#under the bodhi tree
linggluu · 2 years
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weeps ;; i love you
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Why can’t brown eyes shadow and red eyes shadow get along? They’re both pretty girls and definitely don’t need a reason to fight
ASDGMYTKJSJAJAJA! 😂 Okay, that’s a good one. They’re both pretty…
Brown Eyes vs. Red/Orange Eyes
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stale-compost · 11 months
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what is man but a synthesis of opposites?
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hello! May I request some headcanons with Loki or Buddha with a deity!s/o who known for their protection over the forests but doesn’t blame humanity entirely for the loss of them? They don’t pin each forest fire on the humans when a drought or another cause is usually the culprit.
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- Honestly, it baffles Loki that you don't hold a grudge against humans because sometimes, they are just horrid little parasites.
- However you remind him the only reason why they do stuff like that is because of the punishment that the gods gave the humans.
- "It's quite simple, Loki. Gods destroy their homes. The humans cut down the wood to rebuild. And then their homes are destroyed again because of the gods. It's just how it is."
- He can tell that it hurts you, though. Many times he's found you sulk at the once grand and tall patches of forest and trees now being replaced with cement jungles and roads. The unspoken rage as you hold a bird whose wing was injured in the deforestation process of greedy humans, listening to its sad tweets and petting it as an attempt to comfort it.
- He may interfere with any God or human's plan that may hurt your forests. For example, if a drought where to occur because the gods believe the humans deserved it, Loki would casually incur Thor's wrath on purpose just so he made it rain. Yes, he'd sadly be helping those horrid humans live longer but at least your beloved nature would be saved.
- And he gets to set up Thor for the entire thing too!
- As for the more pathetic humans, the ones who wipe out dozens of forests to create more unnecessary cities and suburbs, Loki will bend the rules a bit and mess with their machines and mechanics.
- He'll proudly let you know what he's done with a smile on his face and want a little kiss on his cheek as a reward.
- He tries to play it off like he doesn't care about you, that he's just doing this in exchange of romantic favors, but it's kinda easy to see the only one he's convincing of that fact is himself.
- Sometimes natural disasters occur, things that can not be stopped, but that doesn't mean that you aren't any less sad.
- He never gets the hint and will try to tease you and annoy you a bit, thinking he's doing you a favor by trying to get it off your mind but then he just huffs and walks off. Giving up and leaving you alone, since you want to be boring and wallow.
- Just kidding! He just doesn't know how to comfort you, is all, but when he figures out a way; he will return. The chances of him verbally apologizing for pestering you are slim but he will show his remorse in other ways.
- Threatening any minor gods who cause any destruction to your forests because of their temper tantrums towards the mortals to regrow your trees. He doesn't care if their powers don't let them do that, he will literally give them a gardening book and with a creepy smile, say: "Then I'd start learning how to grow them! Or else..."
- Then he'll take all the credit as he shows you the semi-restored forest, yes it may be smaller than it used to be but it still warms your heart that he'd go to such lengths...Even though he technically didn't do it but you don't need to know that.
- Overall, Loki can understand being protective of something since he is a very possessive person, but he will secrely punish SOMEONE behind your back depending on the god and the context of the humans.
- However, if you find that he's wrongfully punished humans and get upset with him, he'll be upset with you and not speak to you until you realize he was just trying to help you protect your precious forests!
- Then he'll come crawling back, a pout on his face as he admits that he made it up to the stupid mortals who were innocent, only for it to be replaced by a smile as you kiss him and thank him for apologizing.
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- OKAY BUT CONSIDERING HE FOUND ENLIGHTENMENT UNDER A BODHI TREE, he totally had a certain respect for you already and your dedication to protecting the forests.
- And that respect honestly went up even more when he learned that you don't simply blame humans each time their is a tragic destruction, after all, even before them: forest fires and other unforseen circumstances of nature would occur unfortunately.
- Likes to go on walks through forests with you, always being careful to make sure whatever wrappings he has on him from his snacks don't fall to the ground and always silently picking them up.
- He honestly loves the forests just as much as you do, not gonna lie. But if there's a specific forest that you like or call home, you can expect to find him there most of the time.
- Like you come back after having to defend and heal some of the surviving trees from another tragedy recover but once you see him softly snoring under a tree you both considered your favorite, you smile lovingly and join him, causing him to stir a little and wrap an arm around your shoulder.
- But yeah, he honestly applauds you for being so understanding and not blaming the humans all willy nilly, it's sad that the rest of the gods couldn't be as understand towards the humans as you are when it comes to these things but he's glad at the very least that you are.
- He also may be chill but like, if there are humans who end up destroying your forests for their own selfish gain then he wouldn't tell anyone if you decided to, like, pay them back just a little bit.
- If another God were responsible for the destruction of your trees, he will make sure that you receive proper apologies and that there will be repercussions.
- And if anyone has a problem with that, they can take that up with him.
- Honestly loves to help you take care of your forests if you'd let him, he'll need a bit of direction but he enjoys being around nature and he enjoys being around you.
- He may need a bit of direction, he may even make a few little mistakes just so you could come over and correct him and have an excuse to be close to you.
- Like, he'll accidentally be all: "Uh, how do you trim their branches?" and you smile and walk over to him as you come from behind him and put your arms around his, helping him navigate the scissors with your hands.
- Yeah, it may sound a bit childish but at the end of the day, he isn't ashamed with it as he's all: "It's gonna take me a while to learn this, (Y/n). You might need to teach me a few more times."
- You simply roll your eyes, recognizing his tone being a playfull one but kissing his cheek and smiling: "Then I will teach you for as long as it takes♡"
- HE WILL COMFORT YOU WHEN YOU GET UPSET, HONESTLY. Like you suffered a devastating lost because of a horrible natural accident that was no one's fault, but yet you blamed yourself. He will hold your face and tell you straight up you've done all you could do.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
"this is so wrong," "if so, then stop me, love," "you tempt me, [name]-" cue a KISSSSS "-and you drive me insane." + flirty banter for bodhi maybe ?
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You’re like a drug
All of his smirks and winks were always reserved for you. It only took for you to enter the room for Bodhi’s m scowl to turn upside down and you would have a grinning bobcat following your every move. The thing was you felt the attraction too. At first, you thought it was simply because both of your dragons were close in their kin but it ran deeper than that.
And you were good at keeping him at arm's length until you all had gotten slightly too tipsy by the river band. You knew it was asking for trouble the moment the idea itself bloomed. But you all had been working so hard in making progress with the revolution that it would be a shame to not celebrate it at least in some way.
“Last one to the river goes in naked”, Garrick chuckled as he took off running. Imogen let out a huff as she tried to grab his shirt to yank him backward but with no luck. “You can’t start running and then say what it’s for”, she grumbled hurrying after him. You let out a chuckle, stepping over the branch and ready to take off yourself but a hand stopped you, turning you backward.
“What the hell”, you muttered, right as your back hit the tree. “Shh…”, you didn’t need to see him. Even the slightest shine of the moonlight whispered enough of his shadow. “What are you…”, your words died down as a warm whisper of lips trailed down your neck. Your hands moved to reach for him in a heartbeat. Tensed muscles melting into a puddle.
Bodhi’s heart was drumming so loudly that he barely could hear your whispers. Liquid courage was giving him one hell of a kickoff. Nudging your hips he motioned for you to jump up into his embrace and within seconds your legs were wrapped around his torso. “What the fuck”, you breathed out breathlessly, as Bodhi moved to nibble on your neck. “You looked too good”, he muttered, “I couldn’t”, he sighed, “Couldn’t hold back any longer”.
Your own heart picked up the beats as if it already wasn’t working overtime. “You don’t mean it. It’s a game for you”, you grunted, truly to push him away. Now with a moment to catch your breath, your sensible mind had returned. Flashes of other, countless females drooling over Bodhi filled your mind. “Don’t you have a Margarita or some other bitch to run to”, you pushed back but Bodhi only pulled you closer. “Are you jealous, baby?”, he mussed, brushing his finger over your cheek. You turned your head to the side, earning a chuckle.
“I like seeing you like this”, Bodhi breathed, “Why don’t you claim me, it would save you the eye rolls”, his words were barely a whisper against your skin. “Fuck you”, you hissed, dragging your palms down his chest. “Oh, funny you mentioned that, cause I’ve been trying to do that”, he purred making you huff, “You’re so annoying”, “Your body seems to disagree”, and it truly was that, because while your brain tried to fight him, your hands seemed to want nothing but to undress him.
“This shouldn’t… We shouldn’t”, you muttered breathlessly as Bodhi captured your lips in a kiss once more. “Then tell me to stop”, he said before biting your lip playfully, “Make me stop, baby”, for the first time since he pulled you aside his hands loosened around you. Giving you more than enough space to pull away. To stop this. To get going. Because there was already so much going on. Graduations. Ne cadets. Revolution. Mixing a relationship into all of this?
Yet something about the lack of Bodhi’s warmth against you. The loss of the feeling of his heart beating right against you was wrong. Your hand recharged up for his, pulling it up right where it had sat right under your bum for support. Bodhi let out a chuckle, “That’s what I thought”, his face was as bright as the stars up in the sky. Shining brightly. “Wipe that grin off your face and kiss me”, you dragged him closer by the collar, crashing your lips against his with a messy kiss. Neither is willing to give up dominance yet. “You’re like a fucking drug..”, Bodhi pulled back panting, “It’s your lucky night, 'cause you might get another fix”, you muttered smirking right up at him.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 2 years
Buddha headcanons with fem!Yoriichi Tsugikuni!reader
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Special thanks to @onecantsimply for helping me proofread/edit these headcanons so I could post the best Buddha content as I am able to :)
Buddha is a god, so he’s seen his fair share of ethereal goddesses in Valhalla. But he’s never been one to care about physical appearances so much as the personality of someone, since beauty does fade over time.
Not gonna lie though; when he first laid his eyes on the Sun Hashira, he initially thought there was nothing beyond the stoic expression she wore because, well, he didn’t know [First Name] [Last Name] too well because they’d recently ascended as a deity. He’s heard the gossip on how exactly this powerful Demon Slayer became the second human to become an immortal, though there was no solid proof behind the rumors. And he’s never been one to pay attention to that kind of stuff, anyway.
His first impression of the Sun Hashira soon changed after Zeus had concluded yet another stupid conference.
It wasn’t anything special honestly, but she crept up behind him and tapped his bicep before offering up an unopened lollipop to him. Normally he’d see this as a sign of some newbie buttering up to him because he was the honorable one, and a powerful god in his own right…but the lollipop in [First Name’s clenched palm was a cola-flavored one.
He loved all kinds of sweets, but cola-flavored ones were like a delicacy; they were super hard to find in Valhalla ‘cause most of the candy shops didn’t wanna go down to Earth to actually get the cola-flavored ones or even bother to learn how to make, so Buddha didn’t suck on one unless he was either slightly stressed or just wanted something different and was willingly to spend money.
So to see and hear the Sun Hashira asking him with a straight face if he’d like this treat when he’s never seen her even eat anything sweet…it was weird. Nice…but weird. He wasn’t gonna say ‘no’ to a freebie, obviously. Buddha plucked the lollipop from [First Name]’s hand, and when he put it in his mouth, the enlightened one saw the faintest trace of a smile stretch across the newbie’s lips.
The greatest Demon Slayer in human history…can actually smile? Whoa. Not what he had been expecting.
Still, it could all just be an act.
Everyone here didn’t like him because he’d been a human. He returned the sentiment wholeheartedly after centuries of putting up with their selfishness and arrogance.
Without saying another word, he just waved good-bye to her and left to go relax under his bodhi tree for the rest of the day. Honestly, he half-expected the Demon Slayer to come crawling back to him in another attempt to gain his favor.
Except she didn’t.
She never bothered him unless they happened to cross paths. Yet when such an incident occurred, she just bowed her head respectfully to him and went about her business. Sure enough he ended up seeking out the Sun Hashira’s quiet company when the noise around Valhalla was enough to give him a headache. Or Zeus, the damned nosy geezer.
Their time together would either be spent in one of the greenhouses or in the forest that surrounded [First Name]’s modest home. He’d be munching on whatever is in his snack basket and she’d be practicing her swordmanship, or they’d have small talk over some freshly brewed tea on the veranda.
A comfortable camaraderie between two gods that didn’t include shouting matches or bruising egos.
Over time, Buddha learned that there were additional layers underneath the stoic expression [First Name] always wore. She was kind and selfless, harboring an adoration for humans and a lot more expressive with emotions if one were to observe her as closely as he had.
Although she is still haunted by the lives she couldn’t save from the demons, she knew she did the best she could. That thought alone helped her sleep at night.
(Buddha called bullshit but wisely kept his mouth shut and suggested meditation lessons that can be practiced in the evening to help calm the mind instead.)
The Demon Slayer was an anomaly amongst the gods, if one excluded the Grecian hero Heracles.
Yet for all of the good qualities she possessed, the Sun Hashira was a bit…oblivious. She honestly had no idea that some of these narcissistic gods actually harbored romantic feelings for her and thought they were just being polite to an ascended immortal like herself.
She was not a goddess of love and still possessed scars from her days as a Demon Slayer even after becoming a god. Why would anyone bother looking at her?
He might be the honorable one who had removed himself from earthly desires to find enlightenment, but even the great Buddha gets a little peeved when the Sun Hashira’s attention isn’t on him and him alone~.
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yoga-onion · 10 months
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[Image above: Head of the Buddha, 4th CE-5th CE, V&A]
Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (22)
Bodhi (disambiguation) - Enlightenment and the perfection of the Buddha's Way
The 8th of December is the day, the Buddha attained enlightenment, and is celebrated every year in Buddhist communities as 'Bodhi Day'. Bodhi means enlightenment and the perfection of the Buddha's Way.
At the age of 35, Gautama Buddha (Ref) attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree (Ref2) in Bodh Gaya and became a Buddha (the awakened one).
The nature of that realisation is “the truth of the universe”. When we speak of truth, most of the time it tends to be only the truth of a certain time and a certain region. We must not forget that, in addition to such truths, there are truths that transcend time and space, that is, the truth of the universe.
This concludes the 'Buddha to his disciples, a mini-series' for now. Thank you very much. From the next issue, we will focus on 'Legendary creatures and humanoids on anthropomorphism'.
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ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (22) 
成道 〜 悟りを開き、仏道を完成すること
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she-whatshername · 8 days
Ok when we all read the the new Xaden POV, are we going to gather in groups of threes and meet under a tree to discuss?! I need to converse and unpack the everything and nothings lolol. Below is me entering your DMs and convos with my bag full of theories
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And the said theory I want to discuss is…
CYGNIS have entered the chat! As I am building their world, characters and culture from the scraps of them in the book it was awesome to see their name mentioned
And Xaden confirms my theory that they’re ruthless, and ‘Stubborn Assholes’ which my OC, Cree is EXACTLY THAT! Literally the two sentences in the pov validated my months of making stuff up about this place
I feel it in my bones something is up with that province; poisonous flowers, their 4 day revolution, they also don’t get along with Poromiel and their monarchy, the number of venin attacks that happened there, Rhiannon being so close from there and mentioning families were separated when the wards and borders when up…👀👀
I really hope Cygni is explored in the third book, I have a lot of Cygni theories about Bodhi and Xaden and but until then I’m just going to write it a down in drifted and pretend it’s real lolol
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angstywaifu · 7 months
The Lost Sister - Part 8
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: Wasn't going to double post today but I'm feeling generous with it being Valentines Day. Sadly nothing super romantic about this one, but I promise some really good stuff is coming soon! I also have a few more one shots, but my requests are open if you have any more you guys want to send through! The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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The rotunda is empty as Imogen and I enter. Everyone in the dining hall eating. The feeling of being alone should unsettle me given recent circumstances, but after today I feel like that’s behind us.
Usually I would feel her eyes on me, but as she approached me in the hall I had no idea. Though I had been a little distracted at the lack of Garrick, Xaden and Bodhi at dinner.
She leads me over to the edge of the rotunda, and sits on the ledge, leaning up against one of the pillars. I copy her on the opposite side. For a few moments we sit in silence, looking out over the trees and mountains. It’s beautiful under the moonlight. In the distance I occasionally see dragons flying around. I wonder if one of them will be mine come threshing.
“I’d say I’m sorry for how I’ve acted towards you and what I did today. But I’m won’t. It’s just my weird way of processing this I guess.” She finally says, still looking out over the trees. “But, I can’t assure you it won’t happen again.”
I slowly nod my head. “Thanks, I guess.”
She looks over at me as if confused by my response.
“Not going to lie I was expecting a different response out of you regarding this. Also kind of surprised Garrick isn’t attached to your hip after what I did.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes my lips. “Yeah well I kinda ran off after he told me he had feelings for me and I haven’t seen him since.”
She narrows her eyes at me and the look she gives me is like she thinks I’m crazy. Which honestly, I definitely am.
“You ran off?” She emphasises each words.
“Yeah.” I lean my head back on the pillar and sigh. I was such an idiot. “I ran off. Like an idiot. And now he’s nowhere to be seen.”
She shakes her head and laughs at me. “Well if it’s any help, I don’t think you haven’t seen him because of what happened. With Bodhi and Xaden also both gone, and from what I could see their dragons to, I think something’s come up.”
I nod. She’s right. In the last few weeks it had become almost normal for the boys to disappear some nights without much warning. But it still felt like it had to do with me. Maybe they went out to help Garrick clear his head. But if that was the case I’m sure either Xaden or Bodhi would have come to see how I was.
“I’m sure Garrick has told you are history and why I’ve been the way I’ve been?” She finally says after a few minutes of me swimming in my own thoughts.
“Yeah, only took me weeks of asking and then snapping at him in the healers quadrant before.” I tell her, earning a laugh out of her.
“I knew I’d like you. Even if I hate how much you have Garrick wrapped around your finger, I can see why.” She says with probably one of the first genuine smiles I’ve seen on her since I’ve been here. “And honestly I did this to myself. He always said he couldn’t give me more than something casual. That his heart lay elsewhere. He never said who, just that they were part of the rebellion casualties. And then you showed up.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any issues. Though was inevitable with everyone thinking I was dead for the last few years. Though I didn’t know Melgren’s plan till the night before conscription day.” I look away from her back out over the valley below us.
I catch the sad look that passes over her face as she studies me. “Don’t be sorry. You being back, as much as its annoyed me in one aspect, has been good the the guys. But can you promise me one thing?” She says as she stands.
I look over at her and nod.
”Don’t fuck it up. He deserves to be happy. And you definitely make him the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”
And with that, she turns and leaves me alone in the Rotunda with my thoughts.
Imogen’s words hang over my head. Don’t fuck it up. Easier said than done. Part of me is over joyed that Garrick shares the same feelings. Though looking back I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner. I just put it down to us being best friends. Yes he wasn’t like that with Xaden, but I was a girl. Of course our friendship would naturally be a little different.
But part of me is also terrified. What if it goes badly? What if it puts a divide in the dynamic of our group. I couldn’t live with myself if I came between Xaden and Garrick. As much as Xaden is extremely loyal to Garrick, Xaden would pick me over him without a question. It would destroy him. But he would do it. And that’s not something I’d want him to do.
So I do the stupid thing and avoid them. Which sadly is quite easy with how little they are around. They’re in our daily battle brief class, wedged up in the back corner. I know cause I feel their eyes on me despite not turning around to see if they are there. But when it comes to challenges, their appearance is few and far between. And if they are there I do my best to blend into the crowd. As best as I can with my hair colour. Though I haven’t dyed it since arriving, and at nearly 2 months in my natural dark hair has started to shown through. Rhiannon and Violet keep telling me to let it grow out as it looks good with the dark red.
But outside of classes, I rarely see them. I get glimpses of them, but most nights they aren’t at dinner. Imogen makes comments about them being sent out for drills and such. Must be part of being a third year. Though I do notice they are gone more often than the other third years.
A few times Garrick tries to catch me after battle brief or find me at challenges, but somehow I manage to get away. I’m not quite ready to have the conversation he wants to have. But I can’t avoid it forever. A few times I nearly cave when I see the pained look in his hazel eyes. Pain I was causing. Pain I’d seen in Xaden and Bodhi’s eyes as well.
Soon our gym time turns into Gauntlet training with presentation day around the corner. So far our squad has done pretty well. Only one casualty so far. One I had to watch Violet almost be apart of. She hid it but I knew how much it killed her on the inside. She was yet to fully complete the gauntlet and today was our last day of training before presentation day tomorrow.
As we walk up the stairs to the gauntlet my heart drops. Not only is Xaden standing off to the side, Garrick is with him. It wasn’t uncommon for leadership to watch their squads do training on the gauntlet, so far neither had turned up for ours. Of course they show up on the last day.
Rhiannon who is next to me must notices something is off and follows my eyes to where Xaden and Garrick are.
“Why do you look so scared to see Xaden and Garrick?” She asks.
I hadn’t quite built the relationship with her that Violet had, but it was getting there. But I hadn’t told her about my interaction with Garrick after the challenge with Imogen.
“Remember how he took me to the healers after my fight with Imogen?” I whisper to her so the others around us don’t hear. The last thing I need is gossip spreading about this while I’m still figuring my own feelings out.
She nods. “Yeah I remember. Practically rushed over and scooped you up in his arms before you could get off the mat. Was quite romantic.” I roll my eyes at her.
Our group comes to a stop in front of the gauntlet, Xaden and Garrick making their way over with Emettiro. Both their eyes locked on mine.
I lean closer to her. “He might have confessed he’s essentially been in love with me for years and years despite me being dead and I kind of panicked and ran off and have been avoiding him ever since. Which also means avoiding my brother.”
She shakes her head and chuckles at me. “Girl I could have told you he was in love with you. No one looks at someone the way he does with out being in love.”
I go to reply but Emettiro calls us to start running the gauntlet. And I’m glad Rhiannon and I end up near the front, being one of the first ones to go. Though I doubt Xaden and Garrick are here to try talk to me, as much as they may want to. At the end of the day, they want the wing to do well.
I step up as Rhiannon takes off, my eyes meeting Garrick’s. His face is a mask and I can’t read it at all. I can tell he’s upset though. He’s never like that with me. I’m one of the few he never puts a mask up for. Xaden on the other hand is intently focused on Violet who is behind me. Before I take off up the gauntlet I offer Garrick a quick smile. For a brief second before I take off, his mask falters and his eyes soften as he gives me a tight lipped smile. The entire way up the I feel his eyes following me. He’s yet to see me climb it. And probably won’t tomorrow as most of the leadership wait up top for their squads and wings to pass the gauntlet.
I reach the top with ease. Yet again Melgren’s training had really prepared me for this. I’d barely had any issues getting up the gauntlet in the first day. And most times I caught up to or passed the person in front of me. As much as I didn’t want to think it. I was grateful for his training over the years. I turn around to look down the gauntlet to see both Garrick and briefly Xaden looking up at me. Both look happy with how easily I made it up. Xaden’s gaze drops to something below me. Violet is yet again stuck on the last parts of the gauntlet. And dare I say, does Xaden looks concerned? His eyes shift up to mine. We both know she needs to find an alternate way up the last part of the gauntlet.
Part 9
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Bodhi Tree Lotus Talon Abraxas
Bodhi Leaf & Tree The Buddha achieved awakening under the shelter of a sacred fig tree known as the bodhi tree. Since then, the bodhi tree has become a symbol of the Buddha’s enlightenment, and the heart-shaped leaf a symbol of the potential that lies within each of us to awaken.
Bodhi is a Sanskrit word that means “awakening.” The term has two meanings for Buddhists. It denotes both the fig tree, ficus religiosa, under which Siddhārtha Gautama became awakened and any tree under which any Buddha has awakened.
The bodhi leaf is heart-shaped and exudes a bright and lilting energy. It speaks of playfulness and thoughtfulness. The bodhi tree still stands in Bodh Gaya, where the Buddha was awakened, as a descendant of the one under which the Buddha sat centuries ago.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
May I request a Buddha x reader where they adopt little Zerofuku as their own? :3
-You were nearly vibrating with excitement, your smile not falling from your lips for most of the day, something Buddha noticed, and he couldn’t help but smile as well, seeing you so happy.
-The two of you have been talking for a while now about adopting Zerofuku, the young god needing someone there for him, especially after dealing with Beelzebub and Hajun, and you wanted to drown him in love.
-Buddha agreed with you, wanting to protect Zerofuku, who would sometimes, when there were too many negative emotions around, would change into his envy form, which could prove dangerous to others.
-The two of you headed out to find Zerofuku and you didn’t have to go far, finding him napping on a branch under Buddha’s Bodhi tree and you called up to him.
-He stirred and sat up, rubbing his eyes before he saw you and Buddha and his face seemed to glow with elation, “Y/N” he leapt down and immediately ran into your arms, hugging you close as you spun, giggling softly before Buddha hugged the both of you.
-Zerofuku beamed up at Buddha, “You told me that you and Y/N had a surprise for me! What is it?” Buddha ruffled the younger boy’s hair gently, making him laugh before he gave you a smile.
-You beamed at the boy yourself, “Zerofuku, what is your opinion on becoming the child of me and Buddha?”
-His jaw fell open and immediately tears welled in his eyes, as he’s never had a family before as he took a step forward, arms going around your waist, “Really- you really mean it?” you smiled, seeing the tears, brushing them gently away, “I am, if you want to, you’ll now be our son. We’ll keep you safe, give you lots of love, and be a family, the three of us.”
-Zerofuku burst into happy tears, his hands up by his face as he felt so much happiness, he felt like he was overflowing as Buddha pulled him into a hug, letting him cry into his chest.
-You felt your own tears pricking at your eyes, a smile on your lips as he managed to get out his answer through his sobs before Buddha pulled you in by your waist, hugging you as well.
-The three of you were a family now and you were all so happy.
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linggluu · 1 year
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atlaculture · 1 year
Cultural Practices: Banyan-Grove Tree Pt. 1
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The Foggy Swamp’s banyan-grove tree is hybrid of a banyan tree and a mangrove tree; the banyan aspect stems from the aerial roots descending from its branches, while the mangrove aspect stems from its ability to thrive in a wetland environment. Both trees are also native to Vietnam, which was a huge inspiration for the Foggy Swamp and its surrounding areas.
@tuktukpodfics​ did an amazing analysis of the banyan-tree’s ecological symbolism, so I won’t go any more in-depth into the botany of these plants.
The banyan tree is significant in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Vietnamese culture. In Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) achieved enlightenment after meditating under a species of banyan tree; this is even referenced in the episode by Huu, who reached enlightenment the exact same way. Fun fact: The banyan species that the Buddha meditates under is colloquially known as a “bodhi tree”, due to its cultural significance.
In Hindu culture, the tree is believed to attract ghosts and is often planted near crematoriums. This is because the tree simultaneously symbolizes both immortality and death. The tree itself is perceived as immortal due to its many deeply ingrained and expansive roots. At the same time, where ever the tree grows, no other plant life can live. In other words, Immortality + Death = Ghosts.
These cultural undertones are why the Foggy Swamp inspires both great wisdom and fear from those who visit it. Similarly, this is also why banyan trees are so prominent in the spirit world. They’re basically the physical embodiment of the spirit world.
In Part 2, I’ll discuss the banyan tree’s significance in Vietnamese culture.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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littlestpersimmon · 1 year
some excellent trees for trans men to kiss under:
Fire trees
Bodhi (very auspicious!! very enlightening!!)
Mango trees.. for the south and southeast asians!!
Olive trees for the Mediterranean and Levantine men
Weeping Willow
Frangipani Rubra
Strangler Figs if you're secretly a forest god
Mimosas ♡
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dilf-din · 11 months
for the bed sharing prompts: “the bed is big enough for two people without touching, but unfortunately there is only one blanket” + rebelcaptain 🥰
I’m afraid I went overboard…. 🙊 consider this my late whumptober contribution
Rebelcaptain (Jyn x Cassian)
WC: 2k
Warnings: whump, hurt/comfort, some medical situations, emotionally stunted Jyn
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“How much further, Bodhi?” Jyn called through the comms with gritted teeth.
“Just under a click until you’re there,” his voice came back with a touch of static.
“I can make it,” Cassian strained beside her, arm slung over her neck as he tried and failed to not put his weight on her.
“There’s a bunker every fifteen clicks,” Bodhi called out again, garbled but intelligible.
“I can’t make it fifteen more,” Cass breathed heavily, his forehead dripping with sweat. He heaved his good leg forward in sync with Jyn’s, behind him trailed a mangled ankle that he hadn’t had time to fully examine. Beneath his weight, Jyn was operating on adrenaline, senses on high alert for any more lurking threats as they hauled through the jungle as quickly as possible, her small frame propped up by an iron will.
Back on the ship, Kay and Bodhi watched the pale yellow pings of their friends on the radar and traced the map spread out before them with careful fingers.
“Your next clearing, to the right,” Bodhi instructed.
Jyn swallowed down her exhaustion looking for one last burst of energy to get them there. They had happened upon a grenade that never detonated, Cassian pushing her out of the way just in time to take the brunt of the blow to his right foot. His face was turning ten shades of white beside her as she searched for a bunker.
“Where is it?” she hissed into the mouthpiece.
“Look under the stone,” was the reply, and her face almost mirrored Cassian’s in color. He hadn’t mentioned it would be underground. For just a second, she was a child again, with shaking hands and a dying lantern waiting for someone to rescue her. The Kyber that hung at her breast felt heavy with grief. She wanted desperately to pull it out and envision the face of her mother. Snap out of it, she told herself. This time would be different. This time Cassian would be with her. Bum foot or not, she knew they would be safe.
Easing him to the ground, she ran her fingers under the edge of the deep grey stone with veins of moss jutting out of the lush forest floor until her fingers caught a latch. It swung open with the slightest creak revealing a short ladder.
“Can you make it down?”
“I have three good limbs. Hopefully that’s enough,” Cassian said, voice hinting towards the smallest joke, trying to find some glimpse of humor in their situation to calm her nerves.
With a boost from Jyn, he was over the lip with his good foot, clinging to the bars with sweaty hands.
“Please don’t fall. Oh, maker, please don’t fall,” she muttered as he made the short trek down. Her eyes were wild, watching every bit of their periphery, feeling alarmingly exposed outside of the cover of the trees. Once she heard his foot hit the soil below, he called up to signal that he had made it safely. She climbed down carefully, pulling the latch shut on top of them, finding an extra lock to slide into place from the inside. Hopefully, even with the explosion earlier, no one would know they were there. They were still so far out from the base, planning on doing most of their travel there by foot.
She eased her arm under his again, and though the air was heavy and dank, she was able to breathe easier. They hobbled down a short hallway using the lights on their blasters to illuminate the packed dirt walls, seeing a switch at the edge of the tunnel.
Jyn flipped it with her elbow, and a small room lit up in front of them. In the very center was a bed big enough for two people. To the left of it sat a commode and a small washbasin near a spigot, to the right, sat a cabinet that presumably held some sort of food. Across from the bed at the wall beside her was what appeared to be a medical chest. Jyn guided Cassian to the bed and lowered him on to the mattress. He swung his leg onto it with both hands, grunting as he adjusted it. She threw off her pack and blaster, kneeling beside the chest hoping for anything helpful.
“They have bacta,” she announced victoriously, gathering a bundle of supplies in her arms and dropping them on the bed next to him. Peeling her gloves off and setting them on the ground, she ran a weak stream of water into the basin and scrubbed the sweat and grime away as best she could. She ran two rags under the water before kneeling by his side again. One she draped across his forehead to hopefully provide some relief, the other would be to clean the wound.
“Thank you,” he huffed out, tearing a packet open with his teeth and drawing out a clean syringe to prepare the baca shot.
“Don’t thank me yet,” she grimaced as she carefully unlaced his boot and eased it down his ankle.
Cassian sucked in a sharp breath and pulled the rag from his forehead to stuff between his teeth. She peeled his sock down, trying not to focus on the smell, and cuffed the bottom of his pants to get a better look.
“I’m gonna have to touch it,” she glanced up at him.
He nodded and swallowed, closing his eyes as her fingers ghosted over the very swollen joint. The good news is, there were no visible pieces of bone. If anything was broken, it was all inside, and the bacta should help set everything right, or mostly right, while they slept tonight.
She dabbed with the rag to clean the injection site before removing the tip from the needle and carefully threading it under his skin. He bit down on the rag, trying to conceal his groan until she injected the first bit of liquid and he was hit with relief. It flooded every part of his foot that felt like it was on fire just moments ago. His breathing evened out as she emptied the dose and withdrew the needle, being careful to place the tip back on before tossing it in an empty crate.
Jyn fished a wrap out of her bag and carefully wound the long strip of fabric around his ankle, securing it with a small metal clip.
“Did you bring extra socks?” she asked as she balled up her jacket to prop his foot up even farther.
“Bottom of my pack,” he pointed towards the doorway where he had dropped it.
Jyn unzipped it and fished out a pair of socks identical to the ones he had on. She eased the other boot off his foot and slipped new socks onto both feet. She was rummaging theough her own pack for something when his hand caught her shoulder, gently but firmly.
“Thank you,” his brown eyes bore into hers, begging to not be ignored.
She reached up to squeeze his hand and gave him a soft smile, “Of course.”
For all the things he had done for her, this was a drop in the bucket. He had shown her an ocean of kindness in the time they had known each other. At night, she whispered prayers for them to both have a long life ahead of them, if for nothing else, to be able to repay him, to properly thank him for pulling her back from the brink and showing her a life of purpose again. She broke the gaze they were holding and mentally built that wall a little higher. Now was hardly the time nor the place to get sentimental.
They both had packed rations, but Jyn decided to check for anything there that would prevent them from dipping into their own supplies. She stuffed the rest of the bacta into her bag before crossing the room to examine the last cabinet.
The left side had a small stockpile of ration packs. She tossed two to Cassian and set two aside for her own. The right side was bare save for a single, thin blanket. She draped it over the end of the bed, and sat on the floor to tear open her food. Cass was already halfway done with his first one, having folded the lid of the pack into a makeshift spoon.
“There’s more if you want it,” Jyn mumbled through a full mouth.
“This is fine, thank you.”
They both ate their second packs in silence before Jyn gathered the trash and tossed it into the crate with the empty syringe and whatever mess of wires had been left in there by some other party. She unclipped Cassian’s canteen and tossed it over to him.
“Drink up. We can refill as much as we need,” she said, taking a long draw of water.
A small stream dribbled down Cassian’s chin soaking his collar as he drained the last of his bottle. Jyn tossed him one of the clean rags to dry himself while she filled his canteen and rested it against his side of the bed. He was struggling to keep his eyes open as the bacta was setting in. Jyn shook the blanket out over him and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead ro check for a fever.
“Might as well get some sleep and reassess in the morning,” she stated as she circled the mattress to drop down on the side opposite him.
“I’ll be good s’new,” he slurred while his eyes were already drifting shut.
Jyn switched on a small battery powered light and chucked her boot at the switch across the room to turn off the overhead lamp, hitting it on the first try. She drew her jacket in tight around herself, expecting the temperature to drop overnight, but knowing Cass would be cold from the bacta. It wasn’t until her head hit the pillow that she felt the exhaustion that seemed to have anchored itself to her after years of running. There was no sound in the room except for Cassian’s breathing, which had become a great comfort to her, especially after days like today.
She dozed off only to awake hours later with chills racking her body. She could tell by the faint patter coming down the hall that the planet had fallen into a downpour causing the temperature to drop much more drastically than it would have on a cloudless night. She scooted back to be flush with Cassian. He must’ve felt the movement, because his hand came out from under the blanket searching for her.
“You’re cold,” he said groggily.
“It’s raining.”
“It’s okay, you need the blank—“ she started, but was interrupted by him pulling her shoulder and rolling her towards him. She flipped the rest of the way, and welcomed the warmth of the blanket draping over her limbs. His arm sat securely behind her, thumb absently rubbing the small of her back.
She froze again, keeping her arms tucked tight between them. This must just be because of the drugs, she reasoned. Or maybe an unconscious response from an old lover.
“You can get comfy. I’m not going to bite,” he said softly, sensing her apprehension.
Slowly, she unwound her arms, draping one across his chest and nestling it under the edges of his jacket. The strong beat of his heart drummed against her skin, and she felt another layer of tension melting away. Tentatively, she adjusted her head on his shoulder, and he pulled her in even more snugly, taking care to tuck the blanket over her backside.
“Let me take care of you too,” he whispered into her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
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madewithmei · 3 months
I had to take a pause while reading today. I’m trying not to freak out because the words I read today were exactly the words I’ve been trying to convey in conversations I’ve held with people just yesterday.
I’m on this section about meditation and medication. I don’t think I’ve ever properly “meditated”. Quieting my mind is fucking hard, and I guess I just haven’t put enough effort to unlocking that practice for me. Through reading this book, I’m not trying to become “spiritually awakened”, I’m just learning of different ways to help my mind. Meditation would be a great tool, but for the time being, medication is the step I’m on.
This quote made me laugh but also sad because it’s something I’ve thought about intensely. I had to stop reading because I noticed I started tearing up. So I’m just sitting with it for now.
“Don’t medications numb the very experiences we are trying to unconditionally accept? Wouldn’t liberation be impossible if we were on medication? It’s hard to imagine the Buddha reaching for Prozac while under the bodhi tree.” lol
My answer is it can create a degree of emotional numbing (dependence is a huge factor as well), but “when fear is too overwhelming, medical intervention may be the most compassionate response…medications make it possible for some people to ‘stop anxiously doing and just sit there.’”
…And that’s just it. I’m being kind to my brain and finding the support to work through the now until I’ve created strength within myself to pause in the presence of fear, shame, etc differently. It took me up until a few years ago to accept this help for myself. That journey can look different for everyone!
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