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Happy Thursday! ❤️❤️❤️ . (Anzeige/Markennennung) Na ihr Lieben, ich hoffe ihr habt einen schönen Tag verbracht? Ich hab ja Einiges erledigt wie ihr in meiner Story gesehen habt 😁 Wer muss morgen auch wieder arbeiten? Auf dem Bild seht ihr den Inhalt der @pinkbox_de , den ich euch gestern in der Story vorgestellt hatte. 🎀🎀🎀 Mein Favorit war auf jeden Fall das Duftspray von @yvesrocherdeutschland . Es riecht so sommerlich und intensiv fruchtig 😍 Die Masken, das Buch und die Haarkur finde ich im Übrigen auch klasse 👍🏻❤️ . . #pinkbox #unboxing #unboxingtime #beautyblogger #beautybox #pink #beautyblogger_de #bblogger_de #influencer #instamakeupartist #mua #muamafia #muasfeaturing #drugstore #boxing #box #makeupblogger #mua_underdogs #muasupport #beautynews #skincare #haircare #sunscreen #yvesrocher #schaebens #veet #maskingtape #flatlays #colorfull #makeupobessed @weleda_ag @veet_deutschland @schaebens @pure97_official (hier: Fulda, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/By8VrNgCKiw/?igshid=1l6n59eydhj3z
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¡Feliz sábado! Estoy desaparecida porque esta semana me ha tocado trabajar de tarde, pero no podía dejar de enseñaros la nueva novedad que me ha llegado gracias a @bookskakao. Aunque Instagram me lo ha puesto difícil y esta es la única forma que he tenido de subirlo, por partes. No había tenido problemas en subir los unboxings de manera normal, siendo largos, pero desde ayer, no ha habido forma. No sé si es fallo de la app, o es que simplemente ya no deja. Si es lo segundo tendré que enseñarlos en directo y luego guardándolo, porque entonces sí que no hay problema en que sea vídeo largo. No entiendo nada 😡 En fin, vamos a lo importante. ¿Pueden ser más preciosas las ediciones de la editorial? Yo creo que no. ¿Habéis leído algún libro de Kakao? ¿Os llama este? Espero pronto contaros qué me parece ☺️ #unboxingvideo #unboxings #unboxingtime #unboxingbooks #KakaoBooks #Esachicamevuelveloca #Shedrivesmecrazy #KellyQuindlen #LGTBQ #lgbtbooks #lgtblibros #lesbianbooks #loveislove #lgtbqbooks #lgtbiqa🏳️🌈 #librosjuveniles #romancejuvenil #juvenilromántica https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXYKtdDm0q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Q: What book(s) do you want to read before the end of 2021?. First off, how do we have just over a month left in this year? Sounds fake, but ok. Second off, I've been DYING to read Iron Widow and was so excited to see it in the October @illumicrate box! I'm about 75% done with it and I DON'T NEED SLEEP. I DON'T NEED TO WORK. I NEED ANSWERS!. So yeah. I'm reallyyyyy enjoying it. I had a feeling I would, since I grew up watching anime with giant robots like Evangelion. What was in this months box? #ILLUMICRATEOCT2021: 🤖 Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao featuring stenciled edges, art on the reverse of the dust jacket by @jhocaaa, foiling on the hardcover featuring a quote from the book, a signed book plate and digital signature. 🤖Iron Widow inspired monthly pin by @stacey.mcevoy.caunt 🤖Kingdom of the Wicked inspired mug designed by @rosiethorns88 🤖Circe inspired book organizer designed @rosdottir 🤖Caraval inspired measuring cups with artwork by @no0nedesigns 🤖Black Sun inspired candle created by @ameliakitchencandles with label designed by @no0nedesigns 🤖Witches Steeped in Gold inspired print with artwork by @toyin.ajetunmobi If you watched my unboxing video you'll know I was over the moon EXCITED about these measuring cups! I've been baking a lot lately and really needed these LOL. #BookReadHappyHour - Creature on the cover #IronWidow #xiranjayzhao #Illumicrate #BookLovers #BookBox #Unboxing #illumicratephotochallenge #BeautifulBooks #BookishFlatlay #CreativeBookstagram #Bookstagrammer #UnboxingTime #ReadingTime #BookPhoto #ReadReadRead #FantasyBooks #Caraval #kingdomofthewicked #circe #witchessteepedingold https://www.instagram.com/p/CWqV5UArn4l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#unboxing #newstuff #unboxingtimy #unboxingtime #unboxingtoys #newtoy #nicetime #bag #hiddenbag
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Only 10 days to go until the awesome Character Kidz BIG WEEKEND....guess who’s super excited to open his box of awesomeness. #ad #sponsored by @charactertoys #toyinfluencer #kidinfluencer #characterkidz #characterkidzbigweekend #characterkidzevent #characterkidzevent2020 #toyreviews #whatsinthebox #unboxingtime #kidstube #youtubekids #kidyoutubechannel https://www.instagram.com/p/CClsNaCHGuU/?igshid=1n57u7wrbiygo
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ITS #UNBOXINGTIME! This time it’s my first @Causebox this is the SPRING INTRO BOX. I originally bought the box just for the @swellbottle, btw it’s super cute and it fits into the slot of my new backpack 🙌🏻🙌🏻. This box also included a konjac sponge from @wyldskincare, an awesome candle from @laluerofficial, a cute envelope bag from @octoberjaipur, and a some very pretty cards from @papersource. Overall I’m super satisfied with my box, and helping a good cause is never a bad thing. #unboxing (at Indianapolis, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4NFXOAEo1/?igshid=176jpio4rodjx
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Novità! Novità! Novità! Direttamente dalla @fazieditore #unboxingtime #unlibroperesserefelice #videoblog #bookbloggerlife #unboxingvideo #bookblogger #novembre #libriinarrivo #piegolibri #pacchidilibri #novitàinlibreria
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🍡Snacks directo de 🇯🇵#Unboxing en el blog. 🔗Link in Bio. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lifestylebloggers #bloggergirl #bloggerstyle #bloggersgetsocial #latinblogger #japanesesubscriptionbox #unboxingtime #unboxtherapy #problogging #japanesesnacks https://www.instagram.com/p/B4K1CFgFd0H/?igshid=6phsc5rq8ltd
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[ 北極好物開箱 ] 大家應該都知道北極我本人就是愛吃還有愛拍照, 大部分愛攝影��人也都會去找專業的相機包, 但是偏偏我這個人就是龜毛個性, 除了實用還要好看才可以滿足我, 就在前陣子我在各大購物網站搜尋了好長一段時間, 突然就看到我的3C愛牌ELECOM, 居然出了這款滿足我的好物, 而且是第二代! 然後就開啟了我, 瘋狂收集相關資訊的文章, 然後等待完美的時刻, 下手帶回家。 就在前幾天, 博客來網路書店居然打了85折好價格, 讓我以三千有找的價格入手! 接著就讓我來碎碎唸一下~ 這一款結合了攝影、商務還有休閒三個面相, 首先是我買這個包包的最大原因, 就是他有專屬的相機隔間, 或是說是背包的相機包, 不僅可以跟背包搭配使用, 更可以單獨使用 厚度足夠的海綿材質不但可以好好的保護相機, 不用時,還可以移除隔間, 還貼心的顧慮到每個人的使用習慣, 左右都可以開啟。 變成一個完整的空間放進比較大的東西, 更有一個可以放進15.6吋的筆電專屬隔間, 同時還有一個可以容納平板的位置(雖然我沒有)。 外觀是走簡潔俐落又時尚的麻灰色, 還有一個可以放單眼腳架的專屬位置, 這也是我買這個背包的第二原因, 可以不用再另外騰出一隻手來拿腳架, 可以讓他乖乖固定在背包上面, 不會影響其他功能。 第三個原因 他的內在也是有非常多的小口袋, 可以滿足我依照功能來收納各種東西。 第四個原因, 是他的背部就是為了減輕長時間背著攝影器材的壓力, 有整個背部的減壓墊, 肩膀的減壓帶, 還有一個比較少看到的部分, 就是除了胸前的扣子, 腰部���設計了一個, 不用時還可以收起來。 第五個原因: 暗袋非常的多, 尤其是出國玩, 常要帶著護照或是大筆的金錢在身上, 但是放在背包怕被扒手偷走, 或是再買一個超貼身小包包扣在衣服內, 然讓自己感到不舒服, 這款背包就設計了兩個不相通的小暗袋, 直接靠在你身上不可能有機會扒走你的重要證件或是金錢。 而大開口的地方也設計了一個鑰匙圈的扣環, 讓你可以把拉鍊們扣在一起, 不用再另外買一個鎖頭來鎖, 當然這只是簡易的保護, 只是讓想開包包的竊賊沒那麼容易得逞! 此外還要出國的小小貼心設計, 就是你可以把他扣在行李箱的拉桿上, 就可以不用背著包包走在機場走, 尤其是你在機場逛免稅店的時候, 不用擔心背著背包一轉身, 不小心把背後貨架上的東西撞倒在地。 #elecom #backpack #camerabag #laptopbag #casualbackpack #multifunctional #useful #unboxingtime #japanbrand (在 周北極家) https://www.instagram.com/we77123/p/BwFJ2CUHSyr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1634xd2mcrhv
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¡Feliz viernes! Estoy desaparecida porque esta semana me ha tocado trabajar de tarde, pero no podía dejar de enseñaros la nueva novedad que me ha llegado gracias a @bookskakao . ¿Pueden ser más preciosas sus ediciones? Yo creo que no. ¿Habéis leído algún libro de la editorial? ¿Os llama este? Espero pronto contaros qué me parece PD: Lo he tenido que subir así porque no había manera de subirlo normal, se me cortaba a los pocos segundos 😡 Siento las molestias y que no se vea en condiciones horizontales normales 🥺 #unboxingvideo #unboxings #unboxingtime #unboxingbooks #KakaoBooks #Esachicamevuelveloca #Shedrivesmecrazy #KellyQuindlen #LGTBQ #lgbtbooks #lgtblibros #lesbianbooks #loveislove #lgtbqbooks #lgtbiqa🏳️🌈 #librosjuveniles #romancejuvenil #juvenilromántica https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVwSmujM1B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Q: What's been your favorite spooky book you've read recently?. I'm still not over House of Hollow by @km_sutherland and highly recommend it - October is winding down but that doesn't mean the spooky season has to stop! I still have plenty of books I'm looking forward to this fall and I'm always open to more recommendations!. The September @illumicrate box was -chefs kiss- wonderful. They announced ahead of time the book would be #EmpireoftheVampire and this edition does not disappoint! Swipe to see the amazing stenciled edges! #IllumicrateSept2021 What's in the box: 🦇 Empire of the Vampire by @misterkristoff. This version features an exclusive cover, sprayed and stenciled edges, foiling on the hardcover and signed by the author! 🦇 Monthly Collectors Pin inspired by Gabriel’s Sword Ashdrinker from Empire of the Vampire. Designed by @stacey.mcevoy.caunt 🦇Riptide Sword Replica inspired by Percy Jackson. Designed by @stacey.mcevoy.caunt 🦇Manon and Abraxos Zipper Pouch inspired by the Throne of Glass series. Artwork by @winterofherdiscontent 🦇Wild & Improbable Shoe Charms inspired by Strange the Dreamer. Designed by @blissfullybookishtees 🦇Always Victorious Magnets inspired by An Ember in the Ashes. Artwork by @jhocaaa 🦇White Flowers and Scarlet Chain Pin Set inspired by These Violet Delights. Designed by @novemberandmay.shop So I know the pouch is Throne of Glass, but it kinda gave me Game of Thrones vibes too and I always love a good pouch. The Percy Jackson dagger is so cool too!. #Illumicrate #BookLovers #BookBox #JayKristoff #Unboxing #illumicratephotochallenge #EOTV #BeautifulBooks #VampireBooks #BookishFlatlay #CreativeBookstagram #Bookstagrammer #UnboxingTime #ReadingTime #BookPhoto #ReadReadRead #AdultFantasyBooks #FantasyBooks #AdultBooks #PercyJackson #ThroneOfGlass #StrangeTheDreamer #TheseViolentDelights #AnEmberintheAshes #boostingya https://www.instagram.com/p/CVXvOrmrcVh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#unboxing #newstuff #unboxingtimy #unboxingtime #unboxingtoys #newtoy #nicetime #foxracing #mtb #cycling
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I GOT A PACKAGE #breathofthewild #legendofzelda #legendofzeldabreathofthewild #LoZ #unboxing #unboxingvideo #unboxingmoment #unboxingtime #Zelda #Nintendo #hype #nintendoswitch #hypetrain #zeldahumor #zeldahype #videogames #gaming #humor #screaming #ridiculous #lulz #comedy
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Link in Bio 👉👉👉👉 https://youtu.be/zWaoYixeTv8 Best Ring Light Unboxing Only 199₹ Subscribe, Like, Comments and Share #ringlight #ringlightphotography #ringlightselfie #ringlightfortiktok #ringlightforyoutube #ringlightforsale #ringlight26cm #under399rs #unboxingtime #youtube #youtubeindia #subscribe (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8SvkvMsoS/?igshid=qhnvdw3winbf
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ITS #UNBOXINGTIME! This months @ipsy Glam Bag came with the @ofracosmetics highlight in ‘Ghlighter Soho’, the @kvdveganbeauty lock it powder, the @paparecipe_official_us eggplant mask, the @celefit.ph double effect cleanser, and the @maellebeauty tinted lips in ‘Fushia’. My add ons pick were the @sundayriley Saturn mask and the @lottielondon highlight in ‘The Good Girl’. Ipsy did send a heads up the my Glam Bag Plus will take a little longer to ship so I’ll post it when it gets here! #unboxing #subscriptionbox #makeup #skincare (at Indianapolis, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBq4ekeAQl9/?igshid=o11b2p06hep
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