rjbailey · 4 years
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Reposted from @thesaurus_com Underdogs can always come out on top. 💪 #Underdog #KeepFighting #YouAreNotALoser #Loser #Believe #NewWords #AlwaysLearning #English #Thesaurus #UnderdogMentality #UnderdogsOfIg - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHp57gla2x/?igshid=wrkx6wfpcvjk
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svmseguros · 5 years
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Nunca has estado llorando por horas porque tenias un plan donde habia una oportunidad de ganancia y de pronto todo se derrumbo. Que realmente perdistes? Nada, pero aun asi te sentistes que se acababa el mundo. Eso sucede cuando creas falsas expectativas en sueños. Cambia tu mentalidad, cuando esperas nada, puedes ganarlo todo sin la presion de perder. Todos los dias sal a conquistar el mundo sin importar si ganas o pierdes esa sera tu gran ventaja al jugar. #underdogmentality #ganar #win #espectativas #cambiatumentalidad #robeaotronivel #mentesprodigiosas #deseodetriunfar #perdiendoseaprendeaganar #sigueadelante #conocetusdebilidades https://www.instagram.com/p/B64jZfslfHl/?igshid=1bvvx0uid5ec3
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gregfrag · 5 years
The process of the grind.. "Work! Look at the secrets to success, look at your family, your community, your culture, take a look at what they have done to be successful and don't fool yourself. Don't think that you are going to get success on discount." – Eric Thomas @etthehiphoppreacher .#nofear #nolimits #noexcuses #gregfrag #gregfragmotivation #gregfragalifesavor #gregfragmotivationquotes #Dreambig #Neverquit #Youcandoit #makeyourselfproud #doit #provethemwrong #makeyourselfproud #makeyourownrecords #gohardorgohome #workhardplayhard #alwaysstayhumble #alwaysstayfocused #smile #feedyourself #bestrong #befearless #bewise @gregfrag #beyou #beyourself #nopainnogain #trainhard #mylifemyway #mylifemygame #havefaith #changeyourmindset #yourmindsetyourpain #nodeafeat #becomestronger #youcandothis #youcandoanything #underdogmentality #trusttheprocess #staylockedin #NeverGiveUp #fearisnotreal #betonyourself #humbleandhungry #believeinyou #nothinggiven #beyourowngoat #Dreambig #Neverquit #Youcandoit #makeyourselfproud #doit #provethemwrong #makeyourselfproud #makeyourownrecords #brakeyourownrecords #dontstopplaying #Dreambig #alwaysstayhumble #workhardplayharder #iceinmyveins #coldblooded #ifitshumanlypossibleiknowicandoit . . #lifelessons #motivationalvideo #motivationalvideos #lifequotes #hardwork #EricThomas #growth #pushyourself Reposted from @motiversity (at Thessaloníki) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3OyXSxgR9uva-LswSrW0wkgEvhuWisvKimnHg0/?igshid=18ahtlvlise21
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