#underpinning a mobile home
philbridges · 2 years
How To Repair Tear Underpinning Mobile Home
How To Repair Tear Underpinning Mobile Home
Phil shows you a quick tip on repairing a tear in your mobile home underpinning. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:22 Here we are under a mobile home00:45 Split in the underpinning, you could tape with foil tape01:05 He’s cut a piece of house wrap01:20 You want to get under the insulation and on top of the plastic on both sides02:00 Just like patching a pair of pants02:45 This one is built a little…
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
relationship hcs ; mystic flour cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (22/05/24)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; mystic flour cookie
outline ; “Mystic Flour Cookie dating headcanons?”
note ; likely very shaky characterisation here as writing for a character whose defining trait is their apathy isn’t the easiest… may come back to this and revise it in the future ^^
warning(s) ; mostly fluff!
prior to her transformation into the beast of apathy and the total disenchantment towards the world around her that preceded it, mystic flour cookie was someone who approached her relationship with you (and your slow courtship before that) with enough patience and reverence to make even the most saintly of mortals blush
she was considerate — keeping you in mind as she has her most loyal servants renovate and add to her realm in order to better suit you and your specific needs, more generally this just means adding a place for you to make into your home as mystic flour cookie mainly resides in either her temple or her place of meditation, but on a more personal level that can mean making the pathways easier to navigate for you if you struggle with your mobility as one example
she was patient — happy to advance your relationship at whatever pace you’re comfortable with, she’s waited lifetimes to find you and as an ancient she has nothing but time to give to you so she’ll wait for as long as she needs to in order to have you by her side for the rest of your lives
she was determined — having the soul jam of resolution makes this much a guarantee, but more specifically she was determined to make you as much her equal in the eyes of her followers and in the eyes of fate as she possibly can no matter the cost (or, in other words, she started searching for the various immortals in order to find a way to have your life span lengthened to match her own)
she was generous — you may have never asked much of her in the way of her abilities, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t use her powers to make you smile or just to make your life easier (or that she wouldn’t think to bring you gifts whenever she went travelling across the continents with her fellow ancients)
she was affectionate — never in a way that was over the top or particularly performative, but she revelled in the little things (kisses on the cheek or knuckles, interlocking arms when walking around the realm, you resting your head on her shoulder, styling each other’s hair in the mornings, you falling asleep in her arms or on her lap, etc.)
she was everything you could have possibly wanted in a partner and so so much more — and then the apathy took hold and the woman you’d come to love and adore effectively ceased to exist
the beast of apathy was not your beloved, but there was just enough of your darling mystic flour cookie still lingering in that shell for you to feel obligated to remain by her side — and the beast, your beast, though still apathetic to all things in this world, seemed to appreciate the complacency and acceptance underpinning your choice enough to keep you around
or perhaps there was still some love for you that remained buried under all of the coldness and isolation and apathy, just enough for her to want to keep you close and to maintain that air of normalcy from the times before
(after all, you were the only one who didn’t become corrupted by your want and greed and resolution… you just stayed by her side because you loved her — the sole exception, the only mortal that ever mattered)
she’s not affectionate in her own right anymore, but she doesn’t make any attempts to push you away or scold you if you ever try and initiate anything with her — sometimes she’ll be more active in reciprocating your efforts, but mostly she’ll just watch you with that same old look in her eye as you play with her hair or the hem of her robes, or she may curtly thank you for putting her hair back into its usual style if she’s feeling kinder than usual
she’s not as outwardly considerate or empathetic as she once was when it comes to your well-being, or anyone else’s for that matter, but you’ll still notice that the areas where you spend most of your time around her realm are the safest and the best taken care of — she never brings this fact up to you, and if you try to ask her about it she’ll brush you off with some excuse or another, but it’s clear enough through her actions that there’s still a part of her left that cares about you no matter how deeply entrenched in her apathy she’s become
she’s still as resolute and patient as ever (or, at least she’s still very patient with you), but now instead of putting that energy towards progressing your relationship and making you feel like her true partner, she makes use of those traits to try and get you to accept her doctrine and stand by her side to help her spread it — again, she’s spent countless millennia locked up in her cocoon waiting to spread her sickness and reunite with you so she has no qualms with waiting for however long it may take you to accept her truth and join her in her apathy
(honestly it’s more demeaning and frustrating than anything else… repeatedly being pulled into existence at her command only to be asked the same questions over and over again, treated like you can’t make your own decisions, permitted a few blissful hours of existence and consciousness under her watchful eye in the ivory pagoda, and then having existence and personhood ripped away from you once again as you’re forced to return to flour once you’ve served your perceived purpose — doing that over and over again until you finally break and give her the answer she wants to hear, knowing that she won’t give up no matter whether it takes weeks or months or millennia for you to give her the ‘right’ answer)
after becoming a beast, she’s much more protective and possessive over your person that she ever was before, but given how isolated her home is it’s rare that anyone actually gets the chance to see this side of mystic flour cookie — in fact, others are more likely to pass her more possessive actions (e.g. blocking off your previous home from outsiders) as being due to her complete detachment from the material world and her encouragement for others to follow in her path, and for her protective behaviours (e.g. only bringing you to her when she’s completely alone and immediately locking you away or dissolving you back to the void when an intruder appears) to go completely unnoticed by anyone because of how isolated she keeps herself
she would never admit to this, but the only true reason why she infected you with the white sickness first is because she couldn’t bear the thought of losing you and that was the only way she knew she’d be able to keep you around for longer than your natural, mortal, lifespan — this may very well be the only truly strong desire of hers that survived her transformation into the beast of apathy, but thankfully for her it’s an idea that only really resurfaces when she brings you back to life for those brief stints, so she doesn’t need to dwell on her one remaining attachment for too long
she never really used pet names and she certainly won’t start now that she’s been consumed by her apathy, but unlike how she addressed most of her followers and those that oppose her, she does make a point of using your name when she speaks to you — never derogatorily, never demeaningly, never in any tone other than her usual speaking voice, but she does use it as a sign of respect and as a small way to show that she does still see you as her equal even in her corrupted state
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mariacallous · 10 months
Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel has initiated an unpredictable chain of events, and it is too early to determine how the attack might shape the future course of the struggle for Palestinian liberation. The vast destruction of the Gaza Strip and the horrifying loss of civilian life are a painful blow to Palestinians, reminiscent of the Nakba of 1948. Yet, simultaneously, the illusion that the Palestinian question can be swept aside while Israeli apartheid persists has been shattered, and Palestine is back at the top of the global agenda—with growing recognition that it must be addressed, even if the brutal massacres of Oct. 7 have polarized the debate around it.
Since 2007, Hamas’s presence in the occupied territories has been restricted to the Gaza Strip, where the movement has been effectively contained through the use of a hermetic blockade that collectively imprisoned Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians. In its containment, Hamas was stuck in what I have termed a “violent equilibrium,” whereby military force emerged as a means for negotiating concessions between Hamas and Israel. The former uses missiles and other tactics to compel Israel to ease restrictions on the blockade, while the latter responds with overwhelming force to build deterrence and secure “calm” in the areas around the Gaza Strip. Through this violence, both entities operated within a framework whereby Hamas could maintain its role as a governing authority in Gaza even under a blockade that enacts daily structural violence against Palestinians.
Beginning in 2018, Hamas began experimenting with different means of changing this equilibrium. One was through its decision to allow for popular protests against Israel’s domination to take place. The Great March of Return in 2018 was one of the most extensive examples of Palestinian popular mobilization. The protest emerged as a civil society-led effort that was given permission, supported, and ultimately managed by a committee comprising the various political parties in Gaza, including Hamas. As a governing authority, Hamas provided much of the infrastructure necessary for the mobilization, such as buses to transport activists. This was a stark departure from the means with which Hamas traditionally challenged the blockade.
Another shift in the equilibrium came a few years later, in 2021, when Hamas leveraged its military arsenal to retaliate against Israeli aggression in Jerusalem. In the lead-up to Hamas’s rocket fire, Israel had been actively working to expel families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood from their homes to make room for Jewish settlers. This initiated widespread mobilization of Palestinians across the land of historic Palestine. The Israeli state responded with force and mass arrests against protests that were peaceful and included prayers around Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israel’s efforts to disrupt the protests and push forward with its colonization of East Jerusalem triggered Hamas to respond with rocket fire.
These examples demonstrate efforts by Hamas to go on the offensive and expand its resistance to encompass demands that extend beyond the lifting of the blockade. Such positioning implies an objective to act as a military power that comes to the defense of Palestinians against Israeli colonial violence beyond the Gaza Strip. Underpinning these tactics was a clear strategic shift by the movement to transition away from acquiescence to its containment to a more explicit challenge of Israeli domination—and thereby overturn the equilibrium that had become entrenched over the course of 16 years.
This shift is in keeping with Hamas’s historical evolution as a movement that has relied on both armed and unarmed resistance, in ebbs and flows, to challenge Israel’s occupation and to push for core demands of the Palestinian struggle, including the right of return, which was central in the 2018 protests. (Hamas’s history is replete with examples in which it read the political context around it and, on the level of the movement’s leadership, altered the strategic direction of the organization, with clear instructions for the military wing to either escalate or de-escalate.)
The recent shift to all-out violence is also in keeping with the movement’s understanding of the role of armed resistance as a negotiating tactic—one that the movement has historically relied on to force concessions from Israel.
The Oct. 7 attack can be seen as the next logical step for a movement chafing against its containment. Some analysts have described Hamas’s move as suicidal, given Israel’s reaction, or irresponsible, given the death toll it has led to among Palestinians. Whether or not either of these characterizations is accurate depends on an analysis of what options Hamas had and on how the dust settles. There is no doubt, however, that the attack itself was a decisive rupture—one that is, in retrospect, clearly the culmination of all the changes that the movement had been experimenting with.
The strategic shift entailed moving from the limited use of rocket fire to negotiate with Israel into a full-throttled military offensive aimed at disrupting its containment, specifically, and the Israeli assumption that it could maintain an apartheid system with impunity.
There is little doubt that the bloody Oct. 7 attack exceeded Hamas’s expectations and that the scale of the massacres in Israel has galvanized Israeli and international opinion in ways that Hamas may not have entirely anticipated. Any significant military operation that Hamas conducted with any degree of success—targeting military bases near the Gaza-Israel fence area and securing a significant number of Israeli combatants—would have similarly shattered the paradigm of the blockade and elicited a devastating Israeli response.
Yet the killing of civilians on this scale—whether or not Hamas’s leadership had actively pushed and prepared for this level of bloodshed—has galvanized a ferocious Israeli response in Gaza, enabled by the carte blanche granted to the Israeli government by most Western leaders. Some scholars of genocide have argued that the Israeli campaign amounts to ethnic cleansing and intent to commit genocide.
It is counterfactual to argue whether or not these responses would have taken place had no civilians been killed or kidnapped. Either way, Hamas’s military offensive and the mass violence that followed have irreversibly shaped the nature of the response against Palestinians in Gaza.
From a strictly military-strategic perspective, prior to the attack the only option other than the use of force available to Hamas was to remain constricted within the framework of the blockade, while Israeli settlers expanded their rampaging violence in the West Bank, Israeli politicians disrupted the status quo around Jerusalem’s Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount complex, and Israel got rewarded with U.S. visa waiver programs and regional normalization agreements.
Within this climate, the options Hamas had were to acquiesce to the continued assumption that Palestinians had been effectively defeated and to remain confined and strangulated within their various Bantustans—parcels of discontiguous land resembling the apartheid-era South African “homelands” of the same name, where many disenfranchised urban Black people were relocated and governed by supposedly independent local puppet regimes while a white supremacist government continued to exert military control.
The choice, as Hamas saw it, was between dying a slow death—as many in Gaza say—and fundamentally disrupting the entire equation.
It is certainly the case that cornering Hamas—and Palestinians more broadly—into a situation whereby only a powerful military attack of this form emerges as the preferred option for the movement could have been avoided. Even prior to Hamas’s containment, and specifically since the Second Intifada, there were many opportunities for diplomatic and political engagement with it.
Hamas had de facto acquiesced between 2005 and 2007 to a political program that may, if leveraged correctly, have led to the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel and the dismantling of the occupation. This was a position that the movement put forward as part of its election victory in 2006 and subsequent entry into the Palestinian Authority. Later, this position was formalized in 2017 in the movement’s amended charter, which called for the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 line, without offering formal recognition to the state of Israel.
The Israeli and American refusal to engage with any of the movement’s political concessions since then, while Israel was consistently given a free pass to maintain its violent occupation and ongoing colonization of Palestinian land, undermined any faith Hamas may have harbored regarding the international community’s interest in holding Israel to account or enabling Palestinians to establish a state on a portion of historic Palestine.
Much has been written on the lost opportunities of dealing with Hamas diplomatically. The events that followed the movement’s democratic election in 2006 were premised on a refusal to engage with Hamas’s political platform, with Israel and the U.S. government preferring to pursue regime change and to deal with Hamas militarily, choosing to limit their engagement on the Palestinian file with the PA.
Since then, Israel has supported and enabled Hamas to exist as a governing authority while simultaneously demonizing the movement as a terrorist organization, a paradox that enabled the state to justify the collective punishment inherent in the blockade of the Gaza Strip. This was explicitly the chosen strategy of successive governments under Benjamin Netanyahu, who openly spoke about the benefits to Israel of pursuing a “separation policy” between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a means of undermining prospects for Palestinian statehood.
In the absence of any real diplomatic prospects for Hamas, its choices were either slow strangulation as the governing authority of the Gaza Strip, while Israel became ingratiated with Arab regimes that had all but abandoned the Palestinian cause, or a decisive blow that could fundamentally disrupt the assumption that Palestinians were defeated and subservient and that Israel could maintain its apartheid regime cost-free.
That Hamas opted for the latter suggests that it is behaving strategically and remains committed to the belief that it is playing a long game. By this logic, even if Hamas’s military wing were entirely destroyed or expelled, the movement has already secured a victory in revealing the weakness and fragility of Israel’s military, which can be exploited in the future through a reconstituted Hamas or through another future military formation equally committed to armed resistance as a means of liberation. In other words, the disruption itself becomes a space for alternative possibilities to emerge, whereas, prior to that, there was only the calcified certainty of continued Palestinian oppression.
This belief in a long game means that regardless of what happens in the short- to medium-term future, even with the horrifying loss of civilian life in Gaza, Hamas has disrupted not only the structure of its containment but the entire notion that Palestinians can be siloed into Bantustans and forgotten without Israelis incurring any cost. That disruption is existential for Israel, and, supported by Western allies, the state believes that the only way to survive this blow is through decimating Hamas.
Israel will fail—and is already failing—in attaining that objective. Regardless of how the battles against Hamas in Gaza unfold now, the movement can already claim to have emerged victorious in the long term because it irreversibly shattered the false sense of security Israelis had cloaked themselves in, despite all attempts to present Israel as invincible and impenetrable.
But even in the immediate battle taking place in Gaza now, prospects for an Israeli victory are slim. As in any asymmetric struggle, the guerrilla fighters merely have to not lose to emerge victorious, whereas the powerful state will lose if it does not achieve its overarching goals. And the goal of decimating Hamas as a movement is as vague as it is unachievable. For one thing, the movement is much bigger than its military wing. It is a movement with a vast social infrastructure, connected to many Palestinians who are unaffiliated with either the movement’s political or military platforms.
At its core, Hamas is an Islamist movement that has its roots in the regional branches of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is connected to health care infrastructure and educational facilities and charities. If, by decimating Hamas, Western and Israeli leaders are calling for the killing of any Palestinian who espouses any form of Islamist ideology, then that is nothing less than a genocidal call against the Palestinian people, and it should be understood as such.
If, however, the goal is to destroy the movement’s military infrastructure, then this goal is likely to fail in one key way. The breaking apart of Hamas’s military wing will set the stage for the emergence of other forms of organized resistance—whether within Hamas’s ideological garb or otherwise—that are similarly committed to the use of armed force against Israel.
History has already taught us this much. Hamas emerged in 1987 from the embers of the PLO’s historic concession, whereby throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s the PLO shifted toward conceding on the partition of Palestine by recognizing the state of Israel and renouncing the use of armed resistance in pursuit of a Palestinian state. Coinciding with that transition was the establishment of Hamas as a party that held on to the same principles the PLO had before it, couched in an Islamist ideology instead of the secular nationalist one that dominated the 1960s and 1970s.
There is a continuum of Palestinian political demands that stretch back to 1948 and before. Whether or not Hamas survives in its current incarnation is a red herring: Palestinian resistance against Israeli apartheid, armed and otherwise, will persist as long as the regime of domination continues.
At its core, this is a regime that provides more rights for Jews than Palestinians throughout the land of historic Palestine, stratifying Palestinians into different legal categories and fragmenting them geographically in order to sustain an overarching regime of domination. All the while, it prevents the internationally recognized right of allowing Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.
Israel’s model of apartheid is committed to Jewish supremacy from the river to the sea—a recently maligned phrase that has long been used unapologetically by the Israeli right—while Palestinians remain as a dominated people living within the confines of that state and governed in the occupied territories through illegitimate authorities that are collaborationist in nature with the Israeli state.
To overturn this dynamic, and to undo Israel’s conviction that Hamas—through its containment—could be pacified as the PA had been in the West Bank, the movement took a calculated risk with its operation, given that it realistically expected its military infrastructure would be severely weakened in the anticipated retaliation. But in the absence of any willingness by the international community to engage with Palestinians outside of such armed tactics, and given Israel’s ongoing and increasingly violent colonialism, this shift toward an expansive military operation on Hamas’s part was ultimately inevitable.
There is another reason underpinning Hamas’s calculus, and that is its ambivalence toward governance. Hamas was shackled by its role as a governing authority in the Gaza Strip. When the party ran for elections in 2006, it was with no small degree of organizational conflict about taking on a governing role or even participating in the PA.
Hamas leaders articulated that rather than accepting the limitations of governance under occupation, as Fatah had done through the Oslo Accords, the movement was intent on using its election victory to revolutionize the Palestinian political establishment. It asserted its capacity to do that by noting that, through its response to the Second Intifada, Israel had decimated the Palestinian body politic and rendered both the PA and the Oslo Accords obsolete.
Hamas spoke about the need to build a society of resistance, an economy of resistance, an ideology of resistance, through the very body of the PA—and to use this body as a stepping stone into the PLO, from where it could lead alongside other political factions on setting a vision for the liberation of Palestine, and for representing Palestinians in their entirety, beyond those in the occupied territories.
Its election victory, as I argue in my book, Hamas Contained, was meant to be revolutionary toward, rather than accepting of, the status quo. With no real prospects for statehood, Hamas understood that focus on governance and administration meant beautifying a Bantustan within Israel’s apartheid system, that there would be no real prospect for liberation or sovereignty, and that the only path forward was enhancing quality of life while remaining subservient to the occupation. That is indeed the PA’s model in the West Bank, and it would have been a more extreme version of that in the Gaza Strip.
With the successful Western-backed coup against Hamas—which began shortly after Hamas’s election victory and culminated in a civil war between Hamas and Fatah in 2007—for some time it looked as if the movement’s governance in Gaza had pacified it to the extent that its revolutionary ideals had been lost. The lengthy period of containment suggested that the movement may have become entrapped in its own electoral success and shackled by its governance responsibilities—or, in other words, pacified. The violent attack on Oct. 7 has clearly shown that the movement, rather, had been using this time precisely to revolutionize the political body, as it had always intended to do.
All this still does not mean that Hamas’s strategic shift will be deemed successful in the long run. Hamas’s violent disruption of the status quo might well have provided Israel with an opportunity to carry out another Nakba. This might result in a regional conflagration or deal Palestinians a blow that could take a generation to recover from.
What is certain, however, is that there is no return to what existed before. Yet this is precisely what Israeli, U.S., and other Western leaders and diplomats are preparing for. Already, the discussion has turned to the day after, even in the absence of a cease-fire having been formalized.
All indications point to a U.S.-Israeli decision to try to replicate in the Gaza Strip the successful model—in their view—of Palestinian collaborationist rule that exists in the West Bank. Rather than engaging in a process whereby Palestinians have the opportunity to choose representative leaders who could govern them, Israel and the United States are replaying an age-old approach of choosing compliant leaders who can do their bidding and subdue the Palestinians under Israeli hegemony.
This is being done under the banner of supposedly unifying the Palestinian territories, with both parties conveniently erasing their own complicity in facilitating this disunity until now. The goal for both is not reunification but the pursuit of acquiescent rule: the creation of a governing structure in which a pliant leadership governs civil needs under an overarching structure of Israeli military domination.
Such a goal has to contend with Gaza’s historic reality as a hotbed of resistance to Israeli apartheid, given that the majority of Gaza’s inhabitants are refugees seeking the return to their homes in what is now Israel. To facilitate the installation of an authority chosen by Israel and the United States requires nothing less than razing Gaza and killing its inhabitants—the policy that is now unfolding.
Aside from the moral and legal implications of this are the practical ones. It is difficult to envision any Palestinian leader or governing structure that will take over responsibility for the Gaza Strip after Israel destroys it, as they will be seen as having been ushered there on the backs of Israeli tanks. Such leaders will have even less legitimacy than the PA has in the West Bank today, which is hard to imagine.
Such an approach might buy some time. It might produce the semblance of a status quo and a degree of stabilization. But if any lesson must be garnered from Oct. 7, it is that this will not be lasting or sustainable. Any chosen governing entity will not be able to guarantee security for any Israeli as long as apartheid exists and any Palestinian government installed in Gaza will rightly be seen as illegitimate and collaborationist.
However the “day after” is packaged, it will fail unless it comes with holding Israel accountable and dismantling its regime of apartheid, and it will be clear to all Palestinians that it is just another Bantustan solution, cloaked either as humanitarianism or a renewed commitment to a two-state solution.
In this sense, Hamas has indeed dealt a fatal blow to Israel’s fantasy that it could continue its occupation and blockade indefinitely. It is yet unclear, however, if Israeli political leaders—beyond their vengeful violence—have managed to heed this lesson. But grassroots organizers, Hamas’s allies, and other political and military formations have.
Whatever comes next, and however Hamas’s legacy will be written, it’s clear that it is the movement that burst the delusion that Israel and its allies have held on to for far too long.
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The antitrust Twilight Zone
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Funeral homes were once dominated by local, family owned businesses. Today, odds are, your neighborhood funeral home is owned by Service Corporation International, which has bought hundreds of funeral homes (keeping the proprietor’s name over the door), jacking up prices and reaping vast profits.
Funeral homes are now one of America’s most predatory, vicious industries, and SCI uses the profits it gouges out of bereaved, reeling families to fuel more acquisitions — 121 more in 2021. SCI gets some economies of scale out of this consolidation, but that’s passed onto shareholders, not consumers. SCI charges 42% more than independent funeral homes.
SCI boasts about its pricing power to its investors, how it exploits people’s unwillingness to venture far from home to buy funeral services. If you buy all the funeral homes in a neighborhood, you have near-total control over the market. Despite these obvious problems, none of SCI’s acquisitions face any merger scrutiny, thanks to loopholes in antitrust law.
These loopholes have allowed the entire US productive economy to undergo mass consolidation, flying under regulatory radar. This affects industries as diverse as “hospital beds, magic mushrooms, youth addiction treatment centers, mobile home parks, nursing homes, physicians’ practices, local newspapers, or e-commerce sellers,” but it’s at its worst when it comes to services associated with trauma, where you don’t shop around.
Think of how Envision, a healthcare rollup, used the capital reserves of KKR, its private equity owner, to buy emergency rooms and ambulance services, elevating surprise billing to a grotesque art form. Their depravity knows no bounds: an unconscious, intubated woman with covid was needlessly flown 20 miles to another hospital, generating a $52k bill.
This is “the health equivalent of a carjacking,” and rollups spread surprise billing beyond emergency rooms to anesthesiologists, radiologists, family practice, dermatology and others. In the late 80s, 70% of MDs owned their practices. Today, 70% of docs work for a hospital or corporation.
How the actual fuck did this happen? Rollups take place in “antitrust’s Twilight Zone,” where a perfect storm of regulatory blindspots, demographic factors, macroeconomics, and remorseless cheating by the ultra-wealthy has laid waste to the American economy, torching much of the US’s productive capacity in an orgy of predatory, extractive, enshittifying mergers.
The processes that underpin this transformation aren’t actually very complicated, but they are closely interwoven and can be hard to wrap your head around. “The Roll-Up Economy: The Business of Consolidating Industries with Serial Acquisitions,” a new paper from The American Economic Liberties Project by Denise Hearn, Krista Brown, Taylor Sekhon and Erik Peinert does a superb job of breaking it down:
The most obvious problem here is with the MergerScrutiny process, which is when competition regulators must be notified of proposed mergers and must give their approval before they can proceed. Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) merger scrutiny kicks in for mergers when the purchase price is $101m or more. A company that builds up a monopoly by acquiring hundreds of small businesses need never face merger scrutiny.
The high merger scrutiny threshold means that only a very few mergers are regulated: in 2021, out of 21,994 mergers, only 4,130 (<20%) were reported to the FTC. 2020 saw 16,723 mergers, with only 1.637 (>10%) being reported to the FTC.
Serial acquirers claim that the massive profits they extract by buying up and merging hundreds of businesses are the result of “efficiency” but a closer look at their marketplace conduct shows that most of those profits come from market power. Where efficiences are realized, they benefit shareholders, and are not shared with customers, who face higher prices as competition dwindles.
The serial acquisition bonanza is bad news for supply chains, wages, the small business ecosystem, inequality, and competition itself. Wherever we find concentrated industires, we find these under-the-radar rollups: out of 616 Big Tech acquisitions from 2010 to 2019, 94 (15%) of them came in for merger scrutiny.
The report’s authors quote FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter: “I think of serial acquisitions as a Pac-Man strategy. Each individual merger viewed independently may not seem to have significant impact. But the collective impact of hundreds of smaller acquisitions, can lead to a monopolistic behavior.”
It’s not just the FTC that recognizes the risks from rollups. Jonathan Kanter, the DoJ’s top antitrust enforcer has raised alarms about private equity strategies that are “designed to hollow out or roll-up an industry and essentially cash out. That business model is often very much at odds with the law and very much at odds with the competition we’re trying to protect.”
The DoJ’s interest is important. As with so many antitrust failures, the problem isn’t in the law, but in its enforcement. Section 7 of the Clayton Act prohibits serial acquisitions under its “incipient monopolization” standard. Acquisitions are banned “where the effect of such acquisition may be to substantially lessen competition between the corporation whose stock is so acquired and the corporation making the acquisition.” This incipiency standard was strengthened by the 1950 Celler-Kefauver Amendment.
The lawmakers who passed both acts were clear about their legislative intention — to block this kind of stealth monopoly formation. For decades, that’s how the law was enforced. For example, in 1966, the DoJ blocked Von’s from acquiring another grocer because the resulting merger would give Von’s 7.5% of the regional market. While Von’s is cited by pro-monopoly extremists as an example of how the old antitrust system was broken and petty, the DoJ’s logic was impeccable and sorely missed today: they were trying to prevent a rollup of the sort that plagues our modern economy.
As the Supremes wrote in 1963: “A fundamental purpose of [stronger incipiency standards was] to arrest the trend toward concentration, the tendency of monopoly, before the consumer’s alternatives disappeared through merger, and that purpose would be ill-served if the law stayed its hand until 10, or 20, or 30 [more firms were absorbed].”
But even though the incipiency standard remains on the books, its enforcement dwindled away to nothing, starting in the Reagan era, thanks to the Chicago School’s influence. The neoliberal economists of Chicago, led by the Nixonite criminal Robert Bork, counseled that most monopolies were “efficient” and the inefficient ones would self-correct when new businesses challenged them, and demanded a halt to antitrust enforcement.
In 1982, the DoJ’s merger guidelines were gutted, made toothless through the addition of a “safe harbor” rule. So long as a merger stayed below a certain threshold of market concentration, the DoJ promised not to look into it. In 2000, Clinton signed an amendment to the HSR Act that exempted transactions below $50m. In 2010, Obama’s DoJ expanded the safe harbor to exclude “[mergers that] are unlikely to have adverse competitive effects and ordinarily require no further analysis.”
These constitute a “blank check” for serial acquirers. Any investor who found a profitable strategy for serial acquisition could now operate with impunity, free from government interference, no matter how devastating these acquisitions were to the real economy.
Unfortunately for us, serial acquisitions are profitable. As an EY study put it: “the more acquisitive the company… the greater the value created…there is a strong pattern of shareholder value growth, correlating with frequent acquisitions.” Where does this value come from? “Efficiencies” are part of the story, but it’s a sideshow. The real action is in the power that consolidation gives over workers, suppliers and customers, as well as vast, irresistable gains from financial engineering.
In all, the authors identify five ways that rollups enrich investors:
I. low-risk expansion;
II. efficiencies of scale;
III. pricing power;
IV. buyer power;
V. valuation arbitrage.
The efficiency gains that rolled up firms enjoy often come at the expense of workers — these companies shed jobs and depress wages, and the savings aren’t passed on to customers, but rather returned to the business, which reinvests it in gobbling up more companies, firing more workers, and slashing survivors’ wages. Anything left over is passed on to the investors.
Consolidated sectors are hotbeds of fraud: take Heartland, which has rolled up small dental practices across America. Heartland promised dentists that it would free them from the drudgery of billing and administration but instead embarked on a campaign of phony Medicare billing, wage theft, and forcing unnecessary, painful procedures on children.
Heartland is no anomaly: dental rollups have actually killed children by subjecting them to multiple, unnecessary root-canals. These predatory businesses rely on Medicaid paying for these procedures, meaning that it’s only the poorest children who face these abuses:
A consolidated sector has lots of ways to rip off the public: they can “directly raise prices, bundle different products or services together, or attach new fees to existing products.” The epidemic of junk fees can be traced to consolidation.
Consolidators aren’t shy about this, either. The pitch-decks they send to investors and board members openly brag about “pricing power, gained through acquisitions and high switching costs, as a key strategy.”
Unsurprisingly, investors love consolidators. Not only can they gouge customers and cheat workers, but they also enjoy an incredible, obscure benefit in the form of “valuation arbitrage.”
When a business goes up for sale, its valuation (price) is calculated by multiplying its annual cashflow. For small businesses, the usual multiplier is 3–5x. For large businesses, it’s 10–20x or more. That means that the mere act of merging a small business with a large business can increase its valuation sevenfold or more!
Let’s break that down. A dental practice that grosses $1m/year is generally sold for $3–5m. But if Heartland buys the practice and merges it with its chain of baby-torturing, Medicaid-defrauding dental practices, the chain’s valuation goes up by $10–20m. That higher valuation means that Heartland can borrow more money at more favorable rates, and it means that when it flips the husks of these dental practices, it expects a 700% return.
This is why your local veterinarian has been enshittified. “A typical vet practice sells for 5–8x cashflow…American Veterinary Group [is] valued at as much as 21x cashflow…When a large consolidator buys a $1M cashflow clinic, it may cost them as little as $5M, while increasing the value of the consolidator by $21M. This has created a goldrush for veterinary consolidators.”
This free money for large consolidators means that even when there are better buyers — investors who want to maintain the quality and service the business offers — they can’t outbid the consolidators. The consolidators, expecting a 700% profit triggered by the mere act of changing the business’s ownership papers, can always afford to pay more than someone who merely wants to provide a good business at a fair price to their community.
To make this worse, an unprecedented number of small businesses are all up for sale at once. Half of US businesses are owned by Boomers who are ready to retire and exhausted by two major financial crises within a decade. 60% of Boomer-owned businesses — 2.9m businesses of 11 or so employees each, employing 32m people in all — are expected to sell in the coming decade.
If nothing changes, these businesses are likely to end up in the hands of consolidators. Since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, private equity firms and other looters have been awash in free money, courtesy of the Federal Reserve and Congress, who chose to bail out irresponsible and deceptive lenders, not the borrowers they preyed upon.
A decade of zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) helped PE grow to “staggering” size. Over that period, America’s 2,000 private equity firms raised buyout warchests totaling $2t. Today, private equity owned companies outnumber publicly traded firms by more than two to one.
Private equity is patient zero in the serial acquisition epidemic. The list of private equity rollup plays includes “comedy clubs, ad agencies, water bottles, local newspapers, and healthcare providers like hospitals, ERs, and nursing homes.”
Meanwhile, ZIRP left the nation’s pension funds desperate for returns on their investments, and these funds handed $480b to the private equity sector. If you have a pension, your retirement is being funded by investments that are destroying your industry, raising your rent, and turning the nursing home you’re doomed to into a charnel house.
The good news is that enforcers like Kanter have called time on the longstanding, bipartisan failure to use antitrust laws to block consolidation. Kanter told the NY Bar Association: “We have an obligation to enforce the antitrust laws as written by Congress, and we will challenge any merger where the effect ‘may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.’”
The FTC and the DOJ already have many tools they can use to end this epidemic.
They can revive the incipiency standard from Sec 7 of the Clayton Act, which bans mergers where “the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.”
This allows regulators to “consider a broad range of price and non-price effects relevant to serial acquisitions, including the long-term business strategy of the acquirer, the current trend or prevalence of concentration or acquisitions in the industry, and the investment structure of the transactions”;
The FTC and DOJ can strengthen this by revising their merger guidelines to “incorporate a new section for industries or markets where there is a trend towards concentration.” They can get rid of Reagan’s 1982 safe harbor, and tear up the blank check for merger approval;
The FTC could institute a policy of immediately publishing merger filings, “the moment they are filed.”
Beyond this, the authors identify some key areas for legislative reform:
Exempt the FTC from the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, which currently blocks the FTC from requesting documents from “10 or more people” when it investigates a merger;
Subject any company “making more than 6 acquisitions per year valued at $70 million total or more” to “extra scrutiny under revised merger guidelines, regardless of the total size of the firm or the individual acquisitions”;
Treat all the companies owned by a PE fund as having the same owner, rather than allowing the fiction that a holding company is the owner of a business;
Force businesses seeking merger approval to provide “any investment materials, such as Private Placement Memorandums, Management or Lender Presentations, or any documents prepared for the purposes of soliciting investment. Such documents often plainly describe the anticompetitive roll-up or consolidation strategy of the acquiring firm”;
Also force them to provide “loan documentation to understand the acquisition plans of a company and its financing strategy;”
When companies are found to have violated antitrust, ban them from acquiring any other company for 3–5 years, and/or force them to get FTC pre-approval for all future acquisitions;
Reinvigorate enforcement of rules requiring that some categories of business (especially healthcare) be owned by licensed professionals;
Lower the threshold for notification of mergers;
Add a new notification requirement based on the number of transactions;
Fed agencies should automatically share merger documents with state attorneys general;
Extend civil and criminal antitrust penalties to “investment bankers, attorneys, consultants who usher through anticompetitive mergers.”
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warningsine · 2 months
DHAKA, July 19 (Reuters) - The Bangladesh government has decided to impose a curfew across the country and deploy the army, BBC Bangla reported on Friday, citing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's press secretary, amid widening student-led protests against government job quotas.
An official decision regarding the curfew would be issued soon, the prime minister's press secretary, Nayeemul Islam Khan, told BBC Bangla.
Three people were killed in the country on Friday as police cracked down on unrelenting student-led protests against government job quotas despite a ban on public gatherings, local media said.
Police fired tear gas to scatter protesters in some areas, Reuters journalists said. One said he could see many fires across the capital Dhaka from a rooftop and smoke rising into the sky in several places.
Telecommunications were also disrupted and television news channels went off the air. Authorities had cut some mobile telephone services the previous day to try to quell the unrest.
Bengali newspaper Prothom Alo reported train services had been suspended nationwide as protesters blocked roads and threw bricks at security officials.
Violence on Thursday in 47 of Bangladesh's 64 districts killed 27 and injured 1,500.
The total number of those dead from the protests reached 105 on Friday night, AFP separately reported, citing hospitals. Reuters could not immediately verify the reports and police have not issued a casualty toll.
The U.S. Embassy in Dhaka said that reports indicated more than 40 deaths and "hundreds to possibly thousands" injured across Bangladesh.
In a security alert, it said protests were spreading, with violent clashes being reported across Dhaka. The situation was "extremely volatile", it said.
The protests initially broke out over student anger against quotas that set aside 30% of government jobs for the families of those who fought for independence from Pakistan.
The nationwide unrest - the biggest since Hasina was re-elected this year - has also been fuelled by high unemployment among young people, who make up nearly a fifth of a population of 170 million.
Some analysts say the violence is now also being driven by wider economic woes, such as high inflation and shrinking reserves of foreign exchange.
The protests have opened old and sensitive political fault lines between those who fought for Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan in 1971 and those accused of collaborating with Islamabad.
The former include the Awami League party of Hasina, who branded the protesters "razakar" - making use of a term that described independence-era collaborators.
International rights groups criticised the suspension of services and the action of security forces. The European Union said it is deeply concerned by the violence and loss of life.
"It is vital that further violence is averted and that a peaceful resolution to the situation is found as swiftly as possible, underpinned by the rule of law and democratic freedoms," it said in a statement.
Neighbour India said the unrest was an internal matter of Bangladesh and that all 15,000 Indians in that country were safe. Indians studying in Bangladesh were returning by road.
Violence linked to the protests also broke out in distant London, which is home to a large Bangladeshi population, and police had to quell clashes between large groups of men in the east of the British capital.
Friday began with the internet and overseas telephone calls being crippled, while the websites of several Bangladesh newspapers did not update and were also inactive on social media.
A few voice calls went through, but there was no mobile data or broadband, a Reuters journalist said. Even text messages were not being transmitted.
News television channels and state broadcaster BTV went off the air, although entertainment channels were normal, he said.
Some news channels displayed a message blaming technical problems, and promising to resume programming soon.
The official websites of the central bank, the prime minister's office and police appeared to have been hacked by a group calling itself "THE R3SISTANC3".
"Operation HuntDown, Stop Killing Students," read identical messages splashed on the sites, adding in crimson letters: "It's not a protest anymore, it's a war now."
Another message on the page read, "The government has shut down the internet to silence us and hide their actions."
The government had no comment on the communications issues.
On Thursday, it had said it was willing to hold talks with the protesters but they refused.
Many opposition party leaders, activists, and student protesters had been arrested, said Tarique Rahman, the exiled acting chairman of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Reuters could not confirm the arrests.
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mentalmindsetmatters · 7 months
Exploring Physical Sluggishness of Depression
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Depression is often associated with a range of emotional symptoms – sadness, hopelessness, and lack of motivation, to name a few. However, many people overlook its profound impact on physical well-being, specifically the sensation of sluggishness that depression can induce. In this comprehensive exploration, we will dissect the complex relationship between depression and decreased physical energy, and discuss effective strategies for managing this debilitating symptom.
The Unseen Burden: Physical Symptoms of Depression
Beyond the visible signs of distress, depression manifests with a myriad of physical symptoms that can interfere with daily functioning. These include lethargy, the heavy limbs sensation, and an unexplained lack of energy that constricts even the simplest of movements.
Fatigue as a Silent Menace
It is crucial to distinguish the weariness associated with depression from regular fatigue. The former is a chronic, unshakable exhaustion that can persist even after a restful night's sleep, making the execution of tasks a monumental challenge.
The Heavy Limbs Phenomenon
Many individuals with depression describe a debilitating feeling as if their limbs are encased in lead, drastically reducing their mobility. This "heavy" sensation has no physiological cause; rather, it's a somatic manifestation of the mental state.
The Aches and Pains
Depression is renowned for being a psychological disorder, yet it frequently wreaks havoc on the physical body. Sufferers often report vague aches and pains, which only compound their suffering, leading to what is often referred to as "psychogenic pain."
Delving Into the Connection
The question arises: What mechanisms underpin this link between depression and physical sluggishness?
Neurochemical Dysregulation
Depression is characterized by an imbalance in neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Disruptions in these critical brain chemicals not only affect mood but can also dampen the body's physical vitality.
The Role of Cortisol
The stress hormone, cortisol, which is often elevated in depressed individuals, plays a significant role. Prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue, and the development of chronic pain sensitization.
Sleep's Domino Effect
Depression frequently disrupts the sleep cycle, contributing to the fatigue that is so synonymous with the illness. Poor sleep quality further aggravates the lethargy and listlessness, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.
Living With Sluggishness: Impact on Daily Life
Depression's physical symptoms aren't confined to the clinic or the home – they permeate every aspect of life, often with profound consequences.
In the Workplace
Productivity can plummet as a result of sluggishness, leading to financial and professional strain. The effort required to concentrate and complete tasks becomes monumental, if not impossible, leading to absenteeism or presenteeism.
Social Retreat
Maintaining a social life when one feels physically drained is arduous. The desire to withdraw from friends and family creeps in, leading to social isolation and further exacerbating the depression.
Self-Care Struggles
Engaging in self-care activities can be an uphill battle for those grappling with the physical manifestations of depression. Even the most rudimentary tasks, such as bathing and grooming, can feel like insurmountable challenges.
Pathways to Relief: Treatment Approaches
Recognizing the physical symptoms of depression is a critical first step. The next is to explore avenues for treatment that address both the mental and physical components of the illness.
Therapeutic Interventions
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of psychotherapy have been shown to be effective in relieving the symptoms of depression, including the sensation of sluggishness. By addressing negative thought patterns and behaviors, these interventions can restore a sense of physical vigor.
Medication Management
For some, pharmacotherapy is necessary to rebalance neurotransmitters and alleviate symptoms. Antidepressants can be instrumental in reducing fatigue and restoring energy levels, allowing individuals to function more optimally.
Lifestyle Modifications
Adopting a healthier lifestyle can significantly impact the physical symptoms of depression. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep are powerful tools in combating sluggishness and improving overall well-being.
Building Resilience: Support and Coping Strategies
In the battle against depression, resilience is key. Support networks and self-coping strategies can provide the scaffolding necessary to weather the storm of physical and emotional distress.
Forging Connections
Establishing a network of supportive individuals can lighten the burden of depression. Friends, family, and mental health professionals can offer understanding, encouragement, and practical assistance.
Moving the Body, Freeing the Mind
The benefits of physical activity on mental health are well-documented. Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, and can combat the inertia that comes with depression.
Stillness as Strength
Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, provide a sanctuary from the relentless mental chatter that accompanies depression. These techniques can reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and clarity.
Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Manage Depression
Understanding the physical dimensions of depression is vital for a holistic approach to treatment. By addressing all facets of the illness – mental, emotional, and physical – individuals can reclaim their vitality and lead more fulfilling lives.
In sum, sluggishness in depression is not an immovable object but a symptom that can be managed with the right tools and support. Seeking treatment that takes into account the whole person is the first stride toward a healthier, more energetically balanced life. If you or someone you know is struggling with the physical burdens of depression, reach out to a mental health professional for guidance. Remember, the path to wellness is a process of steps, each one affirming your commitment to a brighter, more vibrant future.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Helsinki Areena in Ilmala has been empty and out of use since EU sanctions affecting its Russian owners made it impossible to pay them any money.
It's a big facility, and it leaves a big hole in the capital's sporting and music calendars. It has caused a problem for Jokerit, who had played in Russia's KHL league and used the arena as their home venue, but will now return to the second-tier Mestis league for the 2023-24 season.
The ice hockey world championships were held at Tampere's brand new arena for the last two years, with the capital unable to offer a suitable venue.
But there might now be a chance to take the arena back into use.
Ilta-Sanomat reports that the owners have failed to pay July's instalment on the ground rent, and a reminder has been sent. If the bill is not paid after a further reminder, the city could start proceedings that might lead to new owners for the venue.
If the city began to recover the debt, it could eventually lead either to the cancellation of the rental agreement or sale of the asset to raise the unpaid rent.
The municipality could also make use of legislation to execute a compulsory acquisition of the hall, which mayor Juhana Vartiainen (NCP) says he wants to see in western — or Finnish — hands.
Health centre problems
The last government brought in long-awaited reforms to Finland's system of managing health and social care. Rather than the 300 or so municipalities in the country, services outside the capital are now arranged by 21 wellbeing services counties.
Helsinki retained its right to organise these services, as the largest council in the country containing around ten percent of its population.
The goal of the reform was to save money and rationalise services, but the details are only now being thrashed out and those who think they might lose out are not happy with the plans.
Aamulehti reports that in Pirkanmaa, the region around Tampere, smaller towns are concerned about the plans. The local health authority plans to shut down 19 of the region's 40 health centres, increasing travel times to get medical care for large numbers of patients.
Now municipal leaders in many of those towns set to lose their health centres have signed a joint statement criticising the plans. They claim their residents are sicker than the average Pirkanmaa community's, and therefore it would be foolish to shut down their local health centres.
They also question the financial calculations underpinning the move to shut down their health centres, asking if it is actually cheaper to centralise services than to maintain smaller health centres' operations.
Inappropriate baseball
Helsingin Sanomat has a lengthy expose on harassment in the world of Finnish baseball (known as pesäpallo in Finnish). The sport resembles its American cousin and is mostly played in provincial, inland regions of the country.
The paper has interviewed numerous women playing in the top flight, finding evidence of unsolicited explicit photos being repeatedly sent, players being propositioned, sponsors making inappropriate comments and girls as young as 15 being targeted.
One of the interviewees reported being targeted by a male elite player who sent explicit pictures and videos. The interviewee had also been sent inappropriate messages from a series of unknown, prepaid mobile numbers. As soon as one was blocked, another would start sending explicit messages. She was under 18 at the time.
"As a child, I accepted it thinking that I just have to put up with it," said the interviewee. "As an adult, I've received several explicit pictures."
Research also supports the interviewees' statements. In 2020 the sports ethics body FINCIS found that 46 percent of female players at the highest level had experienced harassment of some sort. The same study found that 25 percent of male players had experienced something similar.
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solatom123 · 6 days
solomon lartey , PhD student at Teeside university.
Analyzing the Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Modern Communication in Various Market Segments: A Comparative Study of China and the USA
1. Introduction
Mobile communication technology represents a radical change in communication that has affected nearly all life aspects over the past few decades. Its arrival has changed how people interact at work, with friends, family, strangers, and even public organizations. The younger generation, in particular, is experiencing a revolution in communication. Because of cell phones, people who would not previously speak are now conversing from thousands of kilometers away. Social communication has adapted to contemporary conditions through diversified mobile services such as texting, picture messaging, and e-mailing.
In China, mobile phones are not merely a tool for communication; they have become a necessity. People often forget their keys or wallets, but rarely do they leave their homes without their mobile phones. Life in China without a mobile phone is unimaginable. Once considered a luxury, the ownership of mobile phones is now widespread. In 2007, there were 33.95 million mobile phone subscribers in China, and by July 2014, the number had surged to 979 million. The rapid growth of mobile phones has led to the emergence of new ways of social communication. Instead of phone calls, mobile texting has become the most frequently used communication method.
In the USA, rapid development and broad implementation of mobile technology have significantly impacted communication at various levels, including interpersonal, social, and societal levels. The emergence and rise of different services and products powered by mobile technology have radically altered the flow of communication. For example, reading newspapers or watching television news has been largely replaced by checking daily news through mobile applications, such as Google News. Traditional land-line phone calls have also been replaced by mobile texting, which is perceived as a more rapid, convenient and low-cost way of communication.
2. Literature Review
Mobile technologies underpin innovation and economic expansion. Understanding how mobile technology affects communication in varying market segments necessitates a definition of market segment. A market segment identifies a subset of individuals that behaves similarly in terms of unmet needs, desires, preferences, or demands. Multidimensional aspects may qualify citizens as members of a market segment. In particular, demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and geographic characteristics amplify market diversity. Thus, citizens are members of several market segments simultaneously, and segment size varies. Bigger market segments justify specialized marketing initiatives, while smaller or niche segments may be examined efficiently via ‘mass market’ strategies. (Ejemeyovwi & Osabuohien, 2020)
With over 1 billion users, China boasts the largest mobile subscriber base, while the United States, with 232 million mobile subscribers and 75% of the population subscribed, accounts for the second highest subscriber total. Both countries are predominately GSM. Market penetration saturation maintains China and India as the only two major markets registering a growth in mobile communication users. China has trillions of Yuan worth of mobile phone value at stake, or at least 10 billion Yuan within the next 5 years, which will lead to advancement in immediate, innovative mobile devices usable without complex learning processes or training. The technological momentum of mobile phones is driven partly by its users: students, primarily aged 16-25, now account for 18% of total users as of October 2001; business people between the ages of 26-45, primarily white-collar workers, 53%. (Lee, 2020)
McLuhan foresaw that the runaway expansion of the ‘High’ technologies of electric and electronic media would lead to a clash among local, ‘Low’ cultures, tribal societies, so-called ethnic and ‘legacy’ languages and a shift away from ‘hierarchical’ social organizations of society or nations. Technologically impoverished societies or nations would technologically regress and thus would be unable to compete with industrial nations. The USA and China’s recent WTO accession will require reconsideration of McLuhan’s media paradigm; how culturally averse societies/nations encounter the pull of large swaths of homogeneous screening, media ‘clutching’. Subsequent to this clash, following McLuhan, electronic media renders common, everybody-‘consume’ experiences, rendering local differences ‘irrelevant’. The ‘denationalization’ of media largely explains why media flows are deemed to be one-way, to the disadvantage of local, indigenous cultures/nations. (Ruan, 2020)(Chakrabarti, 2024)
3. Methodology
The methodology employed in this research paper consists of two main parts, catering to both the literature review of findings and the comparative analysis between mobile phone technology in China and the USA. A thematic approach applies to the literature review, ensuring that the contents are organized according to themes rather than the countries in review, thereby presenting a clearer summary. The comparative analysis is structured in a country-comparative framework, enabling an easier comparison of mobile phone technology evolutions, market segments’ perspectives, and overall communication impacts across the two countries. (Önder & Zengin2022)
The literature review analysis of pre-existing findings focuses on examining the evolution of mobile phone technology from various perspectives. Initially, early findings from emerging markets are reviewed, subsequently presenting later findings from developed markets, countries in transition, and the comparison between two diverse markets in parallel. Conversely, within the scope of market segments, the literature review analysis investigates the big picture of mobile phone technology evolutions as an international new technology. Thereafter, the review narrows down to presenting the perspectives from mass segments in various countries, considering social inequalities, inequalities in the information society, and psychological influences. Finally, the research highlights some discussions of market segment differences to further compensate for the absent mass segment perspective in the previous analyses.
On the other hand, the comparative analysis between China and the USA considers the evolution of the two countries’ mobile phone technology since 1983 and 1989, respectively, followed by understanding the market segments’ perspectives at different socio-cultural stages of modernization. Afterward, the differences of the two mobile phone technologies and the impacts on modern communication in various market segments are focused on, clarifying the impacts by comparing current mobile phone use in market segment cultures.
4. Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Communication in China
With the advent of mobile phones, the way people communicate has radically changed with profound impact on individuals, companies and societies. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of mobile phone technology on modern communication in various market segments, and to conduct a comparative study of China and the USA. In this age of globalization where the world has become a communication village, communication is paramount for the prosperity of every market segment. The rise of mobile and mobile broadband technologies has enhanced the ability to communicate anytime and anywhere. (Banafaa et al.2023)(Salih et al.2020)
China, an emerging nation, is well known for its four great inventions, and has now become a keen participant in mobile phone technology. Market segments in China include personal communication, interpersonal communication between office workers and business partners, company communication with clients, bulk SMS marketing in the education and enterprise segment, and mass communication by media platforms to the general audience, among others, all of which have been positively affected by mobile phone technology. Text and voice messages in a limited number of words have transformed language habits. A number of new words and phrases such as “jack lan”, “badong”, and “YH” have emerged among the younger generation, which help in shortening message content and saving time. (Nie et al., 2021)
The technological adoption trends in China indicate that the three types of mobile messenger apps, namely, its bundled mobile services, the Socialisation type like wechat, and the All-in-one type all similar to LINE have observed the rapid increase in terms of user amount since they were launched, with the WeChat service provided by Tencent growing fastest in internet and mobile internet and enjoying an outstanding increase among more urban-independent migrant users as well. Mobile phones have witnessed high penetration in China with particular growth in recently developed provinces and cities like Hubei, Xi’an, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other relatively smaller cities. The burgeoning mobile phone technology has greatly facilitated communication in various market segments like personal communication, M2M communication, business communication, and mass communication, with a possitive impact on the fields of technology and economy. (Ahmed & Nunes2020)
4.1. Market Segments in China
The China market can be segmented based on consumer income or lifestyle, following the AIDAM model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Maintain). Different market segments are listed below in accordance with their significant characteristics.
The upper-end market segment covers elite individuals with an annual income of over 100,000 yuan and a market share of 14.2 percent. These individuals usually enjoy outstanding job positions, financial independence, and strong purchasing power. They have a high propensity to spend their income on luxurious items to match their social status. Furthermore, the internet is important in their daily lives. Their main needs include innovation/novelty, quality/luxury, convenience, status symbol, and speed/exclusiveness. (Yuanchun et al., 2024)
The mid-to-upper segment consists of successful people between 28 and 45, with a family and life plan, who unwillingly sacrifice their time with families for work promotion. Their annual income ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 yuan, and their market share is 38 percent. They have the ability to purchase electronic devices and applications, as well as the willingness and demand for innovative products. Their main needs include ease of use, management of time and family, positive implication on social status, and safety.
The mid-market segment encompasses people aged 20 to 28, newly entering society or still in higher education, struggling to find jobs. Most of them have a family with a monthly income of 2,500 to 6,000 yuan. Their interest in electronic devices likely correlates to their lifestyle, personality, and other factors. This group’s market share is over 40 percent, the largest among all segments. Their main needs include price, fashion, entertainment/satisfaction, ease of obtaining, and safety/integrity.
The lower end market segment refers to poorly educated individuals with a monthly family income of below 2,500 yuan and a market share of 7.5 percent. This group has low purchasing power and will only consume according to pressuring reasons such as family or health implications. They care little about luxury products and are often defrauded while attempting to use electronic devices. Their demands encompass safety, need rather than wants, simple operation, service, and price. (Kimura, 2022)
4.2. Technological Adoption Trends
While there exist natural communicative segments based on the difference between the rural-urban divide, social classes, age groups and gender distribution in both societies, thus far little comparative research exists over the impact of mobile phone technology on communication across different market segments. Presented here is a research of such differences in China and the USA to provide one possible perspective on this major and important topic.
In a broader sense, the communicative effect of any technology can be studied over eight aspects: the overall shift of communication patterns from one to another, the emergence of new channels and platforms along the middle, functions of communication taken over and displaced, reconceptualization of privacy, user characters altered along schematic use, the subjective experience of communicative feel transformed, social and individual identity angle moved, and the social power structure reshaped by it. For research purposes, mobile phone technology is narrowed here as SMS and multimedia messaging services (MMS), indistinguishable from the ill effects of the mobile phone technology on communication, accumulation and remediation concerns inclusive. The impacts on the overall change of communication patterns, the emergence of new forms of communication, and the abandonment of certain technologies are then analyzed comparatively (over the five aspects mentioned above) into revealing and insightful case studies. (Wang et al., 2020)(Al-Rahmi et al.2020)
Mobile phone technology is found to have all eight aspects of communicative impact, and chances are, more than others deeply affecting fundamental norms and assumptions in social interaction or relationship, whether we may be aware of it or not. Given such important ramifications and effects, the impact of mobile phone technology on communication deserves serious academic concern.
5. Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Communication in the USA
Mobile phones have carved a significant role in shaping modern communication in the USA, especially over the past decade. The democratization of mobile phone technology has altered the landscape of how people connect, influencing all groups in society. This section examines the core markets segmented by age groups across four relevant demographics: the youth (aged 18 to 29), the emerging middle adult groups (30 to 44), older adults (aged 45 to 64), and senior citizens (65 and over). There is a notable contrast between the two opposite ends of the age spectrum, as the youth segment exhibits a higher proclivity towards technology use and comfort, while older adults are less equipped and less likely to adopt and engage with mobile phone technology. Though not as segmented as other markets, mobile phone communication has influenced the needs of these groups in many ways—primarily through the acceleration of information dissemination, shaping social dynamics and intimacy, and subverting traditional concepts of privacy, solitude, and silence. (Alencar, 2020)
Exploration of mobile technology communication in this region should also focus on its regulatory frameworks: the USA's market has fewer government regulations on mobile phone communication compared to that in China, such systems are dictated and maintained by companies and service providers. With this, media literacy is less prioritized in educational institutions. Some knowledge regarding precaution measures is mandated by laws, such as the Telecommunications Protection and Consumer, but with little efficacy. The laxity of the USA's regulatory frameworks has contributed to a society bent on spending immense time and resources on mobile phones, making accessibility and media literacy questionable, particularly for the youth. (Ezeigweneme et al.2024)(Apcho-Ccencho et al.2021)
5.1. Market Segments in the USA
Market Segments are the basis of each country’s Mobile industry as they define the type of customers the mobile companies target and the services offered. By examining Market segments from some biggest T. Mobile operator companies these segments could gather more information, research and market analysis. The mobile communication company researched within this analysis is T. mobile USA which started in 1994 and owned by Deutsche Telekom of Germany. As for China, it is China Mobile limited; China Mobile, a leading mobile telecommunications corporation, was established in 1997 and became listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It is a great choice for comparison due to the challenges that China Mobile is facing with its expansion to overseas markets. T. Mobile USA segments its services into the following categories: national, regional, and local service. National services by T. Mobile cut across the whole U. S. such as prepaid cards, commercial resale service for business telephones, and other related services. Regional services cut across areas such as New Jersey; New York covering the states of Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and some areas of the District Columbia. T. Mobile region covers up to thirty-one metropolitan areas thus installing over 2000 wireless machines for use. (Dolnicar, 2022)
Local service market segment by T. Mobile focuses on multi-line business customers in a narrow range of metropolitan areas. The specific areas of focus under this segment type are south Texas and Atlanta, Georgia segmenting into the following notable services that would build the revenue of the segment. These services types are T. Mobile local exchange services and T. Mobile service connection, billing and collection services.
As for their recent acquired segment by T. Mobile enhancing the companies service revenue, T. Mobile recently acquired Metro Costume; a company with strong regional wireless industry thus giving the company as strong capital to compete evenly with its better market share managed rivals like AT&T and Verizon Wireless. Metro costume as a customer earns T. Mobile as an access to several metro segments of its own.
5.2. Regulatory Frameworks
The USA is one of the largest countries in the world both in geographical area and population. Due to its large geographical area, it has a diverse population distribution. Many states in the USA are technology-advanced, and vast parts of the US have different basic amenities. This, in turn, has led to several factors defining communication and the pattern of communication. Hence, it is also essential to present the country in multiple ways as it contains multiple facets in the context of the mobile phone technology and its impact on the communication. In the USA, aspects such as the inhabitants, infrastructures, literacy, culture, economic background, and language play an important role in communication which also defines the different market segments. (Banerjee & Sowards2022)
Regulatory frameworks in the USA play an important role in defining and controlling different communication mediums. The basic purpose of the communication regulatory body is to ensure adequate competition in communication markets, to rule out or eliminate harmful practices by individuals and organizations, and to satisfy news needs. Hence regulatory frameworks establish rules and manage procedures for the operation of organizations and individuals. In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is tasked with modeling, protecting, and managing the fields of radio, television, telephone, satellite, etc. in the public interest. The FCC was established in 1934 and is an independent branch of the executive department of the government. It consists of 5 members who are appointed for a seven-year term and cannot serve more than one term consecutively. Although there is no specific requirement for the education qualification of the members, they should have some training or practical experience in the technical or engineering field.
6. Comparative Analysis of Mobile Phone Technology Impact
A comparative analysis of mobile phone technology impact on modern communication in China and the USA examines similarities, differences, advantages, and challenges in text and voice communication between these two leading economies. In China, text messaging over mobile phones is widely utilized, integrating into internet platforms, service providers, and unifying application structures such as WeChat. The evolution of service provider models, starting from mobile operators to mobile internet, further drives the ingenuity of text messaging. Additionally, text communication can mitigate pressure and embarrassment, effectively compensating for the unreliability of voice communication. However, unintended contextual variation may arise in text messages due to misinterpretation of slang. (Chen et al.2020)
In contrast, the USA exhibits a growing trend of expressive mass voice communication via mobile phones, offering advantages in response time and conveying emotional coloration. The popularity of voice apps like Instagram Direct may result from inherent conversational advantages that text communication cannot match, providing a greater sensation of reality and immediacy. Although the USA used to be the world's leading texting society, with 467 billion SMS messages sent in 2010, resulting in a texting rate of 135 messages daily per person, text communication is facing challenges from the development of voice communication.
Synchronous voice communication is a spontaneous form of modern communication arising from historical and cultural circumstances and is being embraced by different cultures in unique ways. While China has quickly expanded from a cash-based society to mobile payment without parallel development of credit cards and online banking, in the USA, most people still insist on using text messaging, even text-flavored voice services, like voice messages and voice mails, emphasizing pre-recognition of messages prior to consumption. Such behavioral differences drive the investigation of both direct and latent cultural consequences of eclectic communication modes usage. The impact of mobile phone technology on modern communication systems, embodied by the arrival of diverse mobile applications and the corresponding generational shifts, remains a mixed blessing. The emergence of eclectic communication modes challenges traditional theories of communication information system meta-models, constituting unintended reciprocal creativity as a dynamic communication system of humans and machines. The steady improvement of artificial intelligences comprehending and rendering overmultimedia, overcontextual and overwhelming information brings new challenges to the appropriateness of communication. (He, 2022)(Qu et al., 2022)
7. Conclusion and Future Research Directions
Mobile phone technology has arguably been among the most vital developments in contemporary society. Recognizing its adaptability, its expansion into many aspects of customer habits, and the coalescence of societal transitions, an examination of the effects of mobile phone technology on contemporary communication and its ramifications is warranted. The latter includes, despite not being confined to, adaptations in the lifestyle, habits, and perspective of people as influenced by mobile phone devices. A comparative study of the magnitude and variations that the ramifications exhibit based on the cultural, economic, and/or political framework is also warranted.
This essay summarizes the findings from studies in four market segments: the education, workplace, socialization, and communication segments. Moreover, the results of the comparative study of the two largest markets in the mobile global-sphere, China and the USA, are summed. Conclusively, the impacts of mobile phone technologies are acknowledged to be detailed with respect to the character of the segment, and the societal framework of each market segment.
Mobile phone technology has arguably been among the most vital developments in contemporary society. Even in countries currently labeled as “developing countries,” mobile phone technology is recognized and has been adapted. Moreover, because of its remarkable adaptability, global expansion (as recognized through a steady increase in the number of users regardless of their economic or cultural background), and its potential for coalescing societal transitions, an examination of the effects of mobile phone technology on contemporary communication and its ramifications is warranted. The latter includes, but is not confined to, adaptations in the lifestyle, habits (influences, adaptations, and uses), field, domain, perspective, and even norms of people as influenced by mobile phone devices. A comparative study of the magnitude and variations that the ramifications exhibit based on the cultural, economic, and/or political framework is also warranted. The essay discusses the findings of a broader examination of the effects of mobile phone technology on modern communication in various market segments and a comparative study of the two largest markets in the mobile global-sphere, China and the USA. (Takahashi et al., 2020)
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Banafaa, M., Shayea, I., Din, J., Azmi, M.H., Alashbi, A., Daradkeh, Y.I. and Alhammadi, A., 2023. 6G mobile communication technology: Requirements, targets, applications, challenges, advantages, and opportunities. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 64, pp.245-274. sciencedirect.com
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projectcubicle1 · 28 days
All You Need to Know About Semiconductors in 2024
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Semiconductors underpin nearly all facets of contemporary technology, from mobile devices and computing platforms to vehicles and automated home systems. Their role is increasingly critical as our world shifts more toward digital integration. In the past decade, the financial output of the global semiconductor industry has shown remarkable consistency, with revenues soaring past 520 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. This sustained growth illuminates the sector's crucial impact on the advancement of modern technology and its ability to swiftly adapt to market shifts. What catalysts are driving this industry growth, and what fresh developments might we see on the horizon? Let’s embark on a detailed exploration of the semiconductor landscape as it stands projected for 2024.
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The Basics of Semiconductors
Occupying a middle ground between conductors and insulators, semiconductors are primarily composed of silicon, chosen for its reliable properties and natural prevalence. Their fundamental purpose is to manage electrical currents—this control is indispensable across all forms of electronic apparatus. Semiconductors' capacity to toggle between conductivity and resistance renders them essential for executing processing operations and managing data storage in myriad electronic formats.
Key Trends in the Semiconductor Industry
As we step into 2024, the semiconductor industry is witnessing swift transformations, spurred by the demands for more compact, potent, and energy-efficient chips. These enhancements are critical in accommodating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G connectivity. Such advancements not only escalate computing prowess but also advocate for superior energy conservation, underscoring the industry’s dedication to supporting the sophisticated needs of forthcoming technological applications. Sustainability is now a core focus, prompting manufacturers to reduce energy use and waste in production processes. Amidst these shifts, following the semiconductor industry news is crucial, highlighting advancements like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors. These materials are celebrated for their efficiency and lower environmental impacts, aligning with the industry's push toward sustainability and performance. Collaborative efforts between companies and research institutions are also intensifying, accelerating innovation, and adapting to technological and societal needs.
Semiconductor Manufacturing's Technological Progression
The manufacturing processes in the semiconductor industry have been revolutionized by innovative developments this year. Among these is the wider implementation of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography which has allowed for intricate and smaller chip designs through extremely fine circuit etching on silicon wafers, adding precision and pushing miniaturization to greater heights.  Architectural advancements such as 3D stacking that enables multiple layers of semiconductors stacked vertically without increasing footprint size, boost chip density alongside unparalleled efficiency features brought about by FinFET technology with its unique "fin" design shaping electrical current controls over transistors resulting in energy efficient chips with reduced leakage issues. This progress contributes significantly towards boosting computing power while improving environmental sustainability—a crucial aspect required for powering up future electronic devices.
Challenges the Semiconductor Industry Faces
The semiconductor industry, despite its significant growth and advancements, faces a range of serious challenges. A major issue is the scarcity of critical materials such as silicon and rare metals essential for chip production. These shortages are compounded by disruptions in supply chains that affect production capabilities and cause delivery delays. Additionally, trade disputes and regulatory issues on a geopolitical scale present considerable hurdles, impacting semiconductor companies worldwide.  These conflicts frequently result in higher costs and added complexity in operations. Furthermore, the industry must address technical hurdles as the physical limits of Moore's Law are approached. With transistor sizes nearing atomic scales, it becomes increasingly challenging to double chip performance every two years, driving the sector to explore new solutions and alternative technologies to maintain progress in semiconductor performance.
The Future of Semiconductors
Looking to the future, the semiconductor industry anticipates a trajectory of robust growth, highlighted by several promising advancements on the near horizon. Researchers are actively exploring innovative materials such as graphene, noted for its exceptional conductivity and versatility. This material has the potential to redefine the architecture and efficiency of future electronic devices significantly. Simultaneously, the advent of quantum computing heralds a profound shift in computational dynamics. Quantum computers, which operate on the principles of quantum mechanics, are capable of tackling complex calculations that dwarf the capabilities of traditional computing systems, offering potential enhancements in semiconductor operations related to processing and data management.  These technological strides are not just pushing the envelope of existing capabilities; they are laying critical foundations for transformative developments that could redefine sectors from healthcare to cybersecurity, emphasizing the seminal role of semiconductors in the impending technological revolution.
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Marked by swift innovation, significant obstacles, and vast potential, the semiconductor industry in 2024 continues to be a critical field. As reliance on technology intensifies across all facets of life, the importance of semiconductors is set to increase, positioning this area as a key one to monitor. Whether for enthusiasts, investors, or the merely curious about tech's future, keeping tabs on semiconductor developments is essential—they fundamentally underpin our digital infrastructure. Read the full article
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Extended Warranty Market Poised to Witness High Growth Owing to Rising Consumer Awareness
The extended warranty market provides customers with an optional extension of the original manufacturer's warranty, which offers coverage for repairing or replacing a product after the standard warranty expires. Extended warranties are commonly offered for vehicles, mobile devices, home appliances, consumer electronics, and furniture. They provide consumers with additional peace of mind by protecting them from unexpected costs of repairs that may occur outside the standard coverage period. The growing awareness among consumers about the potential benefits of extended protection plans is projected to fuel the demand for extended warranties in the coming years. The Global extended warranty market is estimated to be valued at US$ 140.23 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period 2024 To 2031. Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the extended warranty market are ASSURANT INC., American International Group, Inc., AXA, AmTrust Financial, Asurion, CARCHEX, CarShield LLC, Endurance Warranty Services LLC, Edel Assurance, SquareTrade, Inc., and Others. Key opportunities: Rising premiums of standard warranty and growth of online retailers are expected to present lucrative growth opportunities for vendors in the extended warranty market. Global expansion: Major players are focusing on partnerships and joint ventures to expand their global footprint and offer customized extended warranty plans for various consumer products sold internationally. Market drivers The increasing prices of consumer electronics and appliances have raised concerns among customers about repair costs after the standard warranty expires. This is a key factor driving the Extended Warranty Market Growth. Additionally, aggressive marketing by insurance companies and retailers promoting the benefits of extended protection is boosting the adoption of extended warranty programs. Online purchases of products have further increased awareness about service plans, thus propelling the market growth.
PEST Analysis Political: Extended warranty market witnessing favorable regulations promoting consumer protection policies and product replacement guarantees. Regulations ensure credibility of claims and customer satisfaction. Economic: Growing disposable incomes and high-value durable purchases fuel demand. Customers attracted to financial security for costly repairs or replacements extending product lifespan. Social: Customers inclined to risk-aversion and long terms savings. Warranties offer post-purchase assurances valued during economic uncertainties or unforeseen repair costs. Technological: Advancements shorten product lifespan. Warranties compensate early obsolescence and maximize utility of pricey electronics. Customers appreciative of support for upgrades to latest innovations. Geographical regions where market in terms of value is concentrated North America holds the largest share in the extended warranty market and is expected to grow steadily during the forecast period. The presence of major players and favorable consumer protection laws drive the market. additionally, customers willingness to pay for continued protection on expensive purchases support ongoing demand. The fastest growing region for the extended warranty market Asia Pacific anticipated to flourish at the most rapid pace. Improving economic conditions, expanding middle class, and manufacturing hub status resulting large durable goods consumption underpin opportunities. Furthermore, increasing consumer awareness about post-purchase services and the protection extended warranties provide fuel regional expansion.
Get more insights on Extended Warranty Market
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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39minormovements · 1 month
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26 jul 2024 | project presentation at t (r) anzkultur summer school: choreographing diaspora in a transnational landscape (heinrich heine university, düsseldorf)
presentation abstract:
39 Minor Movements is a movement research project that reckons with the precarity of moving in the wake of racialised loss in the East and South East Asian diasporas under British border imperialism. Responding to the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants found in the trailer of a lorry in 2019, as dance practitioners we were confronted by the distance and proximity between 2 incommensurable techniques of passing—in the dance studio and in the refrigerated trailer. How do we move with the migrants across our dissimilar social locations in relation to global capital accumulation and its colonial underpinning? At the impasse of the liberal modernist imagination that equates mobility with freedom, what does it mean to attend to such movements bound to unfreedom in the realms of migrate justice as well as diasporic choreographic practice against UK Home Office’s decade-long hostile environment policy and its ongoing imperial formation?
image: haus der universität, heinrich heine university, düsseldorf
[image description: a photograph of a sandstone building built in the late 19th century with "haus der universität" visible in front.]
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ivendretail · 2 months
From Back Office to Front Counter: How POS Technology Drives Liquor Store Success
The alcoholic drinks sector is a robust and expanding market, showing no signs of slowing down. This offers significant opportunities for retailers who can engage competitively and efficiently. However, liquor store technology solutions are crucial for growth strategies in wine and liquor stores. Retailers stuck with outdated technology will struggle, while those embracing modern, integrated POS systems will thrive. Let’s explore how contemporary POS technology can unlock a future of growth for liquor stores.
The Expanding Market for Alcoholic Drinks
The global at-home alcoholic drinks market is currently valued at $1,070 billion and is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4%. Notably, online sales account for $40 billion of this market, growing faster than brick-and-mortar sales. In the United States, the largest wine retailer now makes 20% of its sales online, compared to just 2% before the pandemic. This shift underscores the abundant opportunities in the liquor retail market for those who can harness it effectively.
Embracing Integrated POS Technology
To seize these opportunities, liquor stores must adopt integrated POS systems. Here are some key ways that integrated POS systems can underpin growth strategies for wine and liquor stores:
· Enhanced Efficiency at Checkout
Integrated POS software for wine and liquor stores improves efficiency at the checkout, enhancing the customer experience and streamlining operations. An integrated point of sale captures key customer and sales data, which can be analyzed to uncover additional ways to engage customers or increase store efficiency. This streamlined process not only speeds up transactions but also reduces errors, making the overall shopping experience more pleasant for customers.
· Advanced Inventory Management
Managing inventory in wine and liquor retail can be challenging. Excess stock ties up cash and may require discounting if items don’t sell, while insufficient stock results in missed sales. The inventory management functionality within an integrated POS system provides full visibility of all stock as a single pool, even across multiple stores or distribution facilities. Retailers can automate reordering when items fall below a threshold and analyze the performance of different items to plan future purchasing accurately.
· Mobile POS for Customer Engagement
In liquor retail, many customers seek recommendations and product advice. Mobile POS software allows staff to access all the product information they need, literally at their fingertips. Staff can provide guidance to customers in the aisle, upsell to increase basket size, and even take payment so that customers can avoid checkout lines. Mobile POS enhances the customer experience and increases sales, unlocking growth for the store.
· Loyalty Programs and Promotions
Creating loyal customers who return for all their alcohol purchases is vital for liquor retailers. A loyalty system and tailored promotions encourage this behavior. When these are part of an integrated POS platform, customers can easily earn and spend loyalty points, and promotions can be tailored based on their previous purchases and preferences. This personalized approach fosters a deeper connection with customers, encouraging repeat business and enhancing customer loyalty.
· Data and Insights for Informed Decisions
Accurate tracking of data is essential for streamlining operations in wine and liquor stores. An integrated POS system allows retailers to analyze data from every part of the system — sales, inventory, customer behaviors — and make informed business decisions. This data-driven approach helps build effective marketing campaigns, pinpoint areas of shrinkage, and identify processes and areas of the business that need attention, driving overall efficiency and profitability.
· Online Ordering Integration
With online sales growing faster than brick-and-mortar, many liquor retailers are offering both online and offline options. An integrated POS system enables them to maintain an online store that is fully integrated with every part of the business, including inventory, loyalty, and promotions. This integration drives operational efficiency, enhances the customer experience, and supports growth by meeting customers where they are — whether online or in-store.
Seizing the Opportunity
The alcoholic drinks market offers significant opportunities, but the key for retailers who want to seize these opportunities is to step out of the past and embrace modern POS technology. By leveraging integrated POS systems, liquor stores can unlock growth strategies, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Investing in advanced POS technology is not just about keeping up with the competition; it’s about positioning your business for long-term success. The ability to manage inventory accurately, provide personalized customer service, and operate efficiently across both online and offline channels is critical in today’s retail environment.
The importance of POS technology for liquor stores in the USA cannot be overstated. As the market for alcoholic drinks continues to grow, so does the need for efficient, integrated POS systems that can handle the complexities of modern retail operations. By adopting such technology, liquor stores can streamline their operations, enhance the customer experience, and ultimately drive growth and profitability.
Retailers who embrace modern POS technology will be well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic market, unlocking new opportunities and achieving sustained success. Now is the time to invest in integrated POS systems and harness the power of technology to propel your liquor store into the future.
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electronalytics · 3 months
Class D Audio Amplifier Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
The competitive analysis of the Class D Audio Amplifier Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Class D Audio Amplifier Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Class D Audio Amplifier Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/class-d-audio-amplifier-market/9552/
Market Segmentations:
Global Class D Audio Amplifier Market: By Company • Cirrus Logic • Analog Device • Texas Instruments • Renesas (Dialog Semiconductor) • Goodix (NXP) • ON Semiconductor • Infineon Technologies • Realtek • STMicroelectronics • ROHM Semiconductor • ESS Technology • Nisshinbo Micro Devices • Awinic Electronics • Shengbang Microelectronics • Shanghai Mixinno Microelectronic • Unisonic Technologies • Nuvoton Technology • Jiaxing Herun Electronic Technology • Anpec Electronics • Shanghai Nanlin Electronics Global Class D Audio Amplifier Market: By Type • Mono Channel • 2 Channels • 4 Channels • Others Global Class D Audio Amplifier Market: By Application • Automobile Industry • Computer Equipment • Wearable Device • Mobile Devices • Smart Home and Audio-Visual Equipment • Speaker • Others
Regional Analysis of Global Class D Audio Amplifier Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Class D Audio Amplifier market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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Key Report Highlights:
Key Market Participants: The report delves into the major stakeholders in the market, encompassing market players, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, end-users, traders, distributors, and more.
Comprehensive Company Profiles: Detailed company profiles are provided, offering insights into various aspects including production capacity, pricing, revenue, costs, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption patterns, growth rates, import-export dynamics, supply chains, future strategic plans, and technological advancements. This comprehensive analysis draws from a dataset spanning 12 years and includes forecasts.
Market Growth Drivers: The report extensively examines the factors contributing to market growth, with a specific focus on elucidating the diverse categories of end-users within the market.
Data Segmentation: The data and information are presented in a structured manner, allowing for easy access by market player, geographical region, product type, application, and more. Furthermore, the report can be tailored to accommodate specific research requirements.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis of the market is included, offering an insightful evaluation of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Expert Insights: Concluding the report, it features insights and opinions from industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on the market landscape.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Class D Audio Amplifier? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Class D Audio Amplifier? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain? Customization of the Report:
This report can be customized to meet the client’s requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([email protected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1 346 666 6655 to share your research requirements.
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relevelingpros · 3 months
Top Services for Spokane Valley Mobile Home Re-Leveling
If you own a mobile home in Spokane Valley, maintaining its structural integrity is crucial. Re-leveling services ensure that your home remains stable, safe, and comfortable. Here are some top services for mobile home re-leveling in Spokane Valley: Learn more information please click here "https://relevelingpros.com/"
1. Mobile Home Leveling and Repair Experts Specializing in comprehensive mobile home services, Mobile Home Leveling and Repair Experts offer reliable re-leveling solutions. Their skilled technicians use advanced equipment to adjust and stabilize the foundation, ensuring the home is level and secure. They also provide additional services such as underpinning, skirting repair, and tie-down installations, making them a one-stop-shop for mobile home maintenance.
2. Spokane Mobile Home Leveling Services Spokane Mobile Home Leveling Services has built a strong reputation for quality and affordability. They provide thorough inspections and detailed leveling work using state-of-the-art tools. Their team is known for its prompt and professional service, addressing any foundation issues quickly to prevent further damage. Customer satisfaction is a priority, with many clients praising their attention to detail and efficient solutions.
3. Pro-Tech Mobile Home Services Pro-Tech Mobile Home Services offers expert re-leveling with a focus on long-term stability. They employ experienced professionals who are adept at diagnosing and correcting uneven foundations. Their commitment to high standards and use of premium materials ensure that your mobile home remains level for years to come. They also offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind for homeowners.
4. Northwest Mobile Home Services Northwest Mobile Home Services provides comprehensive re-leveling and repair services tailored to the unique needs of mobile homes. With a team of seasoned professionals, they offer meticulous leveling processes to address any shifting or settling issues. Their services are competitively priced, and they pride themselves on their transparent and honest communication, ensuring clients are well-informed throughout the process.
Choosing the right re-leveling service is essential to maintain the safety and comfort of your mobile home. These top providers in Spokane Valley ensure that your home remains on a stable foundation, preventing potential issues and enhancing its longevity.
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