#ummm what do i tag this as character wise?
axlestuck · 1 year
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I thought for fun I might as well complete the bunny sprites while I was at it!
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stardustdiiving · 2 months
Got tagged by @/kanonavi! 20 fanfic writer questions thing
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
UMMM. I think around 13 probably. I anon or orphan a lot of old stuff
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
32.2k words…probably at least an extra 10k in orphaned stuff though
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Its been solely genshin since 2022. Usually something needs to be a primary tier fandom hyperfixation for me to even think about writing fanfic for it , and then even then I rarely finish more than 1-3 fics for it. Genshin broke this streak bc something shifted in my brain and I’ve finished around a dozen things for it somehow
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) source of inspiration (genshin — makoto, ei, wanderer character study) — 541 kudos
2) better days (genshin — zhongli & xiao erosion fic) — 254 kudos
3) Pattern Recognition (genshin — wanderer & Nahida sickfic) — 254 kudos
4) are you happy? (genshin — postcanon wanderer & nahida) — 142 kudos
5) marvel fic I wrote when I was 15 — 97 kudos
The 1st and 3rd most kudoed fics were actually the first genshin fic I wrote + the first and only bnha fic I wrote when I was 16 but they don’t count because they’re like my disowned children who I should probably orphan but don’t in case I want the option to delete them? I feel they were made before I really processed how to characterize the characters n what sector of fanon I wanted to contribute to, so they’re really like, generic fandom tropey to me and vastly different compared to how I usually write in a way I find kind of unbearable. I am really deliberate in my art n writing in trying to appeal to my own specific n niche fandom tastes so to help me find a similar crowd of people to hang out with and am usually pretty successful in nailing the niche. But for these fics it feels I not only didn’t try to target my own tastes I somehow managed to write something I feel only people who like the fanon I actively don’t vibe with would like ?!? I have no idea how that happened!
it would be if I somehow managed to write a hat radish fic that had “maternal Nahida and her edgy teen son Wanderer” written all over the characterization as if this is not fanon I actively dislike and a lot of how I write hat radish is often motivated by me trying to fulfill my own preferences because I find them in conflict with a lot of fic I read about them? JSDJDNDJ. Itd be like. Where did that come from. How was this written by me. Its one thing to not like my work but how do I have a finished thing I fundamentally disagree with on all grounds that make up my interest in why I may want to write fic about a certain thing in the first place. Disowned child moment
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YEAH always even if I’m slow too. This is an extension of my habit with my art I usually always respond to every comment on my work I get even if it just feels like me repeating thank you over and over bc i like to acknowledge people who r interested in what I’m doing as much as possible to convey I appreciate it. I think it’s always helped in building a sense of community/connection w ppl which is what I’m more interested in as opposed to quantity of interactions
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Idk why this keeps happening but at least half my fics fall under “bittersweet” to “hurt no comfort” territory because I . Hmm. love character study that invokes complicated or ambiguous emotions. I think that’s the trend here
Id probably nominate someone to watch me die?. Its a xiaoven fic that was born out of me being interested portraying a xiaoven dynamic that felt at least somewhat believable characterization wise but pitched studying how venti & xiao’s deep rooted issues could clash with each other in a relationship in a way that’s rlly accidental and tragic when put with their feasible compatibility n care for each other. I have it on anon bc I have weirdly mixed feelings for it bc it feels like a xiaoven fic that probably appeals to any faction of xiao or venti fan who isn’t big on xv far more than a xv shipper
But idk how to advertise it as that bc it’s not like that audience would be in the xv tag?? and it’s specifically romantic xv so it categorically should be there. But it being in the tag feels weirdly hostile to me. I guess I feel it comes off as a fic that exists to be kinda contrarian and hostile to most ppls enjoyment of xiaoven but that wasn’t my intention :( it was made out of my own enjoyment of xiaoven….i just process romance weirdly and I think am more down with ship fic where the ship is kinda depressingly dysfunctional more than other ppl may be. I like the fic quite a bit but I just don’t feel it has a place to Go fandom environment wise
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I HAVE. no idea I feel like no fic I have up leaves off with emotions that are meant to be solely happy. The closest I get is bittersweet . Um. The scripted end of pattern recognition would take this spot but it like. Doesn’t exist yet (but it will…soon…..w)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
HM. I don’t think I ever have. Probably in part I don’t write enough for it
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Look at this shrimp 🦐
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I actually love fandom crossovers as indulgent thinking exercises but I usually never get indulgent enough to write fic about it. However I did write a 30k Steven universe gravity falls crossover where the GF characters were SU gems in 2 months when I was 12 and I have no idea how I did that but it was crazy. Thats still the longest thing I’ve written . It was so much
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone translated a fan comic of mine I made when I was 13 a few times but never a fanfic iirc
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Surprisingly no!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I do shipping in such a weird specific way. My go to answer for this is bakudeku bnha but I kind of lose all feeling for a hyperfixation after it ends most of the time so I don’t really…actively like it…sort of….but it’s also a vague ride or die thing to me…it’s complicated… the fandom environment for it is so unrecognizable to me since I was into bnha idk how to talk to people about it anymore particularly the new generation of fans. I don’t really like actively Ship them in a fandom way but fictional romantic relationships that r very influential to me are Pearlrose Steven universe and Anthy/Utena from rgu
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I mainly just want to finish pattern recognition and I think I will. Ummm. Usually if I don’t finish something it’s bc I just lost interest in seeing it finished
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think people usually like my characterization especially in terms of like, exploring or pitching certain aspects/interpretations of a characterization . Like I feel people usually respond specifically with like “wow interesting characterization. Im adding that to my system of beliefs” this applies to both funny headcanons and more serious character portrayals.
I feel I’m also usually decent at atmosphere and invoking more visceral emotions when needed especially when the emotions in question are like. Mental Illness Monologues (tm) or jarring panic/fear/discomfort idk
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I. struggle. SO bad with like. Organizing how to execute all the thoughts I want conveyed in writing, especially the order of hie things should flow. If I want to hit on multiple traits of a characterization I’m doing for ex I have a hard time figuring out how to order it into a cohesive thing. This is kicking my ass with my oc comic story rn
I also have a hard time with subtlety & trusting my writing to speak for itself. I usually have very detailed thoughts on what I want to communicate and have to do a lot of shifting around to find a balance of feeling things are conveyed clearly enough to be caught onto and interpreted but not overexplained. Its not even a matter of feeling I need to dumb stuff down it feels more like me trying to write emotional analysis of writing I find interesting before doing the writing that would be Fun To Analyze. This is kind of the torture labyrinth when usually all I want to write is emotional subtlety and naunce
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Idk my usual rule is I don’t like when it feels forced. I feel I see it used with ship pet names a lot but as someone who doesn’t get the appeal of pet names conceptually it’s often almost a dealbreaker for me in fics if it feels forced in to be cute , and is not something I can realistically imagine character A doing for character B. Like it just wigs me out. I have no idea why I get such a strong reaction out of it
But I’m really on board when it feels like people pulling from their own experiences with being bilingual or sharing a similar background with the character. When it feels intuitive I rock it as fleshing out the character’s background and people really understanding the societal background and environment the characters exist in
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I have no idea actually omg. Especially in terms of what was first published
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Idk I don’t really enjoy my writing? Often when i finish a piece of writing I am usually satisfied I’ve executed an idea or communicated The Things but I’m not actively happy or proud of anything. Its like talking to me. I talk for myself and based off I want to say but overwhelmingly talking is for communicating with Other People so once it leaves my brain my experience with its existence ends and now it’s all about other people’s experience. This somehow does not apply to my visual artwork where part of the motivation to create it involves how my experience with it continues after its completion
Ummm. I guess my intuitive answer to the question is Pattern Recognition in the sense I feels it Conveys The Most I want to convey about a subject. But it’s also like the fic I cant stand to read the most and doing so is usually an ocd trigger too. Its complicated. I very much write for myself and my own interests and i never force myself to do so but having favorites or enjoying my work just feels incompatible with my brain somehow. And somehow this does not discourage me from writing at all
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carriedreamerxx · 9 months
Oooooh more! Thanks @8canyons-blog
41. Who is my favorite character I've written so far? Oh lord uh that's a tough one but... You know I have to go with "Serenada De Dracón" Arven: Because yes *published* the story has only just begun but I've had this in production for close to a full year so there are snippets for the ENTIRE thing on my Google docs xD : He is a BLAST to write and I can't wait to continue his story in 2024.
Plus, he and Nemona are best friend goals.
49. The fic that is probably the best introduction to me as a writer is a double edged sword. Writing *style* I would say is probably one of my oneshots: "The Bet" and "Victory Road" ( NSFW warning) are the ones that pop up.
But chapter wise... Probably "Destiny Bond" or "Better late than never" ( NSFW warning again )
53. ( I have been informed the 54 was a typo)
My most used tags this year were
Friends to lovers
And a variation of this "This rating is mostly because of [ insert character name's] foul mouth. 😂
Are there any fics that inspired me to write the way I do?
Hmmm interesting question, I suppose back when I was a wee lass with far too unobserved computer habits as a child I would "The Way the Winds of Time Blow" By Aria Zephyr the first major fanfic I ever read and had the courage to review but that was my Zelda exclusive days and I was like... 12. 😂
Hmm you know I don't know about any fics- I know my published authors inspirations xD : Stephen King, Diana Wynne Jones, Jane Austen and last but certainly not least the Queen Charlotte Brontë.
But fics I have to think on this for a bit.
Do I spend more time reading or writing? Ahhhh haaaa....ummm...
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My writing advice is simple.
Love what you do. If you love it that's all that matters.
Love what you write and you will soar.
Thank you again 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
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sexcromancy · 1 month
I did like da acolyte a lot for it's Big Ideas and sexy reylo and fun side characters but as always, it did not escape the star wars would be so good if it was good fallacy. the resolution was bunk (everything for mae from "turn sol in to the Jedi for trial" to the brain wipe was... naur.... she should've just died atp story wise) and a lotttt of the politics felt underdeveloped. sol in general I think was mishandled; the idea that he was the bad actor while the rest of his team/the council disagreed with his actions... 🙄 I did like that indara restarts the cycle at the end tho. Jedi corrupt multidimensional organization ftw. ummm the reylo was good and leslye needs to do my ali movies with me as I predicted she would be good at literally months ago. manny jacinto hot. amandla as osha was awesome, amandla as mae was great at the beginning and then became a little too head tilt psychopath lol. as I said in tags I'm very intrigued by what the force conceived baby stuff says about shmi and Anakin.
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lucigoo · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @sunnyrosewritesstuff. This looks so much fun and agreat way for us to share our fics!
1. How many works do you have on A03? i currently have 120 fics
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 443,720 (not bad considering i've not quite been writing fanfic for a year I dont think)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Hobbit (Mostly Bagginshield) and Harry Potter (Mostly Wolfstar)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Stop me Fading- The Hobbit (it needs serious reediting, just an FYI), Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) - The Hobbit, Who's is the tie Harry? - Harry Potter, Breeding my B....  - Harry Potter (pure Wolfstar smut) and I'm coming Petite Étoile - Harry Potter
5. Do you respond to comments? I do. I tend to to wait until I have 25+ otherwise I feel a bit overwhelmed doing it every time they come in, or letting them get so many that I can't bring myself to do it. So I will anwer, just bare with me <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ummm .... I have a fair few ....
Bagignshield wise would be The Demented King Under the Mountain Check the tags because thers NO HEA for anyone. Harry Potter wise, again I have a fair few with MCD, but I think the most emotional one for me is It's over, they're all gone , again mind the tags
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have some form of Happy Ending, or it implies they do. As for the happiest, hmmm....
Bagginshield wise id say Changeling Child Harry Potter wise, i'd say this little series (two short fics), it just hiits all my fav tropes lol. - I finally have a family and they are all here
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only ever on the Wolfstar ones. Apparantly Remus shouldnt have been taller then his little Welsh mum, someone was VERY upset about it lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't usually. I have 2 smut fics and one the was supposed to be smut, but ended up being fade to black (opps lol)
Breeding my B.... (Pure Wolfstar P without P), Are you a werewolf? (Jegulus P with P) and Wait, you're the wolf? (Is implied Wolfstar smutt but the smutt wasn't smutting that day lol)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I actually have one atm as a wip on A03. Its a Hobbit/HArry Potter crossover and im very excited for it. I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, its linked on my "Breed my B...." fic. A wonderful person translated it ito Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I would love to though
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? It really is a tie betwee Bagginshield and Wolfstar, I adore both
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So, i dont tend to not fiish wips, they just stay in my computer for a long time lol. One i am slowly (like snails pace slowly) working on is called King of Azkaban and it's a pretty dark fic.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like i can put the characters in any situaiton and try keep thempretty close to their canon characterisations within the sitution
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Editing!! I have a paid editing app and also run things through a TTS and there are still so many bloody typos 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Do it!! If oyu can get someone from that language to help (of it's a real one). I oftne use Romani chib (I'm Roma) inmy Bagigshield focs for the hobbits and have Kuzdhul and Sinderian in there too. I also have a Wolfstar fic where I have English, Welsh, French and Punjabi in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Were talking over 20 years ago here, but it was Wolfstar then and it's Wolfstar now lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I dont know 😭. Im going to put two Bagignshield ones and two Harry Potter ones as I don't have a favourite but ones I like more then others.
Heather (Wolfstar), You're Floo Was My Emergency Contact (This is my latest HP one and im so proud of it ) A heart of stone and Fire in his soul (Pre Bagginshield but this one felt so powerful to me, Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) (Bagginshield Afterlife fic, soo pure gold to me)
I'm gonna tag @brandileigh2003, @blueberryrock @fishing4stars, @chaoticfandomtrash And of course anyone and everyone who wants to join and share their fics. Id love a tag if you want so I can admire all the fics!!!
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captn3 · 2 years
💝 GIFT FOR YOUUUUU ^_^ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂
OMG YAAAAAAAAY YIPPEE minecraft, the game itself is so underrated story-wise. like. its always minecraft ocs or minecraft youtubers, roleplays, smps, which dont get me wrong!! those are all good and fine (except for of course.. the dsmp likers . you know) but like. So Rarely do i EVER see stuff about.. the Actual base game. more under the cut cause... Ummm.. Potential Undiagnosed Autism Moment ! ^_^
like I know minecraft is a pretty non-story game- like. people dont Actually talk. there's lore, but no actual dialogue.. which is why i think even minecraft storymode likers are more common, cause there's a literal story there that is the main point of the game. but also! there are characters! two, but more if you count rana or even herobrine- no not even that, we just got three more (albeit unnamed) from the wild update's trailers! but for some reason no one's talking about them at all.. not in the comments of the official minecraft tweets, not in the youtube comments- i literally went into the minecraft tag on tumblr to see if it was just me, and... yeah. i was the only one actually excited about it. which made me a bit sad. like, there's so much freedom with what you can do with these characters! yet whenever i see art of steve or alex, they're just... there. nothing of substance you'd see from like- for example, i dunno- sonic is on the mind. you dont get mini 1-2 page comics about them talking about something. which honestly, maybe i shouldn't be so expectant of because minecraft isn't very character driven, and the characters dont really.. Have a given personality in the actual game, just in trailers and stuff, but like!! other stuff that isnt character driven gets plenty of attention!! yes this is about among us. another thing- whenever people draw art specifically about the minecraft characters- like actually digging out a personality it almost ALWAYS includes herobrine everywhere. like i mean everywhere- cause ill be honest i draw herobrine with the gang sometimes too BUT LIKE. NOT WITH THEM 24/7!!! its so sad the others are only brought up because of something that isnt even part of the game in any way. also [POINTING AT RANA VIOLENTLY] maybe im just used to how the ahit community brings back cut characters BUT. RANAAAA SHESLITERALLY SO CUTE. SHE IS THE MOST EVER. like she's kinda in the same situation as herobrine BUT was actually made to be in minecraft. you think stuff that focuses on the characterization of steve and alex is rare to see? Rana OKAY sorry i went on a huge [gestuuring] i wouldnt call it a rant its a bit more closer to an infodump but not quite. erm. yeah. never give me a reblog game where you talk about stuff i will go one Far too long...
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kaz11283 · 3 years
44 and 45 for writing prompts?
44) Close Your Eyes
45) Will You Marry me
Your Favorite Suprise
Warnings: fluff
Characters: Your favorite God of Mischief, Nat, Clint (brother, I know I have a weird problem ok?), Steve, Tony, Thor
Summary: you and Loki had been dating for a while now it only made since that he wants to take the next step.
Announcements: Ah yes, while I should be working on the next chapter of my series Im doing a Loki Request list...makes sense to me. I have decided to start posting a chapter a week and I have decided to start posting The chapters on Fridays. But I'll probably still be doing one shots and drabbles randomly during the week along with request. *its like really early in the morning here so if I am not making any sense i will probably post another update soon.* love you guys, thank you for the request! 💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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Loki had been distant all day, he wasnt in any of the normal places that he normally would have been. You had checked in the library, his room, even the lab none held signs that the god had been there all day.
"Guys, have you by any chance seen Loki?" You asked walking into the living room where your brother and Nat were wrestling, for some unknown reason, Thor and Steve sat watching.
"Tall guy, wears to much green, pointy hat?" Clint choked out from a chokehold. Sometimes you wondered if you were really the oldest with the way he acted.
"Last time I seen my brother he was heading out to the large balcony on the top floor with a rather heavy looking box." Thor called over his shoulder. "No no no Hawkman, you odviously doing it wrong. Let me show you." He said getting up walking over to the two on the floor.
"Whatever, he'll know where to find me I guess." You said jumping over the back of the couch sitting down next to Steve.
"Hey! No jumping on the furniture. I swear its like I live in a house full of kids between you and Parker jumping and flying around." Tony yelled from the kitchen door.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you. "Thor is trying to show them some Asguardian fighting moves. Nat picked up pretty fast, your brother on the other hand..."
"He does better in a roost high above the ground. Only reason I use to hate fighting with him is because he could climb higher than I could." You laughed.
"Ok Lord Thunder if you can do better be my guest." Clint took a step back allowing Thor to stand in. Thor gave a bellowing laugh and got in a fighting stance.
"My people invented these moves I can easily take down Nat."
After a few rounds and Thor definitly losing causing the room to howl with laughter at his confusion Loki walked in.
"So the man of mysteries returns. Where have you been darling." You asked as he came to stand beside you.
"Just working on a suprise for you my dearest." He laughed leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
"Please stop, there are young eyes in the room." Clint groaned from a recliner across from you causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yeah, if your going by shoe size." You mocked. Turning to Loki you looked at him. "What does the god of mischief have up his sleave for me?"
"Come dear, I would rather show you." He offered you his hand and you walked from the room.
He lead you to the room where the balcony was located and turned to you. "Close your eyes."
"Ummm why? You planning on pushing me off?" You laughed realizing that he had a serious look on his face. "Nevermind." You closed your eye, as soon as they were shut you felt a cloth wrap around your head. "If you wnted something like this all you had to do was ask." You smirked.
"Oh nine realms y/n. Get your mind out of the gutter for just a little bit." You couldnt see it but you knew he was rolling his eyes. "This is serious." You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Ok fine, serious, I can be serious for like 5 minutes. I cant guarantee the comments that will follow after the time is up though." You laughed.
"Sometimes I feels like I'm dating your brother." He huffed taking your hand and leading you onto the balcony.
"We are basically the same person, I just look alot better than he does in a cat suit." He let go of your hand just after walking out of the door and disappered.
"You know that mouth is one of my favorit things about you." He whispered in your ear cauing your heart to flutter. "Always quick to the punch, it never fails." He said kissing the side of your mouth.
"But my absolute favorit thing about you is your willingness to over look a persons flaws, to give everyone a chance, even if they dont deserve it. You have such an open mind forgiving everyone that you feel need forgiving. Looking for the good in a person and giving that person hope that maybe there is hope left for them." This time he brushed your hair from your neck kissing you behind the ear sending a shiver down your spine.
"Loki you was never a bad person-" you saod trying to defend him aginst hisself
"I brainwashed your brother." He countered. "You didnt just do it for me though. You stood up for Wanda, for Bucky, you stand up for the underdogs that wouldnt have a chance other wise."
"Wanda needed a family, Bucky was Steves best friend and I seen how it hurt him for eveyone to be aginst him. Also brainwashed. Im kinda seeing a pattern here though." You smiled.
"Y/n, honestly would you jusy be quiet for a few more minutes." He sighed.
"Ok, lips are sealed. Continue telling me how great I am." He sighed again pulling you closer to the middle of the balcony.
"You have been my light in the darkest tunnel I had ever been in. When the others shut me out you were always there to let me know I wasnt alone. I could travel to all nine realms and never find another soul as caring and as trust worthy as you, who holds me at night when nightmares wake me up, who actually seen good in me and who has made me a better person." You felt him reach behind you and untie the knot from the blind, you kept your eyes closed as you felt him grab your hand again this time there was a slight pull. "Darling you can open your eyes."
When you opened them you were awestruck with the sight in front of you. Farie lights had been hung from the rafters causing a warm glow around the balcony, ivy and white flowers hand been drapped on the walls givingbthe whole place a cozy feel. You looked at Loki noticing him kneeling in front of you, you opened your mouth to make a comment but quicky shut it not wanting to ruin the moment.
"Y/n Barton there is no one else I would rather travel the nine realms with but you, I would walk across time and space to see you smile. Would you please do me the honor of being my princess? My Queen? For all eternity? Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small black box for his pocket and opened it revealing a silver band entwind with a beautiful type of black metal a small emerald sat nestled between the two holding the jewel in place. Your eyes shot up to his and tears started to flow. You didnt trust you voice in that moment son you simply shook your head.
He was on his feet in no time easily slipping the band on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. You placed your hands on either side of his face pulling him into you for a kiss. "Yes." You mumbled aginst his lips as he smiled into the kiss. "A million times yes!"
"We are going to have a wedding!" Thor yelled from the open door causing you both to jump. You looked up in time to see everyone that had been in the living room crowed around watching the two of you. "Lady y/n, a fine sister you will make!" Thor beamed picking you up into a crushing hug.
"You can have her! Ive had her as a sister long enough." Clint said beside you as he leaned down to kiss you cheek. "Congrats sis."
"You knew didnt you?" You smiled.
"Of course I did. Hes kinda old school, asked if it would be ok if he asked you. Nice guy, once you get past the whole mind control thing." You smacked his in the chest.
"In my defence you did try to shoot me woth an arrow that exploded." Loki said wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Ill take back the approval to marry my sister." He saod looking straight at him.
"No you wont, ive already said yes. Besides he really makes me happy. Truly honestly happy." You smiled looking up at Loki giving him another kiss.
Tag list:
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
it is funny seeing now what ppl have surged in popularity in fandom, namely the ppl i watched years back mindcrack era that i dont feel like even got that much attention in the (much smaller) fandom. like at least fandomwise i never felt like bdubs or etho were that popular in regards to fics and stuff, mostly comparing to others at that time- tho bdubs and his later roleplaying (bteam) did gain him more attention i think. and like, nebtho was certainly a dyanmic ppl liked but it was otherwise pretty contained to those few moments and the fics were very much nonexistent even tho that fun pair. when i did see etho it was often with team canada as a whole. and in similarity w bdubs i feel like etho got more attention during more of that kinda phase (but nothing comparable to now). and ofc im speaking from experience of the ever tiny tumblr community... undoubtedly ppl leaned towards certain guys and it just kinda encouraged more focus on those people.
but i was curious if i could see how correct my memories were. while ao3 is a thing with tags im not sure if itd be skewed due to other things these people are in, so i thought itd be interesting to go to the salad and take a look since it was one of the most contained places for mindcrack fics i used back then
(under the cut bc this got even longer. sorry i can shut up abt fandom analysis and how things change <3)
some of these tags usages can be like... minor appearances. but at first i was surprised to see bdubs with a whole 478 tagged fics... but then the etho tag has a whopping 895. i think hes mentioned in a lot of fics in passing, but still thats a lot more tagged than i wouldve thought in the end. but i can say i really do remember bdubs getting very little attention in the fic area back then so. some of the other notably highly tagged people were beef (601), guude (753), kurt (731), nebris (662), pause (715), vechs (985), and zisteau (860).
leaving vechs at #1, etho at #2, and zisteau at #3. i was not a vechs reader but goddamn he really was everywhere fandom wise i recall, so that adds up. z and etho were definitely people i saw getting more attention at the end of my mindcrack era too (mostly z with vechs). of course some of this again should be taken w a the note that there are likely a lot of background appearances/minor ones. regardless, to know that even some of them were mentioned enough to add up like that is kinda wild when you think about it. i had some blinders on because i cared mostly about kurt and zisteau, and no surprise they have been tagged 700-800 times either- sms wasnt the most popular, but i know it came up quite a bit.
i did take a quick look at the mindcrack tag on ao3 but it houses wayyy less fics (466 right now) than the salad so, i guess its a better idea, mostly because it is what was popular back when these ppl werent as popular!
but in terms of now??? what got me back to watching these guys was being surprised at a post about bdubs that had like, 5k notes. so obvious things have changed A Lot. i mean hell. the salad has 2,578 fics tagged. ao3 has ummm 10k+ hermitcraft fics and 3k+ last life fics.... and for both etho and bdubs, theyre tagged in over 1k hermitcraft fics (2k, if you count last life as separate). actually an even more amusing comparison is Doc- on salad theres 213 tags and hes never someone i considered writing about or reading about (shockingly i did write him once) but in the hermitcraft tag on ao3 hes up as one of the most tagged with 1,940.
i find it so interesting how things change direction. bdubs was kinda early on the rping ideas and its no shock people caught on to him more- but etho is someone im surprised has exploded in popularity now? but also not? like im surprised interest like now didnt catch on until recently. the way people have molded a character and Vibe with him now Makes Sense. i think i always saw him in similar ways years ago, but that fandom attitude hadnt caught up, the fanbase was too small. but its wild to go from a few sporadic fics focused on one of these guys to like..... very very consistent interest, headcanons, fan art, fics, etc. fucking wild.
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transprince · 3 years
dude i love ur characters from what ive read in the tags of those posts 🤯 tell me all about them im listening
Ive got, uh, 24, more or less, and im working on ancestors!! Oh, and, uh, 2 more, but theyre set to the side for a reason!!
I'll go in hemospectrum order, so each pair is, you know, burgundy to fuschia!!
I've got the Hidcuts, my Alternian one being Byssta and my Beforan one being Herxes!!
Byssta is a hairdresser for other lowbloods, he's got his own stall at a salon run by a bunch of olives! He's a Heir of Mind, his chumhandle is MaliciousNotebook, he's a prospit dreamer, and his sburb land is the Land of Fog and Windows!! His puzzles center around him trying to figure out what all of the windows have in common, they show, like, 4th wall kinda junk!! He has a razorkind strife specibus, like, primarily those shaving Razors? He uses a Lier fetch modus, which basically means whatever he puts away will come out at the -worst- time possible, even though he'll need it! Like Kanaya's fetch modus, but a bit of jumpscare material sprinkled in. Ummm, lemme see, i have a troll call card I made for him:
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That's a very -old- drawing, and the other one i made for a different character turned out much much better!! He's also Belten's ex moirail!
Herxes is, like... Sherlock Holmes, but -lower-, college student Sherlock Holmes. (His name is actually, like... a dumb play on -Hercules-, from Hercules Peirot!!) He's a Mage of Mind, his chumhandle is MoriartysNemesis, prospit dreamer, his land is of Undead and Rot, where he has to figure out what killed everything except his consorts!! [Theyre decomposers!!] He uses a spearkind strife specibus, and his fetch modus is basically wheres waldo, where he has to find the object he needs in an image on the card!! Both Hidcuts have a quadriped hummingbird as their lusus!! No wings, only feet.
Next is my bronzes, Ronzel and Dareos Begray!!
Ronzel is THE COOLEST GAL, she's a knight of heart, Derse dreamer she's a bartender at another troll's nightclub [belten's!!] She has a boar lusus, her land is of Clouds and Chasms, where she's gotta make it rain!! Her strife specibus is chain kind, again, cool as hell, and her fetch modus is, like... password protected, where her cards each have a -unique- code!! She's so cool, i love her so much, very much, like... cool hot topic babysitter vibes? Idk how else to describe it, shes just GREAT!! Oh, her chumhandle is PensiveTruant!
Dareos Begray is a, like, vtuber? And also a sex worker, hes got, like, a whole set up for either thing? His main client -and- subscriber is my beforan violet, Adonis Raytil! He's a page of heart, his chumhandle is PastelTomentor, his land is Advertisement and Beauty, he needs to help a megacorp sell this revolutionary youth cream?? [Fuck capitalism, but i thought it was fun!! Plus the youth cream only works on the camel consorts :/ ] He also has a chain kind specibus, but his is moreso yo-yo esque??? A meteor hammer, to be exact!! He uses a reward fetch modus, which is basically achievment based? He'll need to do something to the card's specifications before he can get the item, and that can be anything from breaking a plate to defeat the fucking denizen of his land :/
MY GOLDIESSSSSSS, belten and desrio brytee!! They have a Jewel Beetle lusus!!
Its very important to me to show off belten's troll call card first:
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(The double b is his quirk!!!) BBelten is a page of light, a nightclub owner, has and will press every try me button in the toy aisle, his chumhandle is BoisterousBraggart, his land is Glow and Fruit, and his strife specibus is GLOWSTICKKIND!! His weapon is Einsten's Glowstick, which starts to irradiate foes when you crack it :] I made him when suffering jetlag, and i was practicing hair, and here we are, 23 trolls later. He's the leader of his own session, and completely on accident, as Ronzel, his moirail, was supposed to go in first! I love him. Oh, he's also got a ddr fetch modus, which is exactly what it sounds like!
Desrio Brytee [also known as Depression the Kid] is a Prince of Light, drug dealer, local faulty light bulb, and owner of the chumhandle BedriddenBastard! His land is of Hexes and Drugs, he's got an EXPLOSIVES STRIFE SPECIBUS, and hes also got his hair split dyed with the obnoxious pink and orange of the bbrytee's eyes!! His fetch modus is just pill fetch modus, which is also fairly simple!!
Next are my limes, the DURLENS!! Pikled [affectionately called Pikles] and Einsen!!
Pikled is a Seer of Void, a walking steampunk mess, hes missing his left arm [blown off by a droid, was belten's fault, they broke up about it, at least red wise. Belten's a heart breaker mhm] derse dreamer, hes got a land of artifacts and space, a crowbarkind specibus, and he's batshit insane. Like, he's cute, but both he and Einsen are *w a c k*. He uses a pendulum fetch modus, which means he'll get either one item or the other, and the remaining item will be locked until he can get another item on the card! He's got a massive crush on his olive, we'll get to her, she's also wack.
Einsen Durlen is a cyberpunk knight of void, he's missing his left lower leg, [scuttlebuggy accident, debateably desrio's fault, they also broke up about it red ways] he has a Land of Rime and Yarn, he uses a screwdriver kind specibus, hes constantly got a mask on [like pikled always has goggles!!], he has a mask fetch modus, which really just means once he puts a card in, he has to figure out what its -disguised- as to get the item! If not, he doesnt get it from the card! Oh, I also havent really been mentioning quirk, but part of his is that sometimes he'll just replace a word or a part of a sentence with [REDACTED] to show hes keeping something from someone, instead of just... lying... or not mentioning it. (He'll also replace his i's with \ and his l's with /, jsyk)
ONWARDS, TO OLIVES, odytra and sklera Marcol!!!
Odytra is a thief of space, her lusus is a six legged cat, she uses a stringkind strife specibus, glove fetch modus [means she needs special gloves to get out her stuff], she's a derse dreamer, annnnnnnd, oh, she makes people into desserts at her diner. Uh-huh. Granted, that's very private, most people dont know!! She also has, like... a thing with number 7, idk what to tell you chief
Sklera is a skateboarder punk, Sylph of Space, she has a oand of topiary and keys, very alice in wonderland!! She has a Wrenchkind strife specibus, an 8 Ball fetch modus, and einsen is TERRIBLY in love with her! Not too much to say on her!
Next are my jades, but i think i'll post this, and add the remaining trolls when i have time, if you'd like!!!
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
💫✨HELLO! ✨💫
I am the 🍀tag game anon🍀! I’m traveling through Dream smp writer blogs to spread tag games! 💃🕺
If you don’t want to participate feel free to delete this ask! ❌ But if you do want to play, answer the questions and tag some of your friends or blogs that you think would enjoy this asks!! ✅
💫Lets begin💫
❤️: dream smp member character you like the most?
💔: dream smp member you dislike the most?
📝: Favorite character to write about?
🗑: Least favorite character to write about?
✅: Best arc?
💤: Most boring arc?
🙈: Best family dynamic to write about!
🙊: Worst family dynamic to write about
📖: Favorite quote?
👯‍♂️: Best duo?
🙅: Worst duo?
🌟: Old L’manberg (Wilburs administration) or New L’manberg (Tubbos administration)?
🔥: Eggpire or pro-omelet?
☀️: Favorite season??
🔪: Which villain do you like the most?
💞: Apologist for?
📌: Worst betrayal?
📍: Best alliance?
🧸: Hurt/No Comfort or Hurt/Comfort?
📚: Character you write about the most?
🗒: Character you write about the least?
🤭: And finally, if you had to chose to switch places with a character, who would it be?
Thanks for participating!!! 💃🕺💃🕺 Tag your friends and be creative with your answers!!
Oh! Hello tag game anon! Thank you so much for this! I tag whoever wants to do this because I’m bad at tagging people! 
Who I like the most: Honestly, I cannot put one above the other. I know I simp for Punz a lot and I really love him, but I honestly don’t love him more than anyone else I just love them all so so so so so so much. 
Dislike the most: I don’t dislike anyone! I love them all!
Fav character to write about: Oh boy... I’ll give you some of my tops because I can’t pick just one. Techno, Punz, Sapnap, SBI Au, Dream, and Wilbur. 
Least fav character to write: I don’t have one. I know, I’m boring but it’s true. I guess I get the most insecure about writing for Techno because I’m scared that how I write them is out of character so yeah...
Best arc: I love Wilbur’s villain arc. I love how he went from wanting to protect the one thing he created and cared about to wanting to be the one to blow it all up.
Boring Arc: It’s not that it’s boring, it’s just that it made me sad. Tommy’s exile. It makes me so sad to think about and I don’t wike it
Best Dynamic: Philza and Techno. Honorable mentions: Sam and Ponk, Tommy and Tubbo, Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity, Punz and me... wait
Worst Dynamic: Lore wise? Tommy and Dream. Like I hate manipulation and abusers and that’s just what this whole dynamic is. 
Fav quote: “It was never meant to be” (Anytime it is said) Honorable mentions: “I’m sorry Dream, you should have paid me more” “I have the Blade *Technoblade has joined the game*” “I had sex with a fish” 
Best duo: *See best dynamic*
Worst duo: *See worst dynamic*
Old or New L’Manberg: I am a simp for President Wilbur so old L’Manberg
Eggpire or pro-omlet: Pro-omlet all the way
Favorite Season: all of them lol
Villain: Wilbur when in his villain arc lol. Or Technoblade, but I don’t count him as a villain
Apologist for: TECHNOBLADE
Best alliance: Honestly, I love the Dream & Techno alliance. It scares me a little bit but I love it lots. Honorable mentions: Techno, Philza, Ranboo, and Puffy. 
Hurt/No Comfort or Hurt/Comfort: Oh Hurt/Comfort for sure. I like reading angst but I’m a sensitive person and I need that reassurance after having my heart ripped out. 
Character I write about the most: Techno 100%
Character I write about least: Unsure because there is a lot of people I would love to write for but haven’t gotten the chance too, like George and Niki. I would also love to write more for Punz, Sapnap, Dream, Wilbur, and others lol. 
If I could switch places, who? Ummm relationship wise, Karl because I would be engaged to Sapnap and Quackity but I wouldn’t want to have to deal with the time travel stuff and memory loss. Lore wise.... Maybe honestly Punz because I would love to gain the villain’s trust and turn it around. 
This was really fun! Thank you very much for sending it to me!!
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sad-ghost-jen · 4 years
Tagged by @looosethreads thank you friend.
This is Twenty Questions.
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise? Either ghost or Jen.
2.When is your Birthday? October 9th one day after @looosethreads .
3.Where do you live? Right now I’m living in Denver, Colorado
4. Three things I’m doing right now? I’m watching digital mirage, play DayZ and drinking Red Bull.
5.Four fandoms that have piqued my interest? I have no idea what fandoms are or classified as.
6.How has the pandemic been treating you? Well I graduated college but I’m currently battling the virus as we speak.
7.A song I can’t stop listening to? Your Fault by Excision, slander.
8. Recommend a movie? Coco because I love it, I have little pop funkos of all the characters and it makes me cry.
9. How old are you? 26
10. School, university, occupation, etc? Just graduated university, been getting job offers we will see which path I take.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? Cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? I can pick up laundry with my feet and YEET it across the room into the laundry basket. Lmao call it a hidden talent if you want!
13. Are you shy? Yes at first.
14. Preferred pronouns? She/her
15. Biggest pet peeve? Dishonesty
16. What’s your favorite “dere” type? I have no idea
17. Rate your life 1-10: ummm 4
18. What’s your main blog? This one 😂
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for: I don’t have any side blogs.
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming your friend? Yeah I’m an asshole but I’ll be there for you at any moment I’m needed.
So if I don’t tag you just answer the questions and tag me anyway I want to see answers. @miseryforcompany @emofuck-inspace @dylskyn @king0f-anything @enter-the-fall @tocuremymind and anyone else I forgot.
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txtdiaries · 4 years
extra elongated tag game O.o
tagged by the main bitch @gohyuck​ thanku ray ily
tagging: @hi-mishamigos​ @sweetsoobinie​ and @bffsoobin​
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ummm I’ll go with three groups: txt, nct, and ateez. for txt the song was crown I think! nct (dream) was boom (even tho I stanned long before it was released, boom locked me in) and for ateez it was HALA HALA.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
to be a millionaire by like,,, 30.
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
My heart says miss more days of school but my brain says hang out with friends more.
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
I always carry headphones around even if I never use them when I go out, just incase.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the long, super plush kind that mold to your touch.
favourite song right now?
selfish by madison beer (not my FAV but I’ve been listening to it a lot lately).
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to not be so irritated at everyone all the time lmao.
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
IM A CLOWN idk if I have any funny stories per say??? my whole life is just kinda tragic. the first story that popped into my head: once in high school my best friend and I snuck out of an assembly and hid in the bathrooms because we hated our school and everyone else in it (+ couldn't leave campus cause we couldn’t drive yet), so we stayed there for the rest of the hour just playing music and hanging out in the handicap stall. not funny but shows the kinda person I was in hs lol.
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones most of the time but speakers when I’m in my room writing at like 2 a.m.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
at all times I am craving chicken alfredo
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
I use Spotify!
ten questions (by raya, answered)
1. favorite item of clothing?
I really like a lot of my long trench coat jackets I have! I think they’re rly classy and pull an outfit together.
2. if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
Lavender OR the oatmeal and shea butter body wash I use bc it smells lovely.
3. favorite painter? why?
I don’t really have one.
4. what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
Silent Hill just bc it was the first ever like, FUCKED horror movie I ever watched without my parents.
5. iphone or android?
6. favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
I don’t have tik tok nor do I like it but I REALLY like the one trend where people play i’m just a kid by simple plan in the background and recreate their kid pictures (only bc I’m a nostalgia enthusiast lmao).
7. if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
I’d want the ability to time travel / teleport.
8. favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
Peter Parker / Spiderman has been my favorite since I was a kid (Tom Holland is v cute and amazing, but my personal fav is Andrew Garfield just bc his Peter was so SOFT and patient and dorky).
9. if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
10. who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
my ult is na jaemin (he’s the literal sun, his smile is beautiful, he’s fkn weird, he’s patient, and he’s kind).
ten questions of my own:
what is your favorite movie of all time?
describe your childhood in three words?
favorite holiday?
favorite vacation spot?
what do you think of the education system? are u a fellow slave to the gpa?
what is your hair color?
what talent do you wish you had?
what is your major + why (if you’re in hs, what do you plan on majoring in)?
do you like kids or do you merely tolerate them?
any pets?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: n/a (lol)
nickname: lana
birthday: April 19 2000
zodiac: aries bitches we ride at dawn
nationality: american (gag)
languages: English, Spanish, some Korean, some French
gender: female
sexuality: idk man. straight? I guess?? (im romantically attracted to males + females but not sexually attracted to females) god. who fkn knows.
height: 5'3 ish
inspiration for muse: idk! music I guess. it gives me lots of inspo
meaning behind my url: I wanted to represent my blog with something really intimate and chronologically laid out, and also personal. txt for Tomorrow X Together and diaries bc diaries are where you tell your deepest secrets and for me personally the first time I ever wrote stories of my own was in my diary when I was young.
blog established: may / june ish of 2019
followers: 987
favourite animals: dogs, elephants
favourite books: I have a LOT idk I love a lot of the classics
favourite colour: sea foam greenish blue / sea blue / dark coral
favourite fictional characters: theodore finch (atbp), olly bright (everything, everything), four (divergent)
favourite flower: lavender 
favourite scent: lavender, shea butter + oatmeal (I have a body wash that smells like that and oof), and uhhh the smell of fresh laundry???
favourite season: autumn, winter
average hours of sleep: 10 on a good day, 6 on a normal day.
cats or dogs: dogs
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee
current time: 9:46
dream trip: London or SK
dream job: I’d love to work with idols / entertainers in the music industry. I’d also love to be a fashion editor / designer. 
hobbies: writing, reading
hogwarts house: slytherin
last movie watched: wicker park (funny story actually, the airport scene from wicker park influenced the final airport scene in six twenty-four, aha)
last song listened to: the scientist by coldplay
no. of blankets you sleep with: one duvet and one fluffy blanket over the top of that
random fact(s): uhhh I make up the 1% of the population that has all of: the INFJ-T personality type, red hair, and green / hazel eyes.
5 things i can’t stop listening to (was 10 but I can’t think or find 10 isjfsfk)
selfish - madison beer
not mine - day6
thanxx - ateez
inception - ateez
21 - gracie abrams
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howllscastle · 4 years
20 questions tag 🍃
1. what do u prefer to be called name wise?
ally !
2. when is your birthday?
september 1st !
3. where do u live?
the oh so wonderful country of ~ america ~
4. three things u are doing right now?
typing this, trying to will a headache away, and listening to the lawn mower outside
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest right now?
I've been watching too much anime lately so I'd say the ones for bungou stray dogs, no.6, given and also atla its my new obsession 😌
6. how has this pandemic been treating u?
honestly my life hasn't changed much as I'm used to always being home, but the first couple weeks were rough bc my anxiety ✌ but I'm doing better now hehe
7. a song u can't stop listening to right now?
day and night by day6,,,, i can't even describe how i feel when i listen to it,,
8. recommend a movie
booksmart ! its hilarious, has a lesbian main character, and is just overall great
9. how old are u?
10. school, university, occupation, other?
I'll be going to college in the fall 😬
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
cold bc its easier to deal with, also i love blankets and hate being too hot to have one
12. name one fact others may not know about u
sometimes I can make myself feel bad?? like I legit used to make myself get a headache or stomach ache just by thinking about it hard enough bc I didn't want to go to school 😭
13. are u shy?
short answer: yes
long answer: I will not go into details but my brain decided to wire itself wrong, giving me multiple reasons as to /why/ I'm shy
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
she/her !
15. biggest pet peeve?
people who only care about themselves 😐
16. what is your favorite 'dere' type?
I only know yandere and at this point I'm too afraid to look up more
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
idk maybe like a 5?? or 6
18. what's your main blog?
this one hehe
19. list your side blogs and what they're used for?
I just have one, @divinewake, and its just an aes blog (that rarely gets used oops)
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
ummm sometimes i go through periods of not wanting to talk, so I may avoid answering messages (especially at night) and sometimes I shut down when confronted or when trying to express touchy thoughts/emotions (mainly irl)
tagged by: @pinktea99
tagging: @peachesgarden @fullsuns @fairsumu @sunwoosgf @ebarbs95
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misdre · 4 years
tagged by @bobgoesw00t ! thank you bob!!!
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? misi is what all friends call me
2. When is you birthday? august 3
3. Where do you live? (You don’t have to give city, you can give the state if your USA or country if you are overseas) finland. i don't mind saying it's turku because i like turku. i’m on täl pual jokke
4. Three things you are doing right now? making coffee.. typing answers to this meme.. about to watch a document about wine while drinking coffee
5. Four Fandoms that have your peak interest right now? four is a bit much to ask from me. well beyblade is a staple, and right now i'm reading the 7th chapter of higurashi no naku koro ni. ummm eurovision and... can i call it a fandom that i've been listening to audio books of the best mystery novels from last year a lot, basically one book per week. mystery novel fandom??
6. How has this pandemic been treating you? not very well. i'm pretty sure i would have got a job without this. i've been sitting inside alone all my life so that part hasn't really changed but like i just really fucking want a job and i think the pandemic really crushed all my chances to get one because every business is in trouble now so nobody's hiring.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now? i’ll be honest.... i don’t really listen to music these days..... and when i do it’s playlists instead of anything on repeat
8. Recommend a movie. it's almost the season to watch midsommar, just saying
9. How old are you? turning 30 soon. let's not talk about it
10. School, University, Occupation, Other? a bum with a university degree
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? cold
12. Name one fact about you that others may find unusual. i've never been to a doctor (other than the dentist), and i'm hardly ever sick either. i get the common cold maybe once in four years
13. Are you shy? yea
14. Do you have preferred pronouns? nah. finnish has only one pronoun anyway
15. Biggest pet peeve? people who don't take others in consideration in public spaces
16. What is your fave ‘dere’ type? probably deredere tbh i’ve kinda grown out of these character types
17. Rate your life 1-10, 1 being really crappy and 10 being best it could ever be. 5. it sucks but at least i'm not homeless or anything?
18. What is your main blog? this one
19. List your side blogs and what they are used for. the only one i use these days is @luukeitto which is my aesthetic and inspiration blog. then i have the beyblade zine blog that's obviously now inactive. the rest i haven't used in years
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you? online-wise, i kinda burned myself out years ago so i don't really make friends through social media anymore. i'd say the newer online friends i've made have happened because we're in the beyblade discord. offline-wise...... that i'm quiet because of anxiety and not because i don't like people lol.
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halfthealphabet · 4 years
tagged my @misscrazyfangirl321 and @cookiedoughmeagain!!! 
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions (don’t cheat!).
1. Crazy Ex Girlfriend
2. Jane the Virgin
3. Leverage
4. Legacies
5. Haven
1. who is your favorite character in 2? Xiomara has been my consistent fave but Jane and Petra have moments where they are my faves
2. who is your favorite in 1? Ummm Heather Davis. She is just interesting and also fun and I love all the times she gets the spotlight.
3. what’s your favorite episode of 4? 2x04 is the first one the comes to mind. We get quality moments for all my couples, Lizzie has a heartbreaking scene, the humor is peak, and to top it off, they played It's My Party.
4. what’s your favorite season of 5? I think it's 2 . . . But it might be 3. . . Like, late 2 and early 3 lol.
5. who’s your favorite couple in 3? Parker and Hardison!!! Truly such a well done relationship. They are best friends, they are partners, and just a little angsty. Just the amount of trust and respect and fun and love in their relationship is beautiful.
6. who’s your favorite couple in 2? I really wanted Jane and Petra to be endgame, they had so much chemistry and amazing development and it could have been the best enemies to friends to lovers. At least it was confirmed that Petra was bi. (But canon couples? Jane and Micheal, and yes, I'm still bitter).
7. least favorite episode of 1? Every time I think of an episode, I remember a part I really like lol. Either the romcom episode with Nathaniel as the main character or maybe the episode where Rebecca goes to camp with Josh. . . .
8. favorite episode of 5? Audrey Parker's Day Off!!!! I love time loop episodes, I love non permanent deaths, I loved the humor, I loved so much about it!!!
9. favorite season of 2? I think s1 still holds a special place in my heart. This show had my heart from the start. But I need to rewatch it.  
10. how long have you watched 1? I watched it for the second time with my sister earlier this year. I think it was February.
11. how did you become interested in 3? My mom had an episode on and it looked good (it was The Fifteen Minutes Job) and then like 2 weeks later I was home sick and I started it cause it was on Netflix and I was hooked.
12. favorite actor in 4? Ooo they all have some really good moments. .. .either Danielle Rose Russell or Jenny Boyd.
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Jane the Virgin had a terrible last season that undermined most of s3 and s4 and Haven is mess, with inconsistencies in the timeline everywhere. Plus, I haven't been able to finish the last season. Cxgf has it's flaws but it stuck to its thesis statement, was incredibly consistent, and has one of the best character arcs I've seen. Also, the music is so much fun and I really agree with the themes and found the ending very satisfying.
14. which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I've seen each show all the way through, so same percentage wise but I looked up their episode count and Leverage has like, 15 more episodes.
15. if you could be anyone from 4 who would you be? Uhhhh. . . What trauma do I want in my life. . . I think I have to go with Hope because I want to be a werewolf/vampire/witch tribrid.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? I suppose if you allow the possibility of magic existing in Leverage, the Leverage team could come to the school,,, maybe boot out Alaric,,,, cause he's really not a great headmaster,,,, but it's a bit of a stretch.
(My sister asked me on a separate occasion what a crazy ex girlfriend and haven crossover would look like and that would be a messed up tragedy, I'll tell you that)
17. pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely ok couple. Look, I'm just saying I still want Valencia and Heather to be endgame.
18. overall which show has a better storyline, 1 or 3? Soooo Leverage is not great at an overarching story, it's more episodic, but they have very good character arcs and stays on theme. But Crazy Ex has a more conventional storyline that is very well thought out and planned, with lots of consistency so that wins.
19. which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I looked up what might be their theme music and Jane the Virgin has a very sweet little intro
tagging: @acelandonkirby @blvckwidow @iamnotfromthisplanet @twostepsfromtemerant @coat-the-boneless @lawlessferalgay @lesbianmaxevans @quillbit-reads @writersarea @captstjohn and anyone who wants to do this!! 
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tagged by @rubberbandballqueen thank you<3
🌷 what do you prefer to be called name wise?  star/stardust idc i’m not picky :3
🌱 when is your birthday?
august 1st !!
🌷 where do you live?
🌱three things you are doing right now?
eating a bagel, talking to a friend , and having a crisis abt the fact that hq ends in a week n a half n my favorite character is probly not coming back ;w;
🌷 four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
UHH i’m v v v obsessed w haikyuu rn, aa i love fruits basket a lot, obv bnha, & ummm kaguya sama ig?? i’m not rlly in the fandom for it tho
🌱hows the pandemic treating you?
aaaaaaaaaaaaa everyday. i wake up. and i do the same things. i check discord. i get bullied. i tell myself i’ll read fic. i get distracted. i make food. i get bullied more. i finally read fic. i slep
🌷 a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
AAA i’ve have the new furuba ed on repeat !! ;w; also this playlist
🌱recommend a movie?
i,,, i don’t watch movies very often i honestly don’t rmbr the last one i watched
um i asked my sister n she said “wild child” 😌
🌷 how old are you?
16 but my bday is in like a month<3
🌱school, university, occupation, other?
high school :^) i am going to b a senior
🌷 name one fact others may not know about you? 
um uhh i was homeschooled from 3rd grade - 8th grade?$?$ idk i don’t have any interesting facts
🌱are you shy? VERY MUCH SO :c
🌷 do you have any preferred pronouns?
🌱any pet peeves?
hmhmhmmm the sickly sweet sarcasm voice
🌷 whats your favorite “dere” type?
ummm deredere probably ?? (i had to look this up HCJFJFJ i only know tsundere n kuudere) (for the record im probably closest to tsundere even if i don’t rlly like those characters)
🌱rate your life 1-10
uhm uhhhhh um 7/10?&?&? how am i supposed to rank this kfjf
🌷 what’s your main blog? this one :3
🌱list your side blogs and what they are used for. i have @star-does-art for,, art,, and @cheri-cove to keep all my acnh guides in one place ,,
🌷 is there anything you think people need to know about you before being friends with you? aa well i’d probly never randomly start a convo?,&?& if you want to be friends you have to message meee,,,
aa tagging: @stars-boiii and um anyone else who wants to do this !!
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