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fcllederage · 16 days ago
Do find Emerson attractive?
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"I mean... He's cute. But if the question is, do I find him attractive enough to date him, then huh... I prefer men who look like men."
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t-errifier · 1 month ago
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EMERSON WASN'T AFRAID OF HIM, that much he knew. despite him showing up at his doorstep covered in blood. perhaps, he would help him get cleaned up. he was looking for solace, a place to be out of the public eye. he didn't doubt that @unapxlogeticme would offer him that.
starter call !
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burninq · 3 months ago
stay away from my brother.
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"yeah . . . no. i'm not going to do that. i happen to like Emerson, thank you. there's nothing that's going to keep me away from him, not even pesky brothers that have a lot to say, apparently." really, Calcifer thinks it's cute that Emerson's brother thinks he can turn him away, just by a few threatening words. if he wasn't Emerson's brother, he'd snap his neck right now just for annoying him. as it is, Calcifer can't do that, even if the fucker is hiding behind a gray face and clearly can't face him himself. coward.
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iconiic · 30 days ago
@unapxlogeticme: [ text ] can you let me in? I’m out front.
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msg — delivered. Srsly? Okay, give me a second.
It was a little surprising to hear that Emery was in Iowa, more so that he decided to drop in on Colby out the blue. It had been snowing nearly all day, so thankfully, Emerson had been able to catch the Iowan before he left the house for the evening. He had a meeting scheduled with Marek to go over some potential students for Black and Brave, as well as some plans for the current class that was finishing up. On his way down the stairs, Colby sent his friend a message to reschedule their plans for a later date. He also apologized for canceling on him at the last minute. Before Colby had even made it to the door, Marek sent him one in returning, saying it was cool, and to just hit him up when he was ready. “Well, well,” Colby said as he opened the door, greeting the younger man with a slight smile. “—this is a surprise.” He took a step back, allowing room for Emerson to enter. “What brings you by?”
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mikaels0n-elijah-writing · 2 months ago
send 👺 for an evil au elijah starter @unapxlogeticme
There was an amused expression on his face, his mouth covered in blood from his victim lying at his feet. He stepped over it as if he didn't care. His eyes on Emerson. “Is there a reason for the disturbance?”
The two had gotten along very well, but Elijah's 'red door' had come to the forefront and if this Elijah could do one thing, it was to do whatever he wanted. Ruthlessly over the feelings of others. As if his humanity had been switched off. “If not, I'd rather advise you to leave.”
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settinqsuns · 2 months ago
@unapxlogeticme liked for a starter | for Tobias
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Camden's been around for a long time now, but school still intrigues him. he'd never met a drama teacher before, so if he's a little excited, don't worry about it- he's literally just interested in learning more about it. he folds his arms across the table and leans in close, his cup of hot chocolate left unattended as it steams in his face. "so how does drama class work exactly ?? i was homeschooled; i didn't have drama class, although my father could probably represent it with his all of his theatrical shows." his nose wrinkles at the thought of his father, but he dismisses it with a smile, eager to learn more about Tobias's line of work. "tell me more."
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6unish · 3 months ago
cont'd from x | @unapxlogeticme
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he  is  quite  sad  that  he  has  to  leave,  but  he  isn't  going  to  be  weird  about  it.  connor  just  needed  a  moment  to  get  himself  together.  a  quick  shower  would  be  nice,  but  that  would  probably  lean  towards  the  weird,  which  he  didn't  want  to  do.  his  hand  is  on  the  door  knob  as  emerson  invited  him  for  a  cup  of  coffee.  the  naked  man  turned  around  and  smiled,  ❝  that  would  be  lovely,  emerson.  ❞  a  wink  before  he  went  into  the  bathroom,  washed  his  face  with  cold  water  and  got  dressed.  once  he  was  finished,  he  slowly  walked  toward  the  kitchen,  greeted  by  the  smell  of  coffee.
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micahsawyer · 3 months ago
@unapxlogeticme, continued from here.
micah hadn't meant to take it so far.  it had started as something small; a simple want to be around emerson, whether they'd spend time together backstage or partying after a show.  emerson didn't really drink (in fact, last night might've been the first time micah had ever seen him share in a bottle), but micah still enjoyed his company even if they just sat together in silence, and emerson never seemed to mind when micah got a little too fucked up.  they bonded over a shared love of music and that was so often the quickest way to soften micah, and despite the current situation, he had been softened.  it's because of this, because of the sudden affection that he'd taken emerson like he had, back to a spare room in his condo.  the way some invisible wall had seemed to drop between them had made micah a tad obsessive.  it had been completely spur of the moment and, micah can admit, maybe a little impulsive.
but fuck, he can't take it back now!  and with emerson here, helplessly tied to a chair with micah completely free to do as he pleases, it's far too good of an opportunity to pass up.  even with emerson's voice completely fucking up whatever dark shit micah was imagining doing.  "oh, come on, emery," micah begins with a sigh, wearing a frown as if he's displeased with emerson's struggling.  his voice is soft and friendly.  with little worry, micah moves to drag a chair in front of the other and take a seat, leaning in a little too close.  "i said might.  i don't want to."  it's not a lie — however much micah desires to inflict pain, he doesn't desire to see emerson's life cut short, least of all by his own hand.  if he'd wanted him dead, micah wouldn't have brought him home.
"sorry about the... well, y'know.  and the gag - it was just 'cause people were here."  as if he's trying to casually explain away kidnapping.  "don't be scared, c'mon.  i'll loosen the ropes if you promise not to be a dick. i know they're makin' you raw."
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bldrdsh · 5 months ago
@unapxlogeticme / starter call ( nikolai kane )
He exhales softly, hand resting on his forehead wiping the sweat soaked hair from his face as he leans down and shakes his head. He'd returned to town with little to show for it, and suffice it to say he'd much rather not stress any further.
"I need breakfast."
HE'D STAYED UP all night the evening before traversing the woods looking for any sign of forward motion on his job and regrettably, NOTHING to say the absolute least. He treks forth until finding a satisfactory cafe, sighing as he enters and rubbing his face.
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"...Coffee...and a pastry..."
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finalgayze · 9 days ago
@unapxlogeticme asked "Look at me!" // Thomas & Emerson
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Thomas was certainly not used to being grabbed like that, and it showed on his face the mild alarm that he experienced at Emerson’s bold move. Not really something that he would have expected but he took that to mean that he was quite serious in that moment. “What is it?” He asked, his eyes studying the other’s face.
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burninq · 2 months ago
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"you know that's all bullshit, right?" he's leaning over Emerson's shoulder, reading a passage of the book he's holding. he knows he's surprised the human because he jumps at the sound of Calcifer's voice and it makes him grin a little before he continues on. "twilight isn't a good source for vampire media. if you're looking for something more realistic, i suggest you look at Nosferatu or Dracula; not that they're actually that realistic, but at least they don't make us sparkle." he's amused to see Emerson divulging in vampire media though. now that he's accustomed to what Calcifer is, it's no surprise that he'd be curious. still, there's gotta be better books out there than fucking twilight.
@unapxlogeticme liked for a starter | for Emerson
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oceanicxeyes · 6 months ago
closed starter for: @unapxlogeticme
Pairing: Patrick & Lacey There was all sorts of supernatural bars in town, which only some humans were aware of. Bars where vampires mingled with wolves, where demons walked around without a care in the world, where humans would do whatever tickled their fucking fancy. It never failed to surprise the demon how slutty these humans were. A few centuries back and they cowered in the presence of supernatural creatures. They burned innocent women on the stake all because they were good herbologists. They often feared the unknown and what humans didn’t understand – they tried to destroy. Probably because they were jealous of not possessing those abilities or maybe they just hated the concept of no longer being the top of the fucking food chain. Whatever their reasons… the demon couldn’t care less. He had been around for quite some time now, so he had seen Humanity evolve into whatever crap they were now.
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Like these feeders. That was apparently the technical term for humans who volunteered themselves to be fed upon by vampires. Who would want some blood sucking fangs piercing their body was none of Patrick’s concern – but it was fun to see how the world reacted to the supernatural. Why would a human submit himself to be fed upon by a vampire? Did he had a bite fetish? Did he want to make himself useful? Feel like he mattered and was needed? Such pathetic notions. Patrick shook his head as he took his drink – his head turning to the latest feeder stumbling out of the area reserved for such practice. He had seen him before. More than once, really. Apparently, the whole letting strangers suck his blood rather than his dick was recurrent. “Why do you do it?” The question came from a place of genuine curiosity. The demon had never paid much mind to vampires but he also didn’t have anything against them. “Why would a pretty face like you submit to the whims of a vampire? Is it because it gets you hard? Are you a fang banger? Read too much supernatural romance novels and want to see what the fuss is about?”
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courtesons · 6 months ago
for @unapxlogeticme who liked this starter call
(for julian)
Some nights in New York City there were people to rescue from fires, villains to fight or dangerous crimes to prevent. But it seemed on a night like tonight the biggest job for the new Spider-Man was dealing with a drug trade of all things. Perching on top of a rooftop and watching several men surrounded by truck with the back doors open revealing all kinds of cases of god knows what substance. Ben waited at that spot, just listening in to the details of what they were doing before making his move by casually webbing one of the goons to the nearby wall before leaping down and landing gracefully. His tight, snug costume visible in the low light of the large alleyway.
"Alright boys, I've got an idea for you. We skip the tussle so you guys don't get bruises and I don't waste the webbing. A nice, clean surrender" He remarked, looking to Julian who perhaps looked like he was the head guy out of all of this. "Sound fair?"
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goddamnmuses · 7 months ago
@unapxlogeticme liked for a starter from Bruce
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"Don't you know it's rude to stare?"
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unpunishble · 7 months ago
contact: husband. ❤️
@unapxlogeticme: you mean the world to me. don’t ever forget that.
( 📩 ) ; you sure about that?
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liraspins · 9 months ago
starter for @unapxlogeticme
Ignoring all the personal questions that were thrown at her, Lira looked around the others apartment. She wasn't here to let somebody get to know her or anything. She just thought they seemed really fun at the bar and thought nothing of it when she was invited to their home. Adding to that, she really did need a place to sleep. "Wow! You have it really cozy here!" she complimented and eyed a potential sleeping couch. "Is this real leather?"
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