#uncle Thorfinn
i-have-no-enemies · 5 months
Despite loving this “scene” so much I never noticed that Ylva’s daughter just began to braid his hair
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How did I never notice?!
That is adorable!
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ro-bottt · 8 days
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fried-oignon · 11 months
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doodle dump from last night ft. my first veep
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4seasonsofart · 8 months
Modern AU | Askeladd when introducing his family to people...
Askeladd: "I'm gay, their mother is gay, and all of my stupid motherfuc—I mean, beautiful children—are gay."
Bjorn: "I'm the mother; I take care of Askeladd. They are quite sweet children. Garm, stop trying to murder your brother! Canute, you cannot exercise the demons out of Thorfinn! We already tried that once already..."
Thorfinn: "Tell me again why I have to make a stupid introduction." Askeladd threatens to take away his guitar and alternative music. "I am Thorfinn, son of Thors. These people are not my family... I was kidnapped..." Garm attacks Thorfinn again.
Canute: "I am princess Canute. Our Lord and Savior, Nicki Minaj, gave me the ability to be a woman." Eyes Garm and Thorfinn suspiciously. "Mom-! Garm keeps stealing my dresses and wearing them... Thorfinn keeps stealing my make-up to do his stupid satanic rituals!"
Thorfinn: Thorfinn threatens to punch his sister. "I'm sacrificing you first to the demons."
Garm: "We're sacrificing people? Am I allowed to do it to Principle Ketil?"
Askeladd: "Only if you're paying for your bail."
Garm: "Is that a yes...?"
Bjorn: "No."
Garm: "I'm taking that as a yes."
Bjorn: "Introduce yourself Garm... we will talk about those arson charges when we get home."
Garm: points to himself. "Garm."
Canute: "That's close enough to Gay."
Garm: "I will steal all of your dresses and wear them out of retaliation."
Canute: "You wouldn't dare! You'll stretch them out with your broad shoulders!? Dad! Mom!"
Bjorn side eyes Askeladd.
Askeladd: "You're the one who said you wanted kids."
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cloooooooooooo · 14 days
Thorfinn is so funny. His dad was like 6 foot. His sister is 5 and a half feet. His great uncle is nearly 8 feet. And then he's barely hitting the 5 foot mark.
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satoruni · 1 year
Hi! Here's a vindland saga fic request. Thank you for writing VS!
This has been on my mind for months now. Hear me out. Askeladd's daughter who worked excessively hard to become a warrior because she wanted to be useful to askeladd so she can finally gain even a bit of his attention. She joins the vikings and meets thorfinn. Even when he finds out who she is, he is unable to hate her when she is kind and friendly to him even when he is rude and dismissive towards her. How come the child of a cruel man is so kind?Slowly, he finds himself going out of his way to protect her on the battlefield and naturally the two spend more time together- hunting, sleeping, eating. They become...friends? And thorfinn is too much of an idiot to realize he cares for her more than he thinks. And one day she finally tells him the reason why she joined the vikings.
It will make me very happy if you write for my idea. Thank you. (Excuse my bad english!)
Thank you so much for this lovely request! I hope you enjoy ♡
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You were born in a small village in Jutland. You were the result of a passionate yet fleeting affair between a notorious mercenary, Askeladd and one of his many adorers in the village. Tragically, your mother's life slipped away during childbirth, leaving you with a father who was ill-prepared for parenthood. Instead Askeladd had you raised under the care of his uncle, Gorm. You were clothed and well-fed but Gorm was affectionless and saw you as nothing more than a burden on his expenses. He also made sure you knew it too.
Yearning for your father back, you had waited with bated breath as Askeladd's ships returned, heavy from the spoils of adventure. Your father lived a life of adventure, much different from your monotonous one and the boys in your village always begged to come with him for the next one. Each time Askeladd's ships returned laden with treasure, you hoped for a glimpse of your father's eyes finally resting upon you by standing in front of the crowd. But time and time again, he walked past you with indifference, oblivious to your longing. The cruel jests of his men only deepened your sorrow, causing tears to well up in your eyes.
As the years passed, you felt tired of her father's callousness. Determined to prove yourself as a worthy warrior, you dedicated yourself to a strict training regimen. With unwavering resolve, you trained tirelessly, honing your swordsmanship and combat skills.
When news of Askeladd's next voyage reached Astrid's ears, you saw it as your final chance. In a bold move, you sneaked onto one of the ships, concealing yourself among the crew. Bjorn, a seasoned warrior and one of your father's most trusted men, discovered your presence. With a bemused smile, he returned you to a grumbling Askeladd. It was too late to turn back, and your determination only grew stronger, refusing to let your father's annoyance get to you.
Though Askeladd remained irritated by your presence, you refused to let his dismissive attitude dampen your spirit. You trained diligently, seeking guidance from the experienced warriors aboard the ship. Their acknowledgement and encouragement fueled your determination, pushing you to excel beyond your limitations.
You also met Thorfinn, a boy her own age much to your excitement. However the boy merely ignored you, seeming irritated by your presence much to your embarrassment. He stayed to himself, refusing to speak to anyone. However you could see the hatred he had your father much to your confusion. It was then you learned that his father was killed by your own father, causing you to feel conflicted.
Through trials and tribulations, you began to find your place among the crew. Your skills as a warrior blossomed, and your tenacity on the battlefield earned respect from fellow Vikings. Your presence no longer elicited jeers but admiration, and you relished in the knowledge that you had finally earned their recognition. However, your father barely cared, much to your sadness.
Unbeknownst to you, your transformation had not gone unnoticed by Thorfinn. Initially distant and brooding, he found himself inexplicably drawn to your determination and the kindness that emanated from you which was so rare. However, Thorfinn was still dismissive and cold to you, not wanting to get close to any of Askeladd's brood. This still didn't stop his heart from unknowingly clenching when hurt was etched on your face after another one of your futile attempts to become closer to him.
Despite his coldness to you, Thorfinn couldn't stop his body from moving in front of you in battle or looking at you at the corner of his eye, to make sure you were safe. He gave you a harsh glare whenever you looked at him with gratefulness. Much to his embarrassment, Askeladd's men found great amusement in him protecting you, jeering at Askeladd to keep his daughter safe. Askeladd, despite how he treats, felt somewhat irked and so would shoot Thorfinn an annoyed glare.
Somehow, you two became closer, without Thorfinn even noticing. Eventually he found himself spending more time with you, even outside of battle. One of your favorite activities was hunting. With your weapons in hand and a shared sense of purpose, you would venture into the wilderness, each step in sync with the other. The forest became your sanctuary, where you honed your skills and relied on each other's instincts.
Thorfinn's prowess as a hunter was unmatched, and he willingly shared his knowledge with you. Together, you would track and stalk your prey, communicating through unspoken cues and gestures.
As the fire crackled and the scent of roasted meat filled the air, you would sit side by side, sharing a meal that bore the fruits of your labor. Thorfinn's protectiveness naturally extended to ensuring your well-being during meals, as he would silently ensure you had a fair share of food, his eyes briefly meeting yours with unspoken care.
You and Thorfinn find yourselves alone one evening, sitting by the campfire. The rest of the crew has turned in for the night, and the crackling of the flames is the only sound between you. You take a deep breath, gathering your courage to confide in him.
"I... I wanted my father's attention," you admitted, your voice tinged with both longing and sadness. "I know it sounds foolish, but deep down, I've always yearned for his acknowledgment, his love. I thought that if I became a skilled warrior, he would finally see me, notice me."
You looked at with such sad eyes, so different from your normally cheerful ones. Thorfinn's hatred for Askeladd went even more deeper, despising for making someone like you feel so inadequate. His eyes softened at you, holding onto your delicate hands, stroking the skin and revelling in the warmth of it.
"I don't think you need your father's approval to be a great warrior. You're already skilled and strong on your own." he replied, with a blush on his face and refusing to meet his eyes.
As you hug Thorfinn, tears of happiness stream down your face. You feel overwhelmed with emotions and gratefulness for having someone like him in your life. Thorfinn's face turns red as he feels your embrace and realizes how close the two of you are. He begins to feel flustered and unsure of what to do. However, he tries to compose himself and holds you back, wanting to comfort you and let you know that he's there for you.
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itoendme · 9 months
thorfinn in between the first and second seasons of vinland saga:
AITA for trying to kill my ex-boyfriend?
Reddit, please help me out here. There’s a lot of context needed for this story, so sorry this is a long post. My (18m) father was murdered when I was 6 years old. I’ve spent the past 12 years training to beat my father’s murder in a duel so I can finally avenge him. I’ve been through a lot to achieve this goal, including nearly starving to death, being the target of emotional manipulation, and sustaining many serious injuries. Recently, me and my father’s murderer became acquainted with my now ex-boyfriend C (18M). C is the second son of the king of Dennark, and my father’s murderer quickly became obsessed with him, trying to mold him into someone who could replace his father as king. My father’s murderer assigned me to be C’s bodyguard, promising me that he’d let me duel him if I did so. Although C and I didn’t get along at first, we became close, feeling like we could understand each other’s trauma and pain, so we started dating. He knew about my goal of killing my father’s murderer and even comforted me when I lost the duel. 
However, things changed on the day of the incident mentioned in the title of this post. Long story short, C ended up killing my father’s murderer right in front of me in order to prove that he was worthy to be king or something. I don’t really get it, because I was too focused on the fact that he took my entire life’s goal away from me in an instant. C said that he understood that I would probably never forgive him and that we could break up, but I was so shocked and disillusioned from what had just happened that I kind of lunged at him and tried to stab him. My uncle ended up pulling him out of the way, so he didn’t get too hurt, but I did give him a pretty nasty cut on his face. After that, he didn’t want me killed, but he did sell me into slavery as punishment. Now I have to spend every day kissing up to assholes and chopping down trees on an empty stomach so that aforementioned rich assholes can expand their wealth. I get that what I did was not the best but I don’t think I really deserved a lifetime of slavery for it. So let me know: AITA?
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kannibalkaiii · 9 months
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Sketches for a Vinland modern Au @isaacclarkex-art and I have going on.
Uncle Thorkell who just invites himself everywhere. Here he is confused by Thorfinn's homework.
"W-huh?! This is some witchcraft let's go get fastfood instead! "
Thorfinn is an emo teen who has Askeladd and Bjorn as his adoptive fathers
"Stupid geezers...ugh they are so loud"
Snake is a security guard who is pretty lazy, unlike Officer Thorgil...
"Yeah yeah let me snooze and I'll look the other way"
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rukia-writes · 2 years
Hello! I hope you had a fantastic thanksgiving! Could I request a scenario or hcs for teen thorfinn with an affectionate S/O? Just like the one you recently posted for thorkell, have a great day!<3
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Has to be done privately, openly is just going to piss him off.
Thorfinn has an image (being the big bad) to uphold and if his s/o is openly affectionate it’s just going to piss him off. He’s not like his uncle (who is the definition of the bad ass) who doesn’t care about being openly affectionate.
However! He’s fine behind closed doors because secretly he wants love (at least that’s what I headcanon teenage Thorfinn to be) as he missed out on most of his childhood and teenage years. Having an affectionate s/o plays great here because he’ll cuddle with his s/o especially on hard days.
Kisses and cuddles are fine privately, pet names may not his thing. (He’s still young)
But regardless he’ll be secretly thankful for an affectionate s/o, privately. Of course. Good news! Once he learns “affection” he learns and becomes better at accepting it and giving it.
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spiritual-activity · 1 year
Headcanons pt. 5 (Sasappis & Crash)
Can't believe I'm already at part 5 with the headcanons for CBS Ghosts! I have a few more to do then I'll move on to BBC Ghosts!
Knows around 3-4 different languages. Uses this to his advantage. Anyone who gets on their nerves can and will now be cursed at in every single one of those languages.
Started counting how many people died on the property after waiting around a few years with Thorfinn. They made it a game to guess who died of what and who would stay.
(kinda also a death theory-) May have accidentally eat a poisonous berry/mushroom. No visible injuries so it is possible. May have also kind of got so extremely nervous and just fainted and somehow died.
Has a secret ghost power that literally none of the other ghosts know about. Dude can literally talk to birds and can spread gossip to other ghosts that aren't on the property.
Thunderstorms have always calmed him down. The reason being that they remind them that mishaps are only temporarily and happiness will come after.
One of the shorter ghosts. Aside from being one of the "short kings", he is one of the ones that the others do not want on their bad side.
Secretly has a crush on Thorfinn. After years of being friends, they thought that maybe they could be a thing. It could be that Thorfinn is just tall and strong, though.
Got decapitated while driving his car. Flew through the windshield and a piece of glass went clean through his neck. He swerved his car so he wouldn't hit a deer and ended hitting a tree.
His actual first name is Thomas. "Crash" is a nickname that's been stuck with him for years since there's never been a vehicle, that's been owned by him, that wasn't crashed.
Good person overall. Always wanting to help out in some way that's possible. May not always do it right, but the thought was there.
Hopeless romantic. Had a lot of crushes throughout his life (that were mainly his friends). Easy for him to romantically love someone.
Musical theater greaser. Loves to come up with his own music. Never could figure out how to play certain instruments, however.
Loved watching The Twilight Zone with his younger siblings. Being the eldest, he made it his responsibility to try and scare them after watching a few episodes. Of course, after a few tries, his siblings picked up that he was doing it for fun.
Was in the chess club before he became a greaser. Was actually decent at chess but was more into checkers. Crafted a checkers set from wood after learning woodcarving from his uncle.
Crash was only in a handful of episodes and yet I still have quite a few headcanons for him. I enjoy making these a lot!
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𝐎𝐂: 𝐀𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
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— “All time ever does is pass and all I ever do is remember.”
— “May Death be proud to take us! Let us live, since we must die! Die with memories, not dreams!”
— Aika is currently raging in a snowy valley in Demons Run, not knowing that two children will save her life.
— In Planting Camellias, Aika is caught off guard by this Time Mage she has been searching for decades.
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Name: Aika (???) Tolliver
Alias(es): Ains, Sarkany, The Blade(she hates this one), The Forgotten, The Widow
Age(s): 34-35(in Planting Camellias), 36-37(in Demons Run)
Gender/Pronouns: Gender Fluid, she/her, he/him
Species: Half-Human, Half-Devil
Affinity: Time Magic, Necromancy
Birthday: October 15th
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 175 cm(woman), 190 cm(man)
Blood Type: AB
Family: Alicia † (Mother), Faven † (Father), Sordello † (Father), Thorfinn † (Brother), Evan/Ivan (Son), Holly (Daughter), Holly † (Ex-Wife), Arthur (Ex-Husband), Julius (Lover), Raymond (Uncle), Lydia (Aunt), Styrmir (Future Son), Anastasia (Future Daughter)
Other Relations: Morris (Ex-Lover), More To Be Revealed
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— 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
Demons Run (NSFW)
Demons Run (SFW)
Planting Camellias
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— 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Pale-skinned woman with long, black, wavy hair with undertones of violet. Her eyes are lavender and has a pert nose and pink lips. She often wears black leather gloves that limit her mana, a white blouse and black, high waisted pants, both with gold buttons. Some days she wears a crimson half-cloak with a steel pauldron. From the shoulder plate, hangs an upside down cross connected by a gold thread in reference to the martyrdom of Peter the Apostle. At her waist, hangs a long sword, once wielded by her father, Sordello.
In her teens, she had a strong desire to be a man so she would be respected more. A nearly unachievable desire turned to despair and she manifested transformation magic which allowed her to turn into a male version of herself. She called herself “Ains” in this form and used male pronouns. Ains was 6 feet 3 inches and had short curly hair and wide shoulders. Aika’s strength was much more visible in the form of muscles when she was Ains.
reference 1 reference 2 reference 3
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— 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
She is kind and reserved with those who she respects and is close with, but cold and standoffish with most other people. She will put up masks for the sake of politeness but it’s rarely ever genuine. She lies very easily to get what she wants but she finds it difficult to lie to those she likes. In battle, she is often described as a maniac when faced against many. They say that as a battle drags on, she cannot hide the sadism on her face. Even when faced against an enemy stronger or smarter than her, she is relentless and persistent to the point of recklessness to overpower her opponent.
She is known for out of box thinking and her ability to use her vast knowledge in any given situation. Her greatest asset is her ability to spot potential. Due to this, she is often motherly to those she takes under her wing. This side of her helped her build a successful company/guild that she still runs to this day.
Her love is as deep as her hatred. No matter how many times love has hurt her, she never stopped even if it’s difficult to verbally express it. As of right now in Demons Run, Aika loves her two children Evan and Holly, and her lover, Julius.
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— 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
Aika was found by her two Fathers, Faven and Sordello in the giant demon skull in Hage, between the legs of her dead mother. She was born slightly premature from a coffin birth. They buried the woman and took her pocket watch as a keepsake for Aika to have. They named her “Aika” which means “time” because of the watch, and as a reminder that the passage of time has both ends and beginnings. They took her home to Alicia, their lover and Aika’s mom to be, and adopted her despite Alicia’s hesitation. She conducted a blood adoption ritual that made Aika their own daughter, changing her appearance from a brunette with pink eyes to dark hair with lavender eyes, her appearance taking after each of her three parents.
They raised her preciously like their own for three years and Alicia gave birth to Aika’s brother, Thorfinn. He had dark hair like her and bright blue eyes. Aika loved her brother to death. While she was barely showing signs of magic, Finn was spewing lightning magic since the day he was born, hence the reason why he was named after the god of thunder. When Finn was three and Aika was six, they were playing in the backyard and Finn accidentally struck Aika’s back with lightning. She died but was resuscitated again by a smaller zap of electricity. She has a scar on her back till this day and the only scar she hasn’t healed despite her ability to do so, as a reminder of her brother.
Throughout Aika’s childhood, everyone were confused as to what her magic was. When she was in a bad mood, plants and little animals around her died, and in a good mood, they flourished. Aika was terrified of her own magic sometimes when it killed fauna so she learned to withdraw her magic so much due an irrational fear to the point where she was slightly sick all the time because of the lack of mana coursing through her.
Instead of using magic, she focused on using her own strength and talents. Her father Sordello was a blacksmith and a swordsman. He taught her everything he knew. Her other father Faven, was an artist: a painter, musician and a writer. Her mother Alicia was the smart one. In Aika’s eyes, she seemed to know about everything. Aika wanted to be all of them and she was. They taught their children all that they needed in life and more.
Around the time when Aika was fifteen and didn’t have a grimoire yet, the whole Tolliver family was traveling through the neutral zone when a pack of bandits attacked them. Her fathers and her brother fought them but they were trapped. Alicia forced Aika to run away while they all withered away to dust by an Ash Magic User.
Aika despaired and manifested her grimoire and something else as she blacked out. When she woke up, everyone were seemingly gone. Aika assumed she somehow killed them. She gathered her family’s ashes and marched to Spade Kingdom. She couldn’t believe how life can be taken so easily, she was still in shock, so she went to the Spade Kingdom War College and proved her worth so she could study Necromancy and bring her family back.
She learned quickly that she couldn’t but she was too far into forbidden magic to stop so she didn’t. She paid her way through college by fighting in underground fighting rings using her freakish strength and studied medicine and forbidden magic. She also dated Morris, a blind boy from the Diamond Kingdom. In her final year of college, she begins to show interest in divinity so as her final project, she conducts a ritual called “Imago Dei.” Directly translated, it means “The Image of God.” In the ritual, Morris and Aika bear the Image of God. They find that God doesn’t appear in one vision, rather it’s a concept, a feeling, a reflection of oneself and everyone all at once.
They of course go insane after everything was said and done but they do recover mentally. Physically, Aika stayed blind for a year. During this time, she found out that Morris was just using her and leaves him. She went to the Heart Kingdom to study Mana Zone under the High Priestess of Undine because of her blindness. She later comes to discover that she has a weak form of clairvoyance as a residue from the ritual she performed.
After Aika recovers her sight, she leaves the Four Suits Continent Aika left the Spade kingdom after she graduated from Spade Nation War College at 21 years old and worked as a necromancer at a funeral home in a country past the Spade Kingdom! She used to help the dead move on peacefully, exorcise any poltergeists, conduct autopsies, keep company for any ghosts at the adjacent cemetery and comfort the living. It’s a job that comes with a lot of responsibilities and she certainly didn’t get paid enough for it.
She then moved on to another country to work as an independent mercenary then worked as a mercenary knight for the royal family of that country. Aika then met and fell in love with the crown princess but their love was forbidden because of the difference in status and obviously, for being homos. But they eloped because it wasn’t forbidden by law and they had a happy few months before the kingdom fell and she couldn’t protect the princess. She died. The princess’s name was Holly.
After the death of the princess, at 24 years old, Aika began to lust for power. She spent 3 years in peace, forgetting what suffering and helplessness was truly like. She couldn’t save her family because she couldn’t figure out what her magic was. And she couldn’t save the love of her life because she was complacent. Even if she was strong, someone will be stronger than her. So she raced for the peak, to be the strongest of the strong. And she also wanted to find someone who had Time Magic just like her.
She found Evan after the fall of the kingdom. Aika wasn’t sure of his species, but he had devil horns and showed signs of being experimented on so she used her own blood to stabilize his condition and took him under her wing as her adopted son. Evan Tolliver wasn’t only a protégé, but also the witness and the biographer of Aika’s life. He saw both her brutality and compassion. Her losses and victories. Life and Death. The Beginning and End of Worlds. He is definitely the person who knows and understands her the most and is content to stay in her shadow.
Because of Aika’s use and overuse of forbidden magic, she has curse where her mere presence causes people’s emotions to turn very negative, almost like insanity. Another curse of hers is that she cannot sleep. She has given up part of her humanity for better control and power of forbidden magic so while she can sleep, she will be stuck in a nightmare world for 8 hours so she simply doesn’t sleep. The only people that can be around her for long periods of time are other dark magic users, 100% non-humans and people who have affinity with her magic.
It’s implied so far in Demons Run but for the next 10 or so years of her life, she fought war after war for whomever that will take her. Revolutions and invasions. Reconnaissance and strategy. Amidst all the wars, she also grew a greater understanding of magic. She wrote a few books on her observations and discoveries.
Because people coveted Aika’s Time Magic, she made a deal with a Faerie named Arthur. In exchange for her first born, Aika’s magic would be erased from the world’s memory. Aika soon gave birth to Holly, a child between herself and Arthur while they were briefly married for contractural purposes, and the deal was sealed. Aika gets to see Holly few times a week but mostly on weekends.
Aika was infamous for her terrifying recklessness. She would continue fighting even after she had been brutalized. She fought with both her arms chopped off. She even fought after being decapitated. The enemy was too shocked at her for moving even after her head flew off so they were killed instantly at her hand. The reason why she is alive after all these fatal incidents is because her stats raise by 500% when she is near death. The perfect buff for a necromantic warrior.
While out there, she made a guild out of all the people who followed her. It was a company that dipped its toes in every industry and when she was settling into business rather than war, Aika slowly started coming back to Clover Kingdom.
There she met the Wizard King and he often commissioned her to help and advise him. Year or two later, they found that the Wizard King’s younger brother was Faven, Aika’s father. There, she had also came to find out that Julius’s magic was Time Magic. They were keeping it under wraps for tactical advantage but the Wizard King revealed it to her. From there, Julius and Aika’s story in Demons Run begins.
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ro-bottt · 8 months
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thorfinn and einar taking care of baby karli <33
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ashklad · 10 months
me finding some askeladd && thorfinn art: awh omg they’re bonding like father-uncle and son-nephew. ☺️
and then there’s the ship art.
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dhr-ao3 · 7 months
Future Nostalgia
Future Nostalgia https://ift.tt/nNFKCaq by likeaBallerina The story takes a twist when Sebastian Sallow accidentally transports himself and Anne to year 2023 from 1890 by using a Time Turner. They encounter Officer Hughe and a mysterious man, revealing a complex connection between the past and the present. Hopefully love for Sebastian Sallow will end a generational curse that starts when two bloodlines are finally near each other. All while getting accustomed to life 133 years later and attending Hogwarts. Will Amelia Shaw be able to fall in love for the right reasons? Will she be able pick between two Slytherin boys who absolutely make her crazy? Will the golden trio be able to help another trio from another time? Words: 3534, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Corban Yaxley, Original Characters, Nott Sr. (Harry Potter), Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Black Family (Harry Potter), Adrian Pucey, Thorfinn Rowle, Solomon Sallow Relationships: Sebastian Sallow/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Adrian Pucey/Original Female Character(s), Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter, Theodore nott & Anne Sallow, Nott Sr./Theodore Nott's Mother, Ron Weasley & Original Female Character(s), Ominis Gaunt/Original Female Character(s), Ominis Gaunt/Anne Sallow Additional Tags: Set Post-Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game), Set Pre-Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game), Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Evil Albus Dumbledore, Uncle Solomon - Freeform via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/8Oa4N6l November 26, 2023 at 11:58AM
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full name: Jebron Jack Perphyra
Nicknames: Bron, JJ, Jack
Date of birth: November 12th, 1979
Gender: Cis-male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood status: half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: Elven and Caucasian (some egyptian through his great grandmother)
Nationality: New Zealand
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: yew wood, phoenix feather and 8 ¼ inches
Animagus: Tiger
Quidditch: chaser
Prefect: yes
Head boy: yes
Clubs: no
Faceclaim: Child - Sprouse Twins, Teen - Asher Angel and Adult - Jack Quaid
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Height: 5’7
Hair color: light brown
Hair style:
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Eye color: light green
Skin tone: fair and tan
Scars: no
Modifications: no
Distinguishing marks: none so far but in his 6th year when he’s in America, he gets a chameleon tattoo to wrap around his leg and a dragon tattoo to wrap around his arms, with the head resting on his shoulder
Clothing style:
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Accessories: a ring he hassled Raimund out of on his 11th birthday
What’s in their pockets?
A pen
What’s in their school bag?
Sketch book
Text books
Parchment paper
Voice claim: 
Young - Asher Angel
Older - Jack Quaid
Languages understood: English, Elvish, Danish and Russian
Languages spoken: English, Elvish, Danish and Russian
Speech and/or language disorder: a slight lisp when he talking Elvish since the words aren’t pronounced how they are spelt
Color: Green
Food: Blueberry waffles with strawberries and chocolate in the pockets, also syrup has to be drizzled on top. Not too much syrup or he refuses to eat it
Weather: Cloudy
Books: It, goosebumps
Hobbies: Drawing, hanging out with his favorite uncles (Alvar and Raimund), figuring out lacrosse and American football
Music: He went to America one time for 2 weeks and is now hooked on rap music
Dislikes: Ron Weasley, no particular reason, he’s just annoying and he doesn’t like cats
Father: Anatoly Perphyra
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Mother: Ashley Lestrange
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Twin brother: Sinncere Perphyra
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Pet(s): A bloodhound named, Sniffer and a pit bull named, tigger
S/O: Jimena Gallardo @endlessly-cursed
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Children: tbd
Draco Malfoy
Theo Nott
Blaise Zabini
Anthony Goldstein
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Dotta Rowle (in the picture above with Sinncere)
(Let me know if you want your ocs to be friends with either of the twins)
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Anthony Goldstein
His accent comes out strong when he’s talking fast which makes it even more hard to understand
Went on a 2 week trip to muggle America during the summer with Sinncere, Draco, Blaise and Theo because of a bet with Antonin and Thorfinn, saying they couldn’t last 2 weeks
First one to have a magical occurrence which was flooding the house with plants
Tries to hide his accent
Got 2 dogs to one up Sinncere
Loves his brother more than anything…but he will make sure that he one ups Sinncere every time
Both equally smart, Jebron is book smart and Sinncere is street smart
Favorite uncles = Alvar and Raimund
Prefers maternal grandparents
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regulusxblack · 2 years
A Deposition
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For most of the day, Regulus sat and waited. What was originally supposed to be a 9:00 meeting quickly turned into 9:30. 10:00. 10:30. 11:00. And so on. He couldn’t help but feel that it must have been some sort of intimidation tactic. Why, he didn’t know. But he couldn’t help but feel that it was working. Finally, at 12:15, someone called him into one of the meeting rooms within the Wizengamot chambers. 
The first thing that Regulus noted was the amount of people in the room. Far more than he had been anticipating. Most of the people he had assumed were working with Dumbledore, but there were a few gasps that came from the crowd at the sight of him. Namely from his Uncle. Regulus ignored the hardened stare from Cygnus and moved to the table in front of him and sat down across from Amelia Bones. 
“Bones” he greeted simply, his expression giving away nothing. 
“Technically it’s Potter now,” she retorted, her tone entirely professional. 
“Trust me, Bones was far kinder in my book. I’d hate to start hurtling insults so early into the day, despite the Ministry’s lack of punctuality.” 
At this Amelia couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as she rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, our apologies for that. There were a few last minute additions to the board. The Minister decided he wanted representatives of his own to oversee the hearings. We had to go through the appropriate channels to ensure that they were vetted. I trust you’ve met before?”
Regulus glanced up at the table, masking his shock as Christopher and Thorfinn were now joining the group. “Yes, Of course. Flint. Rowle.” he nodded in greeting as the pair simply nodded in return.
Amelia nodded before continuing, “So, Mr. Black, you are here because on December 18th you signed an immunity agreement with Auror Potter in exchange for information and full cooperation with the Ministry upon the death of the Dark Wizard known as Tom Riddle. Is that correct?”
“Yes, that’s correct,” Regulus nodded, decidedly ignoring Thorfinn and Christopher. 
“And you’re aware that, if the present committee feels that you do not cooperate with the agreed upon terms, you will be tried for your crimes against the Wizarding World?”
“That standard feels rather arbitrary, but sure,” he grimaced, sitting back in his desk chair. 
“I assure you that the Committee intends to be fair to you, Mr. Black,” Amelia retorted, “Now, let’s begin. You were marked with the brand known as a Dark Mark. What date did you receive this mark?”
Regulus was quiet for a moment as he thought back to the night. “July 24th, four years ago,” he sighed, “A week after my seventeenth birthday. Something that I already went into detail about with Potter and Sirius.”
“Well, we need it for our records as well.” Amelia shrugged. “And when did you first begin to associate with the Death Eaters?”
“A year or so prior. I don’t see why this is important, Bones,” Regulus replied, shaking his head. 
“We need details about how it came to be and who you were associated with,” Amelia explained flatly. “And who was it that approached you on the matter of you joining?”
Regulus grimaced, glaring at Amelia, “Rodolphus Lestrange. Like I said, I’ve already been over this before with your husband. I also told him about Pettigrew.”
“Yes, and we need more information than Rodolphus Lestrange, seeing as he’s dead. He’s not going to be incredibly useful in convicting. Just like Pettigrew. We need useful information or we’re going to have to look into other options.”
Regulus glared at her, turning his chair away so that he could look out of the nearby window. “Names? Fine, I’ll give you names. Malfoy. Rosier. Dolohov. Rookwood. Dolohov in particular worked with curses. Had a few nasty ones up his sleeve too. Last I heard, he was even working on memory modification curses.”
At that, the room fell silent save for Amelia’s notetaking before the meaning of Regulus’s words settled in. Slowly, heads couldn’t help but glance over towards where Christopher was sitting. 
“Memory Modification curses?” Christopher asked, speaking for the first time as he tilted his head towards where Regulus was sitting. “And how do you know this?”
“Dolohov wasn’t exactly a fan of mine except when it came to being his guinea pig. There’s a hidden floor beneath his restaurant. You’ll find all of the proof you need there,” Regulus shrugged, his attention turning back towards Amelia. 
“That’s…That’s good to know,” Amelia muttered, writing furiously as Regulus spoke before looking back over at him. “Are there any other names that you can give us? We’ve been given the understanding that the way these ranks worked you weren’t privy to much beyond your own line but there has to be more than these seven. Remember, it’s in your best interest to give these names up.”
Regulus was quiet, one name in particular coming to mind, although he was terrified to say it. “If I give you this, it needs to be enough.”
Sensing the severity of his words, Amelia nodded, “You give us something good to work with, and no more names.”
Regulus nodded, glancing down at the table before him. His eyes momentarily paused on Christopher and Thorfinn, the silent threat in the air only known between the three of them, before moving down the line to his uncle where they remained. 
“Bellatrix Black.” 
Amelia’s eyes widened slightly at the name, clearly not having expected Regulus to give up his own cousin. “Bellatrix Black was a member of the Death Eaters?”
Regulus nodded, “More than just a member. She was his right hand. Knew more about his plans than anyone. Knew more about him than most anyone.  Nothing happened without her knowledge of it. She’s the one that gave me the order to go to the cave where I found out about the Horcruxes.”
“That’s…That’s-” Amelia nodded, but was interrupted by the scraping of a chair as she turned her attention to where Cygnus was rising from his chair. 
“How dare you? Have you no sense of loyalty? You…Ungrateful little-” Cygnus started, reaching for his wand as he yelled at Regulus, but was almost just as quickly disarmed by James Potter. 
Regulus grimaced at the scene, but masked any emotion he felt and instead simply turned his attention back towards the window as a pair of aurors escorted his uncle from the room and Amelia excused herself momentarily to discuss something with Moody. 
A few moments later, Amelia returned to the meeting room and her chair across from where Regulus sat. “My apologies for that outburst… Had we known anything about your cousin’s involvement we would have made sure to exclude your uncle from the proceedings. In light of this news, we’ve agreed to go ahead and end the deposition as we have plenty to work with for the time being. As I’m sure has been explained to you beforehand, you may be called back to testify to specific details that arise from the trial but these records will remain sealed as agreed upon in the terms of your immunity. All that’s left now is to discuss the specifics of your parole arrangement.”
“Parole?” Regulus asked with a grimace, “I was not aware there’d be any such arrangement seeing as I have immunity.”
“While your immunity protects you from facing any jail time, given the severity of your involvement, it was agreed upon among the Auror department that some sort of parole is necessary. Which is why Auror Potter is here. He has been assigned to your case. You will report to him twice a month for wand screenings and will need his approval for any and all trips abroad until the auror department has finished any necessary proceedings for other members of the death eaters. You can discuss this in detail with him at a later date, but that is the basic idea.”
At the mere mention of James, Regulus turned his full attention towards him with a glare but didn’t dare argue with Amelia on the matter.
“I look forward to discussing such details then,” he muttered, the words sounding like they were physically painful for him to manage. 
“Good. Well then, thank you for your testimony, Mr. Black. It will definitely help our efforts in finishing the war.”
Regulus simply nodded before rising from his chair, not even sparing a second glance towards anyone in the room before he left. 
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