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tasha-draws · 7 years ago
sort of in support of the buster is debbie's dad theory: Young Debbie holding Punx. Phil
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{The Punxsutawney Panels Compilation}
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sonofhistory · 8 years ago
How do you pronounce Robespierre?
(french sounding r which is like something stuck in your throat and it rolls) Robes (emphasize/elongate s) pierre
Robe = like a bath robe 
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ritahanson · 7 years ago
@uncommonbaceisst replied to your post “OUT OF STICKY BUNS  ::  Well, here we are. Today wasn’t supposed to...”
Indeed. They deserved at least two summers (so we can have a February 2nd performance) and a video series on the broadway youtube channels. I could write an essay on this musical but I don't even know where to start
{ Yes! The fact we’ll have had two productions without a performance on February 2nd is honestly a travesty. And I’m still more than a little irked by the fact they weren’t given a vlog - but then, I suppose that can be added to the list of issues I’ve had with the marketing / promotion of this production since it was announced a year ago.
I know the feeling - it’s one of those shows that just captures you in a very unique way. I could write pages and pages about it. }
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
Last Sentence Meme
Tagged by @barba-deserved-better to write the last sentence of a WIP. Technically the following is a wip but isn't the latest wip i'm working (it's not in fic form) so uh:
"By the time Rafael opened the door to the apartment, the sky had dulled into a dark blue, a shade lighter than the buildings it towered over now that the sun had disappeared below ground."
I have... no one to tag.
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
✍ Finally, an ask-meme for writers! ✍
01: When did you first start writing?
02: What was your favorite book growing up?
03: Are you an avid reader?
04: Have you ever thrown a book across the room?
05: Did you take writing courses in school/college?
06: Have you read any writing-advice books?
07: Have you ever been part of a critique group?
08: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
09: What’s the worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
10: What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve?
11: What’s your favorite book cover?
12: Who is your favorite author?
13: What’s your favorite writing quote?
14: What’s your favorite writing blog? c;
15: What would you say has inspired you the most?
16: How do you feel about movies based on books?
17: Would you like your books to be turned into TV shows, movies, video games, or none?
18: How do you feel about love triangles?
19: Do you prefer writing on a computer or longhand?
20: What’s your favorite writing program?
21: Do you outline?
22: Do you start with characters or plot?
23: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of making characters?
24: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of plotting?
25: What advice would you give to young writers?
26: Which do you enjoy reading the most: physical, ebook, or both?
27: Which is your favorite genre to write?
28: Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end?
29: Which do you find easiest: writing or editing?
30: Have you ever written fan-fiction?
31: Have you ever been published?
32: How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work?
33: Are you interested in having your work published?
34: Describe your writing space.
35: What’s your favorite time of day for writing?
36: Do you listen to music when you write?
37: What’s your oldest WIP?
38: What’s your current WIP?
39: What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
40: Which is your favorite original character, and why?
41: What do you do when characters don’t follow the outline?
42: Do you enjoy making your characters suffer?
43: Have you ever killed a main character?
44: What’s the weirdest character concept you’ve ever come up with?
45: What’s your favorite character name?
46: Describe your perfect writing space.
47: If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why?
48: If you could write the next book of any series, which one would it be, and what would you make the book about?
49: If you could write a collaboration with another author, who would it be and what would you write about?
50: If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?
This could be fun.
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geek-from-nowhere · 8 years ago
10 Songs Tag Challenge
Thanks to both @everybodywantssomething  and @eighthmark for tagging me.  This is going to be both all over the place and embarrassing but here we go.
Ten songs that I have been hearing a lot lately:
1. Beneath the Mask - Lyn Inaizumi (Persona 5)
2. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
3. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Keeley Brumford ft. Dresage 
4. Your Affection -ATLUS konishi version- - Shihoko Hirata (Persona 4)
5. Legend Has It - Run the Jewels
6. Este Corazon - La Secta AllStar
7. Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
8. Just a Simple Sponge - Ethan Slater
9. Handclap - Fitz and the Tantrums
10. Another Day of Sun - La La Land Soundtrack
I’m tagging the following (if you like to participate)
@itsqueermrmarvin, @biweatherman, @richardhblakes, @irl-melchior, @memoriesneedtobeshared, @uncommonbaceisst​,  @misreckon​ and @skittle479
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lieubensn · 8 years ago
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@uncommonbaceisst basically like most svu fans on twitter I was confused and he found me 8hrs after I made the original tweet and tried arguing with me but he said some even worse things to other people even ranting about loving trump
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ritahanson · 8 years ago
@geek-from-nowhere​ reblogged your post:
my heart
@uncommonbaceisst reblogged your post: 
it is beautiful 
@itsqueermrmarvin reblogged your post: 
exactly! this is their beginning
{ I just wanted to say a resounding ‘thank you’ to the three of you for liking that post! It’s always nice to see that people agree, especially when I have quite so many feelings about this show! } 
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
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Handwriting meme! Tagged by: @x-sparkling-sun-x Name: Francine URL: Uncommonbaceisst Blog Title: Champions Adjust Favorite color: crimson red Significant other: ... No one Favorite artist: here goes- @tasha-draws @gizzygazzy12 @doodleweb I can't remember more of these amazing people at the top of my head Lucky number: 17 Favorite drink: diet ginger ale Unfortunately, I have no one to tag
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missilekidding · 8 years ago
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Emergency Hero // Orange and Grayish brown
HeY here’s the first one now I’m back to doing these! I hope you like it! The ask’s colours were Orange and Grey, but the grey kinda turned to brownish for aesthetic purposes, so I hope that’s okay!
OC sent in by @uncommonbaceisst, character belongs to them.
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
Reblog this post and write your username in the tags if you are not a bot account
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thebarsondaily · 8 years ago
Fanfiction Spotlight
Hurricane by  UncommonbACEisst Summary:  A hurricane was about to strike New York City. Status: 3/? (incomplete)
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sonofhistory · 8 years ago
Do you have any facts and/or book recs about James Armistead Lafayette?
I have a book recommendation- my internet is down so I cannot do further research on the book. 
A Spy Called James: The True Story of James Armistead Lafayette, Revolutionary War Double Agent; Hardcover by Anne Rockwell
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
Aesthetic Tag
Tagged by the amazing @x-sparkling-sun-x
I also took quizzes for this one
If I were a month, I'd be: March
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Wednesday
If I were a planet, I'd be: Earth
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: an Octopus
If I were a god/goddess, I'd be: Athena
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: a study desk
If I were a gemstone, I'd be: Aquamarine
If I were a flower, I'd be: a Lily
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: Rain
If I were a color, I'd be: Red
If I were an emotion, I'd be: Regret
If I were a fruit, I'd be: a Mango
If I were a sound, I'd be: a flute
If I were an element, I'd be: Argon
If I were a place, I'd be: a mountain
If I were a mythological creature I'd be: a Unicorn
If I were a taste, I'd be: Iced tea
If I were a scent, I'd be: the mountain wind (?)
If I were an object, I'd be: a Syringe
If I were a body part, I'd be: the Brain
If I were a song, I'd be: Wait For It, from Hamilton
If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be: running shoes
Unfortunately, there's no one for me to tag
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
Last Sentence Tag
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fic, original poetry, anything). Tag the same number of people as the words in your sentence.
Tagged by the amazing @x-sparkling-sun-x
The last thing she needed was not one, but two people witnessing her downward spiral to despair.
17 words, 17 people... Oh crap-
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uncommonbisisst · 7 years ago
19/1: Gone Fishing
Oh damn... I'm actually at a loss for words.
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