#uncharted nathan drake collection
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cyberdreamsunshine · 2 months ago
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“Huh. Now where did you get this, my decomposing friend?”
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empireofstarsandsmoke · 2 years ago
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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End- Screenshots edited
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acecroft · 11 months ago
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cerysing · 2 months ago
'wow I wonder what useful information you store in your brain' I can immediately tell you whether it's nate's theme, nate's theme 2.0, or nate's theme 3.0
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cidade-tempero · 1 year ago
@cryptidcoreenjoyer 's au (@uc-fakeadoption-au )
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figures4fun · 6 months ago
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That first Uncharted game really feels like an AVP entry…
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hotheadedhero · 4 months ago
Not me getting distracted by the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
Not me re-falling in love with a game series that I cherished for so many years
And especially not me losing my mentals anytime Nathan speaks because he shares 07 Raph's va
I love you Nolan North
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photosoft0ys · 21 days ago
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Nathan Drake
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maskedgrounder · 2 years ago
Watch "Uncharted 4 A Thief's End | Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commentary) - Part 30 Ending | PS4 Pro" on YouTube
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axelwolf8109 · 5 months ago
I hate it when games make you do a reverse run to what you were doing.....playing uncharted and I have to run towards the camera instead of away like normal and it's so fucking tricky
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jeandejard3n · 11 months ago
Uncharted: Museo Maritimo
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lifeinacartoon · 1 year ago
What would your dream game look like with your favorite characters? (Characters can be from any genre!)
Like mine would be Hawkeye and Black Widow running around the wilderness of #fallout4 or #Fallout76 with a touch of #Uncharted feel to it!
Cuz I still need to be able to build stuff and collect stuff but I also want to parkour like Nathan Drake 😂
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acecroft · 10 months ago
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leviiackrman · 3 months ago
Go On Bitches, Steal From Me;
I was tagged by @florbelles @imogenkol @risingsh0t + @auricfog to steal from me, thank you bbies!!
Tagging: @carrionsflower @statichvm @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @sevikagf @confidentandgood @unholymilf @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @nokstella @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @viktorgf @d-esmond @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel
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figures4fun · 2 years ago
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spidersonicbatl0 · 2 months ago
My PlayStation all stars 2 dream roster
Before I begin. I just want to address a few things.
1. Crash and Spyro will be apart of this roster. I imagine Sony would work out of a deal with Microsoft (let crash and Spyro be in they crossover games and bungie (who Sony will still own) can make halo games for them again) because how iconic they are to PlayStation.
2. I think Sony could use this as starting point for a shared gaming multiverse (think dc or marvel). Plus this give some closer to story that will never get continued. So yeah this game is canon to each franchise in this game
3. Similar to sonic heroes, their is multiple team stories with each story being characters for who debuted in each of different eras of PlayStation and a third party story for characters that debuts on other consoles. each era’s would have a villain that debut in that generation. The plot will revolves around a society in the center of the multiverse who creates, watch and help save these PlayStation worlds. But a team up of villains are working together to collect polygon man prices for ultimate power! So this society gathers four heroes of each console generation to deal with this threat. Each team gather more characters from their eras and fight their era villains at the story end. The final story have each team worked together to defeat a resurrect polygon man and his army.
4. Every characters from the first game is returned.
5. each character have eight alternate outfits from they games (if their not enough Palette swap is them)
6. Each character have custom supers moves
Anyway on to the roster
Returning characters
Kratos from god of war (base on his Norse mythology version this time. So levaiathan axe, blades of chaos (because him not have them ruin one of best scenes in the series) and draupnir spear)
Ratchet and clank from ratchet and clank (each weapon in their moveset is updated to there rift apart versions)
Jak and daxter from jak and daxter (yes the mar plot line will be resolved. Level 1 supers reference stuff from jak 1, level 2 supers reference stuff from jak 2 and level 3 supers reference stuff from jak 3)
Sly cooper from sly cooper (considered this hypothetical game would be canon to all series feature in this. It pretty obvious this game would have sly get back to the future! Just case we never get sly cooper 5.)
Paparapa from paparapa the rapper (paparapa will look more closely to his series this time)
Spike from ape escape
Nathan drake from uncharted (the grapple hook replace zip line (grapple hook attach itself to a platform, allowing drake to follow it up with swing kick or a diving punch), each of Nathan weapons are updated to their a thief end version, Nathan custom level 3 are references to supernatural shit in the first three games.)
Cole McGrath from infamous (good Cole and evil Cole won’t take damage from election attacks)
Evil Cole mcgrath from infamous (use the powers of the beast in his moveset. Also the villain of ps3 era story and final boss of that story)
Sack boy from little big planet (now include moves from little big planet 3 and sackboy big adventure)
Fat princess from fat princess (i seriously hope Sony doesn’t changes her name in a squeal. Because modern politics correct)
Sweet tooth from twisted metal (if you remember that canceled twisted metal game that took place in an apocalypse. His design is taken from that scarp project. In other words, sweet tooth home is now paradise!)
Sir Daniel fortesque from medievil (updated to look like his medievil remake design)
Radec from killzone (resurrect as a cyborg after lowtiregod himself)
Toro from Japan aka PlayStation Japan mascot (keep his outfits gimmick. But each outfit attacks represents insomniac, naughty dog or sucker punch games. Insomniac outfit is ratchet, naughty dog outfit is jak and sucker punch outfit is sly)
Nariko from heavenly sword
Heihachi Mishima from tekken (most likely won’t speak because of Japan respect for dead voice actors. So just say he can’t talk because of his resurrection. Edit: somehow heihachi returns. I wrote this (I been working on this for a long time) before the announcement of him returning in tekken 8. I actually thought Namco would keep him dead after tekken 7. because hired a old man voice actor for him, had the same life expectancy of concord)
Big daddy from bioshock (yes he comes with a rapture stage. Like psasbr should have done!)
Dante from devil may cry (the original Dante. His moveset is now updated to include weapons and attacks from dmc1, dmc3, dmc4 and dmc5. Not including dmc2 do to that game being bad from what I hear)
Raiden from metal gear (moveset is now updated to include more attacks from rising, the game amazing bosses songs are available to play on stages, raiden can trigger unique codec calls for each player characters (like snake in brawl) on the metal gear stage. This game would also explain why raiden a cyborg again. despite mgs4 having him turn back to normal at the end)
Kat from gravity rush
Emmett graves from Star hawk
Issac Clarke from dead space (moveset is update to the dead space remake)
Zeus from god of war (the blade of Olympus and the gauntlet of Zeus is used in his moveset now. Zeus can also summon some other Greek gods for custom supers)
Ps1 era
Crash bandicoot from crash bandicoot (I want to make crash a surprise. So he wouldn’t be reveal till the game launch. Imagine this. You just got PlayStation all stars 2 on launch day. You start story mode and notice the ps1 era story is the only available one. So you select it and the first cutscene is a recreation of crash bandicoot 1 title screen. That how you reveal PlayStation original mascot!)
Spyro the dragon from spyro the dragon (moveset is base on the original trilogy by insomniac games)
Cloud from final fantasy (moveset is a combination of the original and remake)
Dart from the legend of dragoon (considered they were outcry to finish him! He most likely would be in a sequel)
Leon Kennedy from resident evil (I pick him over Jill or Chris because re4 is considered to be the best game of time. So re4 weapons for his moveset)
Dr. Neo cortex from crash bandicoot (ps1 era story main villain and final boss of that story)
Abe from Oddworld
Tomba from Tomba
Sephiroth from final fantasy (because if cloud end up in a fighting game, sephiroth is going to show up to ruin cloud fun)
Nemesis from resident evil (classic design from re3, moveset combined stuff from the original game and remake, nemesis will hunt you down in levels after Leon join the party in certain levels)
Ps2 era
Sora from kingdom hearts (I know some people think getting Sora is impossible if a sequel happens. But, A. Disney was pretty relax with Sora getting in smash bros and B. Don’t have any Disney characters cameos in this game)
Dr. Nefarious from ratchet and clank (I know some people think another ratchet and clank rep should be captain qwark, but I disagree for 2 reasons. 1. Qwark original voice has Alzheimer’s disease so can’t act anymore and 2. Dr nefarious is the most popular ratchet and clank villain. Plus he be the perfect main villain (and final boss) for the ps2 story, considering he a fan favorite who debuted in this era. Also bring Lawrence back damn it!)
Wander from shadow of the colossal (honestly it pretty surprised wander wasn’t considered for the original PlayStation all stars. His game is considered by many to be the best game ever made)
Ultra v from war of the monsters (basically he the size of the iron giant from multiversus)
Kiryu Kazuma from yakuza (I know the devs of the series say “Kiryu can’t be in a fighting game because he has to fight woman and that out of character”. But because the game story is about different universes, what if dr nefarious just kidnapped a Kiryu from different universe (probably from dead souls) and turn him into a mindless servant robot. So when you fighting female characters it just a robot kiryu reskin with his moves)
Death jr from death jr (the psp rep for the game)
Pyramid head from silent hill (is brought back thanks to the ps4 era villain who good with magic. Because pyramid head only exist till James learn the truth)
Greek kratos from god of war (you know how they three link’s in smash and they’re all have no exclusive moves from their games (except botw link and young link). Yeah, I not doing that so here two kratos with two unique movesets! Greek kratos will be part of two pre bonus characters (The other being reboot Dante) that can be bought four months after release or unlock after beating all era’s stories )
Ps3 era
Joel and Ellie from the last of us (I know some people are going to say “Joel and Ellie can’t be in this because their game series is to violent!” One, silent hill is much darker than the last of us part 2 and 2 you know how much outrage if they are not in it. So anyway. Joel and Ellie are like pyra and mythra from smash ultimate (with Ellie being a semi clone of Joel). Joel deal more damage/take less damage but is slow, Ellie is faster but deal less damage/take more damage.
You’re also probably asking “isn’t Joel dead?” Well, this Joel is from a different universe where he didn’t die and part 2 never happened)
Hybrid Chimeran from resistance (this is an original character for the game. He was a Russia young adult, who have seriously smoked problem. When the chimeran started revealing Russia. He was still able to keep free will because the virus having not adapted to resist cancer yet (he has undiagnosed cancer). After discovering chimeran like him, who also have free will (thank to other diseases). They’re escapes to lceland too work on some kind of cure)
The slayer of demon from demon souls (look, I never play or will play a soulslike game. But his game create the genre. So they have to be in this game)
Kutaro from puppeteer
Gleeber and Lunk from PlayStation move heroes (the PlayStation move rep)
Kevin buttler from those old ps3 commercials (ok, incase you don’t know who he is. Check out rebeltaxi video call ‘strange colorful semi lost ps3 games’ to know who he is. You finish the video? Good. then let move on. Kevin is basically the nick fury of this multiverse protection society.)
PS4 era
Spider man from marvel spider man (I know some people think he doesn’t deserve to be in a sequel, because he not a video game character. But just to remind people, James Bond was considered for smash bros melee because goldeneye 64 was that good. And it a license game!)
Abby from the last of us (ah yes the Ray of PlayStation, a group of people love her and the other group want her dead! Look, it more likely she will be in a sequel if it happen. So just don’t play as her if you don’t like her ok! As for gameplay she a clone of Joel and Ellie with a few unique moves. Tho the rat king will be a level three super and the golf club)
Deacon St. John from days gone (the real reason, deacon is on this roster because of one thing. THAT. FUCKING. CLIFFHANGER! (Also, because it consider an modern cult classic by PlayStation fans) like seriously did forget to trick the director again (another why we never got a sequel is because the game director was an dick with angry issues). Anyway, simply to days gone, deacon can find material (that spawn randomly on the stage) to create items for new attacks, find a melee weapon that be upgraded with materials (still have a durable meter that is viewable next to deacon super bar) and upgrade deacon gun attacks by finding better one’s.)
Helldiver from helldivers (like the hybrid Chimera, this helldiver is a unique character created for this game. He wanted to be a helldiver, since he was kid. So he train till was he the legal age to become one. Becoming the first helldivers in history not to die after 3 missions!
After serving super earth for 10 years, he realized that super earth became the very thing they’re swear to destroy! After that, the PlayStation multiverse protection society offer him to join. Leading him to become the best non power agent in the society. His name is Joel btw! For his moveset, he basically Rachel but with helldivers 2 weapons.)
Odin from god of war (main villain of ps4 era and final boss. You’re probably thinking “why is Odin the main villain of the ps4 era. When he didn’t appear in gow 2018” simple. The main villain of 2018 was sent be him, Mimir got trapped in that tree because Odin and giants species got order 66 because of Odin paranoia!
This Odin version is from a reality. Where he actually kill people’s, when he done using them! One day, Odin find a purple ploygon in his workshop and when touching it, open a portal to different world. Odin sent magni and moni in to investigate (mostly cause they useless) and later. Moni is launch out of the portal dead! With magni body being held by evil Cole McGrath aka the beast!
After expanding he not a threat, Odin and Cole sit down and talk with some beer. Cole explains he found a piece liked Odin too in new empire city (a place he built to restarted humanity. After activating all conduits) and suggest it could be a piece from polygon man. Someone who tricked him into a disguise fighting tournament and changed his world history. When Odin ask. What happened to him? Cole explains after everyone realizes they’re been trick, everyone work together to kill polygons man and change their worlds history back to normal and get back home! While everyone was fighting purple clones of themselves, a mark warrior kill polygon man by stabbing him with a blue glowing sword! Realizing this is his chance to control his fate and rule everything. Odin proposes an alliance with Cole to collect polygons man remains to accomplish their goals. Cole suggests they’re need some type of machine to transfer the power tho and a bigger army.
Suddenly, a portal open with dr neo cortex and dr nefarious tumble out with them getting up back up and fighting. Odin tie them down with vine magic and ask who are they? Both explain who their are and nefarious say cortex enter his lab through some portal, both getting into a fight and ending up here.
Cole explains who there are and they plan and ask if they want to join. Both say yes! After that, all four recruits other villains to help with their plan)
Delsin Rowe from infamous (Delsin Rowe can switch between all 4 of his powers be using down circle. This is possible now thanks to a handheld device that contain smoke, neon, video and concrete)
Jin Sakura from ghost of Tsushima
Aloy from horizon (alts are the different tribes encounter in the horizon games)
The hunter from bloodborne
Knack from knack (yes, I want knack in a sequel! His power to grow bigger with more relics is a unique concept for a platform fighting game. Like his two games, knack will absorb relics to get bigger allow him to deal more damage at the cost of speed)
Connor from Detroit: become human (I know Quantic dreams is a studio with shitting work environment. But three of there games are iconic to PlayStation. So if you don’t like it, cry me a river.
Connor in this story is from the ‘everyone live’ timeline. Kara (aka ‘i really should been a dlc story expansion’ character) has written a book explaining how she escapes to Canada while protecting a robot child. Markus is continuing fighting for android rights and now human rights in others countries. And Connor is how an lieutenant at dpd)
Astro bot from Astro bot (surprise! Astro bot first debut on the ps4! In the story, Astro bot is the guardian of PlayStation society mainframe. Location in a secret in between region of the multiverse. The other bots are just his crew of workers)
Joker from persona (Joker use others persona’s for attacks, he summon phantom thieves members for super attacks, Kasumi is alt, joker is in his 20s now, all out attack and sinful shell are custom level 3 supers and have cel shading like his game)
Josh from until dawn (thanks to Odin magic (and manipulation his bad mental health) Josh is now back in control and he ready to finish what he started. Get revenge on his former friends for accidentally killing his sister’s death! Josh is an wendigo now. So his attacks and supers are combined of wendigo viciousness and his good old fashioned traps.)
Miles morales from marvel spider man (don’t worry. Miles is not going to wear ‘the miles morales original’ for his default. He also more of a semi clone than actual clone character. Because of his bio venom and 3 three unique gadgets)
Venom from marvel spider man (considering, they’re getting them game according to the insomniac games leaks. I think having spidey most iconic villain makes sense. Venom height is the same as in marvel spider man 2 and spider man and miles spider sense don’t work on them)
Quill from moss (psvr rep)
Pig detective from dreams (so in case you don’t play dream. Pig detective is 3d point and click adventure series made by team pig. Anyway, i pick him because the devs of dreams have recommended the series on ‘mm picks’ and this series need more recognition. As for gameplay? Imagine phoenix wright from umvc3 but your playing as pig)
Ps5 era
Kena from kena:bridge of spirits (kena can find rot’s (they spawn around the stage randomly) to increase damage of supers that involves them and the stun time of that one move from her game I can’t remember)
Little outsider from stray (if smash can put in duck hunter dog and a 80 game accessory! We can add a cat)
Akito from ghostwire: Tokyo
Colt from deathloop
Selene Vassos from returnal (because she from a rouge like. I imagine her gimmick will involve collecting items to give her unique attacks and increased her stats, but these upgrades be lost when losing a live)
Vex from little big planet (despite me never finishing sackboy big adventure. I really like vex. He a pretty cool villain. Also ps5 era villain and final boss)
Wolverine from marvel wolverine (despite the game not being out yet. I decided to include him because the game is most likely going to be well received and sell well.
Wolverine main gimmick would be his healing factor. Allow him to recover heath in the fight automatically! To make it balance. The rate Wolverine heal will depend on his health bar. He will recover health faster when at critical health, the opposite happens if he almost at full health.)
Atsu from ghost of yotei (again, the game isn’t out yet. But by the look of the trailer. It probably going to be great. Still piss Jin not the main character tho. Like come on! Make him Japan Batman!)
Jordan a. Mun from intergalactic the heretic prophet (ah yes, the game that will help anti woke content farm keep their light on till it release. Again, the game haven’t come yet. But it with being naughty dog next big game. She have to be here)
Eve from stellar blade
Third party characters
Solid snake from metal gear (keep you waiting huh? So your probably wondering why snake isn’t in the ps1 era? Because metal gear first game released on msx2 computer. Metal gear solid was a soft reboot like god of war 2018.
So anyway, as not to undoing mgs4 ending. This snake is from the universe of snake revenge (pretty meta because snake revenge didn’t have any involvement from Kojima) recruited into secret PlayStation society due to being a great infiltrate. Also most because the main universe snake is dead. And yes, David hayter will return to voice snake and he will have codec calls for each character like raiden)
Lara Croft from tomb raider (turned on tomb raider debut on sega Saturn. Anyway Lara Croft would be the one from ps1 era games. Yes they multiple tomb raider continuity’s. So she being this game story would be her final adventure, like drank in a theft end. You can also expect her double pistols as attacks)
Ryu from street fighter (it can’t be a crossover fighting game without Mr. Fighting game)
Scorpion from mortal Kombat (because this a crossover fighting game that has ryu. You might as well add the mascot of street fighter rival series. Just don’t except any fatalities tho)
Alex Mercer from prototype (when infamous and prototype first came out. Everyone was compare these two super heroes sandbox games in a quarantine city. So making Alex. Cole rival make sense)
Reboot Dante from DMC devil may cry (the other pre order bonus character. Dante moveset is updated to include his entire kit from DMC)
Booker Dewitt from bioshock
Batman from Arkham (The Batman arkham games has had exclusive content on PlayStation in the past. Plus, asylum and city are considered the best games of all time. But real reason he here is to retcon kill the justice league. I fucking hate this game!!! It undo Arkham knight amazing ending, unnecessary bring joker back (it a alternate version. But still this a game about the suicide squad, not Batman), making deadshot black (because I guess the general public can’t understand different versions of characters exist), having deathstroke not be one of the four base playing characters (origin post credit scene has deathstroke be the first recruit for the squad) and having the first appearance of the justice league in the Arkhamverse. Just for them to act like idiots and get most of metropolis kills! Just no. So here my idea for Batman in the third party story mode.
Suicide squad: kill the justice league is explained ways as an in universe movie. To cash in on Batman identity being revealed as Bruce Wayne. The movie got overwhelmed negative reviews for kill the world greatest heroes with no respect and giving Batman an insulting death. But anyway, on to Batman.
Bruce has continue his war on crime, using a less powerful version of scarecrow cloudburst fear toxic. To scare criminals and supervillains as Batman “ghost”. Tho he doesn’t interfere that much. 2 years later, batman is testing a new suit (made out of different bat suits) on patrol when he hear a GCPD call about some crime scene. The story starts there.
One more thing tho. Due to Kevin conroy passing away. He honestly wouldn’t return to voice the dark knight. For that reason I suggest to get someone who sounds identical to Kevin Batman voice.)
Joker from Arkham (the third party story mode villain. “But you say it was unnecessary to bring joker back in kill the justice league!?”. Yes I did. But Batman is played this game, unlike kill the justice league. “Joker doesn’t have a reason to come back”. During in Batman (the prime Batman) storyline. Different jokers from across the multiverse were getting power up by a different joker (one who never became joker) and dead jokers were bought back to live. Including Arkham joker. So there you’re reason on why he can come back! Also, mark Hamill would obviously not voice joker. Due to him retire from voice joker after Kevin conory dead. So just get someone who sounds identical to mark joker voice)
Shadow the hedgehog from sonic the hedgehog (this is mostly because of that old fake leak)
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