#unburnt Darth Vader
phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine you are a peasant who happens to save Darth Vader after his meeting with Ahsoka left him unconscious—and you have no idea who this man is. Part II.
Warnings: drama, smut, unburnt Vader, angst—but fluffy endings as always, naturally.
Warnings 2: not recommended for minors or those who are sensitive to the themes aforementioned.
Warnings 3: slightly/loosely inspired in “La Belle et la Bête” (the one with Léa Seydoux).
Warnings 4: references to the “Rebels”, final episode season 2.
You are still kept in ignorance about Jedis and Siths. As days turn into weeks, spending time with the man you are looking after is not much a burden.
Vader knows he should prevent you to harbor sentiments towards you, however, he is incapable of doing so.
“Are you often this quiet?”, you inquire him after a while. This day you have him with you at the gardens and he watches as you clean all by yourself.
“I was wondering how devoted you’ve become to this castle and the gardens”, Vader doesn’t respond your question and you just sigh at it. “What are you sighing for?”
“It is funny how often you pose me questions that you don’t feel like answering when I ask you the same.” You shoot him a glare.
“I would rather keep my life out of your sight and your mind as well”, says Vader. “Otherwise why is it of your interest to hear about me? I, on the other hand, know nothing about the one who is looking after me.”
You roll your eyes. After you place an ointment over his wounds, you say:
“Is this how you want to roll?”
“I am no good man, Y/N.”
You lift your eyes and Vader thinks he is a fish trapped in a web. Last time he felt this way was with Padmé and this seems to worsen his mood.
“You might be, but there is good in you.”
“I am a monster! How can you say that after all the things I’ve done?”
As if to startle you, he stands and gives you a glare as he angrily lists all of his wrongs in a long path of blood that ironically brought him to you.
“You lost your family in a war that I caused it!”
“Because you took part in a conflict that clearly manipulated you!”
You watch him in completely daze as he walks from a side to another. Part of you fears him, but another sees him as a man with dark past who can still choose the path of redemption.
“I was not manipulated!”, he yells at you before walking out the room and disappearing of your sight.
As he leaves, you start wondering why are you staying there. To clear your mind, you opt for going to the market.
The Sith Lord watches you carefully from afar. He is now feeling a lot better than when he was first brought to that odd castle. His wounds are now turning into scars and his physique is going back to what used to be before the explosion that separated him from Ahsoka.
He tries not to think about this evening. He always thought… Vader swallows hard, seeking a way out of the burdens he carries in his soul, the ones that plague his conscience every night before he closes his eyes when endless torments never cease to torture him.
Whether he cares to admit or not, Ashoka Tano is another of his links to Anakin Skywalker, to…her. The woman he loved. When Darth Vader thinks of Padmé Amidala, no darkness remains.
Yet, she is no more. And Anakin Skywalker was buried with her. Or so he thinks.
In the meantime he is dwelling into an odd kind of meditation you’ve never seen before, you realize your eyes remain glued on his figure. You detest how every inch of him gets your attention and even those terrifying eyes are not enough to frighten you.
“Why do I feel there is a pair of y/c eyes analyzing me?”, Vader cannot help out the amusement in his voice.
You put a face.
“How would you know I am watching you if your eyes are closed?”
Again, he laughs. You realize the boisterous sound not only brings a smile to your lips, but also makes your heart skip a beat.
“Because I can.” It’s all he tells you.
You feel like a child when you move to where he is and, folding your arms, you pout:
“Well then, should I assume you can do better than this?”
As much as Vader wants to keep you far from him, as much as he wishes to cloud himself from your shining presence, there is only so much he can do.
“Is that a challenge?”
You side smirk at him. Your answer, however, captures his curiosity when you rather say:
“Challenge accepted it is.”
Later, when you think him to be asleep, you go back to the library you grew fond of. After half of the morning spent outdoors, you regret leaving the castle. You are now known by your former friends and neighbors as an old maid who got mad due to the loss of your family. In order to cover your unhappiness, you seek solace in books.
Vader, however, is not unaware of this subtle change of mood of yours. He is meditating when he hears your steps: at first, the Sith Lord expects with annoyance your bubbly nonsense observation concerning the day, yet he is sorely disappointment when he is ignored.
And he is almost sure he can hear a sniff? Darth Vader hopes to ignore this perception, but it is too difficult to do so. His pride is not amended; he realizes you’ve been filling the hole left by Padmé. As scary as that is, he does not wish to see you hurt, though. So, despite himself, he comes after you.
“What are you reading?”
You are caught off guard, clearly surprised by his presence. You try to avoid eye contact so he does not see you’ve been weeping. Yet, had you known his true nature, you’d know doing so is a waste of time.
“What are you doing here?”, you respond him with another question.
He moves to where you are and just like that he takes the book away from your hands. Ignoring your protests—especially because you suddenly notice how tall he is—, Lord Vader is amused by the content of your book.
“What got you reading into Siths and Jedis? I thought these old tales were nothing but myths to you.”
“Never said that”, you snort at him. “What I remember telling you, Mr Skyguy, was that we have very few books concerning this subject. Hence why I know little about each.”
“And looks like you found one.”
“Well observed”, you remark sarcastically.
“Are you finally in terms to who am I, then?”, Vader finds himself smirking at you.
How easily you bring him to smile. Some believer might suggest this was all orchestrated by the Force, to achieve balance. Yet, what do you know of these things, less so of mundane matters?
You are still trying to get the book out of his hands when he laughs for the first time in a very long time.
“Please. You give yourself too much a credit.” You snort at him, before pouting. “Would you please give me the book back to my hands?”
“I might. With one condition, though.”
You fold your arms, not in the mood for his tricks.
“Really now?”
“I want to know what got you upset, Y/N.” He softens.
You turn abruptly at a window nearby, busying yourself with opening it and staring into the green landscape that draws under your eyes.
“Why’d you care?”
Lord Vader joins your side rather hesitantly. The question threatens to knock his pride down, albeit a broken one. Yet, exhausted as he is of this endless torment that has been following him for years, he shrugs his shoulders.
“Why do you assume I do?”
“You would not have asked had you not”, you answer softly.
The two stay in silence for some time. Vader studies you, seeing you are affected by his presence. When reading your thoughts, he finds the answer he’s been looking for. Yet, at the same time the Sith Lord finds himself an intrude to your intimate self. As intrigued as he is to read you more, he wants to earn your trust.
Well, well. To get to this point would make him frown, but he instead looks away and says:
“You are too good for this world, Y/N. It’s better for you to ignore the aspects that make it bad.”
You cast him a puzzled look at him. Your eyes notice his hard features, his clenched jaw, the flaring yellow eyes that contain a well filled with dark waters. Vader feels you, senses your silent observations, though surprised he is before your lack of judgement to what you see.
“You are being kind”, you divert away. “My neighbors once thought like you too.”
Vader turns his face at you. His eyebrows are raised when saying:
“What could possibly make them change their minds about you?”
You roll your eyes before his sarcastic remark.
“How about me isolating in an old, abandoned castle? They don’t know I am occupied with you. Even if they did, this would only reinforce the legend of the old maid.”
To your dismay, Vader throws his head and laughs. Now reclining against the wall, he stares at you in disbelief.
“No way. They shall bite their tongues for such a vile accusation.”
“Mock it as you wish. It is easier for you to say.” And for the first time since he met you, he spots a vulnerability in you.
Which sensibilizes him.
“They are all dead, I know.” It’s when you burst into tears. “I have no one. Absolutely no one. And my father is not coming back, that my heart knows.”
Vader pulls you into a hug, moved by your suffering. It’s not that different from his, in certain ways.
“That is not true, Y/N.” He whispers so only you can hear. “You still have all of me.”
It starts to rain. Vader watches as you go back to your old singing, bubbly and merry self. A sight he is most content to see.
“You have an unique talent, Y/N”, he tells you out of sudden.
You nearly jump away, not seeing he’d been there for a while. You try not to look away, but the heat in your face betrays you. Which only makes him smile wide, of course.
“And what that would be, sir?”
“Please, don’t call me sir.”
“Very well then. How should I call you?”
Vader pauses for a second.
“Skyguy will do. Didn’t we agree this was how I wanted to be called?”
“Skyguy it is. But you were saying about my unique talent?”
Vader chuckles lightly.
“That you manage to mend broken things and bring them to life. This castle was completely terrifying months ago.”
You sigh dramatically before giving him the look.
“And look at you. Your wounds are completely healed”, you remark proudly of your efforts. “If I remember well, you called me a owner of primitive soul. And this primitive soul let you live.”
Vader shakes his head as if you are unbelievable.
“Really now, Y/N? I was referring to the castle.”
“And yet”, you shorten the distance between you two, going as far as taking his hand into yours. “You made so much to me as well, Skyguy. Whatever your past is, I am giving you the present.”
Though he knows you mean something else, his heart cannot but skip a beat. Vader, a Sith Lord, has been captivated by a peasant girl. He tries to remove his hand of yours, but as he does so, he in fact interlocks his fingers with yours.
“You don’t know about me to say such a thing.” His voice comes out a whisper.
“I know enough.”
You don’t know what moves you, but before you know, you are the one holding his face with your delicate fingers. Pulling you against you, you tip toe to kiss your lips against his.
Although he resists you at first, something about the urge of your heart translated to your body melts his defenses.
It is useless to fight you, dear one.
So Vader holds your frame against his. It has been some time, a long while, in fact, since he’d done this. He always loved one woman and it is so strange he is now besotted with another.
Your scent drives him insane. As your tongue dominates his, he feels he is about to lose grip of his control. Next thing you both know is that he pins you against the wall and almost instinctively you wrap your legs around his waist, your hands moving impatiently from his face to his short hair, down to his neck and resting over his shoulders, helping tossing away his vine cape.
He is rigid underneath his pants, he can feel you are burning for him. But as both of you catch your breath and he sees something he has not seen before, he hesitates.
“What is it?”, you ask softly. “My darling…”
“No.” He comes back to reason and steps back, much to your frustration. A wave of conflict sentiments washes over him. “No. I cannot do this.”
“What?” You try not to sound hurt as he begins to grow distant from you. “Skyguy…”
Frustrated, he turns his head and yells at you:
“I am not Skyguy! I am Darth Vader, Y/N! I am a Sith Lord and I am a monster! Get out of here whilst you can!”
You freeze. His eyes go back to the flaring tone that you’ve grown used to. Yet, they seem far frightening now that you see them burning in rage. You, however, remain where you are.
“No”, your voice breaks. “I am not going anywhere.”
“I am commanding you to!”, he raises his hand, but does not do a thing to you.
You realize he’s been scared. You do not need to think too much before connecting the dots: he’s been the one behind the Emperor to cause this bloody war that took away your family.
But why do you not feel angry to him? And it appears that Lord Vader is asking himself the same question since you are actually moving forward.
“Your heart’s been broken before as was mine. One thing I know, Darth Vader, which I’ve learned from that Jedi and Sith book you’ve disdained recently, was that fear leads to anger which leads to suffering.”
You gently take his hand, seeing how baffled he is as you show tranquility in your speech.
“Whomever you loved, whomever you lost, I am not here to replace them. I know I am insignificant: I am obscure, plain and poor. I am seen as a madwoman who lost all by her neighbors. Indeed, one might ask what could I possibly offer to the mighty Darth Vader.” You smile at his perplexity.
“I take you as you are, sir. I am not asking you to renegade yourself. I am not pleading you to pretend there had never been a past. I don’t care what you’d done. You are here. I am here. What is done cannot be fixed, but what we can do is what matters.”
Vader does not realize he’s been brought to tears until his knees go weak and you embrace him. It is a funny contrast to observe: a handsome lord in his dark robes and a peasant lass in white ones.
And there you remain.
You detest storms. As you contemplate the lightenings forming in the skies, the thunders that rip out the darkest clouds, a shiver runs in your skin before you close the window.
It is time to go to bed. You are emotionally weary after the confrontation you had with Darth Vader. You don’t need much to uncover his past: he’d been the great Jedi Anakin Skywalker who descended into darkness.
As you brush your long locks, dressed in a nightgown, you start to wonder if it’s selfish not to care about what he’d done or who he’d been with.
Or is it the wanting to be loved that clouds the reason? Maybe he’s been playing with my heart so I cannot escape the truth concerning his nature? But, oh, I’ve dived into those flaring yellow eyes and haven’t gotten myself burnt.
Has love shielded you thus? Or perhaps has made you a fool? You barely have time to contemplate it as you hear a knock on the door that startles you. You stand and grab some old robes to throw over your nightgown and move to open the door. You find Darth Vader right in front of you.
“I want you, Y/N”.
There is little need for excuses as you welcome him in his arms, his lips clashing against yours. You sigh in content as his body pursuits yours, his agitated hands removing your robes, the eager in his
Vader uses the Force to close the door as he leads the way to your bed. All the whilst he kisses you, your hands hesitantly push away his vine cape, working to remove his shirt, tossing away over his head before both of you collapse in bed.
“What took you so long?”, you ask him softly, pulling him over your body, your fingertips moving from his arms to his shoulders and chest before going upper his neck and resting in his hair.
“My pride prevented me from doing so”, he mutters under his breath, gently laying you down once he helps removing your nightgown. “You are so beautiful, Y/N.”
You blush at his words and Vader smiles at you for it. He leans forward to peck your lips before moving his to your jawline and neck, busying his hands with your body.
“Oh my!”, you sigh in content, though for a moment you do not know what to do. It’s not as if you have been with many men—in fact there had only been one you’ve been with and…
“My love”, Vader pauses when sensing the rise of your insecurities. “What is wrong?”
You cast him a fond glance as to how he addresses you, but the concern in his face forces you to concentrate in the present.
“There is something… I would like to discuss with you.”
He is on his elbows, waiting patiently. Seeing there is no judgement in his eyes, you feel at ease to confide him what troubles your mind. Once you do, Vader leans to kiss your lips as to reassure you this is not something he’s concerned with.
“You are mine”, you smile at his possessiveness towards you, which you come to find that mirrors the same sentiment you’ve been harboring these past months. “What happened before me is of little importance. We are together now, little one.”
He is not asking and Vader almost smiles at how you take pride of his words.
“Yes, sir. We are.” You kiss his lips hungrily. “We belong together and I do not plan to let you go.”
You tangle him with your legs and ensure to make your point by switching positions, alluring your lover how you suddenly earn confidence towards him, which pleases him to see.
You part the kiss to explore his neck, leaving traces of bruises as you move low. Vader groans in pleasure, not protesting under your loving caresses… although when you slide to the between of his legs, he is indeed surprised at your bold moves.
“Y/N… You don’t have to do so if you do not want it.”
“Your manhood seems to disagree, my lord”, you whisper as you grip his erection and make it gentle moves up and down.
The fact you are aroused by doing it turns him on. Once thought to be a machine, Darth Vader has been brought to life again. He is Anakin Skywalker once more as when he is with you. A deed only one woman had seen before.
You like when he’s dominating you, how he slaps your buttocks—as gently as it is— or wraps his hand around your neck. There is no soft side of you here and Vader enjoys seeing your darkness meeting his.
“Fuck”, he growls under his breath as his thrusts harder, matching your hips with his.
“It feels so good”, you moan, digging your fingers into his back, pulling him closer—as if possible—against you. “Seed me, love. Give me your seed.”
When his eyes meet yours, you notice how softened the yellow irises are… You think you spot some shade of blue behind them, but you are not sure. Whatever this is, you find handsome to contemplate. You cup his face and kiss his lips fervently.
“I love you”, you brush your lips against his.
“Y/N…” He hesitates at first, but can he resist you? When looking at a mess he made of you, he knows resistance is inutile now. “I love you. Is this what you want?”
“Yes. Sith Lord or not…” You speak between moans, arousing him further, completely breathless. “You are mine, Darth Vader.”
And that is how both of you reach the climax together, in an incomparable and unique synchronic move.
One question remains, though. As Vader watches you sleep, cuddled against him, he wonders how could a woman who knows so little of the Force, less so of Jedis and Siths love him.
As he wraps some of the curls of your hair around his finger, a question is posed: what side will he choose, you or the Sith? A question he now knows it is too cursed to avoid it.
Staring into the familiar darkness, is the existence of Darth Vader compromised? He sighs, pulling a blanket over your bodies, refusing to answer such questions.
For now, peace is enough. For now, the castle suffices his needs. You are his world, which only reinforces the balance of the Force.
For now.
As you watch Luke and Leia play with his father, a sight that makes your heart skip a beat, you are barely able to believe how far you both have come.
“In the end Padmé was right”, you hear Obi-Wan telling you. “There was good in him.”
“There had always been, sir.”, you respond him with a smile on your face.
Obi-Wan smiles back at you, eyes still tearful.
“Thank you, miss Y/N. Thank you.”
You haven’t done much really, so you protest the attribution you earned for bringing Anakin Skywalker back to life. What had happened was that you merely healed him using what you had: simplicity, knowledge of verbs and…love when you fell hard for him.
The man you knew as Darth Vader eventually confronted his dark past when Inquisitors paid you a rather unwelcome visit. There had been a great fight. He was forced to leave to resolve this matter once for all and you were obliged to spend a few months living in secrecy.
Once Emperor Palpatine was defeated, though, and the Empire was dissolved, there were no more Siths to deal with. Anakin came back to surface, even though his Vader side never really disappeared. He had only reached the balance proving for all why he was the chosen one.
It was only then he came for you. By then, you had known the fate of your father: he was kept hostage under forces of the Empire but was eventually released only to die half way home. You wept at his funeral, but you never felt truly alone. Not when Vader was with you.
During this period, you two got married and you found out you were carrying his child. It was also when Vader reassumed his identity as Anakin and sought ways to amend his relationship with Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. Which eventually led him to his twins.
And now here you are. Though not intending to replace Padmé Amidala, you did become a sort of maternal figure for those twins. You are very close to them. And they are now looking after their younger sister whom you named Amidala in her honor.
You watch the new scenario right under your eyes. A happy ending is all you’ve wanted and as Anakin flashes you a proudly smile, inviting you to join them, you know this is what he deserves too…
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mistress-amidala · 4 months
𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
❛ ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ❜
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PAIRINGS: Unburnt Vader x Rebel reader SYNOPSIS: You go on undercover mission as an Imperial, catching the eye of none other than the infamous sith lord, Lord Vader. One of your most notorious enemies, it's a good thing he knows you by your alias. Not by your face. For now at least... WARNINGS: Deceit, smut, swearing... NOTES: This is my first time writing smut so it is by no means a masterpiece. But I hope you like it. This Vader x rebel reader series I read ages ago inspired me to write my own. I can’t find it but if you know what I’m talking about please let me know.
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「 You 」
Three years working for the Rebellion, and not once could I have pictured ending up… here.
Bent over, on the desk of Lord Vader. Yes, Lord Vader. Darth Vader, the Emperor’s apprentice. My breath came out shaky. No surprise considering I was being practically impaled by Darth Vader’s cock. Moan after moan tumbled from my lips, my jaw gone slack from my seemingly unending cries of pleasure. My fingers clutched the end of the table like my life depended on it. As it creaked from his unrelenting thrusts, his hips meeting mine. The slapping of skin echoed through the room, followed by his loud grunts and occasional whimpers. His soft yet calloused hands gripped my hips like a vice. My body rocking into the desk with each thrust, his cock stretching me out. It felt like he was about to split me in half, “doing so well for me sweetheart.” He grunts in between sharp thrusts. “Fuck…” He mumbles breathlessly, I could feel his length throbbing inside me. Looking down, I see his balls swinging with each thrust. The warm skin of his palm rubbing my back, “like what you see princess.” Reaching his remaining hand on your hip to your clit. Rubbing circles on the sensitive nub making me jolt. Letting out another moan, “mmm… You like that don’t you sweetheart?” He asks rhetorically, giving another sharp thrust. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, my pussy clenching around his length. As my orgasm hits, cumming all over his cock.
He didn’t relent, continuing to forcefully thrust into me without fail. His cock drilling my cum back into me as he threw his head back. Moaning without shame, “f-fuck sweetheart.” He stutters and I feel his hips tremble as I whine in overstimulation. The tip of his cock kissing my cervix as his breath hitches, his hips jolt forward. Followed by the release of his warm seed, painting my insides white. He collapses forward onto me. His skin sweaty and his weight pinning me to the desk. As he gives a few more slow ruts, a soft whimper escaping him. “Mmm… think I’m gonna have to keep you all to myself.” He whispers, kissing in between my shoulder blades. Stilling his thrusts, running his warm hands up and down my sides gently in a soothing motion. “Hmm? Make you my little Empress, would you like that sweetheart?” He nuzzles into the crook of my neck. Planting soft kisses along the skin there as I caught my breath. “Bet you would…” He whispers, nibbling on my earlobe. “Could have everything you’ve ever dreamed, princess.” Giving my waist a gentle squeeze, “all you’d have to do is warm my bed darling. Have you on your back, taking my cock like a good girl…” He kisses the soft skin behind my ear, making me whimper. “Oh don’t be afraid darling, I’ll take such good care of you.” He whisper sweetly, gently prying my hands off the edge of the table. Rubbing the skin of my knuckles with his thumbs, releasing all the tension.
Intertwining our fingers, his thumbs stroking the back of my hands. He lets out a sigh, his warm breath hitting my neck. Goosebumps forming in its wake. He rests his chin on my shoulder, “how you feeling my sweet girl?” He asks softly, releasing one of my hands to gently brush the hair out of my face. Making me smile softly, oh maker. I nod slowly, trying to gather my thoughts. “I’m okay…” He chuckles softly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. While brushing his fingertips along the skin of my cheek, ever so lightly. As if I’d break if he was any rougher, “yeah? You took me so well sweetheart. So proud…” He gives my shoulder a gentle kiss, I could feel his cock softening slightly. “M’gonna-” He gets cut off my his commlink going off. He groans in annoyance, giving my shoulder another kiss. Before pivoting his head to the side. Picking it up from his desk, smirking slightly at the mess we’d made. I watch him roll his eyes, answering. “What?” He asks bluntly, the annoyance at being disturbed clear in his voice. A sheepish voice responds, clearly picking up on his irritation. “I’m sorry to disturb you My Lord, but the Emperor has personally requested your presence at our current meeti-” I hear him growl softly, the vibrations from his chest travelled into my own. Making me shiver slightly, he noticed. His hand on my cheek travelled back to my waist. Rubbing soft circles comfortingly, “I’ll be there.” He responded shortly, before crushing the commlink. Letting the pieces fall to the floor. He let out a sigh, dropping his head down. His forehead resting on my upper back. Nuzzling into it softly, he reminded me of a puppy. This was the almighty Darth Vader? Surely there has been some sort of mix up? “M’sorry sweetheart, I have to go.” He said softly, his voice just above a whisper. His hand on my waist travels up. Cradling the back of my head, turning it to the side gently. So his lips could meet mine, his kiss was surprisingly soft. All traces of previous annoyance had disappeared. Like footprints being washed away by the sea.
He intertwined our fingers again, giving my hand another gentle squeeze. I could feel him smiling into the kiss. Before he pulled back slowly, resting his forehead against the side of my head. He pulled off me a little. His weight no longer pinning me to the desk, but I could still feel a light layer of his sweat coating my back. He gently flips me onto my back, I wince slightly at the change in angles. Watching as his brows furrowed slightly at the stimulation. He leans back on top of me, his weight now pressing again my front. Chest to chest, I felt my nipples hardening again at the contact. He clearly felt it too as I saw a smirk tugging at his lips… His gorgeous, soft, plump lips… Stop that. He brought both hands up to my face, cupping it softly. Pressing his forehead against mine. Our noses brushing against each other. “You sure you’re okay?” He asks, his eyes searching mine. For something I wasn’t quite sure, was he actually worried about me?
I chuckle softly, “I’m fine.” He runs his thumb along my bottom lip, flicking it gently. His eyes were fixated on my lips as he watched it snap back into place, while he ran his tongue along his own. Coating them in a thin layer of his saliva, the lights in the room reflecting off them.
“Don’t do that…” He whispers, causing me to furrow my brows.
“Don’t do what?” I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side.
Making him bite his lip softly in response, “don’t be so adorable.” I bite the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh.
“I’m sorry I can’t help it.” He lets out a puff of air mockingly in response.
Poking the tip of my nose softly, “cheeky little thing.”
I smile softly, “you should probably be getting to your meeting. Sounds… important.” I whisper, observing him. Seeing some of his curls stuck to his forehead from our… activities. I absentmindedly brush them back, out of his face. His eyes watching my movement. Now I noticed his cheeks flushed a pastel pink, from the sex? Or was he… nervous? No way, no surely not…
His gentle voice brings me from my thoughts, “important?” He hums, pressing his soft lips to my forehead. “Probably not,” his husky voice uttered. “Just incompetent imperials needing me to do their work for them.” He all but sighs out, my eyebrows furrowed slightly. And I brought my arms up slowly, wrapping them around his torso. Which felt way more tiresome that it should of, maker what has he done to me? My limbs felt completely useless, I feel him take a deep breath. His chest rising and his stomach pressing into mine. Which also pushed his hips to meet mine, gently thrusting his cock deeper into me. Making me let out a soft whine, as his breath hitches. “Fuck sorry sweetheart I forgot,” he mutters. I could practically feel the grin on his face, as he trails a hand down. Gently pressing on my lower stomach, feeling where he was inside me. Making me jolt, clinging to his back. “Mmm your so warm princess, don’t wanna leave.” He pats my lower stomach softly, I could feel our combined release running down my thighs. “Your pussy’s clenching me so tight, don’t think you want me to leave either… hmm?” I could feel his smirk against my forehead, I poke his ribs in response. He lets out a soft chuckle.
“Your really not as funny as you think you are,” I retort. He lifts his lips off my forehead, looking down at me.
“Aren’t I?” He teases, licking his lips.
I shake my head, “nope-” He leans down, silencing me with a kiss. He sucks on my bottom lip softly, while his hands trail up to my breasts. Cupping them, his thumbs toying with my nipples. Making me moan softly into his mouth, my back arching slightly. I pull back a little, and he lets a soft sigh slip.
“I gotta go to work sweetheart,” he mumbles. The disdain at having to leave clear in his voice. I cup his cheek softly, and he leans into my touch.
I try to fight off a smile, “I know…” With one last kiss he reluctantly pulls away, running his fingers along my cheek. He places his other hand on my hip, steadying me.
He looks down at his cock, a grin on his face. He slowly pulls out, letting out a low hiss from the stimulation. He watches our cum leak out of me. Crouching down he holds my legs apart, placing a gently kiss on my pussy. Licking a strip, making me shiver in response. A moan escaping his lips before he stands back up. His naked form on full display as he looks for his discarded clothes. Littered along the floor of his office.
He yanks his boxers and pants back up his legs, tucking his spent cock back in place. Before bending over, picking up his shirt and robe. Damn he has a nice ass for a man. I shake my head, covering my mouth with my hand. Get a grip. I look back to him and he was struggling to tie his robe, muttering curse words under his breath. I sit up slowly, trying to find my balance. “Here,” I offer. He looks up from the messy knot he made, walking back over. Standing in front of me he places his hands on my waist.
Resting his chin on top of my head, “thanks sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome,” I murmur. Finish tying up his robe, “is it too tight?” I ask, looking up slightly. He shakes his head, cupping the back of mine.
“No it’s good,” he runs his fingers through my hair softly. I felt his Adam’s apple bob as he spoke. His other hand trail down my back to my ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. Before he removes his hand off my ass, scribbling something down on a sticky note. He pulls back to look into my eyes, keeping his hand in my hair. Brushing it softly, his eyes were blue… Weren’t they supposed to be yellow? “What is it?” He asks curiously, I must not of being doing a good job at hiding my confusion.
“Your eyes…” I mutter, before mine drift to something I had yet to notice.
“Oh yes the yellow can be… unnerving.” He whispers the last part, almost as if he was ashamed.
I shake my head, “no that’s not what I meant…” I paused, and he seemed to perk up slightly at my response. I bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing when I see my name on a board behind him. A board of the… rebellion. Oh shit this is bad. “Little Minx?” I raise a brow, he immediately broke out into a grin. Looking behind him, to see the board I was staring at.
“Long story…” He turns back to face me, cupping my jaw gently. “My private chambers are just down the hall if you need anything,” he slides the sticky note to me. With the code to his chambers on it, “if anyone gives you any trouble just tell them I sent you.”
He leans closer, pressing a kiss to my temple. Longer for a moment, breathing me in. “I’ll be right back sweetheart, make yourself comfortable.” He pulls away slowly, as if he was reluctant to. He releases his gentle grip on my jaw, to smooth down my hair. Before giving my ass a gentle pat, before heading to the door of his office. Using the force to open the door, show off. “I’ll be in conference room B if you need me darling. Try not to miss me too much,” he winks.
Heading out the door, shutting it behind him. I let out a sigh, “holy shit.” I mumble under my breath, rubbing my face to try to gather myself. I grip the edge of the desk I was currently on… naked. This was so not part of the plan. The plan! The files, I look around. Standing up on shaky legs, my knees buckling for a moment.
To be continued…
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Dividers by @vibeswithrenai + @diariodefresa
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athenaluthor · 8 months
Hesitation - Darth Vader
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Summary: Husband!Vader has been on his ship for far too long. His very pregnant wife has come to fetch him.
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, Unburnt!Vader, Domestic!Vader, Husband!Vader, established relationship, fluff , porn with plot, wife!reader, PiV, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it please), creampie, mentions of children, mentions of Emperor Palps (he's his own red flag), same universe as my other fic here
Word count ~ 3.6k (unedited)
Vader hasn't left his ship in days. Regularly occupied by the matters of the Empire, it was not uncommon for him to be absorbed in his work. More often than not, he would work late into the night until he lost track of time. Rest and sleep were put aside until he was satisfied with the work. To make matters worse, food and drinks his attendants provided were also regularly left untouched in favor of his work.
Although many would prefer it, his wife had decided to not let him rot on the Executor. After all, she prefers him alive and well. It also is not helpful that the current chatter among the Imperial ranks was that Lord Vader despised her and would rather confine himself to his ship than be with his very pregnant wife.
On some occasions, one could say that it was indeed true. Vader was nothing but dedicated to his work, or the Dark Side if we're being honest. But for the most part, Vader is practically glued to her. If he could chain her to their bed, he would.
That being said, no one dared to disturb him on his ship. Vader's temper was infamously catastrophic, mercurial. He could go from calm and collected, to being the embodiment of chaos and destruction. To make matters worse, her third pregnancy is proving far more difficult than the other two. The pain borders on unbearable and she struggles to walk even short distances.
Walking through the doors of his private office aboard the ship, she searches it for her husband. The cold wave of air sends a chill down her spine, making her shiver. She clutches her fur shawl closer to her body, trying to keep warm. The sight of Vader standing and looking over his war table, greets her. He was surely ready to chew out whomever had bothered him, clearly engulfed in his work.
Turning around, Vader's anger dissipates. Seeing his wife slowly walking towards him, taking careful steps to ensure she wouldn't slip and injure herself or god forbid, her baby has that effect on him. Naturally, Vader wastes no time in slipping off his helmet and crossing the room to her. Instinctively, he holds out his arm for her to use as support and walks her over to the sofa. Vader adjusts the few cushions on the absurdly large and plush sofa to support her back and helps her sit.
“What are you doing here?” he all but yells, kneeling down in front of her to slip off her shoes. Setting her shoes aside, Vader massages her swollen feet.
“When ones’ husband does not return home to his wife for days in favor of a ship, people talk. Not to mention, the boys miss you as well.”
“A few things are taking longer than I expected. I planned on coming home yesterday.” he replies, eyes avoiding her. He opts to focus his vision on her feet and massaging out the knots.
“I know. Your schedule isn't exactly a secret to me.”
“Things don't always go as planned.”
“Well, rebels and incompetent Imperial officers will do that.” she replies nonchalantly.
“Did you walk all the way from the landing bay to here?”
“Yes. It's not a very short walk, you know.”
Vader's face grows darker with what she assumes is rage or frustration. She reaches out to grab his gloved hand and toy with his fingers.
“I know. The walk is not suitable for a woman who's heavily pregnant!” he replies sternly, clearly unhappy with her choice.
Standing up, he walks over to the side table and buzzes for an attendant. Seconds later, one rushes in, face riddled with anxiety and fear.
“Yes, Lord Vader?” her voice quivers slightly. Clearly frightened in anticipation of Vader's wrath.
He orders her to bring in a selection of drinks and food, barely acknowledging her presence.
The attendant looks somewhat relieved at his request, probably grateful he wasn't directing his wrath at her. Her eyes flicker over to Vader's wife briefly before she quickly steps out of the room.
Quietly, Vader rearranges the cushions in the couch again and gestures for his wife to lay down. Tired and uncomfortable, she happily obliges. Vader helps her lay down, adjusting things here and there to ensure her comfort.
He fusses like a mother hen, she muses to herself.
Sitting down beside her, his hand gently caresses her large bump, a comfortable silence washing over them.
Soon, he thought. Soon, they would be free from the Emperor's clutches. His sons wouldn't be forced to serve the Emperor as he had, his wife wouldn't have to keep birthing him children if she didn't want to. He would give her anything, she gave him a second chance of life when he squandered it.
The baby wastes no time and gives a rather hard kick to Vader's hand, earning a groan from his mother.
“Your son is not letting me sleep. He can't stop moving or kicking or tensing! Everything just hurts.” she angrily says.
Vader reaches out into the force, searching for his unborn son's signature. The boy was warm and his signature was pure, untainted. Vader soothes and calms him down, sensing how tense his wife truly was.
“Have you seen the doctors? Make sure there's nothing wrong with you or the baby.” he asks, concern lacing his voice.
“I have. The baby is just, I don't know, active? The doctors say he's active. Our boys weren't exactly easy pregnancies but I wasn't this uncomfortable with them.”
The squeaky wheels of a cart interrupts them, they both turn their heads to the attendant walking in. Pushing a metal cart that was filled with a few drinks and an assortment of snacks, the attendant asks if they would need anything else.
Vader dismisses the attendant and turns his attention back to his wife.
“Uncomfortable or painful? You need to be honest. I have seen you pregnant, I know you're in pain.” Vader says accusingly.
She doesn't reply. Instead, she opts to run her hands along his suit. Eventually inching up to his face where she runs her fingers across his jaw,his cheek and even his nose.
Vader leans into her, reveling in the contrast of her soft touch against his skin. The way she looked at him so reverently, as if he hung up the stars for her.
In all truth, he would. He wouldn’t even hesitate or question her. He would do anything she asked him to. He didn't deserve this kind of love. He didn't deserve this gentleness and patience. Not after what he's done. Yet, he lets her. He knows he shouldn't let her, but he does every time. She wants to give him all her love and care, yet he feels so desperately undeserving of it. He has tainted her, no matter how hard he tries to, he can't stop himself.
He can't stop himself when she begs him to take her to bed and make love to her or fuck her mindless. He can't stop himself when she's begging him to fill her womb with his seed and give her another baby. Not when she's brought his sons into the world. She has carried and birthed two of his children. Now, she's carrying his third and Vader can feel that she's weaker this time. He won't admit it, he can't admit it.
The dark side in him feeds off this worry, telling him that he will lose her. Telling him that he will lose her to childbirth and the child he put in her will bring her to her death. He condemned her to death the same way he did Padme.
“Stop.” her voice breaks him out of his trance.
She continues “You're spiraling out. You're here yet you're miles away and we can't have that.”
She looks over at the cart and turns to him. With a soft smile on her face she makes him an offer he can't resist.
“How about you eat with me,hmm? I don't have any appetite when I'm alone. Eating with you always helps.”
So, they eat together in silence. The spread of food had enough variety for her not to feel sick. Vader has no protests, as long as she eats. The baby is well-nourished and so is she. She wastes no time in eating her food, having a taste of everything. Vader remembers she is always hungry at this stage of pregnancy, for food and for him. He didn't mind.
Truth be told, he couldn't care if people thought he was pulling away from her. It couldn't be further from the truth. Vader was largely focused on her, his two sons and his unborn child. Everything he did was for them. His plans of betraying Palpatine is all for them. His wife's third pregnancy had thrown a wrench in his plans of overtaking Palpatine. Trying to move her somewhere in this state, he simply couldn't risk it. He didn't want her to be caught in the crossfire while pregnant, not when she is this vulnerable.
The stress could bring harm to both her and the baby. If anything happens to either of them, the dark side would surely dig its claws deeper into him.
Palpatine would also surely take the first chance at killing his pregnant wife if he retaliated. If this happens, the dark side will consume him completely, he thinks. He can't let his boys see that.
Vader also wants to be there for the birth. He wants to make sure she would live through it. Once she's safely given birth safely he prays, he'll have her and the children hidden. Hidden somewhere safe, somewhere protected where no one will be able to find them or hurt them.
Only then will he take on Palpatine. Only then will he destroy his wretched master. He will make Palpatine suffer for all he's taken away from him. Yet, Vader still hesitates. Would this be the right course of action?
Vader was a fool not to see Palpatine’s plans. He believed that Palpatine truly allowed him to have another wife as a reward for his work. In truth, Palpatine wanted his children for his sick and twisted plots. Vader felt his blood run cold and his stomach churn when Palpatine suggested his eldest son be trained in the ways of the dark side soon.
“Will you come home tonight? Perhaps even tuck them in?” Her voice is timid, almost as if she's testing the waters. She doesn't realize it, but her voice snaps him back to reality, grounding him to the world around him.
“Alright. We'll head home soon.” Vader leans in to kiss her, his kiss is passionate yet gentle.
His hand gently weaves itself into her hair and she has no qualms about it. Vader’s kiss tastes sweet, like the fruits he's eaten off the spread and somehow she adores him even more now. The smell of his armor is both comforting and arousing, making her head spin
Vader pushes her fur scarf off her body, exposing her cleavage to him. Laying down, Vader thinks she looks like an angel, a kriffing angel.
Hair tousled and skin warmed, her breasts on display for him. The look in her eyes is one of love and lust which has Vader feeling like a teenage boy with his cock tightening in his pants.
Luckily for him, she's wearing one of her breastfeeding dresses. Vader pulls her dress away from her chest, exposing her to him.
“Vader!” she exclaims loudly, hands swatting him away. “What?” he mischievously grins at her.
“Not here. What if someone enters?”
“I'd kill them” Vader replies nonchalantly.
Vader's tongue moves to toy with one of her nipples, earning a rather erotic groan from her. He gently sucks on her nipple while his hand toys with the other.
Her hand weaves itself into his soft, blonde curls, gripping and tugging it gently as she falls into the fit of pleasure.
Vader moves his attention to her neck, kissing and sucking, leaving red marks in his wake. The smell of her perfume and body oils drives him crazy. When he pulls away, the sight of her flushed face has him breathless and his cock hard.
Vader tugs his gloves off, setting them aside on the cart of food and drinks. Then, he gets between her legs and slowly shifts her skirt up to expose her soaking wet panties. Vader pulls her panties off, tossing them somewhere in the room.
Vader slides two fingers in and out of her, earning moans that any man would beg to hear.
“You smell so sweet and you're so wet. Is all this for me,hmm?” he teases her.
Dizzy from pleasure, she struggles to answer.
“Mmhm..Oh! Who else has me like this?”
“Should I fuck you right here? On this couch, where anyone can walk in,hmm?” he asks.
“I want you. I want you to fuck me, husband” she whines to him.
Satisfied with her answer, Vader leans down and his tongue fiddles with her clit while his fingers pump in and out of her. Her cunt tastes sweet just like her and within minutes, he has her bucking her hips and arching her back, moaning while she grows closer to her climax.
When she does, her body trembles and she tries to close her legs as he continues to suck on her clit and finger her. His fingers move with a come hither motion making her squeal. Her body is always so sensitive when pregnant. Vader loved to see how many times he could make her cum all over him before she couldn't take anymore.
“Ohh, Vader! Vader!” she moans.
Vader continues until she comes undone a second time, her walls clamping down on his finger so tightly he could barely them. Her thighs shake as he sucks harder on her clit and she tries to squirm away from him.
Her thighs wrap around his head and Vader thinks that he could stay there forever. Vader pulls his fingers out of her and his mouth dives right into her pussy, lapping up all her juices.
His wife tries to push him away, clearly it was too much for her. Vader grips her thighs tightly, preventing her from moving away.
Then, he adjusts her on the couch. He helps her get on her knees and positions her so her belly is supported by the couch cushions. Her hands grip the back of the couch for support, preparing to take Vader. Taking her in a back shot position is one of his favorites.
Vader discards his codpiece in record time and unzips himself to free his hard cock. Vader lines his cock up to her and thrusts himself in, her pussy was so wet, it was barely resisting him. He groan loudly as his cock sinks into her warm and wet pussy.
Vader thrusts himself in and out of her, the sounds of their skin slapping only spurring them on. His head moves to the side of her neck, breathing in her scent as one of his hands wraps around her neck gently.
Her moans and pants are music to his ears, he knows she adores it when he's like this. He thrusts into her slow and deep, shifting the angle of his hips to hit the right spots. It takes him all of his control not to fuck the living daylights out of her.
Vader grunts out between his thrusts “You feel so good around me,wife. My wife, the mother of my children, takes my cock so well. Even when you're this pregnant, you still spoil me.”
The hand on her throat moves to clutch her belly. His other hand moves down her swollen belly and to toy with her clit, making her moan loudly.
Vader's thrusts speed up slightly as he rubs her clit, “How long will it take for you to cum this time? You look so good falling apart for me, my darling wife”.
Vader continues his thrusts and the hand on her clit doesn't stop until she comes undone. When she cums, Vader continues to move his cock in and out of her, making her moan and whimper louder. Her walls grip him so tight, it has him grunting as he tries to thrust.
“Vader, Vader, Vader! It's too much! Can't take it, hmmph!” she whimpers.
“I haven't finished yet, my pretty wife. I'm going to fill you up with my cum.” Vader whispers in her ear.
His thrusts now pick up speed as he chases his climax and his fingers on her clit expertly help her get closer to her fourth orgasm as well. Her moans and his grunts fill the room, the sound of their skin slapping against each other echo loudly.
“You're so tight! Too much,hmm? My poor wife can't handle my cock!” He grunts in her ear.
He's close. He's so close and so is he. He ruts into her wildly as he feels her fourth orgasm nearing. She orgasms again, legs shaking as she tries to hold on until he shoots his load deep inside her. She's seeing stars trying not to faint from how good this feels.
“I'm going to cum! Take it, take it” he yells as he shoots his cum inside her. The feeling of being so full of him and his cum has her so dizzy. Her entire body shakes and she's panting as Vader slowly finishes his thrusts.
Vader pulls out of her and the stimulation has her whimpering. His cum drips out of her and onto her thighs and the couch.
Then, he helps her limp body to lay down on the couch. He's careful to lay enough cushions to support her as he lays there satiated and panting. Cleaning himself up, he zips up his pants and places his codpiece back on.
Taking a few tissues, he wipes down the mess he's made between her legs. The contact has her moving away, clearly overstimulated.Then, he helps to adjust her dress and cover her breasts.
“Was that too much, hmm?” Vader asks as he brushes her hair out of her face.
She shakes her head. “It was good. Just what I needed. Though, I don't think I can walk home after this.” she says to him.
Vader leans down to give her a kiss on the cheek before handing her a glass of water with a straw from the cart.“You don't have to. I'll carry you.”
She drinks it under his watchful eye. “I'm doing alright today. The baby is active but the pain isn't too bad. Nothing more than usual. You need not worry, husband.” She says to him.
Vader doesn't answer, merely standing up to grab his helmet and putting it on. He walks over to her and grabs the glass to put it aside.
He picks her up and carries her all the way back to her little ship in the landing bay. Ignoring the eyes of the Imperial officers and stormtroopers, she lays her head on him despite his hard armor poking her head.
By the time they reach her ship, she's fast asleep. Only waking when he straps her into one of the seats. He starts the ship and flies it out the Executor's landing bay down to Coruscant.
Once home, Vader helps her pump her milk since she missed a feeding to go fetch him on his ship. Then,he helps his very sleepy wife freshen up for the night and change into something comfortable for the night. He made sure to rub some ointments on her to soothe her aches and help her sleep.
After he tucks her into bed, he unlatches his helmet and looks out into the nighttime skyline of Coruscant. Bustling with lights and music, filled with party-goers and dwellers from all parts of the galaxy. He turns to look at his wife, sound asleep in his bed looking like an angel. A kriffing angel.
Shedding his armor, Vader heads into the shower. Relieved to wash the day away and calm down, he stands under the warm water for a while. All was well for now. His wife was sound asleep in their bed, his kids were too probably.
Finishing his shower, he gets dressed and heads to his sons’ rooms. Their rooms weren't far, just across from his and his wife's. Close enough for him to get to them if anything were to happen. Nothing would, not under his watch.
He quietly slips into his eldest's room first. The five-year old boy lays sprawling on his bed, blonde curls poking about wildly. His blanket was at the edge of the bed, almost kicked off by the aggressive sleeper that was his son. His son was the most deep sleeper he's seen. An earthquake could happen and the boy would still sleep.
Vader readjusts the boy so he lays properly on his pillow and he slides the blanket back on. He checks the monitor and gives his son a kiss on the forehead before leaving to check on his youngest.
His youngest is now 14 months old. A joyful thing, really. He's always smiling and laughing, following his older brother around.
Vader peers into the boy’s crib to see him clutching his toy purrgil tightly. Vader gives him a kiss and checks the monitor as well before heading to his home office.
Sitting in his chair, he stares at the holo screens in front of him. Now or never, he thinks. He has to put his plans into place if wants to beat Palpatine soon.
He can't hesitate. He has to be sure. Hesitation will get him and his family killed.
His gaze moves to the little clay sculpture of him he has on his desk. It was one his five year old son made for him at school.
He won't hesitate.
Darth Vader does not hesitate.
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bimbo-baggins17 · 4 months
could you do a smut for anakin/unburnt vader where he manipulates you into finally being with him & joining the dark side and possibly where your memory is wiped of him doing everything bad to get to the dark side because it was all for YOU and he can’t risk losing you? also him using the force on you and him just being totally obsessive 😵‍💫😫
i hope this request is okay i’m so bad at this lmao 🖤
BORK BORK BORK HI I LOVED THIS AHHHHHH also my first Vader piece 🥲🫶 also this is maybe a littler darker than what you had intended 😅
Dddne, 18+ MDNI! You’re responsible for your own media consumption!
“Stop fighting me, my love,” Anakin, or rather Darth Vader grits out from above you as he fishes his throbbing cock out from under his robes. Any other time you’d be begging but now you’re acting like an ungrateful bitch. Couldn’t you see this was all for you??
You claw at his chest, trying to push him away, crying. “No, no please don’t Anakin,” You beg, squirming underneath him, unable to look at his now yellowed eyes for long.
If you had just listened to him and stayed put where he told you to then you wouldn’t have had to of witnessed the horrors he committed and he wouldn’t have to be here trying to convince the love of his life he wasn’t the monster you now saw him as.
He shakes his head, “Can’t do that sweetheart, you need to see I’m still your Ani…that I still love you. Now quit moving.” He folds your legs up, keeping you from moving them.
You swat at his chest, trying to shove him away. He clenches his teeth at your continued fighting, getting even more pissed. Why couldn’t you just listen?? With the force, he instantly pins your arms down against the ground, enabling any movement.
“HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!” You cry out, it’s your last resort now. He growls out before suddenly you can’t speak, your words cut off. Your eyes widen as your throat tightens.
“Can’t ever just listen,” He huffs out in anger. His thick tip prods your entrance. Despite not wanting him, your body betrays you and works to welcome his familiar touch. “Wouldn’t have to do this,” He breathes out as he quickly sinks his length into your gummy walls, “if you just listened in the first place.”
His hips snap into you at a brutal pace, “This is all for you. Can’t you see that?” He captures his bottom lip between his teeth, eyebrows pulling together at the intoxicating feel of your pussy around his cock.
He killed them. He killed them. His friends, allys, people who trusted him. Children. Oh god the children.
Your mind repeats it all, the pictures flashing through your mind of what you walked into.
“Kriff. Stop it!” The only downside to him having such a close connection with you is that with your force signatures intermingled, he can read, rather see your thoughts. And now you’re just reminding him of the monster he unintentionally became for you.
Anakin’s hold on your legs is released and you think maybe, just maybe, you somehow got through to him. But no, nothings that easy. His hands come to your temples and your eyes widen in fear, the tears spilling out faster. He was going to kill you.
“No, no, I’m not gonna kill you. Never kill you, sweet girl.” And it’s weird how his soft tone almost soothes you. His eyes close and at first you’re confused, a slight tingly feeling starting in your head. It grows until you’re left looking up at just love of your life.
He knows it’s wrong, but it also worked seeing how your gaze softens and your pussy accommodates his length that’s still fully sheathed in you. Anakin stops keeping you so pinned down, allowing you to speak.
“Ani?” Your tone is quiet, almost a whisper. Your memory of all the atrocities was wiped clean, but you aren’t blind. You can see the Sith eyes that took the place of the beautiful blue ones you used to get lost in. Your hand comes up to the side of his face.
He shakes his head, leaning into your touch, “It’s okay my love, I promise. It’s still me,” Slowly he starts to rock his hips into you again.
A soft moan slips past your plump lips, “B-but-“ You try to argue but the way his cock ruts deliciously into you is enough to start scrambling your brain, “..a..S-Sith?”
He sighs, leaning down so his face was close to your’s, something he always loved about missionary. “The Jedi lie, baby..they’re hypocrites..all liars,” He sucks in a breath, trying to keep himself from cumming before he makes his point, “..wanted to keep us apart..didn’t want me to succeed.” His lips find the pulse point of your neck, leaving a wet kiss there. “Wouldn’t make me a master…despite forcing me to have a padawan..didn’t matter how much I proved myself to them..” He snaps his hips into you to punctuate every few words. “They wanted me miserable.”
“But..the..the dark side..?” You whimper.
“Unlimited power,” He breathes out, “can keep us safe. You safe. No more death. Did this all for you baby..”
He takes your legs and folds them up again, not to pin you down but to hit all the angles only he can reach that make your toes curl. He draws a loud unashamed moan from you.
“Join me..” He rasps out.
The closer you get to your orgasm the less you can pay attention. He can tell so he slows the roll of his hips down to an agonizing pace. You whine at the lack of stimulation but it draws you back to the moment. He comes to grip your jaw to keep your eyes on him.
“Join me,” He repeats, “Join me and together we shall rule the galaxy.”
His eyes are pleading, his words almost whimpered. It still feels like your Ani in that moment. You don’t take long to think before you’re nodding your head.
He grins down at you, placing a soft kiss to your lips, “That’s a good girl. Now hold on for me.” He picks the pace back up, pounding into your pussy, relishing in the wet squelching as she gushes around his throbbing length. This was reward enough for the crimes he’s committed.
Instead of pulling out, he greedily allows himself to cum inside, stuffing his seed deep in your cunt that milks him dry. He can excuse the younglings he murdered if he can see your belly swollen with children of his own.
“There we go, my love. I knew you’d see reason.” He coos lovingly after finding his bearings. He presses soft kisses to your sweaty face. He slips himself out, scooping the cum that spills out back into your pussy.
“Our family will rebuild the galaxy. We’ll rule it all, sweetheart
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iggy5055 · 2 years
Yandere Emperor Darth Vader x Reader Part 2
Suites Vader. Vader uncrispy.
Summary: (Y/N) walks up feeling different but she can't figure out why while Vader gets her to their new home safe and sound.
Warning: depressing, memory manipulation, yandere, obsessive.
Word count; 10k
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Waking up felt fuzzy, my eyelids heavier than I have ever felt them. Parts of my mind in a thick, dense fog. I felt a deep pressure in my heart and at the back of my mind, not physically but some kind of almost ominous emotional pressure like parts of my very soul had gone missing.
I reach my hand up to my face to try and rub the sleep from my heavy eyes, only to redirect them to the side of my head so I could massage my temples, once realizing I had the worst headache in my life. 
But in the effort to alleviate my headache I find I can't fully reach up to my head. I became very aware of two very sturdy, strong arms wrapped tightly around my stomach and an equally strong body pressed to my back. However, despite the restricting arms and rock hard chest that was tightly pressed against my back I didn't feel scared. I felt safe, calm, happy and really really comfortable aside from the splitting headache. 
I look around looking for any hint in my surroundings that would help me remember where I was and how I got here, my eyes still  a little blurry from sleep. I don't think I've ever slept so hard in my life. 
I was in a bed, that much was obvious, a huge: very soft bed. I was facing a window that nearly took up the entire expanse of the wall. It was also very clear I was in space, only an idiot would think they were still on solid land with this view, but instead of seeing little white dots of the twinkling stars I saw blue lines moving past us, it was like I was in the middle of a meteor shower, but if I was I imagine I would be hearing the banging of the meteors hitting the ship. I couldn't help but stare out into the stars, memorized by the beauty of it all. I had never seen anything like this. The moving stars bathing the room in a soft yet strong blue. It was a strong contrast to the red, black and gold of the room itself. 
I looked over to what I assumed was the refresher door, and beside it a fireplace. I had to crane my neck to see it, which did nothing for my headache, the arms around me not giving any space to really move. holding me still like a prisoner in chains. There was a fireplace built into the wall facing the foot of the bed that was lit, letting off a warm glow as it filled the room with a comforting heat. The light from the fire meeting the blue light from outside meeting making It look like the most beautiful sunset in the galaxy. It was an odd mix of colors but it was gorgeous nonetheless. 
I tried to get up slowly so as not to wake the mystery stranger behind me only for the arms encasing me to tighten, but regardless of the arms I fell back immediately. My head felt as if it was struck by lightning when I tried to sit up. The sharp pain moving my hands for me before I could truly register the full force of the pain. Both my hands shoot up with such force that the arms around me are forced to loosen enough to actually hold my head in my palms.
I couldn't hold back the whimper that forced its way up my throat, the pain being much worse now than when I first woke up. I felt the arms around me shift, but I didn't pay much mind to it, almost not even noticing it until a hand reached up and placed itself on my forehead, forcing me to lean my head back into the strong chest of the person behind me. In any other situation I would be terrified but between sky splitting pain in my skull and the oddly soothing atmosphere I couldn't seem to form a solid thought.
The hand was nice and warm but slightly callused from what must have been years of training and hard work, but nonetheless comforting.
"How are you feeling, little one?"
The man's voice was concerned yet calm but I still froze, my eyes shooting open finally remembering who I was with. The voice whispered in my ear ominously familiar, suddenly remembering that the Emperor had taken me onto his ship, but for the life of me I couldn't remember details. Just that he came to my small little planet and then I was on his ship only to pass out sometime while looking up at him as he carried me aboard. On one hand I was relieved to finally remember some details but along with the rush of memories also came a fresh wave of horrible pain.
It seemed strange, I remember feeling terrified but also very safe, but I don't remember anything else.
I didn't say anything, I didn't even know what to say, my tongue frozen in my mouth. I had to take a second to remember what the Emperor just asked me, Still a little shocked that it was the Emperor holding me to his bare chest. But after a while of silence he seemed to get impatient.
"Little one?"
His tone was a little harder this time but it wasn't angry, more like making sure he was heard. But either way he was still clearly wanting an answer. But one thing was clear, in his patience to receive an answer, he sounded almost, worried?
"M-My head... it h-hurts." 
I felt him shuffle behind me, his comforting hand leaving my forehead as his other hand slips out from under my waist. He moved around but I didn't turn to look at him, not wanting to hurt my head by moving anymore and in all honesty being too scared to look at him right now. 
I mean I was with the fucking Emperor. Not only that but I was complaining about a headache to the Emperor but for the life of me I didn't know what else to say. Besides what could I possibly have to say in response to an Emperor.
I felt the bed shift once he got up off the bed and heard footsteps walk around the bed and over to me. I keep my eyes open but don't dare look up at him, keeping my eyes on the farthest corner of the window and the strange blue lines. He kneels down, giving me a good look at his shirtless body from the corner of my eye making my cheeks warm at the sight of him. He was clearly strong, muscles decorating his body for years of training and work.
Once he is on his knee he tilts his head slightly to the side, forcing his face into my line of sight, finally I turn my eyes to look at him directly. His face was hard and chiseled but his expression was soft but still a hint of concern in his eyes.
He reaches his left hand up lightly, placing it on the side of my head, rubbing his thumb softly on my temple. Even though his touch was light as a feather it still hurt. I flinched a little, the touch making the painful pressure and throbbing in my temples only getting worse.
I whined a little both at the contact and my reaction, the flinching moving my head a little too much, trying to move back into the bed, snuggling into the pillow and pulling the blanket over my head. Only revealing the top of my hair trying to hide from the physical contact. Childish as it was.
I could hear him chuckle for a second, but only for a second. I heard him get up as I regret my decision to snuggle into the bed, the movement hurting my head even more. The constant pain caused my eyes to water. My eyes burned as I did my best not to cry.
He shuffled around but I didn't bother looking or paying any kind of attention to him just keeping my eyes closed tightly like the tighter I keep my eyes shut the faster the pain will leave. If only.
I heard a door opening and closing followed by silence.
Finally I let out a loud sob. I didn't want the Emperor to see me cry but he wasn't here right now and I didnt know what else I could do. Especially because I had a huge gap in my memory. I felt like an incomplete puzzle, and that scared me.
I couldn't help the scowl that made its way onto my face. I should have been able to wake up before her, already having food waiting for her and pills for when she was done eating. I checked the time, it was 10:24 and she didn't eat supper last night, she must be beyond starving. 
The headache was clearly worse than I thought. I was a fool to think it wouldn't feel like her head was spitting in two. I was fully in her mind and she didn't even seem to notice a thing. Which made sense, all I could feel was a pain like she had never felt before. My poor little one. Even with her memories blocked off she was still so scared and confused. It made sense of course, she had a huge gap in her memory. She knew she met me but she didn't know how she got here. When I explain, I'll have to figure out some kind of story. 
All she knew was that she saw me in that poor excuse of a port but after that there was nothing until I was carrying her onto the ship and put her to sleep with the force. But of course I can only do so much, I can't do anything about her emotions.
I walk over to the kitchen. I couldn't wait to get back to Coruscant, having our own rooms, kitchen, and library. Not being stuck in a stuffy ship. I couldn't wait to show her the garden. Considering the forest covering most of her planet I imagine she'll love it. It will be much better once I get her out of that stuffy room, but I imagine meeting new people isn't in her best interest right now. The first step is for her to trust me. Culture shock isn't what she needs. 
Getting to the kitchen I open the doors and freeze at what I saw, my vision turning completely red. 
I had given orders to have all meals prepped by specific times during the day for me and my little (Y/N) and to be on call for any other foods and snacks she may need at any time. But instead of having food completely prepared and ready for me to take to my hurting love despite being past time for breakfast it should be ready almost three hours ago. Instead, I find my chefs lazing about doing nothing. No food, no prepped food, not even anyone getting ready to cook just standing around and chatting. 
The second I comprehend what was really in front of me I stretched out with the force at the speed of light. The whole room froze. Every chef, every sous chef and every dishwasher froze. The room went silent. They all slowly turned, partly from fear and partly from my heavy force signature surrounding them. Their eyes were as wide as saucers, very clearly scared but also very shocked, but not because I was there. Only then did I realize I didn't have my armor on. 
I immediately got even more annoyed. The armor was heavy and clunky and very strong but the main reason I wore it was because of the fear it brought others. It made me seem inhuman. Covering me head to toe. Never having it off made me seem inhuman. Last night they had already left but the food was ready as it should be. I just had to heat it up and take it to her so they had never seen me like this. 
I did take solace in the fact that I could still kill them and it is impossible for them to know me as Anakin Skywalker, it was convenient being faceless and only known as the Emperor or Lord Vader, but now the name had a face. I'll have to kill them before the news spreads but right now my little one is alone, hungry and in pain and she is my highest priority. Besides who else would cook for us until we reached our destination. They will live. For now, but not without consequences.
Slowly I move closer, almost at a stalking pace, like a wolf hunting its prey. No one dared to move after they turned to face me. Eyes wide and mouth slightly opened. 
My voice was clipped and harsh. I stared down at the head chef, waiting for him to reply. 
He couldn't move. I wasn't using the force on him but it was heavy in the air. I would bet he was even having some trouble breathing. Sweat was dripping from him, frozen like a deer in headlights.
I was beginning to lose my patience, my little one was still in our room all alone in pain with no food and now she won't be getting food for at least a half hour. I knew he heard me. I was very clear, not only that but I was right in front of the incompetent fool I call my chef. Though I should say soon to be former chef. 
I raise my hand forming a pincer shape with my fingers as it goes, the chef rising with it. Now clawing at his neck only to find nothing grab-able there. 
"I don't like repeating myself but I will ask once more. Explain."
I loosen my hold on his neck with the force, letting his feet touch the floor once again but I still had a good grip on his neck not choking him but still causing a bit of discomfort but now he could explain himself. 
"I-I-- Who---?"
I almost rolled my eyes, he really could figure out who I was? He truly was incompetent. 
I squeeze his neck harder.
"Try to guess."
I didn't want to play games, it only wasted my time and dragged out my love's pain but right now scaring him to death seemed like the most appealing option.
His eyes were wide as he gasped, nearly bulging out of his head. I wasn't preventing his breathing completely, but I was still only allowing him little tiny breaths every now and then. I find this makes the suffocation worse. It lets them hope for just a moment that I would stop and they would be able to take in a solid, only for the hope to disappear as quickly as it came. 
His sclera began to turn red as his eyes became bloodshot. The chef had very vibrant green eyes; the blood red was a strong contrast as his face suddenly pales. 
"M-my Lo-lord?!"
I tilt my head slightly as the grin of a killer stretches across my face. 
"You know why I am here?'
His face only seems to get whiter, finally realizing how much trouble he was really in, remembering what I had instructed them to do.
"M-my lor-d--"
I tighten my grip on his neck so hard his head looked like it was about to fall off only for me to release him once more. 
"I suggest you stop stuttering and start explaining.'
He rubs his neck for a moment gasping and swallowing the saliva that had begun pooling in his dry mouth.
"Why isn't my loves food prepared?"
He only seemed to get more scared. If it wasn't for the adrenaline coursing through his body he probably would have passed out or even died from his heart failing after beating too fast and strong for too long.
He dropped to his knees, his hands clasped in-front of him.
"My lord, please. when you didn't come at your designated time we figured that you wouldn't need your meal till lunch so we had gotten rid of it."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was so blind with rage my arm shot out to the side. A crashing sound accompanied with a sickening cracking could be heard.
The chef slowly turns his head in the direction of my outstretched hand. There, in the direction of my hand was the sous chef, His eyes open and dull as the life was slowly drained out of them after crashing into a bunch of kitchen counters and supplies by my will and control of the force only to die instantly when he hit the far wall with such force it dented the wall. His ribs shattering in his body on impact. A quick death, and more than he deserved. 
"Because of your choice my beloved is now hungry, in pain, and won't be getting food as soon as she should."
My voice was seething with anger. I was barely keeping it together.
"Please my lord, forgive me, it will never happen again."
He continued to beg for his life and make promises about how he will be sure my love doesn't go hungry ever again. Well tempting, I knew he would die. First of course he will cook for my love until our trip is done but once we land on Coruscant and my love is situated he will die the most painful death I could imagine. 
I hold my hand up finally deciding what to do. 
"First; you will cut some fruit, then you will make the best breakfast you have ever made like your life depends on it, and If I ever find my loves food is not ready at any time past her scheduled eating time, you will suffer like no one ever has before. "
He nodded immediately, of course he didn't know the second we landed he would suffer whether my love enjoyed the food or not. but if she doesn't, i'll be sure he will be alert for every kind of pain I choose to inflict. 
Within seconds I was handed a plate of cut fruit, cut by one of the chef's helpers and they all started to cook a proper meal.
I turn and walk out the door, food in hand and grab my comm with the other to contact my Purge troopers.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Once the chefs are done cooking for the day, take them to the brig, make sure they suffer but be sure they can still work tomorrow. And post two guards at the door at all times."
"Yes, my lord."
The trooper sounded a little too happy about the impending torcher, but they did seem to enjoy causing pain. But then again that was what they are good at. It's why they are Purge Troopers. They are meant to cause pain.
I begin to walk down the hallway to my loves and my room. As I walk I realize that I wasn't monitoring her with the force anymore. I figured it was best to constantly be monitoring her with the force as she shifts into this new confusing way of living, but in my anger I hadn't even noticed I wasn't monitoring her mind.
I sigh, feeling like a fool that I hadn't been keeping my force around her. Constantly monitoring her emotional and physical state will be crucial for the first few weeks, but also being able to control her emotions slightly when things become too much. As much as I hated the idea of altering my love's mind, it will make this transition much smoother. 
Once my force reached her I immediately picked up the pace while still being mindful of her food. I reached the door in record time, now feeling her distress and pain even more. I could hear her soft sobs throughout the door. 
I opened the door, I knew she heard it because she tried to quiet down her crying, becoming as stiff as a boulder to try and alleviate her physical pain.
I slowly moved over to her, not wanting to startle her or scare her anymore. I didn't like that she felt the need to hide her tears from me but I did understand it. I was new, her location was new, her whole life was new and it was only the second day and she was only awake for about a half hour last night. She has had no time to process her new surroundings. 
Her back was to the door facing the window, just like how I left her but the blanket was over her eyes, only to top of her head with the cutest bed head hair, all messy and tangled sticking out from the top of our blanket. 
I place the fruit down on her bed side table. Kneeling down beside her, opting out of sitting on the bed not wanting the movement of the bed to distress her even more. 
The blanket was held over her face till about the middle of her forehead with clenched fists. For the look of the blanket, her knuckles must be snow white. She was shaking horribly. Letting out the occasional hiccup as she tried to suppress her tears and sobs. 
My heart broke at the sight of her. It hurt me more than I could comprehend. 
I gently place my hand over the blanket on her face. I could feel her tense. Trying to stop her shaking but failing in the end. I tugged on the blanket a little, not trying to pull it off but just letting her know I was there and that I wanted to see her face. She didn't let her hands budge for a second but when I tugged a little again her hands moved a little, as much as I understood the comfort of hiding her face right now. I needed to see her. Every fiber of my being screaming that I needed to see her face to make sure she was ok.  
I continued to gently move the blanket down till it was just under her chin. My heart seemed to shatter at the sight of her. 
Her eyes were full of tears, her cheeks red and puffy and she had red spots all over her neck indicating popped blood vessels. She refused to meet my eyes, clearly embarrassed. 
I reach my hand up to her head. Once my hand touched her hair she flinched and closed her eyes as tight as she possibly could. I could tell she did her best to hold back a whimper but it made its way up her throat anyway.  
I gently start to stroke her hair, slowly coaxing her to relax her tense muscles. Her eyes didn't open but they did relax ever so slightly. Her shaking didn't stop but she wasn't shaking in fear, she was shaking in pain. 
"Hello, little one."
I make sure to keep my voice in a low calm whisper, loud noises or even just a regular voice would only hurt her more. 
She opened her eyes a little, looking up at me shyly. 
"I know you are hurting my love but I need you to eat a little something before I give you something to take the pain away."
She shakes her head a little but then stops immediately when she realizes it only hurts her even more. 
"I know it hurts but you need to sit up and eat a little, you haven't eaten for hours and you need to put something in your stomach, please my love."
I am not a man who begs, but for her. I would do anything.
She looks up at me and closes her eyes again. I thought she was going to try and fight me, but she slowly moved to sit up like the good little girl I knew she was.
 Before she can move too much I reach under her knees and her back while she is still wrapped up in the blankets making sure her head wouldn't be jostled too much. I lift her up and sit down on the bed placing her on my lap and having her lean on my back. Her head resting on my chest. 
Despite my best efforts to ensure her head wasn't jostled she still cried out at the movement. As much as my heart ached it also swelled at a sudden realization.I didn't take the time before to realize how much shorter she is compared to me but as she sits on my lap it's all I could think about.
After a moment of not moving and making sure she wasn't uncomfortable I reached over and grabbed the plate of fruit. 
Once I held it in front of her she wiggled one of her hands free and reached for some fruit. 
I chuckled a little, feeling her back move with my chest while I reached out my free hand and grabbed hers. She gasps a little clearly not expecting my hand so focused on the food in front of her. I lean down and whisper directly in her ear, my lips pressed against the shell of her ear.
"Let me, little one."
Slowly her hand retracts back into her blanket cocoon making my hand let go of hers. 
Once I was sure she was all wrapped up I reached over for a piece of fruit and held it up to her lips, mine still lightly brushing her ear. 
She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to be fed. But as much as I could feel her apprehension to being fed, I could also feel her calm down a little. However, her pain was still very present but her tears were starting to dry on her little cheeks and she was also losing some of the red in her cheeks. 
Actually from what I could see from behind her she was losing too much of her color. She was getting so pale. She really did need some food. 
I nudge the slice of fruit on her lips a little, trying to coax her mouth to open for me. Finally she opened her mouth letting me slip the fruit into her mouth. As she chewed her fruit I brushed her lips with my thumb. They were so soft, all I wanted to do was kiss them. But I knew that would be too much for her to handle right now. 
Her mind was a mess, her thoughts in scrambles. I doubt she was even thinking, just feeling. feeling scared, feeling confused and feeling a lot of pain. 
The fear I couldn't do anything about yet, but the pain and confusion I could.
She was nearly done with her fruit, I could see her struggling to get through the pain.
"Atta girl, you're almost done, just a few more bites."
She turned her head and looked back at me, her eyes were glossy but the tears that had not fallen just yet. 
I lifted the last piece of fruit up to her lips, there wasn't a lot but more food was coming and once she gets some strong pain killers in her system she would feel much better.
She opens her mouth and takes the last piece of fruit. I had some juice on my fingers and she sucked the pads of my thumb and pointer finger lightly before starting to chew. 
The feeling of her soft, perfect lips practically kissing my finger pads almost broke me. The smooth feeling of the tip of her tongue darting out almost made my composer shatter. All I wanted to do was lay her down on our bed, and hover over her as I did nothing but make her feel pleasure she has never even comprehended. To make love to her till all she saw was stars. Till she passed out in pure pleasure as I tucked her into the blankets and held her till she woke up in the morning, only to do it all over again. 
I was broken out of my fantasy when I heard her let out a soft whine. Her head wasn't resting on my chest anymore. She was leaning forward, her hands once again no longer in her little cocoon but holding her head.
Without a word I picked her up again and set her down, making her lean on the head board, making sure her back was supported. I gave her a kiss on her forehead. As overwhelmed as I knew she was I couldn't help that small indulgence to tide me over till I could do more.
"I'll be right back, little one. Just breathe, I'll make all the pain go away."
I walked over to the bathroom, I kept several high end pain killers, mostly for my arm. I bend down and get the least potent drug I had but even so it would still leave her numb. I had a very strong drug resistance, having needed to take these pills for a long time. That and the dosage was measured to my height and weight, for someone as small as my little girl the effects would be ten fold.  She's probably never needed anything but a regular pain killer in her life. But her mind has also never been tampered with before. 
Just as I was walking out with my pill bottle There was a knock on the door. I sigh but hold back doing anything more. I didn't need (Y/N) to think I was angry or annoyed at anything just in case she would think all my anger was directed at her. The sigh alone was too much of a slip.
I set the pills down on her bedside table and cup her cheek as I kiss her forehead again. Unable to resist, my composer and resolve crumbled at the sight of her.
"Just another second, baby girl."
There was another knock on the door, I could feel her flinch harshly at the sound of the door. 
I nearly growled, barely catching myself but I couldn't stop the scowl that appeared on my face. I storm over to the door opening it to see the Chef looking terrified with two Purge Troopers behind him. 
By the look on his face he knew I was clearly angry. 
"Your food, my lord."
I was handed two plates of waffles with fruit and syrup and a tall glass of orange juice.
Without another word I close the door and turn to (Y/N). She was eyeing the pills clearly wanting them. 
I place the food on the glass table in front of the fireplace and place a few more logs on the fire to keep it strong. 
I walk back over to her with the glass of juice in hand and sit on the bed taking the pills off her night stand and replacing them with the cup of juice. 
I open the bottle and place one pill in my hand. The drug was so potent she would only need one pill to last at least twenty four hours, well enough time to get to Coruscant. And while we were in light speed we should be there by mid noon. 
I hold the pill up between my thumb and pointer finger.
"Open wide."
Without hesitation she opened wide, allowing me to pop the pill inside. I grab the glass of juice and hold it to her lips letting her take a few sips.
When I start to pull away the cup her little hands fly out of the covers, gripping  my wrist and holding the cup to her mouth, drinking as much as she could. 
I couldn't help the chuckle coming from me as I stared at her cute little face as she tried to drink as much juice as she possibly could.
"Easy there, baby girl. there's no rush."
She finally lets me take away the cup but it was already practically empty. 
" The painkillers will start to work any second. It's a very strong pain killer, ok. You might feel a little numb?"
She nods mutely.
"I imagine you have lots of questions."
She gazes up at me with her doe eye for a moment before she nods again looking back down at her hands folded together in her lap. 
I take both her hands in mine. She felt so cold, colder than she should be.
"Come sit with me by the fire my love."
She didn't look up at me but she shakily got onto her feet. She tried to take a few steps but she was a little shaky from the pain, the pain killer not fully kicked in just yet. Not like she would be able to walk for the first few hours anyway the pill will make her so numb she probably won't be able to move foe a while.
I stand up and wrap an arm around her waist, guiding her over to the couch, holding most of her weight. Sitting her down and getting a fuzzy blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders. 
I make sure to push the waffles over to her.
"I know you have a lot of questions but you also have to eat some more food."
She looked up at me, her eyes telling me she was clearly still scared. Still a little red and misty from all her tears. 
"How about this, you ask me your questions, but when I answer them you have to take one bite of your food. Ok?"
She looks down at the plate of waffles. After a few seconds of her eyeing the food suspiciously her stomach growled, loudly.
Her cheeks became a bright crimson, and she looked away from the food. I couldn't help my chuckle, she really was the cutest little thing. 
I grab the plate of food and set it on my lap, grabbing the fork and knife and cutting a good piece of waffle off for her. 
"What's your first question, my love?"
She looks up at me, clearly wanting to ask her question but not wanting to eat despite her hunger and the fact she just ate some fruit from my fingers. I could tell she thought it might be poisoned, her mind forming some proper thoughts now she had some food in her belly so to ease her mind I ate the piece that was on the fork.
Once I swallowed she seemed to lighten up a little. 
I cut another piece off and wait for her to ask her a question. 
"W-where, am I-I?"
I smile lovingly down at her, happy to see her opening up a little. I hold the fork up to her lips, waiting for her to eat it. She hesitated again but this time it was just because she was embarrassed to be fed. Her emotions plan as day to such a well versed force user such as myself
She put the fork in her mouth and started to chew, waiting for me to answer her question. 
"We are currently on my ship called The Executor."
I answered as I cut another piece of waffle for her. She nodded and swallowed, taking in my answer and forming her next question. 
"W-where are w-we going?"
She takes the next piece of waffle into her mouth with little to no hesitation this time.
"We are going to your new home, Coruscant."
She nearly choked on her waffle, clearly not expecting that.
After she swallows, with some difficulty, she looks up at me in shock.
"You're taking me to Coruscant?!"
I smirk a little and hold up a new piece of waffle up to her lips. She was clearly unamused but didn't fight and ate the waffle. Her fear and shyness forgotten as she tries to absorb the shocking news
"That's right, you know who I am don't you, my love?"
She nodded, I knew she knew who I was, being able to read her mind so clearly I knew she guessed that I was taking her to the galaxy capitol but some part of her  thought it was too far fetched. A girl like her, being taken to the most luxurious planet in the galaxy, it must have felt like a dream. I already knew what I was about to say next would blow her mind. 
"Well as my love it only makes sense to take you home with me."
Her cheeks suddenly got as red as a tomato. I had called her my love plenty of times but it could have easily been mistaken as a silly little nickname, having me actually call her my lover was a little abrupt. But she didn't understand what she did to become my love, not like i would ever tell her the true story of how she came to be mine.  
"H-How did I b-become y-y-you're... love?"
She was clearly embarrassed, the words must have felt very foreign on her lips. Never having been loved romantically before, and now she never would be by anyone but me.
She was looking away from me, instead staring at the glass table and not seeing the waiting food in front of her. 
I gently press the waffle to her plush lips making her gasp slightly, not expecting it. She looked back up at me but didn't take the waffle into her mouth.
"You need to eat my dear, I won't answer your questions till you do."
She stares at me, weighing her options. Her fear and pain was dialing down, near non-existent, mostly she was just feeling curiosity and at the moment more than a little defiant. Not liking the 'no answers unless you eat' rule. 
I loved how her personality was peeking out again. I knew it wouldn't be long till the drug made her so numb she wouldn't be able to hold her own head up by herself soon. I drank in her curiosity, defiance and adorableness while I could. 
She sighs but takes the bite, eating it with a bit of a pout. It took everything in my being not to kiss her but when I noticed a bit of the fruit sauce was on the corner of her mouth my resolve shattered, not being one to pass up such an opportune moment I leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth getting rid of the sauce but also being able to finally kiss her. Even if it was just the corner of her lip
She went eye wide and stopped mid chew, I chuckled at her reaction. She swallowed quickly after a minute and turned her head away.
"You didn't answer the question."
Her voice was quiet and timid. If I wasn't sitting right beside her I probably wouldn't have heard her. 
"I came to your small planet to fuel up my ships, we were visiting different planets around the galaxy and needed to fuel up, your planet was the closest. When we landed I had seen you in the space port but you had seemed to be in a rush. But from the second I saw you I knew I had to have you. I felt like the force was pulling me towards you, love."
She nodded, understanding my words so far at least vaguely. 
"Me and a few of my men followed you to your tiny little village. I wanted to have you, but I didn't expect to just take you, however, when I found you your mother was beating you. Screaming something about getting an order wrong."
She looks up at me in shock, I wait a moment to see if she has something to say. She didn't speak but she had tears growing in her eyes.
"Ohhh, my love."
I cooed at her, pulling her into my lap and kissing her temple. Being sure that her blanket was still tightly wrapped around her.
"It's ok, you're safe. Do you want me to continue?"
She lets out a shaky breath, trying her best to calm down and holding back tears but nods.
I make sure to hold her close and tightly, making sure she feels as safe as possible. 
"When I saw her hurting you I felt like I couldn't breath. It hurt me to see you like that. Crumpled up on the floor as you where being beat. I had my trooper hold back you mother and father when he came out to defend your mother and I asked you if you were ok. You were sobbing uncontrollably and bleeding from your head, begging for me to save you. So I took you to my ship and had a doctor look at you. You were in a bacta tank for a few hours to heal your wounds but the doctor said you might be suffering from amnesia due to head trauma."
Once I was finished explaining she burst like a dam. Sobbing and crying, clinging to my chest as tightly as she could.
It broke my heart to see her like this but this was for the greater good. As far as she knew I was her savior. I was the person she felt she should run to when she was scared and in distress. This would work out perfectly.
It started to all make sense. My puzzle was becoming complete. I remember seeing the Emperor at the port. I remember being in such a rush to get home but not why. 
Now he is saying that my mother beat me so badly because I was in such a rush to get home I messed up the order and she was so mad she ended up beating me so hard I have amnesia.
All I could think of is how he saved me. It made sense. The dots were connecting, and it explained my horrible headache. 
I clung to the Emperor as hard as I could, scared to let go. I was in the middle of space going to a planet I knew nothing about with both the strongest and most scary man in the world after he saved me from my abusive family. 
I was wrapped tightly in his lap, him holding me close to his chest. I could feel his strong steady heartbeat under my fist. It lulled me into calming down. 
I couldn't stop my tears from coming and my slight sniffles and occasional hiccups. 
"That's it baby girl, I got you. Just calm down. Slow deep breaths."
My tears stopped and my hiccups slowed down as the weight of the situation really hit me. The Emperor himself had saved my life and essentially calmed me as his lover. 
I started to shake, realizing I had no idea what to do or how to act in this situation. If I did what he wanted and did it right I was safe, if I did something wrong I could end up dead.
My shaking became uncontrollable. I wanted to push away from him but I didn't want to make him angry. So I figured the best thing I could do was to ask to be let go and apologize like a mad woman if he got mad.
"M-my lord... c-could you p-please let me g-go?"
He let out a deep chuckle, his hand coming up to run his fingers through my hair. I gasp, but not because of the motion but because of his hand.I was too scared and in too much pain earlier to realize that it was fake. He pulls his hand from my hair and puts it in front of my face, showing me his hand. It was clearly expertly constructed. It was slick black with hints of gold here and there. I reach out a little to touch just focusing on the hand not paying attention to who it was attached to. I came back to my senses when my hand was a few inches away and pulled back when the hand in question moved to grasp my hand.
"No need to be shy, my love. You can touch me as much as you want."
His lips were pressed to my ear, a shiver running up my spine. Which now that I thought about it, felt completely bare. 
"M-my lord, pl-please."
He keeps his lips pressed into my ear, his right hand still holding mine and stroking my fingers. 
"On one condition."
I looked up into his amber eyes cautiously. While waiting for him to continue as I took a second to take in his features.
He really was handsome. Slightly curly brown hair that came down to his shoulders in waves, amber eyes that seemed to look into my very soul, and very strong facial features. I noticed he had a long scar going down his right eye. It looked like it really hurt. 
"You have to call me Anakin."
I tilted my head to the side a little. Call him Anakin? 
"I t-thought your name w-was Vader."
His hand let go of mine, moving to run his mechanical fingers through my hair once again. 
"That was a name given to me by my late master, the previous Emperor, however the love of my life should call me by my true name."
I blushed when he said I was his true love. I barely knew him and he didn't know anything about me. As if he could read my mind he smirked. It was like he knew something that I didn't but in all fairness he probably did. 
I nod, agreeing to his terms.
"However that is a name only to be used in private, when in public you should call me Vader, or, your love but never Lord, I am not your lord. I am your love "
My blush deepened.
I push on his chest a little, still wanting to remove myself and get some distance. but his hand around my waist tightens. It wasn't painful, but the message was very clear.
"I want to hear you say it my love. Say my name for me."
I looked up at him, more than a little hesitant but I didn't really have any other choice.
"o-ok... A-Anakin."
With a loving smile he sets me down in my previous spot on the couch, the fire still making the room warm and cozy. I look out the window to look at the shooting stars again.
"Isn't it d-dangerous for the ship t-to be flying in a m-meteor shower, my lor- A-Anakin?"
I look back at him only to see a very confused face followed by yet another chuckle. It was getting embarrassing how often he would laugh at me. 
"Those aren't shooting stars my love but you are kind of close. Those are star lines. That's what stars look like in hyperspace."
My eyes widened. I knew what hyperspace was, Bane would sometimes tell me about different things around the galaxy. The planets he visited, the different kinds of species around the world, and all the amazing things about traveling through space. But I never knew what it might look like when a person was actually in hyperspace.
"I-it's... beautiful."
I was mesmerized by the beauty of the star lines so I wasn't looking at Anakin but when he spoke I could hear a smirk in his voice.
"Just wait till you see Coruscant. I have a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers and plants. I know you'll love it"
I looked over at him. I couldn't help the smile that came on my face, his smirk turned into a loving smile but after looking into his eyes for a while my smile faded. I realized that I hadn't even thanked him. He had feld me, kept me warm, took away my pain and even saved me when my mother was beating me and I hadn't thanked him.
I started to tear up. He did all this for me, made me feel safe, wanted and loved and I didn't even think to thank him yet.
Tears start to fall down my cheeks and his smile disappears, replaced with a look for worry. Both his hands came and cupped my cheeks, rubbing away my tears. The kind action only makes more of them fall.
"My love, what's wrong?"
I couldn't help the hiccup that escaped my lips as I stuttered and tried to tell him why I was crying but I just couldn't get the words out. 
Anakin pulls me into his lap again, holding me, cradling me in his arms and using his hand to guide my head to rest in his neck as he holds me, rocking slightly, coxing me to calm down.
"Shhhh, princess. Tell me what's wrong. I have you, you're ok."
After a few more hiccups I start to calm down, taking some deep breaths I finally get the words out.
"I'm s-so sorry... I-I-I n-never thanked y-you, for every-everything you h-have done for m-m-me."
The words were choppy and poor with all my sobs but he heard them.
He cooed at me a little, rocking me lightly.
"Ohhh, baby. You don't need to thank me, no no no. It's my job to take care of you, my love."
I kept babbling on in incoherent sentences. Trying to tell him how I did have to thank him and how I didn't deserve his kindness. The last part he seemed to hear because without a second thought he pulled me flush to his chest and kissed me.
Perfect. This was perfect. Everything was going better than I could have imagined it. She was completely giving in to me. Relying on me. 
I could feel she felt safe and loved. She was shy, but it only made her all the more adorable. She was so innocent. Innocent and warm. I would do anything to protect the love of my life. 
I could feel her tense up as I kissed her deeply. She wasn't scared, I just took her by surprise. 
she started to push against my chest after a few moments. My poor little one was running out of breath. 
I reluctantly pull my lips away from her soft ones. She tries to catch her breath and clings to me tightly.
I couldn't help but kiss all over her face. Her cheeks, her temple, her forehead, the corner of her lips. anywhere that didn't prevent her from catching her breath. 
Her eyes were closed, too embarrassed to look at me, a deep blush only getting darker with each little peck and kiss I gave her.
I gently grasped her hands in mine, removing them from my chest, lifting them to my lips and kissing each of her knuckles. 
Once I was done I held her hands to my lips, savoring the feeling. 
After a while she finally opened her eyes to look at me. Her beautiful eyes all red and puffy from her tears.
"Ohhh, my love."
I kiss her hands again. Holding them to my lips as I gaze into her beautiful eyes. 
"You never have to thank me for anything, my love. The force led me to you, and I will take care of you for the rest of our lives."
She nods shyly and thanks me again and I couldn't help my chuckle.
"I just said you didn't have to do that, my love."
She blushed and looked down. She lets her head fall into my chest with a light groan.
I moved her around so I could hold her bridal style in my lap, her head now on my shoulder.
I lift my hand and carded my fingers through her hair, taking my time and enjoying the feeling of her soft hair with every stroke of my hand but I stopped then she groaned softly again. 
I press my lips into her temple softly.
"What's wrong, my love? The pills should be working by now, are you still hurting?"
She shakes her head and I instantly relaxed, knowing she wasn't hurting but now my curiosity was peaked.
"Tell me what's wrong, my little one."
She shakes her head.
"N-nothing, I-i'm just... tired."
I gently kiss her temple again, lifting her in my arms, holding her close and walking over to the bed. The drug making her so numb she could barely keep her eyes open.
"Yes I imagine, the pills have a tendency to make one a little drowsy, let's get you back to bed my love, by the time you wake up we should be arriving at Coruscant."
I pull the blankets up to her chin and kiss her lips lightly. She smiles up at me softly and blacks out. I laugh lightly at how quickly she fell asleep giving her one last kiss as I gaze down at the love of my life. 
I walk over to the dressing room, after tucking her in tightly and put on my suit. Unfortunately I was still the Emperor and couldn't spend all day and night with my love. 
I had to clear my schedule as much as possible so that I could be with her as she grows accustomed to her new life. 
I walk out, taking one last glance at (Y/N) watching how the blankets rise and fall with each of her little breaths before walking down the hall, making sure I had two Purge Troopers outside my room if my love needed help, and pulling out my comm to contact the Commander of the Purge Troopers as I make my way to the bridge. 
"My lord?"
"Be sure to have my rooms on Coruscant ready for me and my Empress."
"Yes my lord."
Waking up a second time was easier. I knew where I was. I knew who I was with and I knew where I was going. It wasn't scary or confusing. With everything sorted now it really was just, safe.
I looked around the room, there wasn't a pair of strong hands around my waist restricting my movement and the Emperor wasn't anywhere in the room that I could see. I listened for the shower in the refresher but I didn't hear anything so it seemed safe to say I was alone. 
I look out the window again. The beautiful star lines are still there. Casting a beautiful blue light into the room still, but this time it didn't mold with the red and orange from the fire.
I look over to the hearth again. No fire. I move out of the covers only to shiver and wrap my arms around myself. Without the fire the room was pretty cold. I stand up, looking down at the clothes I was wearing.
Anakin must have changed my clothes after the doctor treated me because this definitely wasn't mine.
I walk over to the 'fresher to get a better look at myself in the mirror.
I was in a long midnight black silk nightgown, going down to my ankles with a slit going up to my upper thigh. It had an open back and thin straps smaller than my pinky and a dip in the chest that didn't leave much to the imagination. 
No wonder I was cold, the gown was very gorgeous but it was also very thin and with so much bare skin in space no wonder I was a little chilled.
I see a door in the mirror behind me and turn to open it.
It was a walk in closet and dressing room. On the right were the Emperor's clothes, shoes and what not. But to the left was clothes for a woman. 
I was very cold and I figured he wouldn't mind ifI changed into something a little warmer.
I run my hands over the clothes. Most of them being black, red and gold and the occasional white. 
I grabbed one of the dresses, seeing as most of the clothes here were dresses. 
It was a black floor length gown that was a fairly tight fit till it reached the top of my knees where it flared out. It didn't have sleeves and it had a deep plunge neckline and left my back completely bare but the thin shoulder straps did have a kind of fur cape the fell to the middle of my shoulder blades and wrapped around my upper arms, leaving the rest of my arms bare, accompanied by a hood to cover my head if I needed 
It also had fur on the bottom trim of the dress. It was made in a velvety kind of fabric but had a matte look to it. It was a very beautiful dress, clearly high quality and expensively made. I felt a little out of place in it but I was much warmer now so I didn't really bother to feel too uncomfortable. 
I put on a pair of black flats, forgoing the high heels knowing I would only fall over in those and made my way over to the door.
I press the button on the panel on the side of the door and it slides open. I see two stormtroopers in black standing on either side of the door. I gasp a little, not really expecting them.
One of them speaks but he doesn't turn to look at me.
"May I assist you, my lady?"
The title sounds weird.
"Could you tell me where An-"
I freeze mid sentence remembering what I should call him when others are around.
"Where Lord Vader is?"
"Of course majesty, right this way."
We walk down the cold hall for a little, the only sound being our footsteps. There were troopers in white armor every now and then standing at doors or walking around in what I assume is a patrol. Finally we reach large double doors that fly open to what I assume is the bridge of the ship. 
At the end of the gangway I see the Emperor, in full armor staring out at the star lines of hyperspace. 
When he hears the door open he turns and looks at me. For a moment he just stares till he reaches a hand out for me, palm up. Clearly summoning me to him.
I walk over and place my much smaller hand in his.
"You are just in time my love, we are about to exit hyperspace."
Before I say anything he gently grips my shoulder and moves me to stand right in front of him. His hands never left my shoulder aside to slip them underneath the fur 'cape' to touch my bare shoulders, The touch of his leather clad hands making goosebumps appear all over my skin and a shiver run up my spine. But the leather gloves did make his hands rather cold.
I stare out at the hyperspace star lines, hypnotized by the beauty of the sight. Unlike in the bedroom, on the bridge the star line splayed out from a singular point, it hypnotized me to the point I don't even think I blinked.
Suddenly there is a large jolt, forcing my back into his body behind me. The star lines fade away till I see a beautiful planet. 
I couldn't see any green but I could see light for all over one side of the planet.
The planet itself was huge, much bigger than my home planet. Clearly full of technology I couldn't even dream of. I gasp my hand coming up to cover my mouth. Even without any forests or any large body of water it was still a sight to behold. The lack of nature is a clear sign of high class and innovation. No wonder it was the galaxy capital. 
My back was still pressed tightly to Anakin's back. One hand of his was still on my shoulder, the other coming across my front, Holding me to him with his palm over my tummy. 
I felt him lean down to my ear, he was wearing his mask so I couldn’t see his face but from the sound of his voice he was smirking.
"Welcome to your new home my Empress."
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kaylin-lmfao · 1 year
hate fucking with anakin anyone? you’re both arguing, screaming and yelling at each other, both of you making such a big deal over a minor fucking inconvenience. you’re pushing him and shoving him away, and he pins you against the wall, not caring and rough. the next thing you know, you’re bent over, his thick cock inside you, and he’s manhandling you. using you however he sees fit. you’ve never been submissive like this for anyone, ever. you’ve never let anyone treat you like this, ever. but jesus, you aren’t going to complain. you blush, ashamed when he degrades you and teases you. “so wet and tight. all of this for someone you claim to hate.” he runs his fingers over your swollen clit. “this doesn’t feel like hate, princess” he finds it fucking funny when even though you’re humiliated and ashamed, you still beg him for more, for him to make you cum.
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kowaiitenshii · 1 year
Sunkiller Lullaby Part Four
Pairing: Darth Vader X Reader
Plot Summary: Your new guardian is revealed, and Lord Vader begins teaching you the ways of the Force. 
Warnings: Unburnt!Vader. Canon-divergent. Descriptions of an injury. Lowkey toxic relationship. Corruption. Reader is a former slave. Improper use of the Force probably. Distressing visions. Vader is his own warning. Tension. AFAB Reader, feminine pronouns and descriptions used. Vague feminine nudity described. Mild 18+ warning. 
Words: 6.4k
A/N: Hello everyone! It's finally here!! Thank you so much for all the support on this series, I appreciate each and every one of you, and I can’t wait to keep writing more for you! Please enjoy!
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Eyes rolling in your head, you groan softly as you blink back into consciousness, sight and sound fading back in. As the fuzziness in your vision clears, the first thing your gaze locks onto are those horribly familiar blazing yellow eyes. 
Your eyes widen instantly, the feeling of him cradling you suddenly becoming scorching. You tense violently in his grasp, and you barely managed to stifle a startled gasp. 
“Easy, Princess.” your guardian soothes, a sanguine grin spread over his lips. 
You’re frozen at the sound of hearing his voice for the first time, the smooth, even cadence to it. 
Yet, you can’t help but correct him. 
“(Y/N).” You say quietly, but firmly. This situation is already awkward enough, you don’t think you can handle him confusing you for royalty, the idea making your head swim again. 
“(Y/N), then.” He replies coolly. “My mistake.” 
His eyes slice up to the top of your head, and you are suddenly made painfully aware of the fact you are still wearing the ruby circlet your Master had gifted you. Your heart thuds painfully in your chest, and your breaths come all too quickly.
The shocking fact that this mysterious man truly even exists is still hitting you like a thunderbolt. 
The sight of him exactly as you dreamed, the palpability of his touch, his scent, it’s all so overwhelming. 
You feel like the whole of your being is set aflame. 
Scrambling away from him as quickly as you can muster, you attempt to stand on shaken legs. He rises from kneeling as you do, placing a firm hand on your lower back to steady you. 
“Easy.” he soothes you again, the feeling of his touch so acute that you tense again. 
“You must be quite shaken.” He asserts. 
“Y-Yes.” you falter, shambling out of his grasp. 
It is only then that you realize your droid friend is in a frenzy, asking if you are alright.
 You muster a nod before plopping onto the edge of your bed and snatching the circlet off of your head, placing it on your bedside table. 
“I am bringing antihistamines and tea to help with the vertigo at once Milady, I insist!” the friendly droid declares while nodding fervently, before hastily leaving the room. 
As the droid leaves the two of you in tense silence, you hang your head in your hands and take deep breaths. Shock and dread pool together and mix in your gut, and paired with your lightheadedness it makes you nauseous. 
Calm down. You tell yourself. 
They were only dreams. It wasn’t as if he had been there too. It’s not the end of the world. Just a deep secret you will have to hide. 
You can do that right? You can hide your dream induced fascination? 
Sure you can. 
You have to. 
As you collect yourself, you can feel the weight of his gaze upon you. In the waking world, you squirm beneath it, the authenticity and the palpability of his existence still feeling surreal and therefore, uncomfortable. 
Your suite feels much smaller with his presence crowding it, the air thick with it, and the room suddenly feels claustrophobic. 
You look up at him with a cautious glance, swallowing dryly before your voice breaks the silence. 
“What is your name?” you ask your mysterious suitor quietly, your voice much breathier than you would have preferred. 
“My name is none of your concern.” He says matter-of-factly, simply standing by the door with his hands folded. 
“...Alright then.” You say, stunned for a moment by his shirking off of your question.
You let out an annoyed sigh through your nose, hanging your head back in your hands. 
Nothing makes any sense, and you are beginning to think that making sense of the situation is a task for another day. 
The smooth sound of his voice slices through the silence, and your gaze cuts up to meet his. 
“My apologies if my presence here upsets you, my Lady.” He says softly, dipping his head in respect as he speaks. For a split second, your chest tightens, your mind jumping to the conclusion that he must know. 
“I cannot imagine that you are often in the company of any Sith Lords beside Lord Vader.” he explains with a smile on the edge of his lips, and you release the breath you didn’t know you had been holding. 
You shake your head, clearing your throat softly. 
“You are correct. Lord Vader is the only Sith Lord I have ever met, but your presence is not a bother to me.” you say, your hesitant gaze flicking from him to the floor and back. “I am simply very, very tired.” you lie, picking at your nails idly. 
Well, it wasn’t a complete lie anyway. You were tired, exhausted even. 
He tips his head in understanding, a soft smile spreading across his lips. You’re struck by his smile, though if you’re honest, you’re struck by everything about him. 
He is exactly as you remember, and your heart strings pull uncomfortably tight in your chest. He stands across the room near the door, and you steal nervous glances at him every chance you get. 
He stands tall with his back to the wall, his posture disciplined, gloved hands folded in front of him. His golden hair falls in those same perfect, gleaming waves upon his shoulders, his lips plump and pursed in his observation, his aura murky and suffocating. His incandescent, fiery eyes scan the room, and you look away before your eyes can meet. 
Suddenly, his attention turns to the door and the friendly service droid enters as if on cue. It quickly comes over to you with a saucer and cup of tea in hand, along with two small capsules. 
“Here you are, Madam.” it says, placing the tea on your bedside table and handing you the capsules. 
“Please take the medicine at once, Milady, it will do wonders.” the droid insists, and you comply, tossing the capsules back with a swig of warm tea.
“Thank you, my friend.” you say to the droid with a terse smile. 
“Of course, Milady. If there should be anything else you require during the night, simply have your guardian send for me.” The droid says, a hint of worry in its voice. 
“Absolutely. If anything were to happen, you shall be the first to know.” you assure the droid with a gentle smile. 
“Very well, Madam. I shall leave you to rest then.” the kind droid says with a bow, before quietly leaving for the night. 
As you’re left in wretched silence with your new guardian, the ambient noise of the room seems deafening. The buzzing of the lighting, the quiet humming of the ship’s climate controls, even the sound of your own breathing is overwhelming as you zone out, staring into the patterns on the carpeting. 
You have the biting urge to run, to leave the room that is filled with his drowning presence.
So you do, in the least conspicuous way possible. 
Slipping off of the silken sheets and keeping your gaze to the floor, you pace towards the washing room for a bath. 
“What are you doing?” your mysterious guardian asks, the sound stopping you in your tracks. 
Closing your eyes and clenching your fists to steady yourself, you swallow hard before responding. 
“I’m going for a soak. I need one after today.” you state, valiantly attempting to hide your shaken nerves. 
“Then I shall assist you.” he asserts smoothly, and you can hear heavy footsteps approaching, his energy closing in. 
Your eyes snap open, and you instantly feel your cheeks go hot.
He can’t be serious. 
“That won’t be necess-” you stammer out before he cuts you off. 
“You just fainted and you are injured. It is absolutely necessary.” He insists, and you can feel his menacing shadow just behind you, the hairs on your neck standing on end. 
“It is not necessary. I do not need someone watching me bathe as if I were a child.” you hiss through gritted teeth, your hands now trembling from the build up of nerves. You try to leave the conversation at that, quickly pacing towards the entrance of the washroom. 
Before you can enter, he swiftly slips around you and blocks the doorway, leaning against the frame with a strong arm and towering over you. 
“Unfortunately it is necessary my Lady. If you were to faint again or somehow otherwise become hurt, Lord Vader will have my head.” he says, and as infuriating as it is you know it to be true. 
“And you think that would be my problem?” you spit, meeting his scorching gaze with a defiant glare. “That I should let you watch me bathe simply because of that? I think not.” 
He throws his head back and lets out an amused sigh, before meeting your icy gaze in a way that makes it melt. 
“If you take me for a degenerate, you are sadly mistaken, Milady. I would not even need to look.” he says, a smirk sliding across his lips as he watches your eyes go wide and the flush on your cheeks deepen. 
“A-And how is that?” you falter, your facade beginning to crumble. 
Letting out an amused huff and rolling his eyes, he lets his eyes fall shut. You watch in a mixture of wonder and confusion as he raises his right hand, flicking up a single finger. As he does, the lights in the washroom come to life. 
When he opens his eyes again, he gives a satisfied chuckle at your shocked expression. 
“Did you think Lord Vader was the only Sith Lord who is strong with the Force?” he laughs, and you’re struck, rooted to the spot knowing you have no counter arguments and no excuses; and you hate that fact. 
You had no idea he would be this frustrating in the real world. 
Knowing there’s nothing you can say to deter him, you let out an indignant huff and duck under his arm to enter the washroom. 
He follows behind with a chuckle, the door sliding shut behind him. You immediately begin throwing off your clothes in your frustration, and you’re surprised to find him facing the wall when you turn back around. 
Hmph. At least he respects what’s left of your dignity to some extent. 
With shaking hands you turn on the faucet for the tub, allowing it to fill with steaming water. You do your best to ignore the man in the corner and the dark effulgence of his aura that fills the room, finding it difficult with the clench of anxiety tightening in your chest. 
Despite the trembling in your bones and the rapid pace of your heartbeat, you slip into the tub, being careful to keep your bandages dry. The hot water is a shock to your skin, and you ease yourself into it. 
As your body adjusts to the temperature, you can feel the bone-deep exhaustion melting away. You begin to pour salts and aromatics into the tub, sinking deeper into relaxation with every inhale of the calming aroma. 
However, you aren’t completely off the edge of your anxiety. Every so often, your eyes flit over to the man standing in the corner; ensuring he’s still facing away from you, that he won’t suddenly move and try something. 
It’s hard to fully give in and relax, to fully trust in someone. 
Until recently, trust had been a concept entirely foreign, a word that held no meaning. In your past, trust had been little more than a promise of betrayal.
It’s hard to let that feeling go, as your hesitance and mistrust of others had become your shield so long ago. 
But things are different now. 
You aren’t there anymore, and you’re still grappling with that reality. 
Yet, no matter how many times you look up, he never moves an inch. He stands still as a statue, facing the corner, his hands idly folded behind his back. 
You wonder if the only thing keeping him to his word is the imminent threat of Lord Vader’s wrath. 
It also crosses your mind that you may be prematurely judging your guardian, and you wonder if he truly is anything like he was in your dreams. 
You remember the warmth and comfort he had brought you, the softness of his skin, the taste of his lips. 
Remembering it all makes you blush, and you sink deeper into the tub. 
Could all of it really just be a dream? 
It had to be, you guess, for there are no other explanations. 
Letting out a soft sigh through your nostrils, you busy yourself with washing up, hoping to rid your mind of all your itching questions and burning nerves. You grab a soft washcloth from the woven basket next to the tub, submerging it before pouring a dab of perfumed soap onto it. You get to work cleansing yourself of the muck and dust and dried blood left from being unconscious on the flight-deck, and all goes well until you begin to have to stretch to reach certain places. 
As you stretch your left arm out to cleanse your leg, you tense and let out a sharp, pained hiss, dropping the cloth and clutching your injured arm to your chest with the pain ringing through you. 
The sound of your guardian’s voice cuts through the silence as a knife. 
“Will you let me help you?” he asks, his voice soft, and low. 
You stare at his broad, turned back for a moment, caught off guard by his question. 
You take a moment to contemplate your answer, still clutching your aching arm to your chest. 
The question leaves you feeling vulnerable, and vulnerable is not something you are easily willing to be anymore. 
However, there’s something soft in the way he says it. 
Will you let me? 
It implies the help was always there, waiting, and it relieves you of the humiliating task of asking for it.
Then, the tremoring memory of your Master’s voice cuts through your mind with a pertinent reminder. 
Let go of your past, girl. 
The past is not your reality. 
What was is gone. 
Finally, you relent. You wish for nothing more than to feel clean, to absolve yourself of the day’s sins; and if this was how you achieved it, then so be it. 
“Fine.” you accept coldly, inevitably steeling your nerves against the possibility of a negative outcome. “You may help.” 
The man lets out a small huff, before becoming entirely silent and still once more. Watching in quiet curiosity, you observe the soaked cloth as it begins to levitate out of the water, ringing itself out. 
You flinch slightly at the sharp sound of the droplets hitting the surface of the water, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, your eyes switching between the cloth and the man in the corner. 
He stands still, his hands folded resolutely behind his back, his head hanging and eyes shut. 
“I’m going to begin now. Alright?” he asks, his voice quiet. 
“A-Alright.” you mimic back to him, your voice trembling. You curse yourself for being so easily shaken by something that shouldn’t be such a big ordeal. 
The washcloth connects with the skin of your right leg which you struggled to reach, and it takes everything in your being not to flinch. Even with indirect contact, you feel his electrifying energy equally as intensely. 
The cloth slides slowly over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He cleanses your lower legs and lower parts of your thighs thoroughly and gently, careful to avoid any sensitive areas. As you become accustomed to the sensation, you relax marginally. 
The cloth slides up your leg, traveling over the curve of your hip and pausing at the side of your abdomen just before your ribs. 
Your guardian peers over his shoulder, however his eyes remain shut, keeping his promise. Realizing he is once again asking your permission, you lean back in the tub and allow him to continue. 
Your cheeks heat as the cloth slides sensuously over the tender flesh of your ribs, over the soft skin just beneath your breasts. It sends a shiver down your spine, the mixed sensations of the soft cloth, the warm water, his radiant energy. 
Letting out a tempered sigh, you finally allow yourself to relax, laying your head back and letting yourself enjoy the simple pleasure of having someone doting on you. Each swirl of the warm cloth against your skin serves to relax you more and more, until everything else melts away but the pleasant sensations and the sound of your own breathing. 
Eventually, the cloth slides softly up the valley in the middle of your chest, gliding up over your collar bone, and you flush as it stops abruptly. 
Your heart thumps against your ribcage, waiting for your guardian to ask to continue. 
But the question never comes. 
You almost wish it did. 
Feeling a vague sense of disappointment, you finish up the job yourself before allowing the tub to drain. You carefully raise yourself up out of the tub and slip on a towel, your guardian still silently awaiting any signs of distress. You clear your throat awkwardly, and he peers over his shoulder, his eyes open this time. 
“Finished?” he asks, a soft smile on his lips. 
“Quite.” you answer quietly, exiting the washroom with your mysterious suitor following close behind. 
You slip into an exceptionally comfortable looking set of red silken sleep robes, only allowing your towel to drop once your valuables are covered. The energy in the room is slightly tense as you slip into your bed, your guardian seating himself in the plush armchair that sits against the wall across from your bed. 
It's still so strange. Everything is. It’s too much to think about. 
His strangling presence doesn’t leave you the room to question the reality of him being here, your only option is to accept it. 
The day in its entirety has been too much too quickly, and all you want to do now is slip into escapism. 
So, you pick up one of the ancient tomes of knowledge from your bedside table, tucking into and becoming lost in tales of the Sith. 
Your midnight guardian watches all the while, and eventually the tense silence settles into something more comfortable. 
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After a while, you finally lose the fight with sleep, the ancient omnibus still in your relaxed hand. Darth Vader still watches from his seat, silently observing the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, the gentle fluttering of your beauteous lashes as you dream.
All the while, he feels the foreign beating of his own heart. 
He is pleased with himself. You recognized him alright, but silly girl, you still didn’t know.
Although he had not planned on becoming your night watchman, he would do anything to unravel the mystery coiled up and hidden within you, anything to keep you safe. 
And he refused to back down now.
Rising from his seat, he carefully takes the book from your fingertips, placing it on your bedside table. He pulls the covers over you, taking a moment just to look upon you, his chest tightening in a way that he tries to ignore before resuming his position. 
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Bare feet padding quietly through the misty, lush green forest that surrounds you, rain-soaked leaves squish softly beneath them. There is a dense fog that flows between the trees, sticking to your skin and clinging to your clothes. 
It is almost peaceful, with the sounds of nature surrounding you and the gentle breeze blowing through your hair, but you can sense a presence hidden deep within the forest of this dreamland that leaves you on edge. 
You walk for what seems like hours, twisting and turning deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless expanse of trees. You look over your shoulder every now and then, expecting an attack that never comes. 
All the while, you can hear the subtle, unmistakable sibilance of Lord Vader’s breathing through the trees, somewhere off in the distance. Like a moth to a flame you follow it, but no matter how long or how far you walk, you are never able to reach him. 
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The next morning, you stretch and rub your eyes before a sharp pain brings all the memories flooding back. You carefully sit up, using your uninjured arm to prop yourself up. You look around the room, illuminated by the rays of a passing sun, and you are surprised to find it empty. 
Without the grand, thunderous energy of your mysterious guardian filling it, the room feels almost too empty, too quiet. 
You give a gentle sigh, sliding out of bed. You walk a bit more stiffly today, small aches here and there littering your body. Slipping out of your sleepwear, you toss them into the laundry chute located on the wall by the washroom door. 
You pace over to your vanity mirror, eyes immediately falling upon the wide, deep bruise painted upon the greater portion of your chest and upper arm. Hesitantly, you slip cautious fingers beneath the gauzy bandages interwoven between your chest and upper arm, taking  your first peek at your injury. 
Hissing as the bandage peels away from the skin, you wince at the sight of the angry, red skin of the burn, and you hate to imagine the kind of scar it will leave. 
You replace your bandaging, dressing yourself in loose, flowing robes in an effort to maximize your comfort. The most you do to your hair is comb through it and fix any stray pieces, unwilling to put any more effort into it. 
It is then that a familiar rapping sounds at your chamber door, and for the first time today your spirits are lifted. 
“Come in!” you call out, and your droid friend enters. 
“Good morning, Madam! Are you feeling alright this morning?” The kind service droid greets you. 
You shrug and nod, smiling lightly at the droid. 
“As alright as one can after being shot, I suppose.” you answer, a hint of playful sarcasm in your tone.
“That will have to do, I suppose. Are you ready for your breakfast, Milady?” the droid asks, and you nod, seating yourself at your table. The droid nods its acknowledgement, serving you a meal consisting of brightly coloured exotic berries and fruits, buttered toasts, and sweet, tangy yogurts.
You eat slowly, savoring every bite and taking your time to replenish yourself. 
To your surprise, your droid friend has no announcements, no agenda for you today. 
“Lord Vader has ordered you to take the day to do as you please, Milady.” the droid explains. “To rest, he said.” 
“Does Lord Vader have any obligations today?” you ask, quirking up a surprised eyebrow. 
“None, Milady.” the droid replies. 
You shrug idly, standing from your place at the table. 
“Then I shall join him.” you state, and the droid nods, seeming vaguely surprised with you. 
“As you wish, Madam.” the droid affirms.
Injured or not, spending the entire day languishing in your chamber would bore you to death. 
The droid dutifully leads you to Lord Vader’s private quarters, entering the combination into the keypad and giving you a respectful bow in parting. You nod a goodbye back to your companion before entering, and it dawns on you as you cross the threshold that you are not afraid. 
Of course, goosebumps still frost over the back of your neck as you approach, but the churning dread you’ve felt every other time has washed away. 
As if you had been testing the frigid waters of Vader’s aura, and you had finally become acclimated to the bone-chilling temperature. 
Entering the room fully, your eyes immediately land upon your Master. He is seated at his work desk, his dark cloak draping over the backrest of his chair. His massive form is leaned over, and as you approach you can see that he is toiling over the machinery of his right hand. You take the sight in for a moment, having had no idea that his hand was cybernetic in the first place. 
“Morning, my pet.” he says, acknowledging your presence without ever looking at you. 
The new term of endearment isn’t lost on you, your cheeks heating ever so lightly,  although you do not acknowledge it. 
“Morning, my Lord.” you reply, watching as he fumbles with one large hand to try and repair the other. His glove is limiting his dexterity, and you can’t imagine that the visibility through the visor of the helmet is helping. Feeling his frustrations rippling around him, you pull up a chair, sitting next to him and earning a curious glower. 
“May I try?” you offer, and that gets his attention. He gives you an appraising look for a moment, before setting his tool down and laying his thick arm upon the table, the sleek biomechanics of his palm facing up. 
You take his large hand in yours, inspecting it closely as Vader tenses ever so slightly. You examine the mechanisms of his hand, marveling at the advanced technology. It is cool to the touch, shining beneath the white lighting. 
Despite it obviously being some of the Empire’s most advanced machinery, you believe you can see the problem. 
Vader watches you intently the entire time, his gaze burning through you, his body unmoving. 
Using a delicate hand, you adjust a couple sensors and tighten a few connections as your heart flutters in your chest under his close observation, the feeling of holding his hand in yours making your fingertips buzz like static. 
“Where did you learn such skills?” The Sith Lord asks, a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice. 
“If someone with my background wants to survive, they must learn to be proficient at many jobs, my Lord.” you answer honestly with a soft smile, securing the protective covering back over your Master’s prosthesis. He says nothing in response, flexing and clenching his fingers, watching them with silent approval. 
You can sense that he is pleased with your work, and you feel moderately proud of yourself. 
Vader takes a long look at you, pulling his thick glove back over his hand, the leather giving a quiet squeal as it stretches, the expression of his helmet as unmoving and stern as it ever is. 
The more time you spend with him, the more you learn to rely on reading his body language to decode his thoughts and emotional state. Like right now, the way he sits silently next to you, his breathing quieted. The way he keeps stretching his fingers out and clenching them again. You had gained a bit of his interest, perhaps even surprised him. 
It’s his turn to surprise you then as he stands abruptly, his cloak swishing behind him and brushing over your legs with a cool gust of air. 
“Come.” Lord Vader commands. “There is something I want to show you.” 
You blink at him for a second, before rising and obediently following your Master.
He leads you out of his quarters and into an adjacent room in the corridor. 
It’s capacious, dimly lit, and almost entirely empty save for a huge apparatus across the room the likes of which you’ve never seen. It is rounded at the top and bottom, like a great dragon’s egg, cracked and held open on either end. 
You come to understand that it is some sort of chamber, meant to entirely enclose somebody within. Claustrophobia hits your gut with a torrent of nausea at the thought, and you jolt slightly at the feeling of a wide hand on the small of your back. 
“Fear not, pet. I will not force you to go in there today.” Lord Vader says, his tone almost teasing as he reassures you. You can feel your cheeks heating up, a rush of relief washing over you as he ushers you to sit.
Brows pinching in confusion, you watch as Lord Vader strides a few feet away, sitting on the slick, shining tile and facing you. 
You are really at a loss this time, there is no guessing what your Master has planned and you are becoming tired of constantly asking why or how, a dull acceptance beginning to settle in your bones. 
“I would like you to try something for me.” He explains, and your throat bobs in anticipation of what your Master will say next. 
“As you wish, Master.” you respond, knowing there is no other choice but compliance. At the same time, you can feel yourself becoming more resigned to Lord Vader’s will, more trusting of the things he has planned for you.
A dangerous game it is, making the devil your most trusted friend. 
“You are going to meditate. Try to connect to the Force.” Lord Vader commands, his dark voice echoing all around the sparsely decorated room. His words only serve to confuse you further, cocking your head as you respond. 
“But I cannot use the Force, my Lord.” you say as if reminding him. “I do not know how.” If you were quite honest, you had no idea that using the Force was even an option for someone like you, and the idea takes you aback. 
“Perhaps that is what you think. But I will show you the way.” He replies, and you blush ever so slightly. 
Your mind is in a frenzy for a moment as you process the implications of this. 
That it was possible for you to learn the ways of the Force. 
That with the Force, came the promise of power. 
You feel as if the two of you are opening the doorway to everything you’ve been hunting for your entire life. 
Lord Vader watches you closely, feeling a measure of satisfaction as he watches your body tense and your eyes widen, as he feels the grasping, desperate energy simmering within you. 
He is throwing you the bait, all you must do is take it. 
He needs to know if you are as powerful as he suspects, needs to unravel the mystery tangled up within you, to find the source of the invisible threads of fate that bound him to you. 
If he is correct about you… you may be the long awaited key to unlocking the peace and freedom he has spent his entire life attempting to actualize, and he feels an irksome twinge of hope at the idea. 
“Close your eyes.” Lord Vader commands. 
Looking at your Master with a curious eye, you oblige his demands. You slip your eyes shut, taking in a deep breath through your nose and relaxing your shoulders. 
“Good.” Vader praises you. “Now breathe.” 
Shifting slightly, you take in a deep breath and let it out at a measured pace. 
“Feel the air rushing into your lungs, the oxygen flowing through your body.” Lord Vader instructs, and you obey. You feel the air as it fills your lungs, the emptiness as it leaves them. You feel the steady beating of your heart, the interconnectedness of your entire being as it works. As you focus, your body becomes more relaxed, your hands resting palm side up over your crossed knees. 
“Can you feel it?” your Master asks, the sibilance of his voice and his breathing and the electrical hum of the chamber serving as exquisite white noise. “The energy that passes through you, that surrounds you?” he asks. 
Relaxing into the buzzing energy that soaks into you, that moves through your very veins as your own flesh and blood, you give a slow affirmative nod. 
“Good…young one.” He says, and it’s becoming harder to focus on him. 
“Reach out into it.” Lord Vader coaches you. “Open your mind.” 
Breathing deeply, your lips part slightly as you focus upon the effervescent energy that fills the room, swirling around the two of you and moving through you. Fingertips tingling, you let go of your skepticism. You breathe deeply, slowly, feeling the clouds in your mind clearing. It feels as though a great weight is lifted from your shoulders, and you begin to envision a door within your mind, misty shadows swirling out from the gap beneath the door. 
“Open it.” Vader says, his unmistakable voice sounding a million miles away. 
You reach out to the metaphysical door, the handle cold against your palm as you turn it. 
All the while, Lord Vader watches with bated breath. 
Opening the door within your mind, you feel the lurch in your gut as you fall off the precipice. The air is nearly taken from you as a torrential downpour of the energy floods in, tumbling and plummeting in your mind's eye; your entire body erupting in frigid goosebumps. Suddenly, it feels like your whole being has been flipped on its axis, the swaying sensation nearly sickening. 
Still you push through it, exploring through the ephemeral, glowing energy of the spiritual plane. You see yourself standing in an endless line of versions of yourself, stretching as far as the eye can see in either direction. 
Heart thumping with trepidation, you outstretch a hand to the turned back of yourself, fingertips nearly burning. Before your fingertips can connect with the soft fabric of your own robes, you’re plunged back into the depths, dragged under the waves within your mind. 
You sink into the icy waters, feeling as it carries you deeper, the waves cradling you. 
When you fall through the treacherous ocean to the other side, you’re presented with the chilling image of yourself in chains. She is thin and exhausted, dark circles under her eyes and her skin rubbed raw where she is bound to the floor by wrought iron. Chills running through your bones and your blood running cold, you watch in horror as you are ripped apart. You watch yourself torn apart in agonizingly lurid detail, rooted to the floor, you can feel a fine sheen of sweat forming upon your worried brow. 
All the while, the sharp frisson of the Force surges within and around you in tidal waves. Stunned, you watch an alluring, monstrous version of yourself materialize from the inky depths of the ether. She reaches with shadow-stained fingertips to gather the pieces of herself, a blithe expression painted over her features. She carefully fits the pieces of herself back together, soldering her very soul back together with gold. 
When she is finished, and the ruined version of herself glows with her golden cracks, she tenderly gathers her in her arms. She holds the broken girl until she melts into her touch, and they meld together to become one. 
She turns to look at you, and goosebumps ice over your skin as you see that her eyes are gleaming yellow fire as they fall upon you. You watch with a haunted expression as she reaches out a hand to you, your heart beating at a dizzying pace. 
Come back to me. 
You hear the echoing whisper all around you, though her lips do not move. 
Come back to me. 
The void calls again. 
Cautiously, you reach out your hand, your eyes locked upon your own reflected back at you in a glowing inferno. A blissful smile slides across her lips as you brush your fingertips, the sensation like that of touching a livewire. 
In an instant as you make contact, you’re shocked by both the buzzing in your fingertips and the feeling of being plunged back into the icy waves of the Force. 
The current is tumultuous, untamed, washing over you and dragging you under. As the chill seeps through you and you sputter and choke, the echo comes again. 
Come back. 
Come to me. 
It whispers, the energy swirling warmly around you and enveloping you in its grace, pulling you back to the surface of the waves. 
Come back. 
It whispers a last time, and as you settle back into your body, the sounds of the room fade back in. The humming of the dim lights, of the electronics, the steady thrum of your own heartbeat. The hissing ebb and flow of Vader’s breathing, close to your ear. 
“Come back to me, pet.” he whispers, his modulated voice uncharacteristically gentle as he coaches you. The feeling of your own body comes back in, and you can feel the heavy sensation of your Master’s strong arms wrapped over your shoulders. You realize he has pulled you into his arms, kneeling behind you, his head dipped toward your ear, pulling you back to earth. 
It almost feels… nice. 
Opening your eyes, your nerves tense and your heart flutters as you turn to look at Lord Vader. 
“You have done well, young one.” he says, his deep voice reverberating through you. His arms that drape over you are warm, and strong, grounding you within your own body. 
For that, you are thankful. 
Your mind and body swim from your breakthrough, your eyes and limbs heavy and your synapses fried from the effort. There’s so much more you can sense, so much more that you are acutely aware of, and it’s an attack on your senses. 
Sensing this, Lord Vader gathers you in his arms and stands with you. 
“There is so much potential in you, (Y/N).” he says quietly, almost as if he is only saying it for himself to hear. 
Your energy is so spent, your body so tired, and as Lord Vader carries you back into his chamber, something dawns upon you. 
For the first time, being in your Master’s arms, being so close, it feels safe. 
A dark shadow of warmth radiates off of him, and it feels as if you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 
For the first time, you let your walls down, even if just for a little while. 
You relax into his strong arms, letting him shoulder the weight of your exhaustion. Leaning your face into the sleek, cool armor of his chestplate, you breathe in his scent and let the steady sound of his breathing wash everything else away. 
Entering his private chamber with the door sliding shut behind him, Lord Vader paces to one of the long white couches against the wall and carefully lays you down. 
He stands over you, a newfound sense of his darkly possessive energy running through you. 
“You have made me proud, my pet.” he tells you, brushing a lock of hair away from your face and setting your body alight with the gesture. 
“Rest now, there is much to plan.” 
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Credz: lightsaber graphic credit @saradika
Taglist: @heyitsaloy @poisonedsultana @cryptidsrcool @mayhemories @sxoulchvn
@shyartisanvoidwagon @stxrrielle @jasontoddloml @briqueenofthenorth @heylookwhoitis
@mysardencut @lauriidoesstuff @msrawog @mushy-mushroom04
@sweetcheesecakesblog @pulisvertz @iloveneilperry @vanessalovesonedirection @myconglomerateromance
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read42 · 1 year
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I sigh, my legs falling freely softly swaying, as I sit on the desk contemplating my life or the lack thereof. Vader looks at me silently and speaks up, "what is bothering you, my precious star?" I look at him wondering if he could be serious.
"My life has been stolen" I reply.
Vader looks at me coldly "No I have brought you here to this palace and provided you with wealth and luxury" he pauses glancing around, "look at all the beautiful things we have here".
I scoff, "beautiful things? What about my freedom? What about that or love? REAL love."
"My dear wife, my love for you is true. You are a rare beauty, and I will take care of you. Your freedom must be sacrificed for you to understand my desire to keep you safe."
He approaches me and puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Do you not love me?" He questions.
I laugh loudly causing him to look at me in anger.
"No. Not at all. You are psychotic" I smile sarcastically.
He smiles coldly. "There is no need for harsh words" he pauses.
"I have given you a privileged life, and you will learn to love me in time. Now, enough sadness, no more tears."
I scoff for a second time. "I will not shed tears over the likes of you."
"My little star, your defiance does not entertain me. Do you not understand the consequences of your actions?"
He walks in front of you now, his stature towering over me.
"I will not be talked to like I am some common pest. I will be loved and appreciated."
"Careful you sound desperate." I say snidely.
"My star, you must understand it is your place to make me happy, to please me." He leans down close to me, his face is just inches from my own, his breath fanning on my neck.
"I am a Sith Lord. I am not to be disappointed."
"A shame because you certainly disappoint me my lord" I hiss out.
He grips my chin tightly and looks into my eyes and for a split second, I can feel his anger. He takes his other hand and smacks me across the face, his voice cold and calm.
"My darling little star, I do not take these insults from you lightly."
I grunt in pain at the impact.
"I am not to be defied." He says
his expression softening a touch as he looks at me, his breath and face close to mine.
"Star please do not make me punish you again." I shiver in slight fear.
"I hate you" I say venom in my words.
he smiles and caresses my hand, his expression now seemingly showing real care or something similar to it.
"How could you ever say that to me? After all that I have given you?"
"Your crazy do you understand this? You are crazy." I spat out at him.
"My precious little star, you must learn to respect to me. I have been far too generous with you, and you have taken advantage. No more." He grabs me and lifts me up to his eye-level, his breath inches away from my face.
"What are you going to do?" I question him
He looks me dead in the eyes and I swear I can see in his mind, he's trying to decide what to do and is contemplating different cruel punishments, I'm sure of it.
"I... I will punish you, my love. But I will do it only because I love you dearly, otherwise I would never."
I laugh dryly, "You do not love me. This is obsession".
Vader smiles again, his expression changing from one of care to one of sadistic amusement, his eyes looking through me with pleasure and amusement
"My star, you are right. In fact I do not love you, I desire you. After all, the feeling of possession drives me more than the feeling of loving another."
his eyes assess me up and down whilst staring at me with clear lust in his eyes
"You're sick" I whimper slowly inching back
He leans down to me and whispers....his lips right next to my ear, "I am, aren't I? Oh how I love it."
His tone is dark, his smile evil, "and now, my love, it is punishment time." he smirks
"No wait!" I all but scream.
I'm pinned down to the wall behind me and he moves in much closer then before as if he was about to give me a kiss. His breathing is shallow and he is looking at me with some type of hunger
"No use trying to beg my little star." he whispers "your protests arouse me. Now, I am going to show you what a punishment is like."
"You can pretend all you want Vader... but I will never be her..."
The expression on his face turns from amusement and lust, to anger and frustration.
"Yes, I know, my dear. I will never have the real Padmè and the love she felt for me. You are nothing to me but a sad replacement that I will now have the pleasure to abuse."
"She'd be disgusted and so disappointed" I say trying to play on his emotions. He doesn't bat an eyelash at you, "I can't replace her and you know it!" I begin to panic.
"Oh, don't worry, my dear. I do not intend to make you into her. But, because you do remind me of her so much, I will remind myself of her through you." his grip on me tightens, he brings his lips a centimeter away from my own.
My heart thunders in my chest.. "what if I can learn to love you?!" I start trying to weasel my way out of this one.
"My dear, you do not need to learn to love me. I am your husband, and you may not have any choice in this matter. You will love me, or I will teach you to." his eyes scan up and down the length of my body, his breath heavy and shallow. His grip is very tight.
"Or rather...make you love me."
I knew I was screwed.
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xstarkillerx · 2 years
The Gentle Wrath of Unburned Vader
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Warning for: dubcon/noncon, manipulative language
"I could never punish you like I do the others... you always think that my love, will always outweigh my anger."
You are captured after trying to escape the Alzamec of Winsit, the sith cult on Mustafar that Worships Lord Darth Vader. Vader makes sure you know how much it hurts him to punish you.
This audio definitely feels like unburned Vader playing favourits in the worst way. I love this audio so much I wanted to post the full 25 minutes instead of just a segment, especially because it's more narrative based. I unfourtunately with tumblr's video limits I had to settle with just linking the original post. But yeah, love Vader, love unburned vader, love this audio a bunch.great sound design too.
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talkfastwalkfaster · 5 months
if you were married to vader he would call you 'my beauty'
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hanasnx · 1 year
What about Vader’s voice. Taking back the medium rare! Version, he does have some vocal chords damage so it means he always has some kind of rasp when he speaks. So when it gets just a little bit huskier when he is excited, you don’t have a choice but to listen to every single word. Also on the « softer » side but having him let you touch his scars. Even though he doesn’t « mind » them, it would still be a huge thing ti have him acknowledge you touching the scars.
fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes the voiceee
anon ur promoted
like hearing his slight rasp and intensifying it when he’s breathless oh my goddd. i’d get tingles just from listening to him. zone out when he’s trying to order me around simply because i’m lost in how he says it. i can only imagine what he sounds like when he’s moaning and sighing ,,, <33 the way his breath would hitch in his throat.
when he sleeps you can hear the quiet and subtle wheeze in the undercurrent of his inhale.
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine you were Anakin’s first love and he was yours. You loved him deeply and had so much to tell him, but life always got in the way. Eventually years separated you, though, until the moment fate plays a trick on you in an unexpected reunion and he is not the man you once knew.
Warnings: light smut, unburnt Vader, angst, DRAMA. No twins in this universe…yet.
Warnings 2: fluffy ending bc that’s how I roll.
Warnings 3: sorry for the lack of new stories, been suffering with writer’s block.
Recommendations: “Could It Be Any Harder?” , “For You” and “Your Hope” by “The Calling”.
Intro: Padawan days.
You were going through a difficult moment in your life. Being the Padawan of Master Y/C often required you abilities that you struggled to master. In your worse days, you envied your long time friend Anakin Skywalker for how easy he made things.
And that day was one of those. You were snorted at, scoffed by Master Y/C for letting emotions placate you again. When Anakin went after you, having just recently returned from his last trainings before his trials, he found you about to burst in tears in the secret spot you two shared whenever something upset you.
“Hey, Y/Nickname”, he was startled at seeing you like this. Often cheerful and confidant, rarely did you not mask your insecurities to him. “What’s wrong with you?”
Your eyes went wide when you were discovered. Usually the type of “suffering alone”, you’d quick try to conceal your sentiments. But Anakin knew you well enough to guess your next moves, so he stepped forward and took your hands into his, clasping them together.
“Don’t. Don’t run away from me. You think I don’t see how you keep your issues to yourself? Don’t drown them, it only harms you.” And then he softened as he pushed you into him. “Please talk to me.”
And that was how you clanged unto him as you burst into tears. Anakin embraced you, arms protectively wrapped around your small frame. As you rested your head against his chest, he felt your pain, your angst, your frustrations. Sentiment that, whether he cared to admit or not, mirrored his own, specially after he found out what happened to his mother—and you were there to console him, fighting his fears and wiping away his tears.
“Is Master Y/C being hard on you again? I swear I will punch his face next time I see him.”
At which you chuckled lightly.
“Don’t do that”, you told him, though your voice was muffled by the cloth of his Jedi robes against which your face remained buried. “You know violence is not the Jedi way.”
Anakin gently lifted your face so you’d meet his loving gaze searching for yours.
“Not even to defend you, little one?”
You smiled and he too, specially when seeing the heat that painted your cheeks pink.
There was so much to be said and he could read well into you. His hands reluctantly let go of yours only to cup your face. You started leaning right into him when…
You both heard Obi-Wan Kenobi calling for him. You sighed heavily and so did Anakin.
“You should go”, you told him, despite a bad feeling rising suddenly into your heart.
Anakin continued to touch your face, fingers running to your hair before resting on your shoulders, so he pulled you for another embrace.
“He can wait.”
“Anakin, if he finds out where you’d been, he will be displeased.” You realized what you said and your face reddened again. “I mean. Though we are friends, Master Kenobi might not look well into this…”
“Friendship, eh?” When he parted from you, you were baffled to see a hurt behind his eyes. “Am I just a friend for you, Y/N?”
You sighed frantically, detesting how bad you were with words. Both of you heard Obi-Wan’s mutterings, not too far from where you’d been.
“You know I love you”, you felt yourself burning but an instinct, so strange to you, compelled you to speak out your heart’s desires. “Should I make it more obvious?”
But before Anakin could respond, Obi-Wan found the two of you.
“Ah there you are!” He breathed relieved. Clearly the spot was no more secretive. “Greetings miss Y/N. I believe your master has been looking for you… Now, Anakin.”
And that was how it was. Anakin did not look at you and neither did you. You already felt the weight on your shoulders when you left. Had you turned your head, you’d see Anakin’s blue irises painfully staring at you, wishing you’d know he loved you, wishing you’d not go.
Don’t fade away, Y/N.
But that was the last time you saw each other ever again.
Your POV.
For some reason your instinct forces you to go into hiding. You try to contact your former master with no success, you attempt to reach out for your fellow Jedis—specially Anakin, although since you’ve heard he espoused Senator Padmé Amidala, you and him barely met again.
He would laugh cynically at me for contacting him after all these years, but despair times demand despair measures.
He is also gone. It is when it comes to your knowledge that the Order Jedi is no more. It fell. The Order 66 knocked down every Jedi after the knighthood was condemned for treason. Republic fell too.
Now, like a fugitive, you live in the dark. Solitude is your best defense: you think best not too look for other Jedis so neither would risk being exposed to the Empire.
What resistance can we offer when we are outnumbered?
In truth, you’d been more like a ghost of yourself since before the fall of Republic, and not rarely your master would place the fault in his harsh trainings for earning you the nickname of Phantom. You took a little too far the avoidance of forming bonds, you were emotionally distant and you often preferred your own company.
Once the old Grand Master Yoda told you:
“Perceived to few your shadows are. Tricky to your Force they can be if carelessness is the path you choose. Mindful, Jedi, must you be.”
Words that still cut you to the core of your heart. At times you know you flirt deliberately with darkness, but when it summons you, you resist. Could a broken heart have damaged you so?
Such are the thoughts that bend you to yourself, making you cry to sleep, being the cause of your daily anxieties before night gives way to rise. You are now living into the depths of the planet Y/C, trying to keep yourself a dust in the old books of history, a memory that few would recollect.
However, trouble does not take long before finding you. Somehow the region where you are is involved in a deadly prosecution of these Jedi-hunters known as Inquisitors. And worse is that, the very day you decide to go to market and try to live a normal life, your undercover is no more.
“Oh shit.”
That is when the chase begins. Because there are two of them, they split and one runs after you. You can sense the Inquisitor—an individual with red eyes and predatory behavior—is about to blast you. Your instinct is quick in movement and by making use of your saber, you expose yourself via your signature. Your silver hair drops from the hood in a long braid and you smirk as you begin to fight amongst witnesses in leather clothes.
“I thought the Jedis are dead!”
“Not sure if I am a Jedi”, you reply one of the curious. “But I might die as one.”
Vader’s POV.
How he breathes in the cold air sounds mechanical to a man who, although a survival for what happened in Mustafar, feels is more inclined to a machine than anything.
Tangled in a dark web woven by his doings, he who was once praised as the chosen one is something so much more than that. Or perhaps not as great as he himself thought to perceive.
Drowning in the waters of self hatred, haunted by ghosts who never left the path of blood his saber forged, this Sith Lord finds to lose the grasp of an unending self suffocating—didn’t he tell Obi-Wan Kenobi that there is no more Anakin Skywalker?—when the Force shows him the vision of a woman whom his heart never truly blacked out.
His eyes go wide before a mix of visions that blurry his understanding. At first there is the young you crying yourself to sleep.
“The pressures Master Y/C put you through…” Vader speaks with despise and anger boils in the core of his heart, remembering he was there to console you.
It changes to you and him, fooling around. Pranks here, pranks there, laughters that make almost unbearable for him to hear. Specially because he senses of what comes next.
The goodbye. I could never tell her I loved her too. Damn it. Why didn’t you come back to me, Y/N?
Vader watches as the day one last tear rolls in your y/c eyes, the moment you find out he is married. Then comes the Clonic Wars—a reminder of his growing frustration because he could never reach out for you. Vader remembers the sleepless nights, thinking about you, wondering where you were, what you were doing, whether you got hurt. But then other matters came and…
And it matters little to remember his conflict with Obi-Wan the moment he sees you, now a grown woman, becoming a fugitive. When the Order 66 executed your friends, the family you’ve known. Vader, as much as he tries to, cannot dissociate from the vision.
The Force makes him watch your tormented, lonely nights. The fighting for survival. The ghost you’ve become…
Now I see why they called you Phantom.
And now… in the present, where could you possibly be?
It is when his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of an opening door. The metallic noise barely scratched and Vader turns his head abruptly only to see how badly injured you look.
You did put them a fight.
It only angers the Sith Lord. Vader yells something about bringing you unharmed. So long these two inquisitors barely leave alive and yet you survive his burst of anger.
I never stopped loving you, Y/N.
Is it too late to notice it, though?
Your POV.
When you open your eyes, regaining the lost conscience never felt so difficult as it is now. You struggle to breathe, your lungs are burning and you feel as if you are about to suffocate. Air is thin and inhaling it aches.
Yet, here you are. There is darkness around you, and it confuses your brain once you find yourself unable to identify where you are now.
“Y/N”, a husky voice startles you.
As a survivor of countless expositions to trauma events, you scream and jump to the point you roll out of bed and fall on the ground. It hurts, waking the pain there is in your body, every bruise that is like a super cut of you.
For you disassociated from yourself long time ago.
So you try to flee, but the Force prevents you to. You could fight if you like, but somehow…feels good being pulled. As if darkness is seducing you.
However, the moment you see a masked man dressed in black leather, you are breathless.
It feels as if I am standing before the face of death.
“Y/N”, he tells you, your name barely leaving his greeted teeth. You can’t see him, you can barely identify him, but the moment he pulls you closer, the one time his gloved fingers touch your shoulders, you know who he is.
“A-Anakin?” Your voice betrays you. And then suddenly there is light. But it matters little where you are. “Anakin, is that you? What have you become?”
The masked man clenches his jaw and you feel his grip around you tightening. You don’t need much to understand what had led him to his downfall.
It is as if I stare a waterfall. I try to swim against the river and yet the magnitude of how it flows leads me to the eventual catastrophe.
Could it be avoided, though?
“Are you well? Are you all right?”
You see through it. You just do. And you break from his tight grasp only to involve him in your arms. He is taken aback, unsure how to respond to this unexpected gesture.
“I am. All the better because you are here.”
This simply changes everything, does it not?
Vader’s POV.
He holds his breath. Static as he is, this Sith Lord is emptied into himself, stuck in a void where the evil within is frozen all the whilst the good that remains struggles to get to the surface. The emptiness only lasts momentarily, though.
If love is a sin, he is a sinner. Vader holds to it as he finally puts away the mask. He watches as you react in perplexity when realizing he is the man you once knew. Not that you expected differently, but Vader understands you did come to think he was more a machine than man.
However, when your hands move to his face, your warmth providing a contrast to his cold features, humanity comes outward, woven in a complexity of characteristics that neither could acknowledge it, less so to name them.
“You should have not left… Phantom”, there is despise in the form his tongue carries out the sobriquet attributed to you before the fall of Republic, but there is also pain in how he pronounces it.
The same pain that paints the y/c irises of yours.
“What option did I have?” And he never before felt cold when you drop your hands and stand one step behind, eyeing him with furrow brows. “You chose her. I would never stand in the way for your happiness.”
“I only chose her because you left me”, Vader growls under his breath.
You look pale and for a moment he is concerned you might weaken again. He steps forward in order to short the distance between you two. Vader wraps his hands around your neck as he draws you closer to him.
“What?” It’s all you say.
Vader studies you. He can hear the amount of mess that are much like screams in endless echos . Despair could have turned you into a mad woman, but in truth it is more a mechanism of surviving.
“You heard me well”, he responds, gentler this time. His gloved hands begin to caress your hair, untying it, eyes transfixed in the mess that your curls drop to your waist. Longer than once was, he observes.
The one hand that remains around your neck ties the trip to it, but not hard enough so you suffocate.
“It’s Vader, dear one”, he reminds you.
You close your eyes, too tired to ask questions. Curiously enough, his mere presence awakes that part of your heart that has always ached for him. Living in the shadows is not good for you.
Vader’s lips twitch in a small, sly smirk when capturing these thoughts. He reads you well. The dynamics between the two of you haven’t really changed.
“This is who I really am now”, he adds, eyeing the shade of silver that colors your hair. Almost an angel, an elf that looks too divine to grasp. Yet, to break through the sacred your Jedi aura gives away, Vader intends to corrupt you by taking what has always been his by right: your heart.
And he does so by kissing your lips.
Your POV.
You still struggle to the new routine your life is. Following Vader everywhere he goes, you, however, resist the dark impulses he tempts you.
“Am I your prisoner? Someone you can toy with?”, you are not afraid of speaking your mind to him.
You don’t fear him. Your boldness is, in fact, the trait he’s always admired in you, perhaps playing a part in those days where he encouraged you in developing it.
Vader’s features struggle against amusement as you snort at him, frustrated for being unable to leave the room. The harder you tried, the blocked you were. Eventually, he turns his head at you and moves to where you are.
“If you believed it to be true, would you be alive to come to these terms? You resist it because you miss your liberty, but in truth haven’t you been slaved to fear and seclusion?” It is only when you stop before him that he takes your face in his hands and his old self emerges to say: “You know I cannot and will not say goodbye to you. Not anymore. This is not a mistake I intend to do again.”
“In truth, Ani”, your voice breaks in a whisper, resting your head against his, eyes closed. “I am scared. I fear the abandonment and the problem is…What if you leave me to die?”
“All this power I have in me will not set us apart. Haven’t I showed you…”
He is bewildered when you shush his words, kissing his lips fervently. If there was reluctance in being with him, in joining his side, this dissipates. You let darkness flows in you, but only because you finally realize it’s always been there—it is part of who you are. Like the sun who needs the moon, your light needs darkness.
And Vader feels your balance when his lips are pressed against yours. It’s delightfully tempting, one of the kind he cannot—and will not—resist.
“Be mine”, you urge him desperately as your hands do not content themselves with playing with his curly hair or stroking his face, but demove him off his robes.
Vader smirks as you scoff underneath your breath before he pins you against the wall and forces you to look at him when he is now shirtless.
“Are you mine?”, he wraps one hand around your neck again and he is aroused by how you lean into it, enjoying to submit to him. “Uh? Say it, Y/N!”
You gasp for air before saying:
“I am yours. As long as you are mine.”
How earnest is to devour each other’s souls when emerging the fleshes into a deeper bond once clothed are tossed aside. There is nothing—no light, no dark; no Jedi, no Sith—to stand between the two of you as he kisses your exposed neck, hands now moving up and down your back, with his fingertips digging into your skin as he leaves traces of bruises all over your neck to your shoulders.
Famine for his affection, you are fed with his devotion. Vader wants you and greedy is his touch when pursuing you. He feels the weight of it pulsing against the leather, but your hands are soon there and to his surprise, you are quick to take a sweet hold of it.
Somewhere in between, your eyes are locked in one flaming gaze, though filled with the deep, intense affection one feels for the other.
And it was right there as he lifts your legs to be wrapped in between, ready to slide inside you, you hear of his voice the desperation that once broke you in the past:
“I love you, Y/N.”
And by saying so, he kisses you tenderly. And you correspond happily.
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thesassypadawan · 7 months
Beloved Master (Unburnt Darth Vader x FemPadawanReader)
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Summary: After a traumatic series of events, you find yourself being held captive by the sith lord known as Darth Vader. Alone and unarmed, you wish so badly for your beloved master to be here with you. Be careful of what you wish for.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because all the lovely smut.Size difference, hint of a breeding kink, and Vader’s big dick. Padawan reader is of age.
Notes:  The 'What If' Version: Beloved Master *Fragmented*
This is a non-burnt Vader fic.  Everything is still intact and has been ‘enhanced’ by the dark side of the force.
“Now behave yourself, jedi, the lord will be with you shortly.” The male attendant sneered, taking great joy in your current predicament.
Standing there, wearing nearly nothing; you tried your best to maintain what little dignity you had left. You gave him a small nod and muttered a quick thanks, before stepping inside the room.
“Try not to have too much fun,” he chuckled darkly and closed the door behind him.
Hearing the locks hiss into place, you began to reflect on the events that led up to this moment.
It had only been a few nights ago that you stood in the temple’s meditation garden. Waiting patiently for your beloved master to return from an ‘emergency meeting’. When your private comlink was hailed, his voice ringing out from it. “Run. Run swiftly. Run to me.”
Everything was fragmented and hazy after that.
The night sky was orange. There were cries of agony and pain all around you. The temple, your home, was engulfed in flames.
You felt utterly hopeless. Worried horribly about your master. Completely devastated at the thought of not saying those words to him one last time.
You tried to run, but someone tugged hard on your arm. Yelling at you to come with them, to ignore his call. Something happened to that someone in a blaze of blue light.
You were no longer being pulled, but carried away from the chaos. Being whispered to that it was ‘all going to be okay, you’re safe’.
That’s when your whole world went dark.
When you awoke, you found yourself locked up in a holding cell. Dressed in the most ridiculous outfit you have ever seen. One that left very little to the imagination.
You did not remain there long. Soon after, the male attendant had arrived. He, along with a pair of clone troopers, then escorted you swiftly to their lord’s private quarters. Apparently, this Vader fellow wanted to have an audience with you rather badly.
It was with this grim thought in mind that the weight of your situation truly set in.
You were alone. Stuck on an unknown planet, which you could feel was entirely encompassed in the dark side of the force. You were without your saber, it’s comforting presence no longer hanging from your hip. And, most gravely, you were about to presumably meet a sith lord.
Scanning your surroundings, you hoped to find something you could possibly use to defend yourself. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the lavish bed chamber that would provide much help.
You heard the door behind you slide open and then close.
Swallowing hard, you tried to compose yourself. Your master had always said to keep your wits about you when facing down an enemy. To stay centered within the force. To keep your mind clear.
How you so wished he was here with you now.
“I am, padawan of mine.”
Your eyes grew wide. “Master?” You asked, your voice barely a whisper. “Is that really you?”
Not waiting for an answer, you quickly whirled around. Instantly, a wave of relief washed over you. Standing before you, a gentle smile on his face, was…
“It’s me”, Anakin muttered.
Without a second thought you ran to him. And he easily scooped you up into his strong arms.
Burying your face into his tunic; you finally let the hot tears flow free. “Ani, it was horrible!” You sobbed softly.
Stroking your hair, he gently swayed back and forth with you. “Ssh, it’s okay. It’s all over.”
You squeezed him tight and whimpered. “I thought I had lost you.”
“Hey, look at me.” Hooking two fingers under your chin, he tilted your face upwards. “We’re never going to lose each other.”
Placing his hand on your cheek, he wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. “I made sure that we will always be together…no matter what,” he said malevolently.
Hearing his tone, it was as if you were suddenly released from sort of spell. Anakin was no longer the same, in oh so many ways.
His entire form had changed. He once only stood a head and a half taller, and now he absolutely dwarfed you. His hands were huge. His muscles blown enormous. He looked like an absolute beast, with yellow eyes and a heavy dark aura to match.
Maker, help you. He was the sith lord and you were finding it hard to resist him.
“Ani,” you spoke slowly, reaching to place a tiny hand on his chiseled chest. “What have you done?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, angel,” he replied nonchalantly. “I did what was necessary.”
Tightening his arm around your waist, he somehow pulled you in even closer. “You should be more worried about what I’m going to do to you in that outfit,” he whispered huskily.
A small squeak escaped you as you were suddenly swept off your feet and whisked over to the bed.
Trapped underneath him, it truly sunk in how utterly massive he had become…and how tiny you were in comparison. You shivered at the thought. Whether it was from fear or excitement, you weren’t quite sure.
“What is it, padawan?” He chuckled, hovering above menacingly. “Afraid of your master?”
You shuddered once more as Anakin brushed his clothed length against your inner thigh. Stars, he felt gigantic. “No, master,” you whimpered.
A wide grin spread across his handsome face. “Good, because this is where the fun begins.”
He crashed his lips into yours. The kiss was hungry and passionate. The kind that made you wrap your arms around his thick neck and desperately pulled him closer, deepening it.
You could hear a rumble of approval in his chest. The sound causes a warmth to spread throughout your entire body.
Parting for air, Anakin gave you a mischievous look before burying his face into your neck. He kissed and bit at the sensitive flesh. Making you purr. Marking you as his for all to see.
His hand, all the while, lazily slid down your form. Coming to rest on your breast, he cupped and gave it a firm squeeze. Eliciting a soft moan from you.
“I love the sounds you make for me,” he muttered against your skin.
“Ani,” you mewled, hands tangling in his golden curls.
“I wonder,” he murmured, his lips trailing down your body. “What kind you’ll make when I do this?”
“Kriff!” You cried out as his warm mouth wrapped around your nipple. Sucking and nibbling at it through the paper-thin fabric. Causing your back to arch, your hips glancing one another in a fiery touch. You both groaned.
“Or better yet,” he whispered, sitting back on his legs. “What delicious sound will escape you when I do this?” With the wave of his two fingers, Anakin used the force to…
You let out a frightened squeal as the meager clothes were torn from your form. Instinctively you tried to cover yourself up with your hands, but he easily captured them in his much large one.
Pinning your arms above your head, he playfully scolded. “Now, now, don’t be shy. Let me see that beautiful body, little one.”
That name, it made you shiver. You could feel the dampness and you both knew it had shot straight to your soaking core.
“Oh? You liked that didn’t you?” He taunted, running his other big hand up and down your leg.
Wriggling beneath him, your cheeks burned hot. “I-I did, master,” you replied weakly.
He laughed darkly at your embarrassment and gave your hip a firm squeeze. “Tell me, tiny padawan of mine, what else would you like?”
“Your cock,” you whimpered. “I would like your cock inside of me.”
“Are you sure about that?” He mocked, flashing you a smirk.
Anakin used the force once more. This time removing his own clothes. Revealing…
Your eyes widened and your mouth went dry. He was absolutely massive, a true monster. And yet, you wanted him oh so badly.
“Please!” You begged; your voice laced with need. “Want it!”
“I don’t know.” He laid his heavy cock on your pussy, dragging it slowly between your folds. “You were barely able to take me before I became like this. Aren’t you afraid of what will happen now?”
You moaned softly as you found yourself slipping into a haze. “Don’t care! Need it!”
Suddenly, he removed all friction. You were about to whine in protest, until you felt him lining himself up with your entrance.
“All right, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
In a single, fluid motion, he pushed inside of you.
The two of hissed together, as you took every thick inch.
“So tight,” he growled as he bottomed out.
“So big,” you mewled. Relishing how full it made you feel. How his tip was dangerously pressed against your cervix.
Hiking your thighs onto his hips, he snaps them forward. Pounding into you at a brutal pace. Giving you no time to adjust to his colossal size.
“A-Ani…” You slurred, eyes going crossed from the stretch. “S-So big, An-Ani…”
He groaned at seeing your tummy bulge every time he thrusted back into you. “Yes, so big and yet your tiny cunt is taking me so well. Tell me, hatari, how much do you love it?”
You could feel the heat beginning to build in your core, tugging at you. “I love it! Love it so much!”
“Needy little thing,” he grunted. “Be a good girl now, let me into that perfect womb of yours. Going to fill you up so full. Going to make you heavy with the heir to my new empire.”
“M-Master…” You could barely form a sentence; you were so overwhelmed.
With a few more deep thrusts, he breached past the tight rim. Getting exactly what he wanted. “That’s it, that’s my sweet padawan,” he cooed.
You could feel the tears of ecstasy running down your cheeks. Your pussy clenching around him from the extra stretch. You were so painfully close and Anakin could tell.
“Let go,” he panted. “We’ll cum together, just like always.”
You went crashing over the edge. Mind blanking as waves of pleasure rolled through you.
His cock twitched inside of you. Filling you to the brim and beyond with his seed. Making your stomach round.
Catching your breath. Smiling warmly at one another. You both basked in the afterglow of it all.
Lacing his fingers with yours, still buried deep within you. Anakin placed a tender kiss on your forehead and whispered. “I love you. You’re going to look so beautiful carrying our child, my empress.”
A cold chill ran through you as you came back down from your high. You knew you should be terrified. That you should be distraught over the events that led up to this.
But as you gazed up into those yellow eyes…none of that mattered anymore. All that did was you being right by his side.
“I love you too, Lord Vader.”
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darthgloris · 8 months
2AM THOUGHTS #8: unburnt!Vader is attracted to a Jedi
The first time you saw Darth Vader in person, you were pleasantly surprised: you thought he would be this disfigured shell of a man that couldn't tell right from wrong, just another Sith with a mangled and scarred face.
But, oh, my God, was he the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on.
From his sharp jawline to his slightly upturned nose to his cheekbones that seemed to be carved in marble, even the scar over his eye was attractive. And his eyes, his tantalising crystal blues had this intensity to them, this determination. It made your knees wobble for a split second, and it distracted you enough to almost get you shot.
From then on, at every battlefield you and him exchanged innocent glances that soon turned into eye-fucking, and at some point you began engaging in lightsaber duels. The tension was so palpable, it could be cut with a knife.
Now you were nervous, to say the least. The first time you and your troops would be engaging in combat on the Death Star, Vader's official station. You didn't want to fail the Rebellion, and you trusted that the ambition and importance of the undertaking would help you fight more efficiently.
The battle didn't go at all how you expected it to.
"Ahh, fuck, angel..." Vader groaned, relentlessly pounding you from behind. Your cheek was smushed against the wall, drool dripping out of the corner of your mouth with every mewl, and your breasts were pressed flush into the cold surface of the wall. His scent was rubbing off all over you, almost as if he wanted to mark his territory, his broad shoulders swallowed your smaller figure as his embrace engulfed you entirely, each snap of his hips made the metal shelves of the closet room creak and stutter with the sheer force of his movements.
"Vader..." you sobbed, one hand gripping the shelf to keep you grounded to reality while the other rested against the wall for stability. It felt like each time he pulled out, he dragged out your whole spine with him.
"Listen to you, moaning my name like a bitch in heat. Bet you want everyone hearing who's fucking you, huh?" He grinned, pawing at your breasts through your robes. The way his armour brushed against your back made you shiver, the feeling of his large frame turning you on more, if that was even possible. "Only a whore like you could have left her own troops alone just to get fucked good. I mean, how do they even take you seriously?"
You let out a loud cry at the words, whimpering and babbling his name. "Shh, quiet down for me, angel. Don't want anyone to see what belongs to you, do you?" You could only manage to shake your head, your brain could barely compose a coherent thought. He was fucking you too good.
"Good fucking girl..." he groaned, soft growls rumbling deep within his throat as his hips slapped harder against your ass.
"Vader... I- I'm close..." you stuttered. In a swift movement, he grabbed you by the waist and flipped you over, pushing your back against the wall as he shoved his cock in your entrance once again and slammed into you impossibly harder, making you inhale sharply and bite your fist to keep from screaming.
He grabbed your jaw with a surprisingly gentle grip, "Look at me, baby girl. I want you to look me in the eyes while you cum."
You gazed into his icy blues, a passionate sparkle to them as he stared back into your own eyes, and you felt your climax growing closer by the second. He brought his hand down to circle your clit and toyed with the wet folds, the pad of his thumb prodding at your sensitive pearl.
The overstimulation made you sob as the coil in your lower stomach finally snapped, making you cling to his shoulders as your hips curled repeatedly. "That's it, goooood girl..." Vader drawled, a guttural groan escaping his lips as your warmth flooded all around him. His thrusts grew sloppier and his cock throbbed inside you, indicating he wasn't going to last much longer. "Fuck- angel, you're gonna make me cum..." his voice cracked as his breathing picked up.
With a last particularly knee-weakening plunge, he threw his head back and groaned, this time slightly higher in pitch, and his aggressive bucking mellowed into soft strokes as he gritted his teeth in pure bliss while he rode out his high.
Vader sighed and slumped into you, his forehead resting on your shoulder as his chest heaved with passion and intensity. "That was... fucking... amazing..." he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. "My perfect girl..."
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iggy5055 · 2 years
Yandere Emperor Darth Vader x Reader Part 1
Suitless Vader, Vader uncrispy
Summary: (Y/N) is taken away from her remote home planet and forced to spend the rest of her life with the new emperor.
Warnings: death, fear, yandere, obsessed, manipulation, gore
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Peace, peace was a hard thing to come by now-a-days , close to non-existent and it was an even harder think to keep. The empire had completely taken over in just a few month, completely and total control over the inner rim and quickly making their way out to the mid rim. No one was safe and no one had hope, not anymore, but who could really blame them.
First the clone wars, long, tiresome, painful, always to risk to be caught in a battle, be killed by a droid or even taken as a slave in the aftermath. Then the final battle, all seemed to go well, hope started to swell in everyone who was apart of the Republic, Only for things to crumble horribly, first the rumours of the Jedi trying to assassinate the Chancellor Palpatine, a man beloved by many, then the rise of the Empire ruled by the newly anointed Emperor Palpatine. 
The thing is that my planet was as back water as you could get, if you wanted to hide then this was the place to do it, a down side to this though was that news as slow as heck so it was almost a month till we learned of the final battle that ended Count Dooku and the end of the war. It didn't take us long till we where told about the rise of the Empire with the rise of our Emperor and his right hand who no one had ever heard of. 
It was a good thing we had a lot of pirates, bounty hunters, and even just some travellers come here to relax and re-fuel their ships because without them we wouldn't get a majority of our information. But what shocked us all the most was when we heard that the emperors right hand had killed Emperor Palpatine and taken his title. 
Some where relived, some where scared. The former Emperor had been kind, not doing anything to warrant such hate but some though that he would have turned out to be a horrible man after a few years, many thought his right hand couldn't be any better.
I didn't really feel much regarding the constant changing of plans, I wasn't directly effected by it, none of us were really. We just whet about our days like normal, do our jobs, take care of our familys, on the days we heard about a a new innocent planet being taken over all we would just thought ‘oh, well that's to bad.’ and just moved on.
In my case I worked with my family in our little tavern/inn. we where always the first ones to get news, mostly by bounty hunters, they would come here and stay a night or two, usually waiting to get payed. Being the one;y daughter to my mum and dad I was the waitress and I would lead the people staying at the inn to their rooms, witch meant I was the first to ever get any information. Me or the man who owns the fuel depo. 
It was peaceful, but like I said peace is the hardest thing to keep.
It started like any other day, I woke up before anyone else, cleaned the tavern and started to get food ready for the hungry bounty hunters and travellers who stayed at the inn that night and that I could already hear getting up and walking on the wooden planks that make up my roof and their floor. 
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One of our regulars in the tavern, but never the inn, Cad Bane was alway one to enjoy a good meal. 
After a few minutes the food was warm and drinks where cold and tables where clean when my first customer came in, but not one I was expecting.
Really high up bounty hunter like him came around a lot since the rise of the Empire, being hired by said Empire to hunt their enemies and the Jedi, most of whom hid in the outer rim, so our planet just at the edge of the mid rim was a good place to stop, rest and fuel up. 
Bane was the best of the best but never took work from the empire, but his work did seem to move more to the outer rim now that wanted people needed to hide even more.
“Mornin’ kiddo.”
Despite me being twenty years old he always called me ‘kiddo’ but to be far he was in his mid fifties... I think.
His voice was modulated and gruff, definitely the voice of a bounty hunter in his fifties but regardless of how harsh and gruff he sounded his tone was still friendly, probably because I gave him alcohol. 
“Hi Bane. Usual?”
He sat down at the bar I was currently working at and nodded sighing deeply and leaning back into the chair, happy to be off his feet. 
I turned to the kitchen right behind the bar and grabbed a plate of nuna and water. He usually liked hard liquor but I imagine he never drinks water and even Duros need water.
I set down the plate and cup in front of him, He took a bite of his meat and when he reached for his drink he realized what it was and looked up at me un-impressed. 
“I would bet you never drink anything but hard liquor, hard liquor dosen't keep an old man like you at his top game.”
He barded his teeth, more like fangs at me, but took a sip none-the-less. 
Bane was harsh, I never would have done something or said something like that before when I first met him during the clone wars. I knew who he was, a bounty hunting Duros with two custom blasters and a hat with the biggest rim in the entire galaxy was easy to recognize. 
He came in the evening, luckily my parents where in the tavern with me. since I turned seventeen I was the one who took care of the inn and the tavern being a much warmer person then my mother and an extraordinary cook. Mum mostly cleaned and prepped the inns rooms, she was always a neat freak, a hard women who had a 'no one can do it better than me' kind of attitude. But despite her hard exterior she was very warm on the inside. My dad was also just like my mum, harsh outside sweet inside, he had a nack for hunting and growing, he would grow all our vegetables and fruits himself. You'd never think it to look at him but he had quite the green thumb.
It had already gotten dark, a few customers where still around when he came in, every conversation when silent and everyone shifted at the change of mood in the air. He came in, sat in one of the booths in the corners and waited for me to come over and take his order. For a solid five minutes of me shaking in fear once I realized who he was till my mum gave me a harsh shove in his direction forcing me to go over and take his order.
I fumbled over my own feet and my words, by the time I had gotten everything out, welcoming him and asking if he wanted anything to eat or drink I had already made a huge fool of myself. My cheeks red as a tomato.
He stared at me for a minute making me all the more scared. I shifted on my feet a little, never looking him in the eye. 
Finally he said something, well, he chuckled at me. Low and quiet but still plenty amused. 
“Don't worry girly’ I won't bite ya’.”
I relaxed a little, his tone was light and playful, besides he had no reason to hurt me.
I nodded but still didn't say anything.
“Get me some nuna and the hardest liquor you have.”
I nodded and when to get what he wanted. We had plenty on nuna but we didn't really have hard liquor. Most of the townsmen liked beer or ale but every bounty hunter seemed to like a wider variety of alcohol mostly different kinds of hard liquor. 
I got his meat and a mug of our hardest ale, I gave it to him, but before he could comment on his drink I spoke first, rather meekly but still loud enough he could hear.
“I’m sorry about the drink, we don't have any hard liquor, this ale is the hardest thing we have.”
I keep my head down, not wanting to piss him off in any way. to my surprise however he took sip and didn't hate it.
‘Not what I normally get but still good.”
I lifted my head and smiled out of relief, glad I wasn't going to get shot. I nod at him in silent thanks.
‘Thank you sir, we are getting a shipment of hard liquor soon because of all the bounty hunters like yourself who come here now-a-days, if you ever had to come back we will have a much wider variety for you.”
He nods and I turn to leave. He left after he was done eating and we didn't see him for another two months. When he came back again I was the only one in the tavern, mum prepping the rooms upstairs and dad out on a hunt. 
This time he came over to the bar. I turned around for the hot table we had just bought to replace a broken stove, it was much better then the stove and much bigger. Instead of just four elements to cook on now I had a whole table, it was awesome. I gasped a little when I saw him again but I wasn't scared or frozen in place, more just shocked, I didn't think I would see him again. 
He gave me a nod in greeting.
I nodded back.
“Same thing as last time, but with some real hard liquor.”
He gave me a smirk and I laughed a bit and turned around to cook him his meat and grab some hard liquor I think he might like, I got out a brandy, whisky and rum placing the bottles in front of him.
“Any preference?”
He pointed at the whisky.
I nodded turn to finish up his order.
After that he came in every other month till the rise of the Empire, know I saw him about three times a month.
I was polishing some cups, having nothing else to do, the food done being prepped ahead of time, i just needed to wait for it to heat up and having no one else in the tavern to serve I had to busy my hands with something.
“Empires getting’ ballsy.”
I look up at him and tilt my head to the side, he didn't normally chat with me aside from some important news and rumours, which if he was telling me weren't rumours but truths, Bane wasn't the kind of man to waist words on rumours or things he deemed unimportant.
He nodded again, swallowing some nuna.
“Yeah, some say the new Emperor going from planet to planet trying to find a women for himself.”
He looked up at me, I knew what he was getting at but I just laugh a little and shook my head head down and eyes closed, thinking what he was insinuating was ridiculous. 
“Bane, come on, if he is looking for a woman he's looking a noble girl or princess, do I look like either?”
My tone was playful and light, dramatically flipping my hair like I was some royal brat. 
He rolled his red eyes at my antics.
“No chance.”
He said gruffly. I laughed again going back to polishing the cups. 
“Even so, he won't come here, we don't have anyone royal, just a bunch of small farming and mining villages littered all over the planet, come to think of it, I don't think we even have a senator.”
He looked up at me again,
“You sure talk like a royal brat, just missing the royal part.”
I laughed again, this little banter with him was always fun.
“Mum made sure I had an education, learned lots of fancy words.”
He rolled his eyes again. I never know from his eyes, having a lack of pupils made it a little hard but his eyelids gave it away. Moving up a little every time.
He didn't say anything after that, just finishing his meal, a few more people started to make they're way down to grab some breakfast.
After I served a few people I went to go do some newly made dishes. Just before I made my way to the other side of the bar a big cold hand grabbed my upper arm. I looked up to see Bane staring at me silently.
“Be carful, kiddo. Girls like you are few and far between.”
I smirked and put my free hand up to my chest, face gasping in shock.
“Is that an actual compliment Mr. Bane?”
He rolled his eyes again and handed me some credits.
“Later, little lady. I expect to see you here the next time I'm back.”
Rolling my eyes for the umpteenth time I scoff at him.
“I don't have anywhere else to be.”
And with that he left. 
The rest of the day when on like normal, flirty customers and funny regulars, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing wrong. 
Most my age hated our lifestyle, alway wanting more, never having enough but I was happy. No one on this planet was ever hungry and we where always safe and we knew how to do hard work, that was more than most of the galaxy had had in hundreds of years. 
Little did I know my life would crumble in a matter of days.
I woke up early, just like everyday but today was different, Once a month we got a shipment of foreign food and alcohol. We didn't have a capital but our biggest city did have a port that we got our delivery's from. I had to go pick up our delivery today.
I got our our old speeder bike that wasn't all that speedy anymore and hooked our little trailer to it. But in all honesty I didn't really need to go very fast, and once I had my cargo if I went to fast it would spill all over the place. 
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My parents where still in bed, they both had me late in their marriage so while I was just twenty they where in there sixties and loved to sleep in, besides I did most of the work in the tavern, they needed the extra sleep, besides most oir patrons wouldn't be up till the afternoon so why wake them up?
I left a note and grabbed a sandwich for lunch later and hung a sign saying no food till the evening when I would be back. I wasn't too worried there was another food place in our small little village me and the cook there often shared recipes so we where always on good terms.
As I get closer and closer to the ‘capital’ something felt odd. nothing looked wrong, it was probably going to rain tonight, the sky was a light grey and you couldn't see the blue sky anymore but it wasn't the grey clouds that felt foreboding.
The trip to the ‘capital’ was scenic. lush trees and plant life, sun light coming down in beautiful rays making it seem like a fairy-tail. I loved the forest. Our planet was covered in them, that and our tall mountains to the north that we mined from. No dura steel or anything like that, but beautiful crystals and some coal. Nothing of real interest however. 
I ignored it and kept going, I was probably just being paranoid with the now darker grey sky dampening my mode, but I should hurry and get my cargo so that my mood is the only damp think.
I make my way over to the port, my shipping order in hand to give to the pilot. I was really early, people just starting to start working here, usually I stayed longer but with rain I should probably get back soon, guess the guests at the inn may get lunch after all,
Being so early I arrived at the port just as the cargo ship landed. I went over to the pilot Anthony, we never were able to talk long but he always knew who I was.
I smiled brightly and waved but he lacked his usual pep. He was always pretty playful and joking but this time he seemed, almost anxious.
“Mornin’ Anthony.”
He nodded but didn't say anything, I handed him my shipping order so he new what crate of stuff was mine. As we waited for the droids to bring out the crate I couldn't help but get more worried.
“Whats wro-”
Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by a scream and the sound of... an ion engine.
I look up, my face dropping completely. Right above us emerging from the clouds was three of the biggest ships I had ever seen. Clearly owned by the Empire the one in the middle much bigger than the others, I bet its shadow covered the entire town.
My hand covered my mouth, this was crazy, three giant ships? here? why would there need to be three? such a unpopulated planet like this, one of those ships would be enough to bring enough solders to cover the planets populated areas three times over. the solders would probably outnumber out whole planets population five to one. But three ships, the number would probably more like for every one person there would be fifteen solders.
The port was at the edge of the city, only having forest for hundreds miles, the closet other village being mine. We watched as the biggest of the ships landed onto the forest. Completely decimating it. Destroying it for generations to come.
I couldn't stop shaking. Why three ships? Why here? And for makers sake what would we have to offer the Empire?
I as frozen in place till Anthony shook me. I turned to look at him as the ginormous ramp to the ship started to lower.
“You need to leave. NOW.”
His words where hard. He was right whatever this was I needed to warn my parents. we might even have to leave. By the time I am able to move my feet again the ramp had already lowered to the ground with huge groups of stormtroopers marching down it, but that wasn't what scared me.
The storm troopers all wore white, but in front of them all was one man. he was impossible to not notice and impossible to not know who he was. pitch black armour, a mask that seemed to cut through your very soul, foot steps that seemed to shake the planet itself to its core and breathing as foreboding as you could get.
It was the Emperor, a man who possessed a demanded attention. Impossible to ignore, even more impossible to not be afraid. only a crazy man wouldn't be scared of him.
I was almost in tears, so scared and so confused, Why would he come here. Bane mentioned finding a women, maybe he was here for slaves.
Just before I could speed off I felt eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder to him. It was impossible to tell with his helmet and mask covering him, but I swear he was looking at me, burning a hole in me with his eyes. 
Before I could even think I was racing away as fast as the bike would let me, terrified.
The second I got home a few hours later I was still in tears, I couldn't stop them. I had never felt fear like this. the fear I felt now made the fear I felt for Bane when I first met him seemed like nothing. 
I rushed inside, not even bothering to hold in my fear. No one was in the tavern, most gone to their next bounty or finding food elsewhere .
“MUM, DAD!!!”
My voice was breaking, so scared I was just a sobbing mess, not knowing what else to do. I collapse on the floor shaking like a leaf when my mum came rushing in. 
She was worried, scared seeing me like this. She rushed over taking my trembling form in her arms and holding me close to her chest. Her heart as beating fast, but not as fast as mine. I thought it would explode from the stress and kill me before I could even warn her.
“Shhh, sweetheart, what's wrong, who hurt you?”
She started to look all over my body for any injuries but got confused when she didn't see any.
“H-he is he-here.”
My voice was hoarse from all my sobbing, I couldn't help my fearful stutter. 
“Who, sweetheart, who?”
I griped onto her shirt so hard I probably left holes in it my knuckles and most of my hand white, probably as pale as my face.
“The Emperor.”
Her eyes widened. She probably would have thought I was joking if I wasn't on the ground sobbing and shaking. thinking I was just playing some kind of sick joke.
Just before she could say something my dad came rushing into the room.
“The Empire Is here.”
Dads face was almost as pale as mine was, the colour slowly draining out of my mums face as it dawned on her.
“We need to leave.”
Dad started to run around grabbing things we might need.
“How, with what ship?”
“I don't know but it doesn't matter, we need to leave before more come, them being here is already to much, we need to leave, NOW.”
Moms face dropped even more, she must have known what that meant while I was still a scared shaking mess on the floor.
“You don't think that there isn't already a blockade of some kind around the planet they won't let anyone leave, and leaving right when the emperor gets here is much too suspicious.
“Well we have to try something!”
I couldn't make out their yelling after that, the ringing in my ears getting far to loud now. I have no idea how long it was till I felt my dad strong arms and calloused hands pick me up and walk out of our tavern only to freeze and go stiff as a rock, becoming as cold as one to. 
I look up confused, why were we just standing in the doorway. I look over at mum and she was just like dad, stiff and cold, frozen in place like she was ice, her eye unmoving but focused. I look up to dad again seeing his eyes the exact same way. I look ahead and almost screamed. Right in front of us was a battalion of black armoured stormtroopers and the Emperor himself, starting right back.
Still in my dads arms I could feel my breath catch in my throat. My eyes wide.
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Why? Why here. This planet was absurd enough for him to come to, but our small little village, only full of farmers or bounty hunters and travellers passing through. No one had moved here in the past almost thirty years so they wouldn't be hunting someone. 
The only possible reason would be he was looking for slaves. A weak planet, an even weaker village, we where a perfect target. Meek and docile and hard working. Perfect slaves. 
At the realization fresh tears slid down my pale cheeks. I would be separated from my parents and probable tortured. I felt my dad put me down to the ground. If he didn't hold onto my upper arms my knees would have buckled under me and i'd fall to the floor in tears. Dad handed me over to mum, her moving me behind my father holding me up, pressing me into her side.
Staring back at me was the Emperor. I didn't know how I knew but I just did. The mask made it impossible to truly tell but while the black stormtroopers where staring at my dad ready to take aim at the giant of a man in front of them.
My dad was huge. About six foot three and very wide. Years of work hardening his muscles. To look at he was very intimidating but in reality he was a gentle giant who get uncomfortable with the sight of blood. Feeling a little safer and a little brave I peered past him a little only to freeze in place again all that bravery disappearing in a second. 
Slowly the Emperor came closer, I felt like throwing up only to remember I never ate my sandwich so there was nothing to throw up aside from stomach acid. As he got closer I realized how tall he was Just a foot shorter them my dad, also a giant of a man in his own right, at least to me. I only came up to the bottom of my dads chest with the emperor I was the same height as his chest. 
The hight difference only made me more scared. He was also wide, ripped with muscles. Despite what looked like ridiculously heavy armour you could tell how strong he was. He was right in front of my dad now, it was all the more obvious he was looking at me now, his head tilted downward and to the side to peer around my dad to look at me. As we stared at each other I became aware of his loud breathing through his helmet.
I tried to back away a little, both wanting to put some distance between myself and the most powerful man in the galaxy, lowering my head in the process realizing it was probably rude to stare and not wanting to piss him off.
But as I try to move I found the second I moved one foot back and started to move my head down an invisible force seemed to wrap around me. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortably tight. It forced me to stay in place, looking up at him. 
I almost didn't register he was talking, so distracted by the invisible think keeping me in place. 
Everyone knew what a Jedi was and what the force was and that the Jedi are force sensitive and had a special connection to it. Being able to do extraordinary things. I had no doubt in my mind that this was the force, which only made me all the more scared. He could snap my neck with just his mind. 
His voice was so deep but not gravely like Bane’s, it was very smooth.
Realizing silence wasn't the best option with my new revelation I opened my mouth to speak only for dad to bet me to it. 
“My name is Dex, this is my wife Luma and our daughter (Y/N).”
For the first time he broke away from my gaze, opting instead to look at my dad but the force didn't pull away, it only seemed to get tighter when his gaze lingered on dad making me squeak in pain a little. 
The second the unwilling sound came out of my chapped lips the feeling loosened immediately. The Emperors eyes on my once more. Suddenly I felt a hand? Nothing was there but it felt like a hand was stroking my cheek lovingly, like mum would do when I got sick as a kid, I couldn't help but relax a little. 
“May I ask why you honour us with your presence my lord?”
Dad sounded so formal, clearly knowing not to piss him off and show him the respect a man of his station demanded. However the second he spoke a black stormtrooper came closer, his trigger finger clearly itching. 
“Do not speak to the Emperor unless spoken to.”
Their voice was hard, seething with entitlement and power. I realized I still couldn't move when I tried to grab the back of my dads shirt wanting to feel some semblance of safety. 
The Trooper had his gun against my dads head, all my dad did was stare at him. I tried to move to hug him, still unable to move, I cried out.
“NO! Please... pl-please don't hurt h-him... please.”
My voice was pathetic, pleading to whomever would listen to have mercy.
“Oh, (Y/N).”
I turned my head as much as I could to see my mum with her hand to her mouth and tears on her face. I hadn't even realized she was still here. It only made me more scared knowing someone else I loved was here and in possible danger.
I turned back to the Emperor and the trooper holding his gun up to my dads temple. If It wasn't too scary it would have been funny, the trooper being shorter than my dad so he had to reach up pretty far to have the barrel of the gun pressed to dads head. 
My voice was pathetic, broken from crying and fear, begging the emperor for mercy.
The Emperor raised his hand, signalling to the trooper to lower his weapon. Without hesitation the trooper did. Clearly loyal to his Emperor. I breathed a sigh of relief as he fell back into formation with the other troopers only for my breath to stop when the emperor pushed past my dad and towered over me.
Dad didn't dare make a move but mum tired to come close to me again to hold me, fearing for her only child's life. But before she could get too close the Emperor shot his left hand out using the force to hold her in place, much like he was doing to me.
I still couldn't move but I could still turn my head to see her. She wasn't completely forced in place like me. She was holding her neck, she was breathing but it was clear the grip of the force was pretty tight. Tight enough to keep her in place. 
I turned back to the Emperor, eyes brimming with even more tears I didn't even now I had, scared for my mums life. 
I opened my mouth to beg again only for him to raise his right hand to my face. I thought he was going to slap me, put me in my place for daring to speak to him again without permission. But instead I felt his pointer finger press gently to my lips silencing any cry or pleas for mercy. 
My eyes shot open, not expecting the gentle touch from the man I assumed would make me a slave. I gazed up at his helmet. The place where his eyes would be are covered by a very dark red, almost black visor. It would be impossible to tell if I wasn't so close to his face.
After a second he pulled away. His left hand still raised keeping mum in place and turned to dad, straightening a little. I didn't even realized he had to bend down to look at me. it only made me more scared. Everything about this man screamed power and intimidation. His heigh, his strength, his men, his ships and especially is ability to use the force. He was a man to fear.
“How much?”
My dad blinked, having been more focused more on his scared daughter and distressed close to choking wife.
“M-my lord?”
“Your daughter, I want her, but I will not leave you with nothing. How much do you want for her.”
I left out a sob, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out. If the force wasn't holding me up I would have colapsed onto the ground, my hands covering my face. 
My dads looks over at me, fear plain as day in his eye. He would never give me away, but at the same time this was the Emperor of the entire galaxy, who was he to say no.
It was silent for a while the only sound being that of the Emperors breathing, me trying to hold back my sobs and mum trying not to choke as my dad was forced to make an impossible decision.
He could give me away and get a good pay out, giving us all a chance to live or he could say no and have all of us killed for defying the Emperor.
I understood. If he gave me away I would never hold it against him, never hate him. How could I. We are only human. It hurt but I would be happy knowing that they had survived this terrifying ordeal and got enough credits to live lavishly for one hundred life times. 
“Dex... Dex no.”
Mums voice was hoarse from the force choking her, barely getting out the words.
Dad looked so scared, so conflicted and so mad at himself probably for entertaining the idea of giving away his only child for credits, ashamed he ever considered it in the first place. 
He looked over at me, my eyes pleading with him to just do it. To stay alive and too have plenty of credits to live happily and easily the rest of their lives, tears brimming in my eyes. 
The words rocked me to my core, my heart stopping for just a second as I almost screamed at him. Begging him not to do anything stupid.
Before the Emperor could even do anything the trooper from before came back over. Kicking the back of dads knees forcing him down to the ground. Shoving his face into the ground with his boot. 
I struggled against the force, trying to break free and run to my dad, wanting to shield him from the trooper ready to shoot him at a moments notice. Only to be held still, my effort pointless.
The man keeping me in place turned to me, staring at my tear stranded cheeks, not having anymore tears to even cry. Staring at my drained and withering body and I tried to break free. 
“How dare you, you dare deny the Emperor, even after he offered you more credit than a skug like you ever deserved”
I pleaded for the trooper to stop to have mercy even directly begging the Emperor saying I would do anything he wanted if he just let my family go.
He never stoped looking at me, just staring. I felt naked under his gaze, exposed and weak. Pathetic.
Finally he turned away, looking back at my dad who's face was so close to his boot dad was practically kissing it. 
“I’ll say it again, give me your daughter willingly and I will pay you handsomely, resist and I will kill your wife and make you watch, then kill you and take your daughter anyway.”
Dads eyes widened, even more scared now.
“No, no plea-.”
Mum begged again, only to be cut off by the force squeezing around her neck to tighten lifting her slightly off the ground, really choking her now.
“No, no please, please my lord have mercy on them, please. I’ll do anything... please.”
The last please was almost inaudible. Barely even a whisper. 
Clearly tired of the silence from my dad his left hand that was still extended towards my mum went from a pincer shape to a closed fist, followed by a sickening snap.
Everything when silent, my eyes wide and my mind blank.
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I looked over to my dad. His hand where tied behind his back with binders as he screamed and struggled, three more troopers having to come over and help hold him down. I saw he was screaming but I couldn't hear any sound as he fought tooth and nail to get out of the troopers grasp.
Suddenly I felt very light, the force had released me, Contrary to my thoughts I didn't fall, I just stood there. My brain had completely stoped working, not registering anything but the need to turn around. Something had happened and I needed to see. 
I turned slowly I kept my eyes level but when I didn't see anything behind me I looked down. 
There, about a foot away from me lay the body of my mother.
Suddenly all the noise hit my at once, my dad shouting profanity's at the Emperor who had just killed his beloved wife and at the troopers holding him down.
Her neck was twisted at a sick angle. Her once beautiful blue eyes open and dull. Lifeless. 
I felt to my knees, crying out as I crawled over to my mum. I reached out for her, cradling her body in my arms, holding her close to my chest. Begging for this to be a bad dream. That I could wake up any second and be in my bed, my parents still safe and sound,
It took me a second to realize but I couldn't hear dad screaming anymore and I was cooler, like I was in a shadow, The only sound being that of my soft hiccups and loud breathing that didn't belong to me. 
I look up at the Emperor. He was looming over me and my mums lifeless body, staring at me again.
I didn't dare say anything, just stared back, getting ready to beg for mercy again but the Emperor spoke up before I could.
“One last chance. Give me your daughter, I pay you and let you live or I kill you in front of my poor girls eyes and take her away anyway.”
He clearly wasn't talking to me but he never took his eyes off my trembling figure still wrapped in his shadow.
I look past him to see my dad completely restrained, unable to move with a gag in him mouth making it impossible to get any words out. How was he supposed answer?
Unable to answer, dad fought against the troopers and his binders with all his strength, a fury in his eyes I had never seem before. 
The Emperor crouched down on one knee in front of me. Without a word he pried my cold hands away from my mums body. I struggled against him as much as I could, not ready to leave her. But my fight was pathetic, I was frail and weak from all the crying and fear, exhaustion hitting me all at once. 
My weak attempts to get away from him and back to my mum was nothing to him. 
He pulled me away from my mum. Lifting me in his arms like I weighed nothing. Hoisting me up to his hight with one arm. I grip onto his shoulders holding tightly onto his black cape, my hands shaking uncontrollably. 
He lifted his free hand up to my cheek, stroking it lightly with his gloved thumb.
“You had your chance.”
I look at him in utter fear, snapping my head over to my dad trying to push away from the evil man holding me trying to run to my dad only for the hand under my thighs to tighten and the hand that was once on my cheek to wrap around me tightly keeping me pressed to his chest. Before I could do anything the sound of a blaster bolt rang through the air and my fathers body went limp with a burning hole in his skull.
I scream as loud as I possibly could. pushing as hard as I physically could trying to get to my dads limp body.
“Shhhhhh, little one, I have you... relax.”
And with that everything went black.
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When I woke up I was surrounded by warm blankets, I breathed a sigh of relief, a bad bream, it was all just a bad dream. I almost let out a cry in relief, but I hold back, not wanting to wake up mum or dad. I curl up a little more, enjoying the feeling of my bed a bit more till I got up and had to work for the day. I move my head further into the pillow snuggling close only to freeze.
I started to shake, this wasn't my bed. My bed was comfortable, but not this comfortable.
I refused to open my eyes. I didn't want to admit where I probably was, and how my life had been shattered. I kept my eyes shut like they where vaults holding the most precious treasure, because if I opened them it felt like I was really saying goodbye.
Even with my eyes closed so tightly it didn't stop my tears of mourning slipping past my eye lids, my thoughts couldn't help going to my parents, I think of all the good times and the bad, all leading up to their brutal and cruel deaths by a mad man. I was all alone now and to make matters worse I have no idea where I am and I wasn't brave enough to open my eyes to find out.
I herd the whooshing of a door open behind me. I wanted to curl up even tighter in the foreign soft blankets, the atmosphere seemingly getting cooler. Not freezing, but enough to rase a few goosebumps.
I heard heavy foot steps coming over to me. I tried to calm my breathing to make it look as if I was peacefully sleeping but it must have been a pretty poor try considering I had tear stains on my cheeks. Once they left I would open my eyes and look around, figure out where I was and collect myself but I didn't want anyone in the Empire to see me like this, weakness wasn't something I wanted to show right now.
It was so quiet, too quiet, it had only been a few second but it was so quiet I almost forget he was there. How could someone be so quiet. The only reason I knew he was still there was because I didn't hear his heavy footsteps leave or the opening and closing of the door.
I lay as still as I could, not daring to move as the figure made its way towards me, standing right in front of my 'sleeping' body and just stood there, unmoving and still as stone.
The silence blanketed us, I started to break out in a cold sweat. If this kept up pretending to sleep was going to fail me if the look of me didn't already the stains on my cheeks and I was probably too stiff looking to seem peacefully asleep.
After what felt like several minutes of unbearable stillness -but was probably just a few seconds- I finally heard the shuffling of fabric followed by a heavy weight placed beside me. The stranger had sat down beside me.
I was still laying in a kind of fetal position, my knees where bend and tucked a little but not touching my stomach with my hands resting beside my head on the pillow. The stranger was right beside my stomach almost pressing against it
I stiffen a little as he sits not expecting him to do that, but I immediately relax as much as I can and try to get my breathing under control, hoping the stranger just thought that it was his siting down on the bed that jostled me a little.
After a few more moments of silence, what felt like a hard gloved hand finds its way into my hair. His hand lightly brushed through my hair, stroking my head gently. But despite the gentle calm touch I still flinched. Bad.
I had no Idea where exactly I was but I did know I was with the Empire after Emperor Vader had murdered both my parents in front of me. That was enough to want to gather my bearings alone and try not to freak out with someone from the Empire in the damn room.
A deep chuckle came from the man, It was powerful and even sexy, sending an unwilling pleasant shiver up my spine. His hand was clearly gloved, feeling leather like and hard, almost like the hand of a droid. It was a gentle and kind touch but hard none-the-less.
"I'd suggest you stop pretending, little one. Pretending to sleep won't work with me."
The voice was light in tone almost playful but his voice itself was deep, it sounded vaguely familiar yet so different at the same time.
I slowly open my eyes, know that I had been figured out. I rub my eyes a little trying to prevent any tears from falling. The mans fingers were still wrapped in my hair, I brushed my fingers on his arm a little accidentally. I bring my hand back down to my chest as quickly as I could. I shoot my eyes over to the man who sat beside me and I freeze.
My eyes where met with a strong torso, and the pitch black armour of the Emperor who killed my family. This couldn't be worse, I was in a room with the Emperor himself. This wasn't some random imperial officer it was the Emperor of the entire galaxy who ruined my life.
I couldn't help my shaking, a sob coming from my dry lips as salty tears wet my cheeks. I look further up, seeing his right arm extended to me, his hand in my hair to his broad chest to his face.
He didn't have his helmet on, that's why his voice was different, his vocalizer wasn't twisting his voice. Thats why it sounded vaguely familiar.
He had curly hair that went close to his shoulders, and amber eyes with red around the rim of his irises. He had a scar going down his right eye. He was very tall and clearly strong but he was also very young looking, close to my age, probably just a few year older.
He tilted his head to the side a little, a grin on his face. It wasn't mocking or insulting, more like looking at a scared kitten, which to be fair probably is what I looked like right now. He tsked at me, still running his fingers through my hair.
"No need to be so scared, little one. You are safe with me I swear."
His comforting words where lost on me. I only saw red. I grit my teeth and steel myself. All my fear disappearing. This man killed my parents in front of me and he calmed I was safe with him?
In a fit of anger and temporary bravery I hit his hand away as hard as I could ready to scream at him, but the back of my wrist was met with a ridiculously hard surface as I try to swipe him hand away.
I yelp and cradle my wrist in my right hand, holding it to my chest.
He tsk's as me again. I try to move away from this evil man only for him to grab me by the waist and yank me into his lap. I keep my hurt wrist close but I pound on his armoured chest with my uninjured hand. In hind sight, not a good idea. him being so well armoured, not like without his armour I could do anything to him but in all my grief I could think of nothing else to do.
"Le-t me go, you b-bastard let me g-go."
My voice was shaky from my tears but still clear.
You would expect someone so powerful like him to hit me back, yell and tell me to be quiet but he didn't. He held me close, wrapping his large arms around me holding me to his chest.
After a minute or two of beating on his chest he seemed to realize that I was hurting myself. I didn't care I didn't even notice the pain. Too angry to even realize.
He grasped my hand, his completely covering mine and my wrist.
"Come now, little one. You're hurting yourself."
He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly all over. My hand was in a hard fist and was covered in little bruises from hitting his armour.
"Your only hurting yourself, calm down, little one."
I didn't want to, maker I didn't but the second he spoke his words I felt something wash over me, a feeling that wasn't mine but controlled me regardless.
I relaxed completely, the Emperor kissed my bruised hand a few more times till I slipped it out of his grasp. It wasn't a hard hold, it was actually very light. I cradled both my hands to my chest and let silent tears fall.
'What's happening to me?"
I wasn't stuttering in sobs anymore, now I was just very quiet, quiet and pathetic.
The Emperor moved his hand to stroke my hair again, rocking back and forth lightly making sure not to make any sudden movements.
"You know of the force, yes, little one?"
I nod silently, I didn't want to give in, I really didn't, but what choice did I really have. I had no idea where I was or how to get away and my parents where know dead. I didn't have any other family so I had no where to go. Best to just play along till I could escape by myself.
"I am a force user, I can do many things with it, including coxing my beloved little one to calm down a little bit."
I felt calm, yes, but I was shaking like crazy. I was a scared lamb in a lions claws. I cling to my clothes only to realize they weren't even mine. I wasn't wearing my usual work clothes I was earlier, old and tattered from years of work but still as comfortable as ever. Now I was wearing a black gown. it was also very comfortable and very fancy but if felt so wrong.
It was long, going down to my ankles with a slit going up to my upper thigh. It had an open back, I could feel the cool leather of his arm on my back. It had thin straps and a dip in the chest that didn't leave much to the imagination. The straps almost looked like they would snap if I moved my shoulder too much.
I curled in on myself a little, feeling much more exposed than I wanted to, feeling all the more vulnerable. The gown wasn't very thick, it was very thin and flowy. It didn't hug my body tightly but being curled up in the Emperors lap made the fabric fold around me more then it would have.
I could feel my eyes well with tears but they wouldn't fall, no matter how much I wanted them too, like the force wasn't letting me cry, forcing me to feel 'calm'. But these emotions are not mine, it felt wrong, but it was too hard to resist. It was like a hand had wrapped around me, controlling everything I felt.
"Please... stop."
My voice was still so small, but in his presence it was hard to not feel pathetic and weak.
He hummed down at me in question, his lips resting in my hair as he continued to rub my back. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good, it became harder and harder to remember what he did to my parents and feel the anger and sadness that accompanied it. Now I just felt odd, I was scared to be with the damn Emperor of the whole galaxy but It was like I was slowly forgetting them. I figured it must be his use of the force, the thought sent a wave of fresh naked pure fear through me. I didn't want to forget, it felt like a betrayal to forget them by the hands of their murderer. I wouldn't let that happen.
I forced myself to seem more confident in my words, Pressing on his chest trying to get up, to put some distance between us, hoping that it would weaken his hold on my mind with some distance or even just my resistance. I didn't know much of anything about the force, just that force sensitives could do things with it like put words in your mind and lift things.
I pushed a little harder. If it came to a fight I would clearly lose but he may be willing to give me a little space.
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My poor little one, I could feel her fear, her resistance even her confusion rolling off her in waves. She was so scared, scared of me, the force, she didn't want to give in and by no means was she weak minded but she didn't understand the force nor did she know how to fight it.
She was pushing away from me, I could feel how stressed she was, she felt so many emotions none of them the ones she should feel in my arms, just fear. She needed her space, but I didn't want to give it to her.
From the moment I saw her I knew she had to be mine, she looked so vulnerable, so weak and so scared with confusion, having no idea why we had come to such a small insignificant planet. But from that first moment I saw her I knew I would have her, no matter what, she was mine.
I knew killing her parents would have a negative effect on our relationship, but I wouldn't let something as insignificant as them get in the way of having what was rightfully mine.
I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt another push on my armoured chest by her small hand, calloused from all her days of hard work, She would never have to work again, I didn't want to let her go, but giving her some space would be beneficial to gain her trust.
I let her go reluctantly. She stood up, a little wobbly after taking a few steps away from our bed. The second I saw her shake as if her knees where about to give out made me want to rush to her, pull her in my arms and never let go again.
She pulled her hand up to her head, her head down and eyes closed. She knew I was using the force to keep her calm and I could see she suspected that I was easing her parents out of her mind. She was smart, my sweet little girl, but she didn't know the force well, and while she wasn't weak minded her thoughts where loud and very clear to a master of the force.
Her voice was so weak, she really was so scared. Again, I wanted to hold her to my chest and never let go, make sure she knew that she was safe with me, but all good things come to those who wait and she was a sweet thing I would wait for and give her her space, within reason, of course.
"What do you mean, little one?"
I knew what she meant, but step one of making her mine would be coxing her to tell me what she wanted, what she needed, even if I knew
"My mind... s-stop toying with I-it."
I could practically hear the tears in her voice, but with my use of the force they wouldn't fall. She must have felt so pent up, unable to get her emotions out, cry like she needed to.
I loosened my hold on her mind slowly, enough to let her feel her fear but not enough to let her truly focus on the memory of her parents.
The second I did fresh tears spilled from her face, I hated it. Hated seeing my little one cry and hiccup softly, her hands unable to keep up with all her tears, some one them falling to the cold floor.
All I could think of was how much I wanted to hold her shaking form, how much I wanted to comfort her. But she would only push me away.
I reach into her mind again, not to control her emotions but to see what she was thinking. But she wasn't even really thinking anymore, she was just scared and confused. Not knowing what would happen to her next. I realized she didn't even take the time to look around, see where she was.
She kept shaking, she was mostly shaking because she was scared, she didn't even notice how cold she was. Space was a cold place, and in a metal ship with bare feet and a thin gown that showed so much of her skin it must have felt that much colder, my poor little one.
I wanted to pick her up, tuck her back into our warm blankets, take off my armour pull her into my warm chest and watch as she slowly drifted off into sleep.
Instead I walked over to the fireplace. It was a few meters away from the foot of the bed with two couches and a table between them where I often did work when my office was no longer suitable.
I start a fire and strip away some of my armour leaving me in a pair of pants and a lose black tunic. it felt good to be rid of the heavy armour, It worked well for intimidation and making me seem inhuman, it made people fear me all the more, but my dear little one is not someone that should fear me.
Once the armour is put away and the fire is large and burning brightly I move towards my little one. She was still crying, her hands still trying to wipe away all her tears that just kept on coming.
I was much taller than her, she only came up to my chest, if that. she was so small and frail and in need of protection, my protection.
I stand close to her, I wanted touching her, my hands where outstretched to her. her head was held down as she tried to cry as silently as she could, my poor baby girl.
'Come little one, you must be so cold, come sit by the fire."
She looks up at me with puffy cheeks and red eyes and swollen lips, she must have been biting them trying to keep quiet.
She was very hesitant, backing away a little, albeit shakily.
Despite wanting to grab and hold her close, I resist the urge, it would only scare her more. I hated having to take things slow, but she would give in eventually, with a little assistance.
I slipped into her mind again, she was trying desperately to think of her parents, any memory at all, scared to lose them. it was sweet how much she cared for them but now they where gone, I would have to teach her how to rely on me now.
I use the force to project some of my feelings, making her feel that I wouldn't hurt her, that she was safe and that I only had her best interests at heart.
She was so tense, it hurt me to see her this way.
I step closer, she tensed even more, her hands now at her chest clutching the hem of the gown with shaky hands. I place my hands on her upper arms, rubbing lightly, smiling lovingly at her.
She jumped a little but not out of fear, She looked down to where my right hand was placed then over to my left and my right again. I chuckled lowly at her realization, she didn't seem to notice before that I had a fake arm. For a moment all her fear washed away, replaced by her curiosity.
I loved the look on her face, not scared, not confused, nothing but a good healthy curiosity and the want to ask questions.
She kept staring at my mechanical hand, wide curious eyes that I longed to get lost in, but first things first.
I rub my right thumb grabbing her attention again. her head whips up to me so fast, I think she might have gotten whiplash, but then looks down again with red cheeks, ears and shoulders, embraced at her staring.
"I'm sorry."
Again, her voice was soft, but this time she wasn't scared. I chuckled at her.
"No need to apologies, little one. Its quite the interesting thing to see. I assume it's safe to say you've never seem anyone with a missing limb before?"
In her more calm state I was able to slowly lead her to the couches on the edge closet to the fire, she slight shaking stoping completely now that she was warming up by the fire.
Once she is sat down, I sit beside her. Her back faces the fire and her front faces me but her knees as tucked into her chest, her arms wrapped around them.
To my surprise she shakes her head.
"There was an old traveler that came to the tavern once, he had lost his left arm in some freak accident when he was young."
I tilt my head a little, a silent suggestion for her to continue.
"I had just never seem anyone with a working moving prosthesis before... I-I didn't mean to be rude."
At her last statement she turned her head away, not wanting to look at me with her embarrassment.
This was perfect, I got her talking, I just had to keep her that way. it was the perfect distraction for the time being. That and my slight use of the force helped keep her parents out of the forefront of her brain, she was much more calm now.
She curled up into herself more, hugging her knees to her chest tighter than before, I knew I couldn't expect everything to be prefect from the get go but I hated seeing her like this, too scared to even sit openly with me. It broke my heart.
"Ohhh no, little one~ it wasn't rude."
I moved a little bit closer to her, she didn't seem to notice with her head down. I wished she would look me in the eye so that I could see hers. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
"Its quite the engineering marvel, It was custom made from me during the clone wars but I added modifications and designed the gold and black design it has now. I can even feel with it a little, not like a real limb but if I wasn't looking and someone touched my hand I would know."
I hold my right hand out to her for inspection, hoping she would grab it. Giving her the option to do or not do something was a good first step in making her feel more safe and secure.
I hold my hand palm up, a clear invitation to hold it. She lifts her head up to get a better look at it, clearly interested. I could feel her curiosity with the force but I could also feel her fear. She just needed a little nudge.
I was already manipulating her mind a little, keeping my force signature weak, she may not be force sensitive but she knew I was and a random unknown feeling in he brain that one had never felt before is a pretty big give away.
I strengthen my hold on her mind a little, just making a wash of calm run over her, Making sure she always felt calm and safe around me would be important and with a little help from the force it made the process that much quicker.
After a few moments she slowly reached out, she wasn't as hesitant but her hands moved at a snails pace.
I almost grabbed her and pulled her in my lap when her soft hands grabbed mine. I couldn't feel it very much but I could feel a light buzzing, the hands sensors going off. I wish she was holding my real hand, I could feel my fingers twitch at the thought as it rests on my thigh.
Her hand moved mine around, feeling much more confident now or maybe she was just distracted now that she had something to fiddle with.
Her fingers gently prodded at mine, curling them and un-curling them. She moves to my palm, tracing the design of it for a second then moving up to my wrist to my forearm. Finally after what felt like an eternity her fingers made to where my fake arm meets my real one right underneath my elbow.
I closed my eyes in bliss when her fingertips gently brushed my skin. I loved being able to really feel her, If only for a few moments at a time.
I opened my eyes again to stare at her lovingly. Her eyes where full of curiosity, being able to explore something she had never seen before. It just made me all the more obsessed.
My fingers kept twitching with ever touch she gave me, feeling the need to hold her more. Keeping her still with the force earlier was good, the feeling of holding her like that felt amazing but it wasn't enough.
Even while caring her back to the ship my heavy thick armour was in the way, not allowing me to really hold her. I only wore the armour for intimidation proposes. No one alive had seen me without it now that Sidious was dead. The anonymity and emotionless feel that suit gave me made me all the more intimidating.
As I take in her features I was brought back to reality when I heard a grumble.
(Y/N)'s hand slipped away from mine and wrapped around her knees again, her head to the side trying to his how red her face had gotten but her ears and bare shoulders gave her away.
"Hungry, little one?"
She nods embarrassed. I couldn't help chuckling at her, my outside appearance playful but on the inside I was seething. On her planet it would be around ten at night, of course she was hungry, how could I have been so neglectful to not take care of her needs.
I get up, brushing my fingers lightly on her knee. She didn't flinch this time, instead looking up at me shyly, this was improvement.
"Ill be back with some food, till then feel free to roam about, this is your room so you have a right to everything in it, alright little one?"
I felt the need to tell her that everything in here was hers. I didn't want her to be shy about her exploring, the more she got used to her new surroundings the better. One problem however was that our rooms on my ship was different to the rooms on Coruscant. That would be a whole new place to get use to, but I would cross that bridge when I get there. We still had time before we jumped into hyper space and several hours in hyper space so I had plenty of time to think on it. That is, If I can keep my mind off my little one.
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The second the Emperor left to get food I fell forward shoving my face into the cushions of the couch, I felt so embarrassed. First I blatantly touch and explore his hand but then my stomach growls.
After a few seconds of not being able to breath with my face shoved in the cushions I decide to get up and explore.
The room was very large, a king sized bed with now unmade blankets was right by the fireplace, the fireplace facing the foot of the bed with couches and and a coffee table on a carpet then went under both couches as well.
To the left of the fireplace was the door the Emperor left out of, it was very big but I guess it had to be considering how tall he was but the door was also really wide, about the width of two doors. to the right of the fireplace was another door, just as tall but only the width of one door.
I walk over, getting goosebumps immediately once my bare feet touch the cold metal. I walk over to the door and open it with the button panel on the side. It was a refresher with a door to the left. the fresher was pretty standard. It looked very clean and fancy. Like the main room it was mostly black. I assume that it was just his colour of choice but both rooms did have come colour. The sheets, pillows, carpet and towels in the freshen are a dark bloody red.
I go to the door on the left, it was a wardrobe, filled with all black clothes. the room wasn't very big but it didn't really need to be either, what scared me was the full set of armour at the end of the room. In my head it solidified the fact I was with the Emperor, without his suit it was easy to forget, seeing a living face and not an emotionless mask. the only clue that it was a person and not a droid being the sound of his breathing.
I could feel my tears well up, thinking about my parents again. The second I think fo their dead body's I feel like a fog has been lifted from my brain, Like I was remembering something I had forgotten for years.
I start to dry heave, not having anything in my stomach at the time, especially because I never got a chance to eat my lunch I packed. I feel my knees shake under me, threatening to give out any second.
I look up from the floor while I leaned against the door frame of the fresher. I feel my stomach drop. I never noticed it before. I don't know how I didn't, now that I see it its painful obvious its there. To the right of the bed it a window. The whole wall was the window but it was pitch black until I cared to actually look at it.
I slowly make my away out of the refresher, my hand over my mouth trying to ground myself and not throw up stomach acid.
before It just seemed like all the other black walls in the room, but now that I take a closer look it was a window. The sky was pitch black, like it was in the dead of night but now I could see little dots in random order all over. I walk closer, placing my hand on the window just to conform it was one.
I fall to my knees for the umpteenth time, fear racking thought my body as the realization hit me. I knew I wasn't home that much was obvious but know seeing the large never-ending expanse of stars that was space really hit me.
I wasn't home, I was with the emperor on a giant ship in the middle of space going maker knows where. I wasn't home, and I would probably never be able to go home again.
I crumple up into myself and sob uncontrollably. The tears seeming never ending as I cry my heart out.
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As I walk down the hall to my little ones room I find myself more rushed then I normally would have.
I could feel my little ones distress, I pulled away for a few minutes getting distracted by my chefs incompetency and when I realize I had pulled away I gently eased myself back into her mind only to find her in pain.
She wasn't physically in pain, but her head was a mess of sorrow and trauma. I was a fool to leave her when she was still so emotanally fragile. Even more of a fool to be so carless as to pull away from her mind.
I couldn't get to our room fast enough, opening the door only for my heart to break a little. There on the floor leaning against the window was my poor little (Y/N) crying her little heart out.
She looked as broken as her mind felt. Huddled close to herself, her hand clenched tightly to her chest as her sobbed uncontrollably. Her cheeks and eyes red and puffy, her eyes shut so tightly that it looked like she would not open them again.
She didn't even seem to notice my presence yet, I quickly set her food down on the coffee table and rush over to her. I fall to my knees and wrap her in my arms pulling her into my lap. She was cold as ice despite the fire burning. She didn't even acknowledge my holding her, just sobbing in my chest as I hold her as close as I possibly could, slipping back into her mind in an attempt to ease her pain and her parents from her mind. It would be much harder now, she was focus on them, their faces, how they died.
My force signature was heavy in her mind, she seemed to notice what I was doing. Her parents slipping from her mind regardless of how hard she tried to hold on. Finally acknowledging me she pushed against me, her hands shoving on my chest trying to get out of my hold only for me to hold on to her tighter.
"Shhhhhh, little one. Relax, let me help you. I will make it stop hurting."
My voice was quiet and calm, my lips brushing her ear a little. I was happy to have her in my arms but this wasn't how I wanted it to happen.
Her hands where shaking, all of her was shaking really, trying to get away. She seemed to think that if she got out of my hold my hold on her mind would also leave.
"No- no let me go."
"Shhhhh, (Y/N) I need you to calm down. Let me help"
She pushes harder but I wouldn't let her go, not when my little one was in so much distress whether she wanted me to or not.
She was clearly adamant about not letting me hold her or help her so I guess I have to do this the hard way. It would be easier to work with her mind without any resistance anyway.
I sigh deeply, I didn't want to have to do this but it was my best option.
Before she could push on me again I grabbed both her wrists in one of my hands, she was so much smaller then me, her wrists where so small that my fingers overlapped as I held her.
My other hand shoved her face into my neck, holding her by the top of her neck and the bace of her skull. She struggled as hard as her little body could still shaking uncontrollably.
"Shhhhhhh, little one~. I promise by the time you wake up everything will be ok."
With that I force her to sleep with he force. She would wake up with a hell of a headache, her mind was so active and in distress, being forced to sleep wouldn't be pleasant.
I pick her up and tuck her back into bed. I look over at her forgotten food. She will be starving by the time she wakes up, I'll make sure some food is waiting for her when she wakes up.
I walk over to the fresher, It had been a long day for us all.
I figured have a few minutes to let her mind calm down and relax fully would be good before I go rooting around in there. I strip and have a shower. Enjoying the feeling of the water wash over me I allow myself to relax knowing my love was waiting for me in our bed.
I never thought I would love anyone the way I loved Padmé but my love for (Y/N) put all out time together to shame, I knew the second I saw her she would be mine. I had to have her and this time I would make sure nothing ever happened to her.
Once I was all dried off I put on some loose fitting pants and made my way to bed. I make my way under the blankets for behind her and pull her close to my chest. With the open back on her dress I could feel her skin pressed up against mine. It felt so good having her so close. My arms wrapped around her stomach holding her close.
I slowly reach my hand up to her forehead pressing it into my neck. I slowly start to work her parents from her mind, sealing away her thoughts and memory of her parents, making the memory of my taking her very foggy. I couldn't give her memory's that weren't hers but I could make sure she wouldn't think about them.
I take my time, if I went to fast her headache would be ten times worse when she wakes up, but already its going to be pretty bad. Messing with someones mind was never a comfortable thing for the victim.
I would give her some pain meds when she woke up too.
Once I was done and was sure she wouldn't remember anything I make sure the blanket was pulled up to her shoulders and tuck her close to my chest, intertwining our hands As I breath her in, finally able to relax with my little one safe in my arms.
Soon we would be home, and our new life would begin.
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kaylin-lmfao · 1 year
just thinking about period sex with ani. he’s so tired after work, but all he wants to do is fuck your tight cunt, make you and himself feel good. so when you tell him no, he literally almost cried. “why not?” he practically whines. you tell him you’re on your period, that the cramps are killing you. but ani just keeps pushing, trying to persuade you and convince you. and he’s pretty damn good at it too. and when a new, fresh, incredibly painful wave of cramps hit, you finally cave and agree. so ani finally, finally slides inside you. every time he pulls out and he sees a mix of blood and cum coating his cock, he almost fills you up right there. during period sex with ani, he lets out the most BEAUTIFUL noises in existence. in the end, his cock soothes your cramps and every time you get your period in the future, ani’s there to make it feel all better.
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