#underswap papyrus imagines
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cherry-poppins · 5 months ago
Late Night Snack Run - US!Papyrus X Reader
Restless nights feel better when i'm by your side Distracting my thoughts as you fill my soul Salty seas and jealous stars This won't be the last night I share with you
It was a warm summer night, the stars decorated the sky only to be blinded by the light of the moon, stealing the night sky. You had always been a night owl, as they say. For whatever reason you’d claim. Either perhaps you’re used to working late nights, your hours taken by studying till dawn, maybe you just loved late nights, find the peace in it, no one to bother you.
But for some reason tonight was different.
You had been tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep, your mind overwhelmed with thoughts and worries. Feeling them crawl up your spine and latch onto your mind, chewing into you as you attempt to dismiss them with peaceful slumber. Yet here you were, awake and mind brimming with anxieties and overgrown thoughts. While you’d love to just pretend and get over it you knew you had to do something to clear your head, and thankfully you knew just the night owl to help you.
Swiftly picking your phone from your nightstand, groaning as the lights hits your eyes. Promptly turning the brightness all the way down before sending a text to the one person you knew would be up at this time.
A few minutes later, you hear a knock at your door. You’re quick to descend down the stairs to the front door. Opening the door you greet him with a finger pressed to your lips, signaling him to be quiet.
"Hey, what's up? Has something happened?" Papyrus whispered, eyeing you with worry. You can tell he hadn’t planned on going to bed tonight due to the fact he was still in his day clothes, dark gray sweats and his signature mallow yellow hoodie. Which you loved to steal from time to time, shit was so thick and soft. The best during winter.
"I can't sleep," you replied, also whispering. You cross your arms as the cool night air sinks into your clothes. "I just need to get out of the house or some shit ya know”
He nodded, leaning against the door frame. “Ah i gotcha, hmm. How about we hit the gas station for some snacks and then chill at the beach”
You couldn’t help but smile at the idea. “Yeah lets, ya brought ya car?” you asked.
He chuckled as he shook his head. “Heh, nup. Teleported here, but lemme teleport you back to my place and we can fetch it”
You nodded, quickly sliding on a pair of shoes.
“Welp you know the drill, hang on.” You clutch onto Papyrus, closing your eyes as you feel the ground at your feet warp, and disappear for a second before you back on solid ground. Opening your eyes you meet with the front of papyrus and his brother's house.
“I swear I'll never get used to teleporting” You say as you take a deep breath, trying to ground yourself. Papyrus just chuckled as he ruffled your hair before going off to fetch his car keys.
We made our way down the street, the only sound was the hum of the car's engine . The night was quiet and still, the only lights coming from the street lamps and the occasional passing car.
"So, what's been keeping you up?" Papyrus asked, breaking the silence.
You sighed. "A lot of things… work has been up my ass and unfortunately i can't just up and quit. My Family hasn't been making it any easier, I love them to bits but it seems like there's always something and that something is always my fault…” You stare out the car window, breathing in the cold night air. Letting it clear your mind and wash away the stress. “It's all just been weighing on me lately, ya know?."
"I hear you, life’s just shit like that sometimes." Papyrus said sympathetically. "Sometimes you just need to get out and clear your head."
We arrived at the gas station, and you went inside to grab a few snacks while Papyrus filled up the car with fuel. You bought a few drinks and candy, snuck a donut because why not, you were having a bad day. As we were leaving, the cashier called out to us. "Hey, aren't you two a little young to be out this late?" he asked suspiciously.
You laughed nervously. "Just grabbing some snacks. We'll be on our way." We were quick to make our way back to the car and drive off, relieved to be out of the cashier's line of sight.
We both looked at each other and laughed. “What was that all about?” Papyrus chuckled, shaking his head.
“Fuck if i know, either he was just trying to look out for us or he was some massive weirdo” You responding, whipping your eyes from the rogue tear the slipped and to cleanse yourself or the weird interaction.
“We don’t look that young do we?” Papyrus gaze turns to me. “I mean I get that i still have the youthful glow to me but you don't look a day over 35” he winks.
You gasp, dramatically holding your hand to your heart. “Oh you wound me, the absolute audacity!” You whine, giving him the middle finger which slipped another giggle out of Papyrus.
Another comfortable silence settles between you two, silently lip-syncing to the murmured tunes of the radio. You turn your gaze slightly to papyrus, not so much so that he notices but you knew that he would notice regardless. He had the tendency to notice small things like that. As you looked at him, watching as the street lights reflected across his skull. You smile to yourself, remember when you two first met, all the times you’ve called him up and he came without question. The times he called you, even if it was for you just to be near him while he wrote his book, says you inspire him… whatever that means. You look out the window again, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly at that last thought. You appreciated Papyrus, appreciated his company, his friendship. A smile forms on your lips.
"Thanks for coming with me," You said, breaking the silence again. "I don't know what I would have done without you."
"Anytime," Papyrus replied with a smile. "That's what friends are for, right?"
“Yeah right, what are friends for”
After a small while we finally made our way to the beach, the tide coming in as it lapped against the bay. The air salty mixed with the cold night wind, you could help but breathe it in. It was like your body craved the salt of the sea, the fresh cool air, clear night sky and the sounds of the ocean…. Wow you really needed to get out of the city more often.
Papyrus parked the car, taking a seat on the car's bonnet, with you following a quick pursuit. Cracking open a bottle of coke as papyrus was already digging into the donuts. You made a comment on the price of gas station snacks, saying that if this happened often that you’d go bankrupt. Papyrus commented that you'll be the reason that the gas station will still be in business.
You both sat watching the stars go by, talking about events that happened in your life, what book you were reading, what book he was writing. How you lost your favorite sock and that you had the best indian take out the other week. Papyrus claiming that the show he’s been binging had the worst ending, shitty writing he calls it. But he did find a cool coffee machine the other day so he could make his own coffee at home but he doesn't know how to use it.
“Ha, then why’d ya buy it then ya ding dong?” You laugh, shaking your head at his absolute tomfoolery.
Like every other question I give him he answers with a shrug “I dunno? It looked fancy for cheap? Plus who doesn't want to make their own coffee at home.”
Another laugh escaped your lips. “Mate you’re so lucky that i worked at a bakery with a cafe once and that they taught me how to use those suckers because they were short of a barista”
“Well would you look at that, see, so there was a point in buying it” Papyrus smirks and gives you a little playful nudge.
You dramatically gasp and give him a shove back. “Oi you bought it before you knew i could work em”
“Eh that 's true but it's a very good coincidence wouldn't you say? Call it destiny if you will”
“What, the coffee machine?” You ask confused.
“What?” he asks back, clearly more confused than you.
“You wanna call the coffee machine, Destiny?” You try to explain, starting to feel a bit embarrassed “Is that not what you meant?”
He looked a bit confused at first but the realization kicked in and Papyrus was “No, that's not what i- ahaha.” He threw his head back in laughter, tears brought to his eyes, you couldn't help but laugh a bit with him
“Wait I wasn't trying to be funny- was that not what you were- oh…. Oh fuck i’m an actual dumbass” You giggle as your face heated up in shame.
Wiping a tear from his eye he wraps his bony arm around you and pulls you close. “Eh, I'm the dumbass who bought a coffee machine and didn't know how to use it. You tell me who sounds like the bigger dumbass?”
“Yeah but ur my dumbass” you bantered, giving his shoulder a half assed punch.
Papyrus gave the most dramatic look to you before sassily saying. “Oh how dare you… You know what, i think i will name the coffee machine destiny”
“Pft yeah yeah, whatever” you giggle as you exit out of Paps arms and lay on the bonnet of the car, you gaze, eyeing the night sky, feeling your mind go quiet. You smile as you watch a shooting star go by, wondering if it was a trick of the light as it went by so fast…. If it was you were just gonna pretend it was a shooting star for luck. You look towards papyrus, realizing he must also see your trick of the light shooting star too.
“Ready to go home buckaroo” Papyrus asks as he turns to you.
You nodded, feeling ready to go to bed after this whole thing. Though you weren't sure if you wanted to spend the night alone. “Yeah… uh actually don't suppose i could stay at your place tonight?”
Papyrus smiled “yeah why not, suppose you wanna borrow my clothes to sleep in again too”
You gave him a light shove, papyrus dramatically falling off the bonnet of the car.
You both drove around for a while longer, talking and laughing, before finally heading back. As they pulled up to papyrus’s house, you turned to Papyrus.
“Hey Paps, thanks for doing this with me. I had the best time” You admitted, leaning against his car once you exited it.
“What are friends for honey, come on let's getcha inside. You ready?” He asks, holding out his hand for you.
Letting out a content sigh you waste no time grabbing his hand, giving it a small squeeze. “Yeah, I’m ready”
Quietly teleporting to Papyrus’s room, you stumble a bit forward, but Papyrus was quick to catch you. You whisper a small thank you before rummaging around his closet looking for something to sleep in. You chuck on some of his sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, and flop onto his bed. Stealing one of his pillows you cuddled it waiting for papyrus to join you. Papyrus finally joined, covering the top of them in his weighted doona blanket. Wrapping his arms around you, spooning you as you spooned the pillow as you like to cuddle a pillow as you sleep. You murmured something as Papyrus placed a soft kiss on your forehead before your body finally took rest. Your mind is empty as you fall into slumber, feeling warm, cozy and happy. Knowing that no matter what life threw at you, that you had someone who would always be there for you.
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savi-our · 1 month ago
Introducing Underswap, Fellswap and Underfell!
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Sooo, I decided i should do introductory posts for my OG boys as well, seeing as I never actually did that before and i just felt bad leaving them out 😔 So!
Starting from the far left - Underswap!
Blue - An energetic and adventurous skeleton that takes pride in protecting those weaker than him! He is innocent and naive .... or at least that's what he would have you believe. In actuality Blue tends to have a rather impressive manipulator streak, not that he'll ever acknowledge it.
Stretch - A chill and laid back skeleton that hides his emotions behind a masterful air of cool disinterest. He pretends to be smooth - but those closest to him know that he's a rather avid nerd and a very hobby oriented monster!
In the middle we have Fellswap!
Black - A rambunctious and loud skeleton that often goes into tales of his many exploits! Black exudes an air of confidence but in actuality struggles with making meaningful connections, despite how quietly he yearns for them.
Mutt - A flirty and shameless skeleton that finds pleasure in annoying and teasing everyone around him. A true skirt chaser - Mutt is known for his silver tongue and ability to get practically anyone to sleep with him.
And at the very right we have Underfell!
Red - A gruff and rough skeleton that often throws his weight around. Red is a lazy skeleton that will do or say anything to get out of working an honest days work. He has a rather avid interest in humans and is often seen chatting them up at bars during the late hours of the evening.
Edge - A stubborn and principled skeleton that throws his opinions around with a practiced fury. Edge believes that his way is the best way and will challenge anyone who goes against his opinions! Also has a rather avid interest in cooking! (I will do the rest of my cast of skeletons in the future as well, just so everyone gets a turn :)
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 11 months ago
All skeletons
All skeletons can purr, they have the physical capacity to do it. Do they want to though?
Undertale Sans - He usually has a very good control on his purring and it's extremely rare you hear it. One way to make him purr is by petting his head while he's deep asleep. But he's rarely deep asleep and all the other times he might just stare at you in confusion lol.
Undertale Papyrus - Too much praise. It's rare though as Papyrus never lacks praises, but sometimes too many praises are too much and he blushes, purring loudly. He hates it though.
Underswap Sans - It's extremely rare and only when he's so happy he loses complete control of himself. His purr is also very low so it's hard to tell he is purring.
Underswap Papyrus - He's a big purrer and he doesn't hide it. When he's happy, he likes to show it. His purr is not that loud so it's hard to tell when he is, but he is, often.
Underfell Sans - Only in private and when he feels really really safe with his S/O. He doesn't want anyone else to know he can purr, think of his reputation.
Underfell Papyrus - Even though he will act like that never happened, Edge can sometimes purr when you're flirting with him. It's never for long though as he's very self-conscious about it and will do all he can to hide it, including throwing you by the window.
Horrortale Sans - He's not purring, he's making tractor noises. Oak purrs for all sorts of things, very loudly. When he wants attention, when he gets attention, when he's happy when you looked his way for two seconds... He's not hiding it. He purrs so loud that sometimes his brother has to take you to another room to have peace lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - Even though he hates it, his body instinctively mimics his brother's purr sometimes lol. He has no control over it and it makes him curse every time because he doesn't know how to stop it???
Horrorfell Sans - Only when he worried and you start petting him. It helps him to calm down. He's not purring other than that.
Horrorfell Papyrus - When you praise him, it can happen. But he immediately starts to cough to hide it because, duh, of course, he doesn't purr what are you imagining?
Horrorswap Sans - It might happen once or twice when he feels very comfortable, but other than that, he's not purring. He has other ways of showing affection.
Horrorswap Papyrus - That's one of the last sounds he can make without his jaw so he will certainly use it as often as he can. It's his way of saying "I'm fine today". It can be more or less loud with what he's trying to say.
Swapfell Sans - He can sometimes purr in his sleep, but that's his max lol. Don't you ever call him out on this because he will bite you and fight you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He purrs when he's flirty. It makes his voice more cavernous and sexy. Well, he thinks at least. It's not working that much in reality lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He can purr but you'll never catch him alive. Maybe one time in a coma, but that's all lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has a low purr for long cuddle sessions. It means he feels very safe and happy right now, which is actually not that hard.
Outertale Sans - It can happen when he feels a bit lonely. It helps to soothe himself. Moon has a bit of separation anxiety.
Outertale Papyrus - He's purring to make the children he's looking after sleep for their nap. It's working really well!
Dancetale Sans - Only when he's half asleep on your lap and you pet his head to make him sleep.
Dancetale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, but it can happen once or twice when he's really excited and happy. He's self-conscious about it though and quickly grasps a hold of himself so no one notices.
Dancefell Sans - He doesn't purr often, but not rarely either. He loves having attention and he's favorite things ever is the shower of kisses. He starts to purr hard when it happens.
Dancefell Papyrus - He purrs very rarely, mainly when he's having a very good time.
Farmtale Sans - He can purr. But you'll never catch him alive either. He's a very secretive guy. Maybe after a few years of deep relationships, but it will be a one-time experience.
Farmtale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, he's too shy to assume it. Usually, it happens for ten seconds and then he stops himself and blushes deeply. He might do it longer if he's really comfortable around you.
Mafiatale Sans - He has a spot on his neck that activates the purring. He hides it really well though so good luck to find it.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Nah, he's not going to show you. You can barely see any expression from him in the first place, so a purr? Never.
Mafiafell Sans - He only purrs when he's with his dogs. He loves his dogs. You're not sure if you should be offended or not.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He never purrs except in bed with his S/O while he's... You know.
Ink - He doesn't have enough focus to relax and purr, sorry. His brain is working 200% every second of his life so no time for purring.
Error - He only purrs when he's eating chocolate. He never eats chocolate in front of anyone so chances are you're never hearing him purr.
Disbelief Papyrus - Like Papyrus, intense praising is what send him into purring mode. He's resisting better to your attacks though, so it's harder to get him.
Killer Sans - He's purring when you're praising him. It's not that hard. He likes attention. He likes attention so much he won't let you go before two hours so you can continue praising him.
Dustale Sans - Uh... He purrs randomly, mostly at times he's staring at you intensely without blinking like he's going to hunt you down. It's not cute, it's scary.
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greenheartart · 5 months ago
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Day 14 - Fierce
Some people dress up to look stylish. Stretch dresses up to inflict psychic damage.
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battlemaiden13 · 8 months ago
I just heard the saying “louder than two skeletons fucking on a tin roof” and I want to know how the HND skeletons would react to hearing that, especially if MC just drops that out of nowhere with a straight face.
Sans -Makes a joke about how you could possibly know that. It almost seems like he’s leaning into it and finds the phrase amusing. 
Papyrus -Calmly tells you that that statement isn’t accurate but he understands the sentiment 
Red -He has to laugh before agreeing and doubling down. This phrase just became part of his vocabulary. 
Edge -Starts to agree before doing a double take and asking what the hell your talking about as it clicks what you actually said
Blue -Seems to just ignore the phrase, he isn’t going to dignify it with a response.  
Orange -Breaks into hysterical laughter and will not be stopping anytime soon. 
Berry -Slowly turns to glare at you asking what the fuck is wrong with you
Syrup -He has no reaction 
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anamdreams69 · 10 months ago
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FINNALY FINISHED IT YAY!! DATE OF MAKING:28/3/24 Frisk's and Chara desings are a bit outdated from my actual desings i made recently, maybe sometime i will make edit making some changes to it TW: BLOOD,VIOLENCE,DISTURBING
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cloudyskydreams · 6 months ago
Scent drabbles! UT,UF,US
Sans smells like pine and rain
You groan as you lazily smack at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Sweet silence fills the room once you finally manage to hit the snooze button and you consider getting up, for a very brief moment you really did think about it but your skeletal mate clinging on to you destroyed any thoughts of getting up and starting the morning early. You snuggle into him and inhale deeply, his scent has always been so calming. The smell of a rainy day trampling exploring a pine forest filled your senses and you sigh happily.
"heh did you just sniff me?" His voice makes you jump a little and blush in embarrassment.
He looks up at you with a brow bone raised and squinted sockets."Uhm... No?" your voice is a tad meek.
"don't worry I'm not scent out of shape about it." He chuckles and you shake your head at his pun. He pulls you back into him burying your face into the tank top he sleeps in. "it's too early to be up." He whines and you sigh snuggling into him and enjoying the comforting smell pulling you back into sleep.
Papyrus: smells like citrus and clean laundry
You and Papyrus are in the kitchen together eating breakfast. He lovingly made you both pancakes and you happily dug in when the decent sized stack was set in front of you. There was some for his brother of course but he wasn't going to be awake for a few more hours the lazybones he is. Papyrus worked on the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper while you munched on pancakes occasionally asking you for advice.
"EIGHT LETTERS, UNWAKBLE STATE" you think about it as you chew.
"Maybe ... Comatose?" He checks it with the spaces and other answers he already has and nods.
"THANK YOU SWEET PEA." You smile at the nickname and stand up to set your plate in the sink.
After you're done you creep up behind him and lean over his shoulder resting yourself against his back as you peer at the crossword. He Nyehs and leans his head against yours. You smooch his cheek and sigh contently before nuzzling into the side of his neck vertebrae gently. He smells wonderful like a productive day inside cleaning laundry and munching on freshly peeled oranges.
"Papyrus darling you smell so yummy I could just eat you up" he blushes at your words and you chuckle noticing that the citrus stands out more when he's flustered.
"(Y/N)...DONT DISTRACT ME FROM THE DAILY PUZZLE I MUST KEEP MY MIND SHARP!" You know he doesn't mean that from the way he's pressing himself against you but you chuckle anyways.
"Sorry clementine, I'll let you focus." You smooch his cheek again and he leans into the touch. Heading away from the kitchen to leave him be you decide for once you're actually motivated to get some laundry done.
Red smells like campfire and apple pie
Fellby had called you complaining of the drunken red stating he didn't want his brother to come pick him up and to call you. You sigh and tell Fellby you're on the way. You grumble to yourself the entire way out of your apartment complex and to the bar. Once you make it to the bar you search around and spot Red perched on a barstool dozing off as Fellby stands close to him behind the counter crackling with his fire looking a little brighter than normal.
"Hey fell, m here for him don't worry" you say as you help Red off the bar stool he clings on to you and Fellby does the equivalent of an eye roll before walking off to serve patrons.
"heyy sweetheart, nice ta see ya" he slurs and you sigh bracing his body with yours as you help him stumble to the door.
"Jesus Red the suns not even down yet... Did you and Edge have another fight or something?" Red mumbles something stopping in his tracks.
"i said i love my brother." Guess you hit the nail on the spot.
"Never said you didn't bud... Have you been seeing your therapist?" You get him walking again and he groans as you pry into his personal life.
"yeh e'ry two or so weeks" he huffs and you nod satisfied.You gaze at the stars for a bit as you help Ref stumble back to the apartments and help him into the elevator.
"Your place or mine?" He looks at you confused. "If you got into a fight it wouldn't be the best look to come home in this state..might set him off again?" You prompt and he nods looking a bit taken aback.
"guess yours then doll thanks for offering." His voice is gruff and there's a slight red hue to his face you brush off as the influence of alcohol.
"It's not problem babe I'm used to babysitting you " you chuckle and lead him to your apartment. He stumbles and collapses on the couch and you go and get him and cup of water from the kitchen.As your setting it on the coffee table he gives you a soft look and you pause to stare at him. You awkwardly look at eachother before he inhales sharply and looks to the side.
"keep me company?" You melt at his request and sit on the floor next to the couch.
"Wanna talk about it?" You prompt and he steels his face slightly, you take that as a no."That's okay... You should sleep this off."He nods in agreement and lays his head back after receiving a small smooch from you,you're sitting pretty close and you can smell his scent coming off of him it's like a fall night eating apple pie with friends around a campfire. You tell him about your day gently as he drifts out into drunken slumber and when you're done you stand up and stretch. These brothers and their emotional constipation, they have to get over it someday. You head to the kitchen intent on using the fresh apples you have to make a pie.
Edge smells like gasoline and cherries
You had ran into Edge in the hallway and had both gotten on the elevator at the same time. Unfortunately for you the elevator decided now would be the perfect moment to break down mid descent and leave you standing awkwardly across from the tall pointy skeleton who's looking more and more stressed with each second.You notice his breath is labored and wonder why he even needs to breathe before noticing he's sweating slightly.
"Hey.. you okay edge?" He looks at you and glares
"I-IM PERFECTLT FINE ITS JUST A LITTLE CRAMPED IN HERE PRINCESS/PRINCE." You would think he would know better than to lie to you at this point. He's obviously in the early stages of panic.
"Hey it's okay we won't be stuck for long... They're probably working on fixing it already" you press the emergency button on the elevator just in case. You sit in tense silence with Edge for a bit more before actually sitting on the floor, after a few moments Edge follows suit. You smile at him and gently start humming hoping to calm his nerves. He looks at you gently blushing slightly and listening to you hum as his breathing calms. The scent of gasoline dissipates the more you hum leaving the sweet after scent of cherries hanging around and after awhile the elevator springs back to life. Edge scrambles up and away from you to the furthest corner of the elevator and clears his throat.
"THANK YOU... TELL NO ONE YOU SAW THAT." his voice holds a threat to it but you just smile at him and his flushed cheeks.
"Have a good day edge." You hum as you exit the elevator after kissing his cheek now intent on going to the store. You have a craving for cherries now.
Stretch smells like honeysuckle and honey
You sigh as you stretch out further on the couch. Today was lazy Sunday and you decided to spend the day with Stretch and Blue. Blue tried to join in on the tradition but couldn't sit still long enough and left to go about his day. Stretch however matched your laziness twofold so here you two were lazed out in his living room watching some nature documentary on bees.
"hey honey, what do bee's chew?" You think about it for a second before shrugging.
"bumble gum" he chuckles and you roll your eyes that was awful."
what's a bees favorite sport?" You groan hoping this isn't going to be a rest of the day thing.
"I don't know honey bun what?" You coo and he flushes a bit at the nickname but smiles as he sits up in his arm chair.
"Fris-bee." You chuckle at that one and he beams at you proud to have made you laugh.
"Okay Mr comedian no more" you say and he throws up and a okay sign standing up and gesturing for you to move your feet. You do and he sits down so you spread your feet back over his lap and he sets a hand on your calf rubbing it lightly. You guys enjoy each other's company and eventually you fall asleep to the monotone voice of the speaker on the documentary.
When you wake up you're cuddled to Stretches chest and he's asleep a little bit of orange drool leaking from his mouth. You giggle at the sight.He smells floral sweet like summer honeysuckle and the regular honey he likes to drink, it reminds you of your childhood and summer days. You nuzzle into him and he pulls you into his hoodie clad ribcage. You drift off back to sleep as you cuddle the clingy skeleton
Blue smells like mint and snow (stole this one couldn't think of anything lol)
Blue and you bustle around the kitchen as you cook together.
"NOT TOO MUCH SUGAR ANGEL WE DONT WANT IT TO BE TOO LUMPY." Blue reprimands and you halt on pouring in the sugar as he mixes the cookie dough.
It's winter time and you're making sugar cookies to ice and give out to neighbors. Blue and Papyrus had plenty of stuff planned for the winter season and you were invited to join in on them.
"Alright now we let the dough chill for a bit," you hum and set the dough in the fridge. Blue nods and starts to wash up as you head over and wait for your turn. You wash your hands and head to the living room with Blue.
"IM GOING TO TURN ON THE NAPSTATON GYFTMAS SPECIAL! ITS A CLASSIC THIS TIME OF YEAR!" He calls out and you nod. You can't decide if you like Mettaton or Napstaton more but you don't really watch them without the boys so it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Blue bounces over to the couch and gets comfortable as he turns on the special he's talking about. He looks at you for a second and there's a sparkle in his eyes a he gives you puppy dog eyes.
You chuckle and nod sitting in between his legs to which he immediately shoves a bony hand in your hair. You lean back into the sensation and let him work out knots and braid and unbraid as you watch the musical drama in front of you.
Blue seems content to simply play with your hair and as you lean back you catch a whiff of his scent.
He smells like freshly fallen snow and peppermint a nice combination and perfect for these winter days. You find comfort in the scent and sensation of having your hair played with and subconsciously lean into Blues touch as he starts to massage your scalp.
Once the shows over you two hope back up and start on rolling out the dough and shaping it. It's a fun time and you and Blue take turns picking out different cookie cutters. You can't wait for more winter days like this to come.
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shmekk · 9 months ago
having an archnemesis is gay as hell!!!!!
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marigoldsandbuttercups · 1 year ago
maybe s/o seems quiet, calm and even shy at times, but it turns out that they used to work as a stripper and they were super famous and made a lot of money. s/o stopped because they were afraid that because of their non-standard work, the skellies would want to leave s/o. For Ut, Us and Uf.
love your blog☺️
Woah That's A Cool Job, Bro
(Why thank ya, friend. I really appreciate that 💖)
Sans: "huh," he starts out, and doesn't really elaborate much on it. You can hear him chuckle as he watches you try to figure out just what he meant by that. And as much as he would like to admire the way your face looks as you think, he knows this is a serious topic. He takes your hand, touch as gentle as the wind itself before pulling you just a little closer to him.
What? Can't a guy have a nice cuddle whilst talking about his relationship?
It's easy for him to disarm you, to have you relax because he really doesn't want you to feel like you're walking on eggshells around him. He looks calm as ever as you explain but you know better, from the way his touches linger on you and how his eyelights never stray from you. When it's his turn to speak, Sans isn't really much for words, but he makes it known that he's always rooting for you. Once he's in love, he's all in, and he will always show that, one way or another.
Papyrus: Not offended in the least bit. If anything, he would have a deep fascination with your job and how you work. He's into it, the flair, the dramatics, the legs! He thinks it's Very Cool™. Papyrus isn't one to really judge people by their personality, especially when he's had experience of people doing the same to him. Sure, he'd be surprised but it's more so good surprise because... He wants to know more about you, after all.
He'd also be surprised when you express your fear to him, understanding that the way humans and monsters view certain things differently is very much at play here. Papyrus also doesn't care how long you've been together, if it's something you wanna do, he's ready to support you and you will never experience any judgement from him. (Your workouts are gonna be super fun btw, he had Plans™)
Blue: After you tell him, he kinda just... Goes quiet for a bit. It worries you, rightfully so as you find it hard to properly discern his expression. But he moves a step closer to you and holds your hands, first assuring you that you never have to be afraid to tell him anything. Blue would want to make it known as soon as possible that he will be by you no matter what, your safe space, your pillow to fall on.
But he also assures you that he trusts you, anything you want to do is for you to choose but he will support it so long as you're safe and happy. That's all that really matters to him in the end since, well, it's one of the reasons he fell for you anyway, the fact that it's you. (Also would probably point out the pretty outfits you have and if you'd model for him-)
Stretch: Definitely do not tell him while he's eating or drinking because he will choke. He would then panic and say he didn't choke because he was angry or anything like that, he was just... Very surprised. And he is! He just gets extremely flustered at the idea of you doing literally anything (boy is whipped I tell ya). It takes him a while to completely articulate his thoughts because he wants to tell you that's so cool but also wants to tell it's okay and that you're so awesome and-
There's a lot going through his mind, and you're sat there in dumbfounded silence as you watch the orange hue begin to cover his entire skull. But! He does eventually gather his thoughts and tells you that.. Hey, he thinks you're an amazing person and he's loved you far too long for anything like that to get in the way. He trusts you, and he hopes you trust him as much.
Red: "that's hot-" and he stops upon seeing your face and chuckles. He holds his hands up in defense before moving a little closer once you're a little more relaxed. He starts small, holding your hand before explaining what the culture is like from where he is. He's not the best with words, but Red does succeed in getting his message across, that being:
It is your life, you have the right to decide what you wanna do and what you don't wanna do. But whatever it is you choose to do, he's got your back, no matter how "out there" it is or whatever. You want it? You got it and Red will absolutely make sure that you can depend on him for supporting you. (still will tell you it's hot af tho)
Edge: You think he's judging you but really that's just his resting face. He's a little surprised by the fact that you're so... Unsure of telling him. He voices this concern, because to him, these kinds of things were rather normal in the underground. Whatever it was, as long as it was a means to survive. He takes this a little too seriously, not that it is a bad thing, but it can be rather daunting when he's staring you down as you're both seated on your couch.
And the whole thing kinda... Makes you laugh a little.
Perhaps from how nervous you are, from how overly invested Edge is, but.. it's.. Touching. He's rightfully confused, and huffs when he finds out why, feeling a little shy.(but you would never catch him admitting that lmao). The dramatics only last for a while before you gather your thoughts and explain and Edge is.. Very gentle about it. It's one of those moments that make you understand just why you fell for him, how he makes sure that you understand that he would never, ever judge you for that. He respects you, and he will respect the choices you make as long as you're okay.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months ago
The inbox is open~
Hey y’all! Once again my inbox is open to receiving new prompts!!! Before we begin lemme lay down some rules y’all should know ;)
The character limit is 10. If you don’t specify who you want, I usually default to the main AUs, undertale, underswap, underfell, swapfell and horrortale. Sometimes I might do dealers choice though if I have some characters that fit the ask really well ;)
All my skeletons are linked on the pinned post in my blog! If you don’t know who someone is check there. I promise it’s updated lol.
I will not write gore, heavy angst or any topics revolving around politics. Suggestive asks are welcome, but if it’s too nsfw I might ask you to just ask me in dms instead. I’m a worldbuilding fiend so those will probably get answered sooner lol
If you’re asking for a continuation or repeat of an old ask, add a screenshot and masterlist number or link to the old one. I will delete it otherwise. I have like 35+ masterlists now and I don’t wanna search through all of them for an old ask 😭😭
I do not write for any outcodes or the bad sanses.
It took a while last time i opened the inbox for it to reach 50 asks, so this time I’m just leaving it open until Sunday evening. I’ll probably regret this lol.
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blurry-palmetto · 2 months ago
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savi-our · 3 months ago
Anti-Harem Undertale Fic Idea with OP Mage Reader
So i was sorta just going down a rabbit hole of anti harem fics and one thing came to another and i just started rambling in docs. This is a random revival post but i just had to put the idea out there 😭 I might do a part 2 if it tickles enough people lol
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
You were a mage, scratch that, you were THE mage. A blood bred and soul bound mage at the pinnacle of power. You were a starved and power hungry creature that had done anything and everything in your study of magic. It had gotten you far, much farther than anyone dared admit, and it wasn't an overestimation to say that you had climbed the highest in pursuit of your ever indulgent search.
Your reputation was dirty however, many knew you for the horrors you had summoned, for the debts you had incurred from primordial things deep in the shadows, hushed whispers followed wherever you went and you knew that whilst most were things born from fear induced imaginations of fanatics and cultists, the rumors were stemmed from half truths. Your involvement in anything was a grim omen, your standing in the mage circle was unquestioned, and you were far too intelligent to let scheming old men become your downfall. 
But at the same time, you didn't care all that much about any of it, you held no real affection for other mages, they were dull and far too concerned with bloodlines and traditions to rise to any heights, their arrogance annoyed you and so you reduced your expectations accordingly. However it seems the institution that was responsible for you had other plans.
When monsters appeared you were curious, removed from the world for centuries they were bound to hold new secrets, new curious things to explore. But what you didn't expect was being forced to babysit a gaggle of skeletons who seemed to hate your guts.
You couldn't fathom why it had to be you, you were THE top ranking mage, there was no question, so why were you placed on house arrest and doomed to listen to abuse from the undead band of miscreants you couldnt understand, it baffled you.
Sans was untrusting from the moment he put his eyes on you, his face scrunched in a grim line, he didn't like you, he didn't trust you, you suspect because you were a mage. He often tried to peek into your soul, but you hid it well, a practice you learned with your dealings with infernal devils from down under. That fact put him on edge, you could tell. His conversations with you were curt and short, and he did his best to keep you removed from his mock family and especially his brother. Several times he had threatened you with a bad time in the darker corners of the house, his threats seemed genuine.
Papyrus was an anxious mess, his hands always twisted around one another in your presence, he put on a placating expression whenever you had business with him, but you could tell he was unnerved by you. It didn't surprise you considering he was associated with the embassy, the officials there often warned him of the grim omen, the horrors of maddened mages. His anxiety made you huff more than once, and his respondent flinch was a disturbing reality check every time.
Red was a defensive and rabid dog as far as you could tell. He didn't cut back on his insults towards you, and his disdain for you begged no question. He would throw you disgusted glares whenever he was sober enough to keep his mouth shut and when the bottle found him it was nothing but slurs and mockery, he would often pick a fight with you knowing full well you could not lay a hand on him considering your assignment. 
His brother was worse, a calculated cruelness to his every word. He was smart in his insults, cold and scalding at the same time. He spat his insults with an undisguised venom and often he blamed you for every little thing that was wrong with the world. You were the devil itself, he was convinced of it. Whenever anything went wrong he blamed you, every word you said he took out of context, every insecurity you may have still held onto was exploited and made a mockery of. There were times when you felt yourself almost break your oaths and promises to guard them with your life, Edge held that much power over your breaking anger. He was good at hating, great at his unquestioned disdain for you.
Blue was a silent threat if you've ever seen one, a masked harpy. He wore innocence like a well placed mold. He was one of the only ones that would talk to you purely with the intention of finding what makes you tick. He was smart, you could tell, so he never really picked a fight, but he often insinuated things, twisted your words in the worst of ways. Your deeds and words became misconstrued and dissected as he mocked you with a toxic sweetness all with a question on those faux innocent eyes. 
Stretch was harder to decipher. He was similar to Blue in the way he hid his dislike of you, but instead of innocence he wore an air of laid back coldness. He had almost even fooled you with it, but the way his eyes never left you betrayed him. It took you a while to tell the skeleton expressions apart but once you did, it took no time at all to realize he was dissecting your every move, your every gesture and word was put under a weighted scrutiny. He judged you often and readily and you could often feel his gaze on you even while you left the skeletons well alone. He watched your every move, and you never saw Blue alone, Stretch always seemed to back his brother up in his interrogations of you, and not once did he defend you in your arguments with Edge, knowing full well that whatever Edge was accusing you of was a lie.
It was all a bother, a pain in the ass that made you groan and growl at gods that put you under such annoying tasks. Every night you would patrol the entirety of the property, defending it from silent threats in the dead of night, seen by no-one, heard by nothing. You would dissolve human supremacist groups that threatened the brothers with not a word of thanks, you didn't even mention them, their gratitude would mean nothing to you. You spent cold mornings sewing up wounds and washing away bloodstains whilst  the skeletons berated you about killing some innocent litter of pups for pure sick pleasure all the while you thought of ways to silently dispose of the grotesque eldritch beast you sunk in the swamp out of sight of the brothers blinded eyes. You were good at it, removing anything dangerous from the civilians eyes to protect their peace was the core skill of mages. Every day you would be verbally abused, belittled and insulted and all the while you carried on. 
Then one day another mage made contact with the brothers, well, a mage was perhaps not the right word. a recruit? A potential mage early in the making, a cute little thing with a voice drenched in sugar and eyes made of glass. Some new program to introduce recruits to working with monsters. Another responsibility pushed onto you. But of course you could handle it, you were the strongest scariest mage around weren't you? It made you grit your teeth. The brothers didn't seem to realize they were a mage at all, the newbie had stumbled into one of the brothers traps around the property and gotten bloodied in the process, a fact you were somehow blamed for once again. The brothers patched them up, it gave you whiplash, the attitude change was almost enough to make you sick. 
It took no time at all for all of them to warm up to each other, all the while you were stuck slaving away battered and bruised. The newbie was weak and useless in matters anything magic related. They followed you one night out on patrol, it took them 3 minutes to lose you in the fog and slowly but surely you noticed a growing disdain in the recruit as well, a snakelike jealousy even. It was easy even for them to turn the brothers even more against you, all the while getting closer to them. Something to bond over you supposed. It didn't matter, you were tired, far too tired to care anymore. But perhaps this was for the best. The brothers could be assigned a new mage once the recruit program was done, as useless as they were you were more than happy to give up your spot to them just to be done with all of this. It would all be solved once it was done, what could go wrong. It wasn't your problem, not anymore.
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 5 months ago
Skeleton has S/O that brother doesn't know about and brother is confused when he comes home with cartoonish lipstick marks on his face. I love your writing so much <3
Undertale Sans - Oh it's a big brother time. Sans is so going to tease Papyrus to death, one pun after the other, as Papyrus is desperate to hide how red his face is. Sans is not letting that one go. He waited his whole life for this to happen and loved seeing Papyrus lose all his confidence, trying to justify himself very badly.
Undertale Papyrus - He never thought he would see the day. Sans has always been very discrete about his relationships and he's good at not answering Papyrus' questions or distracting him until he thinks Papyrus forgot. But Papyrus was not fooled and KNEW there was something weird with his brother. And now that there are evidences Sans can't hide anymore, Papyrus is going to harass him with questions. He's curious now. What do they look like?
Underswap Sans - His soul misses a beat. The hell? Blue stares at his brother with wide shocked eyes. He never expected his brother was see someone? Honey is usually pretty obvious when he's in love, and Blue is shocked he saw nothing. Huh. Anyway. It's time to investigate. He wants to know what's going on!
Underswap Papyrus - He rolls his eyes. That's definitely not the first time it happens. Blue does this effect on people sometimes. He doesn't assume it's a romantic interest, as he's pretty sure some grandma he helped cross the road did the same thing once. He's curious though.
Underfell Sans - He stares at Edge in shock, then smirks loudly. Edge cracks his neck towards him and asks if he has something to say. No, no. He doesn't have anything to say. But he's definitely taking a picture as soon as he looks away to send Undyne. Edge is not happy about this.
Underfell Papyrus - Urgh. Red is parading around the house, clearly proud of himself. It makes him want to puke. He's not jealous or anything (yes, yes he is a lot). Red knows exactly what he's doing. Is he trying to assert dominance? Because Edge can assert dominance too.
Horrortale Sans - He stares. Longly. Mainly because his brain is trying to process what monster or human could be as tall as his brother to kiss him on the top of his skull. That's very suspicious. Actually, he only knows one monster tall enough to do that and that's Toriel. Now, he's not judging but he didn't think Toriel could like his brother like that. That's when Toriel points out that his brother looks really smug. Uh. He forgot she was right next to him. So that's not Toriel? But who then? He needs to know. He notes the incident in his notebook. He knows Willow won't talk but he has other ways.
Horrortale Papyrus - He struggles not to laugh as his brother looks at him in complete confusion. Oak clearly forgot he has lipstick marks all over his face and he is completely oblivious to why his brother, and later Toriel, are laughing at him. He even gets defensive when Willow finally has enough pity to clean him. You don't give him a bath! He will bite you!
Swapfell Sans - Rus is looking at him with a smug face, clearly proud of him. "hey bro you know what i did tod..." "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. HOW MANY TIMES WILL I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR ROMANTIC LIFE. I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER I DON'T WANT YOU TO REPORT TO ME EVERY TIME YOU HAVE A WOOHOO SESSION WITH YOUR HUMAN THANK TORIEL. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALWAYS TELLING ME THESE THINGS?!" Rus just smirks. Then as he leaves, he randomly says "actually there were two humans". Nox just screams as Rus chuckles at his reaction.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus' eyes light up as Nox passes next to him, the face entirely purple. Nox tries to speed to escape him, but Rus puts his legs in the way, making him gasp in offense. "so how was your... what you said again? ah, yes, woohoo session?" "SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP I HATE YOU SO MUCH WHY ARE YOU EVEN LIKE THIS?" "the guy who was supposed to educate me joined the royal guard at 12 and let me get horny all alone for the first time" "RUS YOU'RE THIRTY YEARS OLD." "stop changing the subject. was it that human that came yesterday? are they hot?" Nox leaves, face entirely purple. He doesn't want to talk about this!
Fellswap Gold Sans - What. What? What! Hell no! Who the hell is trying to steal his brother? Wait, when did his brother find someone? Why did his brother not tell him? Is the human threatening him if he tells him? Wine is upset, he needs to investigate. He's worried.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is a bit shocked. That was clearly not planned because Wine would have never showed up like that otherwise. That's the first time Coffee actually sees him blush. That's also probably because Coffee wasn't supposed to be home. Now, Coffee knows better than to tease him because he knows his brother is a grumpy old man. But he's happy for him.
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may i have some headcanons? S/O is a big big fan of "strange" animals, specifically bugs and fish, and enjoys going on hikes and swimming to find different species. how would the skeletons react? for ut papyrus, us bros, uf sans, sfp papyrus, fsr papyrus, and fsg papyrus, please! (can you tell i really like the papyri lmao)
if the above is too long of a prompt, how would the above skeletons react to an S/O who has bug terrariums?
I love bugs and have known to catch moths and spiders when my family is too scared of them(I've also caught and released mice but that's a story for another time). Also, the Papyri are the best, they're just so cute, no matter the AU 🤭.
Papyrus : Oh! So you want him to go bonkers! He can deal with fish(after all, he's best friend with one), he can deal with cats and dogs and everything else, but bugs? Why's it got to be bugs? You can gently push him into a weird-animal-loving perspective by showing him the pretty moths and playful lizards, but good luck getting him to hold a spider or a millipede.
Cobalt : Woah, those are so cool! Can he hold one? He seems interested at first... until he feels their little legs trailing up his bones. With all of those tiny feet speeding up his arm and latching onto him for balance, Blue is instantly disinterested. He'll love them from afar.
Honey : He likes taking you places to go find said animals, even if he naps in the car the whole time. Hey, Y/N, go place a bug on his chest. Cue the loud screeching followed by falling out of the car.
Red : Surprisingly, he's more into it than you, which is odd because usually he only acts like it even though he's scared of his shadow half of the time. He points out lizards that were too quick for your eye, camouflaged bugs hiding in trees, and the odd fish out in the water.
Rus : Lizards, insects, spiders?! You're almost perfect for him! Even though he's usually too lazy to pick his fatass up off his bed or the couch- if you tell him you're going hunting for little guys, he's on your heels. He wants to go, please? His hands grab your shirt everytime he notices you going near the door while holding a small container. Where are you going, s/o? He's wants to come too.
Pup + Coffee : Unless it has four legs and is fluffy, Pup wants nothing to do with it. I'm sorry, but he's not the best fit for this one, and neither is Coffee. Coffee is more willing to let your stickbug hang out on his finger, but Pup freaks out at the sight of a ladybug or a butterfly. For someone who's supposed to be your scary guard dog, Pup sure is a wuss.
As for the terrariums, almost all of them would be chill with them. Until you ask where Fluffy the tarantula went, the sound of a skeleton freaking out over your 8-legged friend being somewhere in the house. Whether the worry is for themselves or the spider, that's for you to figure out.
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battlemaiden13 · 8 months ago
For all Skellies reaction, how would they react for MC to go “legendary skulls mode” like take down someone twice their size, pinning them down to the ground mainly with a knee to the back, disarm and take their gun all in one, which boys are like “please man handle me/please dominate me” and who’s like “oh she’ll be fun to dominate/break” or “can’t wait to dominate and manhandle her” who’s blushing messes? Who’s weirdly aroused? Who’s sparked more interest?
please man handle me/please dominate me:
Papyrus, Berry, Crooks, Mint, Sniper, Charm, Coffee, Money
oh she’ll be fun to dominate/break:
Syrup, Error, Dream, Wine
can’t wait to dominate and manhandle her:
Red, Edge, Blue, Nightmare, Killer, Roulette, Carbine, Mutt
Blushing mess, no thoughts, wants to simulations man handle and be manhandled:
Orange, Axe, Daydream, Colt, Musket, Rifle, Lust, Black
Surprised that they were into it:
Sans, Ink, Mango, Vi
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missmoonysweetluna · 1 year ago
Hello Mx Riri!
How would the skeletons react to a partner that has tattoos?
Hey hey! Hope you have a wonderful day.
I'm gonna assume you're asking for all 8, so I'll throw this under a cut. Thanks for asking!
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Sans doesn't have much of an opinion on tattoos. Humans put ink under their skin to have drawings on their body? Cool, but that's gotta hurt with all the needles. His favorite types of tattoos are pun-related.
Papyrus LOVES tattoos. He thinks they're INCREDIBLE!! Of course, he doesn't know that they're put on with needles, and when he finds out about that, he bursts into tears. His sweetest datemate, poked with needles for art?! It takes quite a bit of time to reassure him that it doesn't hurt forever. Tattoos that get his attention are ones with flames or dragons or (of course) skulls!
Blue likes tattoos! He knows that it hurts to get them, though, so he's apprehensive if you're interested in getting one, be it your first or fiftieth. At the end of the day, though, he knows that it's your choice and he won't try to push you either way. Celestial or sleeve tattoos are his favorite ones to look at.
Stretch, like Sans, is pretty neutral on tattoos. They're nice, but he doesn't really mind either way. If you do have them, he'll spend a lot of his time asking about the stories behind each one. His favorite tattoos are cultural ones. They show your pride in who you are.
Red thinks tattoos are extremely hot. His favorite thing about them is tracing the ink with his phalanges (or, you know, tongue or teeth). If he's serious enough about you, he'll definitely try to convince you to get one of his name.
Edge thinks tattoos are TOTALLY BADASS. So what if it hurts? Pain is temporary! Ink is forever! Edge's favorite types of tattoos are ones made in honor or in memory of someone.
Grimm finds tattoos attractive, but that's about as much as you'll get out of him. He doesn't explain it, but he does like them. His favorites are small ones, especially if they've got meanings behind them.
Spooky isn't much for tattoos, but something as small as that would never be a deal-breaker for him. He supports all of your decisions, even if he doesn't understand them!
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