#robb just wants to hug her for the next 5-10 years
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Sansa ruling as King in the North post-canon when who should arrive via time travel other than one Robb, who got teleported out of the Red Wedding and into Winterfell's main hall
#sansa stark#robb stark#sansa is c o n v i n c e d that he is going to take back the crown and marry her off#so she schemes against him making sure her rule is unchallenged#she hates working against her brother. but she must#robb just wants to hug her for the next 5-10 years
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Fake dating AU
Robert Baratheon is retiring from politics and the Lannisters throw a little retirement party. Out of courtesy and politeness, Eddard Stark forces his family to go. After a while, Joffrey starts poking fun at Sansa until Margaery sweeps in to save the night by pretending to date Sansa.
“So I’m standing there barefoot, my lasagne only mid-eaten, the car has caught on fire and my boyfriend is coming out of the portable toilet with a roll of toilette paper rolled up his torso-“
Sansa walked past Arya as fast as she could. She didn’t want to listen again to that unrefined story of hers. The first time she had to sit through that story had scarred her enough for life. She did not want to hear it ever again.
Sansa made her way over to the table where the drinks were being served. She hated the party. The only reason she was there is because her father had forced all Starks to go. ‘It’s important that we all attend. To show our gratitude to Robert for his services.’ Sansa could still hear Robb’s snort and Arya mumbling disgruntledly upon their father’s words.
This year Robert Baratheon retired from politics after nearly 40 years in the office. Everyone at the Stark household except for Ned had cheered upon the news, but their bliss had quickly faded away as soon as they learnt whose name was among the candidates running for the open position. The list was pretty dreadful as it were –with names like Baelish, Stannis and Euron Greyjoy– but when you added Joffrey to the bunch, it only made it that much worse. And because Eddard Stark had a place on the council, he had been invited to Robert’s retirement party, which the Lannisters pretty much singlehandedly organised, aided with the Tyrells’ money.
Sansa poured herself a double whiskey and downed it all in one go. The drink burnt her throat but in a pleasant way. She sighed contently whilst filling her glass up again.
“Thought I’d find you by the alcohol stand.” A voice called out from behind her. Sansa pursed her lips together and clutched her glass tightly in her hand. “You picked up that trait from your father, surely.” Cersei Lannister chuckled dryly as she stood alongside Sansa. She didn’t cast her even once glance before she grabbed the closest bottle of wine and emptied it all on her glass.
“Nice party.” The redhead forced a smile on her face but she knew Cersei could see right through her. Not that she particularly cared, but she still had to put on a façade for her father’s sake.
“Oh, is it? You’ve barely been here for 10 minutes, most of which you’ve spent drinking my alcohol.” Cersei had drank half glass by the time she turned to face Sansa. Once she did, she looked at Sansa up and down, as if searching for something in particular.
“You can scarcely call it ‘your alcohol’ when it’s meant for the guests, can’t you?” Sansa flashed the blonde woman her brightest smile, albeit it was a fake one. Both women knew. Still, they both had to keep up the appearances.
“Hmm, I see that, unlike your dress, your boldness has grown larger.” The redhead was wearing a navy blue cocktail dress, with a golden strip on both shoulders. She’d found the exact dress that combined perfectly sophistication with a hint of sexiness. It was cut right above her knees, which meant it was short enough to be considered seducing, but still long enough to be an appropriate option to wear among her father’s colleagues. She completed the look with a pair of black heels.
“What can I say?” Sansa titled her head to the side casually. Her tone was polite and even borderline playful. “Time does wonders to a person, wouldn’t you say?”
“Indeed, it does.” Cersei tried to suppress the growl out of her voice, but she didn’t hide it quite as well as she would have wanted. “So” the woman scanned the room lazily when a thought popped into her head “is that uncivilised sister of yours around?” Cersei smirked, thinking she’d hit the nail on the head to get a rise out of the girl, but instead Sansa’s eyes lit up. She titled her head towards where Arya was standing.
“Hmm” she hummed “I believe she’s telling an uncivilised story to your kids.”
Cersei’s head couldn’t have spun faster. She looked across the room until her eyes landed on Arya. She was with Tommen and Myrcella and it seemed both kids were extremely enjoying themselves. Cersei didn’t like that one bit. Not only were her children getting along with a Stark, but by the hand gestures Arya was making Cersei knew that story was not for kids.
Before Sansa had the chance to add some witty remark, Cersei sprinted across the room to snatch Tommen and Myrcella away from Arya. The brunette blinked at the abruptness at which Cersei had taken the kids away, but she didn’t give it much thought and made her way to the alcohol stand instead.
Sansa grinned once Arya was by her side. “I take it Cersei didn’t like your story?”
Arya shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t see why not. That story had everything: action, drama, suspense...”
The redhead chuckled and shook her head “I’m sure once you think it through you’ll know why she didn’t find it so amusing.”
“What about you?” Arya redirected the conversation as she grabbed another beer. Sansa was not entirely certain, but she could’ve sworn that was Arya’s fourth. “Anything I missed?”
“Not really. I only made small chat with Cersei.”
“Nothing with Cersei is ever ‘small chat’.” Arya puffed. “How much longer must we stay here?”
“I don’t know.” Sansa scratched her chin. “I believe Father wants us to stay at least long enough to hear Robert’s speech.”
Arya growled audibly at that. “Well, that’s gonna take forever then.” Sansa agreed.
Both sisters turned their back to the stand and looked at the attendants. There was Robb chatting amicably with Theon Greyjoy, who hadn’t been previously invited but Robb had essentially begged their Father to let the boy come and so after much pleading he’d reluctantly agreed. If only for Robb’s sake. His son had said Theon would be the only thing that would keep him sane for the night. Sansa believed Greyjoy would have the contrary effect on her brother, but she didn’t say anything. At least he had a friend to keep him company.
Then there was Jon, standing awkwardly in a corner. He was talking with some other boy Sansa did not know but he seemed comfortable enough around him so she was happy for him. And because of their young age, Bran and Rickon had been left at home with Hodor, their sitter.
Lastly, the remaining Starks, Ned and Catelyn, were stood next to Robert Baratheon himself. The man laughed loudly at something her Father had said and Sansa was glad that, despite being surrounded by Lannisters, Ned had found somewhat of a friend.
There were more people than Sansa would have expected, still she only knew a handful of them, half of whom were her own family. As for the rest, Sansa either straight up didn’t like them or didn’t deem none of them interesting enough to strike a conversation with.
“I’m gonna go pee.” Arya said, ever so ladylike. “If I haven’t come back in 5 minutes, don’t come looking for me. Presume me dead.”
“Ugh, please do come back instead of sneaking off with Gendy again!” Sansa called out after Arya as the brunette walked away. She didn’t know if her sister had heard her or not. She supposed she had.
Sansa sighed and finished her drink. She turned to the table and started to pour herself another one, already planning on joining Robb and Theon when someone came up beside her. Sansa prayed to the Old Gods that it wasn’t Cersei again.
“That’s a bold choice for a dress.” It was not Cersei who spoke, but at that moment Sansa wished it had been. “That’s too slutty even for you.”
Sansa turned around slowly, whilst displaying the fakest smile she’d ever put on. “Joffrey” she said lightly. “How are you?”
“Better than you, that’s for sure.” He snickered. “What’s up with the whore attire? It’s not like you’ve got someone to impress. Unless” his eyes gleamed in a way that made Sansa shiver “you’ve dressed up like this for me”.
“I’m afraid that would not be the case.” Sansa pursed her lips together. Being around Joffrey always made her feel uneasy, even while they were dating. There just was something that was not right with the boy. After everything that happened, Sansa believed she’d grown stronger but being there, alone with him, she felt every hair at the back of her head stand up. Her whole body already tensing.
“Oh?” Joffrey furrowed his brow, his tone growing unkinder by the minute. “What then? Are you trying to rig the elections by showing off your cunt? So that dear ol’ daddy will win? I hate democracy.”
“My Father is not even running for the position.” Sansa’s hand closed around the glass tightly. She was determined not to lose her temper if only for her Father’s sake. Even so, Joffrey was making that task very challenging for her.
“You’re doing it for me then?” Joffrey took a step closer to Sansa. His breath reeked of cheap vodka and Sansa had to suppress a grimace. She noticed the glass on his left hand was full, which meant that was not his first drink of the night. “You know, tonight after this, I could come pay you a little visit-“ He grabbed her arm forcefully as he inched even closer.
“Joffrey, don’t-“
“Sans, darling!” Both heads turned around and were greeted by the sight of one Margaery Tyrell, who has approaching them with a beaming smile. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! You had me worried.” She hugged Sansa tightly and planted a soundly kiss on her right cheek as she withdrew away. Her eyes never leaving Sansa’s face. “What a beautiful dress! You look absolutely stunning.”
The fact that she’d completely ignored Joffrey made the boy furious. “Margaery” he called, malice dripping off his voice, but he tried to disguise as courtesy. Only he didn’t fool anyone. “I was not aware you were coming.”
Finally, Margaery looked at the boy. She smiled easily at him, as if she was actually pleased to be talking to him. “Oh, I would’ve arrived sooner, but Grandmother ran into an old friend of hers by the entrance and we were held back a few minutes.”
“I see.” Joffrey nodded his head. He didn’t match Margaery’s smile, opting instead for a scowl. He had planned to have his fun with Sansa for a while longer, but it didn’t look like Margaery would be leaving them alone anytime soon. Instead, the brunette slipped her arm around Sansa’s waist and pulled her flush against her.
Sansa for the life of her didn’t know what to make of it. Joffrey and Margaery were staring each other down, not saying a word, and the redhead felt as if the lion and the rose were silently trying to scare the other away.
“I’m sorry I had to make you wait for so long” Margaery told Sansa casually after some time, as if the latter had been actually waiting for her.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” Sansa smiled back at her. She realised Margaery’s smile seemed more sincere when it was directed at her, in contrast to the one’s she threw at Joffrey which –in Sansa’s opinion– appeared to be mocking the boy.
“I didn’t know you two were friends.” Joffrey spat at them. At that, Margaery actually threw her head back and so laughed loudly you’d think she’d just heard the greatest joke of all time. “Did I say something amusing?” He growled. Sansa could feel rather than see the tension between Joffrey and Margaery. She didn’t like it one bit and wanted so desperately to make it stop. But she didn’t know how to cut in. It looked like they were playing at a game Sansa did not know the rules of.
“Well, yes.” Margaery chuckled as her laughter died down. Then, she turned to Sansa right as Joffrey chose the worst possible time to try and end his drink in one go. “I thought you would’ve told him by now we’re dating.”
If Sansa hadn’t been so busy choking on air, she would’ve laughed at the way Joffrey accidentally spat out half of his drink on his clothes and his eyes bulged comically. Margaery noticed straight away Sansa’s confusion, so she took advantage of the fact that Joffrey was distracted drying the alcohol stains on his clothes and inched close to Sansa’s ear. “I can get rid of this little bastard in no time, just play along.”
Sansa nodded her approval and silently thanked her lucky stars for Margaery. She’d known the girl for a few years now, and ever since the beginning, she’d looked up at the older girl with such admiration. Everything about Margaery fascinated Sansa.
A couple of months into their friendship and Sansa was already enamoured with everything the brunette did. It wasn’t until Margaery casually told the redhead about her preference for women that Sansa’s mind began to wonder whether she had a shot with her. The thought scared her at first, back when she deemed herself to be as straight as an arrow, but as weeks and months passed, she realised she’d started to see Margaery in a different light. Or maybe it wasn’t a different light at all. Maybe her feeling had always been there but she had not realised it until then.
The thing is, ever since Sansa found out this new piece of information, she couldn’t help but notice every single little thing about Margaery. Like the way her nose would scrunch whenever she smelt something she didn’t like –like curry, smoke or gasoline– and the way she would close her eyes and breathe in contently when she smelt something she fancied –like roses, fresh pastries, the sea or Sansa’s perfume, although Sansa tried not to think too much about the last; lest she allowed herself to get her hopes up when she was certain a girl as stunning and perfect as Margaery wouldn’t notice a silly girl like herself.
Still, from time to time, she would let herself dream about what it would be like to be with Margaery, to be able to wake up next to her every day and be the reason behind her smiles and giggles, to be the first and last thing on her mind, to be the one Margaery wanted to spend her days and nights with.
It was Joffrey’s voice that brought Sansa out of her trance and back to reality. “You what?!” He was looking directly at Sansa as if she’d done him a great wrong. His face was bright red and his hand gripped too tightly on the glass. “Just when I thought you couldn’t be more disgusting, you do this.” He gestured at Sansa’s general direction, as if that would be explanation enough. “You dragged poor sweet Margaery into this fucking mess of yours. You perverted her with your deviating ways.”
Sansa had kept her cool this long and she had intended on doing so until Joffrey got bored and walked away on his own, but the very same moment he had demeaned Margaery like that was all it took for Sansa to snap at him. She took a daring step closer to him. “You talk to her again with such insolence and I promise you’ll regret it.”
“Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do?” Joffrey mocked.
“I’ll send Lady whilst you sleep to make sure you’re reminded of your place.” She gritted her teeth together.
“You, bitch.” Joffrey spat. “You can’t talk to me like that!”
“Of course I can” Sansa countered. Her blood was boiling and she felt like she was seconds away from doing something her Father would without a doubt chastise her later for. Still, she didn’t find it in herself to care. Not when Joffrey had insulted Margaery so blatantly. “If you knew what’s best for you, you’d walk the fuck away.”
Margaery widened her eyes and turned her head towards Sansa. It was the first time she’d ever heard the Northerner curse.
“Last time I saw you” the boy foolishly charged once more against the redhead, thinking he could still win the argument “you were dating that Bolton boy; so what happened that turned you into a dyke?” He snarled “Wasn’t his cock good enough?” Sansa didn’t know whether it was the remark or the laugh that came after that infuriated her most. She clenched her fists as her shoulders began to shake. It wouldn’t take long before she lost whatever remained of her composure. But Sansa had long lost interest in looking calm and collected, her sole attention being now focused on the boy.
“Pardon me” Margaery’s voice came out mellow and calm, but she was ready to throw hands. She let go of Sansa in order to stand between Joffrey and the redhead. She would’ve blocked Sansa’s view if it weren’t for Sansa’s height. Still, she intended on becoming some sort of human shield for the Northerner. “And who do you think you are to talk to my girl like that?” She took a defiantly step closer to the boy “she can dress however she pleases” another step “say whatever she pleases” another one “and date whomever she pleases.” Joffrey ended having to recoil a couple of steps back in order to maintain his balance. “Let this be the last time you disrespect Sansa, because so help me Gods, if I ever hear you say a single bad thing about her again I will hunt your ass down and beat you up so badly your own mother won’t recognise you.” Margaery was normally a very diplomatic and collected person, but Joffrey was managing to push every single one of her buttons.
“Come on, Margaery. You can’t possibly want to be around her.” He pronounced the last word as if it actually physically pained him to say it. “Let me take you out instead. I’ll show you what a real relationship looks like.”
“I’ll say this one more time and I swear it will be the last.” Margaery blinked almost flirtatiously. Her tone was soft but her eyes left no room for misinterpretation. She was furious. “Step the fuck away from my girl.”
Realising now Margaery had also turned on him, he decided to back down. “You know what? I have no use for her anyway.” Joffrey took a step closer to Margaery, which was compensated by Sansa stepping forward as well. The action resulted on Sansa being pressed firmly against Margaery’s back; the latter had to use some strength to hold the redhead back, lest she lost her nerves and pounced on the blonde. “You can keep your bitch.”
And that was that. It was then, right as the boy laughed cruelly at his own comment that she lost it. Even though Sansa’s anger was off the roof, it was Margaery’s punch that collided with his face. He threw some insults her way but Margaery couldn’t make out the words, given that his hands were cupping his bloody nose.
“You fucking dykes! You’ll regret this! You both will!” He yelled before storming off. As he ran to the bathroom, the brunette noticed the silence surrounding them and she casted her glance to the side in order to see the other attendant’s reaction.
The first person she saw was Cersei Lannister. The woman pursed her lips together but said nothing. She just stared at Margaery down for a few seconds before running after her son to aid him. Robert Baratheon cursed aloud and begrudgingly went to the bathroom as well. Margaery also noticed both Tommen and Myrcella offering her a tiny smile, displaying no kind of sympathy for their brother before Jaime Lannister was by their side. He calmly told them to go with him outside.
On the other end of the room was Theon, wearing a shit-eating grin and no doubt already planning on congratulating Margaery afterwards. Stood by his side was Robb, and although his face betrayed no emotion, he gave the brunette a subtle thumbs up.
“Wooooo!” Arya suddenly yelled, throwing both her hands up in the air, as if celebrating a touchdown. Her beer long gone. “Now this is a party!” Her smile matched Theon’s.
“I wouldn’t have done that if I were you.” Came a voice from behind Margaery. “I mean, I would’ve, I definitely would’ve because that douchebag had it coming but” Sansa grabbed Margaery’s bruised hand with much delicacy “I’m not sure that’s gonna sit well with your Grandmother, and much less the Lannisters.”
“Well” Margaery chuckled despite what happened “someone had to shut him up. Let me worry about them later.”
“Thank you” Sansa relaxed now that Joffrey was out of sight; her smile was timid but sincere “really.”
“No need to thank me, sweet girl.” Margaery smiled brightly at the redhead. “I’ve wanted to do that for ages, if I’m being honest.” That earned her a chuckle from Sansa.
“Margaery.” The brunette’s smile faltered away as soon as the voice came. She turned around slowly.
“Grandmother.” Margaery pursed her lips together. She knew her act would have consequences and even though she was well aware Grandmother Olenna didn’t like the Lannister boy one bit, she knew she’d have to deal with the result of her actions.
“May we speak alone?” It was a question, but the tone of voice with which it was accompanied left no room for objections. Margaery nodded, muttered ‘Sorry’ to Sansa and started to walk behind her Grandmother.
Not a full ten seconds had passed that Arya was by her sister’s side. “So, you two banging?” Arya bluntly asked Sansa once Margaery was out of earshot. She grabbed a beer from the table and took a large sip. “I heard Joffrey muttering something about you two dating. Although” she added “he used a much crasser terminology.”
For the second time that night, Sansa choked on her spit. “Wha- we’re not- I mean” she corrected herself, remembering Margaery had indeed referred to herself as her girlfriend. Not wanting to blow the Highgardener’s cover she quickly said: “We started out as friends!”
“Your point?” Arya tilted her head to the side and watched her sister expectantly. She didn’t particularly care about who Sansa was or wasn’t shagging, but she figured watching the redhead ramble would be a close second to the most fun she’d have that night so she was determined to stretch this conversation as much as she possibly could.
“I mean, you know…” Sansa was visibly struggling to find the right words but given that Arya was in no rush she watched amusedly as the taller girl gesticulated ambiguously with her hand in the air. “We were friends, so we decided to take it slow.”
“How come none of us knew you two were a thing?” The shorter girl asked.
“It’s still pretty new. We didn’t want to jinx it.” Arya hummed, seemingly content with the answer.
“I have to say” she paused to take another sip of her beer “your girl does clean up pretty nice. She’s caught the attention of every single man –and some women– since the moment she entered the building.”
The jealousy that coursed through Sansa’s body then was both unexpected and foreign. She had definitely noticed how extremely beautiful Margaery looked that night. The dress she wore was a shade of deep forest green and whereas Sansa’s straps had been relatively thin, Margaery’s were fairly broad, to make up for the plunging neckline she was showing off. The top half of her back was bare but her hair cascaded down flawlessly and covered some skin.
Sansa couldn’t blame the attendants for staring, because the sight was truly mesmerizing, what she did disapprove of, however, was how most of those looks seemed to only be directed at her cleavage. When the realisation crossed her mind Sansa felt a sense of possessiveness and, although she wouldn’t admit it even to herself, the thought ‘mine’ did come to mind.
As Arya cleared her throat, it occurred to Sansa that her sister was still waiting for an answer. “No surprise here.” Sansa shrugged casually as her gaze was directed at Margaery. The older girl was at the far end of the room, speaking with Lady Olenna. “She’s beautiful.”
Arya followed Sansa’s eyes until she saw Margaery. It did not go unnoticed by her sister the fact Sansa’s expression softened upon seeing the older girl. Arya smiled softly –mostly to herself. She’d known from the very first instant that Margaery had lied about dating Sansa, but she also knew about her sister’s feelings for the Tyrell girl. The redhead was pretty good at disguising her emotions, so only a very observant person would notice it. And despite her many flaws, if Arya was one thing was observant.
“You’ll still want to be careful around Cersei, though.” The shorter girl warned after a couple of minutes of comfortable silence. “She’s gonna want to strangle you as soon as the bastard is okay. The Lannisters are going to take Joffrey’s ex-girlfriend dating a lesbian as a great insult. It hurts their pride or some shit.”
“I know” Sansa sighed. She turned around and poured herself another glass of whiskey. “Let’s worry about that later, okay?” Arya nodded. She was about to add something else when she spotted out of the corner of her eye Margaery and her Grandmother approaching them. Arya excused herself in order to give her sister some privacy.
“Sansa, I would like you to meet my Grandmother.” Margaery offered her Grandmother a glass of wine and poured herself another one.
“Olenna Tyrell, dear.” Sansa was expecting her to hold out her hand but the woman never did. “I take it you’ve heard about me.” She took a sip of her own drink which prompted Margaery to do the same.
“I have, ma’am.” Sansa nodded. “I apologise for causing such a scene tonight.” She lamented.
“Nonsense.” The woman shook her head, taking the heat out of it. “The only thing I’m sorry for is that you couldn’t take a swing at him yourself as well.” Sansa smiled timidly.
“Grandmother!” Margaery snickered. “What will Sansa think of us? You raised me to be well-mannered.”
“And so I’ve done, dear.” Lady Olenna solemnly said. “You did well by your girlfriend when you knocked the troubled boy off his high horse.” Sansa blushed as she noticed Lady Olenna had referred to her as her granddaughter’s ‘girlfriend’.
“I take it you’re not angry at Margaery, then?” The Northerner sheepishly asked.
“I would have preferred my granddaughter to have had the decency to wait to pull off something like away from so many prying eyes, but” Lady Olenna sighed “I know just how loyal the girl can be to the people she loves and if your honour was on the table, well then, there was nothing nobody could’ve done to stop her.”
Sansa glanced at Margaery and was surprised when the older girl blushed and refused to meet her gaze. “That’s very kind of you to say, ma’am.” The redhead thanked the woman.
Lady Olenna hummed. “Anyway, I’m spotting the cheese plate I was promised about 10 minutes ago” She looked over her shoulder. “If you ladies will excuse me, I’m going to eat the food I paid for.” The woman bid her goodbyes, leaving the two girls alone.
“Sorry about her.” Margaery shook her head. “She can be a tad blunt sometimes.”
“It’s okay.” Sansa shrugged. “I like her.”
“I’m glad.” Margaery smiled easily at Sansa.
There was something at the back of her mind that was nagging Sansa. She didn’t know how to subtly approach the subject so she just dove right in. “Why did you say we were dating?” The question and the boldness with which Sansa said it took Margaery aback. “I mean, if you wanted to defend me” upon the lack of a direct response Sansa decided to clarify “you could’ve just done so without telling him we were a couple.” Sansa tilted her head to the side expectantly.
“And where’s the fun in that?” Margaery winked flirtatiously. The gesture made Sansa blush once again. “Besides, you look marvellous, darling. It would only be fit for you to have a date for the night.” Sansa tried not to think about the fact that her heart was beating faster with every word Margaery spoke. “Unless” she added on second thought “you wanted to be with someone else?”
“No!” It was almost embarrassing how quick Sansa declined the suggestion. She felt her face turn even redder, so she cleared her throat. “So, does this mean we have to keep up the charade all night long?” She chuckled to cover up her eagerness.
There was a gleam in Margaery’s eye that made Sansa shiver, but in a good way. “Wanna find out how many people we can scandalise by being extra affectionate in public?”
And if there was something Sansa was unable to do was deny Margaery anything. “Game on.”
Chapter 2
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In a parallel universe Robbe and Sander met at the scouts summer camp when they were 10 and every year since then they waited for summer to see each other again.
Robbe and Sander were the type of best friends that did everything together and no one could separate them - everyone stopped trying eventually -, so when someone was looking for one of the boys they made sure to look for both of them, because if you found one you’d find the other too, probably up to no good, like that time when Sander convinced Robbe to go to the kitchen at 3 am so they could eat chocolate ice cream when they were 12, or that time when Robbe dared Sander to jump in the lake at midnight even though he knew the water would be cold despite the warm weather and Sander did it, naked, because he was never one to back down from a challenge, when they were 13.
Even though most of the time they were causing mayhem or getting into trouble, people would still notice how Robbe and Sander also took care of each other and treated the other gently, like that time when they were 14 and had an outdoors task and were only allowed to go back to their lodge when they were finished with everything and it started raining and they stayed outside for a good hour before finishing their task and Robbe ended up with the flu. Everyday after that everyone at the camp saw Sander piling up food or making some tea at the dining hall to take up to their lodge because Robbe wasn’t feeling well enough to come down to eat with everyone yet and Sander refused to let him be alone - even though Robbe said countless times it was okay - so he would make sure to grab Robbe’s favourite snacks and balance everything in his arms to knock on their door with the biggest smile ever and say room service arrived.
Or that time when they were 15 and Sander sprained his ankle while hiking and even though Robbe was smaller than him he made sure to give Sander a piggyback ride all the way back to the nursery so he could get his ankle examined and taken care of. After they put a splint on Sander’s ankle and gave him some medication for the pain, Robbe helped him get to their room and after getting Sander to his bed, Robbe looked at him seriously and asked him to never scare him like that ever again and gave Sander a kiss on the forehead, saying he’d be right back with some food. Before Robbe left Sander grabbed his hand saying he shouldn’t be that worried, it was just a stupid ankle and Robbe replied saying it didn’t matter, he hated seeing Sander hurt. Sander smiled and gave Robbe’s hand a thank you kiss and asked for a piece of chocolate cake, since Robbe was being so nice to him.
When they were 16 everyone noticed how things changed between them.
It was no surprise to anyone how close and attached they were, but in that summer it all looked like something more, like something meaningful.
As always they spent most of their time together, only being apart when they were assigned different partners for outdoors tasks, but their dynamic certainly had changed. On the rare occasions they weren’t together it seemed as though they weren’t paying attention to anything until someone mentioned the other’s name and it was enough to bring a smile to their faces, making them keep going with their tasks with renewed energy, as if they remembered that the sooner they finished what they were doing the sooner they would be able to be together again.
Their eyes seemed to linger on one another for longer than necessary and so did their hands when they did simple things such as shoo away a fly from the other’s arm, clean a patch of dirt from the other’s shorts, stained from when they sat on the floor during their break, put a strand of hair behind the other’s ear from where it fell on their eyes or how more often than not they held hands when they thought no one was looking. The smiles they shared seemed to hold a secret only they knew about.
Even the instructors noticed how attached they’d become from the countless times they were sent to their lodge to check on them because both boys were late to some early morning task, just to get there and catch Robbe and Sander sharing a bed, sleeping safely intertwined in each other’s arms. They always pretended to not see anything, not wanting to break their little bubble, and simply left the room, knocked on their door and shouted Driesen and Ijzermans, you have 5 minutes to be ready and outside your dorm, otherwise we’re breaking down the door. They never broke down any doors, they never needed it, because every single time, 4 minutes and half later both boys were stumbling out of the door, laughing and finishing up the knots on their scarves, mumbling how sorry they were and promising it would never happen again. The instructors pretended to believe, shaking their heads and sending them off to their tasks, laughing at them being so ridiculously into their own little world that they were oblivious to the fact that every single instructor had a copy key to all the lodges and no doors would ever have to be broken down.
Their goodbye that year was hard. Both Robbe and Sander knew what they wanted but were too afraid to do anything about it, because they didn’t want to ruin their friendship over some feelings that could or could not be reciprocated by the other, so in the end they did nothing.
On the bonfire night, their last night at the summer camp, they were clingier than usual, almost glued to each other while talking to other people, goofing around and enjoying the last bits of summer together. When they got back to their lodge they went to bed together and spent the entire night talking in hushed voices, tracing random shapes and promises on each other’s skin and sometimes innocently kissing the closest part of each other’s body, hands, forehead, cheek, arm, just for the sake of enjoying their last moments of being in each other’s arms.
On the next day when they went to say their goodbyes they hugged tightly for almost 10 minutes straight, saying how they were already counting the days to see each other again, promising to stay in touch and finally letting go with a kiss to the other’s cheek.
On the bus ride home Robbe found a drawing on his jacket and smiled when he saw himself and Sander smiling at each other by a fire - it was a memory from the day they learned how to start a fire using dry branches and that particular moment etched on a white piece of paper was when Robbe’s fire finally ignited and he yelled in victory, thanking Sander for the help. Sander must’ve slipped the drawing on his pocket when they were hugging and Robbe laughed when he thought about how much they were alike, cause he too had slipped a piece of paper on Sander’s pocket when they were hugging, a little note that said “I love you and I already miss you. - Robbe.”
The year passed by and Robbe couldn’t wait to get back to the camp, but as soon as he got there his world came crashing down when he realized Sander, always the first one of them to get to the camp, wasn’t there.
He spent the whole day waiting for Sander to arrive but he never came. Not after breakfast, not after lunch and not even after dinner.
After some days Robbe gave up on waiting for him and accepted the fact that he wouldn’t see Sander that summer and depending on what life had reserved for them, never again.
So, at 17 Robbe forced himself to meet new people and make new friends at the summer camp. No one was like Sander, but he stopped feeling so alone all the time when he met the brightest scout he’s ever seen, Yasmina, her best friend Zoë and her boyfriend, Senne. After some time their group started getting bigger, when Zoë met Jana and she joined the group, bringing Lucas, her Dutch cousin, with herself. Some days later, when they were used to each other and comfortable enough as a group of friends, Lucas introduced Jens, the other guy who was always with him, as his boyfriend. Everyone cheered up at the news and welcomed him to the group and Robbe was happy for him, he really was, he just couldn’t help himself from feeling a bit sad at the thought that maybe that year it could be Sander and him in that position, but life had other plans.
At 18 Robbe came back to the summer camp and he had a bittersweet feeling when he got there and realized that it would be the last year he would be coming to the camp as a scout, that if he wanted to come back again on the next year he would be coming back as an instructor, to help the little kids, just like he was once helped. He felt a bit sad about it because he loved being a scout and he loved learning something new everyday, so leaving that behind would hurt, but he felt happy at the thought of being able to help those lost little kids that came back every year, full of energy and wonderment at the thought of becoming a scout. He still remembers the feeling of coming to the summer camp for the first time, it was probably the best day of his life.
When he got to the dining hall he was happy to see Yasmina, Zoë, Senne - now a camp instructor -, Jana, Lucas and Jens again. They had lunch together and talked for hours, filing each other in about what had been going on in the lives for the past year.
Later that day, Robbe went back to his lodge and was surprised to see he wasn’t alone. There, on the other bed, with his back to him, was a boy with platinum hair and before Robbe could even think about anything to say he saw a green duffel bag right beside the boy, and Robbe knew that bag, he would recognize it from a thousand miles away. He remembered all the secrets that bag used to hold, from prohibited snacks, cameras, sketchbooks and pencils, to water bottles and only once, cigarettes.
Sander turned around, looked at Robbe with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and looked down almost immediately. It was a lot to take in: his hair was different, he seemed taller, older, his face looked sad and tired, like he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in forever, and as much as that was Sander standing right there in front of him, Robbe still felt like he didn’t recognize him at all. He felt like he couldn’t exactly pinpoint what happened to the boy whose smile was once brighter than the sun, who could make Robbe feel a whirlwind of emotions all at once and at the same time make him feel like nothing else existed besides the both of them and that all he’s ever known was peace when they were in each other’s company.
Some part of him knew that was still Sander, though, the same Sander he’s always loved, but he didn't know what to do. Robbe didn’t know if he could come closer and envelop him in a hug like he’s been dying to do since last summer, if he could talk to him and ask all the questions swimming in his mind, if he could finally say the words he wrote on that note two years ago out loud like he’s been dying to for so long, so much so that he felt like they were itching his lips, or if it was better to pretend nothing happened. Robbe was lost. Sander decided his next move for him, though, and said he was thirsty and left to go grab a bottle of water.
Days passed by and Robbe still didn’t know what to do. Their relationship was obviously shaken and he swore that if he could go back in time he would go back to that day he wrote the note and tear the paper into a million pieces if it meant getting his Sander back now.
He couldn’t stand seeing Sander like that anymore, treating him like he was just some random roommate and not a boy he loved too, because Robbe knew Sander loved him. He didn’t make up the things that happened in the last summer they were together, he didn’t hallucinate those things, they happened and everyone saw it and it was even worse when he saw how people looked at him now, like they pitied him for being kicked aside by his own very best friend.
So one day, after their usual afternoon tasks, when Robbe came back to his room he confronted Sander, in the gentlest way he could, asking him if he wanted to switch rooms or ask for another roommate, because if he didn’t feel comfortable with Robbe there he would be out of the room on the same day. He could spend the night at Lucas and Jens’ lodge, it was not like they used both beds anyway. No one would say anything.
Sander looked confused after Robbe said that, asking why would he ever be uncomfortable around him.
“Because of what I said, actually, because of what I gave you the last time we saw each other? You saw the note, didn’t you? That’s why you didn’t come last year, because you don’t feel the same way and didn’t know how to face me? That’s why you haven’t looked me in the face since you got here. I know it’s because of this. It’s okay, Sander, I can take rejection. Just, please, end this because I can’t take it anymore, it’s killing me.” Robbe said all at once.
When Robbe saw Sander looking for his wallet and opening it he rolled his eyes thinking about how ridiculous the situation was, but before he could leave the room Sander grabbed his arm and showed him his wallet, and right there, next to a photo they took on the last summer they were together, on a rainy day when all their schedule was cancelled and they spent the entire day in bed listening to music, talking and taking silly pictures on Sander’s camera, was Robbe’s note.
“I love you, too, Robbe. Always have and probably always will.” Sander admitted with a sigh. “It scared me when I first realized it, you know? But then I also realized that loving you was the simplest and easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Loving you came as natural as breathing to me, so I didn’t have to be scared. I didn’t want to be scared.”
Robbe couldn’t believe the words that were pouring out of Sander’s mouth, so Sander continued.
“I couldn’t wait to come back here and tell you, Robbe. God, I spent so many days thinking about how it would go.” He chuckled. “I had this big plan of telling you on the day it would mark 7 years we’ve met. I’d take you to the lake where we first met, do you remember where it was? We’d have a picnic and I’d tell you then.” Sander’s smile slowly disappeared. “But the end of the year came and some things happened and after months of going to several doctors I was diagnosed.”
Robbe’s breath hitched,
“I’m bipolar, Robbe.” Sander’s eyes were gleaming with unshed tears. “I was diagnosed by the end of spring and I didn’t know if it was a good idea for me to come to the summer camp, and even if it was I didn’t know if I wanted to. I was afraid things would change between us if I told you and I was still getting used to my medication, so I didn’t know if coming here was a smart choice. So I didn’t.” He took a deep breath. “I know I could’ve messaged you but I wanted to tell you in person, it didn’t seem fair to tell you all of this over a text message. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Robbe whispered. “Please don’t ever be sorry. Not about stuff like this.”
Sander sighed.
“Can I come closer?” Robbe asked. Sander nodded.
“Can I give you a hug?” Robbe asked. Sander nodded again.
And when Robbe hugged him he felt like all their broken pieces were being mended together and put in their rightful places.
They stood like that for what felt like forever, with Robbe whispering sweet nothings in Sander’s ear, telling him he didn’t have to carry the weight of the world in his shoulders, that Robbe was right there with him and they would get through everything together, like they always did at camp.
“We’ll take things minute by minute.” Robbe said, finally.
“How can I do that if I’ve spent most of my life thinking about the next summer? Thinking about how many days until I got to see your stupid face and play with you again? About when I would get to hug you and smell your stupid cologne?” Sander asked playfully, but Robbe knew he meant it.
“I don’t know, love. I, too, spent the last 8 years of my life thinking about summer and wondering when I would get to see the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen in my life again, about when I would get to play with your hair - that I still need to get used to it being platinum - again. About warm hugs that felt, and still feel, like home. About sweet smiles that held all the mischief of the world in them, as well as all the love I never thought I was worthy of.” Robbe smiled softly at Sander. “So yeah, I don’t know what it’s like to live life not thinking about the future, but we’ll learn. Together, like we’ve always done. Like that time we didn’t know how to light a fire and we learned here. Or when we didn’t know the basics of first aid and we learned together after I hurt myself climbing that tree. Or when I got sick with the flu and you learned how to make soup. Or when I learned how to put your splint in the right place because you kept doing it wrong when you sprained your ankle. We did it all those times, we’ll do it again. You and I. Together.”
Sander kissed him then.
It felt like coming home.
Later, when they were lying in bed, sharing lazy kisses and soft touches, Sander apologized for the way he treated Robbe during those first days and Robbe told him it didn’t matter anymore, besides he was sorry for the way he spoke to him earlier too. They both agreed they would learn how to communicate better too.
They spent the rest of the day there, not knowing where one boy began and the other ended, talking about everything and nothing, catching up with each other’s lives, drifting in and out of sleep, sharing all kinds of kisses, playing with each other’s hair, knowing they would be fine.
At night, when two instructors came by to check on them because neither boy had come down to the dining room for lunch or dinner and found both boys lying beside each other on Robbe’s bed, hands intertwined and talking in hushed voices, they knew this time was different so they only muttered a Finally, you two, it was about time, and left them a tray of food, shaking their heads and laughing lightly at the two young boys in love.
On the next day they were released from their tasks because they were the camp’s sweethearts and all the instructors had a soft spot for them. They had watched their love blossom through all those years so they decided to let them have the day off to enjoy each other’s company after so much time apart.
Robbe and Sander took the opportunity to finally have their picnic and Sander officially asked Robbe to be his boyfriend. Robbe obviously said yes and they enjoyed the rest of the day basking in each other’s presence, enjoying the food they brought and the nice weather by the lake.
Before meeting everyone by the dining room for dinner, they updated their Instagrams.


At night, when they got to the dining room holding hands, everyone started cheering up and clapping their hands in excitement. Robbe swore he heard some catcalls too and he felt like he would die out of embarrassment. Sander squeezed his hand and told him to just ignore everyone as they made their way to the table where Yasmina, Zoë, Senne, Jana, Lucas and Jens were waiting for them with huge smiles on their faces.
Robbe introduced Sander to everyone and almost had a heart attack everytime he heard Sander introducing himself as Robbe’s boyfriend.
The weeks went by faster than Robbe and Sander wanted to, and when they realized it was already bonfire night they felt bittersweet about it. They spent the entire night beside each other, sharing a blanket and their food, reminiscing about the great summer they spent together and talking about future plans. Robbe was ecstatic to learn that Sander got a scholarship on a university 15 minutes away from where he lived, feeling relieved at the fact that they wouldn’t have to try the long distance relationship thing ever again. Sander felt proud when he heard Robbe and Yasmina talking about how they’d be study partners next fall, choosing to study biomedicine on Robbe’s hometown University.
Sander became the camp’s official photographer and took pictures of everyone all night long, but at the end of the night only one picture mattered to him.

On the last day, after saying their goodbyes, Robbe posted another picture on his Instagram.

Some minutes later he received a text.
From Sander: I love you and I already miss you. Can’t wait to see you again in a couple of weeks.
To Sander: I already miss you too. I’m counting down the days.
At 19, Robbe and Sander came back to the summer camp as instructors and everyone considered them legends. They were everyone’s favourites instructors because besides being great scouts and teaching the kids everything they needed to know, Robbe and Sander were also great at pretending they didn’t see when kids were up to no good, getting themselves into trouble and pranking each other. They wanted the kids to have as much fun as they once had.
Some years later, when they see a couple of girls who seem to be attached to each other’s hip, playing all the time and spending all of their time together, much like they did all those years ago, they only hope the girls don’t take as much time as they did to finally realize what is going on and do something about it.
- okay so this was inspired by willem ds’ scout pic when i first saw it a few months ago and willem ds showing off his scout’s skills lighting up a fire some weeks ago on noa’s stories
- if you haven’t noticed i have never been a scout in my life so pardon me for the inaccuracy of things
- thank you for reading it, i hope you liked it! and if you want to: let me know what you think!
- please keep in mind that english is not my first language and no one proof read this so all mistakes are mine!
- this is dedicated to my girls @lightinthed4rk and @ayellowcurtain
- also tagging these babies cause they asked me to: @jxoxsxsxi and @mysterystardust
- thank you again!
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The Five Year Promise: A Rainy Night (3/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, 20 year old superhero, makes a promise with a 16 year old Peter Parker after being cheated on, that if she hasn’t found love in the next 5 years, they’d finally go on a date. Then the snap happens. Y/N is gone and Peter isn’t.
Warnings: Angst, swearing
Twitter// BuckysLemons
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
Part 4
A/N: this is probably my proudest chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Based on before Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
You smiled to yourself as you walked inside the Osborn building, holding a little gift by your side. It was a black box encased with red wrapping paper and inside it? It was a high tech watch you designed yourself, that allowed people to call, holographic video chat and set reminders and countdowns.
Why you might ask? Well it was yours and Harry’s three year anniversary. Yes, despite the cautioness from your father and what the media had thought, Harry and yourself had been going strong for 3 years.
So you decided to surprise him at his apartment. You were wearing a red dress, his favourite, and a limo was waiting outside to pick you up.
You had it all planned, with the help of Peter of course.
“I’m so scared Peter,” you shook your head, looking at all the possible Limo services you could rent as well as restaurant options. “I want this to be perfect.”
“Well, if he really loves you, he wouldn’t care what you guys do as long as he gets to spend time with you,” Peter spoke, playing with hands.
Peter didn’t want to help you plan a date with Harry, of all people. It was painful to watch someone he loves talk about planning a perfect date with someone else when he knew he loved her more.
But then you pleaded with him, and he couldn’t say no. Almost a year ago, Peter thought that he had lost you. And he wanted to spend all the time he could with you in fear of losing you again.
“C’mon Peter, it has to be special!” You groaned, rubbing your eyes as you searched for good restaurants. “The day has to be perfect.”
You let out a sigh, and stared out the computer. Peter watched you, all tired and frustrated, and of course he felt bad.
Brushing his hair out of the face, he swallowed his pride and spoke. “Where did you guys first meet?”
“We met at a small Avengers Charity Event at a restaurant called Masa in New York-“ you stopped, beaming at Peter, knowing what he was insinuating.
You jumped up from your seat and gave Peter a bone crushing hug.
“Peter, you’re a genius!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he forced out a laugh, as his arms wrapped around yours. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of warmth radiating from your body.
His eyes opened, as he realised you were taken. You were in love. And you were happy.
But it was never going to be with him.
You smiled at the receptionist as you made your way to the elevator. The door closed, and you pressed level 72; the highest floor in the building.
“Name?” A voice spoke in the elevator, already doing a retinal eye scan.
“Y/N Maria Howard Stark,” you spoke, fixing your dress.
“Access accepted,” the voice responded, making you smile. You were so estatic, you couldn’t wait for today.
You were going to take Harry to Masa, show him the present you got him and then take him to your favourite little get away in the woods were you would tell him how much he means to you.
You had been planning this for 4 months now, wanting everything to be excecuted flawlessly.
You let out a deep breath, closing your eyes as you tried to calm down your nerves.
‘52, 53, 54’
You were almost at his floor. Your stomach felt queasy, but you assumed it was because you were afraid he hated this date you took forever with Peter to plan.
‘65, 66, 67’
Only a couple more secounds, and you were almost there. It felt like the elevator was moving in slow motion as you patiently waited to surprise your boyfriend.
You smiled at yourself as you were one floor away from his room. The elevator dinged, and you couldn’t stop smiling.
‘I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him,’ you had though to yourself. You were about to hop off before you stopped dead in your tracks as you saw Harry.
He was in his bed, hair all ruffled up and his face a deep shade of red, like he had ran a marathon. But he wasn’t alone.
No, there was a blonde girl in bed with him.
Your breath couldn’t make it past your throat. You felt like your throat was slowly swelling up, like you were suffocating. Your heart was racing, because this was a dream.
It was a dream wasn’t it?
But it wasn’t. This was real. The person who you devoted your whole life to just ripped the heart out of your chest and left you to die.
“Y/N, I can explain!” Harry spoke, getting up from his bed, quickly putting on his pants. You looked at the girl in bed with him, who gave you a little smirk. Like she was taunting you.
And why wouldn’t she taunt you? She had broken the heart of the world renowned superhero-tech-genius and one of the original Avengers, indirectly.
This hurt. This hurt a lot. More than when you had a bullet go through your chest last year. No, emotional pain was worse than physical pain.
Because physical pain never kept you up at night.
You looked back at the love of your life. The person who you stuck your neck out for. Tears almost fell from your eyes, but before it did, you pressed the ‘ground level’ of the elevator.
Harry ran towards the elevator, but before he reached it, the door closed on his face.
You took a deep breath as the elevator begun descending.
‘64, 63, 62’
You could see the reflection of your face staring back at you as you went down. You were quiet, numb and felt completely and utterly destroyed.
But you couldn’t cry. No, not yet.
‘47, 46, 45’
You spent 3 years with him. 3 years. And he left you for a blonde. How long had this been going on for? Has he done this before?
Your thoughts kept racing in your head, 100 miles a minute. You kept thinking, what did you do wrong? Did he not love you?
‘3, 2, 1’
The elevator dinged as you fixed your hair. You then held your face high and walked out of the elevator.
You gave the reception a small smile, but she could tell something was wrong and gave you a sympathetic smile. You looked away from her and continued your walk of shame towards the limo.
Shame because you weren’t enough for him.
The driver got out of the limo when he saw you coming and opened the door for you. “Take me back home.”
“But Miss Stark, I thought you wanted to go to-“
“There has been a change of plans,” you spoke in an emotionless tone, as he closed the door of your limo. You sat back on your seat closing your eyes as you leaned your head back.
You then pressed a button that made the window divider move up so you could get some privacy away from your driver.
And that was when the first sob raked your body.
Peter yawned as he ate cereal from his bowl. Vision was sitting in front of the Parker boy, reading one of the Game of Thrones books and Rhoudey was on his right, reading the newspaper.
He looked to the your seat and realised it was empty. He was confused, you were usually the earliest one awake to go to the gym before having shower and then eating breakfast with everyone else.
But you weren’t there.
“Um Mr- Mr Rhodes,” he coughed, clearing his throat. “Cornel Rhodes. Do-do you know where Y/N is?”
Rhodey put down his newspaper and looked around the table before going back to read his newspaper. “Probably asleep or at that rich asshole’s apartment.”
“Miss Stark is not at Mr Osborn’s apartment,” Vision spoke, not taking his eyes of the book. “I heard her come in yesterday so my guess is she is tired and is in great need of rest- oh no they just killed Robb Stark. I did not see that coming.”
“You should watch the show Vis,” Rhodey spoke, rolling up the newspaper. “It’s better than the books. And I have a feeling the last season is gonna be a hit.”
Peter tuned out Rhodey and Vision’s conversation and kept thinking about you. Surely you’d come out of your room eventually, right?
But you didn’t.
Peter was with Tony, doing his internship and you hadn’t come out to experiment with them like you usually did.
“That’s weird,” Tony spoke as he realised you didn’t show up. “Can you go find her, see if she’s fine? I’ve got an interview with a major jackass and a bunch of other jackasses trying to get the major jackasses’ job.”
Peter nodded and went off looking for you when the clock struck 6pm.
Outside was pouring of rain, as the end of winter started approaching. There was no sign of snow, meaning the cold days were over and spring was slowly approaching.
Before Peter knocked on your door, he heard sniffing. His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke out.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
The sniffing sound immediately stopped and it was suddenly quiet in your room.
“Just a minute,” you spoke back. Peter heard rustling and movement as he waited outside. You then opened the door, a smile was once again on your face. “Come in.”
Although your eyes were still red, he pretended like he didn’t see it and walked inside. He looked at your room, looking at all the tissues you tossed in your bin, before sitting on a chair near your bed.
“So,” you begun, sitting on your bed awkwardly, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I’m just worried about you. I haven’t seen you all day because you didn’t come to breakfast, then I didn’t see you at the lab working on your suit and you didn’t even show up to our nightly lab tradition with Mr Stark-“
Peter stopped, his eyes looking elsewhere. You were confused on why he had went quiet, following where he had his eyes trained.
The gift you had wanted to give to Harry was still there, still perfectly wrapped up.
“Oh,” Peter spoke, his eyes widening in realisation. “You didn’t give Harry the gift. Why didn’t you give Harry the gift?”
He heard a little sniff, looking over at your direction only to see tears falling down your angelic face. One tear fell, then two, before a sob left your body and your hand moved towards your mouth as you started shaking your head.
“I don’t- don’t know what I d-did wrong Pete I- he just- he just-“
Peter quickly moved towards you, grabbing you into an embrace and holding you as you cried in his shirt, the sound of the rain silencing your cries. “Hey, Hey. Everything’s alright, okay? It’s just me Peter, you can speak to me.”
You shook your head in his shoulder as you continued sobbing. “Peter, he cheated on me.”
At first he didn’t think he’d hear you right?
Someone had cheated on you? Y/N Stark? That wasn’t possible in Peter’s mind.
But then he thought it was possible in the despicable mind of Harry Osborn. The man who cared about three things; money, his father’s approval and keeping his name famous.
Of course Harry would do something like this, it didn’t come as a surprise.
Peter closed his eyes, anger consuming his body. He couldn’t believe it. A boy who had the most gorgeous woman around his arm had slept with another woman that Peter knew wouldn’t even come close to you. Even if he didn’t know how she looked like.
But he couldn’t be mad around you. He couldn’t let his anger get in the way of your state right now. “He’s your first love, right?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, your voice cracking as you held Peter close to you, sniffing in his smell. It gave you a somewhat feeling of calmness. “Yeah he is.”
“Well, sometimes, that’s just how life is, right?” Peter spoke, trying to find the words to express was he’s trying to say. “You find love, and get your heart broken. But- but that’s okay. That just means you’re closer to finding your one true love. Your soulmate.”
“But I thought it was Harry,” you sobbed, shaking your head. That stung Peter a bit, but he ignored it. He had to, for you. “I wanted it to be Harry.”
“Harry was blockade. He was an immature arrogant blockade that stopped you from finding true love,” Peter spoke, brushing your hair with his fingers, which eased your cries a little bit. “You’re gonna find someone Y/N. Someone who’s going to remember the small things. Where you first met. Your favourite food. Even stupid things like how you like your coffee. And then, Harry is just a little memory.”
You stopped crying, looking up at him. Your faces your millimeters apart, making Peter gulp. “Where did we meet?”
“What?” Peter replied confusedly.
“When we met,” you repeated, looking at him in the eyes. The rain got heavier and heavier, now slamming against the roof of your room. “Where was it?”
“In Germany,” Peter spoke, trying to look anywhere other than your soft and inviting lips. “At the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. You were wearing a red top, red lips and a leather jacket. You smiled at me and introduced yourself.”
Your heart stopped, looking at him in bewilderment of how he remembered not just where you met, but your clothes. “My favourite food?”
“You like penne pasta with taco seasoning, corn, cheese and bolognese sauce,” he replied back, as he his eyes flickered to your lips and back up to your eyes. “Because um- because it reminds you of that time you went to Mexico with Mr Stark when you were ten. You make it every Tuesday for dinner. And you always give me some when I’ve been working hard or studying.”
“And how do I like my coffee?”
“You like iced mocha,” he answered, letting out a breath. “You don’t like normal coffee, because it tastes like crap and you like to add a little chocolate in it for taste. And you also don’t like it hot because you usually burn your tongue.”
Peter chuckled at his last comment, shaking his head as he stared at the wall.
You continued looking at him before nodding. Peter watched you as you got up to walk near the present you were meant to give Harry.
You ripped off the the wrapping paper, and walked towards the bed once again. Peter watched as you played around with the gift, before looking at him and handing it over to him.
He looked at the watch and read what it said.
1824 days, 24 hours and 43 secounds
“I-“ Peter begun shaking his head as he stared at the countdown on the watch. “I don’t understand-“
“Put it on,” you cut him off. Peter furrowed his eyebrows but followed your instructions nevertheless.
He placed it around his wrist, clipping it on carefully due to his fear of breaking it. He knew you worked hard for it. He saw you up at 4 am making it. And then he had made you breakfast just in case you hadn’t been eating.
Peter had awaken at 4am in the morning due a strong toilet urge. He had just finished washing his hands before he stopped, hearing the sound of electricity and metals clanging.
Naturally, Peter went to investigate. He thought he’d see Tony working on a new suit, but it was you. And you were working on what looked like a watch.
You looked horrible. Your hair was in a messy bun, there was bags under your eyes and you looked like you were in dire need of sleep.
But Peter of course still thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on.
He could sense your tiredness. And if you’re up this late making something, it usually meant it was important.
When something was important, that equals you skipping meals. Peter knew that, so he head to the kitchen to make you some early breakfast.
He found a pancake mix and all he needed to add was some milk. He then turned on the stove and poured the mixture.
When he flipped the pancake, he then added some blueberries just for an extra pack of nutrients to make sure you were full.
Adding some maple syrup and some icing sugar, Peter was satisfied with the outcome and walked towards you.
He was being quiet, careful not to scare you, but when he knocked on the door of the lab you of course jumped and dropped your tools.
“Peter, oh my god,” you gasped, holding your chest. “You scared me so much that my 13-year-old one direction fan girl self came out from deep within me after being burried for so long.”
Peter chuckled at that, before going quiet, his shyness coming out once again. And he hated himself for it. He wish he was just as extrovert and funny like Harry was. He wishes he was him.
A billionaire man who had a father and you.
“I remember once my dad was so shocked when he opened my door once and saw me making out with a Niall poster,” you chuckled at the memory, shaking your head. You then looked at Peter and noticed he was holding a plate. “Whatcha’ got there Spidey?”
“I- I,” he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. “I made you pancakes with blueberries. You just looked a bit tired and I thought...”
His eyes went around the room as he nodded to himself.
You let out a smile. No one had ever done something like this for you, ever. Peter was a true gentleman. But you couldn’t cross that road. You just couldn’t.
“Thank you Peter, but,” you fakily sighed, looking at your nails before flipping your hair. “You can’t possibly think that I, Y/N Stark, would eat this by myself.”
Peter smiled at you before grabbing a secound fork and sitting down with you to eat pancakes together.
You guys talked about everything, from random stuff like concerts and Star Wars to more personal stuff like how you miss Natasha and Wanda and what you’d do just to see them again. You miss gossiping with them, painting each other’s nails, talking about boys and other female stuff.
But you couldn’t tell your father that, he’d blame it on himself.
Peter told you about his parents and Uncle Ben, and how it was hard for him. He even told you about Ned and his high school bully; Flash. You told him that if he ever needed help, that your dad and yourself were both there. Even if it meant kicking a 16 year old’s ass.
Peter was going to remember this night for a long time.
But so were you.
When he was done putting the watch on, he then looked at you for answers.
“You like me Peter, don’t you?” You had asked. Peter’s face turned red as he stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence. “It’s okay, Peter, just listen.”
Peter nodded, but his cheeks were still tinted with a slight shade of pink.
“This watch is counting down till five years from now,” you explained, nodding down at the watch. You then breathed before looking at his eyes, finding it hard to say the next words.
You haven’t been this nervous since your father went up a portal with a missle.
“For what?” Peter had asked, awaiting your answer. You let out a little sigh, and closed your eyes.
“If I haven’t found love and if you haven’t found love either,” you begun, grabbing his hand and placing it around yours. “Then we will have our first date.”
And that was it.
That was the comment that made this day single-handedly Peter’s favourite day in his life.
Because for the first time, Peter had hope.
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Watching Game of Thrones for the first time.
I started watching it years ago, but only got about halfway through season 1 before life got in the way (and I lost my HBO subscription). I’d heard the final season was airing, and I wanted to see what all the hype was about, so I started watching it again through Hulu. I’m halfway through season 4 now, so no spoilers, please! But I have a few thoughts based on what I’ve seen so far.
1) Incest. Gross. Really, Jaime and Cersei? REALLY?
2) If anyone ever hurts Sansa again, I will personally go through my tv screen and rip their head off. She is a beautiful girl who deserves the world, and I just want to give her a hug and make her feel safe again.
3) Littlefinger is a slimy snake, and I’m hoping he’ll die soon.
4) I ADORE TYRION. I would die for him.
5) I was never happier to see a character die than when Joffrey bit the dust. I usually don’t like to see children die, but he was such a deplorable little shit that I was happy to see him go. Looked terribly painful though, I wish he could have gone a bit quicker.
6) Am I the only one who really, really doesn’t like Ygritte? I know she has quite a few fans, but I find her grating.
7) I’d put my money on Arya in a fight against the Hound any day. She’s such an amazing little badass, and I’d never want to find myself on her bad side.
8) Again, I know Jaime has a lot of fans, but I really don’t like him. I know he’s trying to become a better person, and I love his relationships with Tyrion and Brienne, but the only thing I see when I look at him is the man who shoved a 10 year old boy off the top of the tower so he wouldn’t get caught fucking his own sister. What are the chances Bran even understood what they were doing?? He was a kid, dude!
9) I don’t like Jon Snow. I don’t hate him, but I find him very boring and generic as far as heroes go. Sam, on the other hand, is adorable and I love him.
10) Craster is disgusting. So is Walder Frey.
11) I’m very confused as to how Theon wound up getting tortured, and why it happened? What interest do the Boltons have in him again? I know I missed something there, because I spent that entire story arc confused and wishing they’d just kill poor Theon rather than keep up with the torture. That was brutal. And with that being said, that Ramsey guy? Needs to die.
12) I first saw Mackenzie Crook in Pirates of the Caribbean, so seeing him in GoT as a Wildling made me chuckle a bit.
13) Stannis’ daughter? The girl with the scars on her face? I don’t remember her name, but she is a complete sweetheart, and I’m really worried that her crazy mom or the Red Woman is going to convince Stannis to sacrifice her to the scary as fuck fire god. I worry for her safety.
14) Poor, poor Jorah. Forever friendzoned.
15) Drogo was HOT. And despite how terribly it started out, his relationship with Dany was one of my favorites.
16) Daenarys is probably the most well written character in the series, honestly, but something about her rubs me the wrong way. Not sure what.
17) I actually really like the Hound.
18) I actually really like Varys.
19) The Red Woman is terrifying, but honestly? I’d let her fuck me. Crazy she may be, but she’s also very, very hot.
20) I was very upset to see Ros die. I really liked her.
21) Brienne is amazing. I’m getting very Aveline-esque vibes from her (from Dragon Age 2), but while I was never big on Aveline, I actually really like Brienne. She’s an honorable, badass woman.
22) I adored the whole Renly/Loras relationship. I hate that Renly died. Loras deserves happiness, yo!
23) Bronn is so cool. I want a friend like Bronn.
24) Can I just say, I actually kinda ship Sansa/Margaery?
25) Olenna Tyrell is the most awesome old woman in the series. I love her love and adoration for her family, to the point that she’s willing to kill a King to keep her grandkids safe. Only thing I wish is that Tyrion didn’t have to take the fall for that.
26) Ned Stark’s death was the singular most scarring moment in the series for me. I think it had something to do with his daughters being there to witness it all (though Arya was shielded from it, I suppose).
27) That Red Wedding, though. I’d heard about it. Didn’t expect that.
28) Like Jon, I found Robb to be a very boring character. I was not happy to see him die, by any means, but I didn’t really like the guy. I really liked his wife, though, she was a sweetheart.
29) What’s going on with Bran? Aside from him being a Warg, I’m extremely confused as to where his story arc is going.
30) Where the fuck did Osha and Rickon go? They just disappeared!
31) If anyone hurts Hodor, I swear to the gods...
32) Why did the Night’s Watch go over the Wall again? Again, like with Theon’s story arc, I really missed something there. What was the point of going north?
33) Cat’s sister was nuts in a terrifying, yet also hilarious kind of way. How old was the little boy she was still breastfeeding??? Gross.
34) Wildfire is terrifying. That is all.
35) What happened to Cat’s brother and his wife at the Red Wedding? Did Walder Frey really have his own daughter killed...?
36) Grey Worm and Missandei? I ship it.
37) I love the theme song. I would be my new ringtone if I didn’t already love my current ringtone so much (my current ringtone is This is Me, from The Greatest Showman; best song in the movie).
I’m nearly done with season 4, and I’ve only been watching for just over a week. I’m excited to see where the story goes, and where the characters wind up. I’m extremely excited to see who will sit on the Iron Throne that’s caused all this trouble. I have a lot of friends who have been saying how excited they are each Sunday for the next episode, and they’ve all been kind enough not to post spoilers about it, which is nice. I know through trailers and promotional pictures that Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, and Dany are all alive as of season 8, but I want to see how they get there. NO SPOILERS HERE, PLEASE! I’m watching this for the first time, remember. Just had to write some of my thoughts down, in my excitement.
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Tagged by @robb-greyjoy, thank you dear!
Rules: Answer the 10 questions below. Then make up 10 of your own for the next person to answer and tag people.
you can change one thing that happened in the course of the story. what do you pick? I mean, any minor change can change the story so much, but probably that someone other than Aeron (i.e. someone who cares about him) is there to welcome Theon to Pyke. Of course it’s essential for the story that he is NOT welcome and DOES NOT feel welcome in the places that should be his home, but listem to me, ok? If he had someone to give him a hug there, it would be so, so good and important, ok?
what’s one POV chapter we haven’t had yet/didn’t have in the books that you would really consider bartering your soul (or corrupting GRRM) for? Robb, no doubt, for his insight on Theon. Because Robb is to direct and honest to not feel his feelings or to avoid thinking about events, so he’s bond to have lots of opinions and thoughts about the Winterfell era. Plus, I want to know all about his gay feelings.
tell us about your favorite under-appreciated character in asoiaf and why they’re great. Ok, I don’t know how under-appreciated he is, but I love Quentyn. I feel like most people don’t like him much because Arianne doesn’t like him and she outshines him so much, but I’m always more into the characters suffering due to stupid duties they have to fulfill than into the rebellious characters. He’s brave, he’s smart, and he knows he’s doomed and he tries anyway because he must, even though heartache is eating him alive and he’s already lost so much even before being burned alive. And he thinks he’s boring and awkward, but he’s not, Barristan’s opinion aside. His friends love him dearly and he had at least one girl that loves him at home and his father relies on him. If he and Arianne had met again, she’d love him too, I’m sure, daddy-issues aside.
what’s that one minor scene no one ever remembers that you wish they did because it says so much about your fave character/ship/the story’s significance? "Please," she said, "I do love you well, milord.""I must go." He hurried after his uncle, who was already well down the pier. Theon caught him with a dozen long strides. "I had not looked for you, Uncle. After ten years, I thought perhaps my lord father and lady mother might come themselves, or send Dagmer with an honor guard." (HE ASKS AFTER HIS PARENTS, OK? And some lines later he asks where Asha is too. He craves their love and approval, he dreamed so much about going back to the Islands and having a family just like the Starks since they wouldn’t have him and that they would welcome him and love him just like the Starks did for each other but not for him, never for him, and he just gets dismissal after dismissal even when he’s trying. I think the manner of his arrival colors much of his interaction with Asha when they do met and have that humiliating convo, misoginy aside, because he just talks all about his grievances with his family with only the slightest probbing, because he needs to talk about it, and she is mad at him for it, but it’s not like he’s going to cry to a hot stranger how he feels bad he’s unloved, so he makes it all about his family’s faults. And at the same time, we have the captains’s daughter desperately trying to show him she loves him, and he dismisses her utterly. There’s some classicism and misoginy in his answer, but you know what else? Theon doesn’t know how to receive affection, he’s embarrassed, he’s umconfortable, he doesn’t know how to be loved because so few people have shown it to him.)
you can bring back one dead character at the price of another’s life. who comes back and who goes? Robb can come back (it can also be Robbwind, god forgive me) and Ramsay is going down.
what’s your favorite character from your least favorite house? Loras.
what’s your least favorite character from your favorite house? Balon (yes, the Greyjoys are my faves, sue me)
you can invite to dinner five people from any time period in asoiaf/pre-canon. who do you choose? I only want chill people for my own safety, but I’m a nerd, so Good Queen Alysanne and Septon Barth, Sam, Sansa and Alleras/Sarella.
what’s the fandom you’d die to see crossovered with asoiaf/got? My head says Full Metal Alchemist but my heart is singing Pegasus Fantasy XD
when the series is over, what end should the iron throne meet in your very humble opinion? (intact? destroyed? intact after a secession? WE WANT TO KNOW) Destroy it!
I’m supposed to make new questions, but those are so good? Unfair XD
1. Who is going to survive and rule each region by the end of the series, in your opinion?
2. What song do your associate with your fave character?
3. A pov you wouldn’t mind not having and why.
4. A moment in the books/show you found cringe-worthy.
5. What is your faves worst characteristics?
6. Your most hated character best characteristics?
7. How would your fave fare in the real world?
8. What do you think will happen to the Night Watch in the next book?
9. Whos is going to bite in before the end, and who’ll survive winter?
10. Who GRRM killed and then realized he shouldn’t have?
I’m tagging @blueagia, @cafeleningrad, @distractedbylife, @incblackbird, @lordhellebore, @omgellendean, @wedonnotcare, @wynafryd-manderly, and @togglemaps, if you guys want <3
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Ok, so here’s a thought. What if in Season 8
1. Brienne arrives in Winterfell with Jaime and the Starklings are all: “we don’t want to have an audience with Jaime. Why? What do you mean why? He pushed Bran out of the window that’s why. We want him in the dungeon!” And Brienne goes, “but we’ve all done something that was vile and wrong and we were given second chances!” And the Staklings are still, “Nope, no!” So Jaime gives Brienne a “fuck loyalty, huh?” look before Brienne very gently nudges him inside his cell. She warns him, “I’ll be back, try not to escape.”
2. Meanwhile Sam and Bran tell Sansa and Arya Jon’s true parentage and Arya is like, ‘No! That’s not true! Jon’s my brother!’ But Sansa tells Sam to send a raven to the Citadel, “I want a written letter confirming the authenticity of this book!” And Sam goes, “You want me to write to the Citadel about the book I stole?” and the Starklings, go, “Uhm, yes? That’s exactly what we want you to do, is there a problem?” and Sam leaves them, on the verge of tears. So Arya asks, “what are we going to do?” And Sansa very regally juts out her chin and says, “what father had been doing all his life, we will protect Jon.” And Arya goes, “Fuck yeah!” And then Sansa very queenly tells her, “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.” Arya is not sure what this means but Bran merely nods in agreement and Arya is all, “what the fuck is going on here?”
3. Jaime is granted an audience with the Starklings and he tells them about the Golden Company and then pledges his life to Sansa, and Sansa tells him to arise and all that shit and then she goes, “We will ride for Riverrun. You will pretend to be my prisoner.” And Jaime is all, “are you fucking kidding me?” Sansa raises her eyebrows at him, “does this bring you dishonor? To pretend to be captured by the family whose family you have slaughtered?” And that shuts up Jaime. Sansa declares, “Robb was King in the North and The Trident. I am Catelyn Stark’s eldest daughter, The Trident is mine.” Bran nods and Arya is all, “The Starks are coming for ya!” Sansa tells Arya, “when Jon arrives, don’t make trouble, we need him safe. He must not know yet. No one must know yet. Just make him suffer for bending the knee. But not the ‘I’ll cut your face and wear it’ shit, ok? He’ll cry.”
4. Jon arrives in Winterfell but Sansa is not there. He’s half relieved, half-crazy with worry, esp since Littlefinger is not creepily hanging out at the back. “Where is Sansa?” he asks, all broody and dark eyed and Arya very sadly says, “she’s gone.” And Jon goes all pale and wild eyed with grief and he looks like he’s about to stab himself with Longclaw when Bran says, “hey chill out, she’s out gathering armies for you because Cersei isn’t going to help you and will in fact attack the North with a bunch of Unsullied except only they have cocks, so they’re easier to bribe.” Jon and Dany both go: whaaaaat? While Tyrion is all: oh, shit! Dany announces, “I will go back south and take what is rightfully mine!” But Jon and Tyrion stops her, “you can’t! You promised the North! What kind of Queen are you if you will not hold your word?” Dany and Jon goes off to sulk. Separately.
5. Sansa rallies The Trident, presenting them with the Kingslayer and she tells them that all the women and children can leave for the impregnable Vale, where they will be safest. It would be the last to fall if the wars reach them. She will distribute the provisions the Blackfish had secured in Riverrun but she will need their help. Rumors about the wight in Kings Landing had reached them and because Sansa is honest and bad ass and is the daughter of Cat, the sister of Robb and the one who captured the Kingslayer for justice, they rally behind her. Also it’s winter, if anyone can get them through winter, its the Starks. Winter is coming, they always say and you can bet your ass they know exactly what to do in winter.
6. Cersei, upon hearing that Sansa has Jaime tells the The Golden Company to forget about Dragonstone, she ain’t getting shit from Dragonstone anyway. She wants Sansa and Jaime captured alive so she can punish them herself. She sends the Mountain with them whose sole task is to beat the shit out of Jaime and take the Stark Girl. The Golden Company camp a few miles away from Riverrun, ready to attack. But during the night, they are attacked by a bunch of giant feral wolves. Those that escapes blindly ran into Riverrun and are soundly defeated by Sansa’s army. The Mountain almost takes Sansa, but Jaime very neatly cuts off his legs and well, gravity.
7. Bran doesn’t need ravens and shit so he announces to the Northern Lords, to Team Bend The Knees, that Sansa has defended The Trident and is – gasp – heading towards King’s Landing. Dany doesn’t take it well and while planning her next move, she made the mistake of calling Sansa’s actions treasonous, punishable with death and Jon is not having any of that. He slams his fist on the table, making Dany jump, “YOU. DO. NOT. THREATEN. MY. SISTER. EVER.” Dany, shaken, lifts up her head and coolly says, “Oh, so now it’s my sister, you think I haven’t noticed how you act every time someone says her name?” and Jon is all, “what the fuck you talking about?” And that is the beginning of TargBowl.
8. The Lords of the Trident forgives Jaime because he saved their queen and he fought valiantly. Sansa tells him that he is longer a “prisoner” but is now her sworn sword. Jaime winks at Brienne and Brienne is as always, none too amused. Jaime tells Sansa she should go back to Winterfell, but Sansa shakes her head, “no, I don’t want to”, all pouty and sad eyed and Jaime figures it out, because he’s so been there and done that. He’s not at all sympathetic, “you foolish girl! You’re in love with your brother. Well, half-brother but… oh, seven hells…look at me and Cersei” and Sansa is indignant, “I am not Cersei and Jon is not you.” She almost tells Jaime that Jon is actually her cousin, thank you very much, but she has more sense than that, thank God for character development.
9. Sansa asks for Theon’s help and Theon pledges all the remaining Greyjoy ships to her cause. Sansa arrives in King’s Landing and tells the people that they need not fear Cersei anymore. Those who do not wish to be part of the coming war are free to go and they can seek shelter at The Trident, The Vale or even The North. Those brave enough can join her in taking King’s Landing from Cersei. Cersei sees the futility of killing the people of KL and burning it down to the ground. She’s done that already. And she hates being redundant. Also, all things considered, this is much better than dealing with dragons and so she readies her remaining armies. The people of KL is already sick of Cersei’s shit, so they wisely flock to Sansa.
10. Jon and Dany battles the Night King and the army of the dead and are triumphant but Drogon fought Viserion to death and now she only has Rhaegal. Sansa and Jaime battles Cersei.
Meanwhile in KL, Jaime kills Cersei, but not before he gets fatally wounded by Euron (sorry, Brienne + Jamie fans) Euron tries to flee, but is killed by The Greyjoylings. Cersei, Euron and Jaime dies. Sansa does not want the Iron Throne, but she makes the reveal of all reveals: she is taking the Iron Throne, in behalf of Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen – no, the other Aegon Targaryen, Rhaegar’s son from Lyanna Stark, the true heir of the Iron Throne and who is fighting in The North so that they will not have to face the horrors of the Night King’s Army. The people cheer for their king because they are sexist shits, but it’s not their fault, that’s how it was during those times. Sansa leaves Edmure and Lord Royce to take care of anything that needs taking care of while she’s gone. Sansa is so done with the South and she immediately rides North.
11. Dany is PISSED. She is FUMING MAD. She did not help the North defeat the White Walkers to be usurped by her NEPHEW. She thinks Jon deliberately did not tell her about his parentage and she was tricked by the WHOLE FUCKING NORTH, the STARKS most especially. Jon on the other hand is terrifically wounded but he’ll survive. He is CONFUSED and MOPEY and he’s all “NO. WAIT. WHAT? YOU’RE MY AUNT? SANSA IS MY COUSIN?!’ And is in no shape or form ready for another war. Dany wants to take Rhaegal and finally take the Iron throne but she is killed by… Tyrion or Varys. Or both of them. I don’t know. No one knows. No one saw it happened. So Jon is all, “but I don’t want the Iron Throne! It does not belong to the Targaryens. When is Sansa coming back home? Will she back soon? I miss her.” And Tyrion is, “well who the fuck does it belong to?” And Bran goes, “to the Baratheons.” And everyone groans out loud because they’ve had enough of these reveals and they make Bran promise that Gendry Baratheon will be the absolute LAST reveal. Sansa returns to Winterfell, triumphant and she’s so happy and she hugs Arya and goes, “the Storm Land is yours.” But Arya is all, “I don’t want to be a LADY!” and Sansa smiling sweetly almost evilly tells her, “yes, of course, you’re no Lady. You’re Queen.”
The Greyjoys are finally given their right and freedom to rule over their Island provided that they stop being assholes to everyone else. Yara and Theon are only happy to make peace with the rest of the Kingdom. The Vale and The Trident refuses to be parted from their Queen and so The Vale and The Trident are under the protection of the North. The rest of the houses also want the guidance of a King and Queen because they’re all lazy fucks and do not want the headache of ruling separate kingdoms. And so the South is ruled by Queen Arya Stark and the North is ruled by Queen Sansa Stark – because, fuck yeah for Stark women!
12. It takes a year and a half for Jon and Sansa to sort out everything, but they finally do it, to the relief of Tormund, because Brienne had told him she will not be stolen by Tormund unless Jon and Sansa becomes King and Queen in the North and Tormund had begged and begged Jon to just man up and steal Sansa, which Jon finally does. And Tormund could never be happier. He is already planning on how to steal Brienne.
I think I want to actually write this as a fanfic, be right back.
#jonsa#brienne x tormund#gendrya#queen in the norh#queen in the south#daniella tumbleweed#jaime lannister#cersei lannister#this is how it will end#future fanfic
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