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usafphantom2 · 6 months ago
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Razz, in his F-22, blasting off from KOSH at full afterburner with a massive heat wave following him.
@Benight_photo via X
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seraphicdemons · 1 year ago
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The Nefarious Baldurian Anglerfish.
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fruityuncleskeletor · 1 year ago
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In 2024, let's not lose sight of what really matters in life-
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tenth-sentence · 1 year ago
Gorman made Somerville pull back from the boundary of the Government Stock Station – that was too cheeky to be allowed – but Jones' claim to the fine stretch of country he called River Station would never be challenged.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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banamine-bananime · 10 days ago
epsilon’s “not all of us got off scott free, carolina” is such a fucking funny Church Narcissism Birthday Boy Protagonist Syndrome moment. church i think if you tell your sister that she got off scott free she is legally allowed to throw YOU off a cliff
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lylahammar · 1 month ago
I swear to god every time I see the words "OCD hack" on any social media site, it's just another compulsion repackaged as "helpful advice"
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^ this is not going to help you!!!! in any meaningful way!!! like this was followed by a lot of useful information from other people's reblogs about poison control which is nice but it's tacked onto this incredibly harmful post that is almost entirely unchallenged except for one person in the replies buried under a ton of supportive comments. This is just a compulsion even if it sounds more helpful than reading reddit and quora threads. Treating OCD does not involve finding new ways to reassure your paranoia, you have to learn to resist those compulsions and get help from a mental health professional and/or your support system.
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kiyomitakada · 4 months ago
i was on a "thinking about ryuk" kick earlier and. i get the appeal of saying he's the only one who sees light in his entirety — it makes perfect sense, he's the one who light monologues to about his grand plans, he's the one who light stays with practically 24/7 for five years — but i don't think it's completely true?
ryuk to me has this tendency to assume that light is straightforwardly malicious (see: he thinks light was lying when light says he'll avenge his father if soichiro ever gets killed by kira, he doesn't really get why light wants to do things like reveal his location to L until light explains he wants to eliminate L entirely, he takes the "i wish i had wings" thing seriously as though it's supposed to be part of light's Master Plan instead of a little quirk that light was clearly feeling vulnerable about, he's surprised when light isn't willing to kill sayu in the second arc). like there's real fondness for light in there as well, he congratulates light for getting into college for instance, but i don't really feel like ryuk has ever. understood him fully. he's trying, he gets better at it over time, but he does have a bias.
and i think, also, that this is because ryuk has another tendency to assume that light is just like him.
which makes sense, because light is the one who offers up "i was bored, too" as a genuine point of commonality between them. and then ryuk jumps to "you know, you'd make a really good shinigami!" and "hey light do you want the eyes" and then at the end "we eased each other's boredom for quite a while." he does notice when light is acting weird and tries to adjust his viewpoint (he goes ! when light starts doing his "i've never been so humiliated in my whole life" thing) but given that he only figures out light genuinely cares for his sister when he refuses to sacrifice her, after five years of watching this whole family dynamic, i don't think he ever actually gets there.
which is. sad. it's really goddamn sad. you know you're really fucked when even the demon haunting you can't figure you out
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arte072 · 6 months ago
asoiaf fandom: arya has never shown any desire to rule winterfell!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
arya: "my favorite thing to do in the world was watch my dad rule Winterfell! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"
Back at Winterfell, they had eaten in the Great Hall almost half the time. Her father used to say that a lord needed to eat with his men, if he hoped to keep them. "Know the men who follow you," she heard him tell Robb once, "and let them know you. Don't ask your men to die for a stranger." At Winterfell, he always had an extra seat set at his own table, and every day a different man would be asked to join him. One night it would be Vayon Poole, and the talk would be coppers and bread stores and servants. The next time it would be Mikken, and her father would listen to him go on about armor and swords and how hot a forge should be and the best way to temper steel. Another day it might be Hullen with his endless horse talk, or Septon Chayle from the library, or Jory, or Ser Rodrik, or even Old Nan with her stories. Arya had loved nothing better than to sit at her father's table and listen to them talk. She had loved listening to the men on the benches too; to freeriders tough as leather, courtly knights and bold young squires, grizzled old men-at-arms. She used to throw snowballs at them and help them steal pies from the kitchen. Their wives gave her scones and she invented names for their babies and played monsters-and-maidens and hide-the-treasure and come-into-my-castle with their children. Fat Tom used to call her "Arya Underfoot," because he said that was where she always was. She'd liked that a lot better than "Arya Horseface."
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jehanthepoet · 11 months ago
I think it's worth noting Nara isn't just "Kristen with money." Kristen is an inherently very powerful cleric. She's a chosen one, she created multiple gods, brought a god back to life, brought HERSELF back to life, etc. On that nat20 in sophomore year she was the ONLY ONE who could lift Kalina's curse. Tracker casting the same spell couldn't have done it.
Nara is Kristen with money, but she's also Kristen without that inherent talent. She's Kristen without miracles. She's someone impulsive where it's not just that she lacks follow through (like Kristen), but where that initial impulsively is also less successful.
And, most importantly, I think it's worth noting that without those inherent successes, she's someone Tracker can feel a little superior over.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months ago
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7 September 1997. First flight of the Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor, F-22A 91-4001 from Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia. American single-seat, twin-engine, 5th-generation fighter aircraft using stealth technology. It reached an altitude of 20,000 feet.
@ron_eisele via X
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kaban-bang · 9 months ago
[Dungeon Meshi spoilers]
Listen, ship whatever you wanna ship, but I feel like mischaracterizing Laios to justify shipping him with Marcille (or anyone else tbh) is pretty disrespectful to Ryoko Kui and her writing.
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"Laios loves elf ears"
He was saving face bc he was talking too much about how the Orc chief's wives were hot.
"Laios loves her smiling face"
He looks fucking terrified
"Laios doesn't know himself"
For not getting a boner over succubus Marcille? 😭😭😭
There are many ways you can ship Laios and Marcille without completely mischaracterizing him.
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static-blossoms · 4 months ago
Seeing people say Curly got “what he deserved”, “his just desserts”, and “he got what was coming” (all of these being real quotes I’ve seen verbatim) regarding him getting horrifically injured from the crash both really piss me off, and also scare me ngl.
Curly really messed up, there is absolutely no denying that no matter how you look at it. But to say with genuine seriousness that he deserved what happened to him is absolutely ridiculous and extreme. He should get consequences, yes, but those consequences shouldn’t be getting a majority of his skin burnt off, losing all four of his extremities, losing an eye, being left laying on a cot in absolute agony, and being subjected to Jimmy’s abuse.
Also, I don’t think I even need to point out how incredibly ableist comments like those are. To imply becoming disabled is “punishment” or “karma” in some way is such an awful thing to say, and if you genuinely think that way I hope you stay far away from disabled people until you reevaluate yourself.
Lastly, it’s completely fine if you dislike Curly. I’m not here to try and change your minds on that. But what I am trying to change your minds on is how you view disabilities and thinking on what truly counts as proper consequences for a guy who isn’t as black or white as many paint him out to be.
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shirecorn · 4 months ago
I love making weird things and solving problems and pushing materials to their limit. I like making new things.
the minute it gets easy I just Stop. No longer interested. no matter how important or profitable it is, my brain just doesn't want to do it if we've already figured out how. It's like torture. We go into shutdown mode if I try to make us.
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month ago
do you have any good sources for reading about women’s underclothes like stays, corsets, drawers, etc.? i always find it interesting when you talk about corset myths and such, but i’ve had trouble finding places to read about it that aren’t just selling stuff.
See, I get a lot of asks like this, and the problem is that I don't usually remember where I learned anything.
Some ungodly combination of looking at old advertisements in various places, learning things from experts in the field in conversation, scholarly articles or well-sourced YouTube videos, reading analyses of extant garments in museum collections, and Books I Don't Remember The Titles Of have leant me this knowledge and I am not at all sure how to recommend Further Reading to people as a result.
I can find sources for specific facts if pressed! Don't get me wrong! What I know is good as far as I'm aware! I just go completely Blank when asked to give recommendations on clothing history in general because how I learned things is such a hodgepodge of information.
Honestly, this is going to sound very un-academic, but Abby Cox and Nicole Rudolph are two great clothing historians who source their YouTube videos well and teach facts in an engaging manner. So that's as good a place to start as any. Bernadette Banner's content can also be very fun and useful, though it trends a bit more towards the whilsical/fantastical (while still being largely based on historical fact).
The Corset: A Cultural History by Valerie Steele is a pretty good book on that particular subject, though my one bone to pick with it is that the author seems to either never mention or reject out of hand the idea that corsets had a practical application (they did- breast and back support, and providing a rigid support layer to keep waistbands from cutting into the abdomen).
Also like...wearing a historical corset if you ever get the chance is a great experience. Obviously trying it once isn't the same as wearing it habitually the way women would have when they were commonplace, but it's more personal experience than a lot of people who've been published about them have had.
Hope this helps and I'm sorry I couldn't give more specific recommendations!
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jeyne-stark · 4 months ago
Sansa ruling as King in the North post-canon when who should arrive via time travel other than one Robb, who got teleported out of the Red Wedding and into Winterfell's main hall
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homoquartz · 7 months ago
not one face card declined on dead boy detectives but i do need to see more fatties
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