#underlust!sans lilac
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rosescries · 3 days ago
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Happy birthday to me!
I actually finished something for it this year. I'm going to post a chapter for one of my fics later today too. :)
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rinky-dinky-dink · 2 months ago
Foaming at the MOUTH. I’m honestly so pleased at finding more Sugarplum fans. He was done so dirty in 2017 😔
Any personal headcanons you can share?
Fuckin vibrating with excitement you do not understand how happy this ask makes me. Okay okay okay-
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Sugarplum my beloved. (Some doodles featuring @peach-flavored-cyanide's Lilac (they are buddies).
Headcanons below the cut
The wine aunt, through and through. Always has the latest gossip, always gives S tier advice
Escaped his universe (which he canonically hates) and went to the OT (my version joins up with the Stars as their team healer). The original UL was never finished, thus his universe's script was incomplete and it just kind of. Collapsed in on itself.
Spent a good bit of time after escaping his universe trying to be a "normal" Sans, because he had zero sense of self. With the help of actually supportive friends he started being able to separate himself from his universe and take pride in his identity as Sugarplum, and not "Underlust Sans"
He's still a physically affectionate guy, he still likes to dress nice, but those are aspects he's embraced as part of himself, not his trauma (which I will get to-). It's all on his terms now.
This bitch needed so much therapy, both mental and physical/magical because the injections back in his home universe gave him the monster equivalent of a chronic hormone imbalance. Running after the other Stars and hanging out with others like Dance helps immensely
Sometimes he still gets flare ups (starts running a really high fever for a couple hours, feels like complete garbage) because his soul is all kinds of fucked up, and his friends either give him the space he needs for the day, or they show up with snacks and they all binge Drag Race together
He hasn't explicitly told anyone what happened back in his universe, he refuses to say (although some people can make pretty solid guesses), and is entirely content living in the OT as his own fabulous person with actual friends who care about him, and not a stereotype based around the trauma his universe forced on him
This man is not a perverted menace he is an abuse survivor (abuse carried out by his government) and I will fight anyone who demonizes him for what he had to do to survive.
UL is a horror premise in its own right, but because it's not the gorey, bloody kind of horror like Horrortale or Dusttale, Sugarplum's trauma gets brushed under the rug as something that was somehow his fault, or something he was happy with.
This devolved into less headcanons and more rambling. Whoopsie. Anyways gimme yours.
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qin-qin16 · 25 days ago
any thoughts or feelings on fresh and lust (platonic friends!!). very odd duo but they speak to me
I think I’ve seen some fanart of them together? It’s a very unusual but interesting duo! I’ve mentioned a few times my lack of interest in Fresh (not in a negative way, but more out of laziness to learn about him), so I don’t usually go looking for information about him.
Since we all deny the existence of Underlust canon (or is it Lusttale?), I like to imagine both Fresh and Lilac (Lust Sans) as anomalies that just happened to appear in the multiverse and sometimes bump into each other. Friends? Enemies? Who knows? As long as Fresh stays inside that skeleton, I think the two of them are cool with each other.
I still need to revisit my headcanons about Lilac because I abandoned them a while ago, but I think he’d easily get along with many characters from the utmv!
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year ago
Ages updated!!!!
I’m gonna do my best to include all important characters, including some “side characters” that appear often enough! So let’s begin!
Undertale: Sans: 65, papyrus: 49, Undyne: 47, alphys: 54,Toriel: 934, Asgore: 933, Grillby: 522, Mettaton: 22
Underswap: Star: 60, honey: 44, Twister: 44, Winter: 1013, Napstablook: 23
Underfell: Red: 66, edge: 43, storm: 44, King: 998, felltron: 21
Swapfell Mal: 60, cash: 51
Horrortale Oak: 75, willow: 59, Miss: 944
Horrorswap Lilac: 70, Basil: 54
Horrorfell Rust: 76, Noir: 53
Underlust Charm: 66, sugar: 52, Amor: 367, winnie: 10
Lustswap Sparks: 59, Salt: 50
Lustfell Lush: 63, Pepper: 51, Jezebel: 212, Marcelo goldenfoot: 455
Lustswapfell Sir: 68, weasel: 52, snow: 61
Lustred Flambe: 55, Pesto: 54
Lustgold Butler: 68, gold: 49
Outertale Pluto: 67, Jupiter: 49, titan: 598
Outerfell Orion: 60, atlas: 52
Outerswap Helios: 44, Artemis 36
Fellswap Lord: 60, mutt: 53
Fellswap gold Wine: 64, coffee: 50, Empress: 1033
Farmtale Peaches: 51, rancher: 46, Rosemary: 550, Yosemite: 501
Farmswap Cider: 50, Barley: 42, Carmen: 85, whisky: 520
Farmfell Ram: 49, pitch: 40, russet: 478, pooch: 489
Horrorfarm Moose: 64, maple: 53
Mafias Butch: 60, snipe: 58, ace: 53, boss: 50, slim: 48, bruiser: 45, tempest: 64, Don: 645, Madame: 647, Mr corgi (aka Charles): 67
Birdtale Quill: 59, crow: 51
Birdswap Mango: 62, papaya: 36, canary: 278
Birdfell Roost: 53, harpy: 42, Lewis: 90
Draketale Alden: 68, Ollivander: 60
Drakefell Barin: 71, Arwin: 59
Drakeswap Hilda: 66, saga: 63
Seatale Fisher: 60, Jasper 25
Seaswap Finn: 59, sails: 27
Seafell Hook: 58, captain: 30
Gastertale G: 80, green: 79
Dancetale Pop: 52, rhythm: 45, salsa: 678
Theatretale Tempo: 50, vibrato: 29
Fallouttale Lens: 69, cricket, 49, piranha: 65
Templetale Zen: 67, shield: 35
Nomadtale Gears: 49, compass: 42, copper: 645, lilo: 21, weave: 126, wisteria: 157, linden: 158
Here’s a quick rundown of a monsters lifespan:
A common monster has a life expectancy of 700 years give or take. The oldest monster in record (that wasn’t a royal) was a Drake monster who lived 732 years.
They are considered infants/babies up until the age of two. Toddlerhood is from 2-6
Children are from the ages of 7-13. Most monsters start public school at ages 7-8
Teenagers are from 14-19. Monsters mature at a slower rate than humans, and so while the body may look grown in the later teen years, they have yet to develop sexual maturity until around 20.
Once 20 they are considered adults, but some subspecies can continue growing up till 30
After puberty in the early 19-22 range, a monster is considered a young adult from 25-190. You can compare those ages to a human in their early to mid 20s physically
Middle Ages range from 200s- 400s roughly
500s are considered older and retirement age, 600s are elderly. Anything past 680 is fragile
The lifespan goes down with halfbreed monsters ( “full” monster parent and “full” human parent) where they live around 600-650 years
The lifespan takes a bigger drop for mages who have an expectancy of 250 years. Witches (humans who have trained to use magic) are known to live up to their 130s if they aren’t soulbonded to a monster partner.
Monsters and half breeds born with the disease called dimming rarely live past their 400s
An exception to the monster lifespan are the “royals”. They take a ritual after being voted into office that binds them to their country, making it so that any decisions they make for the country has to be for its and the peoples benefit (as far as they believe), making them a servant to ebott for the rest of their lives, but extending their life and health in return. The ritual can be broken for the royals who wish to retire and die in peace. The oldest recorded ruler was rumored to be around three thousand
And now the crash!!
For those who don’t know what that is, it’s when all the AUs merged (and my excuse for why all these guys are in the same place lol).
The crash started 17 years ago, and ended within 9 months. Since then no other mystery groups of monsters have been discovered.
Here’s a brief timeline of ebott from crash until now
First day: the land mass that holds ebott appears
Day 2: undertale, underswap, gastertale,, dancetale, theatretale, templetale, all the “farm” AUs, “lust” AUs and the “outer” AUs
Month one: the bird AUs fall from the sky, the nomads stumble out of the forest and the sea AUs mysteriously arrive on ship to shore
Month two, after two months, most of the fell aus (underfell, swapfell, fellswap gold) appear
Month three, the factory (mafias) monsters appear along with the “ghost city” now inhabited and known as ebott city, the capitol. A few weeks later, the fallout monsters appear and ebotts first official hospitals are created
Month four, the royals are finally brought together after threats of inner fighting, and Asgore is voted in as the king
Things settle for four more months, and the new land is explored, vary basic laws are out into place, and things start getting divided into districts.
Month five: Ebott makes contact with several other countries and is introduced to the worlds currency system. Ebotts gold, silver, copper coins is recognized as a currency by the rest of the world
Month seven, the first and only orphanage is founded for any unclaimed children.
On month nine of the crash, the monsters finally access the underground, and to their horror, they find three separate chambers housing the starving horror AUs who had no idea everything that was going on above.
Month ten, land is sold and divided, and ebott begins creating large scale farms
May 20, 2007, ebott celebrates their first official year as a country. The capitol city is named new ebott (cause Asgore sucks at naming things and frankly the rest of the royals aren’t much better)
May 30th, the royal guard is finally re-organized
December 2007, ebotts first countrywide gyftmas celebration, also an official design for the flag and coins are voted on and implemented
February 2008, the first official jail is built and used in ebott lol
July 2008, ebott is finally let into the rest of the worlds internet, and electricity reaches more areas besides just ebott city
August 2008, ebotts children and teens discover tik tok, and it is unanimously decided by every one that a standard public school has to be created
Late august 2008, the first public school is finished in city center
September 2008, the number of school sites number around 300, and counting
January 2009, ebott state college is built and open
April 2009, the ebott scouts is formed, and children hoping to join the guard in the future are able to sign up.
March 2010, ebott is opened by presiding countries for international students and charity programs
November 2010, the following of lady magic opens the temple to the public, and takes over the maintenance of what used to be known as the horrors underground. A grotto is transformed into a place of remembrance for those left behind before the crash
May 2011, the core from the stable underground is moved to the surface and duplicated into several other power factories. All of inhabited ebott is at least within an hour of power
May 2012, the stable underground is open to the public as a tourist attraction. Ebotts is opened by presiding countries to tourism
February 2013, because of public pressure from mainly farm, bird, lusts and the temple monsters, human-monster marriages are now recognized under the state as valid
July 2013 A farm monster discovers how to successfully cultivate magic crops from the underground, aboveground. He shares the secret for free, and other farm monsters take initiative to start sharing their own crop secrets. He is awarded the title of prince.
January 2014 Due to complaints about side effects from human foods, money is poured into research about safer ways to process and preserve foods in ebott.
April 2014, mellowmart becomes the largest company in ebott, finally beating out Walmart in scale.
December 2016, ebott petitions to be recognized as a free independent country to the United Nations. Ebott is turned down
December 2017, ebott petitions again to be recognized as an independent nation
February 2017 Immigration into ebott is closed, and monsters begin boycotting imported human goods. The ebott navy is built.
July 2017, ebott is declared an independent nation
March 2018, the royals declare ebott self sufficient in feeding the country when the amount of food related exports finally exceeds the imports for the first time
July 2018, ebott celebrates its first freedom festival
October 2018, the first college dedicated to the arts is opened in the captitol
July 2019, magical spars are declared the national sport after a grueling battle between spar fans and pickleball fans
November 2019, the first echo festival is celebrated in Goldenvalley
February 2020, humans not born in ebott are finally allowed to apply for citizenship, and the process for that is created.
April 2020 the goldenflower festival is organized for the first time
September 2020, several big brands like coco cola, Hersheys and nestle are banned in ebott when complaints of health issues becomes too much
March 2021, Wendy’s becomes the first company to create a monster-safe fast food outside of ebott, and after months of testing, is given permission to sell. Many other food companies follow and begin making separate recipes for their monster customers
May 2022, snails are declared the national animal of ebott, and popular snail breeds are recognized and the society of the domesticated snail is created for shows and licenses
November 2022, a different country tries to declare war on ebott on the grounds of them “stealing” their young working force (immigrant workers). Ebott threatens to close borders to tourists, those coming for medical care, and all outside companies selling in their lands. The untied nations slaps down the country declaring war.
February 2023, a new branch of the royal guard, called the NPTRF (national people’s trafficking relief foundation) or more commonly called the reverse kidnappers by ebotts supportive teens, is founded to combat the rapidly rising issue of monsters and humans being trafficked and dragged outside the country
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monellian · 2 years ago
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Decided to draw all of my current skeleton ocs! They're all from a rp I've been taking part in
(More info about them under the cut)
Lilac is a Lust variant. He comes from an Underlust au with some Fell aspects. His AU disappeared 7 years ago and he's currently not sure why. His au was also planned to be a winged au, but the idea was scrapped. Yet, some of the code is still there, just unused.
Lavender is also a Lust variant. He comes from an older Underlust au that made it to the surface.
Nightshade isn't a sans, she did live in Lilac's au for awhile, but she left just before the au disappeared.
Wisteria is Lilac's son. He's a bit sickly as he has a magic deficiency, this makes it harder for him to heal from injuries and he tends to get tired easily. Currently, he is seven.
Foxglove is Nightshade's daughter. She's four and has a weak leg, that's why she has the cane.
Locust is a Killer/Cross kid, she's currently just an infant
Dove is also Lilac's daughter. She inherited some of the wing stuff from Lilac's code. She doesn't have actual wings but she has feathers connecting to the sides of her head. Because of this though, she's hard of hearing as the feathers muffle everything. She's not current in the rp but when she will be she's only going to be about a year younger than Locust.
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lilacs-arrow · 2 months ago
Hello my name is Cupid, but I also go by Lilac and Orchid. I'm a lust sans fictive from @underground-skelecats / @cat-collections-agency . My pronouns are deer/he/she/crescent/moss.
I decided to make this blog for myself as I want a place to discuss topics that relate to me but do not wish for the minors following our other blogs to see/follow along. If you're a minor following our other blogs I ask you refrain from interacting with this one or I may block you from not only this blog but the others as well.
18+ topics will be spoken about, and I will not be using tags to avoid our minor followers from finding this account.
-minors (bodily and headmate wise)
-discourse centered accounts (whether it's discourse/syscourse/politics/shipcourse)
-anti endos/forces source separation
-anti kin/fictionkin/therian/furry
-anti contradictory labels/anti xenogenders or neopronouns pronouns
-anti sanscest or anyone who hates underlust
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theuselesscucumber · 6 years ago
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Errorlust Week Day 6: Unique
So I couldnt really think of anything for this prompt other than using my own multiverse versions of Lust and Error. So uhhh... say hi to Lilac and Malfuction (or Mal for short)
Errorlust week is held by @rarepair-cult
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glitching-time-bomb · 4 years ago
Im rgat anon asked to be 🎨 anon ıt's my second request hope you don't mind! But how about UnderFell and UnderLust boys with a S/O that their SOUL color/traid can change by depends on the situation? I hope I am not bothering you with my requests! Take care!!
I don't mind at all! This goes for everyone, but feel free to send in as many asks/requests as you want! :D
Underfell and Underlust Skeleton Brothers' With and S/O Whose Soul Changes Color
At first, Red will probably be a bit weirded out when he first learns about this
It'll take a bit of explaining from you, but he'll eventually just accept that it's a part of you
Red is still really interested in science, so he may try to put you in different situations to see how your soul changes
He'll note how your soul reacts to negative situations compared to positive situations, and he'll try to get you away from the bad one's once he knows how your soul reacts to them
He doesn't really need to do checks on you to see your soul because he's the judge of his au, so he can check any time he feels like he needs to
It always makes him smile if your soul changes in a positive way if it's just you and him together, but pointing it out will make him act all grumpy and pouty
He's most likely going to find it out himself, even if you tell him about it pretty soon after you meet him
He made it a habit of checking everyone while he was in the underground, and he still hasn't broken that habit
Surprisingly, Edge will be the only one to just say, "* Okay, That's A Part Of My S/O, It Might Be A Bit Odd, But They're Still My S/O."
He's likely not going to think much of it, to the point if where it may seem like he's forgotten that you told him about it
If you bring that up to him, Edge will probably end up feeling bad about it
After that he'll ask you to explain it a bit more, and he'll listen to what you have to say the entire time
He also might try to make it up to you by giving you some cheesy romantic gifts, such as some red roses or chocolates
He's going to be very, very confused at first
Like all Sans-personalities, he knows a lot about science, and your soul is going directly against what he knows
Lust will try his best to not make you upset/annoyed at his questions, he just wants to understand you, and why your soul does this
He'll ask you before he does any kind of test on you, which usually consists of him asking you to do certain things, and seeing if it affects your soul
(He will absolutely sit there and flirt with you for hours, saying that he's trying to see if it affects your soul trait)
Despite his curiosity, Lust will make sure that you're comfortable with him doing these "experiments"
He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way, so he'll make sure you know this
It'll take quite a bit of explaining for him to understand what you mean by this, but he'll eventually get it
He doesn't know very much about human souls, so at first he doesn't see this as out of the norm
Either you or Lust will have to explain it to him, but he grasps the concept pretty quickly
Lilac really likes to learn new things, and he loves it even more if you learn it with him, so he'll plan a few "dates" where the two of you go to the library and research for any souls like yours
He'll spend hours with you, reading the books he got from the library and cuddling with you, if you want him to
Reading is one of the few things that will make him calm down enough to sit for more than ten minutes, so it's the perfect opportunity to get extra cuddles and affection from him
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tharkilm · 3 years ago
Hello, it’s Vala!
I never thought I’d open up an Ask blog since I’m usually extremely picky about what I’m going to write, but I thought that this might as well be good writing practice for me. Being forced to sometimes write about situations and themes I never thought about might prove to be helpful, though I’m going to be honest, I’m still going to be a little bit picky. I just can’t help it, so sorry about that in advance.
I am extremely shy and still very insecure about my own writing, so please, don’t expect super fast replies from me. I’ll try my best to answer in a day or two, but I cannot promise anything other than me trying my best!
I only write for the Undertale fandom on this blog.
I only take requests for a selected few characters that I already write for (or plan to write) in my stories on ao3. I might have moments where I can do challenges and try to write for different au’s and such, but for now I’ll stick to the ones I’m comfortable with.
Lilac/Dust - Dusttale sans
Orion - Horrortale sans
Lantana - Horrortale Papyrus
Charm - Underlust sans
Peony - Underlust Papyrus
Garnet - Fell!Lust sans
Dream - Dreamtale
Nightmare - Dreamtale 
Error - Errortale 
Reaper/Grim - Reapertale sans
Blue - Underswap Sans
Stretch - Underswap papyrus
➜ Note: You may request for no more than four characters in one Ask at a time. This is mostly for detailed answers.
Please also note that these characters might not be a hundred percent canon. I try my best to stay faithful to what they’re really like, but I also enjoy putting my own little creative spin on them so as to make them more fun to write about; for me that is.
I accept NSFW. It won’t be too detailed, but you’ll get the picture.
I accept yandere related asks.
No extreme gore, frans, sanscest, papcest, fontcest or incest. No hate towards these themes/ships, I just want to focus on the self-insert part on this blog.
No RP.
➜ Note: I can write about mild blood, broken bones and violence.
If I feel uncomfortable with a request, or said request just feels too odd to fit any of the skeletons, then I won’t answer it.
tharkilm info - general information about the blog.
tharkilm writes - the main tag I will use for everything I've written.
tharkilm ask - Asks that I've replied to.
tharkilm headcanon - for the headcanon posts.
tharkilm challenge - for different challenges I might do.
tharkilm event - for various events I might have.
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ivyprism · 4 years ago
Masterlist 10
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
Fellswap Amaranth (Terra and Savanna)
Dolce Voice Canon (Fellswap Amaranth)
Regrets (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU)
Hero Family (OCs)
Info on Cecilia and Poison (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU)
Fun fact (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Poison)
Fellswap Amaranth (Octavia, Claudius, Theodora, and Cedric)
Fellswap Amaranth (Goner Asriel)
Selkie Siblings (OCs)
Fun fact (The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Mishka the Wolf)
The Children (The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Rosaline, Kassidy, Sally, and Minnie)
Outcode Skeleton Boys (Sanses)
Outcode Skeleton Boys (Papyruses)
Outcode Headcanons (The Outcode Skeleton boys and Ladies)
"Walk please" TikTok thoughts... (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU and the Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU)
Magnolia (Ghostsona/Robotsona)
Pets (Various Characters: Undertale AUs and OCs)
Fun fact 2 (Nightmare Sans and Papyrus)
Relationships? (Skeleton Boys!)
Fun fact 3 (Dante!)
Kassidy, Rosaline, and Verdana (Fellswap Amaranth)
John and Adam (Fellswap Amaranth)
Christine (Fellswap Amaranth)
Groups (Skeleton Boys)
Halloween Outfits! (Undertale AU University)
Halloween Outfits to add! (Undertale AU University)
Halloween Outfits (Undertale AU University)
Fun fact 3 (Nurse Anon)
Band AU (Many characters!)
Band AU Outfits (Magnolia, Calla, and Hydrangea)
Band AU Outfits (Magnolia, Calla, and Hydrangea)
Inuyasha Observation (H's thoughts)
Outfits (Serenity and Hydrangea)
The Masquerade Pirate Mermaid AU outfits (Harper and Hydra)
The Twins: Clover and Lucky (AU OCs)
Adventurers AU (OCs)
Voices part one (OCs)
Voices part two (OCs)
Adventurer Outfits (OCs)
Stories Written:
Comfort (The Undertale AU University: H and Coal)
So Tired (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Cecilia and Poison)
Toxin (Fellswap Amaranth Story) short.
Cruelty (The Masquerade Pirate Mermaid AU: Eowyn) TW!
Pain, huh? (Anon Harem)
Monster (Lyric Prompt)
Harp vs OCs (Mermaid Pirate AU)
Stuff in Fairytale AU (Fairytale AU)
Sobriety (UT Willows Family: Isabella)
People liking OCs and Characters (Info)
Dolce as a vigilante (Villains and Heroes AU: Fellswap Amaranth Papyrus)
Vigilantes (Villains and Heroes AU: Swapfell, Fellswap Red, and Fellswap Amaranth)
Magic Taste? (Fellswap Amaranth Boys)
Date Headcanons (Fellswap Amaranth Papyrus)
Beds? (The Masquerade Pirate Mermaid AU)
Confessing in argument (Various Skeleboys)
Deal breakers (Underfell, Undertale, and Underswap boys)
Tessora is a nuisance (Info and Ratsoh's Boys)
"Oh" moment (Fellswap Red Papyrus: Highschool AU)
Horror Household Soft Headcanon (Horrortale, Horrorswap, and Horrorfell)
Sharp and Spade (Mafiaswap Sans)
Friendship with Sharp (Mafiatale Sans)
September 21st (Highschool AU)
Headcanons (Danceswap Papyrus)
They trust you (Mafiaswap, Mafiatale, and Mafiafell)
Short SO with Clove (Horrortale Sans)
Short SO with DJ (Dancetale Sans)
Crush in Kioko? (Fellswap Red Papyrus: The Undertale AU University)
Butch vs Tyr (The Beast Tamer: Tyr)
You're in a game (Skeleton Boys)
Halloween Costume (Undertale Papyrus)
Halloween Costume (Mafiaswap Papyrus)
Halloween Costume (Underswap and Swapfell Papyrus)
Halloween Costume (Dancetale Sans)
Halloween Costume (Fellswap Red Papyrus)
Halloween Costume (Mafiatale Sans)
Halloween Costume (Undertale Sans)
Halloween Costume (Horrortale Sans)
Halloween Costume (Underlust Papyrus)
Halloween Costume (Underswap Sans)
Halloween Costume (Underfell Sans)
Halloween Costume (Dancetale and Dancefell Papyrus)
Singing crush (Mafiatale, Mafiafell, and Mafiaswap)
Byron being trouble (Band AU)
Charm and Iris (Iris and Charm)
Ceylon and Chai meeting Basil and Lilac (Horrorswap boys)
Vapor's Swan (The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Horrorswap)
Helena's powers (Villains and Heroes AU)
Preferred Gun (Mafiatale Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus)
Dance competition? (Dancetale Papyrus and Sans)
Clove's past time (Horrortale Sans)
Chai's favorite flower (Horrorswap Sans)
Competitive brother? (Mafiatale Papyrus)
Lying about serenading them and calling them short (Underswap Sans, The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU, and the Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU)
Three wishes (Dancetale Sans)
Broken Hip Hop (Dancetale Papyrus)
How long broken Hip Hop lasts (Dancetale Papyrus)
Glamour's job (Underlust Sans)
Cyrus Hurt (Skelesona reaction)
Vs. Butch (The Beast Tamer: Tyr, Viper, and Horrortale Family: Ilon)
Halloween Costume (Danceswap Papyrus)
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rosescries · 1 year ago
What if the alternate universes of Undertale also spoke different languages. Since I don't wanna assume English is universal. What languages do you think the main(?) 5 would speak? And why?
Uuuuuhhhhh, honestly? I've been keeping this ask for a while and mulling it over, but I.. just don't have an answer? I don't think all of the skeletons are English and only speak English, but I'm not entirely sure what other language they'd speak. I do think that English is a second language for some of them though.
The only ones I definitely have a idea for is the Lust Brothers. They speak French!
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chocolatte-and-despair · 4 years ago
Can you give me a link to the list of every single character that you made please? I have to scroll for a long time to find it...
((I constantly add new characters to my list, so just because you don’t see your AU or character on this list doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead and request the character! I’m always excited to add new things! So, go ahead, and ask for characters that might not be on here!))
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ -
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  -
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ -
* Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ -
* Toriel/Undertale Toriel 'The Caretaker' -
* Asgore/Undertale Asgore 'The Previous King' -
* Alphys/Undertale Alphys ' The anxious scientist ' -
* Undyne/Undertale Undyne ' Captain of the royal guard ' -
* Flowey/Undertale Flowey ' The soulless monster ' -
* Bratty/Undertale Bratty ' The friendly crocodile ' -
* Catty/undertale Catty ' The chatty cat ' -
* Lady/Snowdin shopkeeper ' the cheerful shopkeeper from snowdin ' -
* Chara/Undertale Chara ' The vengeful ghost ' -
* Asriel/Undertale Asriel ' The crybaby heir ' -
* Frisk/Undertale Frisk ' the monster ambassador ' -
* Mickey/Undertale Monster Kid ' The Undyne Fan ' -
* Ginger/Undertale Burgerpants -
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ -
* Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ -
* Ursa/Underfell Toriel 'The Caretaker of the Catacombs' -
* Tenor/Underfell Asgore ' The Tyrant' -
* Laguna/Underfell Alphys ' The mad scientist ' -
* Currant/Underfell Undyne ' The cruel captain ' -
* Dessy/Underfell Chara ' The demon who brought despair underground ' -
* Daffodil/Underfell Flowey ' The frightful flower ' -
* Fawn/Underfell Frisk ' The genocidal freak ' -
* Penny/Underfell Monster Kid ' The moody teenager ' -
* Tuscan/Underfell Asriel ' The obsessive prince ' -
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ -
* Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner'
* Pepper/Underswap Mutter ' The quiet Bartender' -
* Cinnamon/Underswap Chara ' The Two-Faced savior ' -
* Tawny/Underswap Asriel ' The friendly town guide ' -
* Buttercup/Underswap Frisk ' The lost princess ' -
* Periwinkle/Underswap Monster Kid ' The current monster prince ' -
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  -
* Ebony/Swapfell Toriel ' The unstable Queen' -
* Marigold/Swapfell Asgore ' The Unstable Caretaker' -
* Fuschia/Swapfell Alphys -
* Rosewood/Swapfell Undyne -
* Pitch/Swapfell Chara ' The Cheerful ambassador ' -
* Cobalt/Swapfell Asriel ' The quiet town guide ' -
* Chartreuse/Swapfell Frisk ' The domineering prince ' -
* Peacock/Swapfell Monster Kid ' The prideful princess ' -
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ -
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ -
* Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ -
* Mahogany/Fellswap Chara ' The temperamental fallen human ' -
* Flaxen/Fellswap Asriel ' The bored town guide ' -
* Canary/Fellswap Frisk ' The good-hearted Lost Spirit ' -
* Jade/Fellswap Monster Kid ' The frightful princess ' -
*Merlot/Fellswap Gold Sans ' The bad wine expert wannabe ' -
*Mochaccino/Fellswap Gold Papyrus ' The coffee addict ' -
* Hickory/Horrortale Sans ‘ The Butcher ‘ -
* Tatters/Horrortale Papyrus ‘ The Cannibal ‘ -
* Lilac/Horrortale Toriel - 
* Vile/Horrortale Grillby 'The starving bartender'
* Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' -
* Widow/Horrortale Muffet ' The Black Widow ' -
* Toffee/Storyshift Chara ‘ The Guard ‘ -
* Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ -
* Pebble/Storyshift Frisk ' The one who will free them all ' -
* Moss/Storyshift Monster Kid ' The village boy ' -
* Cantaloupe/Storyshift Papyrus -
* Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ -
* Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ -
* Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' -
* Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' -
* Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' -
* Sapphire/Overtale Frisk ' The friendly goat monster ' -
* Oliver/Overtale Monster Kid ' The curious neighborhood teenager ' -
* Bumblebee/Outertale Flower ' The worrisome flower ' -
* Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ -
*  Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ -
* Kris/Deltarune Kris  -
* Susie/Deltarune Susie  -
* Sugarberry/Trickstertale Swap!Sans ' The eccentric Trickster ' -
* Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' -
* Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' -
* Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' -
* Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' -
* Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Iris/Fresh! Chara -
* Fern/Mafia!Dream  ' The Optimistic Detective ' -
* Onyx/Mafia!Nightmare  ' The Pessimistic Detective ' -
* Sangria/Mafia!Ink  ' The soulless detective ' -
* Chiffon/Mafia!Error  ' The guilty Detective ' -
* Berry/Strawberry Nightmare ' The positive nightmare ' -
* Arctic/Snake!Dream!Sans ' The positive snake protector ' -
* Anchor/Snake!Nightmare!Sans ' the negative snake guardian ' -
* Sky/Outcode Underswap Sans ' The last star sans ' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Raven/Killertale Sans -
* Blueprints/Error! Underswap Sans -
* Tortilla/ Pup Bitty -
* Denim/Sansy Bitty ' The lazy bitty ' -
* Pistachio/Sansy Naga Bitty ' The peaceful snake bitty ' -
* Jam/Edgy bitty -
* Navy/Baby blue bitty -
* Echo/Echotale Sans ‘ The PlayBoy’  -
* Heather/Echofell Sans -
* Juniper/Echoswap Sans - 
* Green/Echotale Papyrus ‘ The BookWorm’  -
* Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ -
* Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' -
* Yammy/DustJar Papyrus -
* Bronze/Disbelief Papyrus -
* Sandstone/Dustbelief Papyrus -
* Squash/Dustswap Papyrus -
* Fog/Dusttale Papyrus
* Carob/Dustshift Asriel -
* Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' -
* Carnal/Horrorswapfell Gaster ' The Pathetic RiverMan ' -
* Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' -
* Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' -
* Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' -
* Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' -
* Garnet/Horrorfellswap gold sans -
* Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -
* Pine/Horrorswap Papyrus ' The creepy Con Artist ' -
* Cedar/Horrorfellswap gold Papyrus -
* Umber/Horrorshift Asriel ' the broken down sentry ' -
* Soot/Horrorshift Chara ' the protective Butcher ' -
* Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ -
* Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' -
* Candy/Lustfell Sans -
* Teal/Swaplust sans ' The innocent slut ' -
* Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ -
* Lavender/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' -
* Marmalade/swaplust Papyrus -
* Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender'
* Sepia/Lustfell Toriel - 
* Orchid/Horrorlust Toriel - 
* Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' -
* Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' -
*  Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' -
* Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ -
* Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' -
* Tangerine/Dancetale Papyrus  -
* Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' -
* Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' -
* Perseus/Outerswapfell Sans ' The rule follower ' -
* Cygnus/Outerfell Sans ' The eccentric dreamer ' -
* Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ -
* Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ -
* Caramel/Storyswap Chara ' The friendly sentry-to-be ' -
* Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' -
* Ivory/Storyswap Asriel ' The laid-back sentry ' -
* Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ -
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ -
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' -
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ -
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ -
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' -
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' -
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ -
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' -
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' -
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ -
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ -
* Admiral/Mafiafell Gaster ' The brutal Don ' -
* Basiliscus/Mafiatale Gaster ' The Collected Don' -
* Apricot/Mafiaswap Gaster  ' The cheerful informant ' -
* Sable/Mafiaswapfell Gaster ' The strict Don ' -
* Dove/Mafiafell Chara  ' The Apathetic heir ' -
* Sage/Mafiaswap Chara   ' The two-faced sweetheart ' -
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' -
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' -
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' -
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' -
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' -
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' -
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' -
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' -
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' -
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' -
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' -
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' -
* Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' -
* Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' -
* Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed officer'
* Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse'
* Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran'
* Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman'
* Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer'
* Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose'
* Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher'
* Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic'
* Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress'
* Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival'
* Spurce/Beasttale Sans ' The territorial Alpha ' -
* Shamrock/Beasttale Papyrus ' The Friendly Beta ' -
* Charcoal/Snaketale Sans ' The chubby snake ' -
* Leather/Snakeswapfell Sans ' The territorial snake ' -
* Grease/Snakefell Sans ' The aggressive snake ' -
* Aquila/Outersnake sans ' the dreamy snake ' -
* Walnut/Snakeswap Sans ' The cheerful snake' -
* Crow/Dustsnake Sans ' the homicidal snake ' -
* Lapis/Altersnake sans  -
* Seafoam/Sirentale Sans ' The human-hating siren ' -
* Ocean/Sirenswap Sans ' The selfish siren ' -
* Seaweed/Sirenswapfell sans  -
* Hades/Reapertale Sans - 
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personwithawaluigihat · 4 years ago
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alright here we go
horn, he is the classic one hes bi and dating die (cuphead oc), hes the son of sans and toriel (so are the rest of them), horn and most of the horns hav a prediction ablity, if he is about to die/be attacked then it will give him a vision of it before it happens (he also gets the vision if somwone he knows is about to die but only if they are in the same universe), he works with gaster in the lab
ace hes is the deltarune version of horn, hes basically just a giant nerd
galaxy hes basically just horn but space hes slightly bean 
edge, underfell horn hes bi romantic demisexual (hes dating star) he also works with gaster (the underfell one) but he dosent like it very much sense underfell gaster is an asshole
star B E A N, hes pan romantic and also demisexual, hes part of the royal guard instead of secondary royal scientist (same with supernova) hes just a genuinly happy bean
supernova, hes been through some shit, hes been kidnaped by an evil scientist and used for his ability's, had his life threatened by blood etc, hes gay amd dating syth 
syth, hes from dustale thanks to the predistion ablity he had to watch everyone die (multiple times sense i think thats how dustale works) so hes pretty sad (sense he also lost cloud who is the toria of that universe) being around supernova makes him happy 
viollet, hes from underlust and was pretty cursed for a bit but that calmed down after a bit, hes very much gay and dating stitches (one of lilacs ocs) 
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years ago
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Going from shortest to tallest we have:
Gears (nomadtale) at 4’5
Pluto (outertale) at 4’7
Pop (dancetale) at 4’11
Lord (fellswap) at 5 feet!
Mal (swapfell) at 5 feet
Charm (underlust) at 5’1
Sans at 5’3!
Red (underfell) at 5’3
Star (underswap) at 5’4
Sparks (lustswap) at 5’4
Peaches (farmtale) at 5’5
Ace (mafiaswap) at 5’5
Wine (fellswap gold) at 5’5
Snipe (mafiatale) at 5’6
Lush (lustfell) at 5’6
Butch (mafiafell) at 5’9
G (gastertale) at 5’9
Cash (swapfell) at 6 feet
Coffee (fellswap gold) at 6 feet
Compass (nomadtale) at 6 feet
Sugar (underlust) at 6’1
Honey (underswap) at 6’3
Salt (lustswap) at 6’3
Rust (horrorfell) at 6’4
Rhythm (dancetale) at 6’4
Oak (horrortale) at 6’4
Edge (underfell) at 6’5
Papyrus at 6’5
Jupiter (outertale) at 6’5
Slim (mafiaswap) at 6’6
Rancher (farmtale) at 6’6
Mutt (fellswap) at 6’6
Lilac (horrorswap) at 6’6
Pepper (lustfell) at 6’7
Bruiser (mafiatale) at 6’7
Green (gastertale) at 6’9
Boss (mafiafell) at 6’9
Basil (horrorswap) at 7’9
Willow (horrortale) at 8 feet!
Noir (horrorfell) at 8 feet!
Whew that’s a lotta boys!
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epic-and-kitty · 3 years ago
Random thought, but I've upgraded my fictional husband list to include more than just Ink. In no particular order, and with my personal names for them (if they're Sans variants), an incomplete list
💖 Underswap Sans (Blue or Baby Blue)
💖 Mobtale Sans (Mob or Mobsy)
💖Swapfell Sans (Razz)
💖Underlust Sans (yeah I don't dislike him anymore)(also I have two versions, the 'canon' one[Lilac] and my own version I named Ermine)
💖 Horrortale Sans (Cookie)
💖Leon from Pokemon sword and shield (he has dumbass himbo energy)
💖 Sterling.... from Animal Crossing (I'm a degenerate furry and he's full of himbo energy, leave me alone)
And that's all I can think of at the moment, might reblog this again if I can think of any others I missed. Also I'll answer any questions about why or what I like about these dweebs if you want to ask.
0 notes
dreamieh · 8 years ago
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Here’s batch 2 of the portraits, finally! Hope you enjoy and that I’ve credited everything correctly XD
Underlust!Sans – © @nsfwshamecave // Orcids
Horrortale!Sans – © @sour-apple-studios // Carnations
Gradient – © @askcomboclub // Poppys
Bluescreen – © @7goodangel // Dasies
Furthertale!Origami – © @dreamieh // Cherryblossoms
Furthertale!Sane – © @zerelixon // Lutus
Reapertale!Sans – © @renrink // Calla
Aftertale!Sans (Geno) – © @loverofpiggies // Chrysantemum
Swapfell!Sans – © @eli-sin-g // Hibiscus
Dusttale!Sans – © @ask-dusttale // Honeysuckle
Furthertale!Calligraphy – © @dreamieh and @zerelixon // Lilacs
Furthertale!Luke – © @dreamieh // Appleblossoms
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