#underwater library
voca-song-a-day · 5 months
Today's featured song is: "The Library in the Sea" by Poi feat. Kizuna Akari!
(Also, today is the 6th anniversary of Akari's release!)
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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A young woman training to perform as a mermaid at Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida. Lessons include breath control, underwater ballet, synchronized swimming, graceful movement, and underwater dining etiquette. Audiences watch the mermaids perform from an underground theater embedded in the side of the spring.
Care and Feeding of a Mermaid, 1961
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thesmartartslibrary · 7 months
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fataviola · 1 month
When the cover finally makes sense!
Chapter 5 is online, the moment where Herera and part of her crew visit...
The underwater world...
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aquaramelia · 7 months
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fabioafterdark · 1 year
im rereading 20,000 leagues under the sea for the first time since i was like an actual child and my first impression of captain nemo is that he is so full of shit lol. youve renounced civilisation have you? do u not obey the rules of society? you, alone on your ship, alone in the immense desert of the ocean aside from servants crewmen kitchen staff etc who dont rly count, have perfect independence and liberty here in the depths of the ocean, where systems of power and control cannot reach you? you recognise no masters? why is it then that on receiving three uninvited guests/prisoners, u invite only the one with a high social status to dine with you and have a tour of the most luxurious parts of ur vessel and sleep in an elegantly furnished guest bedroom while the servant and the seaman are sent away with the steward to their shared cabin downstairs below decks. i wonder if your own servants and crew feel similarly free from all hierarchical systems of power and control lmao. i wonder what they get paid with
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defness · 6 months
Sea but Minecraft™
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ruffled-serpent · 1 year
Me, adding locations to my lair: the plaguelings can have a bone pile, as a treat
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nevinslibrary · 1 year
Comic Book Saturday
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This was weird, so weird. On the other hand, I didn’t even notice as it sucked me in so very fast, and I finished the book in 20 minutes.
It's about Iggie, a kid who moves to Peculiar Woods because his family situation has changed (and from what’s in this volume is definitely complicated). In Peculiar Woods there may be ghosts, and there is definitely a flooded city. As Iggie and his new friends go on an adventure to find the Ancient Underwater City (oh, that reveal was just perfect), we also learn much more about the flooded city too, but, not too much, since this seems to be just the first volume. I hope there will be more to the story for sure.
You may like this book If you Liked: Mellybean and the Giant Monster by Mike White, Housecat Trouble by Mason Dickerson, or Bug Scouts by Mike Lowery
Peculiar Woods: The Ancient Underwater City by Andrés J. Colmenares
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kru-sader · 2 years
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*inhales aggressively* i love oceans and seas so much i want to learn everything about them and go inside and look and discover and take pictures of so many things that are just tiny components of unrestrictedly large and powerful seas - all of which are completely contradictory to my fear of drowning and you know how there are so many people with a beautiful curious kinda love for space and astronomy, I have that love for oceans and its habitants and the term for that is thalassophile (i.e. lover of the sea) but i find the word scary so i dont use it but yeah i need to find other people who love everything sea and ocean related-...*exhale*
P.S- I love the fifth picture and all these are from pinterest so let me know where i could give credits.
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chiaperfectlysp00ky · 6 months
Sand piranhas
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As our research team ventured deeper into the underwater cave system, our initial excitement stemmed from our primary mission: to study the elusive octopus colony rumored to inhabit these uncharted depths. Dr. Sarah Martinez, our esteemed leader, led the expedition with unwavering determination, eager to unlock the secrets of these intelligent cephalopods. As we pressed further into the cavern, our curiosity would lead us to a terrifying discovery - one that would forever alter the course of our expedition and plunge us into a nightmare from which there would be no escape.
As we explored the caverns, our fascination with the octopus colony grew with each passing moment. We marveled at the intricate network of dens and hiding spots they had fashioned within the rocky crevices, their elusive presence adding to the mystique of the underwater world.
But it was not just the octopuses that captured our attention. At first, we were mesmerized by the sight of these creatures, observing their behavior with keen interest. Their sleek bodies darted through the water with graceful precision, their movements synchronized in a mesmerizing dance. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the intricate balance of life in the underwater world. As we ventured deeper into the cave system, our excitement was palpable. The walls shimmered with bioluminescent algae, casting an otherworldly glow upon the rocky surfaces.
To our amazement, we discovered that the cave system was teeming with Excirolana chilton, the enigmatic sand piranhas of the ocean floor. Their sheer numbers were staggering, far exceeding anything we had encountered in our previous research expeditions.
But amidst our awe, we couldn't help but notice the abundance of Excirolana chilton, the elusive sand piranhas of the ocean floor, skittering among the crevices in unprecedented numbers.The abundance of Excirolana chilton hinted at something darker lurking beneath the surface, a hidden threat that we had yet to comprehend. Despite their menacing appearance, we were captivated by the creatures' behavior, documenting their movements with keen interest.
But as our amazement turned to unease, we realized the true extent of the danger we were in. Little did we know that our curiosity would soon lead us into a nightmare from which there would be no escape.
A mishap occurred when one of our team members accidentally cut themselves on a jagged rock, releasing the scent of blood into the water. In an instant, the tranquil depths erupted into chaos as the sand piranhas, emboldened by the scent of fresh prey, surged towards us with terrifying speed.
Panic-stricken, we fought desperately to fend off the relentless onslaught, but the creatures were relentless in their pursuit. With each passing moment, more of my colleagues fell victim to the frenzied predators, their screams echoing through the cavernous chamber.
As the last of us succumbed to the merciless assault, the once serene underwater world was transformed into a battleground of survival, stained crimson with blood. I was so close to escape as I reached the underwater caves entrance but I felt too tired to keep going...And as darkness closed in around me, we realized with horror that our expedition into the depths had ended in tragedy, our curiosity leading us to a fate worse than we could have ever imagined.
As consciousness slowly returned, I found myself in a sterile hospital room, surrounded by the soft hum of medical equipment. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I struggled to piece together the events that had led me here. Memories of the underwater cave system and the relentless attack of the sand piranhas flooded back with terrifying clarity.
As I attempted to sit up, a wave of searing pain shot through my body, and I recoiled in agony. It was then that I noticed the absence of three of my limbs, replaced by bandages and the cold metal of prosthetics. My heart sank as the reality of what had happened washed over me, a cruel reminder of the horrors I had faced in the depths of the ocean.
It was not long before a doctor entered the room, his expression grave as he explained how a passing boat had discovered me floating adrift in the middle of nowhere, my mutilated body a testament to the brutality of the ocean's depths. The rescue team had managed to pull me from the water just in time, but the damage had already been done.
As the doctor spoke of my injuries and the long road to recovery that lay ahead, a sense of overwhelming dread washed over me. The ocean, once a source of wonder and fascination, now filled me with an everlasting fear, its depths concealing horrors beyond imagining.
In the days and weeks that followed, I struggled to come to terms with the trauma that had forever changed my life. The memories of that fateful expedition haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked beneath the surface of the sea. The rest of my team was found. Some drowned in the, others died from blood loss and I wish I never survived.
And though I may never fully recover from the physical and emotional scars left behind by that harrowing ordeal, I carry with me a newfound respect for the power of the ocean and the creatures that call it home. For in the end, it is not just the depths of the sea that hold darkness, but the depths of our own fears as well.
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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Toni Frissell, Weeki Wachee spring, Florida, for Harper’s Bazaar, 1947
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thesmartartslibrary · 24 days
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mylifeinfiction · 7 months
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The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire
"I wasted so much time looking back that I haven't let myself look forword..."
A story about the fear of fatherhood told with a Twilight Zone inspired approach and a poignant understanding of the crushing pressure our main character is going up against. Lemire writes this type of small-town average Joe so incredibly well, compassionately bringing to life their complex simplicity, their doubts and fears, their hopes and dreams. And his premise here is brought to life with such quiet candor and genuine desperation that all of the book's themes hit home with a familiar unease.
Also, once again I'm rather taken with Lemire's artwork. When I started researching more of his work after reading his Moon Knight run, one of the major complaints I kept seeing were people disliking his artwork. I get where they're coming from, but for the types of stories and characters he's delivering (at least the ones I've read), his style really helps to bring them to life more authentically.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
Note: Yes, I am aware that 'forward' is spelled incorrectly in the quote, but that's how it's written in the book, so... ::shrugs::
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libraryofbaxobab · 11 months
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October 10, 2023:
My library due date was coming up, so I had to read this one fast. No pressure. Ha ha, get it? I was mildly surprised to find this to be a monster story rather than the natural disaster I was promised. Like the whole thing hinges on a rift opening under the sea but that just becomes a background threat to the more pressing issue of there being A Creature™️. That's fine, just know you're not getting the ecological catastrophe you signed up for. I was also mildly surprised about how few of the scares come from actually diving (it's there, certainly, just not as much as I thought!), considering that is a horrifying activity. I like to listen to caving & diving accidents on YouTube and that shit is spine-chilling even when they have all the equipment and nothing is chasing them. This is free-diving, so it's all on a breath hold. I would have loved more of that at the expense of less time with Shady Organization Inc. Because of that, I don't even consider this horror, it's more of an action-adventure. This would be great for active fans of James Rollins; there's a bunch of chase scenes, scientific discoveries, betrayals, bad guys with guns. Oh and also a fucking pirates-style Kraken attack. It's not terribly deep (ha ha, get it?) or complex, just some decent turn-off-your-brain entertainment.
5/10 #WhatsKenyaReading
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petitexmagician · 1 year
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No lie, if I miss something important from this event because I won't deal with Klee I'm gonna be upset. You have us dealing with Paimon opening her mouth every five seconds I refuse to deal with Klee.
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