biology by proxy. Besides, there’s a lot of debate about the taxonomy of nonhumans…. Anyways this is where we get to the parts of blood Kix, wanna help me with this?”
“Sure commander!”
“There’s 55% what in blood?”
“And 44%?”
“Erythrocytes, or red blood cells.”
“The two remaining ones are both less than one percent.”
“Leukocytes, white blood cells, and platelets.”
“Perfect!” Ahsoka chimed and the other two clones muttered that Kix was a show off and huffed in playful faux irritation. Kix preened despite himself and continued right along.
“Platelets stick to each other and broken vessels to make a plug if there’s a hole, and thrombocytes are intact cells used in formation of blood clots but those are other vertebrates not humans, well, it depends, Togruta have platelets.”
“While you’re showing off, do you want to go over the path blood takes in the heart?”
Kix smiled wryly “of course, deoxygenated blood goes to the superior and inferior venae cavae, and then to the right atrium, then to the right AV valve, then the right ventricle, semilunar valve, pulmonary trunk and then to the lungs. By contrast Oxygenated blood goes through the pulmonary veins, the left atrium, the left AV valve, the left ventricle then the semilunar valve, aorta and to the body.”
“Perfect, I’ve been having trouble with that, I think it’s just something I need to memorize. Anyways, wanna know something interesting? Vertebrates have a myogenic heart, it receives signals from the SA node and the pulse is taken in the AV node, and the heart can keep beating after you die, or outside the body if you do it right.”
“Creepy” Echo muttered
“Cardiac cycle next.” Ahsoka muttered “there’s two phases, another thing I just need to memorize, the diastole is when the muscle relaxes and the chamber is filling, and the systole muscle is contracting and the camber is emptying.”
“Yeah, we were just trained for rote memorization, I’m not necessarily one for mnemonics' ' Kix admitted.
“Pressure is highest during the ventricular systole, and the lowest during the diastole. And we’ve gotta talk about electrocardiograms now or ECG or EKGs so that’s exciting. The P wave is the atrial excitation, the QRS complex is ventricular excitation and the T wave is resetting the ventricles back to their resting state.” Ahsoka took a breath. The lymphatic system returns interstitial fluid to the blood, and the lymph nodes act like filters. Veins have valves so vein valves. Oh now we have math! Blood flow is equal to the change in pressure over resistance. Arterioles have smooth muscles in walls that are under the control of the autonomic nervous system. And we move on to respiration.”
“Wow you’re just going over all the topics in this unit.” Echo muttered
“At least it’s not plant sex again.” all three shuttered, that unit was a nightmare Ahsoka cleared her throat “alright, so the exchange of O2 and CO2, t depends on how soluble glasses are in water, if there’s partial pressure it’s the proportion of the total pressure exeter by a gas in a mixture and partial pressure is the force behind diffusion. On Naboo the air is composed of 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% carbon dioxide and other gasses. At sea level the atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg, pressure and volume are inversely related and this is called Boyle’s law, supposedly someone on Alderon came up with that a few thousand years ago, but no one’s quite sure who Boyle was. Alright! The path of air through the mammalian system, Kix wanna try it out?”
“Mouth or nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli; the alveoli are where gas exchange happens, and each lung has a pleural sac which is a double layer of thin connective tissues to protect the lungs. The inner layer is attached to the surface of the lungs and the other layer is attached to the chest wall. Humans aren't great at using their whole lung capacity, and tidal volume is the mount of air breathed in and out at rest it’s about 0.5 L”
“Thanks Kix! Ok, oxygen is dissolved in bloody fluids, and respiratory pigments are oxygen binding proteins, in vertebrate hemoglobin has four polypeptide subunits, each unit has heme molecules and an atom of iron is bound to the heme. Breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the brain, so if you die your lungs won’t keep going, and while most of the time breathing is automatic we can also control it, unlike what happens with the heart which we can’t continuously control, thank the force.”
“Yeah, that’d be a nightmare,” Jessie agreed
“Yeah, speaking of nightmares, the digestive system. We need organic and inorganic substances to survive, and digestion happens in four phases: ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion. There are five organic nutrients, five macronutrients and two micronutrients. Anyone know what they are?”
“Macronutrients are carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, micronutrients are nucleic acids, and vitamins!” Jessie called before anyone could interrupt him. Echo huffed and Kix rolled his eyes.
“Extra energy is stored in glycogen for the short term and triglycerides in the long term. Most long term energy is stored as lipids which are fats and oils, saturated lipids are solid at room temperature and unsaturated lipids are liquid at room temperature. Catabolism is when the subunits are released by digestion into circulation and anabolism is when cells use these subunits as a building block to assemble the macromolecules. Does anyone know the types of essential nutrients there are?”
“Essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals” Echo cut off, a little too proud of himself.
“The essential amino acids are Methionine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, lysine, and histidine.” Kix interrupted
“Ok wheel there’s two essential fatty acids, Linoleic acid and alpha linoleic acids.” Jessie cut in
“Boys” Ahsoka muttered
“There's two types of vitamins!” Echo interrupted “water or lipid soluble.”
Kix spoke over his brother “the water soluble vitamins are biotin, folic acid, niacin which is B3, pantothenic or B5, vitamin B1 and B2 and B6 and B12 and vitamin C”
“Boys” Ahsoka said a little louder
“The lipid soluble ones are vitamin A, D, E and K” Jessie bragged
“Boys!” Ahsoka sighed
“Ok well-”
“The required minerals are Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Sodium which are needed in large amounts!” Ahsoka cut off, and her trooper ducked their heads in embarrassment.
“Sorry commander” they all muttered, although they glared at each other from the corners of their eyes as they spoke
“The minerals needed in small amounts are Chromium, cobalt, copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc” Ahsoka continued, she shook her head but couldn't help the smile that lit up her face. “You guys can participate--I want you to participate, but I do need to explain things, that’s how I’m learning this by teaching it, it’s one of the best ways to learn.”
“I know Commander,” Echo huffed. “We just got… competitive”
“I know, and I’m impressed by how well you guys know this, I’m sure you would ace this exam. I’m not so sure about myself, but I know you don't really need this class, I do.”
“If I’m being honest Commander…” Jessie trailed off “I went over some of this stuff before the lesson, because I wanted to be able to participate more.” Echo made a face and nodded.
“R-really?” Ahsoka asked.
“Oh yeah, the boys have been in and out of med-bay for the past week, they all wanted to be more active during your lectures.” Kix confirmed, “it’s been useful for me too.”
Ahoska flushed, she hadn’t realized just how much her troopers looked forward to this. “I-I appreciate it, just… maybe don’t get carried away with it next time” she cleared her throat “uh-anyways, most animals have alimentary canals which are tubes with special regions and openings at opposite ends, they have smooth muscle, epithelial cells, and regions with acidic environments that can be separated from the non acidic environments. If you want to show off, can anyone tell me which parts of the digestive system are accessory structures?”
“Tongue, teeth” Kix started
“Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder” Echo continued
“And the pancreas” Jessie finished.
“Perfectly, the accessory organs are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. Birds have something called a crop, this allows them to store food, they’re in most birds and a lot of invertebrates, the food is softened by a watery secretion and then later they can actually eat it. Pepsinogen is secreted in its inactive form and is changed to pepsin in the stomach. Birds have two parts of their stomach, the gizzard which grinds food, and the proventriculus which secretes acid and enzymes.”
“Birds are weird,” Jessie squinted.
Ahsoka nodded. “Unfortunately we need to move onto something that’s mildly gross, ruminant animals, which sort of digest things twice, tis allows for the digestion of cellulose which vertebrates cannot break down, the rumen and the reticulum act as storage and processing sites, the osman absorbs some water and ions, and the abomasum is the ‘true stomach’ where avid and stuff happens most digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine, and it's covered in cillus which are little hairs that increase the surface area.”
“That makes it so it can better asrob stuff right?” Jessie asked
“That’s right, the Duodenum is acidic, the arrival of chyme triggers the release of hormones that regulate the pancreas, then the cholecystokinin stimulates the pancreas and liver to secrete a mix of digestive enzymes into the intensten, secretin stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate. In omnivores most ingested carbohydrates are starch cellulose and glycogen. Pancreatic amylase digests nearly all starch and glycogen. The liver secretes bile salts that emulsify lipids into small drops, most ingested lipids are formed of triglycerides, and they break down in the pancreatic lipase.” Ahsoka huffed “does anyone know what Insulin and Glucagon does?”
Kix smiled “regulates blood nutrient levels. When blood glucose rises insulin is released and stimulates cells to take up glucose.”
“Perfect, and now we more unto the excretory system,”
“And you said the rumen was gross.” Echo muttered
“This isn’t that bad, don’t worry” Ahsoka muttered “ok so the excretory system includes all tissues and organs of animals that function to remove soluble wastes from the body and to regulate water and iron ballance so it includes the gills, lungs, skin and kidneys. Nitrogenous wastes that are usually found in either ammonium, urea, or uric acid, they go from most toxic to lease toxic, but inversely they also go from least energy necessary to most energy necessary, most aquatic animals have ammonia, where mammals have urea and birds, insects and most reptiles have uric acid.”
Ahsoka continued “the kidney filters organs that eliminates wastes in all vertebrates, and in mammals the urinary system includes the kidneys ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. We’re going to talk about filtration that occurs in the renal corpuscle, then reabsorption and secretion which occur in the renal tube. There’s a thing called a bowman's capsule, and it’s uh a little ball thing in the center of the sture, the tubule is organized into the proximal tubule, loop of henle and distal tubule. There’s some useful solutes that are reabsorbed from the filtrate, like Ca Na K, Cl, and HCO3 as well as nutrients like glucose, amino acids and vitamins. Aldosterone is a hormone produced by adrenal glands that regulates Na and K levels by stimulating Na reabsorption and K secretion. Antidiuretic Hormone ADH acts to increase the number of aquaporins which lets more water in.”
“That’s a lot of chemicals, that seems like a lot to remember for your exam Commander.” Jessie muttered.
“That’s alright, we’re onto the last section which is the easiest, and it’s population ecology.”
“What exactly is ecology again?” Jessie asked
“It’s the scientific study of interaction, well interactions between living organisms and living stuff and their environments. It goes in layers, individuals, then the population which is a group of individuals, and a community which is all the interacting populations of different species in a specific area. Populations have different grouping, Nabboean water wolves travel in packs, but mose forage alone. Their patterns affect the ability to count them which means we don’t always know how many individuals are in the area.”
“That seems like that's inconvenient.”
“Yea, it is, so scientists do a lot to try and figure it out, like the mark-recapture method, pitfall traps, mist nets and baited traps. Animals can learn to avoid traps or may be drawn to food bated traps which ruins the randomness of the trapping methods. Mark recapture involves a little math” all the troopers groaned you have to capture tag and release animals, then reset the traps and see how many recaptures you get, then you multiply the number of marked individuals by the number caught the second time and divide it by the amount of marked individuals caught. The mark recapture method relies on three methods, that those marked are random and still reenter the population to distribute themselves randomly, that the animals will not lose their marks, and that no one will be born or die or leave between rounds.”
“Those seem like some very strict assumptions, not all of them seem feasible” Kix muttered
“No, but we have to do our best, there’s no perfect way to do this, anyways there’s also demography which is the the study of figuring out birth, death and fertility rates.there’s also different types of growth, where the exponential growth just goes up for ages and the logistic growth goes up and then bounces around a line. One of the more confusing topics in this entire unit is the density dependent, density independent thing, where if something is density independent the population will be more affected when the population gets bigger, the reverse which is just inverse density dependent is a measurement of mortality so if the mortality decreases its an inverse density dependent factor. And now we have species interactions, competition is -/- commensalism is -/0 mutualism is +/+ commensalism is +/0 and predation is +/-, I think we all know what a habitat is but does anyone wanna explain it?”
“It’s the place where animals live. Their ideal environment.” Echo chimed.
“Correct!” Ahsoka chimed “resource partitioning is when different species have different areas of resource use, interspecific competition can reduce the overlap of resource use. And that’s the last of it.”
“That’s it?” Kix asked
“Yeah, I’ve gotta study on my own now, wish me luck.” Ahsoka beamed.
“Good luck commander!” all three clones chimed.
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WHAT WOULD YOU DO 2 ME ?????????
alternatives under cut!!
he was infact tiny to draw, i missed my wife mspaint
and then needed effects from ibis so here we are
#bungou stray dogs#i love him#bungo stray dogs manga#chuuya#bsd#bsd chuuya#chuuya au#chuuya bsd#suribachi au#chuuyabsd#bsd art#chuuya nakahara#bungo stray dogs#nakahara chuuya#eyestrian#cw eyestrain#tw eyestrain#eyestrain#bright colours#bright colors#dazey and the scouts songs rotted my brain this weekend#neon colors#eye strain#my corrupt art#and then i reblogged on the wrong account
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Had a few photoshoots since the year stafted and I barely posted any (。•́︿•̀。)
Ah well with how much uneddited photos I have, i'll be posting some in the near future hehe
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Me, to myself: can you stop scrolling through tumblr, you’re like 200 words away from finishing the first story you’ve written in a year
Me, scrolling faster: but then it’s done
Me, equal parts exasperated and excited: I KNOW
#its finished now#just over 3k#COMPLETELY uneddited#but god does it feel good to finish something#wanna shake the rust off#took me all day#but it was worth it#dont mind me im just proud of myself#im so happy
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Author’s note: This has been in my drafts for so long and i finally finished it, a bit uneddited woops!!
Warnings: FLUFF and a little steamy make out but no actual smut.
Summary: Tom asked you to move in so you wouldn’t have to spend lockdown alone, but what about the unspokken tension?
You had lived with Tom for over 4 months now. Once London officially announced their lockdown Tom had been nagging for you to move in. You couldn't blame him though, once you had to call Tom up in the middle of the night to come and kill a cockroach so since then he had been extra determined to get you out. You lived in a shitty one bedroom apartment where the walls were literally falling apart. You tried so long to deny it since you didn't really saw any other option within your budget. But then one cheerful brit got the brilliant idea for you to move in and he hadn't let it go ever since. You had to admit you didn't wanna stay stuck in an apartment where even a mouse could get claustrophobic, especially since the duration of the lockdown was so uncertain. So suddenly one night, after Tom brought with him a list with perks of being his roommate, you finally agreed to his tempting offer.
"Y/n?" Tom called, poking his head from behind the door. You looked up from your phone, not planning on leaving the comfort of your bed anytime soon.
Living with Tom shouldn't be so bad. You had been friends for years and considered him as one of your best friends. So easy, right? wrong. It absolutely did not help that you had the biggest crush on the man you were living with.
The brunette stepped inside, his curls messily placed on his head. He stretched his arms, revealing the waist band of the Calvin Klein underwear he was wearing. Your jaw clenched, trying your best not to let your eyes wander to his exposed skin.
He jawed loudly before letting himself fall down next to you. "I just took Tessa on a walk." His rosy cheeks made your heart flutter, he looked adorable and you had to stop yourself from jumping in his arms and kiss him.
Tom ticked your shoulder as a hint to lay down next to him. You hummed, closing your phone and nuzzling into his chest.
Cuddling was something you and Tom did a lot, especially after you moved in. After one drunken night where you both passed out on the couch, tangled in each others arms, you both realised how much you liked each others present.
"What are you thinking about?" Tom asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. "I dunno." You lied, not wanting to admit he was the one playing on your mind.
"You're lying." The corners of his mouth turned up as he looked at you. "You do that cute little thing with your nose, when you lie." Your head snapped up. "I do not!" You pouted, feeling your nose scrunch up.
"There you do it again." He pointed, making you laugh. You gave his side a tickle before sitting up properly, playing with the hem of your hoodie. Tom drew his lower lip between his teeth, resting his weight on his elbows. "Darling?"
Your looked over your shoulder, realising how close he was. You felt his warm breath hit your shoulder, leaning a bit forward until your were inches away from him.
You softly brushed a messy curl out of his face, making his brows nit together, a slight darkness dancing in his eyes at the contact.
He hummed, looking at your lips. His eyes blinked with excitement before fluttering shut. Cupping your cheeks, his lips finally crashed on yours. You mirrored his action, bringing your hands to the back of his neck, slightly tugging on his soft curls.
He whimpered, both smiling into the kiss as he brought you on his lap. Your legs strangled his waist, making you deepen the kiss even more as tongs explored each others mouth.
His grib on your waist got tighter as you pulled back a little to catch your breath. His lips trailed over to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses along your jaw. You whimpered slightly as he sucked on your sentive spot, feeling him smirk against your neck.
Being satisfied with his work, he pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. Tom's face lighted up at the sight of your bright smile. Your pink, swollen lips and messy hair made him even more head over heels then he already was.
He placed another kiss on your lips. A softer one this time. "You're so beautiful." He gushed, hand rubbing small circles on your back.
"You're not so bad either."
My requests are open! :)
#tom x reader#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland#tom holland imagine#tom holland fanfic#tom holland x reader#tom holland x oc#tom holland x you#tom holland one shot#tom holland x plus size reader#tom holland x osterfield!reader#tom holland x y/n#x reader#tom holland fluff#tom holland smut#tom holland angst
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I have 7 bsd drafts
some of them are complete unedited works i will probably never edit-
plz they are making me cry- wtf did i write 0_0
the titles on these fics though T_T
I've got some
Obssesive Dazai HC
S/o death reaction hc W chuuya dazai fyodor
whatever tf this is
Battle for your heart | HC’s of Chuuya, Dazai, and Fyodor fighting over reader
uhhh another dazai x reader fic that's hurt comfort and incomplete, but like damn, its name is pretty T_T
Delicate as snow.
a completed request from months ago for some dazai's sister x chuuya stuff. idk what i was on naming this one-
some supper angst for a super angsty request which is so unedditted i am dying. but yo it's complete
Broken Promise, Broken heart (perfect name for the angst)
and finally some untitled unfinished atsushi fic that i cant decipher to figure out wtf it was
whyyyyy do i have so many drafts T_T eidtting is not fun... maybe i'll post a draft
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My first ever drabble, quite uneddited and spontaneous. Dedicated to every fic writer ever reblogged on my blog and the hinny and jily community.
-Let me.
-Come on, you know you want to.
-Aw, please!
His face, eyes wide and glistening, the lower lip slightly wobbling, contorted further. Rolling her eyes she turns to to him while keeping her eyes trained on the road ahead. The landscape of rolling green hills had given out to sharper edges and more orange and browns.
-You know, I earned this car with my own money, it is only right that I have the first drive.
Huffing he turns to the window, folding his arms over his chest.
-Fine, but I want to drive tomorrow.
I pretend this is Harry and Ginny on a road trip about 2 or so years after the war and Ginny has already earned some money with the Harpies. The car is rented btw :)
#hinny#drabble#hinny drabble#mine#I don't usually write but i want to give back to the amazig hinny and jily writers i keep reading#so a little something#exactly 100 words btw :) :) :)#please be kind
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change it to an uneddited screenshot of chales from a youtube video with 360p resolution
I'm never asking you people for help ever again
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Stalker Loner cosplay
uneddited picture by eosandy at epiccon.
just imagine the artifact with a glow because im to lazy to edit it ;)
#stalker cosplay#starioncostumes#stalker#shadow of chernobyl#s.t.a.l.k.e.r cosplay#s.t.a.l.k.e.r.#s.t.a.l.k.e.r shadow of chernobyl#chernobyl#post apocalypse#post apoc rp#my face#sjebberd cosplay#sjebberd#dutch#cosplay#post apocalypse cosplay#loners#freedom#duty#cheeki breeki#yeet#my fren stan#hes pretty cool#videogames#photoshop#eosandy
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Theres an uneddited treebark fic that has been sitting in my docs for months and i want to edit it so badly but my brain simply wont allow
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biology 1
star wars, uneddited, tehnically spell checked but only in the sense I spamed 'accept' on every spelling error correction.
Ashoka groaned, she dropped her into her hands in frustration. She was tired, and felt like everything was going wrong. She had an exam coming up, and she just couldn’t get everything to stick in her memory. She was a jedi in training! She was supposed to be good at this sort of thing! She just…. Struggled with biology, especially the specifics of a single planet's biology. Every day she wondered why she decided to take a class on Naboo’s Organismal Biology. Still, she had to pass this test, she had to.
“Uh Commander?” Fives was sitting next to Ashoka, his voice was concerned. With a huff the padawan looked up at him, she squinted for a moment, before an idea caused her entire being to brighten.
“Wanna help me with something” she replied.
“Help you with what?” there was an edge of wariness in his voice, but Ashoka shrugged it off.
“I’ve gotta pass this stupid biology exam, and I’m not making any progress on my own and-” she hesitated for just a moment “Master Obi-Wan always says that the best way to ensure you understand a subject is to teach it to someone else.”
“Uh, so you want to teach me biology, commander?”
Fives blinked in surprise, his head tilted in that way it always did when he was parsing through an idea. Then he smiled and asked “can I invite a few others along?” Ashoka’s answering grin was downright gleeful. She agreed without hesitation.
Fives, Echo, Rex, Jessie, Kix and a few others ended up following Ashoka to a random storage room that she’d haistally converted to, teaching room.
“Alright! So, uh, this class is technically a sequel class to the molecular biology class I just finished, but I think we can start here and be fine. It’s also more of a general biology class, but it has a specific focus on Naboo and its history as an example of how biological systems work on different planets. It’s just easier to start with one planet and build from there” Ashoka was nervous, but she was determined to explain this right.
“Alright, so where are we staring?” Kix asked
“Oh, uh the creation of species!” the padawan smiled. “A species is a group of organisms that is divided into a group they share distinctive traits or attributes and are thus separated from other species, it's a little hard because there’s no definitive definition of what a species is, there’s a few different ways to sort it out, but it’s one of those things researchers like to bicker about. First we should probably understand some terms! Speciation is how you form new species, Ation can be defined as an instance of or to denote an action, so Speciation would be ‘the act of creating a new species’ or ‘instance of a species’ most words in biology are simple to understand when you know their root words.” Ashoka took a breath, only for a voice to ask.
“Root words?”
“Oh, yeah, a lot of the sciences are named with terms from a long dead language, we can still translate that language but no one really speaks it the way it was supposed to be spoken.”
“Oh!” Echo called “so if you can translate the parts of the words, you can understand what the term means?”
“Yeah!” Ashoka agreed. She cleared her throat “uh, anyways, evolution, which is sort of the driving force of speciation, it’s the accumulation of changes in a population over time. This can result in speciation but sometimes it’s just evolution. It’s also important to know that it’s made up, mostly, of little changes over time. That’s called microevolution! Over a long period of time, microevolution can become macroevolution. Micro is little, macro is big.”
“So small changes can lead to bigger changes?” Kix called
“Yeah! And there’s a few driving forces behind changes in allele frequency, which is microevolution in work! The first three are based on random chance, they’re non-adaptive, so in other words they just happen. This includes mutation, the thing where an organisms genetics is altered, this is typically neutral or outright harmful, but it can occasionally be helpful, then there’s gene flow, which is what happens when alleles more from one population to another, so like when one population meets with another the final of the three is genetic drift, which most strongly affects small populations, and can lead to the basically random erasure of certain traits if a small population just gets unlucky and all individuals with a specific trait die. It can also be caused by the bottleneck effect! Or from isolation.
“The other type are adaptive, or at the very least nonrandom, this is sexual selection or natural selection, sexual selection is, exactly what the name implies, natural selection is sometimes referred to as survival of the fittest, but I personally feel like that name could be a little better, because while some individuals are more fit, it’s really about which survive to reproduction! Or at the very least can survive long enough to pass down their genes.”
Ashoka took a breath, she flicked to the holo-projector she’d set up, it showed an image of a Nabooian lizard and a feline she didn’t know the name of.
“Alright, so there’s a couple of ways to define what a species is, as I mentioned there’s no one universal definition but here’s a few of the methods researchers use! Morphological species concept is focused on organisms sharing physical traits-” she gestured to the lizard and feline behind her “-these two organisms have visually distinctive traits, so we can look at them and understand they may be different species, it also takes internals into account, anyone know what the flaws of this system is?”
Kix huffed and muttered “a loath wolf and a Pantorean frost wolf look basically the same, and some tooka’s that look like they came from different planets.”
“Yes! Exactly Kix” Ashoka cheered, Kix startled, apparently he hadn’t realized he’d muttered loud enough to be heard, but Ashoka was a predator and had exceptional hearing. She quickly repeated his words to the rest of the clones who nodded in understanding.
“Alright!” she continued “ the next concept is biological, which is more based on reproduction than genetics, we’ll get to the genetics one in a second, where was I?” the padawan looked around for a moment before her eyes widened and she continued “right uhh biological species! This means they can reproduce, different species cannot breed because they’re reproductively isolated.” a hand, someone in the back, shot up before Ashoka could even ask what the limitations were.
“Twi’leks and humans can reproduce, they’re not the same species”
“That’s true. This is a limitation of the biological species concept”
“Skywalker’s blood work only shows one biological parent, which he insists is not an error.” Kix cut in.
“That’s another limitation of the biological species concept, although Skyguy is an outlier and probably shouldn’t be a reference for this class, but uhh yeah most humanoids can reproduce with each other despite being different species, and some species--although not humans according to everyone except Skyguy--can reproduce asexually, it's important to note that this concept applies to species that would not mate in the wild, so artificial insemination, or intentional breeding by sapients does not count.”
“There’s also the evolutionary lineage, or phylogenetic, which is made of two roots. Does anyone know what they mean?”
“Well,” Kix said “genetics is fairly self explanatory, Phylo means ‘tribe’ ‘kind’ or ‘group’ I guess. So group genetics?”
“Yeah!” Ashoka cheered “do all of you know latin?”
“Echo dose because he as weird interests” Rex called, ignoring his brother’s protests “and Kix dose because he’s a medic”
“Oh that makes sense, there’s a lot of latin in medicine” Ashoka agreed, she got the distinct feeling that the clones were asking and answering her questions mostly for her sake. They probably already knew all this, and were merely humoring her. She shook herself out of the thought before she could get distracted, she had to pass her next exam.
“And next is the ecological species concept--” another hand shot up Ashoka nodded towards it, in a silent indication that the clone should speak.
“Ecology is the environment! I know that one! Does that mean we’re dividing species based on their environments? There’s a buncha species that show up in a lotta environments, most humanoids but I don’t know if they count, they can be in all sortsa environments, and a lotta them are different species.”
“That’s exactly right, this one is mostly used for bacterial species, but it can be useful, bacteria are annoying to categorize, for a number of reasons so this one can help, but like you said, sometimes species can handle a wide variety of environments, and sometimes different species hangout in the same niche, this one’s more about niches”
“Alright the last one is the general lineage concept, this one frames each species as a population of an evolving lineage, so it’s focus is on history and how traits evolved, this one is kinda like an ‘all of the above’ option so it has the evolutionary relationships, reproductive isolation, avatar requirements and other elements of the others, it, like every other concept is flawed but I think this one makes the most sense. Especially when looking at the story of how things evolved.'' There were nodes around the room. Ashoka gestured to the holo-projector, causing it to display a chart.
“There’s a few types of reproductive isolation, prezygotic which is the prevention of a zygote, and postzygotic which happens post creation of a zygote. I’ll say the concepts and we’ll sort them after”
“Habitat isolation?”
“Temporal--time, isolation”
“Behavioral isolation”
“Mechanical isolation”
“... prezygotic?”
“Yup! And gametic isolation?”
“That’s when the gammates don’t line up, wouldn’t that be mechanical isolation?”
“Good question, it’s different because in this one, there is no mechanical problem, the sperm and egg can get to each other, but they don’t fuze”
“So, postzygotic? Because it’s after uhh- an- er- attempt at fertilization?”
“Not quite” Ashoka explained “zygote formation happens as a result of fertilization, not from an attempt at it. So this prevents the formation of a zygote. That makes it prezygotic!” Ashoka took a breath “there’s three more, Hybrid inviability, hybrid infertility or sterility and hybrid breakdown any guesses on those three”
“They’re all postzygotic because a hybrid can form”
“And they’re names are fairly self explanatory!” Ashoka agreed. Her smile was bright, and the room was alight with curiosity and a mumble of excitement that radiated from her men. “So now we go onto how new species arise! I already mentioned speciation, but a more specific term is Cladogenesis'' this time she expected Echo’s hand to shoot up.
“Clado means branch, and genesis is creation, so the creation of a branch, oh that’s why it’s more specific, because it’s the creation of a specific branch, not just the process through which species are created!” he smiled, and the force rang with pride over the answer, Ashoka couldn’t help but beam, maybe she’d pass this exam afterall.
“That’s an amazing answer Echo! I hadn’t even thought of the ‘reason it’s more specific than speciation’ I’d mostly been using the words as synonyms!” Fives clapped echo on the shoulder, there was an undercut of a challenge in the force, and Asoka suddenly knew every man in the room would now be competing to get the best answers.
“Alright, so how can this happen, isolation is one way, geographical isolation can cut off populations from each other, there can be a change in the environment to make this happen this can lead to Allopatric speciation.”
“Allo is separate!” someone called Ashoka could just make out the soft glow of a datapad in his hand. Jessie cut him off before he could continue “patric is noblemen??” he sounded confused
“Close, in this case a more accurate translation would be ‘father’ in this case it means ‘fatherland’ so ‘separate fatherland’ or the creation of new species because of a separation in fatherlands! With that in mind can anyone guess what sympatric speciation means?”
“Is it the creation of new species within the same fatherland? How does that happen?”
“It is, uhh it’d be easier to explain with an example, on Naboo there’s a fruit, an alletic fruit, it was an import from a planet with a similar ecosystem, Naboo had a type of insect, it fet on the native thornfruit population, the alletic trees produce fruit earlier in the year than thornfruit do, so when a handful of the insects hatched early, they discovered the much larger and unclaimed alletic fruit, this gave the early hatching insects an advantage, and overtime the subpopulation of insects started hatching earlier and earlier to line up with the fruiting of the allitic trees, the population of thornfruit bugs who had later hatch times remained consistent, and over time they became two different species!” the clones nodded.
“Does that happen often?” Rex asked.
“It happens most often for plants because they can self fertilize, and hybridize with other species, this can cause extra chromosomes, or polyploidy! In most creatures this is a problem, but plants can sometimes just… do this-'' Ashoka wrinkles her nose “plants are weird. They can do something called autopolyploidy where they can self fertilize and end up with an… extra chromosome set, this is something that wouldn't let the plant fertilize with others, and is… not typically a good thing in non-plants. They can also do allopolyploidy which is with a member of a different species, also weird. Anyways this creates a new species in a single generation which is…. Weird, the last method of sympatric speciation is hybrid speciation, which is a little self explanatory”
Ashoka took a deep breath after the rush of information. She waved away the chart behind her, and instead two sets of images of the feet of two different types of birds during embryonic development.
“Evo-devo is a dumb sounding word but it’s evolutionary development, uhh there’s pattern formation, so if you look at these two developmental bird feet, you’ll see the blue indicates BMP4, and in the next image you’ll notice the levels of gremlin protnes, those proteins aren’t expressed in the feet on one of the images, this is because DMP4 causes cells to undergo programed cell death, and gremlin inhibits the function of BMP4, so-” she waved her hand, behind her the holo-projector changed again, this time showing two bird feet, one with distinctive toes and one with webbed feet- “the one that had high gremlin levels developed webbed feet because the cells did not undergo cell death!”
“Another important aspect of evo-devo, at least for Naboo, is Hox genes, they’re present in all animals, and they’re responsible for body plan, animals with a more complex body plan have more hox genes, and animals with simpler body plans have less hox genes.”
[skip lec 2]
After a short break, everyone had reconvened, and Ashoka decided to take a closer look at the clones who’d shown up. She wanted to make an effort to know who was in the room more than just those she was closest to (or those who were in the front row). There were three rows, although it was more of a group huddle than anything else Rex, Echo, Fives, Jessie, and Kix sat in the front, followed by Dogma, Hardcase, Pebble, and Suture, behind them were Leif, Wraith, Shadow, and Pattern. Ashoka smiled and set up.
“This lecture was a lot, honestly it’s on me for deciding to take an accelerated class in the middle of a war, but here I am, so, time to go over all of life on Naboo in an hour or less!” several clones choked in response to that statement. Ashoka couldn’t help but laugh, her teacher had declared something similar multiple times, although the best was his announcement that they were going to cover every invertible in half an hour. The padawan blamed her nearly manic smile on that memory, before she turned back to her men and asked “ready to start?”
“Sir, yes sir!” the entire room said at once, the force bubbled with amusement and an eager anticipation. She really hadn’t expected her men to enjoy this so much, or for that many of them to even show up.
“The history of Naboo can be set on a geological timescale, something so long it’s often hard for sapients to comprehend it! That said, it’s not quite as long as a cosmic time scale. It's theorized that the formation of life on Naboo was both at a similar time, and formed in a similar way to life elsewhere, that’s why we focus on Naboo in this class, a lot of its history is well documented! Just keep in mind, for this timeline we’re focusing on one planet, so when I say ‘we can divide the timeline into 4 eons’ I’m referring specifically to Naboo.” the clones nodded, and Ashoka continued “as I just mentioned there were four eons, in order they’re the Hadean, the Archean, the Proterozoic, and the Pharneozoic. The first fossil record of life was about 3.5 billion years ago, but we suspect life started before that. This is during the Archean period. When Naboo first formed it was far too hot for liquid water to form, this stage was called the Hadean eon, it was far too hot and too dry for life to form, at the end of this period we have the first oceans.”
Ashoka took a breath, her men were listening intently, but this was a lot of information. She flicked her eyes around the room and suddenly remembered she’d forgotten to put the timeline up on the holo-projector. Ashoka cursed herself and quickly set it up, a visual representation was always useful.
“You can remember the Hadean period because it sounds like Hades, and Hades is the mythical god of the Naboo underworld, I’m not entirely familiar with Naboo’s mythology, but there are several cultures that describe the underworld as hot and unpresent, at least if you’re a so-called ‘bad person'’' Ashoka made air quotes as she finished her statement, as useful as the mnemonic was to remember the eon, that mythology was a far cry form jedi beliefs. She shook herself out of that train of thought and returned to her lecture.
“The period after is the Archaea, and the origin of life, you can remember this one because Archaea, one of the three domains of life, are not currently known to photosynthesise, and Photosynthesis comes at the very end of the Archean and the beginning of the Proterozoic. I remember that eon Zonic reminds me of zygote, and this was before the current eon, and Zygotes are related to birth or creation, so it was before the creation of the current eon'' she trailed off for a moment “don’t ask me why zonic reminds me of zygote I know they don’t sound the same”
The room laughed, amusement danced from clone to clone.
“Lots of important stuff happened in the protozoic, the first cyanobacteria, the first eukaryotes, the first photosynthetic eukaryotes, and multicellular ones, and we get some early fossils of multicellular animals! Finally we have the phanerozoic, which is the current one, it’s still an incomprehensible long time ago, measured in millions of years ago.” Ashoka zoomed in on her timeline, showing the division of the Phanerozoic eon.
“The Paleozoic, mesozoic, and cenozoic are the three eras. As you can see, the paleozoic is the longest, divided into the Cambrian, Ordovician, Sullurian, Devoean, Carboniferous, and Permian.”
“That’s a lot to remember,” Pebble huffed, his face pulled into a grimace. “They’re making you memorize all of this? When’s your exam again?” Ashoka rubbed the back of her head
“Tomorrow….” she mumbled, the entire room burst into noise
“Commander Tano, have you been procrastinating again?” Rex sounded more tired than disappointed, but Ashoka couldn’t help the wince.
“No! No, I mean, this is an accelerated class, so it only takes a week, usually this class would take 14-16 weeks to teach, but with the war I don’t really have time to take classes that long, and they were offering it accelerated…. Technically this is only the second week of class… And I’ve been studying as I go”
“A month?” Fives paled
“Yeah! And I only have until tomorrow and it’s getting late so we’ve gotta get back to it!” There was a wave of determination passed between the clones, and they nodded.
“Right, the Paleozoic has the cambrian, the ordovician, the sullivan, the devonian, the carboniferous, and the permian. The Mesozoic has the triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous, finally the cenozoic has the tertiary and the quaternary.” she huffed a breath.
“In the proterozoic the first colonial cyanobacteria showed up, they have a massive evolutionary advantage, they were once called blue-green algae but that’s not a thing, and also they look green to me but whatever.” Ashoka paused, she knew she was slipping through topics, but she needed to focus on what she didn’t know. She suspected her lecture was going to get more disjointed as she went.
“Um, does anyone know the two strategies that organisms can use to create energy?”
Leif spoke up “they can eat stuff or eat the sun right?”
“Not quite” Ashoka explained “they can be heterotrophic or autotrophic, they can get their energy from chemical bonds in stuff they consume, or harness energy from light or inorganic molecules, so you were close.” Ashoka scrolled through her notes, looking for something she needed to go over. She wanted to go back to the phanerozoic eon, it was the one that had the most she needed to remember. After a bit of scrolling she found the section she wanted.
“Ah- let’s go back to the Phanerozoic, which started 543 million years ago and goes to the present day, we start with the cambrian explosion!” Fives raised his hand.
“I know this one! Or uh I think, that’s when there were a ton of new creatures right?” he asked. Ashoka nodded
“There was a massive increase in the oxygen in the atmosphere and it lead to creatures showing up. I think that one is fairly easy to remember because of the sheer drama of the Cambrian explosion. After that we have the ordovician period, that ordo-like order, and it happened right after an explosion, so chaos leads to order, this is when we get hard-shelled aquatic life and invertebrates. Like trilobites, there were also early land plants and arthropods. This also leads to large glaciers and a mass extinction, those happen sometimes.”
“The silurian period has significant changes in vertebrates and plants but other than that it’s mainly stable, the silurian, like silver, and if there’s a silver lining to a mass extinction it's that there’s an increase in biodiversity afterwards! This is when we have major colonization of the land by creatures. And the eventual creation of seed plants. In the Devonian we got more seed plants and bugs. And some vertebrates are attempting to come on land. I don’t have a good mnemonic for this one…” she huffed, slightly disappointed.
“Dreaded Devonian, aren't humans evolved from creatures that did something similar? Obviously the gungans became semi aquatic rather than fully terrestrial, but if those fish on whatever human homeworld may have existed only stayed in the damn ocean then we wouldn’t be dealing with this mess' ' Suture huffed.
“I don’t know, there are several fully aquatic sapients, we might’ve ended up here anyways.” Hardcase pointed out. Ashoka rolled her eyes.
“The carboniferous period was when coal formed, because of the compressed layers of rotting vegetation, and we have flying insects, big ones, anyone got any guesses as to why they were so large?”
“Oxygen?” Kix cut in suppressing a visible shutter, Ashoka remembered a trip to an oxygen rich planet. She also recalled nearly losing her head to a dragonfly larger than she was. “Oxygen rich planets promote large insects right? It’s cuz’ of how they breathe?”
“Yeah! That’s how I remember this period, it’s the carboniferous period, coal is carbon, and there was a lot more oxygen, so we have a period that’s all about carbon! The permian period includes the largest known mass extinction, on Naboo anyways. This is also wen ferns started getting replaced with gymnosperms, and reptiles started showing up. I think it’s fairly easy to remember this one. This is the end of the Paleozonic. To recap we have the cambrian, the ordovician, the silluran, the devonian, the carboniferous and the permian. Or, going back to the mnemonics the cambrian explosion the order after the explosion: Ordovian which still has a mass extinction, the silver lining siluran, dreaded devonian where fish started to escape, the carboniferous all about carbon and the permian extinction!”
The clones muttered in excitement, bumping against each other as they celebrated getting through the paleozoic.
“Wait, how do you remember paleozoic?” Jessie asked
“Paleo means old, and it’s the oldest of the phanerozoic.” Echo chimed an ‘ooohhh’ rippled through the crowd.
“Next up is the mesozoic, which was a mess.” Ashoka giggled “it’s actually fairly simple to remember, Naboo, like a few other planets had dinosaurs, lots of planets claim to have dinosaurs but none can ever agree what a ‘true dinosaur’ is, Naboo’s dinosaurs include reptiles and birds or aves, so that caused a little drama compared to planets whose so-called dinosaurs were all true ‘lizards’ hence the ‘messy mesozoic’” Ashoka shook her head, younglings of all sorts loved dinosaurs, and debates as to what ‘counted as a dinosaur’ had been a frequent part of her childhood. “The mesozoic had three periods, the triassic, the Jurassic and the cretaceous. The triassic is the first of three hence tri, jurassic is when the dinosaurs became doment on Naboo, and the cretaceous ended in catastrophe with the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.”
“That’s fairly easy to remember” Rex mumbled he had a datapad in his hands, amusement surrounded his force presence but Ashoka suspected he was trying to get other work done during this impromptu class.
“That’s why I like the Mesozoic, '' Ashoka agreed. “Anyways the cenozoic is what Naboo is in right now, divided into the Tertiary and Quaternary, no I don’t know why they’re named after 3 and 4. They just are. It’s easiest to remember because the cenozoic is the current one so if you remember the other three you can remember this as ‘the other one’ and then associate the numbers 3 and 4 with it and bamb cenozoic tertiary quaternary.”
Releaf filled Ashoka, they were getting through the mass of material she’d need to memorize, but there was still so much more to go. She considered, for a moment, jumping ahead, she was weakest with the later lectures but she didn’t want to skip too much. She probably should’ve looked at the exam guide to see just how much from each section was going to be on her exam. She took a deep breath.
“Does anyone remember the three domains of life?” there were only three sections left, they just had a LOT of information, and Ashoka knew she couldn’t skip it.
“Bacteria, archaea, and eukarya” Kix called, before anyone else got a chance to raise their hand.
“Perfect Kix, we’re going to talk about some of them. Bacteria is the farthest from the other two, Archaea and Eukarya diverted more recently in the history of life but they’re still very different. Microorganism is a catch all term for a small organism, it’s not really a class of thing, so much as it’s a description. Archaea and Bacteria are prokaryotic domains. All organisms have cell membranes and ribosomes, semiconservative DNA replication and metabolic pathways. I should probably mention that we’re not really going to talk about virus, right now we’re defining life as ‘has cells’ anything more complicated than that will come in a more advanced class.”
“This isn’t an advanced class?” Ashoka wasn’t sure who’d asked but she shrugged never-the-less
“No, what I’m talking about is all really quite simple, it’s just a lot and even though the class is accelerated that doesn't make it advanced, it’s the second of the introduction to biology classes…” she trailed off for a moment “well, ok, technically this is the second introduction to biology class for those looking into the sciences as a field of specialization.'' There were a few raised eyebrows, Ashoka wasn’t actually going into the sciences, truthfully she wasn’t sure where she wanted to specialize, she was good at mechanics and engineering, but didn’t have anywhere near the level of mathematical ability as her master. She had little patience for politics, despite that being a highly encouraged field, philosophy could be interesting, but she really only had a passing interest. She couldn’t really say why she’d chosen to take these classes other than the fact that they were available and would get her closer to her thesis, which she was supposed to finish before she could be truly eligible for her knight trials. There were exceptions to this rule, but they were hardly common.
Ashoka pulled herself out of her thoughts. “Right um, prokaryotic reproduction!” she exclaimed, glancing down to the page of her notes she’d settled on. “It’s called binary fission and it’s like mitosis but not quite, plasmids are small rings of dna that are related to this, also, they can do horizontal gene transfer which makes them an utter nightmare to track on an evolutionary tree because they just bump into each other and suddenly bamb new dna. Imagen bumping into some random creature and suddenly having some of its DNA in you.” the words had left her in a huff of air, disorganized and scattered. Ashoka took a moment to collect her thoughts and continued.
“Archaea share some features with eukaryotes, which makes sense because they diverged more recently than bacteria, they’re also similar to bacteria, but they’re often extremophiles, and don’t have peptidoglycan in the cell walls. Anyone know what extremophile means?”
“Can you live in dangerous environments?” Pebble asked Ashoka nodded
“That said bacteria can also live in all sorts of places, there’s autotrophs like the photosynthetic cyanobacteria and heterotrophs, some are parasitic, most move and there’s a LOT of phylum. Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria are important for this exam. They are relevant to eukaryotic cell evolution and the general planet. Cyanobacteria produce oxygen and participate in nitrogen fixation, where as proteobacteria are gram negative. They have a high metabolic diversity, and are useful in a lot of medicine.”
Suture didn’t bother to wait to be called on “is that the group bacta comes from?” Ashoka squinted
“Um, I don’t know, maybe? we’re focusing on Naboo biology and I’m still a little confused on the taxonomy of galaxy at large compared to that of Naboo alon.? I’ll look it up for you after my exam. Anyways proteobacteria are the largest group of bacteria and they’re nitrogen fixing, super important to the global nitrogen cycle of Naboo, Gammaproteobacteria can destroy methane, deltaproteobacteria include sulfate reducing bacteria, and epsilonproteobacteria are important to the global sulfur cycle, so gamma, delta, epsilon, methane, sulfate, sulfur. Bacteria can live in a lot of conditions, some can from akinetes. These are thick walled food storage cells.”
“Like those little rodents who store excess food during winter?” Fives asked.
“Yeah like those, only it’s a cell not a hole under a tree. There are also endospores which are like an escape pod, they put important stuff in the endospores and then they can recover from it afterwards. There's 5 common shapes of bacteria, Cocci are spheres, which you can remember because the C and O both make circular shapes, then there’s Bacilli which are elongated rods, the L’s and I’s remind me of the rod-shapes, Vibrios are comma shaped cells, I don’t have a mnemonic for them, nor do I really have one for Spirochaetes--flexible spiral cells, but Spirilla are rigid spiral cells, so if I remember that the S’s are spirals, an the spirilla are not the springs despite the word looking more like a ‘spring’ then I think I can do it.”
“And then Vibrios are the ‘other ones’ like before when we were covering time.” Echo mumbled.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Gram positive cells are blue or purple, and gram negative are usually pink or red, they have a thin peptidoglycan surrounded by a membrane, negative means the dye can’t stick, so it’s got a warrior." With a sigh Ashoka turned the page to the next set of notes. She was beginning to feel exhausted going over so much information in so little time. Still she took a deep breath and continued.
“Protists were the first eukaryotes, they’re most abundant in moist habitats and most are microscopic, they make about half of Naboo’s oxygen, they're the reason for the oil deposits under Naboo’s oceans and are a food source for marine and freshwater animals. Some are parasites but not all. We can divide them into protozoa, algae and fungus-like protists, the Algae are usually photoautotrophic and they produce organic compounds and oxygen, protozoa are heterotrophic and absorb small organic molecules and ingest prey, and the fungus like protists have bodies and reproduction similar to fungi. Protests are labeled based on movement, or motility, Flagellates use Flagella to swim. Flagella are long tentacle-like things at the end of the cell. Ciliates use Cilia, most of these names are self explanatory, although Amebae are less so, they extend lobes or pseudopodia to move. Echo do you know the roots for pseudopodia''
“Pseudo is fake or false, and pod is foot.”
“That’s right, protists can also be classified based on their habitats, planktonic, are aquatic photosynthetic and nutrient pollution can cause red tides. Then there’s periphytic protists which attach themselves to rocks and stands and stuff, this is what makes stocks on the shore slippery. Seaweed are also protists, also called macroalgae; they're large photosynthetic protists.”
“Protists seem complicated,” someone complained.
“They are, and there’s more too” groans filled the room, but Ashoka plowed on. “Well, more accurately we’re covering the Eukaryotic supergroups, which include protists and related plant, animal, and fungal kingdoms, so we’re going over that now.”
“More classifications,” Pebble groaned.
“Unfortunately that’s basically this entire class, so the first we’re going over is Excavata, which is an early eukaryote. You can tell it’s an Excatate because it has a feeding groove, and to excavate something is to dig a hole. Then there’s land plants and related algae which are daily easy to remember because they’re mostly colored algae. They’re very diverse. Alveolata is named for its alveoli, and dinoflagellates are aquatic, they’re the ones who form red tides, and have endosymbiosis with invertebrates, dino like dinosaurs, and they cause red tides, so danger! Dinosaurs are dangerous, hence dinoflagellates making red tides.”
“Like blood!” Fives agreed, Ashoka nodded, a serious expression on her face. The room laughed.
“Apicomplexans are parasite, remember them because they can cause diseases, and diseases are complex, I do, unfortunately need to remember the life cycle of Plasmodium, as an example we talked about Space Flu, which are spread on the Naboo brown fly, it needs two organisms to spread the flu, the plasmodium enters a humanoids blood when bitten by a brown fly, then they enter the liver, where they hide in liver cells, they can do this because the liver of most humanoids has immune privilege so the immune system can’t really look inside, because if it could then the immune system would try to kill the liver, and that’s an autoimmune disorder. They undergo mitosis, and leave as merozoites, because they make you miserable, so they move into red blood cells, and multiply until the cell bursts, which is bad. After that another brownfly will bite the humanoid and the cametocyes will enter the fly, where the gametes will fertilize, become a zygote, undergo meiosis and the cycle will start again.
“The process goes, Sporozoites, because they’re like spores--they travel outside the body, then the Merozities, which make people miserable, from there they become gametocytes, because they make gametes and then it’s back around the loop.”
Kix sighed “why does every planet seem to have some biting insect that can transfer blood-borne diseases?”
“Because the galaxy is a cruel, cruel place” Rex shot back.
“Endosymbiosis!” Ashoka declared, pulling the two out of their banter.
“Endo is inside, and symbiosis is when two organisms work together” Echo called, cutting Kix off before he could interject. The medic shot Echo a look, the ARC in question just smirked.
“That’s right Echo, primary Endosymbiosis, is when a eukaryotic cell consumes a prokaryotic cell, and secondary is when a eukaryotic cell consumes a eukaryotic cell, my teacher described this as keeping another cell as a pet, the larger cell uses the smaller cell for something, and in exchange the smaller cell gets everything it needs. This is the basic idea of how cells get mitochondria, chloroplasts, and midichlorians--”
“Wait midichlorians?” Rex asked. “I thou-”
“Don’t worry about it.” Ashoka cut in.
“No, no, wait, I thought this was just life on Naboo, how are we involving mitochondria and stuff pretty much everyone has?” Suture asked.
Ashoka huffed “we focus on how Naboo developed life, but we’re using it as a jumping off point for the rest of biological systems, it’s easiest to use one planet as an example, so we can learn the structure of the field. Endosymbiosis is a nearly universal trait in life, this is the same for Naboo.” understanding washed across the room, several cones nodded.
“Back to categorization” Ashoka announced
“I’d forgotten we were talking about that, '' Fives admitted, causing the padawan to roll her eyes.
“Stramenopila, they’ve got some algae, fungus like protists, and protozoa. They’re named for the straw-like hairs on their flagella, which is what the name translates to. Brown algae or kelp are marine, they can make entire forests, and bind to rocks with alginic acid. Which is widely used around the galaxy. Diatoms are where the oil deposits on Naboo come from. They also have silicone dioxide in their cell walls, does anyone know what that means?”
“Silicon dioxide… sand right? I believe glass, real glass can be made from that.” Leif says. Ashoka nodded
“Rhizera have some flagellates with some hair-like extensions from their cytoplasm which are filose pseudopodia.”
“So thread-like fake feet?” Kix asked
“Well, more like limbs in this case but yeah!” Asoka agreed, her smile was bright as she moved on “Amoebozoa, those are the ones that can move with pseudopodia, and have ameba and slime molds. Opisthokonta are a part of the animals and fungi kingdoms, as well as related protists, these are the closest living relatives of animals” Ashoka took another moment to breath, she was starting to truly feel exhausted. She shook herself out of it, and announced another break. She only had three sections left, but it was starting to wear on her.
Ashoka hadn’t bothered to leave the impromptu lecture hall, instead she’d merely flopped down and closed her eyes until everyone started to filter back in. she really hoped this would be enough to save her grade tomorrow. It wasn’t that everything was complicated, it was really simple to understand, there was just a LOT of memorization, and that was never something she was partuarally skilled at. Ashoka groaned, she was much better at concepts than she was at remembering lists. How Barris managed to be so good at memorization wasn’t something she would ever understand. The padawan laughed under her breath. Barris would make a good biologist, or healer; her skills at memorization would serve her well if she ever decided to become a Jedi healer.
“Are you doing ok commander?” Rex’s voice surprised her, he’d been the first to return.
“Yeah, this is just a lot, and I don’t wanna fail my exam tomorrow.” she sighed and rubbed her hands down her face.
“From what I can tell you’re doing pretty good. I’ll admit you’ve jumped from topic to topic a few times, and some of this is utterly lost on me, but you’re a good teacher.”
“You think so? Honestly I kinda thought everyone was humoring me.” Ashoka admitted
“You think we were taught this kind of biology? I mean we were taught enough to understand the basics, but we never went in depth, the medics might have, but I don’t know.”
“I’m glad this is interesting.” Ashoka smiled, by now the rest of the men had shuffled in. Ashoka basked in the warmth they radiated through the force. She took one last deep, calming breath, and rolled to her feet.
“The animal kingdom is monophyletic, so they include the common ancestor of animals, and all their descendants. From this we can organize them into a chart. Starting at the common ancestor of animals, they gain multicellularity and two germ layers. Animals are typically divided by body symmetry, germ layers and the way they develop embryonically. There are the bilateral which are bilaterally symmetric, and the others, the first of the others is the ctenophora--comb jellies. They gained a mestre some so their triploblastic. Then we have the porifera, they’re not symmetric, and they have lost germ layers, they’re also made up of cells sorta stuck together rather than tissues, they are extremely simple and very old. Then there’s the true jellies the cnidaria, they’re distinct because like the comb jellies they're radially symmetric, but they also have specialized stinging cells and they’re diploblastic, they have two germ layers. After those three are the bilateral, which have bilateral symmetric, with one exception but that’s an evolutionary regression they’re also triploblastic, or they have three germ layers.
These form when a diploid zygote undergoes cleavage and makes a blastula, part of this blastula makes a little divided, and makes a gastrula containing layers called germ layers.The biladerla can be divided into the prostostromia and the deuterostome. Wanna translate Kix?”
“Mouth first and mouth second?”
“Yeah, this is because of how they develop in the embryo, the blastopore is a pore form during development, in poststomes you have determinate cleavage, if you cut the embryo the broken off part won’t form another organism, they also have spiral cleavage where they layer into a spiral in the dustersomes there’s indeterminate cleavage, so if you split the embryo early on you can get two fully developed organisms. Identical twins can only form in deuterostomes. To explain the mouth thing because in protostomes the blastopore becomes the mouth, hence mouth first, and in deuterostomes the blastopore becomes the anus.” Ashoka’s smile turned down right mischievous “most patients are deuterostomes, in Naboo and beyond. This includes humans and humanoids.” amusement danced in the force, and several grins spread their way across the faces of Ashoka’s men.
“We can also identify animals based on the structure of the body. A coelom is a fluid filled cavity in the dobby, and coelomates have a true coelom, it’s completely lined with the mesoderm. Pseudocoelomates have a fluid filled cavity but it’s not entirely lined in tissue and acoelomates don’t have a cavity, it's cells all the way down! Any ideas why this might be useful or what this might do.”
“Uhh, well a creature would be less dense if they have a cavity right?” Leif asked.
“And they might be more flexible, with one, or at least more able to move, commander, can you elaborate on the difference between pseudocoelomates and coelomates?” Pebble asked
“Oh yeah, um, in true coelomates they have both ends of the coelom coated, so they can cover organs and stuff.”
“So it can offer more protection too?” Jessie asked.
“Yeah! Those are all good answers.” satisfaction passed though the force. “Another criteria is segmentation, any guesses as to how that works or why it’s useful.”
“Well it divides the animal into segments, clearly” Hardcase said.
“Maybe they can repeat body plans?” Fives added.
“Or customize segments?” Kix added. Ashoka smiled and nodded.
“Yeah! So those are methods of classifying animals, now we move on to actually looking at the different animals, comb jellies, or ctenophora are considered the earliest diverging animal lineage! They’re all aquatic, they have two long tentacles and lack stinging cells. True Naboo jellies have stinging cells, but these don’t hence, the different lineage. They also lack Hox genes, this is significant because I said earlier that all animals have hox genes, the thing about biology is that there’s an exception to practically every rule, so we learn rules that are generalizations more than rules, because at this level it’s easiest to explain the rules and the exceptions rather than to remember each instance that follows the rule. If that makes sense?”
The clones nodded and ashoka continued “I mentioned that sponges are old and simple, which is true, most are asthmatic and the adults don’t move. They’ve got sharp spicules--like spikes--and can produce some toxins. They reproduce sexually and asexually. The Cnidaria are Naboo true jellies, they’re diploblastic and radially symmetric. They have stinging cells, polyps are sessile and free swimming medusas are motile. Lophotrochozoa are part bilateral, prostosoms so they are formed mouth first and are bilaterally symmetric, they’re a diverse group, and they’re daily easy to remember because the lophotrochozoa have either a lophore or a trophopre which is basically a bunch of feeding tendrils. They also include platyhelminthes which are flatworms, flatworms are very cute, they’ve got two little eyespots and are…. Well, flatworms. They’re small because they're ancolomes so they can’t get too big. Ecdysozoa have a cuticle which is a structure like an exoskeleton it supports and protects the animal, they’ve got buncha appendages, and include bugs. The curitcal means they need to have internal fertilization. Nematodes are roundworms. Quite a few of these are parasitic, but all roundworms have a bad reputation. Not all are parasites.”
“This is one of the longest segments, we’re almost done with this whole thing, unfortunately these last sections are the longest.” Ashoka explained, she couldn't help but let out a yawn, before she refocused and continued “arthropods are one of the most successful groups in the galaxy. On Naboo alone they make up 75% of the species we know about. They’ve got an exoskeleton, segmented limbs, and cephalization which is when you move your sensory organs to one side of your body, like for example, in the head. They also have a complete digestive system. This group doesn't have blood, not exactly, instead they have an open circulatory system where blood is mixed with other body fluids creating hemolymph. Remember when we were talking about large bugs? This is because the cuticle prevents gasses from diffusing, so they need to be small to get oxygen throughout their bodies, in oxygen rich environments well… they have more access to oxygen so they can afford to get larger without suffocating.”
Kix nodded, Fives’ eyes had glazed over, and he blinked a few times trying to refocus on the topic, he was far from the only one.
“Chelicerata are spiders and others, they’ve got two major segments, so they can’t really turn their heads without turning part of their bodies. They also have 4 pairs of walking legs, hence eight legs. Oh and they have fangs. Myriapoda are millipedes and centipedes, because they have a myriad of legs, millipedes have two pairs of walking legs per segment, they move slow and eat plants whereas centipedes only have one walking leg pair per segment their predators--like me--and move fast; hexapods have three segments, three pairs of walking legs, anre are insects. They live on restoril environments. Oh and they have wings. Insects have separate sexes, they use internal fertilization, and most have complete metamorphosis, does anyone know what that is?”
Leif smiled before answering “yeah that’s the thing where they look totally different as adults compared to babies, it’s like egg, worm, craigslist, adult right?”
“Yes and no, it is when they look different, but it’s egg larba, pupa, adult. Some insects do incomplete metamorphosis, which only has three stages: eggs, nymphs and adults; they look like smaller adults as babies. There’s also crustacea which are crabs and such, they’ve got antennae--two of them, and have to molt.
“Deuterstomia have echinoderms and chordates, the first is aquatic stars urchins and cucumbers. The second is all invertebrates and a few invertebrates. Stars are radially symmetric, but that’s an evolutionary regression, they were bilaterally symmetrical and went back to a previous trait, as babies they’re bilaterally symmetric and as adults they’re radially symmetric. They can also regenerate from parts broken off. They have endoskeletons and water vascular systems. Chordates have a notochord which is a flexible rod between the digestive tract and nervous system. And a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a postanal tail. Anyone know what Chordate means?”
“String I think” Kix announced.
“Yeah, like a spinal cord.” Ashoka’s words were light. “The basic chordate body plan kinda looks like a weird teardrop, and there are groups within them, like the lancelets which are basically tubes that hangout underground and stick out a little bit, there are also tunicates which are larger tubes, if the lancelets were sticks the tunicates are full circles.'' There was laughter in the air. Ashoka double checked her notes and sighed in relief, there was only one section left. The vertebrates. She was almost done.
“Alright! Last section” she announced with glee “the vertebrates, we’re gonna focus on the chordate clades. If you remember they have a notochord, which is an early version of a backbone, a nerve cord, and a post-anal tail, they also have pharyngeal gill slits. Vertebrates retain the chordate characteristics but modify them. With a vertebral column, a cranium, an endoskeleton and a buncha internal organs. Alright, who remembers when I explained that biology is always changing?”
Several cones raised their hands and AShoka smiled “perfect, so the naming of stuff in biology is a nightmare, especially when we compare planets to the galaxy at large, in general Naboo uses the galactic standard to name stuff, but even then there are some holdovers, so we’ll see names that should be descriptors be an older part of a linarge, so the bony fishes are the fishes with bones and also the lineages that branched off them. Anyways we’re not starting with them, first are the cyclostomes, the jawless fishes, Echo wanna translate?”
“Circle mouth!” he chimed
“Yea, so there’s the agfish, and the lamprey, circle mouth, they don’t have jaws so they don’t have teeth but they do sometimes have spiky bits that can look like teeth. Jaws are important and they came from gill arches because remember most life started in the water. Chondrichthyes are shakes and such, they have jaws but teeth aren't super set in, and they’re denser than water so they’ve gotta move a lot and fill their liver with oil to stay alive. Sharks you may have heard, have to keep moving so they don’t die, this is true because they need to swim forward to push water through this gills, and because that’s how they breath it’s a little important.”
Fives chuckled and muttered something to Echo, who cuffed him on the back of his head.
“Osteichthyes fishes with bony skeletons, oste like osteo which I think are bones, anyways they’ve got a bony skeleton, a flap called the operculum that covers the gills and a swim bladder, so unlike sharks they’re buoyant! The ray-finned fishes are easy to remember because Actinopterygill literally translates to ray-finned, just like sarcopterygii is lobe-finned, unlike ray-finned fishes they’re finns are supported by skeletal extensions that supports muscles and they’re the ones who will eventually branch off into coelacanths lungfishes and tetrapods, so because they’ve got the pressessor to limbs we will eventually escape water. Over time the front fins will develop into front limbs that can maybe escape water. Although first you need fish that can gulp air, lungfish, being able to breath air means they can, overtime, develop to fully breath air, rather than being in and out of the water. Going in and out of the water makes them amphibious. They have two life stages, and start in water then move out, they reproduce sexually and are frogs and are divided into anura frogs and toads, apoda caecilians and urodela which are salamanders.
“The amniotic egg sheltered embryos when moving onto land, keeping them safe and preventing them from dying out, because most development needs to be done wet! Reptiles are now here, if you remember the messy mesozoic from earlier then you’ll remember Naboo’s dinosaurs ended up including birds, this is because the common ancestor of reptiles and birds is the same creature. Of the reptiles there are testudines or titles, squamata lizards and snakes, crocodilia and aves. Mammals show up next, they’re milk producing amniotes, they have mammary and sweat glands, hair cephalized teeth, and an enlarged skull. They also have their own subgroups, prototheria which are older and lay eggs, meatheria, marsupials, which are mostly in one region in naboo, and there Eutheria which are placental mammals”
Ashoka’s grin was manic “that’s all of my notes, so we’ve caught up to the material I need to know for my exam tomorrow. Thank you all so much, I’m going to go pass out and review everything one more time in the morning.” and with that the padawan swept herself out of the room, looking truly exhausted.
“Good luck commander!” every trooper called after her, but she was already half asleep and barely processed the words more than a warm feeling in her soul.
0 notes

Passed out after breakfast (uneddited verision of my last post)
0 notes