#under streetlights
beanieable · 4 months
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First Meetings || New Outfits || Turtle Pile
A small piece to celebrate the one year anniversary of the fic „Under Streetlights“ by my friend @spoopyblues214
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spoopyblues214 · 4 months
Under Streetlights One Year Anniversary!!
That's right, the first chapter of my first rottmnt x reader fic, my first fic ever, came out a year ago today! I'm so glad for the readers I have and for the friends I made thanks to this fanfic, thank you all. The fact I reached thousands of hits and hundreds of kudos amazes me. I read and even reread most of the comments too <3
If you have any questions about the fic, my other projects, or just me, feel free to send an ask, I'll be answering them all day!
Also, if you'd like to see fic updates, sneakpeaks, and even concepts for future projects, check out the discord server <3
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gravitywonagain · 10 months
If you're still doing the WIP game I'd like to hear about Under Streetlights
i am! i will always be doing this game! i love this game! sorry it took a month to get back to it! thank you for the ask <3<3<3
Under Streetlights is one of my babies :) it is a strange vibes, modern, magical-realism story in which lwj and wwx match on grindr while trying to pass the time in florida, thirteen years after wwx died. it is very loosely based on the song "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike -- like, super loosely. the name might change, i'm not sure yet, but if it does, it'll probably be to another lyric in that song.
it was actually my first attempt at writing from lwj's pov, and my first attempt at writing a story that swaps povs. it'll be 5 chapters long, the first 4 are fully drafted, the fifth is started, but i've been writing it for several years at this point, so that means almost nothing. i want it to be completely finished (at least drafted) before i post it.
the vibe of it is really fun for me, because it's this weird, off-kilter feeling, like being caught on the back foot in a daydream kind of thing. the first ch -- and the second one, too, actually -- have it, but the rest of it will need some editing to make it feel wrong in the right way. this lwj did not have the coping mechanism of dangerous and chaotic nighthunts, so he went with other things, namely anonymous sex and smoking tobacco. lwj smoking is a big part of this story, so be aware of that if it's a problem for you. it's okay, wwx doesn't like it either.
there's mentions of magic, but it's not a modern cultivation thing. it's a magic is real but rare and we all just kind of deal with that thing. still, full resurrection is pretty weird. it also gives almost no answers in terms of how or why wwx came back, but it does have some gruesome details of wwx waking up in his coffin.
i also have 9-box moodboards made for each chapter (except the last one because it's not even really plotted out yet, except for very major beats) which i started doing when i needed a break from words (meaning both wagbfm and just writing in general). so those will at least be posted here, if not embedded in the ao3 chapters when they go up!
okay, enough rambling. here's an excerpt!
His jaw is tight, sore from another night of clenching his teeth through the same nightmare. (Headlights. Shattered glass. Twisted metal. Blood. So much blood, and not enough. His chest heaves against the airbag that isn't there.)  The cigarette paper is thin against his lips as he takes another drag. He rolls them himself, buying tobacco and papers rather than red and white cartons full of convenience and plastic. He tells himself he likes the ritual of it. Mostly he just likes the flavor better.  When he lets himself -- when he can’t help himself -- he imagines--  Smoke rushes out with his breath and he squeezes his eyes shut. Skin pulls tight over his cheekbones until he relaxes, opens his eyes again. Inhales.  He imagines-- Wei Ying would have thought this was cooler. He can picture it so clearly: Wei Ying with his leather jacket and his roguish smile, hanging off Lan Zhan’s arm, watching the easy motions of Lan Zhan’s fingers, closing his lips around the filter, leaning in with flame flickering in his stormcloud-grey eyes as Lan Zhan cups the lighter and the paper begins to burn…  It’s an indulgence. One that makes his hands tremble.  Lan Zhan had always wanted to be cool to Wei Ying.
WIP Ask Game
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martyrbat · 1 year
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batman #428 / batman: legends of the dark knight #100
It's over. It's begun. The end of the training and the worry that he wouldn't pass the tests and make the grade, the beginning of a life with meaning. Jason smiles. A bright smile. The kind of smile Robin, The Boy Wonder should have. And he is Robin after all. For now and ever more.
‘Part of me recalls him putting on his costume that first time... the look on his face... his smile... as if it were yesterday. That first time, I must keep it alive... the memory of it. Alive in my heart so that the memory of this... here now... doesn't destroy me. We're together at least. One last time together... as it should be.’
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lilyblisslys · 3 months
ok but have you considered that cigarettes are sexier because you get to corner me against a brick wall and grind a lit cigarette butt into my clavicle
girl it is before noon in North America, I don’t burn ppl with cigarettes until after sunset (except for holidays)
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ammonitetestpatterns · 7 months
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rowenabean · 3 months
Went out to see Matariki at 6am this morning and just I forget that it is actually worth getting up early for these things sometimes
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bradfordblitz · 10 months
Friendly reminder:
I am lurking.
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martyr0l0gy · 7 months
controversial take: a lot of taylor swift music makes for very sweet femme4butch love songs
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beanieable · 1 year
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First Meetings || New Outfits || Turtle Pile
This is fanart for the fanfic „Under Streetlight“ on ao3 by @spoopyblues214
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spoopyblues214 · 5 months
Update !
Tl;dr: My fics on ao3, specifically Under Streetlights, will be coming back.
I am finally working on the next chapter of Under Streetlights! Seasonal depression has finally left me alone, so I should be able to return to writing more often.
Streetlights will take precedence for now, considering how long it has been since that one has gotten an update, but if my motivation keeps up like I think it will be, Rising Smoke and Sparks will also be continued at a quicker rate!
Will hopefully also be able to finish my holiday crossover special finally.
And then I have many other ideas cooking up in the noggin that hopefully I'll be able to share... on some of my other socials I've already shared the beginning of one of them.
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daz4i · 6 months
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look at the. i think orchids outside my building 👍
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iheartliquor · 2 years
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incandescent streetlight mixed w blue twilight one of the most gorgeous colors on the earth one of my favorite colors in the world fuck leds forever hate leds so much 
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formula-red · 10 months
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lostxones · 10 months
They hadn't exactly defined what they were but since they'd confessed having feelings for each other, Lucie had stopped leaving parties with random guys. Either she found her way back to one of their places with Troy or she went home alone. She'd never been happier, as silly as it seemed. Originally, Lucie had thought she might get bored once the novelty had worn off but she found herself smiling uncontrollably when he was around or when his name was brought up.
Falling in love with your best friend was the greatest feeling in the world.
Until it wasn't.
The game of beer pong was almost over which meant Lucie and Troy were up next. Turning, she realized her hadn't come back from getting a drink and so she moved off towards the crowd in order to find him before their turn was given away. It took a few minutes, but she spotted him eventually with his back towards her. She'd recognize that unruly head of hair anywhere. Whatever happiness she felt faded almost instantly as she approached to find some bubbly blonde flirting heavily with him. It was a painful reminder that he wasn't hers. No matter how she felt about him, they weren't exclusive but, damn, did it hurt to see him entertaining this girl standing in front of him. Lucie cleared her throat as she approached, doing her best to appear casual. "You still in for beer pong or am I finding a new partner?" Her gaze darted towards the giggling blonde before looking back up at Troy.
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dragon-spaghetti · 11 months
Oh btw I think I might be haunted so that's fun
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