#uncle shibu au
gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Multiple Persona AUs
I'm trying to figure out all my Persona AU ideas because my dumb brain wants to put them all in one GIANT AU which makes no sense. So here is a list of a few of them with some more details:
> Uncle Shibusawa AU (Also Maruki is Akiren's Dad AU)
- Akiren goes to live with his Uncle/Godfather during his probation instead and actually gets there a little earlier than canon time. The move is permanent as Shibu becomes his legal guardian through adoption
- Possible PT Shibusawa, debating on when mostly. I like @wildcard-rumi's idea/au of Shibu being a PT in the past with Rumi and Maruki. My brain wants to give him a Wyvern style Persona since Maruki has something that looks like an Eldritch creature
- Futaba went to Sojiro from the very beginning. Somehow Wakaba put in her will that should anything happen, Futaba goes to Sojiro
- Akiren and Futaba know each other due to their parents, they have kept in touch as best as they could over their years
- Maruki and Akiren's mother were young when Akiren was born, like first year of college kind of early. Before Rumi at least so Akiren didn't know of Rumi, or at least, what he does know is his mother sounded irritated about her (why he doesn't know)
- Taking inspiration from this fic without full on copying (trying to not copy, I just love a lot of ideas)
> Mishima has a Persona AU
- Two choices I came up with for Personas and weapons: Stingy Jack/Scythe or Sinbad/Chakrams
- Possible element: Dark/Curse or get creative and use water instead of Bufu
- Reason for Stingy Jack: it's one of my favorite Halloween legends/stories, but the one I'm familiar with is the ending where Jack is tasked to guide people in the dark with his turnip lanter as punishment for eternity. This one was told by my Mythology teacher, according to her, this is a lesser well known ending to the legend.
- I probably get the feel of the legend wrong, but I am basing this on the guiding ending. With the Phansite, Mishima can guide those who need help from the Phantom Thieves
- Scythes are one of my favorite weapons so I thought it could fit moon boy.
- I was partially inspired by Celty from Durarara for this
- The major con with using Stingy Jack is this feels more like it would fit the Devil or Death arcanas
- Reasons for Sinbad: Biggest reason, I am a fan of the DreamWorks movie. Also I was connecting the moon to water so pirate made sense to me. I'd replace dual wielding knives with using Chakrams (Blame Axel and Tron [and Colette from Tales of Symphinia]. Tron uses throwing disks and is a computer program so it made me connect him to Mishima). I admit that I also am inspired from the Sinbad anime but that probably doesn't really connect to anything
- The cons for using Sinbad are there is already a pirate (Captain Kidd) and a dagger user (Joker)
- I considered Mishima having a persona based on Tron
- Other Personas (these would be the second form) I wanted to use but make no sense or I can't think of a proper reason: Thoth or Artemis
- Other notes: Moon -> Night sky so something that made me think night traveler. Quick side note: had idea for something involving wolves or maybe an owl but l couldn’t properly find any rebels with these.
- Moon is connected to water so I was thinking maybe something involving a mermaid, siren or selkie. The Selkie is my strongest contender for trying to find legends.
- Other ideas I had for Mishima Personas (Since both Futaba and Maruki have Lovecraftian Creatures as Personas then maybe I can work this with Mishima?) are Cthulu or a Hyrdra
...Now that I realize it...I have probably repeated past ideas I've done...
> Familial AU (Making a separate post)
- Persona become animals in the real world and share a mental link with their PT
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artekai · 3 years
for your takurumi kindergarten teacher Au i had an idea: Uncle Shibusawa. Do to Shibusawa being Maruki's close friend (Technically we don't know how close they are, but imagination so it counts) Ren considers Shibusawa his uncle. One day Maruki can't pick Ren up and so asks Shibusawa to. Once he picks Ren up he meet's "the Rumi" Ren and Maruki talk about a lot. Shibusawa talks with Rumi and tell her, he's in a way Ren's uncle. After words once they go home Shibusawa try's to play matchmaker and say to Maruki that the way he talks about her, he sounds like he's in love. Which flusters him and Ren asks if he's gonna make Rumi his new mommy, which flusters him even further.
Haha, yeah, I can imagine Shibusawa teasing Takuto about his crush a lot! And him teaming up with Ren to try and get Takuto and Rumi together... That's cute :3
Maybe he would volunteer to pick Ren up from school whenever Takuto is busy is work, and then he'd able to get to know Rumi better and catch onto her own crush on Takuto, encouraging her to make a move too :)
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rebelli0us-mask · 2 years
❝  just give the word and i’ll kill every one of them.  ❞ [ yakuza au ]
"D-Dachi-ojisan. I don't think that's gonna do you any good. I'm just gonna get transferred again."
Something he was used to since elementary-- Mainly because of his involvement with the Yakuza and parents' concerns about it. However, this reason was for a different incident. He had gotten into a fight and brought a knife.
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While he was at fault for bringing a knife to school-- Let alone stealing from one of the clan members, Akira seemed unscathed compared to the bullies who had attacked him first. Usually, it would be the opposite, he would be beaten up in order to not cause any trouble at school... But he finally snapped when it took too much to bear.
Rumor had gotten out that Akira was raised in a yakuza-owned orphanage-- And you could only imagine what rumours spread. 'Friends' he had made had avoided him for their own safety. But he was a civilian who happened to be raised in an orphanage run by them... Akira knew not all Yakuza weren't what people thought they'd be. They treated him like family-- Not your conventional one. But family either way.
Even the signs of bullying were prominent... None of the school faculty or the principal would step in to stop it. Akira could only assume they were afraid that the Clan would do something to the school; which was most likely to happen since Adachi Tohru; The Mad Jester was technically licenced as his 'guardian'. since no other member didn't want to put their name down for some sickly kid.
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"I did land a few punches and kicks... If that makes you feel any better! I'm that not that strong, which is why I stole your dagger. My bad." But he didn't even use it. The kid wasn't read for prison life at 15... Because of the stories from Adachi about his friend who was staying there for another couple of years.
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
Okay, it's a bit early for Christmas, but I'm already listening to Christmas music, and whenever I listen to I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, I can't stop thinking about tiny Ren running up to Shibusawa and going "Uncle Shibu! I saw mom kissing Santa Claus!" Maruki definitely dresses up as Santa every year (AU or not, this is a fact), so I think it would be cute if Ren woke up in the middle of the night and caught Maruki and Rumi, but confused him for Santa. Just wanted to share that thought :)
Fshfjsfdjdgjdgjfgjgdjdgbdgndgjdgjdgjdgj Awwwwwwww
I think something else that would happen would be, because it's Ren and he likes to make sure that everyone around him's happy (as is evident in the way he solves everyone's problems in almost all of the confidants), he gets upset because he thinks Rumi's kissed another person and that would break Takuto's heart so now all the adults are trying to find a way to 1) Convince Ren that everything was okay and Rumi would never do that and 2) Keep the magic alive for him so he can still believe in Santa throughout his childhood.
One thing's for sure though, Shibusawa would find it absolutely hilarious.
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inkpens-coffee · 4 years
Permission to use the Photograper Shibu for my Uncle Shibu AU? The job just absolutely suits so perfectly!
Of course! (*^▽^*)
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gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Something I can see happening at some point during a Takuren Family AU, with Shibusawa x Maruki:
Ren: *As he gathers his bag and Morgana* Okay, Morgana and I are going out for a long walk, PLEASE resolve your UST while we are gone. If you need us to stay at a friend's house tonight, please send me a text, no need to call me. Have fun and use protection
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rebelli0us-mask · 2 years
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you are not immune to yakuza au
some info under the cut!!
- known as the “Black Cat’ of the clan and ‘Sticky Fingers’ by Adachi and Shibu, he’s knows how to expose others secrets in exchange of money (to pay for his meds.) he can steal items and gather info easily without being caught. eventually bringing bad luck to the person he’s targeting; despite looking like a harmless civvie. 
- dia in this au is an orphan ! born with a terrible immune system as a child, he had been abandoned by his parents and put him in the nearest orphanage (which happened to be the same one shibusawa and adachi were raised at). medical bills were piling up and they couldn’t afford it. dia doesnt remember much, but he knows he’s a lot weaker than most kids. (has serious case of asthma) 
- was bullied during junior high up until his second year of high school because of his connections to the yakuza, while he is still a civvie during that time; his guardian is Adachi. he didnt want the cause the school trouble so he just took it. but then he snapped. eventually beating up those kids. 
- eventually dropping out high school, he works under adachi as an apprentice of sorts! not exactly an official member of the yakuza yet, but he gets his tattoo once he turns 19. 
- he has a fake id to manage a business a cat cafe (it says his name Akaito Diya and his age is 21 ) a play on words for Red Diamond. Adachi got him the ID through connections. Customers just call him ‘Dia!’ 
- refers adachi as ‘Dachi-oji’ basically Uncle Adachi since he was the only adult around to sign him as a guardian. respects him a lot! despite..... how chaotic he can get 
- enjoys gyaru culture, he likes being trendy!! he dresses in the gyaruo sub-style: host ken!  basically a more flashy style of what host clubmembers wear. and rokku, basically rock-style. 
- wears leather gloves to cover up his prints! 
- ofc, morgana is his partner in crime for stealing info!! they’re a stray he took in to the orphanage without the supervisor knowing.
- while not physically strong, hes good with a weapon when he needs to fight. has a preference fro switchblades and ice picks. hes also pretty quick on his feet!! parkour baby!!!!!
- adachi eventually adopts him in the future. so dachi-oji becomes, otousan!! 
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gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Uncle Shibu AU
After reading @wildcard-rumi's Takuren Family AU (great series by the way, go check it out!) for like the tenth time, I can’t help but think, what if instead of going with Sojiro in the beginning, Akiren lived with his Godfather Shibusawa (I call him Uncle Shibu whenever I see him in the Takuren Family AU and this AU is basically a "Maruki is Akiren's father" AU). 
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Coffee Dad. I ADORE him, he's one of my favorite Confidant Links, I just really love Uncle Shibu in the AU and it makes me wish there was more to him in the game. I admit to wanting to write this AU at some point, I just don't have a lot of time at the moment. So here are some thoughts I had on this:
- Shibusawa is the one Akiren goes to live with for his probation. Akiren doesn't know how his mother got in contact with his Godfather since she basically all but wiped Mariki out of Akiren's life
- Shibu is worried about Akiren's mental state after the initial arrest and believes that Akiren did the right thing
- Shibusawa is all too happy to show his protectiveness of Akiren, he stands up for Akiren when he says that Akiren was defending a woman from a drunk (Akiren told him the story)
- (Lowkey I want a glaring match between Uncle Shibu and the Shujin Principle with Shibu sticking up for his nephew)
- Akiren copying some of his Uncle's fashion style and maybe mannerisms
- After getting Morgana, Shibu is all too happy to pay the fee (if there is one). If animals are not allowed where he lives, it's a fun game of "Hide the cat"
- Shibu calls Morgana, Akiren's therapy cat. He probably has some note for this just in case so Akiren shouldn't get in trouble 
- Whenever Ren does something suave/charming, Shibu: "He learned that from me!"
- Every time Ren is adorkable (Like in the manga), Shibu to Takuto: "He got that from you."
- Shibusawa talking to Takuto about how he thinks Ren can understand his cat due to how Ren responds/argues with Morgana
- Some times, Shibu just looks at Ren and sees Takuto, he accidentally calls them by the others name from time to time
Other Notes: 
- Thinking of making Shibu into the Hierophant as well as making other Arcana swaps but not too sure 
- I think in game, it mentions that Shibusawa is recently engaged, but I can't remember
- Possibly earlier Shibusawa - Maruki reunion since the wiki says that is their first time meeting up in a long while
- May switch around events or even Thieves, still not sure
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
Sorry if this is weird but I adore your family au, so I went through the tag to reread some of the asks and for the child Ren asks, and I pictured them just getting out of Mementos and Ren is crying. Then in Shibuya Square he sees Shibusawa and runs to him saying "Uncle Shibu!!! Help!!" When Shibusawa looks down he's like "REN?!" and the pt's are just like "oh fuck what do we do?" Because NONE of them know Shibusawa but Ren seems to. I could only imagine the crisis Shibusawa have.
Fsjfjdskdgkdgkdgkdtkjdtdtk could you imagine how baffling that would be for Shibusawa? Especially if the rank 8 of Takuto's confidant had happened recently. Like, just a couple of weeks ago, Shibusawa saw Ren and he was a 5'9" teenager with a deep voice and now he's somehow a tiny child bawling his eyes out again????
He doesn't know what to think but he knows it's Ren. He babysat him plenty of times growing up, he knows exactly what Ren was like as child. And this child is exactly that. Plus, he called him 'Uncle Shibu' and only one child has ever called him that. Not to mention, there's a bunch of teenagers chasing after him.
He crouches down as comforts the crying Ren as he asks the teenagers, most of the wearing the uniform he recognises as Shujin's, what the hell is going on. The brunette laughs awkwardly and says that it's complicated and that they were looking for the home of Ren's father so he could help them when Ren got freaked out by the large crowds and ran off.
Shibusawa believes them when they said it's complicated, I mean, looking at Ren's current state, it has to be. He tells them that he knows where Takuto lives and offers to take them there, picking up Ren and carrying him as the group began walking through Shibuya.
One of the teenagers can't help but voice their concern, and ask who Shibusawa is. He informs them that he's a family friend of Takuto's and that he was around for a majority of Ren's childhood. And thanks to that, he wants to hear their explanation as well when they get to Takuto's place.
It's kinda weird taking care of a child Ren again, but he has to admit that it's pretty nice.
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