#unaccomidating teachers
silkysousaphone · 4 months
You know I get so excited to start a new class and I'm so eager to learn and I'm really opening myself up and allowing myself to be optimistic that this time I can do it and it won't be so hard and I can succeed
And then I try to do these online classes and it's like hit after hit after hit. Nothing is accessible, everything is formatted badly, teachers are unaccomidating, I struggle for hours just trying to fucking read and it's so hard to not just have the life sucked out of you. I hate this so much I hate feeling like I did in high-school like I'm trying to climb a brick wall just to fucking focus, fucking struggling to find any usable accessibility features so I can just keep up.
It really bleeds you dry fighting against everything for hours and falling behind and getting no leeway or accommodations and so you just fail and fail and fail and you hate learning now.
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lesbian-bookworm · 4 years
Teacher: posts very vauge guidelines
Me: does not understand
Me: asks for clarification
Teacher: repeats the guidelines
Me: okay i still dont understand
Me: oaky so im goong to BS this entire paper because i dint know what im dojng.
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saltycharacters · 3 years
Can we stop spreading the myth that strictness in a teacher is a measure of knowledge and/or skill? A harder class doesn't really mean your gonna learn more; it can be a result of how unaccomidating, mean, and bad at teaching your professor is.
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