Did a quick sketch and/or redesign of the souls last night
Thought it looked a bit better then how it previously looked
I also did a few arrangements because I was just bored and have too much time on my hands
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^^^Order in Omega Flowey fight/supposed order of fall/where items are found
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^^^Order in sweater/clothing colour
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^^^Order in soul colour
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^^^Shadow cuts
Some of them also got some rewrites on their character,but overall they’re still mostly the same
Alern probably got the most changes tho.Now they’re a kid who seems lawful/neutral but is actually a chaotic little gremlin and I love them ahgadgugag(their sass knows no limits)
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8bitinspired-blog · 7 years
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These are all the color options available when purchasing one of our Undertale Heart necklaces. The yellow can be upside down if you so wish. Aren’t they amazing and so cute? 
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Decided to try something today
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I think it turned out pretty ok ^^
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I suddenly feel like talking about my children today,so I guess we're doing this now
Patience(Fhaze):11 years old
Fell down along with Integrity at the same time.They're quiet and is basically afraid of everything.They'd much rather rely on other people then believing in their own abilities,despite being the most logical one of the group.They'd go along with the others without really stating their own opinion first.
They enjoys playing with dolls(mainly cuddly ones)and would sometimes bring it along with them.
Bravery(Iffie):10 years old
Fell down a few years after the first fallen.They're bold and they'd make their choices based on how they're feeling that day,so they'd definitely can't,or won't keep a promise longer then a day.Their optimism makes their bad habit worse(since they'd just laugh it off with some dumb joke or something)
They have little to no awareness of their own dignity,and that's scary when it comes to making choices
Integrity(Nobel):12 years old
The eldest of the group.Fell down along with Patience.
They're a sincere,honest,and slightly awkward elder sibling figure of the group.They're really strict with themself,and would push themself out of their limits when they're doing something.
Perseverance(Alern):9 years old
Fell not long before Frisk.They're definitely not the friendliest person of the group,as they'll insult you with cold words(and slap the reality of the situation in your face with no mercy).They're always stuck in their own world and that shows in their speech patterns,which contains some over the top and colourful words.Almost similar to a narrator or reporter.
They have shown interest in horror,both physical and psychological.
Kindness(Lyma):8 years old
The youngest of the group.Everyone loves this bundle of sunshine.
They love helping people and taking care of them with whatever time they have at the moment.They also really enjoy talking to everyone...and anyone in fact.They are struggling to cook a proper meal tho,so they can't help them by cooking meals.
They can be sassy at times,but are mostly playful,harmless sass.
Justice(Ediate):11 years old
Aggressive,and a potty mouth.But they are a really caring and kind person,and they show that in their own unique way.They're really impatient when it comes to finishing their goals in a slow pace--they prefer doing it quickly.
They despises bad people(in their standards anyway),and they'd do anything to strike them down.
They have some experiences on using a couple types of guns,so they're basically unstoppable with a gun.So get the gun away from them,they will shoot your eye out.
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Monster Candy
The kids would have different reactions towards the bowl of monster candy back in the ruins(if that bowl of candy even existed back then)
Chara would follow the instructions and take one candy.They would feel guilty if they had to take more then one,so whenever they’re taking more then one it’s for Asriel
Iffie would just take the entire bowl of candy with them without even reading the note in front of the bowl
Ediate would walk past the bowl without taking any.They are not a fan of sweet things
Lyma would either follow the instructions and taking only one or leave the bowl as it is,since they feel kinda bad taking the candy from the bowl.
Fhaze would overthink a lot until they finally decided to take one candy from the bowl,and then realise it’s normal candy instead of candy type monsters ^^” (They couldn’t leave the bowl alone since they love sweets)
Nobel would take a couple,but not enough to spill the bowl.They’re probably taking them so that they could give them to the people they know on the surface.(They might also write something on the back of the note to apologise or something for taking more then one)
Alern would just ignore the note and take however much they needed
Frisk would be curious on what happens if they take more then one,and so they take more and more until the bowl spilled over(and cry over it)
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Just thinking about the kids today and I realized something
Out of everyone,Nobel is the most developed character with an entire backstory and a solid personality,while Iffie has the shakiest personality and backstory.The only personality that I've given to them that is set in stone is their playfulness and their dangerously lack of regards for the rules.Other then that they basically have nothing.
Alern doesn't have a solid backstory as well,but at least they have a personality that's solidified.
I should really start working on them again,especially with Iffie.
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Fhaze,although doesn't seem like it,are not really that afraid of horror stories(and frankly,more confused then afraid).
They'd be too busy questioning why the characters in the story make the stupid choices that they did then to be afraid of the story.
Alern,on the other hand,would sometimes agree with Fhaze on how stupid the characters are,and sometimes be mildly frustrated at them.
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